Q: My girlfriend and I have lived together off and on for three years. We met at a lesbian bar in Los Angeles, and it was love at first sight for me.
I suspect she has been seeing another woman. She has changed her dress style and even her cologne. When I confront her, begging her to tell me if she’s been cheating, she laughs it off. We don’t communicate well anymore, and she’s sleeping in another room now.
I have cared for her for so long. We were going to be married. Now I feel she doesn’t love me anymore. I have tried following her, but she disappears and sometimes doesn’t come home for days. I haven’t slept or eaten in weeks.
I love her so much. If she doesn’t come back to me, I’ve had thoughts of suicide. I can’t afford a shrink. I hope you can help. — FREAKED OUT & CLUELESS IN CALIFORNIA




People from Tennessee like to drink?
Im still gonna say it!
Hit that sweet motherfkin’ THEME MUSIC !
Just for that. It’s time for a song I don’t think I’ve linked before.
meh…..Im still dried-out
All dried out?
““BuzzFeed’s description of specific statements to the Special Counsel’s Office, and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen’s Congressional testimony are not accurate,” Peter Carr, a spokesman for Mueller’s office, said Friday.”
Amazing that the special counsel made a public statement.
That’s the best part of the whole story.
Yeah, but Buzzfeed was morally right, so it’s a victory.
Apparently, the twitter scuttlebutt is that Bill Maher’s entire show was going to be about this.
Excellent timing.
My policy of always waiting 48 hours before making any kind of comment about any news regarding anything from this investigation turns out to be correct yet again.
NBC News trumpeted the Buzzfeed story tonight before the Mueller tweet, saying only that they couldn’t confirm the story beyond Buzzfeed.
But just because it’s unconfirmed doesn’t mean we can’t lead with it!
Somewhere Huntley and Brinkley are spinning in their graves.
And our esteemed media just ran with another BuzzFeed story? Have they learned anything?
They haven’t. But I have. (Well, not ‘learned’, but acquired additional evidence to support an existing conclusion.)
I vote for the grain fields.
What about a land covered in a giant rug?
Happy Friday, you reprobates!
Great ZARDOZ what do you suggest for this one?
Of course, the real mystery here is the why the guy would dump a drop-dead gorgeous girl who’s into group sex to be with some dumpy loser so insecure that she has to write a tabloid rag for advice about destroying her relationship.
Your relationship is over. Jump in with both feet and then move on with your life.
“Even the landlord would come round and join in the fun in return for a reduction in the rent.”
Sounds like a softcore porn storyline.
Cue porn music:
“Brown chicken brown cow”
Or perhaps Paul Rodgers singing:
“Let’s move for a reduction in the rent!
All right now, baby itsa all right now….”
“Now I feel she doesn’t love me anymore.”
Have you tried not nagging?
Almost certainly not.
She’s a lesbian. What’s she gonna peg with?
It’s called a strap on, Ted.
*Ted S furiously googling*
‘Strap in’… damnit that can’t be it!
‘strap over’…. shit, that ain’t it either!
Now where the fuck is that post!?
“You’re missing a hyphen” in 3, 2, 1….
Unlike you, I don’t need a strap-on.
Google it. Hyphen not required.
Rhywun’s house rules require it when it’s a noun.
Interwebs > Rhywun.
I’m comfortable with my superiority over the “interwebs”.
That’s what Tulpa would say.
Crying – fuck that was funny even the next morning.
It’s called a strap on, Ted
Why would a lesbian strap Ted on? That doesn’t make any sense.
Does a strap on Ted give a fucking liberal lecture?
If Ted starts lecturing us about fucking liberals, I’m outta here.
So these next couple of weekends appear to be good ones for me. There are several special releases coming from both Saucy and Working Class that appear very interesting. It doesn’t hurt that Working Class is doing a mac and cheese fundraiser for a rugby league, and Saucy’s release is happening the same weekend as Masthead’s second anniversary.
Looks like you guys are getting a taste of the shitty weather they’re f̶o̶r̶e̶c̶a̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ shitting their pants over down here. Congrats.
They’re predicting it. So far it’s clear here, just supposed to get really cold this weekend, with lows down in the single digits. It doesn’t hurt that I’m outside of the snow belt.
We will be fleeing the weather and rolling south to face the perils of Florida man, for a week.
Tres Sr. is about to embark on his annual pilgrimage to FLO-rida, too.
Oddly, Ive never been invited.
He’s trying to tell you something. :-p
Where exactly does he go?
Is that Tres Sr. in the bathrobe?
Happy weekend Glibs!
Vaginae dentata sponsored by ZARDOZ.
Not my favorite lineup. Maybe 20.
ZARDOZ, my wife is committed to being faithful in our marriage and seems to want me to fulfill a patriarchal fantasy for her. This makes me deeply uncomfortable since I’m a devoted male feminist and only want what’s best for her, and all women. She’s reluctant to make unilateral decisions for our two-unit family, despite pleading with her to be more assertive and dominating. When I took a voluntary pay cut at work, she was furious. But how else am I supposed to give her the life she deserves as the empowered female breadwinner? She’s anxious about providing for our child, with whom she’s six months pregnant, on her Staples manager salary. When I tried to remind her that it’s every liberated woman’s wish to “have it all” with a career and family and caretaker husband, she shut me out and refused to speak for days. Then she threatened to leave when I suggested she should unburden herself with a boyfriend. I promised I wouldn’t be jealous! I just want her to be emotionally and sexually satisfied. How can I convince her that feminism will make her happy?
Here’s a picture I took while she was trying to explain why what’s good for all women isn’t necessarily good for her. I just wanted her to see how confident she looks when she stands up for herself. It didn’t go over well.
Would not.
It’s 2019, brah. We want video.
1. Buy a .357.
2. Load it and cock it.
3. Place against temple and pull trigger.
Her problems are now solved.
Her’s or his temple?
Oh, no. No guns in this house. Not even toy guns.
The boyfriend gets to be part of the family, too – right?
Yes, their children will call him “manly daddy”
Knew it was fake by the fourth line.
My wife thinks this is sound advice Zardoz but she has had much beer.
That’s what she said.
Boris Johnson as the Hair – brilliant!
Role model.
Was it the AIDS thing?
Anyway, big deal. I do that all the time.
“Man with (limited, but enduring) claim to fame declines sex with groupies.” I guess that’s a rougher row to hoe when you have options, but somehow I’m not bleeding admiration for the guy.
At least when Jim Norton talks about his sex addiction, it’s heavy on the trannies and coprophilia.
That should say: tranny hookers, ‘cuz Jim Norton ain’t pulling on sex appeal alone.
Or wasn’t, anyway. Maybe he’s changed his tune.
I involuntarily tried that in my previous marriage. “Previous” being the operative word.
I thought Jackass was off the air.
We’re in for a major winter blast here. Time to get out the heavy coats! Layers, people!
Rusty chainsaw headed your way.
Jesus man, 44 in South Florida is the apocalypse. I remember when I lived there if it dropped below 55 people broke out the parkas.
I was on a holiday trip with ex (OG-1X-OG) to Key West, when the POLAR VORTEX struck the eastern seaboard. It got down to the 50s in the Keys, and those people lost their minds.
Mammoth got 125 mph winds and 7 feet of snow yesterday. Ski Patrol was still dropping bombs today at lunchtime.
I’m not going up for another month, but that snow will still be there.
And we will still be hearing bullshit stories about California’s drought next summer.
Freaking cold back home. Low tonight 70 and high tomorrow 78. The coats will be out and seat heaters going all over. I am in Seattle and it will be the usual wet and rainy.
We had a warm front here today . . .38. It melted some of last weekend’s snow. But that’s alright, we’re getting another 7 inches tomorrow.
Conserve water and rip out your lawn, serf.
The “new normal” blah blah blah.
California has a cycle that repeats, that will always repeat, that continues to repeat, and that is treated as new:
1. Rain/snow falls in the winter
2. Snow melts in the Spring, causing forests and other brush to grow
3. Summer is dry, drying out all the brush
4. Fires start in fall
5. Rain/snow start, helping to put out fires
Repeat ad infinitum.
Just because it’s a chance to link it again.
I was greatly entertained one of the times I was in Las Vegas in April. It was in the mid 50-s there and everyone was bundled up. People didn’t understand how me and my friends were able to walk around in short sleeves, and shorts without an issue. We had to point out that it was snowing where we were from the week before.
“It was in the mid 50-s there and everyone was bundled up.”
You are MUCH older than I thought you were.
Well, it was during Viva, so most of us were wearing 50’s garb, and the temps were about the same. It was unfortunate for the bathing suit competition however.
Same visiting parents is SF. “How can you wear just a T-shirt?”
“When we left home two days ago (GF Montana) it was -35.. That’s 85 degrees colder than it is right now!”
If you object to being called toxic, that’s just proof that you’re toxic. Sit down, shut up and be lectured about how terrible you are. Your in-born nature is an abomination got it?
Written by a man named Goodykoontz. I’m guessing it’s been a long time since he’s had any goody-koontz.
This strikes me as yet another instance of two mindsets talking past each other.
If you think “boys will be boys” equates to “bullying, sexual harassment, and more” – there’s just no point in conversation.
Just accept that have toxic masculinity.
Me: Why do you like to fuck sheep, Mr. Goodykoontz?
Goodykoontz: How dare you suggest I fuck sheep!
Me: Your anger proves you’re afraid to discuss your sheep-fucking.
The Arizona Repulic: Still can’t figure out why they can’t sell papers in Arizona.
Sinema won, I think they have an audience.
People from Tennessee like to drink?
We didn’t invent whiskey, but we are getting pretty good at it.
So I broke down and started back to work Monday: I’m repping a design engineering firm. As a storied and mercenary, I’ve onboarded a time or two, been around, and have my own ideas about best practices, and I must say: this went almost too easily. The phone was on time, the laptop started right up (easiest VPN I’ve ever used: one click, no dongle), everyone’s nice, everyone’s seasoned and capable, but they still have the laid-back Millennial office: chess table, easy furniture out on the balcony, lots of free snacks, all tucked away from the madding crowds in a whole neighborhood of class A space but only ten minutes from 285. Biz and credit cards should be in Monday so I can start doing some damage.
I’m always jammering on here about there being no chicks in engineering, but I’ve kinda found a few: they don’t really build anything, but they do crank out nice calculations and blueprints, so here’s props for that much.
Downside: they’re a swag firm. I’m okay with handing out calc pads with out trademark on ’em, but logo shirts are for (looks around, maybe some of y’all love ’em) others: I’m a suit and tie guy, and I’m certainly not wagging their laptop satchel anywhere or parading around in a Land’s End button-down.
Best part is no limit on resources or territory: just sell and they’ll figure out where to get the staff to do it; coast-to-coast, any client or segment.
I don’t trust; I’m a pessimist and selfish bastard. But this smells rights.
Wear the suit. Insist they call you “Q” without any irony.
Nope, no suit and tie. I’ll stick with business casual at worst.
Ties are for interviews. I won’t work anywhere that requires one.
I wear short pants to work. I hate trousers with an intensity that is likely unwarranted but I’m really uncomfortable if circumstances force me into long-pants. Last week was the first time I put on “bloody Saxon trews” since about this time last year.
Nice. I’ve never had that luxury.
I wear short pants to work. I hate trousers with an intensity that is likely unwarranted but I’m really uncomfortable if circumstances force me into long-pants.
I’m choosing yo interpret this in the British manner where short pants are whitey tighties and long pants are boxer briefs.
A lot of people mock the TSA for their failure rate, but they’re considered essential. The ones who have to show up. So what about the government employees at the other laundry list of government agencies? Does anyone think they’re better at their stated jobs? So while the media is quoting a bunch of insiders who are oh so scared that disaster is coming, there’s little questioning anywhere of the efficacy of those regulators. This is the libertarian moment. The one that the people in the media who claim to be libertarians are too big of pussies to praise.
I’m reminded of how regulations often develop from isolated incidents. Like, some kids died. And now we’ll implement a bureaucracy that actually insulates the powerful among the regulated from liability. And then even more children die then before, but it’s OK because the government is in bed with those they’re supposed to monitor (when the disaster is too large, that’s actually the definition of a market failure and how you end up with too big too fail scenarios).
The government actually operates a lot like sports teams. Media covers and profits off the people they’re supposed to hold accountable. They’re resource is information that they get from insiders. Coaches and players selectively leak in ways that benefit themselves. Like…they get favorable coverage.
This is my drunken way of introducing this story that Drudge is headlining. The one where a bunch of Washington “aides” just know that the shut down will end with just one single disaster. A disaster which, that despite a month now, hasn’t occurred. Which is why the media types are stuck talking about trash in public parks. Or stories on how over regulated industries are suffering because their aren’t bureaucrats there to do jobs they never should have had in the first place. Like approving beer labels.
Are you suggesting that government agents that approve beer labels are non-essential? You deplorable shitlord. It would be anarchy of unregulated labels without them. ///sarc
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m pretty scared of what the beer labels might look like without the regulators around.
You know, I’m suggesting something even more radical. That the regulations and regulators actually do more harm for the consumer than they do good.
If I ever write an article, it will be on this subject or the drug war.
I applaud those that still go because they actually believe in their oath and understand their duty. I do go to work on the technical side still 40 hours a week because I want Air Traffic to have all the tools available to continue to separate aircraft.
CORRECT ADVICE: Meat Preservation by Smoking
Couple Coyotes(animals not smugglers) just ran through our neighborhood. Damn laws that forbid hunting within city limits. Cops/Animal control won’t take care of them either.
Cougar loped across the roadway in front of me the other night. Those things are big in person. Tail looks like a firehose.
Was it named Jeanine Pirro?
Get a crossbow…
Immediatly Dems are calling for an “Investigation”. Isn’t there already an investigation? This reeks of a replay of the Dossier.
Their playbook will remain the same because they are incapable of adapting. They have this plan that works against any average, spineless Republican But that plan, like any plan, is only as good as the initial position in which it allows you to be placed and does not necessarily provide for innovation reflecting actions by the opponent. Trump is a different kind of Republican who seems to stick to at least some supposed principles Republicans supposedly have* and he has the backbone (some call it pettiness) to back it up. This thwarts Team Blue.
*I like to tell my gf that Trump is kindof a Kennedy/Clinton/Webb business Democrat (which he kinda is…). That really gets under her skin given that she is dyed in the wool and subject to w/e the inconsistent party line is at any given moment. I mean she literally parrots taking points. Smart girl in other areas, but not so in philosophy and government. That said, she accepts that I am a gun-toting
libertarianconservatarian. So that’s something.Meant to add, Trump seems to allow for adaptation in his dealings, which is why he thwarts Team Blue on a regular basis. The House delegation travel by military equipment/staff/etc denial is a prime example.
I’m a little surprised it isn’t bigger news that RBG will reportedly step down from SCOTUS sometime this month
Its gonna be scorched earth. Stock up on popcorn.
Omg omg omg!
Read that url as “SMoDserved,” which seems appropriate.
Um. What?
Aaaaaaannnnnd it’s gone. What? My optimism. It’s gone.
Let us hope it’s true that she will step down. Shitty reason, though.
Replacing her with a Constitutionalist takes squishy Roberts right out of the equation.
First they have to let the fake Buzzfeed story die down. Then the epic pantshitting after Trump announces he’s using the military to build the wall and Nancy ain’t getting jackshit, has to somewhat die down. Then we can get on to the epic RGB pantshitting.
BTW, who beat Cohen up?
That’s Buzzfeed levels of truthiness.
So the wife and I had a vigorous conversation on the various forms of bureaucracy in our work places.
I made the case that there is 10-20% of those in the system who work hard to do thier job despite the system, then there are 40% or so that try to walk the line between doing thier job and giving lip service to the system in place, then there are the 40% that are the system. The ratios vary depending on the environment, field, and lifecycle of the company or entity.
Hers is at the flip side where the majority are more concerned about keeping the bureaucracy growing and mine is creeping towards the dark side as they grow.
Have any of you seen the bureaucracy stay the same or shrink as the company grows or is it like the one way ratchet of the GOV?
By the way drinking Nikka Coffey Wiskey.
Maybe it has a Peter Principle element to it. People rise to a position where they aren’t competent any longer so they turn into bureaucratic leeches. Anyone is competent at that.
There is that as well as once you get to a certain size of company you start making rules based on past failures. So you need people to enforce the new rules, then these people need to justify thier jobs. this creates the incentive to add more rules. Rinse and repeat.
Other than no-skill jobs, I had only been with one company in my career-to-date. It grew from 69 when I joined to 1500+ when it got snapped up by another company of 7500+. The bureaucracy went exactly in the direction you would suppose.
I’ve worked at many different sized organizations and had clients ranging from tiny to large, Fortune 500 companies. The bureaucracy grows, never shrinks unless the company shrinks dramatically.
Thing is, even in well run company, you kind of have to have it grow. The logistics of running a 60 person company vs. even a 30 person company are very different, and it gets worse the bigger you get. Bill Ford Jr. can’t know every employee by name and make little carve outs and exceptions for everyone. As you grow, you need a more formal structure. At a certain size, you are recruiting year round, and so you need the dreaded HR function to be more robust since folks are constantly onboarding and exiting. The key is maintaining a personal touch and recognizing the evils of the bureaucracy and fighting the good (but losing) fight against it. Kind of like Libertarianism.
Gillette Cuts Their Own Throat (A Rant)
Let’s not pretend that people loved Gillette before. They sponsor the Patriots’ home stadium, for crying out loud!
No, I didn’t love Gillette before. In fact I haven’t used their product in years. However, I did use Dawn dish soap and Tide detergent. I’ll be buying Palmolive or Ajax from now on and I’ll go back to making my own laundry detergent. Don’t ever let the say this didn’t cost them some business.
That reminds me. Before they banned smoking everwhere, the local newspaper had an editorial that claimed that banning smoking in restaurants didn’t hurt businesses. My father called them and cancelled the paper that day. When they asked why he said, “I’m proving you wrong that supporting a smoking ban won’t hurt business, it just hurt yours.”
It was an ‘everyone hates the Patriots’ joke.
Think about this. If these feminazis and their mangina hordes could succeed in curing 95% of men of toxic masculinity and turn them into spineless soy boys, the other 5% who are still inflicted with toxic masculinity could band together, subjugate, and enslave the other 95% of emasculated society in very little time. Didn’t think about that, did you, bitches?
I’m guessing the 95% of women who don’t like soyboys won’t let it get that far.
I don’t know why, but I had to listen to this.
Of course, Candy Apple Grey is one of my “definition” albums.
Right place, right time, right songs, etc
You want me to beg forgiveness, tender an apology
It’s not my fault and you’re not getting one from me
You’re making me sorry
Sorry somehow
You’re making me sorry
Sorry somehow
Now I guess it’s your decision, now you decide
Take me to the cleaners baby, take me for a ride
Whoever cares for your affairs will sort it out for you
Send me a subpoena, baby, tell me what to do
Love that album and especially love that song.
I’m enjoying an old school post punk night.
Damn. TL, we’ve been drinking the same water or something.
Pixies at the present. Tame.
Is your water called Oban and from Scotland?
OK, maybe something else. Also, Pixies are cool,
Have you seen Lydon lately? What a mess.
And THIS was stuck in my head earlier this week.
Lydin’s head is so big now it gets stuck in many things these days. It’s not ego but age and Newcastle Brown Ale.
Dead boys. Nice.
I know you a punk guy. Do you like Fidlar? Young guys that are entertaining as hell live.
Dead Boys are entertaining, but I’d rather listen to Don’t Want to Know if You Are Lonely I got myself started on a Husker Du kick.
Also, I can speak English, despite what appears above.
My daughter’s friend (9 years old) comes over all the time. She tapped me on the shoulder yesterday and said, “~san, aw fuck, aw fuck”. Huh? She shows me a small paper cut on her index finger. Bet her parents are glad she’s picking up English from me.
It’s not Straffin-san after all?
Is it like learning English from the factory floor or the construction site.?
Better than learning english from listening to Wide World of Sports and Howard Cosell ?
The whole mountain is made of snow…..
I want my two dollars!
I’ve read your autobiographical manga:
Just……. why?
The wise man answers, “why not?”
There wiser man does a Father Dougal, averts his eyes, and says, “Oh, okay, then.”
Family Friendly status: confirmed.
Put that in a fortune cookie.
You made it dirtier.
I in no way approve of this.
(Hi, Preet!)
And y’all think *I’m* the otaku degenerate.
What is up with that Family Friendly thingy? How has this site still retained it? Can it ever be rescinded?
This is a response to me or HM’s cartoon? Teaching kids to swear properly is very family oriented.
It’s my “cartoon” now?
I’m on record as not being an anime guy. Soapland? Guilty, but they are of age.
They’re always of age! They’re just either really incredibly small 18 year olds or 600 year old vampires stuck in the bodies of an 11 year old.
HM cartoon. My family is Irish, swearing is mandatory.
I wonder how many here even get that there is no way to swear in Japanese at a similar level as we do in English. So even if this mother of this friend of Straff’s daughter had somebody to explain what har daughter had learned to say she would probably be thrilled that her daughter was learning authentic English.
When you’ve lost CNN….
His first source is Louise Mensch, and his second source is the Marshal of the Supreme Court.
Trump’s 50-D Chess Gambit: confirmed.
Either that, or he has the most congenially feckless enemies ever.
“Cormier earlier denied to NPR that Cohen was a source for the story.”
But this time I’m totally not lying.
Buzzfeed done fucked up. They didn’t count on Mueller going out of his way to contradict their “source”.
Thank you William Barr.
After doing a bit of looking into, I have recently discovered that the reason my property taxes went up so much in 2015 was not because I bought a piece of land that year, but because the county has been charging me taxes on a house that is not on my land. I have paid 1500 dollars to the county over the past 3 years for a structure that I do not own.
I have talked to the structure owner and discovered that he too has been paying taxes on this structure. Over the past week, my wife has been (thank God it’s her and not me) getting this sorted out. She has managed to make the county admit its mistake and has gotten a promise for a refund. This is good, however-
The county wants to credit the extra money I have paid them towards my taxes next year.
I am not happy with that. I want my fucking money back.
Anywho, my wife has done an admirable job of sorting this out, however I will not accept a credit as repayment. Monday, I’m going to the revenue office to state my views and expectations.
Wish me luck glibs.
They’re open on Monday?
Fuck if I know. I’m just assuming they are. If they aren’t, then I’ll just be pissed again.
MLK Day. They won’t be open.
God damn it.
Perfect time to try out your new toy.
We all knew that it would lead to Killdozer eventually.
All roads lead to Killdozer.
I had no idea that my fantasy had been lived out already.
Marvin John Heemeyer is an American hero who should exalted to the same level as harriet Tubman, lavoy finnicum, Thomas Jefferson, chief joseph, or vickie weaver.
You just hit the key word mother lode. NSA computers are exploding as we speak.
Narus STA filters say nah. Maybe next week.
Maybe, but they are on furlough so they won’t read it until March or April.
No John Brown?
You may as well scream “woodchipiper”!
Damn it straff. I hadn’t thought of that yet. You’re gonna get me killed.
At the risk of going no true Scotsman on your ass, that would’ve been any real libertarian’s first thought.
My first real thought was hiring a lawyer and suing the county.
Probably futile, but maybe worth it.
I’m a man who once upon a time spent over a thousand dollars on a lawyer to prove myself innocent of a crime that I had already spent the night in jail for and if convicted was only going to be liable for a 180 dollar fine.
Your second thought should be to call the local TV News “Problem Solver”. The check will be in the mail by the end of the week.
That only works if the “problem” is an evil corporation or landlord.
One in LA went after loafing city workers. There is still hope.
This really pisses me off. Property taxes are serfdom. I hate the damn things anyway and it extra pisses me off that I’m being overcharged for a structure that some other poor serf is already paying on.
This is a pittance compared to the amount your county fucked you over, but I just learned how much my state charges in late fees for unpaid tolls. A sixty cent toll will cost you twenty extra dollars if not paid on time. I don’t even know how that can possibly be legal, but there it is.
Evil Capitalist Libertarian Bank of America used to charge $20 for over-drafting by 1 cent. Therefore something something fatcats!
Like that time my township replaced my fake road sign with a real road sign, except at a higher level of stupidity and malice.
Anywho, my wife has done an admirable job of sorting this out, however I will not accept a credit as repayment.
Tell them that you’ll accept credit as repayment only if you’re allowed to charge the same exact fees and interest as somebody who doesn’t pay their property taxes on time.
So I should be able to buy BuzzFeed for a decent price after tonight. Then I can quietly convert it to a Libertarian publication and slowly trick a bunch of leftists into to voting for McAfee next election…
Aren’t they already in hock to Hulk Hogan and his angel investor Peter Thiel, or am I thinking of some other borderline defunct clickbait ad revenue harvesting operations?
That was Gawker.
I was right!
And how dare a rich gay man who was outed by a media outlet want to destroy them?
Who are we not to revel in their destruction, merely because a gay man desired it.
Well, I can’t approve destroying everything that the gay men want destroyed, but that’s probably because I’m not one of them.
‘THEM’?!?! You fucking BIGOT!!!111!
“into to” see I’m already writing like a BuzzFeed “journalist”
If that doesn’t work out, I bet the Daily Mail is hiring.
It’s been over two years of egg on face reporting in this…I’m not sure if it’s a blessing or just the next step in our infotainment media complex we have here in America.
I am beginning to think we are Truman in the Truman Show
An Lushan Rebellion – One of the Bloodiest Conflicts in History
I wonder whether anyone at any other point in history thought, “War has been our heritage and our destiny since time immemorial, but now, at long last, we’ve found peace.”
I just want to thank everyone here who has supported me making my stupid cartoons. This place is teh best!
A Jo led song. Pshaw! I mean, I’ll groove to it. But She’s no Rachel.
I mean, it doesn’t even have Bradly rap breakdown.
That’s a strong jaw on the blond. Not quite Rumer Willis, but impressive.
She looks less manly in that video than the S Club Party video
WTF should teachers be texting their students at all? WTF is wrong with this world? Valuable service my ass.
Who gets charged for texting anymore? I’m on the lowest plan offered here, which includes 10GB of data I use 0 of monthly and unlimited texts.
My oldest is finishing high school in Cali…the teachers have to sign up and pay for online grading that includes a parent connect service…but ya know…they need more money.
Yet my two youngest are in Nevada that is ranked 50 in education and we get that service as part of the system…
I’m sure there are bare-bones plans.
I hope when I’m old and have no use for unlimited VR or whatever crap they come up with, that there will be bare-bones plans for me.
It’s a third party service. Sounds like Verizon is charging bulk texting services a spam fee because that’s where some/most spam texting is coming from. Boo hoo. So sad.
How else are they supposed to build a rapport with their students?
“Lured” by the teacher or his raging hormones?
Well, there’s your problem.
I wonder if Mueller is about to face the wrath of the Left for disputing the article that was to impeach not only Trump but Pence and usher in the era of President Pelosi
Look how many times Comey flipped from villain to hero during the elections.
Why did his office do it? To maintain the illusion of credibility? (Of course not—why would he care, and the only people who find the investigation credible and consider him to have integrity would have swallowed the Buzzfeed allegations without question.)
I’m trying to reconcile it.
I dont think highly of Mueller but he knows if he doesnt step in on this report, any scant actually evidence will be obliterated.
Given his team, he cannot have spurious and unverifiable accusations roaming about.
I think he calculated that he needs to keep it clean in regards to hearsay with this.