Good morning my lovable assholes. And what a glorious morning it is as the partial government shutdown is still in effect. It may end soon, who knows, as there are two dueling bills, one in the Senate reflecting Trump’s offer, the second from the House which would reopen government until February 8th.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get the two sides together especially with the left having allowed the extreme social justice psychos to take take over. Refusing to let ago of a manufactured incident that helps bolster their narrative, they are doubling down first by using a traditional blackout game to accuse the school of allowing blackface, then finding a video from the day of a boy yelling “it’s not rape if you enjoy it” into a camera only to quickly discover that he was not a student at the school. “Muh narrative!” The best part of yesterday was the debunking of the sage Native American’s past. Turns out he was not a Vietnam vet. Womp womp. This nutter also tried to disrupt Catholic mass in DC. I have not seen the left and the media shoot themselves in the foot this bad since Kavanaugh.
Prosecutor who brought down governor is under grand jury investigation for the same case.
Trump has 51 new judicial picks including two for the 9th Circuit.
Armed robber shot and killed by Pharmacist.
Crazy Eyes does know that leaking is a criminal act, right?
That’s all I got for today, here’s your song, got to go clean up some puppy shit.
I talk sweetly to my assholes in the morning too.
Once, I told my ex I thought she should bleach her asshole. Then she poured clorox on me.
/be here all week…try the veal
*narrows gaze*
The asshole just doesn’t get enough lovin’, considering all the hard work it does.
*wonders who is currently signed into the LH account*
Eva Braun never did receive enough rim jobs.
You never realize how important your asshole is until you start realizing you have one because it hurts. It’s a thing that is at its best when you don’t know it’s there.
Speak for yourself.
You owe me a new monitor there Tonio…
Guten Morgen!
*wonders; how long should I wait before going OT?”
::impatiently taps foot::
“Lovable assholes.”
[Sheds single manly tear]
Don’t go and make this wierd.
too late!
Well, calling it post-digested doggy veal was poorly recieved by focus groups.
FIRS…….oh, dang
Well, someone certainly seems to be in a good mood this morning. Handing out GIFs like he’s Oprah with a lot full of chevys.
Or a hive full of bees…
I have not seen the left and the media shoot themselves in the foot this bad since Kavanaugh.
And just as then, a few people have to go underground and have their entire futures destroyed and nothing else happens. Eggs, omelettes, etc etc.
I’ve commented on this before but the big media outlets still have the ability to control the narrative – to a certain degree. They certainly are good at shoving bad stories out there that paint “the other side” in a bad light. And, like suckers, (a lot of) people seem to fall for it every time.
I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t believe anything until things have been sussed out for a few days.
I’ve gotten to the point where if the source is an old guard news outlet, I ignore it. If it’s verified, it’ll make it through other channels. If it’s debunked, that’s the story I’ll see first.
Is it just me or does the fake news seem to be getting nastier with each iteration?
Desperate death throws are dangerous.
It isnt just you.
I think that’s true, but I also think that skepticism and outright disdain over mainstream media reporting has never been higher. #Fakenews has gone from being a tinfoil hat position to something that a wide swath of the culture just accepts as true. Their desperation shows on a daily basis.
If the old guard media wants to be respected, they should start by acting respectably. They are not.
This one pretty well sums it up.
Protesters Outside Church in Covington Outraged That the Truth is Coming Out
Yes, they are. They are trying to start an FB meme that the MSM is now “covering” for the boys. The same MSM which has been spreading every Proggie Meme. Hahaha.
You are not expecting these people to be consistent and have standards other than a set of double standards, are you sir?
And the attention seeking whore at the center of it all get’s a huge gofundme….
Who, the Indian fellow?
Is this for a trip to finally get him to Vietnam?
Uffda. Our new darling Representative Ilhan Omar is still tweeting about the Covington kids being racist (sent yesterday).
How bad is TDS that you feel the need to attack innocent kids just because Trump put out a tweet in support of them?
That isnt what it is about with Omar. Even if Hillary were president this piece of shit would still be going at it. She is a radical agitator/grifter of a different flavor than the ones we hatch domestically.
“The best part of yesterday was the debunking of the sage Native American’s past. Turns out he was not a Vietnam vet.”
Shipley then describes the DD-214 in which Phillips has served as a private and exited the service as a private and received one medal. He also shows that Phillips went AWOL and was stationed in Nebraska and California. He had also served as a ReferMech or Refridgerator Mechanic
Chief Freon Ranger
Private Shitbird.
That is delicious.
Does this make him a fake Indian?
The Ira Hayes of the left.
OK. He wasn’t even a grunt. And if he left a private he definitely did little more than get in trouble while he was in. He’s even strange for a native American who mostly do their job and keep to themselves – from my experience with a number of them in the Corps.
And I know the medal he got – the National Defense Service ribbon. Everybody who put the uniform on before 1974 got that.
Actual video – Marine Reservist – less than 2 years active total.
He was UA a bunch of times. A run of the mill shitbird. Wasn’t even active duty for that matter.
I was in the army. I can’t ever imagine about lying what I did. Because what I did was travel Europe, smoke hash, drink real beer, and visit old shit with the best men I ever met. A lot if people are still alive to call bullshit.
Reefer Ranger? So he was telling the truth. You just misheard it as “recon ranger” with your shitlord ears.
If I read his DD-214 correctly he was AWOL on 3 different occasions in ’75?
This ain’t no shit. When I was in the ‘Nam my buddy and I would discuss what war stories we were going to use when we got home. We had some great ones going on, for a couple of REMFs. Good thing we didn’t use our great adventures, we’d have been outed pretty quickly. We were out of our element.
What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.
If you’re of one of the latter two groups, then you believe that Native American Nathan Phillips was asking for it when he put himself in the middle of a confrontation between a small group of Black Israelites and a large group of high school students. You also believe that Phillips’s aggressive standing and singing a song justifies the students mocking him and invading his personal space.
Conspiracy theorists are now claiming that Phillips “waded into the crowd of students” despite video evidence that he walked into the space separating the students and Black Israelites and stood there before that students formed a semicircle around him. How you perceive this goes to whether you believe white people are entitled to whites only spaces. If you do, then Phillips being present in such a space was outrageous and the uppity Native American needed to be put in his place, just like Black civil rights protesters that invaded whites only lunch counters, public pools, schools, and neighborhoods in the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
The kids weren’t neutral. They attended a march to voice their male anti-abortion opinions. They were in Washington D.C. to confront women’s right advocates. They draped their bodies in “Make America Great Again” attire, which is the choice apparel for racist Americans. When confronted by a smaller group of protesters instead of turning the other cheek, they stood their ground and resorted to what they’ve been taught- racism. Now that they’ve been exposed, the kids are pivoting to the other thing the adults taught them- play the victim.
The isn’t new. White business owners, white teachers, and white parents who participated in, promulgated, and benefited racism for generations have long claimed to be victims of integration. They’ve passed it on to their children. Behave like bigots and then claim to be victims when confronted- this the epitome of what make America great again is.
When confronted by a smaller group of protesters instead of turning the other cheek, they stood their ground and resorted to what they’ve been taught- racism.
Stand Your Ground
When confronted by a smaller group of protesters instead of turning the other cheek,
We all know that if this group of white boys was anything other than a group of white boys, progressives would definitely expect them to just “turn the other cheek”.
>>is a dog whistle
If you can hear the whistle…
which is the choice apparel for racist Americans
So you are saying your perception is incorrect.
they stood their ground and resorted to what they’ve been taught- racism.
I doubt very seriously that they have been taught racism. It certainly is not part of christian teachings.
SJWednesday: Top-Ten Lists Are Old and Busted, Here’s 130 Ways You Suck
The explicit assumption of oppression tells you everything you need to know.
I seem to be less likely to be asked to wear a uniform that does not align with your gender identity or expression.
I don’t speak crazy-talk. Does “cis-gender” mean normal?
Yes. It accounts for 99.97% of the population, or something thereabouts.
Yeah but what if they’re the sane ones and we’re all crazy, man?
Statistically speaking, that’s improbable.
I saw that Twilight Zone episode.
Ellie Mae is the homely girl.
The word “normal” ist verboten. Everyone is both oppressor and oppressed. Everyone has a reason to hate everyone else. Only the state can keep you safe from all those hateful people that you hate.
Unfortunately, this is very accurate.
I’m going to make a brave stand and keep using the word instead of a weird phrase to describe the same thing.
^^ literally Hitler
Thank you! That’s why Donald is saluting me.
Back in the day I learned that Germans indeed used “normal” to mean “straight” i.e. “not gay”. I wonder what they’ve replaced it with.
You know I just go through life trying to be nice to people. I find that opens a lot of *ahem* doors – the harried waitress like a nice “thank you”, as does the greeter at Walmart, the guy changing the oil in my car, and especially the bartender. If that’s white privilege than… well I’m whitey mcwhite face from the winter wonderland.
Being nice to people? Excuse me, but you gotta get with the current year. You gotta be always self-pitying and living life as if they’re all out there trying to oppress you.
I’m a conservative and I was born old. I start at a default of common courtesy, just because people don’t actually hear it and conversations tend to stop once the social theater is over with. On occassion I’ll answer honestly and no one notices. I’ve literally had the following conversation more than once:
Them: How are you today?
Me: Lousy.
Them: Good, thank you.
Though it may be them being honest back. I can’t tell.
“How do you do?” etc. are traditional greetings. I think answering them honestly mostly bothers people because you are breaking the flow of the traditional Greet/ Response/ Response. Such sayings are common across. Many cultures. By not adhering to it you are challenging peoples traditional expectations.
And you call yourself a conservative. More like some kinda Radical commie who wants to see the end of western civilization.
I support open inquiry and honest discourse.
You ask me a question, you risk getting an answer.
Spoken like a true Radical. I see nothing conservative about this.
You should move to Texas. The greeting ritual is literally two syllables, combined:
It freaked me out when I moved up here and found that the ritual extends out over minutes.
“How are ya now?”
“Good, ‘n you?”
“Isn’t that kind of a personal question?”
That’s the Finnish way – my dad would occasionally have a 10-minute conversation with people because they started it with a “how’ve you been?” and he’d return the favor. Otherwise, he’s answer with a terse nod.
“Not s’bad.”
When I was younger, I noticed that if you said, “Good x.” to someone as they walked by, about 90% of the time they would respond with the same, “Good x.” Regardless of time of day or anything else. It helped me learn how much of standard “courtesy” and such is nothing more then habit and noise, not possessing any information.
I almost always respond with ‘morning. no matter what time of day it is. And yes i feel stupid when i get it wrong, but i cant stop.
I used to do that.
What about telling the ladies “Nice rack”?
No, that was reserved for the Inquisitors when taken in for questioning.
Being polite is quintessential white-privilege.
The explicit assumption of oppression tells you everything you need to know.
That this is a Marxist group operating under some grievance banner?
Excuse me, Mme. Shitlord, but the preferred term is “differently privileged”.
Highlights from the List:
The best one by far….
Traps are gay
Ah yes? Why is the onus on everyone else if you’re a freak?
Cause freaks need to be free to get their freak on?
And don’t forget that you are a bigot if you are a straight guy and you don’t want tranny’s dick in any of your orifices.
I also am not going to really want to date a tranny, even post op, cause that just is not my thing, but that would make me the bad guy there..
Why, it’s almost like after ha ink gone to a great deal of trouble to make themselves unique and different and very rare, they are angry that they succeeded.
It’s almost like the justification for the anger was the entire point…
7. You don’t have to worry that a health center on your campus will not be able to provide you with competent care on the basis of your gender identity or expression.”
Well seeing as doctors are men/women/unicorns of science, they only recognize the three true genders.
29. People with your gender identity or expression are more likely to be represented in higher paying positions.
There are only so many High paying powerful positions in the US. And they are already full of entitled politicians.
30. You can be fairly sure that your management, coworkers, and customers know the basic etiquette of how to interact with someone of your gender without requiring special training or education.
I thought you got off on the fact that no one knows how to treat you without you going balistic. Isn’t that the point? to be able to brow beat anyone you want because they didn’t call you x, y or z?
7 – If you obfuscate your biology, you cause problems for fixing it.
29 – Normal people normally show up.
30 – If you try to assert fake pronouns, people don’t magically know about your special snowflake status without being berated.
44 – Normal people normally show up.
69 – Biology is a bitch.
70 – You show signs of mental illness and deny reality, doctors inquire to find the other problems.
Why are you harshing their fantasies with reality?
Because they’re trying to tell me what I can and can’t say or do.
7. You don’t have to worry that a health center on your campus will not be able to provide you with competent care on the basis of your gender identity or expression.
A doctor better be treating someone according their actual biology.
Which pisses me off that our hospital caved to the SJW’s and list the preferred gender rather than the biological one of our patients in their records. It sure would be nice to know if we should be performing a prostate exam or pelvic exam, assholes.
Here’s your deck of grievance and privilege cards. Play them carefully.
Cock Magic!
I am not tapping that…
The effort expended in these mental contortions, who’s end game is free shit, cannot possibly be less than simply earning your own shit.
Why would I care if you were from Iran?
They have no idea what ‘oppression’ is. But the are well on there way to becoming actual oppressors.
“That’s not a leak, it is exposure of his non-cooperation and his stonewalling of our committee,” Schiff responded
Leaking on your leg and tells you it’s raining.
Armed robber shot and killed by Pharmacist. – are some drugs worth a man’s life?
Umm… depends on the drugs and what they’re being used for.
Am I the only person who immediately thought of Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist?
Feeling no pain, either way.
Too bad the lefties I’m in a discord server with don’t give a rat’s ass about the debunking. There was also that 8 second out of context random clip of cat-calling? that they were posting and acting like as a “HEHEH Gottem'” moment. Of course this was after I was dealing with and futilely responding to their tirade about how terrible pro-lifers as well as Christians/Catholics are and how that high school and other Christian schools should be shut down. That showed me all right.
Why are you talking with lefties on discord? If you enjoy it, knock yourself out, but…
We had mutual friends in the server (I now remember DMing is a wonderful feature). I pretty much quit the server after all this. This whole scandal was the last straw and it really showed me how much contempt and blind hatred they had for my beliefs.
Good for you. It was inevitable.
Some kid said something impolite, therefore we should end private schooling.
/prog logic
If only those kids had gone to public school. then they would have never been raised to be so disrespectful.
That was funny and sad..
Some kid said something impolite, therefore we should end
private schoolingchristian religions./what really offends them
Should I be happy that I don’t know what a discord server is (and I’m too lazy to google)
It’s a mixed bag. There are some nice discord servers (speaking of, I believe the Glibs do have one, I just haven’t gotten around to asking about it *though I’d like to join*)
It pretty much works like skype except more for gaming and a lot more group stuff.
I visited the TOS outcast discord server and they were neckbearding about atheism.
Hot to be an Atheist
You’re obviously a gamergater islamophobe terrorist:
Ah shit, I’ve been outed.
should be shut down
Not that it matters to these tyrants, but something something first amendment. Also, even without that, fuck anyone against individual freedom of speech and conscience.
Beaglemania! More than 1,000 owners of the dog breed break record for biggest ever combined walk in huge meeting at Merseyside park
Is a beagle really a dog though? Seems a bit small to qualify as such.
*Puts on Snoopy logo brass knuckles*
*Hands Adahn Sopwith Camel pilot goggles and scarf*
I had a beagle. He was left for dead on the side of the road and the wife dusted him off and had the vet fix him up. He was stubborn as hell, but the most loving animal I’ve ever been around.
I grew up with beagles and they are great dogs. I’ve been thinking about buying one recently to replace the old mutt. Small enough to placate my wife, but a great all round hunting breed.
One of the beagles I grew up with was probably the hardest hunting dog I’ve ever known. You literally had to drag her out of the woods when it was time to go home. Even if she was on the verge of total exhaustion she would not go willingly toward the back seat of the car.
Go rabbit hunting with proper trained beagles. I bet they run 100 miles in a day and want to keep going.
We have a puggle (pug/beagle) and he’s stubborn but lovable as well.
I used to not like small dogs but we now have a Bichon/Shih Tzu mix that is really great. She’s only 12 lbs. but she’s not high-strung like a lot of little dogs. Isn’t yippy either.
This is what happens when you piss Zombie Bob Ross off… he gets all dictator-y
The watercolours of a struggling artist… named Adolf Hitler: Artwork painted by the Nazi leader when he was 21 – which possibly include a secret self-portrait – go up for auction
Ok, do they’re fron a Hitler, but are they from the Hitler?
Or was it from the…Baby Hitler?
Happy little labor camps?
Rather than putting them up for sale, they should be destroyed.
Because his lousy paintings are going to make new Nazis?
You know who else destroyed controversial art to avoid bad ideas from spreading?
Girolamo Savonarola?
Chuck Barris?
My mother in law, who once burned a book that I accidentally left at their place after visiting for the weekend, because it was full of unglodly things?
He was an aspiring artist before he made the transition to evil tyrant. But, hey, these are the same people who would kill baby Hitler even though baby Hitler was innocent. They (proggies) are immoral as the day is long.
SJWednesday: Cleaning Your Room Is Classist
Some don’t even have a room.
Smoking and drinking can take up a lot of your cleaning time.
I hope to doG that my youngest kid doesn’t see that story. All I need is for him to start justifying his sty of a room with SJW nonsense.
As I pope, I thought you’d be better prepared to defend against the dark arts. Your kid gives you lip, you bring down the hammer of interdiction upon him.
*As a Pope, no “I Pope”. SMH
I think he just miss-spelled Papa Jimbo. Don’t tell him.
They sort of out grow it but not totally
/closes door to man cave/
“If we don’t have enough time, then maybe we can pay somebody to do these things,” one mom says, gesticulating with an arm that plays host to an Apple Watch. She hates to do laundry, so she has someone who does it for them. But she still can’t manage to put it away or keep it organized. Her husband, in a voice just teetering on actual anger, says that it pisses him off. Because they could do these things — like laundry, something that is much more difficult for people who don’t have a washer and dryer right there in their home — but she’d rather spend money to have more time.
The horror. And what would happen to the person who currently gets paid to do this woman’s laundry if she decides to start doing it herself?
The Curse of Consulting. I could mow the lawn, or I could go bill an hour to a client for $100, pay the local kid $20. Everyone wins. The downside though is that you start quantifying everything as lost billable hours.
My wife doesn’t get this at all. I think that it is because as a stay at home mom, time is plentiful for her (not saying she didn’t work her ass off with the kids, just that she isn’t a slave to the clock like an office worker). To her, you should do the work yourself and save yourself money.
When she does a home project, she does all the work herself. When I have a home project that needs doing, I usually find a side gig and use that money to pay my buddy who is a contractor.
The “We got the lawn done and are up $80” doesn’t sway her opinion?
No. In her mind, you could have mowed the lawn, stayed up an hour later and then we’d have an entire $100.
You mean SHE would have that money to spend…
To her, you should do the work yourself and save yourself money.
I tend to fall on her side of the argument. To me it’s not a question of what I could be doing, but a question of what I would be doing. It’s a comparison between mowing the lawn and paying $20 to watch TV.
I think it is a basic difference in our philosophy when it comes to money. She believes in saving every penny because you never know when you will need it or that it stops coming in. I believe that money is there to be used to have fun or make your life better. If you need more, you can go get more work and make more money.
I was in terrible straits financially when we decided to get married. She straightened me out and now we are very comfortable.
Personally, I think we are a good team. She provides the discipline that I lack to save and plan. I provide the relief from the life of a miser. I make her have fun even if it does cost money.
Yep, we have the opposite dynamic at my house. Pretty much the same story. My wife was struggling to keep her CCs below the credit limit, and I came in with enough spare cash on hand to pay all her debt off without blinking. It’s a good balance now that we have worked out all of the hiccups.
For me it’s a control thing. As long as I’m still beholden to a paycheck, I don’t have control over my day to day life. I’m constantly having to answer to my employer.
I’ll be retiring the day after I’m confident we have enough to make it through retirement without running out.
I am with his Holiness that for me it is a question of priorities. Do I want to spend 2 1/2 hours mowing the lawn and suffer from sinus issues for a day or two after, or do I want to go do a 10 mile hike and enjoy nature and pay someone to come in and mow for me? In my younger years I did the work and suffered the consequences, but these days I would much rather be out there doing something else. That having been said, I do this because paying for that mowing really has no impact on my fiscal/financial situation. I have the money, and enough of it, that paying for the lawn to be mowed (or the house to be cleaned) is not an issue.
Jordan Peterson: Just Clean Your Room and Restructure Society Based on Lobsters
Lots of People: This guy’s a crank who’s only skill is saying things that only an idiot would argue against
Universe: You don’t think I can spin out a new a better idiot? Hold ma beer.
People that think Peterson is telling people to structure society based on lobsters, instead of pointing out that hierarchical structures have been around for over 1/3 of a billion years and are the norm in nature (regardless of what for they take), need to read some books about biology.
Is there any question that leftism aims to create a dysfunctional society full of incompetents? I dont know how they could be more explicit about it.
Dependent people are easier to control Suthen. When you threaten their cheese, they will do whatever you ask them to.
I got some great advice from kinnath and OMWC on this last night, but I’d also like to get some of the IP lawyer’s (or layman’s) advice on this. The more info, the better. So, copy-pasta it is:
Seeking advice from any lawyers or laymen familiar with inventions and patent law. While spending what seems like the last 3 years fixing my wife’s car, I think I have invented a new tool. A very specialized tool, to be sure, but also a very helpful tool when it is needed. I looked very briefly into patenting it before approaching any tool makers, but that seems kind of expensive for something that I don’t know if anyone will be interested in…or it may even exist and I just haven’t found it yet.
There are a few tool makers who have programs for inventors to do the heavy lifting for them and give them a royalty. Lisle Corp being probably the most well known automotive specialty tool company. However, not only do they not sign an NDA, they have you sign, basically, what amounts to an anti-NDA. However, they are a respected company (as far as I know), and seem very legit with their idea program.
They claim the reason for the anti-NDA is because if they advance your idea to the next stage in the process, it involves trial runs with real mechanics in their day-to-day jobs. Poor excuse, IMB, but there it is.
Do I roll the dice and go with Lisle? Seek out another company that will sign an NDA? Seek a patent first?
One last question; when do you become “Patent Pending”? As soon as you submit your idea and submission fee to the Patent Office, or at some point (and $) after that?
On principle I’d be very suspicious of those companies that claim to “help” inventors then immediately want an NDA that limits you, the inventor. Remember that they could just as easily buy up your invention for a potential competitor who just wants to bury it. I know nothing about this area of law, or about patents in general, but I’ve read those ads and my scam alarms always go off.
I’d be wary of anyone who wants to see my stuff and not sign an NDA. If it needs to go to trial stuff, the NDA could be waived for the specific purpose, no? In the end though it is really dependent on what you think and want, from the product. If you think the product can go gangbusters and you want to cash in on all of it, then you need to be very protective of the IP. If you think it’s worthwhile, but don’t want to spend the time on the hassle of getting it to market, then selling it off for a cash out, and going with Lisle might be your best choice./ NAL
I’ve been thinking Lisle for the reasons you state. It is a pretty specialized tool; it performs a specific task on certain GM engines. And there are other ways to accomplish said task, it’s just that my task simplifies the process. So the sales potential is limited. Going with Lisle and getting what I can might be the best route. After all, they have the name brand and marketing to get multitudes more sales than I could without putting in quite a large effort.
I keep waffling back and forth on this. I don’t expect to make a ton of money, but if it’s just going to be a few hundred I think I’d rather just give it to the internet. Although, it would be cool to see my tool hanging on the rack at the local auto parts store, too…
Hell, after all my consternation, Lisle may even say, “We don’t see profit potential here. No thanks.”
I also wouldn’t be shocked if the response is “Oh, GM already patented that. It’s for their proprietary toolset”
Yes. This is also a possibility. Another possibility is “We’ve had this idea submitted by 12 others before you.”
To Tonio’s point (I had the same suspicions he describes) I did find a company that insists on signing an NDA before you tell them anything about your invention. To my non-lawyer eyes, it seems like it really protects the inventor.
They claim the reason for the anti-NDA is because if they advance your idea to the next stage in the process, it involves trial runs with real mechanics in their day-to-day jobs.
The mechanics could all become parties to the NDA with nothing more than a signature. That’s a crock of shit.
If you decided to patent the tool before shopping it around you’re talking about spending probably upwards of $8-$10k. It’s not a DIY job, and the process of searching, writing, applying, and finalizing is lengthy. You’d probably be better off using NDAs to get a prototype made and shop the idea around.
Do I roll the dice and go with Lisle? Seek out another company that will sign an NDA? Seek a patent first?
I wouldn’t say a word to a company that won’t sign an NDA. Hell, I’d be skeptical even if they sign an NDA. There are a lot of companies out there that will swipe your idea and not even feel bad about it. The only protection you have is their word.
File the patent first, then start shopping the idea around.
One last question; when do you become “Patent Pending”? As soon as you submit your idea and submission fee to the Patent Office, or at some point (and $) after that?
Immediately upon filing with the USPTO.
Answer to unasked question: the most cost effective way to file a patent is to do it yourself. Since you’re not a patent attorney, your patent will be shit if you write it yourself. However, there are a few options for you.
Many schools have patent clinics for individual inventors. They donate law student labor (to write the patent) and you only have to pay the fees (which is $75 for a solo Inventor last I checked). There are sometimes maximum income requirements, but most of those clinics are hurting for work, so they’d probably be lenient. The quality isn’t amazing, but mechanical patents are a little bit harder to screw up than pharma or electronics patents.
You could write and file it yourself, but have one of your glibs patent attorney friends extensively proofread it for you in exchange for a case of beer or something.
You could hire one of your glibs patent attorney friends to write it for you for a discounted “friends and family” rate.
You could hire a patent attorney at $7-12k to write it up for you.
If you have more questions, my email is below.
All the patents I was issued were compiled by armies of corporate lawyers. I worked closely with them to get the paperwork done. After seeing the final product I realized that Joe-Blow doing his own thing has a high risk of ending up losing the patent because of simple things laymen will not be aware of.
File your own provisional patent application via legal zoom, Provisionals are never published and examined. They are merely a place holder that gives inventors a year to develop the technology and/or decide if it’s worth the money to pursue a patent. I’d then put up the money to hire a patent prosecution attorney to perform a full patent search to make sure the the idea is not already patented and/or in the marketplace.
After that it’s up to you to decide what to do. Don’t use one of those inventor services. From my understanding, they’ll fuck you over.
File your own provisional patent application via legal zoom, Provisionals are never published and examined
One thing about provisionals: make sure everything is in the provisional. You don’t get to add new stuff in the non-provisional. I’ve seen more than a few solo inventors screw themselves by writing a very narrow provisional.
If you need a referral to someone, I have a good friend who can give advice in this area. Private message me. He’s reasonable (price wise too) and has done some innovative stuff with IP and Michigan patents for marijuana law.
I’ve heard that Lisle actually pays and to avoid Sears/Craftsman. I don’t know if that’s changed since the Craftsman brand was sold, but Sears was notorious for stealing ideas.
Didn’t Sears already file bankruptsy and move to liquidate?
I think Lowes bought Craftsman. Adam Carolla has advertised some of their new stuff on his podcast.
I know craftsman is in Lowes. I was wondering if Sears had finished its dissolution process.
I do not know if craftsman continues to rip off inventors.
Akshully…Stanley Black and Decker bought Craftsman.
They give testimonials from inventors. And my cursory search only found one lawsuit against them, and it sounded like the inventor in that case was just to thickheaded to understand that he wasn’t the first, or even 10th, to submit the idea to Lisle.
Thanks for all the advice, Glibs. I’m going to take all this in and think on it for a while. @Trashy; I may email you this weekend if I come up with any more questions.
keep going?
What to do if your partner feels pain during sex
This is why you don’t get enough asshole lovin’
“a lack of sufficient lubrication”
If that’s the cause of pain, that’s an easy fix.
“Most women require about 10 to 15 minutes of foreplay”
They generally WANT a lot of foreplay. But sometimes the moment calls for a quickie.
“A sex position such as doggy style that feels really deep and hits against the cervix”
Yeah, yeah, quit bragging about your dick size. If it’s hitting the cervix, don’t go all the way in.
If it’s hitting the cervix, don’t go all the way in.
Or go slower. Sometimes it’s not the actual hitting of the cervix, but the force with which you hit it.
If you secure her properly before starting, none of this is an issue.
This shit is appalling.
Yeh he totes looks like a former Spec-ops Marine. Because that’s what they do in their 60s. Go to protests with a stupid drum to provoke kids. POS.
Repairing refrigerators is dangerous work. One could get electrocuted
We might rule the day, but charlie. Charlie rules the coolant.
And the coolant seems to last forever
And they learn what the V is for.
I work with a marine (yeah I know, they’re never ex-marines) who was in Recon. I’ll have to ask him if he was ever a Recon Ranger.
Ask from the other side of the room.
Not a good idea.
He will say “no”. Marines don’t have a Ranger unit. Only the Army has a Ranger unit.
I have been in both the Marines and the Army so I know a bit about the subject.
I was in the Marines about the same time as this Philips guy. He sounds really screwed up. His record shows he did four years and was discharged as a Private. That means he was a royal screw-up – what we called a shitbird. In my experience most of them never said anything about having been in the Marines since they hated every minute of it. Why he makes it part of how he presents himself seems bizarre to me.
It’s hilarious that the people are so invested in the narrative that the boys are white supremacists that they are continuing to back someone who is so easily verified as a liar. And a liar to the point that it seems pathological. I worked with a guy like this once. He would lie when he had no need to, and i see it here with Philips. If he had just said he was a Vet, he would have gotten the same reaction, but he just had to add that he was in Nam and was part of a non-existent unit. My former coworker would do this during sales all the time. Just blurt out something blatently not true, and that the client/prospect didn’t care about.
Equally hilarious is all the progs emphasizing that he’s a veteran and deserves respect, when under literally any other circumstance a vet is just another toxic male child killer.
I’ve served with reefer mechs – they are attached to every ATC detachment because those radars gotta be cool to function – and they don’t deserve to have their good name sullied by association with this shitbird.
speaking of dog whistles…
Everyone Still Getting the Covington Story Wrong
They had it coming. Look how they were dressed.
Or how they undressed…
+1 Girl wearing tight mini-dress and flashy jewelry in a rough neighborhood
Maybe he was getting ready for a WWE SmackDown
Wasn’t this the fat kid? I thought he was doing the truffle shuffle.
WTF is that last paragraph supposed to mean?
“Don’t judge me for being an asshole”
“Just cause I got my facts wrong doesn’t mean my virtue signaling based on false premises should stop.”
Most important, it’s true that context demands more than watching a single event from all possible angles.
context demands only seeing things the way i want them to be.
Deflect from the truth of the situation to a story of a larger narrative. Sorry but I’m not falling for that one.
This is critical theory in a nutshell. The actual details if the individual event do not matter. It only matters in the context of the power structures at large and how it impacts the viewer’s emotional state.
Reading that gave me a sharp pain behind my left eye.
You can’t stop us from crucifying high school kids! We will still have our burning at the stake.
I want them to keep running with this, because the more they do, the more the normies can see just how completely insane they actually are. Come on MSNPCNN, don’t give it up now!
There’s a sense that outright condemnation often misses some essential reality. But sometimes, instead, condemning what is genuinely condemnable is the most real thing one can do.
So you are saying stick to the narrative no matter what.
These people are dangerous.
I thought the MAGA hat stood for less taxes, less regulations and decent judicial nominees. That and trolling progs.
South Korea retained the global crown in the 2019 Bloomberg Innovation Index, though improvements by Germany in research and education brought Europe’s largest economy to near-parity in the annual ranking.
The U.S. moved up to eighth place, a year after cracks in education scores pushed it out of the top 10 for the first time.
As always I am dubious of these types of rankings, especially stuff like counting PHDsor patents… most of which are bullshit and bring little innovation. According to this Romania is one above Spain. Why exactly I don’t know
Your innovative posts, clearly. Do we have any Spaniards posting here?
Omar says right there in her Twitter bio she’s an intersectional feminist.
Up is down and down is up.
If you’re a man, and you voted for her you truly are an idiot. And I don’t ever say these things but at some point there’s a line – don’t cross it. Especially when you know what’s on the other side. Useful idiots gonna useful idiot I guess.
If you’re a man, – define man
Anything to the right of Pajama Boy. I’m not picky these days.
Can you even do a pushup Rufus?
I do chin ups, pull ups, push ups etc. Just like a felon.
No seriously. I do.
Just like a felon.
Don’t get wise or Rufus will rape you in the shower.
And I was a pretty toxic sore loser. I did tend to smash a squash or tennis racket from time to time.
“I have not seen the left and the media shoot themselves in the foot this bad since Kavanaugh.”
It’s sad that it is getting more common place, almost to GOP levels of stupid.
It sure was convenient for the Buzzfeed Authors though. And all the Authors and publications that jumped on the Buzzfeed article. Surely a few catholic boys are worth it to save face for two buzfeed journos, even if one is a known liar.
Crazy Eyes does know that leaking is a criminal act, right?
Not for Democrats, it isn’t.
Not if it’s thru an unsecure server being hacked by every hostile nation everywhere.
So will Nike step up and make a martyr of Nathan Philips?
God, I don’t think I can handle another woke company pulling that shit.
They can name a special-edition line of moccasins after him.
Wouldn’t that be better suited for Timberland?
Drum for something
You don’t want to have to stop drinking your favorite brand of malt liquor? Crazy Horse has a sad
John McAfee: I Will Be Managing My Presidential Campaign From a Boat
::manly tears::
We are not worthy.
Seconded this. We are not worthy of that man.
God, he would have made such a fun president.
Which deities do I need to pray to in order to make this a thing?
Baal, Cthulhu, SMOD and Wotan.
I don’t normally go in for this sort of thing, but I’d be willing to appoint McAfee god-king of our planet.
The video with the box of bath salts and silly straws did it for me.
Eugene Debs nods in understanding.
No Hall of Fame news? I will be doing a mini-analysis in thread here in a bit.
Is this some of your american sportsballs?
Yes, although a Canadian came close to getting inducted.
Canadians play sports?
Curling and figure skating
Those aren’t sports.
Looking like the State-of-the-Union really might not take place in the House.
Do in the Senate and make the Reps watch it on TV. (I’d prefer the old-fashioned method of just sending a message to be read)
Who’s going to stop him if he just decides he’s coming on in?
Capitol Police, as they bring him in and arrest him for obstruction. And then Impeach and convict him.
No, no! For TREASON, then they can execute him ASAP!!!1!!!11!ONEONEONE!
Ah, figured it’d be someone.
A live firefight between the cops and Secret Service would make the SOU worth watching! My money would be on the SS and the Marines who would back them up.
SS? More proof that Trump is a secret nazi.
Cops Vs Secret Service would be two groups hitting everything except what they’re aiming at. If the Marines got involved, they’d wait until the Army did the heavy lifting, then swoop in and claim credit.
Marines got involved, they’d wait until the Army did the heavy lifting, then swoop in and claim credit.
My God, what have you started?
If the Marines got involved, they’d wait until the Army did the heavy lifting, then swoop in and claim credit.
Troll confirmed.
So the Army / Navy will lift the heavy equipment to a dock, leave it there unguarded, then act surprised when the Marines “borrow” it and use it against the enemy.
Been there and saw that.
You were supposed to follow procedure and file the proper paperwork to use that! It’s getting to be we can’t even pre-deploy assets while we process the movement papers to get the personnel to supervise the open-air storage.
I’m sure all that happened with some of the gear. Some just rolled off a pre-positioned ship.
Either way, if you put Saudi Army guards at the gate who don’t read English and don’t care… Our deployment orders got us out the gate with some nice armored Humvees which we repainted with our battalion #’s and logo. (still obviously a stolen Army vehicle as theirs don’t have the forging kit)
You got to have the forging kit to make the paperwork right.
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven’s scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
You would beat a baby to death with a puppy, while stomping a kitten to get a reaction.
“Why are there guards on the streets?”
“Keeps them out of trouble.”
“This is heaven, the residents don’t cause trouble.”
“Not the residents, the guards.”
Sorry but you appear to not know the difference between guards and police. Police keep the residents from causing trouble. Guards keep outsiders from invading and causing trouble. Marines are guards.
If you were guarding against outside threats, you wouldn’t be on the streets.
Unless you’re using the term in context of prison guard.
Or maybe you mean crossing guard. Is that really what you’re saying the corps is, over-glorified crossing guards?
Threaten to pull out of NATO if Germany doesn’t allow him to do it from Nuremberg
How Elon Musk’s secretive foundation benefits his own family
The entire website of Elon Musk’s private charitable foundation is shorter than many of the Tesla CEO’s contentious tweets. “Musk Foundation. Grants are made in support of: Renewable energy research and advocacy; Human space exploration research and advocacy; Pediatric research; Science and engineering education,” the site reads.
Documents obtained by the Guardian reveal how the foundation has put that vague mission statement into practice. Together, the documents show that many of the organization’s donations have gone far beyond its stated scope. Some have benefited the billionaire’s own family and initiatives, others have tackled his pet peeves – the foundation has given more money to Musk’s own artificial intelligence research than to any of the more traditional charities it says it supports.
The Musk Foundation has disbursed more than $54m in 15 years of operations, more than a third in direct gifts to 160 charities, according to an Internal Revenue Services analysis of its filings from its incorporation in 2001 to the middle of 2017. Most recorded awards totalled just a few thousand dollars, and many went to environmental, educational, medical, and space advocacy organizations.
Others, however, landed closer to home. Recipients have included a school attended by Musk’s own children, a charity managed by his brother, a protest group fighting gridlock on Musk’s commute to SpaceX, and even an art project at Musk’s favorite festival, Burning Man.
Scandalous. Truly.
Well I never…
You mean Charitable foundations are often used as a form of Tax avoidance? Sounds like we should close down all charities? That way it can be administered by HUD and we can coordinate efforts across the country. It will be so much more efficient!
Thing is in this case it was not even that. Just a guy donating to various things. I see no reason for an article on this it is a non story. Where is this sort of scrutiny on politician’s charities I don’t know.
Yes, the media remain oddly incurious about the Clinton Foundation.
Some have benefited the billionaire’s own family and initiatives, others have tackled his pet peeves
That’s pretty much par for the course for charities named after the primary donor. People don’t put their names on things as a demonstration of selflessness.
Yes. Let’s never have anyone donate to causes they are interested in.
Netflix joins the Motion Picture Association of America
Chill will join next year
first by using a traditional blackout game to accuse the school of allowing blackface
Of course, blackout games are common no matter what the school colors are, but it looks like theirs are black and white hence the black
-facebody paint accented by white clown-face markings (surrounded by people wearing all black accented with white). But lets assume racism anyway.but it looks like theirs are black and white hence the black-face body paint accented by white clown-face markings
So the school mascot is Violent J?
Always assume racism and let the Intersectional God know it’s own
That just proves they’re a gang!
At the Mardi Gras, revelers riding floats in the Zulu Social Aid & Pleasure Club parade must wear blackface regardless of their ethnicity… then they throw coconuts at the crowd! Much problematic, so not woke.
Coconuts? For Zulus? Does not compute.
Let’s not mention the whole Mardi gras indians thing…
Female teachers caught having sex with male students; How to protect children
How to protect children – Hire only hot teachers
“At the root of all sexual assault is power and control. It’s not about sex,” says Stein. – this is bullshit and has been amply debunked
Yeah, I’m willing to believe there are a few instances where it is about control, but really it’s about sex. This is one of those assertions that flies high without being questioned.
Power is more about sex than sex is about power. The primary motivation for any human activity is getting sex.
I mean, except for other women of course, and also men we don’t like.
But they don’t count.
“Irrational” doesn’t do it justice
The plaintiffs are challenging New York City’s so-called premise license as unconstitutional because it allows gun owners to keep a loaded pistol only at the specific address indicated on the license. Premise license holders can carry their guns to authorized gun ranges unloaded and in a locked container. But they are generally limited in taking their pistols outside of city limits.
NYC also offers a “full-carry” license, which lets gun owners carry loaded pistols around with them. But these licenses are generally limited to people who can justify needing to carry a concealed weapon, such as business owners who deal in cash and law enforcement agents.
The plaintiffs say they, too, should be allowed to take their handguns to gun ranges outside the city and, in the case of one resident, to a second home outside of the city.
“The city’s ban on transporting handguns outside city limits is an extreme, unjustified and irrational restriction on Second Amendment rights,” the residents and the gun rights group argued in their appeal.
What on god’s little green planet justifies this?
That’s fully inside the scope of the FYTW Clause
“What on god’s little green planet justifies this?”
Forcing people to patronize certain politically favored gun ranges would be my guess.
My guess is a city with a dominant, long-standing, statist political culture. More broadly, I think that NYC is one of the oldest large cities in the US, and people who live in cities tend to think in collective terms simply as a function of living in such close proximity to each other and identifying themselves as residents of the city before anything else. I don’t think that there’s anything special about the water in NYC, I just think it’s the most extreme case on the east coast because of its size and age.
But it is pretty amazing that that passed as law. I mean, how the hell do you pass a law that you expect to enforce that mandates you can only own a thing if you keep it within the city limits? “You can’t bring guns into the city” makes sense in a way, but “You can’t leave the city with guns” is ass-backwards.
I hear that they are going with the “Militia” argument. All weapons in NYC are seized to become part of the cities Armory in case the Dutch try to retake the city.
I’m still trying to figure out how any ban on transporting a weapon is Constitutional. My copy of the Constitution says the government may not infringe the right to bear arms.
Oh, and any regulation on how you can transport a weapon is also, as the kids say, problematic. These regulations are essentially a ban on transporting weapons, with exceptions.
The constitution says whatever nine political appointees in black robes say it does.
generally limited to people who can justify needing to carry
I believe the wording is “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
“Jan 21
Replying to @aaolomi @DJDJ18 and 2 others
As a person who taught high school for 12 years, seems to me they didn’t know how to react and started dancing along to the music and the gestures are similar to those at sports rallies. I think they just didn’t think it was offensive. Kids make mistakes. They can’t read a room.”
when I read this to my wife – a teacher – she nodded in total agreement. Especially the last line. I made that point when it first happened. Those 14 year-olds had no idea what was going on between a shit head rabble rousing Native and racist Black Israelites. They couldn’t read the room.
Notice now how people are pivoting saying, ‘yeh well regardless of the truth, why were they there and without adults?!’
Yeh, let’s just scoff off the truth when inconvenient to the narrative, eh?
If you’re persisting at this point despite the facts, you’re an evil asshole with no humanity.
About disrupting the Church service.
Again they want to disrupt?
They want to once again start trouble for no damn good reason. If they had an ounce of logic and dignity they’d just let it go. But nope. Let’s go attack a Church that has nothing to do with this because Catholic and for Nathan the Shithead! He who chose to walk into a crowd of teenagers!
I’m gonna have to go with with full blown mental illness at this point. Progressivism is messianic mental illness.
You know who else disrupted a Church Service?
Benjamin Braddock?
This is the correct answer.
The alter boy’s angry parent?
Janet Reno and the ATF ?
But fair.
Progressivism is messianic mental illness.
I’m more inclined to go with a simple case of bullying. They went to disrupt the church service because they could. It gave them a thrill of power over the church attendees who they could either impose their will on or make to look like evil bastards in front of the whole country.
That, as far as I can tell, is the whole appeal of progressivism. It’s a socially sanctioned way act like a bully. Moreover, it’s a socially sanctioned way that the personally impotent can bully others.
I’m eagerly awaiting the interview where someone asks him if he is merely anti-Catholic, or fully anti-Christian.
The Musk Foundation has disbursed more than $54m in 15 years of operations, more than a third in direct gifts to 160 charities, according to an Internal Revenue Services analysis of its filings from its incorporation in 2001 to the middle of 2017.
A marginal tax rate of 70% will make stuff like this completely disappear.
$Barry Bonds 59.1% 162.8 WAR (wins above replacement)
$Roger Clemens 59.5% 139.6
*Mike Mussina 76.7% 83.0
Curt Schilling 60.9% 79.6
@Larry Walker 54.6% 72.7
Scott Rolen 17.2% 70.2
Manny Ramirez 22.8% 69.4
*Edgar Martinez 85.4% 68.4
*Roy Halladay 85.4% 64.3
Andruw Jones 7.5% 62.8
Todd Helton 16.5% 61.2
$Garry Sheffield 13.6% 60.5
Andy Pettitte 9.9% 60.3
Sammy Sosa 8.5% 58.6
*Mariano Rivera 100% 56.2
Jeff Kent 18.1% 55.4
XFred McGriff 39.8% 52.6
others who dont matter deleted
X – last year on ballot
@ – Canadian
$ – Steroids
* – Elected to HOF
wins above replacement – how is this calculated?
There is no one way to determine WAR. There are hundreds of steps to make this calculation, and dozens of places where reasonable people can disagree on the best way to implement a particular part of the framework. – right. extracting from the anus…
This is correct, but it is still probably the best measure of a player’s value.
The defensive parts are especially subject to choices made.
It is a hell of a lot easier to do this for baseball (and still nearly impossible) than for basketball or soccer.
Basketball uses vorp which at least is less toxic masculine than war
Someone has been listening to Kate Fagan.
vorp is stolen from baseball. VORP and WAR are basically the same concept.
Gaaahh, go back to Romania!
wow Moose with nearly 77%. growing up an Os fan, that slightly warms the natty boh pumping through my icy black heart.
I didn’t realize Kent’s was low. He was a really good hitter. But Rivera’s is especially interesting. I also was surprised with Mussina who I didn’t expect to be above Pettitte. Neither to me are HOFamers but I’m willing to wissen carefuwwy.
I really need to brush up on my WAR. Perception is no good.
Gossage got in with a 41.9 WAR. Another borderline case.
But he lobbied hard to get in.
Another case of overvaluing relievers. Some say they are worth more than their WAR due to the pressure of the situations. Ehh…maybe.
Although Rivera was mostly brought in at the start of the 9th. Gossage would get brought in in the middle of the 7th with the bases loaded and pitch the rest of the game.
Can it be because Gossage played when the position was less specialized so he could be expected to go a couple of innings?
Now, they bring in a pitcher per situation.
Above is HoF voting results, resorted by WAR. Short commentary: Mariano Rivera and Edgar Martinez are the best all-time at their positions, but their positions aren’t worth much. I am fine with Rivera being voted in, I would probably have him on my ballot too, but lets not overstate his value.
Bonds had 50.3 WAR in Pittsburgh, and was up to 99.9 before his injury season at Age 34. If he doesnt go crazy on the Roids and instead has the obvious decline he should have had (see Griffey in Cincinnati), he is a no brainer first ballot HOFer. If he had got hit by a bus on the way to SF, he is elected after they wave the 10 year requirement.
Similarly, Clemens has 80 WAR in Boston.
I would include them both based on their early work.
My ballot, if I had one:
Barry Bonds
Roger Clemens
Mike Mussina
Curt Schilling
Larry Fucking Walker
Scott Rolen
Manny Ramirez
Edgar Martinez
Andruw Jones
Mariano Rivera
Since it was his lat year, I might have voted McGriff over Manny.
Andruw Jones was, in his prime, the greatest defensive center fielder of all time.
That explains Sandman’s low WAR. Good point about their positions.
Are we on pace for a greatest ‘set up pitcher’ award?
Not really explains it but you get the point. I think.
Bonds should be in.
Don’t get me going about the sports media and the steroids scandal.
Steroids – They make the game more entertaining and the fans more stupider.
The number of years non-athletes could live longer with a well developed, above board steroid and hGH program, but aren’t because some stupid old people are stuck in a never-ending moral panic is a travesty.
If you can have more WAR than there are games in a season you should rename your stupid stat.
Ummm…what? Bonds collected those over 20 seasons or so. His max in a single year was about 11.
So they are totaling an annual stat instead of averaging it? Sounds legit…
Yes. You want the total wins a player provided over his career.
Some people like to use a peak measure, and sum like the players best 5 year stretch.
But i think the career value added is a good first pass (I like to look at the peak too).
A replacement level player would provide 0 WAR. If you are better than that, you are providing value.
if you use average, you penalize a player with stuck around as a mediocre player for a number of years. But even a mediocre player is adding value to his team.
I left the $ off of Sammy Sosa somehow.
Steroids or not, Bonds is the best hitter I have ever seen play.
“Women are nurturers, we take care of people and we don’t hurt people,” says Stein.
What could be more nurturing than a roll in the hay? I could use some nurturing, myself.
I know this question is going to set of a cavalcade of site in-jokes and euphemisms, but I’m hoping it also gets at least one honest answer.
Due to the overwhelming majority of commercially available mayo using soybean oil, I’ve been forced to try to make it at home with oil that does not disagree with me, such as rapeseed. The problem is the first attempt was a bit looser than I was hoping for. Is the issue more likely to be the rate of integrating the oil, or the proportion of ingredients?
In my limited experience making mayonnaise at home, it’s the rate of integration that was most likely to result in a lack of emulsification. Like I say though, I’m working from a limited sample size, so take that with a grain of salt.
ANDIKER CHURNED ARTISNAL.Don’t make the same mistake my dyslexic self made. It is “artisanal” – all one word – not “art is anal”. I’m so embarrassed to admit that I made that mistake now (but my first attempt was also “looser” than I hoped for).
I think you got it right the first time.
What I got out of this is Jimbo has a loose anus.
It’s been recommended here before, but the book Ratio has a section on mayo. I’ve got the book sitting at home, otherwise I could provide more details. Also, are you using a food processor, whisk, or immersion blender?
A regular blender.
IIRC, a single yolk can emulsify around 2 cups of oil. So unless you were going with much more than that, the problem was most likely the rate of addition. Just a slow steady stream (and don’t be afraid to stop adding for a bit if it starts getting loose). You can also add some mustard, which will also help with the emulsification.
I only had one cup of oil, so I didn’t drown the egg.
I’ve had good results with bacon grease, and I’ve never been exacting with either process or proportions.
The marketers changed that to “canola” quite a while ago.
the CAN in canola is for Canada.
I think only Canadian rapeseed can be called canola.
I think we should call it SMITHSEED.
Hellmann’s has varieties with both canola and olive oil now. Take another look in your supermarket.
I did.
The back of the olive oil jar –
Ingredients: Soybean Oil, Olive Oil…
Ah. What the hell is the point, then?! (I know… something sucker something every minute…)
The olive oil one does taste different from the standard. I suppose that’s something.
Yeah, I just went through a jar (it was the only variety on the shelf and I needed it right then). I’m not sure if I could tell that it tasted different, but the “soupy” texture was pretty evident.
I’ve made mayo with straight olive oil before. It turns an unexpected green color, and tastes very stronk of olive oil. Better to cut it with a neutral flavor oil even when taste (not cash money) is your only goal.
I’ve found that adding a sold-at-room-temp oil such as bacon grease or lard firms up my may, which I make with a stick blender. Warm it just enough to liquefy, not hot. Also, I’ve added xantan gum before, which has worked pretty well. But I think that will only work with a blender (which you use) and not a whisk, because in the absence of heat you need a lot of mechanical agitation for it to thicken.
That said, this will never produce the shear planes that Hellmann’s has, which I grew up on and which you may be targeting, since you live in NY.
I don’t think I can match the commercial product, but staying on the knife while I’m moving it to the bread would be nice.
Why eat mayo?
Habit of a lifetime. Along with mustard, it’s a vital ingredient in a sandwich.
OT: job grumbling. The circuit court where I get felony appointments is having a mandatory (first time ever) continuing legal ed today, for 2 hours. At least they promise to feed us. The new thing for standards in this court is to force us all to 12 hours of CLE per year. I’m going to treat it like a cross between church and lecture hall, because that’s pretty much what it will be. The head circuit judge has been “head” for a year and the rumors were he’d cut our pay (not true, we got raises).
The abuse/ neglect appointment section has CLE meetings too, but it is not mandatory.
I’ll admit there are some people who haven’t had CLE in decades, so I guess this is the way to weed them out, eh? And If I had time, and got paid for it (that’s the key), then I’d do CLE all the time, because I liked law school. It’s just that I can’t get paid then.
/end of rant
The abuse/ neglect appointment section
“I have a long record of abusing and neglecting my clients, and request appointment to the abuse/neglect section.”
What State doesn’t have annual CLE reqs? and CLE is nothing at all like law school. CLE is more like weaponized boredom. The teachers seldom have even minimal ability to lecture coherently and the content is either in your field and so basic you already know all of it, or out of your field and assuming you are familiar with a dozen things you have never heard of to be meaningful. I loved law school. I dread CLE more than no drug dentistry.
including two for the 9th Circuit.
Make the 9th Circuit Judicious Again?
The White House announced in October Trump had nominated Patrick Bumatay, Daniel Collins and Kenneth Kiyul Lee (all from the Golden State, and reportedly all members of the conservative Federalist Society) to the 9th Circuit, bypassing the traditional blue slip process in an apparent snub of Feinstein and Harris.
fuck them. in addition to several progstates, the 9th also has purview over Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, and Nevada.
He’s basically saying, “You can try to force a cloture vote on these nominees, but we don’t expect or need your votes to get them nominated.”
bypassing the traditional blue slip process
Disrespecting our democratic traditions!!1!
I’m hoping it also gets at least one honest answer.
I have no idea.
*You said honest, not useful.
Sorry to go OT, but this was a pretty interesting take on the whole Gillette fiasco. One comment struck me, in particular:
maybe the problem is certain subcultures (like Hollyweird, for example) that poo-poo displays of virile strength instead of channeling them to prosocial ends.
This strikes me as about right. What nobody seems to notice is that the vast majority of the cases where #metoo has established there was inappropriate behavior have been among other progressives and “feminist-friendly” figures. When you make masculinity taboo, masculinity doesn’t just go away. It gets channelled towards mens’ ids, rather than focused on healthy or productive outlets.
What is interesting about #MeToo is that much of the “MeToo’ing” has been between Actors and less well known actresses, or people who quite frankly are pretty close on the power level. I Have to wonder if they would have cared much if the guy was out banging hookers, where the power dynamic (all they claim to care about) was even more present.
The icing on the cake is that the people who are lecturing us rubes (movie stars, corporate boards, etc.) are from the segments of society where all the high-profile bad stuff is going on. Perhaps they think that, if it’s happening in their own pond, it must be ten times worse out there in dipshit-ville. The natural reply is, “Clean up your own space before you start telling us how to behave.”
I completely agree with you. I’d just take your argument further. I’d suggest its because they’ve long rejected masculinity that they’re behaving this way. People who view the notion of “acting like a man” as an outright negative aren’t going to the wherewithal to properly channel their normal masculine inclinations (e.g. higher aggressiveness, attraction to women). And their attempt to “clean up their own space” through self-emasculation is only going to make matters worse.
Inside the Weird, Dangerous World of Japan’s Girl ‘Idols’
In Japan’s “Idol” Industry cute young girls often are used and abused. One victim spoke out—then apologized.
it’s a good thing those types of shenanigans aren’t taking place in the American entertainment industry…
I’ve read some on Japan’s cultural history, but I’l readily admit I have little to no insight on what drives these particular quirks. It’s really bizarre.
Slimy fuckers in entertainment exploit girls from broken backgrounds is alien to you?
Well since you put it that way.,,
Although Japanese idol management seems to have the process down to repeatable and exacting standard.
There’s a in interesting documentary on Netflix (US) about an up and coming idol. I don’t think she has been particularly successful, but the documentary focused more on her otaku followers.
I’m a bit of a sucker for watching all the various idol interviews for conversation practice. So a bit of a guilty pleasure, but if I had a daughter I’d want her as far away from that industry as possible.
Nothing quite like it exists in the US in my opinion.
Although Japanese idol management seems to have the process down to repeatable and exacting standard.
Very Japanese. They must have hired a LEAN sensei.
+1 have a nice day
I’m triggered by the existence of a Niigata Prefecture. Like we can’t tell what English word that came from
Prefect is so triggersome.
I always laugh about the the “te” form of the the “suru” which is written “shite”, but sounds close to “shitty”.
And both the “te form” and the verb “suru” are heavily used in everyday Japanese.
In other NGT48 “news”:
Woman Known as the ‘Bikini Climber’ Freezes to Death After 65-Foot Fall Down Mountain
Was she hot?
toxic masculinity right there
Clearly not, she froze to death after all.
The headline makes it seem it had to do with bikini which it did not.
I got that too. It’s not really clear, but I think she climbed in normal clothes and just did a bikini photo at the top.
If she had been wearing a one-piece she wouldn’t have froze to death.
Modest, truly is Hottest.
would have
Still might
Thathsa thong way down.
I’m a gonna halter you there.
Swiss, is going to take atoll, he may just go nuclear on you guys.
*narrows gaze*
Was she hot?
Doesn’t sound like it.
These girls will not be climbing any mountains as much as we love theirs.
1 wurkz for me.
4 has killed at least one person or animal. 43 needs to get that thing removed.
52 and 8 — also nice.
13 appears to be a real woman trying to look like a RealDoll TM.
13 appears to be a real woman trying to look like a RealDoll TM.
I think she’s going for a partial D.Va cosplay thing or something.
I’m full of questions today:
So, I know you are supposed to rebalance your 401k periodically. (BTW, how often should I? Yearly, quarterly?) Mine gives me two options for rebalancing:
1. Conform Ending Balance – The ending balance in each of your funds will be realigned to match your future investment election percents.
2. Conform To Target – Realign the ending balance in each of your funds to make them match your specified target percents.
I’m having trouble seeing the difference between those two options.
Target percents incorporate expected rate of return and thus deviate from the initial investment percents. So the question is – do you want it to be blanaced to match how the funds get distributed when first added to the account, or do you want them rebalanced to make them look like they were supposed to according to our long term guesstimates?
I rarely realign mine. Depends on your risk/growth goals. If you think you have too much money in a conservative low return fund and want to get better growth or vice versa you have too much in a high risk high growth fund and want to bank it than you adjust for that. You should be thinking long term for your retirement savings.
Based on what that says I’m guessing you’ve gone through and set up a Target Allocation based on your needs and risk tolerance. My read is that the Conform Ending Balance will balance your funds so that they will wind up matching your future contribution break down, while the Conform to Target will have the ending balance match your Target Allocation. If you’re heavily out of balance in a class, the Conform to Target would probable be the option that will get you back where you want to be instead of just doubling down on your future contributions.
Bah. I never rebalance mine.
I understand why I should, but Im not moving money from the better performing to the weaker performing funds.
Mine is just a target retirement year, and they rebalance it for me. More conservative as I get older.
I avoid that opton too, as I don’t want to get more conservative. I can ride out the ups and downs even in retirement.
Thanks guys. Would it be accurate to say if I see that my funds that exceed my contribution % are up and the funds that a less than my contribution % are low, this would be a good time to realize gains and rebalance?
If that’s the balance you want to have. A lot goes into those decisions based on individual preferences on risk/rewards and perceptions of future growth or stagnation in stocks, bonds, or the overall economy. I also consider the past short term and long term performance of the funds I have money in and those available. Might be worth your time and money to meet with an advisor if you’re really unsure.
Like some others have said, I also don’t rebalance my 401K. But that’s because my 401K is small vs my IRAs. I’ve changed companies a few times over the years and always rolled over the 401K into the IRAs (regular and Roth).
Even in the IRAs, I’m hesitant to make balance changes because it’s near impossible to time the transfer. But because I intend to retire in a few years (I’m in my late 50s), I did make some balance transfers last year.
When the market hit some new highs in 2018, I moved some $ from stock funds to bond funds, so I’ll have bond $ to draw from if the market goes down for years. But when I was in my 20s to early 40s, I was about 90% in stock funds and took a “buy and hold” approach. I believe stock funds are the way to achieve wealth.
In a “too local” story, the police chief in my home town will be on a 1 week unpaid vacation for losing his cool at a kid he thought was stealing his bike.
From the account, I think things worked out just about they way that they should have. He fucked up, and the local pols actually held him accountable.
I think I might know the dad who reported all of this to the cops. Can’t be sure, but I think I went to school with his older brother.
In a “too local” story, the police chief in my home town will be on a 1 week unpaid vacation for losing his cool at a kid he thought was stealing his bike.
Is his name Lt. Dangle?
Personally, I think strong arming a 12 year old and then not recusing his department from the investigation deserves a bit more than 1 week unpaid, but it’s better than nothing.
I may be a bit more forgiving of the guy because as a multiple-victim of bike thieves, I understand the desire to grab someone who looks like they are about to steal my bike.
It is a pretty small town, I’m guessing the chief thought that it was a minor matter that could be cleared up and no need to bother the sheriff.
I didn’t hear a peep about this controversy from my parents who live a few blocks from the ball park in question, so I don’t think the behavior was too egregious.
we will reveal whether [they’re] non-cooperative so that they cannot mislead the public into thinking that they’re coming and answering all of our questions,” Schiff said.
I’m sure you maintain this as a principle across the board.
I’m full of questions today:
“You’re an inquisitive little fellow.”
Maybe already covered, but the bikini mountain climber has too so…
Prof goes after Covington kid and ‘smiling face of Whiteness’
According to Thomas, the “smiling face of Whiteness” is one that “always hides a knife behind its back.”
“That knife says this: ‘You must forgive us. You must educate us. Or else.’”
“Usually, that ‘or else’ happens anyway,” the professor adds. “But it will assuredly happen unless you kiss Whiteness’ ring.”
I really don’t think I’ve seen *anything* during the Trump admin that made the left lose their minds more than this kid smirking.
They’ve become Kevin Dillon in platoon: “The gook is laughing at you! Man, did you see the way those fucking brains came out?”
Standing your ground against a bully? Can’t be tolerated
So much of these aggressive strains of progressive politics is rooted in xir high school experiences. The white kid who rocks a B+ average, who lettered on a sports team, who has a good collection of friends, and has a cute girlfriend is the thing they hate the most in the fucking world. Because they are and always will be absolute fucking losers.
Literally every podcast with a journalist I’ve listened to this week they all sound like the worst kinds of pathetic losers in high school because they all to a woman/man went to how the smirking 15 year old kid reminded them of how they were bullied in high school from Bari Weiss on Rogan to KMW on the Reason podcast. I’m 28 and I don’t even have a single thought about high school I can’t imagine being in my 30’s or 40’s and still being haunted by something as a teenager that didn’t involve some kind of felony.
It goes to my point that the grievance studies losers seek out positions of influence, whether it be in media, politics, or the bureaucracy. They crave the power, perceived or real, to enforce their view of the world onto everyone else. All because nobody ever told them life wasn’t fair and to get the fuck over it.
“All because nobody ever told them life wasn’t fair and to get the fuck over it.”
I’m sure they’ve been * told * that.
It’s funny because the Smirking kid reminded me of myself. And i was not a bully. Quite the opposite, i was a Loner. But at the same time i wasn’t the kind of guy to Throw a punch (first) or run away. So Standing there and smirking at someone who was trying to provoke me seems like the smart thing to do. Show them that they aren’t getting the reaction that they want.
The kid didn’t remind me of a bully at all. That was only projection.
His expression was clearly the expression of a kid who is being challenged by a bully and who is trying to avoid a fight without running screaming down the hall.
I’ve stood there with that expression as a bully got in my face many times. “Hey, gimme a dollar!” or “What are you looking at?!?” If you don’t want to throw punches in that situation, you have to walk a fine line. Get aggressive in response, and you have to fight. Get too meek in response, and you have to fight. You have to signal that you are neither a target nor a threat. Which isn’t easy when you are being singled out.
Kid did fine. Anyone who questions the kid’s actions is an idiot.
My take as well. I think he did exceptionally well. What infuriates the SJWs, I believe, is that he simply did not back down. He stood his ground and gave them no handles at all, so they invented a totally false scenario. It wasn’t simply a misinterpretation of what happened. It was a wall-to-wall lie, the kind of thing you can’t back down from without admitting you told a complete lie. So they have to double down.
What is truly chilling is that so many people still believe, or at least defend, the lie, after it has been comprehensively debunked.
Mangu-Ward isn’t the only one. Everyone except for Soave has lost their minds. They are in full delusion territory on this issue over there.
Absolutely. I was pretty much an outcast in high school. They generally were unpleasant years. They ended 25 years ago and I don’t spend any time pondering them anymore – it’s ancient history. Who the hell cares about any of that once it’s over? Grow the fuck up and move on with your life.
What’s hilarious is these same people were the ones bludgeoning the their opponents with the Parkland Kids for the past year about how you can’t attack victims/children for their views.
And by these people you mean these exact same people. Not the generic “people like them”. But the exact people. People like Savanna Guthrie.
“The focus shouldn’t be on how these people can learn from BIPOC [Black & Indigenous People of Color],” she said. “This isn’t a Hollywood movie, and we’re flesh and blood, not magical creatures you get to use and abuse on your journey toward enlightenment.”
Go fuck yourself. How’s that for enlightenment?
Tired of these remedial racists over rating themselves pretending to be enlightened.
Here’s me expressing myself:
are the CovCath students asking for forgiveness? i thought they were lawyering up and looking for defamation scalps.
What happens when you have a lake, add high winds, and then single digit temperatures? Ice encased shorelines. With the temps in the 40’s and raining today, most of this will be melting, just to refreeze as the temperature is going back to the single digits tomorrow.
For real fun, there’s a section of the freeway that’s close enough to the lake that during high wind storms, waves can break over it. It usually only happens one day every couple of years.
The repetitiveness of the picture titles made me want to put my fist through the display.
And it looks like every news source around here did the same thing on their stories. Sorry man.
Dayton Daily has this annoying autoplay for whichever article, and it always seems to just be a camera mounted on a tripod outside the CRIME SCENE taped-perimeter. It displays absolutely nothing relevant to the story, other than maybe a look down some squalid street.
We knew this was coming
Bloomberg’s running on the winning issues: gun control and climate change.
Hey, remember how you guys lost a lot of heartland dwellers in 2016, and ceded the election to Drumpf? Yeah, I don’t, either.
The demographic changeover that’s going to make those issues into winners for the Democrats at a national level is still a decade out. Whoever they actually hire to analyze this shit should be publicly flayed.
I think it’s always going to be a decade out, to be honest. Climate change is not something people actually run on. Shit, most socialism is not something that actually gets run on.
No American President ever won an election promising big government. It’s always a bait and switch.
FDR’s campaign attacked Hoover for his deficit spending and all of his intervention into the economy. FDR ran promising to cut taxes and government spending, which had ended the previous 20th century recessions with Mellon at Treasury pulling the strings. Once he gets in office, boom all of a sudden heres the New Deal.
LBJ got elected because he successfully persuaded the nation that Goldwater was a warmonger who was going to get everybody killed in nuclear fire. He did not run promising the Great Society. He did touch on civil rights during the campaign, but Medicare, Medicaid, and the massive programs of the War on Poverty were only rolled out to the public after he was elected and had control of the Congress. Nixon won in a landslide in 68 of course, but people forget that in 1966 Republicans picked up 47 House seats, 3 Senate seats, and 7 governors mansions.
Obama did not run on Obamacare. Obama ran as an empty suit, but the two thrusts of his campaign were disentangling from Iraq and Afghanistan, and fixing the financial crisis and resulting recession. If he had actually run on Obamacare, he would have lost. They had to break the law to pass it, and it cost them both houses of Congress.
No one actually wants this shit but the people who make their living in government. The actual people who work in the private sector have, in the times these programs have been rolled out, swing back against them and vote for the Republicans to get rid of them…..who then do nothing, because they are part of the fucking scam all along.
Young people want it good and hard, and the millennial generation will have displaced the boomers entirely within the next 15-20 years. Of course the thinking goes that they’ll grow up and grow out of it, but it doesn’t seem to be happening, which is probably in part because of social and cultural shifts taking place simultaneously keeping them in the never-never land of arrested adolescence into their 30s. Then again maybe they’re just fucking stupid, the same thing’s been going in Japan since they self immolated their economy in the ’90s. On top of which, nobody ever wants bigger government for everyone else, but they always want it for themselves. in generalities: Hell yeah, cut everything! When you drill it down to specifics: uhhhh, cut foreign aid! So there’s new institutional inertia created every time a new government program is launched regardless of how small its original constituency was.
“Of course the thinking goes that they’ll grow up and grow out of it, but it doesn’t seem to be happening, which is probably in part because of social and cultural shifts taking place simultaneously keeping them in the never-never land of arrested adolescence into their 30s.”
I am afraid a very large percentage of them are not going to grow out of it because they bought the line that you should study what you were passionate about in college and borrowed amounts that are equal to most people’s mortgage or exceed it (except it is not dischargable through bankruptcy) to study stupid shit that leaves you only qualified to work as a barista at your local coffee shop. Once reality sinks in that they have fucked themselves over royally and can’t make money with their “studies” or “French poetry of the 13th century” degrees, their demand for free shit will only escalate.
That’s why they need a shit ton of new immigrants to come vote for them.
It would be funny to see a Bloomberg vs. Trump race. Asshole NY billionaire vs asshole NY billionaire.
Re: his claim to being a “Vietnam Veteran”, I could claim to be a Gulf War Veteran, but I don’t. I was protecting Columbus, Ohio from the Iraqi hordes since the USAF sent me to Ohio State to get my masters degree at the time. I tell people I was Cold War Veteran and we won that war by out-procuring the Soviets!
Thank you for your service.
Nice of you to say that, but my military career was in weapon system procurement with assignments in California, Massachusetts and Ohio. My life was never at risk like those who I think really “served”.
Honestly, it was tongue in cheek. 😉
Lol, I was going to say that about my comment about “winning” the Cold War.
This might be my last Splinter link. I don’t think I can hate read it anymore:
Nick Sandmann Isn’t Sorry
Surprise surprise, Sandmann couldn’t remember seeing any of his fellow students doing the tomahawk chop, and didn’t hear anyone yelling “build the wall.” (NBC said it couldn’t hear that on the video either, though Phillips has insisted it happened.) The chants he and his fellow students were screaming were just “positive” displays of “school spirit.” He felt threatened by the four members of the Black Israelite cult—or, as he called them, the “African Americans”—who were shouting insults at his much larger cohort.
Shorn of his MAGA hat, alone with Guthrie, Sandmann appeared younger and softer than he did in the initial video. That, of course, is the point: In America, young white men are allowed to feel the excitement of their own power, to dominate others, to offend and to attack, and then, when people try to hold them to account, to morph back into little boys, to present a picture of wide-eyed vulnerability, to tell us they were actually the ones who were afraid. Other young men do not have such luxuries.
Other young men do not have such luxuries.
Just ask Trayvon Martin, the wide-eyed happy-faced 11 year old boy who was killed for buying candy.
The author of that tripe seems to be omnipresent across multiple crap media outlets:
Deputy Editor, Splinter
Jack Mirkinson is an editor at Fusion.
Senior Media Editor, The Huffington Post
Writer for Salon
Writer for AlterNet
Writer for the DailyDot
Writer for the Atlantic
Russia-Insider News
Mother Jones
He is a white dorky guy with huge classes bitching about white privilege.
Peak WP has to be the white guy writing about white privilege on a liberal blog.
He hates himself more than you. So therefore he is better.
Impossible, he can’t hate himself more than I hate him.
“Russia-Insider News”
Ha ha ha.
they really really hate it when you don’t apologize and beg forgiveness.
“NBC said it couldn’t hear that on the video either, though Phillips has insisted it happened”
The war on objective truth continues.
Know liar Philips has insisted it happened.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus ?
He should apologize for being white!!11!!!And for not cringing and cowering when the crazy black cult members verbally harassed and insulted him, and when Lying Philips got in his face beating a drum.
The nerve of these white shitlords!
I remember when Matt Lauer used to be the smug sanctimonious prick on the Today show. Whatever happened to old Matt anyway? Do you still keep in touch with him Savannah?
Is this the point where they pivot to the fantasy that the MSM is controlled by Trump/racists/etc.? That one’s always good for a laugh.
As I rant below, the Guthrie interview was inexcusable. Having, as she claims, reviewed the video, she proceeds to interview him as if he was the one in the wrong. She conducted it like it was an apology tour. Knowing that her version was a lie, she put it off on “others”. She asked questions like “What do you say to those who are saying….?”
No, it isn’t me who is lying about you. It is these other people. But you should be on the defensive and have to answer for your racism, even though we reviewed the video and are being totally objective here.
“He felt threatened by the four members of the Black Israelite cult—or, as he called them, the “African Americans”—…”
What, exactly, was this kid supposed to call them that would not provoke your ire, douchebag?
There is nothing he could have called them that would not be labelled as evidence of bigotry.
“Lawmaker wants to tax porn users to help fund the border wall
A GOP lawmaker has a novel idea for how a border wall with Mexico should be funded: Force every Arizonan who wants to access pornographic material on an electronic device to pay $20.
Republican Rep. Gail Griffin, R-Hereford, has introduced House Bill 2444, which would make “distributors” of devices that allow access to the internet install software to make the offending material not viewable. To remove the blocking software, a person would have to pay the state $20.
Those distributors, which include both manufacturers and retailers, would also be able to impose their own fees for removing the blocker.
“It’s pretty clearly unconstitutional,” said Mike Stabile, a spokesman for the Free Speech Coalition. The Free Speech Coalition is a non-profit that lobbies on behalf of the adult entertainment industry.
The bill is not something new to the adult entertainment industry, but “the border wall twist is new,” Stabile said.”
Yeah, that’s a subject matter restriction on speech.
No, it is simply a tax on certain types of speech. It isn’t a penalty…… So sayeth the supreme court. Thanks John Roberts.
Comment from article:
“He will be (punished I guess). His lot are the minority in this country and the rest of us have long memories. Hope his trust fund is a big one. Most employers won’t touch a walking liability.”
These people are fucking scummy scum.
And I replied to the wrong comment. I’m going back to bed.
If you want to become the most popular politician in your state, taking away people’s porn is definitely the way to do it.
(of course, this is why I only consume copy-left porn on my OSH/FOSS devices personally endorsed by rms)
I would be willing to bet a couple dollars that Rep Gail Griffin may also have some buddies in tech, that would perhaps…..profit from sales of such software.
“It’s pretty clearly unconstitutional,”
Chief Justice Roberts only sees a tax…
A pornaltax, if you will.
*polite applause*
Penile tax still works.
Did he then do the Humpty Hump?
His nose is big.
And he does get stupid.
Man, they don’t make tracks like that any more 🙁
I want my free stuff!
“Her favorable rating among Dems (70/22) is already better than Schumer’s (64/29), though, and competitive with Pelosi’s (75/21)”
Confirmed. Dems are some kind of human hating sociopaths. Who in their right mind likes Pelosi more than AOC?
I’d rather Pelosi be in charge any day. She’s a calculating ice-hearted person but at least she lives in reality.
This. It’s a sad statement that she’s a voice of sanity among the Democrats.
No, she lives in senility. At least I hope that’s the case, otherwise she’s just on the crazy train.
So you’d prefer AOC? I always suspected you were a closet commie.
You’re acting like either one is a viable choice. There’s a reason the cemetary vote is an important demographic for the democratic party.
True, they’d both be terrible.
This is like getting asked if you would prefer to be raped by STEVE SMITH or SEA SMITH!
Cause when he rapes it’s the end… Ask the dinosaurs..
She still has that new car smell. Give it some time.
So apparently the UK has a worse problem with iconoclasts than the US, as people were targeting WW2 memorials for vandalism. And Piers Morgan’s show managed to find a professor to defend the mentality of the vandals, by calling the WW2 vets war criminals. Must be fun times across the pond.
They need a spinal implant, replacement gonads and a regimein of helicopter rides.
The universities are a refuge for useless twats like that. It’s unfortunate that the rest of us allow them to influence the next generation and pay them for the privilege.
Wait, so killing actual Nazis is a bad thing? I need a flow chart on this.
Just in case the distractions of the week have taken your eye off the ball
Ninety-seven percent of the surface of Greenland’s ice sheet melted in 2012, a level of ice melt the island hasn’t seen since 1889, according to Kaitlin Keegan, a Dartmouth research associate who studies arctic ice. In a typical year, she says, summer temperatures max out at -14°C. But Keegan recalls the surreal feeling of doing fieldwork on the center of Greenland’s ice sheet in the summer of 2012, as temperatures climbed above freezing. “When the wind was still, you could go outside in a t-shirt,” she says.
It’s not clear exactly how much meltwater from unexpected areas like southwest Greenland should alter our predictions for sea level rise. But researchers aren’t optimistic. “Sea-level rise is an area of climate-change research where there are a lot of unknowns,” Keegan says. “But if you take ice mass off of Greenland and put it directly into the sea at a faster rate than anyone is modeling, that would imply that sea-level projections are maybe a little conservative.”
The sky is still falling. We’re all gonna get washed away.
You suckers down in the flood plains, anyway.
If you think the planet is warming and didn’t expect a place like Greenland to have some melting happen, I’m just not sure you’re qualified to talk about this.
Wait.. How many cars were we all driving back in 1889 that we caused the ice sheet to melt so much?
I think, maybe one. Let me check.
More than one.
The iron horse must have so shocked those ice sheets they wet themselves in terror.
High school teacher suspended for trying to teach students something useful
Mike Poplardo is an economics teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford. In May of 2018, he spent two days on a “mini-unit” designed to prepare students for college. During this lesson, he showed students the Fox News documentary titled “Fox News Reporting: The Truth about Sex and College.”
The documentary (which includes commentary from this reporter), hosted by Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum, tells the stories of several male students who say they were falsely accused of sexual assault, in one instance also talking to the female accuser for her perspective. It also debunks some common myths surrounding sexual assault statistics.
“Our Essential Question: What strategies can you put in place to avoid being in the ‘mess’ depicted in the video as a victim of sexual violence or a person accused of sexual violence?” Poplardo asks in his lesson plan — which he provided to The Daily Wire — after a link to the video.
This broad topic was followed by several specific questions: “Can the victim of sexual violence be a male?” “Can a female be accused of sexual violence?” and “How can administration of a college or a manager of a business or a leader in the military protect the rights of the person who believes they are a victim of sexual violence while also protecting the rights of the accused?”
He concluded the lesson plan by stating: “All people (male and female) are at risk of being a victim of sexual violence and are at risk of being accused of sexual violence so all of you should plan to use one or more than one of the strategies we have discussed to avoid being a victim and/or the accused.” (Emphasis original.) Poplardo had the students write down one strategy they would use on an index card and hand them to him before leaving class.
In an interview with The Daily Wire, Poplardo said the students in his class came up with “some really cool ideas.”
“The kids were writing things like, ‘Well, we use designated drivers when we go to parties and stuff. Why don’t we have a designated friend on campus? Whatever that person tells us, if we say, don’t answer that text, you don’t answer that text. If he says, it’s time to leave this party, you would leave the party,’” Poplardo said.
The fact that the lesson focused on due process and not sexual assault did not factor into the district’s decision to charge Poplardo with inappropriate behavior. He had shown this documentary to five classes in the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 school years, without complaint. He said no student complained about being shown the video last May, but someone sent an anonymous tip to school administrators claiming the documentary included sexual content.
That “sexual content” consisted of about three sentences in the entire 50-minute video that describe a particular claim of rape. Initial reports of the incident suggested he was suspended for showing a “graphic sexual video,” which he was able to have changed.
When I started reading it I thought it was going to be for teaching kids to balance their checkbooks.
Helping them be prepared to fight the left’s new gestapo tactics on campus, especially around the new orders that the accusation of sexual misconduct is enough to make someone guilty, regardless of what the facts/truth might be, is a high crime.
Left Irate Over News That NBC Will Broadcast Its Interview With Nick Sandmann
Well-adjusted comments from well-adjusted people:
Eric Garland✔
Do you think Pepe the Frog is available for Thursday’s show? Can Dylann Roof do a segment from prison? Heart-to-heart with some Fentanyl traffickers?
Amy Siskind ?️?✔
Hey everyone-
If we can organize boycotting Trump’s Oval Office address, we can certainly orchestrate a boycott of @TODAYshow and @SavannahGuthrie for at least week! Who’s in?
Tony Posnanski✔
Sounds awesome! Will you be digging up Hitler’s corpse for a fun dialogue on Thursday as well Savannah?
I, for one, cannot believe that NBC has sunken so low as to give a platform to white-supremacy. ///literallyshaking
Sounds like a totally reasonable bunch, and by bunch I mean lynch mob.
“Will you be digging up Hitler’s corpse”
The adults in the room.
Which one? the charred fragments from Berlin? The skeleton from Argentina? Or the Mechahitler necroframe?
Does Tony Posnanski think Hitler did nothing wrong?
At least the original voice of Crow T. Robot didn’t compare the kid to Hitler … yet.
Garland is a conspiracy loon.
What a coincidence! The guy who replaced Don McGahn as White House Counsel graduated from Covington Catholic. Weird!
Judicial Crisis Network, dark money PACs, THE NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE COMMITTEE (why those kids were on the Mall), and ooh look, contributing to the inauguration fund, which is under investigation by Mueller!
He sounds a typical DU commenter.
Yes, feast on your own!
Exactly. Welcome to the hell you worked so hard to create Today show, enjoy!
Dylann Roof, right. Smiling at an asshole banging a drum in your face is EXACTLY like gunning down a bunch of people in cold blood.
Looks like Twitter killed one of the funniest accounts in recent memory:
Death threats and you keep your blue check mark; Make fun of a leftist political figure through parody and you get permanantly suspended.
Kathy Griffin still has her account, right? OK, we’re good.
There is no agenda there.. just policing evil!
Whoops, throw some quotes around that comment even though I was paraphrasing.
Sheesh, from your link I thought it was ComfortablySmug who got whacked. I don’t follow him, but I see a lot of his tweets on my TL and I often enjoy them.
Sorry. I probably should have concealed the link with some snarky comment. One of the replies seems to suggest that the ¡Beto! campaign doesn’t take to criticism or mockery very well. This wouldn’t surprise me at all.
In general leftists lack any ability to take any sort of criticism. There is a reason that they act like spoiled children and constantly demand “safe spaces” (meaning a space where nobody can force them to deal with reality) whenever someone points out they are morons…
I hope that’s true, it will make it all the more amusing when he runs on a national level.
And, separately, I’m now praying that the Sean Spicier account manages to stay below the radar.
Spicer likes Spicier — he’s cool with it.
The streets will run red with blood!
TW: Slate
If Americans have a constitutional right to take their guns to and from a firing range of their choice, after all, why shouldn’t they be allowed to transport them while traveling elsewhere? If the Constitution safeguards their ability to bring a firearm to and from their second home, why shouldn’t it also protect their right to carry a gun while running errands or visiting friends?
There are good answers to these questions. Right-to-carry laws, like those in Texas, appear to contribute to violent crime and increase homicide rates. Individuals carrying a weapon are more likely to escalate incidents of road rage and domestic conflicts into fatal shootings. Cities and states have a strong interest in curbing individuals’ ability to bring deadly weapons into the streets. And when New York City did allow residents to take their weapons to shooting ranges outside the city, the rule proved extremely difficult to enforce: Gun owners simply carried their weapons around and, when caught, insisted that they were heading to target practice.
So there are compelling interests bolstering the New York City law as well as public-carry bans more broadly. But these are interests that the Supreme Court seems poised to ignore. After all, Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch have already announced their belief that the Constitution protects concealed carry. And the conservative justices brushed off public-safety concerns in Heller, writing that the Second Amendment “takes certain policy choices off the table” when the government seeks to protect Americans from gun violence. With Kennedy replaced by a hard-liner, we may soon learn that prohibitions on the public transportation of firearms are another “policy choice” the Constitution does not permit.
Once you let those guns off the leash, they will run wild, slaughtering all who cross their path.
Herds of wild guns, menacing pedestrians and attacking schoolchildren.
Chip, chip, the term for a group of guns is an ‘Arsenal’, not ‘Herd’.
Cry havoc and let slip loose the arsenal of guns of war?
Just imagine if you could just go around practicing your religion WHEREVER YOU WANT! Like, not just in the basement of your home behind a locked door, but out in public, where other people might see!
Or what if you could just go around writing and speaking in the public square without even any pretense of sensible regulation?
These hardliners man…
So…. let’s look at the violent crime rate in New York City versus the violent crime rate in Austin Texas….
Oh…. wait. That doesn’t support the narrative.
Also… shall not be infringed is pretty unambiguous. “you can’t move it from your living room” would seem to infringe on your ability to “keep and bear” a weapon.
It’s a good thing you didn’t choose Dallas or Houston.
Neither of which are in the top 25.
Wichita, Kansas?
Houston is #22 on that list.
I’m just saying like I often do that there are many factors at play here. I’m not sure how you would suss out the impact of gun control among those factors.
The answer for Houston is simple. They have a huge Indian community. (like, from India, not the other kind). That explains the violence. Not because of their Hindu upbringing. That’s pretty peace-loving.
No, it is because of the Naan v. Roti divide. Those people take their bread seriously.
Muh right to curry!
The proper nomenclature is IT not Casino, shitlord.
I wonder what those cities have in common, if anything.
“There are good answers to these questions. Right-to-carry laws, like those in Texas, appear to contribute to violent crime and increase homicide rates.”
Texas has a murder and manslaughter rate of 4.8 per 100,000. Which is the same as California’s. 20 states have higher rates than TX and CA. Plus DC, which has the highest rate of unlawful homicides in the country, over twice as high as LA’s, which is the worst state.
Of course, the fact is that the vast majority of murders in the country happen in certain cities, and in those cities in certain districts of those cities.
For 2014, last year data is available: 54% of American counties had 0 murders. 69% of American counties have 1 or 0 murders.
Right-to-carry laws, like those in Texas, appear to contribute to violent crime and increase homicide rates. – any clear data on that one?
There is, and it refutes the assertion.
any clear data on that one?
Yes. Per capita violent crime rates are substantially lower than in places where there are no right-to-carry laws.
“Right-to-carry laws, like those in Texas, appear to contribute to violent crime and increase homicide rates. Individuals carrying a weapon are more likely to escalate incidents of road rage and domestic conflicts into fatal shootings.”
When in fact the opposite is true. Gun grabbers lie. Everything they say is an outright lie or designed to deceive in some way. We heard this horseshit in every case before a state passed castle laws or loosened gun restrictions and in every single fucking case the opposite happened. Crime went down. Violence went down.
No motherfucker you cant have my guns. No motherfucker you cant use the mob to bully the populace into ushering in your commie utopia where wrong thinkers are shoved into mass graves with bulldozers.
I used to live up near Kennesaw, GA. Some 25 or 30 years ago they passed an ordinance requiring every head of household to keep a gun.
You know what didn’t happen? A huge spike in the murder rate.
You know what did happen? They didn’t have any more breaking and entering crimes. And no, I don’t mean “they had very few”. I mean B&E went to zero. Zee-row. Criminals might be dumb, but they ain’t completely stupid.
Cities and states have a strong interest in curbing individuals’ ability to bring deadly weapons into the streets.
And yet, the US Constitution clearly says “shall not be infringed”.
when caught, insisted that they were heading to target practice.
Duh. On top of being patently unconstitutional the law is relatively unenforceable.
we may soon learn that prohibitions on the public transportation of firearms are another “policy choice” the Constitution does not permit.
People who know how to read and that do not have an agenda already knew this.
“Right-to-carry laws, like those in Texas, appear to contribute to violent crime and increase homicide rates. ”
Citation, please.
In today’s local news:
Sad trombones all around.
By sad trombones, you mean raucous laughter, aye?
Well, duh.
Also, I’m anticipating that Solis apologists will attempt to portray him as some sort of righteous hero of justice and not some hapless turd that wore a wire as part of an immunity deal.
On the Catholic School Kids beat: The Today Show landed another interview, this time with smiling kid.
Savanna Guthrie sat down with the kid …. and proceeded to conduct a “sensitive” but condescending and fundamentally dishonest interview.
Kid did great, BTW. Obviously coached to be non-confrontational, and was well-spoken.
But Guthrie interviewed him with full knowledge that the narrative she had been pushing was false. Still, she asked questions like “Why didn’t you back down?” and “Did you ever try to see things from the other person’s point of view?” and “After every thing that has happened, do you wish you had just walked away?” and “Other kids were making an offensive tomahawk chop jesture…..”
She personally interviewed Phillips to get the “I was trying to diffuse the situation when I approached the kid” quote (after he had previously claimed that he was simply trying to march to the memorial and the kid blocked his way). She never asked Phillips to reconcile his two contradictory stories.
And claiming to have viewed the tape, she still questions the kid as if he initiated the confrontation and he was being offensive. She even pushed the “wearing a MAGA hat is offensive” narrative. The kid gave too much ground here, saying he had bought the hat from a street vendor earlier that day.
Guthrie took the weasel way out with her questioning by saying things like “people are saying” or “what do you say to people who think..”. It was a cowardly way to push a dishonest narrative at him and put him on the defensive. It is particularly galling after her credulous interview with Phillips in which she supported his obviously false version of events and never once asked for a clarification of something indefensible….. like “in what way did you think that banging a drum in a high school kids face would be peacemaking?”
For me the media is the only story in this whole thing. Unfortunately, they are not going to cover themselves.
Oh, and over at TOS, Soave is the only one with a remotely sane take. The rest of them are firmly entrenched in their TDS. (which has to be terminally bad if you think some random kid and a no-name activist is about Trump)
May I make a humble suggestion here?
It’s time to stop giving these people the oxygen of our attention. The only way they will die is if you completely ignore them. Even negative attention gives them life.
meh i don’t care much but I appreciate people pushing back. sadly it is useless all the lefty base for this press still believe the original story and doubled down. so it is all for nothing.
I popped over to Savannah’s twitter feed to see how people were reacting to the interview.
5% of them were giving her shit for trying to lure the kid into saying he did something wrong.
95% of them were giving her shit for giving a platform to white supremacy.
The situation is beyond redemption. I want a national divorce option.
Thar’s your problem. Twitter does an excellent job is distilling out dissent and discarding it.
yes but I am getting more convinced overall that the true believer left is thoroughly vile
The true bleivers are not as large a proportion as they are made out to be. Their numbers have been distorted and those with less extereme views silenced and/or maligned to make it seem as if there are more true believers than there are.
It’s a matter of illusion. A similar historical example. Up until the Soviet Union fell, there was a general concensus that the number of communist die-hards was significant, if not a majority. After it fell, it turned out there were more communists in California than had been in the USSR. A similar illusary numerical supremacy is being projected here.
The true bleivers are not as large a proportion as they are made out to be – i think it is growing but then again who knows
The problem is worse than that. Very few people can see the propaganda. My wife has a full blown case of TDS. Every stupid story, meme or joke at his expense is gleefully accepted at face value.
Even she could see that the kids did nothing wrong. But she can’t see the media’s role in creating a fake story.
She sees Today credulously publish the obviously false story, sees Guthrie interview an obviously lying Phillips with complete support and sensitivity, never questioning him on his inconsistencies or things that don’t comport with the video, and sees her condescending interview with the kid and doesn’t see any problem. She doesn’t even think it was unreasonable to cover the story in the first place.
Her take is “they cover viral videos. That’s why you don’t put yourself in a position to be on video like that”.
She *is* most people.
So nobody is going to understand that the press is simply a propaganda machine for the DNC. You can’t show it to them. It is like the matrix…. it can’t be explained from inside the matrix.
For a very few people this story was an obvious lie from the jump that the media pushed as a story even though it obviously isn’t a story even if it were true. For a big chunk of people it is just a story they got wrong. And for another big chunk of people it just shows how racist Trump supporters are going to rally around their white friends and refuse to acknowledge their guilt.
Like all things, this won’t move people, even though it should be forcing people to confront their internal biases and expose the propaganda machine that is keeping them “informed”. People would rather pretend they didn’t see what they saw and continue as before.
The problem is worse than that. Very few people can see the propaganda. My wife has a full blown case of TDS. Every stupid story, meme or joke at his expense is gleefully accepted at face value.
Play this for her
“I want a national divorce option.”
Now you’re talking. We have irreconcilable differences at this point anyway.
TOS -I occasionally go back to marvel how worthless the comment section is now. I learned a lot about libertarian ideas from those comments back in the day, now a new libertarian wonders there and it is shit. It is not good for libertarianism in general imo
This is painful for me as well.
I started over at “The Agitator”, which was a small but fantastic community of hard-core libertarian discussion. Then I started posting at Reason and had lots of idea-driven discussions, mixed with some juvenile banter. The trolls and sock-puppets were loud but still background noise.
Now it is almost never a place for libertarian thought. There are a few articles that touch on issues of interest to libertarians, but for the most part it is not thought provoking and the comments are mostly partisan politics by proxy. Not interesting. Not smart. And not very libertarian.
Your comment reminds me of the tangle I had with a very snotty Matt Welch back in 2016:
I guess they are continuing to keep their customers satisfied. 🙄
Actually, it reads to me like he was agreeing with your cynical take. As if he wishes the LP would be relevant, but is resigned to the reality that we are always going to be the nutty people standing in the corner pointing out the better way to two groups who are hell-bent on arguing over two obviously stupid ideas.
There are very few, if any, liberty minded people there. So yeah, it’s mostly shit. The only reason I stayed there as long as I did was because of y’all. I knew the staff were closet proggies for a long time. Their idea of libertarianism is ‘open borders at any cost, fuck everything else’. At best they were squishy on everything else and I had long suspected they were just mouthing the words.
I still subscribe to the mag and they do have a lot of good stuff. Not all of it, but much. One example, Welch’s piece on Lanny Friedlander a few months back:
The New Republic was launched in 1914 by three of the most famous intellectuals of the Progressive era: Walter Lippmann, Herbert Croly, and Walter Weyl. National Review was introduced in 1955 by an oil tycoon’s son
Yep, that’s Welch alright. And this is an exemplar of his best work.
The response to “people are saying” is “Who? Who are saying? Can you please tell me exactly who is saying these things? Thank you.”
This story is chock full of stupid
Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg bemoaned the lack of a private armed security force at Johns Hopkins University, his alma mater, due to the murder rate in Baltimore.
The former mayor of New York City, who’s likely to run for president in 2020, has long been an advocate for gun control, but his comments on Tuesday raised eyebrows and accusations that his support of an armed private force on campus were at odds with his views on gun control.
“One of the things I do hear all the time from people who are trying to decide where their kids are going to go to college, they are worried very much about the crime rate, and when they want to go to a hospital, they worry about the crime rate,” he added.
Efforts to create an armed private police force on the campus failed last year, despite support from powerful figures, but the effort is expected to be pushed again this year. Some who oppose the idea warned that, unlike actual police units, a private security force would lack accountability.
Somebody hasn’t been paying attention.
During his visit to Baltimore, Bloomberg also praised the state for its tougher gun control measures, even though homicides in Baltimore spiked last year, with nearly one every day.
“Thank you to Maryland for being very active in passing some gun laws that make some sense,” Bloomberg said, according to WJZ-TV. “Not to take anybody’s guns away but to make sure that we don’t sell guns to people with criminal records or people with psychiatric problems or to minors and also that we have the ability to take guns away from people who are a danger to society.”
Does that mean Bloomberg wants to disarm the police? I approve this message.
“Not to take anybody’s guns away but to make sure that we don’t sell guns to people with criminal records or people with psychiatric problems or to minors and also that we have the ability to take guns away from people who are a danger to society.”
Usually the contradiction comes within the same paragraph rather than the same fucking sentence. Jesus fuck
In a statement of this sort, words before the ‘but’ are ignored.
I understand what you’re saying, but I still think Bloomberg’s an asshole.
Don’t think it. He IS a major asshole.
Just hand over the large diet coke and keep your hands where I can see them…..
Danger to society like that MAGA hat wearing smug fuck kid.
I have some personal experience with that particular campus security. They’re notoriously useless. If Bloomberg is advocating for a fully trained, armed, responsible and accountable security force for Hopkins, then more power to him. However, I don’t think he can reconcile that with any of his other positions on guns.
When I was there, muggers were throwing bags over students’ heads, sticking a shotgun in their ear and frog marching them to the ATM. Campus security, however, prioritized the dude who was serially exposing himself. He’s not nearly as likely to fight back as muggers with guns.
“However, I don’t think he can reconcile that with any of his other positions on guns.”
Oh wait, your were not joking and actually expected some smug liberal gun grabbing asshat to have a position based on consistent principles? That’ was your mistake Scruffy…
unlike actual police units
Do they have police powers and limited liability? Then they are actual police units.
First off, get the fuck out of my godforsaken shithole state you carpetbagging scum. It’s bad enough without that sonofabitch making it worse.
I cannot handle the way the gun grabbers talk about gun regulation. It’s just lie after lie after lie. It’s people who have no idea what they’re talking about solving problems that don’t exist using solutions that wouldn’t work anyway and don’t even address the problem they’re lying about to begin with.
I wish that would fit on a bumper sticker.
I’m trying not to pay attention to this story, but…
How could any reasonable person not look at that idiot with the drum and immediately think, “Here comes some crazy panhandling street person.”?
How does “crazy street person wants cake” get to be the national obsession?
How does “crazy street person wants cake” get to be the national obsession?
Because major media channels and a chunk of social media are populated by obsessed lunatics, would be my guess.
Cake wanting obsessed lunatics…
They all want cake.
More to the point, because kid had on Trump hat. And Trump hat means we can spend two days talking about how anyone who supports Trump is obviously a racist.
VIETNAM VETELDER THIS WAY!!!This dude has ENB pegged, that’s for sure.
It looks like a link, but it doesn’t click like a link.
I just assumed it was fake news.
Danger to society like that MAGA hat wearing smug fuck kid.
If that kid had been packing, dozens of people would have died that day!
Did you see the “Israelites” on the video proclaiming that the only reason those white boys weren’t attacking them is because they were surrounded by invisible Angels protecting them? Lol
And for those who think the left is going to let it go….
The headline offered up on Bing’s home page is:
“Says no apology owed” with a closeup of “smirking” kid.
MSNBC still has “Native American man harassed by teens tells story” as their number two headline.
They are not just doubling down. I don’t even know what the word for this one is.
I support “full retard” is no longer stylish.
The media was much more interesting when they were discreetly swishing their Marx boner in the corner of the classroom. Getting up on the desk and whipping out their Proletarian erection in its full ejaculating glory is a horror.
Huffpo #3 story:
NBC slammed for MAGA teen interview.
CNN top story under “top stories”
“Student says he respects elder, but doesn’t owe apology”
CNN second story:
Priest: MAGA hats don’t belong on Catholic school trip.
(story is about proggie priest who thinks MAGA is a symbol of racism and hatred because it represents things like building the wall, global warming denialism, homophobia, racism, etc. )
All traces of the story are gone from the front page.
But they do have “Trump notifies Pelosi he’s ‘honoring’ State of the Union invitation”
I love the use of scare quotes around “honoring”.
Even the headline on a straight news story has to editorialize.
Wait. I take it back.
They have “native american elder in controversial video proposes meeting with students” buried way down the page.
Which brings up a question…. is he a tribal elder? Is it appropriate to refer to someone as an elder just because they are old? I think that’s a leadership position, like city councilman.
He’s as much a tribal elder as he is a Vietnam vet or as Fauxcahontas is Cherokee.
“Delusional” perhaps?
They should just replace CNN’s and MSNBC’s news programming with JImmy Kimmel riffing on how stupid and evil non-Progressives are. It’s what their audiences want anyway, and it would save the time of anyone bothering to look for unbiased news coverage.