V is for vent cover,
I thought it was for Vercingetorix.
We Are Rome, V is for Victory!!
And by “swim by”, mean…
I blame the meese and geese for this assault on the container ship. Also, huzzah, the new mug has arrived and by the gods, it is much yuger than I thought it was.
Just a comparison, the mug on the right was my previous coffee grail.
You got the invisible mug?
I borked the link. Just copy-paste the link into the address bar cause I’m a dumb-dumb who has no monocle here.
That may be one of the most beautiful messed up link ever.
I raise my glass in salute to you sir!
The extra room is meant for whisky.
Holy shit. Classy. The best mugs.
Prison officials reported that Dozier somehow obtained razor blades behind bars and that they had intercepted mail from Dozier’s sister with instructions on how to cut the jugular vein in his neck.
Dozier was not on suicide watch Saturday, Santina said. He was found at 4:35 p.m. at the prison in Ely, about 250 miles (400 kilometers) north of Las Vegas.
Ah, Government work in a nutshell.
TBF, the Government is shut down right now.
“Shut down” is more like it. Some TSA agents still at work, so not nearly shut down enough.
Fuckin’ Brexit!!!
They broke the global warming!!!!!
The horror! Below freezing!
/waves at North Dakota.
Plunging no less,
Brexit is the new Climate Change?
Climate change caused Brexit:
I bet Raphael’s titanic glibs mug that there’s an article out there claiming that Brexit caused climate change.
You’d win that bet.
Remember 19 years ago when snow was never going to be seen in Britain again?
Never forget!
Japan’s Kobayashi
SEA SMITH likes his container ships, you all like lingerie-clad ladies.
Everybody wins.
Despite the glassy-eyed stare, I’ll go with 18.
I want to turn it up to #11
I think #13 may be serving as the senior United States Senator from Arizona.
She does have a whip to get all us wrong thinkers in line……………………to be shot.
11, 22, 40
Meanwhile in Canada…
“Canadian gun laws specify that handguns sold to the general public must have a barrel length no less than 105 mm in overall length.”
That sounds like a very stupid law.
This is something else. *Turns snark off for a second* How could any human willingly expose themselves to such overwrought, self-righteous and humorless lecturing?
I thought Don Lemon got fired for calling for the extermination of Israel?
Marc Lamont Hill or whatever that spastic pygmy was called.
Spastic pygmies, great punk name!
I couldn’t make it through the whole thing.
Why can’t people understand that things like jokes or Halloween costumes are often supposed to be offensive?
It’s really astounding. Fox has Gutfeld, who is actually funny. CNN has Lemon, who is…
And they wonder why Fox has better ratings.
But neither has anyone who is both as funny and as good looking as Maddow.
Or smart. She wears glasses just like that Scarborough guy.
In fairness, kids don’t sit around watching cable.
Just an internet based media that regurgitates everything CNN spews out, word for word?
But do voters see it?
I don’t know and that’s what concerns me. Seeing how many people I knew just bite the whole thing hook, line, and sinker kills my soul little by little.
Britain is to be lashed by icy 75mph gales from next week with weather warnings in place as bitter cold snap sends temperatures plunging below freezing
This is what happens when the arctic oscillation breaks up. //polarvortex
So that’s why it’s cold in SoCal?
You’ll be a shut’n up missr when the snow hurricanes arrive there and the Messicans tried to save us, but Trump built a wall and there was no escape!
You guys apparently did not read all the details. It is just not any ordinary gale. It’s a freaking YELLOW gale! What’s worse than a piss gale? A damn frozen piss gale, that’s what!
Opinion, is Cryptonomicon worth the slog? It’s a bit disjointed but I’m at page 847 of 2400, should I bother finishing?
I remember enjoying it when I read it, but that was a while ago.
If you’re 1/3 in and not liking it, I doubt you’ll like the rest.
It’s a lot of jumping between different stories, I still think Stephenson’s best book was Snow Crash.
The jumping gets tedious, oh yea
I liked Snow Crash better, but Cryptonomicon was worth finishing.
I couldn’t finish The Diamond Age. Not sure if Stephenson did either.
The Diamond Age may still be my favorite – though Anathem might edge it out. Everyone complains about his endings but TBH I DGAF. I still enjoy the first 99% of his books more than 100% of a lot of other stuff out there.
I second The Diamond Age.
I loved it. Read it in a weekend 20 years ago.
J. Frank Parnell is right, though. If you’re that far in, it’s not going to get better for you.
Wat? My copy only has 900 pages. Is that some omnibus version? (I didn’t read the Baroque trilogy. I enjoyed Cryptonomicon well enough but not nearly as much as some of this other stuff.)
‘”I don’t like the word ‘addict’ because it has terrible connotations,” Root says one day, as they are sunning themselves on the afterdeck. “Instead of slapping a label on you, the Germans would describe you as ‘Morphiumsüchtig.’ The verb, suchen means to seek. So that might be translated, loosely, as ‘morphine seeky’ or even more loosely as ‘morphine-seeking.’ I prefer ‘seeky’ because it means that you have an inclination to seek morphine.”
“Well, suppose you have a roof with a hole in it. That means it is a leaky roof. It’s leaky all the time—even if it’s not raining at the moment. But its only leaking when it happens to be raining. In the same way, morphine-seeky means that you always have this tendency to look for morphine, even if you are not looking for it at the moment. But I prefer both of them to ‘addict,’ because they are adjectives modiying Bobby Shaftoe instead of a noun that obliterates Bobby Shaftoe.”
FreedomToons found some pretty solid derp. Misuse of statistics, strawmen and ad-homs, bad logic and argumentation skills, Z-list celebrity who hasn’t done anything in years, and a random and totally different bit of derp thrown in for no apparent reason right at the end. I give it a 9.8/10 and only wish Derpetologist were here to give it an official rating.
Oh yeah, saw that yesterday and had a great time. I remember when the original video came out and the glibs weren’t sure if it was real or parody. It was just too damn absurd.
How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak
I ? some tri tip.
I cook tri tip all the time. I highly recommend a coffee ground, salt and garlic based rub before the grill.
Dry brined ~ 24 hrs in the fridge. I’m not a fan of coffee rubs though.
Tri-tip is a roast, unless you cut it into steaks. Of that group, Hangar steak is my favorite. Being the muscle on the diaphragm, there are only two per cow.
I grill a tri tip like a good steak and then roast it indirect on lowered heat on a grill.
“This neighborhood contains buildings known by the state of Oregon to be shaky”…?
I do question the need for “public signs”. I’m sure the building owners (and potential owners) and insurance companies know all about the issue. What is the point of the signs?
But of course the accusation in the article is ridiculous.
Disparate impact, there’s nothing it can’t be applied to.
Oh yes there is: gun regulations.
Background checks, photo ID requirements, taxes that purposely drive up the price… These things no doubt disproportionately affect minorities, but you’ll never hear any objection about that from the Left.
Trying to see a downside…
My next allotment comes on the 10th, I’ll let you know.
“can continue to operate at the State and local level with any funding and commodity resources that remain available,” according to the USDA.
Then do that instead. I’d rather have the states doing it if it’s going to be done at all. I’m with Ron Paul on this stuff, though. Going after food stamp recipients should be pretty low on the list of things we want to eliminate (not that it’s a legitimate function of the state). Go after the financial industry first and cut off the private profit/socialized scheme they have set up.
*socialized losses
Except for the very small number of people who genuinely need it, I agree.
So I found this on the beach here yesterday. I would love to bring it back but think I would get in some trouble if caught with it. I read one guv website that said it was legal (it was Alaska Fish and Game) but I don’t know. Not worth the risk, but it is cool as hell.
That is super cool. Leave it on the beach.
New Year’s gift for straff.
I’m not into hentai anime. Just give me good ol’ hentai and I happy. And get off my rawn.
*sends a copy of The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife to Staff*
Here ya go, this is the vintage good stuff.
I thought hentai was a kind of anime.
Hentai 変態 simply means “pervert”.
+1 Golden Power Bomb
Vape Shop Clerk Refuses Trump Supporter, Gets Fired
We’re all familiar with this story. But it is much better when discussed by an attractive brunette.
*adds to watch later list*
Maga man should’ve taken the video of when he was asked to leave and then left. Get neckbeard fired and move on. Does it matter at all in the grand scheme of things? No. And yet I followed the story just like everybody else.
Stop being such sluts!
You’re not my supervisor!
“Must writers be moral?”
Define moral.
If by “moral” you mean “do your job properly, stop lying and being overtly biased” then yes. If you mean “stop sexually harassing co-workers” I say again: define sexual harassment. If you mean “stop being a degenerate deviant” then no.
Go for it. A contract is a contract. The only way sanity will be restored is when the contracts go too far for too long and the publishers suddenly find themselves without any writers.
Moral as in don’t cause a fuss. Great advice for a writer huh?
Not sure why there needs to be a clause specific to morality.
If they’re harassing co-workers, that’s an HR issue, not specifically a “morality” issue.
If sales of their books or subscriptions to the magazine drop, that’s a business/performance issue, and it shouldn’t matter whether that’s because they’re “immoral” or because their writing just sucks.
SEA SMITH’S silence on this speaks volumes:
3,500 Nissan vehicles on fire near Hawaii, four unresponsive in water
Sneaky Frenchies getting back for Japan prosecuting their garçon.
Mixed in among the transplants there are still sensible people around here.
This might seem like a randomly pointless late-night question, but what is the best way to learn Python?
Pick a project you think you can do, then start trying to code it, looking for things you need to fill in your knowledge gaps.
This website is awesome. I’m about ready to start a python course.
Thanks, any particular course you recommend?
This one seems like the most bang for the buck: https://www.udemy.com/python-the-complete-python-developer-course/
93% off?! Jeez go for it.
Uh, that’s the “normal” price. Udemy regularly runs sales off the list price, usually right at $10.
I’d say the stuff on Udemy is generally legit. I haven’t taken the python one but I used some of the foreign language and other tech ones. Quality depends more on the instructor(s). Read the reviews on Udemy or from other sites. I assume there are python forums somewhere out there.
I don’t like programming-instruction videos myself but to each his own.
I signed up for the complete python bootcamp by Jose Portilla. I know the ridiculous sales are kind of suspicious but I was referred to this site by coders my wife works with at an IT security company. They know their stuff.
I learn best with a well-written tutorial-style book with plenty of exercises – I don’t do much Python so I can’t recommend one. I do find that just jumping into a project will lead to lots of frustration if you don’t have the basics down first.
I just started pkaying with mine and the learning process evolved quite naturally.
Learn Python the Hard Way is pretty good.
Some people are taking this keto thing way too seriously.
Yeah, I’m out. Good night.
via Popehat: https://www.mediaite.com/politics/ocasio-cortez-responds-to-critics-people-more-concerned-with-being-factually-correct-than-morally-right/
sadly, this is not the first time we’ve heard this
Oh FFS she’s doing 60 Minutes interviews already? This is getting ridiculous.
I find it amusing, because our media are going to push her hard and keep her in the spotlight no matter what the dem leadership think. Sistah Shariah is going to be right there with her before long. I expect to see both of them as person of the year on various rags.
That she sees those two things as mutually exclusive is the problem.
… and ends up being neither.
Double-doink miss on a very makeable field goal attempt? Wow, what a choke job. Can’t believe the Bears gave up their long-time steady and productive kicker to bring in this clown.
Odds that Cody Parkey, Placekicker of the Chicago Bears, ever plays in the NFL again? Less than zero.
He managed to plunk the upright at least six times on kicks this season — you couldn’t do that on purpose if you tried — but this last one meant everything, and was to win the playoff game. Wow. Good luck with your upcoming career selling life insurance, Mr. Parkey.
Totally agree.
Even great kickers like Mason Crosby have an off day, but this guy has stunk up the joint all year.
He should already have been fired.
Eagles were the best team and if it hadn’t been for some bone-head penalties by the Eagles, and a 1/2 inch gap at the goal line, it never would have come down to Parkey. Foles and Eagles continue to amaze but I think the ride ends in N.O. next week.
Watching the facial expressions of the fans behind the goal post reminded me of the look on Mets fans faces when Hosmer slid into home in game 5 of the 2015 series. Tough loss for the Bears.
“Why does France equate sucking dick to teen smoking? ”
Best response:
It’s France.. I don’t get France.. I don’t want to get France.
I love working in France: it’s a fun place.
But no one is a man there: there’s this unending ennui of sorts; everyone acts like a victim. No one has a plan or a goal beyond surviving the next meeting, mowing around the church before mass, and making dinner. What did the first Frenchman even mean, what was in his mind’s eye when he coined joie de vivre ?
Dinner is great; it’s a fun place; but no one is a man there.
And everyone carries around a little surrender flag in their back pocket?
Kinda weird considering France’s martial tradition. They went from being some hard-ass pipe-hitters for the lion’s share of a thousand years to…well…French. I think there’s a lot to the idea that two invasions in a row killed off the fighters.
While it’s fun to criticize the French for being surrender monkeys, look at all the freedoms we’ve surrendered to our own government.
Which of the Franco-Prussian War, WWI, and WWII aren’t we counting?
True, the Franco-Prussian War wasn’t too far ahead of WWI. That’s three K.O. punches in a row, really.
I’ve made that point here before while also observing that the French largely inventing military engineering and perfected ballistics.
I seem to remember also that there was a point in history when France, England, and Spain were all world powers playing on a grand stage of supremacy and conquest. Then England wound up with the good parts of North America, Spain with all of Central and South America. And France with… Canada. I see what happened to them here. That took their mojo away, forever. Fucking Canada, let’s just kill ourselves! No more visions of supremacy or conquest! Let’s just wait for Germany to come for us and surrender!
I understand now.
The French still had quite a few possessions elsewhere. I’d say the loss of their post WWII empire (which they held onto quite savagely for some time) and the 1960s Marxism/anti western/anti American strain of thought has more to do with it.
The 1961 putsch against de Gaulle also, I think, brought about a weakening of the élan and a centralizing of executive power.
comment reminds us: sometimes a cigar is just a cigar
In 2008 a ship full of Mazdas caught fire and had to be abandoned
Salvagers secured the ship, Mazda had to set up a disassembly line as they didn’t want to dilute their brand with thousands of salvaged cars many of which had spend time submerged in salt water.
I was wondering why the dealer referred to my 2008 Miata as the rare salt-fire edition.
“Unfortunately, on July 31, 2005, Johnson was killed while surveying the ship and suffering a fall.”
Soooo…which was it that killed him?
The sudden stop at the end of the fall?
Trying shatter for the very first time; it’s yummy. This is how I feel.
“Of course he is an ignorant and incompetent impostor. And yet I’m alarmed at how quick NBC is to mechanically argue the contrary, to be in favor of policies that just spell more conflict and more war,” he wrote. “Really? We shouldn’t get out Syria? We shouldn’t go for the bold move of denuclearizing the Korean peninsula? Even on Russia, though we should be concerned about the brittleness of our democracy that it is so vulnerable to manipulation, do we really yearn for the Cold War? And don’t even get me started with the FBI: What? We now lionize this historically destructive institution?”
Well I’ll be damned.
“Of course he is an ignorant and incompetent impostor.”
He can always go work for TOS, perfect fit.
That’s the line you’re gonna focus on? Ignore that line and reread it because it’s glorious.
I did read it. It still irritates me to no end that every time I read something decent, it has to start off with a concession that the insane left are of course right that Trump is Hitler. The ignorant fucks aren’t right about anything, stop making concessions to them.
He’s not Hitler; he’s merely a narcissist.
Shit, that may as well be a job requirement.
Indeed. Shy folk never make it to the top of hardly anything!
That’s annoying. To be SURE. His main point is that the unending assault on Trump has completely warped the media’s ability to judge reality. He’s right on that.
Agreed he’s right on that, but this ‘but to be sure’ shit, has to die.
Now get off Hyp’s lawn!
This, I’m just glad at least that this guy has the cajones to say MSM is being full of shit for going full warboner and loving that long hard dick of the FBI.
To be sure.
I’ve been periodically reading Mein Kampf as a matter of historical interest (it’s a shitty piece of writing and very boring).
What made me giggle is that some common phrase in there got translated as “To be sure…”
I almost want to go back to The Old Site and post a comment saying, “You know who else used the phrase ‘to be sure’?”
Fruit sushi?
No, actually, it isn’t. Bonus points for Syria I guess but he still needs to get out more.
He can’t have it both way: either democracy is falling apart, or, as I argue Trump proves, democracy is alive, well, reductio ad absurdum even.
I bet he doesn’t know anybody (outside the pundit-sphere) who voted for Trump. It is inconceivable!
The man may be exhibiting some signs of getting it but that phrase betrays the opposite. It’s Hilary talking about the Deplorables, people too stupid to “vote in their own interest”. It sickens me.
I only see NYT and CNN having any success manipulating it. Can we hire a special investigator to look into that?
So, for one, consider what it means that an “ignorant and incompetent impostor” is the first president in a few to advocate for positions such as reducing our military commitment to NATO and the UN, withdrawing troops from the middle east, changing our diplomatic strategy towards Iran and North Korea, etc. Nothing he’s suggesting is especially novel, they’re just not Progressive or NeoCon stances. Pursuing an arguably conservative foreign policy while trending towards protectionism in the name of domestic blue-collar industry are both pretty textbook American political positions. The Dems and the Reps both ran on those points for decades.
Trump’s deadly sins are that a.) he’s a Republican, b.) he’s not Barack Obama, and c.) he’s a boor. It doesn’t matter what positions he takes to a lot of the people who are screaming for his impeachment, because it’s not about that. He’s not Chocolate Jesus AND he stole Hillary’s rightful throne. There are people who have legitimate problems with actual policy issues Trump favors; you can tell those people because they’re not screaming in the streets holding signs wearing vagina hats.
“they’re just not Progressive or NeoCon stances”
Which is exactly what makes him an imcompetent impostor.
No arguments: those are the popularly conceived sins.
But the real risk with Trump is that he has no principles, that these breakthroughs are borne of a lust for outrage (he’s really still just manipulating his mommy), and that this raging randomness can just as easily be pointed at things we agree are sacred. His narcissism betrays itself constantly as shades of wishful autocracy. He is nothing more than the chimp who has tapped out the sermon on the mount; beware what he taps out next.
Blessed are the poor of spjoiugut utoeu38gjga.sm
Gotta day that I’m surprised at the reaction you guys had to that guy’s letter. You have a MSM figure resign because his network has become knee jerk reactionaries to anything Trump does. He calls them out for supporting the FBI, CIA and neocon generals. To me, that makes him more principled than 99% of journalists at NBC. He’s no ancap, but at least he’s thinking independently of the hive. I’d put him in the category of Greenwald. Yes, some nutty ideas, but not a friend of the warhawk.
You’re probably right; but this IS the internet after all.
Please don’t fuck my wife. Please.
Yeah kudos to him. I don’t like Trump either. That doesn’t mean I support the left.
He flamed out at the group think and TDS. So what if you don’t agree with all his positions. Good for him.
I get exactly where you’re coming from.
I don’t like him, but I think it’s to the general good that he’s president. He’s getting Lefties to drop the mask and expose themselves as unprincipled totalitarians. I don’t think anyone else could have done that.
You’re right he has gotten the Lefties to drop the mask and no one else could have done it.
Today’s letter to the editor in the Yomiuri begins with:
I’m a female high school student. I’m troubled by my creepy grandfather. The other day I was at his house and was using his computer to do my homework. I took a break and wanted to listen to some music, but when I opened his media player….
Seems legit.
It was this? https://youtu.be/u_7z_WVcpdw
…and there were scores of pictures of fat women wearing bathing suits.
“Fat” as in how a young Asian woman would conceptualize standard European or African body types or actually sumo-level デブ?
太った is more “overweight” or “fat”. デブ seems to be more along the lines of “fucking pig”. She used 太った.
We need pics.
Let’s just settle for good ol’ ぼんきゅぼん. That is where all the happiness lies.
That must be Tohoku-ben. What’s it mean?
Big-small-big, it’s pretty much what we call an hourglass figure. I’m not 100% sure if it’s the local word for that though and I don’t wanna risk a slap.
local dialect or in “general” Japanese*
Oh, it’s “tray (of food)” “squeeze” “tray”. So you are squeezing a heaping plate of food in the middle to make that hourglass figure. *Shooting rainbow star gif*. Never heard it before.
I am ashamed I didn’t notice that before, that makes a lot of sense now. Every day in here and Nippon is a learning experience.
Oh, get a room!
… it was all Kpop playlists. How dare he try to be hip!
… it was all enka! Way to live up to stereotypes ojiisan!
… it was all Nishino Kana! I can’t even.
Run that tweet through google translate and I bet you’ll get some bizarre result.
You’re not wrong
Love it. Shows that my job is safe for the moment. As bad as I muck up translations, I couldn’t make it sound that crazy.
Fucking Bears. That game took a lot out of me.
These might make fucking bears easier
*slow clap*
Thank goodness for Bulliet Rye. I had just enough during that game to laugh at the ending (despite being a lifelong Bears fan) and still have it not bother me all that much. I will have to remember that strategy for ballgames in the future.
Mature democracies, whose publics, courts, media outlets and institutions of civil society remain free and vigilant, can – with some exceptions and accidents – ensure that technological use is consonant with the need to counter threats, or secure efficiency in the public sphere.
Which is scarier: burgeoning technologies or the writers who know how to control them ?
I didn’t know India was going down that route. Sad.
Nothing sinister about that, no-siree.
Because the Indian government seems so capable.
I have this unsettling feeling coming over me, I believe the normies call it ‘contentment’. Right now I just don’t have anything to whine or crow about, and detrimental to the cartoon, I don’t want to submit myself to dredging through Trump audio. I just want to be. On a side note, I like beer.
Enjoy contentment. Have a good night.
Off to bed at 8:30 Pacific?
From the nothing left to cut files:
It’s a goddam hole in the ground, not the Statue of Liberty.
Area 10 is the new Area 51, Area 51 got too gentrified for the aliens.
But is it still open during the shutdown?
How about a courtesy warning it’s a download?
Just a new tab for me.
It’s been a month, so I’ll ask again: anyone seen Gilmore ?
I thought I did, but it was just a white pimp.
Not for a while. I guess the new job is keeping him busy.
Bumble Bee tuna?
Know what bothers me about those TSA assholes…they knew going into the job they were expected employees of the FedGov. They took an oath that apparently doesnt mean shit to them (though I’d wish that agency just go away).
I’m an expected employee. I maintain the NAS for the FAA. I dont get paid and I dont take sick days because I’m pissed or whining. My family actually maintains savings and I say to Trump….keep it fucking shutdown. I’ll survive and I’ll still show up and keep all the systems running for Air Traffic because it’s my damn job. Fucking blue shirt pansies. Fire em all!
You are presupposing oaths actually mean anything to the average federal employee. After years of my own federal service I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe 1% do anything other than mouth the words and collect a paycheck.