Good morning my sassy scamps!  And what a glorious morning it is to those enjoying a day off at home due to the POLAR VORTEX!!!  I’m in one of the brown parts of the map.  We have a high of 60 in Houston today.




All this polar vortexing gives a great opportunity for conservatives to harp on global warming.



Police release images of “persons of interest” regarding the case of the actor who claims to have been attacked at 2am in the middle of a POLAR VORTEX in the middle of Chicago by MAGA dudes.  Twitter is on the case.


Rand Paul is awarded $580,000 from neighbor over ass beating he took.



Ariana Grande fixes misspelled tattoo after online mockery.




Why New York Post, why?


That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.