Well, its Tuesday, my kid is home sick from school, and I’ve done shit, sub-type jack, all day except play Entertainment Director to a five year old who should have gone the hell to VPK. We’re gun shy about sending him because school policy is that if they get caught with a fever over 100.4, they have to go home and stay home the next day. And the three-year old’s former teacher (now gone, yay!) used to jack with the system to get kids sent home so she could have fewer kids in her class. So anyway, five year old has “tripped on the stairs” and “hurt his knee” like six times today. But only when I’m trying to work.
Well good on the Eugene, OR cops for taking on this armed moron at a school. Textbook response. Engage, ask them to walk (but be nice), help them walk (but be nice), shoot them dead when they draw a firearm.
Grauniad gonna grauniad. In their view, Bill Gates is lying with statistics when he says the world is getting better. Even though fewer people of dying of disease and starvation:
Prior to colonisation, most people lived in subsistence economies where they enjoyed access to abundant commons – land, water, forests, livestock and robust systems of sharing and reciprocity. They had little if any money, but then they didn’t need it in order to live well – so it makes little sense to claim that they were poor. This way of life was violently destroyed by colonisers who forced people off the land and into European-owned mines, factories and plantations, where they were paid paltry wages for work they never wanted to do in the first place.
If by thicc you mean, fat disgusting cow, then yes.
Does The Fail ever get tired of taking her publicist’s calls?
I don’t know, but the editor is really enjoying the free blowjobs.
This is as good as when Winston swings by. Someone always has something to say.
*fiercely narrows gaze*
“most people lived in subsistence economies where they enjoyed access to abundant commons”
Abundant subsistence?
I think the author is seriously confused between the meanings of subsistence and sustenance.
Hobbes was often wrong – but I feel that subsistence living was more like… “No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death: and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.”
So, for the lefty crowd…idyllic.
You take that back, Hobbes was never wrong!
Indeed, one has only to look at the few primitive societies still remaining to see the truth of the matter. Life ain’t that great in the tribes of the Amazon or the Andaman Islands.
They were free to gambol…
“land, water, forests”
Hmmm, I seem to recall stories about pre-colonization English peasantry being hanged for taking the king’s (lord’s, etc) deer. So perhaps not so abundant after all.
Hey who wouldn’t trade all their modern luxuries for a life of freedom and abundance while you decide which of your children you get to watch starve to death this winter
is that some kind of commie code word? Commons, not just for breakfast any more.
The term was in use in midieval England, have been a part of every capitalist system, and well studied by capitalists.
It is communally owned land, which never results innegative consequences.
Okay – I know that usage. People would graze their animals on the Boston Commons, although it was usually over-grazed so don’t expect much. More like a place to park them on the way to market.
His sentence still doesn’t make much sense.
I love how he included livestock as a “common”
By definition, it’s the opposite.
farm animals regarded as an asset.
“markets for the trading of livestock”
But he’s an academic at the University of London and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, so I’m sure he knows better than to make such a simple mistake!
So he’s officially a moron, then.
And I suspect we can call bullshit on the “robust systems of sharing and reciprocity”. Though I suppose the clan leader leaving the dregs after taking the lion’s share of everything for himself is a kind of sharing.
Sharing: tribe X invades tribe Y and “shares” all their shit.
Reciprocity: tribe Y returns the favor the following month.
Wow. The sharing economy has been around forever!
How many of them would gladly trade places with an impoverished American today?
I’d like some proof there were abundant commons. I can believe within a particular group there were common holdings or communal land. Between groups, as I understand it, conflict and war was the norm. Anyone have the historical knowledge to comment on this?
From reading just a few primary texts (translated of course) from ancient times, war, disease, famine, and brigandage seemed so common I’m surprised they were able to accomplish as much as they did. And that was in the civilized nations that could write things down. Studies of extant primitive societies in South America have shown ridiculously high mortality rates due to violence – in many tribes a third of adult men can expect to meet their end in war or homicide. Those are casualty rates similar to the militaries of the losing powers of WW2, only not as the result of an exceptional event but just everyday life.
What do you mean by commons. Prehistorical man would either form bands that nomadically followed herds of game, or formed sedinary bands that look a lot like chimp bands these days. The first are undoubtedly feeding off the commons, that’s what every new place they moved to was, and that’s what the herds were. For the second one, there’s a lot of archaeological evidence supporting the ‘humans behaving like chimps’ idea, including how we hunted, slept, protected territory, and warred/traded with neighbors. There’s every reason to believe that those groups handled their area in commons under the guidance of charismatic leadership.
This style of commons management under charismatic leadership is one of the primary ways that a commons remains healthy according Ostrom (see the link I have in this thread.) Its not 100% egalitarian access, which is probably what the cited author would winge about. But it was efficient in that it probably was done in a way that allowed for greater distribution than would be possible in a war of all against all or in a first-come, first-serve commons depleting regime.
See: The Black Act 1723
The origin of the phrase ‘by hook or by crook’
The Fatal Shore – Hughs
Abundant commons, my ass.
Look at the politics of territoriality in pre-Columbian Americas
So in a week where much of the country is seeing subzero temperatures from the comfort of their heated homes, we are supposed to believe that people in the past had it better. OK.
When I lived in Wisconsin, every winter I would just be amazed that the pioneers and settlers survived, never mind the Indians.
Yep. This guy’s vision of the past is complete horseshit. I can’t fathom how disconnected from reality you’d have to be to actually believe what he’s saying.
I did the mistake of reading Ilhan Omar’s twitter account.
The stupid is beyond belief.
Downright depressing.
She’s going to be the Muslim Al Sharpton. Just wait and see.
There is no Peak Retard.
Aint she the sweetie that was married to her brother ?
Cultural Othering Shitlord Alert!
You’re kidding, right?
/stare back nervously biting nails.
Here ya go, Muppet:
/face palm.
So she takes it on the hijab from her brother?
Nice family.
I thought it was immigration fraud.
Student loan fraud, IIRC
It was both –
immigration fraud for him and student loan fraud for her.
Depressing? I’d say hilarious. She’s going to be an embarrassment to them for years to come.
She should be, but the media will cover for her.
Al’s way smarter.
I like this thread in the replies:
Andrew: 39 year old Jewish man here, I’ve never heard of this trope nor am I offended by it.
Cohen: Well that settles it then.
She tweeted that opposing the Maduro regime in Venezuela is “far right”.
Unfortunately, she is my Congressperson.
Antifa sure is good at recruiting complete idiots.
I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.
You say that as if attempted to draw on two cops is a bad idea?
Explains the stuff I couldn’t tell in the video. What a jackass.
This shit is just too funny.
Funny and hard to read.
I will note that Mr. Hickel’s profile picture indicates that he enjoys a number of modern amenities, including, but not limited to, an excessive utilization of hair mousse.
He is the very definition of “useful idiot”. I hope he dies from a preventable disease in some third world shithole with no “colonizers” around to save his worthless ass.
I will also note that Mr. Hickel was born in Swaziland, yet he returned to his ancestral home of Europe to more fully participate in a materialistic culture.
But of course, he had to return and teach us all the error of our ways!
So after the colonies won back their independence, why not go back to the idyllic state they enjoyed previously?
The Garden of Eden was forbidden to them after the white snakes led them astray.
Eewww, Whitesnake.
Here I go again
Is it love?
Let’s not go down that road.
Even if it has Tawney Katain dancing on the hood of a car?
Slide it in…
Right to the top.
Why, yes, the countries of the former Belgian Congo are known for their prosperity and development.
No vibranium, but shit tons of other precious natural resources there.
Wakanda is doing pretty well.
It’s the Guardian. Their lying liars make the lying liars at the NYT blush.
Maybe he keeps his hair in place using a mixture of bee’s wax and jism.
That reminds me of about 25 years ago when I was at the check-out line at Byerly’s (a supermarket) and there was a couple ahead of me and I am certain she had cum on her hair.
“Byerly’s (a supermarket)”
One of the few things I miss about living in Minneapolis
OK, OK. The dude is an absolute fuckwad.
BUT. And I say this with a staunch history of heterosexuality (NTTAWWT)….that is a very handsome man. Turn me like a door handle, yo.
“Jason’s research focuses on global inequality”
Oh, I get it now.
Hey, he sees ’em as he calls ’em.
“The incident, revealed here for the first time, is not yet part of the public record. The man was charged with illegally importing an internationally regulated species without the required permits, says André Lupert, manager of intelligence for the Wildlife Enforcement Directorate at Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ontario Region. According to Lupert, the man is awaiting a court hearing next month in the greater Toronto area. To protect his privacy and because the investigation is ongoing, the Canada Border Services Agency said they can’t share his name or other details of the incident—including the dog’s name or even the dog’s sex.”
That seems unusually secretive.
I have to admit, I’d be disinclined to mess with a dude I knew that many leeches at his disposal. But enough about the Wildlife Enforcement Directorate at Environment and Climate Change Canada, Ontario Region.
I was listening to this album today, so here’s Johnny Cash
I was thinking of this guy, who just died today. 🙁
Obituary, since we only get one link per comment.
Two links per comment. Once you hit 3, one of us has to go approve it.
*glares balefully*
I thought it was originally one link.
Welcome to our house! We’re glad you could stop by and hang out. If you want to be invited back, please behave accordingly. Don’t be that guy.
First comment from new posters will be moderated. Following comments will post immediately. Comments with 2 or more links will be held for moderation to help limit spam.
Please: no NSFW images or gifs.
where the hell does Q work?
66? Man, that’s young.
Brain Cancer doesn’t give a shit how old you are.
Yeah, I know — the husband of an old girlfriend of mine recently died of brain cancer. He was 54. From diagnosis to death was a mere six weeks. She didn’t really have time to process it at all, and neither did their four children.
Had a friend who had this as a result of eye cancer. He didn’t make it to 42, IIRC.
“PICTURED: Black and gay Empire star Jussie Smollett in hospital in Chicago after ‘premeditated’ hate attack by two MAGA supporter in ski-masks who ‘placed a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him’
Sources close to the singer told TMZ that both of the men were white and yelled that ‘this is MAGA country.’
Smollett was admitted to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital but has since been released. He suffered a fractured rib, during the attack, and is said to have put up a fight when he was beaten.”
Even with the claim that he suffered a fractured rib, I’m still thinking this is a hoax.
Chicago PD have refuted the “MAGA” angle and also refuted that Smollett said the attackers were white. I think he probably is a mugging victim and TMZ made up the MAGA stuff.
It’s possible he was beaten up by 2 people after going to Subway. There’s a 24-hour Subway next door to Northwestern Memorial Hosptial in River North. The DoubleTree is within walking distance.
This is the weirdest thing from the article: “The attacks are believed to be premeditated as Smollett received a cut out letter, date stamped from January 18, stating that ‘You will die black f*g.’
It’s hard to take the MAGA country seriously in that part of Chicago.
The Hyatt Centric (I’ve stayed there) is right across the street.
I’m risking divulging too much of my personal information, but fuck it, here goes: I work very, very close to the area where this is alleged to have happened. It is one of those strange pockets that for some unknown reason serves as a gathering spot for very aggressive alcoholic vagrants on an otherwise upscale corporate block. From my encounters with these temperamentally disabled denizens over the years I’ve found that…well…let’s just say that none are of the Caucasian persuasion. It is about the last place I’d ever think to come across any #MAGA types. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark with this dude’s whole story.
Say, where were you at two this morning?
Aw, man! You figured it all out!
So, here’s my question.
What do you think of the chances of it being one of the following scenarios?
1) Tried to buy drugs from someone who beat him up and robbed him.
2) Tried to buy sex from a hooker who beat him up and robbed him.
3) Someone he owed money to beat him up and robbed him.
4) A relative of someone whom he had an inappropriate sexual relationship beat him up and robbed him.
5) A random mugger beat him up and robbed him
6) His girlfriend beat him up and dumped him.
Based on recent trends, I’d confidently guess this was a random mugging. The area has quite a few degenerates mulling about during the day (which our building’s security team seems to have no problem with), so I can only imagine what it’s like at two in the morning.
Change 6 to boyfriend – unless he swings from both sides of the plate, every article has identified him as gay,
So, 8) Gaybashing, but by people who reliably vote for a party other than Republicans….
7) It’s complete bullshit.
Remember, there were reports of physical injuries in the Duke Lacrosse case, and none of them turned out to be true.
The part about the letter is confusing. They aren’t saying the attackers beat him and left the letter are they? The two things happened at entirely different times right?
The letter was said to have been sent a week prior.
Yes. The letter is said to have arrived at the studio where they’re filming more than a week ago.
So the letter is almost guaranteed to be completely unrelated to the mugging?
It’s also hard to take seriously one of two things that must be true for this to be an evil MAGA shitlord attack. Either a)these two guys were staking out his hotel at 2 am with below-zero temperatures so they could attack him in case he went strolling about in the middle of the night or b)even less plausibly, two violent racists were wandering around at 2 am, happened to recognize a rather obscure actor whose only notable role is a supporting character on a show whose audience is overwhelmingly black, and jumped him because they hate blacks and homos.
Chicago is between NY and California. You know what that wasteland is full of? Two. Words. Bitter Clingers. That’s why we call it flyover country.
/prog hive-mind
Still nothing at the NY Post. If even they are afraid to pin it at the top of their webpage, there are serious doubts about the story’s veracity.
No photos of the noose, nor the letter, natch.
Drug buy gone bad. Guaranteed.
I just posted below, but this is how it plays out.
This definitely happened. In Chicago. At 2AM. Durning a Polar Vortex. At the notorious homosexual cruising spot, Subway.
$5 foot longs.
Yeah, he lost me at “I went out for a Subway sandwich at 2:00 in the morning in subzero temperatures and even worse wind chills.”
I’d be surprised if that DoubleTree or Hyatt didn’t have 24 hour room service. Whatever happened, he probably saw the Subway on his way to the hospital and started working up an attention whore story/alibi.
TBF, the shakiest part of this story is that a high-functioning adult in Chicago saw a Subway and thought “Hmm, I would like to a sandwich. In this city, Subway is my best option. I will walk in there and order a sandwich from Subway.”
I’ll be generous and grant that there was nothing else open.
And yes, I’m a shitlord who will occasionally eat crap food on a whim late night when I’m on the road.
I like Subway.
Yeah, but you like Demi Rose too. There’s no accounting for taste.
There’s no way that a Subway in Chicago open at 2AM doesn’t have multiple security cameras.
Are we doing more journalizing in this thread about this story than those future coders recently laid off?
We’re journalizing the shit out of it, to paraphrase Matt Damon.
That article at The Guardian and the picture of smiling poverty.
Russian leeches are considered a delicacy in Canada?
Did they ask him if they were for personal consumption?
Snowmaggedon: Michigan Style continues. Left work early – tricky driving – but I was going no slower than the SUVs that litter the roads. Even passed a CRV and a Pilot driver.
School is closed again tomorrow so another work from home day.
And once again I ask myself why do I live in this state? The wonderful spring days? The crisp autumn mornings? The thick Dutch booty? Who knows?
Zender’s has it’s place too.
Murdick’s fudge?
Geoffrey Fieger?
Gotta be Kilwin’s.
one of those opened here. It is not impressive, but smells deliciously of waffle cones when you walk by.
Those Honda’s were run off the road by American Steel.
I’ll give you three guesses as to how this case will unfold.
Drug buy gone bad. Guaranteed.
Sounds like the MO of Black Hebrew Israelites.
Now that I’m reading that closely, it rules out a chance encounter since no one strolls around with a noose and an “unknown chemical substance”. So you’d have to believe that not one but two people had a plan to attack a nobody actor and were dedicated enough to stake out his hotel overnight when it was absolutely frigid.
Smells like Tawana Brawley…
Feces ?
I’m glad Nirvana went with their first idea for a song title.
Here we are now, smeared with feces…
“two white men in ski masks…”
Are you sure?
“What happened?”
“I got mugged”
Publicist: “Mugging will get you in the news, but I’ve got something that might keep you in the headlines …”
Would a B-lister on a third rate show with declining ratings ever do such a thing?
sales manager performed a lap dance for a doctor being wooed to write more prescriptions for the company’s opioid painkiller
Yes we’ve all heard of this from pharmaceutical companies.
Do go on…
The sales manager was named “Sunrise Lee”?? Oh come on, that’s a name right out of PornHub.
That said, it’s nothing new that pharma reps tend to be attractive women.
I need pictures before I can properly render an opinion.
Note: render an opinion is a good euphemism.
Virtually every hot chick that’s been on Survivor has the occupation “Pharma Sales Rep” under their name for their occupation.
Not pictured: sales manager.
I am very disappointed that there are no photos of that sales manager
This is my best guess:
eh yeah not gonna convince me to push pills for her
We have no idea how good the lap dance was.
She does look like a stripper.
WTF is that? We get no photo of her, just one of a pill bottle?
Fuck off.
“rabbiedeoir 7h ago
Guardian Pick
I’ve glanced at the first two or three dozen posts. Thus far the consensus appears to be that every day in every way things are getting better and better.
I’m old enough to know this is not so, but you cannot debate with ideologues who have yet experienced so little life that their views and opinions lack both depth and authority.
No doubt these posters all know who Charles James is (a pretty, androgynous You Tube boy celebrity who recently “brought Birmingham to a standstill.” (See Amelia Tait’s article in this edition, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jan/29/james-charles-zoella-youtube-celebrity-culture ) They probably believe also that technology will save the Planet (. . . . from the destructive consequences of consumerism and technology).
There are many, often quoted statistics which show that even here in Britain (one of the World’s richest countries) youngsters today are finding it far harder to obtain secure, long-term work paying a genuine living wage than their parents did; that youngsters in Britain are far less likely ever to own their own homes than their parents were; and that a greater percentage of the world’s wealth is in fewer hands than ever before.
In an Oxfam report (January 2018) it is claimed that 82% of the global wealth generated in 2017 went to the richest 1% of the population. A mere 42 people held as much wealth as the 3.7 billion people who made up the poorest half of the world’s population.
Bill Gates is pushing the obligatory orthodox view of capitalist free enterprise: that it is God’s gift to the poor. It would be odd, his being a zillionaire and all, if he did n’t . .”
I especially enjoyed this line:
“I’m old enough to know this is not so, but you cannot debate with ideologues who have yet experienced so little life that their views and opinions lack both depth and authority.”
And what happens if someone does meet your standards of experience and still disagrees? What ad hominem will you employ then, eh? Hm?
But should the Brits roll back all the government policies that caused this to happen? No, of course not! What they need to do is double down on that shit.
Um. Weren’t they still rationing food in the U.K. in the 50s?
Yes. That they voted in the actual leftists as soon as the shooting stopped and didn’t hang the lot of politicians keeping the rationing in place still amazes me.
There’s a moderately complicated story about how Kaynes convince the British parliament that war-spending was a stimulus, and ramping down war spending while also dealing with massive infrastructure destruction from the war would *obviously* lead to a massive depression. So the Brit Gov kept their spending high, maybe the highest of the western allies post-war (not sure.)
At the time, he was like Paul Krugmen, Obama, and [Whoever’s Internet Famous this 15 minutes], so pretty much everyone believed him. It wasn’t till Thatcher came along that England pulled itself out of its socialist-lite slump.
Kaynes also almost managed to torpedo Brenton Woods because he thought that England wasn’t going to be able to continue to influence international finance, to their detriment.
Stupid fucker.
Hey man he just wanted to steer markets, what’s so wrong with that
In fairness to him, I believe he admitted his theory wasn’t fully formalized and even cautioned against stimulus spending for its own sake.
Depends. His academic writing was much more reserved and thoughtful. His popular advocacy was… not. He most certainly advocated for higher spending for stimulus spending for its own sake to the government.
ALATHW, thanks.
Isn’t there a guy in the UK being investigated by police for liking a limerick tweet?
What a dystopian shit hole.
I’m going to take a wild guess that the public sector there is doing just fine, thanks.
Own a home? Isn’t the goal to get as many people as possible living in those public housing projects that make Cabrini Green look like a peaceful upscale resort?
Or EV with a mandated unicorn horn on the hood!
I am old enough to remember when people in my state mostly lived in wood frame houses less than 1000 square feet and tar paper shacks were not uncommon. If they had a car it was a rattlestinksmoke jalopy. The poorest people I see now live in ~1000+ square feet houses on slabs with central air, heat and a non-jalopy car. They have big screen tvs and cell phones. The mostly slender to skinny poor are now all fat.
This guy is full of horseshit.
Well food insecurity is when you decide to pick up hamburger instead of steak because the price is high, or you forgo the rice and beans and only get the Doritos and soda because your EBT is running low.
Queen Victoria’s voracious appetite for food and sex
I heard she was so voracious, she had Prince Albert in the can.
Masturbation is unnatural?
Every Sperm Is Sacred
I’ve heard it’s good for the prostate. ::nervous look::
That 5th picture screams, ‘fuck me’.
/waves hands furiously. ‘Wouldn’t”.
an unnatural appetite for spicy, exciting food was the inevitable result of the equally unnatural practice of masturbation
*places sriracha and Crystal behind locked cabinet, hides Thai takeaway menus*
Never mix the two…
Masturbation and sriracha, that is.
You not taking the flaming rooster challenge?
2nd worst day of my life.
What was the first?
The day the video was circulated around my office.
Played in slow motion to the sounds of Vangelis?
Also known as Taurus.
So basically they are saying that Fat Chicks are easy?
Victoria responded with dismay when advised by her doctor to forgo sexual activity so as to prevent further pregnancies. She regarded her nine pregnancies as a tiresome impediment to married life.
unnaturalappetite for spicy, exciting food was the inevitable result of theequally unnaturalpractice of masturbation.Get rid of the unnecessary adjectives, and I would say this is . . . plausible.
You think its not a coincidence that a bottle of cholula hot sauce looks like a miniature penis?
And the progs are offended when you point out that they are the puritans of today.
*insert gif of Mythbuster’s plausible plaque*
What’s the hook? I mean what’s the gimmick? I say give me a reason to click!
Very funny Eddie Murphy on SNL back in 1981.
When SNL was actually good.
SNL has always been hit-or-miss.
The Best Beers to Drink During the Super Bowl, According to Brewers
Missed the brew discussion this week, but that is an excellent example of a Barleywine. It seems to be seasonal, but I buy it every chance I get.
I don’t know why he calls it bitter, I find it to be very balanced and smooth. Does not come across as a 9.6% either, and nearly floored me when I quickly drank the first and was half way thru the second and stood (staggered) up.
Weyerbacher (PA) has a decent one available year round:
None, the correct answer is none cause all beer makes cough syrup taste good
That’s what she said…
‘Look how big it is’: Man captures video of massive, hairy Bigfoot on mountain
Adam Carolla with the VO.
“Prior to colonisation”
I was thinking about colonialism last night. We are told that the reason why Africa is so fucked-up is due to colonization. But wait a minute, didn’t the British colonize Hong Kong? They seem to be doing okay. Same with Taiwan (the Dutch), Vietnam (French), Philippines (Spanish), Malaysia (British and Dutch), Indonesia (Dutch), etc.
Vietnam (French)
You sure this example makes your point?
They’re doing pretty okay these days. It ain’t 1968.
Sure. After the arbitrary boundary as defined by political groups from outsiders was removed. That’s the basis of the colonization argument with regards to Africa. They just divided the continent among European powers without any regard to the people they were separating within the new political boundaries. It created ethnic minorities/majorities and strife between the groups that didn’t manifest until the colonizing powers left. The middle east is more or less the same story–its how the Kurds wound up as an opporessed minority group in both Iraq and Turkey.
Which raises the question, why didn’t those groups ask to divide their nation on release, like India and Pakistan, and why didn’t they voluntary divide later, like Czechoslovakia? If the lines are drawn arbitrarily by outsiders, why are they obeyed when the outsiders leave?
The short answer: the natives with power like it the way it is.
“It created ethnic minorities/majorities and strife between the groups that didn’t manifest until the colonizing powers left.”
That’s a good one.
Peru, Manhattan, the Mississippi Delta, Hati, are you saying those didn’t work out too well either??
Are you saying Haiti is a success story?
No, I was agreeing with you and using sarcasm by listing areas in which colonialism was less than beneficial for the natives by listing places where the natives were enslaved, eradicated, or both.
Fair enough. I think I’m going to order some Pho tonight.
The one with the “C” health rating is way better, but it’s further away.
(the old man smokes a cigarette while he stirs the pot. fine by me)
Pho, a French-Vietnamese creation.
It’s all that matters.
If you’re ever in Orlando.
Looks like they have Bun Rieu too.
They’re definitely the real deal.
I’ve only been there a couple times, but it’s very, very good.
Point made.
How about Poland, Ireland, England, Most of Spain, Russia, China, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, The United States, and Canada all of those were colonized by someone within the last 1000 years as well
“Australia, New Zealand, The United States, and Canada”
While not disagreeing with many of the overall points, including these nations in the argument has always struck me as inaccurate. Such, those land masses were colonized, but the indigenous population was decimated (mostly by disease). The nations which emerged, did so from the immigrants, not from the inhabitants who were there when the colonization occurred.
While that is certainly true the people who emigrated to those countries were still colonists treated little differently than if they had been indiginous to their new lands. There is a reason why we had to have a revolution after all.
“if they had been indiginous to their new lands”
Respectfully disagree. Maybe in Australia for the first few decades.
Certainly, governments became more authoritarian, but even in the American colonies, they were not treated the same as Indians.
Every single one of these countries suffers from an Islamic insurgency, in part, for the same reason much of the Middle East suffers from Islamic insurgency, and West Asia suffers from Islamic insurgency.
Europeans can’t read maps.
“Europeans can’t read maps.”
They don’t need to. They DRAW the maps; much more important.
+1 Durand Line
Well, that’s the problem.
How much blood has been shed because of this map?
Not as much as this one.
Yep. I was reading a book on the Middle East & WWI and I was amazed at how much the French & British were still playing colonial politics during the war.
I have officially arrived to my parents’ house. Hotel to home took 23 hours. I am exhausted. The actual flight was fairly painless, as I remarkably had the row all to myself, but almost missing the flight didn’t do my blood pressure any good.
A bit of time to get settled, and then it’s time to make the next two months here as productive as I possibly can.
What’s the opposite of “Welcome home?” I’d like to say “It’s good to be back” but I’m not ready for that headspace yet.
Is your room exactly the same as it was when you left for college?
The family moved away from my childhood home about 6 years ago. They live in a condo in Carmel, IN now. I stay in the smallest room in the house, that when I’m not around is used as a spare bedroom and storage space for toys/books for their grandkids.
Nothing about it makes it feel like mine. This is a very major reason why I’m not thrilled about the situation. I’ve been here for an hour and I already miss my privacy.
So they already caught you masturbating?
Already started asking pointed questions about his plans for the future.
Some Japanese Jazz for a snowy day.
Hey, remember this shithead, the blindingly white Commie thug who likes to call himself “Jose” because it gives him much antifa street cred to pretend to be Latin? He’s now been arrested as the ringleader behind the mob that attacked two “white supremacist” Marines named, um, Alejandro Gosinez and Luis Torres. So, a gang of white guys attacked two Latino servicemen – DRUMPF’S AMERIKKKA!!!!!
What a shock that group made up of whites spouting racist nonsense and using violence against random strangers is Antifa. Fuckers need to start eating lead.
Best thing I’ve heard today.
His real name is Tadd.
Tadd is the Nick Gillespie of bro names.
North Dakota Economic Security and Prosperity Alliance’s acronym looks unsurprisingly close to another socialist group that advocated for government control of the economy. The picture is great also: the out of state carpetbagger, the fat fuck, and the cat lady.
Crickets from the MSM. I’m beginning to understand how these same types got away with so much violence during the 70s. This guy is from the exact same mold of privileged, institution-supported thugs.
It went further than that. The intelligentsia and prominent social figures actively supported and abetted the RAF in order to polish their own radical credentials.
We’re almost there now in the US, but not quite yet.
If the comment in the article is correct, he’s a rich kid who lives in a Brooklyn penthouse apartment. You’ll know you arrived when you see a dozen Marines outside cracking their knuckles.
I didn’t see the comment, but he’s a honcho with SmashRacismDC and works for some lefty think tank type outfit. He lives in DC, although he did grow up in NYC. His mother is a Commie professor at CCNY.
—the mob
The Marines should get to go one on one with him.
Any relation to Beto?
So anyway, five year old has “tripped on the stairs” and “hurt his knee” like six times today.
Easily solved with duct tape or handcuffs, your choice.
What, no love for zip ties?
Too easy to escape.
“A doctor told you to do this??”
“He’s affiliated with a medical services provider.”
My son insists on FlexSeal.
Grauniad gonna grauniad. In their view, Bill Gates is lying with statistics when he says the world is getting better. Even though fewer people of dying of disease and starvation:
The Guardian writer’s views should be easily dismissed by a single fact: the recent population explosion. This would not be possible without a massive increase in the carrying capacity of the land coupled with a massive increase in the ability to fight disease, both of which would not be possible without greater prosperity.
They view more humans as a net negative.
“They had little if any money, but then they didn’t need it in order to live well”
If by “live well” you mean constantly battle starvation, illness and the elements then die at age 35 (if you’re lucky) then, yes, it’s living the high life.
Live fast and die young.
I’ll move to Paris, shoot some heroin and fuck with the stars
You man the island and the cocaine and the elegant cars
I admit I kinda like that band.
I really would like to create a Matrix-style simulator, take people like this and plug them into it, then turn the dial to “gambol.” How long do you think this guy would survive?
That guy truly is a useful idiot.
The fact that people praise and reward his stupidity just pisses me off.
My wife, somewhat libertarian but in “anyone but Trump 2020” mode , is wondering what the hell all her friends see in Kamala Harris as a candidate, because on seeing the initial campaign speech she already can’t stand her. I gave her all the facts about Harris from her days as a prosecutor (“We can’t reform prisons in California, it’d deprive the state of slave labor!”) to take back to her friends. We’ll see what they say.
“is wondering what the hell all her friends see in Kamala Harris”
Barack Obama with a cooter.
So Barack Obama?
They’ll say she may as well start buying MAGA hats.
“anyone but Trump 2020” – except all the assholes coming out of the woodwork to declare their candidacy.
She was forced to say and do all that shit by the patriarchy.
My reading group with a couple progressives last night broke its rule about never talking about anything less than a decade old (so as to avoid hot-button culture war stuff and focus on other things.) It was because they hated Harris as a candidate (and obvs I do too.)
My working theory is that its old Boomers that she would appeal to as a former DA, plus low-information identitarians who just see “Black” and “Woman” and not “maked life more dangerous for WoC sex workers.”
Oh, that’s predictable. “RACIST!”
She has a vagina
If Willie Brown was nailing her, she definitely has a vagina.
Her level-headed hot-takes?
She looks good in a leather skirt. That’s all I got.
Karl Popper on the “paradox of tolerance”.
This is the philosophical basis of Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
Thanks Karl.
The Open Society and it’s Enemies volumes were pretty interesting.
I haven’t read it all, but the sections on Plato were enlightening.
The connections he makes in volume 2 between Hegel and Marx and Hitler were quite interesting as well.
I find it interesting and ironic that one of Popper’s more famous philosophical positions is actively abetting the rise of totalitarian politics, something he so vehemently opposed.
The Dream of the Libertarian TOP MAN who will be selfless, incorruptible and will leave us alone with his supreme power over the world.
I could also point out how pretty much everything the classical liberals (and in turn libertarians) supported is now actively undermining their ideology.
Is this where you pull off the mask a la Scooby Doo to reveal the neo-monarchist underneath?
Actually, No.
And he would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for you meddling libs!
I worked with a very smart lawyer who did a lot of government relations work and was well acquainted with the greasy underbelly of the legislature and the administrative state. Hell, he was even the governor’s general counsel for a few years.
He was absolutely convinced that a monarchy would be better than what we have.
I disagree, but I did hear someone argue a couple years back that England got it right with a monarch to act as national symbol/I feel your pain/tabloid lightning rod while leaving the PM to get shit done.
I disagree, but they had a not totally crazy point.
Anyway I am more referring to how urbanization and new technology has not lead to the libertarian moment. Or how quickly classical liberalism collapsed when it challenged in the late-19th Century.
Fair enough.
This article is an example of what I am talking about:
Firstly it connects urbanism with classical liberalism
And then it acknowledges that classical liberalism was in serious in
a “Liberal Party” long before the Great Depression
And of course Spencer’s take even before the Home Rule split
I was kind of hoping you were actually Curtis Yarvin.
Quoth Wikipedia we are all neoreactionaries already:
Wikipedia also said this was a person.
I know I’ll get flamed for this, but this is why I tend to think that “thick” libertarianism will inevitably end in tears. The more moving parts you tack on to an ideology, the greater the chance that those moving parts will be turned against that ideology. Sure, rationality and equality are things most libertarians are likely to support. But, when you include them in the ideology, you start seeing them balanced against liberty. And before long, you see liberty set aside entirely. Even something as vital to liberty as tolerance, as you can see, winds up becoming the Trojan Horse that is used to fundamentally undermine liberty.
I think this happens in every large organization or tribe. Soon you get unwritten rules, traditions, and other people’s opinions unofficially enshrined and repeated often enough folks soon take it as gospel/doctrine/”if you don’t do it like that you’re going to hell”.
I’m with you 100%.
I tend to agree. To be honest I don’t see libertarianism as a cohesive system, or movement that will take over, or anything like that. It’s simply the constant struggle to push things in the direction of liberty, and away from collectivism and totalitarianism.
He is simply and provably wrong.
Any attempt to prevent the intolerant speech will inevitably feed a persecution narrative as it drives the adherents underground where they will spread their vile beliefs in secret where you cannot refute the arguments using rational thought and the persecution narrative will only serve to both reinforce the beliefs that those espousing the intolerant beliefs are morally correct and drive new recruits to their cause.
Alternatively if you allow them their beliefs and the freedom to espouse them you can freely engage in rational debate with them, not to change the minds of those possessed by an intolerant ideology but rather to convince those who would be swayed by such arguments that they are baseless and wrong. Yes they may forbid their followers from listening to any counter arguments or engage in rational discourse with non believers but such actions would directly impair their recruitment activities and always serve to keep their numbers small.
Finally if they decide to respond to rational arguments with fists and guns LET THEM, Punish those who commit violent acts and make the pain and misery they caused visible to all and trust human nature to witness the freedom the intolerant ideology is given and how they repay that freedom and the costs it imposes on the culture at large. You will rapidly find that intolerant group reduced to a tiny number living on the fringes of society and espousing those views will face such social condemnation and ostracism that they will never be able to gain any power in the civilization.
Yeah, but what about his penguins?
Burgess Meredith or Danny De Vito?
So it’s blisteringly cold. Picked the kids up from school instead of making them walk. Tomorrow is supposed to be orders of magnitude worse, so I stopped at the store and got a shit-ton of cold weather comfort food for the kids. There was speculation as to whether school would be closed tomorrow, but generally, we don’t find these things out until 5:00 a.m. when the phone rings. Lo and behold, the phone rang this afternoon. No school tomorrow.
Brett, my kids are 13 and 15 now, but boy do I remember those days, children hanging off you while you’re on deadline. I don’t care what they say, the Wiggles and Finding Nemo are a godsend. Not Caillou. NEVER Caillou.
Sounds like Mojeaux needs some suggestions for movies to keep two teenagers entertained tomorrow. I’m sure we can help her out.
Used Cars
I’ll put Kill Bill on again for the 15yo. 13yo has the attention span of a gnat.
That’s what tablets and phones are for.
*checks to see all device receipts are on Schedule C*
/tax mode
If she just lets them have their phones in their room and informs them they are washing their own gym socks for the next week, i’m sure they’ll find some way to entertain themselves.
Coffy and Foxy Brown.
Shut’cho mouth!
Shit, that was a different blaxploitation movie.
Two words -Sergio Leone.
The Shining.
Tetsuo The Iron Man.
Dora the Explorer is even worse. Hate. So. Much.
I do believe that one of our commenters had/still has a somewhat unhealthy fetish for her.
Swiper, no swiping!
/taxation is theft
30 below wind chills tomorrow. Boss said we can work from home so I probably will.
Truer words.
I forbade Caillou in our home. No bald whiny Canuck cuck bitches in this house!
Why not? I think Domaine du Caillou makes some very good wines.
Caillou has to be like Canadian government psyops to subliminally affect children, right? There’s no other reason for that show’s existence.
Poor kid had cancer. No reason to pick on him.
Record Low Temperatures Threaten Year-Round Shorts-Guy Population
We need the government to step in and do something to save these poor fellas.
The Hard Times is great.
My dumbass 19 year old when he was in 8th grade went to school one day wearing nothing but shorts and a T shirt. It was 10 below with 30 below wind chills that morning when he left for school and he still had wet hair after having just gotten out of the shower. It was a half mile walk in the dark to the bus stop.
Needless to say we got a call from the school that day
That’s pretty much what I’d expect from a 19 year old 8th-grader.
“Florida man found a grenade while fishing and then took the explosive to Taco Bell
Florida man made an explosive discovery Saturday while magnet fishing. While using a magnet to search water for salvage items, the fisherman pulled up a World War II hand grenade, according to police in Ocala, Florida, about 80 miles northwest of Orlando. The fisherman threw the grenade in his trunk and drove to a Taco Bell, where he called police. The Taco Bell was evacuated, police said, but was reopened later that day. Ocala police later verified on their Facebook page the device was a WWII hand grenade and a bomb squad had removed the device without incident.”
Usually, the explosions come after Taco Bell.
Worked there for a summer. Your body aclimates to it. Like iocane powder.
This song just cured racism.
Everyone can go home now.
I would say that I prefer just not to be vulger at all but I’ve been coming here too long to pull that off.
Not this one?
“Pastime Paradise” is the superior anti-racism Stevie Wonder song.
Why do you hate us Ted?
What about black face?
J-Roc did it like a decade ago. But you people (Americans) are too good to listen to a humble Canadian homeboy.
I watched them all.
I thought it was cured when an African dude got a bunch of LDS types to beatbox and dress like NOI while covering Michael Jackson songs.
“Florida Man accused of driving drunk on I-4 with lemur, wallaby in trailer wants his animals back”
Lemur’s are cool.
Lemur’s what are cool?
Do you ever take a day off?
It’s a dirty job, but somebody’s gotta do it.
Is this your Mike Rowe summoning chant?
*le happy sigh*
The price of correct grammar is eternal vigilance.
no friends and lifelong virginity
“No matter that you have a PhD and have read all of Henry James twice. If you still persist in writing, “Good food at it’s best”, you deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave.”
― Lynne Truss, Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
Actually, today’s the 11th anniversary of my blog, and I did miss a couple of days when the internet was out.
Interesting facts: A guy brought a lemur into The Yellow Rose in Austin. Lemurs do not like loud noises. Lemurs are amazingly difficult to retrieve after they’ve decided to hide in the lighting rigs.
Do you live in Austin too?
Never saw pets in the Rose myself.
I’m surprised the pole dancers there weren’t able to scale up there and retrieve it. Seriously, the dancers at that place are some of the most amazingly limber women I’ve ever seen.
Titty Tuesday: better late than never.
11. 33 may want to see her dermatologist. One of those may be cancerous.
…Side-nipple? WTF is that?
You know what happens when you hold your breath for days on end?
No, that’s what else happens. SMDH.
You know, when I was a boy, I really wanted a catcher’s mitt. So I held my breath until I passed out and banged my head on the coffee table. The doctor said I might have brain damage!
Did you get the mitt?
“What mitt?”
I wonder if anyone tried coding?
Latest on Venezuela:
The curricular inclusion of Indigenous perspectives is differentially problematic if we cannot also attend to the taken-for-granted and naturalized epistemological/ontological and axiological commitments/enactments of what we are including perspectives into. (Marc Higgins, Maria F.G. Wallace, and Jesse Bazzul, in Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
Jordan Peterson thinks this is the worst sentence ever written. /HT Tom Woods
Surely not. With such a rich hoard of examples from which to draw, I’d be wiling to bet it’s not even in the Top 5.
Ending with a preposition!
Which there’s nothing wrong with.
Hard to disagree with him. Let me try:
‘Including native viewpoints in instruction can be troublesome unless it’s understood that they shall be viewed through the lens of Western understanding.’
Not saying I agree with the statement, but it’s jargon for jargon’s sake.
Makes Hall and Oates lyrics sound profound.