Hey, kids.
Still here, but we are in the countdown stage now. 10 days until the movers come and load up.
Holy crap, I wish I hadn’t typed that. Now I need another cocktail…or maybe I’ll just skip right to tequila shots.
Anyway, the good news is we have finally secured a house, with the help of a family member of one of the Editorial Team. Woohoo for Glib connections!
The bad news is that this winter storm has scuppered our dinner plans with Swiss and wife. We had no ulterior motives whatsoever. Just a nice, relaxing dinner…after taking advantage of the fact that Swiss can blow everyone (except Warty) away in Feats of Strength. Nothing major. We just had a “few” 200 pound objects for him to lift and put down.
Even though my life is literally in shambles, the website will nevertheless be here to amuse and enlighten the Glibertariat.
Of course, there will be links brought to you by various Link Artists. Artists such as Banjos, Brett L, OMWC, and most likely others who were selected for the Links Pro Bowl and not the Links Super Bowl and will therefore be available.
Not Adahn makes two appearances this week, first, with his regular IFLA forecast tomorrow, and then Tuesday with more daydreaming. Spudalicious brings another meaty post tomorrow afternoon.
Monday, Fourscore writes a letter to a certain “men’s publication,” and Web Dom will probably be by with another Vegan School post.
We’ll hope for another terrific/terrifying Hat & Hair from SugarFree, and I’ll bring you a poll.
Make sure to check in on Thursday when dbleagle’s second installment on the South China Sea drops at 11 a.m. GlibTime. Also Thursday, in the evening we have a special government shutdown treat from Tonio.
Friday brings the monthly What Are We Reading post, and Saturday mexicansharpshooter will be back with another review/not a review.
Alrighty then. Pour me another drink and let’s get on with the Saturday Night Open Post!
(Go Chiefs!)
/mixes SP a nice hot toddy
/adds a Moscow Mule to the mix
And several shots of Patron. SP is going to be one hungover kid in the morning.
(needs theme music)
Alright, let’s hit some theme music to keep Tres happy. We don’t want him crying racetrack tears.
Good choices.
Nice…I was playing Link Wray earlier
The bass player is Sugar. Her preferred shot is Jager, and she worked in accounting the last time I talked to her.
She seems like she’s a lot of fun.
“after taking advantage of the fact that Swiss can blow everyone”
A Herculean task that Swiss is uniquely qualified for?
Not sayin’ that’s true, it just seems be the gist of the comment.
Don’t shoot the messenger Swiss, don’t shot the messenger…
It takes a lot of talent to be able to do that. Most peoples jaws get tired after a while. I knew we had a lot of talent here in the Glibosphere, but this news exceeds my expectations.
Why am I not surprised somebody already caught this?
‘Cause we’re all a bunch of preverts?
Had our hopes up and then the end of the sentence let us down.
Is prevert not correct?
Well, we’re not postverts.
I thought we preferred pervects?
Surprised I can read anything this morning. Polished off 10 pints (that I can recall) last night. Me head feels like it’s filled with ebola.
Even in my prime I couldn’t have done ten pints. Kudos sir.
The plot thickens. Evidently I drank two bottles of Stoli Ice (whatever that is) on the walk home cuz I found two bottle caps of it in my coat pocket.
Plot twist:
It was paint thinner.
Ten pints would put me in the hospital.
Once again proving that I’m not like you people.
“(Go Chiefs!)”
I’m not rooting for the Chiefs. I’m rooting against the Pats.
So this ^^^^
I like Mahomes. I’d like to see him succeed.
Oh, and fuck the Pats.
Couldn’t have said it better myself!
He’s a fag.
Impossible. He’s a tight end.
So you’re say Henandez offed himself because of their tryst!? I’m heading to Buzzfeed right now with the scoop!
Ok, well, Gronk amuses me no end. Dumbest human on two legs, but a nice guy and enjoying the hell out of life.
Slutty Saturday brings you tits galore!
Just imagine if #14’s carpet matches the drapes!
1, 14, 15, 19. Aw, fug it, depraved orgy it shall be.
Much more to my taste than the bodybuilders with almost no body fat.
True facts, brah.
I was never into women with super-low bodyfat. I like women to be soft and cuddly, not hard and muscular. I wouldn’t say I’m a chubbychaser, but I do prefer women with a bit more fat. Just my preferences.
8. Nice ride.
I hope there aren’t any dead animals buried in your hoard. I hate when that happens.
I am reminded of this cartoon.
She’ll find the little guy in the toilet of a Taco Bell.
or Chipotle, amirite ?
Congrats on the new domicile, SP! Hope the move goes as smoothly as possible.
And dammit, of course I posted in Mexican Sharpshooter’s beer thread just as this one was going up. I’ll just vandalize this one too, because that’s just the kind of guy I am.
I know that at least one fellow Glib is a former skateboarder, so I wanted to plug a little documentary that one of my friends just finished recently. It centers on the process of bringing a public skatepark to fruition in a suburb outside of Chicago. The whole thing is broken down into three parts, and of particular interest to Glibs might be part two which focuses on the obstacles put in place by certain entrenched local organizations. The whole thing starts here:
As a bonus, he recently posted the trailer for another one of his documentaries (no formal release date announced yet) which covers…well…just check it out. You’ll all probably dig it.
We had a 1978 Ford Econoline that Dad customized the inside for when we went camping. The rear seats converted into a bed for Mom and Dad, and us kids got tents. There was also a lot of extra storage space. 0h, and it was custom painted too.
Would have fit right in at Sleeze Lake.
Well, the van would have fit in, not the family….
My dad owned a 1983-ish GMC. No custom paint, but it too had the fold down rear bench plus not one, but two refrigerators in the back. Looking back I often feel sorry for kids whose parents didn’t own a sweet van to take on vacations.
Dad also fixed it so the two back bench seats could face each other and put a table between them for eating in the van when it rained. Fun times.
We had an awesome motorhome… It had a dinner table with bench seats, and the table top could be removed, placed facedown between the seats, and then there was a mattress over the top so it was a double bed. It also had a sleeping cabin above the driver’s area. There was a gas burner, mini-fridge, and a dual bathroom/shower thing (which my brother got trapped in one time when the door mysteriously got stuck). It was badass.
My parents had the cutest little rv with the bed over the cab. They used it for about ten years. Five years in they bought a park model and only used it driving back and forth to California. When we went camping as a family, we used tents. I’m not a fan of camping.
Sadly, Ford stopped making them.
Well, Ted S. slammed on his coaster brakes
And said, “Anybody want to go on up to Sleeze Lake?
It’s about a mile down on the dark side of Route 88
I got a bottle of rosé so let’s try it
We’ll pick up Michael and Akira, yo
And I’ll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go
They’re built like light
And they dance like spirits in the night!
A friend of mine was in a van club. I don’t know if his was as interesting as the one featured in the documentary.
Also Obligatory.
Damn, that album’s why I ended up in college where I did.
“Bulbous also tapered”! That’s why i never really went to college.
I was skating in the late seventies. I met all the Dogtown crew (they were punks, we didn’t like them) I was from Oxnard which put us with the northern group (Sims, Santa Cruz, etc.) We were more laid back and less violent than the D/T people. I was on a couple of teams and saw guys invent pool moves etc. Everything was pools, parks, pipes and ramps. We rode around for transpo, but we didn’t really skate until we hit some vertical walls. Good times. The people who wrote the history wrote themselves as the hero’s, but they were not alone. The rest of us didn’t have movie cameras and mansions to skate the pools of. I quit when i got serious about partying. Didn’t mix with skating pools.
While much of Glibertopia is being buried in snow, here in central Montana Global Warming is gnawing away at the very fabric of society.
The annual Lion’s Club Perch Derby on Canyon Ferry Lake has been cancelled due to the thinness of the ice.
This is the first time in more than 30 years this has happened.
Too local, I know, but I just love the phrase “Perch Derby”.
It’s been a very mild winter here. It’s been raining all day but there is no snow on the valley floor.
Winter is finally hitting here. We’re supposed to be in the single digits over the next couple of days. However, today was the first time I had to shovel the driveway, and Wednesday it’s already supposed to be back up to the 40’s.
With the thin ice I’ve been expecting a Dodge pickup to go for a swim.
Sad, perch makes for a great fish fry.
Plenty cold here, but seriously strange winter. Where the fuck is the snow?
My fucking driveway.
Good luck on the upcoming move, hope it all goes well and y’all settle in nicely.
Second that! A few years ago we bought a new home that needed to be installed on the footprint of our old home. All of our belongings had to be moved into a storage container and we had to stay in a shitty motel room for weeks with three dogs and three cats while the destruction and construction went on. Thank Christ the kids were grown and gone. And the delays…. fuck me the delays. Chasing tradesmen was like trying to lasso the old cat that escaped for a month. It was a fucking nightmare and if possible, I will never move again.
Oh damn that sounds chaotic. Hope you never have to go through that again either.
Sick burn, dude.
Shoveling builds character. That’s what I tell myself when I have to shovel my driveway after a big snow fall.
I thought the first rule was quit digging?
Shovel? He always struck me as the kind of guy who blows.
Just say no to snow.
Failing that, get a snowblower or flamethrower.
I should get a snow blower. It’s just such a foreign concept to me. I’ve shoveled all my life
I already only need to shovel a couple times a year. I live in a blue collar neighborhood, and the girlfriend has already hired landscapers to do the lawn (she’s paying, so it wasn’t worth fighting). As I work in a white collar IT job, I can’t take too many more hits to my cred before I’d need to move again. Shoveling it is.
Although if it’s really bad, the neighbor (owns a contracting business) across the street from me (in another city, on the posh side of the street) offers his snowblower.
Did we ever get the dirt on why she was canned?
She just got let go this week. The official letter she received said “multiple offensives or egregious acts”, I’ve told her she should probably send a certified letter early next week asking for details.
We all want a girlfriend that commits multiple offenses and egregious acts.
Yeah, but generally we want them to do those acts with us (us being the boyfriends). And the Stoli Ice you drank I’ve got no idea about, but Smirnoff Ice is just a sweetened malt liquor that would be similar to the old wine coolers from back in the 80’s.
You’re right. It’s Smirnoff Ice. Probably was a bad idea, but I don’t remember.
Everyone uses a snow blower by me and most have landscapers. I just always grew-up thinking it was an unnecessary expense and no one had a snow blower or landscapers where I grew up. I can see when I’m much older needing a snowblower, but I rarely lift weights so I consider it a mild upper body exercise
Most of my neighborhood will spend their money on boats and motorcycles instead of landscaping (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Since I only need to shovel a couple of times a year, I don’t see the need for a snowblower (that will probably break down since I’m not good at mechanical maintenance).
I have enough character. That’s why I use a snowblower.
Snowblower is essential. Teaching Wifey to run said snowblower? Yeah, I went there!
I figured you never would have married her if she weren’t already a good blower.
We have a plow, but then we have a 1000-foot driveway.
Just Say’n confirmed for Calvin’s dad
Sunny Delight is an excellent meat marinade.
Fight me.
Purple stuff is way better
I can’t even…
Remember the steak marinated in ranch dressing?
Italian dressing. And remember the person who sweared by it being an unstable grifter?
Chicken in Wishbone Italian is in several cookbooks.
I’ll agree with that. Deboned thighs marinated in Italian and then grilled over charcoal is great.
Basically, any dressing can be a marinade.
Wishbone has the perfect sweet/acid/oil/salt balance for chicken. Plus, some dehydrated garlic and bell peppers.
Playa: Have you tried the freeze dried shallots from the Spice House? They’re another quick and easy add for a lot of dishes for me.
At the local grocery store I had a guy see me buying shallots and confided that he didn’t know what they were, and asked what they tasted like. Trying to explain the mix of garlic and onion that shallots are is not necessarily a helpful thing.
I’ve never tried anything from Spice House, but they sell something similar at my local grocery.
It goes into all of my egg dishes and a lot of other things, my favorite being a bird chili/shallot based asian chimmichuri sauce for hangar steak.
Spice house is my spice supplier of choice since Penzy’s went all political in every. single. newsletter. They do also have one of the best spicy salts ever with the Vulcan’s Fire salt.
I use a different brand’s freeze dried garlic and onions – hadn’t thought of seeing if they have shallots. And I always struggle with onions/shallots because living alone means lots of wastage. (Some stores only sell huge ones etc.) Or a smelly fridge.
Shallots, onions, and garlic shouldn’t be refrigerated, just stored in a cool, dark place. They actually keep longer in a closet then a fridge.
Yeah but then I cut an onion and the other half has to go in the fridge or the garbage. Sometimes I find little single-use shallots which avoids that problem.
This was beef filet. Criminal.
A filet? No marinade necessary, even at dog food grade.
A pan sauce with added fat? Sure.
That’s unfair to unstable grfters.
True dat.
I wouldn’t drink the stuff, but I wouldn’t argue with results!
Sunny delight is not fit for human consumption, despite whatever lies the FDA is feeding you.
/unholsters revolver
I’m guessing the high acidity in Sunny D breaks down cell walls and tenderizes the meat?
It has sodium phosphate too. Keeps meat moist.
If you’ve ever had a rotisserie chicken from Costco or the supermarket deli, it’s phosphated.
The flavor profile isn’t bad either****
***when combined with meat, garlic, and salt.
All that is true, C. That doesn’t make that garbage fit for human consumption.
OJ, liquid smoke and Worcestershire sauce is superior.
Worcestershire sauce is always great. I’m eating meatloaf tonight that has a heavy dose of Worcestershire in the venison/pork fat base.
I was very generous with it in my beef stew tonight. Love that stuff.
Anyone else take a random swig from the Worcestershire or soy sauce? Not like lips on the bottle, obviously, that would be gross, but a couple dashes in your mouth ‘cuz you opened the fridge door?
[Sheepishly raises hand] There was once a small gag on The Simpsons that involved a Worcestershire sauce flavored soda pop. All I could think of at the time was yes, yes I would probably enjoy that.
All the time. Hell, I just stopped storing it in the fridge to make that easier. And yes, lips.
+1 living alone
That’s one of the best things about living alone. Up there with not needing to close the bathroom door.
Also the random indulgent yodeling.
Some people claim they like walking around nude, but that’s just showing off.
Or dress.
Yep, I enjoy being able to walk naked from the bedroom to the shower.
The wife and daughter don’t care at all if I walk nekkid from the bedroom to the shower. What kind of prudes would care about that?
I’ve seen your anime.
Seen your video.
“Cook’s Helper”! I put that shit on everything.
Kitchen Bouquet for most red meats. Carne Asada I grill with garlic, limes and ground Cayenne pepper. Chicken works good with that also, for enchiladas or tacos.
I didn’t even know this series existed
Decent article.
The new series is stream-only so it might as well not exist as far as I am concerned.
Pic from maybe the worst show with the original cast.
Couldn’t have happened to a better guy.
I’m out for the night.
Congrats SP and OMWC on securing the new house.
Have a good night folks!
And despite being abandoned for the evening, we’re plowing ahead with fondue made with 18 month Alpage. And a 20 year old Syrah.
What’s the Syrah?
I’ve yet to try a Syrah that I’ve enjoyed. Any recommendations for medium priced ones I should give a second chance?
Think of something French made by some friends of ours.
The ‘98? How is it?
‘99. Magnificent. Drinking perfectly and will do so for years. Like the ‘88 in that respect.
Sounds good, What’s your address?
I am excellent at moving. Before I bought my house, I moved every year (I was trying out neighborhoods). I wish I could come help you.
The key is to be willing to just throw stuff away.
/hides board game collection and book collection from Tulip
Have garbage bag, will travel. Marie Kondo’s got nothing on me.
Have baseball bats, will protect collections. Different people have different priorities.
Absolutely. A place for everything or it goes in the garbage.
Throw things away? That’s crazy talk, I mean, I might have a use for it someday.
My sister and brother-in-law think like that. Every time I come home from visiting them, I purge my house
That’s actually what’s taking the most time.
Oh so true.
Moved two years ago still unopened boxes.
Opened one today and threw everything out.
Well, not my old camera collection, of course.
We rented a dumpster. No lie.
We purge stuff at least once a year. I cannot fathom how I still manage to accumulate so much shit!
Well, in our case, we both have “stuff” intensive professional and personal pursuits, and my Mom died since we’ve been in this house. So….
Pretty sure some of the stuff OMWC is deconstructing with a reciprocating saw has been moved around for at least 20 years.
I find the process very cathartic. I had nothing going on today, so I started going through my home office and nuking stuff. I still have a shit-ton left, but even what I accomplished today was good.
Agreed. I just wish I had established better habits about it before so it wasn’t such a crunch now.
However, to give myself a break, I’m just finally getting to the emotional place that I can let some of Mom’s things go. Opened a tote today and was greeted by her perfume. Tears! Next box, a portrait of her she sent as a Christmas gift the year before she died (she hated photos of herself so it’s one of only a couple formal shots). More tears!
Yeah, that’s the tough stuff. I was going through pics of the Spawn when they were little. Lots with them and people who are no longer with us, Sad, but awesome memories.
At least with photos, we can digitize and still
enjoy. Can’t really digitize my great grandmother’s china she brought from Hungary in 1906 and still use it. And, of course, it was the holiday china my entire life and Web Dom’s, too. So.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t know the family history and stories so well. Makes it much harder to let that stuff go to a new home.
Very true. When my grandma moved to memory care, the family got together to clean out her house. As oldest grandchild, I was given first choice for anything I wanted but I declined.
Besides, I already had her recipes!
I would suggest holding on to the old and giving away the new. But I say this as someone living his grandparent’s house more which after 15 years of living here is still more their stuff than mine. I’m also old (not as old as all you old people) and alone. I sleep now.
You mean you don’t just burn down the old place with all the crap inside before hopping the rail?
^^^ this.
I actually watched a replay of Trump’s speech and the media is gonna have the spin like a top to make the Dems not look like obstructionists. I know it’s a prepared speech, but Trump sounded pretty sane and reasonable.
Trump sounded pretty sane and reasonable
He must have hated that.
Party of No.
Did Hitler ever go out of his way to assure people that he welcomed people of all races and religions into Nazi Germany?
Monday, Fourscore writes a letter to a certain “men’s publication,”
Don’t know about you, but I am really looking forward to that.
“I never thought this would happen to me…”
Odds of that being followed up with something sexy vs being something like Type 2 diabetes or getting all your car windows busted in by vandals seems pretty slim.
“I never thought this would happen to me, but there I was doing laps in the university swimming pool, and the girl’s water polo team decided to coach me on form. And wouldn’t you know it, that’s when I realized I’d pocketed my friggin’ cell phone before diving in.”
And that’s when the CHUDS came…
Someone linked me a pressure-cooker beef stew recipe the other day and I’ll be damned if it didn’t come out better than the slow-cook version I completed a couple times since got the cooker.
*about to go to the kitchen for a second helping*
Nice, I’m becoming a big fan of our instant pot. Steamed diced potato’s and cooked hard boiled eggs at the same time last weekend for potato salad. 5 minute cook time after coming to pressure and quick release.
I only regret buying the mini version so I can’t make bigger batches.
Just did egg bites in the Instant Pot for breakfast today, and they came out damn well. 10 minutes of high pressure steam and 10 minute natural release. Stew I think needs to be stove top just to boil off the liquid an thicken the broth.
I like a soupy broth anyway, so I’m good. But I did add a ton of corn starch tonight. Probably overdid it with the wine and Worcestershire.
I’m considering getting one,mostly for cooking beans and octopus. But so far I haven’t justified it
I’m so happy that my egg shells just slide off my hard boiled eggs when steamed in there. Worth it for that alone.
I’ve only done them once in mine and yes… they did come off easier than any other method I’ve tried. But they were overcooked so the jury is still out for me.
OK…. so I linked to a Dalmia article at Forbes in the last thread.
Here is the original at Reason.
Credit where credit is due; we really gave it to her in the comments, and they didn’t delete them.
RIP Almanian.
Reading that commentary reminded me why I visit this place. It was like flipping through an old photo album or yearbook.
I miss Bo too.
Jesus, I’d forgotten what a disputatious shit he was. Didn’t John peg him for a second-year law student at some point?
That is what he himself claimed, but there were some holes in the story.
No Bo. Never.
I was just a lurker at TOS so no real bonafides. I went there after my other go-to went full TDS just in time to watch it crumble.
What does it say about the intelligence of the people marketing Johnny Walker when they enthusiastically embrace the Women’s March when even the fucking SPLC has dropped them.
Drunks won’t notice/give a shit?
Owned by Diageo, a British company. Brits are fine with Muslim clerics calling for the death of all Jews, so…
Scotch is like a top 3 shitlord drink. Is no part of the patriarchy sacred anymore?
Fun story – I was hanging out with this lesbian once who had never tried scotch. I think she had three or four with me on what was a light night for myself. Apparently she spent the entire night by the toilet vomiting. Her girlfriend never let her hang out with me again.
Johnny Walker is blended scotch. Whole different thing than single malt. When you see big shots drinking scotch after a hard day of ruling the world, they are most likely drinking single malt and it’s eighteen or more years old.
My Uncle is a Scotch guy. Longshoreman. Millionaire. Hmmm.
18yo is my top end. I prefer 12-15. After that price point and barrel notes tend to take over.
I like the 18. I drink it slow enough that 80-100 a bottle works out for me. I have drank a bottle of 21 that was closer to 200, but i’m not gonna make a habit of it. I like Glenfiddich.
For me it depends on the Scotch.
18yo is my top end.
Good times. This is an Islay night for me.
What are the other top 2?
Old Fashioned.
But an Old Fashioned is a mixed drink.
Shitty scotch anyway.
I’ll bet those grapes were probably sour, anyways.
Johnnie Walker too?? Oh well. Glenmorangie is better for sipping anyway, and I prefer Bulleit for mixing.
You can always count on Teen Vogue to cover the important stories.
Winning the bidding war for that exclusive is going to bankrupt them.
If I didn’t know better I’d think that was a parody of Everyday Feminism or something.
RE: trump/immigration/dreamers/etc.
I only hope that the D’s and the R’s cant come to an agreement and the shut down continues. I support neither position and think that the longer the fake as fuck shutdown continues, the better off we all are.
I support nothing, and hate everyone. If this ultimately lead to the firing of some bureaucrats or the privatizing of the TSA then great. But it won’t do shit and we all know it.
I’m just watching these rich assholes fuck around over the throne.
It’s telling that the only real problem being exposed by the shutdown is that some workers are missing paychecks.
Don;t forget the beer labels.
And the garbage piling up in Yellowstone.
Missed that one. Whatever happened to “You bring it in, you bring it out”?
Probably nothing. I think it’s possible someone might be lying.
There are many parts of Idaho where “Pack it in, pack it out” signs are all along the roads. It’s common decency. But apparently, it’s not that common.
It may not be common, but it’s what I was taught and what I expect.
Same here. There aren’t any public garbage cans here in the city. You basically take all your garbage home with you.
They recently tried to remove the street-corner trash bins in my NYC neighborhood under the theory that people would “take their garbage with them” – with utterly predictable results. The bins are back.
Our garbage culture where people literally just throw shit everywhere is not something I get. At all.
We were taught, “Leave it cleaner than you found it.”
My Dad taught us to police a campsite by hiding coins under pieces of trash, some of which were darn small and certainly not ours. He would look at what we’d gathered and shout out a running total. “There’s still $4.75 to be claimed out there!” All my sibs and I would scurry off to see what we’d missed.
And the State of the Union Address. Critical type stuff.
Glibs after dark.
Wonder what she’d look like after a week-long fishing trip. Campfire cooking, tent sleeping, lake bathing and shitting in a hole. Probly good enough, I’d wager.
Perhaps because it’s the truth?
Awesome. “Bag-o-Dicks” and “Sack-o-Testicles” trying to soft sell a lie on the Ur-NPC’s show. Outstanding.
Brian Stelter needs to forever be branded “bag of dicks”
It’s not right that they put a bag of dicks on TV. It’s improper. It obviously doesn’t look like a man. We all know it’s a bag of dicks
On the other hand, Brian Setzer needs to forever be branded fucking awesome.
Seriously. I always read it that way and I’m not even a huge fan.
Yes, but more Stray Cat era, than Orchestra era:
I saw them on that tour. Fan-fucking-tastic. I’ve been a fan ever since. Setzer is a cool dude.
Oscar-winning material right there. Holy hell, man.
“Hi Walter!” Jesus, that was dark.
Hollywood tropes that need to end: A small strip of duct tape will leave a tied victim unable to speak.
I don’t know about the victim part, I’ve never kidnapped anyone. But I was a bored kid who liked to test things. A piece of duct tape over the mouth can be easily removed by using your tongue. (have not tested since I’ve had facial hair, might make it hurt more or make it easier to remove).
BONUS TROPE: If someone is tied up with duct tape someone else MUST have done it. I disproved this as well. Like I said I was a bored kid.
They called him an unusual boy…
I’ve always just been like that.
Young CPRM – https://youtu.be/dcsF_QkMCpQ
A lonely boy if you will?
That’s why you loop it a couple times around her head. She’s fighting adhesive and tension both.
Another TV/movie trope that I debunked as a child:
Putting a banana peel on the ground will not cause you to slip in a comical fashion. It will just leave a big brown smudge on the carpet that will later result in your mother questioning you.
Sure Akira, blame the smudge on a banana peel… I’ll bet your crusty sock was from when you stepped in something on the way to Confessional, too.
But govt schools are totally not brainwashing kids.
They looked like smarmy little prep punks to me in the video, but they were there for their own protest. Some crazy old Indian (feather, not dot) decides to get in their face. They chant build that wall. Which is nothing more than a peaceful use of their first amendment rights.
Then crazy old Indian dude goes and does his own social media video where he talks about how this is indigenous land and there shouldn’t be a wall on indigenous land. There was never any wall for a millennia, damn it! I mean, no natives built walls around their settlements or anything like that…damn white man!
There’s video now of the Indians yelling at the kids to leave America, because they stole their land.
The whole incident was a little too perfect for the narrative of the past week. Senators tell a judicial nominee that being a Knight of Columbus is being part of a far right group. A hit piece by Think Progress says that Russia is behind the school choice movement. The media attacks Karen Pence for teaching at a Christian school. #ExposingChristianSchools starts trending in response to Karen Pence teaching at a Christian school.
And then, after devoting zero coverage to the March for Life, suddenly they have video showing participants in a MAGA hat kind of sorta being disrespectful to him walking up to them banging a drum.
This is pushing even my considerable tolerance for bullshit. I think I’ll sit this round out.
My favorite part of this is all the respect these twitter progs suddenly have for the notion of elders.
If these teenagers are guilty, what the hell does that make antifa or the other lefty protesters?
If I were those kids, I’d be careful and not get vaporized by a mystical firebird soul thing.
(Yes, that’s actually the guy.)
Can they please just do ONE ‘Indigenous Peoples’ day?! Up here it is a replacement for Columbus Day so all the tribal offices can still take holiday and stick it to the man. This just confuses me that there is more than one.
I could forgive the commie activist shit, but fuck that guy. Fuck Skrillex.
More video emerging. It’s going to get swept under the rug.
More video.
Ok, but you gotta admit that kid is the textbook example of the larval form of the Frat Boy douchebag.
Oh yeah, he’s got that smirk that I’ve seen too many times from douchebags.
Doesn’t justify ruining his life.
But utopia does. Sacrifices must be made.
Don’t worry those kids lives are already ruined
There are “journalists” asking around for yearbooks.
Tim cast who does antifa videos just showed the parts that were cut out and it’s pretty clear that this was a setup.
I can’t find that. You got a link?
Tim Pool is his name. I can’t link from my phone (or I’m not competent about how to do so). He’s posting it on his Twitter.
Well, he removed that for some reason.
You can still find it here.
There’s other video that Jim Hanson and
Nick Monroe (nickmon1112) who’s a straight shooter. Pretty much this is all a manufactured narrative
White Christian kids vs Old POC. They are creaming in their jeans at the opportunity to pounce. *SMDH*
“he removed it for some reason”
Um, I’m guessing that our overlords at google have something to do with it.
Like I’d believe anything Jim Henson produced, the man enslaved Muppets!
What does “Removed by user” mean? “User” being Tim or YouTube?
It looks like Tim is saying that’s weird because he didn’t remove it.
Isn’t it amazing that this happened on the day that the left had an anti-semitic march?
I don’t know about them, but I went to an all-male Catholic High School and as far as I knew, we were just taught to overcome adversity, be virtuous/moral men, and treat people with respect. I guess I should get my own bare-footed Handmaiden and a bundle of rope ready to go then if what they’re saying is true.
I know, I can’t even.
Christian Brothers?
Yeah, the place was ran by the Marists.
whoops, misread, meant to say, “Nah, but…”
I don’t even know what this is. I didn’t hear about it until now. I’m going to pretend I never heard about it.
I find the original tweet by a washed up porn star, with an avatar pic of her in underclothing, complaining about vileness in society amusing.
I thought maybe you’d go for a meta joke about how The Stones suck. I am dissapoint.
I would, but I’m feeling the weight.
Good tune
Robby Robertson seems like a douche but I still like this tune. That’s Tony Levin on bass. – https://youtu.be/4KP9PNSUME4
Good song to sing after a long day of drinking
At a bar in Poway watching the Hubs play bass in country band while the salt of the earth folks dance.
Is this really California? Well, it’s fun!
Lol. I was going through my office today and found a business card from his last band. Please buy him a drink from me!
Sons of the soil?
Fun Fact: Living in the Midwest where we’re all hicks, my sisters didn’t learn about country line dancing until they went to visit family in California.
“Is this really California?” It’s part of the one I remember – but then I’m really old.
Nice, hope y’all have a good time and good to hear your husband’s doing gigs, hope that goes great for him too.
Agreed! A man needs his creative outlet whether it be music, golf, fishing or whatever. He’ll heel.
I still feel that Viva would be an excellent meeting place for the Glibs. Classic cars, good rockabilly music, and cheap drinks (especially for Vegas, the hosting casino has $3 beers/shots for the sponsor beer/liquor).
/ignored bias that I go there every year.
My daughter loves the music and the dancing. When she is a little older I’ll take her to that. It looks like a goddamn riot!
*crude joke*
As soon as I hit reply I expected that.
I’d be totally romantic.
I’m sure.
Also Tony Levin on bass.
I certainly wouldn’t behave as uncouth as Ricky.
Whatever happened to her? She was delectable and should have been a much bigger deal.
We’ve met CPRM. Total gentleman.
Like SP says, I’d at least give her waterproof Coleman.
Tony Levin! He’s the guy who inspired Sloopy’s hairstyle.
Can’t make it this year, but that event looks and sounds good, awesome even. Definitely would not mind going there.
Cosplay for mid-range wealthy folk that like chubby chicks. I’m a Betty Page fan but some of them girls aren’t even heifers no more. To each their own.
I’m just mainly digging it for the reasons Neph was highlighting: classic cars, good rockabilly music, and cheap drinks. If there are lovely ladies that pique my curiosity, that’s just a nice bonus.
Yeah, I’m just jealous because I can’t cross the border. We have direct flights from my podunk town to Vegas in the winter. Puerto Vallarta , too. It looks like it’d be a hoot!
There has to be a good story here.
No. Banality and 9/11.
Parts of North County are pretty country. Wait til you get to Fallbrook. That’s the only place I’ve ever heard somebody drop the N-bomb non-ironically in California.
Err.. not explicitly, but it was strongly implied. Pretty brazen to say something like that to a complete stranger.
Yeah, when you’re not bouncing up against the commie parts, Ca is still a really cool place. Especially when it’s 80 degrees out in January.
A brown man who swims with a crocodile.
Of course, the white science man dismisses it and just thinks the crocodile went retard after getting shot in the head.
I saw that years ago…that’s some crazy shit. I can’t think of any explanation for that thing’s behavior other than brain damage.
I don’t think I can describe my anger well SP. ell enough, in addition the words getting tortured by Microsoft, I am supremely pissed at this. I’m keeping my f’ing mouth shut only because I want to remain here.
Need to email me about something? sp@this website.
Ssshhh. I think he got into Aunt June’s cordials again, best just to let him cry it out.
Our we Mayberry now?
Only if it this Mayberry timeline – https://youtu.be/EpDmklLFXVc?list=RDhpPYKJAnwUo
“I decided to be a racist, just for one day to see how it would turn out.”
That’s how the piece I’ve been working on for the past couple weeks starts. Wondering if it’s worth finishing.
Steak on a shiner or rode outta town on a rail don’t seem very pleasant outcomes.
Did you get some hard nips? (This joke is intentionally racist to make fun of racism)
It gives me a chance to openly spread my racist views while providing me with the excuse that it was only an experiment.
It’s not a success unless you get a government grant.
Also, if you wanted to do this as a video, and we could work out transferring the video, it could be slick and I’d cut it.
You’d need a lot of fake blood. It ends up *no spoilers* quite violent.
Interesting slant.
Narrows gaze.
Finish it. Please.
This may be my favorite Tweet of the year so far.
I haz sad.
You’re up against some tough competition. I think you’ll place, though.
That whole meme contest has been a real trip. I can’t stop laughing, dude.
Hurricanes are the only storms that should be named. Enough of this named winter storm bullshit.
“To know a name is to wield power” Old Gypsy Woman. Not a Tramp or a Thief.
A friend from Africa told me one should never use a thing’s or person’s real name if one didn’t want to conjure it and invite it in. A Diné friend told me just about the same thing. So I don’t. Better not to live dangerously at my age.
Did the piranha swim down the periscope and eat his eye?
Winter storms have a name. Shit shit shit fuckity shit.
Tonite I was going down the rabbit hole of people who have disappeared. It’s always been something that has terrified and drawn me into reading about since I’ve been a kid and started seeing other kids on the back of milk cartons. There was a kid who was my age, at a different Catholic school with the same first name who I resembled who went missing and was never found. It seems like the most horrible thing for the survivors, even worse than losing your loved one. Never knowing. I’ve known people who have been kidnapped and survived it, traumatized. I was with one the night it happened and he was unbelievably lucky he did not get killed. It almost happened to me one night by myself in Lima. I don’t know if they wanted to rape me or what the fuck they wanted, but they didn’t just want to take my money, they could have done that. They wanted me to go back to their place.
Have you ever read “I know my name is Steven”?
No. Is it worthwhile?
It’s fascinating. The victim, Steven Stayner, had an older brother, Cary Stayner, who went on to become the Yosemite killer.
Side note: the rapist who kidnapped Steven retired to Berkeley after he got out of prison. It was the only place that “tolerated” him.
I looked it up, and yes, I remember reading all about that case back in the day. So terrible and weird, with the guy’s brother becoming a killer later.
Way to go Berkeley, living up to the stereotype. I hate that fucking town.
Same happened to me in Paris when I was 16. Dude who may or may not have had a gun wanted me to go home with him. After he robbed me.
How did you get out of that?? Did he stop threatening you? “Oh, ‘no.’ OK, that’s sufficient for me.”
That is more or less exactly how it ended. Maybe the hand in his jacket pocket wasn’t a gun after all. Maybe he chickened out. I don’t know and I don’t care.
There are some very highly disturbed and dangerous people out there. When you are in a different place or country you are more likely a mark. I shudder to think of all the dangerous situations I narrowly avoided. I was roofied once and came out with my organs and shy a couple hundred. My ass felt normal so it didn’t even phase me at the time aside from the massive hangover and the huge pain to get a bunch of travelers cheques back. Fuck American Express with a rusty shovel. The bastards.
“I was with one the night it happened and he was unbelievably lucky he did not get killed.”
What happened?
Around the end of the 90’s I was drinking with friends I have had since grade school on Geary Street in SF on NYE. We left one buddy at last call at an Irish bar because he was trying to get lucky with a couple girls. We walked back to our other friends house a few blocks away. He ended up striking out with the girls at the bar and walked back twenty minutes after us. He got stopped by a bunch of cracked out gangbangers. They stripped him naked and tossed him in the trunk of their car and drove around for a couple hours drinking and doing drugs. Eventually they stopped at a deserted parking lot on the cliffs near Lands End. When they lifted the trunk he swung out with the tire iron and ran for his life. He ended up back at our place at 7am. We laughed at first because it sounded absolutely made up. It was not.
JFC. Poor guy.
That fear is exactly why totalitarian states “disappear” people all the time. People need to know the state has absolutely no respect for your life. Orwell taps in this fear in 1984.
Yes, indeed. It is even more disturbing than even outright killing people. It does some fucked up things to your brain.
Renditions aren’t just for totalitarians.
For OMWC and SP – https://youtu.be/jZVL8gIUII8?list=RDhpPYKJAnwUo
Love the French horn.
Aside from the station wagon instead of a nondescript white panel van, here’s how I feature you two – https://youtu.be/hpPYKJAnwUo?list=RDhpPYKJAnwUo
Here’s a headline that will curl your Frito:
Cut tuition fees and you shut the door to poor students.
Don’t take away our slushfunds….