Disclaimer: there’s a lot of Israel stuff in here- do NOT take that as meaning I support any sort of US involvement there, but I selfishly admit that it is the only spot on Earth that would accept me as a citizen, other than the US. And it’s absolutely no libertarian paradise, but in the context of the region, it’s Libertopia. So I admit some bias, but I’m an American, not an Israeli.
I love field guides. I use them for mushroom hunting, and there’s similar ones for birding, rock collecting, and other flavors of nature observation. So it’s well past due to start assembling a guide to spotting anti-semites. And since the world has turned upside down recently, with Leftists now being pro-war McCarthyites, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that anti-semitism has become much more of a Team Blue phenomenon. So I think there’s a need to help in both identifying species and also warn against false identifications. Like any good field guide, I’ve tried to pack this with photos.
First, we need to look at the things that can bring down anti-semitism charges that are misidentification. For example, politicians and candidates have suffered accusations of anti-semitism because they attacked Jewish donors to political parties. Call out Sheldon Adelson (who actually is a statist toad) and you’ll hear yelping. Going the other way, attack Tom Steyer or George Soros and ditto. So we need to be careful to see the bullshit here. Likewise, political candidates who portray their Jewish opponents (especially incumbents) clutching tax money can expect a call from the ADL. But grabbing and using taxpayer money or big donations and payoffs ARE legitimate things to attack an opponent about. These anti-semitism accusations are dishonest. So how can we identify the real thing?
It’s hard because of verbal camouflage. Many Team Blue politicians and activists like to recite the mantra, “I’m not an anti-semite, I just oppose Israel because of their oppression of Palestinians and failure to give them an independent state.” Now, perhaps in some cases, this could be true. In other cases, it’s a nod-and-wink. How can one distinguish this honestly?
There’s a relatively simple way- if you care about oppression (and I think the idea of Israeli “oppression” is rather arguable, but let’s assume it arguendo), then you’ll be speaking up about Israel, you’ll be speaking up about Turkey, Iraq, and Syria’s oppression of Kurds and failure to give them a state, you’ll be speaking up about China and its oppression of Tibetans and Uighurs and failure to give them a state, you’ll be speaking up about Russia and its oppression of Chechens and failure to give them a state, you’ll be speaking up about Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria’s oppression of Palestinians and failure to give them a state (both now and pre-June 1967)… and of course, you speak out against the Palestinian Arab policy of capital punishment for selling real estate to Jews (not to mention their capital punishment for converting from Islam or being gay).
But if the only thing you’re speaking up about is Israel, and you’re silent (or nearly so) on the rest, I think it’s safe to conclude that you’re an anti-semite, and that your pro-Palestinian Arab stances are outrages of convenience. So assume anyone called out in this Guide has been exclusive in their hatred for Israel, and one can reasonably conclude that hatred of Jews is the common factor.
If you use terms like “apartheid,” that’s usually a clue, though it’s possible that you just don’t know what that word means (and choose to ignore the above-mentioned Palestinian Arab policies). If you clearly do and you use it to sell books, you’re an anti-semite.
If you oppose US government loan guarantees and military aid to Israel, believe that the US should not have any military involvement or obligations there that aren’t defense of the US, and that’s part of an overall view that the US shouldn’t be doing those things anywhere, well, if that makes you anti-semitic, then I’m anti-semitic. If on the other hand you oppose these in Israel’s case, but make no mention of the same stupid waste of tax money elsewhere, well, good on ya, Adolph, we know what you are.
If you like to say that US involvement in Middle East wars is at the behest of the Jews, then you’re a poster boy for Stormfront. Well, OK, this is mostly Team Red revanchists. But I had to throw that in to be fair. And a bit of searching would likely come up with Team Blue players promoting those same tropes.
If you attend a church for 20 years where the minister regularly preaches these sort of anti-semitic tropes, call him your mentor, and hang out with virulent Jew-haters, you’re an anti-semite.
If you start riots against Jews leading to actual deaths, you’re probably an anti-semite.
Hank Johnson is an interesting case. He makes anti-Jew pronouncements, but is it because he’s anti-semitic or because he’s profoundly stupid?

“There has been a steady [stream], almost like termites can get into a residence and eat before you know that you’ve been eaten up and you fall in on yourself.”
If you ban Jewish symbols from your marches, but Islamic and Christian symbols are A-OK, I think the presumption of anti-semitism is not unreasonable.
If your idea of a fun media event is to blot Israel off the map, yeah, you’re anti-semitic. Add in the age-old “dual loyalty” accusation, while claiming to be a voice for Arabs living in the West Bank and the sighting is confirmed.
Bonus Link: Larry Miller’s extremely witty recent history of Israel. It’s almost two decades old now, but is just as funny and current as it was when it was written.
If you attend a church for 20 years where the minister regularly preaches these sort of anti-semitic tropes, call him your mentor, and hang out with virulent Jew-haters, you’re an anti-semite.
And questioning the upbringing of the Chosen One who happens to be
blacknot Caucasian makes you a racist. ///We’reAllBigotsNowBut he is clean, articulate and bright!
What’s more, he is the first of his kind like that.
I’m not a racist. It doesn’t bother me at all the the chosen one is half white.
Pastor Manning. I really miss that guy .
That was fun! And true
Hank Johnson is an interesting case. He makes anti-Jew pronouncements, but is it because he’s anti-semitic or because he’s profoundly stupid?
Why can’t it be both?
-1 Guam
The guy is profoundly mentally ill. Also not mutually exclusive.
This never gets old, either
I was expecting his brave battle for everyone’s right to helium.
Shit, the only thing that could make that funnier is if he had used a small helium cylinder and taken a whiff before giving the speech.
Hank Johnson on Guam.
Two questions:
How did that Admiral keep a straight face?
How the fuck does he keep getting elected? I mean I have Hirono and she is a MENSA candidate compared to Hank.
When was anti-semitism a Republican thing? I thought it was always a thing for the party of Jim Crow and the KKK.
I thought it was a bipartisan thing.
There are always anti-semites around, which I dont get, but it was never a party plank for the R’s…as far as I know.
Are they like termites?
I always thought A-Abel was run by (((them)))
It’s always been a lefty thing for as long as I can remember. Their excuse as far as I can tell has always been poor oppressed Palestinians.
I have always found it hard to sympathize with people who opt to use their own children as human shields, or blow themselves up in pizza parlors and on busses.
What those who blow themselves up in deep-dish parlors?
What about*
That seems to be common in one part of the world, where it is not common anywhere else. Maybe I’m wrong, but I haven’t seen or heard of any native Americans blowing themselves up. I mean there has been the occasional uprising, but what the hell is with this blowing yourself up shit?
Ideas and beliefs matter. Their culture is stuck in the 7th century. They aren’t civilized. All that shit they spout about their religion, they actually believe it. Watch the behavior of christians, especially in this country. They say and think that they believe what they preach, but they dont. Christianity has become very secularized but best of all they have selected the best values of the religion and they mostly practice those. The fire and brimstone stuff from the old testament is mostly ignored.
That probably looks like an overly broad brush, because it is. There are lots of secularized, civilized muslims around we just dont hear about them very often.
They are the majority, and they are the target audience for domestic acts of terrorism.
I’m optimistic in the long run. I work with a few Muslims and they are no different than other Americans. Over time I think the world will continue to become more prosperous and hopefully peaceful.
I don’t know. The jury is still out for me. If they really have this vision of conquest, where they either kill or convert all of the infidels, it would be 100% necessary for the vast majority of them to be quiet and blend in. I’ve been more than a few Muslims. The women either seem to be very friendly or extremely reserved. All of the men I’ve met seem to have this underlying hostile attitude of some type.
“I’ve been around”
Muslim people run the gamut from saints to monsters. Islam as a collective becomes more evil as it becomes more powerful. You know like all people and all collectives.
You may be right Hyperion but there is a flaw in their plan. After a couple of generations their children are wearing blue jeans and eating Big Macs with their christian friends. They want to go to dances, not bombings. Under the right conditions Americas ability to provide prosperity and peace, our ability to allow people to maximize their potential is a very, very powerful tool for acculturation.
Back when I used to tutor some Muslim exchange undergrad/graduate students from Turkey and Iran, they were really happy to go drink some coffee, eat pizza, and shoot the breeze with me. It really is unfortunate because there really are a good number who are more secularized and more than happy to accept the way things work here. I only hope that number keeps rising over the years.
Right. I’m not talking about the secularized ones. I’m talking the ones who pray 5 times a day or whatever. The secularized ones, I wouldn’t think of as Muslim to begin with.
It’s the second and third generations that have the highest radicalization rates with the current data at hand, so the “assimillation defense” doesn’t appear to actually be working. There are some theories on why this is, but it’s a data point.
It’s the second and third generations that have the highest radicalization rates with the current data at hand, so the “assimillation defense” doesn’t appear to actually be working. There are some theories on why this is, but it’s a data point.
Because the most anti-American/ anti-Western Civilization group on Earth are the public school faculty in the US?
My immediate neighborhood (like, ten-block radius) is pretty heavily Middle Eastern. Other than the funny clothes worn by maybe half the ladies and a tiny fraction of the gents, and the squiggles on the shop signs, they’re “American” enough for me. Oh, and for some reason, I can’t get bacon at the supermarket across the street.
I wouldn’t say they’re “secularized” by any means – hell, that Woman’s March chick’s base of operations is here and I have seen her stage small pro-Pali to-dos from my living room window – but it’s in no way like any of the horror stories you hear about Muslim neighborhoods in certain European cities.
“The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim” goes the saying, meaning, if you follow all the precepts and practices in the Koran and Surahs, you are definitely a dick, but if you do your thing without attacking others, and you can enjoy an occasional glass of wine and put up with a friend eating bacon, you might be ok.
In my personal experience, Iranian/Persian Muslims, Turkish Muslims, and Bosnians are pretty chill. It’s the hard-core wahhabi Arab fuckers you have to look out for.
“Their culture is stuck in the 7th century. They aren’t civilized.”
I saw the coverage of the new house, I don’t need more convincing than that.
The new house?
The HOR? Now with moar hors?
When your priority is to kill Jews at all costs, even at the expense of your children’s lives, I think you can say they are barbarians.
I knew a guy who worked over there and he described them exactly that way – They hate their enemies more than they love their own children. Bloody shirt syndrome x 1000.
Golda Meier was right long ago when she said (paraphrasing) “There will be no peace in the ME until Arab mothers love their children more than they hate Isreal.”
I think there was an incident with Pat Buchanan and Nixon.
Nixon hated everyone. And he actually hated the right wing more than the left wing. (anecdote that I heard, can’t prove, but due to historical facts am pretty certain is true)
Remember the John Birch Society? That’s when. Remember Nixon’s southern strategy? That’s when.
Bio: SP’s Ball n’ Chain?
The bruising is mostly gone (still have a shiner). Still have some swelling (again, much better). I really want this to be gone, and my face back to normal. I’m tired of feeling so self conscious. I’m also tired of the aching. I’ll never underestimate a fall again.
What happened to you?
I fell walking the dog and landed on my face.
YoYo injuries are the worst.
*slow clap*
I’ll never underestimate a fall again.-
Was it a legendary fall?
Tulip is now a legend of the fall. There’s eventually going to be an epic battle with a bear.
So I am in good company. The wife and I fell recently. We had had a couple of drinks, of course, went for ice-cream sandwiches in the kitchen and the dog tangled under her feet. I tried to catch her and we both went down, arm in arm. I broke a rib or two on my left, she one on her right. We are still sore as hell. Lemme tell ya’, having a sneezing fit with a broken rib is…uncomfortable. Waking up and trying to get out of bed is a struggle.
I can imagine. It’s been over three weeks for me.
I know it shows what a cold heart I have but I’d a stepped on the mutt and taught him/her to be more careful. He/she would probably have bounced out of the way anyway.
Hope you get better soon, Tulip. Same goes for Suthenboy and the Missus too.
I read this in the voice of Jeff Foxworthy in my head.
“Hank Johnson is an interesting case. He makes anti-Jew pronouncements, but is it because he’s anti-semitic or because he’s profoundly stupid?”
One of those is a proven thing. You can debate the other, but the one is a proven fact.
oppose Israel because of their oppression of Palestinians and failure to give them an independent state.” Now, perhaps in some cases, this could be true. In other cases, it’s a nod-and-wink.-
I would support all those people getting a separate state, but I would also like to see Florida become an independent state with a loose affiliation to the others states. We could call it a federation of independent states…
The palestinian leadership was offered their own independant state multiple times. They have always slapped it away and said “No, we want to wipe out the jews.”
Play the long game. Give them a state, then when an attack happens declare war and raise the black flag.
So you will take prisoners?
If you consider bodies “prisoners”.
Israel is sort of tiny. There’s really a LOT of vacant desert in that part of the world. There’s no way someone can donate a patch?
I would like to see more small states with liberal immigration, kind of like the USA but on a global scale and a greatly weakened central government.
Yes!!! I’ve been waiting on an excuse to post this and you obliged: Eddie Murphy as Jesse Jackson singing Hymietown:
Don’t let me down, give it a watch.
Ok that was good!!!!!
I remember seeing that when it was broadcast. Murphy and team really hit it out of the park.
Back when SNL would punch to the left and the right. Could it just be a dream?
Exactly. And, yeah, it kinda feels dream-like. I wonder if the writers back then resented coming up with things like this, and just kept their mouths shut.
Nah, it was a different era. Everything was fair game back then.
My internet has been down, didn’t have a chance to watch. Does anyone know what happened in the Ravens game?
They lost.
They beat themselves like a red headed step child.
Or the way Ray Rice beat himself by beating his wife on camera.
You guys dogging the Ravens, Tundra et.al. praising Elvis Costello in the last thread…why all the (((OMWC))) hate, and on Jewsday no less.
No (((OMWC))) hate here at all. But the real Browns? Them I hate.
The real Browns are defunct, they are no more, have ceased to be, they are an ex-Football team.
Are you saying This Raven is deceased?
It’s not because he’s Jewish or even a Jewish Ravens fan, but simply because he is a Ravens fan. My hate of the Jews is completely irrelevant here.
They’re a wonderful team, beautiful plumage
Jews don’t have feathers.
Maybe I’ve never seen one in the wild.
The only reason they were upright to begin with is that their feed had been nailed to the bloody perch!
Feet…not feed.
OMWC has on a number of occasions expressed his disdain for Mr. Costello, and thus exposed a rare shortcoming in his otherwise exemplary musical tastes. It seems Elvis once called James Brown or Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder( I can’t be arse to look it up) a ‘nigger’ and thus any and all of his artistic achievements are as dead as the proverbial fjord-pining parrot.
Well, I’ve completely given up on artists I like being good human beings. I’ve met a bunch that seem decent, but…
They got some garbage scores late to make it look like a game, but overall they lost like the Moslem Semites in the 6 Day War.
They achieved a moral victory.
The only moral of this story is that it’s going to be a long three years before they throw in the towel on Lamar Jackson as a professional QB.
By not playing Flake Out even when the new guy went 2 1/2 quarters without a completion?
So they’re Democrats?
Judenhaas. “Anti-semite” was a successful marketing campaign to whitewash Judenhass.
Most people can consider and discuss if Israel is doing things right, but the alternative, “What do we do with all these Jews?” is rarely debated except on Arab television.
To be fair, what do we do with all these Jews has been a pretty tricky question over the ages. Pretty pretty tricky indeed.
I mean, we already have an excess of lawyers, accountants, and shitty sitcom writers. There’s only so many America can absorb before we hit critical mass.
“I mean, we already have an excess of lawyers, accountants, and shitty sitcom writers. There’s only so many America can absorb before we hit critical mass.”
For these reasons they deserve to be hated.
Happy belated New Year Glibertariat!
Just got came back from a two week scuba diving vacation and I am mean, lean and tan. Also seem to have gotten something from the old hag sitting next to me on the plane and hacking her lungs out.
Anyway, on the subject of anti-Semitism vs. anti-Zionism, I find there is no real distinction. One is just a manifestation of the hatred of Jewry, while the other is an invented ism created to allow Jew-haters to pretend to have a legitimate case/concern. The Palestinians have been given plenty of opportunities to get their own state, but they have not accepted because what they want more than a state of their own, is to kill Jews.
Welcome back. Sorry about the bug.
The Palestinians already have their own state. It’s called Jordan.
The sharks didn’t get ya, but the cougar did. Hope it isn’t E bola and welcome back.
You know who else got sick of people misspelling his given name?
Ro[n]ald Dahl?
Hedley Lamar ?
Caitlyn Jenner?
Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teoula Franco y Bahamonde?
Wait I know that fella I think… Is his nickname Mama Guevos?
This kid ?
Even in Africa that has to be a fucked up name.
Natalie and Brooglia?
I’m a little torn on this one.
I’m not…still would.
Laveranues Coles?
Phoebe B. Peabody-Beeby?
So, 67 whole guns get into Canada and Wild West type lawlessness ensues? LOL, you bunch of fucking pussies!
There was massive flooding from all the pantswetting, killing thousands.
You know they all came from Indiana, right ?
Jackson pleaded guilty only to trafficking four weapons, including three handguns Canadian border officials found stashed in his underwear
What was the fourth one?
-1 The Alarm
I came away thinking they are trying to show that even “law-abiding citizens” are law breakers at heart. Of course implying they aren’t to be trusted at any time with guns. It’s only a matter of time before they use a gun for evil.
The Jews killed Jesus
Bullshit. It was the Italians. The Jews just ordered the hit.
Jews killing other Jews over doctrinal differences? No way!
exactly, and anyway: it had nothing to do with business
Romans massacred Italians too! Oh, the humanity!
Hilarious. And true.
I wonder if the one who speared Him in the side was named Guido.
Casca Rufio Longinus, according to Barry Sadler (yes, the guy who wrote the Ballad of the Green Beret)
Was Jesus not a Jew himself?
To be fair, the uppity son-of-a-bitch kind of had it coming.
Wasn’t it Richard Pryor that said in one of his bits, “Jesus? I knew the boy. I told him to not go fuckin around with them jews with no money.”
(I think it was Mudbone bit)
Yeah, but JC was a Jew. It’s a catch 22.
And if he comes back, we’ll just kill him again!
Think of the fun one could have with an IWI Tavor vs. a zombie carpenter.
That would be a great movie. I’m guessing there’s already a band called Zombie Jesus.
“Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.”
I think they mistranslated “brains”.
Hope you’re right because otherwise… GAAAAAY.
Well that whole disciple thing WAS quite the sausage-fest so…
So we were at our local New York style pizza place today and this priviledged white chick came in, ordered a couple of slices and asked if they had pineapple. If she had nuts, I would have punched them.
I can guarantee she votes proggy.
WebDom needs to teach you her favorite move, the Cunt Kick.
I was afraid my foot would get stuck.
Its a cunt “punt”
Learn the vernacular.
how could anyone forget?
So no Pineapple and no Pine Nuts either?
“Yeah! We have pineapple!”
You’re kidding right?
People who put pineapple on pizza are pretenders.
you’ll be speaking up about Turkey, Iraq, and Syria’s oppression of Kurds and failure to give them a state, you’ll be speaking up about China and its oppression of Tibetans and Uighurs and failure to give them a state, you’ll be speaking up about Russia and its oppression of Chechens and failure to give them a state, you’ll be speaking up about Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria’s oppression of Palestinians
But how many Human Rights Council complaints do *they* have?
Don’t be silly, Commodious, the Humans Rights Council isn’t there to chastize human rights violations, it’s there to chasztise Israel and the US.
Didn’t they change the name of the UN Human Rights Council to United Nations Anti Zionist Institute?
*crickets chirp in the Council Chambers*
Trump’s got the concerned politician speech-giving down thing down. Now on to Schmoobs and the Wicked Witch of the
WestLeft.All parties were very convincing to the weak-minded and/or political partisans. And both were meme-worthy but Schmoobs and the Wicken took it to the next level.
Lars von Trier…the pretentious fat fuck can even make a movie with Matt Dillon as a serial killer tedious.
Alberta officer allegedly euthanized deer with police truck
Left all his bullets in Fido.
“Alberta Serious Incident Response Team”
I just HAVE to know what that is.
They go around refastening the floppy upper heads when they fall off
There’s a moose on the road?
Holy shit! What a bunch of cunts for blotting out Israel!
And these assholes got elected?
That pissed me off.
“And these assholes got elected?”
Amazing isn’t it? There’s a lot of very foolish people in this country.
They talk about uniting people and how the right are divisive and then they pull that shit?
What better word than assholes to described them?
They’re not righteous. They’re trouble makers. Rabble rousers for its own sake.
Self destructive malcontents. The misery loves company type.
The number of nations that have a better record than Israel in dealing with the population displaced by the settlement of the nation is not large. The Palestinians have suffered 100x more misery from their leadership’s refusal to take any action to move on from ‘refugee’ status to finding a permanent home than from any Israeli oppression.
Personally, I prefer the way India and Pakistan handled it.
Tell that to a Kashmiri.
-1 Golden Temple -1 Ghandi
Wait your post said Punjabi before I swear it did…
I believe it said Poonjab. It’s HM’s version of a nut punch.
Way to interrupt my joke…
I thought Poonjab is what you think when you see a hot Indian girl?
Mine has more poon in it. I win. *Me with the Sikh burn*
Meh Sikhs of 1 half a dozen of the other
These are not the droids you are looking for.
Let me play devil’s advocate. Meh, shitty movie. *Turns it off*
You mean Vanity isn’t your favorite sin?
Vanity is a sin?
Not if you’re Prince.
*sitting ovation*
I didn’t get that at first. LOL.
For a gal named “Vanity”, she’s lacking front.
Still, though, that’s a beautiful girl.
When your priority is to kill Jews at all costs, even at the expense of your children’s lives, I think you can say they are barbarians.
I don’t know how to feel about characterizing a Muslim collective, but I think a certain political rationale might go something like this (apologies if I offend with my shorthand):
a/ Palestinians (my shorthand for belligerent Arabs in the ME) have a lot of property issues and history with Zionists (my shorthand for Jewish Israelis today)
b/ IDF technology and tactics have rendered most Palestinian efforts asymmetrical
c/ Palestinian are largely reduced to extreme sacrifices and a hope to out-baby the Zionists; in the long view, it’s a war of births and attrition
d/ Children are precious, but everyone is someone’s child. My son is the average age of an American in WW2, but I’m no more ready to lose him today, even to a worthy cause, than I was twenty years ago: to me, he still has his whole life ahead of him and is more valuable each day than he has ever been.
e/ Ergo, it is logically possible for Palestinians who consider Zionists mortal enemies over whom they might think sacrificing their children is a reasonable act of war.
I don’t defend that logic; I’m not sure what logic has to do with any of this. I also don’t criticize others who disagree. “Barbaric” is a word in use two millennia, and the arguments and characterizations above I recognize as those of reasonable men. I also remember that the Germans wanted the Winchester shotgun declared inhumane all-the-while they were perfecting chlorine.
This is just thinking out loud, and, again, it’s purely an awkward, academic effort with which I wouldn’t dream of hurting anyone’s feelings.
No only do I not sympathize (to continue Uncivilservant’s point up front), just look at the basket case kleptocracies passing of as countries in the Arab world.
You pretty much can’t get more dysfunctional than that on a nation-state level. But even culturally, they’re squabbling tribes by nature.
My Leb FIL (may he rest in peace) used to say he got cancer while President of his Church because of all the in-fighting and absolute refusal of the members to work with each other. ‘You make one deal with one guy and then another only to have it come apart because one is Egyptian and the other Syrian and so on. It was never about logic and the good of the Church. It was always about their own jealous stupidities. Imagine over there!”
We had many a great talks about the Jew-Arab thing (much easier to work with Jews in his view. In fact, he was the right hand man to the biggest grocery chain owner in Canada back in the 60s through the 80s). Such a thoughtful man. Still a loss for this family.
His brother was more succinct: They believe in 1001 tales and lies. They exhaust him with their endless conspiracies.
It didn’t help he was born in Canada so he would take for granted the natural posture for settling disputes would prevail.
Remember 18 years ago when two Israelis made a wrong turn and ended up in Ramallah? Remember how 1000 Palestinians stormed the police station they were being held in, for their own safety, and they were beaten and stabbed to death before the bodies were thrown out of a window, their corpses shot, set on fire, and then dragged to the town square and displayed as a trophy? Remember how Aziz Salha showed off his bloody hands to the crowd to rapturous applause?
“Barbaric” is too kind of a term to describe this nihilistic death cult masquerading as a culture.
Yeh. It’s not about ‘nationhood’. It’s about killing Jews.
It’s a fair twist or glitch of history and humanity they don’t have a country. Imagine THEM with regular bombs; let alone nuclear?
Last week I was driving from the Dead Sea to Tel Aviv. Waze suggested a route that would shave 10-15 km and a few minutes. But it looked like it would go next to Ramallah. At the last moment I decided to stay on Route 1 that goes through Jerusalem, heavy traffic expected. I didn’t have time to evaluate the exact route at the time. And even now it’s hard to find on the internet which roads there are controlled by the Israelis. By the way, Waze is an Israeli company. Do they know why they guide drivers?
where they guide
Used to be. Big G purchased Ware five years ago.
Waze is still used by everyone in Israel.
I seem to remember stories a couple years ago about Israelis following Waze into unfriendly territories and demanding something be done.
My only concern was that at some point I’d be ordered to make a U-turn because one cannot drive Israeli rental cars in the Palestinian-controlled territories.
Scott Horton, what’s your opinion?
He’s pretty rough on the Israelis, but I largely agree with him.
Is he the donut guy?
Srsly, no idea who that is.
He writes a blog with Sheldon Richman.
What about Sheldon Richman? Did anyone know that Sheldon has a twitter, and it’s all that you’d hope for?
Scott Horton criticizes the policies of Israel, as much as he does the Saudis, Iranians, and Americans. He never criticizes them suggesting that there is something uniquely evil about Jews, which cannot be said for Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, or the recent Democratic representatives from MN (which are utterly disgraceful in the bigoted statements that they’ve made).
That’s how I see it and I listen to Horton pretty regularly
I agree. I also like scott quite a bit. I dont listen to him all the time, but I have heard him a dozen or so times and there’s not much I can argue against him.
I bought his book, “fool’s Errand.” Its very very good.
I own it, but I haven’t read it yet. His website with Sheldon Richman is pretty good too.
But still, in the zeitgeist, there is this curious fixation on the Middle East. For a while, people remembered that Burma was a place, but that, too, has disappeared. Where are the multiple articles about Sri Lanka? Or the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Or The Maldives? Or Swaziland? Or South Sudan? etc. etc. ad infinitum?
Maybe that’s related to the broader American media’s obsession with the Middle East or because the US has substantial forces engaged in conflicts in that part of the world?
I’m including that. Like in general. From punditry to policy, be it here or in the UN General Assembly, MENA issues have punched well above their weight for the past 70 plus years now.
I’m in full agreement that the UN obsesses over Israel while ignoring and offering a platform to genuine monsters. But, I generally have such a low opinion of the UN that I generally ignore their pontificating
Also, the American media is so utterly ignorant of the world outside of the Acela corridor that I prefer that they not attempt to discuss foreign policy beyond the boilerplate talking points that the intelligence community tells them to recite
Not even just Israel. Do you know how many journalists and lawyers have been “disappeared” in Thailand over the past 10 years alone? Yet, Saudi Arabia makes international news for the killing of Khashoggi alone.
That’s a good point,
It’s a good point. If the MSM can’t be assed to even report accurately on countries Amreica/Israel are involved with, Lord knows how badly they’ll butcher the situations in Thailand, Sudan, DRC, and a multitude of other countries.
I think it is a mix of the racism of low expectations (particularly for the African entrants into “Let’s Make Life Hell” and insularity. The Holy Land is familiar from references to the Bible, but Burma? the Maldives? Never been much American involvement there. Also, reporting that some thug got his face shot in with a rubber bullet is shocking, but on a human, relatable level. Reporting on things like the Pygmies being enslaved as hunters by warring factions, who then dine on Pygmy if the hunts are unsuccessful, or the amputations to mark “rebels” in Sierra Leone or Liberia, are so horrible any reporting sounds made up.
One thing I tend to refute is the assertion they’re desperate and have no choice to strap bombs to their kids.
They do have a choice and that they choose to do so is probably indicative of something going wrong within their own culture.
It’s a victimhood culture.
They remain in refugee camps, entirely dependent on the very nation they dedicate their existence to destroying for every basic necessity, for generations. They are educated with hatred for Israel and the Jews as a civic religion. Those who have any ambition beyond “Kill Jews go to Heaven”, leave as soon as they can because there is nothing there except despair and rage. It is almost a textbook experiment in creating sociopathy.
Like all shitty cultures, it’s maintained by an outlet valve for those who maybe would make things less shitty. But instead they end up with the worst of the worst leading things. The corrupt who are all too happy to keep their people down and dumb.
“entirely dependent on the very nation they dedicate their existence to destroying for every basic necessity”
Slave morality?
I don’t see much humility, charity, or pity in the Palestinian mindset. More welfare client entitlement and resentment. But then Nietzche often twisted his own concepts to match his prejudices, so maybe?
The resentment part is what I was thinking of. Being reliant on someone else leads to appreciation or resentment. Resentment left unchecked turns into murderous rage.
If there’s one thing the cops are familiar with, it’s all the crazies wandering the streets.
Of course they recognize their co workers.
Sounds like he was practicing keeping his tongue on the button.
I could understand doing that at the Y.
I still have another hour to go in this House That Jack Built, but it’s clear. Jack is Trumphitler. Now he has a black guy tied up in the back of his red van after like a ten minute conversation between Matt Dillon and Virgil (the dead Roman poet) about destruction and mass murderers aka Hitler though he did throw in some commie imagery. His last kill highlighted his misogyny. Now he’s going full racist.
I just wanted to see Matt Dillon gleefully kill bitches with car jacks. Nothing is ever what you hope.
OK. Ok. After a long pause, Dillon took the black guy into his cooler where there’s an entertaining surprise, and the movie may yet redeem itself. I’m a hopeless optimist.
OK. Ok. No. After a long pause where I tried to gather myself, Matt Dillon has now gone full Nazi, and there’s a distinctly anti-gun message being played up.
I’m not even in the theater and I want you to pipe down. *Plunks Bro with popcorn kernal*
The movie just had like 5 minutes of awesomeness that, at least while drunk, kind of made me forget I wasted the last 2 hours of my life.
Popcorn kernel? This is 2019. He gets an overwhelming beatdown because, emotions.
Trump is either playing 33 1/3 dimensional chess and laying the groundwork for a National Emergency order, or the swamp got to him and he’s trying to manage the expectations of his base.
Either way, the majority of the federal workers currently furloughed need to be permanently laid off so they can go become productive members of society.
Chuck and Nancy were propped up my mops it felt like.
They had no idea what he was going to say, so they had to go with a generic, canned response.
I don’t like it, but I see an emergency declaration Friday afternoon.
I don’t like it either, and I sure as hell don’t like any of this wall business. But after 8 years of imperial edict by Imperator Barackus Obama Lybianus, I console myself with the fact that turnabout is fair play.
I’m consoling myself with the fact that whichever brand of authoritarian asshole ends up throwing me in a camp will almost certainly end up in there with me. I am planning to do anything I can to stay alive long enough to see Robespierre’s march to the guillotine.
I hope that doesn’t happen, but you’re probably right.
If Trump could make the case that this wall will pay for itself through the amount saved by workforce reduction in the Border Patrol, I’d be sold.
But that would never happen, now would it?
Oh, hell no. If he can replace Ruth Buzzy with a young Constitutional Conservative, I will consider his Presidency to be a massive win.
Wow, there’s a name I haven’t heard since childhood. (I still knew how to spell it, though.)
I’m not so sure that Trump isn’t going to nominate some cop sucking justice when RBG kicks it, which I’m guessing is within a month or two.
Ruth Buzzi is 82 and still appearing in films. She seems spry enough, I wonder if she can play “supreme court justice” too?
Wikipedia says 82.
DOB – March 15, 1933
Read my comment again 🙂
‘Tis Wikipedia after all. ?
On a related note, I was trying to come up with a title for the inevitable porn parody of “On The Basis of Sex”.
“On The Basis Of Sex Acts”?
“On The Basis Of Sex Addicts”?
I like the first! I also thought of “Cum On The Faces From Sex”.
On the Basest of Sex. Hardcore black robe shit.
“The word “woman” doesn’t appear in the Constitution.”
“Neither does the word “buggery” your honor.”
Googled that and found this. “I didn’t know you can’t smack your ho and demand a sammich.”
I don’t get his angle on this wall business at all. Mind you that this particular issue doesn’t nudge the needle on my outrage meter in either direction, so I’m mostly an impartial observer. It seems that a better sales pitch would be explaining that some sort of barrier already exists along the border in various states of disrepair – be it a brick, corrugated steel, chain link or whatever – and consolidating this into a single type would be prudent. I’d bet that many middle-of-the-road Democrats could even get on board with this. Instead he and his acolytes are beating the drum about crime and terrorism and stolen jeeerrrbbbs that few Americans have actually witnessed in person and everyone else is left scratching their heads.
Trump doesn’t care about the wall, as you say if he did there would be better ways to sell it. He cares about ‘winning’ and scaremongering his base has been a successful strategy. Similar to the NRA, they don’t really want to win the 2nd amendment fight, without it they cease to exist.
Even if that’s the case, he’s still put himself in a position where he’s kind of obligated to deliver on a promise to the people that are expecting it. Scaremongering with an impasse over it will probably go stale well before 2020, but then again this is Trump we’re talking about, so who really knows?
He gets to pass the blame…RINO’s, the establishment, haters and losers, fake news. If he gets funding and builds the wall then he’d have to explain why we still have Illegal immigrants, which we would, and why his panacea didn’t solve everything, which it wouldn’t.
He did it to himself during the election. He rode this horse right into the White House. Now the leading lights of his base (i.e. Limbaugh and Coulter) are beating the drums calling him to deliver.
Mt Fuji is lording over us like a boss today.
Clearly a symbol of Japanese Imperialism.
Nippon! *Clap, clap, clap*. Nippon!
*suddenly rises to sing 君が代*
I love that anthem. Lyrically, who knows, but it has a cool vibe to it.
You never waste a chance to go full gunka
Actually, this was the song I was thinking of.
That picture is just crying out for a can of hot milk tea.
Fishing in the Sea of Cortez with the kids.
Kiddo’s expression is priceless.
He was freaked out by that fish. It was pretty toothy, hence the pliers.
Hmmm. I’m really starting to dislike you.
Holy Mackerel!
Ha! My reality slaps me back starting Friday. This can’t go on forever. Gotta pay for this life. But there is only one, as I am not Hindu or Buddhist.
I ate two fat pork chops while reading this. They were purchased yesterday at an irresistible sale price and fried up prior to opening up my browser and clicking on your article. Am I flirting with antisemitism here?
Loving a good pork chop has nothing to do with anti-semitism. It’s just plain old enjoying the finest food animal gawd ever created.
Pork chops seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. Fry in a hot pan in olive oil until brown on both sides. Remove to a plate.
Whisk in a tablespoon of flour and a teaspoon of chicken base. Whisk until the flour starts to brown. Whisk in half a cup of mild and turn the heat down to medium low. When the gravy starts to bubble and thicken, pour over the pork chops. Add some mashed potatoes on the side and whatever green vegetable that will make you feel better about yourself. Eat until you’re sleepy and the adjourn to your most comfortable chair with the remote control.
Tonight I just made them in a buttered skillet with salt and fresh cracked pepper due to time constraints, but your flour and chicken base method is duly noted for next time. Thanks!
You forgot rosemary.
No, ever since she had her baby she belongs no where near anything to do with happiness.
Just fried up some katsu for dinner tomorrow night. Pork for me and chicken for the wifey.
No pork for the wife? Even Jooz don’t believe in that.
In the end I blame the jews. If they did not exist there would be no anti-semitism. But yes the Israel is evil above all is quite anti-semitic. Also other peoples are semites.
Mornin glibs
I know it’s too late to the NFL party to be funny, but Ravens were brought up earlier, so I wanted to share the meme I created right after Parkey missed the field goal in the Bears v Eagles game.
I didn’t watch Trump’s thing or the Democrat thing, but got this thumbnail on youtube for the Democrat thing, LOL it looks like an SNL cop open.
It’s really interesting because if Chuck and Nance thought they have the political high ground they would pass a bill in the House that would pass also the Senate even if they knew it would get vetoed. We have mechanisms in place to break that type of gridlock but they know they are on the losing side of this battle…even if the wall is a dumb idea.
There are lots of ways this could go down if everyone involved weren’t assholes. ‘Meeting in the middle’ and ‘compromise’ only mean the left gets their way anymore, even if I agree with what they are doing, that’st fuckin shit up. Just like I’ve been in favor of gay marriage, but the way we got it fucked us in the ass non-consenntually.
Only in DC would they argue over $5B as they run a trillion plus deficit. Dumber than the fights I get in with my wife.
*SOMETHING I HEARD, DID NOT LOOK INTO* I heard $5B is what they spend a MONTH for SNAP (Food Stamps), so yeah, a pittance all things told.
But it’s a symbol of all that we aren’t about as Americans! (Drone strikes on kids evidently is).
I said it again and I’ll say it before; I’d move all military bases to the borders, that’s how you win Civilization games.
Buffer kingdom FTW.
Mexico was the buffer kingdom. It’s been ablated.
Great analysis OMWC.
This is surprisingly good timing.
For you late night/overseas Glibs. Can’t vouch for the authenticity. Google insider spills the beans on Demore’s firing.
Fuck it I’m too school for cool! Whoo hoo! *Passes Out*
What a seriously fucked up company.
Time for beddy bye and enjoy another day of my own misguided workplace.
eh reddit…