Good morning my bright and happy dumplings! And what a glorious morning it is as the government is still partially shutdown with no end in sight. Here is the current lead article on Drudge about the shutdown. I’m only posting it because Dick Durbin provides the world’s worst analogy I have ever read. Do any of these people have normal family experiences?

apropos of nothing
Kentucky driver tried plowing through family’s snowman in their front yard only to discover the hard way that the snowman was on top of a giant tree stump.
Thank God, CNN, I’ve been waiting weeks for this hot take.
Celebrity fights are just retard fights, but I am with Roker on this one. Michaels’ unrealistic weight loss plan of working out all day while starving yourself not only doesn’t keep the weight off, but obliterated her torture victim’s metabolism.
Snuffaluffagus’ version of events.
Welcome to Houston, Californians.
Global Warming does not increase hurricane activity according to a study.

Fuck face
In the words of Michael Malice, “Imagine being this person.”
At least she’s not planning on running a Hot Carl.
That’s all I got for today. I’ll leave you with a song and then get my girls ready for the day.
Instant karma is satisfying, but doesn’t fill you up for long.
What if it was some poor soul who spun off the road and is now in a coma in the hospital!
They managed to drive away, so that would have been a separate incident.
I think they tried to push it down instead of hitting it full head on, the real way to take out a snowman.
“Snowmen are tough, Dude”
Well in the years that we had snow before Christmas, there was a house in the western suburbs of Cleveland that would build a snowman in his front yard that was a good 15-20 feet tall. Honestly, it looked more like a snow mountain, but he put giant stick arms into it and colored in a face. My only complaint was that this was on a road that connected to the freeway, and was only 3 lanes (including a turning lane), so people stopping to take pictures would hold up traffic (and that’s really the fault of the assholes stopping).
” colored in a face”
Blackface snowman? That’s Racist.
There is a guy in Duluth who does that every year as well. This year he made a giant baby new year Trump (complete with Cheeto coloring)
Some nice, rational person decided to behead it
Would there have been any difference if there wasn’t a giant snowman over it?
Thank God, CNN, I’ve been waiting weeks for this hot take. – public intellectuals are more important now than ever
And because on of the links was daily fail and it was right there in the sidebar, I will anticipate a certain poster one more time
I am even going to say the keyword
Just a PAWG but that’s okay too.
You’re confusing thicc with pre-diabetes.
Common mistake.
Demi Rose Mawby Plastic Surgery – Boob Job & Butt Implants?
Better than Boob Implants and a Butt Job?
She might look attractive now, but in 20 years that ass will be as big as a house…
No, it requires an oil change every 3000 miles. She’ll have many more procedures done by then.
I would love to see video of her trying to snorkel and failing to get under the surface of the water.
Man… What is with Democrats and hating on Uncles?
They sure love Uncle Sam.
They seem to like creepy Uncle Joe as well
Also, sounds like Dick Durbin really needs to have a sit-down with his particular uncle, probably with a family counselor in the room. This sounds like a cry for help more than a contribution to a national policy discussion.
The old “national discussion”. People flinging poo is an interesting way to describe that.
Was that even an analogy? He managed to make an analogy that even more nonsensical than the reality we’re living in.
Isn’t it Ironic?
Don’t you think?
Global Warming does not increase hurricane activity according to a study. – meh people will agree to this or not depending on their views. It will change nothing.
Despite it being a simple matter of counting empirically observable phenomena.
Eagerly waiting to see if they would, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer made his feelings known.
“Guys. I’m still holding my breath. Are you gonna RT Cardi B or not?” he tweeted.
Sounds like he wasn’t only holding his breath.
If every person who said that, was actually forced to hold their breath… The world would be a better place.
I only hold my breath for things which impact the air quality going into my lungs.
Yeah, like when standing near the back end of a propane-powered forklift.
Nice euphemism for eating out Maxine Waters.
something something black hole of Calcutta
“Oh, you guys”
/In my best CNN impersonation voice/
Just reading that took years off my life.
Tat was SugarFree-esque.
It was expertly precise.
Literal LOL
“Huzzah! Our elitist nature wins out in the end!”
Hand it off to Occasional Cortex, she’ll run a train on it.
“In the words of Michael Malice, “Imagine being this person.””
Look i invoked Heaven in a way that should make you feel bad. I am therefore right.
Writing a mystery is hard.
The problem lies in not knowing what connections the reader might make, and what clues or red herrings they might pick up on. I’m 12,000 words into one set in the Tarnished Sterling universe, and I’m still setting the stage. We had to introduce the narrator/designated investigator, set up the backdrop and why they might get embroiled in this, and establish the cast of suspects. I haven’t even figured out who’s going to end up dead.
It can’t be that hard. Lots of TV shows do it every week. Granted they suck and you can nail who did it in 5 min, and usually get the How 5 min before the protagonist.
It never took that long when watching Columbo.
All TV writers do is recycle old shows. They change the names and settings but they are the same plots and characters in a rigid structure. Of course they can crank them out.
+1 line down the center of the room.
Twist: no one was killed, the investigator is an asshole who wants to get someone to confess to a murder they did not do.
Second twist: the investigator is in fact secretly twins.
Third twist: everyone is immortal so no one could have died anyway.
I always wanted to see the last episode of Murder She Wrote where it is finally revealed that Jessica Fletcher is actually a serial killer who successfully managed to frame hundreds of innocent people.
You are not alone in that.
While you’re at it rewriting the classics, can we get Gilligan laid?
Only if it’s part of a plan to kill him so they can finally escape without him ruining the work.
What part of “If not for the courage of the fearless crew” do you not understand?
One act of courage does not make up for a million fuckups afterwards.
It makes up a pretty good sitcom. You want to kill Gilligan. Shocking stuff on the thread tonight.
You are easily shocked if wanting to kill off a fictional character does it.
Gilligan and The Skipper shared the love that dared not speak its name.
It was teh butler!!!
There isn’t a butler. The murder takes place on the set of “Mecha Brawl” a giant robot fighting league as real as professional wrestling.
Where’d you get “Mecha” from? You been talking to young guys in Shibuya?
‘Mech’ is trademarked. I had to get the generic fallback, and the term from Japan is it.
FYI, it has nothing to do with “mechanical”. Comes from “mecha cucha” or “all fucked up”. Interesting play on words if you intended that.
Are we even talking about the same term?
“In Japan, “robot anime” (known as “mecha anime” outside Japan) is one of the oldest genres in anime.”
That explains it.
No MechaButler? What kind of wasteland is your book set in?
One where the operational overheads of the show make the profit margins small enough to forgo frivolities.
“Crushbot carried a very robust insurance policy. Possibly because his name and profession are both listed as Crushbot.”
Some even found his endless infatuations endearing.
In the mysteries I’ve read, the mystery itself is usually somewhat beside the point, with the atmosphere and characterization being far more important. But, other than a few Sherlock Holmes and Spenser novels, and a handful of others, it’s not really a genre I’m too familiar with.
Edmund Spenser wrote mystery novels?
Hawk was the best badass ever
He was a wormhole God afterall, so of course he was badass.
So set it on a dark and stormy night?
Any Nevada Glibs able to tell me the frequency of storms in the middle of sagebrush country?
Pelosi tells Trump he will have to end shut down or deliver State of the Union address in writing
How about even if the shutdown ends, the president should still deliver the SOTU in writing, since that’s more in spirit with what the U.S. Constitution actually says, and was the practice of presidents up until Woodrow Wilson?
Fucking WW was an Attention Whore. He was also the first president to Visit Europe (as part of the negotiations for Versailles).
“…He was also the first president to Visit Europe..”
When you consider that in that era and before travelling from the US to Europe was a journey of days or weeks – while you’re supposed to be running the country.
– while you’re supposed to be running the country.
No the president is not supposed to run this country. He is supposed to oversee the execution of the laws passed by congress, and exercise overall command of the armed forces. To preside is not to reign.
Nancy, the ‘shutdown’ ends very easily – you take funding out of some other wasteful program and move it to the wall building column.
Poof, shutdown ends.
But I’d much rather you lot continue to throw tantrums for the next few months.
“Trump, do this thing that will guarantee you won’t get re elected or else!”
I can get behind going back to that. Anything to cut back on this dumb cult of personality the office of president has.
I have been looking forward to the first president who will do it.
Or just show up unannounced one random day in June and read it to them.
You know what? If you Congress critters worked together you could come up with a budget bill that would open the government on your own. You just need to make enough compromises to override a veto.
It isn’t like the GOP is slavishly devoted to Trump. If the Dem majority did some serious horse trading, they could probably pass a veto proof bill.
The supposition there is that they are actually interested in doing their job more than they are in grandstanding for the lot of drooling morons that go for this “resist” shit and the sweet donor cash that rolls into their campaign coffers because the rich elite that see Trump’s election as an attack on the status quo that made them rich and gave them power, feel threatened and want to make sure everyone gets their message they will not tolerate any attempt to hold them accountable or to dismiss them.
I agree with all of that.
What irritates me is how few citizens seem to understand that Congress doesn’t need any input from the president to put a spending bill together. Sure presidents have proposed budgets for a long time to help set priorities, but it isn’t required.
I haven’t seen one news article even suggesting the possibility that Congress could pass a spending bill that could open the government by over riding any presidential veto. Not one.
It’s always Re-election Time, its what politicians do.
I actually saw some guy say exactly this on Fox News this AM when I was at the gym doing my AM treadmill workout. In fact, they suggested that the Senate take up that last bill with money for the wall in it, send it back to the house, and thus forced the house members to vote and giving us all a tally of who wanted to end the shutdown and who didn’t.
Excellent idea, which is why Team Red won’t do it.
Team red has the same vested interest as team blue to make sure Trump doesn’t win too big. After all, they are also profiting from the existing status quo and the deep state. Never forget that.
Honestly, if they put together a bill that would get 2/3rds solid support, I bet Trump would sign it anyway. And not just because it was veto proof.
If the Dem majority did some serious horse trading
They wouldn’t get 100% of what they want. They are not fond of compromise.
I never watch them anyway, but it seems like delivering it from the oval office would be a reasonable move and play more to Trump’s style. There’s zero entertainment or informative value in watching them cutting between the same three shots of the president’s party acting like trained seals, the opposition party dutifully frowning, and the SC justices nodding off.
“I never watch them anyway, but it seems like delivering it from the oval office would be a reasonable move and play more to Trump’s style. ”
It’s technically supposed to be an address to Congress, not the nation.
You read it to the cameras and send them a copy.
Hell, tell them what time and channel(s).
“Watch it if you’re interested.”
Also, you have a sign-language “interpreter”, but he spends the entire speech flipping the bird with both hands from various different angles.
Congress is supposed to be the principal branch. It has most of the actual initiative power, it controls the money, it even has the power of approval over the important members of the other branches. The abdication of their proper role, and simultaneous intrusion into areas that the Federal Government is not supposed to have a role in at all have created the Imperial Presidency.
The unaccountable agencies (NLRB, etc) have insane amounts of power for blatantly extra extraconstitutional creations.
The non-delegation doctrine needs to make a massive comeback.
He can deliver it from the oval office via live video and Pelosi can fuck right off.
Put up a big screen in Congress. Maybe order up one of those fast food buffets for them.
“Dear Congress, Here is my Skype address and I am ordering 100 pizzas for you.”
He should just post it in a series of tweets and be done with it.
deliver State of the Union address in writing
I’m all for going back to this standard, but as others have said, Trump will not miss an opportunity for self-congratulation. And it would provide trolling opportunity if he still gives it but in a setting of his choice.
Video conference from a heart shaped bed in a brothel surrounded by hookers in lingerie.
I’d love to hear a SOTU that was actually the state of the union… “Federal outlays last year were xxxxxx . . .xxxxxx pages were added to the Federal register .. .. the FBI spent xxxxxx dollars on xxxxxx investigation . . . ” Etc.. it’d be be boring yet much better than the campaigning speech we get currently.
Start with “We spent $X more than we took in, including $x on interest payments for an outstanding debt of $Y. Some of the programs we are still funding through this debt include…” and list the most useless and absurd things on the federal rolls.
Don’t forget the total number of people employed by the fedgov, their average salaries, and outlays to support their pension plans.
When I grew up, everyone would rake their leaves into the street and the city would run the street sweeper the next day and pick them all up. (Actually a pretty good deal for everyone).
That night, there were a lot of youngsters (who were much ruder than me) who would drive cars down the streets and bash into the piles of leaves.
Every few years, some kid would learn the hard way to not do that on our block because our cranky neighbor would put a cinder block or two in the pile of leaves out in front of his house.
I’m sure his spirit is smiling somewhere at the snowman story.
In Romania this would be payback for the times kids filled a ball with gravel and pretended they just kicked it to far from where they are playing and asked a good Samaritan for the ball. If kids ask you for the ball in Romania pick it up don’t kick it.
Sounds like an organ harvesting scam.
I must have missed the part about waking up in a bathtub full of ice in pain from whatever surgery was used to harvest the spare parts, but I can see the logic…
Wake up? Dear sir, we’ve improved our harvest efficiency. There is nothing left once we are finished.
Just a skeleton resting on cinder blocks out behind the tourist hotel?
No, sir, not even that. Bone tissue is valuable, including ossified matter, cartiledge and marrow.
For some reason, this makes me think of the Buffy alternate-universe episode where the Master Vampire has the blood harvesting machine.
That’s because we sited the project in Romania.
Yep. The neighbor across the street got tired of the little fuckheads cutting across his corner lot and wrecking his lot.
A bunch of staggered railroad ties sorted that bullshit out quickly!
When I was a little kid, teenagers would run over mailboxes (cars were built like tanks then). A cranky neighbor mounted his new mailbox on a concrete filled steel pipe surrounded by a wood sleeve. That ended their shenanigans.
You mean that isn’t standard installation practice?
If a certain moonwalker had done that, we might not have sloopy.
Some jerks kept destroying my box with a bat so I installed an extra box beside it and filled it with concrete. A couple days later I found a broken bat on the ground. LOL.
Good morning, Banjos!
It’s an avalanche of lynx!
Jillian hates keto, but plastic surgery is just peachy, apparently.
From today’s awesome musical link:
packyman speaks truth.
Have a groovy day, you people.
Cardi B?
That’s the name of a person? Not a new diet? Or a drug with lots of side-affects from Merck?
I assumed it was hipster slang for Bacardi.
That’s not bad.
Yo, give me some 151 Cardi B!
That…that works.
We report, with review of the literature, the case of a patient who developed a subcutaneous abscess after intravenously injecting his own semen in an attempt to treat longstanding back pain. He had devised this “cure” independent of medical advice. This is the first reported case of semen injection for use as a medical treatment.
“This is the first reported case of semen injection for use as a medical treatment.”
I mean you could call pregnancy a medical treatment…
I can sort of see how a stupid person would try this. I mean, semen has stem cells in it, right? I’m not going to click on the link at work, but was the abscess a result of the injection, rather than the semen itself? It seems like the semen should gradually be re-absorbed by the body.
“. I mean, semen has stem cells in it, right?”
Now I feel like i need to look this up. Because i did not think so. Otherwise why would they be trying to get stem cells from abortions when there clearly should be an oversupply of them ready and available for collection?
It does not. In fact, it contains no cells capable of self-replication unless the donor has an STD.
You’re right. No stem cells in semen. I should have thought about it for more then 3 seconds.
It’s a home treatment. It’s likely either the needle or the contents got contaiminated with bacteria. The bacteria had a feast of gamates, and an isolated pocket with little lymph circulation as it was not a normal cavity – boom, instance abscess.
Consider what the function of sperm cells is. They penetrate cells and not just ovum. They would destroy tissue even if only in small amounts. You never had a girl complain about burning lips or nipples? Dunno, maybe my boys are just high spirited.
This just in, Suthenboy appears to be related to the facehugger in Alien.
New idea: semen-based exfoliating facial cream to make you look younger
100% organic.
Bukkae cream? I think I’ve seen an ad campaign for that before.
dammit, there goes that idea…
I know I always tell the ladies that mine is filled with 12 essential vitamins and minerals and I want them to get their minimum daily requirement, be it by injection or facial, but I have never made the leap to injecting myself with the stuff to help with any sort of condition….
Go figure..
I always feel better when I get the stuff out of me.
Weird, I just feel shame and self-loathing.
You are doing it wrong…
After the vasectomy, my salad dressing is reduced calorie.
From what we’ve heard about SF and the condition of their sidewalks, are we sure those are mud slides?
*Checks sole of shoe*
I think they consider homeless people output ass mud slides…
Stinky ones, but you know a natural disaster.
Some day a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets.
“Global warming does not increase hurricane activity according to study.”
According to the weather also. I never got any explanation for the mechanism by which AGW was purported to increase hurricanes. Hurricanes are formed by heat exchange between warm and cold air bodies. If everything warms then the heat difference (I dont have a delta or I dont know where it is) is less, not more.
Climate scammers keep their perfect record.
Especially is cold areas warm faster than warm areas
Or the same.
Hmm, I thought the updated argument was that AGW increased the intensity, not number, of hurricanes.
That would require a steeper heat difference.
Of course they will just change their arguments to something else now but with the same preferred policy demands.
get my girls ready for the day.
I was hoping someone else would go there.
Thanks, Holiness!
Why let OMWC and Q have all the layups, amirite?
Ron Paul Not ‘Energized’ Over Border Wall, Says US Incentivizes Illegal Immigration
I think incentives have a lot to do with it.
No way!
Fucking Paulistas! Did you know that the majority of people who are libertarians don’t identify with the Pauls. The best thing Rand did was go and get the socialized Medical Care from Canada. True libertarians love the rest of humanity enough to know that it requires sacrifices from others.
Did he explain why he did that?
Other than that, thanks for nothing Rand. Now we’ll get the ‘hmpf, see? Libertarians use socialized medicine because they live in a fake world!’ or some variation thereof.
He went to a for-profit, private hospital. It was fake news. Leon was channeling a progtarian.
He went to a private clinic.
Rand was with Maria this morning and explained he paid cash for the procedure and the reason he went to a particular facility in Canada. Not sure if he got a discount though.
Humans operate on incentive. Incidentally that is why communism doesn’t even work on paper, let alone in practice.
It cracks me up that many of the leftist planned economy systems (e.g. socialism, fascism, communism) that are based on leveraging the envy of people to implement (under the guise of “fairness”) also require the eradication of envy as well as all self-consideration in order to have a chance at succeeding.
It’s literally “YOU will get free stuff and THEY will have to leave their greed and envy behind” (with the hidden implication that THEY == YOU)
Are There Libertarians in Slovakia?
Just in case Trump needs any help with the border stand-off – The Next Migrant Caravan Is On The Move
And they are just going to keep coming over and over because…incentives. They are coming here for welfare checks….as mentioned above.
The people coming here for work are not interested in being seen and potentially intercepted, because that would prevent them from getting work and money to send home. These caravans are people coming here for free shit.
“And the caravan is on its way I can hear the merry (Guatemalans) play….”
Yeah, that will help Trump’s position. Are these caravans a new thing? Politically motivated? I don’t remember hearing about the phenomenon before the Trump Era.
There was an eruption of kids coming to the border toward the end of Obama’s second term, but it didn’t have the same vibe as this.
Good morning my bright and happy dumplings!
Someone is awfully chipper in the a.m.
bright? no.
happy? no.
dumpling? *Looks at fat belly* ding, ding, ding, ding
*grumbles, goes to refill coffee mug*
The shutdown is totes racist because it is literally killing the Indians.
The pessimist sees the effect that the shutdown has on the reservations and sobs like an Indian looking out over a trash dump, the optimist sees the same thing and thinks about how great it is that the Feds are nudging the tribes to return to their traditional ways. Stone age ways.
The arrangment with the Indian Nations is a strange and interesting one. If anyone here has some good information on it and was willing to do a write up….
The arrangement was, the feds would write up a treaty sending a tribe to worthless lands, signed at gunpoint, which if they subsequently turned out to be not worthless, a new treaty would be prepared and signed at gunpoint.
Until the 1980s or so, when the treaties were finally not ripped up at will.
The treaties stipulate that the tribe is a semi-sovereign nation, subservient to the federal government but not state or city governments.
Some rep from Oklahoma tried to introduce a bill to fund just the Indian Medical services – it got shot down on a party line vote by Dems.
Not saying the BIA should even exist, but still.
Damn Trump!!!!1!!!
The BIA is a goddamned travesty and was designed to fuck the tribes over. If people had any compassion for the tribes whatsoever they would argue its dissolution and the dispersal of any held funds directly to the tribes.
And preferably a check sent to each member of the tribe, rather than the leadership….
*smashes head on desk*
It’s time. Shut it all down.
Those programs were so effective too, it’s a shame really.
All one needs to do is to visit a typical reservation or whatever they’re called now and they’ll quickly realize those funds are being pissed down a black hole.
It’s a crazy-quilt of situations, though. For example, Red Earth is a ‘closed reservation’, where the tribal council is basically the Politburo and makes all the (mostly bad) decisions for the whole tribe. Other tribes have private ownership of land, etc. A couple of the tribes are actually quite wealthy but yet a lot of the problems still exist.
We’ve hashed this out a lot here. I’m coming around to just ripping the bandaid off once and for all and privatizing the reservations and trying to assimilate the tribes.
Sounds like a plan.
I love the fact that no one is asking the local tribes why the Shakopee (Mystic Island Casino) and the Mdewakanton Prairie Island (Treasure Island Casino) haven’t stepped up to help their brothers in this time of crisis.
For the non-Minnesodans, both those small tribes have extremely lucrative casinos near the Twin Cities. The amounts of money that the tribe members make is semi-legendary.
Same thing down here in Marksville. There is marginal improvement in their lot.
My aunt ran* the waste water treatment plant on the Prairie Island res for many years. She finally gave up because every election or two a new clan would win the tribal election and then they’d replace all the workers at the plant with relatives of that clan and she’d have to retrain everyone.
The tribe members were getting $8-10K/mo payouts from the Casino and she said that if that money went away they’d all be broke within 2 months. (Also that payouts are now held in trust for minor tribal members because their parents can’t be trusted with it)
*She ran one of the three crews that did the actual work. She had two levels of tribal management above her, but those were mostly no show jobs.
So you’re saying a UBI isn’t always the best thing for people?
What? Shut down the casinos? No way, old people need them.
Every time we drive by the Shooting Star casino on the White Earth res my father goes on a 10 minute (if you are lucky) rant about old ladies spending all their money there.
He will tell you all about his old buddy who had to constantly battle his wife for a few dollars to buy a new gun or to go fishing. Then he shuffled off this mortal coil and now his wife is down there dumping all that money she wouldn’t let him spend on fun stuff down the slots.
My old high school girlfriend and husband lost their home/business. I ran into her at a local restaurant after about 30 years, she couldn’t talk long because they were on their way to a Am Legion meat raffle.
Perhaps there’s a lesson in that for the tribes.
Open casinos?
We have 21 in Minnesota.
Any other ideas?
Stop subsidizing their poor choices.
Now we’re talking!
The profitability of casinos is a function of proximity to the Twin Cities and the size of the tribe that gets a casino license.
The story I linked to has a lot of sobbing from the Red Lake band and they are fucked because they are located a long way from anything good and have a large population. On the other hand, they are the only “closed” reservation in Minnesoda and have always been dysfunctional.
Is it irony that the same bullheaded tribalism that cost them their land in the first place continues to bite them in the ass?
According to my friends the casinos must be losing money. My friends are always telling me about the big payouts they get on every visit to the slot machines.
Registered sex offender pretended to be a woman to lure victims to his home
I know some freaks but the picture of this guy wins an award.
If you knock on the door and a guy that looks like that answers it it’s probably best to just leave.
But first you should accept a drink from him.
I love a good Benadryl cocktail in the afternoon.
Roofies are more effective I have been told…
OMG. Why did I click that?
“Does heaven have a wall?”
It has a gate so presumably yes unless God built a fence which still qualifies in my view.
It’s hard to believe that as recently as three or so years ago Bill Kristol was considered a conservative thought leader.
I have a feeling he had just listened to GNR and Pink Floyd when he came up with that.
It is a house with a narrow door. And houses have walls, so yes.
So what you’re saying is, God hates fat people?
/Cathy Newman
I’m a skinny guy so this is great news. I think I’ll be able to fit.
That really is a stupid statement on all accounts.
He’s a stupid man.
I suspect he thought to himself “What kind of statement will appeal to the rubes? I know, I’ll throw out some quasi-religious argle bargle.”
Then again, if he really is religious (he isn’t) he needs to bone up on the Ten Commandments, especially the one about not killing.
Is that the one where you wear purple Nike shoes and overdose just as a comet passes in order to gain entrance?
Uffda. Now this shutdown is hurting private companies. Wait. I’m not sure I feel bad that Delta lost $25M of revenue because Feds aren’t flying around the country.
As a taxpayer, let me be the first to tell the CEO of Delta to go fuck himself and his sob story about lost money. That is a real savings.
Hmmm seems really beneficial to the Environment. Seems like the other day one of the Environmental guys was talking about how a long recession is good for the planet because production goes down. Seems like they should be stoked about the government shutdown.
Fucking hell. I guess these stories are meant to appeal to people who think the money comes from the magical government money vaults, and not out of my fucking pocket.
The interviewer is more annoying than the CEO. She’s constantly trying to lead the conversation into a soundbite over how aggravated he is.
That Makes me Feel Angry!
“I just wanna remind you that it’s been a little bit over three weeks,” she says in the video. “Trump is now ordering … federal government workers to go back to work without getting paid. … This is serious. Our country is in a hellhole right now. All for a … wall.”
But is it really?
No, and that’s why this isn’t working for them.
I believe there is a relevant fable about a boy crying wolf…
Living in a Hell Hole
“federal government workers to go back to work without getting paid”
I mean, they’ve already promised to pay you. And if we get to April and are still shutdown come back to me. But until then the rest of us are working solely to support you and your life so FOAD.
If you define “our country” as “the people living the cushy life on your tax dollars” and “hell hole” as “not having missed any actual paychecks yet”, then yes.
Trump won a lot of good grace with me by ending the war in Syria and Afghanistan. No other candidate would have done that, because no other candidate was a madman.
I was checking credit card bills yesterday and both the companies I used had banners on their website assuring government workers they were “there to help” and urging them to call the 1-800 number. I get that there’s some self-interest there bu, sheesh.
Yeah. I saw the same thing. Does that make the credit card companies predatory loan companies now?
Unpossible! Minnesoda sees spike in unpaid bills.
Who’d a thunk that having insurance isn’t a magical solution to solving the problem of rising health care costs? Especially when those new insurance policies have much higher deductibles and copays.
I was assured by proponents of Obamacare that this would not happen. In fact they would go down.
I’m sure Politifact will soon put out a story about Obama’s statement that “this bill will bend the cost curve” as mostly true because he didn’t say that it would bend the cost curve down and obviously the cost curve did bend.
Oh, it bent the fucking cost curve, all right.
My progs don’t like it when they bitch about their healthcare costs and I remind them that they are – despite evidence to the contrary – saving an average of $2500 a year.
Rub their fucking noses in it.
KDW ducked a bullet
Argument by assertion and repetition is the order of the day.
He isn’t bribing people? Or if Hillary Clinton is our example, Trump isn’t murdering people?
So I was watching Owen Benjamin live stream a list off deaths associated with Hillary Clinton. It is a small Holocaust of people. It was creepy. She has no shame at all about killing people. Everyone knows she is a murderer and enables her husband to rape.
In November , 2016, She also ready had the FBI in her pocket. Can you possibly even imagine the trail of bodies if the FBI had cover of. “I was obeying orders”? If she had one? The world my not have dodged a hitler, but I am sure history is replete with psychopaty thugs who only killed thousands.
Lol. I’m watching that now. I don’t know if OB is losing it or that this is true and it makes people go crazy.
No shit. I see no detailed examples aside from the non-divestment thingy which I am pretty sure was vetted when he took office. He did offer to divest and for a while I thought he did. The rest of it is just unadulterated horseshit.
At some point in the future, there’s going to be historians who will use Trump era as a case study in mass hysteria.
Not if they come from the same ranks as the historians I know.
the problem is that, with the perspective of 100 to 200 years from now it would be so difficult to frame what was going on to the average Joe.
Somewhat like how The Wizard of Oz was political allegory for the sides fighting for a gold based currency versus the side fighting for a silver based currency. Today very few people have any idea about that.
“Children, scroll down on your tablet screen to Chapter 13: Literally Hitler. Tap the Bad Orange Man pictured.”
civil liberties
Democrats (and often other Republicans but less so right now.) attempt to violate multiple (all?) amendments 24/7 (more-so than the BoR is currently violated. You do not care about civil liberties and are not a serious person.
American democracy
Never existed and hopefully never will.
Are these federal workers getting back pay for which they did nothing?
Totally have nothing wrong with people getting paid for work they have done. I think 13th amendment Trump’s fucking contracts so I say these fed workers should be able to stay home.
What People Actually Say Before They Die
“This has been a Dan Curtis Production”
It’s always kinky with the Germans.
I’m going with the traditional “Rosebud”.
“…members often take advantage of a patient’s comatose state to speak their piece, when the dying person cannot interrupt or object.”
Remember the time, dad, when you disciplined me and it was for the good? But now I see it was toxic masculinity and your white privilege you failed to check that did it and so I denounce my gender! I denounce you! I will be marrying your…brother! Say….SOMETHING!’
So dying is just like Thanksgiving.
/flicks pea at SN. Looks away.
Many men’s last words are, “Clear the browser histo…”
Pal of mine who served two combat tours in Iraq said a lot of guys who are hit bad go into a fetal position and start crying for their mother.
Seen that happen… I sure did that when I was a junior in high school and asked this redhead chick “If you had no feet would you buy shoes?” and followed it up when she answered “That would be stupid” with “Why did you buy a bra then?” and got kicked in the nads….
I ended up dating her later in life and she was erm… Interesting.
I laughed, remembering those days. Nothing ever really changes…
“For those who do speak, it seems their vernacular is often banal. From a doctor I heard that people often say, “Oh fuck, oh fuck.””
Hey! Fuck you! That’s not banal!
He has set himself against the American idea, the principle that all of us—of every race, gender, and creed—are created equal.
By which this person means Trumphitler has refused to elevate some members of protected classes above the rest of us, I guess.
How can you be sure that Trump is going to win over the shutdown?
Because David Frum doesn’t think he will.
Shouldn’t Frum’s name appear as: David Frum, noted piece of shit and war criminal?
One of my favorite Frum moments, after he was called out years later for his bold-faced lies concerning Iraq and attacking the integrity and patriotism of anyone who dared challenge the administration’s take on it.
David Frum, pillar of moral integrity.
I watched a debate between Frum and Steve Bannon and the audience loved Frum with all of his moral preening and gibberish about the “liberal order”. I’m no Bannon fan, but between he and Frum, only one of them is a war criminal and it speaks to how bankrupt our culture is that Frum is the “good guy”.
My favorite was when Trump first got in office and syria was getting escalated, that the media branded everyone against the War as white supremacists
I remember Frum being HATED by progs/liberals during the Bush years.
Now he’s a-okay!
But that’s what it is when you have no principles. You’re principle, erm, fluid.
Max Boot and Bill Kristol as well. Then: crazy Bushpig warmongers! Today: “Public intellectuals”
So Trump is going to lose all that support he had within the federal bureaucracy?
Umm, that’s not being borne out.
The bloc missing paychecks are by and large team blue supporters. Air travel delays don’t effect the vast majority of people in this country, and are expected even when the feds are fully over funded. And the economy does not run on washington’s largess (yet)
I’m sure the Economy in NoVa is not doing so well right now. And that’s the only economy that matters to beltway insiders.
I misplaced my world’s tiniest violin ages ago. And didn’t NoVa go for hillary?
It’s not like anyone missing a paycheck can’t get a cheap loan for the amount. It’s free money for any lender.
economy stalls.
One of the stranger talking points. If the economy stalls in any way it would be because of things like permitting that is not happening while regulatory offices are closed. So the problem, as usual, is gov’t intervention in the market in the first place.
Why can’t those furloughed government workers just learn coding?
Or coal mining.
It’s immoral to work a blue collar job that feeds your family if it offends the sensibilities of rich people who live hundreds of miles away from you
What, there are no open positions at the rendering plant?
Rico Suave defends Gillette add.
Rico Suave
Of course he does.
Tell him to go suck donkey dick.
Hey now, Even an Ass has standards.
What I see on the social media is thie ad’s proponents saying that if you’re not toxically masculine then you shouldn’t be offended by it. From my own viewing of the ad, it seems Gillette went to great lengths to say that the every-man is toxic by default, especially when they had all the grilling dad types droning, “boys will be boys.” (work is blocking me from watching the vid to confirm my memory) My impression was that Gillette is saying all men are toxic, just like all whites have privilege.
“if you’re not toxically masculine then you shouldn’t be offended by it.”
This is the same argument as “If you aren’t a criminal, you have nothing to hide”
Of course no definition of “toxic masculinity” is provided, just like all collegiate bullshit words that mean nothing
1) I object to any company that tries to use their influence to push a social ideology that isn’t directly connected to them selling products
2) it’s pretty clear that it was addressing all men, not just the few bad apples
3) imagine if this were an ad addressing the sky high domestic abuse rate in black lesbian relationships. The left would have fits of apoplexy. However, because the ad engages in socially acceptable bigotry, the left defends it. Welcome back Dixiecrats!
I object to the insertion of politics into every single aspect of public (and increasingly private) life.
Therefore, I object to corporations unnecessarily inserting themselves into the culture wars. If the CEO of Procter and Gamble is an unabashed prog and spends his private money supporting those causes, etc… I really don’t give a shit. But when they start turning the act of buying their product into a political statement, I’m going to stop buying their product unless I have to.
It’s also the height of hypocrisy for those people who are complaining that there has been a negative reaction to the ad to be the same people who were boycotting Chick-Fil-A and lambasting the CEO of Mozilla for actions taken privately and outside the corporations.
I think he has a Mad Lib page where he just fills in the blanks for each new article. I swear he’s written this same story dozens of times.
The diet to save lives, the planet and feed us all?
No. Hell no. Fuck right off
BBC. That is all I had to see. I aint giving them clicks. What? Are they advocating eating bugs again?
I wouldn’t be surprised.
They want us to start eating people…
+1 Soilent green
Yeah, I thought we were concerned about methane emissions.
Besides which, beans aren’t that great for you.
So what they’re saying is, they literally want to feed everyone Soy.
Fuck that noise. Now I’ve been motivated to add a couple of large roasts and steaks to the shopping list for my visit to family this weekend. They would appreciate it, and it would be tasty.
Yup. Picked up a 5 lb pork roast to render into Carnitas.
Truth is that beans will go with that but most people will only rave about the Carnitas.
I’ve many a 7 year old assure me that the more i eat the better i feel.
Thar’s your problem – you’re taking nutritional advice from seven year olds.
Someone’s been reading How to Lie with Statistics….
Well, if the projections are somewhat accurate, the population will peak around 2100, then fall, so … correct but misleading.
If women have an average number of babies below the replacement rate, but people live longer, you’re adding people faster than you’re subtracting them for a while.
Good on pot legalization proponents for shouting and getting uppity at a presser by anti-pot shitheads in Minnesoda.
When you have to listen to cops and prosecutors talk about how evil the weed is, I think you get a pass for shouting BS at their press conference.
Yeah, you spout that shit and you get yelled at.
“illegal drug use is “by far the largest contributor to crime in our society” and that legalizing marijuana would only aggravate the problem.”
Misleading. MJ use does not increase violent crime. The black market in MJ does. Get rid of the black market and you will see violent crime likely drop.
Government needs criminals. Baptists/bootleggers
Don’t I know it!
/Cuomo II
Other than health care, prisons are the only growing industry in upstate NY.
I was assured by proponents of Obamacare that this would not happen. In fact they would go down.
Obamacare was a magic spell which would have made every American strong and healthy and virile (and whatever the feminine equivalent of “virile” is) and eliminated the need for doctors and medicine entirely, but those rat bastard Rethuglikkkinz sabotaged it. And now everybody is dying.
Obamacare has worked amazingly well. Also, we need Medicare for all.
Obamacare’s purpose was to make some connected people a lot of money, inflate democrat politician’s camapign coffers (from said connected people making money), give government even more power over people’s healthcare choices, reduce quality in general, reduce access drastically for those that had healthcare, increase costs for all, kow-tow to stupid people that have been brainwashed to believe they have a right to free healthcare even though people in the medical profession are some of those that rack up some of the most impressive debts to become proficient at their jobs, and eventually, collapse the existing American healthcare system so government could take that all over with a single-payer system they could then use as a weapon to anyone daring to challenge them.
By those standards Obamacare has been an incredibly successful government program.
Rico Suave defends Gillette add.
Bless his heart.
Bill Kristol has always been an asshole but it looks like he’s crossed into unhinged territory as well. That tweeter page is just…wow.
Predictions on how the shutdown ends and when?
2021, January, after the new congress gets sworn in.
/wishful thinking
Early March: Federal employees miss a few more paychecks and pressure builds on the Dems to compromise. They do and Trump does. I’ll even predict Trump takes slightly less than half of five billion so they can save a little face.
Or he could declare a national emergency tomorrow…the man’s unpredictable.
Trump holds out, not compromising an inch on the border wall, until the Dems cave and cut a deal with the border wall funding exactly as Trump insisted on, which he then signs;
… or the Dems and enough RINOs compromise and come up with a 2/3 override bill which gets enacted over Trump’s veto.
I can’t read Putin’s mind, man. I really don’t know what his plan is.
My advice to Trump- give the State of the Union address via the twatters.
Even better if he includes gifs on each tweet.
Study: Global Warming Does Not Cause Hurricanes
The reason that there is more damage nowadays is that way more people and infrastructure are on the coast.
Bingo, you got it.
That’s pretty much the same reason with Wildfires in California. There are fewer fires now, but 10x as many people living in the regions that catch fire as there were in the 1950’s
Not only is there not more damage today if you control by the increase in infrastructure costs…. there’s less. Hurricanes are getting less dangerous.
Better warning, preparation and stormproofing.
Predictions on how the shutdown ends and when?
Anarchy, lawlessness and chaos. Rape, pillage and plague. Thursday.
Does Heaven have a wall?
Why yes, Bill, as evidenced by its big, beautiful, pearly gate. It’s the best, classiest wall. Big league.
Best reply to that:
It’s immoral to work a blue collar job that feeds your family if it offends the sensibilities of rich people who live hundreds of miles away from you
“That’s not the sort of work I think you should be doing. I’d rather see you starve.”
At least she’s not planning on running a Hot Carl.
What about a Dirty Sanchez?
Cleveland Steamer?
Rufus Turner?
I’d like to know who tricked her into using that phrase in the first place. She obviously thought it meant something choo-choo related (like all prog fantasies).
Right now some person is quietly laughing to themselves.
I doubt she was tricked. People like her have no self doubt and is incapable of knowing what she doesn’t know. She genuinely probably thought it was a phrase that made sense. Sad things is her confidence is what will keep her in power and influential for years to come. The more you mock her, the more powerful people like her become. She’s a Millennial version of Trump sans any life experience and success.
Pretty much the most accurate assessment of AOC I’ve read.
“We’re gonna boof the progressive agenda!”
“Devil’s Triangle on the progressive agenda!”
The Respectable Man’s QAnon has now ensnared Bernie Sanders. He’s a Russia stooge!
“Bernie was the one Democrat not to vote to keep sanctions on Deripaska (he also voted against Russia sanctions and Magnitsky). @SenSanders won’t stand up to billionaires in Russia and he wants you to to believe he’ll stand up to them in America. #fraud …”
Point of order, Bernie voted against sanctions against Russia, because the package also included sanctions against Iran. Bernie was clear about this, because he, like all socialists, loves himself some war posturing just so long as it’s the right baddie. Rand Paul and Mike Lee were the only senators who voted against both sanctions.
What’s funny is that Bernie was a legit apologist for the Soviet Union during the Cold War and yet that never seemed to bother Democrats before.
Mike Lee makes me not feel like All of Utah’s delegation sucks. Just most of it.
What’s funny is that Bernie was a legit apologist for the Soviet Union during the Cold War
As were Biden and Teddy K
They’re going after Gabbard on similar grounds. The Dems have become the new McCarthyite war party.
The new war party. I fully support sending the mangina Democratic voters to go fight and die in Ukraine.
Totes RACIST!!
The best part of the photo is the fact that there is a black kid sitting right next to the racist Trump kids. (fun fact, a very good friend who is black grew up in Jordan and I have been mercilessly mocking him this morning about this story)
Also file in Nothing Left to Cut file: Office of Black Male Student Achievement.
No word from the Offices of Black Female, White Female, White Male, Asian Male, Asian Female…
Office of Black Male Student Achievement
All those grievance studies majors have to get employment somewhere…
This is Jordan, we do what we like
oh come on! Redux
Hah. That was basically my buddies response. “Gets people to stop talking about the sex scandal and Kathleen Morris”
He also made a comment about the student body having to rethink their plans to wear German SS uniforms when St. Louis Park comes to play and made me laugh. (St. Louis Park is known as St. Jewish Park by local troglodytes and is home to the Cohen bros., Al Franken and Tom Friedman).
Here are some resources, my racist friend.
To be fair that could just as easily be a made up position that solely exists so they can have a semi pro basketball coach on staff full time
It is also precious that the coach is so offended by people exercising 1A rights when his team is woke enough to not stand for the national anthem.
“When we virtue signal, other people are not supposed to respond negatively!”
So, a better real estate market then Detroit? Who’s looking for a retirement handyman’s dream in Sicily?
Is that where they make the anisette?
Uh…I want to see the property tax bills first….and a list of property rights there also.
Iron law: If it looks too good to be true, it is.
It’s a super fund sight, and when you buy the property the government will slap you with a 15 million Euro starting cleanup bill, level your house, and tell you you can’t do shit with the property going forward other than pay the annual 1 million Euro tax bill.
They already tell you about just a couple of the catches in the article:
So before any taxes, they’re estimating the repairs will cost 15,000 euro. Now, those are mandated refurbishments, which I’m sure require inspections, and specially trained work crews, so increase that estimate by probably 2-3 times at a minimum.
That is still not a bad investment for a vacation home in Sicily . Rent the thing out on Air BnB when you aren’t using it and in just a few years it could pay for itself.
Now if they have rules requiring owner occupation and forbidding renting it out then it is a different story.
I think you can get a lot of places like this in Italian and French villages. There’s no work so the young people move out. It would be an interesting place to have a retirement home. For the right price I might do it.
Not to sound hyperbolic, but if I were a practicing Jew in the US, I would be pretty weary right now. Antisemitism is being mainstreamed at a rapid pace. And once Democrats embrace antisemitism that means the culture will too.
This is pretty fucked up
You don’t remember the time when we were all required to go to the Jewish Doctor and he hypnotized us?
Remember? That guy really “Jew’d” me on the bill
Sorry for the tasteless humor
Yeah, I hate that stuff.
I’m literally Hitler
Hey now, At least Hitler’s jokes were good.
Wait- what’s worse than Hitler than?
Trump obviously.
Gee, I figured after importing a bunch of people from ass-backwards and anti-Semitic cultures, they would just stop being ass-backwards and anti-Semitic.
Is any news organization ever going to inquire as to why this bitch was married to her brother?
I was told the other night on Tucker that only Democrats are not racist and literally every non-Democrat is a racist. It almost looks like projection.
Too bad the local paper didn’t bother to ever bring that up before the primary. The jewish voters in her district might have been interested in her views.
On the other hand, it isn’t like she wouldn’t lie about her feelings about Israel during the primary debates (in a synagogue).
This shutdown is SERIOUS
Dan McCabe, a National Air Traffic Controllers Association representative, told NBC News that his colleagues had been holding meetings over the past year to prepare for the surge in travelers to the area. But now the planning meetings, which included officials from his union, the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Football League, have been grounded.
“As soon as the shutdown happened, these meetings stopped happening,” McCabe said. As a result, controllers feel less prepared than they’d like for the anticipated 1,500 additional flights a day to the area during Super Bowl week.
Dan McCabe, a National Air Traffic Controllers Association representative, told NBC News that his colleagues had been holding meetings over the past year to prepare for the surge in travelers to the area. But now the planning meetings, which included officials from his union, the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Football League, have been grounded.
“As soon as the shutdown happened, these meetings stopped happening,” McCabe said. As a result, controllers feel less prepared than they’d like for the anticipated 1,500 additional flights a day to the area during Super Bowl week.
Luckily for us, the terrorists won’t be able to get to Atlanta because the trains won’t run on time.
I know that I feel safer when I know the unions get a say in how my air traffic is handled.
Where in the world is
Carmen San DiegoMitch McConnell?Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and some of her fellow freshmen self-styled “activist” Democrat representatives spent part of Wednesday afternoon in a political stunt that ended up having some unexpected twists and turns.
Determined not to be constrained by congressional decorum, AOC and her team of charged-up freshmen reps marched over to the Senate side of the Capitol, eager reporters in tow, to hand deliver a letter signed by over 30 freshmen House Democrats to Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell demanding that he call for the vote on a bill to end the longest partial government shutdown in history…
Joining Ocasio-Cortez were Reps. Jahana Hayes (CT), Lauren Underwood (IL), and Katie Hill (CA), who expressed frustration with the congressional impasse. “At this point, the only thing left is for us to make noise and that’s exactly what we’re doing,” said Hill, the New York Post reports.
“Eight-hundred thousand people don’t have their paychecks,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “So where’s Mitch?” At one point she offered her an answer to her own question: “He seems to be running away from us.”…
“And now the House Dems – a smaller group including AOC, Katie Hill, Lauren Underwood- are heading to McConnell’s office in Russell to deliver their letter calling for votes to reopen government,” she continued. “And now they are holding a press conference outside McConnell’s office. They are saying they ran on political activism and are now bringing it to Congress.”
The next couple years are going to be fun.
“At this point, the only thing left is for us to make noise and that’s exactly what we’re doing,”
I think this is the definition of throwing a “Tantrum”. What is the phrase of the day? One of the Adults in the house needs to tell AOC to cut it out.
she was elected.
The Army is punishing two soldiers who blew the whistle on lowered standards on the Q-Course (Special Forces selection).
They tried to Article 15 the suspects, but they rejected the NJP and requested court martial. They Army dropped charges and stuck nasty letters of reprimand in their records instead. And it sounds like they are going to treat them like shit and run them out of the Army for exposing the truth.
The Special Forces is going to be a lot less special in the future.
Just like Ranger School let females keep recycling through until they passed.
This shit is being encouraged by congress so the political class can tell us that it was sexism that kept women out of these elite branches and not the fact they simply couldn’t meet the physical requirements.
For all the hero worship – Matthis made it happen. He could have squashed it and Trump would have had his back.
Special like short bus special?
Thus confirming once again that almost every soldier over a certain rank is a brown-nosing POS.
Less special, more force. (as in force them to accept the politically correct path)
Not sure how they are going to plaster over the first time when one of these elite units can’t fight their way out of a situation because the standards were lowered but I have no fear that they won’t find a way.
I gotta believe that the ones who actually do the fighting will figure a way around this. How are the units assembled? Is it possible to stick all the diversity hires in one (detachment? company?) and just never deploy them?
Pregnant? Not deployable
Heh. Basically what Israel did.
“Why are we the 304th Cannon Fodder Division?”
I love listening to Terrance Popp’s stories.
He did Ranger school and the Q-Course. Funny shit, but also unbelievable physical strain. I did some of that kind of stuff in the Marines and I’m honestly not sure any woman could do that kind of stuff for an extended period of time. Maybe 0.01% of them – but weeding out to that level is impractical and un-pc.
What they fail to talk about is the affect on the women who do make it through the lowered standards into combat units. I guarantee they’ll have serious hip, knee, and back issues for life. Many will get hurt in training – saw a woman Marine break her leg doing a spider drop – heard the snap from 50 yards away.
Not to mention Southern chivalry.
“No, ma-am, you just wait here, I’ll have a looksee at that machine gun nest over there”
Two frag grenades later
“Its OK now, let’s catch some MREs”
We had a WM in our squadron in Okinawa who won all sorts of triathlons, but when we were forced to do a hump she was always the slowest one. And we carried a lot of her pack too.
Fourscore is also right that we didn’t begrudge her personally because we were pretty protective of her to make sure she made it. I’m not sure how much friction there would be if we were being shot at. Probably not at her, but at upper brass for putting her in that situation.
Also, it isn’t the quick stuff that was the hardest. It is the long grinding bullshit with little sleep that really wore at you. One of the worst things I ever did was move our navigation aid gear from the middle of the runway down to the end of the runway during rainy season in Okinawa. Spent 3 weeks soaking wet and only getting about 5 hours of sleep a day. Holy shit that was horrible.
That’s what gets them. The chick who broke her leg used to outrun my slow ass in PT gear. She never, ever did a hump with us. Never seen a WM do a march. Walking with that kind of gear is really hard for a woman, and terrible for her body.
“Ohr’s activities, chronicled in handwritten notes and congressional testimony I gleaned from sources, provide the most damning evidence to date that FBI and DOJ officials may have misled federal judges in October 2016 in their zeal to obtain the warrant targeting Trump adviser Carter Page just weeks before Election Day.
They also contradict a key argument that House Democrats have made in their formal intelligence conclusions about the Russia case.
Since it was disclosed last year that Steele’s dossier formed a central piece of evidence supporting the FISA warrant, Justice and FBI officials have been vague about exactly when they learned that Steele’s work was paid for by the law firm representing the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).”
“The FBI claimed it was “unaware of any derogatory information” about Steele, that Steele was “never advised … as to the motivation behind the research” but that the FBI “speculates” that those who hired Steele were “likely looking for information to discredit” Trump’s campaign.
Yet, in testimony last summer to congressional investigators, Ohr revealed the FBI and Justice lawyers had no need to speculate: He explicitly warned them in a series of contacts, beginning July 31, 2016, that Steele expressed biased against Trump and was working on a project connected to the Clinton campaign.
Ohr had firsthand knowledge about the motive and the client: He had just met with Steele on July 30, 2016, and Ohr’s wife, Nellie, worked for Fusion GPS, the same firm employing Steele.
“I certainly told the FBI that Fusion GPS was working with, doing opposition research on Donald Trump,” Ohr told congressional investigators, adding that he warned the FBI that Steele expressed bias during their conversations.”
“The memo from Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-Calif.) team claimed that Ohr’s contacts with the FBI only began “weeks after the election and more than a month after the Court approved the initial FISA application.”
But Ohr’s testimony now debunks that claim, making clear he started talking to FBI and DOJ officials well before the FISA warrant or election had occurred.
And his detailed answers provide a damning rebuttal to the FBI’s portrayal of the Steele material.
In fact, the FBI did have derogatory information on Steele: Ohr explicitly told the FBI that Steele was desperate to defeat the man he was investigating and was biased.
And the FBI knew the motive of the client and did not have to speculate: Ohr told agents the Democratic nominee’s campaign was connected to the research designed to harm Trump’s election chances.
Such omissions are, by definition, an abuse of the FISA system.”
That nobody in the Obama admin has been sent to jail over this shit yet is not a good sign for those of us that want an accountable government not hell bent on fucking us over for it’s own memeber’s benefit.
That there exists exactly zero civil libertarians in this country now is disturbing. We’re all suppose to pretend like this is OK
Well, they exist, but are almost universally reviled the media.
Memeber = Someone who likes this page,
And nothing else happened…..
Well, it looks like the judge on the civil case will not back down, so that discovery process might finally force all this horrible shit into the public domain.
Sure, let’s wax Jesuitical on the subject of domestic spying. We know for a fact the precise meaning of Trump’s meandering, incoherent, and contradictory rants—when he says “There are good people on both sides,” we know with apodictic certainty that he’s lauding Klansmen and Nazis, despite his never being so forthright or comprehensible in any other context, on any other subject. When he asks Comey whether Comey would see fit to let Flynn go, we know for a fact Trump intended to interfere in an official FBI investigation. But all this fluff surrounding abuses by the FBI, I mean, who knows? Who can tell? The world is full of unexplored and unexplainable mysteries, and to begin tearing at them and insisting on things like written facts and statements under oath and punishment for crimes, and who knew what and when, doesn’t that just rob life of its magic and wonder?
In Soviet Union Thot Thursday ogles you!
Fortunately for us, these are truly essential employees not affected by the “shutdown”.
2, 2, and again 2. She’s really pretty and that dress/sunhat combo kills me.
9. OMFG, 9. Everyone else is a distant second to her IMO.
Economic doublespeak
TW: Forbes
Which takes us to the Green New Deal. Representative Ocasio-Cortez, whose educational background is in economics, understands as few leaders seem to do that our problems of late have been problems of deflation, not inflation. She also knows well that both inequality and the loss of our middle class have both caused and been worsened by these deflationary trends, along with their mirror images in the financial markets: our asset price hyperinflations – ‘bubbles’ – and busts. Her Green New Deal aims to do nothing short of reversing this slow-motion national suicide – and end our ongoing ‘planet-cide’ in the process.
The Green New Deal aims to stoke massive production of a vast array of new products, from solar panels to windmills to new battery and charging station technologies to green power grids and hydroelectric power generation facilities. The new production and new productivity that renewed infrastructure will bring will be virtually unprecedented in our nation’s history. This will be more than enough to absorb all new money spent into our economy. It will also distinguish the Green New Deal starkly from pseudo-stimulus plans of the recent past, none of which flowed to production or infrastructure and nearly all of which simply inflated financial markets.
The second theoretical reason not to fret about Green New Deal inflation is related to but distinct from the first. It is that our economy now is operating at far below capacity even as is, before the Green New Deal adds to capacity. Labor force participation rates still languish at historic lows, and wages and salaries have yet to catch up even to such little growth as we’ve had since our crash of ten years ago. Indeed they have stagnated for decades. These are classic indicators of slack – slack which by definition is opportunity-squandering, and which the Green New Deal now aims to ‘take up.’
tl;dr- don’t worry, we know what we’re doing. Inflation has been re-defined out of existence. We can print an infinite supply of money with no adverse consequences.
I wonder what Malcolm Forbes would say if he saw what his magazine has become.
There’s a lot to attack there but let’s just talk about this.
It would seem to me that if you were actually concerned about that, you would remove the disincentives to finding work, like welfare and higher minimum wages. Yet, every proposed adjustment to the welfare programs, like a work requirement for SNAP, is met with opposition by those same people that are pushing a “Green New Deal” to save the country.
The rest of it is just fantasy bullshit.
Plenty of people would get off welfare if they were given the $100,000/year entry level jobs they so rightly deserve!
>>from pseudo-stimulus plans
but don’t worry, this time there will be no cronyism or worthless projects. Pinky swear!
There have been 13 years in the last 100 that CPI was negative. only 3 in the Last 50 years. I don’t see how we can blame Deflation.
From 1870 to 1900 the US had deflation. This is consistent for pretty much every time span pre 1900’s.
She also knows well that both inequality and the loss of our middle class have both caused and been worsened by these deflationary trends, along with their mirror images in the financial markets: our asset price hyperinflations – ‘bubbles’ – and busts. – Somehow I can’t see that she put that much thought into it.
“loss of our middle class have both caused and been worsened by these deflationary trends”
You mean the upward mobility of the middle class that has pushed many into the upper class? I didn’t realize that’s a bad thing.
Of course it’s a bad thing. Upper class people buy more stuff, and travel more, causing more pollution!
In fact, the FBI did have derogatory information on Steele: Ohr explicitly told the FBI that Steele was desperate to defeat the man he was investigating and was biased.
“Well, duh. Nobody wants that asshole to win.”
Does Heaven Have a Wall?
No, of course not. There are no immigration requirements whatsoever for heaven. Everyone gets in. Open borders for Heaven!
Also, I’m not sure Bill really wants to use an analogy where Donald Trump is God, Angels are Border Agents and everything south of Texas is literally supposed to be Hell.
I bet Bill Kristol never finds out about heaven
Way to other the Catholics that are out there. No Purgatory in your afterlife?
Of course heaven has walls, why else would there be pearly gates?
Pearly Gates
I’m assuming the same reason as why the rocks at Little Big Horn are all white. The
Indianssinners kept coming and coming.This is the insanity we’ve arrived at:
As can be expected, the response was prostration and groveling:
Fucking idiots
They’re going to culture war themselves to death. Microsoft is standing at the door, taking notes.
Never stop an idiot in the commission of a self destructive act.
Fuck microsoft. They refuse to let us whitelist our own mailing lists so that we get blocked sending ourselves mass-mailings.
If you don’t have children, you’re only a couple.
You can be the adult child of another family, thus having siblings, parents, etc, but family is based around the reproductive unit and the spawn, possibly for several generations.
For the past two decades society has been driven toward acceptance of pathologies, so it should be no surprise that the same pathologies now drive public discourse. Does anyone recall a previous time in history when a completely innocuous term would cause someone to storm out of a room in protest like this? Could any truly rational human plausibly interpret malice from the a term such as “family friendly”? What kind of planet have we built for ourselves?
The shrillest and most emotional among us control the conversation. Stoicism is dead.
Peak stupid, at last.
Planned Parenthood is patriarchal, cisnormative, and heteronormative for offering “family planning.”
I want Dwiwanji to be more inclusive of indefinite articles.
As can be expected, the response was prostration and groveling
Honestly, they deserve it. At every step, they’ve knuckled under to the loons. There have been plenty of opportunities for them to take a stand. And they went with the howling spider monkeys. And it’s only going to get worse. Every time they give in, the loons become more embedded, more entrenched, and more emboldened. If they’d stood up a year ago, two years ago, putting a stop to it would have been a minor incident barely worthy of notice. Soon, getting their house in order will be impossible without destroying the company.
See I’ve known all along that this site’s vaunted “Family Friendly” rating was just a ruse for some sort of sneaky libertarian selfishness/othering.
Nicholas Sarwark
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If you find yourself arguing with a television commercial, perhaps you should reconsider your life choices.
“You can’t object to a company’s commercial. That’s not woke. Also, the NFL is violating the First Amendment Rights of football players who want to kneel for the anthem.”
That’s a nifty trick. “If you find yourself complaining about diversity in comic books,” etc. “If you think a white girl wearing dreadlocks is a personal affront,” etc. “If men behaving in a Stoic fashion makes you clutch your car keys and walk a bit more briskly,” etc.
How about this: if you think men should take life lessons, not from their fathers or role models or basic moral necessity, but from hamfisted ads for overpriced razors, you definitely need to reevaluate.
Also, “It’s silly to dispute this because it’s such a silly thing to dispute” doesn’t make the thing in dispute something serious. It highlights what a silly, meretricious stunt it was.
If you find yourself promoting a carpetbagger politician who violates all of your publicly held principles, perhaps you should reconsider your life choices.
If you find yourself arguing for communism, even though it leads to mass murder, perhaps you should reconsider your life choices.
If you find yourself posting on Twitter, perhaps you should reconsider your life choices.
What about on Glibs? I’m really not interested in introspection right now.
I don’t come here for introspection – I come here for a break from bureaucracy.
Does Heaven Have a Wall?
My assumption would be yes. They are supposed to be somewhat selective about just who they let in.
Well then Jesus is obviously racist. Also the whole conception of Jesus is othering and problematic.
We (emoji clap) need (emoji clap) a (emoji clap) transgender (emoji clap) deity (emoji clap)!
White (emoji clap) gods (emoji clap) are (emoji clap) problematic (emoji clap)
*revs chainsword*
Clap again and you’ll be ‘differently abled’ without hands.
+1 flaming sword
What are you going to call the evil, selfish, racist libertarians who refuse to stay in Hell and sneak into Heaven? Mistbacks (assuming Heaven is some cloudy place)?
I pointed my wife the the Gillette ad yesterday. She said it was condescending and offensive. She must be a gender traitor I imagine.
Peak stupid, at last.
I’ve got some news for you, Shirley. You might want to sit down, before I tell you.
Fun new parody account:
Oh, wow.
This account is a damned masterpiece.
Pretty good!
If you find yourself arguing with a television commercial, perhaps you should reconsider your life choices.
Confess your sins. Come to Jesus, and be Saved.
Gillian Michaels lectured Gary Taubes on thermodynamics.
Er, Jillian.
Thinking Scully, clearly.
You know who else learned about thermodynamics very quickly…
Joan of Arc?
The passengers of the Hindenburg?
Population of Alderaan?
The residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
“If you open the government back for a defined period of time, you’ve lost nothing if you can’t reach a deal,” Graham said in an interview. “I haven’t had one Democrat come up to me and say … ”
Did Lindsey not learn a damn thing about the Kavanaugh hearings?
If I were Trump, I’d handwrite the SoTU, go into Pelosi’s office, toss it on her desk with a curt “State of Union is Incredible” all while eating a Big Mac. Then leave.
Also if I were Trump I would tweet: “We’re going to Cleveland Steam this wall resolution whether Chuck or Nancy say yes!”
Oh FFS, can we just let it die?