This week we are going to do some SCIENCE!
Purpose: To increase the personalization and granularity of divinatory results for the Glibertariat.
Background: The stars shine upon us all, rendering astrology suitable for predicting events occurring to multiple people simultaneously. However, the skies only speak to and about persons above a certain threshold of relevance. Also, Glibs bitch when their sign isn’t mentioned. Tarot reading provides excellent results on an individual level, though the quality of the results varies greatly with both the skill of the reader and the relationship between the reader and the subject, typically established to be as follows:

SCIENCE! requires PowerPoint
However, the mechanism by which the Tarot works as a divinatory technique is completely separate from the functional principles of Astrology, the latter resulting from the Celestial Emanations from beyond (but also including) the Lunar Sphere, while the former relies on the individual’s Deep Intuition and the universal connections of the Forza Vitae between individuals. As such, Tarot has not been proven reliable on a collective scale.
Hypothesis: Tarot can be modified to provide satisfactory results for groups of people. Tarot is a notoriously individualistic technique, but Glibertarians are notoriously individualistic subjects. The concept that Glibertarians can collectively be described as individualists is a paradox that opens the door to supernatural examination in much the same way as crossroads, dusk/dawn, or beach surf regions.
Technique: Each week, a single tarot card will be drawn for each astrological sign and the result revealed for interpretation by the individual Gliberatus/a/x. Initially, the deck chosen will be the Rider-Waite, but will transition to the Glibertarian Tarot once such a thing exists. Merging the two contradictory techniques this way will create a harmonic resonance in much the same way that adding 4 (earth) to 3 (sky) yields 7 (perfection, magic). In addition this combination of incompatible auguries is particularly suitable for the Glibertarian penchant for impurity, hybridization, miscegenation and sodomy.
Data: Customer responses in the Sunday noon post will be evidence of the usability of the provided cartomancy. Data collection will continue for an unspecified number of weeks with analytics performed at irregular intervals.
Ok, now that you all know what’s going on, here’s what you have to work with:
Three alignments, interlinked:
- Mercury-Sol-Terra = “Good news from/about home”
- Jupiter-Sol-Mars = “Strength to the Righteous Warrior”
- Terra-Luna-Saturn = “domestic shortages”
Aquarius plays host to the Sun and Mercury this week. Expect surprises, suspense, anticipation… basically the good aspects of chaos or uncertainty. Much like last week, Jupiter in Sagittarius protects those who do right, so a karmic bonus with the stuff going on in Aquarius. You’re going to need that however, since Saturn and the waning Moon in Capricorn portends that you are going to make an unusually stupid mistake. You may make this mistake because it will be easy to be belligerent, what with Mars being in Aries and all. However, it also means that a direct approach to problems will be successful.
So that’s the overarching (literally) state of the universe. What about for you in particular?
Aquarius – Wheel of Fortune. Good luck. Combined with that whole Mercury/Sun thing you’ve got going on, this is the week to take a trip to Vegas.
Pisces – 7 of Wands. Courage, discussion, barter, success at competition.
Aries – 8 of Wands. Activity, speed, haste, flight.
Taurus – Strength. This means strength. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Gemini – 3 of Wands. This signifies that I probably need to shuffle the deck better next time. Also stability, commerce and discovery.
Cancer – Knight of Swords. Skill, courage, wrath, destruction, successful surgery.
Leo – Ace of Cups. “True Heart,” joy, contentment, fertility. Is a Ed Wunkler a Leo?
Virgo – 4 of Wands. Harmony and prosperity.
Libra – The Emperor. Stability, power, aid, protection, reason.
Scorpio – 6 of Coins. “Now is the Time,” gifts, attention.
Sagittarius – 3 of Swords. Division, delay, absence
Capricorn – 6 of Swords. Journey by water.
Hell yeah. I just resumed lifting yesterday after a week and a half off due to fresh tattoo work.
I’m counting on you and the cards to help me PR my overhead press today, Not Adahn.
*high five* my sister Taurus.
Nice! 4/20 is a good day. For a lot of people. Lol. Sometimes I’m an Aries, but being the younger of two sisters, Taurus seems to “fit” better.
Hey hey hey, 4/21 here! Full Taurus but I will claim the cusp here and there.
Cuspers FTW! The best and worst of both worlds! Lol.
4/15 – comfortably Aries 😛
Do you know who else was born on 4/20?
Tommy Chong?
Literal Hitler?
If you celebrate it, you’ve probably forgotten who else was born on it. Wait, what’s “it” again?
I managed to do something to my left hamstring. That combined with the trainer working on my form (the dreaded butt wink came back when I squat) means I’m squatting and deadlifting baby weights.
He’s been fixing my form in general. My bench press has been going up nicely, though it is embarrassing to bench press more than I’m squatting and deadlifting, though we’ll see what happens when the hamstring heals and my form gets fixed.
He had me drop presses due to shoulder problems. He’s added a lot more back work. No more shoulder pain. Both he and my doctor suspects we’ve headed off an impingement injury.
Awesome job on the bench press; I recently got mine up to what I think is a respectable weight. I’m pretty well satisfied with my legs and lower torso, but my arms and chest look small by comparison. I’ve been doing a lot more kettlebell curls, and I replaced pushups with kettlebell flyes because I think they’re better for chest development. I’ll see how my chest looks in a few months.
US magik is confusing to me
This might help.
Does this help?
Virgo isn’t a sign?
Great minds, YUFUS!
Maybe it’s an airline?
Scorpio deserves to spots it is just better
two goddamnit
We control our own fate and create our own fortune. Because we’re superior.
I’m talking about Virgos.
Hell yes!
Here here! We spawns of New Year’s Eve need to stick together.
Virgo drew the 4 of Wands.
Carry on.
But what does it meeeaaaan!
It means you have to buy us the first round.
But I’m not a virgo! This is some bologna, right here.
Fireball for everyone.
I’ll take it.
I’ll take the prosperity but can I skip with the harmony?
The things:
1. it’s a package deal. You can try to break the harmony (and you will be successful – see Mars in Aries) but it will bite you in the ass (Jupiter in Sagittarius).
2. In the Glib Tarot, The Devil will be replaced with The Hyperbole. If you would like to do the card art for that one, please do so.
I have to say, a Glib Tarot is very intriguing to me.
I find this kind of stuff fascinating, even if I’m not willing to put a lot of mental energy into it.
It will happen. The hardest part is (of course) getting the art done. I used to have someone that I would commission (Akido Al) but she has had a falling out with one of my best friends, so I’m afraid that I’ll be tainted by association. Plus that much art would be spendy.
Ah, yeah…I can see how that would be on both counts: tainted and spendy.
If I had any artistic talent, I would offer, but I squander any artistic inclinations I might have crunching numbers.
I’ll keep an eye out for someone, though
Cool, I’m house sitting in a week, now I’ll have something to do besides
watch porncatch up on my reading. Any guidelines or particular format I should use.The reason why the Rider-Waite deck is so successful is that there is a lot of stuff on each card — the titular figure is doing something, something is happening in the background, there’s details on the furniture, etc. That gives the reader things to notice and to make connections.
As for format, I have no idea. I checked online to find printers to make sure this wouldn’t be cost-prohibitive, but I didn’t pay attention to what the popular formats were.
I’ll check out some decks online, I used to have a set back in high school but it’s long gone and little remembered. Are you thinking full color or B@W, pencil sketchy or more painterly? If you want I can do other cards as well, I haven’t done anything creative outside of my chosen profession for a while.
Definitely color. As for art style, I was planning for a variety since there are so many different factions and huge insurmountable differences between libertarians.
I was only planning on doing the Major Arcana — I’ll grab the list of substitutions, or you can find it here:
No love for The Hermit and Virgo ?
I misread Virgo as Scorpio when typing up the predictions. All
of you peoplethe “M” based symbols look the same.“BREAKING NEWS: Covington Catholic High School lawyers have sent legal letters to The NY Times, Maggie Haberman, Washington Post, CNN, NPR, Savannah Guthrie, Andrea Mitchell, Joy Reid, Chuck Todd, The Hill, The Atlantic, Kathy Griffin & GQMagazine. 7 lawyers are now working on it.”
I’m not even sure what ‘sent letters’ means. But it’s obviously not going to change the behavior of these people. You see, you deplorables don’t get it. These are enlightened heroes who are ushering in the great progtopia which was foretold of by the progprophets of old. So they are just going God’s work. IOW, it’s OK when they do it. Racism is for you knuckle dragging deplorables.
Sent letters basically means “Be on notice we are planning on filing litigation so do not dispose of any documentation relevant to this case as we may be requesting them in discovery”
Capricorn- 6 of swords. Journey by water.
Blah,blah,blah. Am I going to win the superbowl pool, or not?
No. Sorry.
Isn’t Aquarius more likely to have a journey by water?
You figure it out.
Swiss? Where are you?
Pretty sure we all know who will win the Super Bowl: The refs. The refs will win the Superbowl.
EGould, you glorious bastard- you’ve made me a fan of WFMU
Glen Jones and X Ray Burns are pretty entertaining. A little too much New Jersey, but they are silly. Glad you like it.
Sounds like X Ray Burns is not joining the show today.
Im still digging it. Good background music while I stand in the kitchen making (keto) white chicken chili.
And with 2 windows kinda open, too
Refused breathalizer and blood sample. Of course, she’s a judge, she knows to do that. But wait, you don’t refuse the king’s men.
“OVI”? Why do we keep coming up with new terms for DWI?
It used to be called OMVI here back in the day.
DUI DOGAMN IT. It used to be a 502 here, so we’d all call it a duece.
Because it covers other vehicles as well here in Ohio. You can get an OVI and lose your drivers license on a bicycle (but not a unicycle).
Refusing to blow only helps you potentially avoid an aggravated charge if you’re really wasted.
Some people have beat charges. Refusing gives you automatic 6 month suspension though. But can probably get work privileges.
I don’t believe that driving with an arbitrary bac level should be a crime, absent actually evidence of dangerous driving (which might actually be present here.) In this case, she lives by the 7 swords, she can die by the 7 swords for all I care.
I feel ya, but if they’re doing it to her they’re doing it to everyone, and holding people down to get blood is bullshit. Cops wonder why people hate them.
“A field sobriety test showed the judge unable to walk a straight line, hold her balance, recite a portion of the alphabet and count backward.”
Being a judge, she should have known to refuse the field sobriety test as well.
Everything done on the side of the road can be used as evidence against you in your eventual trial and walking a straight line and doing the alphabet is not proof of innocence.
Seriously kids, if you get pulled over for a suspected dwi, even if you aren’t drinking, refuse everything at the road side.
Maybe you blow in the calibrated and thus admissible in court machine back at the police station and maybe you dont. But for god’s sake, dont consent to anything by the roadside.
Been there, “I’ll gladly comply once I have spoken to my council” spent the night, charge later tossed for lack of evidence. The system works.
“Nurses at Ohio Health Pickerington reported that security officers restrained Hawkins while the blood sample was taken.”
I didnt think they could do that?
Depends on the state.
So much for the ol’ Hippocratic Oath.
Meh, it’s optional.
/Kermit Gosnell
Is a Ed Wunkler a Leo?
He definitely seems cool enough to be One of Us.
Gooboo gabba, gooboo gabba….
I have a ’95 Old Cutlass Supreme with a mildly destroyed torque convertor. Who wants to make a trade?!
My first car was a 76 Cutlass Supreme.
Nice. I also had a ’84. Someday I’d like to get another like it as well as a ’69-’72.
My first car that I bought was a ’72 Cutless, custom burgandy metallic paint job and custom mags, 60s in back 70s in front 350 Rocket. My favorite car ever until I bent the frame in 3 places. I also owned a 2-tone ’77 Cutless Supreme later on.
My first car was a 73 Cutlass. My favorite car I’ve owned is a 68 442. Still got a garage full of old Oldsmobile stuff.
Mine too! Olds Cutlass Sierra (’76 I think) it was a tank.
1992 Oldsmobile Achieva. Black.
It ran out of oil after I took Betsy S____ on a date to Taco John’s. Live and learn.
Actually. There are at least three lessons involved in that one sentence. The positive one is that Taco John’s potato oles are among the holiest of holy Crack Foods.
My daily driver junker hooptie car is a 1996 Olds Ciera. She embarrasses me, but I love her.
I moved on to a maroon ’94 Mercury Sable.
$1800 and lasted me almost four years over high school and college. That car was a boat and a piece of shit. But it was MY piece of shit.
I loved it very much.
Wagon or sedan?
V6 sedan. The roof had been all slashed up before I bought it.
Most of my friends were artists and I’d have sharpies on hand and they’d making drawings on the lining–buy the end of its life it was like the ceiling of the Sistine.
“My daily driver junker hooptie car is a 1996 Olds Ciera”
That was my first car. It was from my grandparents and sucked. I was gifted my family’s 16 year old grand caravan when I needed a car again at the tail end of college.
My parents didn’t want my sister using the caravan since nothing locked
“Given how his week is going, there has to be some chance that Northam was the guy who attacked Smollett.”
LOL big time
Some people are so petty.
Also, thanks for finally mentioning Pisces the last few weeks. About damn time.
He almost never mentions Libra. Not Adahn is a bitch.
He has hardly ever mentioned Leo. Me, Tundra and some others. Gooboo, gabba, one of us…
“Their star quarterback, coach, and owner all supported Trump. But that’s not the only thing that makes the Patriots the preferred team of white nationalists”
“WE’RE STILL HERE! WE’RE STILL HERE! Obviously, Brady is referring to his aging, decrepit, cheating-ass squad’s progression to the big game. But, imagine you didn’t know anything about football, or who Tom Brady was, or anything like that. You would think that you were watching some square-jawed grifter throwing red meat to the hogs at an alt-right rally, screaming at the libs who thought Nancy Pelosi and her gender warriors were gonna keep DECENT AMERICAN FOLKS from BEING HERE.”
Sounds like someone has a butthurt before the game even starts.
Dammit, someone is trying to make me cheer for the Patriots.
I don’t want Boston nor LA to win. I probably will just watch the highlight reels tomorrow night. Dont feel like wasting that much time on it.
I love this: Team Nosferatu. [hopefully didn’t screw up the link, what happened to the button for that?]
Lol:) That was great:)
That was a good read. Gawd I hate the Patriots.
Go Pats!
Right?! I’d mildly root for them anyway because East > West but now… GAME ON!
Toooommm Brady!!!
41 degrees!
73 here. It’s like spring.
Nice! We had Sub zero temps last week and 7 inches is snow Thursday night and Friday. It’s turning to slush in our road right now and appears to be melting pretty fast.
-6°F with 6″-12″ of snow scheduled to start falling any minute now.
High of 10, low of -8, and it’s 1 right now with flurries.
Guess we passed the high already. Lol.
35 and foggy. Almost 40yesterday. I was outside most of the day yesterday with no jacket. Amazing what a couple days of -30 does to your perceived comfort. 35 feels like a heat wave.
Oh, for sure. We’ve had a super mild winter so far, especially for Montana. We’ve only gotten down this low maybe once or twice since November. And not much snow at all.
Summers Coming. My job is making my music selection worse.
You’re off to a good start. Icky.
Here’s some aural hygiene to rinse that shit away.
One of the crazy things about living in a northern state, right? The high can be before you even wake up and it just drops all day long.
Another one; and a beautiful, cloudless day almost always means bone chilling cold.
So true. Not a cloud in the sky? Don’t let it fool you in January–that’s likely a frigid fucking day.
Life in a northern state
I knew what that was going to be… and clicked anyway.
It’s a good song.
This is better.
Nick Drake…yeah, Pink Moon was a go-to for me back in the day.
It’s, like, cloudy and stuff in San Diego. I can’t even go out and cut the beautiful roses or pick the ripe oranges from my yard.
Fishing for a narrowed gaze, aren’t you?
I work at the airport and I have to do an o.t. day today. Amazingly, the planes are not too loud. It’s the damn car wash that make a hella racket. No problem today, cause it’s raining, right?
Wrong! Retards are going through the car wash about every half hour. It’s fugging raining, who does that?
11 real degrees here. To much. don’t like it.
So you’re frozen?
11 Kelvin? Do you live on the dark side of the moon?
How many Evans is that?
Can’t fool me. I was born during an Evan, just not the latest one….
There is no dark side of the moon. As a matter of fact, it’s all dark.
Next you’ll tell me Moonlight doesn’t actually come from the moon.
Those who fail to recognize Kelvin as the One True Temperature Scale are automatically rendered incapable of sciencing.
Above freezing here. I would have gone to the gun club but I think I’m fighting a cold.
The NFL sidelines are more fun now than the games.
Someone sent me a text and said there will be male cheerleaders now. Please tell me this isn’t true. What’s next, fat girl cheerleaders?
They’ll be able to cheer from their mobility scooters.
Fat bottom girls.
They don’t really make the rockin’ world go ’round. I checked.
Male Cheerleader.
NPR interviewed the male cheerleaders. The one named “Napoleon” was the most lisping flamingly camp stereotype you could imagine.
Ehh… most professional sports’ cheerleaders aren’t that attractive. Too much makeup and fake porn star look.
I thought NFL cheerleader was the preferred day job of the local strippers
I prefer the college cheerleaders. The women who cheer in college look more like a woman I’d meet in a bar, flirt with, and then get shot down by.
The professional football cheerleaders, while I like looking at them, don’t look like any woman I’d run into.
Legit male cheerleaders are basically there to throw and catch the female cheerleaders. They are legit athletes.
“The Nature of Sex
By Andrew Sullivan
It might be a sign of the end-times, or simply a function of our currently scrambled politics, but earlier this week, four feminist activists — three from a self-described radical feminist organization Women’s Liberation Front — appeared on a panel at the Heritage Foundation. Together they argued that sex was fundamentally biological, and not socially constructed, and that there is a difference between women and trans women that needs to be respected. For this, they were given a rousing round of applause by the Trump supporters, religious-right members, natural law theorists, and conservative intellectuals who comprised much of the crowd. If you think I’ve just discovered an extremely potent strain of weed and am hallucinating, check out the video of the event.”
No that’s not end times. Many feminist have been dogged in not allowing trans women to horn in on their female victimhood status (see TERFs) . It’s just another strain of identity politics. Socially constructed gender weakens their arguments against Teh Patriarchy being inherently evil and they they don’t want that.
I don’t know about stars, but we took delivery of a horse today. Pics will follow.
You can’t perform a donkey show with a horse! It’s too dangerous!
Maybe it’s a just a Shetland.
Wang Dang Sweet Mustang.
Naaayyyyy sayer!
This is Scout, aka The Husband Horse.
Nice looking pony! My 5’ 4”, 115lb wife rides a 16.2, 1200lb warm blood.
I need a big, solid quarterhorse for my fat ass.
Our neighbors used to own trail horses, Tennessee Walkers, etc., so they assumed everyone rode horses that size.
My wife took the neighbors wife to the barn one day so she could take some pictures. The horse was in the cross ties in the breezeway when they walked into the stables. Neighbors wife stopped dead in her tracks and said, “oh, I had no idea he would be that big…”.
You produce some kinky porn. NTTIAWWT.
24” or gtfo.
Where I grew up “horse” meant “quarterhorse.” I had seen a few big ones (Percherons, Clydesdales) but those were “draft horses”
When I moved here and got close to Thoroughbreds for the first time I was a bit amazed.
Warm bloods aren’t as long. Typically taller and more barrel shaped.
That guy looks just like your avatar.
Fun Fact, Juris Imprudent is actually the horse.
Nice going Willllllbuurrrrrr.
Nah, different sunglasses.
? Ha, I just thought that was someone famous I didn’t recognize, like everyone else’s avatar.
My bike is famous. It was in Street Chopper magazine at the start of the latest FXRT fad. Early adopter, I am.
Actually I switched from the Rumpole one after a few others had put up something allegedly more personal. I’m probably due to make another change.
My sign is never mentioned in these 🙁
Pie’s sign.
I believe it. I mean, did you hear the dulcet tones of his voice the other day?
haha. My sign is Rac actually. Never. Mentioned.
It said you’re going to be performing surgery this week.
Pie’s sign
You just want to have some pie.
Lol! I remember that!
The chick on Dinner and a Movie was smokin’.
MY SIGN IS RAC. I had a medallion on a chain with it as a kid.
Also based on CPRM silly website my sign is this
Interesting. Google translate says Rac = Cancer. I’m guessing that rac is specifically used for astrology and not a word for “crab?”
Crab in Romanian is crab. Rac translate as crayfish a mostly freshwater crustacean that is boiled and eaten in Romania. Well the tail is eaten but it is a bitch to get the meat out so more often than not I don’t bother
We call those crawdads in my neck of the woods.
You’re supposed to eat the brains.
I remember that Suthen said that if I ever make it to Louisiana his wife can teach me an easier way to peal the damn tails
Crawdads are yummy as are langostinos
langostinos are glorified shrimp for twice the cost
I look at them as tiny lobster for half the cost:)
Рак (pronounced roughly like English “rock” and, I assume, roughly the same as Romanian “rac”) is the word for “crab” in several Slavic languages, although in Russian it’s only used for crayfish, not crabs. Oh, and in Russian it’s also the word for the disease cancer as well as the astrological sign.
the Romanian word for the disease is cancer
This is fascinating, and explains why sometimes the sign is drawn with a segmented tail.
What is the connection between shellfish and cancer?
Someone thought that the tumors had a crab-like appearance.
well in Romanian cancer only means cancer nothing else. We have raci
Shellfish are known to the State of California to cause cancer.
Ted, you know Romanian isn’t Slavic. I don’t have to tell you that.
Not exactly.
Capital “R” capital “F” Radical Feminism not only believes that gender is a social construct, but it is a social construct that was created by the patriarchy to oppress women. They are gender abolitionists, not gender essentialists. Transfolk embrace that gender is a thing, and that it is a separate thing from outward physicality. Thus they are directly rejecting RadFem.
What about TERFS? do they thing gender is their thing and trans women still have male privilege?
Something along those lines. They’re basically like, we fought the good fight for centuries for women’s rights and now here come this these guys wanting to latch on to all of that.
Tom Woods had a left-feminist on his show who made the good point that allowing biological men into women’s abuse shelters is very bad for women.
Also I’ve read some of the trans women go for women or are bi and the bull lesbians dont like having competition for the fems.
In fact they accuse Trans Women of “raping” lesbians. Lack of agency again.
Yeah, I don’t blame them.
TERFs resent that once again, men are trying to invade their space by claiming they are women. TERFs reject that people with Y chromosomes are women. They reject that a person with a penis can claim oppression as a woman.
I certainly resent it when a transwoman tries to tell me about what it means to be a woman.
I’ts not mansplaining if I put on a dress.
Absolutely. Trans women are advocating for the existence of the concept of woman. TERF is actually being redundant, Radical Feminism by it’s very nature is trans exclusive. From a RadFem viewpoint, transwomen are men, with all the advantages thereto but then go further in solidifying gender — they literally LIVE gender to perpetuate it. RadFems want to eliminate gender.
Some of the infighting. TW: Derp
I have never understood why someone wants to be a member of a club that doesn’t want them.
I think it’s more a battle for victim supremacy.
RadFems are so 1980s. They’re close to irrelevant, which makes them the losers by default.
Trans is the cause célébre.
I see RadFems as old crone hedge witches buried deep in the forest slaving over their cauldrons. NTTAWWT.
When I was in college, I shared an office with the Womyn’s Student Assosciation. I spent my office hours reading Off Our Backs magazine.
For you young’uns, before the internet, people would argue in “letters to the editor” sections. So it would be like you’d post something, then wait a month for people to flame you. OOB’s was amazing.
It was established that
1. Feminism mandated lesbianism.
2. Penis-shaped dildos were patriarchy.
3. Artificial insemination was fine, because women were life-bringers.
The biggest debate when I was there was over whether or not male fetuses should be aborted.
“you’d post something, then wait a month for people to flame you. OOB’s was amazing”
aka the good old days:)
“2. Penis-shaped dildos were patriarchy.”
Seems to be the foreseeable result of trying to gain power by forcing everyone into defined groups instead of treating people as individuals.
Today instead of the super bowl I’m going to be doing the last major practice before a rope performance scheduled for next Sunday. Working out the final details and bugs and making certain our timing is down perfect. Our slot is for 10 minutes. This should be interesting as it will be my first time doing a rope suspension as a performance for an audience.
Good luck with the performance.
Thanks. It’ll be interesting. As long as I don’t drop the bottom on her head it should be fun.
Yes. That would knot be a good result.
Good luck!
Hope she’s not afrayed.
I like how you guys tied your puns to the post. What scares me about rope Bondage is being left there. I’d be stranded.
I hope everyone brings quarters for the jute box.
That pun bights.
It fit within the constraints.
I think I’ll tie one on in support.
Gonna let it all hang out?
There were 10 blondes and 1 brunette hanging on a rope in the mountains. The rope was very weak and the brunette said someone had to let go. Nobody volunteered, until the brunette finally said she would let go, and gave a heart-felt farewell speech. Hearing this the blondes started clapping…
Okay, that got an lol.
Hope things go off without a hitch.
So you’ll be tied up all afternoon?
Careful with that. A lot of first time people do badly with rope suspensions and don’t have a second performance. Something about short drops and sudden stops.
You don’t want your head popping off.
Good luck!
When does the supreplate of yours start? All I understand abut it is that I am supposed to be against the “Patriots” whatever that is
You’re as informed as I am, Pie. Maybe more. I was leaving work on Friday and on the walk out to the vehicles in the parking lot, a coworker asked who I was rooting for.
“That’s this weekend? … Who’s even playing?”
Just please Please, PLEASE have a quarter where both scores end in 0. That’s all.
I am using simple logic:
The Boston Celtics suck
Boston Celtics fans suck
They are based in Boston
The New England Patriots are in the general area of Boston
There must be an overlap between Boston Celtics fans and New England Patriots fans
As such New England Patriots fans suck
As such New England Patriots suck
But Boston is amazing.
If you are talking about the band, thank goodness that link is broke.
I thought about fixing that, but then thought “meh, everyone hates Boston anyway.”
*cranks up “Third Stage”*
Guilty pleasure…
Just another band out of boston.
Nice, blackjack.
Just ANOTHER band out of Boston:
“everyone hates Boston anyway”
Only because it’s full of Massholians.
OK. I’ll link an obvious one
I didn’t know they were from Boston. Then again, I never liked them.
Does Springfield count as Boston?
Another obvious one.
+2 Phoebe Cates
Let’s amp this up a bit. A hard rock Boston band
I do not care. What I care about is the no-call in the Rams v Saints game and the predetermined offsides call in the Chiefs v Patriots game. I have nothing against either Rams or Patriots, but you know who’s going to win this game? The refs. The refs are going to win this game.
I wanted the Chiefs to make it. But given this will be the first superbowl in 2 years where I won’t be at work I’m going to get drunk and have some chicken wings. (I’d probably do that if there was no game though)
There’s a lot of this going on in soccer lately too. The refs are getting all the attention. The combination in a lot of pro sports of the money being so ridiculous, the rules so subjective, and the technology to analyze every second to death so ubiquitous makes this inevitable, I think.
I gave up on real football long ago partly because of referring there was not one damn game without controversy
They show the NFL in Romania?
Ah. You said “real football” and I just assumed…
I think Pie is trying to falsly claim Euro-stuff to be real rather than Euro variants.
Clearly a rugby fan.
However long ago that was, it’s gotten way worse lately.
Just ask anyone who has to play against Real Madrid in the CL.
The Rams defender on that play was obviously coached by STEVE SMITH. STEVE SMITH TACKLE AND BY TACKLE MEAN…
is it not kinda silly no name your team for sheep? were there no badass animals left?
You mean it’s not named for the weapon?
Yeah, they could have been the Staghorns. Better yet, the Badass Atomic Staghorn Shitlords. I’d even make them my fav team if that was their name. Their mascot would be a drunken Staghorn who went around grabbing pussies.
The original name of the Los Alamos (“Birthplace of the Atomic Bomb”) High School sports teams was “The Atomic City Bombers”
Wish they would have kept it.
“predetermined offsides call”
The one on the interception? I’m a Chiefs fan, but it looked he was in the neutral zone.
I might be stretching it a bit, but my understanding is the line refs give a courtesy signal, which he was looking for and didn’t get, and the ref’s hand was already on the flag before the snap.
So, okay, I’m bitter, but it was fishy.
Huh, I didn’t hear about the courtesy signal. I’d thought he didn’t even look for it. As to the hand on the flag, meh, if the ref sees someone lined up wrong, he’s going to be ready.
Basically, it was a dumb play, but what killed them (IMO) was the lack of offense in the first half.
I don’t disagree. And our suck defense.
I did hear someone say that the way to beat Mahomes is to keep him off the field.
That was not the worst call – the phantom roughing the passer when the DE made Brady blink by throwing a hand in front of his face, BUT NOT TOUCHING HIM IN THE SLIGHTEST. I hate the absolute protection of quarterbacks and it has been stupid beyond all measure this whole season.
The results do not appear to bear out.
You can judge an entire week already?
*writes macro to scrub UnCiv’s data*
*permission denied*
You think I’d let you tamper with my results so readily?
Rejecting anomalous results has been a part of Science ever since Pythagoras denied the irrationality of the square root of two.
Deleting data is still inappropriate. You need to come up with a convincing and sufficient amount of counter-data.
The fact that my data points refute the predictions from your model actually make them the more relevent.
Yeah, someone told that to Pythagoras. He got stabbed to death.
thus proving that at least the Greeks were Irrational.
But they made a helluva pi.
Which was more than tangentially related to sin
The Pythagoreans were the most boring cult ever. “Hey, let’s sit around doing math and not eating meat!” They were however, quite murderous. Their preferred tactic was to approach their target with a money-making opportunity and then when they were away from witnesses to stab the victim to death.
Which is why we now have the saying “Beware of Geeks bearing grifts.”
I don’t have a dog in the hunt but everyone is rooting against the Patriots, so the only Libertarian thing to do is root for them.
I kind of want to root for the Rams, but then I remember they’re from California and … GO PATRIOTS!!!
I’m from St. Louis, and since that’s where the Rams last won a SB, I’m kind of rooting for them. But the Patriots have the name and the MAGA going for them. I’m conflicted. Mostly just hoping for a close game and no bad calls from the refs.
It’s strawberry season here in Florida. I went out to Plant City (winter strawberry capital of the world, or so they call themselves) and picked up about 15 pounds worth of berries. So today I’m sweating my @$$ off in the kitchen cooking up vast quantities of strawberry jam. I usually make our jams once a year, and we store them in the pantry, eating a good bit and giving the rest away to house guests.
So far I’ve got a dozen 12 oz jars and about 10 4 oz jars. And I’m only halfway through the berries. Guess we’ll either have to convince people to come visit us or I’m going to be baking a ton of bread this year…
Was that an invitation?
I made blueberry syrup this morning to go with french toast. Man was that good.
My wife makes what she calls “murder sauce” – a mixture of raspberries and blackberries that looks exactly like a bottle of blood. We always have that in the fridge to put on pancakes, crepes, and cheesecakes.
There is a reason I’m fat and happy…
We typically get about 20lbs of plums off our tree every July, and they all come at once. That’s 60 half pints of jam.
What a lazy tree. An average year for us is 220-240 mangoes at about a pound apiece. We also get around 700 apple bananas a year (Luckily spread throughout the year.) We eat some, use others for alcoholic beverages, bake with some, peel and freeze bags and bags. I also give away some to fellow sailors and co-workers.
If the entire mango decides to fruit this year I am not sure what I’ll do. Normally only a quarter of the tree fruits.
I did learn that it is considered bad luck to bring bananas on a boat.
This is an old plum tree. The trunk is 20” in diameter. The yields are going down every year.
I have never understood the appeal of (FRUIT!) melons.
Nothing about any of them appeal to me. Slightly flavored sugar water, at best.
My sister has pear trees in the backyard. They all ripen in about two weeks. My mother and my sister-in-law go to help can,bake, freeze, make jam and pear butter. They call it ‘Pear Fest’.
TERFs resent that once again, men are trying to invade their space by claiming they are women. TERFs reject that people with Y chromosomes are women. They reject that a person with a penis can claim oppression as a woman.
It’s all so confusing. It wears me out.
If gender self-selection isn’t about sex, why engage in surgical mutilation? If a girl feels like a boy, and wants to do boy stuff, is it really necessary to hack off her boobs before she can ride a dirt bike? Similarly, can’t a boy who wants to do girl stuff just become a fashion designer without getting bobbetjobbed?
Don’t try to make sense of it. It doesn’t and it probably never will. All you need to know is that they are oppressed victims and this is their revolution. Cede all power to them because we’re privileged and they’re not.
“If gender self-selection isn’t about sex, why engage in surgical mutilation?”
You expect some kind of logical consistency out of those people? Look, it isnt confusing. They are nucking futs. I mean howl at the moon crazy. Don’t try to figure any of it out because none of it makes any sense. It is all gibberish. Crazy doesnt have a preferred gender. Some males are crazy enough to think they are female and vice versa. You may notice that there are many other aspects of reality that those people cant recognize or acknowledge.
A very small percentage of people are genetically screwy and their gender is ambiguous. The people born that way dont choose to be the way they are and for them I truly do have sympathy. There is a much greater percentage of those unfortunates that are actually sane. The ‘I identify as a squirrel/opposite gender/inanimate object’ crowd is bug fuck crazy and not worth engaging with.
More sage advice from Suthen.
Your insistence that they are crazy identifies you as a patriarchal cis-shitlord. Or sane human being… might be the same thing.
I need a t-shirt that says “Proud patriarchal cis-shitlord” to go with my MAGA hat.
“A very small percentage of people are genetically screwy and their gender is ambiguous. The people born that way don’t choose to be the way they are and for them I truly do have sympathy.”
Thats a great point. I’ve always wondered why nobody likes to bring up hermaphrodites in the whole Trans culture war thing. Hermaphrodites, of all people, have a legitimate grievance. No only did they get the short end of the stick genetically, many of them are “assigned” a sex at birth by the parents and doctors. I’ve read horror stories of sex reassignment surgery on infants whom were born hemaphrodidic (sp?) that default made them a woman because the parents and doctors agreed that it would be best, only it wasn’t best because that person always ‘felt’ male. Thats a genuine, tragic, biological issue. I’m much less sympathetic to the person who is physiologically confused who insists the world change to indulge their psychosis.
*psychologically confused* …..damn you, MacBook
A person with a penis is a man. A person with a vagina is a woman. That’s what’s up. That’s what those words mean. Now, if someone is born a man and “feels” like a woman, there’s certainly a legitimate debate as to whether or not that is a mental illness or just a thing that happens, and whether if it’s the former the best “treatment” is transitioning via surgery and hormone treatments or therapy, but you are what you are when you’re born.
I have absolutely no problem with transgender people. What adults do is there own business so long as they’re not hurting anyone else. I’m perfectly happy to refer to someone as the gender of their preference. But there’s kind of a tacit deal there. If you’re a man and want to be a woman, and you put in the work so to speak, I am perfectly willing to call you “she” and “her” and consider you for all intents and purposes a woman. If for some reason the cat is let out of the bag, if you’ll pardon the phrase, the issue of your gender will go into that big box of harmless fibs that everyone has, alongside such hits as not telling the truth when someone asks you if they look fat. But just like the fat person who carries the deception too far and gets embarrassed and angry as they wear something unflattering and draw negative attention, that’s a contract that only works so long as the other party doesn’t force the fibber to act as if it’s really true. If you identify as a surgeon I’m willing to pretend you’re a surgeon right up to the point where you want to do open heart surgery on me.
And yeah, I can’t help but wonder how much of this stuff is complicated by boys wanting to do traditionally feminine things somehow having the impression that they have to identify as women to do them, and vice versa.
It’s really quite simple
So today I’m sweating my @$$ off in the kitchen cooking up vast quantities of strawberry jam.
My grandmother made extraordinary strawberry jam. Not too sweet, big chunks of fruit…
*drifts off*
I usually use about half the amount of sugar the recipe calls for. Wife and I disagree about the quantity/size of chunks in the jam (I’m in favor of lots of big chunks, she likes it more like a jelly). I try to find a happy medium.
I loved going over to visit my aunt when she was in her old house. She had a huge scuppernong vine in the yard, and we would make jelly and wine from it. Better than any grape jelly you can find in the store…
My 90-year old grandmother still makes many quarts of strawberry jam every year and gives jars to all the grandkids as Christmas presents. I can probably count on one-hand how many PB&J sandwiches I eat every year so I have quite the back log. I wonder what the shelf life it. I know very soon that incredibly sweet yearly gift will be gone forever. I ought to try to set some aside for a trip down memory lane years from now if it will keep….
Gravity doesn’t care if you believe in it or not.
Same for the Patriots.
The Patriots do lose more often than gravity does.
Otoh, gravity follows the law.
Clearly a rugby fan.
Sevens, FTW!
Awright. How many of you Glib miscreants are fellow Aries? I feel like I’m a little alone here.
Not I, sorry.
Rhywun for sure. Riven’s sitting on the fence. I think another couple of folks.
Hey, do you have any experience in getting footnotes into ebooks? I’m facing the prospect of doing so in the near future.
Yes, but you have to make them endnotes, either at the end of the chapter or end of the book. No pages in ebooks, no footnotes, but it doesn’t matter if they’re clickable.
Do you have a preferred method?
Manual bookmarks and hyperlinks in Word, convert DOC to HTML, clean up HTML, and continue with preferred ebook-making tools. I use Sigil to make EPUB, then use a plugin to generate MOBI.
Thank you for answering the questions.
I’m not thinking clearly, because I should have remembered our base workflows are very different.
(Dammit I spent the $700 on InDesign and wrote it off on my taxes as a business expense that year. I’m going to use it. To be fair, it does make both the ebook and print on demand pdf from a single file fairly well. I should look up footnote tutorials for it.)
11 years ago, I built my business on the lack of InDesign support for EPUB. It was slow in coming.
At the same time, Smashwords was ramping up. They only took Word files, nobody set type in Word but me, and suddenly everybody needed a Word DOC to publish ebooks through Smashwords.
I don’t accept InDesign files, but I do accept RTFs and PDFs and backward engineer them. Lastly, I have fixed many an InDesign-generated EPUB file that wouldn’t pass epubcheck.
I’ve never used EPUB, since I still go through Amazon’s Kindle select program. (It doesn’t help that I’ve never had a good experience trying to read EPUBs)
Rather than keep to the theoretical, I decided to just see what I can do in-software. So far InDesign has imported the footnotes just fine. Once I’ve built a simple book I’ll see how well it exports.
In case anyone is interested, I ran my test with footnotes in InDesign.
As my workflow, I build the file to be formatted on screen best for the print on demand PDF. So the footnotes appeared as footnotes at the bottom of the page.
Exported as .mobi, they came out as end notes at the end of the chapter, just becore the next header tagged for the table of contents. This was automatic, and I didn’t have to fuss around with it.
If you only sell through Kindle, then that seems ideal. Are they clickable?
I format for Smashwords, iBooks, and Kindle.
They were clickable in the Kindle for PC app I viewed it in.
Rhywun? That would explain some of our unexpected alignments.
I had a professional “360” workup done recently. Found out that my boss thinks I’m the bees’ knees, but my peers and direct reports think I am a bit painfully straightforward.
Imma keep telling the truth. It works for me.
Work is not a charity, and I’m not your mom.
Imma keep telling the truth. It works for me.
Work is not a charity, and I’m not your mom
I wish my boss was a bit more like that. Tell me what you want, when you want it, and how I screwed it up. I’ll take care of the rest.
Instead he hems and haws and sugar coats everything, resulting in constant miscommunication.
Ha! Yeah, poor communication is my company’s number one problem. People either don’t say what needs to be said, or they fib just to get out of a meeting unscathed, or they flat lie. I tell the truth, and do it nicely and always backed up by facts and preferably with a suggested path forward to fixing something. But man, that really chaps some hides.
I want the feedback, yet it still comes from sideways channels at times.
I am ruthlessly paring down my team to functional humans. I highly recommend Bob Sutton’s book “The No Asshole Rule”.
I don’t have to worry about assholes because they get quickly promoted to the top of the organization where I am not.
I don’t take too kindly to flattery myself. The way to make me feel the worst about the work I’ve done is be over complementary about it.
My issue is a combo of him being too nice and him not knowing what the hell I’m doing on a regular basis because he’s overworked. You can’t thrust me into a job that I’m 5 or 6 years too junior for and just tell me to sink or swim of my own accord. I have no clue if I’m doing anything right unless I constantly bug the senior attorneys.
“he hems and haws and sugar coats everything, resulting in constant miscommunication.”
Tell him to quit. Nothing good comes from lying. It is always better that everyone knows where everyone else stands. Leave the personal crap out of work.
We are stubborn and headstrong. I would think 75% of us would be Aries.
Nope. Notoriously horny scorpio here.
I remember a pithy description of star signs in the 80s said Scorpios have a magnetic personality and attract many friends and iron filings.
Would you like to see me lose my temper?
Sure, go for it!
Do I need to poke you with a stick to get it going? 🙂
My brother’s wife whisperingly asked me back when I was 15-16 and getting told by Kodak that they didn’t have the poster ready for my sister’s birthday, “Do you want me to make a scene?”
She could just switch it on and off at will. A Capricorn.
I have a much longer fuse than when I was younger, but when I go off it can still be volcanic. Hitler & Mussolini (both fellow Aries) got nothing on me.
That’s…not reassuring.
It’s why I’ve avoided a career in politics.
Never really believed in astrology. BUT
My crazy Aunt Judy was a true believer and told me at 13 that I would have multiple marriages and pretty much the crazy career path that I’ve had.
My current husband is a Capricorn.
My previous husband is a Capricorn.
My lover along the way was a Capricorn.
First and current wife are Capricorn, and despite their many differences, they are both fiercely loyal.
Capricorn is far and away the best of Xan Griffin’s Zodiac series.
I’m a quadruple Capricorn. The chart people freak out because of it.
Ugh. Hit enter too soon.
My ex-colleague and good pal who has unrequited love for me is a Capricorn.
My current Right-Hand-Man at work is a Capricorn.
I think it’s a pattern. Maybe I have a type. It’s not just confirmation bias–the only dudes I’ve been intimate with in the past 20 years are Capricorns and I didn’t know it until afterwards.
Is Aries/Capricorn a thing?
LOL, apparently. I remember some bit talking about the pairing and it said “invest in heavy duty bedsprings”.
True, that. Mr Splosives and I literally sawed through the bedframe as the side slats worked their way through the headboard.
It’s worth all the verbal sparring we go through at times.
Damn, that would be handy. Instead, it just comes without warning.
Yeah, I’ve been known to lose it at times.
Just get ‘er done and clean up the mess afterwards.
I am a fellow Aries. Head bump.
*headbutts back*
My “Big Game (TM)” plans are to go to the local Moose lodge (long story, but I am now a “Woman of the Moose” and the Mr H is a full member of the Fraternal Order of the Moose) and participate in the Chili cook-off and game watching.
I care not for St Louis/LA Rams or Patriots, so I plan to wear my Russian national hockey team Artem Anisimov jersey. Could be fun.
Go Sports!
Well, I typed “antler woman” into DuckDuckGo, hoping for photos of the old carnie freak show women with horns. Instead, there were a bunch of naked chicks covering their tits with antlers. Rule 34 looms large.
Kudos to TCM for leaving the word dyke in “The Way We Were”
I’m guessing the Queen can handle herself, it’s her offspring that will shit their pants. Funny how they expect riots if the left loses.
Friend had this on FB, my reaction was how many heads, north and south would be exploding.
“Due to “fair balance” in the Irish broadcasting laws, the format of the Queens addresses will alter slightly and will now include Irish rebel songs being played in the background of each speech, including ‘A Nation Once Again’, ‘Come Out You Black And Tans’, ‘Rifles Of The I.R.A’ and the classic ‘Give Ireland Back to the Irish’.”
LOL. I hope this is true.
Went to Slattery’s in 1998, in Dublin. Only song I remember was a harsh i.r.a. song that went:
” You dare to call me a terrorist
As you stare down the barrel of your guns”
Those guys don’t mess around with their rebel songs.
” You dare to call me a terrorist
As [I] stare down the barrel of your guns”
Randy Weaver, Lavoy Finicum and a bunch of Branch Davidians would like a word.
They just had riots a few years back. I would think evacuating the queen would only make things worse, if they can get worse.
Morons brainwashed their country into useful idiots. Useful idiots cannot be satisfied. Now they are scared of the hordes of rabid idiots.
How did those dunces think that would turn out?
I have watched people smarter than everyone else royally fuck things up all of my life.
*there is a reason the word ‘royally’ is in the expression ‘royally fuck things up’.
The queen won’t evacuate, she’ll kick ass:
Elizabeth during the Second World War
It’s snowing, and I don’t feel like leaving the Fortress of Solitude. I guess I’ll just stay right here and watch the footsball game (if I don’t fall asleep).
Made some apple walnut muffins today. Just took them out of the oven and they smell fantastic.
Lucky you.
Since the weather turned balmy, I dragged the Traeger out and oh, hmm, the ribs should be done just about now.
Ribs sound really good. I’m being super lazy today. Grilling pork chops and baking frozen tator tots. It’ll work though.
They do, I’m using up some chicken sausage with green beans stewed with onions and tomatoes. Smells good, but ribs would be better.
Fresh ground nutmeg is the secret ingredient. Don’t tell anyone. ?
-0 degrees with a 20 mph wind and the snow is falling (well, passing by anyway). First batch of chocolate-chip cookies just out of the oven.
Good plan. Warm up the house, and treat yourself!
It warmed up to 65F here today. I went from having to warm my car up 20 minutes before leaving work on Friday to sitting on the porch in a T-shirt. While I’d still prefer to live in a place where winter is winter, Appalachia does occasionally have its pleasantries.
Warm enough, but torrential rain here in socal.
Loving the rain. It’s nice. Snuggling on the sofa with the wife. Pajamas. Rain outside. About to start a pot roast. Super Bowl coming up.
I met a Brazilian dude that claimed the best time to get lucky in a bar was if it was raining. My own experience hasn’t born this out but I’ve never been much of a PUA.
*at a bar… a bar…..whatever, you meant what I knew*
Socal Glib meet-up needs to happen!
I just braved the rain so I could pick fruit and trim roses. Still feeling cold and damp.
*waves to relocated friend*
I’m in.
Out of no where I just decided I wanted shrimp dip tonight. Local store only had canned tiny shrimp. Meh, I’ll be drunk so it’ll taste good.
Shrimping? And worried about size? The jokes, they write themselves.
We toe the line on this site, Mister.
I’m not your Mister…
Aw fuck it.
*storms out*
I believe we “tow the lion” ’round here.
On this site, it’s “tow the lion”
I need to refresh more often.
Not the worst choice for an impromptu dip. Chop them med, add diced chopped onion, mayo, cheese optional. Cayenne, Old Bay, Zatarain’s, etc to taste.
Not even frozen shrimp? Then again most frozen shrimp is farmed in Asia.
Tell me more about the Hottie at the Party.
You stumble through an introduction, spill your drink on her, and she leaves with someone else.
/Libertarian PUA FTW
It’s believable.
Sounds like Rosie:
The sky is (not) falling!
With the outlook for winter so dim, it is surprising, shocking even, that the ski industry and the alpine 1 percent it serves have not led the charge to slow climate change — if not to keep the climate safe for their progeny, then at least to save the snow outside their resorts and chalets. Instead, they have largely kept silent or, at most, pursued anemic, low-impact “sustainability” and “awareness” campaigns that give the appearance of advocacy but have done little to accomplish what the winter sports world, and the world at large, needs: rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
So with experts urging fast action to avoid serious consequences from climate change, where is the snow lobby?
“We take a highroad, proactive approach and not a divisive approach when we work with members of Congress, and we’re going to continue to do that,” said Geraldine Link, the association’s director of public policy. “We don’t use ‘doom and gloom’ or ‘sky is falling’ messaging.”
Ski resorts have no problem pushing for policies to help them adapt to warmer winters, throwing their weight behind legislation to protect water rights (for snow-making) and to keep a portion of ski area permit fees to remain in the national forest where the resorts operate. They’ve also developed warm-weather resort activities like mountain biking, zip lines, ropes courses, mountain coasters and music festivals.
“The counterargument we often get as to why there has not been meaningful activism is that ‘the industry is thriving; we’re going to adapt; we’re more efficient making snow; we are diversifying our revenue stream,’” Mr. Molina said. “And to me that just sounds like multiple forms of denial that I’ve heard in other industries — where they say, ‘Yes, climate change is bad, but we’re going to be O.K.’ And the reality is that we’re not.”
We just need wind-powered chairlifts.
Maybe those ski area executives busily adapting and finding new year round revenue streams are smarter than you, Mister Chicken Little.
What a dope.
So they are finding free market solutions to ensure they remain fiscally viable rather than clamoring for the government to regulate them out of existence? Why I’ll be….
Oh fuck off, bigots. This is rich coming from the fucking NYT – the paper of the elite.
What are you talking about? NYT reporters like Sarah Maslin Nir totally have their finger on the pulse of working-class America.
Why go skiing when you can sit around getting high on your own farts?
I have it on good authority that snow is already a thing of the past.
I hope ours lasts until next weekend so I can drag my kid up to mess around in it some.
Hickok45 on the CZ Scorpion EVO 3
Yeah, those are pretty badass.
Reviews all over the place are enthusiastic.
I ? mine.
And for a few bills more, you can have a bullpup chassis for it.
Hmmmm…..I want. I just bought a Diamond Back DB9RB last year so it would be somewhat redundant but still…..
Yeah,I have a .45 UZI Carbine already. It’s pretty heavy though and no rails.
Pretty good Quillette article on Northam.
Why Does Ralph Northam Deserve No Mercy?
Because he’s more convenient to the left as a sacrificial lamb than he is a governor.
Makes an interesting point about how much the social justice Taliban is a product of elite privilege. I’ll also say that, besides the hypocrisy displayed by this guy killing his opponent over alleged racism, it’s hard for me to take these accusations seriously when these same voices aren’t loudly and publicly calling for the same treatment of people like the rabidly racist NYT reporter (is she an editor now? I’ve lost track…) who has recently said horrible things about white people. They’re also awfully quiet when Linda Sarsour drops some gems, or Louis Farrakhan, or, well, you get the idea.
Or when you mention that Democrat Robert Byrd founded a KKK chapter in his hometown.
When it’s one of their people, it’s “forgive and forget, move on, he apologized,” etc. But when it’s a non-Democrat, they fire up the lynch mob again.
I don’t think it’s rational to pummel people over stupid and offensive things that they did in their younger years. We shouldn’t expect people to be perfect from the day they’re born, and we should realize that people can change their ways.
But at the same time, I’m don’t think anyone should be defending Northam. This is something that he has promoted, and it’s a bit of poetic justice for him to get the same treatment. He’s getting thrashed by a beast that he helped create. Fuck him. I’m not going to join the mob, but I’m not going to defend him either.
Pretty much. He really should have just said nothing more after “Meh, sorry.” Turning around and claiming it wasn’t him was just fucking stupid. And then “but I did do a blackface Michael Jackson that year”… I can’t even. He deserves to be forced out of office just for being so monumentally stupid.
“He deserves to be forced out of office just for being so monumentally stupid.”
Hard to find elected officials this doesn’t apply to.
I said something similar about the wino judge being hoisted on her own Petar, but I really don’t feel that way. It’s off putting to see the red team try to pretend to take the high road and get pummeled time and again by the program who make no such pretensions. It’s like a bar fight, eventually you gotta ignore the rules or you’ll keep losing.
So they are finding free market solutions to ensure they remain fiscally viable rather than clamoring for the government to regulate them out of existence? Why I’ll be….
Later, he starts talking about concrete practical changes being made, but apparently, those ski companies just aren’t political enough. They don’t hate the right people.
If progressivism has taught us anything in the last couple years, it’s that it’s entirely predicated on hating the correct people.
In the event your funk levels are low or depleted, this should help.
From the sidebar, this is another good one
The Honest Outlaw took advantage of the cold snap to determine if guns work at -40
I remember reading accounts from “Frozen Chosin” in the Korean War where the oil in the Marines’ guns froze, and the guys resorted to urinating on them to temporarily unfreeze them.
Cold weather infantry. There was a different lube for real cold temps. It looked more like hand cream than oil.
Damn. Gladys still has a set of pipes.
Jeez I figured the pomp was going to happen at 6:30, with three and a half freakin’ hours to play with.
Yeah, she sounded great.
Omegang GOT Imperial Stout is tasty. Not heavy and well balanced.
Their “Valar Morgulis” was perhaps my favorite American beer of all time.
I don’t normally buy “gimmick” booze but I think I’ve missed something.
Same. But Ommegang is good enough to make it work.
They really are great. I don’t drink it too often because cheaper beer tastes like shit afterwards.
Oh man, three more hours of SJW commercials. Fuck me.
We’ll all be woke by the end of the game.
I loved John Malkovich though.
Yeah. .. apparently Reagan enslaved all women in America?
Yeah, that was a subtle bludgeon to the head. “Morning in America” hurr durr…
Purposely not watching the game. Whose commercial are we talking about?
Ad for the new season of Handmaid’s Tale: Horrors from Present-Day America.
It puts the lotion where the welfare check used to be….muahhahaha!
I’m listening on the radio.
I’m a Patriots guy and that call sucked. That rule is crap.
I logged on to say that the refs are already hard at work.
Whatever keeps both teams from scoring in the first quarter.
This call made a score much more likely, imo.
I got no TV. I’m at work for another 15 min. Then driving for 30.
They need to fix that rule so that facemask to facemask contact (as often happens in a proper tackle) is exempted.
It’s one thing to spear a guy in helmet. It’s completely different to have incidental facemask contact like that tackle.
The penalty was for tackling the guy too soon after the catch.
It was for hitting him in the head too soon after the catch.
I see similar hits all the time(out even before the catch) rarely gets called.
Yeah, I don’t hate the Pats, but that was a bullshit call. It’s football, gotta be able to tackle someone, or make it touch football.
Oh, ffs. “Social Justice tour”.
So far, it looks like most the advertisers got the message that SJW bullshit is a loser, but the NFL missed the memo
Minute 51 to payday.
Looking good.