The Wonder Dog knows that something isn’t right. “There was no Saturday night post! What is WRONG with you humans???” Well, where do I start? In any case, without SP’s steady hand, things will be a bit weird for the next week. But we’ll be back. And there’s still Sunday Morning Links.
And there are still birthdays. Besides being the 51st anniversary of my bar mitzvah, January 27 is the birthday of my inspiration and one of my favorite poets, Lewis Carroll; songwriter extraordinaire Jerome Kern; Jimmy Carter’s mentor and likely source of his antisemitism Hyman Rickover; TV mom Donna Reed; former chemist Jerry Buss; psion discoverer Samuel Ting (Morticia: “Thank you, Ting!”); the entertainingly unhinged Keith Olbermann; and the rapturous actress Mimi Rogers.
Those are the headlines, now the rumors behind the news.
More proof of collusion with Russia. Or something like that. Right?
Don’t kiss hedgehogs. Or Dr. Hedgeh. Gotta play it safe.
Well, this is one way to term-limit.
Conclusion not supported by data, even the limited data in the article. Admit it, there’s far more to worry about from the Left and their pets.
Team Blue speaks out yet again for liberty.
“My complications had complications.”
When badly roasted and overpriced coffee isn’t good enough, here’s an alternative.
Those Frenchies, they have a different word for EVERYTHING!
Trump supporters attack the press.
The science is settled! World “leaders” pay careful attention to a dull teenager. Because she feels things that we can’t.
Old Guy Music is a great version of a song penned by today’s birthday boy Jerome Kern. This take features Wes Montgomery showing how guitar is meant to be played, and a sentimental favorite for me, Harold Mabern killing it on piano.
So….many…..links!!! I may have to nap a little before reading the second half.
Yeah, pace yourself there OMWC.
Good luck to you and SP with the move.
I should have included that. Stay safe on the drive OMWC & SP! Hopefully you are far enough south to be out of winter’s icy grasp by the end of the day.
We actually depart on Thursday, right after the new record-setting low temps on Wednesday. Oh joy.
I’ve often read of your love of wine.
I hope your new job affords you greater income or perhaps a lower cost of living so that you can quit having to drink that old wine you always complain about.
Maybe now you can step up and get some of the new stuff.
I hope SP and OMWC are both well…I seem to have come down with something.
Excuse me while I pile another blanket on.
Ugh. Feel better.
Hope you get better soon, Swiss.
Just pull up a hot toddy, get under a blanket and watch the past Super Bowls, all day.
Sorry to hear about that Swiss. I hope it passes quickly.
If you gave it to us….
Is this Sheeny curse territory?
Typhoid Swissy.
Feel better, bro
I shortened my bout of the flue considerably by doubling the amount of alcohol I was doing daily from a fifth to two fifths. Highly recommended.
Give yourself a narrowed gaze. Your illness will fall right in line.
Small groups of protesters at Bastille formed makeshift barriers, lit fires and threw projectiles at police,
Déjà vu.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
I sometimes wonder if their protest is just about the fact that their masters are shitty ones and they just want better masters. From what I have experienced Europe is a lost cause and the people there love their status as serfs. They just want a more accountable bunch of masters.
I have no evidence to show why you should even wonder. If anything they only want a bigger brother.
Déjà vu
Déjà vu too.
Do it again!
Are the French ever not rioting? Reporting on this is like reporting on the sun rising.
They are not rioting when they need to surrender?
I thought you were going to play this in honor of Lewis Carroll.
I’m just glad he didn’t play that God-awful Jefferson Airplane song.
Ok, now you’ve gone too far. What kind of monster doesn’t love “We Bult This City?”
/raises hand
It’s a dreadful song.
Of all the replies I could have received, that is not one I had predicted.
CommieMommie heard Grace say you wouldn’t believe it but we wrote that song in six minutes.
Mom: I believe it.
See, I thought about going with “Someone to Love,” but was afraid the snark would have been too subtle.
I was obviously right.
Um, Starship is Airplane + disco.
Or this.
“A principal I talked to told me a lady came into the office with her sleepwear on with some of her body parts hanging out. You got children coming down the hall in a line and they can possibly see this,” he added.
Bet that doesn’t happen at Covington.
“with her sleepwear on with some of her body parts hanging out.”
Depending on her age and how much time she spends at the gym while the kid is in school, I’m not seeing the problem here.
They don’t want to see me in my sleepwear….
+1 tangerines in a tube sock
We must save our children from the sight of naked female breasts!
Other students? No problem. There were no MILFs among my high school classmates’ mothers.
See I was blessed with plenty of MILFs…
Or possibly your standards were just lower.
I will admit that at 15 I don’t believe I had any standards whatsoever. Well, possibly “human”, “a pulse”, and “no Y Chromosomes”…
Nah, my standards are anything but low man. Not sure if I should call it a blessing or not, but there was just an abundance of real hawt moms amongst my friends.
It’s called “side boob.”
“her body parts hanging out”
“Hanging” out… I’m not sure.
“Protruding” or “sticking” out – that I might click on.
Bulging, spilling…
Better ban children from beaches, too, while we are busy protecting them.
Get the fuck outta here! That’s really a thing?
In some families, large stones, a hammer or a spatula can be used
Just reach in the kitchen drawer and see what you have.
Dear, did you remember to iron your breasts today?
“Did I leave the iron on?”
Somebody needs to take an iron to Chuck Schumer’s tits.
“They don’t care if the small-chested girls stay small-chested, as long as the big-chested girls get less big-chested.”
-The Iron Lady
I’m having a pleasantly dull weekend. I’ve taken to watching Little Rascals in the pre-dawn hours the last couple days (nostalgic for my childhood when those shows were on cable networks but only at 0500ish).
I’m enjoying what shitlord humor is on display. Racial stereotypes galore. Blatantly bigoted gags. Yet these kids are depicted living together in imperfect harmony and equality. The kids run around unsupervised and consistently outwit and get one over on authority figures.
I can’t wait until the SJW’s come out with a 21st century vision where all the kids of different races stay on their own side of the tracks and the kids attend state supervised play groups with their parents hovering over them.
+1 He-Man Woman-Haters Club
[gives Stinky the high sign]
Thanks for that observation, BB. Yes, the show was a beacon of racial tolerance and far ahead of its time.
Please consider expanding that into a longer piece for the younger glibs who may be unfamiliar with the source material.
Hmmmm…..that might be fun.
If there are younger Glibs around who haven’t found the sheer joy of Little Rascals reading this, I’m pretty sure you can find every episode ever made on YouTube (for now, I’m sure some pearl clutches will get it taken off before long). Do yourself a favor and enjoy some innocent, hilarious hijinks from a bygone era.
For those that lack the reference..
LOL So problematic.
I love the original Little Rascals shorts. My favorite is A Tough Winter featuring Stepin Fetchit. Hilarious.
The “far right” that is far enough out there to be anti-Semitic has nowhere near the numbers of the average liberal enclave who are pretending to be pro-Palestinian. A few of the Jews in my extended family had to quit a number of associations (Unitarians, etc.) because they felt uncomfortable hearing all the “anti-Zionist” rhetoric.
I see, on the sidebar to the Gulag Barbie story (FAUX NEWZ), a headline about Kamala Harris’ extramarital affair with Willie Brown (I assume).
What a bunch of muckraking degenerates, prying into the private relationships of a woman who has devoted her life to making America a better place to live.
With her officially announcing her run, this is her attempt to get out ahead of the attack. She had Willie himself write a short piece in which he took the Clinton route. Sure I did this corrupt shit and she wouldn’t have had her career if she wasn’t blowing me, but so what?
I don’t want a visual of Willie “helping” Gavin Newsom.
I plowed me that beoatch!
IN and out of bounds, repeatedly, I might add.
Importance of Indigenous Peoples March got overshadowed by ‘the face of white privilege’
The white boys were interviewed and exonerated in the eyes of the white public. It was all a horrible mistake and now they were receiving threats. The story was bent to be sympathetic to the boys. The role of the Indigenous elder and the reason Indigenous people were present was lost.
Nonsense like this is why false narratives continue on even after they’ve been conclusively disproved. Just keep lying because people will throw their hands up in disgust and walk away, leaving the lie to become cemented in the ill informed public’s mind.
A couple of years from now all people will remember is how a group of Catholic highschoolers were beating up Indians in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
And the March for Life is just a march for Nazi-Protecting Bigoted teenagers. History books will look even better in the future.
^This. Truth doesn’t matter. The narrative must go on. Ultimately our civilization withers and dies not as a result of the efforts of the subversives but the laziness and apathy of the public at large. Some libertarians trumpeted (and still trumpet) the social media age as the dawning of the new era of liberty. I’m reaching the opposite conclusion. It’s the Telescreen of 1984.
First impressions are what stick with people and the “smug face” is what got cemented into the public’s goldfish attention span as they scrolled through their Facebook feed.
Smirking while white
“Smirking while white”
No need to even discuss that this is 90% of the entire issue.
The young Swedish gal needs to visit all the MN Swedish folks to get the real feel of global climate warming change and that ain’t no shit.
She won’t change her mind. That is the beauty of global climate change. It doesn’t matter what the actual weather is, it all fits into the global climate change world. It gets hotter — global climate change. It gets colder — global climate change. It stays the same — global climate change.
It’s a fucking cult.
Which is really stupid on the part of the scientists. I’m sort of in the camp that’s sometimes described as “lukewarmists.” There appears to be some consistent warming and also evidence that human activity has some contribution to that (I know a lot here won’t agree with that). Within that view, there is an opportunity to think through some rational responses and ideas that might be helpful. But, no, you have to be onboard with full-tile CAGW or you’re a heretic.
I get why agitators and politicians (and even some scientists) go with the extreme view. But I don’t get why more don’t speak out and say, “look, there may be a problem here but we have time to get a handle on it rationally.”
Yeah, I’m not convinced there is no warming at all. I’m just street smart enough to know when I’m being sold a load of bull, which is the vast majority of what I hear on the subject.
The fact that no mater the problem the answer is academic marxism and less freedom for the plebes while the elite just keep doing their shit, should tell everyone this is nothing but a hoax perpetrated on the weak minded and lost in order for the inept credentialed elite class to cement their hold on power.
Climate change happens. This planet went from a molten rock to one that could sustain life. Changing solar activity and the other things that happen as our solar system makes it’s way around the SagA black hole in the center of the Milky Way, or as our planet makes its way around the sun, combine with our oceans to produce a dynamic and open system, unlike the closed one most of these rigged climate models the cultists use to peddle their new apocalyptic future and demand to conform to their religion’s tenets from the morons, that forever results in changing climate.
The biggest lie by the people peddling academic marxism as the answer to this made up problem is the claim of some optimum or standard temperature. They use that nonsense of some fixed or optimum temperature to then tell morons that don’t realize that change is the only constant, that things are going to go to hell. Just like every religion peddles hell for the unbelievers and those that stray from the path their masters tell them they must walk, the AGW cultists peddle their apocalypse and demand all succumb to a vile pact nobody would accept otherwise. At least the old time religions promised the concept of a heaven. All AGW promises is hell on earth for people that don’t want to be sheep.
Remember that nothing is as dangerous as a true believer that thinks they are on a holy crusade.
That’s a good summary of my view as well.
“I get why agitators and politicians (and even some scientists) go with the extreme view. But I don’t get why more don’t speak out and say, “look, there may be a problem here but we have time to get a handle on it rationally.””
When government funding is a make or break thing, and government wants you to peddle AGW, you realize that you better parrot what they want because that is how your bread will get buttered. More importantly, realize that the people peddling the AGW nonsense will come after anyone that gets in their way and destroy them, and you will see why so many figure the safe thing to do is to tow the line.
Likewise. But ever since Rachel Carson/Silent Spring, pro-environment is all about “raising awareness” by making outrageous claims, which is OK because the ends justifies the means.
They fail to see how badly it undermines their argument when the so-called scientific community tolerates these grossly exacerbated claims.
But we’re all dead in 12 years anyways, so what’s the point?
No one with a shred of serious statistical experience would make any political or economic recommendations based on the tiny grasp we have of the data. It is utterly impossible to say how serious a change might be afoot or what caused it: thousands of factors are in play. Man-made climate change cannot possibly be confirmed . . . or rejected. The signals modeled barely rival noise.
And, as these things work out, the very second after the world government agrees on causation, the trends, the fixes, and the laws and reduced us all to living in subterranean dorms and halved the world’s domestic product, some volcano will go off and toss us all into a nuclear winter for five years.
This is all part of her and her mom’s book tour. Her mom is a activist for any and all prog causes who use saw the opportunity to use her daughter to more effectively spread her ideas.
a lady came into the office with her sleepwear on with some of her body parts hanging out.
This is why you wear footie PJs when you shop at Walmart or pick your kids up from school.
Come on, People.
Recently saw an internet quote from a lady who preferred Dollar General to Walmart because Dollar General was more casual and she didn’t have to get all dressed up like she did to go to the Walmarts
Ultimately our civilization withers and dies not as a result of the efforts of the subversives but the laziness and apathy of the public at large.
I have come to believe the education system has taught nothing but laziness and apathy for the past four or five decades, as a specific part of the agenda.
StudentsInmates are taught to accept the Party Line without questioning, no matter how patently absurd the claim might be. Appeal to Authority is the most important lesson. Don’t question, don’t look behind the curtain.My favorite Mencken quote:
“School days, I believe, are the unhappiest in the whole span of human existence. They are full of dull, unintelligible tasks, new and unpleasant ordinances, brutal violations of common sense and common decency. It doesn’t take a reasonably bright boy long to discover that most of what is rammed into him is nonsense, and that no one really cares very much whether he learns it or not.”
I think one of the biggest favors my mom ever did for me was to start me in school at 5 years old. That meant that I could put the whole, sad episode behind me when I was 17 and could get on with my life one year earlier.
I should take more time to reflect on the fact that there is a silver lining for me not having children. So far I’ve been spared the agony of having to watch them grow up as partial wards of the state and likely having no opportunity to have a rough-and-tumble, unsupervised childhood. Even if I did my best to facilitate that, the likelihood of having other families nearby that raised their kids in a like manner would be pretty low.
That’s why when they hit six, real libertarians leave their children in the forest during the summer to fend for themselves with a bowie nife, a rifle, just enough kindling to start their first fire, and a compass so they can find their own damn way back home.
“during the summer”
You must be one of those Reason libertarian-lite libertarians. Middle of Winter or GTFO.
I went 50 years without children in my life so I think I have a pretty good idea what life is like with and without kids.
I would say it is pretty close to a flip of the coin as to which is preferable. Maybe if I wasn’t looking at supporting them so late into life – ie. if I (or rather, my wife) had had them earlier – it would look better? Not really sure.
I’ve thought about trading in the wife a few times, but never the kid.
I can foresee that the day both my boys have moved out and on their own will be as painful as being the center of attention at some Aztec ritual sacrifice but I know very well what it was like before and that wasn’t so bad – I didn’t feel I was missing anything.
Well if I do have kids, at this point I’m certainly going to be an older Dad. Not sure if the wisdom gained over almost 2 decades of being a bachelor will be a help or a hinderance.
I adopted at the age of 47. I’m pretty sure I have more patience and less of a yearning to go out and party, as opposed to staying home with the kid.
On the other hand, Damn it takes a lot of energy! I’m pretty sure that in my twenties I was much more energetic and would have kept up. Now, It’s just exhausting. This kid is extra high energy also. He just keeps on going.
That said, I love him immensely, and wouldn’t undo it for the world.
*btw, I was aged 47 when I adopted, He was 6 weeks old. Now, he’s 6 years old.
You are not incorrect, blackjack. There is a reason why we are able to reproduce in our teens. When I was 20, I could be out all night and still be in class the next morning, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and I didn’t drink coffee then. Not so much these days.
Okay. I clicked on that
HitlerClimate Youth story. There’s a photo of the young person in question.She looks like she would benefit greatly from a visit from an exorcist, pronto.
Put a little mustache on her and I’m going to guess her speeches would be pretty familiar.
On Fox this morning. 68% of those sampled would not pay $10 a month in support of Climate Change Prevention. There was no poll on paying $10 a month for Wall building
Hedgehog diseases and no reference to Ron Jeremy?
Or duct tape?
Duct tape is silver.
Silence is golden.
I have that shirt
Duct Tape
“People wearing next to nothing. People wearing shirts or tattoos with expletives. People coming onto a school campus and cursing the principal or the teacher out. These things happen regularly,” Parkinson said.
“A principal I talked to told me a lady came into the office with her sleepwear on with some of her body parts hanging out. You got children coming down the hall in a line and they can possibly see this,” he added.”
Tragedy of the commons?
As an aside, I agree though, when it comes to attire, we’re perhaps a tad too lax these days.
I’m fairly certain, though I could be wrong, that if these extreme stories were true, that there’d be some laws already applicable. I’m fairly certain if I step outside in just my underwear, the cops aren’t going to look favorably upon me.
I once watched a judge chew out a guy for wearing sandals and cargo shorts to court.
I went to court to get a traffic ticket waived. I was the only defendant there in a suit. Probably the only one with a lawyer as well, but not positive. Vast majority were wearing tshirts or wife beaters. My ticket was waived without a second’s hesitation.
I own grubby jeans and khaki golfer type shorts. Last time I had to go to court I wore some shorts and a nice shirt, I thought that would be better than dirty work jeans, while waiting I notice a sign saying ‘no shorts’, I run home and change, barely get back in time, out of breath and sweaty…every other defendant was wearing shorts.
It’s all a big game. At that lower level, the lawyer doesn’t even provide any legal help, it just shows your willingness to contribute to the legal guild the other players are members of (prosecutor and judge). It’s a bribe to the system itself.
So I should just bring a dude in a suit and let them believe he’s my lawyer?
American flag diapers or GTFO.
“As an aside, I agree though, when it comes to attire, we’re perhaps a tad too lax these days”
Yeah, I tend to agree with that. I mean, I don’t want laws or anything and every business can have its own rules, but it seems like there could be some class (?) sometimes. I was at brunch at a semi-classy restaurant here and there was a guy at the next table wearing sweats and a baseball cap. Didn’t affect my experience or anything but I was thinking, “you know, you got out of bed to get here. How hard would it be to throw on a pair of decent jeans or similar.”
I lean that way too. Once saw a guy in flip flops in a really nice restaurant. It was like ‘dude, come on’.
I had to do a deposition on Friday. I wore a suit. The lawyer that deposed me was wearing jeans and a polo shirt.
You could’ve pulled a Soprano on him.
I don’t see a problem.
Then again, my parents sent me to a soccer award ceremony in a suit.
I was eight.
Speaking of soccer, BBC story on the 1949 plane crash that wiped out the Torino team:
I remember reading to some they’re considered the precursor of ‘total football’. The crash wipe out Italian soccer in the 1950s. It would have been interesting to see the World Cup during that decade with those players. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to think an appearance in the final or even a win was possible.
Same here. To me, how you dress is an indication of your self-awareness, self-respect, and respect for others. Show up for a business meeting, or at a nice restaurant, in shorts and flip flops, and I deduct points.
I didn’t want to be the first to say this. But I agree with this.
I like chill and cool as much as the next guy but there’s time and place for it. And a wedding isn’t one of them.
To me it shows a lack of self respect to wear clothes that aren’t comfortable for the purpose of appeasing strangers.
Well made and fitted business clothes are comfortable to wear, though.
Self-respect often leads me to do things I might rather not, anyway.
Charges: Ex-Heber employee offered to ‘sign off’ work hours for sex
Gives a whole new spin to “community service”…
And the political class wants to mandate (not two guys on a date) this shit?
Fuck the war on drugs.
“On the 11th consecutive weekend of action against the government, 69,000 people took to the streets, including 4,000 in Paris, the interior ministry said, down from an estimated 84,000 demonstrators across the country last Saturday.”
15 000 are on strike from the Yellow Vest strike demanding better work conditions and improved vest quality. Women are demanding pink vests as they seek to exert their own independence from the patriarchy.
Libertarian Socialism in South America: A Roundtable Interview
It’s the least understood because it’s irrational.
Socialism = collectivism by force.
Libertarianism = individualism guided by the NAP.
It’s just one of the many word salad words created by academic marxists to peddle their evil and vile murderous cult.
I had the pleasure of arguing with one serious socialist who claimed at least be opposed to state socialism (though he’s easily enough slip into defending the Soviets). He rejected the notion of the individual and individual rights. Basically, there was freedom because there were democratic components. It was communal bullshit. While initially denying that this would require force of any kind, he fell back on the old canard that individual rights require force, as well. As if forcing someone else to give me their shit is the exact same as preventing someone else from doing harm to myself or my property.
But it was pretty unmistakable that he couldn’t propose an actual model that wouldn’t require forced participation. It just wasn’t a problem for him.
These are usually people that feel that no matter how ugly their solution, it is justified, because the alternative is worse. Letting go of their envy/jelousy of what others have, and living and let live, never seems to be enough for them. They want to punish those they feel got it better than them.
“libertarian socialism is possibly the least understood.”
Maybe that is because it is gibberish.
” libertarian socialism ”
Boiled ice
flaccid diamonds
broken water
the straightest circle
good government
Too many out there will swallow that load and never spill a drop.
See, I have never understood people that tell you everyone out there is evil because they are looking out for themselves first and foremost, and need to thus be controlled to prevent them from preying on their fellow man, but the bureaucrats running that all powerful government that will pick winners and losers that these people want to address the fact that life is not fair or just, for some reason will to be immune to that human nature thing they want fixed.
If you look at these marxist as just a bunch of religious asshats, then it makes sense. They replaced God in the old time religion with government, and instead of promising heaven after this life, they tell you this new god will deliver heaven on earth. The fact that all these elite collectivists governments have delivered is hell, seems to never be grasped by people that are driven by their envy/jealousy of what others have. The elite class in charge knows damned well that they can only deliver misery to all, but they see it as a feature, not a detriment. After all, their priority is their own asses.
roots within the socialist-communist camp
Sure. OK.
Also, maybe just a grammar misunderstanding?
(anti-state) socialism
– or –
anti-(state socialism)
libertarian had various roots some of them socialist some of them not. It is irrelevant many words mean different things than they did 100 years ago. But I doubt this usage is american, mostly in Europe libertarian is not seen as socialist
Anyway libertarian socialism cannot function as such it is a real world contradiction. Semantics have nothing to do with it
They took over the word ‘liberal’ and we beat it to a bloody pulp. Then took on the moniker ‘progressive’ because who can argue with progress? But they need the next, shiny new toy, and ‘socialism’ on its own still has the stench of death and poverty on it, so why not add a modifier to it? That should help.
should be “they beat it…”
“We consider that would be a catastrophic scenario that would shake the foundations of the development model which we see in Latin America.”
Development model. Venezuela. Poverty, starvation and the jackbooted oppression of communism. I see. How about a big hearty ‘fuck you’? How is that for a development model?
*Disclaimer – What happened to Venezuela is their own doing. We cant fix that, they have to fix it themselves. We absolutely should not get involved militarily.
Sorry about the congressman. That is an awful way to go and since I have never heard his name before I assume he is not one of the bad ones.
Far right anti-semitism? White nationalist far righters huh? These people are nuts. Most of the left is virulently anti-Israel, anti-semitic with even leftist US congresscritters calling for death to the Jews. WTF Jews?
As for the wall, the wall Israel put up has been pretty successful. It aint perfect but better than what was before. Keeping in mind that the logistics and geography are different than here.
Crazy Eyes is gonna crazy. I am amazed at the attention she gets. Looks like Airstrip 1 is doing the same.
The D’s are gonna put up Skateboard Girl or the Ghoul from California. Anyone else jumping in will have their kneecaps rearranged. They are still going to lose.
News stand robbery: “They are four people, five people, how can I fight them?” he said.”
I dunno. It’s a mystery. No clue how to solve this problem.
“Adults keep saying we owe it to the young people, to give them hope. But I don’t want your hope. I don’t want you to be hopeful. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day. I want you to act,”
But it is totally not a scam. It has the exact same anatomy as a scam by pure coincidence.
Fuck it. I am off to the store to replenish my biscuit supply, but dont think you can be rid of me that easily. I will be back.
What happened to Venezuela is their own doing. We cant fix that, they have to fix it themselves. We absolutely should not get involved militarily. – WhaT about muh sanctionz
RE the NYC crime spree story. Lol. Teens. Suspects. Not a single mention that they were black.
Maybe I’m stupid but isn’t this why the press is mocked?
Bernard Goetz has a sad.
” Bernard Goetz has a sad.”
…and $5 for each of them
I have no problem with that, actually, if it’s done consistently instead of pick-and-choose for narrative purposes. It’s relevant when the public is asked to keep an eye out for (fill in the suspect description), but is often weirdly missing in those cases.
But admit it- you know those teens are white supremacists.
At a minimum they are Uncle Toms for attacking one of the many branches their elite masters work in…
Consistency. Yes, it’s all we ask.
Um..they had pictures of the robbers.
“Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old girl from Sweden whose activism for climate change sparked protests demonstrations across Europe delivered a bold message to financial and political elites as they gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this week.”
I am Greta frum Svee-den.
I couldn’t go on.
That’s cause everyone knows not to put it in crazy..
Well… wait. What does she look like?
I’m a Swedish plumber I’m here to fix your pipes
“I’d like to thank all those gathered here from across the planet. Flying that far in a private jet can be tiring, but if that’s what it takes to fix our climate…”
She took the train because she’s that hard-core.
Frankly, I find the whole “wise beyond her years” schtick so nauseating.
That just means she got on birth control at 14
Libertarian Socialism
+1 Dark-light
+1 Free-slave
It is in fact socialist libertarianism
The corrosive influence of the Cold War has distorted our understanding of socialism, while the explicit hijacking of the term “libertarian” by right-wing forces has stripped it of its roots within the socialist-communist camp.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
They sure know how to fuck up terminologies.
The other day I saw some feminist whacko defending the Gillette ad claiming the people against it were emotional and not be factual. She actually said ‘facts don’t care about your feelings’.
Love how they appropriate terms easily traced back to conservative circles (snowflakes, NPC etc.) for their own.
Progressivism and socialism: The Tommy Flanagan of ideologies.
What facts? What the fuck is she talking about?
That’s your first mistake. Thinking she actually has anything of value to add to this conversation.
Stolen from Instapundit
Only trained law enforcement officers should have guns.
Yeah this was up the other day. I’m calling it; there is way more to that story and the Russian roulette aspect is a weak ass lie to cover for a homicide.
Yeah, two on duty cops, one of them a young decent looking woman, at the apartment of an off duty cop late night. And they start playing a game of Russian Roulette for kicks? At least the other two heroes get paid while they figure out how to get them off.
It’s a Trap!
It’s not difficult to view hustle culture as a swindle. After all, convincing a generation of workers to beaver away is convenient for those at the top.
“The vast majority of people beating the drums of hustle-mania are not the people doing the actual work. They’re the managers, financiers and owners,” said David Heinemeier Hansson, the co-founder of Basecamp, a software company. We spoke in October, as he was promoting his new book, “It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work,” about creating healthy company cultures.
But today, as tech culture infiltrates every corner of the business world, its hymns to the virtues of relentless work remind me of nothing so much as Soviet-era propaganda, which promoted impossible-seeming feats of worker productivity to motivate the labor force. One obvious difference, of course, is that those Stakhanovite posters had an anticapitalist bent, criticizing the fat cats profiting from free enterprise. Today’s messages glorify personal profit, even if bosses and investors — not workers — are the ones capturing most of the gains. Wage growth has been essentially stagnant for years.
NYT “Business” section thumbsucker about “hustle culture”. You’ve bee duped into working hard. KKKapitalism is kkkilling you. Your boss is stealing your labor. Fight back.
Loaf. Slack.
“its hymns to the virtues of relentless work”
Actually I hear more about “work-life balance” than I ever have in my lifetime.
These are the slackers telling people that slacking is the better thing to do. If we all are slackers then we can all get participation trophies without anyone nothing the whole thing is stupid.
“Wage growth has been essentially stagnant for years.”
Sign of someone who doesnt listen to the econtalk podcast.
You can stop right there.
The amount of work or effort is incidental. Productivity is what matters.
More commie bullshit effort to make people incompetent.
This should be stated in every economics course, everywhere.
Silicone Sunday warms up the frozen masses.
And that “breast ironing” thing is second only to breast reductions in the “crime against humanity” category.
Meet the Press is all over the Roger Stone thing. Treasonous perfidy! Hang the motherfucker.
The last two people charged by Mueller were hit up for lying to Congress (and Stone berating another witness who really didn’t have anything substantial to say to begin with).
Nearly all of Trump’s problems stem from his complete inability to get even a fraction of the control over the bureaucracy, particularly the DOJ, that his predecessor had. Which in turn stems from his own willingness to listen to swamp creatures in the GOP in the first place.
This is a uniquely grave period in our history. Nobody in the previous administration lied to Congress, ever.
Obviously, the answer to this problem is robot children. They can work in the mines and we can tax them at 100% to support the welfare state.
‘their pets”?
A hedgehog reference with no mention of Dinsdale ?
Why isn’t Gulag Barbie on Meet the Press? She’s being muzzled by the patriarchy!
The vast right wing media conspiracy strikes again.
Yesterday and Today – feel like I have a cold but no major congestion, just tired and run down. Of course the 0-12F weather isn’t helping.
“Let’s not dwell on who called whom a racist. Let’s just move forward, and get that unnamed racist to do what we want.”
‘Heroin for middle-class nerds’: how Warhammer conquered gaming
“I don’t get it. When we declare our protests, we get tear-gassed. When we don’t declare our protests, we get tear-gassed,”
What’s not to get Frenchie?
OT: I have a trial tomorrow morning for domestic violence, and I am just not feeling it. Almost seems like it a policy case for the prosecutor since it’s a third charge of DV against my guy. But when I talked about it to another defense attorney, it feels like there’s plenty of reasonable doubt to go around.
I almost had a child abuse case last year, which settled the day before trial. That was the last time I had a full trial.
Juries love it when you can summarize your case with one pithy rhyme.
True. I was an English major in undergrad so I’d have no problem with a pithy rhyme.
There was an old man from Nantucket …
That’s always a good beginning !
Except mind would start :
There was a man on the west side
Allegedly beating his spouse on her best side
hours later she called the law…
who didn’t like what they saw …
Just don’t try that in the UK.
I’m not sure which cop culture I hate more – the one in the UK where they all seem to be pussified dandy’s parroting SJW bullshit, or the one in the US where it’s all respect my authority.
I would have told the cops to fuck off.
Look’ee ‘ere, we got summat wants to see the innerds of Ol’ Bailey!
Love the positioning of this next to “huge spike in violent crime” and “gang raids shop”.
I don’t wear a watch (I use my cell phone for the time) so this isn’t relevant to me personally, but I do see an awful lot of porn actors leaving their watch on.
I find that weirder because you’re on film. What director is so lazy he doesn’t tell the talent to take off the damn watch?
You have to leave your FitBit on to track your “exercise”.
“A watch during sex is like socks during sex”
What’s wrong with keeping your socks on? Keeps your feet warm and two less things you have to put back on before you make a hasty exit.
I use my cell phone for the time – a watch is jewelry it is not meant to tell time.
Perhaps they do so in case they need to be able to identify themselves in unauthorized bootleg clips of their films? And they don’t want tattoos?
Weird? No.
Courteous? Yes. Getting hit by a chunk of stainless steel is no picnic.
Joe Cocker, contrary to Tony Soprano, says it’s OK to leave your hat on though.
Don’t kiss hedgehogs.
I suppose it depends on where you kiss them then.
It’s like people letting their dogs lick their face. I just saw your dog eating it’s own poo and sniffing another dogs butt.
I suppose it depends on the hedgehog
theyre weird with their shit.
From the Ex–Starbucks CEO article:
Another reason they hate him so much. He stole their favorite political strategy!!!
I am not surprised they hate him so much and that they do so because he plays the rigged game the way that the democrats do: the rules are for the other assholes you need to take down.
I think they hate him because he won as a Republican. If Cruz would have won, he would be getting the same hyperbolic hate. If Trump would have won as a Democrat they would be for the wall. Remember BDS wasn’t much better.
…with no sense of self-awareness whatsoever.
Heil Heidi! #88
I would describe Libertarian ideology as the exact opposite of Socialism. I’m not sure how they think they’re going to pull that off. Although the Progressives did manage to steal Liberal after they ruined their brand in the early 20th century.
I thing the word libertarian has a complex history, but only if you equate it with the french libertaire. I have no idea when the actual english word was first used an in which context but it is not relevant imo
The left is always very focused on using words to shape opinion. But words are just labels we use to communicate, they don’t change what something is. I don’t think it helps them as much as they think it does.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation deemed an episode of Peppa Pig unsuitable for broadcast, because its theme was that “spiders are very small and they can’t hurt you”.
A viewer complained that an episode of the animated children’s series Peppa Pig was inappropriate for an Australian audience because it said that spiders were not to be feared.
Watch a Venomous Spider Kill a Deadly Snake in Rare Attack
Is there anything in Australia that won’t kill you?
No. I jokingly told my kids and the Australian neighbor kid that there were 5 animals in Australia that won’t kill you – platypus, wallabu, kangaroo, koala, and the wombat.
The Australian neighbor kid said actually that the kangaroos run out in front of cars and cause fatal crashes, so it’s really only like 4 animals.
That platypus might be poisonous
Perry the Platypus could be fairly dangerous.
Shouldn’t Australian kids already know to never go outside and never open any doors. Sit in a corner cleared of all clothes and clutter with your shotgun, never sleep, and shoot anything that moves.
They would but the gubmint took their guns.
from the comments
Spider bites Australian man on penis again
With all due respect to Raven (do we have any other Aussie glibs?) why do people stay in Australia? I mean both individuals and humanity in general? It just seems like a terrible idea. I’m sure it’s very pretty, and the people there all seem to be very nice, but just based on the number of things that can kill you IN THE SUBURBS it seems like a place you would flee from, not move to and certainly not remain in.
It’s like Texas or Canada: you live eight blocks from a 7-11 but you get to wear cool hats and take credit for that weekend every other year you spend in Moose Jaw. . . and drive the jacked 4×4 Suburban to church.
Gymie-gympie trees make a lovely addition to any garden.
This seems appropriate for parent-teacher night. I’ll play the teacher. MNSFW.
From the Department of Hyperbole: ‘Life-threatening’ Arctic blast to freeze nearly 200 million as Polar Vortex attacks U.S.
You know when global warming skeptics point out to low number of deaths due to heatwaves as proof against global warming, they should count people who die due to cold as this is also global warming
It’s because we don’t have a carbon emission tax isn’t it? We must bow to our climate overlords.
911, what’s your emergancy?
Me: Its -30, what should I do?
911: Stay warm
Serial killers should only be played by ugly deformed monsters just like real life.
Like it or not Ted Bundy was considered handsome by some.
He was. But he wasn’t built like Effron with a six pack, but that’s in the trailer. I think what disturbs me about the concept of the movie, as much as I can be disturbed by anything with Zac Efron in the lead role, is the way in which it seems to build this myth around a guy like Bundy. He wasn’t intelligent and he certainly wasn’t some male model type. But the entire movie is being written based on the experience of a woman who was too stupid and really lacking in moral fiber to distance herself from him. And we can’t criticize her for that – it’s all that beautiful hunky monsters fault.
Sort of like every mob movie ever made. They’re just stupid hoodlum bullies. They’re not cool.
You don’t find these guys dashing and debonaire?
No more than I do these guys
Not with double breasted top coats. What’s up with a heavy top coat and a fedora? My ears get cold first.
A mad bomberreally doesn’t complete the look…
Wow ! Neat ! Great sale prices too, as always I’m about a week or two on ordering. Thanks, Tundra. There’s always a next year, keep it to wear for good, with the new choppers.
Only real serial killers should play serial killers. I’m sick of all this Hollywood knife washing.
I thought Teen Vag went out of business?
Maybe someone is trying to save them. That was fed to me on my Google Chrome feed.
I’m not sure if it was on my feed due to the book on serial killers I just read which led to a lot of related Google searches and it was a related article or because of my teen porn searches and it’s a teen mag.
This LEGO kinetic sculpture was named after Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky, which inspird it and wa s built with Technic angled brick joints
Last night I was watching the Sandlot attempting to get my oldest interested in a childhood favorite of mine. I came to realize that movie probably won’t be aired on TV much longer. The Wendy Peffercorn rape scene and the blantant sexism in “you play ball like a girl”. They just cannot continue to educate our youth in the ways of toxic masculinity.
At some point no one will be allowed to make any movies.
The Smirkening
“Four African American young men preaching about the Bible and oppression.”
Freedom Toons is awesome.
A part of Wes Montgomery’s yumminess is the double stop. For me it’s the go-to chop: on the one hand there’s the clean spirit and melody of single-note lines, but it’s fuller and almost tickles to hear two tones plucked at once; so I’ll almost always slow down 20% for a sound that is 80% tastier.
This guy is leagues above me (for now), but we hold the pick the same way (ignore his opinions and just watch the efficiency of the technique). Listening to his licks, it’s obvious how a single note line might have been played instead and how much less we would probably would have enjoyed it.
You familiar with Rodrigo y Gabriela? Her technique is…interesting. I saw them in concert and made sure I was on her side so I could watch her play.
The left is always very focused on using words to shape opinion. But words are just labels we use to communicate, they don’t change what something is. I don’t think it helps them as much as they think it does.
You can call it an “ancillary sanitation unit” if you want, but it still smells like shit when you open the outhouse door.
Watch a Venomous Spider Kill a Deadly Snake in Rare Attack
*makes sign of the cross, shuts down computer*
Hell isn’t underground or even a metaphysical concept. It’s Australia.
Killer place to live?
Links full of “I couldn’t care less”.
Except for the “breast ironing”. What the hell is wrong with people?
They’re sexually repressed.
Only when it comes to females. Boys and goats are allowed to flaunt.
It is a… strange response to no-shit “toxic masculinity”.
He also talks about his vision of America, much of it informed by a trip he took to Auschwitz So is he pro or con? With modern Democrats, it’s hard to tell.
I don’t know who that’s referring to but when I think of life in Drumpf’s America my mind immediately goes to Auschwitz too.
Fuck. It was in one of the linked articles. For wasting your time.
Affordable housing, Bozeman style
In total, the estimated cost to build the ADU came out to about $280,000, with the biggest contributions to the final number being $20,000 for a greenhouse and $50,000 to demolish and rebuild a garage, Ablondi said. That wasn’t the highest cost for MSU students’ projects, though. One ADU’s estimated construction cost was about $380,000, and one of the lower estimates came in at about $180,000, as reported at a city commission meeting. Many students also listed issues with parking requirements as a major barrier. At least one homeowner so far has decided to move forward with an MSU-designed ADU. Talago said she won’t be constructing an ADU for quite some time, but she loved working with Ablondi and his partner, Chandler Mitchell, and she hopes to one day build her ADU. Considering all ADUs are studio or one-bedroom structures, the cost estimates reported by the MSU students are high.
An article about newly revised/relaxed regulations covering “accessory dwelling units” (mother in law apartments) in Bozeman. It’s largely a thought experiment with MSU architecture school, so not hard numbers, but still- 200k for a fucking shanty in your back yard? That’ll make a big difference.
Not mentioned: the outraged neighbors protesting the destruction of “neighborhood character” at city commission meetings when plans to actually build these things get approved.
You know one way to “create density”? Sell that 4-bedroom house you’re living in by yourself to a family and move somewhere smaller.