Q: I’m a 28-year-old male who has never had a girlfriend or a meaningful relationship. I’m well-educated, nice-looking and have a good sense of humor. But I get shy and nervous around the opposite sex. Compounding that, I seem to have a serious “resting face.” People assume I’m frustrated or angry/grumpy when it’s just my normal expression. I’m worried it makes me unapproachable or appear to be unpleasant.
I have overcome addiction, attend daily support meetings and have almost a year of sobriety. I avoid bar/club scenes where a lot of people my age socialize. I’m beginning to feel very alone and empty. I asked out a temp at my job, but she had a boyfriend and offered to set me up with a friend of hers. I declined because I was embarrassed.
My friends tell me it’s a game of numbers, but it hurts being rejected all the time. I see beautiful, nice women with men who treat them badly, and I obsess over what’s wrong with me. My experience with women is limited. I’m not looking for a commitment, just some friends to share good times and laughter with. I’d love to have someone to spend time with before loneliness awakens previous bad habits. — ABOUT TO GIVE UP IN CONNECTICUT
Take the temp’s friend!
Take the temp’s friend!
And you may as well…..HIT IT!
Nah, this should be your theme music, since it’s as surreal as Zardoz.
Ted do you spend time with anyone younger than 90?
Good call Tres.
Yeah, he’s whining and then passing on the set up? Wtf?
Gee male loser, why don’t you stop whining and go see a counselor or sack up. One of the two.
Or try being gay.
Florida man’s best pick up lines. I’d click on that.
France hasn’t made a credible threat since the 19th century.
So much this.
“You also bought a saw and used your smartphone to look up how to dismember a body,” a prosecutor said during the trial.
What’s wrong with kids these days? Just watch a season of Dexter.
Thank God he didn’t have a gun.
This is not going to be his last murder. Freakin’ Psycho.
Yeah, it’s gruesome and fucked up, but really I would think it’s not exactly rocket surgery. Cut until the part in question detaches, repeat until body is dismembered.
Yeah, the “looked up how” quote is so ridiculous my immediate reaction was “they made that up”.
I can part out a chicken in under a minute. Physiology is physiology. Cut through the joints, place in plastic bags and discard.
Srsly, I think Dexter learned his craft from Julia Childs.
But then you’ll wind up being a lumberjack.
*looks through desk fro snarky comment*
I got nothin.
Next time ask Siri for help with a snarky comment
Who uses Apple products?
Who leaves the spy software in a vocalizing state?
*Raises hand*
Fuck it, I’m embracing it. I have 1 device that is supposedly listening. It appears to be very limited in its listening capability.
I didn’t know you were married.
I’m not. ?
I just expanded my spyware and put a dash cam in my truck.
Make It ‘as Easy to Vote as Anything,’ Including Online Voting, Same-Day RegistrationNuke the integrity of elections from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.Martin Luther King III, son of Martin Luther King, Jr., told PJM that the Trump administration should “take the lead” around “voter suppression” and work to make it “as easy to vote as anything.”
King was asked what he wants to see from the Trump administration in the area of civil rights.
“First of all, if the administration would take the lead around voter suppression that would be one of the first steps. All over the country states have passed legislation to suppress the vote,” King said after his speech at the National Action Network’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day breakfast in Washington on Monday.
Referring to states that have passed laws requiring photo identification to vote, King called for online voting and allowing Americans to register to vote on Election Day rather than only permitting registration in advance of the election.
“We need to make it just as easy to vote as anything — online voting, same-day voter registration. Those are some of the things the administration could lead on to make sure more people vote,” he said. “This nation, out of 160, 170 democracies, we are 138 – 137 nations have higher participation than us. We should be able to participate in voting easily and that hasn’t happened.”
“We need to get rid of the Australian ballot. Then we’ll know whose vote isn’t being counted. And it’s unAmerican. Just look at the name.”
In order to end voter suppression we need to prohibit ballot harvesting, including de-certifying any election where the margin was covered by that method. And national voter identification mandates, with decertification of any election which did not adequately verify that the voters were who they claimed to be and eligable to vote in that election. And prosecution of any and all violations with managers liable for the actions of their subordinates.
*liable in addition to the people who carried it out, as clearly the manager was either grossly negligent or complicit.
Voting should be as easy as buying a gun.
*Writes in Playa on ballot*
Voting i have to stand in line. Buying a gun actually takes me less time.
In CA, it takes 10 days, a background check, and a written test.
I’ve gotten new stuff through ffl’s in under 10 minutes…
Hand over the CCP, fill out the form, pay the bill, walk out the door.
And cases of ammo delivered to the house via UPS.
Hand over CPP? Here in God’s Country (Indiana) we don’t make all those people from Illinois do that. Steps here are pick gun, fill out form, pay, sell to gang members in Chicago.
CCP means no background check. I don’t know why Chicago gangs aren’t buying guns in Idaho.
I love how he mind-reads gramps and leaves out all the inconvenient stuff he actually said.
This nation, out of 160, 170 democracies, we are 138 – 137 nations have higher participation than us.
I’d say that would puts us in the top 20 or 30. Glass half full stuff.
The fact that so many people don’t vote means they’re OK with the way things are. The “muh voter suppression” folks have it exactly backwards.
Or — and I’m speaking from direct personal experience here — there is literally nobody on the ballot I would want to vote for, since NOTA is never on the ballots run by the government, ever.
leaves out all the inconvenient stuff he actually said.
Like a modern leftist. All that stuff about content of character over hue of skin has been thrown out the window as well.
Yes. Lets make voting for a congressman as easy and as credible as voting for American Idol. What could go wrong?
This guy would, at best, be a Chicago alderman if he had different initials.
Another early post or is Glibs now on Mountain Time (or its wintertime kissing cousin Arizona Time)?
8pm eastern is the normal time for the weekend evening post.
Really? I thought the evening posts came out 9ET. I guess my internal clock is screwed up today.
Most of the evening posts come at 8PM ET, except for the Saturday night coming attractions post, which usually seems to be at 9PM ET.
Screwed up internal clock confirmed.
There is no predominant timezone for posts, which is an anarchistic atrocity. At least Somalian trains run on time even if that is because they never run.
Wait, Libertarians are upset that posts aren’t going up on a predetermined schedule?
You know who else made sure that regularly-scheduled events happened in a timely manner?
Dr. Kevorkian?
Mussolini. Them trains were spot on.
A chipotle burrito ?
That causes unscheduled events.
The people in charge of NBC programming on the east coast on November 17, 1968?
Fuck all y’all. I’m back from a brewery that had a comic book shop as guest bartenders, and they were handing out free comics all night.
If you still had to pay for the beer, you got ripped off.
It sounds like they were in fact handing out free beer, and he got so drunk that he’s calling them comics.
Nah, it was a brewery that I know the staff (including the head brewer), and they partnered with a comic book store that I appreciate (I’ve been taking my nephews to their free comic book day since they were 8). All of the comics they were giving out tonight were Marvel Legends, and only a couple are those that I can’t hand over to the nephews.
Sounds like you had a good night.
No one will buy them so they found a way to give them away?
“You’ve has three pints? Here, this is our first edition of “Gulag Barbie.””
No, they’re trying to get more people to set up pull lists. For the time I was there, I got ~20 books, all from the True Believers line (Marvel). Most are introductions to ‘famous’ Marvel characters (like Punisher hunting Spider-Man).
Since Zardoz likes guns:
For $450? Yes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqBg9UP4ybw
For ten times as much? Probably not, but I want one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ3PrJ926k0 Sehr gut!
Hmm… straight pull. I would like more Schmidt-Rubins.
The main problem with buying a rifle that can make a 4″ group at 1100 yards, is that I don’t have an 1100 yard range to shoot it on.
Oddly, I looked at a Steyr M95 today. It was in my closet. Then I read how a straight pull works. Never have tried to shoot it though
Pretty sweet.
Copperhead is pretty cool. Wonder if it will take sig 320 mags.
I like that Mossberg 590 Nightstick. Wish it came in 20ga.
This is pretty cool looking. Not sure how much fun it would be to shoot.
Lupara! FTW!
I dont get it. Its like a crossbow, but its not.
Happy Friday Glibs!
This one:
Not as bootylicious, but still smoking:
Roman Patronage System
That channel is great. Wasted quite a bit of time on it.
Heartbreaking pictures of British chimp being bullied in German zoo by other primates
British chimp? Also, thinking this may be an allegory:
He was then moved to Wuppertal Zoo in November 2018 to become a breeding male after the females in Frankfurt refused to mate with him.
They are smaller, leaner and darker than standard chimpanzees and their social groups are usually led by females.
Link broke
Whoops. https://metro.co.uk/2019/01/25/heartbreaking-pictures-of-british-chimp-being-bullied-in-german-zoo-by-other-primates-8392274/
Clearly those chimps don’t use Gillette razors.
It flings poo in your general direction.
European chimp or African chimp?
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
Finally, someone got it.
I owe you a glass of the finest beer available in the Dakotas.
Give him a cattle prod.
lol fuckin’ incel
But which firearm would you choose?
It’s a troll but it is a fun and relevant troll.
It’s pretty silly.
No Mosin-Nagant? SAD!
Liberty Hangout rolls with Infowars now? Or have they always? I thought they were just a bunch of Republicans posing as Libertarians, I didn’t know they thought the chems were turning frogs gay.
The guy should’ve given the temp’s friend a shot. “You miss all the shits you don’t take.” – Wayne Gretzky Michael Scott
Also I missed the book thread, but as of late I gave political/economic books a break and started giving into Schopenhauer’s Reality as Will and Representation.
Whoops, you miss all the SHOTS you don’t take. I blame Schopenhauer for the random scheiss
It does sound like something Michael Scott would say.
I like your version better
Top quality John-O.
Can’t say I blame the dude for being a bit gun shy, but for different reasons. Can’t imagine trying to get consent just to ask a girl out.
Fair enough, I can understand him on that front. Beats the mind game one of my friends and her group of friends would play back then with me and my Bros though.
Women been playing mind games with men forever. Now those games are getting enshrined in law.
It’s like they want all the dudes to go MGTOW, blergh I’ll just started on the beer a bit early today.
This comes following the news that the Duke of Edinburgh was not wearing a seat belt during his crash in Norfolk just over a week ago.
Following the incident the Queen faced criticism for making a similar journey without wearing one last Friday.
Must be nice to be the monarch.
Simple solution, kid. VR and an autosuck. Problem solved.
“Manslaughter” must mean something different in Nippon.
“Alexa, give me a toothie”
SFW (marginally).
My immediate response: “160+ bucks?!”
My secondary response: “Probably less expensive than the ongoing courtship required to earn bj’s from a woman.”
I can only imagine what ads I’ll see in my feed tomorrow.
I received a Gift of the Gun earlier this week. A Mosin-Nagant M28 made on a 1895 dated Izhevsk receiver. It has the wrong rear sight leaf and is missing the mouse trap style spring for the trigger, but otherwise is in great shape.
I think we’ve all known someone like this.
I’m somewhat like that. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want.
My sister (actually my cousin; her parents died) was below her pre-pregnancy weight less than week after she had her baby. When she left the hospital, she looked like a nanny. There was no way anyone would believe that she just had a baby.
I’m not sure why this would be surprising to anybody.
There is definitely a difference between people born fat and people who were born skinny and got fat. Just like some people who were born fat and lose a bunch of weight, only to look sickly instead of healthy.
I agree. I was a twig when I was a kid, and still think of myself that way. It only takes stepping on the scale to break the thin delusion anymore.
I went to my medical for my commercial license and weighed me. I was 135 lb. The doctor asked me “have you always been underweight ?”
I said “No.”
He then asked “What did you used to weigh?”
Then I said ” No, I’ve always weighed the same, they just used to not consider it underweight”
I’m 5’9″ and the BMI chart says that’s the low end of “normal” for that height. I used to eat like a pig and never gained weight. As I age I eat less, but have been outside of a 10 lb window since I was 16 y/o.
*have NEVER been outside a 10 lb window.
I’ve never hear the doctor say anything even remotely close to this.
I have. I was 5’7″ 110# until my late 20s. Then I got fat. Exactly like everyone else in my family.
Wrong answer.
“Amphetamines. I’m a biker. On an unrelated note, why did you stop answering my calls?”
I was 99% sure that link was going to have hard nipples.
Here ya go. NSFW, obviously.
Who makes that shirt? Wicked Weasel?
My focus of attention was not on who manufactured the shirt, nor even on the shirt itself.
You did yourself a great disservice by not googling.
My wife owns one of their swimsuits, but has never been seen in public wearing it.
A clothing manufacturer known as HiBeems.
You backstab your friends-run your mouth my lawyers are dying Rip you to shreds, I’m going to take that dog away from you. Not a fucking thing you can do about it either because you are a weak broke piece of shit, You are a rat. A stoolie. I am so ready. Let’s get it on. Prepare to die [expletive].
Just because it’s cold outside?
I wasn’t build for the cold.
Apparently not. May I suggest Florida?
We will take HM, but we don’t want the Irish. Actually, I remember liking Irish from TOS.
Hater. Without the Irish, Florida would have no railroads.
Governor Skeletor killed the choo choo, so we don’t need the Irish.
Flagler was Irish?
Someone needs to learn how to communicate.
Mine didn’t quite work.
*blink, blink*
How’d you get that through? I got a warning that mine “might be naughty” and kicked me back to a blank entry form.
Country of origin? Weird.
Holy shit. Can’t stop laughing.
That was very clever.
Better than SixSigmaTweets.
Absolutely magical.
“Stop taking Nippon if erect nipples last more than 4hrs. This could lead to serious side affects such as sexual harassment or the male gaze.”
“I’m an old fashioned liberal lefty, champagne socialist type of guy. A pro-equality, opportunity-for-all, welfare state snowflake. But, if I ever defend freedom of speech on here, I’m suddenly an alt right nazi. How did that happen?”
What’s an “alt right Nazi”? Wouldn’t that make you less racist than a regular old Nazi?
I think that makes you a moderate.
A Knight of Columbus, according to some senators
How did that happen?
Marxists eat their own.
Mr. Gervais should hopefully have learned by now of the insatiable hunger the Ouroboros that is the liberal left has.
This guy doesn’t realize he’d be put against the wall even before most Glibs.
Moral. Panic. These people lost religion but they didn’t lose the zeal. Turns out, progressive enlightenment isn’t a byword for secular rationality, it’s just religious zealotry by another name.
“I believe there is a special, dedicated section of Hell just for people with anime twitter avatars who tell laid-off journalists to “learn to code””
Dante’s Boot Camp?
Well Don Knuth isn’t dead yet, so Dennis Ritchie as the guide then?
+1 malloc
It’s so hilarious how all of these tweets by journalists bemoaning layoffs always get people replying “learn to code”. And now they’ve gotten clever. Several commentators reply to each other with a single letter spelling out “learn to code”.
I’m so amazed how highly journalists view themselves when a large chunk of the country despises them (rightly so)
And yet, I haven’t seen these journalists call for protectionist tariffs against international news media or for curbing entry visas for foreign journalists.
So fuck those pinkos-in-4chan’s clothing.
Haven’t the print and broadcast journalists been falling for protectionism against internet journalists?
Sure, but these layoffs are happening in Nu-Media outlets, no?
Both. From what I read there were layoffs at both Huffington Post (new media) and Gannett (old media).
They laid off 3 people from the Indianapolis Star (Gannett). I know it will be surprising, but those three were there only 3 conservative leaning writers.
Or calls to regulate big tech. How fucking shortsighted do you have to be to think that will never be used against you?
I plead the fifth.
True that.
I honestly don’t think that most journalists can even grok the concepts you’re describing, much less advocate for them. Huffpo opinion writers can’t even spell them.
They can spit out listicles about racist, sexist, transphobic pets.
Fair enough.
I’m a little boggled about what journalists are actually trained to do.
Report the facts? That can’t be it; we have abundant examples of how most of the mainstream media functions as a sleazy advertising agency for the Democrat Party.
And judging from the horrible spelling, grammar, and form that I’ve seen in most news writing, they’re not even trained in basic English composition.
I’m utterly perplexed about why these people are considered reliable or authoritative in any sense at all.
I don’t know about J school, but coming up through the technical end (news writing for radio, TV and film was a class I took), news writing was more about how quickly the story could be transmitted than about what the story meant. Even there on the technical end, reality was treated as malleable, the message was what was important.
That is a damn good question, actually.
I can only imagine their most important classes are “Schmoozing” and “Taking Yourself Super-Serious”.
Which profession holds themselves in the highest regard?
Doctors? They actually have some basis for self regard, I suppose.
Rolling Stones and one other print publication (I can’t recall the name) have advocated for government support for journalism.
And I don’t think there are laws that directly restrict the profitability of writing liscticles and pimping war like there is with regards to coal mining
Give me PBS or give me death.
OK, but I don’t think you’re going to like my answer.
Rusty chainsaw, or wood chipper?
Actually, it’s much more difficult for a foreign journalist to get a standard US B1/B2 visa (business/tourism) if he or she doesn’t know that you need to swear to not even think about reporting during your vacation in the US at the visa interview in a US consulate. The journalists’ protections are already in place.
If the coal miners in Pennsylvania can learn to code I’d think the college educated journalists, our creme de la creme as it were, can manage it too.
Creme de Mint!
I got so sick off of that stuff in my ’80s highschool days that I still get queasy when it’s mentioned. Maybe I shouldn’t have mixed it with tequila but still.
Learn to code is the perfect response to those condescending cunts. Learn to coal mine would work well too.
Mine coal. Unless you are suggesting we dig holes in journalist. I’m listening if you are.
*taps nose*
I’ve had two pint glasses full of cheap wine.
That’s a good start!
Someone’s drinking from a box.
Does wine come any other way?
Yes, Boone’s Farm Comes in bottles.
You two aren’t talking wine, you’re talking Wine, rich pigs, give me your unearned wealth!
Nothing worth drinking.
Umm . . Boones Farm says “wine” right on the bottle . . .I fact, they make the finest blue wine in the world. I dare you to find me a better blue wine!
Wine comes in jugs?? That’s the best invention ever!
“I dare you to find me a better blue wine!”
That would require actual and useful skills, which they lack.
Delightful comments.
And Jalopnik follows the TOS into the the woke sunset.
I thought Jalopnik (well, Gawker as a whole) was leading, and TOS was following.
Try smiling sometime, dick.
I couldn’t be happier to earn a living in customer service. Please excuse my asshole face.
I don’t think so.
That’s how you know it’s gonna be good.
Not good enough to sign up, I bet.
It starts with attractive women complaining about bitchy resting face, but they throw in some attractive dudes at the end.
It’s a wash for both of us.
tbh I really just watch for dude’s definitely-not-just-resting-asshole-face scowl.
Like Bill Nighy’s subtle snarl in Hot Fuzz.
“Try smiling sometime, dick.”
If he’s white, that could be problematic.
If true.
Unless he decides to identify as a woman, then you’re problematic for telling her to smile.
Nation’s Libertarians To Scream At Sky The Moment Government Reopens
Serious question. Are we the only political group left that can laugh at ourselves?
No, we are all aspies, who will never know the warm touch of humor.
I laughed.
This is mockery of my culture.
Rising Sun question: HM posted a link to this channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCshavgMGy2X0b9-9vuNEb9A
WTF is up with Japanese cats being so friendly? My theory is that the Japanese immediately murder any animal that isn’t kawaii, therefore selecting for adorability.
Kawaii is based on cuteness right? I think your premise is flawed:
Even the prior Prime Ministers agreed, Stinky.
Ah, South Park back when it was funny.
When did it stop being funny?
Good question. I heard they sort of sold out to the left this past season but I haven’t watched them yet. If I was misinformed and that’s not the case I withdraw my comment.
all dolphin meat is toxic – up to 5,000 times more toxic than allowed by the World Health Organisation
…I’m having trouble believing this.
Methyl mercury most likely but that does sound like a bit of an overstatement.
I’m waiting for Straff to weigh in. He should know, right?
Oh god, why did you have to make THAT your avatar?!
It’s mesmerizing, isn’t it?
Looks like Billy Zane.
Well, killing a cute thing ads 10,000 toxcity points.
I wouldn’t call it toxic, but it certainly doesn’t taste as good as California Condor.
I thought that was a Hawaiian Island?
It’s a small green citrus fruit
Ah, I stand corrected.
A key lime?
They don’t torture the little critters is my guess. People put 2 liter jugs of water in front of their houses to keep the strays away. Had no idea that worked on cats.
Hmmm. I wonder, maybe Japanese kittehs aren’t at risk of being eaten by hawks, coyotes and dogs the way they are in North America? Stray/feral cats here are amazingly skittish here, because they have to be, not necessarily from humans.
Kids in my neighborhood were really hard on the pussy. Yanking it around, tying its whiskers together, making it release its feral scream. It’s just not the Buddhist way.
Mrs. Slocombe would like a word with you.
He said “were”. Calm down, it’s all in the past.
I laughed then cried.
My gf often says I am autistic simply because I think past my emotions.
Alright, which one of you wrote that?
That’s not funny!!!!
I spotted the fraud! Get him!
I work at the airport. They actually have a food drive for the tsa agents. There’s exactly nothing in the collection box. Nothing, nada, zip.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed the method was just as effective as libertarians’ usual political strategies.
Harsh. But fair.
Great moments in framing the debate using projection, in an attempt to get them to give in to your demands:
“Shutting down the government over a policy difference is self-defeating. It accomplishes nothing but pain and suffering for the country and incurs an enormous political cost to the party shutting it down,” Schumer continued.
Translation: You used your constitutional power of a veto over proposed legislation you said was not in the best interest of the nation. We could not muster the 2/3 override of said veto to enact our proposed legislation, nor craft alternate legislation that could reach a 2/3 override. Our inability to override is your fault. The alleged shutdown, which is actually a mild temporary slowdown, is allegedly entirely due to what you did. So, I demand that you, the party that won the presidential election, accede to virtually anything that we, the party that lost said election, propose in the future to avoid us blaming you again for our inability to muster enough votes or craft acceptable legislation.
The best part was the beginning, when Chuck and Nancy met with Trump and he let the cameras in. He said he had the votes in the house, it was up to them to help pass it in the Senate, they jokingly dismissed it and said there wasn’t a house bill that would pass. House bill passed and they blocked it in the senate. I don’t care one way or another, 5b spent on a wall or 5b spent on watching quails fuck, either way that money is going to be spent.
. . .
. . .
My cousin was on the team for the millions of dollars taxpayers spent studying the effects of cocaine on quails.
I hope xe came at least once to the study, if not that was a wasted load.
No load is wasted.
R’s: ‘Ok! Sounds good to us.’
I expected the other R’s to cave. I was mildly surprised Trump rolled over like this.
But, being a libertarian means always being disappointed no matter who wins.
Sometimes in a tug o war the person who lets go first wins.
They were playing the Pelosi/Schumer pres conference live on my way home from work today. I’m usually not that vindictive. But, if I were Trump, I wouldve changed my mind and vetoes it solely because of the angry, vile, and false rhetoric they used during that press conference.
It’s only for 3 weeks – then the fun starts all over again.
Can I get away with commuting with a faulty knock sensor for a few days? It’s almost fifty bucks cheaper on Amazon than Autozone, etc.
As long as the computer lets the car run, I don’t see why not
I would use premium fuel. Reduce the chance of unnoticed knocking.
The Republic of Texas and The Naval Battle of Campeche
“You steal it giving away food that that people want to eat, I’m looking at you Ronald!”
Well, McDonald’s is the only choice in many food deserts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If only there was McDonald’s in my government sanctioned ‘food desert’. We just have a store that sells fresh produce.
Head on desk.
I went to her Twitter page and found this exchange in the replies:
Well shit. I guess we’re going back to gold, unless he thinks the “democratic republic” created gold too.
Head pounding on desk.
John A is pretty funny, though.
I’m not even sure that we’re living in the same democratic republic.
So you admit you’re a Mexican!?
OT: Pretty proud of my progress on learning web development since last Saturday. Finished the “Intro to HTML” course on CodeAcademy – mostly just as a refresher – and now I’m almost done with their CSS course. I’m going to start JavaScript next, and I’ve already done a tiny bit of that in the past. I also ordered a highly-rated book on graphic design of webpages.
I’m just trying to think of personal projects to work on that might impress an employer. I’ve written down a lot of ideas for personal websites before, but they’re almost entirely blogs, and I don’t know if that would be very helpful; almost anyone can set up a blog… Just need to brainstorm here.
I made a site once where you could register yourself as a sex offender, and when you were done it asked if you wanted to register a friend. Not sure how much employers would gleam from it, but it was fun for my family and friends to get people freaked out.
Haha, nice.
I did have a dream last night that I got hired to make a website for some Westboro-like church group with a hardcore anti-gay message. I wanted the gig just for the good reference, but I also had moral qualms about helping them with that message, so I tried to program the site to change the background image to gay porn in 90 days or something.
Also, the guy insisted on me making this super-hokey amateurish ’90s design, one feature of which was the word “hell” enveloped in animated flames every time it occurred.
A dream or inspiration from God?
God wants him gay?
I’m not here to interpret or admonish the word of God, just herald it’s arrival.
Wait… is Trump God? Or SF?
That’s a good beginner exercise, actually.
I haven’t achieved that yet, but just out of curiosity, I actually did make a CSS rule that would render a .gif of flames as a backdrop for text.
My brother and I love joking about that cheesy, over-the-top web design of the ’90s… Marquee text, shitloads of .gifs, hit counters, frames, etc. I might incorporate that flaming text rule somewhere in there.
When you get to javascript, it’ll be a breeze.
I was doing websites for fun in 90s, taught my little brother everything he knew about computers, he ended up getting a computer science degree and I got a degree in Radio-TV-Film, guess which one of us makes enough money to actually live off of…
Then just what exactly are you squandering my $2/month Patreon on? Piss hookers?
“Only the betht pith hookerth tonight!”
Add in my $1/month and you can bring some meth to the party.
Long drive ahead of us.
Unpossible. Voter fraud is a myth.
“There is no credible data that indicates illegal voting is happening in any significant numbers, and the Secretary’s statement does not change that fact,” said Beth Stevens, Voting Rights Legal Director with the Texas Civil Rights Project.
That’s not true! is a legit debate tactic.
There’s no credible data that water is wet and the bucket dumped on my head does not change that fact.
Water is not wet in any significant numbers. Prove me wrong. Er….. Change my mind.
“I zee nozing!” – Matt “Sgt Schultz” Welch
The winner. Hot lesbians always win.
Fake news.
For the right price…
Don’t harsh my buzz. Gay for pay looks real to me.
Honorable mention. Also, your Happy Friday Glibs link won’t load for me.
/I read the links
47 and 59.
And fuck all you Shitlords. See you tomorrow.
What a mixed bag. 22, 37, and 70.
Yes please. I’m not sure if I could keep me hanging on for all 99 luftballoons, but I’d try my damnedest.
Fantastisch! I have the album from that year where she redid all her hits in that vein (without Kim – nice touch to see her there). TL;DR she’s not just a one-hit wonder.
Alice Lowe is the actress who plays Simon Skinner’s assistant in Hot Fuzz. She has a part in World’s End that I don’t know yet (she’s billed as “Young Lady” in the credits), but she was also a Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace regular. Fun!
Wrong link or great joke for those in the know?
One of the lines in the movie involves “Make Sanford Great Again.” They had Trump beat by twelve years.
Damn! It’s Sandford. I swear I looked it up before I looked it up…
Gonna buy my Trump-hating, Cornetto trilogy loving brother a hat.
I’ve only had 2 beers, so I’m indisputably authoritative here:
This portion of the comment thread is absolute gibberish.
I’m half a bottle into the Sobieski and it makes perfect sense!
Olivia Coleman plays PC Doris. (The chick she hits with the wet floor sign is Alice Lowe’s character.) Coleman is also big in the Mitchell and Webb sketch series.
She plays David Mitchell’s love interest in Peep Show, which isn’t as sexy as it sounds. Also, Bill Bailey plays both Seargents Turner. Bailey’s also Simon Pegg’s boss in Spaced. Which Edgar Wright produced, in addition to all the Cornetto movies.
Tamsin Greig was a central character in Black Books, alongside Bill Bailey. She was one of the bizarro characters in the party of survivors that briefly encounters Simon Peg et al. Dylan Moran, who was the lead character of Black Books, is the boyfriend of Simon Peg’s girlfriend in Shaun. And Katy Carmichael, the woman who played Twist in Spaced… is sadly not Dylan Moran’s girlfriend in Shaun. That would be great. But Jessica Hynes co-wrote a bunch of stuff with Peg, including Shaun, and she played the lead role in Spaced, which is great.
Those are words and they are written into sentences. But I have no idea what you are talking about. I’m tapping out.
Yeah, I fucked up. Dylan Moran wants to be Kate Ashfield’s girlfriend in Shaun, but he’s dating Lucy Davis. Lucy Davis, it turns out, was in an episode of Black Books as a friend of Tamsin Greig. That didn’t turn out well. Kate Ashfield doesn’t seem to turn up in any other Cornetto movie, though.
The Cornetto movies have two Bonds. How many have you got?
That one chick who attacks Peg early on in Shaun of the Dead, Mary? She’s in AA with Gary King in World’s End. I think. It’s a dead ringer. It’s definitely an homage, if not. A damn shame if they had to replace her.
English libel laws are way different than ours.