Things must be in confusion at Glibs HQ if STEVE is on Mourning Lynx duty.
They must be feeling rapish?
Always let the wookie win.
Maybe they just believe in STEVE?
The Power of SugarFree compels you!
The Power of SugarFree compels you!
The Power of SugarFree compels you!
*shakes unholy water*
Anything but that! And you know that isn’t water (holy or unholy) that SugarFree squirts around.
If a rapesquatch is handling the am LANKS, I worry about the well-being of the staff.
He only rapes the bad campers. Are you a bad camper Tres?
Next you are gonna tell me that the only good camper is the one that when asked the following question:
“If we go camping and you wake up with your ass covered in Vaseline and hurting, do you tell anyone?”
Vaseline not part of STEVE SMITH camping kit.
Loogie? Cause without it will only be blood…
Well, there was that stunt with the Jack Links…
Buzzfeed first, Glibertarians followed. Journalism is dying.
Let us scream learn to code at SP
print “[golf clap]”
SP knows how to code.
That is why the joke is funny.
If a rapesquatch is handling the am LANKS, I worry about the well-being of the staff.
You know it’s bad when you get laid off of a gig where you don’t get paid.
Most boring Superbowl EVA! Possibly the most boring football game I’ve ever watched.
I kind of hated the attempt at tension after Goff threw his last interception.
Oh well.
I spent yesterday… writing fiction. (Shocker, I know). At 23k words into my murder mystery, I finally had a dead body show up.
That’s building a lot of suspense I suppose.
Setting the scene and building a framework for both the case and the red herrings to hang on.
I’m stuck at a scene that should be easy to write but just isn’t coming.
Clowns or midgets?
I finally got around to watching “Murder on the Orient Express” (the 1974 version). I was very disappointed.
Well, it was an adaptation of one of Christies worst books. So I am not surprised that it disappointed.
Why is is so famous then? But yeah, nothing about it was good.
Because the twist was unexpected at the time of publication.
ah, the GRRRRR Martin approach.
Oh, no, he would be 230K words of setup before forgetting what he was setting up and wandering down a different trail for another 415K words.
And it would still be better than the guys who brought us LOST.
I literally fell asleep.
I missed the half time show because I had a bowel movement just like Jaggers.
I blame Boston
Also I heard the half time show was lit
Not sure why people like big boi. What little i saw sounded terrible. If i didn’t know it was supposed to be music, i wouldn’t have guessed it was.
Still, Big Boi > Travis Scott?
That was a nice coat though.
Do people in Hotlanta normally wear fur coats?
It’s a pretty bougie city, or so I’ve been told, so I’m assuming the fur coats are worn until the weather becomes much too hot for that.
PETA haz a sad?
I watched the Simpsons at halftime.
I read my work mail while that stuff was going on in the background, and I am sure I didn’t miss anything.
First year that I didn’t watch the superbowl in at least 30 years. I didn’t watch a single NFL game this year and realized that IDGAF who wins. Even regular NFL games are so over-produced that I feel like I’m watching Running Man, let alone this spectacle of bullshit.
The game was on, but I just kinda wandered in and out. Easily the least attention I’ve paid to a Super Bowl in decades. Football in general hasn’t been holding my attention as much.
Of the “yougottabekiddingme” reffing that I noticed, it all seemed to go the Pats way. But, Rams, so . . . meh.
The halftime show was also . . . meh.
Twitter trend of the night seemed to be Tom Brady and the Pats are white supremacists rayciss. I was laughing while heading home from the Super Bowl Party
I don’t get this.
Tom Brady didn’t join the celebrity chorus denouncing Trump as the reincarnation of Hitler fast enough so he’s out of the club.
I don’t want to like the Patriots, but then I learn this.
For reals though
And then Gisele had to do some damage control
“But to me, friendship and loyalty are just about that. It’s not about political or religious views.”
Spoken like a true Nazi shitlord.
Hitler would have done the TB12 diet.
Well he was a vegetarian
Bob Kraft, Bill Belichick, and Tom Brady are not all conservatives, but they are fans of Fox News & Trump, which according to progtard logic makes them literally Hitler….
Not a big fan of the Pats, but the angst this causes all the usual low information New England proggie is tantalizing.
They stand for the national anthem and don’t make a show of hating trump?
Also, lots of honkies on the team?
There are a lot of people that don’t like them because they are a serious meritocracy as a team and the coach will not tolerate people grandstanding. Worse yet, they keep winning and proving that a meritocracy is far better than this proggie shit of dragging everyone across the finish line with the same shit that the idiots peddle.
Hello, Mr. Governor.
They’ve been reading The Daily Beast I guess.
When you’re clueless about sports, but also clueless about everything else you write about.
But remember, they’d be better at your job after six months than you would be at journalisming.
Well DUH!
You are not woke and hell bent on changing the world like they are!
That game didn’t suck as much as it could have. At least Gronkowski didn’t catch one in the end zone.
Kind of looks like Adam Levine did. NTTAWWT.
I see the Rapequatch is busy in the AM as well. Truly, he lives a hard life.
World’s briefest refractory period?
Rapesquatches have cabergoline glands. It is known.
A baculum that looks like a 2X4.
Venezuela crisis: EU states recognise Guaidó as president
It’s hilarious that the EU thinks it matters one tiny little fuck who they think is in charge in a South American backwater shit hole half the world away.
The progs said Trump was literally Hitler for the same thing. Now, it’s the precious euro socialist states. Are they gonna be Hitler too?
Right wing populisim has been taking over the EU. We must purge them to restore our
americaneuropean freedoms!Did Romania recognize him? Otherwise it does not count
Couldn’t find anything right quick other than your PM is pissed off at Brussels.
Good for them. Brussels makes the incompetent retards in Washington D.C. look downright competent.
And the Romanian Government makes Brussels look downright competent.
Its Incompetent Assholes all the way down.
That’s our new ruling class. And they get pissed when you tell them this shit isn’t going to fly anymore.
Viorica is a non playable character in Romanian politics. Only dumber.
I was told they were an unlockable character in this version.
I was lied to!
No you just have to pay the Loot Crate Tax and hope you get him in one.
They clearly didn’t get the memo from Mr. Roosevelt and mr. Monroe.
Headline: ISIS killer’s wife sues British spies for £1million
And the first line is: The wife of a jihadi who fought with ISIS is seeking up to £1million in compensation
Daily Mail makes it really hard to understand who is doing what to whom.
All I know is that orange beard is HAWT.
Don’t those British spies have licenses to kill?
You know what I will link demi rose again for old times sake
Nice rack. Butt’s way too big though.
You speak thicc blasphemy, sir. 😉
I picture the Count yelling at his monitor.
That is one giant ass.
We cordially differ on what is a “giant ass”.
And on whether that is a good thang.
She looks and is built very much like a girl I dated for a year in college. I had a whole lot of fun that year.
They are fun and hawt when young, but 30 years later you are going to be wondering if that ass needs its own zip code.
Fun Fact – Zip Codes are assigned by volume of mail, not size of geographic area.
Indeed. I believe that the Empire State Building has its own zipcode.
What about the volume of that area? Cause some of them asses are big enough to have gravity of their own.
*Pedant on*
Every ass has gravity of their own.
*Pedant off*
*ERROR Pedant process cannot be disabled*
I was thinking the same thing. Haven’t seen her since 1989.
This is only a problem if you want to be in a really long term relationship, or don’t appreciate a big booty.
If you’re thinking of marrying someone and don’t like a big booty, better get the tiniest butt you can find, and make sure it ain’t that way because she’s starving herself and waiting for the chance to eat normally.
Or date a vegan.
I have met several vegan ladies with an ass that made your average SUV look small.
My wife actually lost about 1.5 lbs between the onset of pregnancy and pumping out my first born.
Gaining weight because of kids is not a rule.
Hunh. Most woman I’ve met who’ve told me they’re vegan, or who are in the grocery checkout line ahead of me with grocieries that screamed “I’m VEGAN”, were rail thin, including their butt.
Briefly dated a militantly vegan Latina who had some curves, but that was an outlier.
Or date a vegan.
Make sure they actually like vegetables. Most of the virtue signalling vegans I know live on a diet of sugar starch and oil because they are vegan for the signalling and actually don’t like most veggies.
Jarflax gets it…
My sister in law is vegan and has a huggggge butt, that’s very cellulite- y (I’ve seen it in a swim suit). She also refuses to diet, constantly “grazes” on “health food (fruit snacks), and wonders why she is not thin.
Prolly the 20 donuts she hoovers down when nobody is watching…
When I was 15 the first love of my life was a girl the same age who was large breasted and had a wonderful set of hips. I wonder what she looks like 30+ years later.
Well maybe it is best not to know.
It will ruin bunk time?
And that giant ass has a big butt too.
Apparently, the Corn Pone Lobby is mad about those Bud Light ads making fun of the other guys putting corn syrup in their beer.
Our neighbor who drinks Coors Light laughed his ass off at that commercial.
Bud Light vs Coors Light. Who’s the King of the vaguely Beer Flavored Water?
The rice beer versus corn beer showdown!
I was drinking an craft cider while watching those bizarre ads and not getting it.
Corn is a bit more traditional. Plenty of English beers have used maize over the years, rice, not as much.
Obviously neither are traditional in the German brewing tradition.
Nothing screams ‘murica! like rice beer…
*Laughs, grabs Imperial Stout*
Didnt we fight a war in the pacific in order to not drink rice beer?
I don’t even drink beer, and i thought that was stupid.
I default to Coors, just because it is what my dad drank growing up. But really, they all taste pretty much the same.
Plenty of bars will switch up the taps on their light beer if they run out of 1. For example, if the Coors Light is out, they will hook up a spare Miller Lite keg to it. The places I have heard that have done it say that no one ever notices.
I lived a house in college that had a mid-week party every Wednesday night. First 2 kegs were the good stuff (Bush), the next 2 were Meister Brau. The drunks didn’t notice. If I was drinking in moderation, I was done as soon as the Meister Brau was tapped.
I cannot confirm personal knowledge of such actions, but sometimes the Bud, Miller and Coors you get on tap are Milwaukees Best.
Among the things I cannot confirm I have personal knowledge of is the night that a barback forgot to switch the Bud/Miller/Coors kegs off and the Beast kegs on for quarter beer night. There were actually more complaints that night.
I was surprised to see HBO going with a Bud Light ad when they already had a partnership with Ommegang (owned by Duval) to make Game of Thrones themed beers.
Ommegang or Bud Light… hmmm. Something nobody has ever said.
I did really like the Budweiser American Ale they were selling last summer. Pretty damn good cold, went down easy on a summer day. They can actually make decent tasting beer if they chose to.
While watching that I was like “Rice is somehow better than corn?!?”
Classic advertising ploy: “They do X! Buy our (insert product here).” No mention of the advertiser doing Y, which is arguably worse.
I went on the Bud tour in St Louis a few years back (10?). At the beginning they were showing the ingredients they use and were talking about how they buy the finest hops. They were nice. I so wanted to ask, “These are nice, but what do you do with them, they aren’t in your beer?” But my friends had already lectured me on that in advance.
Just enough hops to keep it from going skunky if you drink it within in a week or two.
This is the calculation that results when you’re selling to people who just want to get hammered, and don’t care what it tastes like.
The historical IBU trend of Budweiser is a nice line downward.
it has reached the point of near-inperceptible (something like ~8 IBU I think is the limit).
IIRC, Bud Light is about 10 IBU and Bud about 12.
Apparently Bud is down to a 7 IBU, and I’m guessing adding no hops whatsoever for flavor at the end of brewing. (Hops can add bitterness or flavor, depending on when added during brewing):
I don’t think they have added flavor hops in a long time.
Miller had the commercial about triple hopping, which is funny, because that is so normal a process it doesn’t need to be advertised.
I make a number of beers that only have bittering hops. My hefeweizen for example. But even so, it comes in at the low 20s for IBU, so they are noticeable, if low.
I don’t know that I believe that 7 number, but I don’t disbelieve it either.
Mid-century Bud was about 18 IBU, I think. It lost a pt or two per decade after that.
Hops are vile, and probably one of the biggest factors in limiting the number of drinkable beers in existance.
That is the wrongest wrong that has ever wronged.
Sniffing a handful of fresh hops is one of the great pleasures of life.
I’ve done that, Robc, and it was about the tenth worst odor I’d been assailed with.
I’m guessing the Montana Moose Piss big brewers, if they triple hop for advertising purposes, do so with only the most token amounts in the second and third stages.
It’s called Budweiser, not BudsWeiser, because each ginormous brew tank gets one hop added. 😉
The commercials were TERRIBLE! WTF are these idiots thinking?
WTF are these idiots thinking?
Please don’t crucify us!
Which is of course the wrong response to the “threat”. Proper response is the sound of racking a round with a pump shotgun.
My bet? This game is so boring that these commercials will seem like real entertainment by comparison.
Oh, and “Does this get us into the woke parade yet?”
YouTube will experiment with ways to prevent dislike button ‘mobs’
They really took the 2018 Rewind hard.
Youtube is a shit platform run by shitheads. Not anywhere close to being as bad as Twitter though.
Twitter chose the wrong logo. It shouldn’t be a little bird but a troop of howler monkeys.
Running from STEVE SMITH????
They advertised the wrong end of the bird. Random bird plops raining down on your head sums up Tweets so much better.
Just email every poster a virtual participation ribbon and be done with it.
There is a dislike button on the videos and there is a dislike button on each comment under the videos.
The dislike button on the comments literally does nothing. It is a placebo. You can click it if you want, but it doesn’t tally the dislikes and it doesn’t affect the count of “likes” on that comment (which it actually DOES tally).
All they have to do is finish the job and implement the same function for the dislike button on the videos and finally everyone will love Big Brother.
Speaking of Super Bowl ads- It seemed as if there were an unusually high number of CBS (and NFL) in-house promos. Did they have troubles selling all their ad spots?
I was thinking the same thing.
Not a great game, but doesn’t beat SB V or XXIV for being a lousy game.
Propaganda posters.
I like this one.
I want a hot dog now. My favorite.
Uhmm. That’s not who I’m thinking about when I’m twisting a nut
The Nazification of the Democrats
Those damn Rethuglikkkans who snuck into the party, damn them all and their bigotry.
Criticism of Israel and antisemitism aren’t synonymous.
Not inherently, although the overlap between anti-Zionists and anti-Semites is pretty close to 1:1. The BDS fruitcakes fall back on that line whenever they periodically catch a little flack in the mainstream publications after they accidentally drop the mask and make unvarnished endorsements of genocide.
I will admit the Venn diagrams have quite a bit of overlap.
I don’t know. There are plenty of people who are not anti-Semites but critical of the actions Israel Takes and its elevation as a partner of the US. I wouldn’t say that it is “close to 1:1”. I think a lot of the people who get coverage are on the left, and those ones tend to be Pro-Palestine, and that is a selection bias for anti-Semites.
0.95:1. I wrote a Jewsday a few weeks back showing how to detect that 5%.
Hint: if you hang with Farrakhan, use words like “apartheid,” and refuse to refer to Israel by name (“the Zionist entity”), you’re in the 95%.
Well, to me, “anti-Israel” generally means “Israel has no right to exist”, which is something people who want to drive the Jews into the sea say. Somebody who is peeved at something the Israeli government does is generally not hard to distinguish from someone who wants to wipe Israel from the map.
BDS want to wipe Israel from the map. They are anti-semitic.
Fair enough, though I would say there are a lot of Neo-Conservatives who like to conflate the two (Anti-Israel, and Critical of Israel) to cast their ideological opponents as anti-Semites.
Democrats are fascists. Fascism is the system where government partners with business to pick winners & losers in a socialist system where government uses force to rob the productive to buy votes from the people that live off welfare, and then pretends it is capitalism and is wrong, then demands the power to do even more of it.
But Democrats don’t support eugenics. *looks at Virginia*
Only the “right” kind…
The fact that the Nazis also thought they were supporting “the right kind” of eugenics seems to never register with these fucks. My favorite is when they tell people that you are worse than them because you think abortion is wrong but then think the death penalty makes sense. Because there is absolutely no difference between killing an unborn entity that has done no wrong and has no defense and someone that has been proven to be an evil killer that murdered in cold blood.
Because there is absolutely no difference between killing an unborn entity that has done no wrong and has no defense and someone that has been proven to be an evil killer that murdered in cold blood.
“I’ll take false equivalences for $1000, Alex”
oldest surviving form of prejudice: anti-Semitism
I know it’s rhetorical, and i’m being pedantic, but I know for a that there is ample evidence for urban/yokel prejudice going back to the time of the first agrarians and their Nomadic Neighbors.
Ugh. Four straight days of long drives in a shitty rental truck, keeping Wonder Dog quiet in hotel rooms, subsisting off truck stop food. What made it all worthwhile? Passing a sign for Snowflake School.
But we’re almost there. And things only sorta went to hell here without SP’s firm and competent hand.
Glad to hear you survived the trek.
So far. About another half day to go.
Safe travels!
As we used to say 60 years ago, “You’ve got it made in the shade”
Drive the rest of today like you did the last 4 days and then get these kids back on track.
Good luck in the final leg, hope the move goes nicely for you and yours!
Well at least on this end, we won’t be dealing with loading trucks and driving in massive snowfall and -28 degree temperatures.
Very true, nice work getting out of the VORTEX.
Well, we are having a bit of a rainy spell.
One day, you’ll shiver a little bit, put on light jacket and look at thermometer realizing it reads 80 degrees. Happened to me within one year.
Just get a new thermometer.
I hope there isn’t a ‘Wally World closed’ sign at the end of this trip.
Hope the last leg is quick and uneventful.
[waits until Swiss is looking elsewhere, whispers] Things here are far worse than people are letting on. The place is in complete chaos. No order, no structure. An idol to Virginia Postrel has been erected and people are making blood sacrifices.
Look, we told you, the servers need a squirrel sacrifice to live!
*narrows gaze*
We still don’t have the blink tag.
Actually I havent tested:
I blinked when I read it, if that’s any consolation.
It works on all of our machines. Although I read somewhere that the blink tag not working was a sign that the NSA was in control of a computer…
Very glad to hear that your travail is all but over without undue problems.
I did coast to coast in a U-Haul many years ago. Pure misery.
Why truck stop food? When I moved cross country we grabbed the McD’s for lunch but made sure to have a decent dinner as reward for a hard day’s travel.
Our stopping times mitigated against dinner. Trust me, in suburban Amarillo at 1 am, there’s not much open beyond sketchy Waffle Houses.
“sketchy Waffle Houses.”
Those are the only kind of Waffle Houses and I have no idea why anyone eats there.
The storm scared off the other restaurants.
The Waffle House in Asheville is pretty nice – at least compared to the one in Ohio I went to.
Or, as we call it in my area, “Denny’s”.
That’s just because there are no waffle houses in New York (that I know of)
because they are awesome?
You drove into Arizona via Snowflake? Did you have a reason for sneaking in?
I dunno, we just took 40, then headed down toward Lakeside to overnight before the last leg- which starts in a few minutes.
“firm and competent hand”
Go on.
I Love My Boyfriend Dearly—but I’m Desperate to Have Sex With Other Men
How do I manage this?
The best part is the hemorrhoid discussions that follow.
I am sure there are people out there that are into roids just like there are people into feet.
If so, then they are a lot more discreet. Because the foot-lovers NEVER miss an opportunity to tell you that they’re foot-lovers.
Now you know how your partner feels all of the time.
Lol. This sounds like exactly the same response you’d get as a man if you wrote in “Hey, I really love my wife, but I want nothing to do with her sexually and would like to exclusively fuck other women.”
No shit. More like “Get over it bucko. You should consider yourself lucky that society even allows you to continue living with how much toxic masculinity I sense in this question. Shut up and get back in your cage.”
Apparently this response didn’t occur to the “advice” columnist:
“You’re with a best friend, not the person or people you want to have sex with. That ain’t gonna work. Find someone you’re sexually attracted to, and have sex with them.”
Why did she say she was happy at the start?
Good question. Maybe she wasn’t.
I think it was a gay male who wrote in.
In a 10-year relationship, not married, no children.
Her body, subconscious, and nature are all quite confused at that arrangement.
Well she might be for the most part or it is entirely possible she is lying to herself about how happy she is. A lot of people who find themselves in unfulfilling relationships do this. They can’t point to any one specific thing making them unhappy in the relationship and so they convince themselves that “this must be what happy feels like” so they don’t have to face the prospect of leaving what is in all respects a good relationship that just doesn’t happen to meet their needs fully.
You think if he told her he wants to bang other chicks she would be OK with it?
Depends. Dude is probably a beta with a small cock. So she’d have no problem since he ain’t getting any and she would get a free pass during fleet week.
If the dude had game, she’d be livid.
That’s my take as well. The guy is a major beta, but she likes that he caters on her and probably pays for everything. She just doesn’t want to bang him, but wants some of those alphas that will that her like shit after because they fuck her hard and good.
Maybe. But only if she was certain he had no actual chance of doing so.
Ha ha ha – the fucking – ha ha!
Married 20+ years with long dry spells in that stretch. I am talking years of dry. The first time after a long dry spell told me exactly why I was waiting. Words fail – just nobody can do that for me like she does.
If you don’t have that then it’s time to walk.
If you can’t picture yourself *happily* changing your demented spouse’s diaper, and having them not remember who you are as a thank you, don’t get married.
it feels like I’m cheating.
Seems to be your intent.
subsisting off truck stop food.
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. See: steak, chicken fried
That shit on the rollers will kill you.
The horror…
Don’t eat the Sushi! it’s a trap!
Ok, now I am hungry for sushi.
Truck stop sushi?
No just the good kind.
What doesn’t kill you can still leave you crippled for life.
Police Officer Coerced 2 Women Into Sex To Avoid Arrest
If they take away all the fringe benefits of being a cop we aren’t going to be able to attract the best and brightest any longer.
Yeah, I’m guessing this happens a lot more than we know.
^This. And those complaints that do get made get buried.
If they take away all the fringe benefits of being a cop we aren’t going to be able to attract the best and brightest any longer.
I know you are being tongue-in-cheek, but it struck me. I Don’t here the cops being called the “Best” and “Brightest” much anymore. They are simply “Heroes”. Have we collectively given up on the lie that they are our best or brightest?
That article explaining how there were IQ limits on the hiring process sort of quenched that.
“Heroes” is harder to objectively refute.
I remember hearing those stories when I was a teenager. Could have been true. I never heard of a cop getting into any trouble over it though.
The thin blue line must be maintained!
Lay back and think of the Thin Blue Line?
Did he have a complaint?
Mammary Monday to the rescue!
7, 14, 15, 33, 47. I have been saved on this day. May this link be praised.
7 is a thicc girl inexplicably trying to deemphasize those lovely hips:
26 is pretty damn hot, too:
It’s truly a damn shame to be quite honest. Her hips definitely DON’T LIE.
The camera angle and cropping of the pic seem to be hiding that she is a teeny bit chubby. She’s trying to appeal to the “lactating skinny virgin” preference.
Seems like a slow news day. Not that I’m complaining.
The Tom Brady invitational went about as expected.
Does L.A. have an offence?
I know Gurley wasn’t 100% but you shouldn’t have to depend on one player anyway. It was in steady decline for some weeks now.
The Eagles really messed up. That’s my take away.
I mean, they were the 2nd ranked offense.
The FDA is cracking down on e-cigarettes. Conservative groups fear it’s going too far.
Let those kids start smoking using real cigarettes as God intended. In public health apparantly harm reduction measures are great unless they resemble something icky.
Evil corporations are making money, instead of good, government fearing NGOs.
Nationalize BigE-Cig! (Though it i read somewhere that Big-Pharma is behind the push to regulate e-cigs out, don’t know why they don’t just jump in?)
I’m going to need a source on that. Some places will say Big Pharma is behind the most absurd things.
But they are! who else would the lizard people turn to to ensure their survival in our inhospitable Ice-Age Environment?!
“it’s now clear that widespread and sometimes reckless marketing of these products has come at the expense of addicting a new generation of kids on tobacco.”
If by “tobacco” you mean “flavored nicotine pods”.
The “widespread and sometimes reckless marketing” bit is also a flat-out lie, and completely irrelevant to the number of “kids on
tobacconicotine”.I’ve been considering a position in the tobacco industry. It pays very well and has incredible benefits. The recent bellowings of the FDA have me greatly concerned though that the regulatory apparatus might destroy the industry over the next couple decades.
If it doesn’t work out, you could move to Cuba and make cigars. They have free healthcare (best in the world), and everyone is happy since there is no income inequality.
Nah. The government makes way too much money on tobacco to destroy the industry.
That would be fortunate.
Yeah our local city council raised the age to purchase e-cigs to 21 recently. They didn’t mention that right across the bridge in Wisconsin, the legal age to buy e-cigs is 18.
Anyone else having issues with the mobile version of this site? Comments aren’t wrapping and there is a massive blank white space at the bottom of the page. When I click the quick arrow it sends me down to the bottom of the abyss.
No problems here, must be your device or your browser.
Yep. Just the last few days. Android and Chrome
Chrome was locking up my laptop a week ago. The workaround — switching back to Firefox.
The installation of Chrome on my computers would violate my security policy.
You guys still using IE6?
That would violate My Security Policy (as would Edge).
Still? We’ve been avoiding that patch for decades.
IE7. Came with the fast but really inexpensive refurbished Dell I got. One of the perks to living about a 40 mile drive away from where they make Dells.
I’ll drop a line to WebDom who’s pinch hitting code issues while SP is on the road.
Pasco stripper gets into fight, strips meter off wall at gentleman’s club
She sounds like a real catch.
She looks cray-cray. And must have super meth strength.
Just another day in Florida, my dudes.
Nothing says stripper with a heart of gold like facial tattoos.
There’s a reason strip clubs are so dark, and this woman’s picture illustrates what it is.
Men actually pay this ugly woman for lap dances?
They might pay her to end the dances…
“OK, OK, here’s my last five – will you stop dancing and go away now?”
Circa 1988. A local strip joint. Wall to wall brown carpeting. Me and two other buddies watching a stripper dance. I’m feeling guilty because I didn’t do my homework. She approaches. I realize my future is dicey at this point. She sticks her ass out to my friend. Lowers her head upside down between her legs as she’s spreads her legs. We all shift our heads accordingly. I look around disappointed in myself and accept I’m not going to med school. My friend….”is she missing…..teeth?”
And I’m here to tell the tale.
Damn. I forgot she motioned to him while curled over to ‘come hither’ with her finger.
LOL, we’ve all had those moments.
Life is not going the way I figured it would.
*record scratch*
You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situtation.
Florida stripper, incarcerated, butter. You’re really pretending this isn’t just a porn script that got on the AP wire by mistake?
I know there are exceptions that prove the rule (like the Marissa Tomei stripper in The Wrestler), but isn’t 37 a bit long in the tooth for that profession?
I knew a stripper who was 40-something. She took care of herself with lots of exercise… but yeah, the mileage was apparent even in the low lights of the strip club.
Not at “The Flame” in International Falls , circa 1990. The reservation isn’t too far away and Greyhound was still around.
I know how Taiwan feels. I have no interest in being ruled by autocratic DC.
So I didn’t realize till i heard it this morning, that Northam, on a Radio Show, advocated for infanticide as part of the Late-Term 40 week abortion insanity. That fuck deserves everything that is coming to him over this KKK/Blackface bulshit. I’m not going to pile on because of it, but i won’t extend a hand to him. And the Democrats that are calling for his Resignation deserve to rot in hell for caring more about something someone wore 35 years ago than for his current murderous ideology.
If you support third trimester abortion then infanticide is an ethically consistent position to take, IMO. It’s still interesting to see what raises people’s hackles these days though. Suggesting that a live baby should be resuscitated and kept comfortable while the mother decides whether to kill it or not vs. dressing up in black face as a dumbass frat joke.
These people are furious some guy was doing a Michael Jackson lip sync thing, but only get angry if you want to prevent them from murdering babies. WTF have we come to?
A world where Team Red has turned into 1988 Team Blue and Team Blue is using 1984 as an instruction manual.
Once again The Onion has to retreat from the kind if discourse it was accustomed to creating from whole cloth.
What we are seeing is an existential struggle between the increasingly powerful progressive wing of the party who are pissed that their guy Tom Perriello lost the primary. The progs are now focusing their energies on getting Northam to resign so that empty suit Lt. Gov Fairfax can serve out the term. And it puts the progressives on the same team as the Republicans for more delicious political theater and butt-hurt.
Fairfax is a moron (and a commie). There’s a reason nobody has heard from him over the last year.
He’s pissed because everyone keeps ramping up the Tax Rate numbers in a Race to the top.
Yes, and that’s why they like Fairfax – they think he will be easily led.
At dinner last night my old man, who is what one would call a moderate squishy Republican, was pissed about this proposed law; saying this is what the Democratic Party has turned into – literally Nazis killing innocent children. My mom, who is a Dem, deflected the charge saying it’s not every Democrat who believes this. Ah good times with the Humungus family 🙁
My mom, who is a Dem, deflected the charge saying it’s not every Democrat who believes this.
Not every Nazi hated Jews either, amirite?
Some of my best friends are Jews! Well… Jewish.
The VA 2nd A organization, VCDL, released a statement that basically said Northam’s past KKK or blackface dress-up is no surprise given his current embrace of KKK-supported gun control laws designed to keep firearms out of the hands of blacks.
I’m glad to finally see a larger gun rights organization push this. The NRA and GAO should make the racism of gun control their #1 talking point and hammer it without cessation. At this point, I think that’s the only thing that could push the Overton window back towards gun rights.
I’d go a step further and run commericals of a woman being stalked and assaulted with voice over from dipshit democrats about how guns are never used in self defense.
Good luck with that. It would fighting back against decades of successful propaganda.
Awesome. That’s a great angle to hammer home. Tie gun control to social justice, since it is a social justice issue, and force the left to square the circle of “cops are violent and racist and unwoke” and “only police should have guns”.
Except as with all things abortion he didn’t. The remarks were taken completely out of context.
When he made those remarks he was specifically speaking in the context of a baby being born with a fatal abnormality. Literally nothing in what he said could have been construed as advocating for some kind of elective post birth abortion.
I didn’t dig too deeply but that was my impression as well, and I don’t think that’s a morally-indefensible position. I’m not even sure why it’s being considered an abortion issue, as to my mind it’s not really different from end-of-life or palliative care scenarios with the terminally ill. There’s a different conversation to be had if you’re talking about a life expectancy of several years, maybe, but in cases where you’re looking at days, not even weeks, this is pretty much the same territory as when a spouse makes a call to take someone off life support in the absence of any prior guidance.
If it’s just like “Taking someone off Life Support” then why would this need a new law to cover it? This argument does not support the need for the law.
The questioning of Kathy Tran on the implications of the law was more revealing than the Northam interview.
There’s a mountain of difference between withdrawing heroic life-saving measures and actively ending life. I admit that I didn’t listen to the whole broadcast, but I agree that if it’s as you say, it’s not an abortion question. You can’t (legally) give a terminal cancer patient a lethal dose of morphine and a baby born with a terminal genetic condition is, IMO, no different. This is a euthanasia issue, not an abortion issue.
You can legally give a dose of potentially lethal opiates under the principal of double effect. The primary intent has to be management of symptoms but if there is a secondary effect of speeding up the dying process it can be legal and morally acceptable depending on the circumstance
I’m not even sure why it’s being considered an abortion issue, as to my mind it’s not really different from end-of-life or palliative care scenarios with the terminally ill.
Pretty much. However, when that fatal abnormality is inflicted during the course of the late-term abortion procedure, it really highlights the moral problem with late-term abortions. I still have not heard an explanation why a 24 weeker in a NICU is a person, but a 24 weeker in a womb is not.
Because someone else said so? Is the only reason there seems to be, which doesn’t cut it.
Agreed on that point.
When he made those remarks he was specifically speaking in the context of a baby being born with a fatal abnormality.
No, he wasn’t.
Here’s the full quote for anybody who hasn’t had the opportunity to read it:
He didn’t specify that the abnormality need be fatal and specifically discussed a situation in which the delivered infant be resuscitated if need be before being aborted after consultation with the mother.
Doesn’t seem fraught with so many layers of ambiguity or context to me, but YMMV.
I think the key here is “non-viable”; something that physicians will often use as a euphemism for “not compatible with life”. However, it said that non-viable only constitutes one possibility, whereas “severe deformities” that may or may not be fatal could also be a consideration.
If you have a severely deformed and disabled baby, but one that nonetheless, will survive if given non-heroic care, then withdrawing care post-birth is, indeed, murder. I don’t know how that’s even a point of contention. If you want to make the argument that it’s justified, then go right ahead. I don’t know if it’s the right solution or not. But be honest about the terminology; stop calling it post-birth abortion and call it justifiable homicide.
Right, the “may” is important in his statement. We “may” be talking about a third trimester abortion where there’s severe deformities (not necessarily fatal) or a non-viable fetus (in which case it seems extraordinarily cruel to the parents and the delivered fetus to resuscitate it). In either case, withdrawal of life support for a patient of any age is not illegal under Virginia law, so if that’s what he’s referring to then he’s dropped a total non-sequitur because the legal status of withdrawing life support from a non-viable infant was not affected in any way by the law under discussion.
Yes we are supposed to feel better because he isn’t arguing for straight infanticide, just Eugenics.
and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus which is non-viable.
I don’t recall that their (tabled) bill requiring that the fetus have sever abnormalities or be non-viable.
“there *may* be severe deformities, there *may* be a fetus which is non-viable”
Emphases mine.
And important emphases they are.
Indeed. Remember the word “may” is equivalent to the phrase “may or may not”.
and it’s done in cases where there may or may not be severe deformities, there may or may not be a fetus which is non-viable.
You guys realize you sound EXACTLY like the “journolists” who doubled down on the racist Covington kids when the full context of the story came out right?
The reality is third trimester abortions are your bogie men and you are incapable of seeing anything else when abortion is mentioned. NO ONE is going to listen to you until you demonstrate that you understand that for all intents and purposes nobody gets a 3rd trimester abortion without a damned good reason and literally nobody outside of a handful of hardcore feminists with less power and fewer numbers than actual white supremacists.
You have to have surrendered your capacity for rational thought to believe that a politician of any variety would be publicly advocating for the actual murder of a healthy newborn. It is perfectly clear from his statement that Northam was discussing what happens when a baby which could have been aborted under the proposed law is born with conditions which are imminently fatal NOT killing a healthy newborn because the mother went through all the difficulties of carrying it for 9 months and then going through labor only to decide “nah having a kid is gonna crimp my style too much, just kill it”. The two scenarios are in no way shape or form equivalent. Was Northam less articulate on the issue that he could have been? Sure. But then who hasn’t spoken in a less than precise way from time to time?
Also lets go back to that “mental health of the mother” thing. You realize that just because a law fails to forbid something that does not mean that the thing would ever happen right? There s exactly one scenario under which a late term abortion would EVER be provided for mental health reasons. The mother has schizophrenia or some similar severe mental contition which she HAS to take medication for but she can’t take the meds without harming the fetus. No one is going to carry a baby for 8+ months and then just randomly decide to get an abortion and if they did they would be HIGHLY unlikely to be able to find a doctor willing to go along with it whether it was legal or not.
Everything you say here is true but I think what you are missing is the reason that those jumping on this have no difficulty believing the Governor meant that healthy newborns could be killed.
To many, probably most, of those who oppose abortion there is no moral difference between killing a 10th week of gestation fetus and a newborn. Obviously there are distinctions that can be made at various stages of development, but by 10 weeks the fetus is reacting to stimuli including pain, which seems like a pretty significant one of those distinctions. Since the pro choice world regards abortion at this stage as completely acceptable, and in fact as a sacrosanct right it isn’t a huge leap for the pro life side to see them as advocating infanticide.
You guys realize you sound EXACTLY like the “journolists” who doubled down on the racist Covington kids when the full context of the story came out right?
Only because you are torturing the plain meaning of language to suit an agenda. He said what he said. You’re the one spinning it like a fucking game show prize wheel to try to make his words mean something other than what he actually said. I don’t personally give a fuck and find his position perfectly ethically consistent, FWIW. But let’s be very clear here: you are the one trying to mindfuck yourself into believing something other than what you seen.
The argument “technically it means this, but NO ONE would ever dream of doing that” is not a good one. If the plain language of the law says that you *can* kill a newborn for any reason pertaining to “mental health” of the mother, someone, somewhere will abuse it. It might be rare and it might even have benefits in some cases, but that’s utilitarian BS. Either it’s ok to kill newborns under all circumstances or it’s not. Playing with edge cases just lets the camel get its nose in the tent.
I’ve mainly done three things in this discussion:
Point out how the proponents of the law mislead and mischaracterize what it actually says.
Point out how the opponents of the law have taken the part about resuscitating and/or letting a terminal infant die completely out of context to claim that a normal process followed for years with terminal newborns in infanticide.
Reiterate that, in my book, no abortion should be permitted after the fetus is viable. Even if the pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s health, once the fetus is viable you can “terminate” the pregnancy by delivering a live baby, rather than killing the baby in utero and then delivering it. If the baby is terminal, deliver the baby and put it into palliative/ “allow natural death”, just as you would for a baby that was delivered without a pre-determined conclusion that the baby should be allowed to die.
The bill doesn’t have the requirement.
As was demonstrated by the questioning of Kathy Tran, the mother’s “mental health” would be a sufficient reason.
Word. I don’t even really care about the black-face nontroversy. (but it is nice to see Team Blue taking there own medicine, especially given that they always accuse Team Red of being racists…) But supporting the actual murder of infants is a problem.
BRUSSELS (AP) — Police in Antwerp are looking for clues in a robbery in the Belgian city’s famous diamond district that had all the hallmarks of a classic Hollywood heist movie.
Though police have so far Monday been unable to quantify what the robber or robbers made off with from the deposit boxes, they do know how they got into the BNP Paribas bank — a hole into the vault led to a tunnel and the city’s sewage system.
I see Ocean and his crew have been busy lately.
Beh, Ocean is amateurish compared to this guy: He works alone
What an absolute madlad. Much respect for that rogue.
I thought it was Flambeau.
Adam Levine showed his nipples during the Super Bowl halftime show and didn’t get in trouble at all
Hurrrr why boy titties different than girl titties?
Next superbowl show should be all nude female singer (hot ones though)
Lena Dunham sitting on a toilet singing the National Anthem between bites of cake.
…while performing a Tonio-style abortion.
The real question is what would have happened if Levine identified as a female and shown his nipples?
That’s actually the language used on some platforms that don’t allow “female-identified nipples”.
White boy titties. Because Boi Toi or whatever his name is clearly got a stern warning from CBS not to unleash his.
Big Boi’s got a thing for fur coats. That’s part of his schtick.
Oh, I was just riffing on the idiot who dragged race into the “conversation” for no apparent reason.
Hurrrr why boy titties different than girl titties?
I, for one, think that women should be free to expose their breasts as they please.
Daily Beast Writer Smears Patriots As ‘The Preferred Team Of White Nationalists’
In a bizarre, angry screed published Sunday morning, Daily Beast writer Colin Smith excoriated the Patriots for being “Team MAGA,” the living manifestation of “MAGA scum,” and, perhaps most bafflingly of all, “the preferred team of white nationalists.”
Clearly, Smith is rather miffed that the Patriots are making their eleventh appearance in the Super Bowl Sunday evening, and their fifth in six years, and he’s quite angry that Brady, coach Bill Belichick, and team owner Robert Kraft are allowed to compete, given that they are clearly “supporters” of President Donald Trump.
Smith calls Brady, in particular, “unnerving,” because at a send-off rally, Brady led a chant of “we’re still here,” which sounded, to Smith, suspicously like “build the wall,” or “lock her up.” Brady, Smith insists with characteristic subtlety, is a “square-jawed grifter throwing red meat to the hogs at an alt-right rally, screaming at the libs who thought Nancy Pelosi and her gender warriors were gonna keep DECENT AMERICAN FOLKS from BEING HERE.”
Brady, Belichick, and Kraft have all committed the cardinal sin, Smith says, of being Trump supporters, though Smith’s evidence for their support is scant. A “Make America Great Again” hat appeared over Brady’s shoulder during a single post-game interview back in 2015, and Brady was clear at the time that the accessory was a gift from golf buddy Trump. Brady repeatedly refused to express any public support for Trump’s politics, and often suggested to reporters who asked, that while he liked Trump as a person, he and the then-presidential candidate “disagreed.”
Belichick wrote a “letter” to Trump that Trump often referred to in his campaign speeches. Kraft donated $1 million to Trump’s inauguration committee and got a “shout out” from Trump at the event (since then, though, Kraft has publicly parted ways with the president over Trump’s comments about NFL players kneeling in protest during the national anthem).
Someone seems to want me to be Patriots fan.
And these same “intellectual betters” ponder why nobody outside of their circle-jerk bubble takes them seriously and/or outright mocks them. Don’t they ever get tired of making EVERYTHING a political statement?
Why is they firing us and telling us to learn to code?
Why do you think I pulled for them? McVay said his team was ‘undecided’ about going to TWH should they win.
Fuck. You.
Go Pats.
Inside Chengdu: can China’s megacity version of the garden city work
Will this be another one of those make-work cities that end up 5% occupied after construction?
No, never.
It will be dismantled by hand once it’s constructed.
Holy GDP multiplier Batman.
Somewhere Kruggie just had a hot flash.
We built a fab there. I was high enough on the ladder to choose the equipment for installation, but not high enough to go and oversee said equipment installation 🙁
I’m guessing nobody will use those parks and then they’ll just turn them all into parking lots.
Barstool Sports honcho David Portnoy hauled out of Super Bowl
I guess the NFL was tired of getting trolled.
Start running.
Ah damn it. So distracted with formatting issues I missed the link. *Ducks for cover from incoming comments*
*narrows gaze*
This would have made a great addition to the links
*High Fives Pie*
I will say… the refs were pretty unobtrusive, for the most part.
But- I almost turned the game off after that early unnecessary roughness on a receiver call. What the fuck are they supposed to do? Stand there with their hands in their pockets, counting, “one alligator, two alligator…”?
And that time Gurley actually broke one, only to be called back for holding.
Momentum killers.
Yeh. The Pats got away with a PI but for the most part. Very subdued affair.
Brady struggled. But got it done when he needed to. Rams defence was really good.
A third of Himalayan ice cap doomed, finds report
Even radical climate change action won’t save glaciers, endangering 2 billion people
The environmentalists just have a ten year file of scare stories they iterate through each decade.
And they can’t even be bothered that they are rehashing the same stupid shit?
Goldfish have better memories.
I, for one, welcome doom and darkness.
You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Not a chance. I am going to be drowned by the Rusalka over and over.
+1 adventure
A third of Himalayan ice cap doomed, finds report
I want to know the only opinion that matters, What does SNOW SMITH think?
That was the plot of Snow Devils.
Wasn’t that the plot of a Mission Impossible movie?
perhaps most bafflingly of all, “the preferred team of white nationalists.”
I’d like to see the poll that demonstrates that they are the preferred team.
First-Ever ‘Deregathon’ Targets Regulatory, Occupational Licensing Red Tape
It will be interesting to watch this. IJ is represented in the article as well.
Get to it, Florida!
Its just Crazy enough it might work, Florida man.
I submit that the fact that there are 23 different professional icensing boards is a problem for businesses that needs to be resolved – decertify them all and remove the requirement.
“Lt . Gov. Jeanette Nuñez”
Between this and other reports mentioning him wanting to get rid of Common Core, I’m really looking forward to moving back this year.
Democrats are just as good as republicans though. Just look at. .. ? I got nothing but Gabby and Webb. Notably neither of them have actual power to enact their agenda.
It’s rather chilly, this morning.
-8, with something verging on freezing fog
Bill Maher under fire after making fried chicken joke to black congressman Will Hurd
“I was making a funny!”
“Oh, OK!”
Is it wrong to enjoy the fact these fuckers end up being taken down by the very same tactics they used to go after their political enemies?
Q: “I’m just asking why you’re Republican.”
A: “That’s where they collect them, huh?” said Maher. “By the Popeyes Chicken.”
Looks like another one got off the plantation, there, Billy.
Projection confirmed.
Maher’s schtick is to say outrageous things, and he’s one of the few who says things that piss off his own side.
Light the John signal!
interesting story about trucks “platooning” in Minnesoda. Driver in each vehicle but the first driver controls the brakes and gas on the second truck.
Not a fan of Minnesoda having ginned up task force to study the problem. It does show, though, that the way real automation gets into the trucking industry won’t be the way that it has been portrayed in the media. Not fully automated and trucks connecting to each other instead of being controlled from some central server.
What they should do is physically link the trucks up and then build some kind of special lane they can travel along…
Perhaps with some metal guides so they wouldn’t go out of the lane?
That’s inspired.
Sounds like something out of the 19th century to me.
Everything old is new again
What they should do is physically link the trucks up and then build some kind of special lane they can travel along…
To use the parlance of one congresscritter: That would really run a train on the transportation industry.
Umm… If the tire wear is different on the various trucks, isn’t this going to cause issues?
Also, I hope the second driver can override the brakes and slow down if some idiot squeezes between the two.
So instead of saying a woman pulled a train, I have to say she’s in a platoon?
I thought they said Pontooning. : Dregs up shipping container out of Mississippi:
What they should do is physically link the trucks up and then build some kind of special lane they can travel along…
Crazy talk.
So I saw a discussion this weekend where people were trying to explain why the usual progressive academic marxist find Nazism, Hitler, and the swastika far more horrifying/evil than communism, Stalin or Mao, and the hammer and sickle. All these fuckers kept saying that they were right in feeling marxism was far less bad, because if the right people were in charge it would work, whereas fascism could never work. The fact that marxism murdered over 120 million and has kept billions as serfs of the ruling class or ruler, and is still going strong and racking up a body count, notwithstanding. When you dug down and asked why, other than the belief that they really felt marxism should be able to work, they pointed out that fascism defined a superior race, and thus, provided itself with an excuse to kill those it fell was less. I guess the fact marxism defined everyone not willing to accept it (and even those that did but got in the way of the people with power) eludes these morons defending marxism.
Fascism is evil and its pretense to help by having government and industry join hands in picking winners & losers, is despicable. Marxism is far more evil, and the body count shows so. The lesson here is that collectivism always leads to tyranny. The fact that we have a whole bunch of academic marxist douches telling us that the soft fascism that now is part & parcel of all the western nations is really evil capitalism, is galling.
they pointed out that fascism defined a superior race
Not Italian fascism, which is the original flavor. Not that the superior nation-state is necessarily any better. But then you’ve arrived at a critique of every political system.
It’s idiocy all the way down bro. I find fascism to be an evil thing. But to pretend it is worse than marxism, IMO is some serious kind of stupid. Reality is that collectivist systems, by the very nature of the need to force equal outcome for all, can only deliver misery and death. And none of these systems survive unless it isolates and/or kills detractors.
No I get that, I’m just saying they’re wrong the basic facts on top of it all.
I’d be willing to bet that the 100 million people murdered by communist regimes in the 20th century couldn’t particularly give a fuck whether the reason they were murdered was based on race or ethnicity rather than some other metric. These are the same people who think murdering a black man because he’s black would be worse than murdering him for his wallet.
Seems we are saying exactly the same thing. The people making this distinction, literally feel killing someone because they don’t accept their evil ideology’s demand that people just accept their fate as serfs or because they pissed off the people with power is not as bad as killing someone because or race, are fucking demented. In the end you are still killing someone because they are in the way of whatever evil shit your vile collectivist ideology wants.
IIRC from classes, Mussolini and especially Gentile, the guy behind the philosophy of Italian fascism, believed that the state reflects the ethnic character of its citizens, which kind of create it organically as they join together in a sense. There was a racial hierarchy–at the top of which of course were Italians–but it wasn’t as literal as the Nazis, i.e. being from Italy, related to Italians, looking like other Italians, and/or supporting the Italian state was good enough evidence that you were ethnically Italian.
That’s just because the Italians have always been bad at record keeping. Unlike the anal retentive Germans, who were obsessive about it.
If those are the only qualifiers it hardly sounds revolutionary. Ethnic nationalism is the baseline case for human organization.
A lot of words to say “we are team Mao” which is what is boils down to.
Yup. Mao somehow meant well.
More importantly, he won. He killed some of his enemies, and had the rest publicly humiliated during the Cultural Revolution. (the mass starvation and murder was totally worth it)
He killed some of his enemies, and had the rest publicly humiliated during the Cultural Revolution.
Increasingly, I’m convinced that this is the point of much of modern progressivism. They’re damaged people who yearn for the opportunity to kill or humiliate the cool kids.
“Increasingly, I’m convinced that this is the point of much of modern progressivism”
It is. These twats that basically amounted to nothing of importance when they were young saw that movie “Conan the Barbarian”, where the Mongol horde lord asks what the meaning of life is, and took it to heart. They think they need to kill anyone that points out the are less the geniuses that will save mankind and far more the emperor without clothes but too stupid to know he was had.
they pointed out that fascism defined a superior race
Bah! That wasn’t true fascism. That was just Hitlerism. Totally different animal from true fascism.
True, how could you look at that jaw and not be convinced of the glories of state control!!!!
Good point.
Looks like a still from a deleted scene in Patton
Commies persecute the “inferior race” everywhere it is practiced too – their superior propaganda lets them get away with it, though.
Some of the most horrible evil, especially the racist evil, was done when the marxists exported their revolution to the proletariat of the third world. They not only looked down upon these people, but saw them as just another slave pool for the masters in Moscow. I don’t know how many people are familiar with how The Russian and Chinese communist movements became enemies, but I heard it had something to do with Mao telling the Russians to start a nuclear war with the US, so communism could win out, as China, which was the land of the true communist according to Mao, would then win.
Evil fooks the lot of them.
I actually think that Fascism has a FAR better chance of working than either Socialism or Communism. Remove the racial component (which was not present in Italian Fascism as far as I can tell) so that it can adopt a more cultural focus (we accept you as one of us as long as you demonstrate you are part of our culture) and it can work. Not forever obviously, creating that kind of power centralization will inevitably invite corruption and eventual collapse but for a handful of generations at least Fascism could be an effective functional government style. I do not believe that Socialism or Communism could ever even accomplish that
I actually think that Fascism has a FAR better chance of working than either Socialism or Communism.
I mean the Fascist countries did outlast the communists during the Cold War.
Fascism won. A soft version of fascism is what western democracies practice. Government colludes with industry, picks the winners & losers, and keeps perpetual power from the masses old fascism would have considered destructive to their society. Killing those you would look down upon has been replaced with giving them table scraps in return for votes that keep the elite in power. And then they put the cherry on top by declaring the horrific and evil system as capitalism. A two-fer.
^so much this.
If you really want to piss them off, point out that Hillary’s “Stronger Together” slogan from the last campaign was pretty fascistic.
I think Hillary’s “It takes a village” came from Pol Pot when he was discussing how to do BBQ. And he meant cooking the people. That guy knew how to rack up a good body count as a percentage of the population.
Not just sorta fascist. The word fascism in Italian means a “bundle of sticks”, with the explicit ideology that the bundle is stronger together than apart, even when applied to people rather than sticks — or treating people with the same reverence for their lives as one gives a bundle of firewood.
HuffPo Learned Not To Pay For What You Can Get For Free
Not paying for what you can get for free was literally the entire business model while Arianna Huffington was still running the joint. I don’t think they had a paid writer on staff for the entire first 10 years they were online.
Poll says
More than 4 in 10 Americans say the current federal government is doing the worst job governing they’ve ever seen, according to a new poll.
A CNN poll released Monday found nearly 7 in 10 respondents said the government is doing a bad job governing, with 43 percent saying it’s the “worst in their lifetimes.”
But wait- there’s more:
Nearly half of respondents (49 percent) said they think Trump’s presidency has changed the country “for the worse,” 7 points down from 56 percent who said the same in December 2017.
Forty-three percent said they think Trump has changed the country “for the better,” up from 39 percent in 2017.
If Public Enemy Number One’s numbers are ticking slightly upward, who’s the problem?
I wonder.
See… He’s already Making America Great Again.
I really hoped that Trump would permanently kill people’s love for an executive Presidency. Unfortunately it will not happen.
Agreed. They are never going to get past “next time our Top Man is going to win” as the only solution.
I’m guessing that I know what most of these respondents envision as the federal government “doing its job well”.
HAHAHAHAHA! My wife quoted those numbers to me this weekend. She left out the point that they were heading in a positive direction. I think because she either found the info on Reddit or a CNN commentator said them.
“the current federal government is doing the worst job governing they’ve ever seen”
That brings a tear of joy to my eye.
explain why the usual progressive academic marxist find Nazism, Hitler, and the swastika far more horrifying/evil than communism, Stalin or Mao, and the hammer and sickle. All these fuckers kept saying that they were right in feeling marxism was far less bad, because if the right people were in charge it would work, whereas fascism could never work.
Fascism, due to a nominally different organization chart, still allows for “profits” which are, as we all know, far worse than theft, starvation and death on a grand scale.
“Teacher suggested teen play ‘naked hide and seek’: cops”
A seventeen year old is a minor? This is why you get soy-boys.
You are legally a minor until your 18th birthday.
Feh. Young men should have a lower threshold for adulthood.
Especially if she’s hot.
What a little bitch. At 17, if a 24-year-old woman who looks decent is sending me nudes and asking to play “naked hide and seek”, I’m stealing all the condoms and Brut I can carry from the drug store and slaying it until I drop from exhaustion. Also, if some dude “brags” about fucking up that opportunity, he’s getting shamed and heckled for the rest of his natural life.
What an absolute twerp.
Oh absolutely. She’s cute and look at the crazy in her eyes.
That photo is probably the most flattering of the ones online.
I doubt the NYPost would pass up the opportunity for a good slut-shame.
Beulah is on the eastern edge of my bird hunting in NoDak. I never, ever would have guessed a cute 24 year-old was passing out nudies of herself there.
I bet that the knucklehead who fucked that shit up for the rest of the Beulah boys is going to get an ass beating.
My math teacher never looked like that…
Clearly we need to keep Women out of the education system, until they are 50+
That’s what the union does.
Looks like she didn’t do that good of a job. Beulah is bad at math.
Of course, it might be that half of the 228 kids in grades 9-12 are too busy fantasizing about their teacher being nude to actually pay attention and learn math.
My wife told me she’s taking our preteen daughter out bra shopping this afternoon (go away, OMWC). I’m buying a shotgun or 6.
Count your blessings JB. Could have been your preteen son…
His Holinss is right, as usual.
Also, are you completely insane? Bringing a subject like that to this rabble?!?
I told OMWC to go away. We don’t live near a forest area, so STEVE SMITH won’t be a worry, and we’re far enough inland that SEA SMITH won’t be either. And STEVE SMITH’S Florida Man cousin the Skunk Ape is not quite so stealthy.
Or she refuses to wear one, which would make her very popular with the teenage boys.
The right answer is always buy the shotgun, anyway.
Joe Biden approvingly nuzzles your scalp.
Dick Cheney gives you a big thumbs up after he racks a new round.
New round racks is what got JB into this mess.
I am so happy I don’t have a daughter…
When my ex-BIL talks about his daughter and her boyfriend I can see him cringe at the thought of what is going on…. And she is 23.
If being a pilot is so dangerous, then what about the passengers?
Did his study include all the time women spend making sandwiches?
And the cops get #19 on the list.
What’s hilarious to me about Peterson is that he just posted a chart of BLS stats, and people lost their minds. He takes the position that to the extent there is a “gender pay gap” it can likely be explained by trends in the decisions made by people in those genders rather than some sort of institutionalized sexism, without making a judgment one way or the other, and then people go apeshit about how stay-at-home moms do unpaid work that’s more valuable, or women are forced to make those decisions such as not working overtime so they can get their kids from daycare because society is sexist, and all other sorts of wonky arguments. He’s being called sexist because he’s pointing out that a.) economics is a real thing, and b.) it seems to be that women are making choices that result in their making less money sometimes.
“Mary Poppins branded racist by US academic in ‘blackface’ row over scene where she gets covered in soot”
I can’t wait for the SJW’s to discover Othello. Not that any of them would read Shakespeare.
Coal miners be racist, yo!
What do we call ignorant fucks that want to label everyone racist so they can feel smarter?
I’m rather enjoying this Benjamin-Rogan-Peterson spat.
Also. Anyone see that punk ass puke Dorsey on Rogan? Man oh man, that guy is one slime bucket. Rogan is getting reamed in the comments.
My reply was supposed to be to Couch Potato’s link.
Couch Potato’s
I don;t know if that was intentional or not, but it was humorous.
I blame the Baptists.
A Linfield alumnus worth remembering:
So far the last Crow war chief (earned in battle during WWII).
The shortage of horses in warzones is going to make it difficult for another one to meet the requirements. But it could be done in some of the counterinsurgency zones.
Also, do camels count? Or must it be horses?
“Nazi Julie Andrews” was meant to be a joke.
When I worked open pit iron mining we came out red at the end of the shift. Surprisingly management provided a place to for us to wash up. Had no local complaints other than from wives/girl friends and the guy that owned the local laundromat. Actually had 2 machines that said “Mine clothes”.
So what you’re saying is, you wore redface?
/Cathy Newman
Paradise in the Pacific
“Crocodiles may be seen crossing roads, and when flooding recedes, crocodiles can turn up in unusual places such as farm dams or waterholes,” said Queensland’s Environment Minister Leeanne Enoch.
“Similarly, snakes are very good swimmers and they too may turn up unexpectedly.”
One local resident, Erin Hahn, shared pictures of a crocodile sitting in shallow water at the end of her father’s drive. Another was photographed climbing a tree in the floodwater.
It’s raining in Oz.
Another was photographed climbing a tree
Crocodiles that climb trees?
Damn Australia.
Are Aussie drop crocs worse than these crocs?
“Tulsi Gabbard is totes a Russian asset” so says super serious-y NBC News report. The evidence provided? Basically none.
Exhibit A in why I could care less about propagandists losing their jobs.
“The only other so-called “expert” cited by NBC in support of its claim that Russian accounts are supporting Gabbard is someone named “Josh Russell,” who NBC identified as “Josh Russel.” Russell, or Russel, is touted by NBC as “a researcher and ‘troll hunter’ known for identifying fake accounts.” In reality, “Russel” is someone CNN last year touted as an “Indiana dad” and “amateur troll hunter” with a full-time job unrelated to Russia (he works as programmer at a college) and whose “hobby” is tracing online Russian accounts.
So beyond the firm that just got caught in a major fraudulent scam fabricating Russian support to help the Democratic Party, that’s NBC’s only other vaunted expert for its claim that the Kremlin is promoting Gabbard: someone CNN just last year called an “amateur” who traces Russian accounts as a “hobby.” And even there, NBC could only cite Russel (sic) as saying that “he recently spotted a few clusters of suspicious accounts that retweeted the same exact text about Gabbard, mostly neutral or slightly positive headlines.”
What about “firefighters” don’t you understand? Sometimes fighting fires means putting fires out. Sometimes it means starting smaller, contained fires to forestall bigger fires. Tulsi Gabbard has the potential to be a problem for Democrats, I mean, for democracy, and so torching her may help prevent the Trumpflagration from raging out of control. This is just some of the eleven-dimension chess that journalists have to do when they journalism. Are you prepared to take on their mantle, to fight those fires?
Congrats, you are now a paleolibertarian. In order to be a true libertarian you must be instinctively conservative enough to always defend the status quo, especially when they lie.
“A TERF is a white supremacist whose gateway to white supremacy is anti-trans bigotry, instead of anti-Semitism or anti-Blackness or anti-migration or misogyny.”
Actually, it’s a middle-aged cat lady trying to get traps kicked off the internet.
Opposing transsexuality means you support white supremacy? The two ideas are not related in the least (especially since most transsexuals are white) What is this Mad Libs for the mentally deficient?
All wrongthinkers of whatever variety are racists. This is known.
And Nazis!
I glanced thru the tweets. Psychotic, stupid , or both, I can’t decide.
It’s twitter, so I know they’re all stupid at least.
Emily G
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Imagine thinking white supremacy was limited to ethnicity/race and telling a person that they don’t know what they’re talking about on that basis
Good thing she’s got the coveted blue checkmark – otherwise I might think this was the insane musings of a random internet crank!
A blue checkmark means it can be safely ignored.
Imagine thinking white supremacy was limited to ethnicity/race
Yeah, imagine that.
What an idiot. Her parents must be proud. I hope some day she…I don’t know…gets better? Recognizes her social media addiction as a problem? Becomes rational? Somethin’, shit.
Thanks to my Google feed tracking Japan trivia – yet another update on Ariana Grande.
Bonus points that LaserAway a tattoo removal company has offered $1.5m:
I’d take the money and run! However, still trying to figure out if by learning the language I’m guilty of cultural appropriation,
Ariana Grande may be the dumbest celebrity, which is a difficult thing to achieve. Congrats, you skanky moron
That’s what happens when you stop your education at the age of about 10 and spend your entire formative years rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Whew, thank Zod I dodged that bullet!
I guess that probably did sound stupidly glib, but it’s the two things in combination that can easily make a retard. Plenty of exorbitantly wealthy people spawn children that live in the lap of luxury, but still become educated and erudite people. Because the parents don’t pull their children out of school, doll them up, put them on a stage, and depend on them for a multi-million dollar lifestyle.
Oh, hon…. You’ll learn. Now STFU and sing white-people music.
“Ariana Grande may be the dumbest celebrity, which is a difficult thing to achieve.”
Yeah, I’ll still take Demi Rose
Shes hawt though.
Just saw that apparently its been 59 days since Ruth Bader Ginsburg has actually been seen in public, and (presumably) that long since she has been at SCOTUS.
(1) Is this true?
(2) If she is working from home, how productive has she been? If not very productive, at what point should the Chief Justice step in and ask for her resignation? At what point should he do so publicly?
(3) Is there any reason why you can’t have a Justice confirmed before there is an empty seat? Have on in the batter’s box, so to speak. It shouldn’t matter who they are replacing, should it? I think it could change the dynamics of the process. And if the administration changes before there is a vacancy, the new Pres just withdraws that nomination – they aren’t actually a Justice until they are sworn in, after all.
As far as #3 goes, they could even actually be confirmed. The number doesn’t have to be 9, but I don’t want to go down that path.
I definitely mean confirmed before there is an empty seat. You aren’t a Justice until you are sworn in, basically, confirmation means you are eligible to be sworn in. A Justice dies or retires (or, be still my heart, is impeached) and bang, you immediately fill their seat with a pre-confirmed nominee.
Imagine this – one party takes both the senate and presidency. Stacks up dozens of pre-confirmed justices and then sits there insisting that these appointments be sworn in for any vacancy that opens while any of the pre-confirmed justices are still alive.
I think there’s an easy fix for that:
(1) The succeeding President can withdraw any nomination, even if its been confirmed.
(2)(a) The Senate can withdraw approval of a nominee.
(2)(b) Senate approval expires at the end of the two year Congressional term.
the AoS counter says 45 days
What does Age of Sigmar have to do with the SCOTUS?
(4) She’s dead and the Dems are apoplectic behind the scenes and inventing all kinds of shit to throw against the wall to try and make anything stick as a distraction. (See: Northam; the KKK pic was dredged up by progs)
Someone should find those “Weekend at Bernies” actors…. Democrat intelligentsia being what they are might have gone to them to find a way to prevent the corpse from giving it all away and Trump nominating yet another judge that they will find evil because she actually is not an angry feminist hag.
“Have one in the batter’s box, so to speak. ”
Pinch Justice? Is there a AAA league for judges?
The Federal Circuit
More crazy people news
Hilo, Hawaii — A Big Island lawmaker has proposed incrementally increasing the minimum age to buy cigarettes until there was, for all practical purposes, a ban on their sale in Hawaii.
Creagan, a physician, said taxes and other regulations have slowed cigarette use but haven’t stopped it, and he wants to get them off store shelves.
He told the newspaper he doesn’t think his legislation over-reaches. The state is obligated to “protect the public’s health,” he said.
Hawaii currently allows cigarettes to be sold to anyone 21 or older.
“Basically, we essentially have a group who are heavily addicted — in my view, enslaved by a ridiculously bad industry — which has enslaved them by designing a cigarette that is highly addictive, knowing that it highly lethal. And, it is,” the Tribune-Herald quotes Creagan as saying.
Maybe they will have public caning for tourists who attempt to smuggle cigarettes in with them.
*Just red meat for the dumb fucks- progressively raises minimum smoking age over time.
Maybe people are just smoking some of the Pahoa grown stuff now.
They could do that for the voting age.
Have on in the batter’s box, so to speak. It shouldn’t matter who they are replacing, should it?
It’s an interesting question. The President and Chief Justice confer, and find someone to “assist” the stricken Justice until such time as s/he either recovers, dies, or retires. This person would obviously have the inside track for the seat.
Too logical. It’ll never fly.
Not even that. I’m not saying we should have temporary Justices or have more than 9 Justices at a time. Just that you have a confirmed nominee pre-loaded for whenever there is a vacancy, regardless of which seat just went vacant.
I don’t think it’s a good idea. There are all sorts of new political games that could be played with that system. “Well, we decided to challenge the confirmation.” “Well, we’ll take a vote on whether to pre-confirm before or after the election.”
Basically, it gives more time and latitude to shit-can a nominee. The way it is now, they had, what, a week? to try doing that to Kavanaugh. Didn’t work, but given enough time, the “other side” (whichever one it is) could wear folks down.
Or you get a McCain-like asshole on “our” side (whichever one it is) who says, “Nope” just because he’s a vindictive cunt.
It would expose a pre-confirmed nominee to a shitshow until they were sworn in, true. Imagine if Kav were still sitting in the batter’s box.
FSU sure can pick them
Hey, I went to FSU! Oh, wait…
I spent 2.5 years there as a post-doc in the 80’s. Thankfully, no compromising video of me surfaced while I was there.
Goddammit, why won’t you plebes shut up and understand that your betters have a plan for you that’s going to be totally awesome!
“wasabi tofu is delicious!”
Citation needed motherfucker.
“This is your brain on Soy”
free of context, and suffering/enjoying a life-long addiction to wasabi, i see nothing wrong with that statement.
That’s just because you killed off your taste buds.
Proper response:
I ran down that thread.
The derp was strong with that one.
Read it, and then get a mental of picture of the guy writing it, and then look at his actual picture. You can’t tell me that you didn’t picture exactly him.
I thought he’d have a weaker jaw and chin.
They really do believe in their hearts that the plebes are just a bunch of game pieces to be moved around the board as they see fit. Truly disgusting.
The non sequitur on this one is huuuuuuuggggge.
“Neoliberalism rots people’s brains into thinking climate policy means sacrificing something. If we do it right climate policy will mean most everyone gets luxurious public goods & a better quality of life as billionaires become millionaires and we shutter the fossil fuel industry”
To paraphrase Chris Rock’s famous OJ joke, I’m not saying Pinochet should have had people like these thrown from helicopters……but I understand.
That’s the most cancerous Twitter thread I’ve read in a while. Bravo.
Embrace the future, comrade!
Which, the real future where these sorts of people are filling one sort of mass grave or another, or the nightmare distopia thay’re shilling instead of the one they’re trying to create?
These are probably decent people engaged in sloppy thinking and virtue-signalling, eager to drive themselves and everyone else straight towards the cliff’s edge because they’re almost totally sure that there’s a unicorn just below that will catch us and they’re afraid if we wait to make sure it’ll fly away and it’ll be too late.
“One of my followers asked for a badass piece of memorabilia. My reply: . Badass?? Memorabilia?? No such thing. You want memorabilia or you want badass? Badass would be a kilo of cocaine. Memorabilia would be the bag labelled “flour” that it came in. We throw that shit away.”
It’s going to be fun when the “respectable” people at the LP start talking about how McAfee is a loon and how important it is for the party to nominate another mushy moderate useless piece of garbage like Bill Weld.
Bill Weld has never found an American foreign intervention that he didn’t like. He’s never found a problem where the answer in his mind wasn’t “more government will fix that”. Weld is a bigger loon than McAfee. At least McAfee is free
And he sure loves him some WoD.
I’d vote for McAfee over another Gay Jay or Bill Weld any day of the week. The people who say the opposite are loony.
Why we could never vote for a candidate that was brash, crass, loudmouthed, opinionated, and had a larger-than-life persona, they could never possibly win!
I’d pull the lever for McAfree. I wouldn’t piss on a burning voting booth for GayJay or Weld. Especially if Weld was top of the ticket.
And Hilary, too.
“Kamala Harris: “children who miss school/drop out are more likely to commit crimes… to solve that we’ll prosecute their parents” Because we all know that children whose parents are in jail are far more likely to become successful. Fucking genius.”
Just keeps getting better…
What’s the virginia rules for if both the Gov and Lt gov go without the Lt Gov office being refilled?
Oh no, please say it wouldn’t be Gov Herring…..
I hope the answer is “anarchy”.
Hillary wins?
“The Post carefully investigated the claim for several months,” Fairfax’s office said in a statement. “After being presented with facts consistent with the Lt. Governor’s denial of the allegation, the absence of any evidence corroborating the allegation, and significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegation, the Post made the considered decision not to publish the story.”
Fairfax’s office added: “Tellingly, not one other reputable media outlet has seen fit to air this false claim. Only now, at a time of intense media attention surrounding Virginia politics, has this false claim been raised again.”
Isn’t that a novel standard. You mean they didn’t offer to fly her out to the state senate to give deposition on camera while every major network devoted copious airtime to airing out every bit of Fairfax’s dirty laundry? They actually did something approximating journalism, and decided to take a line against publicizing unverified rumor?
I’m sorry, but what would this woman possibly hope to gain by making this accusation? And besides, “due process”??? This isn’t a criminal trial. Plenty of guilty people get acquitted just because the prosecutor screws up, or witnesses are intimidated, or just because the system is rigged against women. The fact is, this guy is a rapist, and the idea that just because that hasn’t been officially proven in some court doesn’t mean that woman should have to see her attacker in yet another position of power while she’s gaslighted. It’s like she’s being raped all over again.
I think that’s about right. I didn’t pay too much attention to the Kavanaugh hearings, but I feel like I captured the gist.
I wonder if we should have the FBI investigate this. Seems like that is the democrats preferred method.
Pandora just served up this shitlord anthem
Ha! Excellent.
Pol Twat sure can pick em:
“Who was that, and why do I feel dumber just having spoken with her?” – Jeremy C.
I think you underestimate the stupidity of Corbyn
Oh, I know he’s an idiot, but there are nuances of idiocy.
The Stupidity is Synergistic.
I was super on board with her before I actually read up on her career as a prosecutor and being a corporate sellout.
But she’s sorta black. With a VAGINA!
Don’t be a hater, bitch,
“This isn’t the prog you’re looking for.”
I see a story about “powerful quotes” to commemorate black history month on google.
I wonder if any of those quotes are from Frederick Douglass.
Probably not. Douglass wasn’t woke. He took a meeting at the White House with a white president. So unlike the brave black football players from the Phila. Eagles.
Fred Douglass doesn’t get nearly enough love, and I’m not saying that just because I’m from Maryland.
holy shit so i’ve been offline for 72 hours skating the canal in Ottawa and eating queues de castors.
apparently the VA governor is being pressured to resign. and the lt governor has a percolating sex assault scandal.
They are democrats…
my guess is it will take a while but the jokes at the dem’s expense will be too much and both will be forced to resign. “Frankened”
Nothing makes me feel warmer than watching the tactics that the democrats resorted to in order to kill a political enemy take down their own. The only way this woke shit they peddle dies is when it eats the lot of them up because they are always the ones projecting their behaviors, beliefs, and low brow evil on others.