A lot of chatter happening this week, which made me postpone what I planned to write about for another week. As many are undoubtedly aware Gillette, a company that markets razors to both men and women, aired a controversial commercial linked here.
This is my review of Full Sail Malted Milkshake IPA:
Many took the message as a negative, saying the commercial insults their customer base. Making a statement like this their critics say, will drive their customers away, that disagree with the social statement being made. Strange, given the company itself profits from one of the defining physical characteristics of men—having a beard.
Gillette itself is not a stand alone company that will suffer as a result of this, rather they are a subsidiary of Proctor & Gamble. As of this writing P&G was not immediately shorted by a large number of investors, like what happened with Nike. Their stock price was rather flat for the week. Unlike Nike, their product lines are diverse and are necessities that nearly everyone uses. People will continue buying their soap, their toothpaste and Double Quilted Charmin Toilet Paper. While it can be argued this is not the first time P&G made such a social statement with one of its brands (remember the ‘like a girl’ campaign?) this is different because they did not criticize previously. Rather they took what was a pejorative often used by men toward other men (i.e. you play ball like a girl!) and turned it into something positive. Here it appeared to be open criticism, constructive or not.
Interestingly enough, another P&G brand is Old Spice, whose marketing campaign a few years ago appealed to the lighter side of masculinity, to great success.

H/T: You know who you are, you MAGNIFICENT….
The merits of the message itself, and whether it was intended to insult is not a question to be answered here. As usual such interpretation is best left to the individual. Will I buy Gillette’s products? No. Recently, a fellow Glib challeneged me with an incredibly thoughtful gift. Should I do what I always do and pick up yet another skill, I may never need to buy a razor again.
A better question is, are the attributes commonly associated with men something we evolved beyond? Men typically are more predictable than women at any given time, more assertive, are motivated by physical things, are driven to compete and succeed at different interests than women. The downside to this, is men more often than women will behave recklessly, and aggressively. These characteristics though are even now being portrayed as positive attributes—in women, as this recruiting commercial for the United States Marines Corps suggests.
Have we moved past the point where the potential for the negative is too much of a liability for any benefit it can provide? Competition often breeds adversity, which does not have to be a bad thing. Teaching others in that sense, to overcome adversity and handle it when it defeats them while they are young may be in their best interests later on. Others might be less assertive, and might have a more difficult time adjusting so the argument to show respect for the brainy kid also has merit, because one might not grow up and cure cancer if he or she is always being put down. Is developing confidence through physical strength best frowned upon, to allow for the more cerebral, even one that might go so far as to act (ahem) like a girl?
Why does it have to be one or the other? As I write this, I am at my son’s Tae Kwon Do class. I am reminded of last week while he was sparring a older boy, with a higher belt. My son comes across as the brainy kid; in fact he takes an advanced math course because it comes easy to him. That day, his opponent moved to strike with a round kick. In response, he stepped in closer to avoid the kick’s impact and landed a front kick to his opponent. His opponent, a larger and more experienced martial artist, lost his balance and found himself on the floor. At that moment, my son beat his opponent by outsmarting him. He learned more about himself than I could ever teach, but he’s still a math geek.
In the end they shook hands and moved to their next opponent. No hard feelings.
If men acting like men are frowned upon, perhaps a way to fight this perception is to understand why those attributes are positive and where to apply them. The fact these attributes are being encouraged in women is proof enough then are a benefit to society. The attributes cannot be negated, unlearned, or taken away, they are hard wired psychologically and genetically. The trick then becomes learning how and when to strike, and use the inherent strengths tactically. Perhaps then, critics will see the problem is not masculinity, but in their own shortcomings.
As for the beer, it appears Full Sail went and rebranded unfiltered Sculpin. Which for the IPA…people is not a bad thing. Not the hoppiest of IPA out there, but if you dig grapefruit and texture this will not dissapoint. Full Sail Malted Milkshake IPA: 2.7/5
Sup tres!
Autocorrected trees
Your daily boner:
Haha! Oops
I’m as white as you!
Women are never going to not want a man who will protect and provide, which means they have to be men. See Louis CK’s failure to impress his date.
He was smart to not take on 6 drunk jocks while unarmed. It’s not worth dying to impress some chick. Walk away alive, find the guy later, put him in your trunk, take him somewhere remote, torture him, kill him, dispose of the body and go on with life. Next time you go out, carry.
Correct. My martial arts self knows this and is impressed he tried to defuse the situation.
My female lizard brain cringes at the display of impotence. I wouldn’t have walked out on him nor would I have turned down a second date, and I may have said something about not being a fair fight, but I would remember it.
No matter how “enlightened” a woman is, deep down, she wants a guy who might at least TRY. She doesn’t want to wonder if your date might one day just sit there while you’re being attacked because he’s afraid of getting his ass kicked. Like, say, the school officers at the Parkland shooting.
a company that markets razors to both men
All two of us, eh?
Just you and me kid
All two of us, eh?
Yep. The rest of us are out getting pedicures.
Speak for yourself, I getting a wax.
Ooooooh, look at Mr. Fancy-Pants here.
Bah! Damnit. It be fixed.
I’m not convinced that’s why they’re doing it. OK, maybe it is for the armed forces but in so many others areas they seem to be doing it in order to “smash gender stereotypes” or some similar prog nonsense.
What pisses me off the most is that they’ve implemented lower physical standards for men and women in police departments, fire departments, and military enlistment.
If those standards are there to ensure that the person can perform the functions of the job, why would they be lowered for women? They’re endangering lives in the name of diversity.
Just imagine if Europe’s armies could have thought of smashing gender stereotypes back in the 13th century. The Mongol horde could have been stopped!
If our armies are being hampered by a lack of girl military strategy, perhaps we need quotas – like that economist suggested in an article the other day.
Witnessed it firsthand. There’s a very small percentage of women who have the upper body strength to handle the physical aspects. When a man has the same shortcomings, he doesn’t get hired. For women, they just change the standards.
He additional problem with that is it applies across the board, so now some of the men who wouldn’t have been hired are getting in.
The military is going downhill as well for the exact same reasons. The basics of ground warfare have not changed. Artillery rounds weigh what they weigh. Tank tracks are heavy and must be maintained and fixed by the limited crew members of that tank. Infantry combat remains the same it has for all time. The infantry lives, sleeps and fights in the mud and filth. (Granted rifle marksmanship skills are held in esteem. But if somebody can use a bayonet with the skill of a legionary and their gladius they would be esteemed as well.) Our potential enemies don’t give a shit about “gender norming standards” and is there enough transgender representation in the Rangers. Our enemies intend to win. The US will needlessly loose a “metric shit ton” of lives until sanity returns.
This is not to say women can’t be great members of the armed forces. They are. But the first people I heard to throw the BS flag on this effort were professional women Soldiers who had spent time with the Infantry.
I shudder to think if HRC had won and continued and doubled down on Obama’s touchy feely military.
I’d imagine it’s pretty frustrating to meet a standard (despite a biological disadvantage) only to have that standard lowered in order to admit people who did not work as hard as you did.
See also: Legal immigrants being pissed off about illegal immigrants who are handed citizenship after skipping the line and breaking the law
A long, long time ago the Signal Corps integrated women into a lot (most?) units. They were excellent switch board operators and tape relay clerks but handling a spool of 90 lb field wire wasn’t something that even a lot of men could do. Climbing poles, not so good, again, a lot of men have trouble with that. I have no idea what is happening in the military now but there are probably some jobs that require dexterity and not so much physical strength.
We had no idea what to do with the women when we went to the field. Can’t put them in tents with the men, need different shower schedules/ guards.
Aggressive foreign policy+ shitty military. Only our betters could be so smart.
Never met a woman soldier or Marine who could do an infantry forced march.
Met some who could outrun me in sneakers and shorts. But with 90 lbs of gear on they couldn’t move, much less speed march 25 miles and be ready to fight.
I haven’t used Gillette razors in years. I’m a Harry’s Shave Shop customer. And Charmin is like wiping your ass with a pillow.
I have a sneaking feeling that Trump’s “major announcement” will most likely be a yawn. Last night’s Buzzfeed brouhaha was quite entertaining though.
Yeah, Scott or GTFO.
Quilted Northern!
*drops gloves*
I miss the Sears catalog.
Only because you haven’t used a corn cob.
You shit in bulk?
My bowel movements are gigantic and have no more odor than a hot biscuit.
You don’t?
Isn’t that the Koch Brothers brand?
Yes. As is Angel-Soft and in case you have truly epic deuces….Brawny.
I installed a bidet toilet seat about 3 years ago . . . I cringe in disgust when I have to go somewhere and use toilet paper now. This is one thing American does wrong and large lots of the rest of the world get right.
+1 washlet. Did it last summer. Can’t recommend one enough.
Trump is going to announce that he’s building the wall with the military, the gov is reopened and Nance gets nothing.
The media are already trying to spin it as the Democrats have won and they get their Dreamer stuff and are giving some small fraction of wall funding in return. So we know it isn’t that.
Wishful thinking?
At this point, yes.
To hell with Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club…..DORCO is my jam:
Isn’t it the same razors?
Not that I’m aware of, but I’m not very savvy, either.
I’ve heard several time that they are the same razors, could have been BS though.
Anyway, I think I’m just going to go with Dorco if you have to do a membership thing for Harry’s. I hate memberships and contracts of any type in general.
Harry’s doesn’t require a membership.
Neither does Dorco
Gillette does now, apparently. You have to join the mangina club.
Oh. OK, not sure what this dollar shave club thing is.
DSC is a different company which does require a membership (but it’s supported by Dennis Miller!).
My wife’s best friend from HS was part of the startup. Yes, she has equity. Never needs to work again.
I tried to shave with a dollar, it didn’t work. Maybe a fresh crisp one will. First rule of dollar shave club? I can’t say.
It’s probably just a coincidence, but I like to think that’s a jab at Gillette for their promotion of neutered masculinity.
As for me, I use a shavette – basically a straight razor that uses disposable blades.
Ive got 2 straight razors, and Ive attempted it once. Not for me.
I certainly don’t blame you.
I will add that it does take practice. If you (or anyone reading this) wanted to try it again, my biggest pieces of advice would be:
– Don’t rush. It will take about 10 minutes to shave your whole face.
– Don’t try to get it perfect the first few times. When you start out, just do two passes: with the grain, then against the grain. You can add other steps later when you get more proficient at holding the blade.
– Everyone’s facial hair grows in different directions; you’ll have to tailor your shaving pattern to your own face.
It’s straightforwardly a jab at Dollar Shave Club and any other service that requires a subscription.
Braun electric. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Yep. The only electric shaver that ever worked properly on my beard. It’s got something to do with the geometry of the foil openings — they just seem to do a really good job of “trapping” my beard hairs to get lopped off. I’ve thrown away electrics from three or four different companies over the years, always going back to Braun.
If Braun ever stops making electrics, I’m screwed.
Clippers. Then Braun.
The snow has started falling, so far we’ve got about half an inch. In beer related news the shutdown has caused a brewery to sue the US Government to get rid of the labeling requirements on first amendment grounds.
More of this, please!
It’s a better reaction then I saw reported from some Cleveland breweries.
They are just now getting around to that? What changed because of the shutdown? They should have done that years ago on the grounds that is a 1A violation on its face.
Dude, you can’t just let people do whatever they want to. We’ll have beer named ‘Cunt Piss’ and worse in our grocery stores!
Not a very good marketing strategy.
What? Are you kidding me? Depends on who your marketing target is. Deplorables? They’ll love it. Just imagine the scene at Brarberry Elementary in a few months after this beer label anarchy.
Lil Billy: My daddy drinks Cunt Piss beer!
Lil Bobby: My daddy drinks Cum Shot lager!
See where this is going? Gonna get Trump re-elected. He’ll be serving Big Macs and Cunt Piss at the Whitehouse!
Even with the approvals, there’s still Pearl Necklace and there was Golden Shower. Although Lagunitas did change the name of their WTF stout to WILCO TANGO FOXTROT, because they were told (or so I’ve heard) that having it be WHISKEY would make people thing it was aged in whiskey barrels.
Freedom of speech in naming a beer is already covered: https://www.brewbound.com/news/flying-dog-wins-free-speech-case
That was at the state level against the board in Michigan who had banned offensive words in beer names, which was spottily enforced. Arrogant Bastard was fine, as were several others, but Raging Bitch was beyond the pale. Of course, Flying Dog also started a 1st amendment foundation after winning this case, and dropped out of the Brewer’s Association due to guidelines on potentially offensive or insensitive beer names.
Cunt Piss beer is the Secret anti-perspirent of beers, strong enough for a man, brewed for a lady.
In honor of SugarFree, Hooker Diarrhea beer will be a real hit.
It’s a DC based brewery. Under current law, if you’re selling your beer across state lines (and within the state for some states) the federal government requires label approval. For the most part, it’s just another piece of bureaucratic BS that the breweries are used to dealing with. But now with the shutdown, there are some breweries that put in for the label approval, and started brewing the beer. The shutdown now has them sitting on that beer being unable to package it (except kegs), distribute it (across state lines), or in some cases sell it (for the states that require federal approval for labels).
The brewers probably lacked standing until now.
That didn’t stop a lot of anti-Trump cases from going forward.
All decent human beings have standing to oppose Trump!
/Hawaiian judge
I can’t believe those people were able to just vote that guy in like that! And now, we’re supposed to just allow him to continue being president? As if our votes don’t even matter? Something must be done about this, for the good of American democracy, of course.
People of Walmart. They’re so stupid they vote against their interests. They must be herded. Like cows.
Probably because of “THAT’S DIFFERENT!!!11!1”
Hopefully they win.
OT: While ruminating on new job possibilities, I came across something called Career Forge, which offers classes in web development among other things. I made a few websites in the past for affiliate marketing purposes; I think it’s something I could get into.
My question is, is that something where employers are going to demand an advanced degree to even consider you? My brother started out with an associate’s in software development and was very dissatisfied with the job possibilities; he was making $14 per hour at some rinky-dink software place. He went back to school for a bachelor’s, but now believes that the master’s degree is the new minimum.
Is there a reasonable chance of landing a decent job with a “boot camp” certification in web development, or starting out at a crappy job and moving up to a better one after a few years?
IT as a whole is one of the fields that doesn’t bother with degrees for the most part. I’m not sure in the development side, but even on the support/operations side the hardest part is getting your foot in the door. Once you do that, if you can apply yourself, you can generally move up the ranks and then move to a different company for a pay raise, then repeat.
No. You don’t need any sort of degree for that. Prior experience with a reference or examples of your work would be better anyway.
I would suggest the same to your brother, TBH. Why waste time and money on a degree when you can get experience working and make money? It’s not going to happen overnight, either. There is no magic shortcut.
Anyhow, that’s how I did it. YMMV.
I’m not sure what my brother’s experience was… My best friend got an associate’s in network administration, worked at some crappy job for 2 years (which was basically loading trucks and occasionally installing software on point of sale computer systems), then he got progressively better jobs. I don’t know how exactly how much he makes, but judging from the type of firearms he has recently purchased, it’s a lot.
It’s possible that my brother was a little impatient – maybe expecting to be the next Bill Gates right out of college. I don’t really know.
I don’t really have much prior experience or work to show. I played around a lot with HTML when I was a teenager, and I ran several affiliate marketing websites for a few years. I just think it’s something that will be in demand that I am capable of learning quickly.
Anyway, thanks everyone for the feedback. I’m just brainstorming here, basically.
In that case some classes wouldn’t hurt. Just produce something you can show off. You
Now… I’ve worked with a lot of colleagues that DO have degrees. Good for them – I’d love a CS degree myself. And it might even have been helpful to them in their careers. But it’s not something you need in order to get your foot in the door. Once you do that, you’re going to learn a LOT that will allow you to advance pretty far if you wish.
Heh – edit fail. I dropped one train of thought and went with another.
On the development side, I’ve worked with people without degrees. They had a much harder time getting in and claimed to not be paid as well as colleagues with degrees. I’m not sure about the latter. The former doesn’t surprise me. I don’t know of anyone I’ve worked with in my career that had a certification from coding boot camps.
Will an employer demand an advanced degree to even consider you? That depends on the company. Some places are more willing than others to be flexible on degree requirements. Where you got your degree will matter if the degree is recent. “We’ve had problems with new college grads from this school, pass.” “New college grads from this school have worked out great, let’s give this one an interview!”
Where you got your degree will matter if the degree is recent. “We’ve had problems with new college grads from this school, pass.”
Those impressions stick around for a while. We had a class of interns from Stanford and MIT followed the next year from the local non-flagship-campus state school. One team exceeded its goals, the other one hardly accomplished anything. I’ll let you guess which was which.
The non-flagship-campus state school interns exceeded their goals.
That was easy. I’ve worked with MIT grads. Almost every single one of them belonged in academia and not in industry.
I haven’t worked in web dev but in my experience in software, programmers without a 4 year degree are less likely to have picked up various design patterns and skills that make large code bases maintainable. It’s not that hard to write something that does what you want at the moment. It’s a lot harder to write the same thing that works with the rest of the program and can be understood and modified by any other person years later. Some of this might come from the get-it-done-now focus of self-teaching materials and bootcamps. Even official tutorials from vendors have a bad habit of making poor application design choices to show off what their product does more easily. That’s not to say you can’t make a career out of copy and pasting from stackoverflow, but when I’m interviewing candidates I do my best to weed them out and lack of a degree means extra scrutiny.
Web I get the impression is more focused on getting a product out the door in shorter timelines and the nature of their code makes it more fault tolerant and less likely to be bitten by certain kinds of gremlins that show up in compiled code.
I’ve been shaving with a propane torch for as far back as I can remember.
Real men grow beards.
In all seriousness, not to bring this back to class, but Gillette wasn’t criticizing men in general, it was criticizing masculine attributes prized by the lower classes.
I realized that there are different interpretations of masculinity shortly after college. I got into a barroom brawl with some friends from high school and then went over to watch football with some friends from college the next day. My friends from college didn’t understand why I joined in the fight if my friend was most likely at fault in the whole situation. The mere idea of not helping your friend from getting beat up, regardless if he was right or wrong, was so foreign to me that I didn’t understand the rationale of the argument. And I see this with the men that I work with who recoil at the idea of boorish loyalty to neighborhood and friends (even if they are idiots).
If that happens enough, it requires an intervention.
There was a loudmouthed little guy in my fraternity who provoked fights several times a month. He was warned. I ended up knocking him out.
If it was a regular occurrence. This guy was just having a bad week and decided to start shit. Stupid, no doubt, but loyalty sometimes trumps logic
We had a recurring problem which necessitated re-evaluating the friendship.
Yes, back your friends up, but your friends shouldn’t be picking fights either. As they say, don’t start nothin, there won’t be nothin.
Your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard?
Temperature is dropping like a stone here. Geez. It has dropped more than 20 degrees since daylight.
Yeah, we’re getting that but not until tomorrow afternoon. Hi 52 Lo 10.
12 right now, getting up to 15, but down to 5 tomorrow morning some time. Could be worse, early forecasts were suggesting -8.
High 50s here in Panama City, Fl. at 8:00 pm. and the wind kicked up with whitecaps on the beach this afternoon.
It was in the 70s breifly this afternoon.
I’ve been shaving with a propane torch for as far back as I can remember.
I thought you just stuck your face into the crucible of molten steel.
*Wouldn’t work for me; the mustache wouldn’t go for it.
** I am merely the host. The mustache is the brains of this operation.
The mustache is the brains of this operation.
That would explain a lot. :-p
I’ll pass on that beer.
Nice write-up. Thanks!
Are there a bunch of marches going on today?
I saw some pics of the “indigenous people’s” march, and it was pretty funny. Way over the top. Think the Village People.
Not around here, unless there’s a huge supply of snowshoes.
PRoN for any of you stuck inside and bored. Definitely WOOD.
When does he blow that up with Tannerite?
Holy shit man, dont even say that.
Have you ever priced something like that? That and the matching secretary’s desk would price out around 40K each if you can find anyone who can afford it. I watched the secretary’s desk build this morning. Watching the highboy now. I wish I had that kind of skill.
Speaking of woodworking….
Madonna starter kit:
I’m old enough that I got to try metal spinning in 8th grade metal shop (is there still such a thing as metal shop?). I made a pretty cool brass bowl.
I still have the scar on the side of my thumb from when I bumped it into the spinning edge. When I went to Mr Thompson the shop teacher for a band aid for my bloody hand he asked what happened. I told him and he said “Dumb Shit” and got me a couple band aids.”
Gillette would not have approved of Mr Thompson. I feared and admired him.
I tried some spinning on my lathe, but it’s too big of a learning curve for too little gain for me. I’d love to make some stuff that way though. I run spun aluminum oil tanks and spun wheels on my bikes. There’s a bunch of headlight buckets made that way also.
Nice. Most of that looks pretty straightforward but it would take me a couple of years to plod through.
Looks like an easy weekend project.
Thanks, Suthenboy. I could watch that stuff all day. Brings back the same nice feelings as watching The Woodwright’s Shop on PBS with my dad when I was wee.
the company itself profits from one of the defining physical characteristics of men—having a beard.
Also Sicilian women.
Oh, and BTW, Nick Park is a god.
Looking for a bit of advice here;
At my job, I want to clean up several server racks at our locations that have devolved into rat’s nests of cables and improperly used surge protectors. Yet cable management seems very difficult to me and it’s also intimidating due to the fact that downtime needs to be minimized and the worry of screwing something up in the process and a system not coming back online.
How can I get better at this? Obviously I need to roll up my sleeves and just dive in and I will get better with experience. Also maybe start with youtube videos.
I want to be more a professional with this type of work and really have a finished project I can be proud of. A well put together server rack and/or workstation is satisfying.
For context, think facility management in a business/office district, like cameras, intercoms, a handful of employee desks, etc. Also, a central control room for those cameras and intercoms. Typical server rack has 2-3 24 port switches, ISP modem, firewall, 2-3 rack mount servers. Nothing as critical as fire alarm systems or security, so it’s not life or death.
My IT background started with building PCs as a teenager and kind of just matured into an advanced user, but I would not say expert. Tried CS in college, but didn’t care for programming and didn’t try networking. Ended up going for a Business Admin. degree which did what it needed to do; get me into corporate america. I prefer being the guy mounting the network equipment into a cabinet mounted on the wall in a parking garage while standing on a ladder in my insulated coveralls and the network tech guy talking in my ear. I work well with the network IT shop we outsource to, but I don’t think I would enjoy actually programming my own switches and such. So, I like being in the belly of these various buildings with the building engineers trying to figure out why the fiber loop. If I left my current company, I worry that my work isn’t at the level to be easily hired by another company.
The secret: duct tape.
Not zipties?
Velcro straps.
If I landed wires in a control panel like IT people run ethernet cables to a hub, i would be fired on the spot.
Every building I’ve been into here in NYC looks like the wiring/ducting/mechanical stuff was all installed by The Little Rascals.
Typical work by IT https://imgur.com/gallery/HdB8ln7
Work done by electricians.
I opened up the control module for a Genmark GB8, it was like God himself had constructed it.
Same thing with motorcycles. Customer asks me how to rewire from scratch, I tell him 650 and he balks. He goes home and butchers it to hell comes back and asks me to fix it up and make it work. I tell him sure, for 650. He mutters and says alright. Seen it a hundred times.
*how much
I charge double if someone has tried to repair it before me. Its twice the work to fix their fuckups and then do it right.
Yeah. I just rip out every last bit of his “work” and start over. With most things I do what you do. Wiring is easiest for me to start from just the components. I’ll donate the 10 minutes to yank it all out.
I always ask if the repairs cost more if I help. Usually the answer is “Yes”. I go for coffee and ask the repair guy if he wants one too.
I thought the rates were along this line:
1 I do it $x/hr
2..You watch $x *1.5 / hr
3. You try it first $x * 5/hr
Imagine that right-hand cabinet is a building and the blue cables are all CATV running up an apartment building’s exterior… welcome to Queens.
That right cabinet in real life is the ethernet hub for our plant QMOS network. All it does is handle all the data, recipes, identification numbers, customer specs, and the like for every batch of steel made in this plant.
Kinda important stuff.
My friend used to do IT for a school system, and he showed me this picture he took of a modem suspended from the wall by the cord (I guess they didn’t have a table or rack on which to place that modem).
It was hanging about a foot off the ground. There was a noodle swamp of cables coming out of that modem and going in every direction.
Who looks at that stuff?
/prefers the other side of a computer
When we were house shopping we must have looked at over a hundred. I found giant fuckups in every one of them until the one we bought.You cant believe some of the shit I found. I looked this house over but the cinch was when I opened the electrical box. It looked like it was set up for a photo shoot to illustrate an electrician’s instruction manual. Everything perfect and proper and labeled clearly. Bingo, this is the one. If the wiring was done like this then someone was taking their time and doing things right everywhere else too. Turns out I was correct.
I found a few things I dont like but nothing major. I dont like soldered plumbing and the hose spigots on the outside wall are soldered. That means putting a torch inside a wall and I am not going to do that. The roof has dormers. Never in the history of the world was a dormer built that didn’t leak. It is a roof. Its purpose is to keep water out of the house. Dormers let water in. Fuck dormers. Uh….I cant think of anything else. Everything else is good.
employers are going to demand an advanced degree to even consider you?
Sometimes generalities get in the way of good thinking; IT is a big thing with more than one situation or rule. I agree with the earlier ideas that there’s money to be made quickly in most fields by becoming technically proficient at some level. IT, like engineering or even old tech (HVAC, plumbing, electrician) has corners where some particular skill set is needed, and they don’t care if you get your czars out of order or get your declination or gender in German wrong.
But my guess is that web design, programmings, system analysis, networks, communication, security . . . what am I forgetting here . . . all are different: what’s hot today and what’s the ladder to the top may be different minute to minute and from specialty to specialty. I figure the web guys are just running a couple of softwares that are really just different interfaces to the same pile of hidden guts, and, once you’ve learned a couple of different looks, you’re good to build the next hundred sites . . . for your firm or as a lone ranger. I’m not trying to oversimplify or disrespect, but something like that is true.
And it’s true for the other trades: you can lay clean pipe for a thousand new buildings, but that doesn’t make you a plumber, able to interpret code or trouble-shoot clogged whatevers; it’s a good job for as long as it lasts, nothing wrong with that and don’t hurt your back. Electrical: you could install 5V controls loops all your life and never need to know how to reverse a three-phase motor. So maybe journeyman tech is the way to go in the short run, but I’m never letting the little guy lay out my building, my factory . . . or even budget it or much advise me: someone with general expertise is needed to manage it all, and there’s no shortcut to that. Another guy here periodically announces that I’m full of shit with all my opinions, but I didn’t acquire my business and technical chops during two summer internships: decades of designing, building, and selling things in different industries and even in different countries got me here; my guess is that getting to the top in IT is probably not different.
One thing about some IT, though: lots of guys can do lots of it. This says all you could ever hope for in a perfect storm is $90k; I take it to mean that most solid guys are making $70k, a working wage (the Chronicle is in HOU), and there’s nothing wrong with earning benefits while working out of the sun. I catch hell here for preferring a suit and tie, but I think my play works in IT as well: it’s better to sell stuff than do stuff, and it’s better to have a team of your own guys slaving away than it is to be one of the guys slaving away. Maybe SP has some insight into the ownership/management angle.
It’s not my game, but I suspect the smart play is something like: take a starter class, get a starter job, and take business classes at night. My business degree was infinitely easier to get than my engineering degree, but it’s more important: it doesn’t tell me how to do anything (other than gin out earnings report ratios), but it tells me what is worth doing. Tech changes every minute; return on assets is forever.
Thanks for the tips. I’m still researching all the options.
Honestly, I’m OK with the salaries that you specified. My ultimate goal is to be a freelancer of some kind. My original plan was to do sales/ad copywriting, but it takes years and years to build up your reputation enough to make your entire living from it.
What attracted me to the web dev idea was that 1) there are boot camp courses available that I could pay for out of my pocket right now, and 2) it will always be in demand. It might even tie in with the copywriting thing; I could probably offer a pretty good service if I could make a website AND write the copy. Otherwise, it seems like something that could lead to a good job.
2) it will always be in demand
I agree that other jobs similar web development that won’t be too terribly hard to learn and move on to will always be in demand.
Just don’t think web dev is “easy” by any means. You have to actually enjoy learning a half dozen different technologies all the time and that means during your free time too. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t enjoy learning this stuff for the rest of your career.
Just my 2c.
Yes, you have to enjoy learning. Technology constantly changes. There’s always some new tech, framework, library, or language to learn.
Whether or not they are worth learning and using is a different story.
Just don’t think web dev is “easy” by any means. You have to actually enjoy learning a half dozen different technologies all the time and that means during your free time too.
So much this.
I had a working understanding of everything from chip design to operating systems to device drivers and compilers, but web dev was always a mystical art to me.
Monocle has been an attempt of mine to plug that hole. I’m also the web dev for my department, but we use sharepoint, which is a mystical art to me still. (I just embed custom html and CSS in the pages so I don’t have to deal with actual sharepoint crap)
I’ll take that into account.
I do enjoy learning new things, especially if there’s money involved.
If you want to develop skills with a small project, you can hop on monocle and play around with it. I’ll just split off a branch for you to play in, and you can learn the basics of DOM, html, javascript, CSS, and jquery in a way that improves your experience here at glibs.
Just let me know and I’ll get you the details.
I do mostly back-end stuff myself (shut up) – database, enterprise apps, etc. but the same advice applies for any kind of software development.
Web stuff – like the sophisticated stuff which for me is anything that requires javascript *shudder* is still greek to me. There is so much to learn no one could hope to be proficient in everything.
Awesome – I appreciate it!
I’ll let you know. I’m still researching coursework options and talking to some IT people I know.
I know the basics of HTML, and I remember setting up a CSS style sheet and some rudiments of JavaScript, so I should be able to “brush up” quickly and dive into some more intermediate stuff.
anything that requires javascript *shudder* is still greek to me.
What gets me is the limited compatibility.
The one that jumps to mind is that all major desktop browsers support html5 local storage, but mobile firefox doesn’t. That means either I recode all of the stateful features in monocle to use cookies, or I have software that only works on some systems.
There’s all sorts of stuff like that in all of the web technologies.
Maybe take a picture and work out how to clean up and organize the mess on paper. Going in with a plan can help speed things up. Might also be able to logically chunk the work into sections that can be done one at a time.
Yes. Planning and diagrams helps immeasurably. If you can complete a section and show it off with documenting what everything is (for service purposes) that’ll sell your work better than anything else. I take my side cover off and show my wiring to prospective customers all the time. They see it and OK the work most of the time.
Good ideas, thanks.
Color coded cables will obviously help if you need to replace things. Avoid locking zip ties, cutting them off is a pain in the ass, and you will need to cut them off at some point. Velcro zip ties are good, as are the easy release zip ties. Get a label printer, for critical cables, print out a label and wrap it around the cable at both ends (and in the middle if you really want to be safe). Expect some downtime when you’re doing this so it’s weekend or overnight work. If you have servers with multiple power supplies, make sure they are powered by different circuits. When you’re done, bask in the glory of the organization, then realize it’ll eventually devolve into a rat’s nest again. Then go drinking.
Thanks. I’m struggling a bit transitioning from the office guy that fixes people’s computers to a more serious technician. I’ve thought about looking for a job at a company that does this type of work regularly and looking for OTJ training that way. I’m in a position where I can accept a lower pay while I’m learning. Something like an apprenticeship is appealing to me, but I not sure if those exist anymore.
I started working as a consultant doing CRM/SFA database customization and implementation for some small consulting firms around me. Then I got into the big corporate world on a helpdesk, and from there moved up onto the Systems team, and then was transitioned over to the voice and data team on the voice side. I would recommend at least getting the CCENT book and reading it (not necessarily going for the full cert) if you’re looking at getting into networking.
And in the modern world, I think help desk is the apprenticeship for IT. 🙂 Internal help desk is better then external help desk, and both are better then contract call center help desk.
Not in my day, thanks heavens 🙂
Internal… mayyyybe. I still think I would have been shown the door within a week of watching my bedside manner.
This is pretty good advice. I’ll expand:
– get a roll of of velcro and cut to length (it’s not that expensive)
– buy a bunch of shorter cables – using a 10m cable from a switch port to a machine 4U away always looks awful
– velcro together larger bundles of cables as well as the connection points
– don’t forget strain relief – there should be graceful loops to each port, not straight lines
The answers here also look good – https://serverfault.com/questions/26462/how-do-you-organise-the-cables-in-your-racks
Some nice rack porn: https://www.pinterest.com/gdg99/nice-rack/
If you _really_ want to get crazy, I have a really well thought out guide for datacenter rack management; I didn’t write it so I can’t just post it, but it was a highly-detailed guide that a new, high-end hosting company came up with, including a clever way of labeling cables so it was absolutely clear where it went (i.e., convention for referring to a specific port on any machine, done by depending on vertical or horizontal, which PCI slot, etc. – e.g., ‘E4’ would be the 5th vertical slot, 4th port down from the top, etc.)
I can dig up a scan if you’re really interested.
I wrote a couple patents last year for improved cable routing. One was a debug system for finding misroutings. The other was a mechanical device that helped keep things under control (cant really talk too much more about that one)
And think about how you use the cabling. Making lots of changes? Maybe use a patch panel for moving the connections instead wiring directly to equipment. How much room do you have? What’s the future growth/direction? And what’s your budget in both money and time? Is the current setup creating problems by taking longer to troubleshoot or work errors by disconnecting the wrong cables? Those sort of things can be part of selling what you’re doing if you need more from your bosses.
The snow has begun.
No snow yet here in southern NH. The window guys are wrapping up for the day. It is quite dark outside. I wouldn’t be surprised if the storm hits here earlier than the predicted 6 PM.
Flurries started in southern NH at about quarter of 6 PM.
Out here, the rain has finally stopped.
Still raining. Got over 1.3 inches of rain so far.
Hah! we got somewhere around 5″ here just in the last two weeks.
Well it was all supposed to be snow so I’m fine with the rain. I’m a little worried the puddles will freeze up overnight.
Typical work by IT
“We get a better deal buying ten foot ethernet cables in bulk.”
Velcro straps.
This. “One more wire” always appears out of nowhere as you’re pulling the tywrap tight on your cable.
He should have made that speech a while ago. I expect him to sign an emergency order shortly after this is rejected by the Democrats.
I do not, but that would be the most hilarious so I’m all for it,
If Pelosi told him she would give him $1 at the last meeting and refused to negotiate then yeah, that is probably what will happen. I can only imagine how livid she is over his jerking the rug out from under her global junket and hawaii vacation. I know it made my week to see that. I hope she has a stroke. She is out of her depth. He is going to get what he wants and the dems get nothing. I remember yelling at the TV over the R’s that were running and saying they could work with the D’s. We dont want you to work with the commie motherfuckers you dumbass. We want you to go kick their asses. Looks like Trump is the guy to do it.
All of the blather I have heard from the D’s has nothing to do with their immigration agenda. It follows the same pattern as the global warming scam – no matter how many solutions are offered they always say no. They will only accept one solution, unchecked floods of immigrants from collectivist cultures. For them it is about replacing the deplorables with commie votes. They dont give a shit about this country or the welfare of immigrants. Left to them the whole country would look like the west coast cities. We would be a nation of slums with sidewalks covered with shit and tent cities surrounding Ivory towers. The whole scheme is pure evil. Power is all they care about.
They already offered him 25bilion for the wall in exchange for a path to citizenship for the ‘dreamers’. No unchecked floods, no open borders, plenty of money for border security, he passed.
Bullshit. Just like in past “compromises,” Trump was stuck with a long term promise while the Dems got exactly what they wanted right out of the gate. That money for border security was over a 10 year period, but the amnesty or extension of DACA would have been permanent and impossible to reverse. That’s the same reason all attempts at immigration reform have failed since Reagan.
It was the same shit show conservatives have been expected to accept time and time again and he was right to reject it. It would have been a fuck you to his base.
There was this guy who took that deal once before…what was his name…it’s right on the tip of my tongue…
Anyway he agreed. They got their amnesty and then told him to fuck off on the money for the wall. They have played Lucy to the R’s Charlie too many times. Trump is playing this right. Wall first then we will talk about the illegals already here.
Dreamers…try that shit in almost any other country in the world and the only dream you will have it to get out of prison.
It is long past time to stop playing softball with the pinkos.
“Authorizing” and “Appropriating” are two different things. The Dems authorized tens of billions of dollars in 2006 and then refused to appropriate the funds when everyone had stopped paying attention.
When did they offer 25 billion? Serious question.
It was right before Trump ended DACA last February. It was a bullshit move by the Dems (with little Republican backing) to try and stop Trump/make him look like an asshole.
I missed that. Sounds like he missed an opportunity.
That is different Suthenboy. I can see why Trump passed on that.
They offered to offer later but give us what we want now. Same old play they have done I dont know how many times. They aren’t dealing with a Dem lite squish this time and they aren’t used to that.
I should have said ‘give them what they want now’. He was right to pass.
OT: Went and got my first professional massage last night.
I had seen this little massage parlor over in an out-of-the-way strip mall. This nice Chinese lady was rubbing hot oil and warm stones on my back, bending my joints all kinds of pleasurable ways, chopping my back, etc. Finished up with a hot towel rub-down.
Would definitely do it again, and it would be nice to get it done right after I lift weights. Alas, it was not a “special” massage (not that I was looking for that).
You get the happy ending?
So no happy ending means half price?
No special beer release for me today. The snow keeps on coming, and the roads look bad. I’m glad I at least went out and shoveled the driveway once. It was getting covered as I did it, but there was already a good 4-6 inches of snow. Looks like you all are stuck with me here tonight.
I’ve cleared the drive twice already, probably have two or three more times to go. I just hope the bar down the road stays open, I didn’t thaw any meat for dinner.
Yeah, we were planning on going to a fund raiser which was doing a mac and cheese cookoff for dinner, so we’ve got nothing thawed. So we ordered a pizza, which will ear the driver a ~50% tip.
The beer jockey at my local grocery hooked me up with a Blind Pig. Will try it tonight.
It’s a good one. I think it gets overlooked a lot because of the Pliney the Elder.
I got 2 Plinys as well.
We could always just ignore you. :-p
I think Trump’s offer here is reasonable and Team Blue gives an outright rejection without even making a counter offer. It’s almost like they aren’t willing to compromise even for the sake of their beloved federal workers. But w/e, it’s better that the “shutdown” continue. Now off to my companies yearly holiday party with an open bar and free food. Later losers!
They’re not just gambling with federal workers anymore.
They’re giving up DACA protections to score on Trump. Fucking insane.
I don’t think there is anything he could offer them other than complete submission which they would accept.
I hope people see what they’re doing.
I hate them both. I think the wall is (mostly) idiotic. But Trump ran on it and now he’s trying to deliver. His proposal is part of what the Dems want. Instead of seeing it as an olive branch, Pelosi complains it isn’t everything they want. Idiot. They all behave like children.
Let’s have Trump try to run a hotel without any illegals and make Pelosi live in downtown SF with no protection of any kind. It shouldn’t take long for both of them to change their minds.
Pelosi lives up in the Napa Valley amongst the vineyards on Zinfandel Lane. Yep, there’s a wall around the property.
I thought she was from San Francisco.
I thought US reps had to live in the district they represent.
Or does she have a token home in San Fran?
Token, no doubt. That is the case for a lot of the pols. Our own Mary Landrieu’s official residence was New Orleans but she hadn’t set foot in the state for years, preferring to live in a DC mansion. It got to be a scandal. Between that and her being the final vote on Obamacare she lost her seat.
That’s how Richard Lugar lost his seat here in Indiana. The national media spun it as a tea party thing, but that wasn’t it. People were just pissed he didn’t actually live here
Noe she’s making payola on the corporate/lobbyist payoff circuit.
Only in the state where their district is.
And only an official residence. Actual living can be anywhere.
Nope. You don’t have to live in the District you represent. Maxine Waters most definitely doesn’t live in Inglewood.
And………. non-union grape pickers. They crushed them when they tried to organize.
Pelosi has a mansion in Pacific Heights in SF as well as her large estate in Napa. You can be damn sure that there are no bums shitting on her street. I think I saw her net worth as something north of 70 million. I’m sure she spends a few days every few months in SF.
What a great sacrifice these public servants make for us…
Her husband and DiFi’s husband have made a mint since their wives won. Their first Congressional elections.
You act as if their political platforms align with their personal beliefs. Rookie mistake.
(Not that you’re a rookie thinker, just that we all fall for error heuristics.)
So Pelosi, Schumer, Coulter, and Malkin hate it.
Must be a good deal, then. Oh well.
I think this will backfire on them. This won’t make rabid lefties care (nothing would), but this makes the Dems look very unreasonable. Polls consistently show people want politicians to “come together” and “reach across the aisle to find solutions”. This was a shrewd move by Trump that put himself in a win-win; he reached out for compromise and if they accepted, he gets his “wall”. If they rejected (which I suspect he knew they would) it makes them look like intransigent obstructionists. The DACA “kids” are a very sympathetic demographic to Middle America and the Dems just gave them the finger. Not a good look.
Sounds like Pelosi and Schumer already had their rejections prepared in advance. Sure, the deal was discussed with them before Trump’s speech but the public doesn’t know that. Again – they look petty.
Shaving!? What is this emasculating horror you speak of?
I have 1 skirt steak that’s nearing expiration, so…. experiment time.
Wet rub of…. Sunny Delight (seriously), ancho, chipotle, oregano, garlic, cumin, onion, white pepper, smoked paprika, salt, and MSG. Will serve with fresh pressed flour tortillas and corn cake.
Sunny Delight is the off brand generic ketchup of orange drinks.
It’s not a drink. It’s a marinade.
It even has vegetable oil and sodium phosphate in it. Perfect for chicken pumping brine.
I probably shouldn’t drink coffee porters this late, but screw it. Flying Dog Kujo Cold Brew Porter is delicious.
So I clicked on the Gillette add again for the first time since I first saw it. The number of dislikes have not moved over the past week or so, but the likes have gone up a bit (still way less then the dislikes though). The other thing I notice is most of the top comments on the add are positive comments only 30 or 40 minutes old with 400-500 likes on them. Makes me wonder, how much do these comments and up votes and dislike removals cost? What’s the return on investment for this stuff. I’m honestly curious.
I dunno but I’m picturing two competing Russian troll farms, one working on the “ups” and the other the “downs”.
The marketing company is in full damage control mode, so the ROI for moderating comments is quite high for them.
^^^This. Watch the documentary on the Fyre Festival and see how much effort they put into sanitizing their social media accounts when things started going sideways.
Hah, I watched the “Internet Historian” video about Fyre Festival the other day. What a goat rodeo.
I watched both.
Hulu wins.
Netflix sanitized what McFarland did far too much IMO.
Just started watching the Netflix one, I’ll probably watch the Hulu one as well. I appreciate the details of cons and scams, I was happy the first time I saw a three card monte scam being run in person. I was shocked when I saw someone running short change scam at a gas station with scratch tickets.
Hulu paid for an interview with him. When you hear his explanation from his own mouth…. the guy just can’t stop lying and conning.
The most fascinating part is that he’s not even good at it; he just has the dumbest marks.
There are services where you can purchase views, likes, comments, and upvotes on a variety of platforms. I don’t remember the exact cost, but it was extremely cheap.
People sign up at those sites and earn points by liking/upvoting/viewing other people’s videos. They then redeem those points for likes/votes/views on their own videos. You can also pay money to get them without having to spend time clicking on shit yourself.
I’m sure Gillette could completely upturn the like/dislike ratio on that video if they really wanted to.
I’ll be leaving work in about 30 minutes. We shall see how the front wheel drive does in the snow and ice.
What tires do you have? That’s more important.
I just got new tires on my Grand Cherokee today actually. The Toyo Open Countrys had 60000 miles on them and were starting to slide on the snow. Got Cooper Discoverer ST Maxx and I really like them so far.
I have non-studded Hakkapeliittas on my rear-wheel drive car. I have few problems in the snow as long as I stay out of too-deep snow.
BFG KO2s. Just ordered the chains for them.
I haven’t needed any traction devices on my KO2s and we drive on some poorly maintained roads to go snowmobiling.
I’m thinking about getting them when the regular BFGs on our pickup wear out.
I’m going to Mammoth next month, and… well, they got 7 feet of snow this week. CA has CHP chain checkpoints, so you have to carry them with you.
I don’t plan on needing them with a 4wd SUV. Just need to get through the checkpoint.
This song just finished playing.
Debates on the value of masculinity are as pointless as debates on the value of femininity. We are how we are because of evolutionary trial and error and we settled into the roles best suited to us. All the social engineering in the world ain’t gonna change it. The only things that can change human nature are environmental pressure and mate-selection pressure. Environmental pressure takes eons to manifest. Mate selection pressure can happen on relatively short time scales, but I don’t see women soaking their panties over enlightened, soy boy new men; in fact what I see are women claiming to like sensitive guys yet throwing their bras at rock stars and riding on the backs of motorcycles with tattooed ex-felons (perhaps a slight exaggeration). Just like a male feminist may claim to love “women of size” yet we all know that if a 20 year-old smokeshow threw herself at him he’d gladly oblige. We are products of our genes and evolution and that’s all there is to it.
TL;DR – For all practical purposes, people’s nature is immutable. This is just more typical New Soviet Man bullshit.
It’s that kind of hypocrisy that I can’t stand. I won’t fault a man or woman for acting in accordance with their nature, but don’t lie about it.
don’t see women soaking their panties over enlightened, soy boy new men;
Senator Hirano released a statement saying that Senator Sasse’s motion for the Senate to affirm that being a member of the Knights of Columbus cannot legally bar someone from public office was an endorsement of the “alt-right”. Yet this was a day after the Senate already unanimously approved Sasse’s motion
She sure is something special.
Sasse trolled her. She was in a lose lose situation. If she had raised objection than she would have said outloud that she’s a bigot, when Democrats know just to whisper with a wink about their bigotry
“I don’t hate Jews, I just think Zionists have hypnotized the world *wink*”
“I don’t think the Catholic Church is an extremist organization, just its lay organizations that support the teachings of the Church *wink*”
It’s amazing what these clowns will say when they know they stand no chance of losing reelection.
And now #ExposeChristianSchools is trending on Twitter.
Yup, this is fine.
Which proves that the alt-right has taken over these important tiers of government!
I saw a day or two ago where skateboard girl (Beto) has been openly advocating burning the constitution of late. There are no shortage of people that despise the constitution and the basic principles it is based on but the left has a special hatred for the constitution. Any check on their power is an abomination to them.
What I find most repulsive is how many of them have no idea what it actually says. See constitutional scholar Barack Obama who has likely never read it.
He probably has studied it intensively, but the problem is that he studies the Constitution like an oncologist studies cancer.
(Beto) has been openly advocating burning the constitution of late.
Seems like an overstatement of this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/beto-orourkes-immigration-plan-no-wall-but-no-specifics/2019/01/15/f6e36fac-15ea-11e9-90a8-136fa44b80ba_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.4184980e26b9
“I’m hesitant to answer it because I really feel like it deserves its due, and I don’t want to give you a — actually, just selfishly, I don’t want a sound bite of it reported, but, yeah, I think that’s the question of the moment: Does this still work?” O’Rourke said. “Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships…and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?”
The worst part about this is that rather than questioning the empire and concluding that it’s an affront to the Constitution, he thinks the Constitution should change to accommodate empire.
The War Party is the Democratic Party now
Absolutely, if you get rid of the worldwide military presence and security agreements.
And “trading relationships” should mean that American entities are allowed to trade with foreign entities, not these 5000+ page “trade agreements” that we have right now.
Ten guys at an embassy. ‘We are an empire invading and occupying 170countries!!!’
I’d say I can’t believe anyone voted for her, but I know my husband’s extended family and… well, it’s not hard to believe. The smart ones tend to leave and not come back.
Hawaii: Sunny place, shady people.
They also have wild cows. Which just seems weird.
Kauai is completely overrun with feral chickens.
LOL, I think.
It wasn’t always like that. Hurricane Iniki blew a lot of chicken coups apart.
But yeah, I was at the Grand Hyatt in Poipu a few months ago, and… chickens on the beach. Some nice cocks.
Same slogan as Monaco?
Been re-watching Aliens.
What a good movie.
Game over, man!
Every line Bill Paxton had in that movie is solid gold.
What, do you wanna just put HER in charge?
RIP Bill.
Advertisers are dropping Ben Shapiro for appearing at the March for Life after a left-wing pressure group started a campaign.
So was the big problem with the Religious Right not that they were scolds, but because they held the wrong beliefs about who to scold? Because the Left is really imposing some fascistic standards
I’m just wondering who was advertising through Shapiro who would drop him over stating the same things he’s stated countless times in the past.
Yeah, that’s the weird part for me too. I guess they just didn’t like him doing it out in the open.
Advertisers are dropping Ben Shapiro for appearing at the March for Life
Most of the SJW crap is just noise to me. Sure, I hold a bit of a grudge, but I don’t rule out shopping at Dick’s or buying Gillette again.
Companies punishing somebody for being pro-life? That’ll get you on my shit list for a long, long time.
It was an “alt-right” march, as it has been dubbed. Makes sense since the “alt-right” Knights of Columbus are always in attendance.
But they totally pulled a gotcha! on the literal Nazi with the “baby Hitler” thing!
I know you’ve all been waiting for it. Shikha’s analysis of Trump’s wall for dreamer deal.
Let me guess. Blah blah bad deal. Blah blah need total amnesty. Blah blah Hitler.
It the Dems believe the majority of the country is with them, then take the deal, drag feet on actually spending the money, and – in two years when they think they will overwhelming win – fail to ever appropriate any more $$ for the other 3/4 of the wall, and do what they want with assorted dreamers, visa jumpers, and other illegal immigrants. Surely, if the majority is behind them, they can convince their hard core base that this is simply one step back before a great leap forward and it re-opens the government and saves America from carnage in the skies, poisoned food, trash in Yosemite, and unapproved beer bottle labels.
from carnage in the skies
Y’know, if what is in effect a 100% tax on ATC incomes is very dangerous and potentially deadly, I wonder what the socialists’ 70% tax would be.
Of all of the TOS writers, she is the worst. Some of them can be dumb, disingenuous, or just off the mark in many ways. But I really believe she is pure evil. Like Hillary Clinton level evil. I’ve never read anything from her and felt more informed, enlightened or anything else. Even when she’s right (which is rare), she’s right for the wrong reasons. The last time I gave them money, I told them I wouldn’t donate again until she was gone, apparently they don’t want my money.
That was one of the conditions I put forth in an email.
Suderman is a very close second. Between defending Obamacare and believing “not taxing is theft”
It’s not close. From her coverage of Milo at Berkeley to Michelle Obama’s fashion sense. She objectively sucks.
Was it her who said something to the extent of “Yeah violent protests against Milo are bad, but the people really to blame are those who invited Milo to talk. Without the invite, no violent protests”?
Fuck her (or whoever said that if it wasn’t her)
Yep. That was her.
As soon as she wasn’t immediately fired for that infamous tweet, I knew that Reason and I were going to be parting ways.
I’m still friends with some of the writers there, but man…. fuck that place.
She retweeted Mary Stack. That’s all anybody needs to know about her.
She’s not even part of Reason, right? They just syndicate her for some unknown reason, I thought.
If I remember right, she doesn’t work for the magazine. She works for the foundation as a senior analyst, which in my mind is even worse.
“Analyst” – so she scries the future with chicken bones and chrystals?
Wow. That’s… not good.
Even Michelle Obama’s dress is walking on water:
Um… I don’t think that’s accurate.
A millennias old caste system puts lie to that dog-shit statement. Where do they find these people?
Good lord.
I don’t know about India but in China “light skinned” is preferred because it means you don’t spend all day out in the sun scratching in the dirt. I would not be surprised if it’s the same in India – not this “they are used to being subjugated by wypipo” tale she’s spinning.
I think in India it has to do with the Dravidians being driven to the south and subjugated by lighter skinned Aryans.
In Mexico and most of South America they do the same stupid thing with lighter skin being prized over darker skin.
Everyone knows that tanned skin is better than pale skin. It’s so weird.
OK, fair enough.
My ex-boss may be the lightest Injun I’ve ever seen.
Freckles are a type of tan…
Fuck tans and tan-people. Weirdos.
I know that at least one fellow Glib is a former skateboarder, so I wanted to plug a little documentary that one of my friends just finished recently. It centers on the process of bringing a public skatepark to fruition in a suburb outside of Chicago. The whole thing is broken down into three parts, and of particular interest to Glibs might be part two which focuses on the obstacles put in place by certain entrenched local organizations. The whole thing starts here:
As a bonus, he recently posted the trailer for another one of his documentaries (no release date yet) which covers…well…just check it out. You’ll all probably dig it.
Oops, the second link should be this one: