Good morning my adorable little maniacs!  It would be a glorious morning if I wasn’t for our evil shithead press irresponsibly running with a story that demonized teenagers.  Maybe this will help.



Marxist scumbags being Marxist scumbags.  Imagine a world where billionaires and all the value they created didn’t exist, it’s called abject poverty.


Trying hard not to give Crazy Eyes too much attention, but it’s hard not to when she’s such a fucking moron.


Democrats seeking to end mostly Republican practice of living in their office.


With the Russia insanity fizzling out, they’re going back to the Nazi/KKK rhetoric.


As new Chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, Senator Graham plans on investigating Clinton and Obama scandals.


Chris Brown arrested on rape charges.


Comedian Owen Benjamin was banned from twitter for making a joke about David Hogg, meanwhile calling for the doxxing and harassment of a group of conservative teenage kids is a-ok.


Creepy Uncle Joe blames laws that prevent voter fraud for the reason why Democrats lost in Georgia and Florida.


That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.