Good morning by my incorrigible scoundrels, and what a glorious morning it is as the partial shutdown is still in effect leading to the postponement of the State of the Union address. Personally, I think Trump should have taken up that sweet few hours of prime time television to have aired a Trump Extravaganza with bikini girls, cannons, and fireworks.
Trump recognized Venezuelan’s opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, as the President of Venezuela.
Cohen postpones testimony citing “threats from Trump”
Girl who was kidnapped after her parents were murdered to receive $25k of her own reward money for rescuing herself.
Nurse accused of knocking up a woman in a vegetative state.
Don Lemon wants Covington students educated on how openly displaying their conservative beliefs triggers leftists as they’re terrified of having their worldview questioned. These mother fuckers are seriously pushing me to buy a case of MAGA hats and handing them out to everyone I know.
Father and son sentenced in the poaching of a black bear and her cubs in Alaska.
With the Russia nonsense fading away, Democrats are now pushing even harder on the “zomg racist” rhetoric, continuing the destruction of the meaning of the word.
Azealia Banks goes off on a anti-Irish rant on Instagram, then after receiving a backlash asks Conor McGregor for help.
That’s all I got for today, I hope this song doesn’t trigger Azealia.
What’s with all the compliments? Are you going to ask for a favor or something?
Remember the 48th rule of acquisition.
… Afraid I don’t. I watched that franchise as a kid, then I grew up.
Did you yank your crank to the doctor or the counselor?
Ensign Robin Lefler who had her own set of laws
Ro Laren baby!
Your “job” is playing with computers. I call bullshit on the “growing up” part.
“Playing”? Sitting here arguing with Oracle products that have one instance communicating just fine and another not despite their nigh identical configurations and verified connectivity/response from the destination is not playing.
Now if I could freely build instances and test product installs, I’d agree. But my job is keeping the bad decisions made by people who’ve since retired running until someone finally replaces them.
So basically, Sim City with random disasters turned on. You’re not helping yourself here.
All right. Come take over for me. I’ll go and write another book. That’s more fun anyway.
Why would I take a pay cut and increase my commute time?
But nice try there, Tom Sawyer.
I think you got that reference backwards. You’re the one claiming my boring work is playing.
To go off on a tangent, I’ve noticed a pattern with semi-pro writers/cartoonists/interweb artists, etc.
1. They produce work while working their “real” job. Their side gig is more fun, they spend all of their micro-breaks thinking about their side gig, they produce good work, and enough of it to get a fan base.
2. They decide to quit their job and live off of patreonbux so they will have more time to dedicate to their “work.”
3. The output of their former side gig actually goes down, because doing nothing, or fucking around on the internet is more fun than the former side gig.
So what you’re saying is, I should be thankful I can’t afford to become a full-time writer?
/Cathy Newman
Your readership probably should.
Speaking of having a readership, any creepy stalker fanbois? Polaroids of people wearing inappropriate lingerie?
Not so far.
Hey, those video games aren’t going to play themselves.
Not Adahn nails it. I’m incredibly productive at non-work stuff while at work, I get home for the weekend or take some time off to write, I slob out and binge-watch British sitcoms.
Polaroids of people wearing inappropriate lingerie?
Would you like some?
>>Azealia Banks brands Irish people ‘inbred’ and ‘leprechauns’
And this is wrong how?
Just because there are like, five last names from Ireland, doesn’t mean the people who have them are closely related to one another.
My last name is Irish. Or course, they were all protestants and moved to England the first chance they got.
I don’t think we left many behind.
My last name is Irish but as far as I can tell all my Irish Ancestors were kicked out of the country more than a century before the potato famine
My ancestors were in the colonies 100 years before the potato famine. I think they moved to England during/after the Interregnum.
Hey! I’m a quarter Mick.
Who’d of thunk a rap star would be racist and hateful. The whole goddamn genre was born in the fucking county jail. If you’re looking for respectful people, rap music ain’t where you find them.
I wonder if the whole witch hunt mentality is going to be applied to the POCs of the rap world, and why they should get a pass? Slapping the bitches and jacking the Hos, lol.
Obviously POC are exempt because they are too distressed by historical wrongs to know the difference between right and wrong. / Rich White Progressive.
Black people can’t be racist because a wealthy black rapper doesn’t have the institutional leverage to oppress poor Irish people.
(she actually said that)
Same reasoning why Rich, Famous Media personalities can’t oppress the young 15 year old White kids from bumfuck Kentucky, because the kids are White.
I’m willing to talk about power dynamics and differentials, but when your argument basically amounts to “White always loses” your just a racist.
Yeah, if someone says that to me earnestly, my right jab to the face instinct might get me in trouble.
In addition to being renowned for its beauty, the azalea is also highly toxic—it contains andromedotoxins in both its leaves and nectar, including honey from the nectar.[5] Bees are deliberately fed on Azalea/Rhododendron nectar in some parts of Turkey, producing a mind-altering, potentially medicinal, and occasionally lethal honey known as “mad honey”.[
HEY, WAIT A MINUTE – I think you have a good female rapper name there…. “Mad Honey”.
‘You lot are a bunch of prideful inbred leprechauns who have ZERO global influence and ZERO white privilege. The rest of the world’s white folk don’t want to associate with you lot at all and it’s because you are barbarians. “
Finally someone understands.
So she’s saying the Irish are the Blacks of Europe?
And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland?
Micah Wallace wants to see ya, he’s in the pub.
It’s like you’ve never been to Belfast.
She forget “drunk, potato-eating, ginger-headed mama’s-boys”.
Also acceptable: ginger-eating, potato-headed
That’s their PM.
And this is wrong how?
I mean, technically everyone is inbred to a certain extant: a person with a “clean” (no overlap) family tree should theoretically have had 1 trillion ancestors in the year 1000AD, but the global population was only 300 million, so those 999,700,000,000 missing theoretical ancestors have to b accounted for somehow…
Yeah, No one has actually removed Maduro, and he still has enough supporters to force people to attend a rally on the same day as the inaguration of Guaido. So I’m not too sure what happens next, or if this means we get another south american civil war.
I am shocked at your naivete, Sir. And you call yourself a government mandarin.
This is the perfect opportunity for Trump. By merely acknowledging this he has caused the left to boil over once again, so win. He also has the option of intervening either directly or through OAS. The mere threat of such intervention will keep the left on the boil providing valuable distraction and entertainment. Intervention will appeal to the warboner right, and some on the warboner left. Win. Win. Win.
So I’m not too sure what happens next, or if this means we get another south american civil war.
Quite possibly, but considering Guaido has potential allies with money and Maduro does not, it could be a short affair. Maduro won’t be able to buy much with bolivars that lose half their value literally every five minutes, so he’ll have to rely on donations plus in-country manufacturing and the loyalty of true believers. I guess it could turn into a proxy war between the US and Cuba or something like that, but even then I can’t imagine it would be too drawn out. Hopefully all that can be avoided and Maduro just flees the country with whatever he can grab.
Hopefully all that can be avoided and Maduro just gets shot trying to flee
sthe country with whatever he can grab.It’s better than he deserves, but I think it would demoralize and weaken his supporters more to know that he abandoned them, which would be indisputable if he made his escape. Perhaps he can escape and then a few months later meet an unfortunate accident, coincidentally when some Venezuelan tourists are in town.
Naw, Mossad will do will it in a bid take over the Venezuelan oil industry. Don’t you even ((Protocols)), bra?
Please. I’m not a scoundrel. I’m an asshole. Important distinction here.
That was yesterday, Animal. Where were you?
An Asshole World Renown?
Personally, I think Trump should have taken up that sweet few hours of prime time television to have aired a Trump Extravaganza with bikini girls, cannons, and fireworks.
I concur. Missed opportunity. But he may yet surprise us.
So are we due for a remake of Americathon yet?
This is why we need President McAfee
Good for that girl getting reward money for rescuing herself. Here in Cleveland, we’re now dealing with freezing temperatures after a day of heavy rain. Snow on top of ice!
/insert Archer sad, “Yay!” here
Local theory on why she escaped is Buyer’s Remorse. I think he let her “escape” because he didn’t know what to do next. He didn’t have the guts to kill her by then and he was tired of her hanging around.
Good on her for taking charge and escaping, but it wasn’t like she tunneled out of Alcatraz.
Also, note that it was the private sector that gave her the $25K. The Feds are still holding their half of the reward back. Probably due to the shutdown.
TBF she is 13. Anything she did to get away shows some cajones.
And also good on the folks who helped her call 911. As I understand it they are the ones who first suggested she deserved the money for rescuing herself.
Not buying that theory.
1. He had the “guts”/lack of human sympathy to kill her parents.
2. He tried to barricade her into a small space in his bedroom; he was just too daft to do it properly. He threatened her multiple times.
3. When she escaped, he went out driving around looking for her; if he wanted her gone, he could have just laid low or fled the state himself.
I give him zero points for “letting” her do anything. He is subhuman scum.
3. When she escaped, he went out driving around looking for her; if he wanted her gone, he could have just laid low or fled the state himself.
This strikes me as a very strong point against that theory. Sounds like he was just a dumb criminal, not that he had any change of heart.
Oh, the guy is absolute scum. Don’t get me wrong on that point.
His barricade was just so pathetic that it seems like his heart wasn’t into the abduction anymore.
As for his driving around looking for her, he might have had Buyer’s Remorse Remorse.
>>“They’re going to kick the living s*** out of him,” Democratic strategist Chris Kofinis predicted of the 2020 field. “‘Racist’ is going to be the tip of the iceberg. It’s only going to get more direct and more brutal.”
something something backlash
They’ve already called him every name and permutation of evil in the book.
It doesn’t work
Maybe they’ll try killing him with kindness. So crazy it may just work.
Your avatar made me want to bang a drum, claim I was Agent Orange and part of a secret recon force in Vietnam, and then demand your scalp on a silver platter, or something brah…
Can’t even imagine what it would be like to really wear it in most major American cities and there is no need to wear it here.
I wanna be a freon Ranger,
Live a life of condensers and danger
They’ll do what they always do and take it too far and attack his supporters and white working class people.
Shit, they’re already doing it. They’re actually claiming that the MAGA hat kid was a provocation simply because he’s white. They are completely off their rockers.
Wait, was it not obvious to you that the cunts peddling this new hatred and demanding the political enemies of the left shut the fuck up, bend over and grab their ankles, and take it good and hard, primarily were about labeling their enemy as evil, and thus not even worthy of being allowed to speak, so they could avoid discussions that would force them to defending the evil and murderous shit they are peddling?
Yeah, falsely screaming “RACIST” for 4 years is winning strategy.
It used to work wonders before orange man came on the scene and showed them that rolling over and showing your belly when the evil fucks did this was not the right response….
And to think they could’ve cozied up to the rudderless egomaniac, sweet-talked him, and got deals done.
They chose poorly.
Cohen postpones testimony citing “threats from Trump”
Surely he can cite and example.
I was thinking about this when I saw it on CNN – gah! it’s what they were playing at the bar – yesterday.
more like Cohen doesn’t have jack to say, so instead the Dems went with the Kabuki political theater; Cohen can’t testify because of threats!
It’s about collecting campaign donations from stupid fucks that eat this shit up because they want the world to be this way so they don’t have to rethink how stupid they really are for believing that they are smart just because they spout the academic marxism that passes for intellectualism on the left…
Why do you go to a leftist bar?
They make good Manhattans? Also the TVs are usually tuned to sports.
The answer is always bitchez that don’t shave their legs/arm pits…
Leftist bar? probably showing the WNBA
You’d have to be a fool to believe a word that comes out of his mouth at this point. Yet they will.
an* example.
*gets coffee*
He is too scared to sit before Congress, but not too scared to sit in front of CNN?
Lying to congress can get a perjury charge.
Lying on CNN is expected.
Lying to congress can get a perjury charge.
He’s already pled guilty to lying to congress. I don’t know why congress would want his testimony now anyway?
CNN will make the lies up for you!
Apparently, Trump and Rudy have been floating the idea that Cohen’s wife and father-in-law are mobsters and might need to be looked into, which could be seen as a veiled threat to Cohen as in “keep your whore mouth shut or we’ll go after your family”. How you see it probably depends on your politics.
Why haven’t I seen this plastered all over MSNPCNN?
I dunno, that where I saw it.
There’s actual evidence of this? Or just another “anonymous sources” thing?
Just some Trump tweets and Rudy soundbites.
Run down
Wait is that bad now? Isn’t that how Mueller got Flynn to talk? By threatening to go after his son.
But Mueller is a Special Prosecutor, which gives him sovereign immunity.
I’d say it’s bad regardless of who does it. Principles not principals so sommat.
Look how they went after the younger Manafort.
Cohen postpones testimony citing “threats from Trump”</em
Will the Media be smart enough to ignore a known liar?
How would they know the difference between a known liar and any other liar around them?
Not if the liar is peddling shit that help the dnc’s campaign donation drive…
Girl who was kidnapped after her parents were murdered to receive $25k of her own reward money for rescuing herself.
Are you kidding? I Heard the press conference. The Police did it.
Fuck it. Let’s all wear the goddamn hat.
Look, I support your right to free expression, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to do what you tell me.
This is why we never win!!!!
Who is ‘we’, Kemosabe?
I never was much of a leader. *Wanders back into wilderness*
Well, yeah. And almost nobody where you live would even get what the hat was about.
Booze, bitchez, and blow? Or is that last one Diet Coke & Big Macs?
This hat is indeed cursed. Had it on five minutes and already I’m getting shit for it.
It’s not that hat, Straffin. We freely give people shit regardless. Just not free shit.
I’ve earned the shit! Yea. Didn’t even vote for the guy. Just like the color scheme.
What he said…
Who? Who doesn’t want to wear the
ribbonhat?As the years pass, that show begins to look more and more like absolute genius.
The (((writers))) knew their shit.
I only own the KEEP America Great hat. I might get the camo MAGA hat.
Living in NYC I can judt go to the Trump store in the Trump Tower and save on shipping. Problem is wearing that makes one a target in this shithole city
Because the anti-right wing violence progressive fighters believe the only way to bring peace is to react to anything and everything their political enemies do with massive violence?
I visited that giant ant-farm last weekend. How do you keep you sanity there?
Better than the giant-ant farm I guess.
We have a TRUMP pop-up store that shows up on the highway exit every once in a while. Or course, it’s run a black guy.
By a black guy.
I think I’m officially getting old. At least my brain is still faster than my fingers.
Glib Trolls of the world unite!
Get back to me when you have a McAfee “Make America Stoned Again” hat for me to wear.
“World Whalefucking Alliance”
Are we talking animal abuse or giving hefty ladies some love?
Animals according to his twitter thread, and (also according to JM) how can it be abuse when the animal in question is like 25x your size?
Hot dog down a hallway scenarios…
McAfee2020 – Whale Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll
If the McAfee campaign hasn’t made hats like that yet, they’re falling down on the job. The big question is, what color would the body of the hat be? Green? Gold? Tie-Dyed?
Trump recognized Venezuelan’s opposition leader, Juan Guaidó, as the President of Venezuela.
Don’t stick it in Crazy…
Don Lemon wants Covington students educated on how openly displaying their conservative beliefs triggers leftists as they’re terrified of having their worldview questioned.
I tried to watch the segment with Cuomo and I couldn’t make it through the smug, self-righteous retardation and disingenuity.
It’s almost like they are the smug assholes that people should want to punch…
Why can’t we teach marxist asshats how them believing in those evil fantasies has caused over 120 million people to be killed and billions to be held hostage by evil people pretending to be doing it all for “the people”, first?
Don Lemon wants Covington students educated on how openly displaying their conservative beliefs triggers leftists as they’re terrified of having their worldview questioned. These mother fuckers are seriously pushing me to buy a case of MAGA hats and handing them out to everyone I know.
Maybe people should learn to live with eachother without trying to force everyone to conform to their worldview. And to not be shattered when they learn that there are people who actually disagree with them.
Their worldview has so many logical inconsistancies and flat out falsehoods baked into the assumptions, that it needs an isolating bubble to propagate.
Nothing is more threatening to these progressive/marxist douches than people actually talking about the stuff they peddle and realizing that the dreck they peddle is not just downright stupid or evil, but kills.
learn to live with eachother without trying to force everyone to conform to their worldview
How many of the people who want to force the Covington kids to repent and change their ways think that what they are doing is totally justified because they are trying to save the souls of those boys? If they don’t recant their beliefs and apostasy (of progressive beliefs) they will be doomed for all eternity.
And how many of those would acknowledge that their willingness to torture and kill the heretics is exactly what the Catholic church believed when it launched the Spanish Inquisition.
We’re only doing this for your own good!
The Spanish Inquisition gets a bad rap. I think it was one of the milder ones. Weren’t the Portuguese much worse?
They don’t want repentance. They want a struggle session.
Which they will reward with a stoning.
The Inquisition, WHAT A SHOW!
I want a lot of things that aren’t going to happen too.
The Atlantic — sorta walking things back:
“But the wild, uncontrollable internet kept pumping videos into the ether that allowed people to see for themselves what had happened.
The New York Times, sober guardian of the exact and the nonsensational, had cannonballed into the delicious story on Friday, titling its first piece “Boys in ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats Mob Native Elder at Indigenous Peoples March.”
But the next day it ran a second story, with the headline “Fuller Picture Emerges of Viral Video of Native American Man and Catholic Students.”
Then they just couldn’t resist trying to salvage the narrative anyway:
“and while it does not fully exonerate the boys, it releases them from most of the serious charges.”
Just fucking admit it — you trashed some kids because they wore MAGA hats and you wanted oh so bad for reality to fit the progworld in your FN heads, and so you couldn’t be bothered to watch the whole video and ask: “How might this look to people not in our ideological bubble?”
But it’s an ideological bubble of (superficial) diversity!
Everything within the Bubble, nothing outside the bubble, nothing against the Bubble.
But the wild, uncontrollable internet kept pumping videos into the ether that allowed people to see for themselves what had happened.
We would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you wily kids and that newfangled intertubes!!!
Someone went around the gatekeepers of what people should be allowed to know, and wrecked it all! Double down on punishing the kids and the people that dared to overturn the apple cart!
Someone should make a mashup of this with the Covington Catholic kid’s face instead of Emmanuel Goldstein:
“The next moment a hideous, grinding speech, as of some monstrous machine running without oil, burst from the big telescreen at the end of the room. It was a noise that set one’s teeth on edge and bristled the hair at the back of one’s neck. The Hate had started. As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the Enemy of the People, had flashed on to the screen. (1.1.25-26)”
The Party’s modus operandi in maintaining power is to shift blame to a designated scapegoat, toward which all of its constituents’ hatred and violence may be directed. Their favorite scapegoat is up today—Emmanuel Goldstein.
“In its second minute the Hate rose to a frenzy. People were leaping up and down in their places and shouting at the tops of their voices in an effort to drown the maddening bleating voice that came from the screen. The little sandy-haired woman had turned bright pink, and her mouth was opening and shutting like that of a landed fish. Even O’Brien’s heavy face was flushed. He was sitting very straight in his chair, his powerful chest swelling and quivering as though he were standing up to the assault of a wave. The dark-haired girl behind Winston had begun crying out “Swine! Swine! Swine!” and suddenly she picked up a heavy Newspeak dictionary and flung it at the screen. (1.1.29)”
The Party’s go-to tactic for maintaining power is to shift blame to a designated scapegoat, toward which all of its constituents’ hatred and violence may be directed. Here we have the citizens letting it all out during the daily Two Minutes Hate—which is of course organized and overseen by the Party.
But the wild, uncontrollable internet
Thank you AJit Pai!
But the unhinged leftist base is outraged over even this minor walkback. Of course that may be mostly manufactured outrage from DU, Kos, and whatever remains of Gawker scattered though they may be.
Ohhh, the projection at Daily Kos:
“Conservatives have realized they can construct a parallel reality and have it accepted”
“In making this happen, conservative media have normalized the boys’ aggressive form of political expression, and tried to further discredit both fact-oriented media and high-profile liberals.”
“The most influential revisionist account of the confrontation to emerge was written by Reason’s Robbie Soave. In a commentary on the two-hour version of the original video (which readers were unlikely to watch in full)”
Yeah, I’m pretty sure Daily Kos readers are unlikely to watch it in full or even in part after you just fucking told them there was no need to question The Narrative TM.
Conservatives have realized they can construct a parallel reality and have it accepted
Someone is living in a parallel reality.
aggressive form of political expression
Campaign apparel?
tried to further discredit both fact-oriented media and high-profile liberals.
You have done that yourself. Also, “fact-oriented media” -> LOL, lying pos’s.
As opposed to the two “ladies” that cornered Jeff Flake in an elevator and proceeded to berate him while someone just happened to be filming.
As opposed to the prof at Missouri who called for some muscle to deal with a photographer.
As opposed to the softball shooter.
As opposed to BLM shutting down interstates.
As opposed to….
The most influential revisionist account of the confrontation to emerge was written by Reason’s Robbie Soave.
His is the only account that reflected the video. This is one of those things that makes me wonder if I am crazy or if it is everyone else.
I think it goes beyond that. I talked to one of these asshats I work with yesterday, and they were furious that the media had caved in and had allowed the story to die out because this MAGA hat wearing white kids are evil should have been a teachable moment used by the left to go after orange man and his fan base. When I basically told him that his take was that he wanted a lynching and the facts be damned he just got angry at me.
There is no reasoning with these people that believe they are fighting an existential war for the survival of their made up identity. These types that think they are part of the new ruling elite class – whether they actually are, or not, seems to be irrelevant because it is all about how these marxism peddling asshats see themselves – feel that if they let the unwashed masses actually get away with challenging their authority, their gravy train will derail. And that will not be allowed to happen without bloodshed.
“There is no reasoning with these people that believe they are fighting an existential war for the survival of their made up”
… secular religion.
Fixed the last two words.
“It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself — anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (incredulity when a victory was announced, for instance) was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime, it was called.”
“Facecrime” nails what this furor was about.
It also is my new name for Facebook.
Let me know when we’re going to be serious.
FTA: The full video reveals that these kids had wandered into a Tom Wolfe novel and had no idea how to get out of it.
And the money shot at the end: I am prompted to issue my own ethics reminders for The New York Times. Here they are: You were partly responsible for the election of Trump because you are the most influential newspaper in the country, and you are not fair or impartial. Millions of Americans believe you hate them and that you will causally harm them. Two years ago, they fought back against you, and they won. If Trump wins again, you will once again have played a small but important role in that victory.
DId The Atlantic bother to turn their attention to themselves?
Whoa, Whoa, easy now friend. Let us not get too hasty here.
With the Russia nonsense fading away, Democrats are now pushing even harder on the “zomg racist” rhetoric, continuing the destruction of the meaning of the word.
This has been funny to me. Maybe i’m so thouroughly red-pilled, but every article i read where “[Elected official X from Democratic Party] says Trump is a Rasist” gets the “So What?” reaction from me. Am i expected to take these people as an authority? Am i expected to be outraged? Why should i care?
I think you nailed the definition of a blue pilled reaction to most of contemporary political discourse.
Once you’ve had the crimethinker’s epiphany that taxation is theft, and that government officials regard us as (mostly) pampered slaves, Team RedBlue takes on a surreal appearance, their utterances Newspeak gibberish.
It took a whole lot of searching, but they finally found- Cletorious !
I get either a redneck centurion or a giant armored clitoris fighting lions in the Coliseum.
I can’t decide whether you need help for thinking of that, or I need help for laughing at it.
A clitoris would be a formidable enemy. Defensively very powerful. It is hard to hit what you can’t seem to find.
Don’t forget the gender queer (nttawwt) dude (?) Who roundhouse kicked that pro life lady, or the antifa assholes punching “nazis” all over the place.
No, smirking while wearing a maga hat is the only offense here.
Thread fail, oops.
Great…now I will have the Star Trek original series “fight” music running through my head all day.
You should ALWAYS have that running through your head. You never know when you might be attacked. Stay frosty.
Cletorious, the Slack-Jawed Yokel?
Google and Facebook Backed an Event Denying Climate Change
Purity of Essence!
Essentially the Author is arguing that supporting anyone except the DNC or one of its subsidary clones is wrong.
That seems to be pretty much the message from the left and the dnc operatives with bylines that are butthurt when you point out they are neither impartial nor qualified to do journalism of any kind.
The hallmark of true science is that it must never be scrutinized or questioned.
It better always come to the “right” (and by right they mean left-leaning) conclusions, or there will be demands for the heretics to be thrown into an active volcano to appease Gaia.
climate change denial
I don’t know anyone that thinks that climate change does not happen, has not happened, or is not happening.
Wired is just another arm of the DNC.
That magazine has fallen so far from its early days as an actual outlet for boundary-pushing technological wonders. Now it’s just political propaganda posing.
Any Wired FB post comes with a heaping of scorn from commenters about this very thing.
Fast Company as well.
But the donations also put the firms in company with some of the event’s other sponsors, which included three groups known for their work attacking climate change science and trying to undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
Because agreeing with people on one thing means you agree with them on everything. That’s how things work. I hope none of these authors are vegetarians, because you know who else was a vegetarian…
A pre-emptive strike against a thin paint strip of Glidden Arctic White:
High-powered telescopes from the top of the Wall
I don’t think it would take much convincing to get Donald Trump to recognize “hot young lady stuck in a poor country” as a legitimate justification for refugee status in America.
Will no one think of the Ukrainian piss hookers?
10, 19, 35 (I feel like I knew her back in high school), 44 (totes a chonga, but I still #would). Thanks, man. These pics reminded me of my South Florida upbringing.
Had to look up chonga on Urban Dictionary:
noun- A chonga is a woman of hispanic origin classified by, but not limited to, the following characteristics:
1. Brazilian jeans (folds of skin hanging over are a bonus, but not mandatory).
2. Excessive application of hair gel, with the hair usually worn in a curly fashion or pressed tightly to the head, dangerously close to cutting off circulation.
3. Brand name clothing (including Ecko Unlimited, Baby Phat, Phat Farm, and Sean John).
4. Air Force Ones or some other form of Nikes/Adidas.
5. Obscenely color-coordinated outfits.
6. A lack of understanding of the English language, usually resulting in accents, improper use of words, and/or a mixture of Spanish and English known as Spanglish.
7. Distinct make-up – specifically fake, exaggerated, and highly arched eyebrows, black lipliner, glittery lip stick, and heavy masquera.
8. Unique form of internet jargon that utilizes a combination of upper-case and lower-case letters along with Spanish words and phrases.
9. A general attraction to malls, especially Dolphin Mall in Florida.
10. An affinity for enormous hoop earrings. They are typically gold and large enough for one to fit a small child through.
11. A general interest in reggaeton/hip-hop. Nothing works better for luring a chonga than a hardcore Pitbull rap.
As a lover of big ass booties on melanin enriched women, these make the top list for me:
2, 17, 19 (again)
32 is slim thicc
23 is thicc
There are no wrong answers.
Don Lemon is one to talk. Anyone remember when he spoke about trying to tell everyone to stop being divisive just to then throw white dudes under the bus calling them “the greatest terror threat in the United States” in the same sentence? Pepperidge Farm Remembers. What a mendacious race-mongering jerk.
He’s Al Sharpton. What was the town in NY with Orthodox Jews Sharpton incited that ended up in deaths?
How is that any different from what this POS Lemon is doing?
These assholes are playing with fire and it’s NOT going to end well.
Problem is guess who will come out looking bad. I guarantee it ain’t louts like Lemon.
Rats always survive.
Rogan had some NYT editor on. I sat uneasily because – well left-wing and she even admitted she’s a repeal the 2nd amendment person – but in the opening 20 min they talked about Covington and I was overjoyed to hear what she said. She was shocked and appalled at the media’s reaction and especially people. She went into some detail and I thought it was very good and pretty much what we’ve said here.
She mentioned that people in high places in government truly believe the MAGA hat is a symbol of Nazism which floors her. “Don’t these people realize what they’re doing?” she asked.
Preparing for her inevitable “unpersoning”.
Bari Weiss.
This is CNN.
S.E. Cupp ran an op ed 11/18 about if journalists are going to kill the specter of media bias they need to stop making so many mistakes rushing to judgment. 01/19 she had to apologize for jumping on the coventing thing with both feet without doing any research.
Being pretty means never having to explain yourself.
And even then it was a half assed apology, not a full on mea culpa and public examination of conscience.
I think if you want to really apologize you need to use the platform you used to make your mistake. S.E did a segment on her show. Her apology was a trite statement on twitter.
I used to like her. She seems different now.
I have no idea who Azealia Banks is but what does Don Lemon think of that?
What blows my mind is the whole MAGA narrative is based on LIES and no proof. We’re seeing in the open how the progressive left operates. And they’ve been doing for a loooonnggg time.
Did anyone talk about the Congressman from my old stomping grounds? He probably got himself re-elected for at least a few more terms yesterday.
Of course after getting screamed at by the media, he clarified his remarks:
I don’t see anything in the clarification that isn’t pretty much common sense.
“and requiring the Border Patrol and border state governors to sign off on plans”
IOW, no funds will be expended in New Mexico or California.
Bullshit. No state will ever turn down Fed money. No matter how much they disagree with the policy they will snatch that “free” money up.
China’s illegal ‘white monkey’ foreign models paid to bare skin and be gawked at as marketing prop
“White monkeys”, as they are known jokingly in the expat community, are among the most poorly integrated foreigners in China, barely able to speak or read Chinese.
English-speaking local agents act as go-betweens for the “monkeys” and Chinese clients, for a cut of their fees of 20 per cent to 30 per cent. The best agents also act as “monkey protectors” – shielding them from the worst excesses of small-town Chinese businesses, and often willing to deal with their landlords and banks.
Why White Monkeys? Why can’t it be Brass Monkeys?
Don’t they know that the term is steeped in racism?
What a bunch of lacists.
Brass monkey junkie
That funky monkey
I don’t drink brass monkey,
Like the beat funky,
Nickname’s Eazy-E, yo, 8 ball junkie
When I was in China in the early 00’s, I was regularly stopped for selfies by Chinese, usually from the inland provinces. Most had never seen a white person before.
Now I realize I was being exploited. The emotional labor I have to expend to explain to my poor, rural Chinese oppressors is overwhelming.
“hey want tall, with white skin, blond hair, blue eyes,”
You know who else wanted tall with white skin, blond hair, and blue eyes?
*starts to raise hand, quickly switches to scratching back of neck*
Uhh, Harvey Weinstein?
I think you meant Adolph Rupp?
Good one. Funny *and* true.
SO Venezuelans collapse is in the end the fault of the USA. Socialism did not fail it would have succeed without the attack by imperialist capitalists
If we don’t go to war, this will be the worst aspect of The US jumping to recognize it. Granted the tankies were already denying that Venezeuala failed on it’s own, so i doesn’t matter. I’m actually ok with this, if it were as far as the US would go with it. But knowing that “all options” are on the table…
Who cares who they blame as long as the government collapses and they install some guy that is initially slightly better than Madura? Good chance they’ll be right back to the same South American lefty politics in five or so years.
To be fair, Most SA countries are more “European Socialist” than downright communist. Really just Bolivia and Venezuela.
Fracking ruined Venezuela! They could have been rich and successful, just like the Nords! But we hate brown people so much, we fracked our way to dirt-cheap oil prices and bankrupted their economy.
“Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Monday called Trump a racist and said the country needs to go forward to a “non-discriminatory society.”
So no more Affirmative Action? A’int nobody stopping you Bernie. Write the bill and scare up sponsors.
And BTW, the ‘diversity quota’ bullshit is just Affirmative Action. Shitcan that too.
“non-discriminatory society.”
Does that mean that girls cannot discriminate against me for sex? Or do you mean that you only want your preferred forms of discrimination?
Discrimination by the individual is necessary for freedom. We call it ‘freedom of association’.
C’mon Rebel, all the girls think of you as a sex object. You ask them for sex and they object.
Should he be shutting his stupid mouth until at least the Covington thing settles?
Inciteful degenerates.
Best news I heard today: staff layoffs at Buzzfeed. They should learn coding or starve to death. Could care less either way.
Did they get rid of those ‘guys’ with the testosterone levels of centinarian men?
They apparently left Buzzfeed, but now they have their own independent channel on YouTube. Hurray.
Sponsored by Vagisil
And Proctor & Gamble’s Gillette?
They should learn coding
Please. We are trying to ensure ethical coding practices in the industry.
There’s come cleanup required then.
Seriously, whoever didn’t reject that “bug” and whoever implemented and approved the change should be run out of the industry with torches and pitchforks.
I’m confused. Are you against updating your broken unsecured software? They still leave the option to check but not install.
I am against removing control from the user.
The programmer does not know best what the user’s workflow needs are, nor what works best for them. And Mozilla’s track record of contunually fucking up the UI makes updates require extensive evaluation for how to fix their fuckups.
Plus the “check but not install” nedlessly pesters the user.
Lastly, if the user decides to take a risk, or to break their own shit, it is their perogative.
Lastly, if the user decides to take a risk, or to break their own shit, it is their perogative.
Quite frankly I disagree. A developer can decide how they think the software they are writing should be used, and do so all the time. Supporting hundreds of “Configurations” is a recipe for creating untestable, buggy software. Add into that an implicit expectation for supporting someones choice to not update (“Why would you allow me to do it if you don’t support it” is something i’m commonly asked by support and product teams). I think some configuration settings are inevitable. Also, most people using a browser are not tech power-users like yourself. If a security patch isn’t applied because Mozzilla allowed you to silence any updates, many of their users would blame them. the fact that it bothers you is outweighed by the fact that 95% of their users are going to be OK with the default selection that Mozzilla chooses for them.
If they actually did discrete ‘security’ updates separate from fucking up the UI and add-on APIs and let you opt out of the UI devastation, that would be acceptable. But they treat “fixes exploit that lets malicious code hyjack computer” and “take away user’s choice about position of tabs” as equivalent.
And there is a middle ground. Leave the configuation in about:config. The non-tech users won’t be messing with that, and the rest of us can go in and fix the mistakes the Moz devs made.
Fuck that, I don’t need them shitting up the coding industry. They can start by learning to wash dishes and mop floors.
Or give happy endings in massage parlors or hand jobs at Applebees.
They can start by learning to wash dishes and mop floors.
I don’t think I’d trust them to do the dishes right. Floors it is then.
The story said, I think, that they were laying off 250 employees, 15% of their workforce. How on earth do they have that many employees?
Aside from ad revenue due to being an early adopter of clickbait, there are some large coprorations that have pissed away funds into their coffers.
“large coprorations”
Large dealers in fecal matter?
Well, it was NBC.
Those would be the big media outlets, yes?
That is astonishing. You should be able to run buzzfeed with 10-20 people, and that includes sales.
It takes 3 millennials to product 1 listicle.
“10 Ways to Eat While You’re Unemployed With No Discernible Skills and $100,000 in Student Loans. You’ll Never Believe Number Nine!”
You’ll Never Believe Number Nine!
“Think of the crazy cat lady down the hall as more of a cat rancher.”
“Freeganism is more than just your next meal – it’s a statement!”
“You may want to sit down before you read this one. Science says that squirrel droppings are edible and high in protein.”
It takes 3 millennials to product 1 listicle.
One to write the list and two to provide the diversity and sensitivity counseling.
The other nine prefer Dentyne.
One in 10 women ‘never feel confident’ during sex: survey
n extremely narrow criterion for what is acceptable for women’s appearance – never saw it as extremely narrow really. Also I am surprised adults are not aware that professional models are professional models. Men do not expect women to all look like kendal haddid
The media barrage is stated preference. The women in porn is … closer … to revealed preference. Who you actually fuck is revealed preference.
Mine is the opposite of what is usually portrayed by fashion models.
Except the media barrage is almost all aimed at women not men
That feeling when two middle fingers just isn’t enough.
Are you saying the insecure gals are into fisting?
Into fingerbanging two holes.
Fisting is optional.
Honey, you’re already having sex. What else do you want your body to do? It has done its job.
I actually told a woman that once when she kept trying to cover up because she felt her boobs were not big enough and she started crying.
You kept going, right?
Actually kind of was a bit of a turnoff, but she asked me to keep going…
Appropos: Sounds is mildly NSFW
kept goingwent harder and faster, right?By request…
I am still unsure if that whole experience didn’t affect me negatively though cause I have had issues after that with any women I saw manifested body insecurity as it made me simply walk away.
If you want to feel confident don’t just lay there like a
ragRealDoll.Agony aunt wrings hands, clutches pearls
Separate conversations can and should be had over what this entire moment indicates about the responsibility the Covington Catholic parents bear to educate their kids about basic rules of interaction with strangers in unfamiliar public spaces, let alone in one popularly thought to be one of our nation’s most hallowed.
There’s also much to be written about what Friday’s interaction tells us about the ways that schools are failing to adequately educate the next generation about our history and, in a bleaker context, how adults are complicit in sowing such seeds of ignorance. If these kids knew anything about Native American culture or history, they might have some inkling that what was being captured on camera was, at the very least, not a good look to show the world.
For the moment, though, let’s mull over NBC’s role in this, along with other media outlets, and how Guthrie’s softball approach demonstrates a few flaws in the media’s coverage of events where race and racism are central to the narrative.
This is a tough story, but one also rich with opportunities to reveal unpleasant truths about class, race and the ways that systemic stratification is being passed along to the next generation.
We should not (cannot!) expect, or allow, random deplorable parents to properly prepare their children for the glorious colorblind future envisioned for us by our moral betters. What could have saved us from this outrage? If only the government had not been dismantled by the agents of dog-eat-dog capitalism and White Privilege (looking at you, Trumphitler!), there would have been a crack team of Park Service sociologists on the Mall to educate the public and explain to those white devil upstarts why their actions were oppressive and hurtful.
It was a teaching moment, and society failed to teach the right lesson.
Pretty despicable people. Hoping Salon has staff layoffs
If these kids knew anything about Native American culture or history – what hat asshole was doing had nothing to do with culture
From the “speech is violence” crowd. By the progressive rules of engagement, they should have beat the crazy man within an inch of his life. Oh well, maybe next time.
basic rules of interaction with strangers
Like not getting into someone’s personal space and banging a drum inches from their face?
what was being captured on camera was, at the very least, not a good look to show the world.
To me it looked like they were jiving with the guy at first, then they got confused. Or is the tomahawk chop suddenly racist or something?
…the responsibility the Covington Catholic parents bear to educate their kids about basic rules of interaction with strangers in unfamiliar public spaces
How dare those kids allow a lying agitator to get into their faces and try to provoke a reaction!! How dare they not realize that they are always to be considered in the wrong, no matter what offenses are committed against them, simply because they are white!
Just in case anyone didn’t already realize that the left is evil.
They don’t envision a color blind future. That is in direct opposition to wokeness and multiculturalism.
The oppression narrative and class-conditioned reality is a hallmark of Marxism. Their entire ideological house of cards crumbles around them if people aren’t all that bigoted anymore.
It’s weaponized pity (vicarious envy) under the guise of compassion.
Yeah, I’m quite confident that the writer of this bilge knows fuck-all about history.
Democrats are now pushing even harder on the “zomg racist” rhetoric, continuing the destruction of the meaning of the word.
It’s really all they have. Bigot, racist, misogynist, homophobe, fascist, nazi, etc. no longer mean anything. They have even changed socialism from “public ownership of the means of production” to “gimme muh free shit”.
That is what it always was. Churchill was correct to call Envy the gospel of socialism. I saw interview this morning with Gulag Barbie’s constituents. Asked if they supported a 70% tax on the rich they enthusiastically agreed because ‘those people have so much money!’ and ‘at some point you have enough’. It is the textbook definition of envy, one of the worst aspects of human nature. Appeal to that and what kinds of people will you get? It was never about public anything, it has always been about taking your shit.
100% envy plus 20% stupidity to not realize that no matter how little you think you have, someone else out there thinks you’ve got more than you need and owe them a cut.
Asked if they supported a 70% tax on the rich they enthusiastically agreed because ‘those people have so much money!’ and ‘at some point you have enough’.
“The Clintons and Obamas have hundreds of millions of dollars. Do you support taking 70% of what they own*?”
*I know that’s not how a 70% marginal income tax rate works. But that’s what these idiots think a “70% tax on the rich” is.
If I knew who Azalea Banks was, I still wouldn’t give a shit.
I’m afraid I can’t help you. I don’t know either.
Just what an Imbread, Ugly M*** would say.
I don’t think you have to star out Mick. It is after all a name.
something to do with elon musk i think
I think the “don’t you have a famine to go die in?” line is hilarious.
“How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?”
I’ll just see myself out now.
As an Irish-descended person with ancestors who fled the famine…
It still takes me a while to realize what that joke is referencing.
*Narrows potato eye gaze*
Did these ads for a local Irish pub.
Coincidence? You decide Spudalicious. I am spending the day making Cajun Andouille, Breakfast Hot, and Breakfast Maple sausage. Total it will be about 30lbs, 1/2 Andouille and the other two quarters each of the breakfast flavors. It will be enough to last the wife and I at least six months. Maybe longer.
sausage is phallic you should avoid it
Yes, I will gladly dispose of his sausage.
[Drools] Oh my, I haven’t had a proper Andouille in more than a decade. Would you perhaps be so kind as to share details that I may live vicariously through your efforts?
Or post a recipe, perhaps?
I absolutely will. It will be my pleasure. I will give the recipe now and take photos through the day.
Andouille –
Per 5lb of pork:
2 table salt
2 table ground bl pepper
3 table crushed red pepper flakes
5 table crushed garlic
2 tea thyme
1 tea instacure
1 cup icewater
Course grind 3lbs of the pork the cube the other two into 1/4″ (too much work, I will probably just course grind the whole batch)
Mix the spices and instacure in the ice water. Pour over the ground pork and mix well. Put into casings and then smoke with pecan wood.
Maple Breakfast-
Per 1lb pork:
3 table maple syrup
1 tea salt
1/4 tea coriander
1/2 tea Accent flavor enhancer
Course grind pork, add all other ingredients and mix well. divide into 1/2 lb batches put in vacuum bags and mash flat. Vacuum seal and freeze.
Hot Breakfast –
Per 1lb pork:
1 tea salt
1/2 tea cayenne (I will use closer to 3/4)
1/4 tea sage
1/4 tea ground black pepper
1/4 tea crushed red pepper flakes
1/4 tea coriander
1/4 tea Accent flavor enhancer
Process the same as the Maple sausage.
Thank you, sir! I love Andouille, but it can be hard to find good stuff in the Northeast. And home made is always superior, anyway.
Thank you very much. In the sausage – bacon war, I was always partial to sausage but as grow, ¿porque no los dos?
Love the water trick. Mixing in the spices is always a pain…
I’m gonna try this with the venison from the deer in my avatar.
What do you mean you haven’t had it in a decade? Where are you located?
NYC… frowny face. There are analogs available to be sure, and there is some amazing charcuterie to be had here, but there is nothing like some homemade Andouille, or Boudin, or gator, or Gulf shrimp, or mudbugs. Sigh…
Sounds like you need a vacation in South Louisiana
YES SIR! A week in Grand Isle, sipping beer and eating seafood, while completely cut off from the outside world sounds perfect right now.
Even here in North East Ohio, some of the grocery stores don’t carry andouille, some only have Johnsonville and others have Aidells. Some of the stores don’t carry chorizo either. Now, there’s a slew of good butcher shops that make their own sausage and most will make both. But kielbasa we’ve got everywhere.
Nephilium speaks the truth. I switched grocery stores last year in no small part because I found one that sells chorizo.
You must be a vegetarian. My wife’s cousin and I will usually make about 70lbs at a time, and I go through my half in about 6 weeks.
It is nice to see a few more fellow salumists among the Glibs.
Open question from a fellow who wants to get into it after watching too many Scott Rea videos. Can I get by with the attachment for my Kitchenaid stand mixer or should I take the plunge and get a dedicated doohickey?
I use a Kitchenaid attachment for grinding, but for stuffing I use a dedicated vertical stuffer. Mine is a Weston, 7lb capacity, and it cost me about $130. I have never used a Kitchenaid to stuff but if you are half serious you should go with at least half serious equipment. TIP: When buying a stuffer, make sure it has all metal gears. Cheaper models will have nylon gears that will wear out quickly. I have had mine for about 5 years and it still works like a champ.
Thanks. Agreed, the seemingly (?) planned obsolescence of modern small consumer goods is incredibly frustrating. If one is going to use a part that will wear out, please allow me to easily replace it.
given the EAT lancet guidelines recommend half an ounce of sausage a day you have 1000 days worth of sausage right there, as long as you don’t eat any other meat.
I Asked If Nathan Phillips Believes He Owes Anyone An Apology.
I had received a press release from the Lakota People’s Law Project for an article earlier today, and decided to ask their press director, Jesse Phelps, if Phillips believed he owed anyone an apology “for his behavior and statements throughout this entire episode.”
Phelps responded, saying he loves “easy questions.”
“Um…the answer is no. He’s an elder who was attempting to diffuse what he perceived as a dangerous situation — an objectively brave move given history both recent and past. He has nothing to apologize for. The kids who performed the tomahawk chop and greeted him with war whoops, on the other hand, most certainly do.”
I followed up by asking if Phelps was sure, considering what Phillips had called the students in print over the past few days. Again, Phelps said “no”:
“From his perspective, they apparently resembled a lynch mob, etc. That is his valid perspective — Native people are confronted with blatant racism, mostly from the right, every day. Given the sad history of this nation—built as it on colonialism, racism, slavery and the ongoing repression of people of color—the behavior of the students, and the gear they chose to wear, it’s not hard to understand—is it? Nevertheless, he went in to make peace.”
Phelps added that Phillips never defended the Black Israelite’s offensive statements and that “no mistake, the things they said to those kids were terrible. Awful.”
When in doubt,
doubletriplequadruple-down.the ongoing repression of people of color
There’s no possible dialogue with people who think this way. It’s like living in two different realities
Sad reality? Now there’s some projection if I ever could see one.
And get that guy a dentist.
“Nevertheless, he went in to make peace.”
Make peace, stir shit, create an incident…what’s the difference?
#Nevertheless, he persisted?
I too make peace by hitting a drum in sombody’s face. And when there is an argument between adults yelling slurs at kids, i go to the kids to get things settled down. The guy is a complete liar, and an honest reporter would do everything he could to make sure everyone knows that.
Make peace with the kids? For what? What were they doing? They were standing around minding their business until you showed up with that stupid drum.
Rufus, the man is a habitual liar. He has a record of lying about such things going back decades. Assume everything he says is untrue unless proven otherwise. I only accept that he was actually there because of corroborating evidence.
I can guarantee Phillips hasn’t apologized to anyone in 50 years. Why would he start now when it’s finally bearing fruit?
“Given the sad history of this nation—built as it on colonialism, racism, slavery and the ongoing repression of people of color”
No, it fucking wasn’t. I am not giving you any money so fuck off.
It was like that, actually. Actual slaves and whatnot. Now, not so much so. Driven all over the South with first a Vietnamese and now an African-American women, and literally everyone was nice or at least polite to us.
The vast majority of the building of this country was done by whites. Even in the south only a small minority owned slaves. Granted, those that did had large estates and were very wealthy but for every one of them there were thousands of poor whites working their fingers to the bone farming their own land and cutting their own timber.
Looking back through the lens of today’s standards slavery looks like a moral issue. For the people of the time it was not, it was an economic issue. Historically slavery was the norm. There is no group of people in the world that didn’t keep slaves and no group of people in the world that were not enslaved at one time or other. Everyone just accepted slavery as the way things were. Of course no one wanted to be a slave but for most of history talking about ending slavery was considered crazy talk. It was not until the industrial era began to make production cheaper and easier than pure manual labor that people began to think of slavery as a moral issue and question its legitimacy as an institution. An industrial era brought about by technological innovation that took place mostly in the Anglosphere, and the questioning of slavery as an institution that took place in the Anglosphere.
I am sick of hearing about how slavery in the US is some kind of original sin unique to this country. It is a horseshit premise used to beat people into submission and silence with guilt about things that happened a long time ago between people that weren’t you and weren’t me and were in no way unique to this country.
Not (entirely) true. Adams and Jefferson fought over it and it was clearly a moral issue with Adams.
For Jefferson it was both, and the economics won out.
The examples you are giving are the ones I mean when I said it began to be a moral issue. Go back from about 100 prior to 10K years prior. No one batted an eye. The founding of this country was the first time the notion of inalienable rights were recognized legally and at the time was a very radical idea. It was inevitable that the moral legitimacy of slavery would come into question. If you say all men are created equal either they are or some group is considered ‘not men’. My problem is with those that consider slavery some kind of original sin for Americans, painting the very men responsible for beginning slavery’s destruction as guilty.
It is horseshit.
And yet, little marxians (who ironically want to enslave their fellow man) claim that the founders were horrible people on account of their apparent hypocrisy on slavery. The ideas of individual rights and freedom that they espoused are what led us in the right direction. And it is those ideas that we need to adhere to.
When you consider that slavery in the U.S. predated the Industrial Revolution by about a century, it only becomes more notable that by the time of the Civil War, the industrial North had a roughly 3 to 1 advantage in manpower and materials over the Rebels. The true strength of the nation was built on the back of industry.
While slavery was a sorry side of our history, I just wish more people had the discernment to separate the tumor from the brain.
I never got shit for dating a black woman, but she was leery about being affectionate in public… if any black men were around.
We live in a township that the last census said had one Asian person in it. I know her well, in every sense of the word.
We have the usual amount of friends, not one time ever, in TX or here did we ever see anything that might resemble racism.
She is outgoing, charming and way nicer than I am, that might be the secret.
He’s an elder who was attempting to diffuse what he perceived as a dangerous situation
It’s DE-FUSE, you illiterate fucks.
For all intense and purposes, that is.
For all intensive porpoises, he wanted to spread the same danger over a larger area, and have it eventually explode, so defusing it was not on his mind.
It’s “intensive porpoises”.
Jesus, it’s like I’m conversing with toddlers.
Are you sure he doesn’t want it to spread out into the larger solute towards an equilibrium concentration gradient?
No it isn’t. He clearly wanted to spread the dangerous situation.
I’m going to start carrying a drum in my car for the next time I get pulled over. I imagine this would be especially effective if I was black.
for OMWC:
Who Was Lil Tay?
The making, and marketing, of a 9-year-old meme machine.
something something carpet bombing
That kid’s mother should be tarred and feathered. She’s no better than the psychos that convince their kids they were born the wrong sex and then ride that to fame.
Media and progressive left on Sandemann: Fabricates story as evil white Catholic racist who needs to be lynched.
Media and progressive left on Lil Tay: The spunky hero taking care of business.
All you need to know about the culture wars is how (entertainment and) society treats each.
Cash me outside, yo.
I don’t know what any of that means.
It means that Idiocracy is already here.
It doesn’t get any better if you try to read the article.
Man that screen shot of Banks explaining why Blacks can’t be racist is a keeper.
All this shit victim shit has to stop.
‘You lot are a bunch of prideful inbred leprechauns who have ZERO global influence and ZERO white privilege. The rest of the world’s white folk don’t want to associate with you lot at all and it’s because you are barbarians.
I LOL’ed.
/raises hand and shouts like Horseshack.
Now do Italians!
Horse thieves, maybe, but not barbarians.
Hey! We are not horse thieves.
My lasting impression of an Irishmen was that dude who fought with Wallace in Braveheart.
That guy should play Conor MacGregor if they ever make a biopic. He already has the character down.
Has Cohen been holed up in a foreign embassy all this time? It’s so hard to stay abreast of Trump’s crimes against humanity.
I hear the Ecuadorians have the nicest embassies. Really the classiest ones.
Maybe people should learn to live with eachother without trying to force everyone to conform to their worldview. And to not be shattered when they learn that there are people who actually disagree with them.
So i mostly stayed abreast of the Covington stuff. I don’t like getting ginned up over Leftist manufactured outrage, and consequently i didn’t care too much about the results. But yesterday i broke down and listened to Dave Smith talk about it. I can understand why ya’ll are so upset about it. The fact that some are still pushing the outright lie told to them by only one side, and ignoring the contradicting evidence… The country needs a divorce and it needs it stat.
Like Sandy Hook, this event bothered me too.
It seems like just ‘existing’ is a problem. Think of it, Guthrie said, “There’s something aggressive about standing there, standing your ground.”
She may as well said, ‘if he hit you with the drum you a) can’t retaliate because victim status and b) you’re white. Shut up and take what’s coming.
Of course, I guarantee you she’d think differently if she was put in that situation. I’m also disgusted and appalled by adult journalists probing kids to fuck them over. Says a whole lot more about her as a person than it does him.
Which means she’s not interested in the truth. She’s sticking to the narrative.
This makes her far more dangerous than some kid in a stupid hat staring down a lying rabble rouser with a drum set.
It seems like just ‘existing’ is a problem. Think of it, Guthrie said, “There’s something aggressive about standing there, standing your ground.”
Yes. Whats unfortunate is that these kids did the exact right thing, and are still getting vilified. But that is what happens. MLK was vilified by the establishment as was Ghandi. The truth is that the Left NEEDS the right to be violent. The establishment needs the political minority to react violently, so that they can be marginalized and squashed.
You’re taught to do the right thing. Then they punish you for it. Congratulations, you just created a jaded cynic.
Whatever the alt-right is, this incident is providing it lots of recruits.
That is exactly what she was saying. You know got-damn well that she would not have offered that advice to a black kid or a female. And most of her audience is pissed not at that reprehensible message, no, they’re pissed that she gave the WHITE SUPREMACIST a platform. Fuck her, fuck the Today show, fuck the liberal media, fuck all progressives, fuck everyone. I’m with leon, I want out. This divorce is LONG overdue.
“She may as well said, ‘if he hit you with the drum you a) can’t retaliate because victim status and b) you’re white. Shut up and take what’s coming.”
That’s precisely the end goal the cunts that created this brouhaha from doctored video want as the end result of their shenanigans.
The proggie ends justify the means. Gotta break some eggs to make a proggie omelet.
Orwell: “So, show me the omelet.”
With the proggies I think the camps and the killing IS the end goal.. You know, as the Frogs say: “Pour encourager les autres”…
i am not that upset
I don’t like it either. What hurt me the most of the whole thing (besides actual kids getting death threats and all that) was the amount of hatred I received from “friends” who proceeded to say how terrible and shitty pro-life Christians/Catholics were and how the Diocese and School itself threw the kids under the bus at the get-go. If simple rubes like me can’t even expect the Church to at least NOT throw us into the wolves, what’s the point of being a part of them?
If I were a parent of the school I’d go apeshit on the school. How do you not PROTECT YOUR OWN STUDENTS? It’s like when your friend gets in a fight, you help him even if he’s wrong. Then you tell him after where you think he was wrong. You don’t go against him when he needs you most. Heck, you may even find out YOU were wrong.
The school had to stand by the kids. If a principal doesn’t do that what the fuck is he or she good for?
This whole story is mind boggling. True a non-event but yet it exploded into what it is and plainly showed us some true colors.
Agreed, I’d be one helluva pissed parent if they did that to my kids.
It’s hard to change communities, but some things are so egregious that one has no other choice.
There’s a saying my boss in the Navy used to use: “Expect what you tolerate.”
If you tolerate the church acting like quislings you will continue to see that behavior.
I like that saying, luckily my old parish and archdiocese has done right by the community, but stuff like this makes me wary.
There are only two religions these days that believe they are justified in fighting for their cause, and both have people that are willing to go to any length to further their own cause. The first is the religion of peace. The other is the world’s new progressive elite movement…
I’ve heard a similar saying:
Silence is acquiescence is approval.
And we’ve been worried about manufactured evidence, false flags, doctored video, photoshop. Turns out, people don’t even need it: they’re all in for the narrative even in the face of flatly contradictory footage.
Hey, I know there are some of those disgusting toxic male fitness types around here. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight over the last 4 months doing 2 hours of cardio a day. Another few pounds and I’d like to change up my workout routine to include some BASIC muscle toning in the arms, chest, and abs. I am not looking for a Green Seal Beret workout, just some push-ups, some crunches – stuff one could easily do in a living room. However, I never learned how to do any of that stuff properly.
Can anyone recommend some good *basic* workout routine videos on youtube? Also not opposed to buying instructional videos from amazon.
*Paging HM*
I didn’t join yesterday. They have to be links I would actually click.
It’s not Youtube, but
Instagram is pretty good for body weight/core workouts. Don’t need an account to view.
Thank you.
May I recommend some shake-weights for you?
Reddit /r/bodyweightfitness is a decent starting point. They’ve got a nice routine that has workouts for all the muscle groups, and progressive difficulties. So like, if you can’t do an actual pushup, you start doing pushups on your knees instead of your feet.
This is the correct answer.
Thanks very much.
funny, related, and true..
Funny. I’ve certainly been mindful of that possibility. Fortunately it’s been possible so far to get a solid workout while keeping it low impact. I’m going to be really pissed if I screw something up and set myself back 2 or 3 months.
Carpet Humpin Guy might have some tips for you. ;^)
Shit, “Ultimate Fitness Program” and “Beware the Dangers of Weight Lifting” is 404.
I vaguely remember that name.
It was one of those annoying ads on the sidebar of TOS. Bald, shirtless dude doing a modified push up, but, of course, it looked very sexual.
That was it. Thanks?
StrongLifts 5×5 app is free and tracks your progress. I’ve been doing it for 2 years.
Will check it out thank you.
2 hours of cardio a day
Ain’t nobody got time for that.
This is a rational point of view.
“Nevertheless, he went in to make peace.”
I wonder why he didn’t go over to the Black Israelites and ask them to tone it down.
They would have knocked his tooth down his throat.
Because you obviously “make peace” by getting in the faces of the group being attacked and trying to provoke a reaction.
Geez, it’s like you don’t even know how to prog!
Can’t say I am surprised that now that we have a weekend at Bernies RGB scenario where the orange man will be replacing her corpse with someone else, that the cultural marxists are thinking that this is a good idea…
Brett Kavenaugh is probably the one establishment fuck i have the most sympathy for.
Good luck with that, you shitstain.
There’s no question [Kavanaugh] committed perjury
If you’ve got your 100% proof, why don’t you just spit it out? or are you grandstanding to pander to your base?
There’s no question [Kavanaugh] committed perjury during the confirmation hearings
If only saying it would make it so.
Really? No question. How exactly did he do that? What did he lie about?
“Boofing” obviously…
I think its mostly whether he gave the correct meanings of the slang his buddies wrote in his yearbook.
I for one encourage the House Judiciary Committee to take this up immediately, Our Congress cannot be too discredited and delegitimized in my view. They have long abandoned their role in our Constitutional scheme, and are now little more than eyewash for the masses that our government is still somewhat functional and legitimate. They are worse than useless, and shouldn’t be able to walk down the street without having people point and laug.
Fit fillies to keep you motivated.
1, 7, 46 (she looks like she enjoys fun). Bless short shorts and their inventor.
Lotta lovely phat booties in that. Surprised. Was expecting a cavalcade of skinny women with male abs and asses.
Same, the bountiful harvest of peaches was very much welcomed and appreciated.
So I have to admit I think people are being overly harsh on that dude who knocked up the vegetative gal.
He’s just a victim of mixed messages from the health care sector of the MSM. He keeps reading conflicting stories about whether it is good or bad to put parsley in the vagina. So he doesn’t know what to do with his patient. So he tries an alternative. Now we are going to put him in jail for putting meat in a vegetable vagina?
Silence is consent, right?
Absolutely. And don’t forget he’s been told since he was a kid to “eat your vegetables”. Is it really so wrong that he just took that admonition to the next level?
“Drool and we’re cool”
He read a paper that a good shagging would bring people out of a coma and was trying to help!
That was a plot point (well, revival via cunnilingus) on the US version of Shameless.
I used to like Shameless. Unfortunately they’ve gone full-on SJW, to the point where it’s gotten off-putting.
Did anyone tell him that was wrong?
How about some good news?
So there is a correlation between the crazy guy and his fucked up teeth?
Most people with heart problems also have the same tooth issue.. Bad oral hygiene has some serious side effects that go far beyond the mouth looking like one from a methhead..
My mom spends a fortune trying to keep her own teeth in her mouth and it’s not from poor oral hygiene. Correlated: she has never had a bone that didn’t want to break at the slightest provocation.
She should squat moar.
Calcium deficiency?
That’s promising, man.
Or do people with dementia just forget to partake in an oral care regimen?
I thing the order in which things happen is in reverse…
Evil Capitalists trying to kill their employees says CDC.
I was promised a govt shutdown. How is this shit still going on?
I find that statement far more infuriating than any Covington rant. What the fuck business is it of the govt to know what businesses are doing?
Those workers are trapped in there with no hope of escape and being fed gruel. Kind of like public school students.
As a former giant lardass, now a thin guy that still eats like a garbage disposal, just in smaller portions, this shit annoys me.
Americans have a shit diet because thats what Americans want. Just like they want shitty Transformers sequels and shitty repetitive FPS games. The downtrodden masses are not crying out for organic kale salads in the breakroom and being forced to eat donuts. They want donuts. They like donuts.
My boss comes around and lashes us with whips when we don’t eat the donuts.
A quarter of American workers chow down at least once a week on food offered to them at their workplaces, but what they’re eating there is often unhealthful, according to a study published Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Yet, surprisingly, very little is known about the nutritional quality of food offered to Americans by their employers.
Working adults have no freedom to resist eating food that is given to them. Everyone would eat healthier if employers didn’t offer this benefit.
No, all employers must offer this benefit, but they must also meet all of the dietary guidelines set forth by the CDC, USDA, OSHA, and the EPA.
I do find it amusing that my company has all of these healthy body initiatives – suggesting we eat better food, exercise, etc.
But at the same time we – for example – get free donuts and cider during Halloween, free cinammon bread during Christmas, buffets crammed with treats, meeting with sub sandwiches, cookies, and non-diet soda.
Worth noting that that bad food is served because it is ‘cheap’, cheap because it is subsidized (it isnt cheap, the cost is just hidden).
I am not convinced that it is bad either, not in moderate amounts.
Yep, in moderate amounts is kind of the key here. A large pizza in the breakroom at lunch should feed 4 people, not 2. A dozen donuts should be breakfast for 12 people, not 6.
Very few things in life are 100% in your control, but the amount of food you consume is one of those things. No one makes you eat the birthday cake in the breakroom.
But what if you’ve got a bad case of the Mondays?
I believe you’d get your ass kicked.
You just need some Happy Mondays.
It’s about power and make work for woke & weaponized bureaucracies that help the left pick winners & losers…
Also, grown adults can make choices about where and what they eat.
You would think that pizza had been studied to death already.
There is still work to be done, as people are mislabelling casseroles as Pizzas.
Most workplace food is “empty-calorie” fare — processed products that are high in fat, sugar, salt and refined grains, the study found.
In other words, “happy food” that helps relieve stress. You ain’t getting good tasting, pleasurable foods without high fat, sugar, and salt.
I went to a training session at my company’s mothership in Cleveland once and they served us amazing and not-cheap BBQ for lunch. I was in a coma for the afternoon session.
It’s looking like I’m going to be in the Memphis area a couple times in the upcoming months. I’ll be in the Germantown area, if anyone has any suggestions for places I should hit up while I’m there (or want to meet up for a pint) I’d appreciate it. I’ve heard good things about this place, are these people I should be taking suggestions from?
Yes, absolutely go to the Germantown Commissary. I only went there once because I have no reason to ever be in Memphis again, but it was terrific.
They want donuts.
We all want donuts.
does a custard eclair count as a doughnut?
Way to John Kerry that.. What’s next? You want Swiss on your Philly Cheesestake?
Say what now?
The cheese sir, not your erm.. never mind.
this may have already gone around the links yesterday discussing the potential impact of that 2A case that was granted cert by SCOTUS:
The Supreme Court Is Preparing to Make Every State’s Gun Laws Look Like Texas’
apparently the upside is way better than i had imagined.
And it appears quite likely that the new conservative majority will, for the very first time, extend the Second Amendment beyond the front door and out into the streets, unleashing lower courts to strike down long-standing restrictions on the public carrying of firearms.
i’ll spare you all the pants-wetting pseudo-science and just post the great news.
For a decade, gun advocates have been stymied by the language in Heller and McDonald expressly limiting the Second Amendment to firearms “in the home.” The conservative justices, however, will probably use New York State Rifle to blur that line. If Americans have a constitutional right to take their guns to and from a firing range of their choice, after all, why shouldn’t they be allowed to transport them while traveling elsewhere? If the Constitution safeguards their ability to bring a firearm to and from their second home, why shouldn’t it also protect their right to carry a gun while running errands or visiting friends?
those are great questions, Slate!
Once the Second Amendment is extended beyond the home, public-carry bans generally will be the next to fall. Lower courts, now packed with pro-gun Trump nominees, will swiftly tear down restrictions on concealed and open carry. A central premise of Heller and McDonald—that the Second Amendment protects handguns “in the home”—will be cast aside. New York State Rifle will be the first shot in a coming constitutional revolution.
i’ll be in my bunk.
I’m generally optimistic on gun rights cases, but even I’m not that optimistic.
I never thought Slate capable of delivering such a sweet-sounding scenario.
Its like when a guy “insulted” me yesterday by calling me a neoliberal.
Is neoliberal the new classic liberal?
neoliberal means bad
I am not sure what all it covers, but it seems silly for it to cover classic liberal, as that wouldn’t be “neo”.
But, yes.
i’ll be in my bunk.
Cleaning your barrel?
Yo, if it does work out like this, I will be even happier to be moving back this year.
When I moved to NYC, I transferred every single one of my firearms to a trusted relative, in a free state (who happens to be an FFL holder). We now have a family trust for such things. I still don’t have any firearms in NYC because the laws are oppressive and onerous. To keep a firearm in the home requires a possession permit (for each individual firearm) that call for a $380 non-refundable application fee and an $80 annual renewal per permit. To transport your firearm in a motor vehicle requires a transport permit (for each individual firearm) – another $380 non-refundable application fee and $80 annual renewal per permit. And if one owns a business, there is another permit (same fee structure) for having a firearm on your business property. All of this began , mind you, because Boss Tweed’s thugs were being outgunned by the newly arrived Irish and Italian immigrants who balked at being shaken down by the mayor. 11 more years and we are out of here… [Runs off sobbing]
for the very first time
There were virtually no restrictions* on private firearms ownership and carrying before various unconstitutional legislation was allowed to stand by activist judges.
*except for those on slaves and former slaves, of course.
to blur that line
Because “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” is so ambiguous.
New York State Rifle will be the first shot in a coming constitutional
revolutionrestoration.Canada’s bureaucrats decide to change foot guide shifting towards more plants and less meat.
Yeh, I’m totally going to listen to that. Who bothers with this crap anymore?
Oh right. Progressives who love a good bureaucratic cock up their ass.
Along those lines, the geniuses over at DU are pondering how the bureaucracy can be made even more unaccountable and powerful.
Yes, Minister was supposed to be a comedy, not a how-to!
Opposition parties do not have the power of the purse, but they can expose the criminality in Parliamentary hearings.
So they want the GOP to have the Oversight committee in the House? I have no problem with the opposition being given the oversight committe. And the “Parliamentary System” has some interesting quirks. But i don’t see how citing a more “Powerful” bureaucracy (arguable, considering the executive branch makes laws regularly) is a good argument. Most people peddling this are people who have a shallow understanding that “X country does government different” and then lead to “everything X does that i like is because of Y type of government”. That’s how you get Tom Friedmen saying “Hey at least China get’s things done”.
Like I said… “geniuses”
Retards. The PM has MORE power than the President. Give me the latter.
You’re rejecting the governments Dietary recommendations? What are you Anti-science?
I like leather shoes myself
Today interviewed Phillips…now when will they interview the BHI?
I would pay to see the unedited tape of that.
Meet Senator Hannah Beth-Jackson:
i’d rather not if it is all the same to you.
A warning from Eric Hoffer:
“A movement is pioneered by men of words, materialized by fanatics and consolidated by men of action.”
We’re well into step two now. We’re just waiting on the “person of action”.
Christ, this Covington episode fits so much of Hoffer’s work so perfectly…
“Propaganda … serves more to justify ourselves than to convince others; and the more reason we have to feel guilty, the more fervent our propaganda.”
“The permanent misfits can find salvation only in a complete separation from the self; and they usually find it by losing themselves in the compact collectivity of a mass movement.”
“Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.”
“The quality of ideas seems to play a minor role in mass movement leadership. What counts is the arrogant gesture, the complete disregard of the opinion of others, the singlehanded defiance of the world.”
“It is startling to realize how much unbelief is necessary to make belief possible.”
“There is no doubt that in exchanging a self-centered for a selfless life we gain enormously in self-esteem. The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless.”
“There is perhaps no surer way of infecting ourselves with virulent hatred toward a person than by doing him a grave injustice.”
“To wrong those we hate is to add fuel to our hatred. Conversely, to treat an enemy with magnanimity is to blunt our hatred for him”
“If a doctrine is not unintelligible, it has to be vague; and if neither unintelligible nor vague, it has to be unverifiable.”
“An effective mass movement cultivates the idea of sin. It depicts the autonomous self not only as barren and helpless but also as vile. To confess and repent is to slough off one’s individual distinctness and separateness, and salvation is found by losing oneself in the holy oneness of the congregation.”
I wonder if we could politely ask the Chinese to invade so we can re-prioritize some shit.
New York passes new abortion law. Basically removed all legal protection for a fetus right up until it’s entire body has cleared the birth canal. No longer a crime to harm the unborn – even against the mother’s will.
You might think that the Catholic leadership would break off with the Democrats over this, but I doubt they will.
They’re busy drafting papers or whatever to excommunicate a handful of Kentucky boys.
The same Catholic leadership that just shit all over a bunch of high school kids at a pro-life march? I doubt it, too.
I’m not going to jump in on this, as IANAC. I think it’s funny that the Democrats think it’s clever to say “Republicans support babies right to live up until they are born. Because they implicitly accept the argument that they are against a babies right to live prior to birth.
But Dolan (Archbishop of NY) is no Democrat so there’s that.
You mean this Timothy Dolan?
Files released by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee on Monday reveal that in 2007, Cardinal Timothy F. Dolan, then the archbishop there, requested permission from the Vatican to move nearly $57 million into a cemetery trust fund to protect the assets from victims of clergy sexual abuse who were demanding compensation.
Cardinal Dolan, now the archbishop of New York, has emphatically denied seeking to shield church funds as the archbishop of Milwaukee from 2002 to 2009. He reiterated in a statement Monday that these were “old and discredited attacks.”
However, the files contain a 2007 letter to the Vatican in which he explains that by transferring the assets, “I foresee an improved protection of these funds from any legal claim and liability.” The Vatican approved the request in five weeks, the files show.
I am generally for legal abortion at the start of it but after 7 months it becomes icky
Ohio’s new gov DeWine just announced he would sign the heartbeat bill the Kasich vetoed on his way out the door. Basically outlaws all abortions if heartbeat present.
An Iowa judge just declared the Iowa Heartbeat law unconstitutional. The ruling will be appealed.
You can start to hear heart beats (the clinicians call them fetal heart “tones”) at about 6 weeks, maybe earlier. It obviously fails current Constitutional tests. No surprise it was struck down.
Veteran EU lawmaker Elmar Brok charged constituents €150 per head to cover the costs of visiting him at the European Parliament — while also claiming many of the same costs back from the legislature.
The system netted a total surplus of nearly €18,000 from four group visits in 2016 and 2017, according to copies of documents from the German Christian Democrat’s office obtained by POLITICO. The €150 charge was still being applied to Brok’s visitors last year, according to a program outlining a visit from his constituency in June 2018.
Brok, 72, is the European Parliament’s longest-serving member and considered by many to be Germany’s most influential MEP. He announced on Monday that he would not seek another term. His decision follows a vote earlier this month by members of his CDU party in his home region of North Rhine-Westphalia not to grant him a place on the their candidate list for this May’s European Parliament election.
Good work if you can get it.
CNN Commentator Angela Rye Compares MAGA Hat to KKK Hood: I’m ‘So Triggered’ by the ‘Hatred’ It Represents
CNN commentator Angela Rye said she was “triggered” by “Make America Great Again” hats during a Tuesday night appearance on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time.”
Rye’s comment came during a discussion about Nick Sandmann and the Covington Catholic high school students who were involved in an incident with a Native American activist Nathan Phillips that went viral on Saturday. While wearing a MAGA hat, Sandmann stood still as Phillips played a drum in his face, and Rye told anchor Chris Cuomo that she could not get over the symbolism of the student’s hat.
“Forget Donald Trump for a moment, and just think about that symbol of that red hat,” she said. “When I see the Make America Great Again hat now, Chris, I am triggered. I’m so triggered.”
Rye went on to tell fellow CNN contributor Andre Bauer that his support for Trump puts a strain on their friendship, since she sees red hats as equivalent to the hoods of the Ku Klux Klan.
“I don’t agree with you on this last point, but this Make America Great Again hat is just as maddening and frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a KKK hood,” she said. “That is the type of hatred that his policies represent. And until we can have common ground and understanding about that, that it’s that triggering, we’re going to continue to have problems.”
This is the type of lying that amounts to propaganda that causes hysteria and erosion of political discord.
He should have put a MAGA hat on at that moment.
Could these people be any more cliche? That stupid NPC meme was meant to be an insult, not a point of pride.
It’s a fiction that they have developed for themselves. They’re self-radicalizing at this point and it is becoming more and more dangerous.
The best and the worst Jennifer Lopez films – ranked
They’re all the worst.
Out of Sight is the only movie worth watching.
Good thing he wasn’t wearing a MAGA hat!
Are you sitting around, wondering why America never talks about race and privilege?
Vox is here to help
The smirking silence with which Sandmann confronted elder Nathan Phillips was actually incredibly telling, according to Adam Howard, an education professor at Colby College and the author of Learning Privilege: Lessons of Power and Identity in Affluent Schooling. Sandmann’s expression clearly “communicates that I’m better than you, that I don’t even have enough respect for you to even say anything to communicate,” Howard told me.
The student’s behavior was the embodiment of privilege, Howard said, and nothing that came after the initial viral video changes that.
I reached out to Howard, who previously wrote for Vox about the culture of elite private schools, to ask how that culture might help us understand the March for Life video and its aftermath. In a phone interview, which has been condensed and edited, he said that the video and the reactions to it expose not just the problem of privilege in America but our inability as a society to reckon with that problem.
What a shithole. How could any person of conscience choose to remain?
Are we chalking this up to Vox being liars, or just stupid? I mean how can you still go with the “Sandmann was a racist” narrative?
I vote for “stupid liars”. I mean, a smart liar doesn’t keep on after the lie has been exposed.
They’re writers who would be unhireable for any other capacity besides writing grievance garbage, and besides, they don’t want to scrabble for a job doing police blotter copy for some shithole circular outside NYC. So they put pen to paper and come up with this trash.
I was taught if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything.
“…according to Adam Howard, an education professor at Colby College and the author of Learning Privilege: Lessons of Power and Identity in Affluent Schooling.”
I wonder how many hundreds of these types of bullshit books are being pumped out by blathering morons in academia each year. And then friendly journalists contact them for their “expert” opinions.
A coup? Would not whatever the look
cop goddamnit
Don’t like handcuffs?
Hah, I was following up on the story about my old hometown’s police chief getting in a bit of hot water and ran into this great story about a police sergeant going on trial for a bar fight.
Basically the cop was off duty and the shitheel turns up and they get into a fight in the parking lot. Ends up with both of them charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct charges.
If you read the testimony of the witnesses, I think neither of them should have been charged. Just boys being boys.
give me a trigger warning with that kind of language!
I’m going to need the rest of the day off work for some self healing time.
Women are joining the far right – we need to understand why
Traditional gender roles are being overturned as radical-right groups refine their anti-migrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric
I blame toxic femininity
I love how the Guardian is coming at this from a THESE DASTARDLY NAZIS ARE TRICKING THESE WOMENS AND THESE GAYS!!!!
There’s no possible explanation for why women and LGBT people might favor prohibiting further immigration from Muslim nations.
Wow, what a mystery. It’s almost like you can’t paint everyone who isn’t a leftist with the same broad brush or something.
Ruh-roh. Shit is getting real, yo.
That was quick. The local Covington prosecutor already has a grand jury fired up and is issuing subpoenas (and presumably, soon, arrest warrants) I’m not super-thrilled with laws against threatening speech, but I have to admit that I enjoy the thought of assholes who threaten children getting served.
Those aren’t children, they’re changeling devils wearing the skins of children and they and their ersatz parents must be punished for the sin of the smirk.
Justice would be making the chick who said she would give a blow job to anyone punching the smirk kid actually give him a blowjob
Yes. Forced fellatio. Clearly the only correct course of action here.
That’s going to leave a mark.
I have to say, I’m bothered by the characterization of the young men as “boys” and “children.” It’s infantilizing.
They did what well-mannered young men do. Because they did the right thing, I see them as stalwart young men.
They’re certainly more eloquent and composed than the vast majority of other high school students in this country. Perhaps it’s the focus on actual reading, writing, and arithmetic as opposed to the federally directed navel-gazing in public schools.
Exactly. I thought young Mr. Sandmann performed superbly, standing his ground without showing weakness or being provocative. I think part of what enrages the SJW locusts is that they thought they were going to get something that was a lot more useful to them than what they actually got. Rather than a demonstration of white supremacy, they got a demonstration of manly virtue. A nervous high schooler showed them all up, and deep down they know it and can’t stand it.
Think about it – we have had a week of pitched kulturkampf over nothing more than a (perceived) smirk.
Can we get a carve-out where those who are on their parent’s health insurance at age 26 are “boy”?
If they are genuine threats, I see nothing wrong with this. But, the only way to rectify this situation is to begin civil suits against public officials and news reporters who libeled and encouraged harassment. I would donate to a fund to support such an effort and I never do this stupid “latest outrage Go Fund Me page”. This whole situation is so fucked up though that there needs to be serious consequences. It would appear that Catholic groups are circling the wagons now too.
Even in the other videos, [Sandmann] was still looking stone-faced, smirking. That privileged white male gaze that every minority is very familiar with — when that gaze is upon you as a minority, you know what it communicates, and it communicates that “you’re inferior to me, I have a particular kind of perception of myself that places me above you.”
When I saw that, I could only envision Wilford Brimley, saying, “And while they may not be as strong as apes, don’t lock eyes with ’em, don’t do it. Puts ’em on edge. They might go into berzerker mode; come at you like a whirling dervish, all fists and elbows. You might be screaming “No, no, no” and all they hear is “Who wants cake?” Let me tell you something: They all do. They all want cake.”
Even in the other videos, [Sandmann] was still looking stone-faced, smirking. That privileged white male gaze
Might want to rethink that “white people shouldn’t show their faces in public” thing. The last time a bunch of white guys ran around in masks, I don’t think minorities were all that thrilled.
Yeah, comic book conventions are cringe af.
*narrows gaze*
More proof that the media is fully staffed by high school misfits with an axe to grind.
This. Can we pivot away from a point where our modern “tastemakers” and opinion slingers are constantly relitigating their school years’ psychodramas?
Rye went on to tell fellow CNN contributor Andre Bauer that his support for Trump puts a strain on their friendship, since she sees red hats as equivalent to the hoods of the Ku Klux Klan.
“I don’t agree with you on this last point, but this Make America Great Again hat is just as maddening and frustrating and triggering for me to look at as a KKK hood,” she said. “That is the type of hatred that his policies represent. And until we can have common ground and understanding about that, that it’s that triggering, we’re going to continue to have problems.”
The only response I could come up with to something like that is, “Seek professional help.”
“Grow the fuck up”
– something that a lot of “adults” today need to be told
“Seek professional help.”
Yeah… about that…
That website design certainly convinces me that those people are serious professionals and not politically motivated assholes.
we’re going to continue to have problems
If there was ever a time for the rejoinder “what do you mean ‘we’ paleface” that was it.
The local Covington prosecutor already has a grand jury fired up and is issuing subpoenas (and presumably, soon, arrest warrants) I’m not super-thrilled with laws against threatening speech, but I have to admit that I enjoy the thought of assholes who threaten children getting served.
Wasn’t there some incident, a while back, where some woman (in Canada, as I recall) who got a kid in Texas or Oklahoma thrown in the clink for “making terroristic threat of violence” on some fucking game site? If the axe can swing one way, it should swing the other.
Forced fellatio. Clearly the only correct course of action here.
“A deal’s a deal.”
These assholes are playing with fire and it’s NOT going to end well.
Leftist really should tread lightly. No matter how far we’ve advanced we do still have and are subject to our lizard brains. That means we ally with what is familiar and similar and are skeptical of what is different. As such, it is not wise to draw battle lines by skin pigment and otherwise incite racial resentment.
///Threadfail ///We’reAllBrooksNow
With the Russia nonsense fading away, Democrats are now pushing even harder on the “zomg racist” rhetoric, continuing the destruction of the meaning of the word.
Which is quite ridiculous. They could make a case that Trump is xenophobic, or anti-Muslim, or sexist, as he’s said stuff or done stuff that would fit these categories, but I don’t see any evidence for racist or anti-Semitic, yet these are their favorite charges to hurl. They want him to be the worst so bad that they disregard legitimate criticism in favor of false charges of more taboo actions.
Don’t forget homophobic, about the guy who supported gay marraige before any prominent Democrat and carried a rainbow flag onstage during his election campaign.
“Nothing outside the Bubble. Everything for the Bubble. Nothing against the Bubble.”
I’m beginning to wonder of the transgender uproar of the last two years wasn’t an intentional goalpost shift concocted specifically to deal with Trump’s positions on gay marriage, etc…
Nah. With the victory on gay marriage, and just general all-around tolerance of gay people, they needed a new drum to beat, a new victimized sexual minority to use as human shields. About all that’s left is transgenders, so that’s what they ran up the flagpole.
I mean even on the trans thing, they tried to gotcha him with something about MUH BATHROOMS and he said something like “Use whatever bathroom you want, I don’t care.”
Trump is by far the least SoCon Republican President. He doesn’t really give a fuck about social issues at all.
Racist is just one word whose original definition is no longer the meaning those who use it intend. Other words that have lost their original definition: jealous, freedom, inflation, fascist, socialist, literally, tolerant. I’m sure you Glibs can provide dozens of other examples.
“perverse” “obscene” “unsettling”
Those have certainly changed for me since I started reading SF fiction.
You can add “sex” and “gender” to that list.
“sugar free”
We also used to have bigots — which were people who believed or said certain things about particular groups of people but never acted on them in any significant way that would have an impact on their lives. My father, for example, would sometimes say bigoted things, but never in his life treated anyone of any race differently. His interactions with individuals of different colors or races were identical to those who looked like him.
A racist to me is someone who would use any leverage they had to treat other races or colors differently.
My father, for example, would sometimes say bigoted things, but never in his life treated anyone of any race differently.
To listen to Pater Dean and his cronies bullshit in the coffee shop, you’d think they were all Grand Kleagles or something. Then you learn that, among them, they have helped any number of black and Latino kids pay for junior college or college tuition, helped them get jobs, etc.
Its like when one of my hospitalists in West Texas decided he was really transgender, and actually went pretty far in transitioning (pretty convincing, too). We were worried that our medical staff, a bunch of older Texas guys, mostly, who were generally pretty blunt and exactly who you would think would be anti-trannie, would cause a fuss. Not to mention our patients, in a hospital smack in the Bible Belt. Nope. Nobody cared. If anything the medical staff closed ranks around her.
There’s a whole lot less actual bigotry out there than some people want to believe.
My uncle was like this. He’d drop the word “nigger” around among family and white friends freely and without much malice. Particularly if there was something political being discussed or the news.
He owned and managed several restaurants in his career, and had many black folks working for him. He never referred to them by any slurs either privately or to their faces. And when he passed away there was an enormous line of people there to visit, a large portion of whom were blacks who either worked for him or were family members who worked for him. The number of them who had stories of ways in which they had been helped by him in tough times would astound you.
Was my uncle a racist? Was he a bigot? Was he a decent man who had opinions about amorphous, theoretical black people but different opinions about flesh and blood blacks that he interacted with in person face-to-face? Yeah. People are complicated man.
Now you are going all crazy by pointing out that what really should matter are actions, and in particular how individuals interact and an individual’s actions impact others.
I have never felt a compelling reason to denigrate people by race, gender, or sexual orientation, but I have gone all ape shit on plenty of individuals because of their shitty behavior and attitudes. Broad brush strokes is a lazy person’s way IMO of not wanting to actually make opinions about individuals rather than groups.
“Liberal billionaire Michael Bloomberg bemoaned the lack of a private armed security force at Johns Hopkins University, his alma mater, due to the murder rate in Baltimore…”When you have a city that has the murder rate that Baltimore has, I think it’s ridiculous to think that they shouldn’t be armed,” Bloomberg told reporters after a meeting at Maryland’s Statehouse…”
Guns to protect the aristocrats. No guns for the peasants.
Just remember what was happening in NYC during Bloomberg’s tenure.
If you were black, the cops would stop you every few months and frisk you for guns. If you were white, you were safe. That was a policy approved at the mayoral level.
It’s infuriating that people equate gun control with opposition to racism. And Bloomberg is every bit the vile racist piece of shit that Trump is accused of being.
It will be interesting to see if Mikey gets his way on this. Outside of the federal government, there’s probably nobody else that has more influence on Hopkins.
“What Catholic-School Alums Think of the MAGA Teens”
Pretty blatant anti-Catholic regurgitation here. I repeat: “wHy dID THe rELiGIouS vOTe tRuMP?”
So an odd kid from a different school in a different state had a bad time in Catholic school, when he probably would have had a bad time in public school as well, and it’s indicative of the entire Catholic school system.
This whole effort asking judicial nominees about the “extremist” Knights of Columbus and now recycling Klan talking points about Catholics is all about one woman.
For those who said that they can’t decide if she’s a definite wood or not, because they haven’t seen a body picture, I present to you the proof that she’s a MILF:
I can definitely see Trump picking this fight.
I wonder if Barrett wants to go through it, though. Because the Kavanaugh hearings will be just the AAA game. The hearings to replace Ginsburg will be more Game 7 of the World Series. That’s the seat that will really push the Big State Living Constitutionalists into a minority that not even Roberts crossing over will be able to salvage.
Yeah, but she’s a woman. The optics are different. And religion ≠ sex. I see them having a much harder time demonizing her than the Beer Lover.
She literally adopted two kids from Haiti. They have no dirt on her and that’s why the effort is underway to make “Catholic” into an icky category.
They already raised her Catholicism during her last confirmation hearings, and have amped it up as a disqualifying “defect” in more recent ones. I think one District Judge even had is nomination withdrawn in the face of anti-Catholic bigotry.
They will absolutely go after her for being Catholic. If she is nominated and the Dems go on a religious bigotry frenzy, Lindsey Graham may actually grow a third testicle.
Plus, there is a sect of the Democrats that believes trans-racial adoption is evil, and that black kids should never be raised by white parents. Expect that to come out, too.
They already raised her Catholicism during her last confirmation hearings, and have amped it up as a disqualifying “defect” in more recent ones.
I think that’s their strategy. I’m not so sure how well it will work for them.
The Dems have already pretty much abandoned the white working class vote. But, the Hispanics they’re angling to replace them with are mostly…Catholic. If the GOP isn’t prepping to box them into that corner, they’re dumber than I think.
You’re right RC – I forget his name but it was a judge from Wisconsin blocked by Tammy Baldwin because of his supposedly extreme Catholicism.
They will absolutely go after her for being Catholic.
I think so, and I think it will backfire. I saw a poll the other day that showed that while only 1/3rd of white D+lean persons said they believed in the God of the Bible, 2/3rds of non-white persons of both partisan persuasions said the same as well as 4/5ths of white R+lean persons. There is a sizeable group in the Democratic party that is out of touch with the rest of the country on religious issues, so their ability to criticize people on religious grounds without offending the rest of the country is probably lacking.
Religious animosity is a tough play considering the origins of the country itself, no matter the good or bad of any one sect.
Nevermind that your typical Catholic school has mandatory soup kitchen days and actual community outreach for the poor.
Statists hate Catholics for that exact reason. How dare people help each other without the government middleman? Catholic hate is pretty much why public schools exist.
I’m a lapsed Catholic myself, although the lapse has more to do with my Cathoholic mother than anything I vehemently disagreed with in church/school.
With the victory on gay marriage, and just general all-around tolerance of gay people, they needed a new drum to beat, a new victimized sexual minority to use as human shields. About all that’s left is transgenders, so that’s what they ran up the flagpole.
It’s not like they’d declare victory, shake hands all around and go home.
“Doin’ right ain’t got no end.”
Since I missed the moving post last night.
Lets see, since I turned 18
Lowell Massachusetts -> Ft Walton Beach Fl (4 months)
Ft Walton Beach Fl -> Goodyear Az (18 months)
Goodyear Az -> Lowell Ma (12 months)
Lowell Ma -> Tyngsboro Ma (8 months)
Tyngsboro Ma -> Chelmsford Ma (16 months)
Chelmsford Ma -> Eclectic Al (6 months)
Eclectic Al -> Lowell Ma (12 months)
Lowell Ma -> Lowell Ma (12 months)
Lowell Ma -> Lawrenceville Ga (36 months)
Lawrenceville Ga -> Duluth Ga (10 months)
Duluth Ga -> Fairfield Oh (12 months)
Fairfield Oh -> Columbus Oh (12 months)
Columbus Oh -> Canal Winchested Oh (20 months) (includes 6 months working in Edina Mn and commuting weekly)
Canal Winchester Oh -> Louisville Ky (58 months) (includes 3 months working in Charlotte NC and commuting weekly)
Louisville Ky -> Newburyport Ma (16 months)
Newburyport Ma -> Boxford Ma (26 months)
Boxford Ma -> Wilmington Ma (12 months)
Wilmington Ma -> Kent Island Md (30 months)
So that is 18 moves, and 11 relocations in 31 years
There’s a lot of Lowell, MA on that list. I’m sorry.
Oh, we feel bad for you, too.
I was on mobile last night, so I didn’t do a detailed list.
Move: Richmond, VA rental to Richmond house
Relocation: Richmond to Madison, WI
Move: Madison rental to Madison house
Relocation: Madison to Mundelein, IL
Move: Mundelein rental to Mundelein house
Relocation: Mundelein back to Madison (never sold our house there)
Relocation: Madison to Dallas, TX
Relocation: Dallas to West Texas
Relocation: West Texas to Tucson
Lol That is where I was born and raised. No as far as I know I don’t know Joe.
What I will say is that there is no way in hell I will ever move back to Massivetwoshits again. Frankly of all the places I have lived the only ones I liked were Arizona and Columbus Ohio. Mlps-StPaul area and Charlotte seemed cool but I didn’t really live there.
My detailed list, starting at 18:
Louisville, KY to Atlanta, GA (9 months)
Atlanta to Louisville (3 months)
Louisville to Atlanta (6 months)
Atlanta to Atlanta (3 months)
Atlanta to Louisville (3 months)
Louisville, KY to Atlanta, GA (9 months)
Atlanta to Louisville (3 months)
Louisville, KY to Atlanta, GA (9 months)
Atlanta to Louisville (2 weeks)
Louisville to Villigen, Switzerland (3 months)
Villigen to Atlanta (9 months)
Atlanta to Louisville (3 months)
Louisville to Madison, WI (2 years)
Madison to Louisville (3 years)
Louisville to Louisville (1 year)
Louisville to Louisville (9 years)
Louisville to Louisville (7 years)
Louisville to Bowling Green, KY (3 years)
Bowling Green to Bowling Green (2 years)
Oops, I left one out.
It should have been:
Louisville to Madison (1 year)
Madison to Madison (1 year)
Madion to Louisville ( 3 years)
I left out one move in Madison.
Did you know a guy named Joe in Lowell? City planner, I believe?
Your daily reminder that Trump is still a shithead who surrounds himself with shitheads.
I have a feeling it’s hard to pick non-shitheads for any post within the boundaries of the beltway.
Just remember what was happening in NYC during Bloomberg’s tenure.
If you were black, the cops would stop you every few months and frisk you for guns. If you were white, you were safe. That was a policy approved at the mayoral level.
It’s infuriating that people equate gun control with opposition to racism. And Bloomberg is every bit the vile racist piece of shit that Trump is accused of being.
Bloomberg specifically said black men should be prohibited from owning guns. But Trump’s a racist.
Responding to another follower in another offensive comment, she wrote: ‘Because most of you can’t talk or write lol.
You know, I can think of a number of decent ways to insult the Irish. But, trying to deride the literary skills of the people who produced Joyce, Shaw and Wilde probably doesn’t make you look particularly literate.
KDW puts a bow on it.
hah…best line in the piece, undeserved respect to Rick Wilson notwithstanding:
Even Rick Wilson debased himself, writing in The Daily Beast: “Of Course Donald Trump Inspired Cesar Sayoc’s Alleged Terrorism.” That’s a particularly asinine headline: For Trump’s culpability, it’s “of course,” while Sayoc’s crimes are “alleged.”
How can you inspire “alleged” anything?
Well worth the few minutes to read.
But what did Joy Behar say? Did she really unload on her own team like that? That would surprise me – pleasantly, but I’d still be quite surprised.
Goldberg: “So many people admitted they made snap judgments before all these other facts came in. But is it that we just instantly say that’s what it is based on what we see in that moment and then have to walk stuff back when it turns out we’re wrong? Why is that? Why do we keep making the same mistake?”
Behar: “Because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office. That’s why.”
Abby Huntsman: “Not everyone though,”
Behar: “I think that’s the reason. I think the press jumps the gun a lot because we just—we have so much circumstantial evidence against this guy that we basically are hoping that Cohen has the goods and what have you and so it’s wishful thinking.”
Sums it up. Their politics is their religion.
I’d like to hear Abby’s clarification. You mean there were even dumber reasons for tearing after these
kidsyoung men (FINE MOJEAUX) than bitchy partisan point-scoring?*smirk*
That’s pretty insightful commentary. I mean, we all knew that before the inauguration, but it is still pretty insightful.
Any chance they are able to internalize that message at all?
I’m actually stunned the Behar is being intellectually honest about this, even if she’s wrong about evidence.
“The Behar” — ha ha ha ha.
I don’t think she was being intellectually honest in a positive way. I think she is so convinced about Trumps horribleness and the NEED to get him out of office that it would never occur to her that there would be anything wrong with rushing to judgement so you can attack him and his supporters
“My biggest flaw is that I’m just too passionate. I care too much, I’m just too committed and perfectionist.”
I’m dumbfounded that Joy Behar is the voice of sort-of reason in that circle.
As much as the Covington student incident is all of those things the Cavenaugh hearings were actually worse. The difference now is that children are being victimized, still the outrageousness of painting Brett Cavenaugh as a serial/gang rapist with fanatical zeal based on nothing but fabrications and false accusers is so far over the top as to be stratospheric. Why anyone ever bought into that shit or still supports the shitweasels that did it is a mystery to me. Complete moral bankruptcy is the only way I can understand it.
yeah, I was 100x more worked up about the Cavenaugh deal, perhaps because we are the same age and that could easily have been me.
I live by a moral code – despite my near absolutist libertarian politics – I did not have, you know, relations before marriage. Goes against the moral code. Everyone knew that. Literally everyone.
Unlike Cavenaugh I was also a tea-totaler. So I never got blackout drunk. But I did like to party and have a good time. In fact, the underwear party with the UNC cheerleaders and a couple of women’s basketball teams on the roof of the Fayetville Marriott was largely my fault. So even though I never touched alcohol until I was 35 years old, I was voted “hardest partier” in the band yearbook (accompanied by a photo of a disheveled Cyto stumbling out of a charter bus after an 18 hour drive back from a basketball game in Baton Rouge.)
Still, any one of dozens of women could come forward and say I did something to them. And even though dozens of people knew me not to be that sort of person, how would anyone refute it? Especially if it was such a non-charge as the one leveled at Cavenaugh.
Yeah, I was livid about that. For myself and equally importantly for my son. That kind of metaphorical lynching cannot be allowed.
That’s why I refuse to treat Ford as a victim of anything, whether a drunken fumble or attempted rape by Kavanaugh or anyone. Because if the truth is that she sat on the accusation for almost four decades, only to bring it up at a highly opportune moment, without the backing of any substantiation or testimony besides her own questionable story, then she’s as despicable as if she’d lied about it. What are we meant to do with that accusation? To quote a wise woman, what difference, at this point, does it make? She may as well have accused him of being a secret satanist. What are his wife or daughters supposed to make of it? What is the country to make of it? Even if she told the truth, she waited almost 37 years until he was at the center of the nation’s attention to bring up something that occured when they were teenagers, something he can’t defend against, something which, whatever Ford’s motives, will be used to deride and condemn him until he dies. That’s despicable.
I mean, we know what she (and her handlers) would have liked us to do with the accusation: exiled to parts unknown, banished from society for the crime of being accused by a woman of something untoward. It was a purely political stunt. It served no purpose other than the political: it gave us no clue as to the moral conduct of the man, because it established no factual basis outside the heads of leftist fantasists. It certainly did nothing to demonstrate why, whatever his crimes as a teenager, he can’t have matured into an honest man and an adequate jurist. It was meant to counter commendations of many more and much more believable women in Kavanaugh’s orbit. Ford’s conduct and lies during the fiasco she helped create demonstrate that it was a cynical political gambit, an attempt at character assassination when nothing else had worked to derail the confirmation. So, no, she doesn’t get a pass.
But, trying to deride the literary skills of the people who produced Joyce…
Yeah, about that…
So, Savanna Guthrie got her followup interview with Nathan Phillips.
And spent the whole time sympathizing with his plight against the racist kids.
She asked him how she felt about the kid’s interview. She asked him how he felt about the kid saying he didn’t need to apologize for simply standing there. She asked him if he felt safe. She asked him if he heard people shouting “build the wall” and even mentioned that you can’t hear anything like that on the tape.
He went on to say that he was protecting the poor black street preacher from the hate coming from the white kids…… and she never followed up, asking for any example of any such behavior.
She never asked him if he felt he bore any responsibility like she did to Sandmann (“do you understand your own fault in this?”) She did ask him if he wished he had walked away, as Sandmann has said. Phillips said he tried to walk away but they wouldn’t let him.
She never confronted him with ‘why did you keep banging your drum in this kid’s face”. Never said “I don’t see anywhere on this where you appear to be trying to walk away. I see you staring him down and beating a drum in his face.” None of the things an objective reporter might ask.
She even spoke in a completely different tone of voice – treating him with a mix of respect and contrition, as opposed to the condescending little girl voice she used with Sandmann.
Watch for yourselves and see if you have a similar reaction.
Christ, what an asshole.
I’m not going to waste my time watching that, but I presume no one asks why his buddy was telling the kids to go back to Europe.
No. Guthrie goes with the lie that he was a peacemaker who was surrounded by violent racists and he was under threat. She doesn’t confront any of his version – with the exception of the military record. For that she says “I want to clarify something…. you’ve never said….” so she completely let him off the hook for all lies.
Also never asked: Where did this “tribal elder” thing come from? All of the sympathetic news stories, including at NBC and The Today Show label him as “Tribal Elder” or “Native American Elder”. Is he an actual elder? Or is he just an old dude. I’m not an expert, but I don’t believe those are the same thing.
And I would suspect that calling someone an elder who isn’t in fact an elder is more disrespectful to Native culture than 10% of a group of teenage boys doing the only chant/motion that they’ve ever heard of for a Native American drum circle type event.
The only thing I’ve found about his actual tribe was the story I linked to the other day from the Omaha newspaper where the reporter tried to contact the chief, who wouldn’t return his calls, and a few comments from an anonymous guy described as high-ranking in the tribe where he said a)they don’t like his style of activism b)they consider him “good intentioned” but troubled c)that they are letting him “find his own way”. Nothing about him being some kind of actual tribal elder. The tenor of it was “Look, we’re not going to say anything negative about the guy, but just leave us out of all this”
Also in the interview she asks him about his military service. She offers him a complete out: “Some have said you were in Vietnam, a claim I don’t believe you have ever made”
Well, except for his own people putting that out and it being in all of the original stories… why not at least ask how they got that idea? Nah… she helps him skate, and he still fumbles, mumbling about how he never said he stepped foot in Vietnam, but there was a lot of indian rights stuff going on and he was told to take off his uniform and never put it back on because people hate him for it…. Pretty bizarre response, actually. But she doesn’t probe. At any rate, she clarified for him that he was only in the reserves. Apparently he went through boot camp and then something happened and he was only given a posting in the reserves for a couple of years.
His Facebook page has videos where he flat out says he’s a Vietnam vet.
So she’s exposed completely lying as well. I wonder just how much coaching she got from the DNC on this one. Was it all externally driven, or did she come up with this herself. Because surely they have a bunch of interns that run this stuff down for them.
Yeah, specifically says “in-theater”.
Also lies that he was honorably discharged. Nope, his paperwork says “discharged”, prolly because he kept going AWOL.
No thanks. If the Zombie Apocalypse arrives and any of these lefty shitweasels show up at my gate pleading for shelter I wont hesitate to tell them to fuck right off. While I stand there grinning at them. Eating a chicken leg. With my rifle on my other shoulder.
They are the vilest kinds of people.
And I though this fiasco couldn’t get moar ridiculous and dishonest. . .
This whole thing is a case-study in propaganda.
///Threadfail ///We’reAllBrooksNow
Now what do I win for the most meta post today?
A glimpse inside SF’s dream journal.
Well, when he’s right, he’s right.
What happens if the left decides it doesn’t need the vote of black people? They’re actively pushing away the middle-class and now Hispanics, so you never know.
How are they pushing away Hispanics?
OK, Catholics.
I think they have successfully framed this as “entitled, rich, white racist kids” rather than “Catholics”.
Oh, they are going to throw the blacks under the bus. It is just a matter of time. Hispanics are far more socialist minded and the perfect base for the left. That is why they dont want the wall. They are trying to import as many commies as possible and get citizenship for them.
I thought most legal Hispanics were anti-illegal immigration and somewhat pro-wall.
Cubans are definitely on that side.
I think the racist twist – illegal immigrants are mexicans, and you are mexican… works for a good number of people.
Also, the conflation of anti-illegal immigration with anti-immigrant is effective for many immigrants of all stripes. I know several Hatians who view all of the wall stuff as general anti-immigrant attitudes aimed at them.
And they are not entirely wrong, there are more than a few ‘merica for ‘mericans in the “build the wall” chanting crowd.
Suck on that tail, snake!
Rachel Dolezal went to Howard too
Well, maybe that’s what made her a black person.