Greetings sports fans! Are you actually here, away from the festivities of a well known sporting event?

There are two kinds of posts, my friend. Those that have links, and those that do not. You have links.
Whatever the reason you are here and not watching. Whether you are pulling for Tom Brady to lose his spleen, or counting down the seconds until you get to hear the wailing of LA sports fans after yet another purchased team loses to another team from Boston…or waiting on a comic book villain to level the field and hold the city of Atlanta hostage (that’s just me personally).
Then there are the number of you that are uninterested in sports, so we have some links for you. Sort of.
For the sports fans… Trump doesn’t want his son playing football. Which is fine, I don’t want my kids playing it either and lets face it, Baron strikes me as a weenie.
For you tweakers…In San Francisco, drug addicts outnumber high school students. Which in fairness, you might be able to say that about a lot of cities.
For you seasteaders…there is a cask of whiskey floating in the Indian Ocean…get it before this guy.
For the nerdz….THERMITE COCKTAIL!!!!
For the conspiracy theorists…. “Anonymous” “donor” pays to “destroy” “evidence” of the Las Vegas “shooting.”
AND THE KICK (Gostkowski) IS NO GOOD!!
Suck it, Pats. Where’s Vinatieri when you need him?
Last I checked, watching the game in his La-Z-Boy.
Social Signal Bowl LIII
Greetings sports fans! Are you actually here, away from the festivities of a well known sporting event?
What sporting event?
There’ was a few EPL games this morning.
Both Manchester and therefore I didn’t watch.
Speaking of EPL, they found the light aircraft that crashed last week:
Australia vs. Sri Lanka, 2nd test, day 4, Canberra.
Update: Sri Lanka 53/2 chasing 516.
The one that just paid me 150.00 on a 10 dollar bet, but then jacked me out of another 300 by a measly 3 points. Damn meddling kids.
Oh, is it time for the Hyper Bowl?
I’ve ignored the last 17 or so, guess I’ll keep the streak alive.
Wife and I saw Savoy Brown on Hyper Bowl Sunday 2002. There were like 8 people in the audience. I was able to get Kim Simmons to sign my CDs.
I’m watching The Simpson’s and drinking bourbon. ??
RE: the cask of whisky
Quite some time ago there was an ad campaign for Canadian Club where they hid a case of whiskey and gave cryptic clues in the advertisements. Always wondered if those were ever found.
Some yes, some no:
Thanks for the reply.
How good is the whisk(e)y after this long?
Well, it’s Canadian Club. So, not very good.
It stings, but it’s true
Uffda. How did that go yesterday?
Oh, yeah. [sigh]
I’m angry about Ted’s lack of punctuation.
Some of us can do both.
As I said in the last thread, I’m listening on the radio.
And I hate hate hate the Ford truck offensive line radio spots.
+1 multitasking.
Pot roast on and simmering. Bourbon in hand and sipping.
Shouldn’t you drink the bourbon out of a glass instead of your hand? Or at least swig it straight from the bottle?
Don’t be fatuous, Ted.
Rock on. ?
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: ‘No middle ground anymore’
Bow before the queen!
OMG make it happen!
Just more proof we live in the best timeline.
“May you live in interesting times”
She’ll be about to spend my retirement savings sooo much better than I could – forward comarades!
“Moore said the age requirement to run for president – 35 – should be constitutionally amended so that Ocasio-Cortez could make a play for the White House.”
Pretty sure that’s a dictator’s move.
Get rid of the native born requirement at the same time so some Dreamer can be president.
SuperBowl wishes—-Rooting for a good game. That is all.
Toasted bread with olive oil and goat cheese.
Salsa verde and tortilla chips.
Crab cake + oysters Rockefeller.
Bottlecaps for dessert.
Evan is stupid, but happy.
OMG those were great.
Those were my fave.
Hell. Yes.
I have not stopped eating candy since I came back a week ago.
This was another confection to strike off my list.
Welcome back to the good ol’ US of A.
Welcome back, Evan!
Sounds delicious.
We’re doing
crab cakes a la mer(not bad considering we’re in Kansas)
Bacon jalapeno dip
Steak of our choosing
Quite a defensive grind so far!
Nice sounding spread you have there. We are at the Moose lodge and helped judged the chili contest and are now about to snarf hot dogs and burgers.
California Moose lodge is a leftist-free zone, it turns out. Life is good.
I had Koren BBQ pork ribs, brie, buffalo chicken dip.
*Squints gaze*
Nice spread.
Scallops with bacon and corn here.
“Bud Light: Brewed with No Corn Syrup”
“Now with 50% less formaldehyde.”
100% pure piss.
Bud Light is brewed with no hobo piss. Absolutely none, And when I say none, I mean there is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit.
Rad-i-ation. Yes, indeed. You hear the most outrageous lies about it. Half-baked goggle-box do-gooders telling everybody it’s bad for you. Pernicious nonsense! Everybody could stand a hundred chest X-rays a year! They oughta have ’em, too
I’d rather live on my knees than die on my feet!
Is there any beer brewed with corn syrup?
Thanks for the writing prompt.
Yes, it’s used as filler for cheap crappy beers. I think Bud uses rice syrup, which is slightly less terrible.
I never would have known. Fascinating.
I’ve used corn sugar in mine for bottle carbonation. Sugar is sugar. However, I’m guessing they’re using it in lieu of malted barley.
That’s exactly what they’re using it for. And one of a number of reasons why it’s such shitty beer.
Old English 800 sure tasted like it.
Yeah, I think it’s a primary ingredient in most malt liquors.
+1 Seis fria cervezas del burro, por favor? (Schlitz malt liqour ” watch out for the bull!”)
I was wondering that after the mead article.
“If a nickel could urinate”
Bud Light: Now made with dragon piss!
One of the commercials said Coors (Light?) is brewed with corn syrup. Say what? News You Can Use™.
Hyundai and Audi win the commercials so far.
I thought that Turkish airline one was good. Thought it was an ad for a movie. Also made me afraid they’d kidnap me.
I didn’t get it, but I was only half watching.
I thought the same thing.
Not watching it. Checking gamecast occasionally.
This thread is my game cast. Figure if anything good happens, someone will tell us.
Tom Brady is out with menstrual cramps.
I need a woman that will wants some of my chunky style milk…
You might want to get that checked out.
Pot roast on for another 1.5 hours. Then strain out carrots, celery, onions, garlic, tomatoes, bayleaf. Return beef to the strained braising liquid. Add some parmesan cheese and a bunch of fresh chopped basil. Served over rice lightly fried in butter, with fresh chopped parsley and capers, and finished with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Might throw some olives on the side. And pickled radishes.
Chile Verde is done and awesome.
I’m already bored with the game.
I freaking love chili verde. I’m bored with the game, too.
My entire house smells like chili verde.
I have a bag of salsa Verde Doritos… Close enough.
Fun fact: tomatillos are the fruit of part of the nightshade family of plants, including tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and tobacco. Tom Brady doe not eat food from the nightshade family of plants.
His loss.
I have a sister that doesn’t eat nightshades either. She went to a dietitian that had her cut them out to reduce inflammation. It worked.
Hmm. I have cut most cheese because of inflammation (and it has helped), but it would be really hard to give up nightshades. I love tomatoes and peppers.
Let me guess what it will smell like later.
Like roses on a warm summer day.
OMG that sounds good even though I’ve already eaten.
How do you not go for fg there?
Goff should learn to get rid of it.
If I were a stat person, and sober, I’d try to figure out Brady’s completion percentage after a three Mississippi count, I think it’s below 10 percent.
There once was a QB from Mississippi whose completion percentage to the other team was probably around 10.
And the purple girls fought tooth and nail to get him after he was old a decrepit, and then god mad when he did to them what we did to us. It was a laugh riot.
Yep. Glad I’m not a Vikes fan.
I thought this was a start of a limerick.
@CPRM: I read your comment to the Always Living, Never Zombie Lou Reed’s Walk on the Wild Side.
“And the purple girls go….”
That fourth link is why you need to use non-sparking tools when drilling in dusty thermite silos.
Say, that was one of the most boring halves of football I have ever watched.
But at least you can see the boring game.
Kind of like watching drills, eh?
Yep. And I’ve watched American soccer.
1 in 3 babies are aborted in NYC.
Looks like over half to me but I’m not sure how to read those numbers.
662 abortions per 1000 live births (1662 total babies)
(I had to look at it 3 times before I figured it out, and I had a similar comment queued up that I deleted when I figured it out)
40% of all pregnancies. Wow. “Rare but safe”
Not exactly, since spontaneous miscarriages and stillbirths are not counted.
Good point. But still, I’m not seeing “rare” in those numbers.
My guess – “rare” means on an individual basis. I’m not sure they could have been more mendacious but I suppose they will try.
Oh, addition. Duh. Jeez, look at the Bronx.
That’s New York County, which is Manhattan. The City as a whole is “only” 567 abortions per 1000 live births.
Jesus. Nobody is having kids. There are counties with like 30 births per year. Not at all a broken society.
Kids are the worst. ?
It’s upstate NY – large areas are nearly depopulated.
But very pretty. Probably because they are unpopulated.
And some have never been heavily populated. Likes Yates County with the ~30 births only has 25K people – and it’s been growing for decades (since the 1940s).
But yeah, I especially like the Finger Lakes area.
When UCS comes by for breakfast (I forget when that is) you should join us. Saratoga Springs.
Moving here has been a revelation. All of the Austin expats were commenting on how… livable it is up here. As in, you could live off of the land and not die. As opposed to Texas which can’t be survived without other humans assisting.
You moved from Texas to Saratoga Springs? That’s unusual.
Globalfoundries microchip plant. They had to import all the workers for positions that required experience (me). My temporary housing was in Toga and I fell in love with the place.
Ah, cool. I didn’t know they were making chips up there. Why isn’t Cuomo bragging about such a large undertaking pray tell?
Modern chip plants are highly automated. They don’t employ that many people. Also, not really environmentally friendly.
They are environmentally horrific. We have our own water purification plant that could support a city. We use hundreds of thousands of pounds of concentrated sulfuric acid every day.
But hey, those Apple products are so shiny and sleek. They must be eco-friendly!
We employ 3000 people on our site.
About 400 of them make the chips.
The rest are involved in figuring out WTF just went wrong with the current production and how do we make the next thing we need to make.
It is a strange and wonderful industry.
If I read it correctly, my county (Ulster) has the highest rate north of the City.
Actually, looking again it’s second to Schenectady County.
Eh. Say you have 25k people and everyone lives to be 100, at 30 births per year you’re going to be down to 3,000 people in 100 years. (Okay, I am taking huge liberties with the math) You’re at something like 1/10 th replacement rate?
Yeah, I figured it’s still low. My guess is that retirees are moving there.
Why’s it so fucking crowded there, then?
Immigrants and yuppies. PS. The immigrants are having *lots* of babies. The natives… not so much.
I know, I spent a year there one week.
Well, just renewed my MLB At Bat subscription. Royals first spring training game is February 23. Not that I’m wishing my life away or anything…
But you just said you watch the Royals. You know George Brett doesn’t play for them anymore, right?
I listen when I’m puttering around the house doing DIY-y things. I found out the hard way that the play-by-play of a radio broadcast is entirely different from trying to follow a game just listening to a TV broadcast.
Yeah, I used to listen to radio broadcasts of baseball – and yeah, you’re right, radio isn’t TV without the sound.
Damn it, now I hope the Royals have a good season for your sake. Not fair, Mojeaux. Not fair.
TV doesn’t have Bob Uecker. Except Mr. Belvedere and when they show the Major League movies…
I enjoy baseball and prefer radio. It reminds me of listening to games with my grandpa.
Crap – …without the picture.
And CPRM – Yeah, Uecker was freakin’ funny. Straightforward humor, but funny.
Lol, one of the local commercials was a depiction of the saints rams botched play, but the HVAC technician throws the flag.
Think I need to aquire a bunch of fireworks.
why not both?
I just saw that like 15 minutes ago. Lol.
Well no great yummy food spread at my house. So I think I’ll have a little microwave popcorn and go to bed early.
Instead of sportz ball we have sportz braz.
5 wins for showing hip bones.
13 is blowing me kisses.
Becker Blow-Forward Revolving Shotgun
I’ve got to admit…
The guy reviews tons of South African/Rhodesian guns and is not even vaguely apologetic about it. I don’t know if I should admire him for being a consummate (unwoke) professional or be suspicious of his attitude towards the schvartzes.
I think he’s a consummate unwoke professional. Almost all of those South African and Rhodesian guns are not well known.
Maroon 5. Barf.
Almost as boring as the game.
I appreciate a good defensive game, but I don’t appreciate maroon 5
That might be the first – and last – time I’ve ever heard Maroon 5.
Johnny Hecker for Super Bowl MVP!!!
More boring. At least I can stand to watch the game.
I like Big Boi.
I like him better with Andre 3000.
Outkast good.
So fresh, so clean.
Ear bleach:
My wife, who apparently has never been exposed to Maroon 5, had the following to say about them: “if Axe Body Spray was a band, it’d Be Maroon 5…”
If a slice of wonder bread, sprinkled with warm milk and then a fine film of mayo were a band, THAT would be Maroon 5
Sponge Bob was the best musical act during the half time show. Let that sink in.
How long ago did Aerosmith do it? That was the last one I liked.
Prince did a pretty good job.
That was good until Britney Spears came out wearing a sock on her hand. As I remember it, none of Aerosmith looked too happy.
You leave Britney alone!
She looked great. I’ll never turn down eye candy.
Yeah, back then.
Probably flashbacks form Tyler having to keep the rest of the bandmember’s hands off his daughter.
This sounds like football to me. It was a favorite song when I was into skating pools in the late seventies:
My first concert.
Badass. My first was Jackson Browne at the Santa Barbara County bowl, 1978.
This is the dumbest halftime show I’ve ever seen. “hey, let’s just dump the entire audio when he says a naughty word”
So he is performing live at the SB and doesn’t self-censor? I mean, we can talk about whether he should be censored, but he knows he is going to be so it seems kinda pointless.
Plus, Maroon 5 sucks donkey balls
Sucks = are.
He’s trying to prove he’s still edgy.
The audio during the first quarter was comb filtered because they had their mic delays set wrong.
Is it over yet?
“Whatever the reason you are here and not watching.”
Because I would rather snort angry ticks than listen to Maroon 5?
Vying for dumbest article of the week…
From here on out the NFL will require teams to field 6 women and 5 men on both sides of the ball. Women get one extra to make up for years of oppression.
Not if the week starts today.
“In the first quarter of Super Bowl LIII, Hulu ran a commercial reminiscent of a 1984 Reagan campaign ad that was anything but. “It’s morning again in America,“ it begins, giving the illusion of an actual political ad. It quickly devolves into a dark and flame-filled promo for The Handmaid’s Tale, a dystopian drama portraying a future where a totalitarian government establishes rule in the United States, based on a Margaret Atwood novel by the same name. Critics, viewers and even the cast have drawn parallels between the show’s dystopian America and society under Donald Trump.”
OK, you win. That’s worse.
We’re totally like The Handmaid’s Tale. I had a most wonderfully misogynistic time when I went to visit my family and my bare-footed Handmaid in the old garage four months ago.
Whoops, meant to say 6 months ago, point still stands.
I wouldn’t mind women playing football, as long as they could play, without affecting team dynamics and requiring special rules. I can see a woman kicker in the next decade. QB is possible if they keep adding protections to those dandies.
The Lingerie Football League is egalitarian.
They put some good hits, but what would happen it they were hit by a 6-7 320 pound man? Ouch
Ever see a kicker or punter get lit up? Yeah, that guy is 6-1 180lb man who has daily access to a top notch gym. I’m sure a 5-4 120lb girl is gonna love being nailed by a NFL linebacker.
There are female athletes that could do it. I’m not a sexist, just a shitlord.
Do what? Get her ribs busted?
Yeah, if there were female athletes who were capable of playing even at the D-1 college level who also desired to play, they’d be playing. Nobody would stop them. Heck, if they were any good, coaches would be begging them to come play.
My ex was a college tennis player and cheerleader. She wasn’t a great college tennis player, but she played D-1 college tennis. When we played, we were fairly well matched, and I was a mediocre men’s tennis player for average dudes who didn’t have any tennis lessons. I always beat her, but it was at least competitive. No way I could have stayed on the court with a D-1 men’s player.
When I was newly single at age 37, I ran into a WNBA player and assistant coach in Charlotte. The player was pretty cute – a 5’11” forward, so a good match for me size wise (6’0″) and I was newly single, so I talked them into playing with my brother and I. We played a little 2 on 2. She wasn’t a star player, but she was on a professional WNBA roster, and the coach was about my age, so no advantage there. I wasn’t good enough to even think about playing in high school.
We beat them pretty handily. I think she was about 28, if I remember. She was quitting the WNBA to take a college coaching job. I was 37 and in pretty good shape for an average dude at about 165 (newly single had me down from 180). I was sometimes the best player in a local pickup game. Sometimes… but not usually.
I love women athletes and women’s athletics. But in sports requiring strength and contact, the best women in the world are not going to be competitive with the best men.
Heck, even in sports that I personally don’t understand why there should be a difference, women are usually not competitive – things like bowling, tennis, golf, swimming, fencing, even car racing. I don’t have the slightest idea why there should be a women’s billiard’s league – but the best women’s players couldn’t compete on the men’s circuit – even thought that makes no sense. But I think most people are rooting for women to be able to compete, and most enjoy it when women achieve at a high level, whether in their own leagues or in a men’s league.
And the important bit of my anecdote was that I didn’t close the deal. She was definitely interested, but she had to go back and pack – she was catching a flight to her new home and job that night. So opportunity missed, and I never got to hook up with a professional athlete.
“I’m sure a 5-4 120lb girl is gonna love being nailed by a NFL linebacker”
I’m surprised it took this long.
This must be why every other commercial is about grrl-power.
Whelp, they just literally did the grrrl power thing.
Roger Pielke, Jr. will soon announce he is transitioning.
This half time show is like a middle aged dad trying to show his kids he’s still “hip”.
Isn’t that every half time show?
And that dad is Mike Brady.
Big Boi!
If you are on Twitter, you should follow Big Boi. Good stuff.
And Wu Tang Financial.
He tells a story that a white woman approached him at the airport right after Obama won, and congratulated him on having one of his people be elected. He said, “Bitch, I voted for Gary Johnson.”
That is priceless
[…] he had “nothing against” President Obama, but “the things that they’re standing on right now just didn’t agree with me.” He continued: “I’m a Libertarian. I’m liberty, justice for all, liberty for all. I’m really pro-people, pro-freedom, and, you know, this is all about positivity.”
That made me wheeze.
He just gained a fan.
Maroon 5 frontman looked good–when he kept his tattoos hidden.
Another fun fact about NY’s new abortion law:
It decriminalizes *all* violence against unborn children. So a thug could beat the shit out of an 8 months pregnant woman and cause a miscarriage and face no charges beyond battery of the woman.
At least it’s consistent.
What if the baby identifies as a quarterback?
Even if the woman wants the child? That seems to be the criterion for whether it’s good or bad.
Did..did Toyota really decide to go with Pinball Wizard for the song for the Supra reintroduction and then mute the word ‘dumb’? Or did I hallucinate that?
I muted the whole half-time. Is it over yet?
Yup. Finally. Glad the Simpsons movie was on another channel.
What’s with the Forrest Gump kid? Embarrassing.
Leave Tom Brady alone.
And here I am trying to do estimates with the TV on in my office. Why?!?!?!?
Well, a broken arm makes it a football game.
Hey Spud. One thing to note about frozen raspberries is they tend to disintegrate in the primary. So you may need to rack through a decent kitchen strainer the first time to get all the free-floating pulp out of the product.
I am going to try using a big mesh brew-in-bag bag on the next batch of raspberry mead.
You only need 55 more points to win the over.
The way the Pat’s have moved the ball I can’t believe they haven’t scored more.
It should be 9-3.
two touchdowns for a 10-10, please (not to get greedy…)
I think, besides the Hulu ad, the Google ads have been the most obnoxious.
The one with the sad robot that can’t drink beer was funny. Otherwise… I got nothing.
I laughed at the chunky milk one. Also got me to check out their service. I may switch cell providers now.
Ah yes, that one was good too.
Saw a very brief thing about shaving your skull that I was prompted to check out but forgot the name of it already.
At least the commentators are as bored as we are.
This seems like it’s been an unbelievably boring game.
Which is different from other football games?
No Idea. I haven’t sat through watching a football game in 25 – 30 years.
“Can you believe this clown was once voted ‘sexiest man alive’ by some stupid magazine?”
First gay halftime show?
Thanks for the cancer straffin.
Link wants me to download to my computer…so caption is:
“Are you trying to infect me with something?”
how fucked up do you have to be to get a fucking CASSETTE TAPE tattooed on your chest when it’s the 21st century and you’re 22?
Can’t really rewind that, can you?
*downloads anyway*
“Ah. Yes, you are trying to infect me with something?”
Now my computer is stuck on a ransomware screen. They’ll grant me access if I buy a copy of every Maroon 5 album… I’ll just buy a new computer.
Only thing you can do. The alternative is just too horrific.
Sorry about dat. Don’t even know how I linked that.
No worries. I blame Maroon 5
Remember when tattoos were for cool people?
Hey! I have a tattoo. Just one.
I also have a tattoo.
Me three
Tramp stamps don’t count MS.
I have more than three.
I too, have a tattoo
Ricardo Montalban also.
Ok, I guess we’ve proven tattoos aren’t for cool people. Hangs head.
No, no. They didn’t mean you!
If I ever got inked it would be a W on either ass cheek. So when I bent over it would read WOW.
Upside down, it would be MOM.
/be here all week
My friend’s BIL has “Your name” tattooed on his ass. He owns a bar and has made a ton of money off that tattoo over the years.
New female comes in the bar. He tells them “I have your name tattooed on my ass”, places bet, wins bet. It’s hilarious.
I don’t hate tattoos, but I hate the fact that some people still act like tattoos make them some kind of badass rebel.
Some tattoos look great; there’s nothing wrong with them. But they lost all of their badassitude when suburban moms started getting their kids’ names tattooed on their forearms. They’ve gone the way of ripped jeans and leather jackets – may have been edgy decades ago, but now they’re mainstream. They’re
The Teaser Trailer for Suicide Squad 2 is looking fire!
“If you’re ready to cure your Hepatitis C, call your doctor.”
Future lead singer for The Village People.
The Pats won all their Superbowls with defense, that’s one of the reasons the whole Brady is da gratest thing rubs me wrong, for most of their wins he hasn’t been the reason, and when he has been it’s been because he gets a clean drop and then there is an open guy. I’m impressed by the asshole Belechieck, never really by Brady.
Has there ever been a QB better at the 2 minute drill? He threw for 500 yards in the Superbowl last year.
Again, it’s the team and scheme. Brady isn’t dancing around looking for an open guy like Rodgers. He takes three steps and throws to an open guy. If a guy isn’t open then Brady is terrible. He can’t move, he can’t make a play with his feet. It’s all 1-2-3-throw. Now, that does take talent, but not BEST EVA talent.
Montana and Elway come to mind.
Now Brady has as many rings as both of them combined.
So is Terry Bradshaw the Da second best eva?
Brady is *one of* the greatest. I don’t personally think he is *the* greatest, but however annoying he may be, I’ll give him credit.
If he had a less exceptional O-line, he’d be much less impressive IMO.
Yeah, they probably put an end to that discussion last year…. but putting on a 6th ring?
Nah, it isn’t arguable any more.
Like it or not, QB’s are judged by wins, and specifically by wins on the big stage. The guy quarterbacked half of the superbowls held during his 18 year career. And he won 2/3 of those. Nobody else is even close enough to that to be in the discussion. There are no teams who’s record is close enough to that to have a team record in that discussion. Making 9 out of 18 super bowls is ridiculous. He has made more super bowls than any other entire franchise.
Sure, maybe that’s mostly down to his coach. But that’s how we judge QB play.
Marino may be the best passer I’ve ever seen. But I’m not going to argue with the Brady as GOAT idea… because you just can’t sustain that argument, even if he’s not even in the top 10 passers of all time.
Wow commercial for the Neighborhood was cringe worthy. Guess that’s what Hollywood thinks the rest of this country is like.
Thanks for posting that. I felt exactly the same way.
Is it just me, or are there a LOT of commercials featuring robots this year? Seems… weird.
I, for one, welcome our new social justice robot overlords.
The Singularity. Not just a shitty alt-synth garage band from Hoboken.
My son played high school football and loved it. He’s debating whether or not to play in college. He has D2 and 3 coaches who want him but he’s not sure if he wants to do it.
He could get some money. It’s up to him.
As long as his knees are in perfect shape now, go for it, even if it’s just a partial scholarship. No pay, no play though.
Isn’t D3 no scholarship (at least officially)?
Yep. He has some academic scholarships offered. Strange as he’s a B- student.
He had a grandfather who put enough into his college fund that he can get his degree with no debt.
They just showed Giselle. He should play.
Am I a bad person for thinking that “Escobar Syndrome” is an uncontrollable urge to sell cocaine and ruthlessly kill your competition?
It is a really cool invention, but the virtue signaling is getting annoying.
I actually thought that commercial was well done. The device is helpful to the disabled. It wasn’t preachy.
It was actually a good commercial.
I appreciate that it was a new commercial, but MS ran the other one every other commercial break in both college and pro football this season. It got old, like the Ford commercial with all the old Fords
Dog bites man.
What’s the human feces on the sidewalk to humans ratio?
Last October when I was there it was even. Fucking sad city that one. And fuck the SFPD.
I need a 20-10 for the grand prize.
Seems like more scoring than these guys can do.
The under was about 50+. I knew that was BS, didn’t think it’d be this low.
Well, I picked up a buck and a half in the first quarter. I drew a 0-0. So, I’m happy anyway.
Good enough for government work.
Last year the defenses didn’t show up for most of the game. The Eagles won because of one defensive play.
This year, it looks like the inverse. The offenses aren’t showing up and the winner will be the one to make an offensive play.
Barron Trump is 12.
If there’s grass on the field…
… his pants contain something congealed?
If that’s the field you play on, have you considered a career in the public schools?
Wow. That went dark really quick.
Man, they’re really ramming the “girl power” stuff hard. We get it.
They could totally play pro football if given the chance.
Just wait for the first 350# trans “woman” to make it
I would like to tackle a couple of the pretty ones.. You can have the heifers.
Yeah, ramming is the right word.
ASMR advertising, we’re in a new world now, and I don’t like it.
That was kind of creepy.
Well, I’m downloading GIMP now. Photoshop, I fucking hate you so much I can barely express it with words. Die in a fucking fire, you useless, worthless piece of shit. Adobe, suck a barrel of cocks. You are unworthy to live on this planet.
How do you really feel about it?
Adobe has made some of the worst desktop software I’ve ever used for about as long as I can remember. I was forced to used their DRM reader product for awhile recently and I could only shake my head at their complete indifference to the customer.
All of this pain will be totally worth it once we have some sweet, sweet SNP to laugh at.
For me I mean.
Sorry if I was ambiguous there. Also, sorry for the NSFW talk.
Well, you aren’t wrong.
Never used GIMP. No help if you need it, winky face
There’s a ton of help online. Easy-peasy.
Once Brady realized there were only eight minutes left, he decided it was time to win. This one is over.
Tundra, I’m sorry if this is upsetting, but how did your dog’s surgery go?
I am sad for my dog. My neighbors with the sight hounds adopted a young boisterous male and he clearly makes my dog very nervous. She had finally started playing with their two and now she’s scared. I gave up on the dog park because she obviously wasn’t enjoying it at all (I tried other parks). She was getting all excited when I said the one dog’s name and I hope she doesn’t become reluctant to go to a play date. (This is all due to her dog park accident more than a year ago.)
My cat just died Friday. She was fifteen. Great cat. Wife spent about 2k trying to stave it off, but I knew it was over from the start. Loved that cat. Something in her lungs.
I’m so sorry.
Thank you. She had a wonderful life and I was blessed to have her.
I lost a cat 7 years ago. He was really special and I still miss him, but it does get easier.
I don’t mean to be harsh, but for love of Goff; my dad dies 4 years ago and because of his situation of being a cripple along with being my dad, he was my best friend/my dad/my kid all rolled into one, so hearing this shit about a flea bag that makes me sneeze really makes me hate cat people. XOXO
Sorry about your dad, CPRM, but you don’t have to be an asshole. It’s OK to just not type anything.
I see how it is.
Well, c’mon, man. People get attached to animals, too. No, not like to people (usually) but there is still a grieving process when they go. I really, truly am sorry about the loss of your dad, but your great pain isn’t an excuse to minimize other people’s.
I’m sorry about your dad. That’s worse. I lost my dad about 2 years ago, so I get it. But, even though it’s not the same, I still miss the furball.
I’m not easily offended. But I still have a right to be offended. Hell, I think this is the first time ever I’ve been offended by something said here. But my point wasn’t about my offense, it was about the absurd attachment feel to animals.
Thanks for the perspective. I tend to forget about the things that life could be throwing at me.
I hope you heal. I lost my mom when I was 25. I remember it. It isn’t easy, but it’ll get better.
We love our pets and we grieve when they pass. It’s not bad. It’s a reflection of our humanity. we do it because we’re good people.
I understand how it seems in comparison, and eventually we’ll probably all have similar feelings. We’ll need to get over them and try to understand the feeling of others. It’s just the way it goes.
I get the immediate feeling. I bawled my eyes out when I had to dig graves for a few of my dogs. I have a small pet cemetery on my property and feel bad sometimes I don’t care for it as I should. But people really put too much emotion into pets now days, and that really irks me. They treat human lives as chess pieces to be moved by a government bureaucrat but if something happens to fluffy! Not saying this about any of you. But like I said, this is one thing that really does offend me.
This. WTF? Not cool.
Well, despite my love for my pets, I do not have those stickers telling firemen about pets because I don’t want anyone to risk their lives for my pets. Now, *I* would go after them, but I don’t want anyone else to do it.
Sorry, blackjack. Losing a pal is brutal.
Thanks, man.
Oh, I am soooo sorry. Last year, our 16yo kitty had congrstive heart failure, and her quality of life was shit, so we guided her over the rainbow bridge. One of the hardest decisions in the world.
I know. It’s an inescapable part of life though. Sucks, but gotta happen and it makes the time we get to be with them that much more special. Yin and Yang or something, right? Still, sorry for your loss.
RIP kitty. There are some acquaintances I’d rather lose first than my pets and I only have goldfish.
That sucks, man. Only bad part about pets is outliving them.
Well, that and cleaning shit off the floor. And puke.
Sorry, guys.
Sorry blackjack. Always hurts to lose the little guys.
Sorry blackjack. I’ve been there. It’s difficult losing a friend.
So nice of you to ask! He had surgery on Tuesday morning. Sure enough, his spleen had a giant-ass tumor (doc described it as a little kid’s basketball – about 6-7 inches across). There was another small tumor that my doc thought might be a satellite from the big one. He took everything and a sample from the liver for pathology. We should know mid-week.
My buddy is doing really well, though. Good energy and pretty much back to normal. Praying for benign tumors and back to the day to day!
Sorry about your situation. I’m not a fan of the dog parks. It’s an unpopular opinion, but letting them run wild is completely counter to good training. I’ve had much better luck with individual dogs and more controlled situations. YMMV.
Good, I hope you get good news. I really liked that dog park because it wasn’t that popular, so I knew all the dog owners. Also, they were all responsible. So if the dogs got wild, it was quickly stopped. Her accident was a freak thing. None of the dogs were being aggressive, she was running with two other dogs and another dog was chasing a ball. They collided.
Have you ever done obedience or agility with her? The small classes and focused work seem to be really effective.
Oh yes, plenty of obedience. She just seemed so happy running with other dogs, she really loved it and now she doesn’t. She was starting to run with their dogs (also greyhounds) and now she’s scared and doesn’t run or play. It makes me sad. I’m looking into scent training because she is very scent focused and I think she will like it. Not agility because she doesn’t get it. (She also doesn’t catch anything and doesn’t get shake)
I’m a fan of structured training. Giving them a job and surrounding them with other pups doing the same.
What’s the breed again?
Retired racer, so has some quirks because of that. I had to teach her to do stairs and stuff. I don’t think she’ll ever learn to shake or fetch and suspect agility will just frustrate her because she just won’t get it. Scent training, I think she’ll like. The neighbors also have Grey’s and Ibezans also retired racers, so it was good. Maybe she’ll get over the fear.
Ah, that’s right. They are a special case (don’t even get me started on dog racing). My sis has two retired racers and both have issues with other dogs. Not surprising, really. The good news is that greyhounds are the laziest dogs on the planet! It’s either 100 mph or a nice nap on the sofa. Both of hers are getting better about being around strange dogs and people.
My Steele was Greyhound/Lab. Man, when he got the itch to run, it was GO time. He’d do laps around the house just because. Was a hoot to watch. He also had zero interest in fetch. Like less than zero.
I miss that old flea bag.
She was ok with other dogs, but now is nervous around boisterous dogs. It’s just frustrating to go backwards. Still a generally happy girl who loves her walks.
My cat (acquired after old cat died) taught himself to play fetch with us when he was still a kitten. He thinks he’s a dog.
Here’s hoping for the best.
Thanks. He’s a badass. Wouldn’t be appropriate for him to die this way!
Fingers crossed.
Thanks. They are!
Best wishes.
Thanks, man.
Bummer. Speedy recovery.
Thanks Q.
Good luck with your pup, pal. Many positive vibes headed your way from the NoDak. All the best by northwest, if you will.
Lol. Are you sending the wind, too?
Seriously, thanks for the positivity. We appreciate it.
Yes. And snow. And cold.
Send snow my way. I miss it.
I hope you can work something out for your dog. I own no dogs, so I have no advice.
These assholes are still knob-slobbering over Kashoggi? Unbelievable.
When a journalist or a cop dies, that’s equal to 5 of ordinary people.
It strikes me that they could’ve framed the ad as an anti-muslim message without changing anything.
I forget. Was Danny Pearl in the ad?
He acted his head off in that ad.
I sorta remember a teen aged kid that got murder droned because his dad said some mean things a while back, not nearly as big a deal.
WAPO – self awareness? What’s that?
Budweiser is brewed with wind power! I wonder how much wind power they have to use to legally make that claim?
I can’t believe I still get shit from people saying BASEBALL is boring. FOOTBALL is the dumbest, most annoyingly idiotic, stupid… stupid… stupid… waste of fucking time imaginable. Oh, and sorry I haven’t checked-in in awhile. Hope you’re all peachy!
There are too many rules now, I want to see modern day gladiators playing human chess, not ballerinas.
CPRM and Mojeaux: I’m 45. When I was young I knew the rules to games like football and basketball, Things like: “pass interference” and “travelling” were offences that were whistled. Not anymore,
If you are implying I am a young whippersnapper or something … THANK YOU!!!! *hugs LHR*
Well. I would say that the morning links were rather prophetic.
Six rings.
No bad calls. The better team won.
Good game. I like defense. A 2-1 baseball game is infinitely more enjoyable than a 12-10 blowout.
CPRM on February 3, 2019 at 8:07 pm
The Pats won all their Superbowls with defense, that’s one of the reasons the whole Brady is da gratest thing rubs me wrong, for most of their wins he hasn’t been the reason, and when he has been it’s been because he gets a clean drop and then there is an open guy. I’m impressed by the asshole Belechieck, never really by Brady.
Ha ha! Fuck you Rams!
Brady looks pretty pleased, but we all know the real winner tonight is Trump.
You have to hat tip Salon when you steal their articles.
I’m not watching the post game, but it would be great if Brady wore a MAGA hat while raising the Lombardi.
It may even be MAGA Prime, he’s been getting around a lot lately.
Who’s the woman? She has a voice made for newspapers.
Well, corporate America failed. Not only am I not more woke than at the beginning of the game, I’m pretty annoyed and there are companies that will never get my business.
Yeah, I bet Neph and MS will never drink another Bud.
Budweiser, Hulu, CBS, the NFL… Who else partook in the nonsense? I miss the days when the commercials were funny. Apparently comedy is dead.
KIA had some creepy thing (I had the sound off) with a lot of unhappy people left over from the Gillette ad.
That was the suck-the-dicks-of-Yokelstan-please-buy-our-trucks ad. That was the one I hated the most.
Fuck the UAW.
Comedy makes shitlord yokels want to buy things. It’s yucky.
Plus it’s totes not woke. Think of all the bodies that get marginalized by those humorous ads.
Yeah, I bet Neph and MS will never drink another Bud.
*flips table*
Fuck you Bud!
Unsurprising. Marketing and social media/corporate communications is filled with predominantly younger people. The cohort coming out of the woke factories and the ones wanting to fit in with them. Same with running the day to day work in HR departments. Wokeness will increasingly be on annual goals/behaviors and corporate values.
Get a room!
Is there going to be Kraft/Brady sex tape?
Implying one doesn’t already exist?
Is the game over?
Well, Brady did smash his phone.
No, but good news for some of our glibs. The Brady/Edelman video will be on pay per view.
The press is putting more pressure on Brady than the Rams.
I dont really get where Budweiser can advertise ‘wind-powered’ beer, when in my experience, every brewery uses coal-fired boilers (or gas) to make steam to heat the kettles. Cant really see wind supplying that much demand.
Well, the electricity they use to start the coal fire comes from wind power.
Beer powered by farts.
Powered by LIES!
One of my favorite songs BTW
More booze tunes from Tejas:
Budweiser usually gives me farts powered by beer.
If you can call Budweiser beer.
That’s for the carbonation.
Wind pollinated the barley.
Probably something like this:
The Outer Banks Brewing Station has a wind turbine.
It can’t run in all conditions, so they’re not entirely wind powered.
I’m more interested in why they think they’re ever going to appeal to hipsters. They’re spitting in the eye of their actual customers.
talking to a cow orker the other day about radio advertising, why advertise to millenials when they are notoriously poor?
I guess the KKK wins again in DRUMPFS AMERIKKKA
Dammit Q.
Christ, what an asshole!
That makes the Rams The White Knights?
The KKK took my Super Bowl away.
Asked the wife to pick me up a slice of pizza for lunch. Rethinking my wedding vows.
That’s an abomination even my Japanese standards.
Yes, only creamed corn belongs on pizza.
Needs more tentacles. And maybe a Sailor Moon cosplay delivery girl.
Kobeya/Sandogg Inn?
Kobeya is delicious! This is from some local grocery.
It looked like a slice I got from there once. And it was good, if not exactly traditional pizza flavor/toppings.
Bukaki pizza?
I thought you asked for pizza?
Mmm, pineapple pizza.
Yeah. Feel for you.
I will never understand (for a lack of interest) why Japanese feel that mayo is a perfectly good substitute for cheese. “HOLY FUCK! IT’S A CONDIMENT!” “WOULD YOU USE CATSUP AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR…” oh shyte, I had better not go there. No reason to give them any more ideas…
In Japan, the most common medium for ero guro is food.
All dairy products look the same anyway.
Victory for white supremacy/ Daily Beast
Your mom/Glibertariat
Wait, I got this: FUCK YOU, WINSTON.
Good article.
But what about John C. Riley? That’s all the kids care about.
Is it helping the Laurel and Hardy movie?
That’s one I actually want to see, but the Riley/Farrell movie was supposedly so bad Netflix wouldn’t touch it.
Riley/Farrell Sherlock movie
Directed by the other writer of Idiocracy. I guess he is trying to prove it?
“Many European countries have struck the balance by allowing first-trimester abortions and banning all others, but that is a solution that is more difficult in America because of our rights-based jurisprudence. With the ancient right to life on one side and the right to abortion invented in the 1970s on the other, there can be no compromise.
Cuomo’s light show in New York is a signal that the battle is joined. It will not end until one side prevails.”
I hope he’s wrong.
Man fuck incels. There are so many of you in the comments. I’ll tell you guys the truth; it makes me want to never post again. You do not know how to treat a girl. You go on and on about how girls owe you just for being nice.
What would happen if everyone got a free girlfriend from the government? Welfare costs would go through the roof. Then what? The government’s printing a ton of money, and we have nowhere to store all these girlfriends. It’s bad for the economy, I lose stock options, and then the Dow Jones collapses. Also, will these girlfriends add representation for states in the House? Will they be imported? Tariffs? Fucking dirty communist incels.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Where can I find your newsletter?
The economics work out fine if the women aren’t paid.
End the welfare state and then we’ll talk about free girlfriends.
Thanks, this made me laugh.
*gives a standing ovation*
Fuck Incels? I’m confused.
Incels willing to oblige?
Maroon 5 or Nickleback?
I got this: FUCK YOU, WINSTON.
Okay I deserved that this time.
I’m with BP on this one, fuck you, Winston.
You are doing the Lord’s work.
Who’s worse or who’s better?
Well, I’ll admit to very occasionally liking Rock Star when wasted, but they’re Canadian…
So, push.
You got some good shit in Colorado.
Um axually.
And I misspelled Nickelback…
I’m pretty neutral on Nickelback, but this song alone should tip the scales in favor of them over that fucking douche Adam Levine.
-Adam Levine
-Lead Douche Bag; Moron 5
Nickelback was a band with something to say once, when they got popular they became popcorn fare.
Yeah, hip hop is really innovative. Copy (“sample”) the rhythm beats of funk masters like James Brown and P-Funk Nation, add in some computer-generated synthesizers, and then throw in some rhymes (often auto-tuned). Levine irks me.
To each his own. It’s quite obvious he has no interest in rock because it wasn’t anywhere to be seen tonight.
Oh yeah. I don’t begrudge anyone liking hip-hop…much. The things Pud says above notwithstanding.
However, I’m not so stupid/arrogant as to suggest that hip-hop is dead.
Hip Hop is Dead.
Dead to me…
Hip hop will never be dead as there will always be people with IQs less than 60.
Vice says otherwise:
Tenacious D agrees.
Skimmed it. The “journalist” seems to be clueless about what’s really going on. The fact that a shitty hip-hop-rock band like Imagine Dragons holds the top 3 Rock Chart spots has a whole lot more to do with the idiots running the labels, charts and Grammy’s, than Rock being “dead”.
I haven’t given a shit about what’s “popular” since I was about 14 – I don’t see any reason to reconsider.
long live rock. I need it every day.
A .365 round going through my head.
.356, well damn me, I ruined my bit again.
.357 Raph? Also, FUCK YOU, WINSTON.
Oh damn me, that’s the one. Answer is still the same, Winston. The lawyer can just watch it happen.
And if there was a lawyer in the same room?
I learned everything I need to know from The Shape of Water.
Bad link
Saw this on twitchy:
Hard winded journalism (jokes! I make them)
“this game was one for the aged”
Andy Levy, talk about someone who isn’t relevant in current year.
Yet more antisemitism in Trump’s America…
Only because of Fox NEWZ! They are the real enemy of
the jewzAndy Levy
So how many potatoes have you counted?
Hey, Winston.
By the way, married gentleman; today -Superbowl Sunday- is the most popular day of the year to beat your wife. Just sayin’.
My wife actually reminded me. It’s a running joke around here on Sundays, especially during the NFL season.
Yeah, she has a cool (i.e. demented) sense of humor, too. ?
Well, she needs to be spanked, anyway, sounds like.
Snopes, before it joined the Resistance, debunked this back in 2001.
Your mom wanted me to tell you “hi” but I slapped her for speaking out of turn.
Note that was before the MAGA Patriots ever won a Super Bowl.
A real man doesn’t need an excuse.
Seems like a legit kill.
Yeah, it was covered here. And yeah, legit. Guy was a harmful dumbass.
It’s tough to keep up with you all cuz I’m at work. Work, I tell ya.
straff at work.
Huh. Lots of touts hassling foreigners for “massages” around Shibuya at night. Never would have guessed Japanese Only was any more widespread than in restaurants.
How did this guy end up with two kids and Christ, what an asshole for pulling that stunt where his kid could see it.
Not to mention the bystanders that could have been injured too.
…what an asshole for pulling that stunt where his kid could see it.
You have issues, I can sympathize. You do something ass-master in front of your kids, uncool, with the exception of actual psychotics who literally can’t control their behavior.
Not meant towards you, Raphael.
No worries, dear Baked one. I gotchu.
I’m gonna get that as a tattoo!
I assume you know what that means.
Goddamnit the NFL celtics won. Oh well…
Good morning glibs
I don’t even think Romania is a real country. I’m a Romanian Truther.
Wallachia forever!
It will always be Carpathia.
Well not for Jack Dawson…
He was from a fake lake.
Wisconsin is a conspiracy…
Chippewa Falls; home to Leinenkugel. I wouldn’t trust anyone there to remember anything correctly.
Are the Rams the NFL Clippers?
Your m…Wait, that’s getting old…
It still works, CPRM, watch this…
See? The classics are classic for a reason.
They’re the Dinamo Bucharesti of the US.
Or what Mike said.
I hate Dinamo Bucharest
So do I, and I don’t even know what it is.
Okay, CFR Cluj, then.
I’m just trying to be a dick, and probably succeeding. Name a Romanian soccer team so I can be mean to them.
Concordia Chiajna
Damn, you give the name of some Liga V team? I’m going to have to stop being mean to you, Pie, if you’re not going to take it seriously. Also, *GO PATS* woo! *stumbles, passes out, bangs head on doorstep*
Concordia is in the top league of Romanian football watcha talkin bout
Being a dick, Pie. I couldn’t tell you jack about Romanian football. Not that you’d need to hear from mr.
“Hear from me”
Helps to have NFL Bill Russell.
I bet the state legislature will use Antifa dad as an excuse to write out the concealed carry exclusion on school property. See! Concealed carrier was committing crimes! Attempted murder of a police officer!
Fun Fact – Both SCTV, and Fridays are far superior to the overwhelming majority of Saturday Night Live episodes.
It is known.
Fave ever: SCTV spoof of James.Herriot’s “All Creatures Great and Small”. It was called “All the long leggedy beasties”. Total crackup.