Listen I was gonna find a 2-humped camel to put up, but nah, I’ll just mine the current media library. SF has blessed us with his talents, so this is just a placeholder for everyone to get their talk on.
I mean, short of the ones who eat all your food and don’t do dishes, is this the worst roommate ever?
Elon Musk should counter-sue these people for making ‘an unreasonable stupid’ child.
Wow, I thought this shit only happened in thrillers.
Thank goodness Warty left the Doomcock in his pants during his trip to CES. Apparently intelligent robotic dildoes aren’t welcome there.
I mean, sometimes the story just leads you right to the song.
The Norwegian billionaire from the wife kidnapping story is……Tom Hagen? The Turk lives!!!
“And all this while couldn’t your uncle get hold of the least clue?”
“As a matter of fact he had received some information, though of course I did not know of it at the time. He got a message one day telling him that his wife had been kidnapped and smuggled out of the country; she was said to be hidden away, in one of the islands off the coast of Norway I think it was, in comfortable surroundings and well cared for. And with the information came a demand for money; a lump sum of 2000 pounds was to be paid yearly. Failing this she would be immediately restored to her family.”
“The Disappearance of Crispina Umberleigh”
by H.H. Munro (SAKI)
Link, if anybody cares:
“Wow, I thought this shit only happened in thrillers.”
For $10M he could do way better.
Yeah, I mean, I get that married people are sometimes attached to each other, but $10 million is $10 million…
Well, most people do turn 68 eventually. Also…
“Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Hagen, 68, has been missing since Oct. 31…”
I wonder if the kidnappers will bill for expenses.
She’s such a bitch that the kidnappers paid the husband to take HER BACK!
/O.Henry The Ransom of Red Chief
Maybe her father is the one who had the money and Ole earned every cent of that $10M the hard way.
Somebody might end up in a wood chipper at the end of this.
Nah. She’s not exactly awful looking for 68. And my guess is that if you’re a multi-millionaire real estate investor, unless you’ve got ego issues, reliable is a lot bigger a consideration than hot. Assuming she’s his long-term wife, she was probably with him before he was really rich. So, he knows she’s not necessarily in it for the money. And if she were going to screw around on him, odds are she’d have done it by now.
Wow, I thought this shit only happened in thrillers.
Wait until the wife finds out her husband has been cheating on her and is perfectly willing not to pay the ransom.
Wait, I thought she was married to Robert Duvall, not Danny DeVito?
No; she was married to Terry-Thomas.
““Men’s sexuality is allowed to be explicit with a literal sex robot in the shape of an unrealistically proportioned woman and VR porn in point of pride along the aisle,” she wrote. “Female sexuality, on the other hand, is heavily muted if not outright banned. You cannot pretend to be unbiased if you allow a sex robot for men but not a vagina-focused robotic massager for blended orgasm.””
Is that better than a single malt?
I have never seen a pocket pussy at Walmart. But a bitch can go get a vibrator at just about any drug store.
+1 “personal massager”
What chew talkin’ bout, Willis?
I’m not going to bother to RTFA but I bet there’s some other reason mentioned, if at all, at the bottom of the article?
intelligent robotic dildoes aren’t welcome there.
Frankly, I don’t blame them for banning the sentient dick bots
All the geeks dont want their wives finding out about it.
It can take a picture of itself and mail it to your toaster.
The worst part is getting blackmailed by the toaster.
The story goes on and on about how their technology is indistinguishable from a real sex partner. A realistic dildo would shut off 10 minutes before she orgasms and go into sleep mode.
10 minutes? Braggart.
My freakin’ neck
So it’s a dildo for lesbians?
“new micro-robotic technology that mimics all of the sensations of a human mouth, tongue, and fingers, for an experience that feels just like a real partner”
I can’t help but notice there’s a certain body part not listed there.
The nose?
Left elbow
It seems to me that the fedgov “shut down” is going all but unnoticed. Like, if I asked 10 random people in the office that they knew there was a government shutdown, I would get at least 6 negatives.
Is that just because I’ve completely tuned out the MSM, or are others getting the same impression?
Judging by the number of identical poor federal workers stories appearing all at the same time in local media, I suspect you’re right. It smells of desperation that the general public isn’t getting punished enough. Sort of an anti-Washington Monument strategy. Just about every time something comes up, like beer labels not being approved, the first thing that comes to mind is why is this a job for Fed Gov?
I do have some sympathy for the minimum wage grubbers in the Coast Guard.
Pretty sure military is still being paid.
Yeah, but USCG is DHS now.
Coasties are getting paid. Trump made that happen.
Really? Jeebus. Whar mah Muricah go?
For all the hysterics and attention national politics receive, most people have relatively little contact with the feds. This just doesn’t impact their lives.
The do not call registry is down due to the shut down.
As if the scams and frauds really give a shit about that.
I think I actually got more robo calls after putting my number on the do not call list.
Now they know it’s a working number.
My coworkers all know the government is shut down.
Whether or not they think it is a good thing is a different story. I’d guess 2/3rds think it is a bad thing.
I work in Annapolis at corporate HQ, we also have an office in Herndon Va. To get between the two you have to go clear across the DC Beltway. We are doing our annual strategic planning right now and one of the senior architects is traveling here from wherever he lives in DC’s Western Suburbs and according to him there has been no decrease in traffic at all during the shutdown.
It was easier to get to the Pentagon today, but in the Pentagon there was a backup. I’ve noticed less traffic both getting to work and getting home.
10 minutes ago, I asked my fellow patrons at the pub “the federal government has been shut down for three weeks, has anybody noticed?”
The answer was “no”.
RE the Tesla story: The young man was driving 116 MPH at the time of the crash and roughly 60 days earlier he’d been ticketed going 112 mph! I’m sorry, but what parent lets their 18 y/o keep a $100k sportscar (or any car) after he’s clocked going 112 MPH??
When I was 22, I took my father’s Alfa-Romeo to 240 km/hr once.
Right. Assumes ‘Murican position: 150 miles an hour.
Pierre Trudeau that trust fund commie decided it was good for Canada.
I got my Ford Taurus up to the speed governor (117mph, I believe) one time. I was afraid the engine was going to fall out.
And then, while you were trying to run back the miles by jacking up the front end while the car was in reverse, you got mad at your father and kicked the front fender, causing the car to fall off the jack and shoot out the window of its showroom into the woods, thus destroying it, right?
+1 Abe Froman.
“When I was 22, I took my father’s Alfa-Romeo to 240 km/hr once.”
So like 75 mph?
I worked in a bike shop once and Dolph Lundgren asked if we could look at his Soft ail. He said it used to 70 in 2nd gear and now it only goes 50. I was confused, because a stock Soft ail almost never achieves 50, much less 70. When the bike was delivered I saw it had a kilo speedo. He had bought it in Austria.
Look at his, um, what?
His soft ail, bro. Don’t you even read the comments?
I know he’s talking about a Harley but I got lost on the rest too.
I flirted with 130 mph in my parent’s sweet old BMW 3.0L one time. That’s quite zippy. My exit came up amazingly quickly.
I was really bummed when they sold that car without telling me (I was off at school).
143 in fifth gear in an Audi on an interstate, hitting the rev limiter. The fool in the Monte Carlo trying to race me had not realized that GM capped him at 120-something. Sucker.
It was outside of Flint, decades ago, so no harm, no foul. No other cars on the road.
18 year olds are not minors, IIRC. Parents can’t confiscate their stuff.
The car wasn’t his or his parents’.
Urgh.. .pronouns.
The car belonged to the driver’s father. The dead kid, whose parents are suing, was a passenger. “His” in my other comment refers to the passenger.
Boy I done fucked up.
The car belonged to the driver’s (Barrett Riley) dad (Jim Riley), but this lawsuit is brought by his passenger’s parents. J. Riley definitely could have taken his car from his son B. Riley.
Traditionally, all damage inflicted during the commission of a crime is the sole responsibility of the criminal. Driving at multiples of the posted speed limit is a crime. This case should be dismissed with prejudice and the attorney who filed it should pay Tesla’s legal fees.
The lure of deep pockets is a strong one.
Traditionally, all damage inflicted during the commission of a crime is the sole responsibility of the criminal.
It’s yet another cudgel to beat wrongthinkers with. If you make or sell badthings, you will be forced to pay for it when idiots misuse your badthings. This is true for alcohol, cigarettes, guns, and now cars.
The sort of parent who doesn’t take any personal responsibility for their parenting failures, but blames everyone else?
And also hopes to score on the new American dream: a lawsuit.
A car that out-accelerates a 700 HP Hellcat in 0-60.
Note, though, that he wasn’t driving the car, another 18 year old friend was.
116 around a 30 mph curve. Everyone knows you’re only supposed to go twice the limit around a curve.
But there is a lower cutoff. When the curve is posted at 10 MPH max, they’re really not kidding.
IN my experience you can manage whatever the 2x+5 MPH where X is whatever the posted speed limit it. Course I was testing this in a stock Ford Escort EXP (all the looks of a baby Mustang, all the performance of an Escort and thanks to it being a 2 seater you pay almost as much in insurance as you do for the Mustang) using whever low end Goodyear tires they sell them with so a real sports car could probably go a little bit more than that but I doubt even the highest performance car with a professional driver could get to 3x the posted limit.
I tested this out on RT 89 between Phoenix and Prescott AZ back in the 80’s when I was stationed at Luke AFB at the same time as my Brother was going to Embry Riddle University in Prescott. The road is about as twisty of a mountain road as you could hope to get with lots of 20 MPH hairpin switchbacks around cliffs like this one…,-112.5207639,3a,75y,136.65h,70.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sf8OqJpTP2WdZUFJn1mQG1A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
2x+5 MPH, There are damn few cars, and virtually no drivers or roads that are safe at 145-165 mph.
Wasn’t talking about straight line speeds but speeds through a curve that has a reduced speed limit so realistically you would be looking at a max speed of something like 105 (for a 50 MPH curve)
That makes more sense.
Huh. “Double it and add five” was the motto when I was in high school and we were cruising in a ‘67 Mustang with beer in hand.
One of our household’s current vehicles is a 2015 Mazda 3.
Zippy, dual overhead cams, etc, but small engine- would probably top out at less than 150, but have never tested.
Incredible out of the gate pick up.
But, the handling! OMG! I’ve never driven any front wheel steering vehicle with that kinda turning radius. (And rear wheel steering vehicles flip at very low speeds and generally don’t go very fast anyway.)
Oh, no. Business insidiot ad-blocker-blockered me.
Stupid kid borrows dad’s “performance” car and wrecks it. There’s a first time for everything, I guess.
Get a load of these lousy cowards suing Lindsay Shepherd. A couple of commie bullies is all they are. Degenerates really. Boyce explains:
Notice at around the 14:30m mark she breaks down about to cry. I swear….
I notice one of the Marxist shithead has a poser of The Ramones on his wall. Beat on the brat with a baseball bat indeed.
Johnny fucking despised Marxism.
It seems to me that the fedgov “shut down” is going all but unnoticed. Like, if I asked 10 random people in the office that they knew there was a government shutdown, I would get at least 6 negatives.
There was some woman in the bar last night (friend of a friend’s friend, whatever) who works for the park service, whining about the shutdown. But don’t worry. She’s getting a paid vacation.
Well, all of the “federal workers are eating cat food and can’t pay their mortgages” stories are leaving the impression that the only purpose of the federal government is providing jobs.
Most of us proles have had to survive for varying periods of time exceeding a couple of weeks without a paycheck. The idea that these stories are going to elicit sympathy, rather than contempt, is . . . misguided.
That was my reaction to a couple of the stories…. “Wait, you’ve been with the federal government for 33 years and one two-week period of delayed pay has wiped you out?”
They have yet to miss a paycheck. They can Fuck off.
I think of all the extra money I could make during the shutdown. I could go get a bunch of temp jobs and make money doing that. Then when the gov starts up they will send me another check for not working. $$$$$
When I was in school, I would pick up as many second and third shift temp jobs as I could during vacations. Some of them could be pretty interesting. And it is always refreshing to spend a bit of time working at a job where you just don’t give a shit.
Not a Tesla fan, but that’s just absurd. There are jillions of videos of idiots wiping out expensive cars. Every rich guy thinks he can drive.
And they all think exotic sports cars will handle like a Camry.
A friend of mine owns an auto body shop. He said that pre-stability-control 911s paid for his kids’ college!
No kidding. An adage around the track is that PSM (Porsche Stability Management) really stands for “Please Save Me!”
911s are one of the most ill-handling cars ever made. You can throw 20 grand in suspension at one and it will still handle like crap.
I’ve driven an old 911 fast. It handles spectacularly – until you get stupid – then you’re screwed.
Some absurdly large percentage of Ferraris are supposedly crashed right after they leave the dealership.
Maybe it is just the idiots that buy them? I have had the pleasure of driving a couple and I must say they can do some serious shit. Of course, if you don’t know what the fuck you are doing, you are gonna end up in one of those commercials where the guys says his insurance company covered some rich asshat suddenly thinking he was a formula one driver before he hit the trailer with the giraffe in it…
By the time you can afford a Ferrari your reflexes and eyesight are too shot to drive it, and your 30+ years of experience driving sedans have trained your muscle memory entirely wrong. Give up the fantasy, grow up and act your age, ie. hire the young hotty as your secretary and use the Ferrari money to pay the lawyers in your divorce and harassment cases.
This is the type of mature advice I come here for.
Just doing my part to promote real family values! You know the real family, Dad, trophy wife who used to babysit the kids (last year), Mom, Raul the pool boy, little Johnny (who is seriously messed up about his first crush marrying Dad, little Susie who is sad because her boyfriend is moving away from Chicago and it will be 6 years before she is old enough to drive herself to Arizona.
+1 Scent of a Woman
Awesome movie.
One of my faves.
Anyone who drives over 100 on a public road is an idiot.
I guess I’m an idiot, then. There are places in North Dakota or Kansas where the road is straight, flat, and rarely traveled. It was safer for me to ride at 120 mph there than it was in the big city in stop and go. Hell, up until a few years ago, Montana didn’t even have speed limits on some roads.
Also see Germany’s Autobahn
Also Eastern Montana.
Indeed. Speed limits aren’t entirely arbitrary: they are always some fraction, usually large, of the actual top speed that can be used to navigate the road. If you are going 4x the speed limit, it is highly likely you are in the “guaranteed crash” zone.
In the plains states, they often are.
In California, most speed limits are set using the 85th percentile rule.
You apparently haven’t seen some of the often empty, dragstrip-like roads from Texas to North Dakota.
My top speed is 117, only because I haven’t had a vehicle that would allow me to go faster than that.
Mine was 120 solid from Denver to Topeka on I-70.
That’s how you do it! What in?
1988, in an almost-brand-new Olds Ciera.
Was coming home from BYU. Car rental company (Hertz? Enterprise?) was “hiring” college students to drive cars to cities that needed them. You got the car for your trip, you just paid for gas, you delivered the car to the closest airport. A friend and I packed everything we owned in that fucker, threw a U-Haul cargo-thingie on top, and got the hell out of Dodge.
Our parents were not pleased with how fast we made that trip.
Aside: My mother is a lead-footed road-tripper extraordinaire. Except, well, she’s too old to endurance drive like that anymore. She and I went to Florida this past spring and I did almost all the driving. It was very sad to know my speed-demon uberdriver mom can’t do that anymore.
Were you guided by a blind DJ?
No, no, she said she was getting out of Dodge, not into one.
I’m not sure my business model would revolve around cutting college students loose in my new cars for free.
Vanishing Point had a monumental impact on young Tundra.
Still does, come to think of it.
Vanishing Point, and Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry.
Had to be back then. Good luck even hitting the speed limit with the traffic on i70 today
I-80 is also a parking lot these days.
I drove a Pontiac Grandam across Montana, often at over 100 mph, in the 90s. I don’t believe there was any speed limit in the state at that time. At least not on the roads I was driving (probably 90 and/or 94). I would drive for 30-40 miles and never pass another car.
It’s a little different to seeing people do it on 695, cutting in and out of lanes, but I see that pretty much every time I drive on that road.
I’m gonna plead the fifth on this one.
My cousin is a race car driver. Years ago he taught me, ‘you think you know how to drive?’ and then got into his Miata. ‘Still think you know how to drive?”
We don’t know how to drive.
It was incredible how he was making that car his bitch.
Is his name Jerry?
Dog will hunt.
A few years ago, former Formula 1 driver Riccardo Patrese went for a Sunday drive with his wife in a Honda Civic R.
And a dashcam.
Results were predictably hilarious. But it brings home the point that the skills that professional race drivers possess is a couple of orders of magnitude above your typical commuter.
I’ve watched that before.
She’s so great – screaming at him while simultaneously grinning like a crazy person. Her reaction to noticing the camera is fantastic.
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘I thought I was going to be the next to die at Ed Buck’s house.’ Man tells DailyMailTV how Democratic donor paid him $250 and injected him with meth after ‘fetish’ sex sessions in white long johns – as police probe TWO black men’s deaths
A man has told how he narrowly escaped death when Hillary Clinton donor Edward Buck injected him with crystal meth at his sex-toy filled apartment – where two black men have died within 18 months.
Jermaine Gagnon, 28, told DailyMailTV how Buck, 63, paid to fly him from Minnesota to Los Angeles, drugged him with a substance dissolved in Gatorade then injected him with crystal meth at his West Hollywood apartment.
And Gagnon shared pictures which show Buck, wearing white long johns, crouched over him on the mattress of a pullout bed during one of their nights together, as well as the ‘toolbox’ of sex toys he produced during their encounter.
Buck is now under investigation over the deaths of a black man in his 50s at his apartment in the early hours of Monday morning this week, and a second investigation into the death of Gemmel Moore 18 months ago has been reopened, after being closed for lack of evidence.”
A black guy from Minnesota? That does sound suspicious.
Fake news. Kirby and Prince are both dead.
There’s Dave Winfield, though
And Morris Day.
Ed Buck will get him next, if he ain’t stopped!
You forgot about Morris Day (and the Time)
Did Buck kill Prince?
I’m so glad they’ve turned it into a racial thing.
I have a black female inlaw from Minnesoda. I saw other black people living in the tundra zone when I visited there.
a second investigation into the death of Gemmel Moore 18 months ago has been reopened, after being closed for lack of evidence.
That’s the investigation where they found a bunch of illegal drugs in his house, and didn’t charge him with anything at all?
He’s paid his indulgences.
He’s “paid his indulgences.”
Also known as ‘Clinton donation’.
You know who else had a Clinton donation?
…during one of their nights together.
So…you went back?
Hey, fiddy bucks is fiddy bucks.
He was also an Olympic swimmer who smoked non-menthol cigarettes.
Can this go under the ‘Clinton body count’?
Jesus. When your behavior is faintly reminiscent of Dean Corryl or that American Psycho guy (with a side helping of medical experimentation), you might want to reel it in a little.
I keep wondering what the white long johns is all about.
There are fetishes for everything.. the other day I found out some chicks are int woodpeckering….
Why do I keep envisioning David Brock hanging out with this dude?
Lots of black folk up that way. Moved from the south to get jobs in the factories. Worked for a while till the factories shut down. Still a few, 3M, winnebago, and whatever vacuum forming company I worked for that doesn’t show up in google search, maybe gone.
Strangely, growing up in colorado, the first place I ran into real honest to god racism was in northern Iowa/ south Minnesota.
Company was Caroll George, inc. Employee owned. Apparently bought in 98. God I’m old
A car that out-accelerates a 700 HP Hellcat in 0-60.
Some dipshit in a Tesla was ahead of me getting on an on ramp in Bozeman the other day. The dumb cunt brake-checked me turning in (so I wouldn’t do a slide job on him in my antique Honda), then stabbed the “gas” and zoomed away. I bet his panties were soaked from the exhilaration.
*No kidding, electric cars have lots of torque. Whoop de fucking do.
The tesla is the ultimate I’m an emasculated cunt car. I’d rather be seen in a minivan.
Nah, the Prius and/or a Smartcar, is the ultimate emasculated cunt car. Teslas aren’t my bag, but they’re not that bad.
This is hilarious, though.
The General Le
*physically cant narrow gaze*
Teslas are fast — until you have to recharge, assuming you can even find a recharger, or else a tow truck.
Saving 2 seconds going 0-60, losing an hour to partially recharge — no thanks.
How do you drive an electric in Montana? Isn’t literally everything more than a full battery charge from everything else?
You live in Bozeman or Missoula.
Just carry a spare battery.
The Federalist Society had a discussion of Tennessee wine and spirits retailers assn v. Byrd today. Ilya Shapiro and Todd Zywicki were the panelists.
Usually the recordings are up within a day or two, but I’m not sure if you have to be a member to listen. FedSoc is a good join if you have the $50(?).
Karla Marx is going to determine whether or not your car is essential, tovarisch
Is there an actual article link for that nonsense?
It’s a excerpt from her Green New Deal. Image is from Twitter. Here’s a link to the text, it’s in the seventh paragraph in the section titled “Dealing with the Climate Crisis – 100% Clean Energy by 2030”
Ah. Thanks.
You know it’s not serious because it talks about going to 100% clean energy AND completely phasing out nuclear power.
You’re not optimistic about the unicorn fart-powered generators?
The wealthy, who have most benefited from the excessive burning of fossil fuels, should pay increased taxes to help with the cost of transitioning to a green economy.
Silly me I thought it was the unwashed masses that benefited most from the energy released from the burning of fossil fuels.
“We will cut military spending by at least half to bring our troops – currently stationed in over 800 bases worldwide – home to their families, deploying our valued servicemen and women in their own communities to build up our country’s future and prosperity here at home.”
Why does that seem really familiar ?
It’s one of those places where the Greens and libertarians (and also parties like the Libertarian Party) are of like minds.
I was thinking more along the lines of military in the streets….
Finally, a potential opportunity for a little Third Amendment litigation.
The purpose of the armed forces is the exact opposite of community building.
You can’t make a pogrom without a few broken eggs.
Gun violence
A 25-year-old woman with a concealed carry license shot and killed the man trying to rob her at gunpoint near a Chicago bus station Tuesday morning, police said — noting she needed just a single shot to take down the would-be robber.
The unidentified woman was at the bus stop in Chicago’s Fernwood neighborhood just after 6 a.m. when the man, identified as 19-year-old Laavion Goings, pulled a gun and attempted to rob her, WLS reported. Surveillance video from a nearby convenience store showed the woman waiting at the stop and Goings approaching her and aiming his gun, officials said.
The woman, however, was prepared. She pulled out her own weapon and shot Goings in the neck before fleeing the area to seek help.
She should have twattered David Hogg for help.

Goings going gone.
Unlike the cops, who would have needed 100 shots.
Still missing the perp, of course, but hitting the woman, a bystander, the bystander’s dog, and a 6 year old girl a block away.
You gotta problem with a 12lb trigger, ala New York?
A 25-year-old woman with a concealed carry license and Chicago
So, I assume she was an Alderman, or one of the King’s Men, then?
I’m amazed she was able to get a concealed carry license.
Maybe she was a Clinton hitwoman?
My parents live a block from where the lady shot the robber. My stepdad after the amount of car jackings increased bought my Mom a gun and took her to gun range and trained her how to use it. And after that got her a FOID and CCW. The dude is a retired public sector employee and generally votes reliably Democrat but the guy loses his shit when a gun grabber gets on television.
Sideways vaginas for the win!
I’ll be in my bunk for the rest of forever.
TFW you can’t tell traps, and you don’t care.
Possible traps (flat chest, slightly masculine face, and triangle hidden):
2, 16, 18, 23, 28, 38, 39, 42
They’re all still woulds, regardless.
32 > 10 > 27
If 27 is actually a Latina, given that booty, 40 is a good replacement
Ahhhhh, memories of Thailand
It’s not a new subject, but I always enjoy an opportunity to mock ENB for her enthusiastic endorsement of this woman. This is about the Knights of Columbus again, the “extreme right wing” Knights of Columbus that is.
I wonder if Jill Filipovic would be brave enough to publicly question J.F.K.’s membership in the Knights.
Or Ted Kennedy’s, or John Dingell’s, or Joe Manchin’s, or John Bel Edwards’.
Bryan Cranston, Kevin Hart defend the ‘Breaking Bad’ star’s casting as a disabled character in new film
“The Emmy-winning actor sparked a backlash over his casting in the upcoming film, with some arguing the part should have gone to a disabled person. Cranston agrees that there should be more opportunities for such actors.”
Don’t defend your actions, instead don’t acknowledge the offended. If you just ignore them their voice is less likely to be heard. I welcome any nearby asteroids who want to veer off course…
Bryan Cranston starred in a love letter to Commie shitbag Dalton Trumbo, so fuck him. Reap the whirlwind, Sheriff Brady.
Reeves was unavailable.
I thought the whole point of acting is to pretend you’re something you’re not.
Like Rachel Dolezal or Shaun King?
Exactly. The premise is stupid. No more fantasy movies because we couldn’t find any real goblins, other than Larry King.
Halp, edit faerie!
They’re nothing if not vindictive.
Why do people value college degrees anymore?
Because they are the first barrier to a host of well-paid, low-risk, non-backbreaking jobs?
“They’re so expensive, they must be valuable!”
Don’t threaten their gravy train.
And show them for the idiot marxist shills they are…
Am I the only one that thinks the wall is stupid but that the Democrats should just fund it to get Trump to shut up?
I mean … so much of that wall would be on private land. The courts are going to be busy for the next decade (probably more) just deciding the eminent domain issues. Fund the damn thing and then quietly kill it in a few years if you get elected into office.
You just don’t understand the fierce urgency of #RESIST.
They don’t want to look weak to their voters?
I can tell you the dems don’t care about the money. If he wanted to build a wall on the northern border as a make-work project they would give him 5 trillion.
They weren’t elected to give Trump what he wants. The base would have a meltdown, and they’re calculating he’s gonna climb down eventually.
the wall is stupid
Big chunks of it would be. The parts where a wall makes any sense at all probably already have one, dating back to the days when it was the only thing Dems and Repubs agreed on in immigration policy. I know the one in Nogales is freaking enormous. Of course, the problem with a section of wall that just ends is you can walk around it.
Of course, there’s really no difference in principle between a giant wall and a barbed wire fence. Both can be gotten over/around; one is just a lot harder. Which doesn’t mean it would have no point, just like the fact that your door can be knocked in with a sledge hammer doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have one, and shouldn’t lock it.
The purpose of the front door is to ensure only those actually committed to burglery actually commit it. It obviously cannot stop all burgleries. The same would be true for the wall.
The problem with this argument is already today where we stand it is difficult enough to illegally come to the US that only those most committed to doing so illegally do so. The addition of a wall would not act as a deterrent in the slightest UNLESS that wall were actively patrolled by armed guards willing and allowed to shoot anyone on the other side of it who is making any attempt to bypass or damage the wall.
Thing is you could accomplish EXACTLY the same effect by having the armed guards without the wall.
In otherwords having a wall anywhere outside of major population centers which are directly on the border serves absolutely no purpose and accomplishes nothing. Inside of major population centers as you already note there likely already are walls and they largely serve the same purpose as your front door, to stop opportunistic illegal border crossings, not to stop all border crossings limiting the illegal immigration to only those most committed to doing so.
Can’t let him put one in “W” column.
I’m hoping deadlock prevails for a long time, and then the people furloughed (rather than showing up for work and not getting paid at the time) don’t get voted a retroactive paid vacation cause Trump vetos any such free shit.
Why do you want this glorious shutdown to ever end?
Wonderful as it may be, nothing’s really shut down and all the workers affected are going to get back pay, so it’s pointless in the end.
I want the government to really shut down.
If government workers really do vote 95 percent democrat, why would Trump/Republicans approve their back pay or care if they ever come back?
I think they already approved it. Besides that Rs really aren’t small government in practice, it defuses the stories of poor fed workers not able to provide Xmas for their Tiny Tims because they’re already guaranteed to get money for not working.
But if you can punish your enemies until they give you what you want, why wouldn’t you do it?
/disclaimer I may be a sociopath
It’s called picking and choosing your battle and the Dems aren’t choosing right.
Of course they should just fund it. Tell him, here’s $4 billion and fuck off.
They can always laugh if it pans out the way they said it would at a later time/date.
I mean, Obama’s legacy is pretty much a joke at this point and we’re all laughing, amirite? I hope. I wish.
So looking at this graphic of federal shutdowns… which ones benefited Republicans, and which ones Democrats?
Not following.
Other than that, not shut down long enough!
Well, I’m just curious if a shutdown ever benefited Republicans, because the only one I remember is Obama’s and that sure as shit did nothing for them. So Democrats letting it go on seems reasonable to me.
Would this be the case? Wouldn’t the Fed have some sort of easement along it’s border?
If he declares the emergency, they can seize the land and build the wall. The legal action would be haggling over the price.
But that’s what I’m wondering…if there is an existing easement there, they wouldn’t even have to give compensation. If I am correctly understanding how easements work, that is.
Any real estate lawyers here?
How about real estate novelists?
+1 Piano Man
The easement would have to be granted at some point for the specific purpose. They don’t just arise because someone wants one. Also State law governs most property issues (although the secret FYTW clause does seem to sometimes swallow general legal principles.) That said I wonder how much of the border is privately held?
Make Mexico pay for it by building it on their side. You were invading us, so we decided to return the favor. Do something about it.
My inner thigh was itching like crazy.
Not saying it happened in this case, but I could see a bunch of kids making up a story to get a teacher canned/jailed. Middle schoolers are evil little shits and the monsters always come out when there is a substitute teacher.
Looks like a snowflake high on the curve to success….
I sent that to my daughters. They’ll love it:)
I was just trying to find out how much a Tesla model s weighs. I landed on a couple of official Tesla web pages featuring text which appears to have been written by someone who (barely) speaks english as a second language.
Still don’t know how much that shitbox weighs.
I’d also like to see some photos of the wrecked car, to see if it is a comprehensively demolished as that Californis one that broke in half when it hit the center barrier.
According to Car and Driver, curb weight is 4954 pounds. It’s on the right side of the screen if you scroll down a bit.
^^This pretty fuckin heavy, but the center of gravity is one of the lowest of any cars, because batteries weigh a lot.
I think I know of another way Lora can be overjoyed.
Two personal massagers?
Uffda! I heard the police told that Norwegian dude to prepare for the worst case scenario so he went down to the goodwill store and got her stuff back.
“Oh, no! Her mother AND sister are coming with her?!”
Trump reads SugarFree stories. It’s the only thing that makes sense.
Trump walks out of meeting with Democrats on government shutdown
Alternatively, Trump and SugarFree have that Force Bond thing Rey and Kylo did in The Last Jedi.
The spluttering will be awesome if that’s true. “But, but…” Hey, if you’re not willing to negotiate on the only thing holding up the deal, why meet any longer?
Trump and SugarFree have that Force Bond thing Rey and Kylo did
You mean autism?
According to Car and Driver, curb weight is 4954 pounds.
So, the Tesla weighs about as much as a Suburban. Just as I suspected.
Running it into a 30mph corner at ~120mph would be… ill-advised, no matter what kind of tires it has on it.
Dude, I heard it’s got magnetic traction shims under the Croft fenders. You can totally do that.
Every 18-year-old should be given a fast car and a lonely, twisty road. We’ll all be better of for it in the long run.
Car guys on the radio, remember them?
Caller: should I buy my daughter a 600 HP car as her first car?
Klick and Klack: buy her a coffin first
I expect kids to be dumb, but geez, who arose moron parents?
Minnesoda Man visits Florida, goes native.
I think it was the unavailability of extra-mild salsa what pushed him ’round the bend.
Sometimes you just gotta rub one out, man
And make sure someone sees it so they can give you an Olympic score for the effort?
Razorfist on the recent Louis CK kerfluffle:
He even has a good school shooting joke at the very end. How he manages to not get booted off YouTube is beyond me.
I believe he’s been booted more than once.
Rufus is green with envy. Minnesoda GOPers have put out FIVE broad proposals to deal with high costs of child care.
The DFLers are more about subsidies and expanding universal pre-K.
I guess, no one wants to advocate for repealing all those costly regulations.
So, you’re going to pay people cash to comply with regulations to babysit kids. Nothing could go wrong there. The incentives are perfect.
Daycare is getting ridiculous around here. Between $350-$400 a week for infants in daycare centers.
It costs the government here about (depending on the study; not that there have been many) $93 to $102 a day to run on the subsidized side.
It’s labour and cost intensive.
One of the reasons my wife stayed at home with the kids is that it takes a really good job to pay for all the costs of working outside the house. Day care, commuting, clothes, etc.
That and the fact that she loved raising the kids. Weirdo.
Just like everything else, DIY childrearing is cheaper, and you get to customize the result much more than if you buy an off-the-shelf childrearing plan.
If cheapness and control are your buttons, then DIY is the way to go.
KEEP POLITICS OUT OF IT. Once you get the rats it, it becomes a politicized commodity like anything else. Anarchy ensues and government agencies swell.
I’m currently running afoul with the government and waiting to see what happens. Turns out in one of the laws, I have to enlist on a service I didn’t ask for or need (same logic as the ‘uniform appplication’ crap) and they send ME THE BILL. I got on for $200. Last year was a rough year for us (expansion and not enough revenues to cover for the outlay) and so it wasn’t welcomed. That plus the fact NO ONE seems to know who these fuckers are or how they managed to snag themselves a crony contract like this.
They’ve sent me to reminders and I’ve ignored both until I get answers other than ‘it’s in the law’.
How they think this is not Mafiosi tactics is beyond me.
Do they think five broads is enough?
Stories about retarded Johnny and Stevie whiping out their Dad’s sports car and killing themselves, and Canadian women getting stuck in the teeth of donation boxes make me think that we need a new classification for certain deaths. Death by natural selection. An Act of God. Call it what you want. But when someones demise is labeled as such, the media can’t print stories on it. The retarded relatives can’t sue and no charges are filed. Basically, we all agree it was for the best or just a case of shit happens (to really, really dumb people).
The ice-cream was too cold! The coffee was too hot! The oatmeal was too hot! The beer too cold! The habanero too hot! The sweet pepper too sweet!
“Darwin Award wanna-be”?
Fucking SoDak’s stealing our shrimp farms!
I’m sure the Minnesoda pols will be along to talk about how they didn’t really want that icky shrimp business anyhow.
How do you farm shrimp in frozen ponds?
indoor shrimp farming
Rule 1: Keep your cool
Tiny heaters?
Easy, frozen shrimp.
Raising frozen shrimp takes a step out of the process, thereby reducing production costs.
It’s economic genius. Buy a bunch of shrimp. Toss them in a frozen pond in Dakota. Half a year refrigeration for free!
Ice shrimping doesn’t mean toeplay with your ice fisher lover anymore…
I’m also sad that there won’t be a reboot of Luverne and Shrimpy here in Minnesoda.
News that’s too local .
Cop previously in trouble for ACQUIRING A MACHINE GUN in trouble again for crashing into pizza driver.
He got the Ted Kennedy treatment tho’ : “(Police) talked to him hours after the accident happened,” Slyman said. “Where the accident happened … that is not where the officer spoke to Eric.”
She’ll keep eye out for you!
You get a hard gaze for that one.
So that stuff really works?
Years back I had a Doctor write me a prescription for antibiotic eyedrops for pinkeye. She messed up the script and wrote it for a topical antibiotic. When I got home from the pharmacy she had left me 3 frantic messages not to use it, from the tone of the messages I gathered it would have been bad.
When I was poor and got pinkeye, we put a VERY thin film of Neosporin on the eyeball. Incredibly painful but very effective.
What do you mean you thought that only happens in thrillers?
Kidnappings happen all of the time, we just don’t hear about it much.
Win the lottery? Claim your win through a trust or llc and then move where no one knows you
Thomas Massie is such a badass.
Jan 7
“Everything in our house, including geothermal heat-pump and deep freezer (full of grass-fed beef ? we raised), is running on this rekt ModelS tesla battery right now. It was charged by solar today. I built it & programmed it in C on a Pi.
TFW haters call me anti-science… ?”
Oh, and he documented it on his YT channel:
Tesla battery powered house and it WORKS (from start to finish)
What is a geothermal heat pump?
There are many variants.
That’s not my bag, baby.
I think you need to be on dry land to do it 🙂 It’s basically a heat exchange pump with a deep well. It uses the constant below ground temperature to exchange heat with your home, cooling in summer and heating in winter.
Anybody have any experience with these slippers or the company that makes them?
No clue how this ended up here.
You posted it here, that’s how.
Haven’t had that exact pair, but awhile ago I had a pair of their slippers. Comfy, lasted forever.
He got a free mug and satchel! REPUBLIKKKAN KORRUPSHUN!!!
Jason Momoa went full Biden. You never go full Biden.
WTF dude?
That’s the end of his career.
Next time we see him it will be a mugshot of a drugged out homeless dude
He might get a woke pass from Aquaman but we’ll see. And dayum that was a lot of grabbing.
That was a full fondle, not a mere grab, he strokes, shifts his hand into position and squeezes. And her reaction… If that is real video he is in a world of hurt.
Original full video.
On 2nd look, that has to be his kids.
They are his daughters.
Yeah in the context of the full video it looks less like a sexual grope and more like the kind of nervous fondle/irritated pull away of parents and kids. In the full video his reaction looks much more like he wasn’t even paying attention to where his hand was.
Yeah, her reaction was typical of a ‘Gee, dad, you’re embarrassing me in front of my friends!’.
Watching it again I retract my comment above. This video first linked is misleading. I don’t think there is anything untoward here.
Not sure I’ve ever seen a dual breast fondle before.
When you’re woke you can do anything and get away with it
OMWC is Aquaman? Why is he moving to Arizona?
I know OMWC and he is definitely no Aquaman. More like John Herbert from Family Guy.
Are those his kids? I’ve seen parents do that, when you’ve been manhandling them since birth that’s not a big deal. Might look odd to others but, Meh. Again, assuming they are his kids.
She’s a little kid, Jason, for dog’s sake
Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, pretty much the second best member in the House of Representatives, wrote an OpEd denouncing the illegal religious tests that Senate Democrats continue to try impose on judicial nominees (being a member of the Knights of Columbus is apparently problematic with the woke set these days). And is now being attacked by fellow Democrats and far-left partisans (Weigel) for not towing the party line.
Meanwhile two new MN Democratic house members are explicit anti-semites and we’re all supposed to pretend like they’re just anti-Israel and not anti-Jew despite their explicit remarks.
Fuck the woke religious zealots
Would Tulsi Gabbard.
I mean, yeah, of course
Drugs and syringes have become such a problem in Starbucks bathrooms that the company is installing needle-disposal boxes in certain locations
I’m sure the bums shooting up in your bathrooms are going to responsibly dispose of their needles after as long as they have that box.
This is all because two dudes flipped out and started a social meeting shit tornado last year when they were asked to leave a Starbucks, right? Maybe if they’d just apologized to those two dudes and not completely rewritten store policies and such, their stores wouldn’t be hobo camps.*
*Oops, sorry. Accommodations for persons experiencing homelessness. I need to stay with the current style guide.
Er… social media shit tornado.
Deblasio put these boxes up in a Bronx Park. Guess what happened.
Well the rich are gettin’ richer And the poor are gettin’ drunk
“Ask me no more questions, I’ll tell you no more lies, and if you get hit with a bucket of shit, be sure to close your eyes.”
Hiya, my peeps! Busy, busy, gottta run! See ya!
Count Dankula does a minidoc on Shoko Asahara, the Japanese nerve gas attack guy:
Pretty interesting, I didn’t pay that much attention at the time-Aum Shinrikyo was an honest to god dangerous bunch and sounds it like they actually still might be.
Trump’s intransigence on the wall got me thinking.
Let’s assume for the moment that Trump actually is a 4D chessmaster (risky assumption, but bear with me). He’s said that he’s willing to let the government shutdown carry on for years. He’s said it primarily affects Democrats. He must know the Dem base would howl and scream bloody murder (as they often do) if their newly elected ‘historic’ delegation caves on wall funding.
What if this is a ploy to outlast not the Congressional Dems, but the Federal workforce? They are the ‘deep state’ after all. You can’t fire a government worker, but what if you can force large numbers of them to quit?
Despite how noble everyone knows our civil servants are, they can only work for so long without getting paid. Many are already bitching about having to go 2 weeks. What if no deal is reached until October 2020? Even if they could claim UI (can they? IANAL), it wouldn’t last that long without another act of Congress which Trump may very well veto. This could be a roundabout way to really drain the swamp.
Here’s a fun fact about FedGovs saying they haven’t been paid….we dont get paid until next Tuesday. We haven’t missed a paycheck yet. So any story that is out there claiming people are starving, etc are bullshitting you.
Yeah, that makes the sob stories even more nauseating.
Depending on the state, furloughed FedGovs can claim UI but run the risk if they are called back to work and are given backpack for furloughed time, have to pay UI back.
Just wanted to share an experience.
I was coming home from work the other day and got caught behind “Ron’s Ma”, according to the license plate.
She was driving a giant fucking hummer at 1/2 the speed limit -5. And stopping at red lights about 100 feet from them. I just wanted to say fuck you to Ron. If your mom is too old and it’s dangerous for her to drive take away her keys. Buying her a fucking tank so she lives and others die is irresponsible.
Ron’s mom is good with hummers
Is he related to Winston?
Ouch, my balls!
I guess we know who’s not around in the AM. :-p
Manginas for everyone!
Is that some sort of sex robot?
If only
Old Greg’ll show ya.
My brother is visiting for a conference and his wife arrives tonight. I really dislike her. My mom was here for more than a month, now they are here. I WANT MY HOUSE BACK! I told my brother this was a bad time, but they didn’t listen. I’m also under a lot of stress at work. My boss told me today that my project and one other are THE PRIORITIES for my department. Nothing else matters. This is a project that I was asked to take over. Yikes!
Decamp to a hotel for tonight and make your SIL arrive to a locked house.
Buy them a hotel room.
Tell them to buy a hotel room.
Tulip, you are a saint.
Walk around practically nekked with your hand down the front of your shorts….
Has worked wonders for me when I need to get rid of unwanted house guests…
You’re a better sister than I am a brother. When my brother came to visit the area recently I made it pretty clear he wasn’t staying with me. Of course I used some stupid excuse that he probably saw right through but still.
…And I wish my brothers could stay with me…We only miss them when they’re gone..
I remind myself of this, frequently.
Also, my mom has been telling everyone how nice it was, and how she didn’t have to lift a finger (not true, she did laundry and dishes and it was nice to not worry about dishes and they were done, etc) . I enjoy it more in retrospect. That won’t be true of sister-in-law.
Mom is 87 so I’m grateful she was here.
Enjoy the days, even when Mom seems to be a bit annoying. My kids come occasionally and we don’t let them do too much. The grandchildren are grown up now and busy with their own lives but they like to visit but not often enough, Grandma always sends them away with a big care package of food.
When my Minnesota in-laws wanted to visit in Tucson in the winter, they said they wanted so stay with us for nearly a month. I told them if they stayed more than a week, they were going to pay rent.
They stayed 4 days.
Lol. I piss everyone off by refusing their hospitality.
I need my own space.
“fish and visitors”, etc., etc.
We broke with “tradition” and got an AirBnb for Christmas, instead of staying at my Mom’s (tiny) house. It was pretty great and I was pleasantly surprised that no feelings were hurt.