It’s going to be the best.Bigly speech. Not for losers. Comment so I can remember. I’m timing my second handle of vodka to start at 9pm.

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Well, he’s got the platitudes down.
White dresses? Why aren’t they dressed as Handmaidens?
They just forgot the hoods.
Is forgetting their hoods a recent event for Dems?
I mean, they certainly talk like they have forgotten, although, their policies suggest they haven’t.
Florida Man, Programmer, and purveyor of links.
So your skills are complete in the event you want to transition away from journalism.
Bitch, I can for realz code. Like wrote shit when coding was hard and didn’t have all the helper shit.
Like Eclipse? I rather like Eclipse.
Guh. I hate Eclipse.
Compared to the standard tool of my trade, the Jupyter notebook, PyDev is a massive improvement.
Ah. I don’t use Python. Work is all Microsoft, baby.
Nancy is clearly playing Angry Birds behind those folders.
Is that some kind of euphemism?
Do you REALLY want him to explain?
I’m going to do something productive instead of watching the State of the Union. Something like go to sleep.
I picked up CZ-USA/Dan Wesson 2019 Catalog at store tonight. I’ll be in my bunk.
Omg, the scowls from the shrieking harpy brigade is well worth watching this thing.
The Democrats sitting there like stone statues while Trump goes on about the good economy is not a good look for them.
Yeah, the sour look on their faces when Trump talked about people getting off food stamps spoke volumes.
Republicans are happy and having a great time. The Democrats look like they all have sand in their collective vaginas. The optics aren’t great for Democrats. Would you rather be with the miserable cunts or the ones having a good time?
Did it look like this for Team Red when Barry was giving his addresses? (Those were still my formative years.)
More or less
The “You lie!” outburst directed at Obama by some congressman was one of the greatest parts of that presidency.
Obama lecturing the Supreme Court at the State of the Union speech soon after they made a ruling he didn’t like was a new low for the State of the Union speeches.
I remember that.
It was indeed. I was very disappointed not one of them walked out.
I don’t remember. The only thing I remember from that time was the right being petty and counting how many times Obama said “I” and the media flipping out over someone saying “you lie”.
Yeah. I was just typing about the “You lie!”
He was right, you know.
Absolutely. My God, Obama was such a smug little shit.
Oh, he still is.
I hope I’m crazy, but I have this gnawing dread that we aren’t done with him yet. Or rather, he’s not done with us yet…
You know Obama will never leave the limelight. He loves it too much. He lives for it.
He’s going to have his dumbass show on Netflix, and even after he dies, we’ll have to suffer a decade or so of Democrats naming every single highway overpass after him.
At least there will be some comic value when cities have a “Barack H. Obama Memorial Blvd” and they are all ghetto shitholes with regular gunfire and syringes on the ground.
You think it stops there? There will be a colossus of him straddling the Potomac before I die. I called it in 2008.
Almost to a tee. Alito called out ‘Not True” when he mischaracterized the campaign finance decision and Joe Wilson (at a joint session) called out “You Lie!” when he lied about ObamaCare.
The Joe Wilson thing was so scandalous and much tongue clucking. Yet now it’s tote’s OK for sitting congressmen to call the sitting president a traitor and for “senior” senators to dress like hookers on the senate floor.
I know that politicians have thrown much worse at each other in the past (look up the election of 1828), it’s just the hypocrisy that gets me.
Misery does love company after all.
Is everyone tired of winning yet?
You people are sick for watching that shit.
I’m watching German scat porn if that’s any better.
This is as close as I’m getting – to what anyone here seems to be watching.
Yeah, my dad tried to get me to watch it. We like to hate on Pelosi/Cruella DeVille, but life’s too short. I’m stretching (almost touched my toes!) and reading about unusual aspects of bee behavior. Much more satisfying.
My six year old wants to be a beekeeper. My children are weird.
Fourscore will coach her up. Success guaranteed.
They see me trollin’, they hatin’….
Hopefully Trump takes that to the logical conclusion of being anti drug war. (May Rand Paul ever have your ear…)
One can only hope, man.
Did you actually use “Trump” and “logical” in a sentence?
Non-sequiturs can be a sentence.
I’m enjoying Trump politely face puncheng Team Blue and the media with reality. There’s plenty of derp in the whole thing, but the look of the painful itch of hemorrhoids on the face of Team Blue is satisfying.
Eh. Don’t get too Teamed up. Excesses happen on both sides The pain is good but also don’t forget he’s still a shitshow.
I’ll tell you what is a shit show…Ted Cruz’s facial hair is a shit show.
Better than his pointy chin.
I’m digging the beard. It’s like it’s own entity like Trump’s hair.
I hope SF gives you the proper
creditblame when this horror is unleashed upon us.When the beard scampers away from Cruz, then I will begin to respect it.
He’s got 2 beards now!
Meh. Given what’s come before, he’s much better than I expected. If I can get an hour of satisfaction after a year of everyone who’s not a proggy being labeled as a racist/homophobic/xenophobic/mysoginist, I’m going to take it. Tonight is a brief dose of satisfaction, and tomorrow we’ll be back to derp.
That was awkward by Gulag Barbie.
What did she do? I was listening on the radio on my drive home.
Curious on what handler told Pelosi to continually shuffle papers during the speech. Americans like attentive people…I am not sure that will sit well.
She forgets where she’s at.
AOC is wearing one of those retarded-looking split-arm, cape/jacket things. I’m sure at least three articles about it is being written by Slate right this moment.
The Daily Fail is already reporting that she “rocked” the look.
YASS! Slay Queen! YASS!
^OK, I’m not very far along in the comments, but that is the best (first) laugh of the thread.
Kudos to HM–the rest of you are slipping, dammit.
Did they have a link to where you could buy it? They are not going to pan the look if they can make money off it.
The big question is… how does it look on Demi Rose?
Better question – how does she look without it?
Well… better question for me.
“Be a caped crusader in white like Alexandria
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and many of her fellow female lawmakers arrived at the State of the Union address wearing white as a nod to the suffragette movement. It’s a tactic that has been used numerous times before to mark historic moments for women in politics and this outfit pays homage to the long struggle for equality expertly.
Opting for a chic cape, the Zara jacket is a confident and powerful choice. It’s also an inexpensive choice originally costing $99.90 before it dropped to $39.90.
Sadly it’s now sold-out but you can make a stand with our similar finds below from the likes of Boohoo and bcbgmaxazria.”
They’re more obsessed with American politics than Americans are with the royals. WTF.
This suffragette movement?
This State of the Union Bingo card is a good way to while away the time.
That’s good. And it looks non-partisan.
So Trump enterprises is gonna build the
wallsee thru steel barrier?Yeah, I’m pretty curious what the hell he’s talking about.
Hawks were having a great first period but the Oilers just tied it up with a PPG.
Wild going to shootout with Sabres.
Go Sabres!
They did it!
Still kind of a shitty team, though.
LOL I’m a Rangers fan.
Sorry, man.
For you.
That chorus is… unbelievable.
Lightning were up 2-0 on Vegas but have let them come back to tie it up. Vegas has the momentum now, about halfway through the third.
You’re a Florida man, too?
Wild lost. I predict restructuring soon.
Yeah, I’m here in Tampa as well, and a Bolts season ticket holder. Haven been to too many games this year as I still can’t bend my blasted knee enough to fit in the seats. It WILL bend enough by playoffs…
I think your team has an excellent shot this year. 80 points already!
They’ll go quiet at some point in the playoffs. Conference finals at best in my opinion. But a second round matchup against Toronto/Boston will be fun.
I’d like to see a Lightning/Jets final.
Watching the end of Lightning – Army before I go back to seeing Florida squeakyballhoops lose again.
Tampa gave up a penalty in the last two minutes of both regulation and overtime. Killed them both, so now a shootout…
Vasy v. Fleury. This could take a while…
Or maybe not. Vegas wins
Are we gonna follow up the speech with a water drinking contest?
No style points to Rubio.
Eh… the amendment wasn’t needed as the Constitution never prohibited women to vote…but congrats?
That was weird. (And awesome…)
Every time Nancy stands she pees a little.
I pee a little every time she smiles.
What happens when she claps? I’ve seen seals clap more humanly than her.
Every time Nancy Pelosi claps, a demon gets it’s wings.
Damn you!
Every time Nancy blinks, the federal debt goes up another million.
Reminds me of the Great Blink-Off between Cheney and Pelosi at one of W’s state of the union addresses.
Ha ha! I don’t remember that, but it was so noticeable tonight that I actually set my timer and counted 69 blinks in one minute.
An angel has it’s wings torn off?
I imagine it’s like banging two bags of dice together. Clickity-clack, clickity-clack, there’s no meat in Nancy’s hand so slack.
Pelosi thinks she’s looking with condescension at Trump, but because she’s facing the camera, it comes across as condescension toward the people watching.
The smirking and lip smacking are not a good look.
Oh god yes call them on their smirking after the Covington kerfuffle.
Trump gets the white wearing resistance Democrat proggy chicks to stand up and cheer. ROFL!
Apparently the white coats missed the memo to hate everything Trump says. That’ll make for some great optics later when the ree brigade starts lining people up and they were witnessed cheering for something Secret Nazi President said.
But seriously, Trump is a master troll.
This is known. He could teach a graduate study class on trolling.
If he can figure out a way to incorporate the phrase, “I’m going to grab China by the pussy” into his address then I might be impressed enough to vote for him.
But this is next-level.
Fuck. I missed that there was a new thread.
The biggest, most beautiful thread.
Woah….holy shit….
Ha, which part? He’s all over the map.
No part in particular. It’s all fascinating and entertaining. We live in the best timeline.
Everybody say a little prayer for Trump’s safety tonight; Rick Perry is the Designated Survivor this year.
OMG. Really? If the Capitol Building blows up, you know that rat bastard was behind it.
In Rick’s defense, I know very little about him. Just that in what little I’ve seen of him, he came off to me as very…smarmy…
And not capable of blowing up the Capitol. Good choice.
Ehh…He took out a coyote with a .380 while on a jog, so he’s got some skill.
Calling out the socialists in the audience, get some Donny.
Sanders is turning into an angry Muppet of himself.
I want to know who he stared down when he said that. I hope it was Karla Marx.
He was pointed her way. They should mount a GoPro on his shoulder.
Excellent suggestion.
Sounds like this needs to be part of Hat and Hair.
CPRM would be forced to animate a POV shot of the hat raping a grapefruit?
I suspect he and Sugarfree could come up with much, much worse.
You forget the duct tape at your peril.
That’s why it would make great animation.
Wouldn’t that sting rather badly?
With an aiming laser ala Predator
Yeah, I liked that part.
“The United States will never be a socialist country”. I so hope that is true.
I’m glad he did. It needs to be restated at every opportunity.
But muh Scandahoovian dreams!!
As someone who lived in “democratic socialism” for a couple of years in Sweden, I can tell you it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
“The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented,”
Trump is not articulate at all, but that was a great line, made even greater by the shitweasels at the UN’s reaction to it.
I missed that. Fuck yeah.
Let’s give credit to whoever wrote it for him.
Libertarian moment?
Grandpa Gulag doesn’t want to be free. He just wants everything for free.
I, a parasexual, am very serious with the ghost the haunts my closet. It all started when I was taking a shower, and I felt a cold breeze flush over my body. I turned to find nothing, so I brushed it off and continued bathing. I then felt a slight sting on my butt and, upon checking on it, saw a handprint right where the pain was. I knew that there was someone from a different dimension in the same room as me. I did as any normal being would do, and started to vigorously masturbate. As the water trinkled down my back, I felt a tingle in the nether-regions. I knew what it was, and came immediately. I heard a disembodied giggle, and the jizz dissapeared. I then felt some more tingles, as the ghost went back and forth on my dick with its mouth. I started to moan, and my roommate yelled “Bro, what the fuck are you doing?” The tingle disappeared instantly afterwards, and I was heartbroken. Nothing else could’ve given me pleasure as much as that ghost. 3 years pass, and I was in many relationships. But no one could fill the hole that was left by that ghost. On the anniversary of my head from the ghost, I was crying while masturbating to ghost videos on Pornhub, and I felt a nostalgic, but all too familiar tingle on my dick. I cried tears of joy as I slowly saw an outline of the very ghost that blew me appear. It hopped upon my yogurt slinger, and we fucked for hours. All until the ghost finally had enough and squirted its sweet ectoplasm all over my shaft. We’ve been fucking ever since.
Thank you, and God bless America.
*One solitary tear rolls down cheek*
*feels tingle on cheek as tear disappears*
+1 Ray Stanz
That ghost?
Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
And now you know… the rest of the story.
Were you present during the thread were I solicited ideas for the title of the porn version of “On the Basis of Sex”?
It was the ghost of Isabel Caro…
She fucks K-2SO but he’s destroyed because sex aids are illegal, and so she decides to rebel by becoming First Female Judge? And has a lesbian scene with Judge Anderson?
No, I missed that.
Let me contemplate…
The opening of Musty Beethoven?
Behind the Black Robe?
Sex on the Bases?
Ruthie Does Washington?
The Notorious RBJ?
The Ghost and Mr Muir
Does your wife know you write this stuff?
Y’all are almost making me wish I were watching it.
This is better.
Holy shit, never fully realized how female heavy dems are versus male heavy Republicans. Our country has turned into a battle of the sexes.
What’s the female equivalent of an Uncle Tom?
Libertarian Wymmen?
A Betty Crocker.
A stay-at-home mom?
Gisele Brady?
Aunt Flo.
Aunt Jemima?
The Joint Chiefs all look like their butt plugs squirted out simultaneously.
Ha. Their after-retirement obscene $$ jobs in the military-industrial complex may take a hit if wars actually end.
Did he get to this part yet?
Keep shuffling those papers, Nancy.
He likes Jews too? Wow, this guy sucks at being Hitler.
He seems to be going down the list of grievances and addressing each one. It’s quite enjoyable.
The people who claim Trump is a bigot conveniently forget about how in the early nineties he sued the Palm Beach city council because they wanted to prevent him from buying Mar-a-Lago and opening up membership to “new money”, i.e. successful self-made wealthy Jews and Blacks.
Before the council hearing, Trump send DVDs of Guess who’s Coming to Dinner? and A Gentlemen’s Agreement.
Epic Troll since at least the early 90s.
You mean finding ways to make another dollar might have reduced segregation? Well, now I’ve heard everything.
Huh. Next you’ll tell me Jim Crow laws were enacted because some uppity businesses didn’t give a shit who they did business with.
Talking to a Prog tip #152: Always emphasis the LAW part of Jim Crow LAWS.
I meant to say he sent copies of the movie DVDs to every council member. To their homes, I believe.
I had never heard about this, so I just looked it up. Holy fuck. The man is an absolute baller.
Trump also admitted the Holocaust is real. Worst Secret Nazi President Ever.
I noticed that too. I’m waiting for the Slate stories on how he leads a double life.
He’s not *really* Hitler, he’s just *literally* Hitler.
TOS has a cocktail they recommend drinking during the speech.
I like The Last Word, but where I’m at, I’m drinking Singapore Slings, because it’s a boat drink, and it’s twenty degrees (C) and the hockey game’s on.
So TOS actually has cocktails for the SOTU? Really not fighting the stereotype, are they?
Well, there is nothing inherently wrong with cocktail parties, per se, it’s the people you invite to them.
In TOS’s case, it’s more about which ones you get invited to.
I don’t know about y’all but I’m listening to Van Morrison with a satisfactory amount of single-malt, looking at some wedding pics. And you know what? I’m feeling happy and content.
Fuck all politicians, statists, and assorted shitbags who think they can run my life.
Just shut the game off. Sitting by the fire with the dog and You People.
Except I wasn’t watching any game.
And we don’t have a fireplace.
And the dog is in the other room.
Otherwise, #metoo.
Who the hell looks at wedding photos?
He is calling out the legislators like nobody’s business. This is excellent.
I finally spotted Ruthie in the audience.
You can’t fool me, that picture was from like 20 years ago.
You win this round.
*shakes fist*
I think you got me on style.
WOW! Did she find the fountain of youth, because she looks better than she has in years.
It seems very unifying. Who could not choose greatness and freedom and bald eagles?
Oh they’ll twist it. I definitely heard some things to disagree with, but anybody who tries to say he was divisuve in that speech is a goddamn liar.
I missed it but hopefully there’ll be good sound clips for CPRM.
We go back to status bullshit tomorrow, but tonight has been very satisfying. Whether you like the guy or not, Trump just spent 90 minutes politely punching the narrative in the nuts. I feel somewhat better about our future. Let apathy rein.
That accurately sums up my feelings about it.
Here’s a link to Trump’s anti-socialist remarks. I’m trying to figure out what Pelosi’s reaction was meant to be. I also appreciated the CSPAN cameraman zoomed straight in on Bernie’s scowling face.
Yeah, is she a “closet” socialist or what was going on there? Are we looking at a socialist coup in Congress and he just dared them to try it? Her reaction was odd.
She was shaking her head and smirking. I think an eye roll, too. Unbelievable.
And when he delivered the last line and the R’s rose to cheer, it was funny to watch them…all of them were looking left to see who would stand. It was shameful how many didn’t. America needs to wake the fuck up.
Manchin seems to be one of the few sane Democrats.
I actually like Manchin. He’s Team Blue, but he’s not an ideologue.
I miss the Blue Dogs.
Are you yanking my chain because that is hilarious.
No chains were yanked in my comment above. CSPAN camera guy knew who Trump was calling out.
It looked like his dentures were about to fall out but he caught them just in the nick of time.
Man, all of those Dems remaining seated during the standing ovation sure are going to play well in flyover.
This is how you meme
Joseph Davis
36m36 minutes ago
Replying to @SallyMayweather
I guess you’re history illiterate also. Party platform switch happened. Fact.
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
Found this little meme too,
Man did he troll hard. So much so he got the commie women in white to chant USA! USA! USA!
Make fun of him all you want, but man that was pretty good.
He got the DNC to stand up more than they wanted to I’m sure.
He’s more believable than what his name? Barry was it?
“I have the same dentist as Lauren Hutton!”
Why was Nancy reading notes and what was she doing with her mouth? It was very annoying.
“what was she doing with her mouth?”
Talking? Yeah it’s annoying when she does that.
She was trying to seem disrespectful and dismissive to Trump personally but came across as smug and superior to about half the nation.
The mouth thing, I don’t know. Maybe dry mouth is a side effect of whatever drugs they are using to keep her alive.
She should have used Polident.
You could actually be onto something with that theory.
It’s a trending meme as we speak
“America will never be a socialist country. We were born free and we shall stay free.”
Cortez and Bernie hug and have a sad.
How the fuck are Republicans against voting?
I forgot about the “rebuttal” or whatever the fuck it is. I don’t think there’s any way for Dems to rebut without coming across as venal and petty.
Um, the Democrats were behind Jim Crow you idiot.
But muh party flip!!!
Joseph Davis
36m36 minutes ago
Replying to @SallyMayweather
I guess you’re history illiterate also. Party platform switch happened. Fact.
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
That’s just the first one I found on the “Dems created the KKK” meme. There are more than a few similar responses. They actually believe it.
Hey, I recognize that avatar! I haven’t thought about Lil Brudder in years. LOL.
It was either gonna be him or tenderfoot. Lil Brudder won cuz he’s gonna be a quarterback when he grows up.
That’s why my husband and I started calling Eli Manning “Lil Brudder” when he was overhyped and his first couple of seasons were “meh”. He’d throw an interception and get that pouty defeated look and we’d say “He’s gonna be a quarterback some day.”
Course, that was before he won two rings.
That’s perfect. I think the elder Manning brother, the non football one, still calls Eli little bro or something like that.
My wife watched the tail end of it on ABC. She said after it was over, the first thing David Muir said was, “Trump gave the Dems ample opportunity to applaud…and they didn’t”. Will we see just a smattering of honest reporting about it tomorrow?
A boy can dream…
Cruel intentions upon myself I was on CNN just as the “rebuttal” finished and the panel all orgasmed that her response was so good.
ABC immediately came back saying that the rebuttal was a true example of bipartisanship and the SOTU showed none.
NBC rushes to suck AOC’s lady-dick right away.
And she talks like a slightly drunk 12-year-old. Maybe she’s up past her bedtime.
“Our policies are sooooo POP-u-lar!”
+1 tippy tops
If only SNL could be so clever and funny…
Only link I could find was on FB.
Calling HM.
Strange that the media sat on their hands until they knew what the 2020 Democrat primary field looked like before reporting on this story.
My choice of political bloodsport is UK Parliamentary Elections, but damn, Democrat primary season is shaping up nicely.
2020 Demcrat Primary
I need to see that movie.
The book is also fantastic.
Except all the names look alike.
(I gave up about 1/4 in. Loved the movie.)
“”As Senator Warren has said she is not a citizen of any tribe and only tribes determine tribal citizenship. She is sorry that she was not more mindful of this earlier in her career,” said Kristen Orthman, a spokeswoman for Warren, in a statement.”
I didn’t know I would run for office in the future.
Man, the Blackhawks are crushing it in this 3rd period. 4-2 over Edmonton with over 10 min left.
Patrick Kane (32)
Dylan Strome (13)
John Hayden (3)
Drake Caggiula (9)
Is that a sport you’re watching? Or hockey?
Har har.
It the sport that soccer should have been, but with at a faster pace, less acting, and more violence.
Don’t listen. He picked the Dallas Cowboys as his favorite team…as an adult. He obviously knows nothing about sports.
I’m sorry, is AMERICA’S TEAM not good enough for you, terrorist scum.
THIS is America’s Team.
Fuck yeah!
I was sort of expecting the Swedish Bikini Team but then I remembered you’re not Q.
It stopped being fun when they stopped drafting violent felons. #SocceronIce.
Dominik Kahun (9)
UniNoDak product!
Everyone’s comments are almost convincing me I should have watched.
Which network had the best feed?
The Dems really need to hire some better PR flacks.
I would not have believed this whole smocks-against-Trump movement if I hadn’t seen it (credibly!) reported in the news.
Their trolling would be even better if they proofread before posting.
And the award for the most tragically bungled pop cultural reference goes to…
Speaking of yellow dog democrats, John Marsh died yesterday.
That’s not the link you’re looking for.
Gah. It’s WordPress dropping the period from the url. Try again
Still didn’t
URL shortened
*shakes fist at sky*
I think we can add Lyttoned it to the lexicon.
I was at work. You guys better not be lying about the audio content and the best lines best not be ruined by chants or applause. Now I have to parse this shit for an episode. *Grabs another beer.*
Mendacious, incompetent, or both?
“You are out of your mind if you don’t think the FBI wanted to make a case
if we could. The facts weren’ttherecollected. Period. Full stop.”Am I write fellow USA citizen?!
Right on the money.
Da. Much good at internet am I.
So how much money did the trolling tonight cost the Australian economy?
Good morning glibsters
Good night.
You who else made a play for the Austr
alian economy?Prussia?
Steve Erwin Hitler?
Yeah, I’m out.
The Qantas Koala?
The “fact checking” coming out of last night is absolutely nuts. These folks have not learned a single lesson.
Hurr Hurr orange man liar durr durr
Just for Hyperion – since I missed last thread – recommend checking out Nitro PDF – good bargain, easy editing and fully compatible (from my experiences).
A bit of refreshing honesty
“I’m in congress and you should be afraid of me”