Good morning my sassy scamps! And what a glorious morning it is to those enjoying a day off at home due to the POLAR VORTEX!!! I’m in one of the brown parts of the map. We have a high of 60 in Houston today.
All this polar vortexing gives a great opportunity for conservatives to harp on global warming.
Police release images of “persons of interest” regarding the case of the actor who claims to have been attacked at 2am in the middle of a POLAR VORTEX in the middle of Chicago by MAGA dudes. Twitter is on the case.
Rand Paul is awarded $580,000 from neighbor over ass beating he took.
Ariana Grande fixes misspelled tattoo after online mockery.
That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
All this polar vortexing gives a great opportunity for conservatives to harp on global warming. – ehm aktchually it is climate disruption
I don’t know if you saw it last night Pie, but here is what American children are taught about Romania:
Clicked thinking it might be slightly educational… Need to wake up.
I once wrote a parody song called ‘Funky Cold Ceausescu’ but I can’t remember anything about it.
*in best holier than thou, patronizing tone*
Weather and climate aren’t the same thing, you know.
Except of course when it’s hot in the summer.
One of my first forays into AGW zealotry involved me repeatedly trying to get some warmist cultist to admit that long term temperature trends were made up of hundreds of daily temperature readings.
So yeah, if your models can’t predict 2019 weather given the records 1919-1980, then no, the model isn’t predictive. He just kept insisting that they”adjusted for all that”. Basically “It’s science bro, I just trust the scientists.”
Weather is cold and climate is hot.
Ariana Grande fixes misspelled tattoo after online mockery. – we will need feedback from the Japan based glibs on this one
Meh. Just bad luck for her that those two kanji meant “cooking stove”. 七 does mean “seven” and 輪 means “ring”. She tried to correct it by adding 指 which means “finger”. That looks even more bizarre to me.
I get what she was trying to do. 指輪 means ring but you shouldn’t cut off pairs of kanji and continue on the top of the next line when writing vertically.
OK. Regardless, she should stop while she’s behind.
And I wonder if she was intending to write “7 rings” as in the jewelry type of ring or some more like the “ring” as in “ring around the roses”. And of course the word for “ring” as in “ring a bell” is something else altogether. They are all spelled the same in English but are not the same in Japanese. What she did write (well, kinda did after “fixing” it) was the jewelry kind of ring.
The research would entail listening to her song, and I’m not doing that.
Wise man.
I posted this in the evening links while you were headed off to work.
Sadly, I DID try to figure it out by looking at the lyrics. No clue…
I was trying to figure out what kind of ring she was talking about. Ring shaped or ring on your finger. Based on the article and her response – it would be ring shaped.
Ha ha ha! So now her “correction” is wrong too since it is trying to refer to jewelry.
Too damn complicated…
My wife tells me now that it’s fine to split kanji up. I don’t care. I still don’t like it.
how long it took you to learn all those characters?
Too long, but I’m a dummy. 10 years to be able to read the paper relatively easily.
I’m 8 plus years in and only know about 800 to 1,000 characters. A Japanese HS graduate is required to know a bit over 2,000, but most know more. A literate adult can read 8,000+.
Problem is smart phones are impacting literacy – many people have significant trouble remembering how to write anything slightly obscure.
Show off.
Now draw a stick person in Japanese.
Don’t tell me what to do.
There is a reason that Chris Rock skit about if a guy could live in a cardboard box and still get hawt chicks, that we would still be living in caves resonates…
Why is she putting permanent doodles on her hands?
Between you, the Nippon based Glibs, Canadians and Glibs all over the US – ain’t it grand?
We need more Messicans.
¡A sus ordenes!
Don’t get me wrong, you do good work. But… you’re hardly Salma Hayek are you?
Ass, Grass, or Mexicans.
Nobody rides for free?
Don’t forget our Antipodean members.
*smacks forehead*
Indeed, we need the reverse whirlpool version of things!
Between you, the Nippon based Glibs, Canadians and Glibs all over the US – ain’t it Grande?
I’ve never understood all those people getting tattoos using characters which they do not themselves read.
If you can read them, they are just words. If you can’t read them, they are symbols imbued with meaning. Possibly magic.
Well…you, of all impeccably dressed rats, would know!
So you are saying that she should have gotten it done in Elvish script?
Like a quote from “Jailhoush Rock”?
That only works if it’s in Elvish… Maybe Klingon, I don’t know.
I’ve seen worse but this is pretty stupid. She doesn’t have the faintest idea what those characters mean, just thinks they look cool.
I really don’t think people should do this unless they have a pretty good grasp of the language. To me it signals that the wearer doesn’t fully grasp that this is a different language with a completely different cultural reference. You would think they would – at the very least – pass it by a number of native speakers before getting the tattoo to see what they say. It’s not like they are hard to find.
pass it by a number of native speakers before getting the tattoo to see what they say.
I wouldn’t try it without doing that first either.
If it’s written in foreign, it’s exotic. If it’s written in your everyday language, it’s just pedestrian.
And make sure that said native speakers aren’t pranksters with a wicked sense of humor.
“just thinks they look cool.”
More like thinks it’s multi-culti cred.
“Hey! I’m so talented I can make myself look stupid in more than one language!”
Plus you’d want to pay attention to the “font”. Part of what makes kanji interesting and artistic is how the character flows and the “brush” lifts from stroke to stroke.
That’s one fuck of a euphemism!
To be honest, “it looks cool” strikes me as more sensible than “it means something significant, if you know the language, which I don’t, but I know what it means.” Would you want it printed on you if it’s in English? Then you wanted it because it looks cool. Maybe I’ll get the symbol for my favorite pad thai dish from my favorite Asian fusion place. It’s “31.”
It’s like listening to a song in a foreign language – it can sound more insightful because you can’t understand the words. I used to listen to Spanish and French punk/oi music, which sounded way better than their English equivalent.
I remember Brittany Spears getting a Japanese character tattoo. She thought it translated as Unique, but in reality, it translated into Strange.
I have a vague memory of a girl who had a bunch of kanji characters tattooed on her arm being stopped by an old Chinese man, who wanted to know “…why you have ‘chicken fried rice on your arm?”
She replied, “No, these mean peace, love and hope!”
The Chinese man said “No, that say chicken fried rice!”
As I remember it turned out some cheap tattoo artist had been copying stuff out of a menu.
Anyone else remember that?
Daughter #2 got some characters tattooed on her lower back that she claimed meant her name. I told her, “I looked it up and it means ‘Kick Me'”
Good morning! I think it’s cold outside
I see no cars in that tweet
Good morning my sassy scamps! And what a glorious morning it is to those enjoying a day off at home due to the POLAR VORTEX!!! I’m in one of the brown parts of the map. We have a high of 60 in Houston today. – unfortunately it looks like another excessively warm February for Bucharest. The high today is 6 Correct degrees and it will reach 14 next week. Hopefully not more than one week.
The only correct way to measure temperature is in Kelvin.
Rand Paul is awarded $580,000 from neighbor over ass beating he took.
Something tells me he will donate most, if not all, of it to a worthy cause (like IJ) which will prove to the progressive fringe he deserved that assault.
I think he’s still making donations to doctors for his surgeries.
Huh… I thought he’d get that Doctor-brotherhood discount.
He might also have to be extra-scrupulous about accepting freebies / discounts because he’s a Senator.
Or just a generous guy (unusual in a Senator, I know!)
I’ve seen Mr Smith Goes to Washington. All Senators are some of the most generous beings in government. Constantly showering their constituents with that sweet, sweet, government cheese.
Oh, you meant because he’s an unpopular senator. There could be some truth to that I suppose.
I’d buy a whole lot of pumpkin seeds with it if I were him.
Anyone seen Ruth?
You’re not fooling me, that’s Groucho with no mustache. If its Ms Ginsburg then she is skiing incognito in CO.
I demand Proof of Life.
911: Car 57, we have a Wellbeing Check called in…
Stool sample?
I thought it was referred to as a “bench.”
That doesn’t even warrant a response.
*narrows gaze*
Why are you trying to bar this?
It just encourages a full court press.
The left will do a Weekend at Bernie’s with her corpse as long as they need to in order to avoid Trump picking her replacement.
They can’t hold out forever. She is clearly not well enough to do the job. She should step down or be impeached. In the meantime I will be stocking up on popcorn for the Amy Barrett (///milf) hearings.
Dang…my son is a student at U of Iowa. 🙁
…Imma call him later.
Nearly $600K for 6 broken ribs and a bout of pneumonia?
Having had my ribs broken for me, I think Id pass on that deal.
Reality is broken. Memes are becoming real life.
Oh snap! I forgot how back in my racist youth I would put on black (and green and brown) face before going on patrol with my fellow racist infantrymen.
Institutional racism. Not only were we told to apply that makeup, they had an entire block of instruction for everyone on how to do it!
I had to use facial scrub to get that shit out of my pores afterwards.
You’re not even wrong
It wasn’t just black dust. Drilling into a rock face would make tiny chips fly off and embed themselves into flesh like a tattoo
Whiting out the Redman is double plus ungood.
They got that from coding.
Racist movie!
And the WW1 soldiers who used to put burnt cork on their faces so they couldn’t be seen as easily during night patrols… racistsSTSSSS!!!
You have no idea.
Vortex related: Our Governor has warned us not to raise the indoor temp more than 65 degrees, or else this might happen (again) .
Just a couple more days until we’re into spring weather. I’m still pissed that the city cancelled trash collection yesterday, and communicated it through fscking Facebook. Not everyone uses Facebook you gits.
I don’t get the businesses whose only online presence is Facebook. You lost a customer because there is no way I am logging into Facebook.
I can understand if they’re just starting out and don’t want to put out the cash to get a domain and a webpage (I dislike an out of date website more then no website). I’ll need to check with my niece again, but my understanding is a lot of her peers (early 20’s) are ditching Facebook.
Only old people and squares use the Book of Faces. Instagram, Snapchat are where it is at, Daddy-O!
None of my kids really use facebook. Sure they have accounts but they never log into them. Instagram and Youtube are the kings for Gen Z
Huh. I wonder why? Of course, Instagram is owned by Facebook anyway.
My niece’s comment was that once her grandparents were on Facebook, she didn’t want to be.
Yeah they don’t give a damn about the privacy issues they can’t articulate it but the real reason breaks down to the way Facebook “curates” their newsfeed to shove ever more advertising down their throats. They only want to see what their friends and the people they follow post as a general rule.
Not everyone uses Facebook you gits.
Seriously. Tweet that shit.
I already complained about how yesterday, the city only notified people of closings through Twitter. Lame!
*narrows gaze*
Fookin Democrats and their rationing!
“It was an irrational thing I did, and it’s two minutes of my life I wish I could take back,” Boucher said of the attack. “What I did was wrong.”
See? He says he’s sorry. What more do you want? It’s not like he called somebody by the wrong pronoun.
It was an irrational thing I did, and it’s two minutes of my life I wish I could take back
Just skip a cigarette.
NPCs are real.
Tucker: “Please don’t be a robot”
(apologies for the OT so early)
For some reason I can’t fathom, the Dems seem to think that holding a hard line on this is a political winner. Northam (and Tran) fucked up, badly. Ignoring it is not going to make it go away.
Tucker tried so damn hard there. Holy crap.
I tried to watch that today. He might as well been talking to a toaster.
Ignore it and it will go away seems to be their strategy.
Ahhh, the old “You can’t see me if i can’t see you strategy”, flawless.
+1 very, very ravenous
I won’t watch because i would like to continue the day in a good mood. I shouldn’t let these things get to me so much, but Abortion is one of those subjects that drive me insane. Add to that a person who is so far up their own ass that they think every woman in the country wan’ts abortions to be legal up until birth…
That girl is certifiable. Kavanaugh is working to over turn Roe v. Wade?
‘Right to choose’ has a long and meandering leash now it seems.
I haven’t read the specifics, but how is what that Virginia bill not, well, murder? You don’t let a baby be born and decide to kill because ‘right to choose’.
Lol. “Consultants”.
Graduate of Oberlin. That explains part of it. Worked for De Blasio. It’s becoming clearer now.
Who the heck would pay for this?
Just put the baby in a MAGA onesie and every prog will try to kill it.
On patrol with the Social Justice PD.
Thanks for that.
As I tore through the streets, making sure not to hit any of the bicyclists passing me
*sensible chuckle*
Every time I see somebody with an oriental pictograph tattoo, I imagine the guys in the tattoo parlor laughing their asses off.
Or the woman at the Chinese takeout place who drew it out. Cause everyone loves a good joke.
People who have never learned to write Chinese characters – including tattoo artists – don’t understand that the direction and order of the strokes is set, not arbitrary. And the way it looks generally shows the direction it was written in. I saw a tattoo on a foreigner which at first I couldn’t decipher. It took me a second to realize that it was done by a tattoo artist who had no idea about stroke direction – about as bad as writing it mirror image.
The one’s on Grande’s palm are pretty well written despite the grammar mistake. At least to me. Looks like typeset.
I wasn’t referring to the example in Grande’s case – just pointing out that there are so many ways to fcuk up Kanji if you haven’t studied them. Even if you get the correct characters in the right order just the way you “write” them can screw the whole thing up.
+1 hane
My handwriting in English is awful. No surprise – so is my Japanese. Although was taught and do (try to) use proper stroke order.
True. I love watching Japanese people write because they all have their own little cheats. Some people just draw a circle for 口 in a kanji and things like that. My favorite is when people at Keio Uni write 慶應 as:
How about?
(sai – the counter for years of age)
Took me a second until I saw the site.
I don’t understand why smartphone kanji look up programs insist on (mostly) proper stroke order.
In the old days of more limited computing power I get it, but not now.
I think it’s part of the guessing algorithm rather than solely on the finished image. Or predictive behavior so you can type faster like guessing English words based on the first few typed. Or mistyped.
Rand Paul is awarded $580,000 from neighbor over ass beating he took.
Queue Andrea or Bernie talking about how the rich just get richer using the justice system.
Officially -40 in Polar Vortex country. Haven’t seen that for several years. Global cooling returns but only for a select few.
For all this “Polar Vortex” talk, i’m still waiting for it to suck Chicago up into the ether.
*narrows gaze*
Emergency notifiication was sent to all Michiganders last night at 10:30PM-ish. Thanks for the wake-up call for a body already tired from snow blowing and whiskey!
Heat interruptions possible if residents don’t turn down thermostats, utility says
Whatever, Tulpa
Snowblowing and whisky, sounds kinky.
I got off the ice after hockey and had that message. I have the emergency messages all turned off except for the presidential one you can’t ignore. I’m not sure how that got through. Now the CEO of Consumers’ Energy is threatening rolling ‘gas-outs’ if people don’t lower their thermostats. I cranked it up to 69.
Fight the power, brother!
No, this is the Gas company…
Close enough.
Dumb and Dumber covered it too.
I keep my thermostat at a steady 79 degrees. And when it’s 28 below, that means the furnace runs continuosly. Works for me.
“We should get a baby that wont impede our lifestyle at all.”
I dont think that is how it works. You did get your face on camera though.
Yeah, you aren’t getting anything close to the real baby experience if it doesn’t impede your lifestyle.
Is a hot au pair really an impediment to my lifestyle?
You are married? And in Florida? Yeah I think hot au pair might be an impediment to your life expectancy much less lifestyle.
I don’t know. I think these guys in their matching Dudley Boyz gear are pretty awesome. Hey, they made the Post. That’s all that matters, right?
Digby Du Pont is GOLD.
German court: Bell dedicated to Hitler can stay in church
All this dialogue does is start violence.
And a night of broken glass?
“place an explanatory plaque nearby in the hope of sparking dialogue”
What a novel concept.
You just know that someday they’re going to tear down Auschwitz.
Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
For whom does the Swiss toll?
For blackjack.
An MP’s jail term for lying to police over a speeding ticket is being reviewed after a complaint it was unduly lenient.
Peterborough MP Fiona Onasanya had denied being behind the wheel when her car was spotted being driven at 41mph in a 30mph zone, in July 2017.
She was convicted at the Old Bailey of perverting the course of justice and jailed for three months on Tuesday.
Stupid thing to go to jail to. She is the first sitting female Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom to be jailed!
Three months for lying about a speeding ticket is too lenient?
I mean, i’m as happy as any Libertarian when a politician gets thrown in the clink, and i think this is too harsh.
They could have drawn and quartered her?
It’s not as though she had an unlicensed hammer….
Jailed for denying she committed a crime? So did they burn all the copies of Magna Charta, or are they just ignoring it?
Bullshit – the Lions aren’t going to the Superbowl:
Hell has frozen over — seriously
Must be Unitarians.
How’d this comment get here?
Thought you were making some unitarian/hell joke.
Blame people who don’t believe in the Holy Trinity.
So… Gadianton, Mojoux and Myself?
We also don’t believe in hell.
True… It’s nice expression though.
Michigan? Doesn’t it freeze over every year? Call me when This place freezes over.
Lions vs. Browns Super Bowl would be the heat death of the universe, right?
It would be awesome. Especially when the score is 3-3 going into overtime.
Welp, dumbass me just spilled a few gallons of gas because I walked away from the pump at work.
Now I’m waiting for it to flash off in sub-freezing weather before I try to start the truck so I don’t go up in a fireball.
Whatever you do, make sure you set your phone to auto-upload the video.
Now I’m waiting for it to flash off in sub-freezing weather
No kitty litter?
Dumped all I had on it, unfortunately the fumes are hanging close to the ground. Need a breeze.
Students who wrote sick threat to ‘rape 100 girls’ are allowed to return to university
Penis? Naggers? ::confused::
academic slurs – what is an academic slur?
University [sic] of Georgia.
That is the standard way they are referred to in the GT student newspaper.
On those rare occasions they are mentioned at all.
That’s an “r” not a “t”.
English Pig-Dog Professor?
Pakis-If its good enough for Prince Harry, by god, its good enough for me
I don’t even see how “Paki” is a slur, as it seems to be just a diminutive form of the proper noun for a country. Same thing for “Jap”. Also, is “Canuck” a slur? I don’t even know. But I do know I’m not giving up “Limey”, “Kraut”, and “Frog”, because nicknames are fun.
The context in the screenshots – which mysteriously seems to be missing from the article – appears to show them being deliberately “offensive”. But “disciplinary processes need changing as soon as possible”!
Submitted w/o comment ?
*would not*
Great mug shot.
Just FYI for those that looked at the mug shot: yes, Austin DOES put their detainees into Hamburgler suits. The first time I went to bail someone out I thought it was an elaborate practical joke.
Allegan county Michigan does that too. I find it hilarious. Black and white stripes with huge print on the back “allegan county jail.”
In the local county jail, there’s this elaborate color-code for jail inmates. Brown is trusties, they get the most comfortable suits. Green is newbies (I think?) and orange is like they be dangerous.
The FIRST time you WENT to bail someone out?
I suspect you’re burying the lede.
I spent six months unemployed living with a drummer and his stripper girlfriend. Hijinx ensued.
OK, “The” hijinx ensued.
Hmmm. Maybe.
I will say that once I became an unemployed loser living the rock and roll lifestyle, it became vastly easier to get laid.
I will assume that it was because without a job, I could spend multiple hours at the gym everyday, and that I was available to scratch any itches that might have sprung up in that circle of woman.
” the suspect continued to pleasure herself while handcuffed in the rear of a police cruiser.”
She was cuffed behind the back. Ugh.
Rectal stimulation… Or long labia?
My guess would be meth.
Those don’t look like MAGA hats. They look like Devo flowerpot hats.
Where is Devo? You may have cracked the case!
Are they not men ?
Ha! Beat me to it!
Well, in July they’ll most likely be back in Cleveland. I think they’re still in the Kent/Akron area.
My guess is those two shadowy figures are those demons from “Ghost” that drag you to hell.
Are we not men? We are MAGA
Those are MAGA hats, crudely photo-shopped onto the actual picture as a joke.
Uh… I think everyone got that.
You stepped on the joke and killed it.
Weird music moment this morning:
I turn on the car and hear a guitar riff from the radio…my brain immediately thinks “Van Halen…Eminence Front. Wait, that’s The Who. Wait again, this is Right Now.”
Did Eddie lift a riff straight from The Who? Is this known?
Probably just a weird coincidence that there is an overlap, the songs sound nothing alike.
Next your going to tell me Led Zepplin didn’t invent all their riffs.
Metallica Sue Canadian Band over E, F Chords
I didnt link, because I can’t find the original anymore, but it was a parody article in 2003 that a bunch of people fell for, including legit news sites.
Hey, I fell for Tom Brady gossip BS yesterday….
“Also…. huge fan of tiny bbq grills.”
And big dicks.
/blows into slide whistle.
Who is a ‘fan’ of tiny bbq grills anyway?
/blows into slide whistle backwards.
Also. Isn’t her Japanese tat cultural appropriation?
Some call Twiter!
Yes, but it’s the good kind. And don’t ask what the good kind is; that’s racist.
*would not*
Oh, come on. What’s the worst that could happen?
Bill Nye “the Science Guy” has another global warming prediction — Americans will have to grow their food in Canada if nothing is done to limit temperature rise.
“The agriculture in North America is going to have to move north into what would nominally be Canada and we don’t have the infrastructure,” Nye told MSNBC host Chris Matthews Tuesday night.
“We don’t have the railroads and roads to get food from that area to where we need it around the world,” Nye warned.
We will save the planet if we grow vegetables in a frozen state.
Everyone worries about “Climate Change, but this will actually just free up a lot of land in Norther Russia, Canada, Patagonia, and some parts of Antarctica. Global Warming will democratize land again.
Good, then Canada can take the migrants.
But will Cascadia finally be free again?
What a douche. It’s one of the first jokes that came out of Canada when global warming began. FINALLY IT’LL GET WARMER IN CANADA! And it’s about time. All that wasted space North of Manitoba and Saskscratchaman.
As if he’s the first to think that up.
Is he suggesting an annexation of Canada?
/Puts on goggles. Sharpens hockey stick.
“Puts on goggles. Sharpens hockey stick.”
Strange euphemism, given the context…
You don’t want to get freedom of speech and RTKBA?
He’s worried about reverse snowbirding.
He doesn’t want mandatory post-birth abortions
Of course there are actual states within the US that don’t have RTKBA.
Is he suggesting an annexation of Canada?
Like it would be hard…
Well you would have the difficulty of annexing around Quebec, and then negotiating some sort of pass through procedures for letting them have contact with the outside world. Seriously, we can annex the English parts, but screw Quebec, we don’t need the francophone nonsense.
You clearly have never been to a Montreal strip club.
Hookers can have 12 hour work passes, but you don’t want them hanging around after.
Is he unfamiliar with agriculture in the Caribbean? (even assuming excessive temperature rise to be true)
Or Yuma County, AZ, where the average high temperature in July and August is 106 degrees, yet is a major agricultural producer.
Come on Mr. Krugman, Give Real Libertarianism a Chance
Mr. Krugman, a fair minded man [citation needed]
Its a bit appalling that we’re even discussing setting up “free enterprise zones” in America, since the entire point of the American experiment was that it would basically be one massive free enterprise zone with slight state to state variation.
Images of the chat show a student saying: “Sometimes it’s fun to just go wild and rape 100 girls,” while another said about a fellow student: “Rape her friends too.”
The conversation continued with: “Rape the whole flat to teach them all (a) lesson.”
Another message in the sickening Facebook chat read: “What do we do with girls? RAAAAAAAAAPE.”
Sounds legit. You’ve saved civilization, Plod.
Looks like there may be more to that actors story than I thought. Still, two guys spotted a block or so from where he acquired the noose is pretty weak.
I’m just amazed he actually went to a Subway at 2 am in subzero temperatures. I’d like to see the footage after the “attack” – was he running, that sort of thing. His manager’s corroboration doesn’t really move the needle in my book – he is invested in the original story standing up. It may be that this is pretty much a dead end and we don’t uncover anything more.
he actually went to a Subway at 2 am in subzero temperatures
The most unbelievable part of the story.
Who doesn’t walk around with bleach and cord at 2 am in subzero temperatures on the off chance that the guy you’ve been writing hate mail to runs into you on the street?
my favorite part was where the twitter users claim that it can’t be a hoax because the cops released that photo of two people of interest.
I suppose it’s possible. Just seems unlikely and I’d bet a lot of money that it isn’t the story the media is making it out to be.
The guy is an actor, with a documented hatred of Trump.
Is it that far-fetched to think he got a couple of his like-minded acting buddies to put on red hats just to be spotted on a camera, so his story seems more believable ?
Ya know….like a performance of sorts ?
Heh I think the MAGA hats are photoshopped.
Oh, and the persons of interest were walking away from where the attack supposedly occurred before it supposedly occurred.
Have they confirmed that he actually got a sandwich? Because that late at night, the Subway may have been about the only place to meet someone you might not want knowing where you are staying. What’s the Subway interior camera (if any) show?
Cops said it showed he was in the subway. I presume it must have verified that he was buying a sandwich or they would likely have mentioned that
I wouldn’t assume anything, myself, that isn’t corroborated.
Well that was a guess based on the same sort of logic. frankly I’d be shocked if it was much different. There is a reason why organizations of all sorts have settled on a management structure of the lowest group organization being 1 local leader and ~6 – 12 workers with the majority falling in the middle of that range
He was looking for a footlong.
+1 meatball.
Damnit. Now I’m hungry for a meatball sub.
I don’t think these two were talking about an actual meatball sammich but some other implementation of a foot-long cigar shaped tube -steak with meaty ballz…
Ignore the hundred of blacks shot and killed in Chicago yearly
And the guy in the hoodie looks black.
I am still not buying it. The whole thing reeks of bullshit.
Hmmm, the CPD found pictures. Of people walking. In a crowded metropolis.
And then the victim voluntarily left a noose around his neck for an extended period of time.
for UCS:
“He-Man Fleeing from Troi” is the best.
Well meaning regulation can backfire
Of course that assumes that the regulation wasn’t supposed to work this way in the first place.
I think ‘well meaning regulation’ has become an oxymoron.
My son, who works at Costco in Seattle, was bitching recently about how his employer puts new employees through the wringer before their 90 day probationary period is up.
He was not happy when I pointed out the unintended consequences of a $15 minimum wage coupled with a lack of at-will employment laws result in employers having an incentive to make sure those expensive employees aren’t slackers before the cost of firing them becomes artificially more expensive on the 91st day.
And my comment that people respond to incentives, not legislative intent.
I used to hire newbies with a 30 day probationary period. I explained to them that we were not a good fit for all people plus I knew that we were not the only place people were applying. I told them if they found a job they liked better (pay, educational fit,etc) they could leave with no notice and just a handshake but we reserved the same right. Many more left us on their own rather than me having to let them go. We didn’t have much invested, training, etc in 30 days anyway.
Moving update: it was so fucking cold here, we couldn’t get the rental truck to start. Neither could the rental people. So our final departure is delayed until tomorrow, predicted to be a balmy -2F, giving us a chance to finish packing all the crap that our unbelievably shitty movers left behind.
You have should have hired Slightly Less Crappy Movers, inc.
The Candy Van is now an Ice Cream Truck?
+ 1 VH “Ice Cream Man”
Good luck with the trip and your move. Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative on the distant end. Big adventure in store for you and SP.
Jeebus. Any move is a nightmare, but this one sounds particularly hellish.
Officials: 33 arrested for sex trafficking in Super Bowl sting
Nick Annan, Atlanta Special Agent in Charge for Homeland Security Investigations.
Really keeping the homeland safe, that one.
One of them Johns might be one of them EYESIS people or somethang.
Probably their usual haul of pimps and hos, rebranded for PR.
And the MSM falls for it every single year.
They said it in the article…
33 people arrested, 4 people “recovered”.
So it is probably 4 – 8 pimps and 25 – 29 hookers with 4 of them maybe being runaways
I’m amused that a pimp’s span of control is about the same as a typical middle manager – 4 to 9, maybe 10, direct reports.
They do a better job at it though..
sex trafficking
I remember the good old days when it was just called “prostitution”. Now they’re all victims.
Long underwear is so sexy… /Polar Vortex Porn Director
Titties automagically appear for you!
5, 12, 26 (dem thighs), 38, 51. Bless for the bountiful harvest!
Agree about 26, she’s my fav:
Well now, this is an official Take, and by law all Takes must include an unwelcome BUT to spoil everything and to set off fires in your psyche. I loved all of these bagels, but the standard operating procedure of most bagel shops is to serve your bagel and smoked salmon as a full-on sandwich, with the cream cheese and smoked fish jammed inside the full bagel.
This is, in my opinion, a sub-optimal way of enjoying a bagel. Bagel sandwiches are dumb.
I never had a real bagel I think. Can’t really get one in Bucharest. I had one in London and Brick Lane bagel bake but have no idea how authentic it is
My hot take is bagels suck in general anyway. Too dense and chewy.
They’re good within 10ms of coming out of the oven
Also good toasted.
Fried is my favorite. That’s the way my grandfather always made them – slather the cut side with butter and fry them. They get delightfully crispy on the edges.
That thing in the picture is not even close to a real bagel. One of the few benefits of living in New Jersey are good bagels AND good bagel breakfast sandwiches. With pork roll if you want to get real authentic Jersey.
Although depending on where in the state it will be Taylor ham versus pork roll.
Having grown up in the southern part scrapple was also a breakfast option.
I consider Taylor Ham a brand of pork roll. I actually prefer the “tangy” store brand from my grocery.
Dammit, now I want a bagel sandwich.
Chelsea was in danger of losing its reputation as a haven for rich old queens?
They were getting annoyed at their friends who had to break engagements because they wanted to take care of their kids?!
Couple of narcissistic crackpots.
What do they do for a living? Jesus, they have money to waste.
Those guys are 74 and 65? What the hell have they been drinking? They look fabulous.
Actually they do look fine for the ages.
Gays have the secret and they ain’t sharing.
Well they don’t have to put up with women in their personal lives…
/ducks and covers
^ This ^
They still have a will to live.
Been told that before…
” What the hell have they been drinking?”
The blood of baby dolls…
Gotta use your tongue.
I’ve seen Mr Smith Goes to Washington. All Senators are some of the most generous beings in government. Constantly showering their constituents with that sweet, sweet, government cheese.
They are noble servants of the public weal. They want nothing but to make our lives better and easier.
Lamest vortex ever. Yeah it’s 4 degrees out but where’s the arctic blast? The last one was a proper vortex with space heaters and piles of blankets and shit.
As I drove from western NJ to Secaucus this morning, the temperate rose about 10 degrees. That ocean may be depriving you of the experience.
I think it’s the wind unusually coming from the WSW rather than the usual NW combined with the position of my windows. Can’t complain 🙂
It was -27 below this morning…
*narrows gaze*
Careful. Your face might freeze that way.
Polar vortex explained. Hint….climate change:
Cool. Still doesn’t explain why it was this cold when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s which predates climate change jargon. Were we ahead of our time?
Comments from Seeking Alpha:
Comments1973 | + Follow
Actually, this polar vortex is linked to arctic warming, but you have to know the difference between climate and weather before you can understand the physics of how it works.
Comments1709 | + Follow
I review grant proposals and sometimes sit on grant panels in Washington. Any scientist who fudged or lied would be risking his or her career. Scientists are interested in research that proves to be correct over the coming decades. My most highly cited article was published in 1991 and is still being highly cited because of its impact on current research. No need to conjure up false notions on something that you know nothing about.
NEW | 31 Jan 2019, 07:51 AM Reply 1 Like
Comments1709 | + Follow
The past four years have been the four warmest years in the climate record going back to 1880. 2019 is expected to be a new record warm year because of El Nino. You need to remember that a polar vortex in mid-latitudes means that it’s very warm in the Arctic. Warming has hardly stopped just because each year is not a new record. During a bull market, do you expect record highs day after day?
Comments1709 | + Follow
The science makes it obvious that humans are the biggest factor and that CO2 has always been a key factor, going back more than hundreds of millions of years. Polar vortices are increasing because of warming in the Arctic. I know all of this because I have a science Ph.D., I publish science, I read science and I attend national and international science meetings.
I know all of this because I have a science Ph.D., I publish science, I read science and I attend national and international science meetings.
How do you get a science Ph.D? Don’t you have to specialize? Is that like A B.S n Undergraduate studies?
Sounds like a Professor of Logic down there at the University of Science
/Norm is the greatest
“Everything I am saying is wrong but you have to nod in agreement because I have three letters after my name. Now, get your checkbook out.”
A “science” PhD. I wonder exactly what his degree is in, and why he doesn’t specify.
You can’t Argue. He Does Science. And reads science. He Eats and Breaths Science. He practically is Science embodied.
This made me laugh.
20 bucks says the guy cant extemporaneously define the word ‘science’.
I know all of this because I have a science Ph.D
Sure bud, whatever you say….
Where can I get me one them there “science Ph.D.”‘s?
The past four years have been the four warmest years in the climate record going back to 1880.
Only if you “correct” the historical data to make it seem cooler than the actual measurements.
2019 is expected to be a new record warm year because of El Nino.
So, because of a periodic natural phenomena, not due to human activity.
Some real good sciencing there, pal.
“I publish science, I read science and I attend national and international science meetings”
Yes cause scientists, science the science while sciencing the science with their science.
You just blinded me with science, Thomas Dolby.
Real scienticians aren’t such condescending assholes. But you be you, I guess.
I majored in physics, and I can attest from experience that real scientists have a much higher percentage of condescending assholes than the general population. It’s not even close.
Yes, this is very true. Part of why I switched to engineering.
Spoken like a true scientist.
Fine, genius. Explain the phenomenon known as a “Virginia Winter” to me. It’s almost like cold weather below the arctic has been happening for millennia.
Hell, I remember in the early 90’s we had a week of weather where it was below -10 F. They closed the schools down for that whole week, it was great. And Lake Erie still hasn’t frozen over in some 20 years or so.
We used to play midnight shinny in -25c temps. One, because, well, because and two, it was so cold the sky acted as natural light. It was a blast.
60 Percent of Students Value Tolerance Over Free Speech, Survey Finds
On Wednesday, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) released a survey showing that college students in Generation Z or iGen are conflicted on free speech and seem to value tolerance and inclusion more than this important First Amendment liberty.
Sixty percent of students say “promoting an inclusive environment that is welcoming to a diverse group of students” is more important than “protecting students’ free speech rights, even if it means allowing hurtful or offensive speech,” the FIRE/YouGov poll found.
More than half of students (57 percent) either agree or strongly agree that “colleges and universities should be able to restrict student expression of political views that are hurtful or offensive to certain students.”
Even worse, more than two-thirds of students (70 percent) agree with this statement: “students at my college or university should be excluded from extracurricular activities (ex: sports, Greek life, student organizations) if they publicly express intolerant, hurtful, or offensive viewpoints.”
One cannot be ‘tolerant’ if on is not tolerant of distasteful speech. What is “intolerant”, “hurtful”, and especially “offensive” is subjective. And having public institutions police speech is illegal. Grow up (and maybe learn to code), snowflake.
As was mentioned earlier this week, Popper is often used to justify the restrictions:
But they never mention this part from the same text:
I’ve had progs quote that exact doctrine to me about why it’s ok to “punch Nazis” even when the Nazis have not initiated any violence. To them, the opinions are violence and must be suppressed. They don’t realize that such a response actually gives legitimacy to Nazis and strengthens their movement. If white supremacy really is on the rise in the US (which I’m not convinced that it is) then Antifa/Leftists are a big reason.
And their response to that is….
My response to progs is that same principle makes it okay for me to punch them if I find their opinions offensive.
the opinions are violence and must be suppressed
And suddenly you are the actual Fascist/Nazi.
Circular arguments are the best.
If that’s really the case and this isn’t a flawed/cooked poll we really are fucked.
The left has been very successful with their Long March through the institutions.
Oh it’s real. I had an older gentleman who should know better say, ‘free speech ends where it offends’.
“Then you need to shut up, because I find the idea that we should have thought police offensive.”
Rights? What are those?
I’m guessing that my “right” to not be offended is not equal to their “rights” to not be offended
Your right to free thought is not equal to their right to suppress your thoughts.
Do you really want people who think “offensive” speech should be banned working as developers, building software that both collects your personal data and distributes approved pieces of information to you?
We really need to stop telling these people to learn to code. You wouldn’t tell Mao to learn nuclear physics, would you?
I find it amazing that a lot of people are just now catching on that the AGW movement is not only wrong but a deliberate, calculated scam.
FFS, Margaret Mead, Paul Erlich and their Malthusian cohorts proclaimed it publicly, on stage, back in ’76.
“We need a fake climate crisis and we have to get the scientific community on board with it to sell it to the public.” (paraphrased)
Just for fun:
“Insert General Tso’s Chicken Here!”
I have been joking about that for decades.
I think that’s her tramp stamp.
Tattoo artist commits fraud. Was he ever arrested?
Lindsey Graham with relevant questions about Stone’s arrest.
With More “To Be Sures” Than a Robby Short. “Don’t worry i always support the FBI and Mueller”….
Good on Graham for this but the FBI will lie, obfuscate, and just flat out not answer demands for information and precisely nothing will come of this.
His bail was zero. The arrest was Banana Republic shit
His bail was zero.
Didn’t know that. Makes it worse. Fuck Mueller and everyone involved in this “investigation”.
MSNBC assured me that only the most dangerous criminals get this kind of treatment. The fact that they did it this way proves that he is dangerous.
Record Cold Forces Rethink on Global Warming
We used to just call it ‘seasons’.
Let’s hear from the “science is settled” camp” on this phenomenon:
So forceful and authoritative.
Fer fuck’s sake. I lived in Wisconsin and we had stretches that were colder than this (by a little) and lasted longer. I also recall living in North Texas during the late ’60s/early ’70s when we had bona blizzards, and recall the phenomenon of “Blue Northers”, which I suspect were what we now call “Polar Vortexes” on a fairly regular basis.
It’s complicated
Billions have been flowing into a corner of the tech industry focused on the housing market. And now there are start-ups to help landlords manage properties, or homeowners manage sales, or tenants manage their packages.
But hardly any of it touches the central problem of housing: For many people, it costs too much.
“None of that investment, nor the solutions that those companies are offering, will fundamentally change the dynamic of the housing market in a way that increases housing affordability,” said Matt Hoffman, the vice president for innovation at the national housing nonprofit Enterprise Community Partners, surveying what venture capitalists have come to call “proptech.”
Clara Brenner, a managing partner at a venture capital firm, the Urban Innovation Fund, hears weekly from people hoping she will do the same: When are you going to invest in a company, they ask her, that will solve the housing crisis or the homeless problem?
“This looking for a tech solution — I understand why people want it,” Ms. Brenner said. But she doesn’t believe it exists. The housing crisis is a policy problem, she says, one that Nimbyism, zoning laws, land use restrictions and tax policies have made worse. She fears that the dream of a tech fix will distract voters and politicians from those culprits.
NYT commenters know the answer. More socialism and redistribution. Confiscatory taxes on real estate developers’ obscene profits. Subsidies and market regulation will fix the problems caused by (insufficiently massive) subsidies and regulation.
Take a wild guess what happens today if a NYC developer wants to build non-luxury, market-rate housing? You know, like the kind that spread across the five boroughs like wildfire in the first decades of the last century.
Homelessness is unconnected to the housing market. The problems cities have with housing are self inflicted.
Grant Parish La resident – “What do I have to do to build a house here?”
Answer – “Go to the hardware store and buy a hammer, nails, saw and lumber then get busy.”
SF CA – “What do I have to do to build a house here?”
Answer – “You are going to need around 100K worth of permits, compliance and inspections before you can drive a nail. If you think that is bad wait until you get your property tax bill.”
SF should look like Manhattan. The Pelosi’s of the world want single family homes thoughout the city.
Eliminate the building regulations in the city and housing prices plummet across the bay area. Of course, the current owners won’t be happy about that.
Even setting aside the regulations and costs imposed by government… it’s a very popular city in a very desirable region. There would be outsized interest in living there even if a slew of big tech companies didn’t headquarter nearby. But they did. So now it’s a popular city in a desirable region that attracts very wealthy people. It’s a purpose-built real-world example of supply and demand in action.
So what is their response to this fundamental, inescapable lesson of economics?
I should say, “attracts a whole lot of upper-income earners.”
Markets will find equilibrium regardless. As they keep adding idiotic regulations while subsidizing homeless people crapping on the street it becomes a less desirable locale. Eventually they will pop their bubble by making the City so unlivable that demand dries up.
Many years ago I called my TX county to inquire about a building permit. They asked, “Why are you calling us?”
*quietly weeps for City, County and State of IL meddling*
Winter of 1978 was worse – and lasted for a long time. I burrowed into the massive snow banks and created forts and tunnels. Also skied over to my best friend’s house, who lived about a two miles away.
It was bad here in KC, too, although not that bad. I believe 1979 was also bad.
It’s almost as if we live on a little ball of rock spinning around a 6000 degree heat lamp in an almost perfect vacuum at 2 degrees absolute the way temperature can change.
“massive snow banks”
I bet they weren’t that huge. You were smaller back then. I have similar memories.
The ones I remember from the blizzards in North Texas went all the way up to the roof of one story houses on the north side.
They were higher than the mailbox – so about 3-4′ ?
I have the pictures of my 5’8″ Mom at the mailbox and all you can see is the very top of her ski hat. Yeah, that is a massive snowbank, Coop.
Where can I get me one them there “science Ph.D.”‘s?
Just get a tee shirt that says, “Trust me. I’m a SCIENTIST.” on it.
“I do science.”
Pulled this from TOS links.
FWIW, this Millennial here will be doing his best to NOT VOTE FOR JOHN MCAFEE in 2020.
Funny how the only thing they can say about it is racial makeup and how that benefits Dems. And conservatarian shitlords are the racists.
Sixty percent of students say “promoting an inclusive environment that is welcoming to a diverse group of students” is more important than “protecting students’ free speech rights, even if it means allowing hurtful or offensive speech,” the FIRE/YouGov poll found.
How is, “Tow the lion, or we’ll muzzle you!” inclusive or welcoming?
Your use of logic makes you suspect.
But, but, he’s an evil white, male billionaire who stole his wealth from dirt poor minorities and women!
Just getting up and saying “We can’t afford free healthcare, college and a UBI” makes you a Nazi nowadays I guess.
The stupidity of some people amazes me. Or maybe you’d call it willful ignorance. Specifically, a person who makes millions by creating a product that people enjoy and want to buy is evil, but a politician who produces nothing but makes millions off connections and political clout is selfless public servant who should be admired.
10AM – and it’s time for some red, red wine.
6pm tonight – hot chocolate and kirschwasser. No music involved… unless you count a little hummmmm of contentment.
None call it murder.
Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield) admitted in testimony that her bill, the REPEAL Act (H.B. 2491), would allow abortion up until the very beginning of labor. While the bill was tabled — postponed for further debate — it enjoys the support of NARAL Pro-Choice America.
“Delegate Tran, how late in a pregnancy would your bill apply if a physician were simply willing to certify that the continuation of the pregnancy would impair the mental health of the woman?” Delegate Todd Gilbert (R-Woodstock) asks in a video of the testimony.
Tran refuses to answer directly, lamenting that medical professionals were unable to attend the hearing. Woodstock asks again, “How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if it would impair the mental health of the woman?”
“Or physical health,” Tran cuts in.
“Okay. I’m talking about the mental health,” Gilbert insists.
Tran admits that, under the bill, abortion would be legal “through the third trimester. The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.”
Gilbert clarifies, “Okay but to the end of the third trimester?”
“Yep. I don’t think we have a limit in the bill,” Tran responds.
Then Gilbert asks a very direct question. “Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs that she is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?” he asks. As Tran struggles to respond, the Republican adds, “She’s dilating,” i.e., her cervix is expanding as in the very first stages of labor.
“Mr. Chairman, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician and the woman would make at that point,” Tran responds. Pressed again, she admits, “My bill would allow that, yes.”
Our esteemed governor seemed to support this as well. All the while he also supports (illegally, pursuant to the State and Federal Constitutions…) banning “assault weapons” ///forthechildren. The irony burns.
The mistake Tran made was she told the truth. She’s supposed to refuse to answer the question, and start reeeing about MUH HATRED OF WOMENS CHOICES.
Should’ve taken notes from Monica in that Tucker clip upthread.
She must have flunked Deflection 101
Exactly. From their point of view this was a PR fuckup, no more, no less.
The mistake Tran made was she told the truth.
In politics this is known as a “gaffe”.
Supports murdering children. Supports banning citizens possessing effective weaponry.
There is no irony here. Both are perfectly consistent with enslaving the populace. Every other plank in their platform, ditto.
Raising Children Without the Concept of Sin
My religious fundamentalist childhood was built around the fear of sin. My daughters don’t even know the word.
Can I jizz in your hair, lady?
“To me, the greatest sin of all is failing to be an engaged citizen of the world,…”
So, minding your own business is a sin in upsy downsy land.
Want to make the world a better place? Mind your own business and be nice to people. It is simple really.
I Brooks’ed my response so I’ll add to this.
She absolutely believes in sin, and I’ll bet she believes in white privilege, etc.. which means she believes in original sin.
Good to see people working hard to maintain the population of future Republicans.
I realize this sounds flippant, but it is absolutely no-shit truth which I’ve seen play out in real life. Kids raised by ideologues often reflexively veer in the opposite direction when the dogma instilled by their parents fails to address and resolve critical issues later on in their lives. Don’t be shocked when you eventually find a dog eared copy of Atlas Shrugged under your kid’s mattress, Julia.
yep. See my comment below.
It is called Preacher’s daughter syndrome around these parts.
My grand daughters: “Oh Mom, you’re so old fashioned”
Not surprisingly, their mother said the same thing to me.
My second girlfriend in high school was a bona fide preacher’s daughter. And she had the syndrome good and hard, IYKWIMAITYD.
Kinda like how the freakiest, sluttiest girl I ever knew was from a hardcore Mormon family.
when the dogma instilled by their parents fails to address and resolve critical issues later on in their lives.
IMO, this is the core of it. If the dogma is instilled in a superficial or punative way (as happens in many of the “shelter the kids from the real world” households), the kids are very likely to be rudderless when they’re dumped headlong into the real world. I think that evangelical Christianity falls into that trap really hard because:
1)krishtun neashun
2) the anti-intellectualism baked into evangelicalism by the 2nd great awakening
3) the “I’ll just let the school do it” method of sex ed
4) unthinking support and use of public school
“lessons are about being open to others ” Unless, of course, the kid wants to play soccer vs. the team from Second Lady Pence’s Christian school.
Remain calm. There’s nothing to worry about.
Tesla’s announcement that Chief Financial Officer Deepak Ahuja is retiring has unnerved Wall Street’s top analysts and overshadowed the company’s sales beat in the fourth quarter.
Many viewed the loss of the longtime executive as the most significant in a string of high-profile departures as the electric car manufacturer struggles to retain talent. The company said in September that chief accounting officer Dave Morton was leaving the company after less than a month on the job, while head of human resources Gabrielle Toledano decided last year not to rejoin the company after a leave of absence.
Others chose to highlight Ahuja’s unseasoned replacement, Zack Kirkhorn, who will take the financial reins of the $53 billion public company just six years out of business school.
“If you need me, I’ll be in the lifeboat.”
It’s going to be an epic train-wreck.
Of course, when this subsidy-driven choo-choo derails, it’ll be the fault of greedy capitalists. The watermelons who helped fuel expectations will be nowhere to be found.
The Play Deficit
Lock them up in schools for hours, hand them screens, drug the boys, and call CPS on anyone who lets their kids play unsupervised.
Wait, why aren’t the kids alright?
Oh, for fuck sake: DC school won’t play sports at Christian school where Karen Pence teaches: ‘They feel unsafe’
Proggie assholes injecting politics into absolutely everything.
Unsafe how? What is the danger? Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
Can you imagine the humiliation of the DC school’s football coach?!? 😀
He is probably dancing around in a tutu and wearing rainbow socks. I cant imagine they would hire toxic masculinity to coach their team. I wonder what their record is.
Kwischuns R scawy!!11!!!!!
They are afraid she will assault them with a level 8 smirk.
Elementary sports teams? GTFO.
The HS league where I grew up was called the City-Catholic League (8 or 9 public HS’s in the city + a roughly equal number of Catlick schools across the county – the suburban public HS’s were in a different league for whatever reason).
Can you imagine the horror.
Yeah, usually the Catholic schools have their own leagues, but other religious schools don’t have as many peers so they probably play against any nearby schools
*taps mic*
That is religious bigotry conducted by government. A public school has no more authority to forbid its teams from playing against a religious school because of their beliefs than they do to forbid a religious person from praying within the school. They better have a better reason for refusing to play the school, because I think it’s going to be awfully hard for them to get away with that action in the courts, especially in light of the courts ruling in MO about the government not being allowed to forbid a religious school from participating in a state program
Of course, that all comes down to whether or not the religious school wants to sue
Any unfavorable rulings will be ignored. Stare decisis only applies when it expands government authority; cases ruled against governmental power are to be considered on a case-by-case basis only.
It’s a private school between Georgetown and Chevy Chase. In other words, it’s ground zero for creating little statist assholes that make me feel unsafe.
If this is true and the kids ‘feel unsafe’, its only because the parents and teachers have convinced them horrible things await. These aren’t conclusions the kids reached on their own. Adults convinced the kids it isn’t safe.
Way back in highschool, I was both a jock and a nerd. I skipped wrestling practice to go to a math meets, that’s right, I was a mathlete (I even lettered in math). One meet was at Lourdes Catholic high school. After we kicked their asses, I turned a picture of the cross upside down. The next week this happened.
To me, the greatest sin of all is failing to be an engaged citizen of the world, so the lessons are about being open to others rather than closed off.
I bet she looks terrific in her pussy hat.
This would be pretty damn awesome if true. How about working on viruses next.
You know what wont be awesome? Watching hundreds of thousands die waiting on FDA approval.
For all your kanji tatoo needs.
Raising Children Without the Concept of Sin
the greatest sin of all is failing to be an engaged citizen of the world
These two statements are directly in conflict with each other. I can only surmise that she actually does believe in sin, probably more so than most. She just doesn’t give her children the vocabulary to define it.
Things no kid said, ever.
Yeah. I am calling bullshit. How many proggie parents are claiming their infants or young children parrot proggie talking points? I lost count.
Just like this nitwit rebelled against her upbringing her children are going to do the same. Jamming your beliefs down your children’s throats guarantees it.
I make it very clear to my kids (when they’re old enough) that their morals are for them to decide on. However, they should be ready to argue for and justify their decisions, otherwise they’re just being lazy and “useful idiots”.
I also make it clear that it is acceptable to change your mind and that people who never do or have are fools.
Parrot what? Here’s something I heard from the 5 y.o. granddaughter over the holidays. Me: “Would you like to be a doctor when you grow up?”
Her: “No, maybe a nurse. Girls can’t be doctors.” Now this from a Montessori-taught pre schooler, who now attends an elementary school with a top 50 in the nation rating and 1/3 of whose classmates are Asians, whose doctor and dentist are both women, and whose mom is a ChemE managing a DowDupont chemical plant, and whose dad is an MBA IT product manager for one of the nation’s major credit card banks. Where did she pick up such an idea?
Her parents haven’t been taking her to Trump rallies, have they?
Here was a kid who’d recently joked that the Christmas standard “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” should be changed to “I’m Dreaming of a Diverse Christmas.
“Well, kid, you probably shouldn’t try to write lyrics professionally.”
Even I laughed
I might be too shallow, but unless you are teaching your kids that there is no right or wrong, you are still teaching your kids “Sin” just avoiding the name. And quite frankly i don’t think the moral system that you came up with is superior to mine.
Do people not know the fucking point of the song is that Irving Berlin was dreaming of a Northeast Christmas while stuck in Los Angeles?
Like the Coal Miners covered in Soot, Facts and Context don’t matter. What matters is that now some uneducated, oversensitve, self-entitled idiot can get offended, and so it is ipso facto offensive.
The State is not God and her faith is not worthy of respect.
I gazed into Davia’s upturned face and felt a rush of love and happiness. I had raised her without sin.
Something something I had learned to love Big Brother.
Very nice.
Gives her children unique, uptwinkly names, expects them to mouth every shibboleth and platitude she hears at her knitting club. And she thinks she’s not secretly her hidebound, sententious parents? At least Christianity has two thousand years of darkness and bafflement and hunger at its back. These people have a couple decades of Marxist blather dribbled into a rank stew of indulgent fainting couch helplessness while living in the midst of unprecedented industry and wealth, to which they contributed nothing and from which they learned nothing. Worthless cretins.
You don’t get to choose what sin is,only God gets to do that. No God, no sin, idiots everywhere
Spotify data shows how music preferences change with latitude
And then the Sun rose in the East…….
But only for a little while…
Indeed it does sound familiar. Socrates spends some time in Republic talking about what is the proper music for a well-ordered society, so the interaction of music and mental state is a well known ancient idea.
We just had a fire alarm at work. The temperature outside is -27 degF. It better not have been a drill.
They only reason I’m going outside is because I’m going home. Here I am, standing outside…
My money is on practical joke.
We don’t evacuate during fire drills (or even during a real fire, if we get one). Partly, its because of our building layout, partly its because you don’t evacuate patients unless they are starting to smolder a little. Because we are a hospital, we have fireproof walls and doors everywhere, including corridor doors that close automatically when the alarm goes off. We just close our doors, and if any area that needs to evacuate gets notified, and the local “fire marshal” makes sure its empty.
The other thing we have been training people on is “active shooter” responses. We use the “run, hide, fight” model. I pointed out (see, also, a recent dedthred) that this is also the basic instructions for an ambush, depending on whether you run away (like a pussy) or run to trouble (like a man). It did motivate me to swap out the nut holding the blade on our paper cutter with a wing nut, for E-Z removal. The blade on those old-school paper cutters is a brutal weapon.
I like run hide fight better than cower and die, it’s nice to see a corporate like Walmart doing it in Cali of all places, and my pocket knife is just a knife to them, so I carry it on the sales floor
I would expect Walmart to be chock full of improvised weapons, even if you don’t have the key for the guns and ammo. Hell, my plan is to grab the fire extinguisher outside my office, and if I encounter the shooter use it to put up a smoke screen while I (hopefully) close to melee range; that fire extinguisher is not small, and a solid hit would break bones or put a man down. If I get to the paper cutter, I’ll see what seems like the right next move.
Or, I might cry in the corner of my office until I get perforated. I believe you don’t know until you’re actually faced with it.
Coming this summer, Liam Neeson stars as R C Dean in Emergency Room.
*Pictures self leaning on wall, toting a fire extinguisher and paper cutter, wheezing and out of breath after running the quarter mile plus from my office to the ED*
They’re gonna need to take a lot of creative license.
They’re gonna need to take a lot of creative license.
It’s Hollywood, it would be exceptional if they didn’t.
We have a ton of golf carts that we use to haul patients and families around. I could see a golf cart chase scene. Plus, we have a thousand nurses, so plenty of opportunities for some camera candy, too.
*works up script treatment*
Yeah…. even then, you might react differently at different times.
*craps self remembering mortars*
Screw this polar vortex. I swear I just heard local tv weather reader (tv in other room so maybe I misheard) saying that climate scientists are claiming the melting ice in the Arctic has opened “gates” that allow the vortex to sweep farther south than ever. Gee, I thought weather conditions were caused by some butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon or something?
Horseshit. The polar vortex dipped all the way down here in Louisiana more than once in my lifetime. It stuck around for three weeks in the early? seventies.
A bit o’ funny from AoS, referring to this picture:
I can’t imagine an adult professional woman wearing that outfit to any business function, much less on the floor of the Senate. Well, she got attention, so, yay her.
I was at a business networking meeting once with a guest speaker who had a low cut blouse and a tattoos emblazoned across her chest. One of the attendees politely asked her what the tattoo meant and she got all pissy. To which most of us responded that maybe in which case she should cover it up. I was a little surprised at how many attendees got ticked off.
responded that maybe in which case she should cover it up
I no english good.
Looks like a hooker at a sales convention.
LOL, what an embarrassment. Congrats Arizona.
Arizona must be chock full of masochists.
You mis-spelled “Mexicans”.
*ducks, runs*
Her margin of victory was entirely in Phoenix, and I would bet you could also attribute it more narrowly to immigrants, legal and otherwise, who may or may not have had the right to vote. The Dems have a long-standing and very successful ballot harvesting operation in Phoenix.
Dressing like a skank on the floor of the House, greeeeaat.
dressed like a 42-year-old housewife trying to look 26 and bang one of her son’s high school friends
“would” from the back
The memes; they have begun.
The fact Arizona elected Kyrsten Sinema to the Senate is proof that Kyrsten Sinema’s comments about Arizona weren’t entirely without merit.
“I have worked with these people. Let me tell you, no matter how stupid, petty and venal you think they are, they are 100 times worse.”
– Mark Levine
good from far..
fresh from the swinger scene in Scottsdale.
Socrates spends some time in Republic talking about what is the proper music for a well-ordered society
Long-hair music just cramps my style
I believe the commentator meant *Plato*.
Also, Aristotle > Plato
Ranking them like that implies that Plato while inferior to Aristotle was on the same path. There are truths to be glimpsed in Plato, but they wandered in accidentally and are looking for the exit.
We don’t even know what Socrates believed beyond what Plato told us he believed. Not to go down a rabbit hole, but the LaRouche people believe that Western society went wrong because we grounded our philosophy and belief system around Aristotle rather than Plato.
I think anyone who is familiar with the two would have a hard time making that case
I see Plato as in the eastern tradition. His notion of essences sounds like Hindu concepts of the world as Maya (illusory) and reality being a separate plane which is weakly reflected in our world.
Popper is pretty clear on the Platonic tradition leading directly to the communists and fascists.
Socrates is most excellent
+1 Dust in the wind
I remember that song; it was right up there with “American Woman” on my bullshit list. Fantastic way to make a cynical buck.
I believe the commentator meant *Plato*.
Plato is the author, but Socrates is the character speaking the ideas, so I guess it depends on whether you think Plato recorded what Socrates said or put words in his mouth.
I’ve Been Committed To A Psych Ward Three Times — And It Never Helped
For those of us living with severe mental illness, the world is full of cages.
So…. lunatics with typewriters?
Is STEVE SMITH locked in a mental institution or is the mental institution locked in with STEVE SMITH?
Betting he was at Southeast or Central. Most of the patients there did everything they could to stay in the hospital, even sabotaging their discharge right before being discharged with some kind of stupid stunt. I couldn’t blame them.
I have to say, the hospital is a pretty safe place for people who cant function in society. They end up sleeping under bridges, killed, injured or in no-shit prison outside the hospital. The world is indeed a scary place for the mentally ill.
You didn’t read the article, it was a woman writing it. Your account does jibe with what she wrote – she was voluntarily committed this time (the others were involuntary, I think).
But mixing the two types seems to create more anxiety amongst all of them. If you are voluntarily committed you can typically leave when you want, when you are involuntarily committed you must leave when you are discharged. In her case, by using a bad word (unsafe) she was no longer considered voluntary.
Where your account jibes is that those going in voluntarily can see the difference between the voluntaries and the involuntaries. The voluntaries see what the involuntaries are living through as hell, whereas the involuntaries are often scared of discharge.
When I read the article I couldn’t help be feel as though progressives are essentially trying to model society the same way a psych ward handles its involuntaries. The author of the article explained that she tried to get people to take the voluntary route, but most of them would rather die than check in voluntarily – and she learned why: one false move or one false word and you ain’t voluntary anymore.
“I’m book smart,” is something repeated by people who aren’t nearly as “any kind of smart” as they think they are.
Do people not know the fucking point of the song is that Irving Berlin was dreaming of a Northeast Christmas while stuck in Los Angeles?
No, no, no. That song was written by somebody who was sick of department store minstrel shows down south.
FYI- the Republican Caucus are who we thought they were.
GOP lawmakers are deeply concerned over President Trump’s reluctance to listen to his senior military and intelligence advisers, fearing it could erode national security. They say the Senate has lost too much of its constitutional power over shaping the nation’s foreign policy and argue that it’s time to begin clawing some of it back.
“Power over foreign policy has shifted to the executive branch over the last 30 years. Many of us in the Senate want to start taking it back,” said a Republican senator closely allied with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
They plan to send Trump a stern admonishment by voting Thursday afternoon on an amendment sponsored by McConnell warning “the precipitous withdrawal” of U.S. forces from Syria and Afghanistan “could put at risk hard-won gains and United States national security.”
“We want to re-assert congressional authority over war, because this guy isn’t making enough war”
– Mitch McConnell
They are concerned that the commander in chief may re-deploy troops away from a war that congress never authorized to begin with.
They really are fucking idiots.
Which is entirely his prerogative in any event.
Mitch, you wanna say where troops are deployed, win a Presidential election first. Or, if you simply must, hold funding for the military until you get what you want.
That and spending are the only things the parties agree on.
Power over foreign policy has shifted to the executive branch over the last 30 years.
Its not clear to me how much power is intended to be wielded over foreign policy by the legislature. In their enumerated powers, I see a reference to regulating commerce with foreign nations, declaring war, and that’s about it. In Article II, the Senate has advice and consent on treaties. I know the Senate approves ambassadors, but I’m not sure where that comes from – it didn’t jump out at me on a quick review.
That’s actually not a lot of power over foreign policy, at least in the Constitution.
It’s the veto power is what it is. Congress makes domestic policy, which the President can veto, and the President makes foreign policy, which the Congress can veto. But the way it is set up, Congress still has the upper hand in both, if they choose to exercise it.
Outside of regulating commerce as it arrives on our shores and approving treaties, there is a whole lot of foreign policy that Congress really doesn’t have any direct say on. Indirect, via the power of the purse? Sure, but that’s a blunt instrument. Direct, via enumerated powers, not so much.
The power would be in spending: Congress can refuse to fund the military if it chooses. Of course, the idea of a massive standing army would have been anathema to most founders.
Hard-won gains? What gains? Name one. That is a big ol’ steaming pile right there.
that’s Kyrsten Sinema, the Democrat senator from Arizona, on the floor of the United States Senate, dressed like a 42-year-old housewife trying to look 26 and bang one of her son’s high school friends.
Just as long as she’s not wearing a head scarf.
I love that she calls herself the ‘senior senator’. Bitch you stole the election 3 weeks before they appointed your opponent to the other seat, you took office together, you ain’t senior.
Christ, what an asshole.
Interesting question. Since they were sworn in together, I would say neither is senior. You’re not a Senator until you take office, after all. I think the Senate has some rules that make a difference based on who is senior.
I did like the governor appointing the losing candidate as the temporary Senator. What I’m really hoping for is that McSally wins in a couple of years, and Sinema loses when she is up for re-election.
“Sinema loses when she is up for re-election”
I wouldn’t bet on it. Dems are only going to get better at stealing elections as time goes on and the Pubs have no interest in curbing it since some late night comedian might call them a racist.
if they don’t get on the vote harvesting bandwagon soon, then there won’t be a single Repub in Orange County in another election.
The Dems are definitely working toward a one-party state, like Mexico until relatively recently. If the Repubs don’t watch their ass, they won’t even be useful as a token opposition party.
Leftist violence.
Like, the explody kind made with actual explosives, or the other kind?
Its a stack of tweets from @dril. The takes are so hot they are incendiary.
PS we as a society are much impoverished now that we no longer call them infernal devices.
$5 that it was a pile of junk left behind by the many bums that run rampant in the town. Totally out of control and EPD turns a blind eye to all of it.
Weatherman 2.0?
I would expect Walmart to be chock full of improvised weapons, even if you don’t have the key for the guns and ammo.
Cast iron frying pans and meat cleavers, easily accessible, in aisle 9.
“would” from the back
You’d better have irrefutable confirmation of enthusiastic consent.