I’m happier’n a camel on Hump Day. Mostly because my wife and I are actually going to have an adult dinner out somewhere. That will be great. Imagine, talking with your partner about shit other than the next thing on the to-do list.

So you run a company that spends 11 months a year producing product that sells out in six weeks, and you can’t stay in business? Was your entire upper management peopled by former government managers?

What city government WOULDN’T want a Nigerian Prince on their vendor list? Way to go DC!

I won’t pretend this didn’t give me a good laugh.

I was having an interesting conversation with a lawyer friend about how people under 35 or so seem to be willing to forego specialized services that people over 35 think are just the cost of doing business. His story involved a young entrepreneur walking away from a million-dollar partnership rather than pay a $5000 retainer. Like, not only did the guy not use my friend’s services, he just walked away with whatever his partner offered him, which was not an even split. Here’s one about a similar age-cohort foregoing doctors. I don’t want to overstate the case — young people of many generations have foregone doctors because if you’re 25 and typically healthy you don’t absolutely need one. However, I would be interested to hear other people’s take on this because I do kind of feel like there’s a kernel of insight there. Can apps + The Interwebs really reduce the bullshit and optimize your time spent on such things to approximately zero, or not? Is this just being young and not at all generational? I’m not strongly one one side or the other and beg the wisdom and insight of the Glibertariat.


The only doctor any millenial needs.