The Glibertarian Tarot Project is not dead, though it is taking longer than I had hoped. Part of that is because my cash flow seems to be diverted somewhat to ammo purchases and buying accessories to make sure the range toy is just the prettiest little pistol that ever was. However, while I am slowly working on getting the deck put together, I also have been casually looking for more divinatory techniques to supplement the horoscopes. That’s how I discovered the most profound, most complete, most revelatory Great Key ever produced. I hesitate to share it with you, because a) you won’t need me to cast horoscopes for you anymore as it explains everything, and b) it may lead to teams of assassins armed with Tavors hunting us all down now that we know the secrets. Look at your own risk.

You want the truth? YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!
I’ll let one of the other (((Glibs))) go into Kabbalah, since it’s a bit complicated, and I really need to do something simpler first, like memorizing the ballistics of every cartridge ever produced. However, if you’re unfamiliar with sephirot correspondence, you can get an idea here.
Just in case the Illuminati blocked that image from going through, here’s what’s happening in the skies this week:
First there is a lunar eclipse which signifies new beginning/rebirth of an esoterical or spiritual sort/major transitions and portends astronomy geeks standing outside in the cold. By orbital necessity this involves the Earth being between the sun and the moon, which is a very powerful astrological alignment. This eclipse occurs with the moon in Cancer, so it’s time to get your Xanatos on — plotting, scheming, working in the shadows, all of these things will be particularly successful for you this week.
Capricorn is a confused mess. It’s playing host to the sun (that good!) the moon (that’s bad!) and Mercury (that’s… indeterminate but portentous!) The best-case interpretation (and honestly, the most likely one) is that you will see the removal of a mental block, or the way around an obstacle will become apparent. I could really use this — I’ve had this issue with airborne tin that seems to be small enough particulate-wise to go through our ULPA filters that I haven’t been able to find a solution to. Stars, don’t fail me now!
Mars in Aries indicates that it is a good week to stay indoors, as well as a warning about hostility. Now, we mentioned above that this is a good week for subtlety. If you seem to be in a situation where the two tactics are going to come into conflict, which will win? If you have an obvious opponent and you are between Gemini and Scorpio inclusive, blindside them. Otherwise, confront them directly. Reverse those if your enemy is being a sneaky little bastard.
Lastly, Sagittarius is keeping hold of the two luckiest planets, Jupiter and Venus. Enjoy things going as planned.
It finishes USA!!!!!!!!¡ We win again!
Well, that certainly seems very…comprehensive
Sup Trees!
/Tin foil in the air!!!!!!
“This is from 2015. Same Native American. How much does a job as a professional liar pay in 2019? Or is professional victim a more appropriate title?”
“Native American claims racial harassment by EMU students dressed as indians”
He’s the gift that keeps on Indian giving.
Just to show it off, here is the new toy dressed for Berlin:
And in her Miami outfit:
Hawt. I need a CZ.
I just picked up a Mark IV 22/45 , and I’m shooting tighter groups with the CZ. I’m assuming that it’s because I’m doing something wrong with the Ruger, since my old Mark I is a freaking laser beam.
I’m looking at those. Not sure if I want to go with the Lite or the Tactical. I like the Lite better but having a rail for a light is always a nice option for nighttime pest control.
What all did you do to it?
Nothing to the internals. It shoots better than I do as is.
Yeah, that’s how my new Springfield MC Operator 1911 is.
Oooooo pretty!
Damn… that is a good looking gun.
I am ready for a new handgun, but I get to the range so rarely these days not sure if it’d be worth it. Also, running out of room in my safe. Like my Sig P229, but in retrospec, I would have preferred 9mm instead of the 40SW. Oh well!
I have a couple of Glock .40s. great round but very snappy. I prefer a .45. I can shoot the .40 well but my trigger finger gets sore at the range after a while. My Glock 22 .40 with 15 rounds is my dresser gun though.
Yup my thoughts exactly; too snappy for plinking fun at the range. Couple years ago I picked up a Remington 870 20 gauge for my home defense gun. I’m far more comfortable with a long gun than a handgun.
Yeah, I have an 870 .12 ga with 00 Buck nearby as well:) That would be the first thing I grab.
I bought a foregrip with rails and put a Klarus light on it and also a Vang Comp side saddle.
50 year old 1100, 1 in full, 1 in IC. Haven’t shot them in years and years. I too like a rifle/shotgun.
I never really notice the snappiness with my glock 23. It obviously has more felt recoil than my 9mm, but not so much more that it becomes unpleasant.
.40 snaps upwards, .45 pushes back. I will happily shoot either.
It may just be the trigger on my gen 1 g22 which I don’t care for anyways. I’m guessing if I shot a 1911 .40 it would be a different experience.
I’d be thinking about a new gun, but Stickley just sent their Winter Sale catalog. And Mrs. Dean saw it before I could throw it away. Hello, new bedroom set.
I could spend the rest of my life in nothing but mission cherry.
See, that’s why I’m happily married. SP would make the opposite decision.
Mind telling us what you paid for it?
*falls out of chair*
Just kidding mate. Congratulations, I’m very jealous. She’s a beaut
Yeah all-steel full sized pistols are pricey af. Someday I’ll shell out for a stainless 1911, but not today.
Wesson vs Nighthawk
1. Lol at using a Dan Wesson as a representative of a production 1911.
2. FWIW, I think TYM sold his Shadow 2 to buy his Nighthawk.
Yeah, I would consider Wesson custom production. Both pretty nice though. Not on my list.
I wish I could find a way to justify an Ed Brown or a Wilson Combat 1911 but I can’t.
Yeah, me either. I’d rather buy 3 nice toys than 1.
Crap. Won’t be following suit anytime soon.
That’s a damn pretty pistol.
I don’t care if it’s hokey as fuck – one of these days, I’m going to get a high-shine chrome semi-auto handgun with pearl grips.
I have a beautiful Stainless Officers Special 1911 that would look pretty sweet with pearl grips.
Isn’t that a DA/SA like most Sigs? I was a revolver guy for years, so I trained myself to squeeze off six DA confidently, but then I went G30 for horsepower, size, and simplicity.
Would I ever get comfy with the DA/SA thing? I think I like the middling, combat-consistency of the stock Glock trigger . . . or should I try the other approach?
Yes, it’s DA/SA. It’s not a carry gun, never gonna be a carry gun. You have to make an effort to use it in DA mode. You could theoretically carry it cocked/locked/safety on, or with the hammer down and thumb the hammer back for a SA first shot (it’s very easy with this particular gun.) Or just do lots of two shot drills. Those don’t give me any problems on Dot Torture. The unsupported off hand…
I’m not a Glockboi, but I do stick with what works. I am a big-bore, ACP guy, but I’m not a cocked-and-locked guy, and I love the extra capacity of the new guns. EDC is a concealed G30, so: 10+1 .45ACP; I’ll change if I come across something that makes more sense.
The CZ’s lines call back to the HiPower, one of my faves, but, per me above, not an EDC option.
Do you like that G30? I have a gen 1 G21. Nice, big ass grip though.
I went G30 for horsepower, size, and simplicity
Yes, sir. and I really like the back-strap options of the Gen4 package since I’m tall: trigger reach can be adjusted to perfection.
It’s tiny, easier to conceal than the full-framed G21.
Cool. I’m always looking for another .45 to add to my collection. Lately have been looking at .45 long colts which will also shoot acps with moon clips. Redhawk seems to be popular. Prolly not a carry gun though:)
I had a G30, it shot nice, but my pinky was getting pinched between the frame and the mag. I ended up trading it off. I picked up a G21 later to fill that polymer .45 slot.
Absolutely understood. EDC here is a little different than in free states. With a 10 round mag limit, capacity makes much less difference, and single-stack guns start looking really nice. In my case, EDC isn’t even an option since my employer doesn’t allow weapons.
This gun is for me enjoying the 99.999…% of rounds that will never be fired at a human being, and maybe getting into pistol sports (assuming I can get a membership in the club that has a pistol pit).
I believe that the CZ-75 did start off as a HiPower.
My Para Ordnance .45 scratches my high capacity big bore itch.
To each their own.
Just to show it off, here is the new toy dressed for Berlin:
That takes my breath away.
Guided by the beauty of our weapons.
Love it. But I’m getting a revolver next.
It’s my fault someone bought the latest SW686. I love my old six-shooter; maybe we can get an update on the seven.
I’ve got the 686+ with a 3” barrel. Very nice shooter.
I have a Ruger GP100 in .357 Mag. It’s my standard bedside gun, and it’s fun as hell to use as a target shooter/plinker with .38 Specials.
Master of Jenga nipples.
How does someone think of that?
I’d like an all-expenses-paid trip to the Pagan Vastlands, please. It sounds like more fun than Phoenix. (And certainly more fun than continued packing.)
would you prefer my next article before or after you move?
Need an oil boy?
Don’t bullshit me, that’s a Dr. Bronner soap label.
Trying to keep the goyim away from your (((secrets))) I see.
Dr Bronner soap label. Heh. That was my first thought.
Did a search on the image and found a fun, weird rabbit hole – thanks
Spend a lazy Sunday afternoon smirking at the comments to this blog entry full of concerned Christians worried that even though they like the soap, reading the label is a one-way ticket to Hell.
Damned. You beat me to it OMWC.
Had an interview Friday. Hope I’m not up against any Sagittarius’. I did nail it though. Same department, just a promotion.
Best of luck, although it doesn’t sound like you need it.
Thanks! My disadvantage is that there are people already in that department that have applied. There is a new manager coming in though so I’m hoping that she won’t feel as obligated to give it to someone already on “her team” as the current manager who has been working with them. They have the experience on that team but I have much greater “overall” experience with the company. I like my chances:)
Ooops – accidentally just posted this in the morning links – meant to stick here:
Regarding the beer naming discussion yesterday. I recall in the early 90s while visiting San Antonio – seeing a wide variety of T-shirts advertising Bear Whiz beer – which I was lead to believe was an actual beer (I was in middle school at the time, so I don’t recall investigating further). It’s hard to believe there are similar brands having issues 20+ years later.
Separate question for Lachowsky – I’ve mentioned before that I include “crane operator” on my list of future retraining options (thanks to the GI Bill). Would an employer look favorably at seeing this on a resume for a new hire: or presuming you have the full certification and license? Or are they considered the equivalent of diploma mills without real practical value?
I’ll repeat MY comment: Bear Whiz was a creation of Firesign Theatre back in the ’60s/early ’70s. Someone took their idea and ran with it.
“It’s in the water, son. That’s why it’s yellow.”
I guess that would depend on where you plan on working. I dont know what kind of state licensing requirements there are in you state. If the state requires a certificate of some sort, having one would be a plus.
Where I am, all the state says is that the crane operator has to be qualified. The past two companies I have worked for have trained existing employees for fixed position crane jobs and for mobile crane operations, the men in the maint dept were expected to either have experience already or know how to figure it out. While working for the last company I was at, I did take a 3 day course on crane operation. It covered load charts, hand signals, and rigging, but it was mostly stuff that I had already figured out along the way.
For a construction crane operator working with a contractor I would imagine (but I dont know) that the general contractor would look favorably upon some one with some certification, but from what i know of contract crane operators, they all worked for the contractor doing something else before moving into a crane operator position.
I know nothing at all about the employment structure or requirements for the cranes used at port for shipping and such.
If you could be a bit more specific with what exactly you would like to do involving cranes, I can probably be a bit more helpful.
Also, I rarely operate cranes. I only do when I have to. I fix broken ones all the time though. I find that more satisfying and it pays a lot better than the guy running it.
Well….I assumed some sort of license would be required for legal/insurance reasons by most companies – the military certainly licenses operators but as an officer they’ll never let me take the classes (my current unit is a cargo handling reserve unit – mostly ship/aircraft loading/unloading – special missions – ie. Antarctica, RIMPAC, emergencies, military prep, etc). As I understand these places, they’d test/certify you for cross-state options, etc. My main preference is still in a shipyard/port and then possibly private/self-owned down the road.
Since I’m planning on GI Bill funding…I’m thinking about trying something like this later next year en route to something like – I figure picking up a few certifications at the same time is a good way to enter a new industry. I’ve still got some plans this year to first refamiliarize myself with welding in general and make sure it’s still something I have more than a mental affinity for (been a quite a while since I personally directly did anything but I’ve been around it quite a lot spending a lot of time in a shipyard with my two afloat tours).
Something I would do is to try and find jobs that you would want to apply for in the future and then see what kinds of certifications/training/experience the employer requires.
Then see if those schools can supply you with those things before deciding whether or not to attend.
seeing s skilled crane operator emptying a full charge basket while simultaneously moving up and back is a thing of beauty, tho
but as an officer they’ll never let me take the classes
WTF? Coming from the infantry, this is just shocking.
No reason not to ask the guys who matter: call a few guys at the national operators and see what they say? Some might be queasy to say on the record which school they like, but you’d think they’d be proud to say what programs their younger guys went to. I normally don’t care for HR folk, but they might know and say. I’d guess the union firms (Chicago, New York) might have different answers than Memphis or Omaha.
Good points. I’ll check more of the listings before making any further decisions. Additionally regarding the welding, I also saw a few articles here and there (don’t have offhand) that stated that ship welding requires some very different techniques than most normal industrial welding and that they don’t really like having to retrain folks – depending on the situation – which seems interesting – albeit logical depending on the type of craft, etc.
Everywhere I’ve been, welding has been certified in-house or through a tech school: the welder passes a test for each type of cert needed.
I’d say welding is easier to test: no need to put big bits of steel and horsepower in play to prove anything, just lay the bead necessary and see if it passes stress; with welding, if you can do it, it’s not hard or scary to prove. So school for crane is probably much more necessary than school for welding?
FWIW, almost all the welders I know went to technical school and all the crane operators I know learned on the job.
Obviously….not a fan of the union construct….but I really want to get back to the NW and the Seattle shipyards just as a matter of location/geographical preference – the lack of options is disappointing…but there’s no way in hell I’m going to try anything in the Newport News area. (may look into Bath Iron Works a little more though).
I’d think union shops might be better for guys just starting out in a field: you get all the benefits of a grade/qualification without any of the negotiation overhead; the rules are clear, so there’s less misunderstanding and the work week is less spastic. Later, when you’re an obviously special (talented and experienced) and don’t care to be limited by the buckets in a certain local’s contract, you simply opt out; if you’re that guy already, giddyup.
I’m not pro-union; I just don’t mind if that’s the way some folks want to live; it’s just another of life’s choices. For a guy on the clock, it’s a clear option. The philosophical differences do show up, but why would an hourly care, and, anyway, the anecdotes often boil down to some engineer who didn’t manage a situation well and then there are expensive guys standing around; the full story seldom gets told. I’ve built and managed both ways, including being a Teamster when I was a kid for three years and exceeding the MoU output for pretty much every hour of that, and I was never told to slow down or any of that stuff; my wife and I had health insurance when I was 21, and I don’t see any need to apologize for that. To me it’s like living in a cult: if it turns you on and suits your needs, I’m happy for you.
And if you’re going marine, I’d look at the MS coast for both shipbuilding and offshore O&G. I love the PNW, but no way I’m putting up with its cost of living if I could instead be kicked back on the sleeping porch of a yummy waterfront bungalow in Pass Christian while some comely Southern girl refreshes my drink constantly while working on my shrimp and grits lunch. All the tofu in Seattle doesn’t compare.
Ahhh….but my longterm plan is buying/building something in MT or E. Washington. I can put up with renting a one bedroom or living in someone’s basement and then taking long weekends or a week off every couple months to head to my own place somewhere else. Not planning on settling along the coast.
PC Gaming:
Anyone played Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
I picked it up on sale and rate it very highly. Haven’t had this much fun in a single player game for a looong time.
I’ll throw it on my ever growing list of RPGs I need to play some day. It sucks how I haven’t gotten to take anything off of that list in over a year.
As far as what you’ve played be fore, what would you compare it to?
Akin to Witcher games in terms of high quality story, npcs, voice acting etc. But combat more like Mount & Blade where you have to block in the direction of the attack and such.
Great story, voice acting, etc. Very immersive experience. Really sucked me in and I felt the emotions along with the story. Feel like a weak peasant at the start and have to play the role as such until you have opportunity to train. I really enjoy games where I get my ass kicked, makes the payoff later much more satisfying.
People that say single player RPGs are dead clearly are not browsing the Steam store.
Any banjos?
No banjos 🙁
Is it true that it’s a fantasy RPG without fantasy elements?
No monsters. No magic. No bears/wolves attack you in the woods. So.. yes?
Just some poor peasant lad trying to survive in a harsh world.
I loved it but let it lie fallow for some reason so I’ll probably have to restart.
I was sold on the setting and it gave me almost everything I wanted. Was it so hard to scrounge some drama students in Prague and make a Czech language track? Skill-wise I was warned that what looks like horribly clunky mechanics is just what your character is like at 0 skill, and if you grind it up it becomes perfectly fine, and that’s how it went.
We need a sequel. I want to see the start of Hussite Wars, dammit. Jan Zizka is a badass among badasses!
I’m shocked as to how much GW’s quality has gone down since Age of Sigmar. That looks like a Geocities page!
“In his will, he asked that his body be flayed and his skin made into a wardrum to lead his people into battle” would probably be rejected as “too out there for the brand”.
Seemingly the game sold well, so I’m sure we’ll get a sequel eventually.
I made the choice of starting with hardcore mode without any prior experience, so learning the ropes was extra hard. But that’s how I like my games.
What’s your favorite moment? So far mine was the drinking quest with the priest. Was laughing my ass off for the whole episode. I nailed the sermon flawlessly first time. Story gave just the right amount of clues on what to say.
Story-wise? Probably that, I was already laughing my ass off before the priest was like “yeah, you do the homily, it’s fine”.
From gameplay perspective, nailing a Cuman with an arrow while in full gallop and insta-killing him. I’m the steppe archer now, bitches!
Nice to see the lack of reaction.
“getting locked out of your car to own the libs”
I miss livong in MT where open carry is as common as boots and cowboy hats. WV is certainly not gun averase, they made concealed carry universal a year or two ago, but I rarely see anyone open carry.
/Open carry is sorta dumb and unnecessary but whatever, if it’s a right it’s a right
I’ve mentioned it before but if I’m on a trail anywhere, I’m OC. Not much need for it in town.
“/Open carry is sorta dumb and unnecessary but whatever, if it’s a right it’s a right”
To maintain that status as a right, someone needs to exercise it, or it will cease to be a right. I have no problem with someone walking around with an open carry handgun but the guys walking down the street with an AR over their shoulder make me shake my head.
That’s why we need to bring back Muster Day.
I was looking up some WW2 stuff and Nina Onilova pops up.
From the Wikipedia page:
The “gunnery training” in question was on a Maxim, so, during the war, she was able to clear the blockage on her company’s machine gun (despite being a medic) and shoot a bunch of advancing Germans. I’m saying more workplaces need gunnery clubs.
Bayer Leverkusen and VfL Wolfsburg were both founded as sports clubs for the companies’ employees (Bayer and Volkswagen, respectively).
Indeed, Wolfsburg’s players are still technically Volkswagen employees, which caused a stir a few years back when one of them posted photos of him and his Mercedes to his Instagram account
“Like I’d be caught dead driving a Volkswagen.”
if I’m on a trail anywhere, I’m OC.
Don’t disagree, but the W94 feels more natural to me in the field; oddly, few would object to the lever (he’s a hunter) whereas the pistol would cause some freakouts (why does anyone need a gun in the park?).
suburb cop freaked out when he saw some dude carrying and pulled his gun on him. Asshat didn’t know it was legal.
Right: the rub here is that if the policing mission weren’t ostensibly to monitor, judge, and control others’ behavior, they wouldn’t need to memorize the code. And if the code were as short and pointed as it should be, transgressions would be obvious to a kindergartener and cops could spend seven hours a shift fucking the fuck off. The mistakes cops made are borne of outsize regulation and ridiculous “safety” expectations: the people bring it on themselves, they beg for this nonsensical situation, and, hate cops though I do, theirs’ is an impossible job.
True but you would think basic constitutional rights might be covered at the academy.
Having a piddly little handgun will not be sufficient deterrence for STEVE SMITH.
My local Sportsmans Warehouse used to have a No Carrying Allowed sign on the front door. It’s gone now. Seldom see anyone carrying.
That’s pretty much how it works here. Although I’m sure some of the recent transplants might have an issue with it.
Few years back some local suburb cop freaked out when he saw some dude carrying and pulled his gun on him. Asshat didn’t know it was legal. I’ve known that since I was 5. What are they teaching these recruits? When I was young you would see guys in restaurants with their shotguns and handguns during deer season all the time. Never see that anymore.
Where’s here?
SW Idaho. Get out of the Treasure Valley and open carry is much more common.
And Open Carry is in the state Constitution. Not that anybody knows that.
Beautiful. I’ve always wanted to check out the Couer D’Alene area. I’m not a skier but looks pretty. My only tripout west has been to NW Washington State which I loved except for the lack of sunshine. I’d consider moving west but my wife doesn’t want to be that far from family.
Last night when I mentioned the Econoline, I didn’t mention that we went out to California in it one summer, and hit a bunch of National Parks along the way. And then another summer, we went to Disney World/Key West.
Yeah,we hit Olympia National Park when we were in Washington. Wish I could have spent more time there. The two National Parks we’ve spent the most time in is Smokey Mountains and also Big South Fork Run which we love because we always have the trails and scenic overlooks to ourselves.
Econoline van or RV?
Van, converted so the bench seats folded down into a bed (and could be rotated to put a table between them).
Sweet. I’d like to have something I could sleep in on the road.
CDA is pretty but is getting too congested. Weather in Eastern Washington / North Idaho is different than the Olympics. Very little rain from July through October.
Need to do that on another vacation.
Yeah, but he was kind of over-the-top in Whole Foods with the vegan/restroom stuff. It’s as if he became a conservative trope of a progressive (not even liberal) person and I found that a little annoying.
Letter to the editor: high density doesn’t reduce prices because all cities with high density have high prices.
And the Salt Lake Valley is just like Dallas or something.
Doh forgot link
Here’s a crazy idea – build what people want.
I’m always taken aback by how little people apply the most basic ideas like supply and demand. I hear people at work angrily saying things like “Why are they building another Starbucks there? We don’t NEED another Starbucks!!” or “Why do we have two Wendy’s restaurants when [other town] only has one? It makes no sense!“
I do that but probably because I am generally grumpy.
RE: Humungus/Flashman’s story of getting pulled over from the morning links thread.
Same thing happened to me once. I bought a car and the DMV gave me brand new plates for it. The competent DMV worker who is a noble public servant who totally deserves high pay and generous benefits somehow forgot to enter the plate information into their system. I found out about it a couple months later when a cop sitting behind me at a light apparently got bored and ran my plates. He pulled me over, talked to me about the plates, I showed him the DMV paperwork and told him I’d go down to the DMV the next day to get it sorted out. I didn’t even think about it until later that he must have just randomly decided to run my plates for no specific reason.
Which cops have the right to do, because fuck the 4th Amendment.
The implementation of ALRP cameras (Automatic License Plate Recognition) won’t even require the cop to input the plate automatically. All plates are scanned automatically and anything outside the norm will generate a hit.
I’m seeing more and more ALPR cameras on law enforcement cars, seems to be really taking off now. Anecdotally, I saw them rarely on law enforcement. Most often along major highways. Then repo trucks started using them, then commercial/university parking operations, and now pretty much everyone and anyone is using it. Columbus just adopted it for permit parking. If I must suffer permit parking, at least I don’t have to put an ugly permit sticker on my car.
Fun thing to do is look for these on highways when you cross state borders, you can tell at a glance which states have embraced ALPR and which have not. Last time I crossed the Ohio>Indiana border I was greeted by fancy ALPR systems documenting my travels, stored forever and searchable at a whim by any law enforcement or even pseudo-govt agency.
IIRC, New Hampshire has the strictest laws against ALPR usage, but I don’t know the specifics. Law enforcement probably allowed to use it as much as they want.
De jure? No. De facto? LOL!
I was going to comment on the other thread that cops routinely randomly run plates just ‘cuz. Glad it never happened to me while I was driving with hot plates. Not that I would actually do such a thing. Ever. Nope. Not me.
What you’re saying, in other words is…
Since it IS Sunday afternoon: Obligatory
Which cops have the right to do, because fuck the 4th Amendment.
You have no expectation of privacy while driving on a public road.
That’s why I never drive with pants on.
The effect is amplified when you drive your McLaren Senna
I’m not overly fond of the hood or front grill, but the rest of it looks like a beast!
Saw one this weekend.
I got a little hard, I admit.
If I were in that realm, I world go McLaren every time I’ve the other exotics.
Gets my Scottish up IYKWIM.
Is there a square inch without a cover or divot? Looks way too busy for my tastes.
This. It’s design overkill.
I didn’t know you owned pants HM?
The law hasn’t evolved enough to accept that I sexually identify as Donald Duck.
It’s like we’re still living in the Puritan era.
The 4th amendment is all but dead these days.
Oregon may have or is about to step over that line. Like a revival of the second, the fourth may make a comeback.
*Hey! I can dream.*
That’s good news.
I continue to argue that an A10 revival and an
are what is needed: the idea that the government as a normal and standard course has almost no interest in managing me save maybe coordinating any redress of my abuses of my neighbors.
Here’s where I want the standard American rationale to evolve: The reason I can have a gun is because Fuck Off That’s Why, not because I’m in a militia or some favorable but perishable 2A ruling (Heller).
Add anti-delegation to that, and I’m in.
originalist reading of the commerce clause
I figured this bespoke the same?
Is there any other vector that allows the USG to get into everyone’s shorts? My understanding is that civil rights era expediency used the commerce clause to give the USG jurisdiction over equal access. The problem with that expediency is that federalizing the regulation of private conduct leaves us to wonder at this point: what realm of life, personhood, property, or business can the USG not claim jurisdiction over!? To me that’s how we know it’s bad law: it legitimizes state control over everything which (call me crazy) is the opposite of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
My guess is that this notion has been beat to death on Glib and TOS. Are my shorthand and history acceptable and accurate?
Also, this is why I’m not a 2A guy: the fuck-off quality of 10A is the best and most direct expression of what the country should be. The constant assertion of 10A is the proper way to dispense with the incremental arguments: we have rights because Fuck Off That’s Why.
As for equal access, of course, I support and maintain it with every fiber of my being save one: the notion that governments ought regulate it. Opprobrium of the free market is the proper jurisdiction in such matters: normalizing federal regulation in all things was too high a price to pay to correct private conduct that would have been fixed otherwise (was already fixed?) sooner or later.
For the 4A to have any chance of a comeback, drug prohibition will have to end first.
Here’s a crazy idea – build what people want.
But what about the strategic long term growth plan? Where are your studies, and grant applications? Have you solicited comment from the public? Have you mollified your stakeholders? Have you kowtowed to the activist community?
A McLaren road car? I’d rather have one of these.
The Bugattis are cool as well. Not that matters for me.
Koenigsegg One might be my fav although that Lykan looks like the Batmobile.
I’ll take the Aston Martin every time.
Guy who owned the place I used to work at had a DB9. I caught a ride to a group function with him one time. Nice car, but he treated it like any other car — it was a mess inside.
Lol. Must have lost that new car smell.
DB9 is sweet. I would take any of them!
That image needs to become a design document for Assassin’s Creed franchise.
Unless…it already is?!
What is this heretical pagan shit?
You’re just excited about what she’s going to do to you with those antlers.
That wig is pretty hot
Covington schoolboys again via Twitter:
This really is fucking outrageous and, frankly, dangerous.
They found their Lord and Savior a year ago, but they lacked his opposite. An Anti-Hogg, if you will. Now everything is in order, on Earth as in Heaven, amen.
I feel bad for #23.
He disrupts the narrative.
Confusing narrative.
He must be one of those black white supremacists I’ve been hearing about lately.
Wearing blackface just makes it worse.
No. We judge people by what they look like now and our own personal perceptions about said people because individualism or some other bullshit
Just in time for the national holiday.
Oh great – tomorrow should be a fun news day.
“wHy DId rELigIouS PEoPle VoTE tRUmP?”
I assumed that most of the people who are outraged haven’t seen the entire video.
These assholes have seen the entire video, and they still don’t care.
It’s hysteria and the facts are irrelevant. These kids are screwed. Interesting that Twitter allows doxing and outright threats against minors when the targets are acceptable.
No, they don’t care.
The kids are bad people. They’re a bunch of privileged racist white males who think they’re entitled to rape their way through life and then force their victims to give birth.
They’re bad people, and bad people should be punished.
Why are you defending bad people? Only a bad person would defend bad people. Do you need to be punished too?
Surprisingly, Twitter is still cancer. Huh.
Oh shit. It gets better.
Oh my God.
Like, I thought that was satire at first. Someone pointing out the absurdity. But no. No. It’s an actual politician. Proposing that we really ban MAGA hats for teenagers.
I think that part is tongue-in-cheek, what isn’t tongue-in-cheek is him jumping on the bandwagon and demonizing these kids for something they demonstrably did not do.
Just despicable.
At least he’s getting brutalized in the replies.
Johnnie Walker: Resister
And now we get to the brands where by boycott might make a difference.
I saw that the CODEL loaded up on Johnnie Walker Red. RED. Seriously, wtf is wrong with that bunch of philistines?
It’s all they could afford in these times of austerity.
The rest of the list wasn’t much better. I’d like to see the quantities though, which is probably what it’s about.
Forget the anti-Semitic stuff… a five-minute web search – scrolling past the first page of MSM fluff pieces – would reveal that the “Women’s March” is basically a communist front-group. It is just weapons-grade stupid for a giant corporation to associate itself with that.
I don’t get why they would associate themselves with commie/feminazi bullshit when they could have just donated to breast cancer research or something.
And be associated with the Komen shits?
Look at who runs the marketing. Twenty somethings full of indoctrination from schooling and older ones falling for the siren call of trying to catch what they think are the current trends and pandering to those same youngsters.
I guess that must be it.
I always wondered what would happen when the hardcore SJW types start percolating through the workforce. Being an occasional optimist, I had hoped that employers would realize that their fancy university degrees weren’t worth a damn and start prioritizing those with work experience or “boot camp” style training. I guess it’s possible that this is happening and we’re just not seeing it all over the news.
Firing the executive that thought that was a good idea and issuing an apology would go a long way towards rectifying the situation.
When the fuck has that happened? For all the ‘get woke go broke’ shit, I don’t see any companies backing down. Or going broke, for that matter…
(yes, yes, Battlefield V tanked, but there’s a whole rant of what they were doing and how lack of sales won’t dissuade them I don’t want to go on right now)
Well, Star Wars’ earnings went in the shitter and there was also…well I can’t think of any others right now but I’m sure there are some out there.
Ooh, maybe an example. But, unwoke The Last Jedi (make Holdo male, skip Space Vegas, have Ray be a character) and it would have still wrecked the brand for being a poisonous hate-filled tirade against Star Wars itself (or really, really shitty SpaceBalls 2, if you go by RLM thesis that the thing is staged like a comedy).
It’s one thing to go generically woke, it’s another thing to specifically slag your intended audience/customer base. Gillette might be having some problems in the future, at least here in the US.
For all the ‘get woke go broke’ shit, I don’t see any companies backing down. Or going broke, for that matter…
It’s not magic. Most of these companies have enough momentum to last for quite a while with depressed sales.
Also, how many people are actually boycotting these companies. Assuming that roughly 35% of people would be potentially offended by these ads, how many of them are customers who are really gonna put their money where their mouth is? Im guessing maybe 5-10% of the customer base is sufficiently torqued off to change their buying habits.
I avoided Nike, Dick’s, and Levi’s for the holidays, which is easy to do: shopping for others. But I don’t care enough about the razor lecture to retool how we handle HBA at our house; I’m sticking with the blade that has been working for us until this becomes a top three travesty, which it is far from becoming.
I don’t do Chick-fil-A, either. They are free to run their firm as they wish, spend their proceeds as they might, and I’m happy to find others to patronize (Zaxby).
Even cold as fuck, my Weber/Slow n Sear combo has settled in to 229.
What’s in it?
Jerk ribs
It’s kind of arrogant to name a dish after yourself.
Good one. The smell, however, makes up for your terrible joke.
The pimento wood and leaves are incredible.
Your quote of the day. You know exactly what I’m talking about.
“Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one’s first feeling, ‘Thank God, even they aren’t quite so bad as that,’ or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies are as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally we shall insist on seeing everything — God and our friends and ourselves included — as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred,” – C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
I’m surprised that Lewis didn’t use the subjunctive.
I believe it’s dying out faster in England than in the US.
HM will probably know better/correct me/tell me I’m full of shit, but I believe we retain “had gotten” whereas England dropped it long ago in favor of “had got.” “
I think colony speech being more conservative than the motherland is a common phenomenon. I’ve read the same about New World English and French.
And Spanish! I’ve had Spaniards tell me that listening to Latin American Spanish is like going back to the 16th Century.
A bit hyperbolic, but not necessarily wrong.
You are correct.
We’re it so, I would approve.
I think a lot of the people who had their world view reinforced by the partial video in question will never see the rebuttel because they refuse to go to sources outside their bubble. If you were to tell them they didn’t see the full story they will look at you like you are Hitler and admonish your attempt to defend the behavior of obvious racists. They don’t know and they don’t care to know.
Awesome quote
we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred
To connect the Czech history and 2nd Amendment threads above, a clip of Jan Zizka starting a rebellion because the king ordered the populace to surrender their weapons. From 1954, as you can tell by vague strands of Communist propaganda.
Turn on Close Captions for English subtitles.
My understanding that Czechia is the only country besides the U.S.A. where concealed carry of handguns is allowed to regular folks.
A quick survey of Wikipedia shows that you can add Estonia and Pakistan(!) to the list.
Thanks. Good to know.
And they love beer!
“To not disturb peaceful sleep of the European Commission, we left out the scene where angry citizens throw king’s officials from windows down on points of spears.”