Ride, my culturally appropriated friend!
In a vain effort to temporarily halt the lack of content – you get me riding my Catalan hobbyhorse.
Lets see where we are now…
- The Trial of the Century is now 5 days away. The Catalan assembly has belched and squeaked about it…note the appeal to the Left in the “declaration”. Sure, independence leaders are being tried for thoughtcrime…but it can get worse, what if they next target “feminists, antifascists, ecologists or unions.” GASP!
- Socialist PM coming to realize the same thing as the previous Center-Right one…these Catalans really are not big fans of ours?! Note the attempted buying off of Catalonia (with their own money, extracted from them by Madrid, ha!) ” including a draft budget that is very favorable to the region” … but the Trial of the Century is held up as a reason the Catalan parties will torpedo the budget. Ah, parliamentary governments….mmmm!
- Oh, and the budget going down would press the Socialist government (a minority one…don’t ask) to call for elections. And we all know what that could lead to…YELLOW VESTS?! SPANISH DRUMPF??? Ironically, the Spanish Populist-Right party is “Vox” hahahaha!
You may now return to your regularly scheduled commenting, shitposting and OT links.
Quiero una maja!
No es parla espanyol.
Se llama castellano quando uno habla de España! Español is lo que hablan los bárbaros de Latino America!
Vox’s leader Santiago Abascal — a 42-year-old Basque who once served as a lawmaker for the conservative Popular Party and prides himself on carrying a Smith and Wesson gun — is now part of the country’s political establishment.
Some animals are more equal than others
Only 100 handgun rounds a year? I guess if you’re going to own a gun you better damn well be a piss poor shot too?
Those pesky iron laws.
I’ll bet there are people out there reading that and thinking, “That’s the point.”
Lack of content? Is that an “SP’s busy” thing or do you need more submissions?
OK, OK. I’ll finish the next mead article.
I am touched.
A pretty good “opera applause” eh? 🙂
Well, we already knew you were “touched” but we’re still looking forward to the next article.
*narrows gaze*
Is this the one where you get to the Trapper Keeper?
PBS:Money::Glibs:submissions – always need more.
But I didn’t even get a tote bag!
:Hides Nephilium’s Tote bag taken from his doorstep:
First sensible thing from Spain in ages?
Are the separatists gonna win, Swissie?
Only if Madrid just lets go. The Catalans are not appearing to have the will to use force to try and free themselves, and that is what it will take. If they cannot peacefully leave when Socialists are in power…what happens when then Right comes back?
At first glance I thought the cop was pepper spraying the old lady, rather than tearing her sweater.
Chick looks tough.
Our betters are so gung-ho about interfering in other countries’ fights, why not help these people from under the thumb of Madrid?
*GASP* But..but… they are EUROPEAN!!!!
And not Balkan.
Hasn’t stopped us from bombing Spain with nukes in the past.
It’s not like it detonated.
Only brown people are incapable of taking care of themselves.
You’re right. And I’m pretty sure we already have a carrier task force in the Mediterranean. Bombs/missiles away, gentlemen.
The Catalans are not appearing to have the will to use force to try and free themselves, and that is what it will take
European Union is not in favor of any political dissolution (except for Scotland).
Lots of Neo-Confederates in europe
i wonder how many of those represent economically strong areas tired of being bled dry by the enlightened socialists.
*skims* best guess is a third. A lot are of the “We used to be independant” sort like the Scots (who’d lose out badly from independance)
Wait, from that link Pomeranians want to break off of Germany? What is the problem, too much oppression from the Pugs?
those are some sweet brachial stun gauntlets.
That slimy creep who is the mouthpiece for the Houston cops union no doubt masturbates to this photo.
If you just follow their orders you won’t get hurt
She reminds me of my grandmother. I would be in jail if someone did that to her.
For sure. You want to see a “War on Cops”?
This. And I might go to jail, but the cop who did that to my grandmother is going to have a knee that bends in both directions.
Front to back and side to side?
She’s smiling. It must be someone else’s blood.
Or the painkillers.
Wincing in pain can look like that, too.
She is keeping her mouth shut, so the blood doesn’t run into it, like her eyes.
I think it’s a smirk.
I never thought I’d read a slobbering fan letter to Nancy Pelosi, of all people, but never say never.
While most of America was busy rolling their eyes at Trump’s empty rhetoric and Googling “how many years until AOC can run?” Pelosi was busy.
Exactly! Well, most of the West Village was googling that, anyway.
What was up with the Hand Clap anyway? I saw one picture of it, and i thought “Oh no, she’s retarded”. Why is it some sort of #Resistance thing?
Because it conveys disdain.
If Weepy Boner had done that to Chocolate Nixon, the screaming would not have stopped yet,
When the good guys (the ones with the Ds next to their name) do it, it is for a good cause. The other assholes do it because they are racists/sexists/capitalists.
I guess. It just conveys that shes a few horses short of a herd, IYKWIM
A Palomino perhaps?
Think of the #Resistance as a bitchy high school clique, and much will become clear.
Complete with the coordinated outfits!
Can you believe that Bitch was wearing the same outfit i did? /Every Congresswoman after the SOTU
The #Resistance is nothing more than #War. Everything else is window dressing. The entirety of their “thought leaders” are unrepentant warmongers, including AOC
I actually wondered for a moment if the article was satire.
It is remarkable how two people can watch exactly the same thing, and come away with two different impressions. From the clips I’ve seen, Pelosi just comes off as odd, disengaged, distracted, rude, maybe condescending, and Trump looked in control and enjoying himself. To Eric Thomas, Pelosi stole the whole stage from Trump.
People see what they want to see. Humans are amazingly adept at self-delusion.
“How did Nixon win? No one I know voted for him.”
This mentality said by a former New Yorker writer after Nixon trounced McGovern perfectly encapsulates the mentality of the entire corporate press today
The writers seems to believe that America’s non-contiguous borders extend from Williamsburg (carving out Staten Island and the rest of New York) to San Francisco (carving out every single community in between).
How oblivious do you have to be to honestly think that the rest of the country was fervently looking-up when a rich kid who failed as a waitress would be the next non-literate president?
I’m actually wondering if she’ll so embarass the otherwise non-voting residents of her district that they’ll vote for whatever paper candidate is on the next ballot that isn’t her.
Not likely. A heavily urban area with a concentration of upper-income whites are usually the places with the least amount of self-reflection
Given how few voters actually went to the polls, it wouldn’t take many.
Her district doesn’t have a lot of upper-income whites. It’s much more “free shit” than “woke”.
If the DemOp Media stays as wide-eyed and adulatory, most residents of her district will never find out what an embarrassment she is.
If she gets taken out, the fingerprints of her “colleagues” in Congress who are sick of her spotlight-hogging celebrity and refusal to know her place as a freshman Representative will be on the knife in her back.
Exactly. There’s no lower-information-voter than an avid reader of the New York Times.
I’m going to need a citation that these exist in measurable numbers. Their circulation has been declining quite steadily.
Even dumb people know how to read the paper on the internet.
Those numbers are not all that good either.
Actually, I saw that their subscriptions have gone up since Trump seized control of the nation in a Russia-backed coup.
I would call avid readers of NYT/LAT/WaPO as well as avid watchers of CNN/MSNBC misinformed voters. Not low information. They have purposefully opted to get bad information that confirm their worst proggie biases. Seriously, in today’s day & age still believing socialism is a good idea tells me you are either mentally deranged or so consumed with your own envy/jealousy that you are on the verge of derangement.
This is the same outfit that hired Sarah “I hate white people” Cheong.
The Green New Deal seems intent on creating mass-poverty. (Pol Thot, Gulag Barbie and Josefina Stalina may prove to be apt nicknames.)
Does the document detail exactly when they plan to declare Year Zero?
In the year of Thermidor
But… That’s a month.
I guess I need to re-learn the ridiculous naming system that the French employed under Robespierre. There’s nothing worse than a wasted commie joke
IPCC Report said global emissions must be cut by by 40-60% by 2030. US is 20% of total emissions. We must get to 0 by 2030 and lead the world in a global Green New Deal.
Sounds like it doesn’t matter and we already lost.
The steel industry is still big around here. I’m looking forward to seeing how they run a blast furnace with solar panels.
Silly Kevin, you don’t. You shut down the dirty old steel mills and have the metal fairies deliver up bar stock from their recta.
Gonna need a lot of it to build those railroad tracks across the oceans.
A guaranteed job with “family-sustaining wages” for all Americans, particularly for those “unable” and, more importantly, “unwilling” to work
what the fuck does that mean?
“Pay up Hoarder.”
Free Shit.
Or “To each according to his
needwant.”A want a nice house on Turks and Caicos.
$20 cup of coffee at Starbucks
more importantly, “unwilling” to work
It means every True Socialist, from Lenin to Chavez, would line this lot up and have them shot.
The full elimination of all fossil fuel consumption, including natural gas, within the next ten years.
That’d be a bit like trying to eliminate private arms ownership, except with way more complications.
The full elimination of nuclear power
Proves that you don’t care about the environment or people having inexpensive energy.
The complete elimination of air travel.
Yea, sure. You want to make people subservient and controllable.
Retrofit or rebuild literally every building in America.
Good lord…
I realize I have been giving her too much credit when I call her a complete moron.
She’s actually brain dead.
Those are summary points from the writer of the article. But skimming the actual text of the bill, the snark and framing is accurate.
Allow me to give a response.
Fuck Off Slaver.
Goddamn, those children just do NOT grow out of their choo-choo obsession.
But everyone loves Amtrak.
AOC will shit bricks when she learns that eyeglasses are bourgeois accouterments and is no longer able to read the map to her assigned farming collective.
When JFK said we’d go to the by the end of the decade, people said impossible.
Looks like no one proofread the FAQs.
Finally VA has found the appropriate person to blame for all their troubles
He only worked on the 1968 edition last I heard. Long gone by the 1980s when the Dems were making asses of themselves all on their own.
Good luck getting Tommy Norment’s scalp. He’s my state congresscritter and he is well versed in delivering funds to all the right people (including himself).
But now that I think about it, one of Norment’s main schticks is funneling funds to WIlliam and Mary in return for legal work, etc…
The new progressive president of W&M may not continue his arrangement(s) in light of the political climate.
Good grief! Reporters wanted to question him about something that happened 51 years ago? Given that massive resistance didn’t really end until 1968/1969, I think the operative question was who wasn’t racists in Virginia at that time?
Virginia still has plenty of racists. They just operate under the banner of “progressive”. So I guess nothing has really changed.
I remember 1968. Race riots, the Democratic national convention, the Vietnam war. Fifty fucking years ago. Racism was alive and well in this country. Perhaps this is why some of us old geezers have no fucking patience what so ever for “micro-aggressions”.
“The problem isn’t that he wore blackface, it’s that somebody put it in the yearbook”
Yup, the evidence is the problem.
I have been strenuously assured that the DC cocktail party circuit is a complete myth.
Nuke it from space. It’s the only way to be sure.
That was supposed to go underneath the story, not just the single snippet
Is Obama crossed off her list? I doubt it.
Obama did so much good, it makes up for it.
They are not intellectually honest enough to know or acknowledge that the pic of the children/families in cages pic that circulated was from Barry’s admin, as was the video of border patrol agents emptying water containers found in the desert that had been ostensibly left there for
illegal aliensmigrants.I hate these sorts of articles.
However, they are great from a “Know your enemy” perspective.
The nomenklatura
If there’s one thing that truly makes me grateful that a loudmouthed blowhard carnival barker was elected president, it’s that his presidency has finally opened my eyes to the fact that the Uniparty is no myth. It is very, very real.
That’s exactly the term I’ve been using for them. It fits, too:
A list of names of people selected by the party’s leadership as being politically reliable and therefore eligible for appointment to posts in the government or industry.
John Kass, one of the last real reporter/columnists left in Chicago calls them The Combine.
America’s Boringest Parties
i’m saddened to hear that Mattis attends.
I’m hoping they were just using him as an example of someone they would invite, not that he’s an attendee.
The article photos are classic DC snobbery.
They really are some of the dumbest assholes with massive amounts of hubris on the planet.
This is what they care about, a return to the status quo.
“Trump people”
that made me chuckle. what a stupid bitch.
As long as Basque Chorizo keeps coming into the US, it will all be okay.
Are the Basque spots on Grove still there?
Yes. Bar Gernika is still rocking the croquettes and lamb grinders.
I thought the Scots were the lamb grinders?
Sure, independence leaders are being tried for thoughtcrime…but it can get worse, what if they next target “feminists, antifascists, ecologists or unions.”
If that happens? This.
“The young New York upstart’s celebrity has so far outpaced her authority to move legislation or confront Republican opponents.
But she vowed Thursday to defund ICE completely and claimed Latinos should be exempt from criminal proceedings and immigration laws because they are descended from Mesoamerican cultures that preceded the United States.”
She’s not crazy. She’s wacky. Maybe this whole thing is performance art.
Let’s give her the Mesoamerican human sacrifice she wants.
That’s a whole new level of bonkers.
In fairness, there have been quite a few warning signs that she’s batshit insane and should be in a padded cell.
You know what’s racist? Providing special privileges for a race. Especially when that special privilege is based in myth: the vast majority of Hispanics have a negligible amount of native blood that is comparable to the average white American.
You know how multicultural society works? You try to get special carveouts for your ethnic group, who in turn block vote for you. I see nothing crazy about what she’s doing.
I am impressed that American Socialists have managed to remove the one element of Marxism that carried water for it since the 20s, the non-ethnic aspect of it.
I see nothing crazy about what she’s doing.
For short-term personal benefit? Sure.
For causing as much strife, division, and misery as possible? Also a proven tactic.
Yep. Native American mortality rate is normally put at about 90% post-contact. On top of that, mixed-race people were a few steps down the Spanish status tree.
Natives and mixed-race people are still way down the totem pole in Mexico today. It’s like the people most obsessed with identity politics are the least aware about other countries and cultures
The first attempts at a Mexican Revolution in the 1820s collapsed, in part, because elites wouldn’t get on board with mestizo revolutionaries.
Yep. There’s a reason the people you see on Telemundo look white as milk.
She should travel to Rome and repeat that wow on Sacred Mountain, for full Bolivar Effect.
Latinos should be exempt from criminal proceedings
I like it, who wants in on my Ponzi scheme?
“At some point the Trump people will be gone and things will be back to normal.”
Is there a way to monetize running weapons to the French Yellow Vests and what I will assume is going to be los Chalecos Amarillos? Asking for um….a friend.
I like you