A guy whose mascot is a crocodile (or is it an alligator who cares?) is not a nice guy? I’m in shock.
Was there last year. Funny thing is that they are so cash poor that bank ATMs can only take deposits and don’t disburse cash. The US dollar is one of their three official currencies (along with the Euro and SA Rand) and all of the cash is trucked to Harare every day for ‘official’ government uses.
Like vacations in Switzerland?
Perhaps my favorite part of the Tropico series was building up my swiss bank account.
“El Presidente, you seem tired. Let me hold those bags of money for you…”
I wouldn’t mind a vacation in Switzerland.
My wife just got back. Loved being in the mountains for the holidays, but it’s ridiculously expensice. Like $30 hamburgers expensice.
No, I think it is obvious you have never been to Trier.
I had a crazy thought that on my last trip to Europe I would stop in Trier to visit the Karl-Marx-Haus to see if I could get kicked out for asking questions.
I’ve contemplated visiting, as that’s where some of my ancestry is from. There’s a tale that at one point my family owned a distillery in Switzerland, but searching on the family name + distillery returns no hits. But next summer is the tentative plan for Belgium and Germany (couldn’t make it work this year due to vacation time at the new job).
I can recommend Passau.
Didn’t I read somewhere that Passau was the poorest town in Germany? Could have been pre-unification.
Passau seems a bit out of the range of where we’ll be. We’re planning on two weeks, split between Brussels, Koln, and Dortmund. With our flights in and out going through Reykjavik (Icelandic air has direct flights between Cleveland and Reykjavik for ~$400). We’ve found flights to Brussels and from Dortmund that go to Reykjavik.
Dortmund? ?
I suppose you have some good reason to go there.
Freiburg, Germany in the far far southwest is the best city in the world.
Fight me, yo.
There’s a flight between Dortmund and Reykjavik. I think there’s a museum there the girlfriend wants to see, and I’m fairly certain I can find a brewery I’d like to spend time in.
I’ve probably sung the praises of Würzburg here before, so I’ll drop gloves with ya.
Cool. Yeah, beer is probably their best attraction. I can’t even stand their fucking soccer team.
Fight? No, I think it is obvious you have never been to Trier.
I was there in December. Nice enough, good views, but the people are completely anodyne.
I visited back in grad school, the train conductor said he bought lunch in Germany because it cost so much in Switzerland. I stayed at a cool hotel that had a Holstein theme. But it was s expensive.
Better get used to these bars kid
? Is Florida thinking about lowering its drinking age?
+1 Elian Gonzalez.
Hey! Ive got some of those in my freezer!
…I bet the rubber is keto-friendly, tho
Oh, mine arent the cheddar kind
/stops emailing personal injury lawyers
It helps you bounce back, that is for sure.
Sausage making is where the rubber meats the road.
*narrows gaze at you both*
But the MDC says former Mugabe ally Mnangagwa, nicknamed the Crocodile, is now overseeing a reversion to authoritarian rule by using the same tactics.
How does the song go? Something “meet the new boss…”
What do you expect in Trumps America?
Yeeeaaaahhhhh!!!! That’s how it goes.
*puts on sunglasses and slowly walks away from explosions*
He was probably involved in the matebeland massacres: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gukurahundi?wprov=sfti1
I just went through some recipes from Charcuterie. The standard is 1.1gm of Cure #1 per pound with a teaspoon equaling 5.5gm. Ruhlman calls a teaspoon 7gm.
Based on a dozen sausage recipes, the book recommends anywhere from 20-100% too much pink salt. Very sloppy.
I was kind of hoping that it was an equilibrium brine, but it clearly isn’t. And even then….
One of the worst I’ve seen was a corned beef brine from Andrew Zimmern. It called for 2/3 cup of pink salt for a 10lb brisket.
Damn. Glad I got away with those Johnsonville brats. A weekend of puking doesn’t sound like fun, even if I’ve done something to deserve it.
That Johnsonville recall story has got to be fake news. I’ve been reliably informed that corporations are going to kill us all with contaminated food because of Trump’s government shutdown.
Your Sexy Sunday wraps up with fancy duds designed to peeled off slowly.
Too many from which to choose.
42 = teh thiccc.
I’m fine with 1, 6 and 50 are good too.
28 and 46 are thicc enough for my tastes.
Still not sure if 16 is a RealDoll TM or not.
62. Yikes. :/
I don’t want to see the Pats in another Super Bowl.
Brady’s undoubtedly one of the best ever, but he really does need to quit while he’s ahead IMO. He keeps saying he’s going to play until he’s 45; that’s begging to get a serious injury and/or go out with a pathetic whimper.
So much this. Also sick pig having two likely Ls every season.
RE: “Bionic” penes.
Do they get to choose the size also?
It’s obviously a sign of the patriarcy, is the NHS giving Free Bionic Boobs?
Bionicles were truly ahead of their time.
Chicks get to choose the size of their fake boobs, so why not?
Because toxic masculinity. You get the one-size-fits-all and you deal with it.
That would be bad news in Japan.
Honey, I’m home!
Bravo, good* sir!
*or, maybe you run evil-you never know what you’ll get around here.
I still think kc was right to defer I the first half. Nice to see that bomb to Watkins work out. Definitely what they needed to stay in this.
Their defense sucks though.
It’s amazing they only gave up 14 points.
I wanted a game. They are finally giving us a game.
Yeah, that’d be nice, but I really just want the patriots to lose by 30 points.
I have no idea why the lead isn’t bigger.
One inexplicable endzone throw into like 5 defenders by Brady.
I am cringing. My husband is giving me dirty looks for cringing.
Tell him some dick jokes.
The defense is doing okay though.
They got one lucky interception,otherwise the first half was pretty horrible.
I’m done with the NFL until they go to record-based seeding in the playoffs. I am not a Chargers fan by any stretch of the imagination but having to go to Baltimore and then Boston 2 weeks in a row against teams who won less games in the regular season is ridiculous.
fewer dammit
fewer games
Back in WWII the NFL had just 10 games.
Took a business writing course where they said the less/fewer thing was too hard, so it’s now always “less”.
They also said forget the between/among thing – it’s always “between” now.
Fuck ’em
If you don’t have the word you don’t have the concept.
If you count it, use fewer. Otherwise, you less.
How hard is that?
So, this isn’t actually a thing. In the late 1700s there was a man, Robert Baker, who didn’t have extensive education and wasn’t well read, but styled himself a grammarist. He expressed his opinion that it sounded more formal to use less for noncountable and fewer for countable items. However, there has never been a definitional difference between the two words. Less has been used for countable things since it was coined and is still preferred for some countable things today. When you push this on others, you’re pushing some guys opinion.
-1 commerce clause.
You got ripped off.
I’m confused.
Should I give less fucks, or fewer fucks?
Less of a fuck, fewer fucks.
If the Chargers got screwed then it would he rules work.
Totally OT, but this morning I made an apple bacon grilled cheese and had leftover apples. So, tonight I made a pork chop with an apple, onion, and potato hash. It was a total experiment and delicious. I still have some apple left, so tomorrow I may make an apple, raisin and brandy sauce for ice cream.
So you like apples, do ya?
The question is : how do you like them apples?
Why don’t you put some on pizza? Why not? Why pineapple and not apples?
And why is it called a Pine APPLE anyway? It doesn’t look like an apple.
And what’s the deal with Ovaltine™?
It should be Ellipsetine.
Moar chocolately Ovaltine, please!
French term for potato is “pomme de terre” meaning “apple of the earth” (ground). So I think apple is just a term for a tasty awesome fruity item in many contexts.
The Austrian dialect for “potato” is “Erdapfel”, literally “earth apple”.
In Germanic languages, the mother word of “apple” referred to pretty much any kind of fruit, just as we used to use “corn” to refer to pretty much any kind of grain for the same reasons.
There was an Alton Brown recipe I’ve used a couple times for pork tenderloin which involves diced dried apples in the middle, thyme and prosciutto wrapped around the tenderloin, and all of that wrapped in a mustard spread puff pastry. Then bake it, as a take on Beef Wellington. The one trick I’ve learned was to put it on a drying rack on a baking sheet to keep the bottom from getting soggy.
Yep, anytime you do some kind of breading, you need to let it rest. Then cook.
That sounds awesome. Great, now I’m hungry for apple bacon grilled cheese.
It was awesome. I’ll definitely make it again.
Brr 32 degree temperature drop since noon, aiming for 10 more by the morning. But at least I’m not sitting outside in KC.
We’re supposed to fall below zero over night. After convincing the girlfriend that the snow and cold meant we shouldn’t go out today, I wound up needing to shovel the driveway so she could go to a shiva for a family friend. I’m thinking tomorrow is going to be a work from home day. There’s still snow predicted to be falling up until 10 AM tomorrow. This was my backyard this morning. The snow has continued to fall and drift since then. It is kind of interesting to see the drift patterns showing the wind flow in the patio area.
That looks inviting 🙂
If it helps, there’s a fire pit buried under the snow. 🙂
I shoveled, and my shoulders haven’t quit reminding me.
Its currently a balmy 4º at Chez Tres, with a predicted -10 or so overnight.
I may as well be one of those slobs from Minnesota, or NoDak.
The worst was they ran the sidewalk plow this morning. They usually only do that on school days for the kids who have to walk. There’s two schools on my street (one Catholic, one public), so it makes sense. That dumped snow both on the driveway and the apron, the apron was a fucking mess. Between the sidewalk plow and the road plow, I don’t think there was a part that had under a foot of heavy dense snow on it.
Yeah- 75% of my labor is clearing my drive apron from the county plowing it shut
One 0f the joys of living on a hill at the end of a dead end road.
2 degrees Fahrenheit for the overnight low here (not counting wind chill). 7 degree Fahrenheit for the high tomorrow (not counting windchill).
I’ll be at zero or below with the wind chill. I’ve got two faucets on a fast drip and hope that will be enough. The pipes in the house are always fine, but the pipes in the well house will freeze up if I don’t run the water fast enough. I probably should just wrap the damn thing with heating cable and be done with it.
At least I finally broke down this year and bought a submersible stock tank heater for the livestock. The past few years I’ve had to break up their frozen water with a cinder block.
-13 right now and going down, warmer than this morning by 10 degrees though.
I can’t even imagine that. We occasionally hit negative territory where I grew up (Rochester, NY) but not often. Tonight’s projected low of 7 degrees here in NYC is really unusual.
We get a few sub-zero nights every winter up here, but I think the coldest I can recall is -11.
Last year it was below zero for almost all of February.
Every once in a while it’ll hit low 30s here and we shiver right through it. You can tell who’s from back east because they will be wearing shorts and no jacket. Natives are all bundled up.
If it wasn’t so windy I would be in the hot tub.
In “A Good Woman With a Gun” news.
What an asshole.
Technically, the lady was just about to (in the eyes of Illinois) commit a crime.
CC on public transit is regrettably still a misdemeanor.
No doubt it was intentionally overlooked that she probably carries on transit every day.
As a former Illinoisan I listened to the inane claims made on the Assembly floor that ‘bus/train is no place to carry a gun because of all the people around’ never minding of course you still have bus stops and whatnot in crummy neighborhoods.
Chinese about to execute Canadian. Weird story. Gee, I wonder if that buffoon pretending to be a leader of this country still ‘admires’ China.
His daddy also admired Mao.
And Castro.
HIs Mom admired Castro. His Dad was Castro.
Now the refs are going to give this game to the Chiefs.
“this country”
McKayla Maroney face.
Dude is toast.
I’m glad I visited China in 2001. No way I’m going back, in the current environment.
Pshaw. China’s libertarian moment is around the corner since trade and wealth make this inevitable…
Interesting theory I read is that China is not democratizing is because the prime beneficiaries of these reforms are rich urbanites. China is still mostly rural so they distrust the urban poor and the rural areas so they do not want democracy since they fear being outvoted by them. It should also be pointed out that most examples of “trade leading to democracy” are of countries with smaller rural-urban splits and oh yeah they were US-backed regimes that the US pressured into Democratizing. Also it should also be pointed out that classical liberalism succeeded since both the peasants and the merchants were opposed to absolutism and feudalism…
I’ve got a backlog of “WTF is up with China” books in my reading list but a lot of what I see is something along the lines of the current regime just being a small tweak of every other regime they’ve ever had. IOW there’s no libertarian moment in the foreseeable future.
I believe I read that too. Similar to how past Chinese dynasties ended up being like the ones they overthrew. Also I recall people saying that Modern China is likely closer to Chiang Kaishek’s vision than Mao’s…
It’s almost like culture (and maybe genetics) makes a difference.
Timcast: Laffer curve edition
Tim’s a good egg despite enough equivocation and to be sures to make Robby Soave blush.
I appreciate he’s an honest liberal.
Just pulled a sample of the Saison I made with the new Jovaru yeast a couple weeks back. It’s going to need some time to off-gas some aromas, but the flavor is there. Nice and dry with a peppery spice note. Since it is supposed to be able to break down (usually) unfermentable sugars, I’m going to let it sit a week before I pull another sample.
Someone better challenge that ish….
In the replay you can see the thumb on his left hand is moved when the ball hits it.
Yeah, I think that’s accurate
This is a hell of a game so far.
The second half any way.
It’s getting better.
I just want to know how much they paid Brady to throw the game.
I think that would be Belecheck that would have to be payed off. Brady would be useless without him. He may go down as the winningest QB ever, but all he has to do is drop back and throw to the open guy.
Too bad McCarthy couldn’t scheme to get guys open.
Bull. Shit. How is that roughing the passer?
I am marveling at that too. He didn’t knock him down or helmet to helmet—he used his arm to knock down QBs arm. Isn’t that what they are supposed to do?
Yup. The dumber thing is I think there was a legit holding on that play as well.
I am beginning day 21 of being literally homeless. Not on-the-streets homeless, but moving from friend’s house to friend’s house. Sleeping on the floor unless I’m at the girlfriend’s place. I’ve been there about half the time, but I have admin/financial stuff that I need to do in town and she doesn’t live here.
As a person who values their privacy and alone time, it’s very stressful. It also gives me pause to know that the next two months in America are going to be split between staying with my brother+family and my parents in Indy. I need my own shoebox to exist in.
I had a going-away show where I drummed for 5 sets and about 4 hours. It went really well. Hopefully I can share a video of a song or two for Glibs to love or loathe.
But right now in an Air BnB with Lady, and though she is sick, everything is well for now.
Hope all is well in Glibertopia.
If you’re sick of sleeping at your girlfriends place, I’ll trade you. I’ll sleep with her and you can have my 3 bedroom on the lake.
Generous offer. I think you should take it Evan.
It’s like Inception.
For an hour with her I get one week at the lake.
I’ll take that deal!
I had a homeless summer once. It sucked. Good luck!
You’ve got your next place lined up right? For when you go back to Asia?
Not as such. It’s pretty easy to get a place in Chiang Mai though. I’ve got contacts and rent rate info.
Most people stay in a hotel for a couple of nights and then move into their apartment in a couple of days. No fuss no muss.
I don’t deal well with that level of uncertainty (I’ve already got rooms booked for the next two vacations I’m taking). Good for you to be able to make it work, may you enjoy it as much as you can.
Moving around in Asia all the time (no family/kids/pets) and always living in tiny boxes has taught me flexibility and the joy of not having too much shit.
It would be nice to find a way to monetize these skills.
Shank Marie Kodo and you’re in.
The Native American Vietnam Veteran that was so shamefully bullied by a gang of…uhh…high school kids on a field trip turns out to have been seventeen years old himself when the last American troops were pulled out of Vietnam.
I’m going to stifle my urge to laugh and instead do my best Iron Eyes Cody impression when it is eventually discovered that he isn’t even Native American. I expect the media to be all over that too.
He could easily clear that all up with his DD214 and service record…
That just proves that he has to lie in order to make it in a white man’s world!
Not a Vietnam veteran? Doesn’t matter, that was just icing on the (fake) racism cake.
I just noticed this story today and looked into it a bit to find that, shockingly, the media narrative does not reflect what actually happened. And now he is found to have lied about his military service? It’s almost like he is an activist and the news media is full-on propaganda.
I’m going to laugh until it fucking hurts when it’s finally revealed that this guy is nothing but a serial fabulist. There appears to be a whole lot of people digging into his history right now.
And surprise, surprise. It looks like Balko has even chimed in on this with some now deleted word vomit.
I wish there was a screen grab.
I read through the thread hoping to see what he said and found this gem…
Andrew Reeves
15h15 hours ago
Replying to @Timcast
Radley Balko is a right-libertarian, dude.
Uh, no. Just no, dude.
I’m a huge fan of Radley’s work from way back. In fact, The Agitator was the first place I posted on political matters… it was a great community of straight-libertarian folk. But he ain’t never been no right- anything.
They just want to be left alone to whore in peace!
Doesn’t everybody?
Cue Nelson laugh:
Gillette called out for pink tax on women’s razors.
“Yahoo is now part of Oath” – “we need your consent to hoover up everything about you”.
Wait, what now?
This is what I see when I click your link (screenshot saved to my website).
I don’t see anything.
No idea. Works for me. Basically it says my choices are “Sell Your Soul” or “Manage Options”. Fuck that.
Looks to me like you SFed the link.
That’s strange, it went right to the article for me-nothing like that.
Well damn, just clicked on it and I got that message too. You aren’t missing much anyway.
While technically a logical fallacy, I find hypocrisy illuminating and I think pointing it out to people perpetrating it has the possibility of being effective.
I don’t think pointing hypocrisy is completely a logical fallacy. You are showing that a person is arguing on bad faith or contradicting themselves.
Chiefs scored too fast.
If I had a nickel….
Can’t stand to watch, can’t stand not to.
Did you need your arteries pressure tested?
Crazy game.
Are the progs going to flip out when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl?
Not quite
We mostly get a pass because Chief was never used as a slur.
Along those lines, if I owned the Redskins I’d indulge the name critics by offering to change the name to the Savages.
The clerk at every bodega where they know me calls me “chief”.
I mean they realize that the word “Chief” is not an indigenous word, correct?
Not this year.
“Chiefs win the Super Bowl?”
HAHAHAHAHAHA Just. Stop. I’m peeing myself here.
Hello from the land of the lost, after a week of turmoil, ending with new brakes on the Kia things are settling down. Bella loves playing in real yard, and the neighbor dogs are boring, KONG! I am working on a new article with limited internet, a lot of file transfer and stuff, good times, but the result should be typical Yusef silliness. Life is very “interesting” right now, but I smile as I write this,
I’m happy to hear things are settling down and Bella loves the yard.
She just turned two and has never played in a real yard, I cried when I saw her haul ass thruogh the same course as my other dogs did in the past.
And thanks ,DEG, I wanted write another Dog article,
You’re welcome!
Two years old and never played in a real yard? Wow.
I’ll keep an eye out for the dog article.
I knew they’d do that.
Enough time for that KC offence.
Pats scored too fast.
Because of course the Pats score a touchdown in a situation that requires it.
“Footage emerges of White Man harassing Native American”
“Helpless Native American gets laughed at by white man in MAGA hat”
How the f*** do you line up in the neutral zone??!!
I am done caring this year. Don’t want to see pats v rams again, especially without Vinatieri.
Ask Dee Ford.
It’s embarrassing.
I mean, I mostly played offense, but, put your arm back and get the OK from the ref.
Going to OT?
That off sides though.
I’m can only ‘watch’ the game on Gamecast.
What the fuck is happening with both teams’ defense?!
Neither team can get to the QB or cover receivers without holding them.
I’m glad I don’t GAF about football.
Overtime! (probably…)
Here goes nothing!
What is the point of the NFL commercial with the gathering crowd singing “Be Ready?”
I think they’re saying “we ready for y’all”. It’s a lesser known American dialect, but don’t be judging.
I still don’t get it.
Is it any worse than “who dat?”
Ain’t nobody got time for that
“We want the ball!” reminds me of “We want the ball and we’re going to score” Teds knows what I’m saying.
Isn’t Al Harris on the Chefs coaching staff?
I’ll let the missing “i” go but the apostrophe is unforgivable.
It sickens me.
How about them Injuns!
The patriots are triggering!
They should have fought harder.
Edelman is a stud.
Game was won when that coin fliped. Lame.
Yep. Neither team made a stop since the 3rd Qtr?
Well, I mean the Chiefs ‘could’ have stopped them.
Wow. That Cheifs ream will be back.
Sorry, ya’ll, but I think Brady has proven the point.
Damn. More morons talking about how good Tom Brady is because he take a 3 step drop and throw to an open man.
Mahomes will be luck to even play a second season because the foozball idjits have done slobbered his dick to death.
This was his second season.
Well, he’s done now, you can’t play foozball with your dick slobbered off.
Fucking hell.
Actually the Rams/Saints game was a pretty good game, just boring because both teams have a good defense. The only part that I didn’t like was then the Rams defender ass raped the Saint’s receiver on the field and did not even get a flag. Was that Steve Smith?
I think Steve would have been gentler. I mean seriously, how can the NFL defend that? The ball was in the air, it was clearly catchable, and the defender just ran headlong into the receiver. I’ve never seen a more obvious interference call since I started watching football in the 80s. Supposedly the ref thought the ball was tipped. Since when do you get to spear a receiver just because it was tipped? And even if it is totes ok to blast a guy in the helmet with yours after a tip, shouldn’t you throw the flag and then talk to the other officials to see if anyone touched the ball? Isn’t that the responsibility of the umpire, the referee, and the line judge to determine a tip as opposed to the back judge and field judge, who are supposed to be watching the action downfield?
“Since when do you get to spear a receiver just because it was tipped? ”
Tipped ball? All bets are off.
Bah. Couldn’t be a less interesting SB.
In other news, my jerk ribs were excellent.
Speaking of jerks, how is that daughter of yours?
Well educated about jerks, thanks.
Yup. The good news is that one team I hate is bound to lose.
Yeah, NFL is done for me for the season.
Time to think about tasty culinary wonders and other diversions.
The NFL season ended in December when the Packers lost.
The Pats! I won’t be able to relax and enjoy the ads and halftime show at the Superbowl for another year.
The mildly autistic quarterback seems to have pulled it off again.
People mocked the Predator 2018 for suggesting autists are the next evolutionary leap for humanity, and yet…
No, it was just a shitty movie.
I don’t follow football, why don’t they play a full overtime?
Sudden death. (Unless the first team only scores a field goal, new stupid rule)
Yea, given the nature of Football, it seems that both teams should have shot at offense regardless.
I was busy cooking so missed much of it. Are you telling me only one team had a chance at offense?
That’s… fucking retarded.
Yes, and yes.
I’m sorry but I can’t enjoy such a silly sport.
*flips back to tennis*
Look at Donovan McNabb here!
I respect that. Why would you believe that you signed up for a pussy league that believed in ties?
I would think after getting a multi-million dollar contract to play the game you’d at least know the rules.
Prima Donna’s don’t care about rules.
Because football is fucking retarded.
At least in college they give each team one chance on the 20 yard line.
Baseball—we will play on equal terms into either someone wins or we die of exhaustion. Like G_d intended.
Now I see why you moved closer to communism.
In high school hockey here there aren’t shootouts in the State Tournament. Every once in awhile a game goes so long they call it and come back the next day.
It’s awesome.
Needz moar thunderdome!
College has better OT rules.
The fuck they do. NFL messed up sudden death by trying to be more like college. Instead the kicking game should not count at all, nor a recieving touchdown. Only a rushing TD should win a game.
And they can only play out of the wishbone
“why don’t they play a full overtime?”
You mean like an entire extra quarter? You don’t have to suggest anything to make people hate football, the NFL are doing fine all on their own.
Yes, because golden goal or whatever the hell they call it in football doesn’t make a lick of sense in turn-based combat.
Oh well.
Fuck all the haters.
He’s still a fag.
Yeah, but he’s the greatest fag ever.
He can’t even play piano.
Leave Joey Heisman out of this!
Who made it with a very cute, female porn star.
I don’t like the Pats, but I’ve always liked Gronk, only because I’ve always imagined him speaking like STEVE SMITH before I knew that meme.
I’m not a football fan, but isn’t this a winning strategy?
I don’t watch sportsball but one time I was at a hotel pool party in miami beach and my friends pointed out a guy name Gronk there. /shurg
For the record, he requested no pictures according to my friends.
The Pats have had a lot of really good, though not famous players. I like Julian Edelman. What ever happened to Danny Amendola?
A broken something I’d guess. He was a fragile man. But good at getting open over the middle, was a shame when the rams let him go to Gillette.
Amendola plays for the Dolphins now… Whenever he isn’t hurt
I may be cra-cra but Brady is on the level of Ruth now. Or thereabouts. It’s bananas what this team does.
You’re not cra-cra, what is this, his 8th super bowl, with 5 wins already?
For sure. I remember when there was a reasonable debate over who was better, him or Peyton Manning. I think that’s settled by now, although I’d still argue that Manning in his prime was better than Brady in his prime, it’s just that Brady’s prime has lasted so much longer. And I think Manning had a better arm, although Brady is still unbelievable in that regard.
I’m not a hater. I’m not gonna root for them but I respect what they’ve done and what they continue to do.
I blame the Dolphins, Bills, and Jets for being utter shitshows for the past decade or so. Pats get at least 4-5 wins a year out of playing in a division full of incompetence outside Foxboro(ugh). If they go .500 over the rest of the season, they get 10 or 11 wins and an instant home game as a division winner.
Somebody on the local sports radio show was talking about that. The Patriots play in one of the weakest divisions and don’t have a ton of competition for regional fans. So they play well at home and they’re going to win their division every time. Look at the Packers, say, and they’ve got the fan base on lock, but they’re in a competitive division. Compare the AFC East to the AFC North and tell me the Pats don’t have an advantage in that regard. That’s not to take anything away from what Brady and Bellichick have accomplished, but it’s just to say that when you consistently put that kind of team together AND you’re playing against some of the most dysfunctional teams in the NFL within your division, you’re going to have a leg up over teams in more competitive divisions.
Never mind the fact that outside of Brady and Belichick they keep very few players for a long time on their roster. Exceptions are Gronk, Vince Wilfork, and lately Gostkowski. Think of all the former Patriots high draft picks there are on other teams in the NFL that weren’t resigned by New England,
Chandler Jones
Nate Solder
Ben Watson
RIchard Seymour
Jacoby Brissett
Jimmy Garroppolo
Jamie Collins
or players they sign for a few years then trade away or don’t resign when the league thinks they’re still talented.
Randy Moss
Danny Amendola
Wes Welker
Corey Dillon
This year their roster is considered one of their least talented in the Brady/Belichick era, and somehow the rest of the league still can’t beat them? Maybe the problem isn’t with the Patriots.
I guess I can check out the lunar eclipse tonight. Except it looks like we have cloud cover that we were not supposed to have.
<Gubmit efficiency exhibit #1
No idee how that ended up here.
Might trigger the anti-semites if they did.
5 million Slavs and gypsies hardest hit.
Climate change!
Cloud cover here too
Just as well considering its -1F
Clear as a bell here. Projected low keeps going down….
All of my thermometers are inside, helps me feel warm.
The weather outside is frightful
But its 70ish degrees in the house, so perfect temps to watch the eclipse with Slooh
Nix that. For the time being I can see the moon as it is being eclipsed and I am hoping visibility lasts so I can see the Blood Moon.
Blood red moon.
This is no normal Blood Moon. It’s a Super Blood Wolf Moon
And I missed it because it got cloudy just in time. Which is actually nice, because our current temp of -9 is supposed to be the low due to the could cover.
Here in Southwest Ohio, there was a very large bright moon in the sky at about 6:00 PM. At 9:30, it was smaller, but it had this lovely white halo around it.
/drunk as fuck on Warped Wing “Gamma Bomb” beer and grapefruit+vodka
Yep. Brady picks up number six in two weeks.
Yeah, I don’t really care. Prolly won’t even watch
Gubmit efficiency exhibit #2
That’s like SOP though for a military budget though. The MIC doesn’t play.
Tom Brady is the Terrell Davis of Quarterbacks. If you don’t know what that means, you don’t know shit about football. Come at me bro!
Brady taught Elmo the alphabet too?
His alter ego Wayne Brady hung out with Elmo.
Morgan Freeman taught me how to read.
His greatness is mostly because of his O-Line?
o-line/scheme. That’s about right.
Except nobody can repeat it, not even Belichick’s own coaches when they go elsewhere.
Mangini / Jets — Nope.
Crennel / Browns — Nope.
McDaniels / Broncos — Nope.
O/Brien / Texans — Nope.
Baseball is a long time away …
But football starts again in April, so screw baseball.
Footy is back in March. Pre-season in Feb.
And ties are so fucking rare they replay the match when it happens. None of this “oh you get a chance to score, OK you win!” crap.
Yeah, didn’t happen until a few years ago when the NFL started pussyfying like the NCAA
You are a monster.
I’m very sad football season is over.
*raises a glass to Mojeaux*
An incredibly entertaining season and game but it kinda ended as I expected. Until the Chiefs have at least a middling defense they aren’t making a Super Bowl. As soon as the Pays won the OT coin toss I knew the Chiefs were finished.
*clink glass*
They were awful the whole first half. Mahomes was not having fun, which is his secret magic; instead, he was just trudging through his job. I knew they would choke.
Nothing has changed since Schottenheimer was here, and quarterback doesn’t seem to matter.
I never really understood firing Schottenheimer. They made it to the playoffs every year, sure then they would choke, but they could have done that for another 10 years and maybe one year they’d actually make it. Not like his scheme was dependent on any specific player. No ticking clock like Green Bay trying to get Aaron Rogers another Championship. Instead you go from being in competition every year and choking with a shot at hitting it big to almost 20 years of nothing until Andy Reid gets there.
Everyone loves Martyball. It’s the most entertaining thing ever. But all the old-school college and gadget plays don’t make up for a lack of defense. It’s defense that wins championships.
Tell me about it.
/Skins fan
Condolences, Mojeaux. I want to quantum leap to the timeline where Hunt is still on the team and see how that turned out.
Yeah, that kinda took a chunk out of morale I don’t think they ever really got back.
“They were awful the whole first half.”
If you mean in terms of defense, I think not their fault. The Pats can get in a mode where they get as near to perfect execution on offense as what is possible. They’re not doing anything complex, it’s just the execution. They did much worse to the Chargers last week. I think they racked up around 30 points before they finally slowed down.
Offense, I know Mahomes is the media’s new wonderboy and all, but I see flaws. If you get him out of the pocket and he has to scramble, he’s does not have much escapability. He’s not afraid to stay in there and take a hit, and he can throw well on the run. The problem is he gets chased down and the Pats are not a fast defense. Get some fast defensive ends and Mahomes is fairly easy prey.
Hre definitely has talent, but that’s what struck me as well. Too many sacks for a lot of lostyards. One play it took them out of field goal range. Wouldn’t have been an overtime then. Basically, he doesn’t know when to get rid of the ball, and is really slow on his feet.
With a good o-line I can see him doing amazing things especially with Watkins.
Now do a real sport.
Pats fan with no TV. Came to the thread late and following the comments was better that watching on TV. I hate the commercials, commentary and endless reviews
Haha! you fell for it? Pats lost by 76 points!
Heh. It was like watching with friends without having to actually be around people
TV would be better with way less commentary. Announcers don’t need to explain what I just saw.
I’m good either way.
I do like decent banter. The worst is the many soccer matches I watch with only one commentator.
The worst is
the manysoccermatches I watch with only one commentator.That’s original.
Doesn’t have to be original to be right.
I should have been more careful to exclude the complete idiots that work the EPL and the Bundesliga for the American audience. Holy crap STFU.
I like Romo as an announcer. He often dissects the offensive and defensive plays before they hike the ball and is very 9ften right in predicting the result. I get that some people prefer to keep the color commentary to minimum but I’ve always like it if the person knows what they’re talking about.
It reminds me of when Frank White did the color commentary for the Royals before they went on their WS runs. Those teams were a dumpster fire and he would point out the bad tendencies of those players both at the plate, field and the mound. He was good at predicting the results as well and it taught me a lot about some nuisance to baseball I never really got as a kid but Royals management found him too negative and replaced him with big, dumb, ginger bear Rex Hudler to dumbly say rah, rah, team no matter what. It’s a shame.
Romo is solid.
But it goes to show how much a middling QB actually knows on the NFL level, and how much talent and scheme can actually mean.
The past couple of seasons, ESPN used to have a coach’s table on one of their channels during the NCAA football championship. I actually enjoyed watching the coaches dissect the past plays and predict future ones. I heard they canceled it this year.
Yeah, I like Romo a lot. He’s energetic, charismatic, and he clearly knows the game. It’s funny to see him explain the scheme before the snap and then have him turn out right.
Most announcers can’t even tell me what just happened half the time. I watched had the game with the sound off,which was okay too.
Cal lost.
Ahh..internet is back up?
I don’t understand nfl rules.
Why were they allowed to hold so much on Gronkowski
We live in an era of #metoo.
That means that they made some really shitty calls against the Chiefs and were trying to amend their sins. ‘Let’s see, that’s 3 huggings, an ass grab, and one attempted rape against the Gronk that we’ve totally ignored. We can go back to regular officiating again, until our next fuck up.’
I wish I was making that up.
I don’t even watch football very much and I noticed a lot of that tonight. At the end of every play I was picturing someone behind a curtain patiently flipping a coin to determine the outcome.
If you watch a lot of football, you’ll see an equal amount more of it. It’s been going on for years now.
The refs haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory this weekend.
For every phantom call of violence on a QB, large receivers are allowed to be maimed.
Seriously, what they do to Gronk should be allowed a lot more. It is better to allow DB’s to put a hand on a guy and disrupt a route a bit than to bring back Jack Tatum.
Who am I kidding? I want DB’s to have the freedom to play like that again. You want to catch a pass over the middle? Better sack up.
Vox is still hanging in there.
“Updated Jan 20, 2019, 3:58pm EST”
That’s some doubling down, there.
At least no one’s talking about Buzzfeed anymore.
They’re all doubling down and then they’re just going to ignore it when it’s impossible to believe the myth anymore. And the impression left with everyone is that those kids did that.
They ruined kids lives in order to have a narrative that fit their disgust for Christian schools, the March for Life, and Trump supporters. That no one is going to lose their job for this is a testament to why Trump’s “enemy of the people” resonates with half the country
I’d like to just point out, again, how fucking retarded this comment is and how willingly this asshole embraces the noble savage stereotype the left loves so much.
Yeah no, Iroquois did.
As did the the coast Salish, and the Haida, who were the basically Vikings.
Maybe Canadian natives were just better? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah Tonto, you were in the fucking Stone age up to the 1700s you stupid fucks. No wonder you are fucking extinct. You get a Darwin awArd. Except for Vox Day.
Animism is a cultural dead end.
Um, loads of indigenous peoples used walls, fortifications, believed in personal property, land ownership, territorial sovereignty, the works. North American tribes routinely engaged in warfare to decide territorial disputes, or just for the age-old human reason that they wanted stuff other people had. The “noble savage” is a myth.
The “noble savage” is a myth.
This. Human history in replete with violence and conquest across all peoples/cultures/etc. The North American natives were engaged in all the same diplomacy and lack thereof with each other as much as any other political faction in history. And they were at least as brutal in their dealings.
I am sure there are plenty of other examples going back in time, but this is some pretty egregious lying to the extent of being propaganda in our current time.
Even the NY Times is admitting that something is wonky, even if they don’t follow through and get in all the usual digs and signalling. This won’t last much longer.
“We don’t want to get sued”
Libel standards against the media must be lower when dealing with a private individual
Where’s Hyperbole?
His own link noted that earlier. I didn’t bother to keep going along that argument because who cares? I set a high bar for what I consider trolling. Being a contrarian just for the sake of it, and doing it badly (this place can be an echo chamber) is enough to match the criteria in my book.
The students didn’t just start shouting school cheers for no reason and multiple accounts indicated as much. And Hyperbole knew that. It’s little different than when he was doing his schtick with the Kavanaugh bullshit.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
There’s fucking video of what happened. Most of the shit they’re arguing over isn’t up for debate, at least not in the portion that’s on video.
*single tear rolls down cheek*
It’s as infuriating as copsuckers who will bend over backwards to explain to you that what you are seeing isn’t actually police brutality, but just good policy. Like, he shot the black guy in the back three times while he was lying face first on the ground, but good shoot!
They were printing stories yesterday accusing the students of surrounding him while he was by himself even though video was already out there showing him walking into the crowd of students with his own supporters behind him. The majority of these people are just fucking liars and they’re same ones who will do anything to downplay actual god damn violence from the likes of antifa.
Brotch is worked up over this! Let me see, where are my message oils…
Is that some sort of sext kink I’m not aware of…?
I’ll guess yes.
TBH, this pissed me off royally, too. The kids were well behaved for teens and they’re getting fucked by the media.
I guess that’s what you get for being well behaved.
And this guy has a documented history of inserting himself into situations and increasing tension.
His own supporters were behind him. See??? He was surrounded!!!
This NYT article is better than the CNN version, which repeats a bunch of lies, then says that the video they reviewed doesn’t support the lies, then proceeds to pretend that they never saw any such material and continues with the vilification.
But it is pretty horrible in its own right. They repeat things as “true”, in dispute or as the assertions of others when they are demonstrably false because we can see exactly what happened on several videos. None of the Phillips narrative is accurate. None of the NYT narrative is accurate. None of the CNN narrative is accurate. The lady quoted in their articles is not giving a representation that comports with the video. She says the kid confronts the Native American and gets in his face. It is perfectly clear from several videos that what happened was exactly the opposite.
The NYT “retraction” continues to insist that the black “bible preachers” were simply reading bible verses and teaching the bible. They can be seen and heard yelling racist insults at the kids, bragging about it directly into the camera, decrying tolerance for homosexuals to the boos of the students, etc. It isn’t up for debate, but the NYT acts as if they were “young black bible preachers” simply trying to spread love. This is demonstrably false. First, they are not remotely young. They are old and pretty far from Christian in their views, despite reliance on bible verses.
I’ve just ordered a MAGA hat on Amazon. Made in China! I’m going to wear it in Harvard Square for the next few weeks for fun.
Someone may not let you into their hackysack circle.
Careful. Somebody might accuse you of being Russian.
I’m aware of it. That didn’t get unnoticed.
In all seriousness, I hope you’re ready to defend yourself because I’d say it’s 50/50 someone will try to assault you.
I’m betting that if he does get assaulted by some Harvard student it will be by Hugh, Glass of 2021
Annual health check today. Waiting for my turn to get the 2 hours of prodding, probing and *got your whole hand up there, doc?*
I bet there in includes Octopi.
I’m done. The nurse that drew blood was a ninja. Mad props to her. Didn’t even feel the needle.
Didn’t you just have your pipes cleaned 2 days ago?
Was it you who was telling us the story about guys going into a white van and coming out of the shaking van with white powder all over their lips?
Inofwars reporter sexually assaulted.
would? Not the reporter (NTTAWWT).
Hell yeah! She’s already shown an “enthusiasm”, of sorts.
And, considering how many Ugly Tree
victimsexplorers show themselves to be leftists, a rather hot one is a rare find.Of course, a polished turd is still a piece of shit.
So the lunar eclipse is cool. It is nearly full.
Yeah it’s been great. Outside lying in the grass with the middle son, applying his knowledge he is learning and seeing it actually happen.
Then…a few shooting stars to the mix and a fast moving bat that we thought was a satellite.
Uffda. grass?
We’ve had a super mild winter so far, but grass? Some people.
I can’t see it out my windows and I’m not going outside to look that’s for sure.
Me neither.
I wouldn’t go out there now if they told me there are 3 moons in the sky. 17 F and windy? -1 wind chill? 40 is too cold for me these days.
I’m tapping out. A few final comments: The MAGA hat kids din du nuffin. Tom Brady is a system Quaterback, and Tha Hat will make you fools pay! AHAHAHHAHA
Tom Brady is a system Quaterback
What system would that be, pray tell? There have been a dozen different “systems” over the years, depending on the players he had to work with.
Chicken and the egg. Brady wouldn’t be where he is without Bellicheck and Bellicheck wouldn’t be where he is without Brady.
So, when I was watching the foozball today, there was a commercial and I learned that they’re making a new Lego Batman film. They didn’t really go ‘there’ did they? Really? This shit has went way too far already.
I saw a commercial for a movie with some CGI chick with dinner-plate eyes and was like WTF?
I’ve spent 20 years living in a society where 98% of the people look different than me. It took me years to gain even the minimal understanding I have of them and the only reason we have been able to co exist peacefully is because they weren’t assholes to me and I wasn’t an asshole to them.
That goddamned hit job assholes on social media and the MSM pulled on Catholic kids is a prime example of how to create hatred in a society. Japanese people have said some shit to me over the years that was blatantly racist, sexist etc. but I didn’t freak the fuck out. I walked away and talked to other Japanese people that weren’t assholes. There are foreigners here that spend all their time finding fault with Japan, but they are miserable losers.
I guess my point is that if you want to live peacefully with people of various races, you better chill out on the RACIST! crap. It’s a poison that will reduce everything to tribalism. You all know this already, but I’m all medicated up and wanted to vent.
Hopefully, they at least don’t have an entire major political party based on tribalism.
I hear you. It’s getting ugly here. I am relived that for now at least I don’t see much of it in real life – just the brain-dead media. But they’re trying.
“It’s a poison that will reduce everything to tribalism”
Feature, not bug. Divide and conquer is a tried and true Leftist strategy.
Preach it brother, that is some serious truth. The legacy US media are in full on propaganda mode. You would have thought they’d have learned, but the stirring of the pot is too valuable to them. They can’t stop, they’re like addicts at this point.
They’ve been dishonest for decades, but post-9/11 seems to be when they really turned the sensationalist, fear-based “journalism” up to 11. They discovered that hate and fear sell even better than sex.
Post this again cuz I love it.
That’s one thing about the smartphone generation; it’s become more difficult for them to get away with outright lies since it’s likely there’s video about any given incident.
The video evidence shows a teenage white male not bending the knee to the progressive narrative. And he’s Catholic, pro life and presumably straight. That’s a royal flush of hated groups. Mass delusion results.
Think I’ll photoshop that kid standing in front of a tank in Tianemen square. Probably already been done, though.
People see what they want to see I ‘spose. Any more room on that island? I’m getting pretty damn tired of it here.
Now you see the beauty of living amongst the people with arguably the highest in group preference in the world.
Wait, there’s more to it than soapland and The Premium Malt’s?
Which is why Andrew Breitbart wa a genius for offering a bounty for any -ANY- evidence of anyone yelling racial slurs at those black Congressmen.
If it was true, someone would have had evidence of it.
Years ago I remember reading a book about the genocide in Rawanda and Burundi. Part of it was the transcripts of some of the radio stations there talking about cockroaches and how they needed exterminating just before the machetes came out. I don’t think it is that hyperbolic to say they are dangerously close to that direction. The funny part is they aren’t very good at it, they conintue to pick the things that are easily pulled apart when examined. You’d think in a country of 350 million they could find more actual racist shit to out on the news,
The “toxic masculinity” and “toxic whiteness” and “white privilege” etc. etc. etc. is right up at the line. I also saw on Twitter today that “Nazis don’t have any humanity” so, presumably, killing them is acceptable if not righteous. Considering who they consider to be Nazis, they’re pretty close to the “awww fuck it, let’s just start killing them” phase.
Even more puzzling is why more of (((us))) aren’t sounding the alarm on this, considering relatively recent history.
Well, I figure many are thinking, if there are “real Nazis” around, speaking up might just Gabby Talkstein a seat on the next train.
Either that, or, many just figure it’s all actual bullshit.
Yes, I am a little puzzled why there hasn’t been more change in how (((y’all))) perceive the threat. And yes it is collectivist to even say that, but when it gets close to the point of “let’s get them”, then you have to worry. Especially if you have read any history. I really hope that this shit backfires on those promoting it, but I think that we will have to deal with it for the next decade or more.
Hah! You think they like you straffin-san, but knowing that you are a rube American from Wisconsin, they are probably shit scared of you because you probably have a gun and will shoot them in the face if they anger you.
*Even my nieces think that all Americans are baka. Sure they love to shoot guns when they visit, but that is just them trying to fit in.
They do look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them my deer hunting stories. So that means they hate me? Fuck. I’m going to start treating all of them as if they do. Just to be safe.
OK, hate might be a big harsh, but the idea of arming every citizen still throws them for a loop.
I’ve told the story about working in Tokyo before when I had finally been sort of accepted by the locals. Some shooting or something happened back in the states where they all tsk-tsked about how violent the crazies there were. Didn’t I agree? Then I started ticking off all the various shotguns and rifles I owned. I set international relations back that day.
Yeah, I don’t push that stuff. It’s just part of not being an asshole. A close friend and we can discus it. Same thing with the atomic bombings.
Not that you’re an asshole. Maybe you can pull it off, but I can’t.
Start demanding that December 7 be recognized as a holiday and day of atonement?
So the “Libertarian Moment” was nonsense on stilts? It’s not like I’ve been saying this for a decade…
I don’t think anyone except for some of the more delusional Reason staffers ever believed the libertarian moment was real.
Francisco d’Anconia and Cytotoxic both called me stupid for not believing it. Cytotoxic thought we were going to have it until Trump, a weird sort of Bad Man Theory of History that many anti-Trump libertarians are guilty of while Francisco made some posts a few years back suggesting he doesn’t believe it anymore.
The Libertarian Moment always struck me as a either a marketing tool for a book or an attempt at the Clap Your Hands if You Believe school of philosophy. That is if we keep repeating “Libertarian Moment!” then people will believe it and therefore it will happen even if just done for expediency by the cocktail party set.
The primary problem is that humans, by and large, don’t like freedom. They find it uncomfortable and want, in some way or another, to be ruled. It allows them to unburden themselves of the difficult business of leading a self-actualized existence. Sure, there’s a minority of people that can logically arrive at NAP and libertarian ideas from first principles, but that’s far too much work for the genpop. For the most part, people are much more comfortable being treated like children by a paternalistic state.
I’ve read stuff too that the problem of classical liberalism is that life will too unfulfilling, boring and easy. Also there is the problem of how to construct a society in which everybody can do what they want but agree on the same thing. And what will you do with dissenters? Suppress them? How individualistic! Or let them do what they want and hope they really don’t dissent on the very nature of the economic system.
Reminds me of Early TNG except there people no longer desire to possess anything.
By nature I am an optimist, although age is quickly tempering that with realism. But even in my most optimistic moments I wasn’t buying the libertarian moment shtick. I have long thought that the only real way to keep or advance ideals of liberty was through a very slow process of changing culture and winning any small battle of the ever encroaching state and nanny like mentality,
Fake it till you make it. That is actually very solid advice in the right situation. Someone starting out in a new field and nervous, yes. But about societal trends it is naive to the extreme.
In the case of Reason and CATO I suspect the goal was to convince the DC elites that the Libertarian Moment is upon us so therefore they better become libertarian or lose elections.
I would have more respect for them if I believed that was the main motivation for that.
It will be the libertarian moment right after we have the year of the Linux desktop.
Interesting quite from Deirdre McCloskey:
Except the result is Bill De Blasio and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Andrew Cuomo. And Donald Trump’s too for that matter. Why is that? If modern urbanism is so wonderful then why do they elect such people?
That is a giant pile of unmitigated horseshit. There are good and bad people in the country, city and suburbs. Jackasses like this who assert that some way of life is inherently
superior to another are provincial, narrow minded dipshits.
This is a good example of the libertarian fondness for urbanization which interestingly enough hasn’t worked out much in practice.
The issue I have with large-scale urbanization is its dependence on external sources for basic needs like food and energy. There are exceptions, but many confirmed urban dwellers have no idea where their meals come from beyond “the supermarket”.
Energy comes from government utilities which isn’t exactly conducive to libertarianism. And yes I do wonder how the complete lack of any contact with how the economy actually works effects economic thinking. Getting food and gadgets is so easy so why shouldn’t we tinker with it to make it better?
Damn autocorrect really screwed me with that post. *quote*
So the left is going back to their roots in being anti-Catholic. I mean the classical liberal animus against the Catholics gave us the term “kulturkampf” and the Public School System! What’s not to love?
Also don’t most Catholics vote Democrat?
Don’t forget anti-Semitic.
I’m wondering if we get a 1980’s type backlash that we got to the 1970’s type naval gazing.
“Also don’t most Catholics vote Democrat?”
Yup. I think it’s a legacy of most of our ancestors moving here during urbanization, and thus settling in cities. Also, the difference in rates of voting (for the two parties) is nothing like black Americans.
G’night Glibs.
Finally you get your time zones correct.
A couple years old, but still a classic.