Good morning my misanthropic malcontents! And what a glorious morning it is for Donald J. Trump who gave a speech that even his critics (as in almost the entire mainstream media) were forced to admit was good. Well, maybe not all admitted it, many seem to be prepared to trash him regardless of what he said.

Caption Contest!
The SOTU had it all including Trump getting a group scowl from the shrieking harpy democrat brigade all dressed in white and scowling through most of the speech with a look on their face like they were huffing the farts of one of their fellow harpies. Trump managed to get them to stand up and clap as Trump recognized them (the most women ever in Congress) and recognized the highest amount of women to ever be in the work force. He even got the miserable lot to chant USA. Another great scowl came from Bernie Sanders after Trump slammed socialism and declared that the US will never be a socialist country.
In not SOTU news, Senator Grassley is expecting Mueller’s report in one month. Many refuse to let go of hope that Mueller still has the smoking gun to take out Bad Orange Man.
Fauxcahontas’ fall from grace still not over yet.
I probably could keep going on, but it is past 7am and I need to get my girls ready for the day. I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
I watched none of the SOTU, as it usually just raises my blood pressure.
But the Bernie scowl is funny.
America will never be a Socialist country
He looks like he’s going to cry.
I like it.
Seconded. I love that disappointed look.
I mean he shouldn’t be. After all, he’s a democratic socialist, which is totes different from the whole “seize the means of production” type of socialism, right?
Democratically apportion the means of production!
He is “THE RIGHT KIND OF PEOPLE” to run “THE RIGHT KIND OF SOCIALIST SYSTEM”, and the whole thing will not devolve into the USSR or Venezuela. Not even when Karla Marx takes power after a millennial hostile takeover!
Sure is, Democratic Socialism = Fascist – Nationalism
More like Fascists – Nationalism + Identity Politics.
Making socialists cry is a beautiful thing.
I watched it. The women in white were high fiving each like a volleyball team after scoring a point. Weird.
They sat on their hands for low African-American unemployment and abortion up to birth, then got up and danced around at how they were in Congress
The old commie looks like an angry, constipated Muppet.
So did young commie all in white, didn’t she?
So was the white to show that they have not yet been screwed over by the state? Or to show that they were the pure kind of socialists, ready to be sacrificed to the greater good?
Bernie and Thomas Jefferson rate the SOTU
Good morning my misanthropic malcontents! – you only greet Uncivil today?
Good American morning to you too – halfway between me and (most of) them.
It is now afternoon and I am preparing to not go to the company all hands meeting.
Another reminder that I am not missing work.
I only hope you are one of those lucky few who can always get work when they want it.
I had a nasty spell of that not being the case post Y2K. Not fun at all.
This time, the option of retiring really is viable. I’d rather work for a couple of more years, but could make earlier retirement work. And I am not missing the bullshit at all.
I wasn’t even here yet!
SJWednesday: Abortion Does A Kiddie Good
So you mean the sort of people who accidentally get themselves knocked up tend not to necessarily be all that terribly responsible, and sometimes their circumstances change later in life as they learn from their failures? Sounds groundbreaking.
“abortion care…able to access abortion” Look at the author gracefully avoiding honestly labelling it as “free abortions paid for by others.”
And while the author may be absolutely right about the economic outcomes it is not the taxpayers problem to support these people before or after they breed.
My general objection to this line of argumentation is that the question of whether or not abortion should be legal is a balancing of the rights of the mother against those of the unborn child, instead of an argument about the utilitarian benefits of abortion.
Frankly, it’s disgusting.
Post natal abortion of retired adults will allow society to redistribute their wealth to the more deserving.
Exactly. Whereas I think Northam got a little bit of a raw deal from his comments taken out of context, this opinion piece is morally equivalent to an endorsement of Brave New World.
For the win!
Oh, wait !, Wait !
This piece more or less makes the same case.
I still contend that no amount of context changes what Northam actually said. It’s a defensible and ethically consistent position for supporters of moment-of-birth abortion, so I don’t see why they need to run from it.
I also agree. I don’t really see the context changing it as i don’t see abortion prior to birth as Murder. We can talk about “government involvement” when we start talking about divesting government from the legal system. I don’t like the state, but prosecuting murder is something that will need to happen with our without it.
I think this is a good summary of what was actually going on. My impression was Northam’s comments were more directed towards the tragic cases, with a non-viable newborn, however Tran was forced to admit that the law was broader (much broader) than that.
My impression was Northam’s comments were more directed towards the tragic cases, with a non-viable newborn
That’s been the post-hoc explanation, but that’s painting a much narrower qualifier than his actual statement did. Either way, it’s not like any big secret has ever really been made about abortion-as-eugenics. During the Progressive Era when you could still say these things in public without reprobation, the forebears of the modern movement were more than happy to do so.
[insert algebra reference here before the Clevelander beats me to it]
/kicks a dirt clod
I just realized The Clevelander makes you sound like an immortal running around chopping people’s heads off.
Except with a jagged bottle instead of an ancient Japanese sword.
A broken Edmund Fitzgerald bomber from Great Lakes.
But Great Lakes only puts rarities and barrel aged beers in bombers. Fat Head’s doesn’t use bombers at all. Buckeye Brewing used to be big on bombers (before they went under), and Hoppin’ Frog is still 90%+ in bombers (but they’re in Akron). Huh… never really noticed that none of our locals went big on the bomber route before.
Guess I’ll have to use a Great Lakes tin sign instead…
/starts whistling Queen
Disrespectful women in white
I did not hear Word One about that Trump character or the state of disunion, last night.
*puffs out chest, swigs coffee*
“I’ll get you yet, my pretty!”
“I crush your head”
“You may have evaded my Tiger Claw technique – but try to escape Mantis Hands!”
When the oxy kicks in to your drunk
“It was this long!”
Did it look like an orange mushroom?
SJWednesday: Talking About the Weather Is So Passe
When your gender dysphoria gets replaced by cognitive dissonance so you’re completely mentally healthy…
I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely not crazy.
One must comply with all requirements of your grievance group
One must comply with all requirements of
yourevery grievance group, you shitlord.Sounds like she had dysphoria about him not having it.
Argle bargle beeble blop poofle floo.
On an ordinary day, Kai and I could talk gender for hours.
Dude, that kinda derp before I’ve had a couple of cups of coffee. That’s just mean.
These people must be absolutely spellbinding conversationalists.
Hours? I don’t want to talk about a topic for Hours. Especially such a shallow one. But to then do so day after day? On the same topic? You’re repeating yourself how many times? These people really are NPCs.
Some people are just fucked in the head UCS.
4chan pegged me as a bot. Run, Comrades. The jig is up!
Well, most humans can reply to another comment, so they may not be wrong.
“4chan pegged me as a bot. ”
RobotCock 9000!
We are landed in Phoenix, but no TV. So no SOTU and no drinking game. I consider this a positive. Listening to Trump ramble incoherently for an hour (or whatever) followed by the even more incoherent and less consequential Stacey Abrams is not my idea of entertainment.
I can only dream of a McAfee SOTU. Now that would be entertaining.
Wait I though you were driving?
And I will tell you that maneuvering an underpowered truck loaded to the max through the Continental Divide with a strong headwind is not a trivial undertaking.
Yikes! Glad you’re safe!
Should’ve went around
That would only be a minor detour.
In civilized Europe serious new companies pay for a professional to relocate stuff
So that’s why there are no serious or new companies in Europe. I wondered.
In America, those movers would report 100 9 year olds to the police. Some things have to be moved by yourself.
You just have to wrap and box them yourself.
Please do NOT post the unboxing video
My first job out of college I somehow managed to talk my employer into paying for movers from Memphis to Minneapolis.
I can’t stress enough how wonderful it is to have someone else pack everything in your house up, bring it to a truck and then put it back in your new house (especially when new house is a 3 story walk up).
We had two complications: my electronics lab, for which I trust no movers, and our wine cellar, which movers cannot kegally transport. So while we were at it, we carried anything particularly delicate as well. The moving truck (mostly paid for by the company) arrives tomorrow.
We had movers when we moved to Tucson. I pulled a trailer full of guns, other valuables, and muh hunting trophies. And, of course, Mrs. Dean transported the Dean Beasts when she came. Apparently there was a rather colorful encounter at a border patrol station involving two rather grumpy pit bulls and the BP officer and his drug dog.
Huh, I thought you had a big wine collection, it must be pretty small if anyone could kegelly transport it.
/hides from Swiss
He has tuns of wine. Tuns are kinda like kegs…
Old men can’t type on phones.
Is that what you call it when you hire a Tijuana hooker to be your drug mule?
“And I will tell you that maneuvering an underpowered truck loaded to the max through the Continental Divide with a strong headwind is not a trivial undertaking.”
Ah brings back palm sweating memories of my move from MN to CA
Glad y’all made it to AZ safely
OMWC making a go of it.
I was wondering about your route. Dunno how much longer it would have been to go to ABQ, then south. The run from ABQ to Tucson and then up to Phoenix is at least flat and not prone to bad weather.
Did it look something like this?
+100 Hookers, coke, and booze as far as the eye can see. Now that’s a dream worth having.
“…and then he fired a revolver, three times, into the ceiling of the House.”
How I picture him as president.
the even more incoherent and less consequential Stacey Abrams
I thought that was Michael Strahan
+1 mind the gap.
I stare intently at the TV trying to see what others see in Strahan and fail every time.
Why does this guy get every gig?
He’s like the mail room guy on Seinfeld.
Hooray! Glad you are there. Wishing you the best settling in.
Incoherent & less consequential? I find that hard to believe since one of my friends wrote, “Just sayin’ again, after tonight, Stacey Abrams is pretty awesome”
Since Trump claimed all the WINNING (where’s Charlie when we need him), the Dems must of course embrace and adore their LOSING candidates: Beto, Abrams, etc.
Welcome to AZ! The last place I lived in the US before leaving it. Often I think about going back and AZ is near the top of the list of destinations. (All destinations must be NFA agreeable.)
Mrs. Animal informs me that a visit to you guys is now mandatory. Hopefully I’ll be able to (mostly) pull out of the New Jersey operation soon and do most of the work from Denver, which will make that much easier.
Hi Animal. I don’t know if you saw my post a few days back – expressing appreciation for your six-gun series. Much respect and enjoyment. I suppose I am at least as big a firearms aficionado as you are. It was really cool to see the story told again.
Thanks! I do appreciate the kudos. Due to popular demand, it looks like a lever gun series may be next.
Cool! That will give you a chance to weave JMB into the story. And any story about firearms without JMB seems a little weak.
Watch your bike if you meet with OMWC & SP.
Already have done once. We didn’t bring a bike.
That’s what they tried to tell me too. But I’m too strong minded to fall for (((their))) Jedi mind tricks.
Excellent, always love seeing you guys.
That concept would make an excellent adult film.
“The abuse was so severe in one case that an entire congregation of nuns was dissolved by former Pope Benedict.”
The visual…
Black, white and red all over?
a penguin in a wood chipperA congregation of naughty nuns
Seen it.
I think it would be an x-rated “who’s on first” routine.
Madam: What sort of woman do you want?
Customer: Nun
Madam: OK, I’ll go get an altar boy
We are landed in Phoenix, but no TV.
All moved in to the wigwam?
We’re in, the furniture and books are still in transit.
Wikieup. The natives in the southwest region living in dwelling called Wikieups…or in cliffs.
A big bunch of them call it a Hogan.
What? Paul “thats not a knife” Hogan sold homes to Indians?
Just to the Dene (Navajo to Naakai))
I have heard of the Hogan, but today “double-wide” is the preferred dwelling of choice.
We need a definitive ruling from Elizabeth Warren.
“Don’t judge me or anything, but like, I don’t experience dysphoria.”
“I just really like to play with dolls.”
Trump slammed socialism and declared that the US will never be a socialist country.
I mean if you consider Fascism as a subset of Socialism, He’s ~80 years late to the game.
Agreed. However, it will never be enough. I noticed all of the commie shitweasels sitting with a scowl when he mentioned low unemployment, higher wages and no socialism.
Occluded Cortex was not impressed.
“Let me ask you first for your response to what you heard tonight from the president. Obviously this is the first State of the Union you’ve ever attended as a member of Congress. What was your experience tonight and what did you think of what you heard?” Maddow asked.
“I think that the president was unprepared. I don’t think that he did his homework. You know, we’ve seen States of the Union addresses delivered by many presidents, Democrat and Republican. They almost always have substantive policies that are offered,” Ocasio-Cortez responded.
She continued, “I agree with Senator Klobuchar there that there was no plan. There was no plan to address our opioid crisis, there was no plan to address the cost of healthcare, there was no plan to increase wages. I had to ask myself, is this a campaign stop or is this a State of the Union?”
Uh huh. Now explain, in detail, how you intend to close the current budget gap and also fund even more welfarism.
You know, we’ve seen States of the Union addresses delivered by many presidents, Democrat and Republican
Excuse me, The question was directed at you. Are you a part of the borg?
Are you a part of the borg?
Commie is as commie does.
I’m sure she was speaking on behalf of the people, as their chosen representative.
Sort of
I hear that 5 year plans work very well.
You know who… hey, wait a minute?
Pssst. Look up Laffer Curve, dummy.
Occasional Cortex lecturing someone on not “doing their homework”. That is rich.
There was no plan to address our opioid crisis
Hmm, I think he has a plan if you have been paying attention.
That ‘big fuck you don’t go full retard socialist’ Trump said to the commies was beautiful. Sanders is a pathetic fool. Sorry. Time for strong language and a hard push back. The fact you have AOC and Sanders sitting there with Harris and Warren too is four too many where that is concerned.
Loved that troll moment when he praised the women. Shows they’re a bunch of children.
I didn’t watch but yeah, he played them. The quips about “they didn’t stand up for job creation, they didn’t stand up for lower minority unemployment, but they sure stood up for themselves” write themselves.
Saw that “highlight” on the news and all I could think was “dance monkeys, dance”.
As long as he was trolling the gals, he should have said he is going to introduce legislation to pay Congresswomen just as much as Congressman.
Hopefully, it would be a living wage.
Great Idea! All congresscritters should make $15/hour!
An hour of what? Prostituting?
Time spent repealing laws.
SJWednesday: Swastikas Are Old and Busted, MAGA Hats Are the New Hotness
Still writing on that topic? We’ve had a fake lynching, a brush with infanticide, Coonman and a State Und Das Union speech since the MAGA hat apocalypse. Unless I’m being sued, I purge my short term memory every 5 days.
put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a moment.
I’m trying to see things from your perspective but I can’t get my head that far up my ass.
They are going to keep pushing this until Antifa beat someone wearing a MAGA hat to death.
And they’ll use it as a platform to tell us how MAGA hats cause violence.
Triggers, you might say.
Give them credit for turning a symbol of their political opposition into a justification for violence.
They are going to keep pushing this until Antifa
beat someone wearing a MAGA hat to death.attempts to beat someone wearing a MAGA hat to death who is carrying and ventilates their asses.I like my version better.
Or they’ll just get dropped like a sack of moldy potatoes.
Whoever is the DP (Director of Photography) on that video should get an award. That’s basically a fight scene from a movie. Looks almost choreographed.
“Mexican immigrant (undocumented, documented, citizen”
One of these things is not like the others…
I was wondering if they were somehow attempting to imply “Mexican citizen”… it makes about as much sense as the rest of their screed.
So wearing a hat is super bad fascist stuff.
Everyone wearing white to a political meeting on TV is totes brave and courageous.
Got it.
Truth is, they were all horrified to see that everyone else was wearing the same outfit they had.
I don’t understand how Democrats were unaware of the optics issue of them wearing all white.
Give them credit – they left the hoods back in their offices.
Umm, if you’re a US citizen, Mexico ain’t your country any more. And this definitely means US citizen.
Or maybe it has truly morphed into something terrible, and it takes considerable, questionable effort to see it any other way.
Well, somebody is certainly exerting considerable effort to see MAGA hats a certain way.
Well, somebody is certainly exerting considerable effort to see MAGA hats a certain way.
Squeezing a sphincter that hard will cause eyesight to get a little blurry.
“describe your country’s people as murderers and rapists”
These people left their country for some reason.
There is so much wrong with that I don’t even know where to start.
Harris is a terrible human being.
“As San Francisco’s district attorney, Harris had prosecuted at least 25 truancy cases as of late 2010. No parents were arrested, and none were jailed, according to a prosecutor who still works on the issue in the current district attorney’s office. Instead, the parents were issued citations to come to court, where they could avoid a fine by completing a plan to improve their child’s attendance.
But in public speeches and op-eds, Harris leaned heavily on the threat of potential jail time for parents whose elementary school children were often absent from school.”
Children who become wards of the state not only have perfect school attendance, but such wonderful life outcomes as well.
I hope they play the fuck out of that story if she gets on the ticket.
Will it matter? A dusky cooter trumps the facts every time.
Dusky Cooter would be an awesome pseudonym for a punk guitarist.
Damn you! Beat me to it, but I was gonna suggest a band name.
She continued, “I agree with Senator Klobuchar there that there was no plan. There was no plan to address our opioid crisis, there was no plan to address the cost of healthcare, there was no plan to increase wages. I had to ask myself, is this a campaign stop or is this a State of the Union?”
“Gimme yer dough!” isn’t really much of a plan, either. Not in the long run.
TBF to her simple commie mind, if no direction comes from the Top, how can anyone know what to do? the SOTU is supposed to be the guiding principle of each year to each
comradecitizen.Perhaps there was “no plan” because the State of the Union is supposed to be more of a status report than a legislative wishlist?
That and maybe to state some goals.
The SOTU had it all including Trump getting a group scowl from the shrieking harpy democrat brigade all dressed in white
Gilmore Signal: Isn’t there a rule about that. White and labor day…
White shoes.
OT: revenge is a dish best served cold. I did a lien on a client the other day, after two months of non-payment, and a post-dated check that he told me _not_ to deposit. I tell him in an email of the lien, and he responds “I won’t have a problem paying you . . . ” It’s true, he won’t have a problem, not now, because I have the lien.
Good for you. Sorry you had to do that.
But my understanding of liens is that if you put a lien on, say, his car, that you can’t actually do anything until he tries to sell it and DMV won’t process the sale because of the lien. So he could sit on the car forever to avoid paying you?
I’ve sat on them for a decade or more. But it’s sweet, sweet justice when they finally call you to try to settle.
Hence why you should never put a lien on someones orphans.
That’s why you lease your orphans.
I just kidnap them.
It was a typo. He meant “leash”.
,,or “lash”.
I guess it depends.
This one is on the real estate that’s selling because of divorce. It’s already listed for sale, so I copied the heck out of it, sent it to court, opposing counsel, and the title company. Should be getting paid soon-ish as there was a buyer for the property as of last week. I’ve never attached a lien to other things aside from real estate, but I know attorneys who have. One attorney, who I occasionally work for, put liens on ATVs, mobile homes, etc. of a client . . . he paid up quick.
If you have a lien on a car (or a boat, or any personal property), you can seize it and sell it.
How hard is it to apply a lein, or to challenge an inappropriate one?
Applying a lien is merely paperwork.
The challenge is not against the lien per se but the judgement that allows for it.
For those of us who’ve never been involved with the process beyond filing the “I’ve paid off my car loan” papers with the DMV, might someone be generous enough to explain the whole thing?
Generally, as a creditor you have to get a judgement against the debtor. This means filing a warrant in debt (serving the debtor with notice) and going to court to get judgement. Usually $15K and under is small claims court. Once you have the judgement, you can use it to file a lien in the district where the debtor resides. This prevents them from any registered sales (or refinancing) of property (real estate, autos) without fulfilling the debt obligation.
Thank you.
And how difficult is it to challenge the judgement if you only find out when the lien pops up?
If a lien was filed without a judgement, you can probably fight it successfully.
Amounts, limits, jurisdiction etc are all State specific, as are attachment rules and execution rules. Basically the process is, sue them,
get a judgement,
(Possibly get judgement certified by the appropriate court depending on what court/jurisdiction you got the judgement in and the jurisdiction/nature of the property you are trying to attach)
From there you get into execution and attachment rules which vary, in some States you have to attach specific property, in some States the judgement attaches automatically to all real property…
So 12K is considered a small claim, but a 12K withdrawal or deposit triggers all sorts of terrorism regulations. What a country.
5500 in Michigan is the limit for small claims court. Anything over is in district court. Rules as to “small claims” are decided by state law, so who knows. . . Michigan also does not let attorneys appear in small claims, so once an attorney files an “appearance” the action automatically removes to district court.
Can’t you file a lien without a judgement, ie mechanics liens against a car one has worked on?
Technically, that’s an artisan’s lien.
The rules vary from state to state, but in general, if you want to be able to defend the lien, you need the judgement.
Thanks. Also, good to know that you can get those in small claims court.
You can get a judgement in small claims court, DO NOT assume that judgment gives you a lien automatically! For example, in Ohio a small claims, or even municipal court judgement must be certified to the Common Pleas court to attach to real estate.
I think mechanics liens (by contractors on real estate) don’t require a judgment.
Security interests in general (which are basically liens) are contractual. A mortgage is essentially a purchase money security interest on real property. Security interests are easier to enforce if they are filed, but I don’t think its essential.
Judgment liens are what you get to enforce a judgment, but they aren’t the only kind of lien. Security interests, including purchase money security interests, are much more common. Hell, my hospital gets a statutory lien on insurance proceeds for anyone we treat in our ED (most often attachs after car accidents to the proceeds of the car insurance).
Yes. Contractors can also get them, like the person who does your roof, home repair, etc., depending on the amounts involved and if homeowner’s signed a contract that says it is OK.
Yeah, I’ve never done this but my wife regularly files liens for my FIL’s roofing company. People in the Aspen Valley who have $20m houses built but don’t want to pay $100K for the roof.
Imbeciles, in other words.
It’s Time to Buy Doritos Stock
Analysis of 1,143 semen samples from 662 men collected between 2000 and 2017 at the Fertility Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital showed that those who had smoked weed at some point in their life had a mean sperm concentration of 62.7 million sperm per milliliter (mL) of ejaculate, while men who’d avoided marijuana entirely had mean concentrations of 45.4 million/mL.
Sounds like all lurking variables were well controlled for and we have a definitive causal relationship here.
More sperm, but they all they all wind up crashing on your couch.
Won’t even make it to the fridge for a beer let alone to reach the egg(s).
When we look at fertility as a whole, in a non-genedered paradigm, we see that not all men have sperm, and that furthermore sperm may be an necessary requirment for fertility it is not a holistic view of fertility. When a male identified person has the munchies, other prerequisists for the creation of a clump of cells may not exist, such as libido, or a boner. (though a boner does not make or un-make a male identified person.
I hope you didn’t take out any student loans in your pursuit of the Master of Arts in Derp.
I’m self taught
“male fertilityas”
Did he just assume the gender of latino food?
Great news for stoner bros
Is it, though? I’d have thought that reducing your chances of getting someone pregnant would be good news, not increasing your chances. I’d have thought a stoner bro would prefer to spend his money on weed rather than diapers.
The samples for the study were mailed in Playstation controllers.
Good morning, Banjos.
Used to sing that song to my kids when they were babies. Love it.
The Wigwam
Some day soon, there will be protestors at that gate.
Liz of the Fauxhicans steps on rake.
Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed American Indian ancestry in her application for the State Bar of Texas, according to a new report documenting the previously undisclosed example of Warren claiming American Indian ancestry.
“Warren filled out the card by hand in neat blue ink and signed it,” The Washington Post reported. “Dated April 1986, it is the first document to surface showing Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. Her office didn’t dispute its authenticity.”
The Post notes that this latest revelation is likely to cause problems for Warren because Democrats “want a nominee who can move beyond any problems in their past and present a strong challenge to President Trump.”
“The Texas bar registration card is significant, among other reasons, because it removes any doubt that Warren directly claimed the identity,” the Post added. “In other instances, Warren has declined to say whether she or an assistant filled out forms.”
The post notes that the date on the State Bar of Texas registration card “coincided with her first listing as a ‘minority’ by the Association of American Law Schools.”
Hear that? It is the sound of a presidential campaign imploding.
*skims links*
We can pretend like you were quoting from the links. It’s interesting to watch as different factions of the Democrats line up behind their prefered candidates and try to take the other ones down. Krugman seems to be cheering for Warren, which is a kiss of death for her campaign.
*narrows gaze*
Linking stuff already in the links is the same punishment as making bad puns?
There are no bad puns.
It used to be a cat ass, but evidently there’s more than one way to skin a cat.
She can’t walk away from that. But she’s going to continue to beat the “no tangible benefit” drum.
Since she never had any interaction with any of the Amerind student associations, etc., that begs the question of why she claimed it, if she didn’t think there was a benefit to it? Which we all know there was. Claiming “no tangible benefit” is one of those insults to intelligence that only her pre-loaded supporters will disregard.
“I thought when they asked if I was a Native American they meant if I was a native to America! So I said, ‘yes’. I take full responsibility for that.’
Yeah, but she wrote “American Indian” on the form. Such a self hater. Can’t even get her woke cred documented correctly. Haven’t seen anything this embarrassing since Clarence Thomas wrote “colored” on his law school application.
For years people who though Warren was full of shit and a liar were mocked by the left.
Still are, my hyperborean friend.
Yeh but no more. In theory anyway.
I hope that Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, one of the vilest form of low life democrats in “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” gets it good for this idiocy. These fuckers want to disarm law abiding citizens that might fight them when they tell us we need reeducation camps, for the common health of the people, of course.
Oh yeah, been seeing some of the people I follow on twitter blowing up on her for that and they get an AMEN from me. That tax is vile and unjust.
Reloading classes start on Monday the local sporting goods store.
“We’ll just raise the taxes on bullets, Mr. Smarty-pants!”
Connecticut is like what, an hour across at its longest? It’s not that hard to get out of state bullets.
Transporting them in state, especially when purchased outside the state if this bill goes through, will have a penaltax associated with it (Pound me in the ass prison if these gun grabbers get their way).
Mmmm… that has “Commerce Clause violation” written all over it.
Let’s see if SCOTUS strikes down the law forbidding transport guns across the city border of NYC first.
I’m hopeful. But there’s not enough track record on the new justices to say for certain how they read things.
I’m sure most of the people in Conntucky (I’ve been to New Haven) doin’ the murderin’ are going to think twice about it now.
I think Trump telling socialism off is a first among Western leaders. I know in Italy in Parliament the new government often disparage the left with zeal but the West needed an American President to stand up and say it once and for all.
Well done.
Nip that shit in the bud.
Agreed, and I don’t know how much of an impact it’ll have in reality, but it helped give me some morale.
I’m just glad to hear someone with that platform saying it frankly and definitively.
Yep. Last night could’ve been the first time some Americans have heard there’s anything wrong with Socialism.
But what is “incentive”, “cost”, “margins”, etc…
According to Eater, after nine years of being in business, Panera Bread’s socialist pay-what-you-want restaurant, Panera Cares, will officially be closing shop on February 15 due to the business model’s unsustainability.
While Panera Cares billed itself as a “non-profit” restaurant designed to feed low-income people, the business model was anything but. Rather than create a charitable organization that distributes food to needy families or a discount outlet or even a $1 menu (like every other fast-food restaurant), Panera tried to create a socialist system in which meals were offered at a suggested donation price. That means some people would pay more while others would pay less based on what they felt like or could afford. By not simply offering food at a low price (hat-tip, Dollar Tree), Panera completely removed any incentive for patrons to meet even the lowest standards of consumer/retailer exchange. The result: some people paid their fair share while others enjoyed a “free lunch.”
Upon opening the first Panera Cares in 2010, the company founder Ron Shaich said the cafe was designed as a quasi-test on human sensibility to raise awareness about food insecurity. “In many ways, this whole experiment is ultimately a test of humanity,” Shaich said in a TEDx talk. “Would people pay for it? Would people come in and value it?”
Panera Cares went on to open five locations in cities like Dearborn, Portland, Chicago, Boston, and St. Louis. None of the restaurants were self-sustaining, with some locations reportedly being “mobbed” by students along with homeless people looking for a free meal.
“The Portland-based Panera Cares was reportedly only recouping between 60 and 70 percent of its total costs,” reports Eater. “The losses were attributed to students who ‘mobbed’ the restaurant and ate without paying, as well as homeless patrons who visited the restaurant for every meal of the week. The location eventually limited the homeless to ‘a few meals a week.'”
Though Shaich said the restaurants tried to educate people about “sharing responsibly, people ultimately came to the locations for a handout.”
I am surprised they made it 9 years since what they were doing was not “business”.
That’s just precious. They should have opened a couple in deeply red cities to see if there was any difference.
The funny thing is, I thought they had closed them after about 2 years.
I remember when they opened, I am also surprised they made it 9 years.
This is the first I heard of them.
But if they’re selling the same food as regular panera, I’d still forgo it unless I was broke and starving.
The bacon turkey bravo is a fine sandwich.
I don’t recall seeing it on their menu. Was it added in the past few years? I haven’t gone back in a long time.
They’ve had it as long as I’ve gone there, but that’s only been 4 or 5 years.
I won’t write any epic poems about them, but it’s not a bad option if you want something quick but are also trying to avoid fast food. Certainly a full grade above Subway.
Subway is distilled disappointment.
But Both Panera locations I know of are only two or three blocks away from DiBella’s locations, so I’d go to DiBella’s before even thinking about them. Regional chain, but high quality.
Subway is a shameful excuse for a sandwich shop. Jimmy Johns is pretty decent. Quiznos was awesome, but the only one near me closed down a little while ago. Firehouse Subs doesn’t bear mentioning, unless you enjoy wet bread and a sandwich with the consistency of a leftover burrito.
Panera has the best fast-food coffee, and their French toast bagels are yummy.
I like Subway.
I am so sorry, Lord Spud. Come to New York, we’ll give you a real sandwich.
I also like Subway.
As to Firehouse, I think the quality is location dependent.
Our local one is outstanding, much better than the Quiznos it replaced.
Mr Goodcents was my absolute favorite, but I think they’re only in MO and KS (only place I’ve seen them).
We actually have a DiBella’s, I have no idea why they opened a location in Michigan of all places. The grilled Godfather can’t be beat, as long as you’re up for a 1,000-calorie sub.
I don’t have a problem with the food, I have a problem with the prices they charge for it. $9-$10 for a small sandwich is not worth it. I can go to a local deli, and get a bigger, better sandwich for less money.
I’m trying to remember what in all they sold.
Price likely irritated me (I was last there at a time when I was even more price sensitive than I am now due to making less and having more loans) but one thing I do remember disliking was the coffee shop ordering model. I’m not sure why that irked me, because I’ve had no issue at some other places where you order, sat down and went back when it was ready.
Maybe it was the sort of atmosphere they were cultivating rather than the ordering model I actually keyed off of.
Panera have definitely upped their game wrt the ordering model. You can order from kiosks or better yet, directly from your table using the mobile phone app and they’ll bring it out to you — but it’s not full service so there’s no obligation to tip. The convenience of grabbing a table and ordering my usual from my phone has definitely moved them up a couple notches in my selection hierarchy.
Meh, they’re competitive with other chains that are in a similar quality bracket: Potbelly, Moe’s, Qdoba — they’re all in the $10-12 range for lunch.
It’s definitely *not* comparable to a sandwich from a decent deli, but I’m personally trying to avoid 1500-calorie lunches.
I don’t know what planet you are on, It’s been a while since I have been to one as there are none anywhere near my home or work but Panera used to have the best breakfast sandwiches of any of the fast/fast casual places and their other sandwiches and salads were pretty good if somewhat overpriced
So, what did we learn?
That iron laws, like demons, are real.
Is there an Iron Law about being banned from Twitter? Asking for a friend.
Though Shaich said the restaurants tried to educate people about “sharing responsibly, people ultimately came to the locations for a handout.”
If I wanted a free meal with a lecture I’d go to a timeshare brunch.
They only made it 9 years because Panera Inc. was covering their losses.
File that under “People who refuse to learn history are doomed to repeat it.”
Yeah… I wouldn’t call it socialist, just bad business practices. The “Pay what you think” might work if your costs are almost 0
If you’re running an actual charity and relying on donated food, money, and resources to provide for a targeted community, “Pay What You Think” would probably work.
SJWednesday: World War 3 Will Be Fought With Doxxings, Twitter Storms, and Memes
I remember the Great Meme War. Pedobear dodged shrapnel and machine gun fire. We took that hill, dammit! We took that hill… ::gazes into the abyss::
Oh, yes, please do post random files from your desktop to 4chan. Because nothing bad could ever come from that.
Wait files containt metadata about me and my computer?
I’m sure some retarded cunt with 4 followers on Twitter is going to DDoS 4chan. Surely nobody has ever tried such a thing before!
That upload thing could have caused a credible DDOS back in the early nineties, but now it’s just an annoying blip. You need a botnet to try that, and most site hosts offer DDOS protection. I would imagine that 4chan is professionally hosted, not just a 486 running XP in the back of a drycleaners.
Exactly. 4chan is Cloudflare’d and encounters probably about 50 legitimate raid attempts a day. If these idiots manage to accomplish anything at all, it’s only going to be pissing off enough /b/tards to get themselves counter raided and doxxed.
Like someone’s private mail server ?
You mean AWS doesn’t run there data-centers in laundromats across the country?
Hillary’s bathroom was totally secure!
/J Comey
We will go to and protest against nazism and the far-right, overwhelming their wrong beliefs.
We must purge the infidel!
It’s not safe to go alone. We will need to join forces to combat the intense hate speech.
It’s not safe to go to that space that we totally have no reason to ever need to go to.
HOW TO ACCESS and overwhelm the nazis: Type ‘’ in your address bar, or just google 4chan and enter the website. Just accept all the rules. They don’t even enforce it. When you enter 4chan, click “Random”, at the bottom-right corner. Click the button “Start a New Thread” in blue. After this, you need write something in the “Comment” box. Let’s overwhelm the nazis with feminism! Check the verification box, and then select a file from your computer to upload to the site. It can be anything. Now post arguments against the far-right and you are contributing to stop the new neo-Nazi white supremacists male movement!
If you have to a) write up a step by step instruction on how to shitpost, and b) it includes uploading “anything”, [insert You’re gonna have a bad time meme].
It also sounds much more like calling for an attempt at DDOS than any real “protest”
Yeah, the need to post instrucs is itself very telling.
We will go to
Welcome to the Mongolian basket-weaving forum. Now you’re here forever.
Is Tumblr really trying to start this shit again?
A little history lesson of what happened last time they got into a war with 4chan:
In the Internet Wars, guys who live in mom’s basement are the Special Forces. They are as unconquerable as a mountain of jello.
Dear SJWs,
What’s that obnoxious thing the pussy-hatted youth do where they clap after they say a word? Hear clapping when I say the following:
Learn. What. The. Word. “Fascism”. Means.
It. Does. Not. Mean. “Thing. I. Don’t. Like.”
And do some push-ups or something, shit. You people are a disgrace.
yeah, that’s gotta be a false flag, just like the last few times
Hey, remember when Tumblr tried this and got their tags flooded with gore images? Hi-larious.
Apparently Tumblr-ites have the memory and attention span of a fruit fly on speed.
*memory scan – facts about fruit flies*
*one entry found*
Dammit, it’s an anecdote about a science lab where the prudct used to knock out fruit flies so we could examine them under a microscope was called “Fly Nap”.
I’d hate to see what a “Tumblr Nap” looks like.
Oh, this will be delicious. Sure, proggies. Poke the 4chan autists with a sharp stick. These guys tracked somebody down in a remote cabin inside the Arctic Circle based on a picture that included some of the wood paneling on the wall. They identify jihadi training sites based on the power lines in the far distance, which subsequently get bombed.
Piss ’em off. Piss ’em off real good.
Are we sure this isn’t a 4chan prank to get more victims for their trolling? After all, why go out to eat when you can get it delivered to your door?
This smells like a 4-chan troll. ///itsoktobewhite
It absolutely does.
‘There Is Going to Be a War Within the Party. We Are Going to Lean Into It.’
The Justice Democrats helped get Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez elected. Who are they after next?
I mean… Historically it is the first step. You purge your own party first and then purge society. The whole “Left eating the Left” is fun until you realize that it is just practice for the big game.
Historically, the successful ones (French, October, Maoist) have been able to avoid purges until AFTER gaining power. Yet somehow Libertarians can’t… quite… figure that out.
I was more talking about the infighting before they took power.
radical conservatives
I.e. “not dangerously ignorant and/or insane”.
The secret history of the OK Sign continues. When you’ve lost the local leftist rags, you’ve gone too far.
Really, really lost.
Damn it:
Disability-themed emojis approved for use
This better be one of them.
So i can finally call someone a gimp in emojis?
One of the favorite things that happened to me is when Korea decided to change the way it romanizes words. Pusan became Busan. Taegu became Daegu. And Kimpo airport became Gimpo airport.
I’m sure the ROK politicians still scratch their heads about their inability to host some fancy UN conference on the rights of the disabled.
>>white “probing” canes
Does it include a derp emoji? Because that seems to be our number one disability.
1. We will never reach peak derp. 2. Lord H and I have written a musical called “derpendectomy, the musical.” It has great songs. “it is plain to see, you need a derp -en-dec-tomeeeee!”
Crowdfund that thing!
No, because they already have that. It’s several clapping hand emojis each separated from one another by a single word.
Upon opening the first Panera Cares in 2010, the company founder Ron Shaich said the cafe was designed as a quasi-test on human sensibility to raise awareness about food insecurity. “In many ways, this whole experiment is ultimately a test of humanity,” Shaich said in a TEDx talk. “Would people pay for it? Would people come in and value it?”
What would Nelson Muntz say?
Populist Mobocracy, Fear, and Lies: The Politics of American Populism
Populism and guns do not belong in the same house
No worries. There isn’t any populism in my house.
Populism is not the same as social justice
That’s because populism is a relatively simple concept, mob rule, whereas social justice is a garbled mess of gobbledygook.
and although often twisted to appear to represent the common people, is just as often a distraction away from what is really the exploitation, confusion, even oppression of the common average everyday folks
Populisim only purports to be for the common good, but is often wielded by someone to gin up support for what they want. Social justice knows that it is for the common good, and will give it to the people weather they want it or not.
“…shall not be infringed.”
Fuck off, slaver. Molon labe.
This is of course, a vast misreading of the Second Amendment because we all know that military grade weapons, and modern assault rifles were never in the minds of the Framers.
That is the most insidious lie of all. Military weapons were exactly what was in their minds.
Exactly. You want your militia to be effective. That means keeping up with technology as one can afford to.
Military weapons were exactly what was in their minds.
Indeed. It should be noted that Jefferson’s famous line about watering the tree of liberty was written while there was an active rebellion against the a state government (Massachusetts), and it’s broader context indicates an understanding that arms are essential to liberty:
It should also be noted, that the Second Amendment was drafted after this rebellion, and that another rebellion against a US state (Pennsylvania) was beginning to brew at the same time the Second Amendment was being ratified, so it can be a safe assumption that the majority of the founding fathers shared Jefferson’s sentiment. The rebels, it should be noted, were not disarmed, nor any gun control legislation passed in the wake of such insurrection, such was the liberty of citizens valued at that time.
The greater right is the right to be healthy and safe; the greater right for example, is to be free from gun violence.
so no effective self-defense for a few generations? okay, got it. it’s you’re right to be healthy and safe and free from gun violence.. eventually.. when all those icky proscribed weapons become obsolete in 100+ years due to rust and inactivity. but for now we’ll just take your guns and you are fucked.
Yes, let’s regulate guns like we regulate ciggies.
any effort to regulate guns more strenuously, or to deny access to something like Assault style weapons, is a subtraction of the rights of those people
And illegal according to the current charter of the government.
we all know that military grade weapons, and modern assault rifles were never in the minds of the Framers.
Huh. I didn’t realize that 1) the framers were totally unaware of technological advance and 2) military weapons of the time were not “military-grade”.
Don’t you know military-grade weapons weren’t introduced until starting in the civil war, and didn’t really hit their stride until the second world war?
Americans employed
common senseprogressive populism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to regulate alcohol, driving, automobile manufacturing, smoking and tobacco use, and many other things.Just accept all the rules. They don’t even enforce it.
Rules are for chumps.
Women much more likely than men to value the life of their child over the life of their partner
The researchers surveyed 197 college students regarding hypothetical life-or-death situations – riight seems totes legit
Yeah, not exactly the sample, but it does seem to match what i thought as a kid. I knew my Dad loved my Mom probably more than us kids. And that my Mom love us more than Dad. But in reality i’m sure i only thought that because Dad would discipline us… Also it would be interesting if that changes over time. As kids leave the home, i wonder if the attachment changes
No clue, but I guarantee you that I am more popular with my wife than Spawn 2 is.
At least for this morning.
Man, can girls bicker. It’s impressive.
I’m not excited for the 3 daughters to all be teenagers at the same time.
contemplates building cabin in mountains away from home.
Whatever you don’t want them to do, allow the oldest to do it. The younger two will learn by example, plus it won’t be cool anymore. Sacrifices must be made.
I can’t even imagine 1 daughter being a teenager at the same time. Sometimes they are teenagers forever, too.
value the life of their child over the life of their partner
is my partner in the room when that survey is conducted?
College students. I wonder if any of them had either a child or a life partner? This is like surveying people who only take mass transit on their favorite car.
In a “you can only save one” scenario, I would expect most men to save the child.
Might be true of infants. After the child can walk, I’m not so sure it’s that cut and dried.
College students?
I think both sexes ultimately value the lives of their children first. They may have to be born, however.
If true, it shouldn’t be surprising. It is an evolutionary advantage for a species to place high value on its young. And the mother generally has more work invested in the young than the father.
Did you see the first comment from the The Beatles clip linked to?
“I’m 14 and currently battling with cancer. I’m almost constantly in hospital or just stuck in bed not really being able to move much. So I listen to music. And through all the hours of music I’ve listened to while ill, this song is without a doubt the best and most motivating song out there. I don’t normally comment, but every time I hear this song it makes me feel alright.. The power of music really is something magical. Thank you George for giving me hope when it felt like nothing else could.”
Over the years I’ve heard so many people speak of this song in this manner.
I liked that Trump wants to tackle children’s cancer. It doesn’t get enough attention. That little girl with brain cancer (Brain!) last night in the wig was brutal and beautiful to see.
That’s not his fucking job, though. If he wants to help, cut the red tape on potential treatments.
See how easy it is for leaders to manipulate emotions? Me? It’s through the kids.
Standard Liberterian Disclaimer, but a governmental X Prize would be cheaper than the current research grant pyramid scheme and I think it would produce much better results. Obviously it would be better to burn healthcare regs to the ground, but you could counterbalance some of the FDA’s chilling effect with a big cash prize.
You can’t deregulate cancer research, children might die!
There is an organization that looks to match up people will to donate bone marrow to children with blood cancer who need bone marrow donations.
/I’ve registered.
Did (((they))) already promise a cure within the year for all cancer?
I am never sure how many () to use for jews. I think 4 is for Zoroastrians though.
What is it when you use angle brackets? <<>>
Gods of the copyhead?
Yes, actually.
Ummm…that was my point.
He’s a very literal man.
Don’t gender UCS!
It’s hands down my favorite Beatles song.
First one then the other…
Accused horse molester found with sex toy and taser during burglary attempt, police say
Somebody please tweet this to McAfee, I want his take.
Is bestiality a violation of the NAP?
I say neigh!
He was just horsing around.
*narrows gaze*
Sex file: I wish hairy boyfriend would trim his nether regions
Yeah, he needs to do that himself. Even with a #1 guard it’s easy to nick certain scrotal folds.
Scrotal Folds.
Sounds like a band.
Scrotal Folds and The Teabags
It would be a real fuck you to Ben if his band changed their name to Scrotal Folds Five
Been there, done that.
Bloody balls are not sexy.
For some reason I’ve always suspected that the number of Glibs that shave their balls was non-zero.
Gillette should do an how-to/ad
How yo get your wife’s boyfriend to shave your balls.
Unfortunately, it seems their choice of models don’t “pack the gear” for that kind of illustration.
Even with a #1 guard
Real men use a straight razor /eunuch
Regular, cheapo plastic razor to the base of the shaft and (carefully) on the balls. #2 guard on a beard trimmer on the rest of the pubic triangle. Never had any complaints and girls don’t feel like they’re flossing when doing me a favor.
And as far as the scrotal folds: do it in a hot shower when the skin is loose, then pull tight and go slow. Never had an incident.
You have a stash of Gillette Atra blades eh?
Sorry honey. I’m a guy. That means I don’t have to do any stupid grooming like some beta cuck boy.
Just trade a bj for him shaving.
Scratch the trade. Run Forrest, run.
His’n’hers trimming can actually be a very sweet and intimate thing to do with a partner, but it requires a degree of trust that might take time to build.
No thanks. I don’t even really like having the barber shave my face, and he’s a practiced professional. I can’t imagine giving my wife a razor and letting her go to town on my crotch.
That’s why you get your barber to shave your crotch.
The new characters include hearing aids, wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, white “probing” canes and guide dogs.
Nobody would ever use those improperly. I mean, sending a Seeing Eye Dog emoji to somebody who talks about socialism all the time would be wrong. And crass.
Good morning Glibs! If any of you Chicago residents are looking for something to do, I’ll be playing in the NHL Sled Classic this weekend at MB Ice Arena. I play for Chicago Blackhawks Tier IV. My first games are Thursday night and Friday morning, and TBA Saturday and Sunday.
I’ve been advised on good authority to avoid Chicagoland. Good luck in your games though.
Awesome, TOK!
Remember, no fucking outlet passes up the middle of the fucking ice, OK!?!
Good luck and post updates!
I’ve played all the positions this year, but this weekend I’m playing D the whole time. Apparently the coaches think I’m really good at it. We also moved up a tier because we came in first place last year, so it should be more of a challenge. All that adds up to, “Take Tundra’s advice!”
I love playing D. But it’s easy to get lazy and try to force a pass. Don’t do it. Even if you just kiss it off the glass to clear the zone, it’s way better than the embarrassment of sending their F in alone on your goalie.
Tundra loves the D. Check.
Don’t judge.
Good luck.
Excellent. Please wear an Oglethorpe wig.
Awesome! Best of luck.
Good luck Kevin. OLD TIME HOCKEY!
Good luck!
Make sure that you don’t get jumped by those maga hat shitlords that are still on the loose.
Good tip. My team is putting me up in a hotel downtown for 3 nights. I’ll practice my white power salutes in case I run into those guys.
My Korean wife and I were walking around that same area on the same night and we didn’t get hassled by any maga boys. You would think they’d be after race traitors like us too.
Good luck! Try not to give the puck away like Seabrook.
What is the old man talking about this time?
…and a cell phone. LOL.
What in the hell is he talking about? I’d love to see where he’s getting those numbers.
health care… Shouldn’t the Affordable Care Act have fixed that?
“health care… Shouldn’t the Affordable Care Act have fixed that?”
The Left always resets to zero. Somehow, despite trillions of government dollars spent on welfare, they act as though it’s Dickensian London out there.
Pay for child care? Bernie, dude, I know you’ve never had to raise your children, but what poor working class people tend to do is rotate care between family and friends.
” without going into debt”
It’s probably the 65-inch flatscreen that’s the problem. Or the “hot tub we just had to have.”
Plenty of people were inflating their lifestyle on margin in the roaring 20s.
TW: Wired
The World Might Actually Run Out of People
Mormons, Catholics and Muslims to inherit the world?
You forgot a few other categories of fecundity.
Indeed. For one, Orthodox Jews seem to be very pious when it comes to following the command to “be fruitful and multiply”.
Basically, the world is going to be inherited by all the most conservative sects of every religion. Deus Vult!
I’m going to call bullshit on “never-endng decline” of population. I wager it’s based upon the same reasoning as the models from the 70s that says never ending growth until we’re all forced to be cannibals because behaviour never adapts to circumstance.
Its almost like you think there are offsetting forces that would come into play.
That is just crazy talk. All trends continue forever.
those numbers come from one of the most trusted world authorities, the United Nations.
Well, there’s your problem.
Demographers have been predicting a peak and decline in total population for like 40 years now. This isn’t news to anybody. Except those for whom the United Nations is one of the most trusted world authorities.
Yup. Population decline is actually an underappreciated threat. Don’t tell Bailey, though. He believes robots will inherit the earth
How is it a threat? In what way does it endanger those smaller number of people on this rock?
Declining economic growth, for starters. I sat through a whole conference once where the speaker said that declining population would seriously retard economic growth. Robots can supplant the production process, but they can’t supplant consumers.
And? Isn’t the whole value of growth the increased production needed to meet the demand of an increased population? If the population is shrinking, the economy could contract and still provide them with the same lifestyle.
Maybe, I’m imparting my own biases here. So, I won’t belabor the point.
I’m just saying that as the rest of the world starts to experience declines in childbirths shit is going to be fucked-up.
Japan’s retarded monetary policy combined with precisely that type of demographic shift is setting up their young people for a pretty nasty couple of generations. It’ll equalize in the long run.
A decline in childbirths only exposes the stupidity of socialism. Which we already know is fucked up. So it’s just the tide going out and getting to see who has a real sustainable economy and who has a fucked up mess of socialism.
Declining economic growth (due to declining population) is only a problem in two situations: welfare and imperialism. If your nation is pursuing neither of those ends, it will not at all suffer from declining economic growth caused by declining population. As long as the per-capita wealth of your society stays the same or increases, your citizens will be fine even if the total pie is smaller.
Well… Global economy with many of the goods and services we expect being conducted in ways we have no knowledge of, and being conducted by people very far from us. A sudden shock to the amount of labor would be catastrophic to the economy. I was reading someone talking about the next Avengers, and how it is going to be difficult if the Avengers want to reverse time because people are now better off without 1/2 of the population. I wanted to scream that such a shock would likely be terrible for the economy, as it could greatly shift the access and ability to get stuff like food and other goods we all depend on produced.
None of these models are talking about half the population keeling over tomorrow. They’re talking about a gradual, forseeable decline in numbers. The opposite of a sudden shock.
Ask China in about twenty years about the wonders of a gradual decline in population
They’re angling for a rapid population decline, so that may not apply.
Rapid population declines are kind of a tradition for commies.
+45 million
Or should that be -45,000,000?
I think it matters which half of the population we’re talking about.
Whichever half it is, I’d rather the category I’m in is still around.
Glibs in Virginia, if you like Bell’s Beer, you’d better stock up.
From the article, it sounds like one of the distributors were trying to sell their rights to someone else. Bell’s has historically disliked that (they pulled out of Illinois for a time back in 2006).
meh. is it in the contract that the distributor can’t sell the rights?
i’d love this to lead to a full frontal attack on the 3-tier regulatory system.
In Illinois the state law was that your distribution rights could be sold to another distributor without your input. From the article, it appears Virginia requires you to prove that you have a “good cause” (which I’m sure are listed somewhere) to terminate a distribution agreement:
So rather then risk his beer getting mistreated (as has been done in the past), he takes his ball and finds a different state to sell it to.
You can put whatever you want in your contract with distributors but state law overrules them. And guess who wrote the laws.
The Illinois issue was that Bell’s wanted to change distributors but the cost was prohibitive due to the laws. Once you sign on with a distributor, changing is near impossible.
They pulled out of Illinois instead, until the distributor agreed to a reasonable payment.
IIRC, for Illinois, the reason the distributor caved was that Larry spun up another legal brewery and signed up with a different distributor in the state. I think the name was Kalamazoo brewing, but I can’t find any online stories about it in some quick searches (it was over a decade ago).
That sounds like exactly what Larry would do.
Didnt he threaten to sell out to AB/Inbev if his minority shareholders didnt sell back their shares and/or stop their bitching?
I hadn’t heard that, I wouldn’t see him selling to AB though. A quick search had him threatening to sell to private equity or other brewers (I know there’s at least one such group based out of Michigan: Northern United Brewing). I’m wondering who’s going to take over after Larry, I know Laura stepped away last year.
Sounds more like he doesn’t want his distribution rights to be transferable. Which is completely reasonable – if those rights have transferable value, he should be compensated. Otherwise a distributor could buy those rights as a way to shut you out, thus increasing the value of their other brands. Bells could have non-transferability in their contracts, but as you say, state law could override that in which case pulling out of the state is the only recourse.
Not a big Bell’s drinker, but I do enjoy their Amber Ale and whenever I can find their oatmeal stout or whatever it’s called.
Northam should definitely step down over this, all of our politicians should resign over this. Where’s the bandit when you need him?
Out pilfering lupins?
Hauling Coors?
Eastbound and down.
This is of course, a vast misreading of the Second Amendment because we all know that military grade weapons, and modern assault rifles were never in the minds of the Framers.
Other things “we all know”- you’re a dangerous totalitarian lackey.
Private ownership of cannons was not a big thing back then. Small ships had at least a small signal gun or line-throwing gun. Many had actual defensive cannons.
Also, gentlemen of means would sometimes form private clubs to purchase, maintain, and drill with artillery. There were ordinances restricting where cannon (and particularly the amount of gunpowder needed to operate a cannon) could be stored, but private ownership was certainly legal and not uncommon. The reason for the social clubs was, well, social, as well as the fact that cannons are frankly heavy and you need several people to operate one.
Absolutely. I think just about any ocean-going vessel had some cannons well into the 19th century.
And look at all the pirates there were. Once they banned Guns on Boats, no more pirates.
They probably had a couple smaller cannons on each side of the ship, plus swivels, mounted on the deck for shorter-range gunning. A third-rate frigate (man o’ war) could carry as many as 80 cannons and 20 or thereabouts swivels.
A sixth-rate (Swan class) sloop, which were a smallish-to-medium-sized privateer vessel could carry 14-16 cannons. These were in great use during the Revolutionary War as privateers because they were fast but had a good amount of cargo room.
Oh, I meant to say, the number of cannons depended on how much the owner could afford.
It’s fun to be able to pull out facts gleaned while doing research.
I wonder how well-drilled the privateer crews were in the use of their defensive complement of arms? How did the ship owners budget for powder, etc?
Other things the Framers did not think about and thus you have no right to:
– Airplanes
– Cell Phones
– Netflix
– Net-Neutrality
– Abortions
– Cars
– Air Conditioning
Also, none of those things are expressly protected by an amendment to the constitution.
Yes, let’s do compare annual rates of abortion to annual murder by gun.
“Also, none of those things are expressly protected by an amendment to the constitution.”
The ninth lifts its bloody and battered head to wave hi.
The 9th only implicitly protects things. Other amendments explicitly, or expressly protect things.
Kick an amendment while it’s down, why don’t you.
Still pedantic point noted.
Mormanism and Scientology weren’t around then either. Do they still count as a protected religion?
Scientology isn’t a religion.
– Abortions
Unlike the others on your list, this one was known at the time, yet was still not explicitly protected. Probably because most of the states forbid it after quickening.
Reposting for the morning crowd.
This is apparently what the MSM calls “fact checking” these days.
The first one: To be fair, i don’t expect a journalist to know that 1/3 is almost equivalent to 31%
The Second one: We havn’t been fighting for 19 years! only 18! Thats why we have to keep fighting.
They tried…
I don’t have much patience for morons.
Everyone so often, Twitter loads the mobile version. Why does it do that?
ForestAmy, run!The lefty Senator from Minnesoda may officially throw her pink pussy hat in the race.
George Will is fondling himself as we speak.
Could you imagine the current field debating?
‘My gulag is bigger than yours!”
‘No mine is! Plus free infanticide!”
‘Er, I not only will have free infanticide in my gulag but kale too!’
“Kale is racist and underscores the white supremacy inherent in American vegetables!”
– Kamala Harris, probably
I’ve bitched about her in the past. I have no idea what the appeal of her candidacy is. Does she have any Big Idea? She got her job because her dad was a beloved sports columnist and us Minnesodans are a sucker for name recognition – cough – Al Franken – cough.
Well, she certainly comes with no baggage, having somewhere between little and nothing to brag about. I’ve been saying for years she will be our first woman prez. Liberal, from a blue state, middle America so no coast affiliations. She’s Minnesota boring, Mondale impersonator.
She has to get her milquetoast self past the primary, first. And they all want fire and brimstone.
An apologia for Tulsi Gabbard in National Review, presented to you by the Tulsi Gabbard Apologist. Meta
Comment of the day. Said yesterday. But I’m posting it today. You can read it tomorrow.
“73 years ago WW2 had just ended. Detroit was an economic and manufacturing powerhouse. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were radioactive craters. Detroit elected it’s first democrat mayor in 1961 and has had all democrat leadership since. Today Hiroshima and Nagasaki are beautiful, modern cities and Detroit is like something out of Mad Max. By this example a city is better off being nuked than having long term democrat leadership.”
Man I hate white clothing – even white t-shirts. They seem to collect spaghetti sauce, bean dip, ketchup, etc as if imbued with some magic power. And sweat stains, plus they never really look 100% white after a few washes.
/so problematic
Agreed. And white clothing is not flattering to the portly gentleman
I’m not portly! I’m festively plump.
One never sees a festively plump person in white, always in colorful clothing. The Apologist’s point still stands.
I, as a festively plump person, prefer hot pink.
I, as a fat bastard, on the other hand, prefer more muted shades.
The Colonel Sanders effect?
Oxi Clean dude. Shit is magical.
I put that shit on everything!
+1 burning and itching sensation
I keep a container of spray peroxide at my desk. You’re not supposed to use it. But, it takes any stain out of a white shirt.
Hydrogen peroxide works great at getting fresh blood out of fabric, not just white fabric either.
I’m disturbed that you know that. And even more disturbed that wdalasio feels the need to be prepared to get blood out of his shirts.
Ask them about the shovels and bags of quicklime in their trunks
Don’t be silly.
The quicklime is in a sealed tote in the back seat.
I’ve gone to gray for undershirts and blue for dress shirts. Except now I have to have one white dress shirt for Go-Live day. My boss said during our first go-live together, “I wore my white shirt in case I need to surrender.” And so now that’s a team thing.
How yo get your wife’s boyfriend to shave your balls.
I think you’ve got that backwards.
No. That sounds about right for cucks.
I think Mr. Brooks has it right. A true cuck would shave his wife’s boyfriend’s balls.
A TRUE cuck would have his own balls so he could dress up and assist his wife in satisfying the boyfriend.
Lol. Okay, okay. Fine, fine.
I need to cuck better.
These ladies are THICCer than NoDak molasses.
Plot twist: 11 is actually pajama boy
I liked this one best:
So booty. Much goodness.
Nice links!
Was it 7 rings or 7 charcoal grills?
My Japanese friend and I were discussing the tattoo drama and we were trying to figure out why those particular characters were used to for a small charcoal grill. According to her research the ring character references coins used in the old days. The idea being that you needed about 7 coins worth of charcoal for the grill.
To be sure, fax machines are kinda annoying.
On yomi or kun yomi?
I’d like thank straff for giving me the heads up on the rising wasabi.
For non-weaboos – think “The Onion” for gaijin.
Yes, ditto thanks to straffinrun!
Complaining about the lack of character development in NGE is like complaining about the lack of character development in Antigone.
No idea NGE (took me a second) was so sacred.
Hate to say it, but Antigone isn’t high on my list either…
Mind you I don’t hate NGE either. I’m actually impressed that it was made and aired. Good luck here doing that on network TV at the same time.
But seriously look at these lyrics:
They are ridiculous.
Both English and Japanese subs are available. I love the fact that this particular song is like the 10th most popular song for karaoke. It’s actually rather difficult to sing. Most non-otaku Japanese don’t like to admit they know it.
Naturally I know the lyrics in Japanese…
“Fry me to the moon, and let me pray among the stars. Let me see what spleen is like on Jupiter and Mars.”
“Fry Me to the Moon” is ridiculous.
…today on, I learned…..
Just in case anyone thinks we in this country learn from our mistakes, I just got an e-mail from a private banker I’ve worked with in the past from a major American bank letting me know that 100% mortgages are again available.
I mean, the banks made out just fine from that. They got bailed out.
Except for the many banking employees who permanently lost their jobs, and the fact that bank stocks haven’t come close to recovering (I’m still down 50% from the highs on my regional bank stock.)
Next crash I can buy another house at near real value.
Prices are back at peak bubble levels, so I figured that was probably happening. It’s almost like running 0% monetary policy for a fucking decade causes malinvestment into sectors that are privileged by regulation or something.
And the banks have only gotten bigger. No small bank can compete considering all the added cost of compliance.
Tucson was one of the worst markets during the Big Dump. Some sectors have come close to fully recovering, others, not so much. In particular, the top end of the market is probably running 20 – 25% below where it was before the Big Dump.
I woudn’t say people didn’t learn. It all ended up nice for the bankers. They got bailed out and now they get paid by the FED for just sitting on money.
Apparently no verification on income loans are all the rage again too.
National League to get DH this season?
I don’t think it happens this quick, but it’s absolutely coming in the next round of CBA negotiations. Players union wants it badly.
Its the “aging star full employment” rule.
The media also wants it badly. The baseball fans however:
(Among MLB fans) What do you prefer:
pitchers batting, or using the Designated
Prefer pitchers batting 65% ……………………………….
Prefer using Designated Hitters 25% ………………….
Not sure 10%
2016 ppp poll page 6.
Don’t listen to them. Since when do the fans’ opinions matter?
I think the only opinion they care about is “Will you still watch if we do x?”
Did they only poll NL fans? Because I know absolutely no AL fans, myself included, who have any interest in watching the feeble hitting attempts of pitchers.
Among MLB fans. You can keep you’re disgusting watered down game confined to the AL thank you. I would imagine the people polled figured that just meant keeping the status quo.
I’m with Chip on this. I’d rather see some older but beloved hitter at the plate as opposed to a pitcher.
The only thing I hear from NL bobos is that not having to hit means they can throw at batters without fear of retaliation. Maybe the compromise is that the league removes penalties for charging the mound?
Move the pitcher’s mound to first base and allow the runners to body-check the basemen.
We may have to put some Glibs on suicide watch…
You know who else was put on suicide watch…
If they’re really concerned about older players, expand the roster size by one or two to allow for dedicated pinch hitters.
On the other hand, as a dedicated Cardinal fan, adopting the DH rule would solve our conundrum about what to do with Jose Martinez (solid hitter, bad fielder).
Why not just switch to tee ball and get it over with?
Booo Fuck the DH. There would be a-lot of pissed off people.
I thought about how one might “Booo Fuck” another. Then I thought of Ghosting.
So it’s basically in-out-in-out-in-out-in-gone. You don’t even finish. You just leave while fucking.
I thought they wanted to shorten games, not lengthen them.
One of the other rules under discussion is a minimum batter count for pitchers (3), with the exception being end of inning or injury. So you shouldn’t have so many mid-inning pitching changes. There’s also talk of a pitch clock…
I always thought a good compromise would be that you can install a DH for one pitcher for a game. So if you start the game with a DH for the pitcher, you lose the DH when the pitcher leaves the game. That way maybe you start with the pitcher batting and if you put in a relief pitcher you can install your one DH at that moment. Comes in handy when you have to take the pitcher out but his spot is due to bat in the next half inning.
I hate the idea of a 26-man roster because every team is just going to add another relief pitcher, even with a 3-batter minimum.
Don’t really care as long as both leagues have the same rule. Otherwise, it would be like the NFL having one rule for the Patriots and another rule for all the other teams.
Oh wait, maybe they do.
Weird stats for the day: of all the women who have ever been elected to Congress, just over a third are currently (self) serving right now;
And, if every women who has ever been elected to the House or Senate was currently serving, they still would only be 60% of the members.
And given the state of things, this might be a counterargument to feminist theory.
CNN giant headline for their site: President Trump’s Off-Key Call For Unity
NBC News main headline: On Trump’s big State of the Union applause line, the sound of silence was stunning
ABC News had a generic header:5 key takeaways from President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address
Folliwed up with not so neutral subs:
–Trump called for unity despite past weeks of gridlock.
–State of the Union fact check: What President Donald Trump claimed
–Abrams calls out Trump, racism in historic response to the State of the
The NYT went with a more staid and less partisan headline: Trump Presses Hard Line on Immigration in State of the Union Speech
A bit of refreshing honesty
“I’m in congress and you should be afraid of me”
She represents Manhattan and Brooklyn, but I bet she still bills herself as a champion of “working people”, of which there are three in Manhattan
There are working people in Manhattan… they just don’t live there.
“I represent the one single mother in my district. I represent the one guy who works with his hands and lives in a rent controlled apartment in my district. I represent the two wise Latinas that I see at the bus stop every morning as my driver turns onto Broadway. I can only assume that they live in my district. I understand the struggle of not having enough money each month to pay for Amazon Prime. You shouldn’t have to pick between avocado toast and Amazon Prime. That’s not the America I grew-up knowing.”
I’m not sure Amazon Prime has reached $10/mo yet.
Give up the Avocado, studies show it causes hipsterism.
“I want to tell you a story about my friend Maria, who most assuredly does exist. Maria is from Guatemala or some other country down there. She use to watch my dogs when I’d go on vacation or when I was late coming home she would go and walk them and draw them a bath. The love that she showed my two dogs made this fur mommy so happy. In Drumpf’s America there would be no more Maria. And I would not be able to find someone else who would watch after my babies for ten dollars an hour.”
If they don’t live there, they don’t vote there, and aren’t her constituents.
They might not live there, but they might vote there.
Hmmm maybe that’s why Dems are pushing post-birth Abortion. A surefire way to get more Dem Voters.
“Say My name!”
“My name?”
You’re goddamned right.
Chicago Charter School Teachers Go on Strike
Which begs the question: Why the fuck would you allow a charter school to unionize? I don’t think people grasp what makes charter schools better than standard public schools.
Being chicagoland, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were required to join the union to be permitted to open their charter school.
No. There are non-unionized charter schools in the area. This was just a charter school network that wanted to be woke.
Charter schools are mainly rent-seekers anyways. Anything short of vouchers is immoral IMO
I deliberately phrased that as “wouldn’t be surprised if” because I don’t know much about Chicago school policy.
The U.S.’s failure to identify and nurture talented poor and minority students is undoubtedly hurting the country’s productivity, but it’s also deeply unfair. The U.S. scores relatively low compared to European countries in measures of relative mobility — the chance that someone who grows up in the lower-income percentiles will make it into the top group. Combined with the data on college completion, this naturally raises the concern that the U.S. education and employment systems are turning the country into a hereditary caste society.
More must be done to identify and nurture talented poor and minority children. Universal testing is a first step. Research has also identified a raft of inexpensive interventions that help nudge low-income students to aim higher after high school; all these should be universal. Much more financial aid — in the form of grants, not loans — should be made available to low-income students, and college practices like legacy admissions that favor the rich should be banned or discouraged. The total number of colleges should be expanded, with a focus on institutions serving regions with lots of poor and minority students.
Maybe if these idiots would drop their obsessive focus on a bogus metric (teh COLLEGE) I might be more interested in what they have to say.
Yes, there are a lot of people out there who have a high level of raw intelligence, and they should be encouraged to be successful. forcing them onto the one size fits all collegiate industrial conveyor is not the proper approach. Teach them skills. Teach them basic economics, accounting and logic. Readin Ritin Rithmatic.
Oh, wait. That would require undoing the damage wrought by the Mandarins of the degreed-educrat syndicate, over the past four or five decades.
Of course, their idea of “success” is channeling minority students into grievance studies programs for the cost of a mortgage.
The U.S.’s failure to identify and nurture talented poor and minority students
Well, leaving aside the fact that minority students have all kinds of resources thrown at them, perhaps lowering standards to fill affac quotas doesn’t help you identify the truly talented ones?
Just a thought.
Yeah, this completely flies in the face of my entire schooling experience 3 to 4 decades ago. If something has changed since then, how about identify that, instead of doubling down on what isn’t working?
I just had to sit through a 20 minute departmental presentation on this shit. It struck me that the employees hiding in the shadows of my department who believe that hiring and promotion should be done on meritocracy alone are in the same position as people who believed the same thing in the Jim crow south 80 years ago.
And then:
It’s likely that even all of these initiatives won’t be enough to identify all of the U.S.’s neglected talent. But they’ll be a start. Stopping the unnecessary waste of poor and minority students’ gifts would be an important step toward restoring the U.S.’s diminished reputation as a land of opportunity.
It’s likely that even all of these initiatives won’t be enough to identify all of the U.S.’s neglected talent. But they’ll be a start. Stopping the unnecessary waste of poor and minority students’ gifts would be an important step toward restoring the U.S.’s diminished reputation as a land of opportunity.
How about this; stop telling kids who would rather learn a trade than go to Harvard (to listen to a lot of nonsensical yapping about gender oppression and redistributive justice) they’re “wasting their futures”.
Stopping the unnecessary waste of poor and minority students’ gifts
This is the problem with rationalistic individualism. People believe that there is some sort of rational way to think about things, and decide that order could only come by if a rational mind was planning it all. Then you get self proclaimed individuals deciding that everyone else decisions are wastes and irrational.
I think its pretty well demonstrated that affac programs actually hurt minority students, by a kind of Peter Principle channeling of them above their level of competence.
Well-covered here
Donald Trump: motivating Democrats to mimic Kool Aid Man since 2016.
“Paid for by Mexicans for Girsham”
MuH ForEiGN inTerFerEnZe!
DERP: “New Mexicans”
What does it matter if they’ve recently immigrated to mexico?
/deliberately missing the point.
This is what happens when you literally drink the Kool Aid.
I’ll give her credit that it’s unique and differentiating.
However, she touts being a “12th Generation New Mexican” on her Twitter bio, which I have no idea what that means.
I donno. Seven generations back in my family gets to the 1840s, so I’m not sure what century you’d need records dating to for 12th generation. And there wasn’t a New Mexico yet then.
Maybe all the women in her family are pregnant at 15?
Unintended consequences are a bitch
Imagine an autonomous vehicle owned by an individual rather than a taxi fleet. This car would be able to avoid the high fees by going to a less congested area outside the city center to wait for its owner. It could also rely on more crafty behavior, stopping at a series of spots where parking is only free for a time or even standing next to a meter and driving off if a security officer arrives. Finally, it could go home and wait there.
All these behaviors would dramatically increase the amount of driving around done by empty cars. But, worst of all, it might be economically justified for the self-driving vehicles just to keep cruising without parking anywhere – the way drivers picking up a passenger at an airport drive around the terminal when they want to avoid paying for short-term parking. Cruising is cheaper at slower speeds, according to Millard-Ball: “AVs trying to pass time by cruising, and doing so at the least cost, will seek out congested traffic. This is particularly true for battery-electric vehicles, where the efficiency penalty for slower speeds is less than for vehicles with internal-combustion gasoline engines.”
Creating a traffic jam and moving very slowly in it would cost at little as $0.29 an hour in San Francisco, Millard-Ball’s model showed; moving at 8.7 miles per hour, the average for the evening rush hour in that city in 2017, would imply a cost of $1.98 per hour. That’s cheaper than downtown parking – and often more efficient than driving a few miles to park in a cheaper area. Millard-Ball calculated that cruising while waiting for the owner-passenger would be the most cost-effective option for 40 percent of trips to downtown San Francisco. Fewer than 4,000 autonomous vehicles would be enough to slow certain streets to about a mile an hour – an excellent, cost-effective speed for a waiting vehicle.
“Wait- you mean autonomous vehicles won’t cure traffic congestion?”
I got a good laugh out of that.
Somewhere, Ron Bailey is sobbing.
+1 tear-filled masturbation session
Have a sad cum bb
Wouldnt it even be more cost effective to rent it out during its down time? If I have a private AV, what is it gonna do while I am at work, other than maybe pick me up for lunch? Might as well generate some income.
Personally, if I owned one, it would mean owning 1 vehicle instead of 2. After dropping me off at work, it would go home and be my wife’s car for the day until it needed to pick me up at the end of the day.
Freedom sucks ass, man!
Or they could increase the number of paid parking spaces. I could drive into the Chicago Loop for work, and rather than pay $20 to park downtown, or pay $8 in operating costs for the car to go back home and them come back, I can have it drive to White Sox Park and park for $3. And I’m sure Illinois Sports Facilities Authority would happily take a cut of that since it makes the parking lot a revenue stream 365 days a year instead of 81 days a year. If any downtown parking facilities become economically non-viable as parking lots, the properties will just be repurposed to something that is viable.
disturbed that wdalasio feels the need to be prepared to get blood out of his shirts.
Kkkutthroat kkkapitalism.
It’s kill, or be killed, out there.
This is getting way out of hand.
“Daily Caller Editor In Chief Locked Out Of Account For Tweeting ‘Learn To Code’”
Robby is going to write an article on that, I bet. That kid got so red pilled after Covington.
The interesting bit from The daily caller story was that Twitter has decided to crack down on the use of the phrase learn to code because large numbers of users were tweeting it at laid-off journalists. They deemed this to be harassment
So when they reported that saying learn-to-code was banned as harassment, Twitter said it is more nuanced than that.
Then they proceeded to lock the account of a journalist who tweeted learn to code at The daily show. Not a laid-off journalist. Not part of the campaign of targeted harassment.
So perhaps it is exactly as nuanced as their critics thought it was. Meaning, if you are right of center and you express opinions that are right of center they will find a way to ban you.
I think the mask is pretty much gone with Twitter. Anyone who still contends that there is no political bias in the application of their vague and selectively applied rules are probably the same people who think journalists perform an important public service. Sadly, those people are very dumb
I’ll admit that I have a hard time not judging people who let it slip that they use or care about Twitter. To me it’s like talking about stories in or complaining about the editorial bias at National Enquirer.
I generally don’t understand the appeal of social media. I admit that I go on Twitter to see what some writers are saying and that it’s a faster way to find out about news, but Twitter is pretty much just a hate fest with one sick burn after another. It really does corrupt the soul
Go watch Dorsey on Gad Saad.
ug I read that as RoamingMilf
I for one am intrigued by the notion of the Roaming MILF
You can imagine my disappointment when I clicked on the link.
Lauren Chen ain’t cute enough for you?
Always remember those who first cheered on the un-personing of Alex Jones for “wrong thought”. They are your enemies.
xkcd did a strip awhile back advertising a machine that lets people relive the worst five minutes of their day over and over again. It’s called an alarm clock, but I think that’s been replaced by Twitter. Why poison your day like that?
You sent me down the xkcd rabbit hole where I found perhaps the most absurd and hilarious xkcd ever
tire to the state of the Union, a major chunk of the coverage was about how Nancy pelosi was going to lead the Democrats and give them signals is to how to respond. After her often childish and churlish performance, how is it that a major chunk of the coverage isn’t derisive of her behavior?
Imagine if you will some Republican politician seal-clapping at Barack Obama. Or a republican speaker of the house sitting behind a president Hillary Clinton mouthing words and shaking his head no every time she offered words of conciliation across the aisle.
The propaganda machine is in full effect.
There is only so much brain-picking I will endure before I start billing for my knowledge. “I don’t have time to experiment on your ridiculously complex problem.” Fuck you, pay me.
I slowly morph into Sergeant Schultz, “It’s this… I’m not sure… I don’t know… I know nothink”
But now I’m curious as to what prompted this remark.
Somebody needed their EPUB (made by Calibre from an HTML file) fixed because it wouldn’t validate. Problem is, it’s a ridiculously huge file. I fixed some of the problems, but there is one that is tedious to fix. He says, “Please try this thing X person on random Y forum said to do.”
No. No, I will not. Either pay me to fix your problem or figure out how to do it yourself.
No, I did not give him the file I mostly fixed, which I did just to see if I could figure it out.
Calibre sent me into fits of apoplexy, so I stopped using it. I don’t get why some people swear by it.
As for wanting work product without payment – yeah, no. That’s against my principles too.
Oh, Calibre sucks balls.
I never could get Calibre to convert that .pdf of Alan Bloom’s book. Just do all the things I want perfectly without my having to think about it!
You need an OCR engine (optical character recognition) to do that then lots of time to clean it up and put it in a usable format.
I use Abbyy FineReader, and it wasn’t cheap. Worth every single penny and then some.
“No problem. My fixing-other-people-mistakes rate is $200/hour. I think I can knock this out in 8 hours. Send me $800 and I’ll get right on it.”
Every time I do that, especially for someone who really really really needs me to do it, I regret it. Got burnt 3 times last year like that. One pissed me off so badly I took him to small claims court.
I pissed off a guy I knew in high school who offered to recover my hard drive for forty bucks. He just reformatted Windows and asked for his money. Dude, I could have done that. I wanted the data off it!
My husband does a lot of free work on people’s computers. He’s really really good, but doesn’t feel like he’s good enough to charge for it.
Steam is starting to come out of my ears.
At least charge for the opportunity cost of what that time might be otherwise used for. If the service isn’t worth the price, he probably shouldn’t be doing it.
He’s got a super-bad case of imposter syndrome. His time would otherwise be spent entering sweepstakes, which sounds stupid until you see the list of the stuff he’s won.
Interesting that his rant was targeted at writers. I can see how writers often get the do it for free treatment. Computer people often get the same thing.
Not only is there the person who says”oh, you work in computers” and procedes to ask you to do anything from fixing their Alexa to building a web page for them to installing Windows, all for free.
Part of it seems to be the anyone could do that aspect of it. I would imagine actors get similar treatment. And models. And probably personal trainers
Yeah, and then there are writers like me whose work people feel free to pass around on free/pirate book sites. They don’t see a problem with it (because I MUST be making a lot of money) and I don’t even get a review out of those types.
If you want a free copy of any of my works, usually you just need to ask me, and I’ll send one. At least be polite enough to leave reviews in return.
Same here. All you gotta do is ask.
Pirating is theft, no matter how people try to justify it. I fully recognized the damage done after taking an IP in creative media class in law school. We toured a smaller studio that produced a few well known children’s shows, and it was amazing how tight they ran things to keep the studio running.
There seems to be some division in libertopia about intellectual property, however. “It’s not real property!” Um, well akshually…
Don’tcha know Mojeaux, those hundreds of hours of effort to produce something that didn’t exist before don’t generate an interest in the work product.
I can see your point. What I will say, though, is that the culture industry has no one but itself to blame for so many people treating their IP so cavalierly. When you can get prosecuted for copying a song from your computer to your MP3, after you bought it for the first, you’ve pretty much set up a dichotomy of criminal or sucker.
There seems to be some division in libertopia about intellectual property, however.
Usually whenever somebody treats IP as a single unit, I immediately write their opinion off. Patents are different from copyrights which are different from trademarks. They each have different purposes and different justifications.
There seems to be some division in libertopia about intellectual property, however. “It’s not real property!” Um, well akshually…
I’ve never really understood that attitude. Isn’t it the most pure of property? If I write a book. It all comes from me, even the parts ‘inspired’ elsewhere filtered through my brain and was selected to fit.
Well, Jarflax, let me see if I can take a stab at the counter-argument.
It’s because protecting intellectual property necessitates limiting what other people can do with something after they have purchased it – ie, they can’t photocopy every page of your book and sell the copies, just resell the original one they bought. And becomes even more of a mess when digital distribution is brought into the mix.
Electrons don’t feel like real stuff.
I’ve never really understood that attitude. Isn’t it the most pure of property?
Or it’s a government-enforced monopoly over the use of the intellectual property in question.
Like I said above, abuse of the IP laws in favor of the property owners has left a lot of people skeptical of the notion in general. At some point, for example, is it reasonable to say you can include Sherlock Holmes as a character in a work of your own without the express written consent of the Doyle estate? I think most people would say yes. You’re not really taking anything from Doyle’s heirs. Their property wouldn’t likely be a substitute for your own. If anything, they’re complementary goods.
He’s technically public domain unless they’ve got some sort of trademark scam going on.
Mickey Mouse should be public domain if not for Disney’s shenanigans and lobbying that have made a mockery of the purpose of copyright.
“And becomes even more of a mess when digital distribution is brought into the mix.”
Which is really the crux of the issue. Before the digital age, yes you could certainly photocopy a book, but it took time, ink, paper, and a copy machine. You could copy a TV show, but it required a VCR and a time committment, plus a physical tape. There were both time and monetary barriers to copying mass quantities.
It’s a double edged sword though. The same technologies that have put the squeeze on artists in one direction also allow more art to be created and distributed, bypassing the previous gatekeepers. There’s more books, more music, more movies, more video games being created and distributed.
Basically, the model used to be like car companies, there were the big publishing houses, big studios, big record labels, due to the significant capital expenses. So the people who did make it through the gate often were able to make a nice living off it. But all the people who didn’t make it through the gate were doing it for the love of the art.
Now the model is more like the restaurant industry, where there’s plenty of great local places competing and thriving alongside the big national chains.
He’s technically public domain unless they’ve got some sort of trademark scam going on.
They did until 2014.
It’s that sort of abuse, not to mention Disney’s, that creates hostility to IP.
Oh, good.
Now I’m going to throw some Sherlock Holmes jokes into my murder mystery to celebrate. (No, I’m not going to use the character directly.)
“Here’s how you fix Alexa – take this hammer and hit it. If there are any pieces larger than an acorn, hit it again. Repeat until grain size is smaller than an acorn. Sweep up the pieces and throw them out.”
“Installing windows? Are we talking triple-paned?”
“Fuck you, pay me” I’ve always thought was an adjoiner to the phrase “Taxation is theft”. Those two statements basically summarize what I believe.
Adjoined as in said by the same person, or as in said by the taxman in response?
I suppose I should have used the word “complement” instead
If only the product team I work with thought this way. I’m constantly doing many hours of work for “Clients” who have not paid or who have stopped doing buisness with us. I understand the “Customer Experience” aspect, but i think they misgague how much time they ask us to work for people who don’t pay us.
Late to the game but, I can’t help but think if someone who was well versed in the art of public speaking like a Kennedy or a Reagan had given that SOTU speech they would be breaking ground on a statue of the guy today.
“the shrieking harpy democrat brigade all dressed in white”
This is funny as heck. They are saying that the US is as bad as Cuba. Think about it, a bunch of socialists saying that the US is as bad as evil, socialist Cuba. Too funny!
Something I have been seeing, recently, in the current fascination with taxation: People are asking why capital gains (largely affecting the rich and superrich) are taxed at a lower rate than earned/ordinary income. There’s yer wealth tax, right there! It’s a tax on rich people. Make it hurt.
None of those bozos ever want to equalize the rate downward, to the level of capital gains. They don’t want fairness, or efficiency. They want to punish Scrooge McDuck for daring to raise himself (and his family) up .
To be honest, I’ve long felt that if you were going to have an income tax it should be equal along all forms of income, Dividends, labor, capital gains (indexed to inflation), rent etc.
But to your point, at a certain point it almost doesn’t matter what the taxation is because the government’s share of the economy would be so low that the taxes will be low.
If it’s your primary source of income, it’s taxed higher.
Capital gains are capital, i.e., the stuff to finance business expansion. Why would you want to tax that.
Now, if you seel some stock and go buy a new car with it, you have removed capital from the system. Maybe don’t tax capital gains at all if they are reinvested somewhere, but tax it if it is used for consumption. I’ve always wondered if there is a downside to that idea.
“Things Ocasio-Cortez didn’t applaud; – Record low African-American & Hispanic unemployment – Stopping sex traffickers – The “common good” – ICE agent who saved 300 girls from smugglers – Not killing full term babies – Veterans
Things Ocasio-Cortez did applaud; – Herself.”
To be honest, I’ve long felt that if you were going to have an income tax it should be equal along all forms of income, Dividends, labor, capital gains (indexed to inflation), rent etc.
I am quite willing to say there should be no distinction between buying and selling pieces of paper and, say, buying and selling wooden train sets or dog food.
I also think a tax on business, if it is to be imposed at all, should be on gross receipts, in order to eliminate the gamesmanship and social engineering inherent in defining what constitutes income subject to tax. That will never happen. The powers that be will never relinquish that political leverage.
Gross receipts taxes will change the structure of the economy.
Vertical integration would be rewarded with the gross tax penalty only being levied once in the economic transaction. This will cause inefficiencies all across the economy.
If you want a gross tax you need it to be a sales tax, or VAT… which don’t penalize every economic transaction.
We have the same issue with those Tobin taxes. Something, something iron law. If you put a tax at every level of the economy, then you get less levels in the economy.