Well we couldn’t have asked for better games. I mean, we could have asked for better officiating, especially at the end of the Saints-Rams game. But the NFL would sure rather have an LA team in the Super Bowl and these things happen from time to time. (In case you were wondering, by “these things”, I mean missing the most obvious pass interference calls as well as a helmet-to-helmet hit a full second before the ball arrives in the last minute and a half of a game on a play that would have effectively ended the contest because the team on defense were out of timeouts. Un-fucking-believable.

Seems legit.
-the NFL
In the other game, the Patriots did what the Patriots do. Nobody should be surprised by what transpired, only that it happened in a stadium outside of New England. And so now anybody with a sense of fairness is resigned to cheer for the Patriots since the Rams don’t even deserve to be there. Fuck, sometimes the world isn’t fair.
Down Under, Serena knocked out Halep a short while ago. Djoker is tied up at a set apiece, Federer had been bounced and Nadal is casually strolling through his side of the draw. In soccer, Liverpool won a wild one and Man City won easily to keep pace. Spurs pulled one out at the death and Chelsea took it in the shorts.
Today’s birthdays include Confederate general Stonewall Jackson, skeezy Russian Gregori Rasputin, Canadian hockey legend Georges Vezina, fashion designed Christian Dior, acrobat Karl Wallenda, bald man Telly Savalas, hilarious Englishman Benny Hill, the greatest golfer that ever lived Jack Nicklaus, scumbag asshole Eric Holder, billionaire Paul Allen, and least-known Spice Girl Emma Bunton.
Its also the day Louis XVI was executed by guillotine, Jimmy Carter pardoned nearly all Vietnam era draft evaders, and John McEnroe was expelled from the Australian Open.
I said all that to say this: here are…the links!
And this is why you never go to Canada in the winter.
The media were creaming their pants over this bit of fabulist journalism. Hell, they were still trying to parse its legitimacy even after Mueller’s office offered a pretty stern condemnation of it.

The narrative seems legit!
-The Media
This entire story has been an excellent case study on Lynch mob mentality and how the media and its agenda-driven stupidity can be used for pure malevolence. I hope these kids manage to sue the piss out of everyone who has been involved in their character assassination. And I hope the case ends up in the hands of Brett Kavanaugh. Totally fucking disgusting.
She seems nice. Although I don’t think her new lodgings will live up to her lofty standards. But I think she’ll manage.

This also seems legit.
The Illinois Governor faces even more federal lawsuits over his campaign. I know you’re just as surprised as I am.
I’m sure this will go over well with the watermelons. Actually, I’m surprised its not a crime to publish that in New York.
Just in case you were wondering (or if you’re like me you hadn’t noticed) , the federal government has been “shut down” for 30 days now. Keep it up, and eventually everybody will realize that the federal government spends way too much money on useless shit.
Apropos of no birthdays today, I’m playing three great songs in honor of a great three man group. And no, its not Rush or The Police or Green Day. Its something even better. (Depending on your tastes.)
Anyway, that’s the links. Enjoy Martin Luther King, Jr Day even though his birthday was last week. And because he probably wouldn’t enjoy what his legacy has been perverted into. So just enjoy the free day off, unless you’re working like me.
I’m stunned, there are actual news outlets trying to play down the MAGA hat Catholic boys virtue signalling news stories.
…. 🙂
Some outlets need to work on their photoshop skills.
Yeah; it really should be the kid standing up to the tanks.
I’m stunned at how many otherwise sensible people have drunk the MSM Koolaid.
Evangelical Friend: “I can no longer identify with the Pro-Life movement over this.”
And my friend should know better. Even if the worst accusations against the lads were true, the actions of a couple of schoolboys who were bussed in to the March for Life by their school does not discredit the entire movement (which is not to comment on the overall credibility of the movement either way). These were kids basically on a field trip, kids offered the choice to hang out in DC for a day rather than sit in class; so while they may have at least nominal sympathy for the anti-abortion movement the schoolboys can not credibly be claimed to be leaders, or even movement stalwarts.
Old-timers here know that I have no love for the fetus fondlers, but even they deserve a fair media depiction.
“I can no longer identify with the Pro-Life movement over this.”
Mission Accomplished.
Seriously though. I have a hard time that your Friend was ever committed to the Pro-Life movement. The way the Media treats the Pro-Life movement boils my blood. There is no room for empathy. They don’t ever try to cast these people as people who truly believe they are marching against murder. No clearly these people are liars and don’t believe that, they just want to chain women to the kitchen.
Meanwhile “Pro-Choice” movements get all the love, and praise. Held as the beacons for women, despite a huge chunk of women saying that they don’t represent their views.
“I can no longer identify with the Pro-Life movement over this.”
The appropriate response is “But what are your beliefs?” This person is defining themselves by their alignment with a group instead of professing a set of principles.
“I have a hard time that your Friend was ever committed to the Pro-Life movement.”
Narrative not working out for you, Leon?
I think abortion is murder, but I just can’t abide smirks.
The church was quick to denounce these kids but then there is the giant naked priest in the room that they stay silent on.
It might be in the churches benefit to get all their young men labeled as Nazi’s who shouldn’t be trusted.
Indeed. If choir boys were considered honest, there might be trouble for some priests.
This seems healthy. You won’t be surprised to learn he’s locked the account.
I won’t be surprised when he doesn’t face any professional repercussions whatsoever (Hollywood producer).
and John McEnroe was expelled from the Australian Open.
For a third warning from the chair umpire. In fact, that match is what got the rules changed so that when Serena pulled her bullshit at the US Open last year, the third violation was only a game penalty, not a match penalty.
I thought they changed that rule because of what Serena did in threatening the linesman a few years back, but I’m probably wrong.
Either way, she’s an asshole. And I hope she loses sometime in the next few days.
Serena only got a point penalty for what she did to the line judge. But because she was down match point, it cost her the match.
And nobody talks reverently about Clijsters’ comeback from giving birth. Kvitová has a much better comeback story.
Who’s the one who had the massive breast reduction and then became a star? Her story is the saddest.
Also Clijsters also did all her stuff pre- and post-baby without steroids!
That’s Halep. And it always saddens me to see how prevalent the thought of “I don’t care about that player because she doesn’t make me want to masturbate” is. I was always a big Hénin fan, and the amount of disdain I got for that astonished me.
Really? I always liked Henin. And Clijsters.
Also, the boob job thing was just a joke. Relax.
Qualifications? We don’ need no steenkin qualifications!
Harris is biracial — her parents were immigrants from Jamaica and India — making her only the the second black woman and first South Asian-American senator ever to serve in the Senate. One of just three black lawmakers currently serving in the Senate, Harris plans on embracing that background in what will likely be a large and diverse Democratic primary field.
She has a vagina. She’s black.
I guess it’s just my evil white male privilege which causes me to wonder why anybody thinks she could be a good President. Or to ask myself what she plans to do.
making her only the the second black woman and first South Asian-American senator ever to serve in the Senate.
Can we really talk about equality when we havn’t had our first South Sri lankan- American Senator.
(I can’t find statistics on “South Asian”-Americans as “South Asian” doesn’t seem to be readily defined.
Just say “Indian-American”. That covers enough of them percentage-wise that it’ll probably suffice.
ZOMG I can’t even
senator ever to serve in the Senate
As opposed to senators who don’t serve in the Senate
Senator Moobs serves in front of the TV cameras.
I love when (typically in foreign outlets) i read a headline that says “US Senator says [Racist/Horrific] Thing”. You then read further and see that it is actually a State Senator.
It ain’t just foreign outfits. Representative Dumb Ass (R), State rep from East Bumfuck makes a statement that could be construed as mildly racist, xenophobic, homophobic, or sexist, and you have to get to paragraph 4 to find out he doesn’t work in DC.
“making her only the the second black woman and first South Asian-American senator ever to serve in the Senate.”
Meanwhile, all over America today, speakers, editorialists, and teachers are touting MLK’s words about judging people by their character and not the color of their skin.
I’m pretty sure that judging people by their character and not the color of their skin is the new racism.
She has a vagina. She’s black.
And she ain’t no ways tired
“The Illinois Governor faces even more federal lawsuits over his campaign. I know you’re just as surprised as I am.”
One of the few remaining voices in the press in the area that isn’t a complete TEAM BLUE partisan labeled ol’ JB as the “pre-indicted” candidate during the campaign.
In shocked he didn’t end up in a steel drum at the bottom of Lake Michigan.
EPA limited dumping of Mobster Targets in the Great Lake regions to 2 barrels a year
But they’re shut down, so all bets are off right now.
Why would he? He’s everything Illinois unions could ever have asked for.
I was referring to the journalist.
I’m sure this will go over well with the watermelons. Actually, I’m surprised its not a crime to publish that in New York.
I’m Shocked that the cheaper option reflects a more efficient use of resources. No one could have predicted that forcing people to use more expensive options would have led to higher costs on the environment.
Funny how much shit we find out the collectivists peddle as science/truth that when looked at turns out to be anything but, huh?
The relative costs in food are almost directly correlated with amount of carbon burned.
Is New Zealand lamb cheaper than local lamb? That means flying lamb in bulk half way around the world burns less fuel (per lamb) than driving a few lambs from the country to the city and growing the sheep in a less awesome locale.
-7F this morning. The car felt like an old wagon with the suspension so cold. Wife’s car, the doors won’t even open because the latches frozen shut. Even the hatchback won’t pop open. So that will take some heat gun time to free up.
We only had -2, but I am still cursing coming out to work in that kind of weather. Seems everyone else decided to play hooky since it is some fake government holiday.
Yeah my commute was short today. No soccer moms dropping their vile spawn off at school, no ditzy college kids driving super slow because there is a dusting of snow on the road.
more snow on the way, and -8 degF
-4 this morning. No problems with the STI. The Pirellis kept me on the road.
Balmy 4 here. But my home’s windows are frozen shut so I can’t clean up the built-up ice/water.
-5 here. Still digging out the sidewalk.
Wimps. We had – 32F last night watching the blood moon. Welp, that’s lovely, time to head back inside!
“And so now anybody with a sense of fairness is resigned to cheer for the Patriots since the Rams don’t even deserve to be there.”
Akshually, I think anyone who retains a scrap of humanity MUST cheer AGAINST the Massholes. Their surly, grumbling @#$hole coach, the weirdo QB, the flaky owner, the non-stop press worship of them, their fans….gah!
ANYONE BUT NE (or the Packers). [p.s. please don’t hurt me, SP]
I’m rooting for another power outage at the super bowl. Preferably one that requires them to cancel the game and rule that nobody wins the super bowl this year.
Well if the (Trump) shutdown isn’t ended soon, the fedgov might not be able to guarantee a safe Super Bowl.
I actually read that somewhere recently.
They can’t keep our Bread safe and now the Circuses?!? What has the world come too!!!
She won’t hurt you; she’ll just ban you.
The surly grumbling asshole coach is the one redeeming feature of NE.
Have you seen him in that hoodie? Darth Billichicken of the evul empire.
I would think the phrase “just do your job” would be appreciated here.
Lousy officiating
Agreed. Belichick is the greatest coach of all time. This coming from a huge Packers/Lombardi fan.
“Their surly, grumbling @#$hole coach”
I have come to grudgingly respect the heck of this man and wish he was the coach of my team.
I like him too. I like that he finds smart players who can play as a team. They may not be the best athletes out there, but they understand what they are supposed to do and play together. That is refreshing.
I like the sideways thinking with some of the players – e.g., Julian Edelman, undersized quarterback from K State and Chris Hogan, lacrosse player from Penn State.
I’ll recommend The Education of a Coach by David Halberstam. It’s about Steve Belichick as much as anything, but gives a lot of insight into how Bill became who he is.
He must be terrible to live with for most of the year (ditto every other head coach), but his focus and attention to detail is unmatched.
I hate the Pats, but seeing them get the royal welcome at the White House is worth a few salty prog ham tears.
Fuck the Rams with a rusty spork- St. Louisan (kinda).
Bears fan? It’s not like the Pack have one anything in a decade. Hell the seachickens were in two super bowls and were much more media darlings than the Packers. Sure Rodgers gets a lot of attention, but he probably earned it.
>>She seems nice
Larcenous Lesbians: The Movie
I’d watch that.
You might not like it at all when instead of lipstick lesbians, the usual agitators force them to use real life fugly lumberjack look-alike dykes….
Wood knot.
Patriots versus Chiefs.
The NFL game or the MAGA kid versus Injun?
I can’t wait for that to become a thing. Make it happen.
*narrows gaze*
Its something even better. (Depending on your tastes.)</em
I've seen some serious hedging before, but this is just tautological.
Well, originally I had another name in there instead of Rush. So I felt the need to add the last bit since Rush are a fantastic band while the others are “meh” in the grand scheme of things.
Rush is fantastic, but so were the Police. But God, that is 3 douches (not Rush, they all seem cool).
The Police don’t compare to Rush by any measure.
I wouldn’t even know how to compare them, they are completely different. But in their own way, they were both excellent. Rush was excellent better and much longer, but that take nothing away from The Police.
Sting, on the other hand….
I saw the Police in 2009 at the Hollywood Bowl and they flatly sucked balls. Barely made through their set. Elvis Costello opened and he kicked their asses badly. It seemed to be a consensus based on the crowds reactions also.
Gawd I would rather listen to The Police.
Apparently, Mike Pence has committed a foul act of racism by quoting Martin Luther King.
That was pretty much the gist of the story I just read.
It’s racist for White people to appropriate the words of a Black man. Especially if those words reflect poorly on Leftists.
New Orleans got off easy not having their franchise revoked for Bountygate. Fuck them forever.
I was always under the impression that Greg Williams was the one most responsible for that. Made me think a bit since he’d been with the Redskins for a while before going to New Orleans.
Chelsea took it in the shorts.
So another Clinton spawn on the way?
The no-call in the LA-NO game reminded me soooooo much of the bad call on a closing seconds field goal which gave Green Bay the Western Conference championship in ’65 over the Baltimore Colts. To this day, I wish nothing but the worst for the Packers.
But I still want NE to lose.
There are people alive that remember that? Have you met Shoeless Joe?
Who do you think took his shoes?
OMWC revealed as Arnold Rothstein! Thanks for the World Series win!
Now I’ve got the image of OMWC in Zephyrs baseball uniform.
I think he played for House of David.
I’m normally not fertile ground for the seeds of conspiracy theory, but I believe every word of Juanita Broderick’s testimony, including that Clinton told her “don’t worry, I’m sterile” (paraphrasing)*. Not that it means she’s a Hubbell, but she’s not really a Clinton.
*Yes, of course he’s a remorseless liar, but with all the rapes and mistresses, there have been no pregnancies that I’ve heard of.
Southern California jury orders Mongols biker group to give up logo
How can anyone think this is even vaguely constitutional?
A lawyer would have to explain this to me…. but are these Jury’s not given some guidelines so that their “Punishments” aren’t going to be undone by civil rights cases?
I guess my question is, does trademark law allow a court to strip a person or organization of their trademark as part of a punishment? IAN an IP lawyer, but I would be a little surprised if there was something explicit to this effect in the statutes.
What, trademark law in general? I agree.
I kid but when a jury makes an unconstitutional ruling revoking a trademark that was filed under what should be an unconstitutional set of trademark laws, don’t the two wrongs somehow cancel each other out?
So when I start my auctioneering business I can just use your name and image?
There’s a bit of a difference in a for-profit venture and an unorganized affiliation of biker gangs.
Trademarks should be reserved for ongoing ventures that operate in a market.
Meh. Who is to say that a biker gang isn’t an ongoing venture operating in a market. Most operate in the black market for sure.
And defining those last 4 words of your post would be next to impossible without including all activity ever.
Furthermore, using my name would be difficult since the corporation is an established legal entity and you can’t file or obtain a fictitious name certificate for one that already exists.
Using my image would potentially be fraud. But a similar image would not, although none of your contracts would be able to bear that name and would create some confusion.
All depends whose ox is gored….
the Constitution is outdated anyway
I’m waiting for a Federal Judge (Bush Appointe) to just strike it down.
BETA said so because he failed to get the memo that the Constitution is important right now because we have to save it from Trump.
The only fix is for the Mongols to get catapults and catapult the bloated diseased bodies of the jurists over the walls.
To any government stooges listening in, commenter Hyperion is clearly engaging in juvenile bluster which does not fall anywhere close to an actual threat.
Real Libertarians use trebuchets.
Real libertarians don’t support the government forcibly taking the right of a private organization to exist. Even when that Org. has criminals in it. I suspect this verdict will be over turned. I don’t even like these guys, but this is some serious gov. overreach, right here. It’s like the gov seizing the logo for the Raiders because criminals use it sometimes while on the way to games ( Raiders gear has been used to prove gang allegations in court many times, btw.)
Isn’t it constitutional because it doesn’t prevent them from making and selling the patches? It just prevents them from keeping others from doing the same.
…through legal means. But the reality is anyone starts trying to use that logo or anything close to it and they’ll get stomped.
I have no idea. I don’t think it really punishes them, though. TMs also fall under common law. You don’t need a Federal TM to claim a monopoly. They could easily prove that they’ve been using the mark in commerce for decades. And I have no idea of anyone who would be stupid enough to try to compete with them in commerce. Who the hell wants to open themselves up to getting killed by a criminal biker gang?
So anyone not in the Mongols who wears their logo won’t get beaten to a pulp?
That’s where my head was going to. Take away their ability to use the courts to protect their image, and they’ll use violence. Amazing how that happens every time.
I think its more the modern age version of Tombstone: “I see a Mongols logo, I arrest the guy wearing it! (For trademark infringement)”
OT: More weird local murder news.
Prisoners of conscience
During the summer of 2017, when temperatures reached triple digits in Arizona, four women drove to a vast desert wilderness along the southwestern border with Mexico. They brought water jugs and canned food — items they later said they were leaving for dehydrated migrants crossing the unfriendly terrain to get to the United States.
The women were later charged with misdemeanor crimes. Prosecutors said they violated federal law by entering Cabeza Prieta, a protected 860,000-acre refuge, without a permit and leaving water and food there. A judge convicted them on Friday in the latest example of growing tension between aid workers and the U.S. Border Patrol.
“What are ya in for, Kid?”
Something tells me ignoring wildlife refuge boundaries is different when progressives do it.
Who needs a fucking wall? Just declare the first days travel by the border to be a wildlife refuge area. surely anyone entering would then be guilty of littering.
Because littering is WAAAY worse than border jumping….
It is to the Left. That’s my point. If littering is so terrible that it deserves prison time, then any Illegal who goes through a wildlife preserve, must be littering. Trump doesn’t need a wall he just needs to enforce that law and then he’ll get the left on board.
Not a bad idea. During communism in Eastern Europe a lot of the old town squares were replaced with grassy areas. My theory is that if a crowd were to gather to cause trouble, they’d be arrested for being on the lawn rather than for disagreeing with the government.
“the national decision to maintain the Refuge in its pristine nature.”
Fuck that judge. “We” decided this, and “We” decided that. I hate that logic. I almost got into it with someone during the “Syria used chemical weapons” debacle. “We decided that chemical weapons were so bad that they must not be used”. No, we didn’t. “We” decided that chemical weapons were not very useful as they are not super predictable, and so the resulting cost in credibility was not worth it’s combat power. If we were so concerned about the humanity of our weapons, why would we continue to integrate Nuclear weapons into our arsenal?
I do think this case, along with the myriad cases of cities banning the distribution of food to the homeless, illustrates the heartlessness of government well. Unfortunately, most people don’t see that as a built-in feature of government, but as an exception to the rule.
Definitely conflicted on this case. Not a fan of special privileges to these people, but I also don’t like wildlife refuges.
The only special privileges at play here are those of government seeking to deny the citizens and taxpayers the use of the 860,000 acres they own.
The tragedy here is that too few people complain about the government that’s over $20,000,000,000,000 in debt sitting on all this fucking land* that should be sold and the debt retired.
Public lands beyond infrastructure shouldn’t exist.
*this 860,000 acres is jack shit relative to all the other land and buildings that need to be sold on the public market in reasonable sized parcels to the highest bidder.
But who will pick the winners & losers if not government?
Talk about strange bedfellows, what if it’s not Trump and those racist MAGA types who get the wall built to prevent brown people from coming to America but a bunch of tree-huggers protecting Gaia from littering transients? I’mma get my popcorn.
But it wasn’t transients doing the littering; it was activists. But you do raise a good point – we know damn well that those illegals are (probably) just dropping their trash when they are done with it. The only possible reason to hold on to it is to avoid leaving traces which would allow ICE to figure out where the illegals cross (which they can do through other means if they are really interested). If the enviros were truly consistent they would demand that those “migrants” be charged with littering, etc.
They don’t subscribe to the “pack-in” / “pack-out” theory of outdoors travelling?
My old boss used to leave a refrigerator stocked with cold drinks and snacks on the front porch of his hunting lodge in SW Texas. But it was more to keep people from breaking in and stealing stuff. He figured it was just cheaper to stock the fridge than clean up after desperate people trying to get a drink, and there was no use arguing with reality and pretending they weren’t going to come across the border.
As an old Patriots fan I can sympathize with the Saints fans.
Possibly the best Patriots club ever was their ’76 team (of course). The beat the shit out of the Raiders during the regular season and were cruising to a win in the AFC playoff game when the officials made a whole series of bizarre calls. (You can’t convince the old timers in New England that Al Davis didn’t buy those refs). The most famous and worst call was a roughing the passer call – when Sugar Bear Hamilton actually tipped a pass then came down on Ken Stabler. Ever Stabler admits the call was total BS.
Goodbye to what should have been the Patriots first Superbowl. Fuck you Ben Dreith.
Well, they made up for it with the ‘tuck rule’, didn’t they?
Eh, I guess so. Still – fuck the Raiders.
“As an old Patriots fan I can sympathize with the Saints fans.”
High school students condemned for using Nazi salute and Hitler-themed dance proposal
That sounds Bor, mann.
I think Nazism is going to get boring soon. Overused.
We need a real Tankie resurgence.
related: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/7smvgk/everyone_i_disagree_with_is_a_russian_bot/
Still a favorite cartoon of mine.
Actual LOL, well chuckled out loud anyway.
It’s a Ziggy!
Let’s see:
1. Teenagers love to stir up shit and make their elders crazy.
2. The mere whiff of “Nazi” makes their elders go bonkers.
I’m actually surprised we don’t see more of it.
If I were a teen these days I’d probably be doing it for the yuks, and then go on about how it’s my German heritage.
That sounds like some shit I would’ve done. Or that a girl I’d have a huge crush on would have done. Is there no room for black humor in teenage life anymore?
Hey, if you don’t think The Original Kings of Comedy is one of the best stand-up movies of all time YOU’RE the one with the problem!
I can’t wait for the headline “Local kid plays as Nazis in at neighborhood Axis & Allies game.”
You’re too late. It’s already been linked here a couple of times.
Kids are dumb. No film at eleven.
Twitter mobs, assemble! There is a life to destroy!!
“She seems nice. Although I don’t think her new lodgings will live up to her lofty standards. But I think she’ll manage”
She’s a sure D win for a house seat after she gets out. She might need to get religious and go on about exterminating Israel a few times before she gets the vote, but she’s in.
“D’Andrade, 70, lost his business, his two houses, car and all his savings, according to court papers, along with the savings of his girlfriend, ex-wife and a business mentee.”
That must be some good ass.
“Williams, 43, of Ashburn, Virginia”
Ahh, I see what’s up there. All the whitey, chingling, and Injun in Ashburn, but she can’t, all because here name is Keisha. Should have known this is all about race. Racists!
” All the whitey, chingling, and Injun in Ashburn” are living the high life…
Can you believe that receiver tried to bunch the corner in the face? Horrible no call, ref.
As usual, the comments at The Hill didn’t disappoint. Well, it did disappoint but whaddya got’ do?
Splinter had the limpest correction to their story. The comments are still running with the original narrative.
“I’m playing three great songs in honor of a great three man group. And no, its not Rush or The Police or Green Day. Its something even better.”
At least it’s not the Bee Gees.
Hey man, I love the Bee Gees
Expected ZZ top, personally.
Or Cream.
All good but incorrect.
The best trio evah!
Come on, people.
If you go down to the hood, you’ll have old bums ask for a dollar to “get shorty out of jail,” which means buy a short dog of fortified wine.
Aid workers say their humanitarian efforts, motivated by a deep sense of right and wrong, have been criminalized during the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal border crossings. Federal officials say they were simply enforcing the law.
The four women, all volunteers for the Arizona-based aid group No More Deaths, were convicted after a three-day bench trial at a federal court in Tucson. They could face up to six months in federal prison.
This is what pisses me off. They claim to be motivated by pure love for their fellow man. They cannot *not* act. Because they are right, and anybody who disagrees with them is not just wrong, but evil.
But they don’t want to accept the consequences of their actions. They want to be revered. Too bad.
I don’t know. They are getting boned for trying to help people who could die out in the wilderness. Leave aside the Immigration issue and this would be pretty standard reasoning for saying that the littering law was being misapplied to punish people who were trying to help others.
Now that we’re opening this Pandora’s box…
…the wilderness is inhospitable. By putting things out there, they’re luring people to an area where they’ll die.
Yes the wilderness is inhospitable. Yet people still make the trek. People are making the trek regardless of the presence of these supplies. The causality does not run the other way.
Of course, by facilitating travel through the wilderness, they are also creating a dangerous incentive and supporting the work of criminal smuggling gangs.
In the stupid law v special privilege argument, I tend to come down against special privileges.
I get the argument that letting them go would be a special priviledge, and i don’t like that as a solution. I’m saying this result is evidence that the Law itself is stupid, and should be remade/repealed. (Or better the land should be privatized and then let the private owner set rules about how to deal with both trespassers and littering.
So, since “we” own the land, “we” have to agree as to whether it’s ok or not to provide emergency supplies for trespassers? Seriously, I think that’s a reasonable argument, and an illustration of the biggest problem with public lands. I’m not sure I agree, but I’m not sure I disagree, either.
They are incentivizing some bad behavior, but let’s give our rhetorical enemies the benefit of the doubt they don’t give us. Maybe they’re just ladies who genuinely feel bad for people on arduous journeys, and haven’t heard or thought about Iron Laws about getting more of what you support.
Obviously charity is a non-starter, because you just Get more of What you support. Yup. True individualists never help anyone else, because then more people will just depend on it.
I’m thinking of the Australian experience. When illegal immigrants were rescued and more or less welcomed to Australia, boatloads of them would disappear every year, with hundreds or thousands dying. When they cracked down and started incarcerating anyone they caught on a remote island, the number attempting the dangerous journey, and dying in the attempt, dropped precipitously. Naturally, those supporting a crackdown which demonstrably saved lives were pilloried for being “inhumane”.
Aid workers say their humanitarian efforts, motivated by a deep sense of right and wrong, have been criminalized during the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal border crossings.
Isn’t there video from 2013(ish) where border patrol was pouring out jugs of water that they found?
Probably. I remember similar stories from before our national nightmare began.
have been criminalized during the Trump administration
Pretty sure the laws they broke weren’t passed in the last two years.
even after Mueller’s office offered a pretty stern condemnation of it
So you’re saying that the Mueller probe has been compromised by Russia.
It was “inaccurate” but still on target. Or something like that.
It was morally right.
I mean the videos are irrelevant just looking at the kids face in the picture and knowing he is white and male he looks guilty.
I also think falsely doxxing another kid who simply looked like this kid was appropriate, he was also white and male so is guilty of something.
You stole the words right out of Bag of Dick’s mouth on CNN
So I heard a speech in a corporate meeting about how important is to hire more women engineers cause they apparently bring a different perspective on ESD robustness. But sadly for the 15 open jobs not one female candidate. And now it is decided to review how jobs are advertised because they don’t seem to reach the all those poor unemployed women engineers.
We offer a free scrapbooking class on Thursday?
Quit putting the ads on Pornhub and Ladbible?
Seriously though, I’ve heard engineering is a lot like IT in that regard. There’s a drive to get more women in, but not many women get into the industry. It might be a chicken/egg type of thing, but it’s real. Women in IT are like unicorns. I’ve met one woman in my life who was in school for engineering and to the best of my knowledge never finished, unless she’s just doing the skeezy barfly bit as a side gig, and one woman who taught chemistry at a liberal arts college, but I’ve never met a woman in person (I’m not counting the Gorgeous Ladies of Web involved with this particular site) who was a web developer, or even a web designer.
We have one Woman in our small engineering team where i work, and she’s a great member of the team. But i don’t feel that her gender offers any unique viewpoints when it comes to engineering solutions.
One of my old lady friends owns a web-design business. And there are numerous women in IT at my (ex) job, and by my reckoning they were hired for their skills, not their special lady-part perspective. But my industry is not so prone to gitting woke as some others. This whole narrative is just toxic stupidity anyway.
I’ve studied with female engineers, worked with female engineers, hired female engineers… At no point have I ever thought to myself, “You know, her vagina brings a special perspective on the s-parameter derivation that these dudes just don’t have.”
To be fair I know a lot of people don’t believe this but they say it under instruction from corporate HR departments who are tying to push the more women agenda.
So true. I’ve never been able to get any of them to give a specific example of the special insight [insert minority group here] has. It’s always a “different perspective” that leads to “new ways of doing things”
I actually got in trouble when I asked for specifics when this trope was being disseminated by our HR people. I never got any real examples or proof, just a shut the hell up or else response. I figure if there was any truth to this claim they would have real credible evidence to back it up, but they didn’t even bother to go beyond “You better accept what we tell you, or you are gonna burn”.
It’s always a “different perspective” that leads to “new ways of doing things”
“For example?”
It’s HR. They’re not even really sure what any of you actually do.
On the DoD DB project I work on (but separate contract) there are two women programmers and another woman (separate contract) who leads the testing team. I’d say they’re all on their game, but since I have no idea how to code or muck with Java, I’m just happy to write a ticket for a new feature or something to fix and have it get fixed within a couple of sprints.
Tribadism, tribocharging, same diff.
“different perspective on ESD robustness”
Enlarged Short Dick
Do the transistors identify as male or female? (NPN or PNP?)
Why not bipolar?
they apparently bring a different perspective
I have been told repeatedly that men and women are the exact same.
There’s a huge need for the woman’s perspective among ditch diggers, I’m pretty sure. Also, bricklayers, lumberjacks, tunnel rats, etc. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen a woman working in an auto salvage yard either. Patriarchy for sure.
The pick-a-part yard near here has two women working there.
Yeah, and 150 dudes, likely.
“the greatest golfer that ever lived Jack Nicklaus”
I don’t tend to have any material possessions that I hold dear save one. But a bit of a backstory first.
For most of my childhood, my grandfather lived in Augusta, and every year he volunteered at The Masters. By the time I was old enough to know what was going on, he had advanced to the point where he was in charge of the 18th hole scoreboard. One of the perks of the job (other than running the $&@!ing scoreboard at the 18th hole at Augusta National) was he was given four tickets to the Masters every year. Since my father was an only child, that meant those tickets went to us. I attended every Masters from 1975 through 1991.
My family was walking out after the second round in the 1981 when we were approached by a man in a green jacket – even at 9 years old I knew that this meant he was a member. He came up to me and asked if I had gotten any autographs from the players, and I shook my head. He then asked who my favorite player was, and I said Jack Nicklaus. The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to me. It was Nicklaus’ scorecard from that day…
Nice! great story
Somewhat related story:
I went over to Andrews AFB to play a round of golf. I was alone, so they just added me to a group and we start the round. For the first 5 or 6 holes the other three were trying to one-up each other about the golf tournaments they had been to. I listened quietly for a while until they started arguing over which was better (U.S. Open at Pebble Beach? British Open at St. Andrews?). When I had enough of the chatter, I made a comment about how sunny it was out and that I had better put on a hat before I got burned. I pulled out my hat, which had all my Masters badges pinned around the exterior.
The threesome took one look at that hat and promptly shut up…
A great regret of mine is not playing Augusta National when I had an invite to.
I’ve played Pebble Beach, Harbour Town, Firestone, Pinehurst #2, the Blue Monster and even Kinloch. And I’d trade all of those rounds to go back and accept that invitation and simply not make that flight I was told was mandatory.
Both my father and grandfather have played there. Don’t know if they still do it, but in years past they let the Masters volunteers play a round at the end of the season. Unfortunately, the waiting list to be a volunteer is as long, if not longer, than to get tickets to the tournament itself.
I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a nice, long letter to the club about my history there, the time I spent bonding with my father and grandfather on the course, and asking to let me volunteer one year. It’s the kind of story that they like putting in the human interest segments of the broadcast. Unfortunately, I’m not the least bit telegenic, so I doubt they’d listen. Anyway, I’m not that much of a golfer – haven’t picked up the clubs in over a decade…
“Mr. President we are not the enemy of the people. Now watch us destroy the lives of some teens, because they went to the March for Life and wear MAGA hats.”
How do they not realize that they’re the bad guy?
I would donate to a permanent endowment fund to sue journalists who falsely try to destroy the lives of people. This keeps happening and there need to be consequences. Since they won’t police their own industry (none of these “reporters” are going to be fired) people need to sue them into oblivion
Why do you hate the free press? What are you, some kinda Nazi?
/ Reason
The way Reason treated the Hulk Hogan case vs Gawker showed to me that even in their hearts of hearts, some people (journalists) should be able to do what they want to other people.
That was kind of a stupid analogy.
Gliblords, please delete that comment. It was dumb and deserves to be nuked.
Peter Thiel might approve
This can’t be right. Chuck Todd himself was just tweeting about how journalists are all accountable and stuff, and if you’re dunking on them now it’s only because you’re trying to protect yourself.
They dont have skulls on their hats?
Somethimes the good guys wear skulls.
So, given all of the events leading up to MLK day this year, shouldn’t we be celebrating the fact that racism is so rare in this country that the legacy media have resorted to fabricating it?
That’s a victory, right?
They’re going to fabricate enough of it so that it really comes back.
I suspect that is something they are actually hoping for.
They’re already okay with a bit of neo-segregation here and there, might as well go all the way. What a bunch of mendacious and sad people.
Considering that these kids’ lives are being destroyed because they’re white, male, and one awkwardly smiled while a Native American man beat a drum in his face, I’d say racism is alive and well.
A full video exonerates these kids and yet people are still taking the old man’s word over the kids. Racism very much still exists.
What’s crazy is people can’t even go congregate anywhere in peace anymore without being accosted and provoked by counter-groups and douchebags who disagree with you. Worse, the ones causing the confrontations are probably paid rabble rousers.
And then the morons at WaPo and The Hill eat it up.
^^^ Yup. Event A will be counter protested by Anti-A Activists. If you listen to news network B – Group A instigated the thing because if they had just shutup, nobody would have fought.
Not according to mister Radle Balko
“I didn’t hear that chant in the hour or so I watched. I think the video mitigates, but doesn’t exonerate, the students’ behavior. Many still behaved poorly. But they were also getting harassed. The NA group tried to intervene, but seemed mistaken about who was harassing whom.”
He’s also a “boofing” truther, so to call Balko a piece of shit is an understatement
Sweet Jesus. The kids were doing school chants to drown out the horrible things being yelled at them. These kids’ reaction to all of this was 100% better than mine would have ever been. How insane do you have to be to justify getting your hate on against a group of kids? Fuck Balko, he’s as insane as Popehat.
Once Popehat had some things to say worth reading I was disappointed by the subsequent brain damage he suffered.
I can’t find the story right now, but a NZ newspaper reported last night that the kids were actually performing a haka. If that turns out to be true it’s going to be hilarious.
Cultural appropriation??????
And they were countering the
bigotrycalls for peace by the blackradical Jews that sounded like Imamsbible preachers. Monsters.Balko is a lost cause. He sold his soul to the WaPo a while ago.
He lost his mind to TDS more like
It was before that. The day he left Reason, he was gone.
You don’t see racism because of your white privilege….and don’t use Gillette.
Woke products wake you btah.
I was using Gillete to shave my Toxic Masculinity, when i pressed to hard and My Balls came off. Now I’m super woke.
I’m sure your wife’s son thought that was a pretty cool story too.
Her 5 boyfriends did, but they have been respectful enough to not gender their offspring until zee can decide.
That was the best line out of the thousands: My wife’s boyfriend loves it. Thanks Gillette! Or some variation thereof because it cuts right to the matter. Another interesting spin was along the lines of “yeh right Gillette. Like your execs don’t watch porn and pay for hookers when on their business junkets.”
Very stupid move by Gillette to give an ad contract to a feminist. People spot hypocrisy – snap – like that.
They don’t always call it out – because we all adhere to some degree to the old glass houses axiom – but this was too rich to ignore.
Is it even hypocrisy? As if some multinational corporation has a moral belief system based on rigorous philosophical thought. Imma take muh morality lessons from the guy who makes muh toilet brush!
“I’ve always had a lot of respect for my father–taciturn, ambitious, not one to wear his heart on his sleeve–but we have used these dryer sheets for years, so maybe they’re on to something…”
Hey Playa. You hit the nail on the head when you posted this yesterday. Exactly spot on.
“Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one’s first feeling, ‘Thank God, even they aren’t quite so bad as that,’ or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies are as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally we shall insist on seeing everything — God and our friends and ourselves included — as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred,” – C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
That is a good one. A pre-emptive version, if i hear a story that sounds “Too bad to be true” for normal human beings, I try to assume that it’s being sensationalized.
Also there is another Demi Rose article in the side bar of the daily… Why is no one linking it?
Tater ain’t here, man.
thicc ?
Artificially, but yes.
I also think falsely doxxing another kid who simply looked like this kid was appropriate, he was also white and male so is guilty of something.
They all look alike.
+1 #YesAllWhiteMen?
“I’m playing three great songs in honor of a great three man group. And no, its not Rush or The Police or Green Day. Its something even better.”
The Four Lads?
Wait something’s not right.
Forget it look at this….and weep. No serious. It’s serious when you think about it. Not surprising but still:
“I’m playing three great songs in honor of a great three man group. And no, its not Rush or The Police or Green Day. Its something even better.”
Finally, after all the waiting, we’re getting some Kingston Trio
ACLU suit seeks changes to Michigan sex offender registry
I think that if someone is considered too dangerous to not have full restoration of all rights then they are too dangerous to be released from prison. This partial restoration is dangerous, both to the liberty of others through the slippery-slope and also to innocents if the person is truly still a danger.
Totally agree with this.
I was actually discussing this with someone at work who’s a prog by blind acceptance. And they admitted they were horrified by my suggestion we get rid of the sex offender registry. It’s clear these days that prog/liberal vs. conservative is no longer the right division. There’s just a vast majority of authoritarians and a smaller group of anti-authoritarians.
I agree. People offer the counter-argument that we routinely deny full rights to felons who do their sentences, but I believe that, too, is a mistake.
I struggle with nearly all aspects of our carceral state.
OTOH, I see the logic of “anyone walking the streets should have the same rights as anyone else”.
OTOH, I am concerned that if the only punishment is imprisonment, then we will see more and longer sentences. “I don’t think anyone who has done that should own a gun, and if the only way to deny them that right is to imprison them, then life without parole it is.”
I would argue it’s not about how dangerous they are. It’s about the punishment for the act. If they are dangerous they probably have a mental issue or
Grr damn phone.
… Learned the behavior. In which case they should get treatment after the punishment. Also, restitution should be a thing.
Totalitarian countries pull this shit. It’s disgusting.
And the blatant hand waving away that these registries aren’t a ex post facto punishment (for those convicted before it was passed) because they’re administrative.
if someone is considered too dangerous to not have full restoration of all rights then they are too dangerous to be released from prison.
Would love to see this happen. There’s a few weird old charges that people are pleading to because they won’t have an SOR requirement.
Wait the ACLU is actually defending civil liberties. That’s weird, I thought they got on the TDS woke express.
Pathogens can develop from leaky meat packages as well as unwashed produce. And consumers reported that they rarely wash the bags, according to the study.
I once raised this concern about reusable bags with a green marxian in defense of the use of plastic bags. It was dismissed without consideration because of course we need to ban the use of plastic and no one will have issue with maintenance of reusable bags, shitlord. Or something…
>>leaky meat packages
Hey now.
I hope there’s some antibiotics in those bags
Hey! The holidays were rough! I’m working out every day again! I’m not in my 20s anymore, you know!
“Pathogens can develop from leaky meat packages…” So that’s how they describe unwanted pregnancy now?
How about we let Darwin deal with people who reuse bags that stored raw meat?
What if that leads to the zombie apocalypse?
+1 Mad Cow Disease
Looks like that’s already begun.
How much plastic is in their car? Their television set? Their computer? Put up or shut up, hypocrites.
I brought that up as well. Without plastics and by extension, oil, by-by 20-21 century living standards.
How many in favor of banning plastic bags would also favor banning meat?
*raises hand*
All of them?
Better 3 man band
How about these guys?
Oh yeah for sure. I’ve seen both bands in concert.
Yeah, but this song:
Yeah, That’s prolly my fav of theirs as well.
It’s the favorite of most ordinary men.
number two:
I got your Three Man Band right here.
it’s March 17th already?
Tell Jack to win the grand slam, then he can get back to me. Tiger too.
People make fun of soccer but the worst people on earth are golfers and F1 race car drivers. Pampered douches.
And people who talk incessantly about their golf game and the stupid courses they visited. Couldn’t stand the culture when I went a couple of times and decided it wasn’t for me.
All that wasted land. To stick a stupid ball in a hole and they make fun of soccer?
I’m with Carlin on that.
I like golf and soccer. F1 would be cool if there was more passing. Maybe they should do like small tracks and put the starting grid in reverse point order.
I exaggerate a little of course.
That’s part of why I watch the F2 races when they’re available (on the ESPN streaming stuff last season, anyway…).
1) They’re a bunch of young up-and-comers with a lot to prove… so they drive like nutcases quite often. And they will attempt to pass if there is any chance of it working — and often if there isn’t.
2) The races are 2-parters. First is a race like the F1 race (just a little shorter). The second “sprint” race reverses the top 8 from the results of the prior race and is a short race. So the winners/strong cars start in 7th and 8th and have to deal with the folks who were just ok… or maybe caught a bad penalty, etc. Gets pretty interesting.
Weekly local racing has that figured out…Last 3 finishes are averaged and you start in reverse order. Doing good all year? That means you have to come from 20th to have a shot. Makes for the best racing, even if the cars aren’t as technically advanced as F1.
Plus rednecks race harder than Europeans. It is known.
Biggest wasters of prime real estate.
the federal government has been “shut down” for 30 days now.
Let the firings commence.
Seriously, if Trump started Going department by Department every day and Starting a RIF, he’d get funded faster than a Migrant Caravan.
Rand is on the case.
At least Rand is trying to find a solution, rather than resorting to political grandstanding. And I like the idea that spending is cut if they can’t come to an agreement.
Apparently they can do that according to some articles linked here last week. Although it’s not firings (for cause) so much as RIFs (eliminating unneeded positions).
I’d love to see the executive branch redline positions.
Yeah, it was discussed when those links were up, but RIF is not a great option for retaining “best and brightest”. Tenure is the top criterion. Then vet preference. Performance is fourth. Unfortunately the performance system is broken so that isn’t reliable anyway.
The narrative seems legit!
-The Media
It was fake but accurate.
The Gym Isn’t Usually A Safe Space For Fat Women, But It’s Become My Sanctuary
I am a fat woman and I am an athlete. I’ve been lifting weights for three years now. And when I started, entering the weight room meant setting foot in an area of the gym notorious for being a boys’ club, and an unfriendly, intimidating space for most people, especially women, to navigate.
So I am curious what goes on in US gyms to make them so unfriendly and intimidating? In Romania people go do their think and that’s about it. Some may draw looks some do not.
Must be a personal thing. I got called dumbass or what-not a few times back when I used to gym back in the States, but it was usually because of my shitty form. Same people would end up coming up to me and helping me out by showing me the proper form and all that.
While youth can often hide the damage done by improperly working out, eventually that stuff will come back to hurt you. I know many people that worked out wrong when they were younger, and their body could take it, that now have serious problems a few decades later. When someone offers to help you, pay attention. Then validate what they showed you just in case they are also uninformed dumbasses.
Well, it is hard to write an article about how she went to the gym and no one paid her any attention except to say hello.
No pics ?
I has much disappoint.
You’ve obviously never heard of the Olympic Fatathlon.
She might be a discus thrower.
brought to you by Golden Corral
She’s David Wells???!?!?!??
You might want to sit down for this.
Not everything you read in BuzzFeed is an accurate portrayal of America.
OT: Freezing temperatures combined with my girlfriend’s birthday and the bank holiday to produce the perfect storm I made her a plate of biscuits & gravy for breakfast. I have to say, they’re quite tasty.
Save her one though
The right to confront your accuser – gone if you are a man accused of rape in the UK.
You don’t have any rights in the UK anyway. Orwell was right about the turn they would take.
“abhorrent practice”
Nothing is more abhorrent than making someone defend what they said under cross examination from the accused.
The vast majority of this cost (£47bn) was a result of the physical and emotional harm of domestic abuse. It included other factors such as the cost to health services (£2.3bn), police (£1.3bn) and victim services (£724m). – how do you calculate the money value of emotional harm?
By hiring a bunch of recent public health grads and telling them to make the numbers look important enough to justify governmental action.
PID. https://imgur.com/gallery/y7QbHrj
The graph probably dont mean a lot to most people, but I got called into work at 3:45 this morning to try and figure out why a saw wasnt cutting.
It boiled down to a hydraulic pressure transducer being screwed up. Some one had then tried to tune the PID loop for the saw swing function based on bad information and had it all kinds of fucked up.
I spent the last few hours getting the loop tuned properly and I can say with a bit of pride that the above graphic shows the best looking saw cut I have seen in the 5 years I have been here. I’m kinda proud of myself.
The last product I developed before leaving my last job was a lubricant/cooling fluid for just that purpose. Of course, useless for you because it’s made for aluminum. But still. Love PIDs.
I have been aware of and done a minimal amount fiddling with PIDs for years. In the last year or so I was given an extra area of responsibility that uses a lot of PID controlled valves to do various things. (Control cooling water flow, air/gas flow, hydraulic cylinder travel, etc.)
I have made a concerted effort at becoming proficient with them and have been largely successful. It’s become a selling point in my skill set as most people in my line of work dont get far enough into it to really be able to understand what’s going on in one.
I would do the annual testing for the Lafarge gypsum wallboard plant in N. Ky. And every year, we’d have to budget an extra day just to re-tune the burners on the wallboard dryer, just to get them back in compliance. Seems over the course of the previous years, some french engineer would always get into the works and re-adjust their combustion profiles cause he thought they weren’t “optimized”.
We had. An engineer come in about 4 years ago and precisely tune all the burners on the billet reheat furnace to get them to burn Stoichiometrically. He did so, but when he did, it completely ducked the process.
The reheat furnace needs an oxygen rich environment in order to oxidize the outer skin of the hot billets so that impurities can be drawn out before rolling.
Basically they laid the guy a good sum of money to do something that had to be immediately undone.
In my experience, production is nearly always at battle with compliance.
You can tune a PID but you cant tuna fish
Also I have nearly never used the D, they should be called PI loops
You know who else claimed to have never used the D ?
Rachel Maddow?
The Chiefs.
I feel your pain, a little. Mahomes is just so much fun to watch that the Chiefs became our back-up team this year.
Oh, and fuck the NFL overtime rules. Both teams should get the ball at least once.
Mahomes’s big problem yesterday was that he didn’t seem to be having any fun. His looking like a kid having fun playing a game is what makes him fun to watch. He looked like he was trudging through a day at work. But I did hear a commentator say that the way to beat Mahomes is keep him off the field.
However, yes, the OT rules suck and I don’t understand them and also, the Saints were robbed.
Wasn’t last night’s game basically decided by a coin-toss? Why do people put up with that?
I don’t know who or to what extent someone has the bargaining power to get the NFL to change its rules.
I would prefer OT be a full quarter.
I definitely prefer the college version, which I think is each team gets the ball once. Whichever team is ahead after the second offense is done (by scoring, downs, turnover, whatever) wins. If they are tied after each team has had the ball, whichever team scores first/next wins.
Wasn’t last night’s game basically decided by a coin-toss?
Not quite:
Pats still had to drive 75 yards down the field, including converting on 3rd-and-10 3 times during the drive.
There’s obviously a huge advantage to winning the toss, but you still need to drive the field and score a touchdown.
Incidentally, why didn’t Andy Reid use one of his 3 time-outs to give his defense a breather during OT & break up the Pats momentum?
I know, I know – the answer is “Andy Reid clock management”, but I’m still baffled.
If it makes anyone feel better, I though this was a nice touch:
College football overtime is the best.
I’m OK with the NFL overtime rules. Especially now that it takes an actual TD to win.
The play that killed me was the pick that was taken away because of the stupid, stupid, stupid offsides penalty.
Meh, defense is part of the game and eventually you have to have a winner. I’m ok with the current rule. You want a shot, hold them to a field goal. No matter what you go with someone will get an edge, even if only because the second team to go knows exactly what they need to win. I suspect a lot of the grumbling is Patriot hate.
I suspect a lot of the grumbling is Patriot hate.
That just adds some flavor. I’ve not liked the NFL overtime for years.
California State Senator bans gender-specific pronouns
State Senator and Senate Judiciary Committee chair Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) announced that only “gender neutral” pronouns will be permitted during committee hearings.
“Our first order of business is to approve the committee rules. I’d like to note — in respecting the fact that we are now a state recognizing the non-binary designation as a gender — he and she, we are now merging them so we are using what my grammar teacher would have had a heart attack over: we are using the phrase ‘they’ and replacing other designations so it’s a gender neutral designation: ‘they,’” announced the Democrat. “Basically, that’s the primary reforms and revisions to the committee rules.”
“In the spirit of gender neutrality for the rules of this committee, we now designate the chair as ‘they,’” Jackson corrected the record.
“The world is a different place. My grammar teacher is long gone and we won’t be hearing from her,” the senator noted, before correcting herself: “— from them! From they!”
That’s libtarded.
From now on I’m going to refer to all politicians as “shit-bag” regardless of gender.
So…. actual language policing.
Destroying the language / society is harder than it looks.
“And don’t throw any rocks before I say so even if he DOES say Jehovah!”
Well, “fucktard” is gender-neutral.
Incells hardest hit!
What we learned from the Covington Hoax is that all the libertarians that others derisively call “cosmos” or “woketarians” have shown that we are right to mock them as they continue to cling to a debunked story (PopeHat has now waded through the priest’s Twitter account) and that the libertarians that we are told are “baddies” actually care about facts rather than narrative.
“Any institution not explicitly right-wing will eventually become left-wing.”
Saw that thread where Cathy (?) quadrupled down on her assertion that “toxic masculinity” is never mentioned in the ad. Goddamn I don’t miss TOS at all. Fun to peek once in a while. Tony in Robbie’s piece on the Maga boys was another reminder.
Mammary Monday has a dream that women will be judged by the size of the breasts and not the content of their character.
3, 18, 21.
Say, are there going to be any posts you don’t slap one of these sets of links into? You know, this week, this month, this year?
I’m just fulfilling demand, it’s capitalism’s fault.
We need common sense thot control.
Ban assault silicone!
Your links always cheer me up
So…. you are incapable of going to The Chive on your own?
Curated boobs are the best boobs.
Something different for Swiss
Is there no room for black humor in teenage life anymore?
*staggers toward fainting couch*
Black Humor? sounds racist.
I’m pretty sure black jokes are right out.
“After San Francisco banned plastic bags in 2007, the number of emergency room visits for bacterial related diseases increased”
To be fair, that could just be caused by garden variety sidewalk defecation and contaminated needles.
Yeah, lots of extenuating circumstances in SF that would lead those those diseases.
Can’t just pin in on one terrible idea.
Maybe it’s the mom in me, but this Covington thing has really set me off. They’re children for fuck sake. Not young adult 18/19 year olds (which would also be questionable to treat them this way), but 14/15 year old children. They’re having their faces plastered everywhere, having rich celebrity psychopaths publicly say vile things about them. Jesus Christ, talk about punching down! And it is all because they’re male, white, Christian conservative Trump supporters. Fuck the media, I’m ready to burn these motherfuckers to the ground.
They are getting a great education on who hates their guts and the lengths progressives will go to destroy them.
I think we’re going to see a lot of soccer moms putting Harris 2020 stickers on their cars for show and then quietly voting the other way.
I had a talk with the wife about this in general the other day, and the point I kept coming back to is that, yes, Trump attracted racists, but not because he himself is necessarily racist. Trump was an outlet for everyone who has been and still is routinely unpersoned by the Progressive Left, for people who wanted someone other than the increasingly-radical Democrats but couldn’t vote for a Republican and expect anything but the typical insider political hacks they tend to provide, and for people who just wanted to burn it all down for whatever reason. For the longest time it has been a choice between two sides who both want to screw you made on the basis of picking the one who seems to hate you less for a lot of people, and Trump was the first option in a long time to break out of that dichotomy. And every time his critics pull stunts like this they just cement his existing support and add new members to the rolls. This is how we’re going to see a two-term Trump.
Then it will be “Why you mad, bro?”
Because they didn’t get mad and you fucked them anyways.
Virtue signaling requires victims, so though titties for the victims?
The progs on my Facebook feed are predictably outraged and calling for blood. I don’t bother responding anymore.
Not just you. The more adults I saw on Twitter virtue signaling off a lie, the angrier I got. Thank god I’m not on FB because I don’t think I could hold off on going apeshit. *Deep Breathes*
If you are a practicing Christian (which I’m not, despite people’s perceptions) you have to remember that the media hates you and they’ll never tell the truth about you.
wHy dID tHE rELiGioS VOtE TrUmp?
“wHy dID tHE rELiGioS VOtE TrUmp?”
That line of argumentation I find quite amusing considering the Left/Dems have become so openly hostile to religion that simply believing in a higher power, any higher power (save govt.) means you’re an extremist and dangerous. Why the fuck would I vote for someone who thinks I’m crazy because of my core beliefs? It’s like 2A supporters voting Democrat. Sure, it happens; but that doesn’t make it reasonable or rational.
The debacle with senators questioning appointees about their Religious affiliations gets me. They must think it’s great that the CCP bans religious from holding party positions.
There are some exceptions to this rule.
1. Islam
2. Other “non-Western” religions
3. Progressive Christians and Jews
Of course, 1 is so far ahead of the others that it almost belongs in its own category of exception. But, you can still believe in God (or Buddha) if you espouse progressive views. You may get made fun of, but you won’t get unpersoned.
It’s more than punching down; it’s another small step toward “these people are cockroaches and we need to exterminate them”.
They’ve already utterly dehumanized adult MAGA-types, now they’ve moved on to children.
(((I))) find this quite frightening. I could be paranoid (for what I think are good reasons), but IMO we’re getting dangerously close to outright advocacy for mass killing.
Genocide always starts with one group claiming victimhood. The victimhood mentality justifies the hate which justifies the slaughter. The “we are all being oppressed by white males” left wing nonsense was laughable when it was just in the universities. But now those kids who were indoctrinated are now journalists, they’re now in major corporations, they’re now in advertising. This propaganda is now permeating throughout our media and is now being pushed onto the general populace.
The victimhood mentality justifies the hate which justifies the slaughter.
And this is why they are so desperate to disarm the populace. It’s kind of tough to take out a large group that’s well-armed.
Have no doubt that the gun grabbers’ top priority is to make sure the serfs have no means to resist when they start fucking us all over.
Well, here’s the deal, though.
When it comes to violent, racialist, tribalist conflict, I’m pretty sure Western white men have not lost to anyone other than another group of Western white men since the Crusades (with the possible exception of South Africa and Rhodesia). Any attempt to send white men to the camps is going to end in mass graves, and I wouldn’t bet on those graves being filled by white men.
The only death I want to see is the death of social justice ideology.
To me this is the exemplification of the adage that the road to hell is paved with good intentions (although I firmly belief that the top men peddling this know damned well how evil what they are doing is and don’t care).
#Metoo, Banjos. If these idiots actually succeed in triggering the race war they so eagerly desire in the US, it will be brutal beyond imagination.
They are currently in a “New American Man” phase, fantasizing that they can reprogram human nature. As they become increasingly frustrated at their utterly predictable failure to do so, they will start calling for the camps. In the unlikely event they manage to capture enough of the government to start sending white people to the camps, the uncontrollable spiral of violence will have begun in a country that is armed almost beyond conception.
“armed almost beyond conception” Now you sound like my wife after every trip I take to the gun shop.
There is a good reason for it too but I am not going to say what it is.
I’m pretty sure Western white men have not lost to anyone other than another group of Western white men since the Crusades
I was about to contradict you, but the “western” modifier makes it difficult, depending on how you slice things. Southern Europeans and especially Eastern Europeans have a long string of losses, so it depends on if they are counted as western or not.
Any attempt to send white men to the camps is going to end in mass graves, and I wouldn’t bet on those graves being filled by white men.
Despite the fact that there is a contingent of racists that would happily do this, I don’t see even an attempt being made, even in the far future, for the simple fact that such things are usually not attempted against people groups unless those groups are severely outnumbered.
My knowledge of Mittel-European history is sadly deficient, so I couldn’t really say if Central Europeans have taken a kicking from anyone other than Russians or other Europeans since the Crusades. I count “Western” as a cultural marker which includes all of Europe (including England) and Russia, BTW.
I count “Western” as a cultural marker which includes all of Europe (including England) and Russia, BTW.
In which case the Ottomans, Mongols, Afghans, certain Indians, Japanese*, and Ethiopians* would all count as non-westerners who have given westerners an L in that time frame.
*These nations had partly westernized
This is where my deficiency in history comes in.
I count the Ottoman conquests as the tag end of the Crusades; not sure how legit that is. I don’t recall the Mongols doing much on their Western frontier after the 13th/14th century, either.
The Japanese beat a Russian fleet, but I don’t recall them conquering Russia or the Soviet Union. Their fight with Westerners ended at Nagasaki, and not with them winning.
I want to say Indian independence was not a reconquista of the subcontinent from the Brits, but more of a decolonization under pressure.
Good point on the Afghans. Don’t have a clue about the Ethiopians.
For the record, I’m counting each war separately, not considering larger conflicts (series of wars) or smaller conflicts (single battles). With that being said, the quick and dirty version of things is this. The Ottomans did most of their conquering post Crusades and were a major power up until the 19th century, at which time they began to play second fiddle to the European powers and started to lose their European colonies to independence movements. The Ottomans were still expanding into Europe even after the Spanish had conquered the Aztecs, so it’s a misconception to group them into the Crusades. The Mongols conquered the Russian states but didn’t go much further, due to Polish resistance and internal issues, and one could argue that the Russians hadn’t westernized at this point anyway. The Japanese conquered territory off of the Russians, but of course lost it back in WWII. The Indian victories actually happened during colonization, not decolonization (and the British learned about rockets in the process), but obviously those were reversed in later wars. The Ethiopians beat the Italians the first time around, which is why they remained the only independent nation in Africa during the Scramble (other than Liberia, but they had the USA as a big brother). And you already know about the Afghans. There may be others, too, but that’s what comes to mind so those are probably the biggest instances of losses.
The Ottomans were still expanding into Europe even after the Spanish had conquered the Aztecs, so it’s a misconception to group them into the Crusades.
I thought much of the European fighting against the Ottomans were technically Crusades called for by the Pope. But, fair point that they hung on in part of Europe well into the 19th century. Even under my “big picture” approach, that counts as a win. I bunch up all the Crusades, so the initial Western wins don’t count since they lost at the end (and this was a post-Crusades scorecard, anyway).
I tend to bunch up separate battles, and perhaps even wars (more and more, I count WWI and WWII as essentially one war, for example). Indian victories against the Brits during colonization/conquest don’t count as the Indians “winning” in the big picture. Don’t know enough about the Italian/Ethiopian conflict to say whether I would disaggregate the initial win from the eventual loss.
We’re there already. #KillAllWhiteMen is a real hashtag
I’m sure anyone who uses that hashtag is immediately banned. Such language is obviously contravenes the terms and conditions on Twitter, which states that you can’t use rhetoric that de-humanizes and calls for violence against a group.
It looks like its infrequently used right now, but this person who used it and more early this month is still posting
It’s clear these days that prog/liberal vs. conservative is no longer the right division. There’s just a vast majority of authoritarians and a smaller group of anti-authoritarians.
Yes, exactly.
But some people’s motivation for authoritarianism is noble, because they want to save you from your ignorance and foolishness.
Those are the scariest totalitarianists, because they will justify camps and death sentences in the name of a greater good and for the very benefit of the people they destroy/kill.
There is no greater threat than someone who is on a crusade fueled by self-righteousness and moral superiority. They will commit the worst atrocities comfortable in their knowledge of doing the “right thing”.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C.S. has you covered.
I used to have the first sentence in my e-mail signature line. Now I use this:
“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
Charles de Montesquieu
“Ocasio-Cortez [portrays] herself as a woman who is ready to subordinate facts to her moral convictions, confirming achingly anti-female stereotypes. She may as well have driven erratically down the highway or failed to catch a gently thrown ball.”
Not that I believe this personally, but there are a lot of acquaintances (whom I would not consider wingnuts) that, post Kavanaugh hysteria, started floating the idea that women’s suffrage may have been a mistake. How can a group of people this irrational and emotion-driven be trusted with the franchise? Sure, it’s collectivist and ridiculous, but antics like AOC’s provide the confirmation bias they need.
I know quite a few really stable and smart people (it’s true!) who give in to easily to this crap. And when pointed out or they find out actual facts they come back with “but why then does the media do this?’ It seems – and my wife is included in this – that they can’t wrap their head around the ‘narrative’ part of it and what’s the end game to tell lies; or at least bend it from places and sources that have come to be respect: ie media, NYT etc.
I don’t blame them. If you’re not on YouTube browsing, or perusing all and alt-media for facts, or engaged (because believe are busy) it’s easy to see or conclude ‘yeh well that smirk didn’t help’ and move on. It’s neat and conclusive and everyone is happy. No one likes ‘open conclusions’.
“the end game to tell lies”
Possibly. But I think the narrative issue is more powerful. People see what they already believe to be true. And, that’s not limited to progs, of course.
“but why then does the media do this?’”
Several reasons, but I would start with:
(1) Because they honestly believe that the ends justify the means, and if those means include telling lies and wrecking the lives of innocents, oh well.
(2) Because they are trying to protect the interests of their “managerial” class, which is increasingly threatened, so they go on the attack, not to tell the truth, but to fight battles in our sub rosa class warfare.
(3) Because they are Democrat Party/Big Government propagandists.
Viewing them as disinterested observers is what of the dumbest positions to hold at this juncture.
I’m still amazed that they’re all going to keep their jobs after destroying the lives of kids.
My mom was a noted second wave feminist before I was born. I’m told her slogan which she wore as a button was “any woman who wants to be equal to a man lacks ambition.”
Sometime in the early 90s she saw the error of her ways and completely reversed course. She now says women shouldn’t have the right to vote because they vote emotionally which destroys nations.
Apparently the deciding moment was her friends voting for Bill Clinton because he kissed Hillary on TV, which completely won over their hearts and she thought them idiots for it.
We’re going to have a very small pool of voters if we eliminate those who vote emotionally.
The Liberland approach to voting seems ideal to be. There are no mandatory taxes, but the more you pay the more votes you get. If you pay nothing, no votes for you.
Any policy that required funding would need to raise said funding from amongst it’s supporters. People tend to back off the emotional decision making when they get hit in their pockets.
We’ll basically be disenfranchising the entirety of the corporate press
Suits me.
I’d say how good would be dependant upon whom decides what makes a vote ’emotional’ I doubt you’d like it much when they decide you single issue gun lovers are just emotionally attached to your substitute penises.
There are many intelligent women that vote, but the majority of the low information voters IMO are women. Women tend to come at things from an emotional perspective far more often than men, but I would really be hesitant to use that as a reason to deny them a vote. I do want to admit that practially every decision done because of emotional reasons rather than logic have caused more problems than they ever would have solved.
I find it funny that no one denies maternal instinct or the irrationality that can come from it. But bring that irrationality up when it comes time to vote for the children and suddenly you’re a terrible person.
I’m very torn over whether or not I think women should vote. I don’t think the massive rise of socialism and communism in the west at roughly the same time that women fought for their right to vote, was a coincidence.
BUT, I think it’s a far more dangerous system where women do not vote. Where their voices are silenced. I also realize the slippery slope that is taking away someone’s rights because of their gender and some of the horrible things that could lead to.
Like most things… there isn’t a good answer. I think it’s worth pointing out that right now there’s a similar argument being made, en mass, against men using our gender to silence us.
An emotional argument of all things….
A lot of low information voters come from the ranks of the highly educated. They rely completely on news sources which confirm what they already believe to be true. Thus, those sources are “smart” like they are while other sources are dumb and/or biased.
Agreed Raven, In my own experience, some of the lowest information people I ever interacted were the ones that had (and wanted you to know they had it) a lot of education. I guess that should be expected since our schools today have become incestuous marxism peddling indoctrination centers, and many of the morons that attend them come out thinking they are smart because they parrot the marxist bullshit they were fed. In general, I immediately assume I am dealing with an idiot that really knows far less than they believe they do when they actually defend marxism of any kind.
Yep. I posted last week about one of the people I work with (a fellow academic) that was astonished to learn that I didn’t accept the “Russian interference helped the Brexit vote” narrative.
I was surprised to learn that none of the other execs I work with were aware that the Dems had taken a junket to Puerto Rico with staff and a bunch of lobbyists during the shutdown “crisis”. If you are a member in good standing of the managerial class that gets its info from the traditional outlets, you are by definitely a low-information voter.
I’d love to see the executive branch redline positions.
I want them to start with the TSA.
Is there anybody (not counting “media people” of course) who seriously thinks planes will fall from the sky en masse if we just yank out the “security” chokepoints?
I said in late 2001 that all they needed to do was put a “Let’s Roll” poster next to every skyway.
Lindsey Graham?
Dog bites man.
What’s that?
Hmmm. https://www.thecut.com/2015/07/what-open-marriage-taught-one-man-about-feminism.html
Dear Mr. Sonmore,
“When my wife told me she wanted to open our marriage and take other lovers, she wasn’t rejecting me, she was embracing herself. When I understood that, I finally became a feminist.”
Annnnnd…..that’s where I stopped
… she wasn’t rejecting me, she was embracing herself.
She was doing both. She’s being selfish by embracing herself over her partner. Not saying its always wrong to be selfish, but when it impinges on your obligations to others it is. If she doesn’t want to be obligated to him, she should divorce him.
Where this went off the rails is when she said “I want to have sex with other men”* and he basically said “OK” without meaning it. He should have said “That’s not OK by me. I want a monogamous marriage; if you don’t, then we should probably split up.”
*Haven’t read the article; did she ever say she wanted an open marriage where he could bang other chicks? Or is she so monumentally narcissistic that she wants to sleep around, but doesn’t want him to?
I’m still not convinced NY magazine didn’t get suckered on that one and that it’s not satire.
Back on Slashdot there was this creepy copypasta post that would show up in the odd thread now and again about some dude who I think was supposed to be a gay submissive or something like that who had his bits cut off and ate through a straw or whatever. Whenever I hear about this cuckoldry…thing…that’s going around I always remember that.
A few years ago, a story came out in Germany about a man who had a fantasy of eating someone who managed to meet someone who had a fantasy of being eaten. Both fulfilled their fantasy.
The eater is in prison.
Was it the I’m a nullo against my will story?
It is fucked up. Of course the whole nullo thing is fucking weird to me.
Very NSFW reading, but no dirty pics to give you away.
I had a guy try to rope me into being his “master” once and I was like “get up, you’re being ridiculous”. This is… beyond my ken.
Don’t like giving orders?
Hell, no. I guess that’s why I avoid management at work, too.
“My open marriage has made heavy demands on my ability to silence the voice of doubt in my head, that gnawing feeling of worthlessness.”
Dood, maybe those voices shouldn’t be silenced. Maybe repressing shit like that is beyond unhealthy and will end with you either dying from a stress-induced heart attack at 50, or blowing up and eventually shooting your wife dead.
But what do I know, I’m not “enlightened”.
That voice is the very last shred of your self-respect. I’d give it a listen, maybe.
Here’s the thing. There’s a difference between saying “This is how i live my life, i’d recommend it” and saying “this is how i live my life, you should do it this way to” and finally “this is how i live my life, we should make everyone else do so too”. This guy is in #2 and i’d say close to getting towards #3.
I don’t necessarily agree with this guy’s approach to his open-marriage, but the idea – versus a nasty divorce or a sexless life – has some merit. As I said before, it works for some people. I’ve met two couples in my life who were “open” about this; even had one woman proposition me for sex saying her husband “didn’t care”. I turned her down since I knew my own girlfriend (now wife) wouldn’t approve. Plus I don’t like to get into messy personal situations with all the jealousy and hurt feelings.
So it really is a subset of the population, and not one necessarily populated with “male feminists”.
*small subset
There’s a world of difference between people making a rational choice to live this way and the couple profiled in that article. The way he writes it, she pretty much gave him an ultimatum, he is decidedly *not* ok with it (hence the needing to silence the voices of doubt and worthlessness) and then he wraps it up with some woke bullshit to try and justify it.
This couple will not survive.
This couple will not survive.
When your best case scenario is “ugly divorce”, you need to re-examine your life choices.
It won’t be ugly. He’ll just roll over.
Oh, you meant ugly FOR HIM. Right.
There is a chance for self-improvement, dignity, and eventually happiness on the other side of that divorce. None of that will happen if he remains a cuckold.
I’ve been open about the fact my 13 year marriage is non-monogamous and was from the start of the relationship 15 years ago.
This kinda thing drives me bonkers. That “man” needs to find his balls and tell the bitch to take a hike, find the most brutal divorce attorney he can find, and divorce her.
I’ve run into these sorts of women, and they are poison. I do some educaton on non-monogamy in our local scene, and these types come up to me looking for support. The looks on their faces when I tell them they are dishonest, blackmailing jerks and should be ostracized from the community until they learn to behave ethically is always priceless. Even better is when husband is in tow and I tell him if he hasn’t fucked anyone else yet, to get himself to a divorce attorney and get rid of her triflin’ ass.
It’s one thing if both partners agree and are doing it. Quite another when one partner tells the other that they will be sleeping with others (while the other partner will not or just can’t) and that there is no debating that.
I’ve got a busy day, but if I didn’t, just to stir the shit, I’d make a meme of Trump standing in front of Warren while she beats a drum.
Take the day off and do it.
In pretty sure its been done already
That would be awesome
I’d want more than a $5k reward, I’d also want immunity if I chose to testify, etc.
$5k? Depending on the guns you could make that back just by selling two.
Another case was like this a few years back: Two juveniles broke into Gander Mountain, stole a bunch of brand new guns, then threw them in a creek when things weren’t going so well. I got to read the police reports, etc. as I got assigned to one of the juvies post-judgment.
It’s a sign of the times that I read that as “Gender Mountain” at first.
Just out of curiosity, how do you think it would play out if someone with direct knowledge of the crime and the participants, through counsel, approached ATF with an offer like that?
“Make it $50K and immunity, and Ill hand you the names of who did it”
Hm, depends. I’d really want to know more like: How much was stolen? Overall value? Any other property damage requiring restitution for the retailer? Past convictions of the pigeon (because that is/will be a sentencing factor)? Any other convictions for the defendant(s) – (because if the defendants are underage they’ll probably get extended probation and residential treatment)?
But I’d want knowledgeable counsel before I made a negotiation, for sure.
My cynical guess is that, having awoke the ire of the state, the lawyer would be compelled to divulge the name of the client, and when that didnt happen, counsel would be jailed under contempt untill they broke. Then, the client would be run through a similar (possibly more violent) wringer until they snapped, then both lawyer and client would be charged as abettor/accessory after the fact just for the FYTW
Yes, you’re cynical. More so than me, oddly enough. I remain a bit optimistic even with law school, and a few years of family law & criminal law behind me. Huh. I should see a shrink?
For Swiss
I am a fat woman and I am an athlete.
Maybe she’s a shot-putter.
That wouldn’t satisfy the “athlete” part.
O-line in women’s tackle football?
“When my wife told me she wanted to open our marriage and take other lovers, she wasn’t rejecting me, she was embracing herself. When I understood that, I finally became a feminist.”
Well. “Learning to love Big Brother” takes on a new and rather different meaning, in that context. Nothing says “I’m a feminist” like taking it in the ass from your wife’s boyfriend.
Learning to love Big Brother… while he fucks your wife.
Wait until she demands he watch her getting plowed by other guys, and then goes a step further and tells him she wants the other guys to plow him too…
That picture looks soooo romantic…
Nothing says “I’m a feminist” like taking it in the ass from your wife’s boyfriend.
I’m stealing this
A athaleet
I think I have mentioned it before, but I really think there could be an excellent Trump/Mueller “Man with One Red Shoe” remake.
You could have the media be the idiots chasing the fake informant.
The whole Covington incident led me to learn that there is such a thing as the Black Hebrew Israelites movement. I had never heard of those guys.
They sound nice.
Just the fellas to have a few brews with. I wonder if they keep kosher
Those guys have been standing on NYC street corners gibbering their lunacy for decades.
Saints got jobbed? Brett Favre’s thigh cries itself to sleep over the injustice.
That game rivaled the schadenfreude of the 2016 election for me.
I hate the Saints, Brees, and Payton
Last night, or Favre throwing the brutal INT in New Orleans?
Because the 2009 NFCCG was glorious.
::stares at Ted while comforting his crying son who still believes in the Vikes::
“The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.”
I guess even if there are no defensive players left from that team….?
Brees is wearing a ring he has no right to wear. Don’t feel bad at all that he doesn’t get a chance to win another one.
+1 ill-advised pass across the body.
NFL Network replayed that game on Friday. Still brutal after all these years.
Just what one should expect from the all-time interceptions leader.
Yeah, I told someone the week before the game that Favre would throw an interception on an ill-advised pass and cost the Vikings the game. Not a particularly insightful statement.
Take from the rich. Give to the poor, by way of a bunch of noble, deserving NGOs.
The combined fortunes of the world’s 26 richest individuals reached $1.4 trillion last year — the same amount as the total wealth of the 3.8 billion poorest people.
Most of these mega-wealthy are American, according to the Forbes list of billionaires used by Oxfam. The names include Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who collectively are worth $357 billion, according to Forbes.
Oxfam recommends that nations tax wealth at fairer levels, raise rates on personal income and corporate taxes and eliminate tax avoidance by companies and the super-rich. It also advocates providing universal free health care, education and other public services — and ensuring that women and girls also benefit. And it suggests investing in public services — including water, electricity and childcare — to free up women’s time and limit the number of unpaid hours they work.
Good old Oxfam, where would we be without them?
I think we comment this shit every year… whats the point… no that is not what wealth means, unpaid hours is a bullshit term for childcare, public services usually are money stolen by the corrupt especially in poor countries, etc etc etc
Take it all and guarantee the government could operate deficit free for about a year… maybe…
1.4 Trillion (as though it were all liquid and could be easily confiscated) / 3.8 Billion = $368.42
I’m pretty sure the global median income is somewhere around $3,000
So basically, a drop in the bucket, and no actual change to well being of anyone.
This is fun:
Marshawn Lynch Endures Patronizing Lectures About Voting From Bill Maher And Barney Frank
In the “Overtime” segment that’s posted on YouTube, Maher asked Lynch who he voted for around the 6:30 mark. The running back replied that he didn’t vote, and all the goodwill he had built up by confirming he lit a blunt off of Al Davis’s eternal flame seemed to vanish.
Lynch tried to explain to the panel that he was more interested in hands-on community service from his end, that the services that people supposedly vote for don’t reach the communities he visits and that most politicians he’s met with are looking for a paycheck in return for his help. But, both Maher and former Rep. Barney Frank went straight to the pearl-clutching with the news instead. Maher, after telling Lynch that not voting was “not right,” attempted to use former Republican governor of Ohio John Kasich expanding medicaid in his state as an example of the good that can come from voting. Frank went for anecdotal evidence of good legislators in California, and Oakland, that Lynch should have voted for.
The Deadspin writer is favorable toward Lynch and not voting. The commenters however, are having none of the black man not casting a vote for their preferred politicians.
“Maher asked Lynch who he voted for ”
None of your goddamned business, Bill.
If he had pointed out he had voted for someone other than a democrat I am sure these cunts would be crucifying him and calling him an uncle Tom for doing that.
Stay in your lane nigger.
His only chance at redemption is to say he tried to vote, but a bunch of Catholic school boys were blocking the entrance and demanding he pass a literacy test before he could vote.
Sure it is pure bs, but the MSM would be happy to run with it.
Holy shit. You could power a small city for a year with the collective orgasm.
He could also say that the Catholic boys were instructed to block the polling station by Trump in an email that Mueller’s office has.
The Deadspin writer is favorable toward Lynch and not voting. The commenters however, are having none of the black man not casting a vote for their preferred politicians.
Just imagine how they’d react if he said he voted for Public Enemy Number One. Their love for the franchise might dissipate somewhat.
The report echoes policy positions embraced by the newly empowered Democrats in the United States, who are advocating for similar reforms.
“There is going to be a broader and increasingly energized public conversation in the US and globally on what a fair and effective tax system looks like that will be very different from today,” said Paul O’Brien, Oxfam America’s vice president of policy and advocacy.
Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a freshman lawmaker from New York, has proposed taxing the wealthy as high as 70% to fund a climate change plan she’s pushing called the “Green New Deal.”
Something tells me a “fair” and “effective” tax system from Oxfam’s perspective looks a lot like “from each, according to his ability, to each, according to his needs.”
Fucking commies, I hate ’em.
From each, according, to his party, to each, according to his vote.
Think how much worse our immigration woes will be once we implement the proper policies to tax more fairly and pay women their true value.
The hordes coming here now would be just a drop in the bucket compared to the people who have been hanging back because they were terrified of the USA’s wealth inequality and pro-rape laws.
OK, so I drove half-way across the state to record some papers with the Clerk and discover it is a holiday.
Fuck. I am a dumbass.
What else were you going to do today?
Embrace the healing power of “and”, Ted. No reason you can’t do both.
Driving while pulling your pud can be problematic…
Automatic transmission FTW.
Wait, when you are playing with your stick it’s manual…
Oh nevermind…
Happy MLK Day!
Is the state particularly large? How long does driving half way take?
Hmmm there’s a more narrow bit and a wider bit. Also the vertical part.
135,382 km2
That is one half Romania. I would not like to drive a quarter of Romania for nothing, but then again our roads suck
nah, half way across the skinny part west to east. So, two hours. Still, I could have spent the time warming in front of the fire instead of burning gasoline.
I have a dream! A dream that one day, a simple Suthenboy will drive halfway accross Louisiana to a government office that is not open.
“Hell is having your dreams come true” – My Grandfather
Well now you are stuck with me all day cuz I have nothing else to do.
Pour yourself a vodka and relax. I’m flying from Tampa to Los Angeles right now. So I got nothing but time.
I saw that Twilight Zone episode (really).
Ha, actually had a different one in mind. Mob dude dies and goes to “heaven” and some Colonel Sanders type is his “angel”.
Sebastian Cabot
But that was not heaven….
Ah, quite right.
I read this and yet still walked out to the mailbox at work looking for today’s mail.
I will undoubtedly do the same when I get home this evening.
This reminded me of a few Glibs: https://twitter.com/DougTenNapel/status/1086798171018326017
Not a bad way to bond with your kid….. #toxicmasculinity
Someone needs to donkey punch this DM…
Nah, I think he was having fun. Looked like a blast for the kids – and when your dad custom designs the maps, etc from scratch, it’s pretty cool. (not sure if he went through with the character thing though – that was a day before the pic).
Looks like I’ll be heading back to the outskirts of Memphis sometime in the next couple of months. Any food recommendations would be appreciated, I’ll be near Germantown (which amazingly enough, has no breweries).
My wife will be in Memphis in late February for a few days. Restaurant recommendations appreciated. She’ll eat anything. Bbq, southern, jewish deli, brewpubs, mexican.
I drove half-way across the state
That’s, like, what- thirty miles?
Kathy Griffin Viciously Targets Covington Catholic Kids
On Sunday morning, after fury erupted at boys from Covington Catholic High School who had been accused on social media of ill-treating a Native American former Marine at the Lincoln Memorial on Friday, failed comedienne Kathy Griffin, (yes, the same woman who infamously posed with the severed head of President Trump), issued a tweet that viciously targeted the boys, writing, “Ps. The reply from the school was pathetic and impotent. Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these f***ers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again.”
Kathy Griffin
Names please. And stories from people who can identify them and vouch for their identity. Thank you.
These people would line you up against the wall if they ever got the chance.
Yes whenever the lefties say that X was not real communism I remember the violence in everything they say and realize they would do the same
People who say X was not real communisim, are not typically real communists.
Or they are hard core ones and quite OK with lying to get their way.
Yeah. I meant it in the way that: The people who say “That wasn’t real Communism”, seem to be OK with what the “Not real communists” did, just not the grizzly results. Therefore the idiots parroting “That wasn’t real communisim” are “Not real Communists”, in the sense that they are fine with mass slaughter to get their way.
Communism ad a philosophy requires man to be remade into a drone willing to die at a the drop of a hat for the collective’s benefit. I tell people this often:
Under a capitalist system the wealthy will often get to wield power, but under any and all collectivist systems only the powerful will ever have any wealth.
She’s a reprehensible piece of shit. A no talent hack of a comedian that has substituted political outrage for being funny.
That’s the left in a nutshell.
This is FAR more offensive than taking a picture with the president’s decapitated head.
Yet, Conservative Inc., will put up less of a fuss over attempts to destroy the lives of young boys than it will about offending the sacred president who can barely read
Not sure about that. Conservative Inc. is pretty much hardcore NeverTrumpers, as far as I know. Look at the speed with which many of their pundits joined the progs running a train on those boys because some of them wore MAGA hats.
Fundamentally, they’re cowards.
Well, that, and they are basically just a sect of the progressive movement. See, also, cosmotarians.
I was surprised CNN ran this rebuttal. Robby came to there defense also and that was linked on Hot Air.
Haven’t read the article, but I have seen a couple of references to it. If it was a decent defense and not a passive-aggressive “to-be-sure” fest, good on Robbie.
Hey, give Robbie a break, he can’t help that he’s the way he is.
Surprisingly he did a decent job. Nary a to be sure.
I read robbie’s article. Only problem I had with it is that he said the media “mischaracterized” the event.
They lied. Plain and simple. There was no mischaracterization, the media lied.
Robby gets a lot of undeserved shit. I know people don’t like when I say that, but sometimes he takes some bold positions that most certainly are going to cost him jobs in the future, unless he just wants to stay in the ghettos of conservative or libertarian (even smaller) media
Rico Soave Apologist.
Literally got a guffaw from me. Good thing i’m working from home today.
So basically, the Black Hebrews were being their normal selves and the Indian protestors decided to jump into the middle of it for extra attention. The perplexing thing to me, is that if Mr. Phillips really wanted to calm things down, why didn’t he approach the Black Israelites? Or would that not have made for such a good video?
The kids got used for a video soundbite and the outrage of the day. Phillips is getting his 15 minutes of fame that he has lusted after for the last 40 years as a professional protester.
He said flat out on NPR this morning that he was afraid a bunch of 15 year old white boys were going to harm the black hebrews so he wanted to try to protect them (meaning the black hebrew group). Pure racist bullshit.
They didn’t need his protection because they were surrounded by angels.That was the only thing keeping the Hitler youth from attacking them.
If you think these f***ers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again.
Ah, progjection.
I haven’t heard anyone calling for doxxing the Black Israelites or the other Amerind protestors.
It’s unnecessary. Those guys will dox themselves. They’re getting exactly what they want out of this situation, more attention.
I imagine the school administration, which also got in the line waiting to run the train, is getting mountains of shit from parents right now. As they should.
The parents should demand a reverse tithe from the school. At least 10% off.
I didn’t follow the story all that closely, but why didn’t any of the school chaperones step in and try to defuse the situation? If my son was on that trip and got stuck in a situation where some creeps were hassling the shit out of him, I would be urinated off if the “adult” didn’t step in and ask the Indian to take a step back and bang his drum somewhere else.
“Hey mack, they are kids on a school trip. Let’s take a deep breath and step back”
How hard is that?
So many bishops should have been hanging from a tree even before this that a tithes sounds trivial. A stoning for their multitudes of crimes sounds in order. They’ve betrayed their faithful for too long
Millstones, man, millstones.
NPR this morning had the (insert AmerIndian slur) on this morning. The dickless host was speaking quietly and in a placating tone while asking questions that the red-skinned sonovabitch was giving, that were he a white man talking about any other race would have him in prison for hate speech. Those boys probably weren’t racists before, but i wager they are more sympathetic towards the idea now than they were.
As someone upstream pointed out, this certainly is the consequence of this crusade to label everyone that disagrees with you as racists to stop them from actually demanding you argue your issues on facts/logic instead of emotional appeal and bullshit.
If I were the host I would have asked drummer boy what he thought of the black israelites. No one hates blacks like Indians.
It is one of those dirty secrets that never really gets talked about. But go up on the res and you will hear enough anti-black shit talk to make a klansman blush.
Of course, a professional agitator like this guy has probably learned to tone down that sort of talk when on the record.
I’d be livid if i was a parent. Many of them are Paying a big chunk of their income to go to that school.
My son’s school went up there on Friday, I’ll have to ask if they ran into any of the excitement. It could have just as easily been him in that video.
The main purpose of this was to discredit or discourage people in participating in the March for Life in the future. The March dwarfs the Women’s March yet gets none of the media attention. A bad story about them would help justify their unwillingness to cover the march.
The school helped discredit it.
Good news everyone! Have you ever wondered if you’re guilty of rape? (NB: you are) Well a friendly feminist has provided us with a guide!
But how do I know if I’ve been raped by a woman? Also, I thought genders didn’t exist?
Oh, no. There are multitudes of “genders”. What doesn’t exist any more is biological sex.
And the progs have succeeded in a further corruption of our language by getting everyone to refer to “gender” even when they mean “sex”.
But how do you figure out which gender pairings are gay? Is there a matrix or a decoder wheel?
If swords cross, you are gaying it up?
But if you don’t arouse your wife enough to seduce her, you have to be woke enough to let her see other men.
Love triangles are how a lot of episodes on the ID channel start out.
I love the fact that her last rule is “Fill in the blanks”
When I got out of the service, I thought I was free of having to worry about Article 134 railroadings.
This was always used on people who pissed off the brass. “We don’t actually have a rule against what you did, but boy are we pissed, so FYTW”
Just yesterday, I saw a commercial in which a girl spontaneously turned and kissed a boy without first seeking consent (witnessed, in triplicate).
I was horrified.
I watched a similar video this morning but it was two women and they did more than kiss.
go on…
Two girls, one tampon?
That joke was a pearl in the oyster.
It was a new step mom with step daughter in cut off jeans and tight blouse who wanted tomorrow the Bently but had to “earn it” scenero. Milfy knew how to work the seam of those jeans quite well. Very hot.
The Beastie Boys better than Rush and The Police? Well, everyone has an opinion, I guess.
Three weeks ago, I made a batch of beer. It was the recipe kit that came with the beer making kit, MoreBeer’s American Pale Ale (I think): seven pounds of light LME, a pound of 20L or 40L crystal malt, a ounce of Magnum hops, two ounces of Cascade hops (for flavor), and a packet of dry yeast. I ignored my previous beer-making practice and followed their directions. They say don’t bother trying to strain the wort going into the fermenter, and don’t bother racking into a secondary. I guess both of these are to limit opportunities for contamination.
However, I’d like to ask about straining the wort. The pellet hops break up into such fine pieces that there was basically nothing left of the bittering hops in the mesh bag. There were so many solids in the wort that I’m pretty sure my initial gravity reading was off, because the bottom of the hydrometer with sitting in a layer of sediment. Is it general practice to strain the wort, and if so, does anyone have technique they like that doesn’t risk contamination?
The last few times I used hops, I put them into a fine mesh bag then through the bag into the wort during the boil. After chilling the wort, you pull the bag(s) and throw them away. Seems to help.
I use those as well, there are reusable ones out there, but they cost about 10 times as much as the disposable ones, and are a pain to clean. I don’t mind writing off another dollar or so in materials for a brew day.
Oh, those bags are disposable? No wonder they’re such a pain in the ass to clean out!
The beer making kit came with three mesh bags (and they are a pain to clean out); the problem is the pellet hops degrade into such fine particles, they go right through the mesh. Maybe there are finer mesh bags available than what I’ve got? I notice that MoreBeer says “don’t bother straining” but also sells a filter designed to go into the brew kettle for $50.
This is what I used: https://www.northernbrewer.com/products/muslin-mesh-bag
Keeps the vast majority of the hops in the bag.
Thanks, I’ll try those.
I’ve never had an issue with hops dissolving like that. They usually turn into a paste in the bag.
One lonely Beastie I be
All by myself without nobody
The sun is beating down on my baseball hat
The air is gettin’ hot the beer is getting flat
Lookin’ for a girl I ran into a guy
His name is M.C.A., I said, “Howdy” he said, “Hi”
It’s better than Shakespeare and Robert Frost put together, man.
…Coolin’ on the corner on a hot summer day
My personal favorite is “O! Simian of Brass”
No need to strain the wort. If you want to read about some guys testing different changes to brewing standards, Brulosophy is a fun blog. Secondary is really only used in the modern era if you’re racking over fruit, wood chips, or something else. You should be able to figure out if your gravity reading was correct if you measured your water before and after. Running some rough numbers, the OG should have been around 1.045 or so.
First of many I’m sure.
My last employer lived in mortal fear of the GDPR. I’m so glad I’m not there now. I can’t tell you how many meetings I went to where the Germans would have a 200 slide PP deck about how one violation could be 4% of the company’s annual turnover.
I also am giggling that the thing that tripped up Google is the GDPR’s insistence that users have to be given separate statements about what they are agreeing to. It can’t be one big TOS that is a yes/no.
When I was putting together this for an app that had to be GDPR compliant, the lawyers told me that we had to break up our normal TOS into three docs. The user had to say yes to each of them to use the service. It was OK to not let them use it if they tried to opt out of any section, but it had to be three button clicks. So the end result is exactly the same.
My cat is not loving this cold weather 🙂
Nice ride
Thanks! I know at least a few glibs here live in the area.
Some others went to college there.
I live in Galena, but don’t tell anyone.
My mom grew up in Sunbury
I’m in Hilliard
My grandparents have lived in the Galena area for 30 years (they’re technically in Westerville, but they’re on the north east side of the reservoir). I know the area like the back of my hand. I canoed, fished, and pontooned on the reservoir in my childhood.
I know that view:)
Why does it seem familiar to me ?
I’m not sure exactly where it is but it’s from Southwest of Columbus direction of Scioto Park.
I thought that was C-bus
rear wheel drive i assume
A little chilly for bocce ball, doncha think?
Speaking of world’s greatest three man band, you’re all wrong if you didn’t pick this one.
Dammit. You beat me to it.
They led him in the back door and then his cell didn’t have any closets?
Incest is best, that’s why you should give your sister the test?