Frozen Glib
Hey, it has warmed up 22 degrees from this morning…only -5 now!!! W00t! So, before I go and change into shorts and a T-Shirt, I will drop some Links on all o’ ye.
- Laugh at the UK. LAUGH! I look at the pics and say to myself “What, you don’t have a broom to push that dust of snow out of the way?
- Do Eeeet! I just want to see the reaction…
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Herman Cain! My favorite pizzaman/presidential candidate!
I want pyramid questions sent in to him.
Wrong black presidential candidate you racist.
Dammit – Ben Carson. Cain was 9-9-9 guy, right?
Knocked up his secretary too, or something and had that surreal cowboy commercial.
He was accused of having affairs, but that all disappeared after he dropped out of the primary…huh.
I didn’t realize he had been on the KC Fed Board…so this is not really the entertaining stretch I was hoping for.
Au contraire, Cain has shown he has a taste for showmanship, so being experienced with the fed he could have a tenure that is both entertaining and productive.
So you didn’t read the article before posting the link?
Spudalicious, who has time for that?
This revelation just cut my links posting time in half.
Yes, Cain was the one who said 9 more than a German toddler.
Carson already has a cabinet post (HUD), so he wouldn’t be nominated to a lower position (Fed).
Whom I think is different than the rent is too damn high guy.
I love that guy.
9-9-9 plus, iirc, the super secret sauce… another 9. (I think this was tax withholding.)
Well, the conference room at the fed is getting a bit dowdy. We all know how the Cains like to redecorate on the taxpayers’ dime.
D’oh! I blame borderline hypothermia.
The sun gets a little higher in the sky every day. At this rate, the planet will be burnt to a cinder in a year.
Climate change!
We need to implement the entire prog environmental and economic program to stop this right now.
But if push comes to shove, they’ll compromise by dropping the environmental portion of the program. They weren’t that interested in that half of the program anyway.
Well, the economic portion will, defacto enact the environmental portion by destroying all businesses.
Just don’t suggest icky nuclear power.
Cuomo thinks he’s going to replace a nuke plant – already slated for closure – with hundreds of windmills off the shore of the Hamptons. The man is fucking delusional.
Didn’t the Kennedy’s already nix that idea years ago?
That was off Martha’s Vinyard, I believe.
Man bites dog… and pig
Funny, if a person bites a dog it’s a Lab-Boxer mix, if the dog bites a person it’s a pit bull.
Sometimes it’s a Rotty.
I saw an article awhile back where someone checked on the actual breed of aggressive dogs reported as “pit bulls”. Almost none of them were pits. I think one was even a Golden Retriever. Basically, reporters say every aggressive dog is a pit because its more exciting that way.
Yeah, salaciousness sells. There was a local guy who my wife and I used to get into Internet fights with because he’d hunt down pit bull bite stories for his local news site and it was incredibly, obnoxiously disingenuous. Like the story would be that some mixed-breed dog bit the owner’s kid or something, and he’d not only misquote the original article as “pit-bull type dog” but then put a stock photo of a snarling dog in the page. We both called him out on it numerous times. He’s moved on since, I think.
One exchange went something like:
“Is that the dog from the attack?”
“Well, no, it’s just a picture for reference.”
“Why’s it snarling? Why didn’t you just find a normal picture of a pit. Or the actual dog involved. Or not include a picture.”
“That was the one I found.”
“So you’re using a stock picture of a snarling dog for the benefit of readers who don’t know what dogs look like?”
UK Chick, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom, less than a minute ago
It’s embarrassing how we cope with a bit of snowfall. Look what’s going on in the states!! People are dying
Are we?
Just on the inside.
Every time I tweet. Just a little.
I’m confused, nowhere in the article does it mention how much snow actually fell. Most pictures look like maybe an inch, but there are a few that show 3 or 4 inches. Is Britain that temperate than 4 inches grinds the entire country to a halt?
Almost a decade ago Heathrow had an inch of snow; it took the airport almost a week to recover. I remember it because my flight was canceled.
That’s sad.
They expect NATO to come in to plow and salt the runways.
You can’t move the snow with first doing an environmental impact study.
When I lived in Memphis (early ’90s) the rumor was that the entire metro area had six snow plows total. So if there was any snow that was going to last it took a long time to sand and plow.
99% of the time the right thing to do was to wait a day or two and it would melt off. Six snow plows was totally enough for practical purposes.
Louisville was in the same position (maybe a few more than 6) until the big snow in 1994 (21 inches at my parents’ house). UPS told them they would move their hub if the city couldnt keep the roads open. They didn’t care about anything else, but the trucks had to get in and out of the airport. They handled the airport.
Damn you! Jinx!
Back in ’94, Louisville got about 15″ followed by a week of bitter cold. The city only had 7 snow plows, so the city was basically closed for a week.
I was at FT Knox, where we had 18″ and were closed for a day while the Engineer Bn cleaned the streets.
what? Closed down? No digging fighting positions with e-tools training?
Well, digging hasties.
A few years ago I tried to answer the burning question of whether people wear shorts in England, so I checked out the temps and tried to pick the closest American state to compare. I think it wound up being basically like Maine, but with milder winters.
Looks like just a light dusting. Sad.
Luckily this will all soon be a thing of the past with our eminent climate extremism. Any year now.
Sorry climate extremism means that any extreme weather event is due to the burning of fossil fuels. It doesn’t matter if the glaciers cover Wisconsin again.
I do recall several climate change harridans talking about ‘never see London snow again.’
Well you see, Swiss, what the British are getting right now isn’t “snow”, it’s “climate change induced precipitation”.
Thus, the predictions were right. Checkmate.
Climate change calamity is a decade away and always will be.
New York has agreed with Dallas on trade that includes Kristaps Porzingis, Courtney Lee, Tim Hardaway Jr., for Wesley Matthews, Dennis Smith Jr. and DeAndre Jordan, league sources tell ESPN. Players and agents are being notified of particulars. Deal may include more draft assets.
Woj bomb. For me totally unexpected. Porzingis must be more injured than expected. Or knicks really think they have a shot at two max players this summer Durant and someone else
Or the Knicks are morons. You’d better be pretty darn sure you’re getting a max type player or two before shipping off a 7-3 multi-skilled 23 y/o.
UNLESS, as you note, Porzi’s injury/recovery is going very poorly.
This is the Knicks. I’ll go with Occam’s Razor and not that smart a move.
Joel Embiid’s response:
Joel Embiid
4:10 PM – Jan 31, 2019
DId Embiid hurt his toe/foot/knee tweeting that?
god I hope not. I’m in a perpetual state of worry that he will hurt himself.
He is a funny dude though.
Here’s the story – the Knicks and Porzingis have been butting heads for a while. Porzingis recently told them that he will play next year on a qualifying offer, which means he will be a free agent after next season. He also told them that he will do that no matter who they trade him to. Maybe he was bluffing but, as wretched and incompetent as they are, I can’t blame the Knicks for not testing him. He pretty much forced the deal.
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You’re not the boss of me!!
Fine… “Keep to yourself and hate!”
You’re still doing it!!
*stomps foot*
Fine “Don’t listen and do whatever you want!”
Libertarian moment!
Just not quite getting it, are you, Swiss.
Oh, I get it alright…
/straight man
What about those of us who don’t want to engage in instant gratification? Did you ever think that some of us might want to wait a while and then do something?
What about those of us who don’t want to engage in instant gratification?
What does this have to do with Q’s links? That argument is down below.
That’s called lurking. Or something.
Why are the cars stuck? There is hardly any snow. What is blocking them?
You didn’t see the massive snow drifts?
British driving timidity.
We have snow like that every few years. The snow is squishy, melts a bit during the day then refreezes at night. Even an inch of snow on top of a half inch of ice is impossible to drive on. Your wheels just spin. You cant steer. You can make more progress on level ground pushing your car with one hand.
^^ this is why I never buy 3 season tires.
I did in fact spin out a couple times while driving this season. The worst had me pointed perpendicular to traffic. Thankfully it was in the median and I ended up pointed toward the road I needed to turn down.
“I meant to do that!”
That’s why these warm ups, rain, and temperatures dropping below 0 have been brutal here in Cleveland. We got buried in snow, rain melted a bunch of it, which then changed to ice (and freezing rain), which shifted to snow. All in 48 hours. It looks like we’re getting ready for another run of this soon, with temps going up to the 50’s this weekend.
Somebody made that argument on another forum, to which the reply was a picture of a covered wagon.
They’ve closed my kid’s school 3 days in a row, and five days total in the last two weeks.
Now, I’ll give them yesterday when it was -20F in the morning and -10F for the low.
I’ll even give them last Wednesday because it did actually snow a heck of a lot plus there are lots of rural rock roads and few trees here.
The rest of those days, they were being soft.
Doesn’t inconvenience me as I work from home and have a huge library of movies. Everyone else around here though has been in a bit of a pickle.
People have lost their mind locally for what was just a joke that failed to translate across radio.
Also. back in my day (winter of ’78) I only went to school for 6 days in January. While we had some significant snow, the real issue was the cold.
It got so cold that many of the classrooms couldn’t be heated above freezing.
The building had been built in 1865 and was a brick monstrosity with fuel oil burners. In normal winters it would get 90 degrees in the third floor and be 40 degrees in the half basement.
Thanks to some sterling journalism, I can’t tell if I should be upset about this story where it seems like our new Gov is unilaterally making sure that missing school now doesn’t lead to teachers having to miss any summer vacation.
It would have been nice if the journalo had asked someone (it is too much to ask them to read the statute) if the statute gave the Gov this power. Given that our new Gov came from the ranks of teachers, I’m suspicious that he is just doing this. Be nice if some GOP bastard stuck up for the actual law. Either work more days or lose out on funding.
Attendance is more important than learning. Always take attendance at the beginning of 2nd period, before kids start drifting.
Can’t deport these titties on Thot Thursday!
We’re gonna build a big, beautiful bra and Mexico’s gonna pay for it!
42 is a repeat, but still strong.
52 wins, though.
Couldn’t decide between 46:
Or 30:
I’m trying to figure out if 30 is Kamala Harris’s younger sister (or maybe even daughter) cause they have pretty much the same face
Way to deflate several posters’ mood.
I went with 46 because she opened in a new tab.
TW: Old people sex.
Well, duh.
Moneyquote, as it were:
Sounds like those geezers need to buy some lube. I understand you can get by the barrel now.
Where is Jesse?
Being hunted by Trump supporters.
The gals with Parkinsons are the most sought out partners at the old folks home. They are always up for a HJ.
Teen Vogue totes isn’t a commie rag.
“OG History is a Teen Vogue series where we unearth history not told through a white, cisheteropatriarchal lens.”
Because Ernie Lynch was such a huge fan of black homosexuals?
Who the fuck is Ernie Lynch?
Lol. I had forgotten his name was Lynch.
Fuck him that prick.
More LOL:
Needz moar advice on anal!
That’s rather dumb, because I recall the Zapatistas being a big story in the early 90’s. It’s no longer a story, because they don’t really do much anymore and the federal government in Mexico doesn’t try to exert its authority there so much anymore
What’s the relationship between the Zaps and the Cartels who run things?
Not sure. They’re in the Chiapas region. I think cartels prefer the northern region of the country. But, I really don’t know
Chiapas is the dirt-poor middle of nowhere. It’s the Mexican version of Appalachia.
“The United States had just signed the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was supposed to decrease trade barriers and increase business investment between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. It would also flood Mexico with imported corn, which the Zapatistas and other subsistence farmers believed would be their death, quite literally, and said so.”
It’s amazing how the Left can simultaneously mock former manufacturing employees and reporters will repeat “those jobs aren’t coming back- learn to code”, but are super seriously sympathetic to people who want to preserve communal farming in the 21st Century.
You just stated “It’s amazing that there are a lot of people who are fundamentally stupid.”
Chiapas is a shithole, an absolute shithole.
So long as businesses have to pay off the Zapatistas, the government, and/or the druglords operating out of there, it will remain a shithole.
Anyone who claims that a rise to power by the Zapatistas in the area will bring stability and prosperity to the area is a Grade AAA Useful Idiot.
You know who else sold babies to the highest bidder?
You know, we do have openings for running links some morning or afternoon…
You want more tits?
Err, yes?
Tits are like martinis: one is not enough and three are too many.
[golf clap]
Speak for yourself. I loved that one scene in Total Recall.
No, I think every post having such is quite enough already. But if you are going to go OT and Link 4 of the first 12 comments… we must harness that for good.
I suppose I could help out…
Send email if so desired.
I would be willing to do a guest spot as well, Swissy. Fewer tits, more music.
Hit the Submit!
Can’t I just donate more money?
We are libertarians….everything is voluntary!
Even reading the links!
Puns, however are mandatory.
Is this the same guy that would make it look like he was removing tumors from people by squishing pig guts around on their skin? I used to love seeing that footage when I was younger.
<—- Needs more orphans for salt mines
“7,000 men and women, age 50, quality of life was higher in those who reported any kind of sexual activity in the past year, such as kissing, researchers found”
Kissing is sexual? That should take care of Grandma then
How about cheek pinching?
Rather depends on the cheek, doesn’t it?
Depends on the granny, too, doesn’t it?
I…you, I mean…
*walks away shaking head*
The older the berry the sweeter the juice.
Until they ferment.
When all candles be out, all cats be grey
Bonus: The teeth are removable.
Kissing? What are they, newlyweds?
I was about to say “ewwww” then realized I’m pretty much in that category.
Last year I was like, “Why am I so into MILF porn?” and it turns out it’s because all the chicks look like they could’ve gone to high school with me. Huh.
That, and when you have a kid in their early 20’s you don’t want to be looking at his girlfriends too close.
ok, so they did a study that shows your quality of life is better if you are getting some? Next up studies showing:
Quality of life higher in those who reported eating food that didn’t taste like crap
Quality of life higher in those who reported not suffering chronic pain
Quality of life higher in those who reported having a good job
Quality of life higher in those who reported their wife doesn’t read Jezebel.
I suppose that depends on where you are kissing them
Here’s how the plan’s architect described it: “By my calculations, 1 percent of Americans, who control 90 percent of the wealth in this country, would be affected by my plan. The other 99 percent of the people would get deep reductions in their federal income taxes.”
His name? Donald Trump.
One major issue with wealth taxes historically has been that actually collecting the funds is relatively difficult — financial assets are highly portable, and the rich people who own them have a strong incentive to find ways to avoid paying.
No Matty, the real problem is not really portability (although in the long run capital flight will be massive), it’s valuation.
Or they’re sometimes not even technically assets, but that’s a level of abstraction that I don’t expect the average Vox typewriter monkey to comprehend.
Capital being more portable than labor always surprised students.
Not to mention they also are often not liquid. Just because you own a piece of property worth $50 million doesn’t mean you can come up with an extra $1,000,000 in cash every year to pay the tax on it. You could very easily be the sole proprietor of a company valued that much but only actually be pulling in half a million a year in income.
Alright, just because it is the kerfuffle of the week:
Smollett is refusing to turn his phone over to investigators, who want to confirm that he was actually on the phone with his manager. His story has also changed, mainly to include the “MAGA country” remark, which his manager has “corroborated,” which is why the cops want the phone.
More interestingly, the description of the various videos:
Smollett and the two “persons of interest” are seen on two separate cameras, across the street from each other. The implication is that they were both on the street at the same time, but nobody has actually said this, whereas earlier accounts stated that the two POIs are on camera 15 – 30 minutes before Smollett is in the area.
In any event, both Smollett and the two POIs walk out of frame of their respective cameras. In the same direction? At the same time? I’m not seeing these rather critical details in the accounts. Smollett then reappears on camera entering his condo with the rope around his neck about a minute later, where he goes past security and up to his room, where he calls the cops.
Why go past security? If you’ve just been assaulted, wouldn’t you go straight to security? Was he running, or strolling along?
Bottom line: some very basic details have not really been confirmed, and more questions are being raised as the rather foggy account expands.
Why don’t the cops just ignore it like they do everything else? Yeah, we’ll let you know what we find out / snicker.
because like it or not he is part of the nomenclatura and it confirms the medias bias so the media will not leave it alone
3 feet of snow? There isn’t even 4 inches.
I can’t find it, but Instapundit like to run a UK headline that ‘snowfalls are a thing of the past’!
It’s metric feet
You can’t do the metric dance without them.
British driving timidity.
Finns would be changing over to slicks.
They say England has never been invaded since 1066.
That’s not true. The Cucks and Tards have.
Just encourage more abortions and problem solved!
There is a direct pipeline between “the childless city” and “muh, socialism will work this time”. A lot of single college kids with no family or purpose for living will inevitably embrace the progressive faith.
There are a host of reasons why this won’t happen any time soon. As the article alludes to more kids means more schools and more school resources. In fact since school is paid for out of the local community taxes the main goal of pretty much all municipalities has been to find some way to maximize the tax revenues per child. And there are other costs kids create on cities and towns. Kids use parks, and not just open field parks but ones with playground equipment that needs to be maintained. Kids inevitably require recreation departments running things like sports leagues and summer programs. In essence kids are by far the most expensive segment of residents for a city or town and not only do they not produce any tax revenue themselves, their parents don’t produce anywhere near enough tax revenue to cover the cost of the kids.
Now of course all of this is exacerbated by the idiotic urban development schemes and corrupt employee pension schemes that are squeezing the municipal budgets on the other end but the reality is it is something that would eventually have had to happen even in otherwise well run cities and towns.
There is a real question lurking in here that we need to start addressing as a society. How do we make it so that people can afford to have children? See if we made parents pay for 100% of the cost of their child’s education and 100% of the other services their child consumes you would realistically be looking at a minimum of $30,000 a year per child. Half a million dollars to raise a child from birth to age 18 in a world in which the average person of child bearing age can’t reasonably expect to earn more than $45,000 a year. Even with 2 incomes you would still realistically need to be in the top 30% of income earners for your age to afford a single child and only the top 10% could afford 2.
So how do we perpetuate the species and maintain our culture? Without transfer payments of some sort from non parents to parents we are looking at going down the path of either Japan (rapidly dying country with a declining population) or Germany (rapidly declining culture because of the need to mass import immigrant from 3rd world countries to maintain the population and tax base)
Start with gutting credentialism and the education monopolies.
Jesus… Artie’s mugshot. Dude, I think it’s time to lay off the blow.
*latest mugshot
evolution of Artie Lange
his nose swells in 2017.
that latest pic looks like the swelling in his nose was pushed over and pressed to one side and then he took a quick picture.
/Artie Lange Nose Truther
It’s pretty sad, because we all know he’s going to kill himself
He does that much coke and he’s still fat?
The heroin is pretty rough on the snoot, too.
How on earth is that man still alive???? A big fat bastard who does more coke than half of the 1970s Miami Dolphins put together?
Perhaps more importantly, the whole concept of dedicating a massive effort to reducing the federal debt overhang is somewhat dubious. Trump’s idea was that paying off the national debt would reduce federal interest rate costs, allowing for a middle-class tax cut. Instead, the debt volume has increased dramatically since 1999, but federal debt service payments as a share of GDP are actually lower than they were back then, since interest rates have fallen dramatically.
You can’t argue with Modern Monetary Theory.
Well, shit, may as well just mint 20 of those trillion dollar coins and pay it all off then.
This science guy gets it. PhD for the win !
Instead, the debt volume has increased dramatically since 1999, but federal debt service payments as a share of GDP are actually lower than they were back then, since interest rates have fallen dramatically.
And now that interest rates are going back up…
Such short-sightedness is the bane of good policy.
To those who have been recommending Eric hoffer true believer, for years both here and at TOS, thank you. I really could have used it 20 or 30 years ago, but…
For those who have been thinking about taking a look at it, do so.
That is all.
Hoffer’s “Temper of Our Times” is pretty prophetic too
I am pretty sure I am gonna read more of his writing. I am mad at myself for being too bullheaded to have not looked into it sooner.
It’s hard to read The True Believer and not stop every fifth sentence and say “That makes perfect sense.”
There were definitely parts that were like yer reading my mind man. There are also parts very self c condemning. My experience with movements deal mostly with rock and roll bands and I new exactly what I was trying to do.
Punk , metal, new romantic, grunge. Then it got more eclectic.
SD Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Bill to End Concealed Carry Permit Requirement
Nice. SD is gonna steal even more people from Minnesoda.
“I’ll take ‘Things That if the Religious Right Had Done We Would Have Denounced Them as Illiberal’ for $500, Alex”
Chinese immigrant loses her book deal because the woke Twitter mob decided that her book was problematic…..before it was even released.
No culture has ever taken slaves except for early America. How dare you?
She is Chinese. She can relate to the cultural revolution.
I love the first couple comments from these illiberal schmucks making his point for him.
Oops, comments responding to the Jesse Singal tweet thread.
Jesse Singal is Soave in the future
Singal seems like he’s learning. He’s still left politically but he’s coming to terms with what the left is.
It’s basically, “Shut up and mind your own beeswax!”
Craziest thing is in her sniveling apology letter she references MUH TRUMPS AMERICA.
Sweety, Trumpistas are not the ones that just fucked over your career.
If she wants a career she’ll say that they did.
Doesn’t matter. Self-denunciation doesn’t result in rehabilitation, but in summary execution.
*scalp collected*
She fucked over her own career and good for her.
Stockholm Syndrome
But, I just can’t understand why the publishing industry isn’t making more money! It must be the uncultured louts in Middle America!
What I don’t get is why these authors (and their moron publishers) don’t realize that the assholes on Twitter are a minority.
Just tell them to fuck off and sell books.
The problem, I think, mostly rests with the publishers.
Some days I’m glad I’m not more well known.
My entire oeuvre is problematic.
Weren’t you the one telling us months back that the SJWs were targeting YAF or was that someone else?
Something like that, yes. I haven’t been in the romance community forever, but I left when people who were defending their love of m/m non-consensual sex were screaming about power differentials in ye olde bodice rippers.
Sure, fetishize male hurt/comfort rape romance, but scream about old timey romance when the heroines had some guts and went on adventures and accomplished feats of derring-do.
I could write an essay, but it would not be with current information.
Makes sense… most of them seem not to have moved on from Harry Potter.
In the romance community, my sense was that the loudest demands for beta hero nice guys and sexually adventurous heroines (within certain parameters) come from people who had been shamed out of their real tastes or they were reading the “problematic” stuff on the downlow.
LOTS of somebodies buy Fifty Shades and its ilk, no matter how problematic, but the SJWs won’t fess up or really don’t like it and want everyone else to stop reading it.
Also, “problematic” themes like forced seduction morphed into vampires and werewolves where it wasn’t as obvious.
My thoughts are jumbled. I should probably organize them better.
There’s been a radio ad lately for one of the broadcast TV channels featuring what sounds like Twilight repackaged with an alien instead of a vampire. It sounds identical to two or three other shows the network has featured in the past couple years: supernatural being wants to get his mack on with some human woman, and now she has to share his awful secret and travails. It sounds like watching Superman from Lois Lane’s perspective.
At least the kiwis had fun with that premise.
I doubt they’ve even read most of those books. The ministry is at best incompetent and at worst evil and complicit in aiding Wizard Hitler, yet they want more government.
Throughout the series, the children, left largely to their own, use their wits/skills/teamwork to overcome great evils and challenges, yet they support nanny statism at every turn.
In the third book, we learn that going to Wizard Prison means a life sentence of torture at the hands of creatures that steal your ability to be happy and eventually drive you insane. These creatures are actually under the control of Wizard Hitler, but operate with the endorsement of the government. Multiple characters are sent to the prison unjustly. But they do not seem interested in prison reform.
In the later books, Wizard Hitler’s agents infiltrate the school and the government prohibits learning about self defense, yet they support gun control.
In the final book, Harry Potter becomes a Christ figure, sacrificing himself and returning from the dead to overcome Wizard Hitler, but they mock Christians.
Also, they equate Trump with Voldemort, but he is really only Cormac.
yet they support gun control
The kids are at all times—and from the age of, like, nine—armed. The entire premise is learning to use a deadly tool responsibly!
I think Mythical Female Libertarian ( or whatever her hande was) was the Young Adult Fiction writer.
*Not saying Mojeaux didn’t also comment on the subject.
I didn’t comment on YAF. I don’t read much of it and that community has its own politics apart from romance.
This isn’t the first time I’ve read of the troubles in the YA lit world. I don’t know if it was this same book, but there have been other stories, I want to say years ago, of twitter mobs trying to get books they obviously haven’t read pulled due to racism. It’s literally insane. I wonder whose decision it was and why they caved to a twitter mob. There can’t have been that many tweens or whomever reads ya, on twitter.
There was one where the heroine was black or biracial and the cover was a blue-eyed blonde.
That would piss me off, too, both as a reader and a writer.
Paging UCS to the courtesy phone….
Hack tries to shift blame on Minnesoda’s rollout of a new vehicle licensing system.
Took 10 years and $100M and royally sucked ass when launched. This gal was there for 3 years of those 10 and she totally thinks the public should go easy on the wonderful IT managers working for the state.
Ummm… # of transactions is a scaling issue. Not a complexity issue. Once you figure out pricing, it doesn’t matter how many times someone wants a license. Just throw more resources at the issue if there is a large performance drag. Trying to pretend that 1.8M title transactions is more complex than 10 transactions tells me that you are full of shit. My suspicions are confirmed when I read that she “acts as an Enterprise Agile Coach”. BS Artist.
So you just skip over the “1200 unique fees which can be validly combined in tens of thousands of ways” part?
That was the only part that was truly something that could legitimately be complex. HOWEVER, they had a functioning system before. You should be able to look at the logic there.
Also, before I cut them too much slack, I’d like to see more about those 1200 unique fees. Are there 7 county based fees that need to be assessed (that is more than half of those 1200).
Imma say that she’s greatly conflating the complexity there.
And that job description for her says she knows Jack and Shit about how the system actually works.
I’ve created spreadsheets capable of more complex transactions than that.
Seriously I once worked testing an insurance company rating engine that had 4.6 quadrillion possible policy combinations and with no college degree working on my own and teaching myself half the excel functions I had never used before I created a spreadsheet that could independently validate any policy combination in about 2 weeks.
That kind of work is literally trivial for computer systems and any programmer who thinks it would be hard doesn’t know what they are doing
Financial service companies look at this and chuckle.
Just throw more resources at the issue if there is a large performance drag.
That’s hard to do when the database was built in MS Access.
Please. Excel spreadsheet and an awesome vlookup formula.
Pivot Tables can do anything, dood!
Is that like a sex swing?
So, like a typical slow day at Amazon…
more like a slow 5 minutes
Oh my ribs hurt!
#27 will surprise you!
I don’t know if this has been covered here before (it’s old), but I just saw it recently so I’m going to link it. Reuters did a comparative poll where they measured people’s reactions to the same statement given two different ways, one generic and one as if Trump had said it. The results are interesting, but generally unsurprising – Rs tend to be more supportive of a position if Trump takes it and Ds less so. The funniest one is universal healthcare, though, as adding Trump to the mix as a supporter tilts R support +6 and D support -21 from baseline.
Democrats: Orange Man Bad
Republicans: Orange Man Must Be Good if You Say “Bad”
Independents: Orange Man is Orange, though. We All Accept That Right?
Libertarian Party: Orange Man More Non-Interventionist Than Our Last Three Nominees. Must Be Nazis
Green Party: Are We the Last Sane Party? HaHa, Made You Look
Me: I’m writing in the Whale Fucker. He’s the only person in the world I want in the White House.
I’m not even kidding, I do not understand how anyone could vote for any candidate other than McAfee. Short of Rand Paul running, I’m all in on McAfee
Same. I will write in McAfee if I have to.
Maybe Rob Ford, if he were still among us and American. A man with a proven track record and undeniable bearings.
If he gets us out of 2 more undeclared wars in the next two years, I’m going MAGA, otherwise it’s Whalefucker.
Except he wants to lose on porpoise.
“Illinois police “arrest” Elsa for bringing polar vortex”
Let it go, man.
Fun fact: I have watched Frozen approximately 20.8 million times.
Now I know you’re a creep.
You obviously have young children
At least we hope that’s the reason.
My daughter was 4 when Frozen came out in 2013. For about 2.5 years afterwards it’s the only thing she wanted to watch (and we only have 1 TV hooked up to anything but game systems).
My Granddaughter was in that demographic…
Everything was Elsa and/or Anna.
It made christmas easy for a couple years.
We’ve walked some of the same roads, you and I.
Easiest way to get out of it – Teach your daughter that the main character brings the winter, destroys crops, and sets up an embargo all within 12 hours, thus condemning thousands of innocent people to a slow, painful death just because their uncollected political leader said mean things.
Also, there are no copies of The Lorax in our house. But I’m asking my kid’s teacher if I can come in and read it to the class on Earth Day. Its about time they learn about property rights.
Give up.
People who live in glass teepees shouldn’t throw tomahawks? . Who am I kidding? Of course the local Indians can get on their high horse (cultural appropriation?)
Local billboard company put up picture of Lincoln….. near an Indian housing project. The horror. Local Indian activists go Sitting Bull on billboard company. How dare they glorify a guy who let 38 Sioux be executed!
I guess the journalo forgot to quote Henriquez apologizing for the 800 or so victims of the Sioux. Or pointed out to her that the original execution list was 303 Sioux. Lincoln personally trimmed it to the 38 that were executed.
Fuck those people. It pisses me off to no end that any time you hear about the Sioux uprising all you hear about is the 38 Indians who were executed. Not a peep about the 800 or so people who were killed by these warriors.
One, you can’t correct the mistakes.
Two, attempts to correct the mistakes create more mistakes.
Three, get your shit together and get over it.
Three, get your shit together and get over it.
They’d rather not do the former, so they will definitely not do the latter.
exile of the Dakota people from Minnesota
That… actually sounds like a favor.
For the Dakotas ? Or for MN?
Speaking of getting your shit together and moving on…..
Nothing Left to Cut: Federal Reserve publishes papers by researchers that shows how horribly the Indians were (and still are) screwed by the near-extinction of the bison herds.
Yup. Tax dollars were spent to find out how killing off the bison impacted the Indians. Not only then, but still to this day.
Wonder if the researchers talked to any anthropologists about the fact that the tribes living on the bison herd in the 1890s were tribes that had been living further east before then. Like the Sioux they had been pushed out onto the plains by the Ojibwes and other tribes who were being pushed by white settlers.
Or if they looked at how the tribes who lived off the buffalo before the horse was introduced to North America by the Spanish were doing?
The mongols would like a word with you Feir.
Nothing tops WWII. It was just a complicated project to turn a large percentage of the worlds prime-age workers and infrastructure into meat and rubble.
Nothing tops WWII? Climate denier!
Crazy how a diet composed almost completely of meat, combined with a lifestyle of hard physical labor, and a culture that prized physical strength and fighting ability, produced people who were taller on average.
Wonder how many times a week your average buffalo hunting tribesman had a smooth bowel movement?
I’m sure this all can be sorted out with a small donation from the billboard company to the tribe.
“Just How Easy Should It Be to Destroy a Young Man’s Life?
Way too easy, according to critics of the Trump administration’s efforts to introduce more due process to campus sexual-assault tribunals
Yesterday, the New York Times published a student activist’s op-ed with a rather provocative title: “When College Rapists Graduate.”
Now, when you read those words, what do you think? I initially thought the story must be about a prison education program. After all, rape is an extraordinarily serious crime. It was punishable by death until relatively recently in American history, and even now it’s punishable by long prison sentences.
Instead, it turns out that the piece, written by a law student and activist named Alyssa Leader, laments the outcome of a campus sexual-assault adjudication and condemns the Trump administration’s efforts to introduce a greater degree of due-process protections to the campus tribunals that hear such cases. Leader had claimed that she was sexually assaulted and harassed by another student. She filed a complaint against him with the university (Harvard), which, after applying the most lenient burden of proof and a degree of due process that would never be acceptable in any criminal or civil court, found him not responsible. Later, she sued Harvard — not the man she alleges assaulted her — because, as her lawyer told the New York Times, “The more traumatic of the two is the institutional betrayal and lack of response to her reporting.” A judge dismissed the case.”
I think her lawyer meant to say “The more deep-pocketed of the two…”
She’s on the wrong side of the hot/crazy matrix.
Not a Viking funeral.
Hey, would you go throw the leftovers in dad’s compost bin?
If we’re going to do eco-friendly corpse disposal, my vote is a return of the Zoroastrian sky burials. A Tower of Silence is a much cooler resting place than a compost bin.
“the toxic American culture that guns are somehow ‘cool’ and a ‘hobby’.”
That’s not toxic, that’s healthy. You’re toxic.
I’ll bet that person gets pissed off when he/she sees a form with only two genders.
Good for Pink.?
The reaction to the raid on Roger Stone (I’m not commenting anything on what led up to it) is hilarious.
Fucking A, the cops do that shit every day for people who’ve done nothing. Look what happened in Houston, where the cops were the aggressors, went into the wrong house BUT FIVE COPS WERE WOUNDED OMG HOW DARE PEOPLE SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT COPS IT’S THEIR FAULT. And this shit is what Trump and Graham have a problem with? Fuck that.
Say something about the other thousand times that happens every day and maybe I’ll listen.
What if someone has complained about police abuse before and is also complaining about the excessive use of force in the case of Roger Stone, like Dershowitz for example.
There is obvious hypocrisy when people never complain about police abuses suddenly being upset about this, but I think it’s more galling for supposed “civil libertarians” (of which there are about three left in the country now if we’re being honest) to suddenly scream back with a “whataboutism” about the Roger Stone raid. What that tells me is that they value “principal” well above “principle”.
I’d feel better if I thought this would lead to any kinds of actual reforms, but I know it won’t, so whatever.
I think you mean 3 left leaning civil libertarians left in the country. There are at least a few dozen right leaning civil libertarians.
Not so sure. Honestly, I think the extremism might, just might, be waking some conservatives up. Not holding my breath, but I’m happy to agree with them that a wrong is still a wrong. Especially if they might start to see more wrongs. It’s been funny as hell hearing at least a few conservatives note that the FBI has been corrupt since its inception.
Many of the conservatives I know are very leery of 5-0 now a days. My old car-pool buddy is a pretty classic conservatarian. Went to a “bible college” in Canada. Son of a preacher-man. Votes R every election. etc etc etc.
He was incensed about the (local to us) Philando Castile shooting. Still lots of “I agree with you but you really suck at getting your message out” when the BLM protesters would set up tents on the road we took to work every day.
Notably, I see this among the conservatives under 40 years old. Less to none among older conservatives. Might have something to do with early and easy access to youtube. Might have something to do with growing up on the losing side of the culture war. Don’t know.
Still lots of “I agree with you but you really suck at getting your message out” when the BLM protesters would set up tents on the road we took to work every day.
I agree with him. They do suck at getting their message out. Making the issue about race was and is incredibly stupid, as far as I’m concerned. And I doubt a BLM protest, even on the Castile case, white middle-class conservative supporters. They don’t fit the “progressive stack”.
I don’t blame them for making it about race to a certain degree, but they should have had a better answer for the inevitable “all lives matter”. Instead of saying that it’s racist to say thta, they should have said something like, “We agree. All lives do matter. But we feel like ours are valued less, especially in our interactions with the police.”
What the hell are y’all talking about? BLM is just another Marxist Trojan Horse. They dont give a shit about police violence. They dont really give a shit about blacks.
Notably, I see this among the conservatives under 40 years old. Less to none among older conservatives. Might have something to do with early and easy access to youtube. Might have something to do with growing up on the losing side of the culture war. Don’t know.
I think it’s the latter more than the former. I remember in my more republican days having discussions with other Republicans my age about how gay marriage was a losing issue and the GOP was wrong about it anyway. Similar conversations about pot and cops happened, too.
But JB this time it was done for purely political reasons which is much, much worse than the systematic militarization of ‘peace officers’
What I find amusing is how the “drain the swamp’ crowd suddenly jumped to the defense of a longtime Sleazy Swamp Thing. Particularly the emphasis on him being ‘elderly’, the counterpart to the infantilization of the yutes of America I guess.
It’s more that there is very clearly one set of rules for one and not the other. I’d be fine if Mueller was frog marching every single sleazy political operator. But he’s not. He’s just frog marching the ones who supported Trump.
Clinton’s people are walking free, even though they actually committed no shit for real crimes, not these bullshit process crimes.
This “pox on both their houses” shit gets tiresome. There’s a difference between “Hillary Clinton should go to prison for the crimes she committed which are a matter of public record” and “Roger Stone should go to prison because an FBI agent claims he lied in an unrecorded interview.”
I was referring to the people jumping to Stone’s defense with the “OMG look how they mistreated this poor old man.”
Roger Stone isn’t some frail old codger, If Trump ever gets his finger out and sics the justice department on the Dems are you going wring your hands if they send in the goons after Lynch or Podesta.
What I find amusing is how the “drain the swamp’ crowd suddenly jumped to the defense of a longtime Sleazy Swamp Thing.
Even longtime Sleazy Swamp Things are supposed to have rights. And you can bet that if they can do it to him, they’ll have no compunction about doing it to you.
As JB said above they’ve been doing it to people like me for ever. And as I said it’s the ‘He’s an old man’ bit I found most amusing, Teenagers are now babies, and apparently 66-year-olds are fragile invalids who gotta be given the kid glove treatment.
I’ll be honest, this is my reaction to “OH NO WEALTH TAX PROPOSALS!!!!”
Yeah, fuck you, you funded this lot, deal with it.
Shouldn’t it be more disturbing if it’s politically motivated?
Meh, play political games, win political prizes. Find me somebody that they’ve completely railroaded and I’ll have some sympathy.
Owww. Fuck.
Yeah, that’s definitely an “Ow Fuck.”
Ow Can’t Fuck
“traumatic” is unnecessary in that sentence.
Not exactly STEVE SMITH – but I got a kick outta this. (h/t GLOP podcast)
I’d baste her in butter.
Dang. That looks tasty.
Really well done video, too.
I’m not interested in debating Theodore Beal/Vox Day, but his publishing venture, Castalia House publish a wide spectrum of books that I’ve found entertaining or interesting.
And Amazon just memory holed Castalia House. Not removed a single book, or even stopped them from adding content, but completely deleted them. I can’t even download previously purchased books from CH of the Kindle variety. Customers are being told that the publisher removed the book(s). The folks they have been able to contact at Amazon can’t even find any record of CH ever having been part of the Kindle program. Records of sales of all the books are gone, as well as funds that haven’t been paid to CH or its authors royalties. Seems to be a “rogue employee” but this could have serious legal consequences for Amazon.
Notwithstanding the seriousness of the circumstance…
This is why I download and keep every ebook I buy. I can crack it open if I need to. That fucker’s MINE, and I keep what’s mine.
I do the same. I have an electronic copy on my home server that gets backed up of every book I purchase. I’ve been an Amazon customer since virtually the beginning; and a Prime member since day one. I buy 3-6 e-books a month, usually from Amazon. And this pisses me off to no end.
I took my lesson from people before me who were buying and reading ebooks in the late 90s, early 2000s on their Palms, of all things. Baen was an ebook pioneer. Ellora’s Cave was another. My friends lost their books as formats shifted and fell away. I have a bunch of ebooks from FictionWise for my eBookWise I had to figure out how to crack open.
I have a rather large library of Baen books. Fortunately it is all DRM free and with apps like Calibre, easy to transition to new formats.
Jim Baen was a man ahead of his time both on E-Books and DRM. Fuck, I remember getting an Honor Harrington book in….2003?… that had a CD chock-full of DRM-free RTF/HTML versions of Baen books.
Way before all the formats got whittled down to 2 (3 if you count PDF), I offered my books in all the formats I could think of in a zip file.
So I got those tools to work on an Adobe file some time back, but it won’t work on my Kindle stuff. Just wasted a half hour on it and need to step away before I throw my computer out the window. What a PITA.
What are you trying to do?
Use the Apprentice Alf tools we’ve discussed before on a Kindle AZW file I bought and downloaded to my computer. There are version issues, key issues, etc. etc. Seems like Amazon likes to keep one step ahead of these guys.
2020 is gonna be fun.
It’s gotta be intentional at this point.
They’re going the way of S&Ls in terms of relevance.
That’s brilliant. Don Jr. makes a solid point and a thousand RHEEEEEEing progs scream “You’re Stupid!”
Yeah, 2020 is gonna be fun.
They should heap on an extra helping of ‘flyover voters are despicable’. They will have the election in the bag.
“Dude, I totally pwned Don Jr on Twitter! I even told him I fucked his mother last night!”
Twitterers seen to be about as mature and intelligent as your average 12 year old Call of Duty player.
People near the bottom of humanity, from this story on the Tasmanian bushfires:
“In a statement issued late last night, Tasmania Police said they had charged a 42-year-old man with looting from evacuated homes in the Huon Valley. First arrested on Monday, the man now faces 30 charges including multiple counts of burglary and stealing. ‘Fortunately this is the only reported series of crimes targeting evacuated properties,’ Detective Acting Inspector Jim Semmens said. ‘I want to reassure the public that Tasmania Police will not tolerate this kind of behaviour.’ The majority of stolen property was recovered and returned to the owners.
If they find him guilty, just set him free on the main street of the town in question.
There are only a few crimes where I hope that vigilantes get to the criminal before the cops do. People who loot natural disaster areas are on that list.
Dammit, Jim. I’m not trained for this!
This is the same company that encouraged its “baristas” to write messages on the customers’ coffee cups in order to “start a conversation about racism”.
Well shit, Snowmaggedon just went from “farce” to “tragedy”.
Gloat no more: Cold snap and snow possible for Metro Vancouver by Sunday
If it snows in February in Vancouver, that’s pretty much Ice Age.
Decent roundup of the shitshow that was the teacher’s strike in Los Angeles
Kids? what? you’re joking right?
“Cap on charter schools”? Yeah, fuck you UTLA.
Surprised the teachers didn’t get more of their demands, to be honest. Don’t they basically run the place?
So fun fact, or not. I grew up in the same town as Matt Bevin. I remember a few no school days due to Ice storms and heavy snow but not low temperatures.
Laugh at the UK. LAUGH!
And people say Southerners can’t drive in the snow…
Herman Cain could land on the Federal Reserve Board
Does that mean that the dollar will now be backed by pizza? ///AwwShuckyDucky
Interesting. My son just told me that one of his teachers has personally known Northam for a couple of decades. The teacher said that Northam has gone from normal to bizarre as his involvement in politics deepened.
Isn’t that true for most people?
As my father likes to say “If you play in the cesspool, you’re going to get some shit on you.”
More weather/climate change laughter. Local school ran off the denier running the state weather office, replaced him with a climate change research institute. Lots of choice comments from those people in this story. ‘Likelihood of big snow decreases every year’, ‘don’t get artic air blasts’, and ‘missed the possibility of snow this year’.
Snow (albeit not much) is in the forecast starting this weekend. Dumbasses just cannot help running their mouthes.