Let the euphemisms fly!
I typically have several different types of sausage in the freezer. Smoked kielbasa is one of my favorite and most versatile. I’m using duck and pork here, but beef and pork is the standard.
I’m primarily Irish, so it’s easier for me to metric. It also comes in handy when you need to be precise on things like curing salts and such.
The animal parts:
2lbs duck breast
2lbs pork shoulder
1lb pork back fat
The other stuff:
40 gm kosher salt
5.5 gm Cure #1
10 gm sugar
3 gm marjoram
6 cloves garlic
1/2 cup ice cold water
I’ll apologize for gearing this towards people that know how to make sausage. If I made it for the generic crowd, it would be a multi-part series.The one thing that I will put out there is that cleanliness is next to godliness. Just like the booze making series, everything has to be clean, clean, clean.
Cube the duck and pork, add the seasonings and leave in the fridge overnight. The water will be hand mixed in for two minutes after the second grind.
You want the meat to be close to freezing when you grind it for a proper texture. Let it sit in the freezer for awhile before the first and second grind. I did the first grind through the coarse plate and the second through the medium plate. I usually like kielbasa a little finer, but I’m gun shy after my last batch of breakfast sausage turned out gummy and tough. Duck can’t handle a lot of grinding.
It was below 60 degrees in the garage, so after stuffing, I was able to hang the links overnight on my custom drying rack/target stand. If your temps are above that, you will have to shorten the hang time. The purpose is to let the flavors meld and develop the pellicle the smoke will stick to. The different lengths are due to the craptacular casings I had on hand.
I smoked for four hours on cherry starting at 120 and slowly ramping up to 180. Final IT was 145. Into an ice bath to stop the cooking and then hung in the garage for a couple of hours. I’m pretty happy with this batch.
These sausages are fully cooked and ready to eat. Grill until hot, or in a 300 degree oven. Or split them and brown in a skillet. Or slice in rounds as an ingredient in another dish. You can even skip the casings and keep it as fresh, unsmoked sausage. As I said, this is a very versatile sausage.
Enjoy! Thanks for looking.
OMG that looks yummy.
Thanks! One of my best batches.
There is a little makeshift diner/grocery/smokehouse here in a bad part of town that has sold homemade kielbasa for way longer than I’ve been alive. It is a pure country dive, just awful. Old-time butcher cases. Peter May’s House of Kielbasa.
I don’t buy kielbasa anywhere but there and it’s a 30-mile round trip to get it. Yours looks just as good.
I love places like that.
*just awful, as in where it’s located and its appearance. The ambiance, on the other hand, is spot on.
Do you guys have a lot of missing tourists around those parts?
Tourists? Here? LOL
Missing hikers/campers? People just passing through town who vanish?
I don’t think anybody would notice…
Where’s “here”?
Kansas City, Missouri.
Damn! I love it, great work
Thank you!
yup, a top ten article: clear and relevant
Thank you!
How do you grind your meat, with a stand mixer and attachment or do you have a single purpose mixer?
I use a stand mixer and I bought this grinding attachment:
Much more sturdy and being stainless steel, I can put it in the freezer ahead of time to help keep everything cold.
I bought a grinder at a garage sale and never used it. Anything special to know about using one?
Just make sure everything is clean and the parts you can put in the freezer are nice and cold. If you’re grinding twice, start with the largest plate you’re going to use and clean everything between grinds while you chill the meat again.
Everything needs to be very cold. The friction from the auger generates quite a bit of heat.
Does that one come with a horn for stuffing the casings?
You can get one that does but I have a stand alone stuffer. Stuffing with a stand mixer annoys the hell out of me.
Out of curiosity, why? Seems efficient.
It’s not. You’re constantly pushing meat mush into the feeder tube while trying to maintain a consistent stuff. A hand crank stuffer allows me complete control.
A 5#, hand crank stuffer will run you about $120 and will last forever.
I’d be tempted to experiment with a foot pedal which would be so easy to install without modifying the grinder at all.
If I’m dealing with large quantities of raw meat, I like the idea of a foot pedal. I should get one on the sink too.
Sorry to go OT right out of the gate, but I’m assuming the links are mostly dead.
A half decent article from WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/articles/americas-other-endless-war-somalia-11547738433
I need to do this.
Thanks, Spud!
You’re welcome!
These look delicious.
It’s a tasty recipe.
Have you ever tried it with binders?
Binders full of women?
HA HA HA! That’s exactly what I thought.
I use nonfat dry milk for Bratwurst because I like the texture and I use Sodium Tripolyphosphate for snack sticks. Most recipes I don’t bother. If you allow the meat to sit overnight with the salt, Cure and sugar, you will develop enough myocin for a good bind.
I have several pounds of STPP in the cupboard. If you’ve never injected it into brisket or tri-tip, I highly recommend.
Right on, looks tasty. Do you use lard for the pork fat?
I use pork back fat.
All this talk about sausages….
Hot dog.
Tube steak.
I’d eat that.
Had a bunch of Johnsonville brats over the past few days. Still, they look good.
…meaning spud’s
Have you ever done a lactic acid ferment or anything long enough for a #2 cure?
I’ve done a batch of salami that turned out just okay. It’s something I need to revisit. I use Cure #2 for pancetta, bresaola and lonzino.
For what I pay for the basic Sopresatta and Genoa salamis at the Murray’s counter, I think it would be worthwhile for me to learn so I can make it in large quantities.
I would have to assume that they use low-quality wine and pork, so… I should be able to come up with something pretty good once I learn how to do it properly.
Have you made gyro meat?
Not something I’ve done. I don’t have the setup to do it properly.
Gyro meat is actually pretty easy. Just buy pre-ground lamb and beef (50/50 ratio), season it, press it into a pan, and bake it like meatloaf. When it’s time to serve, slice it paper thin and sear with a hot pan or a butane torch.
I used to do it about once a month.
I have run across several recipes, all with different spices and my palate is not sophisticated enough to know which recipe is going to give me the flavor I want.
The most basic flavoring for gyro meat is garlic, onion, oregano, salt, and white pepper in a 3:1:1:1:1 ratio. (3x on the garlic powder). For me, this is more than sufficient because I eat it in a pita with tomatoes, onions, feta, and sauce (tzatziki or toum).
Some of the more aggressive recipes also have cumin, marjoram, thyme, and/or rosemary. It’s not really my thing.
We have. 1/1 beef and lamb, two grinds. It came out OK but we slightly over spiced it. Next time I am going to measure out the spice and then reduce by about 20% – 30%.
Thanks for the tutorial! I recently got a grinder attachment for our mixer but haven’t used it yet.
You’re welcome! It’s really not that hard to do and the results are superb. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks! I wish I had a cold smoke setup. Can’t wait to retire and get out of the ‘burbs.
Get a 4 foot section of venting duct, and this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079KGP5BX/ref=dp_cerb_3
Boom! Cold smoking kit.
I got one about 2 years ago and it’s cheap and pretty much foolproof.
Nice! Thanks Playa!
Bonus tip: you can adjust the qualities of the smoke by changing the length and the bend of the duct. A longer run means less creosote.
Excellent tip. Thanks again!
I have the grinder attachment, but not the horn. I’m skeptical of paying $20 for a stupid plastic funnel.
I’ve only used it a couple times, but fresh ground hamburger is delicious!
Make it in bulk as a fresh sausage. I’ve done some awesome breakfast sausage.
That’s a really good idea. I have a sausage patty every morning for breakfast. Do you have a good recipe to start from? I came across Alton brown’s recipe, but it seems a bit complex for breakfast.
Here, go crazy. There’s a breakfast sausage recipe that looks pretty good.
Muchas gracias
These are very good. I have made them many times and you cant miss.
I have the funnel for the meat grinder. Buy the hand crank unit for sausage stuffing. The grinder and funnel attachment doesn’t allow uniform filling so you get a load of air pockets and broken cases.
I used the funnel fo making ground meat and loose sausage for filling into plastic tubes. Breakfast sausage and bulk Italian.
Thanks for showing us your meat.
Nice sausage!
That’s what she said.
I have Win 7 and they will have to pry it out of my cold, dead fingers.
Yep. Adobe keeps trying to force me to go to Windows 10. Sooner or later, they’re gonna make my core app from them (PS) work only in Win10, and then I’ll have to get a new ‘puter.
That’ll piss me off right proper, it will.
I’m mad about Adobe going to subscription for Photoshop/CS. Also mad that they don’t update Digital Editions to accommodate what ebooks are fully capable of (e.g., sound, video). Adobe just plain sucks. (I’m still using Pshop 7.)
Speaking of windows 10, I’m starting to hear rumors that they are forcing one note users to their newer one note for win 10 version that hasn’t achieved parity with the desktop one note 2013 version.
I will start throwing things if they cripple my Onenote
Drives my husband nuts, but I don’t update anything until I’m forced.
Him: “Win 7 is not supported after 2020.”
Me: “So?”
Him: “You won’t be able to get security updates and patches.”
Me: “And…?”
Him: *headdesk*
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I have bandwidth caps, so I hate auto updates. Supposedly Firefox has gone to a you can’t turn off updates model.
One of the first things I do when I move into a new computer is turn off auto updates, install Malwarebytes, some rootkit blocker I can’t remember the name of, antispyware. I have a bunch of other utilities, including one that makes 7 look and superficially function like XP.
I also use way out-of-date Firefox, which has become bloated beyond belief.
10 sucks. Badly. I’ve had about 3 computers blow up on it.
Coming soon Windows 365…
Haven’t used the PC in awhile. Been happy with my Android tablet, but there are still somethings I want the damn thing for.
HF the thing has turned into a shitshow. Someone(s) in Redmond has the sole job just to move shit around randomly. The thing is running like cold molasses and now is stuck in the famous “..don’t turn off your computer”. Turned it off once before when it did that and boy did MS make me pay for being insolent.
Yeah, I set Linux Mint up on an external hard drive and could boot into Windows 10 if I needed. Haven’t in years.
I have always been told I really don’t want to know how it’s made.
Drinking beer and listening to:
My grandpa used to make Italian sausage from scratch. He used to make pasta from eggs and flour too. I think of him when I see Goodfellas with the razor blade cut garlic and all the sauce instructions while he’s running from helicopters. In my childhood home there were often huge arguments about various aspects of cooking dinner. Food was great, but it riuined me for eating other people’s cooking.
Muh testosterone poisoning!
It’s sort of covered in bullet point 3, but the main reason? Masculinity has been a self-sufficient ethos, which is directly at odds with cultural Marxism.
This. Stoicism is a direct threat to them as appeals to emotion undergird every single principle they hold.
It isnt just emotion, it appeals to the worst parts of human nature, envy being the primary one. Also, look at the twitter thread about the fake attack on the professional grievance monger Indian. The response has been a foaming-at-the-mouth mob howling for the blood of school children over an incident that has been completely and deliberately misrepresented in the media.
Appeal to the worst parts of human nature, get the worst kinds of people.
You’re pretty much not even allowed to talk about point 4. Holy hell, deny that a woman can do it all by herself? What are you, some kind of monster?
I used to get really defensive at that one, being the child of a single mother who raised 4 boys (me, from the age of 3, the rest older).
It took a long time for me to think more rationally about it.
Fuck those “load more” buttons.
OT (albeit food-related):
Just came back a couple of days ago from Oahu. I’ve been to Hawai’i three times, and this is the second time I’ve come back with a stomach bug (food-borne, I’m assuming). The first time was 15 years ago (I went to The Big), and I got the infection (never definitively verified, but symptoms suggested Crypto) that gave me what has been officially diagnosed as IBS-D, which has persisted to this day.
On the second-last day of the trip, my party and I went to a local eatery in Kailua where I ordered a burger cooked to the point where there was supposed to be no trace of pink. I’m not a fan of E. Coli. Naturally, it arrived, I took a couple of bites and then happened to glance at it.
Pink. Fuck!
Why the Hell is it so hard to follow a simple instruction? The cook didn’t have a knife on hand to cut the burger and check it before sending it out?
I’ve been to Hawaii 10 or so times. The only time I had stomach issues was when I ate 4 pineapples at the breakfast buffet. Would not recommend.
If you actually got E. Coli, it’s a reportable event and they should recall the meat.
4 pineapples…
Did your stomach dissolve?
I almost got launched into orbit from the toilet.
But man….. fresh pineapples in Hawaii are amazing. They don’t even export the good ones.
That’s some serious fiber.
Fresh off the tree papayas are a revelation too.
Next time don’t eat the tough exterior.
Sorry dude.
For the food poisoning experience that I will never forget, I had Dim Sum in San Jose, California 4 days before I flew to China. Just enough time for the salmonella to gestate on the fifth day.
I should have known after I took a couple bites of the chicken wing and the other guy at the table said “Dude, your chicken wing is still bleeding.”
Ouchie. Sorry. I had a friend go to China a few years ago and managed to avoid the Fu-Manchu Two-Step until the third-last day, where she thoughtlessly put her hand into a bowl of nuts at the opera and had some. Then she caught herself and went “uh-oh.”
She became much more intimately acquainted with Chinese toilettes à la Turque than she wanted to be.
My symptoms line up with E. Coli infection so far, but the next 24 hours or so will seal the deal one way or the other. The reason I think it’s from the burger is because it’s the only thing my wife and I didn’t eat in common (she had a fish taco), and she has no symptoms at all. **HEAVY SIGH**
I didn’t have any problems in China. I even ate street food a couple of times.
But definitely avoid the pork bun at Tokyo International AP.
I mostly ate at tourist restaurants in China but also a couple holes in the wall. Zero problems.
And I eat hamburgers with a little pink in the middle all the time. Is that wrong? Should I not have done that?
And I eat hamburgers with a little pink in the middle all the time. Is that wrong? Should I not have done that?
A little pink (medium) is usually fine. There’s some non-zero chance of contamination, but I usually have my burgers medium if I get one from a restaurant. Medium rare is risky if you don’t know who ground the meat or when. I’ll only eat a medium rare burger at home when I just ground the meat.
Yeah, I always order “medium” when I can. Whew!
That’s how I eat them. Actually, often at home I’ll go a little extra pink. Pork tenderloin with a slight pink color is also acceptable.
Buy good quality meat.
I typically order burgers ‘medium’. The burgers I make at home don’t go past ‘medium-rare’
In re: the Big Island and Cryto….
A swimming pool is a far more likely source of crypto than something you ate.
I’m not sure what hotel you stayed at, but some of the hotels on the Big Island don’t chlorinate their pools. Hilton Waikoloa, for one. There is so much fresh water seeping out of the rocks that they just change the water in the pool every night.
Didn’t swim. (Haven’t actually gotten into a pool, lake or ocean for over 20 years now.)
Stayed all over the place on The Big 15 years ago; this trip, stayed in Waikiki at the OHANA Waikiki Malia. Nice enough hotel, albeit dated and in need of a refresh and some decent soundproofing. Good staff, though. I’d forgotten just how noisy Waikiki is, particularly at night. When we got home, we both sank into our bed with a sigh and realized that our area’s virtually silent at night (absent the occasional yute in a hot car on weekend nights).
If there’s one universal thing travel’s taught me, it’s that, ceteris paribus, we live in a really nice place.
Yeah, I’m definitely spoiled. If I’m working from home…. A LEAF BLOWER?!?!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!
Our last house was like that. Quite often, the rustling of the leaves would crowd out the next loudest noise, which was traffic from the highway 2.5 miles away. None of it could be heard indoors.
At the current house, a combination of poor insulation and being in the flight path of Dulles makes for a much less quiet existence.
I really dislike extreme quiet. Makes me jumpy.
I live on top of a hill next to 1000 acres of state forest, and the nearest neighbor at the bottom of the hill. Nice and quiet.
Are there bald eagles screeching all day?
Turkey and a lot of smaller birds; deer and the occasional bear and rare coyote.
I gots turkey and bald Eagles on my land ‘Merica motherfuckers!
OT: It may be odd for (((me))) to say this, but the people doxxing high school kids need Jesus. Badly.
ONCE AGAIN, this is why the prohibition against idol worship is one of the strongest made in the Bible/Torah. These folks do not know G-d (or any greater force) on any level, so they have supplanted it with Government. Even worse, their beliefs have no path to redemption or forgiveness. Even if these boys were to rend their garments and commit mortification of the flesh and beg to be forgiven, none would be given. There is only everlasting torment, guilt, misery and hate until death releases us all from the Hell on Earth we’ve created.
Or, as Jonah Goldberg put it, white males are the Jews of the New Left.
Why is it odd?
All of us motherfuckers could probably use a little Jesus.
For the dash of my car?
+1 taking corners fast and scary, I got a plastic virgin Mary riding on the dashboard of my car. I don’t care if it rains or freezes, I got a plastic baby Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car….
+1 Buddy Christ
The left is not interested in their repentance (not that they should in this case), the left is only interested in their usefulness as an opportunity for their own virtue signaling.
We are really starting to have more in common with Maoist China than anything else.
Convert to the dark side.
Just don’t become one of those wacky Mormons. /sarcasm
Get a load of Jung up here!
See? I was right!
Spud, those things really look good. Man, I love sausage, don’t make it but I’m skilled at eating it.
Thanks! I’m pretty good at eating it too. That’s the problem.
It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Spud’s fritters.
I may update my bio with that.
meats meat and man’s got to eat
Just got off the phone with my dad. He’s on a cruise ship with a bunch of other retired people on the way to Cuba and Brazil.
The talk of the ship is the Catholic School incident. In spite of the diversity of political views among the passengers who just met each other, the consensus so far is that this is worse than what they did to Kavanaugh. At least he was an adult.
I think we might be witnessing the death of progressivism right now. It’s a pretty bad fucking week for them.
A wee bit premature I think.
The real question is do Teh Yutes agree?
We’ll see. My prog friends have the CNN version of the vid all over their FB page.
Hilarious possibility: my NZ news feed is reporting the schoolkids were doing the haka.
It has happened before but they are like cockroaches. They will be back.
People mistakenly view it as a battle to be won or lost. It’s not. It’s an ever-present struggle, like a fat guy on a diet. The instant he slips up, he gains 10 lbs. Similarly, the instant the (classical) liberals slip up, the authoritarians grab a foothold and start deconstructing liberal society.
unfortunately history shows that these classical liberals will give up on classical liberalism very quickly.
Yeah, that’s an issue, too.
*cough* alien and sedition acts *cough”
Classical liberals believed in commerce, trade, universities, schools, urbanization, immigration, etc. And we see how all these today are hotbeds of classical liberalism, right?
By Tuesday people will go back to believing what they see on the news.
It looks like the Saints are going to pull this out.
Am I tape delayed or something?
That should have been a pick.
Good no call, ref!
I thought saints were supposed to stay in till the bitter end.
Refs just blew a pass interference call that would have all but sealed for the Saints. Guy could have had a pick and instead nailed the receiver about 2 steps before the ball got there.
It was an easy call and the refs missed. Now the Rams will have a chance.
Trash call.
That was a horrible missed call.
I don’t know what you think you saw.
Helmet to helmet contact, he hit him two steps before the ball got there and he didn’t have his head turned. If you think it’s uncatchable, helmet to the head could still be called.
That was an outrageously bad no-call. The refs straight up stole that game. Now, the Rams, who are a very good team, are going into a Superbowl with an egregious missed call that got them into overtime casting a shadow of illegitimacy over them. Seriously, what are people going to remember about this game? That call. Whatever happens now that’s going to be the turd in the punch bowl.
Game is tied (the Rams should have won it — receiver with a clear line to the end zone slipped) because of the call.
Pretty much guaranteed overtime.
That wasn’t a great throw.
Epic missed call. Especially if the Rams win.
Chiefs or Patriots will beat either of these teams.
This game only cements my belief the Eagles blew it.
Yes that was a terrible no-call, what a horrible way to go out.
Brees with the INT!
That was some ending.
My grandfather was a butcher. I used to have his Farmer’s Sausage recipe, back when I wasn’t into trying that kind of stuff. Now that I am I can’t find it.
My grandfather was a butcher too.
Are you a long lost cousin? I don’t know of no kin in your neck.
Are you Bavarian? Grandpa was one of 11 kids (I think) and the only one to emigrate. Dad still has two elderly living first cousins in the old country; my generation has a bunch of second cousins.
My Grandpa was Bavarian, but it was his parents that emigrated, not him.
For those interested in making sausage in its many forms I would strongly suggest the book by Rytek Kutas “Great Sausage Making Recipies and Curing “
I’ve only touched the surface of what’s in the book, but its based on real old school recipes and techniques.
That’s a good book. Here’s Stanley Marianski’s website.
Your color on the links is great. Have you done any Juniper smoked kielbasa. I’ve only done the cherry and apple wood smoked because of my knowledge of the flavors from BBQ.
Never done juniper. I would need to burn some before smoking with it.
There’s your make up call!
What do our assembled sausage-festers (is that like Uncle Fester?) think of this book?
There are some serious fails in that book. Cure calculation errors in the unsafe range.
Yikes! Has anyone published an errata list for those kinds of errors?
Not that I know of. I’m on a smoked meat forum and the general consensus is people are not impressed. Ruhlman is usually pretty good.
Use the recipes but use a cure calculator instead of following the book recommendations.
In which direction? Pathogens or poison?
An example would be the bacon recipe. He tells you to mix specific quantities for your cure but doesn’t take weight of the belly into account. And in a couple of others, the pink salt quantity is way too high. It’s just sloppy on things that need to be precise.
In a brine, or a rub?
That’s bad.
What does Rip Torn think?
That … was not what I expected.
That was quite a finish.
Man, I hope those refs were flown in from Alaska, because if they live anywhere within Saints territory it’s gonna be a long off-season for them.
The NFL wanted an LA team in the Superbowl.
Does anyone have the former Cal quarterback’s score?
Cal 7 – Cured meat product 0
Can’t they both win?
Cal beat the meat?
Rodgers is sitting home. 🙁
They both skipped out early and left Cal hanging.
Had a bad season with a bum knee and got Mike McCarthy fired.
McCarthy deserved to be fired for a whole bunch of other reasons. Zook should have been fired out of a cannon.
I’m not disagreeing. But if Rogers had another Rogers year McCarthy would still have a job.
And they’d be wasting another year of Rodgers’ career.
Aaaaand heeere we gooooo.
Too many Chiefs, not enough Indians.
And how!
Don’t you start. My wife is already acting up. I hope The Butcherie burns down in a post game riot.
The smell of brisket would be worth it.
Melissa killed the anthem.
I hope you mean strangled and put it out of its misery.
Nope. And I was drinking beer as she sang it.
Or raped it and left it for dead in a ditch ?
It brought a little tear to my eye. Right when they did the flyover.
There were only 3 planes in that 4-ship.
Government shutdown, I guess.
Trump cut the flyover budget.
She was having a blast.
I got her confused with Sinead, and was expecting some “magic”.
nothing compares to her
Can Andy Reid, only one better in championship games do what Shottenheimer never could? Let’s see.
I hope so.
I don’t have a horse in the race, and I’m like a quaternary Saints fan who finds the Rams boring to watch (sorry PM, no offense) so I’m probably checked out of the Superbowl, but to the extent I’m pulling for anyone I’m pulling for the Chiefs. The Patriots winning again does nothing for me, and the Chiefs have a really good story in the young phenom quarterback paired with a veteran coach for whom this might be his last chance to win a Superbowl before he retires.
The Pats have a compelling story – namely, for decades, New England sports teams sucked, or at least – would find ways to lose.
Okay, maybe not the Bruins or Celtics, but I was never a big b-ball or hockey fan. Sox would always lose to the Yankees, even in ’78 when they were up by like 15 games mid season, and the Pats sucked until the mid ’80’s. They’ve become a despotic monolith since? Tough shit to anyone whoever looked at the Yankees with anything other than hate.
Not that I’m massively bitter or anything.
Some of us find both New York and New England sports fans insufferable.
The Browns will turn it around any day now, Ted.
Or if you’re an Eagles fan, DO NOT talk about insufferability. Pot/kettle.
That’s compelling to Pats fans or fans of New England sports, but I don’t think it is so much nationally. Well, at least I can say as someone who is neither of those things and doesn’t have a team in the playoffs, I would’ve been more interested in watching the Saints or the Chiefs.
I wasn’t getting any CBS stations. Usually I can rotate my antenna to get one, it was frozen in place. So I shook it in frustration, didn’t budge, but now I’ve got CBS. Huh.
That works with screaming babies too, I hear.
+1 shake-n-bake baby syndrome (as we called it as kids)
My brother would tell his daughter “do your Lousie Woodward” and she would bobble her head around.
Is it bad that I thought the cover image of the video was Michael J Fox?
Well, he was certainly shaking.
Tagged all five. Three got toe tags.
Nice shootin’, Tex.
That is scary. 5 guys suggests to me they expected to find drugs, cash, or are simply a gang. Whatever it is, good for the homeowner.
Or maybe they were just delivering burgers?
Help us out JFP. Is that an inscrutable joke or…?
This is why the home defense shotgun has a long mag tube.
Mossberg 500 series FTW.
That’s what I have too. Though we got a pistol grip.
I wouldn’t move to houston at gun point.
Yet another tragically avoidable mass shooting (3 killed, not including the shooter after all). If only we had common sense gun laws in Texas. The punishment for robbery isn’t death after all and this homeowner clearly never should have had a gun.
Oh forgot this:
So apparently Sean Peyton got on the horn to give the NFL officials the business and they admitted that not calling interference (or anything else) was a mistake. I didn’t see it but the wife says that word on the Twitter streets from people who ought to know is that this will likely result in no-calls being challengeable and reviewable next season.
Maybe Mr I Paid People to Intentionally Injure Brett Favre should sit this officiating debate out.
Fuck the Saints.
Wow that looks great, and uses duck, I’ll have to give it a try. I grind up a lot of wild game for burgers but my previous attempts at sausage didn’t turn out so great.
In what way, didn’t they turn out?
I think they just ended up being burger in a tube. May have ground too fine, didn’t get the seasoning right, not enough fat, not real sure.
Sounds like not enough fat. And not letting the meat sit with the cure overnight didn’t allow for developing the right texture.
What is Jim Nance wearing? It looks like he has a zip fleece on under his sport coat.
Laugh all you will – he’s warm.
Not laughing, just distracted. I guess it gets cold in the booth. I’d swear I’ve seen games wear there is no pretense the sportscaster are bundled up because the stadium owner can’t figure out how to heat a room.
Seeing Belichek bundled up, it must be damn cold.
Bourbon County 2013 while watching Lee-Enfield myths.
That’s good stuff that will kick your ass.
I’m not an expert prognosticator on American politics and I can be pretty cynical but even I knew the “libertarian moment” was bullshit the moment Gillespie and Welch first said it.
I might have missed it, what type of sausage casings are you using?
32mm natural hog casings. These are the best I’ve used.
Heroic Mulatto’s Grim Future
Wow! That looks so good. My parents used to make sausage using an old-fashioned meat grinder that clamped to a counter or table. My sister now has it and basically uses it to grind cranberries for cranberry fluff salad ( a 70s classic that is a must have at the holidays). I haven’t even thought of making my own sausage since I left home, but your excellent article has me thinking about it. Thank you. I have bookmarked this.
1. I can’t believe how well the Pat’s defense is playing.
2. Putting Tony Romo in the booth for Phil Simms was a mistake.
Nah, I like Romo.
Putting anyone (other than Cris Collinsworth) in the booth for Phil Simms is an enormous improvement.