Hey, kids.

Still here, but we are in the countdown stage now. 10 days until the movers come and load up.

Holy crap, I wish I hadn’t typed that. Now I need another cocktail…or maybe I’ll just skip right to tequila shots.

Anyway, the good news is we have finally secured a house, with the help of a family member of one of the Editorial Team. Woohoo for Glib connections!

The bad news is that this winter storm has scuppered our dinner plans with Swiss and wife. We had no ulterior motives whatsoever. Just a nice, relaxing dinner…after taking advantage of the fact that Swiss can blow everyone (except Warty) away in Feats of Strength. Nothing major. We just had a “few” 200 pound objects for him to lift and put down.


Even though my life is literally in shambles, the website will nevertheless be here to amuse and enlighten the Glibertariat.

Of course, there will be links brought to you by various Link Artists. Artists such as Banjos, Brett L, OMWC, and most likely others who were selected for the Links Pro Bowl and not the Links Super Bowl and will therefore be available.

Not Adahn makes two appearances this week, first, with his regular IFLA forecast tomorrow, and then Tuesday with more daydreaming. Spudalicious brings another meaty post tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, Fourscore writes a letter to a certain “men’s publication,” and Web Dom will probably be by with another Vegan School post.

We’ll hope for another terrific/terrifying Hat & Hair from SugarFree, and I’ll bring you a poll.

Make sure to check in on Thursday when dbleagle’s second installment on the South China Sea drops at 11 a.m. GlibTime. Also Thursday, in the evening we have a special government shutdown treat from Tonio.

Friday brings the monthly What Are We Reading post, and Saturday mexicansharpshooter will be back with another review/not a review.


Alrighty then. Pour me another drink and let’s get on with the Saturday Night Open Post!


(Go Chiefs!)