“Hey, nobody is shooting at us this very moment!”
While batting around the idea of another update on Afghanistan and Catalonia, I made a crack about making it “places where Swiss had someone shoot at him” and Catalonia. That got a thumbs up, so now you get one more country thrown into the mix…Iraq.
We’ll go in no particular order:
Well, it looks like they are talking…again. This ain’t the first or even second or third time this has happened. But it still should be rated a “maybe“. Both sides have to be saying “dang, I thought they would be gone by now…”
Oh, and of course, that asinine list putting the US as “one of the most dangerous places for journalists” should be read no further than #1 to find Afghanistan.
So, in short – still dangerous, lets hope “this time for sure” on talks.
I do not fully agree with the conclusions (or the implicit call for the US to remain forever) in this particular piece – but it sure does give a good summary of many “Who’s Who” in the Iraqi mess. And, similar to Afghanistan, there is some talking going on. Big difference is that this is with the Iraqi government – not ISIS, and it involves Syria – I can only hope we then hit ’em with the “Oh, and from your joint too….” But that is yet to come.
You can find some more information on what is going on here.
So, in short – we might be trickling out of the area. Insh’allah.
Jail and Exile are still the thing. Throw a little ‘lawfare‘ into the mix, too (note – that goes both ways). But the main event is the Trial.
The Socialist PM of Spain has tried to calm things down a bit (along with crapping on the economy) – it hasn’t worked. Oh, and no snickering at the name of the Catalonian regional president.
So, in short – still a hand full of nuthin’. If the trial ends up convicting and sentencing harshly…probably some disorder. But right now Catalonia is going nowhere.
Uh…I guess I need a catchphrase like “GO FORTH AND KILL” or “FREE CASCADIA”?
Man, a lot of the world is a mess.
Chinese to the left,
Russians on the right,
Here we are,
Stuck in the middle East with Jews
Technically, wouldn’t that be Mongolia?
Same hemisphere, and it rhymed
Steelers wheel
Technically, aren’t you a pedant?
Technically correct is the best kind of correct….
To chime in on pedantry technically the middle east is Iran Afghanistan and countries in that area. The Levant is the near east. Near (Europe) East, Middle East, Far (from Europe) East.
Thanks for pointing that out
Everyday Moments in History – A Roman Soldier Prepares Dinner
Good vid and good channel.
An apropos (if dated) musical selection.
Scott Horton continues to be a great news source on all things related to Uncle Sam’s foreign misadventuring. I highly recommend his podcast, and his book on Afghanistan
The book is jammed packed with info (I’ve only read excerpts), but listening to him makes my addled brain freeze up. You gotta takes notes just to keep up with the names of all the people and groups involved. Can you imagine him on a Sunday morning news show with some neocon general and network goofball pundit? Why can’t we have fun things like that?
Seeing Horton make a mockery of the pundit class like that would be awesome.
Alas, there’s a reason why deep and detailed information such as Horton has spent his life researching is never discussed within the MSM, left or right.
They can’t discuss it. When both sides have been arming ISIS and their affiliates for years, no one wants to debate it openly. Completely disgusting and they all should be tried for treason.
Dave Smith and Murray Rothbard have a sad.
Nah, more like the inertia of ingrained interest and graft.
Are you implying something?
Scott Horton is Jewish?
I posted a Tweet relevant to another thread earlier, and HM didn’t like the account, and now I’m guilty by association.
Or maybe he’s just being HM.
I didn’t mean to imply anything like that.
I gotta be me.
Groovy. I’ve been known to lose or add things in textlation.
No worries. It was just intended as a throwaway line about conspiracy theories of who controls the media.
It’s this guy. He controls all media.
That wasn’t Big Man Tyrone?!
Our President controls more than just the media. The Brothers Neck serve his will by serving in his cabinet.
Scott Horton continues to be a great news source on all things related to Uncle Sam’s foreign misadventuring. I highly recommend his podcast, and his book on Afghanistan
Speaking of FREE CASCADIA, I wonder when we will hear about the Rapesploits of SAND SMITH.
Eww. Nobody likes sand in their tender orifices.
The only people in the Middle East that have tender orifices are the ones who have interacted with SAND SMITH. And by interacted, I mean…
Your masters need to up their (hockey) game in Vancouver – yikes.
*narrows gaze*
You haven’t been shot at in Chicago?
I just assumed Swiss did the shooting.
No. Well, not yet, anyway.
OT: That time Jeffery Dean Morgan (Neegan on The Walking Dead) was on Sliders and dressed almost exactly the same as he is on the The Walking dead. (no audi playing for me, but you get the visuals in a low bitrate)
That’s awesome. ?
As a military man, what’s your opinion of Afghanistan’s future? Is it even a nation, or just a loosely defined affiliation of tribes?
Ask the British
I get tired of this line of thinking in general. It’s a viewpoint of warfare that is based on nation states going at it. We’re at a strange place where going against non-nation states is viewed as some failure in the making because of Vietnam. But I’m drunk and ornery, as well.
Afghanistan has been conquered repeatedly, even if different conquering forces had less of an impact long term (or no real impact). Those who succeeded also weren’t looking to engage in modern-style nation building with all that entails. For that matter, neither were we at first.
If you go into a tribal area to punish a tribe for banditry and then leave you avoid all the problems that arise from warring tribes. The key step is the leaving. If you want to conquer them that implies keeping control, which is going to involve a level of brutality I hope we never reach.
When these subjects come up, I try to separate my interest in military history and my principles. So, no, I don’t want to control Afghanistan. But I also loathe the lazy arguments put forward that this or that war is unwinnable because of Vietnam-syndrome.
Even then, I think winning with the Bush administration’s initial goals in Afghanistan were doable, as I understand them. Nation building wasn’t really the main goal of the initial operations there. Our initial troop commitments were minor. Our goals were relatively simplistic. That may be largely because the star in the Neo-Cons eye was always Iraq. But with some more foresight and actual planning, we could have accomplished something reasonable in Afghanistan and gotten the hell out and not ended up in a quagmire that evolved into building a functional democracy.
I think we are agreeing. You can beat anyone and we handily beat both Iraq and Afghanistan. You can never force people to mature politically, no matter how hard you try, how many you kill, how much you spend. We should have left both the day Bush declared mission accomplished. We’d have taught the region not to poke the eagle, and we’d have avoided the unwinnable occupation. Military action is excellent at breaking bad guys. It takes something like a God to make good guys.
The only country that I can think of that the US was successful at nation building was Japan. And a lot of that was due to 1. MacArthur and 2. Japan was not a nation of tribes. They understood they were “conquered” and MacArthur didn’t rub it in. He didn’t care that the British wanted to hang the Emperor. He only wanted the Emperor to admit he wasn’t divine. He understood the humanity of the Japanese.
Afghanistan has been conquered repeatedly
So you’re saying ask the Mongols.
Alexander the Great managed to do it didn’t he?
You also have the Moslems and Alexander the Great. You also have the Persians. Various nomadic tribes outside the Mongols. At least some partial conquests by some dot-on-their-heads-Indians. I’d also stress that Afghanistan is pretty far removed from the Arabs, and yet somehow, they’re still Muslim.
There’s varying degrees of control and influence exerted by the above. Obviously.
They should have stayed Buddhist.
It’s an idea that can work…see the 1960s under the last King. However, they have lots of outside influences pulling at them.
They have a small chance of going back to being a semi peaceful backwater.
Being attacked by monkey’s in Panama is ultimately more interesting.
Six of the 94 victims were women.
Bolding from the original article linked above. I take it the point is these 6 deaths are somehow worse than the 88 that were men? If we are going back to ascribing higher value to women than men that means going back to keeping women out of harms way. You cannot simultaneously want equal access to all professions/roles and not accept what goes along with the role. Journalism in shithole countries* is dangerous, imagine that.
Yes I said it. They are literally countries where you shit in a hole this (among other things like no rule of law, rampant murdering and raping of disfavored groups) makes them figurative shitholes as well.
Journalists, comedians and women…. You hear how these protected classes are under fire and how they need to have the freedom to express themselves in order to make the world a better place. My white male working stiff ass needz to STFU and listen to it’s betters.
Jews and Blacks are the best comedians. And especially Jewish and Black men. They are just funnier. Once in awhile a woman is funny too, but usually she is Jewish or Black. Carol Burnett is a rare exception.
Isn’t a commode, to wax euphemistic, just a hole with pretensions?
That wax is important in keeping shit in its place.
And, to completely make myself the life of the party, lemme real quick tell everyone not to caulk between the toilet and the floor. If that wax ring develops a leak, and you’ve caulked around the base, you won’t know about the leak until more serious damage can be done, to wood flooring, the ceiling downstairs, etc.
Ask Emperor Commodius.
I’m sure his father would agree with me.
Like Father unlike son
I’m okay with highlighting the deaths of women, if only to point out the cowardice and extremism of the murderers. Of course, that’s misogyny.
Bunker Hill | Battles of the Revolution
Bunker hill? Can’t we have Benny Hill instead? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JYezkvOQMEA
New Freedom Tunes:
I’ve never heard of The Birds and the BS but it seems to be nuclear weapons-grade stupid.
But yes, it is very much and ironically weapons grade stupid.
That was like 24 hours ago……when you have the attention span of a goldfish like me it’s like it never happened!
I went down the rabbit hole of stupid and watched some Bird and BS videos……dear God nobody parodies the left like they parody themselves.
nobody parodies the left like they parody themselves
The likes an dislikes give me hope:
One video had 25 thumbs up and 7.2K thumbs down
What? Doesn’t everyone love to listen to a petulant man-child with a single pig-tail condescend to them as said man-child waxes-retarded about things he knows nothing about?
I read Catalonia as California.
California has more people that speak Spanish.
I knew those crazy kids over at the Weekly Standard would manage to find a new home:
They’ve got a new financier who’s willing to piss away his money and everything.
Shit, I was hoping they were all joining CNN.
They’ll be on CNN as the token “principled conservative” in perpetuity, don’t you worry.
Conserving the war state is conservative.
We’ve always been at war with everywhere.
It’s crazy to think 16 years ago this was conventional wisdom and a line from that Bush era, fanfic West Wing:
I assumed Kristol would get picked up at TOS.
And Bill Kristol gets to continue his career as an arrogant, ignorant dumbfuck.
I liked him in Analyze This.
My guess is they will turn the site into a money loser they ultimately need to close.
From the sidebar at one of Swiss’s links:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Lawmaker mocks college dance critics
Here’s the video
I have no idea how or why SoCons are trying to use this video to mock her. Other than there are a lot of stupid people of both sides. And if anyone should be embarrassed, it is the kid in the BU hockey jersey.
Oh, and would…her, and also the redhead chick.
I refuse to wade into any of that story. I mean there’s stupid, and then there’s stupid. The whole thing reeks of publicity stunt.
Yeah, I never though she was that hot because all the pictures I saw of her she had that Heaven’s Gate Gaze. After seeing that video I gotta say I’d regret it later but I’d probably have to try to dick some sense into her.
Man of my own tastes.
Please. Please please please.
AoS pointed out earlier—which conservatives? That one guy? The original poster seems trolly (“@AnonymousQ1776”, really?), and has since deleted the account. So there’s a lot of traffic drummed up about the right going bonkers about the nitwit dancing, based on seemingly very little. I know we like to throw the term false flag around a lot, but there should be a better term for this, a sort of reverse astroturfing in which political operatives gin up outrage over something the other side isn’t actually doing.
The first minute of that video made me almost not hate her. Which is pretty impressive given her politics. Then it kind of just got boring. But that was maybe the most convincing attempt by any political figure I can recall that made me think they were genuine.
She’s a genuinely retarded socialist who, with the right BAC level, I may want to fuck.
Seriously, what the fuck do I care that she danced back in college? She’s an unserious twit with a heinous ideology. But that’s the point: if you can write off your adversaries as reactionary haters, you don’t have to address the undeniable, irremediable deficiencies in your politics.
Sure, let’s write off every critique of Trump’s comportment, however legitimate, because “lol TDS.” Yeah, that’s honest and not at all evasive.
It’s working, I see.
“Fichst du ein Pferd,” surely. Who respects a horse fucker?
Oh, and would…her, and also the redhead chick.
Don’t forget the brunette in the polka dots!
It is sad when Hat and The Hair is most serious political debate we are having in this country.
This is a textbook case for why you never stick it in crazy. Have your crew plug their ears with wax and then lash you to the mast. But never follow your instincts on this one.
OT: Everyone needs to start unironically wearing a fedora.
Back when those black and whites were taken they sure looked spiffy but I bet it smelled like a public urinal in the summer. Give me comfort any day.
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.
We should all dress like Matt Welch.
I’ve never been shot at, but I occasionally have felt like that red laser dot was on my forehead.
And I’ve definitely had daggers in my back. Metaphorically.
“The Perils of the Swissy” would make a nifty magazine serial.
Issue 1: The Swiss Near-Miss
I’ve had two guns pointed at me, although it is theoretically possible that one of them could have been a finger in a jacket pocket.
I have had a number of gun pointed at me, but no pew-pew, thank dogs. It’s really impactful looking at the wrong end of someones gun. I remember the first time, I could taste the gun powder. I was 16 y/o.
I’ve only had one pointed at me. Sobering experience, to say the least.
My brother came at me with a carving knife once, but I’ve never had a gun pointed at me.
Catalonia?!? Our military is involved in action in Catalonia?!?
Is there anyplace a man can go to eat croquettas and drink Tempranillo without getting a cap in his ass courtesy of the I Marine Expeditionary Force?!?
Just so it’s clear, I’m glad they all missed Swiss.
Kiss ass.
May the edit fairy visit you this year.
Let it happen. If being banned from the the local Target didn’t break my soul, nothing will.
Go on…
Ah, you were the guy in the dress trying to get into the women’s restroom!
Or the one trying to get out.
26-year old single mother arrested for inviting high school boy home
How can we judge this story appropriately without a picture of the perp?
Was he hot?
/always left out
Probably a typical beanpole HS kid.
It was a beanpole she was looking for.
So Japanese equivalent of half age plus seven is just a flat 27 years?
Unrelated, at the bottom:
Oh no!
I have no idea where the author pulled that number from.
Maybe he just needed some tutoring?
First date in the article was Dec 24. Disappointed to find out that “He then stayed in her apartment from 4 p.m. Dec 22 to 4:50 a.m. Dec 23”.
Except wasn’t the welfare state built by Bismark who hated both the Social Democrats and the Centre Party (the predecessor of the Christian Democrats)?
I can’t remember the last George Will column that was actually about something.
He seems to be past the point where he should have hung up his keyboard.
Well, it’s all over now. Someone has the Merkel pee tapes. In fact, everyone has the Merkel pee tapes. A nation cannot survive that.
I prefer Una Merkel
We’re lucky it’s only pee.
No scheisse.
So, I gone a done did it. She’s unavailable this weekend, but seems interested. Then again, could be stall tactic. Not getting excited until something happens. For now, drinking.
You’re a Glib. Aren’t you by definition always drinking?
Hey, I usually wait til I’ve been up at least 2hrs before I start drinking, I’m not a drunk!
I’m unavailable this weekend, too.
Well, here’s something for you to watch while unavailable.
Goosebumps? Is she 13?
I’m guessing she was around 98.
I believe that TOS has already set the record straight on that. This site is full of Trumptards, closet Rethuglicans, every sort of phobics you can imagine, and pervs. That’s it.
Read that as “terms of service” and thought, SP finally made it official?
/taps SoberPhobic
I think they’re talking about you!
“I’m unavailable this weekend, too.”
Coincidence? Has anybody ever seen MikeS and this heartthrob of CORM’s in the same place at the same time?
You know I never saw Joey Ramone and Slash together. You don’t suppose….
I know I haven’t.
I wonder who this CORM fellow is. I see him as a strapping Conan type.
Since CPRM is unavailable for this, I’ll step in…
You missed the post where I said I’m not a picture taker.
The 19 year old?
Hopefully she’s 21, she was telling me how much she enjoys drinking. Don’t need a ‘giving alcohol to a minor’ charge. I don’t know.
Play this on your first date.
It’s on my ‘big player’ playlist
Along with Dave Chappelle’s R Kelly cover.
You’re my girl and you’re sixteen.
This is also on my playlist for seduction.
Dammit! I was gonna put that up next.
Great minds, etc…
Subtle. You may want to also use this:
MikeS I figured you for Christine Sixteen.
KISS? She’s too young to know Hanson. And surprisingly, none of them were women.
This cover is superior to the original.
“I don’t think those are the words…”.
Chafed; Domino > Christine Sixteen
Sure. Steel Panther are better musicians.
All those links and none of them are Benny Mardones. I am disappoint.
MikeS: I completely agree. FYI, Masters of Reality’s Domino is another great song. Whoever this Domino she is taking up a lot of head space.
I had never heard it (that I recall) Not bad. I dig it.
To put Kiss to bed; here’s their best song…IMO
For the original lineup, I can get behind that.
She’s an adult. Good luck. I hope you get what you want from it.
Open borders fan Jeff Tucker on what is really driving the immigration debate (and my big concern too for that matter)
Question is who is going to dismantle the welfare state? The right is not willing and the left if anything is eagerly awaiting that tipping point…
I think you answered your own question. I doubt anybody here suffers any illusions in regards to the expansion of the welfare state, regardless the racial demographic or political party currently in power. Of course it’s going to expand. One might be able to make an argument that the influx of racially diverse people benefiting from state sponsored handouts hastens the demise of a capitalistic republic(I’m not sold on that one, I’d have to see more data.) but given the nearly universal fondness for entitlement spend amongst our Congress Critters the ‘tipping point’ is going to happen eventually. Quibbling over a subset’s contribution to that event is missing the point.
I’m not an economist, but with debt service eating up more significant chunks of the federal outlay and investors starting to get nervous about our ability to continue borrowing, let alone pay it down, it seems insane to think that, even if the existing body politic were unflappably welcoming of new tax sponges, we’d be able to sustain it. That alone mystifies me about the left’s adulation for illegal immigration: they claim to want cradle-to-grave subsidy for every boo-boo and discomfort, yet preach an utterly unsustainable fiscal path. Do they not recognize the contradiction? Do they not care? Is it all Thelma and Louise for them, because it humbles the United States and denigrates us from our hegemonic perch?
“left’s adulation for illegal immigration:”
Those are votes.
I have been wondering this too. It’s possible they realize what will happen but it will happen after they are gone or if it does happen sooner than they will be able to escape the consequences. Or maybe it is just politically expedient to use immigration against Republicans and they don’t want to upset their far-left faction?
I mean, crazy lefty loony Sanders was cognizant about certain facts the current Dem leadership have buried their heads in the sand to avoid acknowledging, at least during his campaign. He, like Trump, seemed genuinely concerned about the fate of America qua America, and not America as just another dues-paying UN member. Idiot Sanders at least acknowledged the primacy of the American worker. Where is Schumer and Pelosi? Forget Harris or Warren, where is the Dem leadership? Do they suppose they’re winning back voters by promising to dilute the populace the way Germany has, or Britain? If they’re waiting for Trump to implode, and crater the GOP—which isn’t unlikely, let’s be honest—what are their intentions afterward? Do they want to be king of the hill in just another satrap to global busybody unions, the way Britain is to the EU? Are they so myopic that winning in 2020 is worth losing economic supremacy?
If that means more power to them and less to the GOP, yes? The Democrats did create Social Security after all despite complaining about what a tax and spender Hoover was.
I think they just want to enrich themselves.
Among the base there are certain strains of post-nationalist and anti-American civic religion. There’s probably a bit of giving an inch and taking a mile filtering upwards.
They’d burn the world to the ground if they could rule the ashes.
I have watched as the Democrats destroy institutions in return for short term gain: the filibuster, supreme court nominations, talk of court packing schemes.
“Myopic” is absolutely the right word.
In case no one has noticed, this current Democratic party really seems to care very little about this ‘democracy’ thing they’re always going on about. In fact, they seem to despise it except when it works out for them. The illegals for them are a quick way for them to overwhelm voting demographics and get themselves back in control of the house, the senate, the presidency, and SCOTUS. At that point, I don’t think they have any plans on ever relinquishing it again. They want to overturn the electoral college. They were just ready to do away with both the SCOTUS and the Senate when it wasn’t working out for them. They want to remove presidents simply on the justification that they don’t like the results of the election.They want pure unquestionable power. So if flooding the country through open borders gets them that, they’re perfectly fine with it.
This. It is our unsustainable debt that will dismantle the welfare state. If/when interest rates get back to 5% there is going to be a lot of wailing about what to do.
This is exactly what was the cancer that ate away any principles that may have animated the Tea Party in the beginning. It quickly became “GET YOUR MEXICAN HANDS OFF MY MEDICARE!”
To be fair. I covered two local Tea Party events here at the outset, everyone I met and or interviewed were very libertarian leaning. It was more the way a superstructure took on that name and advocated for things the individual members stood for. Politics as usual.
Also ideological carpetbaggers like Palin waltzing in and sucking up all the oxygen in the room didn’t help matters much either.
If the Sensible Republicans of the Past had actually ended the welfare state like they said they would then we wouldn’t have this problem. Instead we appear to have a choice before the DSA and the “Free shit for Whites only” alt-righters.
I agree wholeheartedly.
So basically a fight between the National Socialists and the Internationalist Socialists with the ‘moderates’ being the fascists/soft socialists tryig to keep enough tax cattle alive to pay for the masses to be kept complacent. In other words the 20th Century again.
That didn’t work out so well for (((my))) people. Time to buy more ammo.
Hey, nobody is shooting at us this very moment!
….I know that airfield
Chicago-Midway, in August ?
*opera applause*
Meanwhile in Canada…
Where’s Karen MacDougal when you need her?
3 can keep me warm any time.
I’ve been shot at. Butler County, Ohio. Not by cops.
+1 Hamilton
Fuck. Vacation over in 5 minutes. Gonna be a long day. Have fun boyz.
White Boyz
Good luck, straff. We’re all counting on you.
Your work week starts on Saturday?
I think he’s in North Korea or somewhere.
If it’s Iraq then I get it. If it’s somewhere in Asia then WTF?
Lunchtime now. Gotta prepare for the week ahead since I screwed around all vacation. There are a few people in the office. Bums like me.
Look at Mr. Responsible being all responsible and adult like.
Lunch is a fifth of cheap whiskey and a beer.
I’m on a 6mg vape juice now, I think I need to go higher now that I’m not smoking, the same 30ml that lasted for almost the first week is more than half gone on on day 2 this week.
so I can work longer, so I can earn more…
Meh, 12mg juice costs the same as 6mg juice for 30ml, the beauty of legal drugs.
I don’t get this juice thing. One time I was working with these good old boys down on the farm and they all ‘chawed’. Once I accidentally knocked over a can of ‘juice’ from all their spittin. Disgusting, this juice!
No, it’s the nicotene (or not) flavored liquid that is used in the new fangled thingamabos.
Them’s those little faggy teabags what you tuck unner your lip?
(My brother loves him some Snus. He’s very gentlemanly about it, always offers me one. For the five hundredth time, no. But thank you for offering.)
No, none of that redneck shit, it’s all hipster up in here.
you like-a the juice, eh?
I know the skit, but they insisted on showing an ad before I could see something I’ve already seen, fuck them.
Heh I don’t remember that one. My friend just did coke to get high, not “work longer”.
ISTR it was in heavy rotation when I was younger. I have my doubts anyone was doing coke so they could “work more”.
Now that nobody does the cocaine or the marijuana anymore, all the drug commercials are about nicotine, sugar and alcohol. Progress!
That sounds like a lot. How many packs a day were you in the before time??
1 1/2.
Ah OK. My pods say “5%” and I smoke about 1.25 a day which matches my old packs/day like Juul said it would.
Get some 36 mg and cut it with VG, custom juice, cheap
Apologies if my joke made you feel bad last night old man, I was just doing my schtick. To be fair, when most folks talk about 9 year olds moving somewhere it’s not stated as if they are moving alone. No harm meant. Love you brother. (Damn this place is gay)
Yusef was sad about his granddaughter moving away. We both missed that, I think.
I noticed you saw my displeasure, I appreciate your apologies, I know we can out there sometimes. Straff below has it, I’m going to miss her and worry, love you guys!!!!
Where is she moving to?
AR. Quite a ways away from grandpa.
The nephew (apple of mom’s eye) moved to AR with my brother and his wife (her, much less so) four months ago.
Blue on blue violence.
I thought you were going to share news of cops shooting each other.
Well there is this:
I thought it was going to be Smuf BDSM.
Well Zuck, maybe next time you won’t facilitate Russians hacking the election.
I’m enjoying their salty tears.
A guilty pleasure are the Irish People Try… videos. I love the accents. They always get at least a grin out of me and I usually fall in love with at least one of the women.
Why is Kellie Hughes so tough to understand? Everyone else, whatever. She’s the only one I have trouble following.
I think the yellow stonehenge that is her mouth might be responsible.
(They’re straight, I think! And mine aren’t much prettier!)
I don’t have much of a problem understanding her, but I think she’s just a bit marbled-mouthed (I don’t enunciate all that well either, TBF).
Meh, seems like most of those videos find the most retarded people in each country. “Irish people try American Food” and they eat a KFC doubledown. “British People Try American Beer” and they drink piss in a can. “Korean Girls Eat Barbecue” and they eat on chicken wing with Kraft sauce on it.
Agreed that there’s a lot of terrible people featuring people trying things, but the ‘Irish People Try…’ folks are, by and large, charming and witty – e.g., eating Krispy Kreme donuts. Their choice of craft beers to try seem reasonable to me (not a beer-nerd).
The BBQ in Korean Girls Try American BBQ looks reasonably legit; I agree the North Koreans Try American BBQ is just people trying sauces.
The girl in the green sweater:
A. Would
B. I want to party with her
C. Would
Also, I have a bottle of the Knob Creek they tried. Am pouring.
I second all 3 of your points.
I’m kinda into that Kellie chick, she seems more my type, all… low expectations.
I’ve watched far too many of those videos. The saddest was seeing what the Irish thought American pies looked like.
+1 warm watermelon?
+1 “suck me beautiful”
Those videos keep popping up in my feed even though I’ve never clicked on one. Promoted content can promote this *Swings dick in front of web cam*
I had some tanks and APCs sending tracers my way during a very tense night in Suadi Arabia. The night before we crossed into Kuwait, we were parked next to an artillery battery. They got into a duel with some South African arty the Iraqis had – with longer range than our guns. All night the stuff came in and rocket assisted projectiles went out. I was listening on the tac air radio net the next morning when an OV-10 found the Iraqi artillery and brought in flight of Harriers who smashed it up with rockeye then staffed the crews with 25mm cannons. Nice an quiet after that.
+1 air superiority
Query: do you believe that air supremacy has replaced sea supremacy in the famous Mahan, Nelson, et al proposition, or is it an extension of sea power, or something different?
I’m not qualified to answer. Here is my ignorant response. If your ambitions are regional and your region is contiguous land then air superiority is sufficient. If your ambitions are global the sea superiority is necessary. I question (but don’t know) if sea superiority can be achieved in the modern era without air superiority.
Is WWII too distant? Because Force Z says no.
I think that is very good response, and I tend to agree.
That’ll teach IKEA to let HM shop there.
Do you need to smoke it to confirm?
I bought a bottle of “Stratusphere” gin by New Amsterdam for six bucks. Weird that I can’t find much about it via google. And six bucks… wtf?
It’s Chinese Shoe Polish.
What doesn’t blind you makes you drunker, or something.
It doesn’t taste methalny… or ethalny… whichever’s the bad one. It tastes like the good one. I made a cocktail with pickle juice. RIP stranded pickles, beached above the briny sea I left within the jar.
It’s German sex lube.
Go on. But no pictures. German porn should only be viewed by Sugarfree.
Klaus says “hi”.
Poking around, it looks like Gallow owns New Amsterdam & they registered the ‘STRATUSPHERE’ trademark in April, 2018.
I’m going to guess you’re drinking the remaindered leftovers of a failed product launch.
I kinda want to go buy out the rest, then, but I kinda know I’d just drink it. I wouldn’t actually save money, I’d just be drunker more.
I don’t know about your theory, though, because they had another gin product with a numeric name, like 486 (maybe?) alongside the Stratusphere. But those weren’t marked down. So I have no idea.
I know their vodka is horrid
Regular New Amsterdam is very good. I don’t know this stuff.
I’ll leave you with a song from the greatest songwriter ever.
Leave us? Where you think you’re going, shortstuff?
You’re not leaving. Play this for your date. It really sets the mood.
You gotta have a little more romance to get the ladies.
That’s a man who knows where his belt is buckled.
Love ya man but no, he’s not old enough to even know how to write the best songs, maybe quit mumbling while hes at it, IMO
Amash doesn’t count because he’s male, Republican, reasons…?
A link would help.
I had no idea about his ancestry. How was I supposed to calculate his worthiness without this knowledge?!
Somehow all my carefully orchestrated patties, what with the egg and the bread crumbs and the Worcestershire sauce and aught else, end up being crumbly, tasteless messes than when I just grab bunches of ground beef and throw it into the skillet, and trust the condiments do what they’re meant to do.
Ground beef does that. You’re better off not putting shit in it. Just salt and pepper the outside, and load up any extra flavors on top when it’s done.
I’ve been frying up miniature bullshit meatloafs.
Yeah, I figured. You learned it doesn’t work.