You will have a hard time topping that headline.
Grüezi mitenand. This morning’s links are brought to you by me. However, I am only going to draw from tabloids. I figure that many of us are just getting back into the swing of things after SUPERDEATHFREEZE. After all, it is above zero here at the moment! (2 degrees). So let us wade into the links…wallow in the tabloid swamp, if you will.

For Pie.
- Since I have a pic from the NY Post, let us start with them: Breaking Down Why America Hates Tom Brady And Gisele.
- Next up, taking something trivial and exaggerating it into a story is our old favorite…the Daily Fail…er, Daily Mail
“Open source journalism”
- And a better known member of the species, wailing away about DOOM!…The Sun.

Canadian Edition of the Sun
Not much of a spectacular line up, but at least I had a theme….
It’s 44 where I sleep, at least y’all have heat…..
Looks like we have to wait for Q to give us the Page 3 girls.
*narrows gaze*
Invisible Finger is right. Throw one in Swiss then Q stays on topic.
A theme but no theme music? What kind of madness is this?
Benny hill theme
Best team evah!
Post music links at your leisure!
This could work, although right now my theme is fuck Windows 10. Stupid work laptop won’t stay connected to a wireless network.
I just pulled the trigger on a new desktop build. I was reluctant to get 10 pro. Sadly, windows 7 pro is no longer an option.
I actually Like Windows 10 (for Microsoft), not sure why people are against upgrading to it.
It takes control away from the user (forced installation of updates). Cortana. The interface is a compromise between a touch based interface and a mouse based interface (forget those of us who prefer keyboards). Cortana. At one point MS was trying to lock software installations to being only available form the Windows Store. Cortana. Worse performance then Windows 7 with no benefit in other areas. And have I mentioned Cortana?
I fogot that abomination (I run Ubuntu at home). For some reason i thought she was with 7 as well.
I’ve been using 10 for years, after sorting out the updates, you can turn them off, I’ve had no issues. I have no Idea what a Cortana is.
I use 7 at work. My laptop is past the replace date, so when I get a new one, it will be 10. But I am holding out on the request as long as my current one continues to function properly.
8 sure. But I don’t see this at all with 10. You can choose which way you want to go, tablet mode or PC mode
And you can turn Cortana off. And I don’t see how 10 has worse performance than 7.
The update thing is bullshit. You can change your internet connection to “metered” to stop them from auto downloading, but you can’t pick and choose which ones get installed.
I’m a bit disappointed that SteamOS seems to be abandoned. I was hoping that would give me another option for my next home build.
If I were still heavy into gaming I’d consider it, but now I just need something that is bulletproof for checking email and backing up files. I may have thrown a 2060 in there for the occasional Red Dead or Fallout type game that may come along.
If I wasn’t doing gaming, I’d just build a linux box and be done with it. Most of the flavors out there now don’t have the terrible driver issues of versions past, and there’s plenty of backup options/e-mail clients.
Ubuntu has worked great for me for the last 2 years. You can do Mint if you prefer the Windows UI style over Mac.
Linux Mint user here. I don’t do gaming. It works well, but there isn’t a machine or OS that doesn’t have issues.
Uffda Still-y, you are ruining the flame wars for the rest of us.
You sit there a second and think about how damaging your pragmatism is to the self worth of all the fan bois out there. When you are done with that I want a couple hundred spittle flecked words on why Mint is the best OS and all other OS are only used by small dicked losers.
You can’t tell me what to do!
*sits in corner with dunce cap*
Tabloid news but no STEVE SMITH? I am surprised and disappointed!
Oh, let me look…
Proof that STEVE SMITH is a Trumpiteer.
Weekly World News; best tabloid in history.
It’s so popular that a game was made based on it.
I’m disappointed they didn’t do a follow-up on Big Foot’s baby. Bat-boy needs a friend.
That article on Jizelle and Brady is hilarious.
If it came from Goop, it must be true!
The most famous members of Gen X are really odd. I feel like we’ve succeeded as a generation.
More snow is on the way after a night which saw drivers forced to sleep in a pub,
Oh noooooooooh well.
Wait…I could use that as an excuse?!?!?!
“Babe, the snow, its horrible, I’m just gonna have to stay at the pub tonight… I hate it, too! I’d much rather come home and watch House Hunters… Okay, love you, too.”
Get out of my head!
Since when has Q decided to moonlight as a weather forecaster?
“Q decided to moonlight as a weather forecaster?”
I checked the link, fortunately 3 of a kind does not beat a pair, in Q’s line of work
That is Mother Gaia revealing herself in the flesh.
Are you just happy to see me or is that a jade egg in yer cooter?
Inland Sea?
That’s what the EPA calls the puddle in your backyard.
Dang it, the Salton Sea is full of trace minerals, cadmium, mercury, etc……..
Try the Aral Sea…
Too much smallpox…
Salton is closer, and no Rooshin collusion
Rotting fish carcasses, rotting real estate carcasses…
He is selling Gatorade.
I love it.. “here’s a mixture of salts that we literally scoop up by the ton with heavy equipment.” That ton is worth approximately $600k retail to ignorant people.
The Great Salt Lake.
inland sea to enhance hydration.”
If it came from the Great Salt Lake, I’m pretty sure i’ve pissed in it.
Make that 73 minerals then.
I can’t help but notice that most of the smugness and craziness they attack Brady for is actually Paltrow. Perhaps a better title would be: Jets nemesis is bad. People hate Brady for the same reason they love socialism, Envy.
I only hate him because he went to Michigan.
The theme is genius!
I think I have the song.
No, I have the song.
No, I Have It
I need to see the mash up with this song instead.
This is really a Freak Show. (Mildly NSFW)
And this week I learned one of the old drummers from this band is working at Ska Brewing.
Rev X FTW !
Watching that guy just never gets old.
I’ll readily admit that Rev X brings a smile to my face very time. If that isn’t Christian, I don’t know what is.
Hah, I guessed it.
Them Music
Not them, him. No Garfunkel.
Did you just assume Simon’s gender?
Oh, crap…..
You can call xer Betty.
And when you call xim, you can call xim Al?
At this point the “look and laugh at” tabloids are the New York Times and the Washington Post
Laugh or cry…
What Slammer said, and the answer to your question is a resounding Yes.
Broadsheet is the new tabloid?
Something I am sure none of us expected: Cory Booker Announces 2020 Run
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) announced his candidacy for the 2020 presidential election on Friday with a video championing the Civil Rights movement and decrying America’s lack of a “common purpose.”
“In America, we have a common pain, but what we’re lacking is a sense of common purpose,” Booker begins in his announcement video.
Channeling the Civil Rights movement on the first day of Black History Month, the senator recounts the racism of realtors who attempted to block his family from moving into a good neighborhood and the goodwill of some white lawyers who took up their case. Those lawyers were inspired by the Civil Rights movement, Booker recalls.
Rather than extolling America’s virtues, the senator insists that America is divided and inhospitable to families trying to get ahead. “I believe that we can build a country where no one is forgotten, no one is left behind,” he declares.
Booker declares his goal to build an America “where we see the faces of our leaders on television and feel pride,” a suggestion that political leaders should be members of minority groups, in order to build the pride of such minorities — especially African-Americans.
I heard his new ad on hate-radio on my commute. It is as bad as you’d think, containing every current leftist trope and faux narrative you can think off. He is sure to be as much of a uniter as Barry. ///Hope&Change:Redux
Someone should interview T-Bone about Booker’s presidential run.
decrying America’s lack of a “common purpose.”
Fuck off slaver. You want to organize people in a common purpose, go be a preacher.
He’s bitching that half the country won’t just roll over and let leftists implement their agenda good and hard.
Angry Black Guy won’t play to the masses. And we already did gay black guy.
What about sexy black guy?
No love for Larry Blackmon ?
Um… that’s Lavar Burton. But I do like Larry Wilmore.
He’s got my vote.
Warren, Harris, Sanders and Booker.
In a room.
With mics and glasses of water.
It’s going to be epic in its inglorious and illiberal stupidity.
Warren: I as a Native woman…
Harris: I as a black woman…
Booker: I as a black gay make….
Sanders: I as governor of Ver…er I as a socialist Jew….
Sanders: I as a commie nudist from way back
“Ha ha ha, miss me bitches?”
/dusty cackle, coughing fit
No. I am Spartacus!
Leave me out of this.
I’m Poppy.
Sometimes you are Lord Humongous.
That’s just what Tulpa would say.
Well today I can categorically state that she is not Lord Humungus.
“I believe that we can build a country where no one is forgotten, no one is left behind,” he declares.
A lot of leftists mocked Trump’s MAGA, but it’s basically just the distilled version of such standard issue political slogans as this, minus the apology for the past. The Ds are going to have to put in some overtime if they want to create a more punchy slogan to compete.
You can only run on the change election thing if things are genuinely bad. That was the issue with the Left in 2016. For the Left, things were great. The universities are flush, the government is flush, all the cities are flush. The lingering unemployment and economic malaise was all out there in flyover land. It’s why MAGA snuck up on them. All their buddies were doing fine. The government, media, big finance, the non profits, the academic sector, all were doing great in 2016. They literally could not understand why all these coal miners were so mad. There were programs to retrain them right? Obama said there would be. Didn’t they want to be retrained or collect welfare? Plus, those jobs were never coming back. Like, didn’t they understand that when the people who mattered were flying over those red states, they don’t want to look down and see mines and quarries and smokestacks. That stuff is totally gross man, for the environment. Everyone should be working in an open plan office, that’s the future for real.
What’s the possibility that Democrats become so splintered that they fail to nominate because too many hats are in the ring?
Zero. The Party nominates at the convention, regardless of whether anyone got a majority. The plurality winner has a leg up, of course, but the smoke-filled room is still where it happens, just without smoke.
Just ask Bernie if the voters make the decision, or the Party does.
The dnc is the party of the people. The party of the little guy! How dare you imply the old coots running it and the billionaires that fill their campaign coffers actually pick which candidate the unwashed massed can vote for? And if they are doing that it is to protect the unwashed masses. If they get to pick who they want, you might end up with another Trump (in this case Karla Marx or the lady that was married to her brother from Minnessoda that is trying to out marxist her).
There’s a non zero Bernie wins because of the amount of hats in the ring. He’s got an infrastructure, organization and a solid base. I think alot of these people drop out early as Kamala is the media and establishment darling. She checks too many boxes and they can’t have all this chaff keep Bernie in the race and have to go through the Super delegate business of the last go around.
Republicans accuse Democrats of being far left radicals
Sen. Kamala D. Harris is raising the possibility of eliminating private health insurance. Sen. Elizabeth Warren and other prominent Democrats are floating new and far-reaching plans to tax the wealthy. In Virginia, Gov. Ralph Northam voiced support for state legislation that would reduce restrictions on late-term abortions.
Democrats, after two years largely spent simply opposing everything President Trump advocated, are defining themselves lately in ways Republicans are seizing on to portray them as far outside the American mainstream.
Casting Democrats as a scary and radical force is giving a fractured Republican Party a common thrust at a time when Trump’s standing even within his own party has started to dip. And it is giving Democrats a bit of the heartburn that Republicans have been grappling with for more than two years.
Totally not fair.
Those guys at WaPo don’t miss a trick.
“Accuse”? Pretty sure the correct word is “observe”.
How times change – back in the 80s ‘n’ 90s, Democrats ran away from the “liberal” label. Now they embrace it and ratchet up the rhetoric.
Interesting bit from all of that is the switch to “progressive” in response to Reagan’s use of the “Liberal” slur. Amazing that they’d turn to the label used by racist eugenicists of the Democrat’s past, but there ya go.
Then the Virginia Dems go full progressive and advocate for full rights to abortion up to the actual moment of birth… and possibly even a bit after. That’s definitely right up the eugenicists’ alley. Margaret Sanger would be proud.
The tarnish has worn off of the label ‘progressive’ so they are using it again. It is the same bunch so it isnt really amazing. Progressive is just a code word for Communist. It was then and it is now. They are still hiding behind deceptive names.
Was Progressive ever a dirty word? I’d always thought they adopted it because it made them sound more “enlightened”.
It must’ve been, or why did they abandon it?
Not sure it proves it was a dirty word, but the original progressive movement lost its luster when Wilson got us into WW1 and the League of Nations. Harding’s “return to normalcy” was, in so many words, a rejection of all that the progressive movement had become. Coolidge and, to a lesser extent, Hoover continued opposing progressivism. FDR rehabilitated the movement but didn’t take the name.
Even Obama went after the “moderate” label – remember how campaign version 1.0 was going to go through the bloated spending “line by line”?
Pepperidge Farm remembers!
There was a moment in the first debate where he jumped to the right of McCain (both in rhetoric only) and no one batted an eye. The words don’t matter, only faith and team.
. . . .which is why I feel cynical when I hear people trying to support a political party.
Casting Democrats as a scary and radical force is giving a fractured Republican Party a common thrust at a time when Trump’s standing even within his own party has started to dip
It’s the political waltz that controls our lives.
Republicans Pounce!
Republicans Pounce!
That is indeed the MSM story every time the Dems fuck up, rather than being about the Dems fucking up.
Republicans are too busy playing Gotcha games, rather than trying to do what the American people need them to do /msm
That being sucking democrats off like usual?
Meanwhile, let’s check in on State Senator Dipshit or County Councilman Whodat from Bumblefuck, Nowhere saying something dumb and/or insane to find out what Republicans are really about!
They only want to eliminate whats left of the free market, give government direct control over healthcare (and other industry), tax prosperity out of existence, kill post-birth babies, and destroy what left of the BoR. Only knuckle-dragging, racist, misogynist, red-neck right-wingers could possibly have a problem with these commonsense reforms.
Rethuglikkkans like you just hate progress.
Fitting for the Tabloid Theme:
Adolf Hitler’s NUDE paintings and favourite swastika armchair go up for sale at auction
Hitler tried and failed to become an artist before his rise to power in Germany heralded the start of World War 2.
What’s all the other failed artists excuse?
Shouldn’t his paintings be returned to his estate?
Wicker furniture? No wonder they lost the war.
Thanks for the Brady article now I have more reasons to dislike him besides playing for a cheater coach
He’s more machine now than man
I am not a Pats fan, but the cheating thing is a little played out. Belichick is either good at cheating for having winning teams this long, or bad at cheating because he has been caught the most.
Bellichick is definitely willing to push the rules as far as they’ll go. Love it or hate it. I forget who the Pats were playing but one of the ESPN analysts, actually providing good analysis for once, observed that the Pats DBs were going to do everything they could to disrupt timing routes, “and hey, this is the NFL, the refs aren’t going to throw a flag on every pass play.” It was kind of a light-bulb moment for me. Defensive holding on short routes on first and 10 or second and more than five are the way to win a lot of games. Its that kind of attention to detail that makes him both great and an asshole.
Seahawks won a Superbowl doing that.
I seem to recall from my teenage years the Bears doing some bump and run when they won their Superbowl.
The QB was already on the ground by the time the receivers got past 5 yards.
Fair enough lol, although I think the receivers were on the ground as well. I was an actual football fan back then. I miss smash mouth football.
Your Team Cheats
I like the site, and agree mostly with the overall premise but:
4 cheat points for ultimately nothing happening? And:
5 cheat points?
Another example of taking a great idea and making it stupid. They have examples that are either not cheating (stealing signals in real time) or something the whole league does (free-agent tampering). Then, like CPA says, the metrics are ridiculous. Tough to give it anything more than a “meh, clickbait”.
or something the whole league does
Namely cheat…
You Traitors (what else would you call someone who hates Patriots?) will have a million rationalizations for “Why do we hate Brady?”, but you all sound like a cross between Sloopy talking about Bo Schembechler and the MSM talking about Trump.
Brady has been playing 18 years and in the Super Bowl 9 of them.
My only objection to Brady is that he will go down as Tha Best Eva! due to winning under a great coach. It’s like saying in the 70s Terry Bradshaw was the best ever. No, he won more, but far from the best quarterback. Put some of the great quarerbacks that played on shit teams onto the Pats the last 18 years I bet they win the Superbowl every year.
Well Bradshaw was a damn good QB for his era. In 3 of his 4 SB years he was top 10 in passer rating that year. People act like that Steelers team was the 2000 Ravens. Bradshaw was never the best QB in the NFL, but he was above average.
Sure, but why include something the whole league does in a supposed comparison of cheaters? Do some teams tamper more than others? That question makes sense, but giving every team the same score for this makes none.
I don’t ‘hate’ Brady or the Patriots. I’m tired of them winning in a league that pushes parity as a central tenet, especially when the AFC has had essentially two teams worth a shit in this century.
Also, what CPRM says. The whole GOAT thing is fun to talk about at parties but comparing QBs (or any player in any league) across generations with the backdrop of significant rules changes is just that, fun. It has no actual meaning. They still use 1000 yards as some kind of magic number for RBs when they play in 4-6 more games per year than they used to.
I don’t like Brady just because he rubs me wrong. Nothing more than that. If anybody can lay claim to the Greatest EVA!, I think its him (acknowledging that you can’t really compare across eras).
I have to give him credit for one thing, though: he has taken less money than he could so that the Pats have salary cap room to put a better team around him. I was very disappointed in Aaron Rogers taking a huge deal this past year, which will hamstring the Packers for years to come. Plus, I think it got in his head, which is why he was overthinking his play all year and frankly had a crap year.
!00% on Rodgers. I was naive enough in my younger days to think Favre was different. But then he decided he would ‘get’ the Packers. Add in a few other revelations about him and I finally came to the logical conclusion that hero worship is just that, worship. As in, taking it all on faith. These guys are human, just like the rest of us. Except they are really good at playing a game many people pay lots of money to watch.
Jesus my typing is awful this morning.
This is the biggest single reason why the Pats have been so good for so long. Brady is probably the only superstar in any team sport in history that actually cares more about winning than getting paid. Brady has earned a little under $200 million in his career but he left between $60 and $100 million on the table so the Pats could keep a competitive team around him.
Evaluating him on his QB skills alone, sorry but if he is not the best ever he is clearly in the top 5, early in his career he was known as a short game passer with suspect arm strength but he has proven that wrong as he is 10th in career yards per pass attempt. He is one of the top 2 or 3 in history at reading a defense, he is one of the most accurate passers in history (13th all time ) with a completion rating of 64%, while he is about as mobile as a brick through a combination of pocket awareness and getting rid of the ball quickly he is one of the most adept in history at avoiding sacks and so on. You can make valid arguments for Manning or Montanna or Marino or maybe even Unitas or a couple of other old timers to be the best ever but there is no valid argument you could use that would put Brady outside of the top 5 or 6 QB’s in history
Not relevant to the theme, but a great goddamn song.
This is a great song.
GBV just released another album last month (shocker, right?) called Zeppelin Over China . It’s Bob’s 100th album, I believe. I like it a lot, not surprisingly, but it’s amazing to me that he can keep it going. His band is terrific.
My Future In Barcelona
Send In The Suicide Squad
Nice – I’ll keep a look out for it. I only have “Propeller” which, it was probably you who mentioned it.
The system logged me out between drafting my carefully crafted post and submitting it, destroying the most beautiful content you’ve ever seen. Truly remarkable. Really sad that you didn’t get to see it. It’s sad.
Anyway, here’s the point, sans formatting:
CNN is so dedicated to carrying the water for Team D that they posted this article:
In it they label any criticism of their 29 agent raid (with media in tow) as “wild hyperbole”, and proceed to justify any use of force that the FBI deems warranted as “standard procedure”.
The justification for brandishing guns as they entered his home during their predawn raid (to deliver him to his arraignment where he would promptly be released) was ” FBI agents were granted arrest powers and congressional authorization to carry firearms in 1934, after the murder of an agent during the Kansas City Massacre of 1933. ”
I am crapping you not. He literally said that.
Except when that one dude happens to leave his finger on the trigger and the gun orgasms.
Rule of thumb. Arrest one, bring 10.
This raises the obvious follow-up question that wasn’t asked:
Ok, so how do you explain bringing 30 and a media entourage to arrest one?
There is no explanation except to send a message to everyone else that the government nomenklatura will not be fucked with.
I think our American experiment is pretty much over now.
Surely we can dream bigger than just a paltry 10:1 ratio. If there isn’t an entire battalion worth of people serving every arrest warrant, how are we going to keep people employed and union coffers full?
Sadly, Stone is attempting to spin a false narrative surrounding the raid.
Sadly, CNN is incapable of introspection. ///VeryFakeNews
The level of water-carrying is just ridiculous. These same people would be up-in-arms about 7 local cops raiding the apartment of an african-american wanted for DUI manslaughter in a similar manner.
And (most of) the people decrying stones arrest would be cheering on the cops. We are full tribal these days.
True that, yo!
Standard procedure for old guys accused of white collar crime is to call their lawyers and ask them to have him turn himself in.
James Gagliano is a lying sack of shit but I dont see that in his little resume there.
Too bad Stone didn’t have the stones of that couple in Houston. Let CNN get some good footage of some G-Men getting shot at during their staged arrest.
I watched Hold teh Dark on Netflix the other night. I’m not savvy enough to link to it, but (SPOILER!) there is a scene where a guy goes out in a flurry of copkilling in his homemade machinegun nest.
Tabloid Journalism: The UK Express ran a “Winston Churchill really like Islam” story while ignoring Churchill’s famous quote on Muslims that has gotten people arrested for repeating.
TW: The Guardian
My life in sex: the 46-year-old virgin
I’ve had drunken one-night stands with three women, but full intercourse never happened
Join the Libertarian Party?
Sounds more like a candidate for some women’s studies classes at the local college.
I’ve had drunken one-night stands with three women, but every time I fumbled my way through and full intercourse never happened.
So you’re saying you attempted to rape three different women?
He’s saying he has ED, or doesn’t know how to fuck, or is rationalizing the women all saying “Oh, hell no.”
He could just have been finished off by his dates in other ways.
In a less snarky response, I knew a guy a little bit like this.
He was a fantastic guy. Kinda goofy and shy and a real home body. Spent 100% of his energy helping out his family members. His presentation was pretty terrible – balding hair was too long, clothes were rumpled and cheap. Huge tortoise shell glasses.
But the guy was build like an Adonis. 6’4″, 215 pounds of chiseled muscles from working a second job cutting trees and near zero body fat.
He had a couple of dates in his college years. Even had a couple of makeout attempts that didn’t go so well.
And that was it. He just gave up after getting stepped on a couple of times in his early 20’s.
It was a shame…. he was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, and would have made a fantastic husband for some lucky girl. But whatever happened to him early on, he was never the least bit interested in dating after that.
He might have been gay and in denial.
I considered that option. But he really didn’t seem the part.
If anything he was maybe just a bit asexual.
By the time I met him in his mid 30’s he was completely closed to the idea of ever having a family. But as I got to know him he told me that he did try for a while and it just didn’t work out for him. I tried introducing him to a few women that I thought would be a good fit, but he wasn’t interested. So I tried opening the “maybe you like guys” door… and it wasn’t that he was hostile in an overcompensating way, it was more like “nah, that’s not me. I like women, I’m just not interested in trying any more”.
There might have been more to the traumatic past than he let on. I always suspected that there might be. But it could be that he just wasn’t wired for that sort of thing.
I have observed this phenomenon at church. If it hasn’t happened by a guy’s mid-20s, he just gives up. My mom even observed this.
I know two guys who are good looking, have good jobs, make good money, and there was no reason either of them should have gone without a family, but they did and by 30, they weren’t going to try anymore.
I think guys grow out of their libido about that time, too, if they’re not getting it regularly already. (No, I don’t have any science to back that up.) By contrast, a 30- to 35-year-old woman has the libido of a 17-year-old boy.
A good friend of mine kinda fits that pattern. Nice guy, good job, financially fine (one of the few people I know in my cohort that has paid off his house). He got married shortly after college, but his wife treated him pretty bad and abused him in the divorce. “Once burned, twice shy”, so as far as I know he hasn’t even gone on a date since the divorce.
I actually had a shark for a lawyer and avoided getting take. Maybe that is why I had no problem dating. That is until I realized that if they were good looking and available in my potential date age bracket, there usually was something seriously wrong with them. Might need to follow the advice of a buddy and start trolling the Obits looking for widows in that date date range.
This sounds absolutely horrible/sexist/etc but, except for a small minority (and my wife!), I have very little interest in women in my age group. A lot of them just don’t look very good, or are overweight, or are now single for a reason.
And, knocking on 50, I know I wouldn’t be a catch for a younger woman unless she was specifically looking for stability, money, etc. But that “gold digger” thought would always be in the back of my head.
So yeah – praise Ju-Ju that I’m married to someone who can stand to be around me.
If something happened to my husband, I would not want to get married again. Relationships take work. I’m lazy. And my husband’s spoiled me.
If it hasn’t happened by a guy’s mid-20s, he just gives up.
My wife likes to joke that if I hadn’t met her, I would’ve stayed single. I think she over exaggerates to ruffle my feathers, but there’s a kernel of truth there. If my wife were to meet an untimely demise right now (God forbid) , the main thing that would motivate me to seek out a new relationship would be finding a good female role model for my daughter.
My dad never got remarried after his divorce, and hes a much better person for it. With all of the adolescent desperation and greener grass syndrome washed off by my marriage, I’d have to meet somebody pretty damn amazing to bother getting remarried.
Any chance you know such a 30 to 35 year old woman….
Asking for a…. uh…. friend…
That was for joke purposes…
But not a joke: If you think the libido of a 30 something woman is a match for a 17 year old boy, you seriously underestimate the libido of teenage boys.
Take your horniest moment of the horniest part of your life – that time right before ovulation on a night out when you were looking great and had about 2 drinks too many….. A 17 year old boy would call that “Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock”.
Which should not be taken to disparage the interest of the fairer sex. It is just that teenage boys are … uh… .well, you just had to be a teenage boy to get the idea, I suppose.
That’s the joke
Your point is well taken. I have not been a teenage boy.
I have, however, been a 30-year-old and 35-year-old woman, and you have not. 😉
A guy I used to know told me how, if he went on a date and treated his date nicely, he couldn’t get them to return his calls, let alone get a second date. However, if he treated them like shit, he couldn’t get them to stop call him.
For some strange reason he was confused.
You mean this guy was male and dated females?
Nerves. My first couple of first times were start and go affairs. Mostly because of condoms. Stopping, engaging my brain, fiddling with the condom, feeling like I was fumbling in front of an attractive naked girl. It really did not play to my strengths. But after it worked the first time with a girl — which it basically always did eventually — any second rounds whether the same night or later on went smooth. Those girls were patient and kind, and I hope I made it worth an extra 10 minutes wait to get my neuroses disengaged from my limbic system. But I can certainly see how if I were just a little more neurotic (a) I wouldn’t have made those first couple work and (b) it would have been ego crushing to the point where I would be a 39 year old virgin.
Condoms are for sailors!
Hey now. Safe Sex is for everyone, not just gays.
Sailors have the advantage that her daddy can’t come around their house with his shotgun painted white.
My older brother was incredibly shy as a teenager. And he dropped out of college and ended up working in mid-level management jobs. All without ever having a girlfriend. He’s not an ugly bloke – just goofy. My brother had several gay guys hit on him since he was fit and skinny and 6’4″. But his bread wasn’t buttered on that side either.
So it was weird when he got back in college at age 28 and started dating again, asking me, his younger brother, for tips on women. Which apparently didn’t go too far, sexually speaking.
He ended up marrying at age 32 – if I remember correctly – a woman he met via a Vegetarian Singles ad. And I believe that’s how he finally popped his cherry.
My cousin is similar. Not a great catch in the looks and funds department, but a really nice guy. His story is he fell hard for a girl when they were young. She got shot in a random shooting but didn’t die (her friend in the same car did). They dated on and off for a while. Then after about 5 years after the shooting, she died of cancer.
I think it just ruined him emotionally.
My first true love and fiancee died from a horrible drawn out death from a rattlesnake bite at 19.
It didnt turn me off sex but it kept me from a close relationship for almost 2 decades.
I didn’t marry until 37 and then married the wrong woman for the wrong reason
“For some reason though, it’s just never really happened with women.”
It’s a mystery.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account
9m9 minutes ago
I inherited a total mess in Syria and Afghanistan, the “Endless Wars” of unlimited spending and death. During my campaign I said, very strongly, that these wars must finally end. We spend $50 Billion a year in Afghanistan and have hit them so hard that we are now talking peace…
Not to sound to much like a Hippie, When did Peace become a bad word?
C’mon Donny, you can do it.
Listened to some asshole general on NPR this morning saying we needed more time in Afghanistan to secure Americans safety against terrorist attacks. He was brazen enough to compare it to our presence in Europe after WW2, as if that were in any way an equivalent situation.
Yep. Time to move on. With all due respect, General, fuck off.
We need to seriously re-evaluate our military leadership. pretty much every General we have today has spent the majority of their career carrying water for and accomplishing nothing in the middle east. The fact that they keep advocating for the same actions should be fire-able offenses.
Eisenhower was right, except he forgot to include Congress in his warning.
Nah, Congress has deliberately made itself a nonissue. The actual legislature is the bureaucracy now; Congress is just our Political Kabuki.
They Both had their problems, but if only we had politicians like Adams and Jefferson again.
Yup. Way past time to clean house.
We’ve begun doing the anti insurgent thing so long
I’m afraid what would happen in a real war that matters.
Eh, I’m not too worried about that. Big Army is still all about conventional operations, that’s where the money and the power is. It’s one of the main reasons the US sucks at fighting small wars. The military in the 20th century treats small wars like the sideshow aberration, like it’s just this weird thing that happens occasionally, but of course in reality big wars are the aberration, particularly in this day and age.
The US Army is very very very unlikely to engage in even brigade level conventional combat at any time in the next couple decades IMO. If there is a big war looming, it’s China, and that’s gonna be a naval and air show all the way. But the brass get paid after they retire by the big companies that make tanks, IFVs, and guns. So that’s what the Army is ready for.
While I can’t speak to actual readiness, one should be wary of complacency. Desert Storm was a rousing success, but it had the benefit of lessons learned from the 80s (including Goldwater-Nichols). Military actions against “conventional” forces since then have also gone very well for the U.S. but we haven’t really faced “comparable” forces (e.g., Iraqi tanks and aircraft were already no match for us in 1991 and didn’t get any better by 2003). The military spends a lot of money on chasing readiness for conventional wars but they one is led to question how much of that is actually buying readiness vs. padding pockets with fear-mongering.
That last sentence is a mess. The point I was going for was that, despite all of the money we’re spending, much of it is driven by fear/self-interest and may not actually be putting us in the best position to fight a strong opponent like China or Russia.
“may not actually be putting us in the best position to fight a strong opponent like China or Russia.”
I was speaking strictly of the Army, and I don’t see how the Army would actually get in a major conflict with China. We aren’t gonna land on the Asian mainland with ~5 divisions when the Chinese could throw multiple field armies at them. The state of the Navy and the Air Force is the concern with a possible China war.
I’m incredibly skeptical of the idea that Russia is a serious geopolitical power. I see them as a second tier power that happens to have a ton of nuclear weapons that may or may not actually work. They have a lot of very serious issues financially, politically, and demographically.
I don’t disagree about Russia being weaker than China. But Russia is the only nation right now genuinely and actively conquering territory and neither the UN nor the US have done much to stop them (not that we necessarily should, mind you). Russia may be lucky more than strong right now, but they can turn luck into strength over time.
I doubt we’d invade China itself unprovoked, but there’s still South Korea, Taiwan, Indochina, and India where we could end up with boots on the ground fighting them in response to Chinese aggression.
“actively conquering territory and neither the UN nor the US have done much to stop them”
I don’t know how much the Ukraine counts as “conquering territory”. A giant open plain that’s half ethnically Russian, right on the border of Russia, that has throughout the entirety of history been either outright owned by or completely controlled from Moscow doesn’t really count as an independent nation to me.
“Russia may be lucky more than strong right now, but they can turn luck into strength over time.”
Not when you’re politically corrupt, demographically a hollow shell, and economically a more well run Venezuela.
“but there’s still South Korea, Taiwan, Indochina, and India”
I think there’s serious geographical, political, and military obstacles to Chinese expansionism toward any of those places.
The SKs are no slouch militarily, they have a more efficient economy, and they’re under the US umbrella.
Ditto for Taiwan, plus they probably have nukes.
The last time the Chinese went to war with the Vietnamese, they got their asses handed to them.
I don’t see how they would get to India with enough combat power to matter, to be honest.
If the Chinese expand anywhere, and I honestly don’t think they will, it’s north to Siberia.
i think it’s extremely naive to think that China wouldn’t attempt to and succeed in acquiring an ally that could engage the US in a land battle. A strong Army is a deterrent in that happening.
Not when you’re politically corrupt, demographically a hollow shell, and economically a more well run Venezuela.
Could you not say the same about Germany in the 1930s…?
I think there’s serious geographical, political, and military obstacles to Chinese expansionism toward any of those places.
For now.
As to the question of conquest, the sovereign changed hands through force of arms. Whether Ukraine “really” controlled it before then is mostly irrelevant. It’s it (mostly) overtly Russian hands now and the Ukrainians haven’t been able to reverse it.
Could you not say the same about Germany in the 1930s…?
Or Russia in the 1930s, yet they ended the war having conquered half of Europe.
i think it’s extremely naive to think that China wouldn’t attempt to and succeed in acquiring an ally that could engage the US in a land battle.
Such as Russia. While their old disputes over greater Manchuria would be a hindrance to an alliance, it would be the logical course to pursue if China were serious about conquering in the East. Open a two front war and you seriously degrade the ability of the US to counter. If they managed to pull Iran into the mix and get a three-front war going, they might even achieve victory.
” Pretty much every General we had in Vietnam spent the majority of their career carrying water and accomplishing nothing ”
Don’t leave out the junior officers either. Ticket punching is/was a way of life
/Old ticket punchee/
The jump from Colonel to General has been about politics, not competency since WWII ended.
I can kind of understand some Generals’ desire to stay there. Afghanistan and Syria to a lesser extent, has become like a live-fire finishing school for Infantry and Ranger School. They like the idea of rotating units through actual low-level combat and having experienced “blooded” troops.
What’s the law stating that generals have to be approved by Congress? Seems to come with a lot of baggage.
Swiss, did this happen in any of your neighborhoods? I feel sorry for any of the people who had to call off of work due to that.
Not my area. Thank SMOD.
Yes, it did.
Reason #45,671 for living in the far suburbs…
The Judge breaks down the absurdity of the Roger Stone arrest and prosecution. Stone isn’t allowed to see the transcript of his alleged “lies” because they are classified.
“No way will a federal judge allow this to be a basis for the prosecution because your friend the constitution says you’re entitled to be confronted with the evidence against you… You can’t make this up.”
Sorry Judge, but Mueller has a proven track record on this one. He’s already gotten the friendly draw on the judge. The courts can and will justify anything to protect “the system”.
The Judge should be familiar with the FYTW clause also known as Amendment 0
“Motion for Substitution of Judge”
In IL, you get one free. Feds…?
“No way will a federal judge allow this to be a basis for the prosecution because your friend the constitution says you’re entitled to be confronted with the evidence against you…”
This is the way it should be, I agree, but Napolitano is being willfully naive here IMHO.
This is why we need the USSR back. “Defend yourself against our secret evidence” is the kind of crap they would pull. We need an “other” to balance against.
I wonder if it would work the same way a second time around. There were lots of honest socialists when the USSR was a real threat (e.g., George Orwell). This time, could anyone get the message out before being unpersoned?
Yeah. They can’t deny it to you but they can make it very painful to demand it. “Be a shame if something happened to someone/something you cared about ….” Mueller’s got very little leash.
Banana. Republic.
I have never seen the govt shit on their own credibility with such zeal, and that is saying a lot.
Why labor for hard-earned trust when you can coast on unflappable faith?
Keep in mind that these people now acting as if we are a banana republic legal-wise see this as a do or die struggle, Suthen. If they allow the deplorables’ candidate to win the fight against them, the effete and ineffective people that see themselves as the member of our elite class, especially considering how ineffective and downright destructive their activities are, and can no longer hide behind their credentials only, but need to actually produce results to stay where they are, most, if not all, of them will lose not just power, but control over the system they have rigged to keep them in power and accruing wealth.
This is a fight they see they HAVE to win, and the means to that end be damned.
The Mister. Retired government office holders shouldn’t get to keep the title.
Ubisoft sent out a promotion for their “The Division2”: Subject line “Come see what a real government shutdown looks like in the private beta” with image of character in front of burning capital.
I don’t hate Gisele.
I’ll let Rodney take this one.
She’s a more attractive Sarah Jessica Parker. If she was in a Q link no one would notice her.
Like a lot of fashion and movie people, I think she’s more of a blank slate for make-up artists and hairdressers.
I’m going to pull the pin on this grenade and run.
Who Benefits From Immigration? Not you!
by Ann Coulter
I take my economic insight from Ann Coulter too.
She is correct that our present system is completely upside down. It effectively excludes the smartest, highest skilled potential immigrants while admitting limitless numbers of the unskilled.
This subject is often obscured by the use of the word ‘immigration’. We can benefit or be harmed by immigration. Immigration in itself is not the issue. The issue is our immigration system – the rules in place for managing immigration. The current rules, because of our spineless, useless Republicans, are set up to import as many commie votes as possible and exclude people likely to vote conservative so that the lefties can have a permanent lock on elections. This does not benefit our country, quite the contrary.
“It effectively excludes the smartest, highest skilled potential immigrants”
I don’t think this is exactly right. We exclude a lot of smart Chinese and Indians, but we probably keep the brightest of that bunch through O1/EB visas. We keep a lot of middling talent from a variety of countries based on H1B visas, with the notable exceptions above.
They are more like indentured servants.
“She is correct that our present system is completely upside down. It effectively excludes the smartest, highest skilled potential immigrants while admitting limitless numbers of the unskilled.”
That’s by design, Drake. Our elite class, the one running the show and fucking it all up but still collecting all the bennies and wealth, does not need competent people that will compete with them or put emphasis on their ineptness, but the kind of people that comes here looking for the free shit they buy votes with.
Ok I’ll Be more serious:
America’s immigration policies benefit only three groups of people: 1) rich Americans with a lot of employees, 2) the immigrants themselves, and 3) their grandmothers back in Chiapas.
This is not entirely true. It’s actually ambiguous, Labor is Heterogeneous and cheaper labor actually benefits people for whom the immigrants don’t enter the same industry as them. Since immigrants enter multiple different industries the “Loss” to native workers can be offset by the gains from where immigrants enter other industries. So it’s not clear that ONLY rich Capitalists gain from immigration. You could make the same argument that more babies hurt Americans
For example, the Cato Institute — funded by the Koch brothers —
:Sigh: this is just the same progressive argumentation, and its stupid.
Even more preposterous, Cato counts Social Security and Medicare as “welfare.” This is money that was taken by force from working Americans for their entire lives, of which they will get a portion back upon reaching retirement age.
I find it preposterous that she would take the slant that SS/ Medicare isn’t welfare. We can say whatever we want. In practice it is welfare.
The money illegal immigrants send out of the country doesn’t come from their low wages. It comes from the taxpayers, who are required to subsidize immigrants so that investment bankers can have cheap nannies. Yes, it is a problem that they couldn’t possibly live on what I pay them, but that’s where YOU come in, taxpayers!
The idea that illegal immigrants are all living off of taxpayer welfare is ridiculous. Don’t say that i’m putting words in her mouth. That is what she’s saying. Otherwise her argument doesn’t work. By coming here and producing, they are increasing output. Sending money out of the country is just a form of Trade.
As Lenin supposedly said, “Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” The rich know they want to pay their employees less, and they don’t know anything else.
The fact that employers want to get the most for the cheapest justifies government intervention in the economy. Makes sense to me.
This is money that was taken by force from working Americans for their entire lives,
of which they will get a portion back upon reaching retirement ageand spent immediately. Then, the government holds up younger people to pay these working Americans a pittance after they retire.Many cities DO make that argument, typically via zoning restrictions.
This is money that was taken by force from working Americans for their entire lives, of which they will get a portion back upon reaching retirement age.
I have seen this argument repeated more-or-less verbatim from multiple people who would not have accepted it when they were younger. It seems the closer you get to “retirement age” the rosier your picture of SS/Medicare is.
There is no trust fund, there is no lockbox, none of that money you think you’re owed is real. You have no balance, no account, and no insurance. These are welfare programs funded by transfer payments from the currently working to the currently retired. Whatever Social Security may have been originally sold as, it is in actuality a pyramid scheme backed solely and entirely by the value of the U.S. dollar.
It was taken by force from you like all taxes were. Do you expect to be given back all of the non-FICA taxes you paid as well?
Talking with my college roommate a few months ago… He’s a director at a large company with a big logistics infrastructure. He was complaining that immigration restrictions were hurting their ability to find cheap labor to drive their trucks and do grunt work.
I suggested that maybe they need to go back to making those professional positions – with pay and benefits a normal American man could live on and maybe make it a career. He was shocked at the idea and sputtered stuff about operating margin and expenses. I laughed and asked him if he now understood why the working class all voted for Trump.
I suggested that maybe they need to go back to making those professional positions – with pay and benefits a normal American man could live on and maybe make it a career. He was shocked at the idea and sputtered stuff about operating margin and expenses. I laughed and asked him if he now understood why the working class all voted for Trump.
I get what you are saying, but doesn’t this just show that limiting immigration hurts other workers who depend on the cheaper transport costs. Certainly raising the cost of shipping to hire more people for more pay would help those in that industry, but it would hurt others. You can’t make the argument that immigration is wrong because it only benefits a minority (the rich) and then turn around and say that it would be beneficial to limit immigration because it benefits a different minority.
I’m saying I understand both sides of the problem. Right now one side is getting exactly what they want while the working class guys are screwed. In other words, labor has a supply side.
A far better controlled immigration policy and process might actually strike a balance between the two extremes.
I do think many Americans now have the mentality that they are above doing some of these jobs, at least for the going pay rates. Most Americans think they are worth more than what they get. Add in the (highly regulated and mandated) costs of hiring and keeping a ‘legal’ employee and you get the current situation.
As usual it is simple, yet we’re told it’s so complex that we need experts to find ever more complex systems to fix it.
And if they don’t get that highly paid job, they’ll just collect unemployment and even welfare benefits…
Many of the illegals working for those wages have “wifes” to whom they aren’t legally married to here that collect all the gov bennies they can.
That oportunity is verboten to an American citizen working for that same wage.
You spelled Gruetzi wrong.
The one thing I learned when I lived in Switzerland is that you can’t spell Swiss German.
I most certainly did NOT spell that wrong! You must have been in some backwater canton…
*narrows gaze*
Aargau. Yeah probably.
I am sure I spelled it wrong too. I saw at least 1/2 dozen different spellings while I was there.
Heh – I am stuck with what little Swiss German I have picked up being Züridüütsch.
Swiss “German”. It’s not really German.
Full piece bathing suit? What a wuss!
Speaking of tabloid hysteria
NASA has warned a “doomsday glacier” is on the verge of disintegration, triggering an apocalyptic sea level rise in the process.
West Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier covers 70,270 square miles (182,000 square km), the approximate size of Florida. The ice mass has been dubbed the “world’s most dangerous glacier” because it holds enough ice to raise the world oceans more than two feet (65cm). What is more, the Thwaites Glacier backstops other ice sheets with the potential to raise sea levels an additional eight feet (2.5m) if all the ice is lost.
And in calamitous news for low-lying counties, NASA researchers have revealed the presence of a previously-unknown yawning cavity at the bottom of Thwaites Glacier.
That’s it, then Game over, Man.
Sounds like nothing we can do about it. Oh, well.
I figured a Florida glacier would be made of meth.
I don’t get how people can’t just do the math and see how silly this is.
If Thwaites glacier is 70,270 square miles in area, given that the total surface area of all the oceans combined is about 140 million square miles, for this glacier to raise sea level by 2 feet it would have to be about 4,000 feet high on average. It isn’t. It isn’t even close to that.
Yeah, I saw that too. The math doesnt add up.
You bastards trying to use logic, facts, and reason, and of all things math to undermine the narrative!
Interesting article on calculating sea level rise. Basically it says you need to account for ice being less dense than water, remove all floating components of the ice, and even then, if every glacier, iceberg, and ice cap on the planet melted, it’s less than 2 feet of rise.
You mean there is no water world future? DOH! Muh investments!
Bet you dont hear about this again. If it’s too late the grift is up. It can never be too late. Gotta have that possibility of disaster hanging over the mark’s head to create panic. Some dude already gave us the ‘it’s too late’ bit and then we never heard from him again. He is probably under a couple of hundred feet of water with an engine block tied to him.
I, for one, am building a giant Ark. Well – my orphans are building a giant ark. With hookers and blackjack.
Get in line – payments in gold bullion – or if your wife/GF is a cutey, other arrangements can be made.
Pimping ain’t easy, I’ll tell you that!
You’re on the boat!
This is my eyes rolling. The Titanic hit an ICEBERG in the North Sea. A fucking 70k square mile iceberg isn’t going to melt in a week or a month or even a year. Additionally, the amount of energy it would take to melt that ice is 90x the amount of heat it takes to cool the same mass of water 1 degree celcius. And that would Just put 182 kilotons (if the ice is only 1 meter thick, add zeroes as necessary for your own estimate) of 0 degree C water into the ocean system. Now I’m no geophysicist, but that seems like it would have a pretty fucking profound and lasting effect on ocean temperatures over the next decade or three. Its almost like its a negative feedback loop.
>>182 kilotons
so what you are saying is we need more nuclear weapons to really make this work?
Assuming it doesn’t just refreeze to the continent when winter rolls around – this is a prime opportunity to get a few dozen tugs down there and drag the thing up to N. Africa (or even S. Africa with their drought). Ram the thing into the coastline and you’ve got a prime source of fresh water for hydro power, etc.
I think Jerry Pournelle used the scenario as the intro to one of his stories.
Great point. I totally forgot about it being mid-summer there.
70,000 square miles of ice is gonna take more than a few dozen tugs. If it is only one meter thick a square mile sheet of ice would weigh more than 5 billion lbs. A cubic meter of ice weighs about a ton.
Well, yeah, realistically. But you could definitely bomb a “realistic” sized chunk off one edge and still come out ahead.
So we don’t get 12 years?
Doctor had sex with ’emaciated’ cancer patient in hospital bed during treatment
Hell yes.
To think that might have been the guys last lay, and he has the gall to complain about it.
Which part of “shut up and be happy a hot woman let you fuck her” does he not get?
Neh. Disillusioned, lazy, probably waning libido.
Or just found a less stressful method of release – libido notwithstanding.
Maybe I am wired weird, but as a guy, I can’t think of a sex scenario involving a female, other than finding out that I am with a tranny (and doubly so if xer has a bigger one than me), that would leave me feeling like I got the raw end of a deal. I might not brag about being taken advantage of by an ugly chick or one big enough to rate her own zip code, but I would not feel “victimized” and require legal recourse. Then again, now that i think of this, maybe this was about paying the bills, and suing the hospital/doctor for emotional abuse is a great way to gain some loot.
Never mind. I now get it.
He has brain cancer?
Listened to some asshole general on NPR this morning saying we needed more time in Afghanistan to secure Americans safety against terrorist attacks. He was brazen enough to compare it to our presence in Europe after WW2, as if that were in any way an equivalent situation.
Maybe we should build them some car factories.
I do recall something about poppy fields. Same diff.
If they changed to Strawberry fields, we could be there forever.
Maybe we should build them some car factories.
Might need some basic skill retraining first. Reading, writing, arithmetic, how to not rape little boys on their breaks, how to not kill the guy next to them in the factory for being of another tribe.
I heard that too. it was part of his, “Hey, we might be there for 100 years, but so what?” speech.
Oh don’t worry, eventually we’ll convince the goat-herders that radical Islam is bad.
Great Rant!
Freaky Friday: I’m In the Wrong Business Edition
“Police alleged his obsession with the girl across the Atlantic propelled Amato to violence.”
No, I dont believe that is what did it. This guy is a toxic brew of maybe MR, mania, obsessive compulsive disorder and God knows what else. He is an extreme danger to himself and others. He should never see daylight again. The cops are full of shit.
*Suthenboy is not a credentialed expert so it is perfectly ok for me to pull a diagnosis straight out of my ass based on a small amount of unverified info gotten from a blurb on the internet.
Don’t worry, that’s how you become a credentialed expert.
I get the distinct impression the 29 year old son and the 31 year old son were both still living with their parents. WTF?
The family sounds woke..
When I think “rural area northeast of Orlando” I think DeLand, and the total property value in DeLand doesn’t reach $200K, so it must be somewhere else.
Stone isn’t allowed to see the transcript of his alleged “lies” because they are classified.
Amendment Six haz a sad.
“The US has 7 days to provide the evidence, or the case is dismissed, with prejudice”
/Judge Swiss
7 days? You are soft Swiss. I would give them seven minutes or be held in contempt. Bring that shit into my courtroom….*smoke begins to come out of my ears*
This is banana republic level shit. The only reason people are getting away with this is that the members of this elite deep state clique are all shitting all over the constitution in order to protect their hold on power and wealth. Losing this fight against the uppity deplorables and their guy means an end to the effete and ineffective bunch of asshats that believe they are elite because of their credentials, as they know that the demand for accountability and the production of actual positive results would destroy the lot of them
Proud moment . . .I just got this text message about my godson . . . . “We are on a two hour delay so the kids are driving lacey crazy shooting her with Nerf guns. Lacy said “you’ve lost your privilege! Give me that gunTo which Adam says “No! God said I could have guns, and no one can take them away!”
Well, no one except a pissed off mom. Even God is afraid of them.
Hell hath no fury…
I told him it was a good time to teach him property rights . . Since the gun isn’t his, nor is the house it’s in
“No! God said I could have guns, and no one can take them away!”
Erm. Listen, you might want to talk to your godson about building compounds in Texas. Not saying he’s wrong, but you never know when were going to get another Janet Reno type as AG. Satan is real.
Bernie Sanders: “I’m still the biggest asshole of them all!”
Bernie Sanders proposes a big hike in the estate tax, including a 77% rate for over $1 billion
The “For the 99.8% Act” would tax the estates of those who inherit more than $3.5 million, which Sanders estimates is 0.2 percent of the country. Currently, the estate tax only applies to individuals who inherit more than $11 million, as a result of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by Republicans.
Sanders’ proposed estate tax rates are:
$3.5 million to $10 million: 45 percent tax
$10 million to $50 million: 50 percent tax
$50 million to $1 billion: 55 percent tax
more than $1 billion: 77 percent tax
+1 Race to the top?
Warren: Fuck it. 100% taxes on all incomes!……And a free Unicorn horn!
Fuck you Bernie
At the same time he will complain that corporate America is taking over family businesses and farms.
Wait, the R’s had the house, senate and presidency for two years. They killed the estate tax, right? Right?
No, but they did double the amount not taxed to $11M. Better than nothing, but short of ideal.
Re the WaPo article. It’s truly remarkable how they’re in total denial. A Democrat can say flat out ‘If you don’t pay your fair share as we deem appropriate we will send you a modern gulag’ and if you call them out on it you’re the one doing the ‘fear-mongering.’
This was all explained in frightening detail in The ‘Gulag Archipelago’.
Anybody who claims to be literate and educated should know Democrats do in fact sound precisely like illiberal progressives of the early 20th century.
Why some Japanese pensioners want to go to jail
Three hots and a (finger) cot.
There was a youtube vid about Japanese prison food. It looked really good.
Further proof that Drumpf is, and always has been, a puppet of the Rooshians!!!!!!
This is just what Putin wants! To have a good reason to leave the treaty. Putin’s plan is almost complete.
This is really about China.
The Minnesoda DFL seems determined to spend all my money on people who don’t work.
Paying people to not come to work seems like a great strategy.
Hey, its working in new York. 😉
We already pay farmers not to farm
So many awful quotes to pick from, but I’ll point out this one:
Do these not exist? Must be a ‘market failure’…
More generally, I’m not excited about MN moving from a middle of the road progressive state to the Oregon of the Midwest. About time to follow a retired co-worker to WY I guess.
The thing about “insurance” is that, in the long run, its a negative sum game. You only buy it against short-term risks that you can’t afford to pay for yourself. So, Ms. Tsantir is going to lose money on this in the long run by paying more into the pool than it would have cost her to pay for all that leave herself.
^^^ This. Insurance works because people are Risk Averse. It is a premium you pay to eliminate/mitigate risk or uncertainty. Most contemporary talk about Insurance ignores this and just talks about it as a way to get other people to pay for your basic needs.
We have an offshore captive insurance company, so we self-insure. We buy layers of reinsurance, which we haven’t used in ten years. We have basically paid defense costs, settlements out of investment earnings on the insurance company’s assets for the last 6 years or so. If we had bought that insurance from a third party, it would have cost us tens of millions.
There’s a reason why so many businesses self-insure like this.
A lot of people seem to have mentally substituted the actual meaning of insurance with “a way to get other people to pay for me” which, while somewhat true on a local level, doesn’t scale to an entire system. You can’t have everybody getting paid more than anybody is paying in, which seems to be what a lot of people want.
Agreed. It was my sarcastic attempt at saying that.
On a related note, I think most of what the article claims to want to fix was created by the ability to keep old people alive longer, and the expense of doing so. Obviously, most people don’t have the means to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep granny alive in her 80s, so they expect someone else to, because why do you hate old people?
SoDak just passed CC and is a pretty nice place to live.
Believe me, that was my first thought when I saw that yesterday. And still close to ‘home’.
I especially like the area around Rapid City. Hills, trees. Winters are shorter than MN
Agreed. The Black Hills are wonderful.
They’d be better if you dynamited Rushmore.
“The Black Hills are wonderful.”
But in his first week in the 2020 gauntlet, punctuated by repeated media appearances, liberal angst and a less than smooth public book tour, Schultz saved his most biting attacks for the left, previewing how his potential independent bid could be contentious for the Democratic Party, which is hellbent on ousting President Donald Trump.
Schultz’s attacks on core Democratic policies framed not only the debate inside the party but previewed how Republicans will cast the eventual Democratic nominee in 2020. Over the course of only a few days, the billionaire labeled Medicare-for-All “un-American,” said Trump will get re-elected if the Democratic nominee supports significant tax hikes on the wealthy and argued the country can’t afford “free college.”
“It concerns me that so many voices within the Democratic Party are going so far to the left,” Schultz said this week. “I think we got to get away from these falsehoods and start talking about the truth and not false promises.”
He added: “If I ran as a Democrat, I would have to say things that I know in my heart I do not believe, and I would have to be disingenuous.”
Schultz’s criticisms could amplify the Republican message toward the Democrats in 2020. Some Republicans even cheered his critiques of the party, a sign of what could come should Schultz fully get into the race.
How much is Putin paying him to split the Democrat vote?
Get to the bottom, of this, CNN.
How much do you want to bet Schultz gets investigated by the FBI before the primaries?
That explains the MSNBC clip on youtube that was pretty harsh on him.
So he is relatively sane. Of course the left hates him.
Crazy Eyes acknowledges she might not be perfect:
So it’s way better to be cis gendered she’s saying.
Democrats remain unsure of how seriously to take a Schultz bid. Some speculate that this is all just an elaborate ruse to sell books, others believe it is a vanity project meant to burnish Schultz’s ability to garner a following. But some are taking his foray into presidential politics seriously, gearing up for the possibility that he will need to be treated like any other candidate threatening a Democratic nominee.
Get Christopher Steele on the phone. Tell him we need some piss hookers.
Tolerance and inclusion
A chef at a Silicon Valley restaurant has put out the word that patrons wearing “Make America Great Again” baseball cap are not welcome in his establishment and will not be served.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, who describes himself in his Twitter profile as a full-time dad, feminist, and atheist, is a chef-partner of the Wursthall restaurant in San Mateo, California. He called the red MAGA hats “symbols of intolerance and hate” comparable to a swastika or white hood.
In a now-deleted tweet last weekend, Lopez-Alt said that he wouldn’t serve anyone wearing the Trump-supporting cap, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” the chef tweeted.
In a separate tweet, Lopez-Alt wrote: “MAGA hats are like white hoods except stupider because you can see exactly who is wearing them.”
Tweeting is like texting, except the whole word can see how stupid you are.
What is a Lopez-Alt? Is he a clone?
He’s actually a good chef. He was at Good Eats(?) or something and has made some great barbecue recipes that I have made and enjoyed eating.
He’s at Serious Eats and wrote The Food Lab. One of my go-to resources.
What a fuckwit.
Yep, great cook, love his stuff. Same with Chef John, great cooking videos, retarded as fuck politics.
Mark Bittman wrote a couple of fantastic cookbooks, but is also an irredeemable asshole.
A chef at a Silicon Valley restaurant
So brave. Much stand. Wow.
In a now-deleted tweet last weekend, Lopez-Alt said that he wouldn’t serve anyone wearing the Trump-supporting cap, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Sounds like his lawyer told him that would be a violation of California law, which includes politics in its list of things public accommodations can’t discriminate against. Originally put in there to protect commies, but hey, like the Iron Law says:
Me today, you tomorrow.
Che Guevara t-shirts still perfectly OK.
Well, I somewhat agree with this. but only because if I was managing an upscale restaurant, I’d throw out anybody who didn’t take off their baseball cap while eating out of principle alone. The MAGA hat part is irrelevant.
You just offered him an out. No hats on anyone solves his little problem.
What problem? He wants to virtue-signal. That’s the entire point. And as we have seen, it will probably help his business.
GO in order the most expensive meal you can, wait 15 minutes so you know it is in the process of being prepared then pull out your maga hats and put them on. Wait for them to kick you out. Have another group do the same an hour later. And again an hour after that. Repeat till they are out of business because they keep having to throw away food
Or, you could just not patronize businesses with virtue signaling policies that you don’t like.
J. Kenji Lopez-Alt, who describes himself in his Twitter profile as a full-time dad, feminist, and atheist,
He left off “closed-minded simpleton”.
No he didn’t.
One Lawyer, One Day, 194 Felony Cases
I stand by my proposal that the prosecutors and public defenders should be the same pool of lawyers.
Sometimes you prosecute, sometimes you defend. Since many people hire their own defense attorney, you probably get to do more prosecution that defense.
Another kink in the system is that fines handed out by the court are paid to the court. What do you think happens to your chances of acquittal if an acquittal means the court doesnt get paid? It is hopelessly fucked up.
Just like speeding tickets.
In some places those are required to go to the general fund and not to fund the PD. Guess what, that system works better.
Yep. When I got my last “not guilty” verdict I could tell the judge was mad he couldn’t fine the defendant for time in court, etc.
I’m witcha on that, robc. You’d have to do some retooling of IT systems and whatnot to protect the keep the defendant’s info confidential from the prosecutor who is in the same office. Of course, there’s no reason to keep the prosecutor’s info confidential from the defendant. It would bust up the Law Enforcement-Industrial Complex by eliminating any kind of cozy relationship between prosecutors and cops (and judges, who seem to be willing participants in the conviction machine).
There’s a strong incentive to win as a prosecutor. There’d have to be a balancing incentive to win on defense, or else the whole system would be just as bad (and quite possibly worse) than what we have now.
There’s a strong incentive to win as a prosecutor.
Hmm. Not sure about incentives (I’m not sure what incentive prosecutors have that defense lawyers don’t have), but there would need to be safeguards against collusion, especially on plea bargaining. Have to give that some thought.
I’m not sure what incentive prosecutors have that defense lawyers don’t have
Unless I’m misunderstanding something, the proposal seems to be to combine the currently distinct pools prosecutors and public defenders into a single pool of lawyers who alternate between the roles of prosecuting and defending. But the incentives right now are stacked toward prosecution; the rotation does nothing if one can advance his or her career through success at prosecution alone. Put another way, if promotion depends only on success at prosecuting, then the time spent defending won’t be approached with the same zeal.
Obviously you would want promotion based on overall record, not just prosecution record.
One of my favorite chefs is in the news for saying he would not serve anyone wearing a MAGA hat in his restaurant.
That’s great Kenji. You should be able to refuse service to anyone. I wonder if you would allow the same privilege to a certain Colorado baker of cakes?
Shut up and cook Kenji.
Get in the
robotkitchenShinjiKenji!Only discrimination that doesn’t offend leftist sensibilities is ok.
As an aside, my favorite chef isn’t a pansy.
“It hasn’t happened yet, but if you come to my restaurant wearing a MAGA cap, you aren’t getting served, same as if you come in wearing a swastika, white hood, or any other symbol of intolerance and hate,” the chef tweeted.
What about my Hammer and Sickle shirt? I can wear that, right? Or the one with the picture of the guy who killed all those Cuban homosexuals- he’s totes cool, right?
Religious discrimination is illegal.
If Thwaites glacier is 70,270 square miles in area, given that the total surface area of all the oceans combined is about 140 million square miles, for this glacier to raise sea level by 2 feet it would have to be about 4,000 feet high on average. It isn’t. It isn’t even close to that.
Aww, you’re no fun.
Total hysteria buzzkill.
“A newt?”
“…I got better.”
More on that Chinese author pulling her book from publishing. I think you folks were talking about it some the last couple of days. From Mojeaux and the other publishers here – how is it that such a small, inconsequential number of “influencers” on social media are allowed to hold such power over the publishing industry? I mean, I’ve been seeing a lot more about it for the comics the last few years – but do the publishing houses really see any numbers associated with these issues – isn’t “any publicity is good publicity” when it comes to stuff like this? Or are these folks that much more powerful than the Catholic church complaining about Dan Brown?
Especially when you consider how few people actually visit those clickbait sites or how few “normal” people are on social media like twitter.
Very frustrating – why can’t folks just be ignored?
It is strange. I mean are there books that you consider purchasing, but then don’t because the Publisher published a book you don’t like?
I’m not a great book publishing mind, but off the top of my head I’m going to guess “cocktail parties”.
Who wants to go to some fancy publisher party and be the only one who prints doubleplus ungood books just because they make money? That would be so mortifying.
It was the author who pulled it.
If they thought they could make money on it, they’d try to go ahead. What they fear is that they can’t make money on it because of the woke SJW, which I can’t say is an unreasonable fear.
But one fabulously selling book will subsidize a whole year’s catalog of male middle-age angst lit, so it’s in their best interest to find the bestsellers. They bank on hitting gold each year because nothing else makes any money. All they need is one Twilight, one Harry Potter, one Fifty Shades, and they’ve justified everything else they’ve published that year. Hence, lots of young adult fiction.
Sounds very much like wildcat drilling.
It very much is and publisher/editors are almost singularly unable to find these gems on their own. It’s always a surprise.
Harry Potter was almost turned down until the publisher’s kid read it and loved it.
Twilight had some in, I don’t remember, but it was an intern who pushed it hard.
Fifty Shades was 89% Twilight fanfiction (which is why I will not read nor buy it), and publishers realized they could make a killing using the fanfiction forums as the farm team BUT it took about 2 years before they realized they’d hit the mother lode.
The Twitter backlash can be overwhelming and make you think the world is ending. Then it migrates to Goodreads, then to Instagram and Tumblr. Many woke librarians on Twitter will get in on the action.
It seems like a lot more than it is, and you can’t predict that there are orders of magnitude above those “influencers” who are not woke, don’t care, only want a good story, and will be buying the books, including collection librarians who don’t hold with censorship.
For one lone author whose publishing house may or may not stand behind her, it’s the end of the world. I can see why she pulled it. She’d be standing alone against a mob that does not bend, does not grant mercy, does not stop until you are destroyed and in the ground. In the meantime, if she went through with it, she probably wouldn’t know people were reading it and liking it because the readers would likely not be in the woke crowd and readers who like your books WHO WILL TELL YOU are scarce as hen’s teeth, so you don’t even get that much support.
I took a lot of heat for self-publishing when it was still the kiss of death. Fortunately, I also had a lot of readers who were looking for something different, I gave it to them, and I had lots of support. I would have faded into the woodwork a lot sooner but for that. Then I found out my readership is mostly on Facebook.
That’s too bad. One of the fun things with comics (specifically kickstarter/indiegogo stuff) is posting pics of stuff you’ve bought and enjoyed – and tagging artists/writers/etc. Of course some folks think that’s bad or evil (especially if you tag in a “bad” person at the same time) – but you’d think publishers, etc would appreciate the feedback.
Nobody appreciates “feedback” that is a Twitter mob that can and will destroy a money-making project.
See: #Gamergate
That really shook people up.
What I’m trying to say is, there are plenty of people who a) don’t know and b) don’t care about wokeness. They like what they like and you’re going to have to pry it out of their cold, dead hands.
The problem is, we (I include myself here) don’t see those people. They’re at cons, talking to their friends, not getting involved in Twitter antics, or actively saying “Screw you, I’ll do what I want.”
My readership was back then, by and large, liberals who like what they like and they liked the story I told even though it was “problematic.” I don’t know if that could happen now.
Well “Yes” to both your points as Zac (formerly Diversity and Comics) has been pointing out for years now. Never apologize, never admit wrong, etc because they won’t accept a damn thing. Can’t reason with irrational people driven only by hatred.
That’s the market niche Vox Day slid into: “Fuck you and your wokeness and by the way, here’s some really over-the-top rhetoric for you.”
I haven’t seen anybody get outraged about him in years. The woke SJWs seem to have moved past the agent provacateurs.
Until they pulled his entire catalog from Amazon?
Well, see, that’s what time has done.
He can still sell from his website (until his host drops him) if he doesn’t already, but he self-publishes. He doesn’t have a big publisher behind him. These big publishers publish Ann Coulter, for cryin’ out loud, because she sells.
But other companies buckle now. It’s not just YOUR ability to withstand the hordes anymore. Look at Nike and Kaepnernick. Look at Dick’s. Look at Gillette. No, these companies are not going to suffer.
John Ringo and Larry Correia write bestsellers. I think the key to succeeding in the face of wokenhate is to never apologize, never back down, and never try to slip by under the sjw radar. When they attack you, whip out a MAGA hat, a big scary gun and post a live reading of your book at a shooting range!
This kind of applies to everything. Eventually everyone will be inth
in their sights. Better to be aggressive as fuck and not give an inch.
Yep. Never apologize and never back down. You don’t give the fuckers a victory.
I write romance. I can’t build a readership of angry (young) men* who appreciate that approach.
*That is not an insult.
Bill James was rejected at first because his writings didnt appeal to a mass market. He points out that you can be a bestseller without that, all you need is a small niche who will buy your books.
Of course, he eventually got published in part because the publisher wanted advance copies to help out his fantasy team.
About fucking time. Now shitlords who dare to argue against illegal immigration are on notice that they will no longer win debates.
And those shitlords should stop whining. Even if they didn’t DQ themselves by quoting racist bastards, it sounds like the other side would have won on points. The other side “the other team read a “slam poem” about how terms like “legal” and “illegal” are dehumanizing” and “said Moreno and his partner could not talk about fairness because they were ‘white males.’”
My High school’s rivals. Its sad because if you know anything about high school debate, you don’t get to choose the side you argue. You are given the side you have to argue and then try to come up with the best arguments. That said, judges at the meets are generally college debate club/org students, so I can see that you would get some stupid judges every once and a while.
I was pretty active in debate in high school. My debate teacher would have had a conniption if he’d seen something like this happen.
I was as well for a few years. I got thrown out of the “Mock Congress” as an obstructionist, and my teacher had a fit. They changed the rules after that.
In mock Congress as a youth, I poisoned pilled a gun control bill by introducing the translated Nazi Waffengesetz as an amendment, having the majority Democrats approve it, then standing up and dropping the big reveal, alongside choice quotes from the great tyrants of the 20th century. Managed to get a couple Dem Senators to cross the aisle and kill the bill.
I got thrown out of the “Mock Congress” as an obstructionist,
Which is a regularly used tactic in actual Congresses
I read that article a couple of days ago.
The whole thing is just pathetic. Debate has turned into a speed-reading quoting contest. Now the sources of the quotes serve as their own ad hominem arguments.
Just burn it down.
I just don’t get the whole “I’m on methamphetamines” presentation-style of debate these days.
Isn’t the purpose of debate to present arguments that will sway the audience whether it’s pure sophistry or not? How am I supposed to be convinced of anything when I can’t even tell what the hell they’re saying?
Contemporary debate is high on rhetoric, low on Logic.
I don’t think it even meets that meager standard. Rhetoric still implies communication.
I don’t know about you, but Caveman Grunts and Screams can be very convincing.
It started out as an effort to read as much evidence into the record as possible, such that your opponent couldn’t possibly refute all of the evidence.
It’s stupid.
If someone were to try to argue with me in that manner, I might just punch them in the throat to shut them up.
It was that way in the late ’70s, when I was in high school. I believe the underlying idea was that persuasiveness is so subjective that the debate should be scored more mechanically, based on whether your opponent addressed all your arguments or left some “unrefuted”.
The left already did. This is what ashes look like. From what I have seen it appears the whole field/discipline/study? of debate is dead.
Slam poem huh? Alternate spelling for ‘horseshit’?
read a “slam poem”
I should be surprised that they somehow won on points despite not actually engaging in debate, but I recall when the national debate champions did something similar.
Check your sarcasm meter. I think you forgot to replace the batteries.
Most judges are college debaters whose political spectrum runs from socialist to communist. I have zero surprise. It was sliding into this 20+ years ago. CX debaters (at least in TX) went to camps run by college debate teams and many of them were entirely pomo commies back then. No surprise that it is representing the very worst of the college left.
CX debaters (at least in TX) went to camps run by college debate teams
That brings back memories. I did this two summers in high school. The training sessions were full of people (college and high school) smoking. Talk about a different world.
Was debate camp like band camp? Well, a gentleman never tells . . . .
No. No it was not.
There are more women in the trombone section than in the entire field of CX debate.
I would’ve torn the lectern (if there was one) apart and started a riot.
Don’t take it. Stop taking it.
If anyone still doubted that this was about envy/jealousy and making sore that the elite political class was the only one really getting paid big, just look at the fact that <a nother progressive has come out and admitted they like the idea of a 90% tax bracket on people richer than them…
Link fail.
Good news- more journalist lay-offs.
Vice employs 2500 people?
There was a short stint where they were doing actual journalism. It generated a lot of attention and goodwill. They then burned it all pretty quickly. Looks like it has taken awhile for the bill to come due.
They DID do that video on South American donkey fucking.
They actually went into Russia* and investigated the North Korean slave labor camps operating there, at genuine risk to themselves.
* = Well before the current OMG RUSSIANS freakout
I had the same reaction when the numbers given in the Buzzfeed layoffs meant that they have like 2000 employees. I have to think that they’re including unpaid “contributors” in those numbers.
Please people. Stop telling them to learn to code. We deal with enough shitty programmers already.
You’re just worried they’ll be better at it than you in six months.
:Shifty Eyes: There on to me. Got to start padding that Agile Coach Resume.
For those who missed it last week.
Hopefully the goober didn’t delete it.
I cant find it. I am looking for the link yesterday of the two journalists talking, one asking the other why their profession is losing credibility and respect. Last frame shows the article one of them is currently writing entitled ’34 things I know will fit in my ass’.
Anyone see that link? I want to post it on douchenozzle’s twitter.
This isn’t what you’re looking for, but it’s enlightening.
Who leaked Teen Vogue’s headline for next month!?
Thank you, Sir.
That’s Pulitzer material right there.
Learn to dig ditches?
Agreed. You know what happens when more proggies join the code mills?
Stupid shit like this.
Can’t use the words “backlog grooming” because grooming can sometimes refer to the practice of pedophiles preparing their victims. When our scrum master first floated this idea we all laughed and pointed at him. I’m sure if we had a few other ex-Buzz Feed workers there, they would have defended him.
A pair of Utah high school seniors lost a debate round because they read quotes from Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro and clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson, who were deemed “white supremacists” by the judge.
So I guess using arguments based on statements by Woodrow Wilson or Oliver Wendell Holmes would get you disqualified, too, right?
Hugo Black, too
Margaret Sanger.
Make Moose Great Again! No word about the squirrel though.
Fantastic Friday filled with fabulous females!
Nice selection of thiccness here. 9 looks closest to my fiancee:
Brown sugar.
60 and 61 are both nice and thicc, but 32 — just wow:
Worrying development from Click Down Under as cop gets insurance pay out for PTSD.
TL;DR version: cop sets out on high speed chase of man who was later found to be “intoxicated with amphetamines and cannabis.” Man loses control of vehicle, hits tree, dies with cop holding his hand. Cop goes on leave for PTSD then later loses his job for refusing to returning to work. Courts order insurance company of driver who died to pay cop $A1m+ for the subsequent PTSD arguing driver “had a legal duty of care not to expose the officer to psychiatric injury through his negligence.”
I came across the term langue de bois which took me to this little gem.
That is a gem alright. I will never forget that one.
Langue de bois on the other hand translates to what…broken link?
D’oh. I thought I got that one right. Maybe doubling up on links is still a problem.
langue de bois
I am still cracking up over ‘if by whiskey’.
The Republican led Senate just voted 68-23 to advance a measure that opposes Trump’s attempt to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Syria.
Another loss for Trump!
Another win for America!”
#Resist has always been #War
Bi-partisanship for endless war. Yeah, Trump is the bad guy here.
Another loss for Trump!
Another win for America
That is some sick shit right there.
“Haha, the killing is going to continue for some vague geopolitical objectives that the American people neither understand nor support. Eat shit, Drumpf!”
Mandatory endless war and 250th trimester abortions.
Our government is the bestest.
The responses that this somehow pokes Putin in the eye are baffling. We want to keep our dick stuck in crazy so Putin can’t get a piece of that action…?
I get that Assad is a Russian client, but a) what business is it of ours and b) how does it benefit us to turn Syria into another Iraq?
It benefits us as much as imploding Libya did.
It really is stupid.
Are we going to be fighting in eastern Ukraine, Crimea, and eastern Georgia next? Or are we going to memory hole those because these idiots have the world’s shortest attention spans?
“Opposes,” or actually does something?
It will be interesting to see what the American populace thinks of that.
Congress can never manage to find the time to debate our foreign wars, but they’ll drop everything to oppose ending those foreign wars.
Trump is going to be the peace candidate in 2020
Response” “you also don’t listen to the CIA on foreign affairs if you study history.”
How can we forget “weapons of mass destruction?” Maybe some “journalist” should ask Colin Powell about how much credence to put on American intelligence reports.
Salvador Allende agrees.
Under what power does the Senate think it can prevent the Commander in Chief from removing troops? Are they going to declare war? It can’t be a treaty power, it does not take a treaty to bring the troops home. I am getting tired of everything being an almost perfect mirror image of the way it is supposed to be.
If someone can find what they actually voted on. Seems to me that the only discretion congress could have in this case would be to force the president to remove troops, because the war is undeclared.
I think it’s just a rebuke and has no force of law
Rand’s on board.
As a meaningless aside, my formerly law ‘n order socon uncle said yesterday: “I saw Rand Paul on the news this morning. I wish he was our President.”
I think the same thing every time I see Rand speak
Don’t fucking read the responses. A few good people there. But mostly people accusing Rand of supporting a Traitor, and being a russian stooge.
Not blowing up brown people halfway around the world = Putin’s butt boy.
I love to read them. There are an increasing number of righties coming around to Rand. Three years ago there were hardly any.
Both the Virginia Dem Senators voted against Trump on this one. Kaine has the principles of Wyrmtongue.
I notice Rand abstained.
Rand abstained? What the fuck is that all about? He’s got to explain that vote.
Meh. I wouldn’t acknowledge it either. It’s not a bill or something real.
Fuck you Rand, you pussy.
Nah, I’m cool with it. Its a stupid exercise in pointlessness. Abstaining is a protest vote against the Senate being stupid and pointless, and has the exact same effect as voting no. An abstention is not a yes vote, so its functionally a no vote.
From Military Times:
“Republican Sen. Rand Paul, missed the vote but said he was against it.
“It’s time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan and Syria,” Paul wrote in a tweet, saying he stands with Trump. “It is ludicrous to call withdrawal after 17 years ‘precipitous.'””
So he didn’t even technically abstain. He just had better things to do.
When does Rand have his surgical procedure in Canada? Isn’t it today?
Mike Lee was the sole Republican “Nay”.
I take that back, Cruz voted Nay as well.
I don’t want to like Ted, but then he goes and does shit like this.
The Beard helps.
advance a measure that opposes Trump’s attempt to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Syria.
That’s nice. It has about as much effect as an op-ed, of course, because troop deployments are in the President’s, not the Senate’s, portfolio. But wasting time on meaningless gestures is sort of a Senate tradition, I suppose.
Sounds like a majority of Dems voted for it, too? I expect the “peace” movement will turn on them like rabid hyenas now, right?
Democrat bombs are the righteous force of good eliminating all bad from the world. Innocents caught in the crossfire are grateful to be sacrificed for such a holy cause.
Republican bombs are flying swastikas eliminating women and POCs so evil white CEOs can increase their stock price by a half a point.
The antiwar Left is far more friendly to Trump than to Democratic leaders. Code Pink, Glenn Greenwald, etc are not on very good terms with the progressive leadership. Probably because progressives (who are totally not insane, but are pretty clearly insane) keep accusing them of being Russian agents (making the John Birchers seem measured to own the cons)
But when push comes to shove, they pull the lever for Team Blue just like good little robots.
They probably vote Green to be honest
Meh. In most districts, the Republicans running are no more opposed to war than the Democrats. You’d have to vote Libertarian, Green, or some other third party to get an actual anti-war candidate, and even that’s no guarantee (see: Johnson, Gary).
In Gary’s defense, he’s just too stoned to know the difference.
Being stoned isn’t Gary’s problem. Being a wuss that won’t stand up to nitwits like Warren is the problem. People voted for Trump because he fought the dipshits on the campaign trail, Romney and Johnson were to chickenshit to do so.
“In most districts, the Republicans running are no more opposed to war than the Democrats.”
That’s not always true, though. In the last election a lot of less hawkish Republicans lost their seats to former CIA and DOD Democratic politicians. Brat in Virginia for example lost to a much more hawkish Democrat who basically ran on the message that Brat was soft on Russia. Rohrbacher in CA is another example. He lost to a Democrat that accused him of being a Russian pawn, because he has advocated for a less hawkish position toward Russia since the George W. Bush administration.
We got a far more hawkish House of Representatives now than we did under Paul Ryan.
Yeah, and maybe the anti-war voters in those districts pulled the lever for the Republicans (gladly or begrudingly). However, that is a somewhat recent phenomenon, seems to be more prevalent in the DC metro area, and overlaps too strongly with pro/anti-Trump opinions to be isolated to positions on war per se.
Brat lost to a worthless cunt who was
1. A fucking mail opener.
2. Then a CIA agent.
3. Then a Beltway bandit.
She is loathsome, worthless, scum.
Well, by that measure, she’s pretty representative of the people voting in MD/DC/NoVa.
Abigail SCAMberger bought that race. She outspent Brat 3-4:1 and lied lied lied her ass off the whole campaign.
Why doesn’t some reporter track down Cyndi Shaheen right now and get her on record? I’d love to hear what she thinks now that she realizes how poorly she was used by the Dems.
I would say that Trump could similarly fuck over Hogg by coming out for gun control, but I think Hogg is feckless enough to be one of the lefties who would have no problem switching sides to oppose Trump.
In fairness to Shaheen, I think her anti-war stance is sincere.
She was pumped, dumped, and ghosted by the Dems and the liberal media (but I repeat myself). And yes, she was obviously sincere.
Here’s a further bit of this guy’s “genius”:
No I think we should get out of Syria and Afghanistan, but not against the assessment of the intel community, our allies, and our military experts.
So, in other words, you don’t think we should get out, you mendacious piece of shit.
Exactly. The military has no plan for leaving Afghanistan that doesn’t require a fully functional modern democracy in place. In other words, they don’t plan on leaving, ever.
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a government employee who didn’t endorse the sunk-cost fallacy.
“OMG, if we leave now all that sacrifice will have been for nothing!” No, dumbass, that sacrifice was what it was when it happened. You might feel better about it if we stick around and compound it, but that doesn’t change a thing.
But we have to honor those young men who gave their lives by sacrificing more young men on the same altar!
What they really mean to say is that they sacrificed those young men for a foolish goal and don’t want to acknowledge it.
That’s what most of the hatred for Nixon came from. All his other asinine statist policies were immaterial to pulling out of Nam.
“I can’t leave my unemployed, drug-addicted, abusive boyfriend now! I’ve put in so much time!”
-Lots of women
Yeah a lot of Democrats are playing this stupid game. “I support withdrawal, but only if these unrealistic benchmarks are met first.”
How many divisions does the Senate have to enforce this measure?
Ed Krassenstein
8h8 hours ago
No I think we should get out of Syria and Afghanistan, but not against the assessment of the intel community, our allies, and our military experts. Timing is key. You don’t pull out on a whim.
Timing IS key when it comes to pulling out. You have to wait for the opportune moment, just before the climax. But I never ‘pull-out’. ///thuglife
Also, this guy is a fucking statist shill and moron.
“Open your mouth…”
It has been 18 years and how many casualties? We have gotten what out of it? When is this most opportune time going to arrive? Do tell us Mr. Fuckstick.
Can the Senate demand a continuation of a war they did not declare? After all, they did authorize the POTUS to engage in war, to begin or end it as he sees fit. So at this point cant he just tell them to go sit on a sharp stick?
Now that would be a wild way for Trump to deal with the situation:
“Having sought advice from scholars and other experts, I have determined that United States’ involvement in Afghanistan and Syria is unconstitutional. I thus have no choice but to end our presence in those independent states as expediently as possible while protecting the lives of US forces.”
Or request a declaration of war.
“Naturally, if Congress declares war on those countries, I will exercise my discretion as Commander-in-Chief to prosecute those wars, with the goal of obtaining the unconditional surrender of the Syrian and Iraqi governments, which is the only proper goal of any war.”
Does anyone else feel like Democrats are SO much worse than they were the last time they won the House? I voted for some Dems around 2004-2006. Now, I don’t know why I’d ever consider voting for any of them except for about four of them
Tulsi Gabbard being an obvious exception
You just want bang her. ///Would
want to*
Well, yeah, but her politics are pretty good too.
Her foreign policy is not bad. Her domestic policy is terrible, from what I understand, but I mostly ignore her.
She’s an old-school liberal. She’s good on foreign policy and civil liberties, but stinks on domestic policy. And she’s sponsored a lot of legislation with Amash, Massie, and Rand on those issue. At this juncture, being good on foreign policy and civil liberties is a massive improvement from the generic progressive bullshit that most Democrats spout nowadays.
I am still disgusted by TEAM sports, but I will say that in the past 10-15 years, Team Blue has gotten measurably worse and Team Red has gotten slightly less shitty in tiny ways.
The party has been co-opted by straight up commies. Yes, they are orders of magnitude worse.
As bad as they are, they’re still not as bad as:
Jennifer Rubin:
Max Boot:
Bill Kristol:
Neocons will always be the worst.
Second worst. Proggies are definitely worse than Neocons, particularly since they’ve lost their anti-war leanings. Now they are just full-on authoritarian socialists with a penchant for suppression of speech, confiscation of wealth and handing out the spoils of the kletocracy based on race, gender and sexual orientation.
Neocons are at least susceptible to anti-tax rhetoric, even if they can’t be counted on for any “fiscal conservatism”.
“We can’t win but we can lose”???? What the fuck does that even mean???
It means the American Empire now resembles the Roman Empire in almost every sense.
It’s such a retarded argument too.
The answer to terrorism is to revive the militia. Everyone carrying a sidearm, every car trunk with an AR15, a fire extinguisher, and a first aid kit.
8:14 AM Flight 11 was hijacked, the first of the four planes to fall into terrorist hands.
9:28 AM Flight 93 is hijacked.
9:57 AM Flight 93’s passengers begin their attack on the terrorists.
10:03 AM Flight 93 crashes.
Less than two hours. That’s how long their great weapon was effective. Two hours, brought down by coffee pots and beverage carts, and ordinary Americans who resolved to die on their feet.
“”An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it.” – Jeff Cooper
Nice to see Rubin openly calling for the Constitution to be torched.
Sorry, Max. We’re losing just by being stuck in an unwinnable war.
Keep dreaming, Bill. From what I can tell, the ranks of hardcore NeverTrumpers are shrinking, not growing.
We’ll bend the process and whatever principles we’ve had in the past to get what we want!
which is usually the province of the executive branch.
“Separation of powers is fine and all but I don’t like the president.”
Does anyone else feel like Democrats are SO much worse than they were the last time they won the House?
Maybe quantitatively worse. But, qualitatively, they’re simply the natural progression.
That crank Wyden is still a good bet for some sensible stuff.
Trump should now send the Senate a request for a formal declaration of war.
Gods, yes.
The funny thing is, I can see him doing it, on Twitter!
And if he gets it, stop fucking around and wage war.
One of the rare instances when you can turn to pop culture for wisdom. In the words of Yoda :”do, or do not. There is no try.”
War, or war not. There is no “sit around lobbing bombs at people and pretending that everything is going to work out fine”.
It’s the whole arrogance of a “small war”. We have this tremendous military capacity. So, policymakers start to suffer from the delusion that they can use it to fix any problem. Even if they can’t adequately identify the problem. Even if they aren’t willing to devote the resources. Even if they have no defined objective.
“We can nuke the world thirty times over. Why can’t we make semi-feudal areas in South Asia modern democracies?”
It’s the objective that’s the problem. You can’t turn an unstable shithole into a stable modern state by invading it and destroying its government. The prospect of a limited war isn’t inherently flawed, it’s just not suitable for the goal of turning Iraq into France. I mean, shit, if the goal was to take Iraq out of the game for decades, the US accomplished that in a matter of weeks with resources to spare. Only there wasn’t a plan for rebuilding the place, and the shitshow that ensued as the neocons took the post-war occupation strategy over is why Iraq is where it is today.
I think there was a popular memory of post-WW2 rebuilding of Germany and Japan, and that led to the popular acceptance of this idea that you can just roll into a dictatorship, kill the bad guys, and turn it into a functioning representative democracy with a robust, liberal political culture. That’s obviously not the case. Germany and Japan weren’t exactly unicorns, but they were stable states with either a cultural history of Enlightenment ideals or, in Japan’s case, a unitary society that was also primed to accept the influence of Western political theory. Iraq is not like that, nor is Afghanistan, nor is Syria.
They made the problem so much worse when they disbanded the Iraqi Army. They took professional soldiers and turned them into disgruntled unemployed targets for terrorists to recruit.
Mao didn’t dissolve the Nationalist Army when he won. He made it part of his army and sent them to Korea to die under American guns.
Which they can’t really do because who would they actually declare war on?
“Muh, Russia”
The #War caucus will cream their pants with delight
Both parties have long lists of places they want to declare war on. Just pick a few of the overlapping choices.
Not so much places as ideas. Even their obsession Russia seems to be more about Putin (real or imagined) than the country itself.
That’s exactly what a Russian bot would say!
at ru.kgb.nefarious.plans.RussianBot.trollSocialMedia(RussianBot.java:666)
at gov.whitehouse.collusion.RussianInterference.influenceOpinion(RussianInterference.java:1984)
at com.trump.corruption.PutinStooge.throwElection(PutinStooge.java:2016)
That would be great. Put up or shut up.
That would truly be epic. You know perfectly well that, as soon as that request came to the Senate, these bastards would be hiding under their desks to pretend it never came.
I don’t think Congress can overrule the CinC on this.
What are they going to do, cut funding to the military if he doesn’t leave them in?
They can cut funding to something else he cares about. It’s not so much that they can force troops to stay there against Trump’s wishes as that they can push Trump to do what they want.
Credit where it’s due, Commissar Bernie came out hard against the Senate vote to rebuke the president on withdrawing from Syria and Afghanistan
Can we just all agree that anyone who posts a pic of themselves in sunglasses as their Twitter avatar is a total fucking dipshit?
Hey. I resemble that remark.
RE: Tom Bundchen.
He is undoubtedly one of the best ever (I’m not sure that I’d personally call him THE best ever, he seems more dependent on an exceptional O-Line than other greats, but that’s beside the point) and I don’t hate him. At most I find him annoying, mostly for the reason outlined in the article of him speaking with authority on topics he knows nothing about. His overpriced supplements are annoying too, but there’s an easy fix for that: don’t buy them!
I do think that he should probably retire while he’s ahead. His nonsense of playing until he’s 45 is just begging for a catastrophic injury. I don’t care about your diet or your exercise routine or your belief that your body is exempt from biology; when you have a 300 pound 22-year old crushing you, a 45 year-old body can only take so much. Don’t be Michael Jordan, let people remember you as a miracle worker, not one of the greatest who overstayed his welcome and ended his career being carted off the field.
>>a 300 pound 22-year old crushing you
John fetish?
Brady is like a lot of great QBs. He gets the ball out quick so his O-Line looks better than it really is (Peyton Manning was also great at that). One bit of luck is that he has only had the one major injury. So he hasn’t been worn down like a lot of QBs. Another advantage he has is he has never relied on his physical talents to be good. He is not big so he doesn’t bounce off of hits. He is not fast so he only runs when necessary. His arm strength has never been overwhelming so he has never relied on that to pass. His arm is still strong enough to make the 15-20 out route on the opposing side of the field with velocity and touch. And his ability to read the defense is still as good as anybody in football history.
And probably most of all he still loves to study film and practice, which is where most healthy football players his age have issues with.
He’s also willing to throw the ball away when nobody is open and the pressure is coming. That seems to be a lost skill – the young guys either try to run or force the ball into coverage.
He has the good fortune to play in an era when the league bends over backwards to protect QBs as well. Hits like these would be flagged in today’s NFL.
Better link – forgot to link to the specific part of clip
On the subject of football: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/25899290/panthers-julius-peppers-announces-retirement
From the cognitive dissonance files: On FB, some AGW-faithful proggie friends who live and freeze up north are complaining about the weather and dreaming of summer days.
Tell them with global warming it will be summer all the time!
Weather isn’t climate. Except during hurricanes and heat waves, at which point it’s totally the same thing.
I do wonder if you asked one of these people how much average global temperature has gone up the last 40 years, how far off they’d be? (Hint: it’s less than 1 degree Celsius).