Good morning my Glibs and Glibarinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except Virginia residents as 66% of their statewide elected officials dressed in blackface and 33% allegedly committed sexual assault.
Ok guys, let’s not go overboard here.
Is everyone in your family an asshole?
Idaho police arrest truck driver for carrying marijuana, driver and company claims it is hemp.
Feds are investigating Jeffrey Epstein’s plea deal.

“Is Adam going to have to cut a bitch?”
Crazy Eyes gearing up for political theater to get Bad Orange Man.
Ukrainian lawmaker is a source for Fusion GPS, the opposition firm democrats hired during the 2016 election.
Democrats refuse to allow fellow representative Steve Scalise give testimony against gun control.
Memorabilia auction from Astroworld (which shut down in 2005).
That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Hi, Banjos!
That’s all I got for today
That’s more than enough
*squints suspiciously*
Hi, Slammer! Lots of interesting news today. I didn’t even visit all the sites I normally get to.
Scalise does not know how to be a proper victim. Good morning all.
I know blackface is offensive. But is it criminal? Because 99% of the media is treating it as such.
Do you even thought crime bro?
According to the SJW equivalent of the Geneva Convention, the San Fran bill of homeless rights, it is one of the worst crimes EVAH!
Think of it as some said of Watergate: it was worse than a crime, it was stupid. So naturally the media are all over it.
The Republicans just need to sit back and say “Hey if the Democrats are fine with blackface and sexual assault now, that’s up to them.”
Team Blue is truly fucking themselves. Anybody over age 50 that is in government certainly has something that doesn’t look right to 2019 eyeballs. It’s going to be fun when they realize this fact.
The younger hard left in the party is waging war against anyone who could be perceived as centrist. It’s going to make 2020 very entertaining.
Its going to be interesting if things continue this way. Unless the R’s take a hard classical liberal turn our choices really might be the communist party or the facist party.
This is why we need to lower the Required Age Of Office. That way the Democrats can always be nominating young people who don’t have as embarrassing history. Sure eventually they will be deemed racists as time progresses, but then they can just start a new batch.
“doesn’t look right to 2019 eyeballs. ”
Yeah, wait until that photo surfaces of Hillary Clinton dressed as a “Goldwater Girl”. That notorious racist voted against the Civil Rights Act!!!
It is not offensive if you get he lips right
I will be more controversial…
Wearing makeup to dress up as a famous black person is not the same thing as “blackface”.
Blackface is an eggagerated caricature of African features. It was used to lampoon African-American idioms. It is offensive because of the intent and result… To ridicule people for the entertainment of others based on race.
At the time, this was normal for all races. That is no longer acceptable.
Dressing up as a famous singer for Halloween is not the same thing at all.
Draw the line at brown face?
Spray Tans were always offensive.
Well, yeah. But the left and the media fully embraced the hysterical Millennial kids who are addicted to outrage and lynching and are now reaping what they sowed.
^^^ This.
“Blackface” is a term that actually means something. It’s the Minstrel Show version of a mime or Harlequin makeup.
Jack Nicholson’s Joker was NOT wearing “blackface” when he put the tan makeup on.
You’re right, that would have been paleface.
I knew a dude who was very liberal in the early 2000’s who dressed as Flavaflave for Halloween, to include black face paint. Nobody batted an eye. He’d be stoned in the streets today I’m guessing. Even around 2008 I dressed as an orthodox rabbi for Halloween, I got a few dirty looks but no huge reactions. Things have gotten screwy in the last 5 years.
“Dressing up as a famous singer for Halloween is not the same thing at all.”
Even as Al Jolson?
An even trickier question, what about dressing up as Bert Williams?
“Wearing makeup to dress up as a famous black person is not the same thing as “blackface””
Didn’t you just describe cultural appropriation?
Looks like Robert Downey Jr. is going to prison then (again).
It’s ok if you’re a dude playin a dude disguised as another dude.
What does Lance have to say about that?
Nance! I said Nance!
Drop the Booty Sweat and go for the Sack Juice there brah!
In my perfect world you wouldn’t have to resign because you did something stupid in college (within reason) and you wouldn’t have to resign because of unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault. But that’s not the world the Dems want for the rest of us, so I’m enjoying watching them being hoisted on their own retard.
>>Is everyone in your family an asshole?
Yes but they’re my assholes… wait that came out weird.
Keep firing, Assholes!
Good Morning Banjos!
Whether foreign actors have influence over Trump or anyone in his orbit.
It’s a Trumpeliocentric universe.
Conspiracy theory: this blackface hoopla is a distraction from the fact that the dude was frank and earnest about driving toward post-birth abortion. The powers that be realized he went a bridge too far and decided to shut him down. Openly advocating for infanticide and pedophilia won’t be on the progs agenda for 5-10 more years.
And he’s a doc.
I didn’t know or care much about Virginia politics until last week. Everything I’ve seen so far about the guy leads me to believe that something isn’t quite meshing properly up in his noggin. He strikes me as a bit of a sociopath.
Well, he is a politician, so… yes.
Then what about Cuomo? Or is this only because it could make VA vulnerable to flip red in 2020?
No, there are still enough progs, govt employees and welfare leeches in NoVa (DC burbs), Norfolk and Richmond to give our electoral votes to Team Blue.
And you will notice how there is suddenly silence about that mandatory proportional allocation of electoral votes thing they were so on about last time.
No conspiracy theory is necessary: the order of events makes it clear that someone was pissed at his abortion take and so revealed his secret, and then the knives came out in the party for everyone else as a power struggle ensues to see who gets to be top dog. I doubt the Ds would sabotage themselves like this just to sink an extremely pro-choice guy. I think it was just a friend/acquaintance of his who had finally had enough of him and decided to pull the plug by revealing his secrets.
Your assumption that they thought this through is where I lose you. See Kavanaugh affair. These people have enjoyed great cover from the usual suspects in the pool of dnc operatives with bylines that pretended objectivity and factual reporting, and have not learned that those good old days are dead. When you employ a shitty tactic to destroy your opposition, don’t be surprised when it boomerangs on you now that the ability to protect you is gone.
15 minutes is plenty enough time to wait to go OT.
Electric cars suck unless they have perfect weather.
It’s true of all engines, electric and otherwise.
Not the heater. IC engines make loads of waste heat.
My truck doesn’t lose 41% of MPG when it’s -30 and I have the heater going full blast. And I wouldn’t even get into a black car in 95 degree heat without running the A/C.
You will when they come for you.
My truck drops +25% of MPG going from summer to winter.
Lol. That’s because we leave them running so much!
That’s not true. IC engines run much better in cold air. The air is denser and therefore more of it gets in on each intake stroke. It’s called volumetric efficiency.
You get more power, but not necessarily more efficiency and that is when you only consider the engine. In colder temps, the rest of the vehicle negates any gain in power or potential efficiency.
Quickest search I could find explaining it.
Like anything, it’s debatable. Yes all the fluids and greases etc are colder when you start driving and you’re pushing the car through denser air ( more important because it’s a constant) you’re also able to achieve similar power with less rpms. Once the vehicle reaches operating Temps, I would say you are getting more efficiency.
Two Tesla owners within a few blocks of me – I wonder how they are doing in this 0 degree weather.
We have loads of Teslas as down here in SoFla. I probably pass at least a half dozen every morning on a 7 minute drive to drop my kids off. People seem to love them.
AC is obligatory down here year round, FWIW
Interesting that the batteries do OK, but the HVAC is what really knocks down the mileage. I wonder what the comparable number is for a gas engine running the AC.
IIRC it was about a 4% decrease in gas mileage. The heater however is free as one of the biggest problems for an IC engine is keeping the damned thing from melting itself
It’s about 5% for a gas engine for AC and the heat is free. Newer automotive AC compressors are variable duty and reduce that number further by always being “on” but by reducing the parasitic draw through use of a computer controlled valve in the compressor that varies how hard the compressor is working. Electrics have much higher HVAC demand because the battery is pickier than my wife about temperature so that it has it’s own dedicated temperature demands that may be counter to what the cabin occupants want, so it has dedicated heat and AC for the battery that is always on regardless of if the driver is using HVAC. Also, gas cars use heat that would have been waste heat produced by the engine, electrics have to create heat, so they have to use heating elements.
So the article did not have a photo of the offensive balaclava from Gucci, so I went looking….
And I found this for $530
Is it OK to punch people who spend that much on something that stupid?
$1600 to signal how stupid you are?
Why would I want to punch my most profitable customers?
They’re not my customers.
That’s your problem, not theirs.
You misunderstand.
If I’m at a cocktail party and someone walks in with that on, do I get to punch them in the throat? Because to me, that is the only course of action that makes sense.
That would be the action of a Democrat. But again, if you are at a cocktail party that invites someone like that, the problem could be yours.
You’re no fun.
I want to punch
NAP says no.
But just barely.
That looks like something that should be in the clearance bin at a dollar store. High Fashion has never made any sense to me
The scam of selling BS at outrageous prices is the point. It’s a joke that all the participants are in on. Even the buyers. The price is part of the ‘art’
I guess. I’ve known too many buddies wives who didn’t have the $ to have “Coach” on the side of their purse but they did anyway. It strikes me as incredibly slavish toward what others think.
Meh – I’m not saying a Gucci (or Louis Vuitton or Hermes) purse is worth the price, but they are really well made; handcrafted leather and all that. Lots of fakes out there though. My wife has a few Gucci pieces – jewelry and handbags, same with LV belts and Hermes scarves. They’re flashy blingy accessories to her more staid (and cheaper) Ann Taylor suits.
To clarify, I’m not condemning owning expensive fashion accessories, just saying that it strikes me as somewhat impractical. And I’m going to shitlord here and say, as a man, I’ll probably never fully understand it.
Some years ago I was wandering around a sidewalk market in Shanghai. I damn near bought Mrs. Animal a gen-yoo-wine Versace handbag.
I didn’t, though. I mean, just on the off chance it was a fake, I’d have been out twenty bucks.
I mirthed out loud
My wife bought a Coach purse on sale. The big thing about Coach, besides their being well-made, is that there’s something like a ten-year warranty on them. If it starts wearing out or looks otherwise busted within the product life of the leather they’ll repair or replace it, or failing that give you store credit for a new purse.
Why pay that when you can dress like a bank robber for Wal-Mart money?
Now that Gucci has pulled the sweaters off the market the collector’s market will enjoy a price spike.
Not fooling me. Those are crotchless panties.
So you’re saying the only being that would strap one of those on is a pussy?
I concur.
They were already financially throat-punched.
I’m not sure which race or nationality is offended but I’m triggered!
I wonder what a Venn diagram of people who buy that stuff and people who went to the Fyre Festival would look like.
My Thoughts on Virginia Governor/LT Governor/AG thing:
1. Blackface, Really? Even in the 1880’s how common was it for a doctor to wear blackface? The progs havn’t been able to turn up one photo of Trump in blackface, and it seems like if such a photo existed, they would have found it by now.
2. Sexual assault: I think we need to tread two things very carfuly. First, anyone who is pleading for Due Process, but thought Kavenaugh should be thrown to to dogs is a Hypocrite, and should have their face rubbed in that shit. We don’t need flim-flam civil libertarians. Second, be sure we don’t commit the same hypocrisy. There is a lot to a sexual accusation. I don’t particularly care to get to know the details because it’s Virginia, but i also refrain from coming down on one side or the other. If a crime was committed it should be investigated.
Good point about Trump, and I’m sure that riles them. But Trump is a Yankee and blackface is kind of an Old South thing. The racism is really baked in down here, but is mostly an affliction of the older generations. FWIW, I am close in age to Northam and have never dressed in blackface, although one of the class moms did smear some brown makeup on me when I was one of the Indians (Warren, not Bharara) in the school Xmas pageant the fifth grade.
I heard someone say, ‘Trump is absolutely a racist. I can’t prove it but he is.’
And that’s that.
I had a very similar conversation with an otherwise intelligent person. I implored him to not call someone a racist without any proof whatsoever, but I don’t think I got through. And this guy isn’t even a hardcore lefty. Just a left-leaning independent. SMDH
Had that conversation with a guy at church on Tuesday. I said, “How do you know he’s a racist?” No coherent reply.
Go watch “Holiday Inn” and you’ll see what the Yankees really thought of blackface a couple of generations back.
It was shown as plain/frank/acceptable theater.
I’m nearly 50 and have always lived in the South. It’s hard to get more actually Southern than me; I literally have only 1 Yankee ancestral line. And have never, ever, ever seen anybody wear either theatrical or traditional/mocking blackface. This VA thing is bizarre.
The closest was a guy for a school project who had to demonstrate Australian Aboriginal garb for a school project. Loincloth and a lot of paint. But that’s not what we’re talking about.
Same thing on 2) as I thought with Kavanaugh — uncorroborated accusations of sexual assault are bullshite. Period. Even if you can dredge up more than one such — just a higher pile of BS.
Sexual assault: I think we need to tread two things very carfuly. First, anyone who is pleading for Due Process, but thought Kavenaugh should be thrown to to dogs is a Hypocrite, and should have their face rubbed in that shit. We don’t need flim-flam civil libertarians. Second, be sure we don’t commit the same hypocrisy. There is a lot to a sexual accusation. I don’t particularly care to get to know the details because it’s Virginia, but i also refrain from coming down on one side or the other. If a crime was committed it should be investigated.
^ This. I I get the desire to use their tactics against them, but due process is a cornerstone of liberty and if you chip away at it to fight the left you have gazed too long into the abyss.
With any luck, leftists will use leftist tactics against leftists.
The good ole days where the media protected them from their own machinations every time it came out, are over. The fact that some of them will end up fucked hopefully gets them all to back off on this crazy shit. No sign of that yet though, but a few more of these incidents where they get eaten up by their own alligator, and things will change.
On #2, I do think the proper course of action is to defend due process while at the same time ribbing the Ds to either stand by their own standards (and resign) or come on over to the right side (and let due process take its course). I don’t think a politician should be allowed to have one standard for others and a different one for themselves and not be called on it.
RE: Fairfax, it’s entirely about the media and cultural standard for me. I’m not saying he’s guilty, I’m saying it’s an absolute travesty that the WaPo and the rest of the media, who ran with the Kavanaugh allegations, now all of a sudden rediscovering the wonders of due process and skeptical inquiry. If a woman accused any Republican politician of forcibly throat fucking her, and that politician admitted to having sex with her, but swearing it was consensual, they would run a full out full court press until he was hounded from office and probably tried for the crime.
It’s not about the standard, it’s about the double standard. This is how Trump got elected: he was willing to point out that the game was rigged, that the referees wear blue jerseys not black and white stripes. That the media, the judiciary, the bureaucracy is under the control of leftwing ideologues who use their power to advance a political and social agenda.
Oh, and Mike Pence is the smartest man in politics.
Calling for ever more investigation of non-falsifiable accusations was throwing Kavanaugh to the dogs. If his nomination was delayed until after the mid-term, he would either have been withdrawn or the Democrats would have done what they could to block his nomination afterward (seeing as they were actually gambling on taking back the Senate.)
The real hypocrisy trap is that they are calling the Fairfax survivor an “uncorroborated” accuser and withdrawing all the eager faith they slathered on Ford. They don’t even seem to have any issue with WaPo squashing the story for a year, an entire year of #metoo frenzy.
Uffda. I’m going to have to agree with SF on this.
As far as the accusations go, I would treat them the same as Kavanaugh. Since there is no way at this time to prove it one way or the other, the tie goes to the accused. Also, I’ve seen some people trying to screw AG guy because he said “fuck that bitch” on some phone call about the accusation. Like with Kavanaugh, if the guy is innocent of the crime, I think his reaction is justifiable.
The people that really suck in this are the media. They are the ones who really are the giant douche hypocrites. If the standard for being “credibly accused” is the one applied to Kavanaugh, then AG guy is credibly accused. If the standard is that there needs to be some corroboration, then Kav got totally fucked.
When the media decided to start carrying water for the Dems did they never anticipate shit like this might come back on them? I mean we are talking about politicians. How many of them don’t have some sort of skeleton in the closet?
It’s no minor inconvenience to the left that Trump once went ballistic on the insular Palm Beach blue bloods because they wouldn’t allow blacks or Jews into their elite clubs. The best retort anyone could possibly come up with is that he didn’t do it for the most pure and virtuous reasons, and it does nothing to further their ridiculous accusations of racism. The indisputable fact remains that blacks and Jews can now enjoy rubbing elbows with the upper crust thanks to Trump, and Democrats are stuck with defending a guy who paraded around in blackface for a college yearbook photo.
Shit. This was supposed to be a reply to Tonio upstairs.
Which Dems are defending him didn’t they all call for his resignation?
You’re absolutely right. I probably should have said “stuck with” instead of “defending”.
I’ll say the same thing about Fairfax’s accuser that I did about Ford: if it’s true, she’s an asshole for having let it lapse so long before bringing it up at a critical juncture. She can’t prove it, he can’t disprove it, for all we know it was a misunderstanding, by her own account she seems not to have done anything to dissuade him, and in any event she said nothing about it for fifteen years. In the very best light, she excused a sex pest for over a decade until it became convenient, at this precipitous moment, to bring him to account. And not just to challenge him, but to rely on society’s disgust for sexual abuse to hold him to account. Which puts everyone else in an unenviable position of having to weigh a matter which cannot be proven one way or the other. We’re naturally predisposed to give her the benefit of the doubt. I doubt a woman would dredge up an incident after many years except that she expects she’ll be treated as the automatic victim. She’s prevailing on the forbearance of society to right a wrong and punish her wrongdoer on her word alone. A woman’s word is a powerful weapon. It’s not unfair to expect she use it judiciously, or not at all. Waiting over a decade to use it is not judicious. It’s an abuse of her power.
That said, lol fuck your party of women bullshit, rapist.
I’m also a “statute of limitations” dead-ender. There are only a few legal traditions that I find more crucial. Even further, there’s no way you can answer questions on something from even five years ago without eventually “perjuring” yourself. Considering perjury and it’s related “crimes” are now the preferred way to get someone you don’t like, investigating things from several years ago is even more dangerous. This accusation is from 2004.
Scalise wrote, “I firmly believe we must never forget, nor minimize, the importance of the Second Amendment to our Constitution. H.R. 8, as well as other new gun control legislation currently being considered by the House Democrat majority, do not accomplish the goal of reducing gun violence.”
They have no interest in reducing gun violence; just gun violence by the wrong people.
Children raised by same-sex couples do better in school, new study finds
My parents were both heterosexual. Or do they mean same-gender?
My mother thought a ‘mixed marriage’ was between a man and a woman. She was woke before her time.
I’m in a mixed marriage. My wife is Catholic and I’m Protestant.
What is the number of children in each group?
In total, this latest study tracked 1,200 children raised by same-sex couples and more than 1 million kids raised by different-sex couples.
The researchers found that same-sex parents are often wealthier, older and more educated than the typical different-sex couple.
Right… So it i overall meaningless. Then again I have no issue with same sex couples having children. Although there is more to it than educational attainment
If they are being honest, and i think they were, They would have accounted for wealth/age/education of the parents. It’s not that it is all accounted for in the different wealth of the parents, as that variance should be factored out (as best it can be).
I never trust, in social sciences or medicine, adjustments made to account for various factors. they are mostly bullshit.
Baby Einstein nods in agreement.
I’m talking about regression methodology (by far the most common in Social Science), not data cleaning. regressions are not perfect and you have to be careful about how they pick the variables, but it should account for it.
They still have to deal with the problem that 1200 kids from same sex couples is a very small sample size especially when compared to the relatively small differences being discovered.
For example, the kids from hetero households were 6.7% more likely to graduate. Lets assume that the graduation rate for the hetero kids was 90%, that would put it at 83.3% for the kids from the same sex households. The difference between 90% and 83.3% in 1200 kids is 80 kids. Assuming 1.5 children per household that means that you just need an extra 50 – 55 dysfunctional households among the same sex set to account for that difference so the numbers are not large at all and it is entirely possible that if you had say 120,000 kids from same sex households that the differences would largely disappear.
There is also the issue that all they are establishing here is a correlation. Correlation != causation and this is the biggest problem in the social sciences. They establish a correlation, control for some variables, and then claim that what is left is the causal mechanism but that is not how it works because you can never know if you have accounted for all of the variables or even if you are capable of identifying all of the variables.
All that said I do think that kids in stable hetero households in general have an advantage over kids in same sex households because the role of father and mother are very different and fill different needs in a child’s growth and they are less likely to have those needs met as well with 2 parents of the same sex. Some individuals will , but on average they won’t. However, I do not believe those advantages will result in a meaningful difference in educational outcomes they will be more likely to result in social difficulties and psychological issues
Yes the sample size is an issue. And there could be latent variables that are not being accounted for. Perhaps, though, the biggest problem is with the metric itself. “standardized test scores” isn’t the metric i want to use to be measuring a child’s welfare.
I found the powerpoint from their presentation (which you should always do before bitching about control variables). It states that they used the following control variables:
Gender, ethnicity, indicators for birth year, household annual net income at birth, parental education at birth, average age of the parents at birth, number of siblings, family structure at birth, and indicators for neighbourhood at birth
The only issue I would want address is family structure at the termination of the study.
If anyone has a linky to their actual paper, I’d like to read it please.
which you should always do before bitching about control variables
I think it was pretty clear that i wasn’t bitching about it, i was pointing out that they most likely used control variables, so we cant chalk the differences up to income of the families.
You were clear, I was not.
I was agreeing with you and saying Pie didn’t know what he was talking about. But that wasn’t very clear based on what I wrote. Sorry about that.
Sorry, I should have understood.
In what way did I not know what I was talking about?
And no one thought of the fact that same-sex couples have to go through a deliberate process to have children?
They can’t just drunk fuck in the back of a pickup truck (poetry?) and voila! have kids they suddenly have to take care of.
Yep. No such thing as a homosexual “oops baby” and that’s got to be the single biggest split in terms of a kids success in most measurements in life.
Is it Thomas Sowell? who says
1. Work a full time job.
2. Get married.
3. Don’t have children till you can afford them.
Yep. No such thing as a homosexual “oops baby” and that’s got to be the single biggest split in
Not all gay men have penises and Not all Lesbian woman have vaginas. GOSH so unwoke!
Should be easy to test. Compare heterosexual-parent IVF babies to heterosexual-partent non-test-tube babies.
You have to adjust for age/income, cause IVF parents are going to be older/wealthier*.
*although not after the process, it was freakin expensive.
>And no one thought of the fact that same-sex couples have to go through a deliberate process to have children?
That’s literally on page 2 of the summary I linked to. Everyone thinks that.
Good thing I posted my comment before you linked the summary!
drunk fuck in the back of a pickup truck
Ribbed for her pleasure.
Clearly, for the children, we need to stop heterosexual relationships.
So you’re banning children in general?
But think about the Test Scores!
So kids from woke families do better in a woke educational system? You don’t say.
RE: Ukrainian Lawmaker.
Sadly i could come up with a conspiracy about how the Ukranian Government has compromised the DNC and it would be more consistent with the historical record than the “Russian Collusion” conspiracy.
So as some may know the SMBC comics guy is writing a book on open borders with Bryan Caplan. Whatever one’s view on the topic, I find his arguments very unpersuasive for most non open borders people. So if this is how the book goes, I see little point to it
his tweet
Open Borders in 3 Arguments: 1) It’s humanitarian 2) It makes the world richer and more productive 3) All the objections that might supersede 1&2 wither under empirical scrutiny.
1. is irrelevant for most border people who want to put their compatriots first.
2. is iffy as a 100% generalization
3. Is just a silly argument to make in general. You cant just randomly claim all objections to your statement wither under empirical scrutiny
4. The entire argument falls apart with the continued existence of the welfare state.
I think their argument is that people are less likely to support a welfare state if the society is less homogeneous. But this will simply lead to the rise of nationalist parties which want to stop immigration to preserve welfare for the locals. It does not lead to the death of the welfare state
I’d say their argument withers under empirical scrutiny.
Not even close to accurate, at least based on the Democratic Party’s political platform.
Why, it’s almost like when you have incompatible tribes sharing a nation, each tribe tries to use the government to transfer wealth to itself form other tribes.
Yeah, but they’re also arguing that humanitarianism is the number one reason for open borders. Presumably, then, people to whom that is a relevant argument wouldn’t shy away from social welfare in a less homogeneous society, which is what open borders would likely get you. IOW, I doubt many people would think, “We need open borders because there are people suffering out there. I’d rather they suffer in here, where we can see their poverty and feel better about ourselves.”
Not even at that (although that is certainly sufficient).
It falls apart at the cultural level – people have to assimilate to the prevailing culture. This of course is part of the left’s thinking about how to reshape the culture into something they think they want (and like all Jacobins – they too will end up getting what they deserve from that).
Immigrants to this country have always taken pride in that transformation – for people who think our culture is corrupt that is unacceptable and must be replaced by people who don’t assimilate and thus help a different transformation.
Part of the issue derives from the definition of what constitutes American culture. Both the right and the left tend to take narrow, superficial views on it, but the left’s approach is in direct opposition to what I consider the fundamentals, work ethic, personal responsibility, and individual liberty.
If you never assimilate to eating cheeseburgers or even speaking English, I don’t really care. But the big aforementioned three are the foundation of America’s success.
Right – and tell me, how exactly does the left feel about personal responsibility, individual liberty and the work ethic? [Note, I’d also throw in respect for rule of law and mutual tolerance.]
I think I said they oppose them in the second sentence.
While the two problems are interrelated, it isn’t clear why the welfare state is the one that needs to be fixed first.
He also claims that buy not allowing all refugees
“In bad immigration news, we are closing the doors on the people who need most to come here”
This would not fly for most of Europe at this point. You cannot really tell who these people are.
I’m not interested in who “needs” to come here. I’m interested in who will make this a better place for Americans.
Look at the nationalist shit-lord here.
Where sir is your sense of universal value – that all people deserve the same thing (which if the left has its way will be misery).
I favor the Swiss model (circa 1991, when I lived there):
Sure, we are all in favor of immigrants coming in and working here, it makes the country richer. But don’t be getting any uppity ideas about citizenship, that option is not on the table.
But should they be able to own land?
Of course.
Romania had a lot of panic about “teh furriners are comin to got our landz” when the law started to allow it.
Hmmm maybe “all our lands are belong to the foreigners” works better than my attempt at misspelling things for amusement. Anyhoo
Any immigrant rich enough to afford our land is rich enough to be welcome here. Like Canada and Australia, we don’t worry much about immigrants unless they are poor.
Its a great and time honored American strategy that is also going through another boom cycle:
1) Sell expensive land to rich foreigners for hard currency
2) Wait for foreign economy to go bankrupt and land to get cheaper
3) Buy it back at dimes on the dollar
We did it with the Japanese in the 80s, and the Chinese show every indication of paying stupid money for land and not having the economy to keep it.
But from what I have heard about the Swiss visa system I doubt that owning land there would give you the right to a visa which would allow you to reside in that property.
Acosta, now President Donald Trump’s labor secretary, has defended the deal as appropriate but has not commented since the recent round of stories.
Hush money? How do you get 13 months when you have 60 girls claiming to have been held as sex slaves?
You promise not to drag other people — important people, elected type people — down with you?
Wait, isn’t that exactly what… Meh. #Resist
^^This. Need to run a dead pool on Epstein. Improbable suicide / death by mugging / freak accident incoming.
I’m sure it will all be a complete coincidence that the ballistics of the bullet pulled from Epstein matches the Seth Rich case.
And that he shot himself twice in the back of the head while alone in an isolation cell, and no gun is recovered from the scene.
Why are so many women writing about rough sex?
I take issue with the whole “art must be challenging/transgressive to be good” thing. It can be, but millennia of great art was not and is not.
I didn’t say art couldn’t be transgressive.
Revolting, appalling, disgusting? Well, give me a minute to think about those.
The whole Art Must Be Transgressive idea is a product of the kind of people who set themselves up to be arbiters of high society. Have you met any of them? Grown up, educated, dim-bulb man-children and women-children still working through their daddy issues.
Art has to invoke a truth. Some truths are transgressive. Most aren’t.
Some chicks just like it rough.
I had a chick that told me it’s doubly so with chicks like her – the ones that want everyone to know how though they are. Freaky shit man. She called all those 50 Shades of whatever mommy porn.
Why is it a surprise that women write about their sexual fantasies?
I know blackface is offensive. But is it criminal?
Is pulling the wings off flies illegal? Or burning ants with a magnifying glass? It’s an indicator. A gateway oppression, so to speak. One day, you’re getting blackout drunk at a frat party with shoe polish on your face, the next day, you’re whipping cotton pickers with a cat o’ nine tails.
It’s 2019. The people picking the cotton are no longer black.
So it looks like the Humble Bundle is getting into trolling now (or just bad/entertaining timing). The latest bundle released: {Intro to Code}.
In unrelated news, Twitter has banned IGN and Humble Bundle’s accounts.
I’d bet bad timing, but it would be hilarious to see people start tweeting that link to journalists.
Hitler look-alike reveals weirdest thing he’s been asked to do – and job he would refuse
Actually he looks more like Bush the Still Alive
Bush the Still Alive
The younger one is always the more disappointing one.
*Looks at older brother*
Seems about right.
Interestingly enough the one thing he wouldn’t do was NOT furry porn.
You mean Bushitler. Do you even 2003, brah?
He looks like John Mahoney.
I never realized how much John Mahoney looked like Hitler!
You cant just randomly claim all objections to your statement wither under empirical scrutiny
Michael Mann haz a sad.
Sunn O))) new album preview.
All analog. Pro-tip: turn up your speakers
That was about 4 minutes too long. I kept waiting for the music to begin.
>I kept waiting for the music to begin.
You may not be the target audience.
Thanks Slammer!
“Sunn O)))”
Half Jew?
It’s like living in Seinfeld. Guy just walks into an empty office, calls up HR and says cut a me check.
I can’t figure out why NJ is struggling to pay its bills.
Some people have some Chutzpah. I read a story once about two hackers who simply waltzed into a company, found an empty conference room, called reception saying they were working with the VP and needed to get visitors badge to the server room. within 15 min they had access to the companies servers.
This is a bit different.
In this case it’s all about political denial.
If true – and it certainly appears to be – this is amazing. To think the guy could have perpetuated the scam indefinitely if only he could have kept his dick in his pants.
Social Engineering is a real thing, and since most people have no idea who is in IT (or what most of us do), people make lots of dumb decisions. Back in my consulting days, my boss sent me to a job, and only gave me an address and a first name for a contact. I show up at the site, meet the person, get the admin passwords to their database, and start looking through their complaints. About 20 minutes later I get an angry call from my boss saying that the client called him saying I wasn’t there yet. It turns out the boss had given me the wrong address (off by a floor in the same building), and this was some other company (who had someone with the same first name working on the same system). However, this meant that the second company wasn’t expecting someone to work on their systems, but gladly gave admin rights to a rando who showed up.
That’s great!
See also, janitorial staff, admin staff, auditors (internal or external), consultants, etc.
Yep – around here anyone with a dayglow safety vest and a badge of some sort would have door opened for him and have access to the plant.
Getting into corporate or the IT offices the intruder might have more questions asked of them – maybe.
This is true. Here, the IT staff are faceless voices on the phone most of the time, and just random guys I’ve never seen before when they do have to come to my office.
You’re not supposed to know us. If you know us, something is too badly borked for production use.
The other reason for them to know us is if they’re the problem.
But we’re not supposed to tell Them That!
I’m too busy to look it up, but there was a story back in the ’90s about someone calling an internal phone in ATT’s biggest data center and telling the person who answered that they were Mr VIP (the name of the current CEO of ATT at the time) and demanding the root password to the servers. The person gave them out and hung up.
After about 5 minutes the poor bastard thought about what he had done and everyone went into fire fighting mode. Great story about how social engineering is usually the easiest way into a system.
Fairly certain that was Kevin Mitnick.
A guy I know got his first interview into Wall Street by finding out what the director of the area he wanted in to usually ordered for lunch – then bought a food delivery uniform and showed up with a bunch of Chinese take-out, waltzed past security, and went right up to the director’s office. The director respected the chutzpah and granted him time for his elevator speech, and in the end gave him an offer.
+1 George and calzones.
They may still spread this falsehood on the backlot tour. They did when I went.
NYPD demands Google stop revealing drunken driving checkpoints
“Revealing the location of checkpoints puts those drivers, their passengers and the general public at risk,” the police department wrote.
At risk of not being collectively targeted by cops with quotas? I’m willing to take that risk.
Do you carry your Gaijin Card at all times 白人さん?
How the drink limit in Nipponistan ?
In most of Europe you can have a drink or two but in Romania there is zero tolerance. Also no such thing as field sobriety test round these parts, it is directly breathalyzer
Gaijin card? Yes, I do. DUI are pretty strict here. I don’t know the numbers, but it’s a huge fine. I’ve never come across a checkpoint though.
I am not talking about the size of the fine, about what constitutes under influence. Is one beer under influence?
Suppose I could google it, but I don’t know and don’t really care that much. I wouldn’t drive after even 1 beer which is part of the reason I’m walking home all the damn time.
Says here:
If you get caught with even a hint of alcohol on your breath, you will be tested and most probably fined. But if you are over that 0.03 limit then you could be sentenced to up to five years in prison or subject to a fine of up to $10,000.
Guess my walking was the right choice.
Or try to bribe the cops. Works in Romania. Though less than it used to.
If I ever drive in the States I will try to slip the cop 100 dollars just to see what happens..
Also when I was in Kuala Lumpur I met some Romanians living there who said you could drive drunk and give a small bribe to the cops as long as you did not have an accident you were fine.
Bribery will not work in Japan. I’ve seen Chinese attempt it – it didn’t go well. Like three days later he was still locked up.
I doubt it will work in most of the US as well.
Pie: I would strongly recommend against trying to hand any cop $100 here in the States. An acquaintance of mine was drunk in NYC once, and a cop helped him into a cab. The acquaintance tried to hand the cop a $20 tip, and nearly got himself arrested for attempting to bribe a NYC cop.
So no cough syrup and driving I suppose.
My brother-in-law managed to bribe his way out of a dui in Korea when we were coming back from a fishing trip to Pohang.
I was pretty upset about it. Fucking BIL must have had more booze hidden out somewhere because he sure didn’t offer me much to drink on that trip. Bastard.
I’m actually not surprised on the Gaijin Card.
I’ve only been asked once for my gaijin card from a cop on the street. 15 years ago in Shinjuku station. Basically, the Koban cops see me everyday riding my charinko around and know my face. They never bother me at all. The Koban system is a great system compared to the US.
I agree.
When I was younger I grew up in a town where the cops loved in the town. Where it was possible one of your classmates’ dad was on the police force.
Now in most affluent communities including the one I live in the cops are “hired guns”. It enforces the “us versus them” mentality. They can’t afford to live where I live.
That’s “lived” not “loved”. Although I’m sure they did that too…
I was going to attempt to translate “charinko” for Straffinrun – basically it’s a basic bicycle but not like what you know about in the US. And you will see guys wearing suits and ties riding them.
Mine is a full on mama chari with the basket in front and the child seat in back. But I rock it with style.
At least go for “mamachari”
“Missed it by this much”
That’s a Dendo assist (battery assisted bike). Those things freak me out. I’ll be pumping away going uphill and an 80 year old lady will whiz past me on one.
I knew you were referencing a Mama Charin but that was a couple more layers I would have to explain but was not prepared to do so.
I blame the Tequila. The scotch had nothing to do with it.
Here in NYC all the delivery riders use electrics.
Down one way streets the wrong way, on sidewalks, etc.
I’ve can’t tell you the number of times I’ve wanted to kick them to the ground after almost getting clocked. At that point I remember a co-worker telling the story of witnessing an altercation between a cyclist and pedestrian in Manhattan where the cyclist proceeded to beat the guy with his bike chain.
This was well before it became a weapon of choice for the Antifa.
I still maintain checkpoints are unconstitutional.
What? It’s just a search of your person and effects without probable cause. You got some kind of problem with that?
Yeah, I’m one of those pesky people.
‘There… I’ve said it’: Elon Musk reveals his true political beliefs
Radical Centrist?
That’s different than moderate. I’m a radical centrist. I think the 2nd amendment, properly considered, should make political assassination legal, I’ve advocated for a long time that polygamy is legal for the same reason as gay marriage (no authority to define family structures,) and I think that prosecuting attorneys roles should be overhauled to allow i) private prosecutions and ii) a defense bond paid to defendants to hire a defense attorney of an equal amount as what is spent on prosecution.
The conglomeration of those ideas put me in the center, but not moderate.
Keep telling yourself that Elon.
Musk is an egomaniacal rent-seeking grifter and a fool.
You are just jealous he got to bang Grimes and you didn’t
Personally I am jealous I did not get to bang Amber Heard , though she be cray cray
No, he’s right, at least until the population passes 100 or so. Once it gets beyond that people will be unable to take active part in the entire affair and will begin to just follow the advice of a chosen tribal leader and vote whatever way he does and those guys will be at least as corrupt as the representatives in a representative democracy
‘Most likely the form of government on Mars would be a direct democracy
Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids
I hear it’s somewhat chilly as well.
I’m openly Moderate
That is as revealing as an Amish girl in high waters. what your are really saying is i have no principles and flit from case to case.
Utilitarian would be a more apt description.
Elon Musk is the sort of asshole who shouldn’t know where the guns are.
And speaking of comics I remembered I did not link to my favorite idiot philosopher in a while which was a regular thing for me… let us see if we can find a gem…
Poverty is necessary in order for there be to wealth. Every wealthy person takes up vastly more labor than they produce, which cannot be universal – their servants cannot also have servants. Poverty can never, and will never be eliminated under capitalism.
If Libertarians cared even slightly about “freedom” they would fight for the freedom of people who need it most – the poor and disenfranchised. Instead they fight for the rich and powerful’s ability to limit the freedom of those without property.
This from a guy with a hammer and sickle in his screen name.
I’m sure that’s someone who “wants their term back.” ‘Libertarian’ was a term first used by French socialists I believe and got appropriated when the American libertarian movement got momentum. I’d happily give it back to them in exchange for getting the term ‘liberal’ back.
I tried reading some of the thread, but the stupid is way too strong. It’s like a gathering of unemployed Che-worshipping turtleneck-wearers.
Libertarianism seems to be a chicken bone lodged in whoever runs that accounts throat. He or she simply cannot thinks about anything else. I mean, I’m probably equally emphatic I’m my opinion of communism but at least I can think about other things occasionally.
Probably around 30, so she grew up under the Bush II media yoke, wherein they had already convinced all the right people that Republicanism was bad, and need a need pinata to bash. There was a lot of Libertarian hate running up to the Obama election as well, from both sides, to keep a third party “spoiler” run down.
Or she met an Objectivist once, for at least ten minutes.
Is it a violation of the NAP to punch an Objectivist?
Only if you find a rare one who can shut up about it.*
*I have not actually observed this type in the wild.
Being locked in a room with Leonard Peikoff has got to be against the Geneva Convention.
Rand always seemed to me to be a phase you are supposed to grow out of. Adult Objectivists are like being around people in their 40s who have been playing with the same D&D character sheet for 30 years and REALLY want to tell you about the time they killed all those goblins.
Glad I never grew into it in the first place. Tried to read The Fountainhead once and it was so dreary I quit after about 50 pages.
So what you’re saying is that you want your own servants, yes?
Trump Will Play the Socialism Card in 2020, But Will It Work?
“America was founded on liberty and independence and not government coercion, domination and control,” he said to Republican applause. “We are born free and we will stay free.”
“Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a Socialist country,” Trump added as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sat stone-faced behind him.
According to a Gallup poll published Monday, a majority of Democrats no longer hold a positive view of capitalism, while nearly 60 percent of them feel good about socialism. More than 70 percent of Republicans, on the other hand, see capitalism positively, while only 16 percent of them have a positive view of socialism.
The positive view of socialism among Democrats, and those who lean Democrat, actually dropped a point from 58 percent in 2016. But in those same two years, positive feelings about capitalism plummetted from 56 to 47 percent.
Faith in the invisible hand of the market weakened most among young Americans. While 57 percent of those between ages 18 and 29 viewed capitalism positively in 2016, only 45 percent felt the same way in 2018.
Polls shmolls. Most people don’t even know or don’t acknowledge what socialism actually is. They just know it ‘feels good’.
Socialist Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted after Trump’s attack on socialism, “Trump said tonight, ‘We are born free, and we will stay free.’ I say to Trump: People are not truly free when they can’t afford health care, prescription drugs, or a place to live. People are not free when they cannot retire with dignity or feed their families.”
What does “truly free” mean? Anything the socialists say it means. How people are “truly free” when they are totally dependent on government to survive is a good trick that the socialists never quite get around to explaining.
TheBern! doesn’t know what a non-sequitur is.
Young people are fucking stupid – this is considered a revelation?
Don’t blame them, they are not taught history (or anything really) in school.
According to a Gallup poll published Monday, a majority of Democrats no longer hold a positive view of capitalism, while nearly 60 percent of them feel good about socialism. More than 70 percent of Republicans, on the other hand, see capitalism positively, while only 16 percent of them have a positive view of socialism.
TO be fair, Republicans do call a lot of things that are not quite socialism socialism, as such some who view socialism favorably probably are thinking Scandinavia not no private property
How are people free when the government enslaves them to feed/treat/house/support other people?
Bernie is a complete and utter retard.
Heck, he’s evil if that’s his def. of freedom.
But Obama the same stupid shit. ‘People on the ACA will be free!’ Fuck off asshole and stay fuck off.
“Idaho State Police says it seized 6,701 pounds of illicit marijuana from a truck passing through the state last month. The Colorado company that bought the plants in Oregon says it’s legal hemp. But the truck driver caught in the middle is now facing felony marijuana trafficking charges. ”
They might have avoided the entire cluster by adding 100 miles and 2 hours to their route and bypassing Idaho altogether.
Though I suspect the lawsuits might produce a hefty payday when the Idaho law is found to be illegal because of the federal law preempts it.
Here is the thing I don’t get. How the fuck can the prosecutor not have already dropped all charges against that truck driver. As far as he knew everything he was doing was legal so there is no criminal intent. You know he is going to either get acquitted in the trial (assuming the judge doesn’t just outright dismiss the charges) or on appeal. I get seizing the product and holding in in a dick waving contest with the company but holding the driver is just being an asshole and wasting the tax payers money.
Mens rea only applies to HRC and the elite.
Criminal intent is so 1990s.
And it generally takes getting bitch slapped with a court ruling to get law enforcement and prosecutors, who don’t care about civil liberties, to quit enforcing what to every civil libertarian knows is unconstitutional.
How the fuck can the prosecutor not have already dropped all charges against that truck driver.
*raises his hand and bounces like Lisa Simpson* Oooh call on me I know this one!
Because under the merciless logic of modern criminal law you satisfy mens rea by showing that the ‘criminal’ knowingly committed the ACT, not that they knew the act was a guilty one. So, assuming the driver knew he was hauling hemp (band name!), the fact that he thought it was legal makes no difference. It is entirely possible that this poor schlub is about to have his life ruined because he took the wrong interstate.
I think your optimism about the truck driver is cute.
That driver gets in front of a jury and the first thing they will hammer those twelve people with is that they can only rule on the facts, not the law. The state only has to prove that the guy drove a truck with an illegal substance in it. The law says that is illegal and therefore they must convict. Mens rea or jury nullification of an unjust law will not be allowed.
The truck driver is probably never going to see a jury trial anyhow. His lawyer will get him a plea bargain. The lawyer will tell the driver that if he attempts to go to trial the state is going to crucify him.
a) pressure to get the driver to finger someone else- either his bosses or the customer
b) get truck drivers to pressure their employers to refuse MJ shipments
If Trump really wanted to explode minds he should tweet out something about how much he’d like to pardon this guy, but since he’s been screwed over by a state he has no pardon powers.
I may be taking a trip with my daughter soon. If people like McCain are around God help me….
At Phoenix Sky Harbor, I reported an incident that I thought was trafficking. I commend the police officers for their diligence. I apologize if anything else I have said on this matter distracts from “if you see something, say something”
I see a bitch that is eyeballing my kid. Can you stop and frisk her?
I’ve been asked a few times about my half breed kids when they were little. Well intentioned people wanted to ask me about the adoption process (because they were thinking about adopting themselves).
Sort of embarrassing to tell them that the kids are mine and that I was a dirty race traitor.
But yeah, if a cop every started asking me about them, I would not have reacted well. And I would have demanded to know the name of the fucking cunt who “tipped” the cops off.
Republican Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox, who could potentially become the Commonwealth’s next governor after recent turmoil, released his first statement since the most recent developments on Wednesday evening.
I guess he won’t be teaching AP government anymore.
The RUSSIANS!!!! This is all part of their conspiracy to get Republicans in as Governors.
He retired from teaching in 2012.
*lights HM signal*
The big hits just keep coming – Virginia Dem congressman Bobby Scott reportedly knew about Fairfax over a year ago.
Scott is nigh untouchable in his district. I’ll be surprised if they claim his scalp.
Yes he is. However, I will be very interested to see how the Victim Matrix is applied here. Black man vs “survivor” – who ya taking?
I’m taking “politically entrenched incumbent” in this fight.
Ha! Re Gucci. I was wondering when fashion was gonna be hit!
What gutless pukes.
Scalise wrote, “I firmly believe we must never forget, nor minimize, the importance of the Second Amendment to our Constitution. H.R. 8, as well as other new gun control legislation currently being considered by the House Democrat majority, do not accomplish the goal of reducing gun violence.”
Reducing violence is not the goal. Illegal disarmament is. The optics of you having been a shooting victim in an incident that no law would have stopped would be bad optics for supporters of this unconstitutional legislation. That is why you are not allowed to testify on it.
And they hate the public being reminded that not every mass shooter is a shitlord white supremacist. An angry Berniebro targeting Republicans kinda fucks with the narrative.
That was just one guy, not like the coordinated assault on Democratic persona and the Media from that guy in Florida with those dangerous Pipe Bombs.
As suthen says ‘Gun grabbers lie. That’s what they do.’
Old story but has been popping back up. Notice the lack of outrage and the downplaying. I mean, I’m not outraged either but I’m not a Jezebitch. TW: Jezebel.
Beautiful & African & Woman > Gays
Behar’s lack of a frontal lobe is more offensive to me.
She’s just trying to get ahead of the spin.
I tracked down the fashionista re Gucci.
Oh my….the comments are what you’d expect. Consensus: They knew what they were doing.
Totes for real. Gucci absolutely wants to put its global brand in jeopardy to piss off black people. Couldn’t someone just had said: Get the fuck over yourselves?
Quaresma’s Teardrop Face Tattoo
9h9 hours ago
You genuinely think one of the biggest fashion brands in the world would deliberately pick a color scheme with the foresight that it would cause controversy? Nah
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Cheyenne ? ?
9h9 hours ago
Yeah, that’s exactly what I think. They have nothing to lose, they still got all the rich, white elitists to back their wallets.
Are they gonna ban balaclava’s in the USA now? I own a couple of those and they’re awesome in sub-zero temps.
Only terrorists need Balaclavas.
Common-sense balaclava control NOW!
This is what I have. Yeah,it’s black.
Uffda. I’ve been wearing my facemask (sorry, that is what we grew up calling them) all week as I walk to work. They better not ban them, or I will start driving to work instead.
Weather the meant to offend or not, it looks stupid.
That goes without saying. They’re only guilty of ‘huh’? But that’s fashion. Always was; always will be.
Anyone who has been in a fashion house would see that maybe half the stock is not wearable if you’re normal.
I remember seeing a pair of $600 Versace jeans I would not be caught dead in but if you’re flamboyant enough…..
It’s like a reverse hoody only weird
Thanks Mom, but a ask for fucking Barbie!
Only mildly grim
Not realistic enough. Needs to be hobbled over in a chair. Like my Stephen Hawking Doll (don’t think he or she can qualify as an “action” figure)
+1 Lisa Lionheart
Because HTMLing on my phone is a no-go
There’s something wrong with what my Stacy Says.
*Pulls string in back*
There’s a snake in my bootie.
That for real?
What is wrong with these people? It’s like a cult.
I think you answered your own question
Read the reviews…
At the local arts and crafts fest here a few months back I came across a booth selling laser cut portrait panels of well known leftist saints. One of the portraits, featured prominently front and center, was RBG. I wanted to ask the seller how much extra it would cost to have it turned into a countdown clock, but I couldn’t quite build up the nerve to be that much of an asshole.
What is funny is that I doubt anyone can point out her bona fides as a great legal mind. Why the reverence? I can’t think of anything that justifies the veneration. Brilliant legal theory? First at anything?
My guess is that a few people made a few hipster jokes about her (Notorious RBG) and the rest of the knuckleheads picked up on it.
That’s clearly Larry King in drag.
Anyone care to weigh-in on the local new’s use of automatic gun in their lede ?
Just to be a burr in this guy’s side, I will compose an email later.
Automatic gun with no modifier means machine gun.
Semi-automatic is the term that people who know anything about firearms would use.
There are guns called “auto” that are technically semi-auto in the context of distinguishing from a machine gun. “Auto” means that the chamber is automatically reloaded in the operation of the gun.
That said, the use of “auto” in the article is intended to deceive.
Has Twatter nosed over?
The social media company said it expects to see revenue of between $715 million and $775 million in the fiscal first quarter of 2019, with the midpoint of that range coming below the average analyst estimate of $766.1 million. The company expects its GAAP and cash operating expenses will be up about 20% in 2019 “as we support our existing priorities of health, conversation, revenue product and sales, and platform,” Twitter said.
The San Francisco, California-based social media company said monthly active users fell to 321 million in the fourth quarter from 326 million in the third quarter. Consensus expectations were for a decline to 323.8 million, according to Bloomberg data. In the year-ago quarter, monthly active users had totaled 330 million.
The social media company said that it will no longer break out monthly active users after the first quarter of 2019. The metric had been a key measure of the platform’s user engagement.
Did they break the number of former users out into “banned” vs “disgusted”?
Go watch Dorsey on Gad Saad.
He’s a former hacker. So he’s sophistry on free speech is not surprising.
Watched that. Better than Rogan’s, but still not that good. Your platform is biased in favor of establishment voices and using silly analogies and buzzwords isn’t going to change that.
Dorsey is full of it. He doesn’t get it.
Sorry, Tundra.
Yeah. Losing him and Dumba for the season pretty much spells the end. This team really isn’t good enough to make a real run, so I expect lots of changes now. Unfortunately, there are so many players with no-move/no-trade contacts it’s gonna be hard for the GM to do much.
Sorry to see this happen to him. He’s a tough guy, but he was already slowing down. This is gonna make him glacial, assuming he even comes back.
A cynical asshole might say that the problems in Virginia are G-d’s retribution for that abortion bill.
Fine by me. It’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in years.
It’s been a blast watching them all devour themselves faster than the Donner Party.
Just had a Jehovas Witness give me pamphlets in the subway… it is something about the bible i think
You know for as much crap as people give Jehovas Witnesses, I do respect them for their commitment. A lot of Jehovas Witnesses have been prosecuted for their non-violence, anti-state attitudes, and I applaud them for sticking with it. Some of their members can be combative in their proselyting, but that could be said about most religions.
I like them. I always take their pamphlets when they stop by the house. Always well dressed and polite.
There’s quite a few in my neck of the woods. There were two sisters (both redheads) I knew who were both brought up as Witnesses. They were “backsliders” (those who no longer follow the rules of the church), and from what I heard the family shunning and condemnation was off the charts. One of the sisters eventually went back to the church and refused to talk to her older sister after that (besides calling her a drunkard and a harlot).
Oh yeah, in Tallahassee, I had this earnest lady who would stop by about once a month. Sometimes she’d bring friends. I’d visit with them for 10 minutes if I was home and then they’d be on their way. They’re trying to do the nicest thing they can for me in their eyes, and if I have the time to be polite about it, I will.
I remember getting some proselytizers at the door – not Jehovah’s Witnesses, Pentecostals I think – once. Not wanting to deal with them, I lied to them “Sorry, I’m Jewish” Big mistake. They wanted to learn all sorts of things about Judiasm, and I had to try to bullshit my way through it. Would have been easier to just shut the door on them but I’m too nice to do that with people who aren’t being aggressive.
Jewish friend to the Evangelical giving out Bibles on campus, “It’s cool, I don’t need to be Saved, I’m Chosen.”
No way out
NASA and NOAA released their analysis of the global climate in 2018 on Wednesday, revealing that 2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record. The other four in the top five all happened in the past five years, a reminder that we’ve seen a lot of rapid warming lately. And the planet will warm further, especially since greenhouse gas emissions are continuing to rise.
Some of that heat came in the form of heat waves that took hundreds of lives. The heat also helped fuel record-breaking disasters, like the Camp Fire in California, that wiped out cities and left thousands homeless.
Wednesday’s reports (which were delayed by the government shutdown) also contained a striking animation showing how multiple research groups using different methods have come to very similar conclusions about the planet’s warming.
The more pressing question is how much these temperatures will continue to rise as we keep spewing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And the biggest uncertainty there is just what humanity ends up doing to mitigate its emissions.
Be a true leader, Matty. Show us the way. Kill yourself, for the good of the planet.
revealing that 2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record. The other four in the top five all happened in the past five years,
So you’re saying the world is cooling? / Cathy Newman
ORLY….(just realized the story I’m about to link that I read earlier this week is 8 months old).
I bet he knows how to close his emphasis tag. . .
Trump really can have some genius moments. By calling out socialism by name, he’s framed the conversation and now the Dems are on the defense. Fortunately socialism is still seen as a negative by most people.
Fortunately socialism is still seen as a negative by most people
Unfortunately socialism by any other name is cheered by most people.
That’s why it’s imperative they stick the word ‘Democratic’ in there somewhere.
Even if we concede the argument where they stipulate we vote in a government and that government introduces ‘x’ program it’s democratic it still doesn’t negate the fact it’s still coercion. Tyranny of the majority and all that.
While he was at it, he should have called out fascism by name. Much of the Dem proposals for strangling the free market are textbook fascism. But then again the Repubs don’t have clean hands in this regard.
Some of their members can be combative in their proselyting, but that could be said about most religions.
I don’t remember hearing about Jehovah’s Witnesses burning anybody at the stake.
Well not violently combative, i mean more antagonistic. Like i said you get the same results from any religion that does a lot of proselyting. Some of your envoys are going to be hot headed.
That sort of stuff went out of Christianity about 175 years ago. e.g. killing Mormons before they trekked to Utah.
Never trust a Quaker, son
Is bukkake offensive to Caucasians? Isn’t it whiteface?
In that case I guess a Dirty Sanchez is offensive to those with mustaches.
What do you call a bukkake with a black woman involved?
/nervous grin.
The ocean called, they’re running out of shrimp.
Feeling sorry for young single men.
That’s some batshit of nuts.
Thot Thursday is here to lead you into perdition and damnation.
I thot this was the best one:
This was kinda hot too:
Question: what do we think of Steven Pinker? Personally my issue is that he comes across at times as too much of a Niskanenian neoliberal globalist technocrat that wants us all to listen to Reason and Science when we implement the carbon tax and sensible regulations.
I wonder what he thinks of as progress…
Also his rebuttals of people pointing out the actual views of enlightenment figures leaves much to be desired.
Or this response to the French Revolution:
I’m not one of your haters, but you do know that asking “what do we think” is really annoying, right?
You’re right. Who do I think I am, Queen Victoria?
Entirely OT: I assume we are back to the point that for the majority of humanity man has never walked on the moon in their lifetime? What is the median birthdate right now?
Median age in US is 37.6, so I guess its been true for 8 or 9 years.
Moody’s to Pritzker: “New taxes could threaten to increase the outflow of Illinois residents”
Moody’s calls it a “conundrum” for Illinois. From their report: “… the population loss and relatively sluggish employment trends suggest a degree of economic vulnerability that poses a conundrum: revenue growth from existing sources will be too tepid to offset escalating fixed costs, while new taxes could threaten to increase the outflow of residents.”
It’s only a conundrum if you’re a statist for whom firing a bunch of people and lowering taxes is unthinkable.
Aka pretty much everyone who is an elected official.
Natsoc Propaganda Radio wants you to know.
Whether it’s a deadly cold snap or a hole in an Antarctic glacier or a terrifying new report, there seem to be constant reminders now of the dangers that climate change poses to humanity.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., think they have a start to a solution. Thursday they are introducing a framework defining what they call a “Green New Deal” — what they foresee as a massive policy package that would remake the U.S. economy and, they hope, eliminate all U.S. carbon emissions.
In very broad strokes, the Green New Deal legislation laid out by Ocasio-Cortez and Markey sets goals for some drastic measures to cut carbon emissions across the economy, from electricity generation to transportation to agriculture. In the process, it aims to create jobs and boost the economy.
The bill calls for a “10-year national mobilizations” toward accomplishing a series of goals that the resolution lays out.
Among the most prominent, the deal calls for “meeting 100 percent of the power demand in the United States through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources.” The ultimate goal is to stop using fossil fuels entirely, as well as to transition away from nuclear energy.
Sounds legit.
Think of all the new jobs created for rickshaw boys (and girls) when cars are banned.
So the five year plans have been updated to rent-free plan?
Does this make AOC the new Pol Pot?
Woah! rent-free plan? Goddamn auto correct. I meant ten-year plan.
If you’re not considering nuclear, then you don’t really give a shit about the planet.
“10-year national mobilizations”
Twice as long as Stalin? Fucking pikers.
“The committee also plans to release to the public all investigation transcripts, as it is committed to providing the American public with greater transparency and insight into Russia’s operations and the U.S. government’s response,” Schiff said after the Intelligence Committee met today. “To protect ongoing investigative interests and information that remains classified, the committee will release transcripts in a manner and according to a timetable that allows continued pursuit of important leads and testimony, while ensuring that the American people have faith in the process and can assess for themselves the evidence that has been uncovered, while legitimate national security interests continue to be protected.”
Oh, well you have my full confidence that you will definitely not (continue to…) use this as a political bludgeon to attempt to make your political enemies look bad and make yourself look good.
Fortunately socialism is still seen as a negative by most people.
Whaaaa? Socialism is just people helping people. Who doesn’t want tat?
Socialism is just another word for the camps we send kulaks to together.
“Who’s Afraid of Socialism?”
Ummmmm…. anyone with half a brain in their head and a 6th grade understanding of 20th century history.
So I guess that takes the majority of the population right out.
TW: Paywall depending on your IP/config/underpants gnomes.
I am fine with socialism. You want to live on a kibbutz? Knock yourself out. Just leave me alone.
The closer from that NPR thing:
Aside from the politics, of course, there’s the fact that climate change remains an impending threat — one for which the world has yet to come up with a fix.
“It’s a big legislation because it’s a huge [expletive] problem! We’re all going to die,” said McElwee. “Every week it seems like the the risks of climate change become more real, and the amount of devastation it is going to wreak upon humanity becomes larger, and that means we have to do bigger things.”
“We’re all gonna die.”
There’s somebody who deserves a seat at the table. What a retard.
Aside from the politics, of course, there’s the fact that climate change remains an impending threat — one for which the world has yet to come up with a fix.
It wouldn’t be so political if all your solutions didn’t involve massive loss of property rights, and any solution that maintained rights wasn’t downplayed out of hand :cough:nuclear:cough:
So fixing the climate is the path to immortality? I’m IN!
No, there isn’t. You can ignore the rest.
Well, he’s not wrong about that part.
Looks like we can blame LBJ for NPR.
going around the tweets…
Jonathan Allen
Justin Fairfax said “fuck that bitch” as he tried to discredit his accuser during a private meeting Monday night, sources tell @NBCNews’ @GeoffRBennett and me.
Believe all women
Believe all wome
Believe all wom
Believe all wo
Believe all w
Believe all
Believe al
Believe a
“Fuck t
“Fuck th
“Fuck tha
“Fuck that
“Fuck that b
“Fuck that bi
“Fuck that bit
“Fuck that bitc
“Fuck that bitch”
Bitch set me up!
In a statement Friday evening, Northam, a Democrat, confirmed he appears in the photo “in a costume that is clearly racist and offensive,” but did not specify which person is him.
oh fuck! is he in the klan hood??
You’re behind the times, man. Now he says he wasn’t in the picture and claims he’s going to hire private investigators and use facial recognition software to prove it.
Now he says he wasn’t in the picture and claims he’s going to hire private investigators and use facial recognition software to prove it.
In which case I’d say it’s quite probably he’s the guy under the hood. Facial recognition software won’t return a positive if there’s no face to judge.
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he offered to wear a hood for a comparison picture.
Well, he was willing to do a moonwalk before his wife stopped him, so yeah.
He’s going to hire Cloudstrike to give him the answer he wants.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is targeting one of the hallmarks of the Obama administration: a rule that would protect the most vulnerable borrowers from the ballooning debt that can accrue with payday loans.
The rule never actually took effect. And now the consumer protection bureau is proposing to take it off the table.
The way payday loans work is that payday lenders typically offer small loans to borrowers who promise to pay the loans back by their next paycheck. Interest on the loans can have an annual percentage rate of 390 percent or more, according to a 2013 report by the CFPB. Another bureau report from the following year found that most payday loans — as many as 80 percent — are rolled over into another loan within two weeks. Borrowers often take out eight or more loans a year.
A rule cracking down on payday loans was first proposed in 2016. President Obama touted the rule as the end of predatory lending. He warned payday lenders in a speech: “If you’re making that profit by trapping hardworking Americans into a vicious cycle of debt, you’ve got to find a new business model.”
I love how they throw astronomical annual percentage rates around without mentioning the actual numbers. Small loans require small nominal payments. That NPR reporter probably spends more on lattes in a month than the typical payday borrower pays in interest in a year.
Hey, what happens if you amortize your car payment over ten years instead of the four-year term you agreed to? The interest rate is ASTRONOMICAL! And meaningless, because the term is four years and ~9% interest on balance, not 10 years and 24%. Why does it make any sense to annualize your two-week payday loan?
“But enough about higher education.”
Which is worse, being trapped in an endless cycle of debt or being homeless because you couldn’t make rent?
Repealing a rule that never took effect will change what again?
The ratchet is only supposed to move in one direction.
The rule never actually took effect.
Then we have nothing to discuss.
Oops- Forgot the link
A senior CFPB official said the bureau’s decision stems from a concern that there is not enough evidence showing that payday lending is unfair and abusive enough to necessitate the rule. Also, the official, who spoke to journalists on condition of anonymity, said that if the rule had kicked in, some two-thirds of borrowers wouldn’t qualify for a payday loan.
Consumer advocates say the move hurts borrowers.
“I don’t like seeing you do that. I’d rather see you starve.”
I see a future in honest to god loansharking and leg breaking if such a rule is ever implemented.
The CFPB shouldn’t even exist. It’s one of Obama’s Politburos.
When I worked as a teller, we had a couple who routinely ran up $3-400 in overdraft fees. Routine as in every goddamn week. Then they’d bring in their paychecks, something like three grand, deposit, and proceed to run down the balance until they’d run up another couple hundred in overdraft fees.
Dumb people are dumb. Making them desperate in addition to dumb changes nothing.
I’ve seen that. One of the hardest things i had to do as a teller was pull out a calculator and statement with a woman who barely spoke English, and show her how she had overspent her money. It broke my heart cause i felt bad for her, but there was little to do. She spent more money than she had.
In this category though there were a few banks offering competing products to payday loans, (in this case direct deposit advances, you could get an advance if you had a proven history of direct deposits, and then the money and fee would be taken out over the following few pay cycles). It was helpful because it was better rate than you would get at a pay day lender, but the CFPB put an end to it.
The credit union I worked for introduced a payday loan with a bunch of strings attached, like a turnover limit and mandatory financial fitness counseling. In return, borrowers would get back a small portion of their interest payments when they paid off the loan. It was not popular. At all. I can’t remember ever seeing an account with one.
“Just facilitate my behaviour, save the lecture”
Yeah, that doesn’t sound great. I was at Wells Fargo (AKA the spawn of satan) but the direct deposit advance was popular among the people who used it. Of course it was the people who didn’t need it that didn’t like it and pushed to have it sqaushed.
When I was with Wife #1 this was us. It was the late 90’s and we lived in Atlanta with a combined income of almost $130,000 a year. I think it was in 2000 that we had almost $4000 in overdraft fees because everytime she had a bad day at work she’d use retail therapy and hit Borders or Tower Records and drop $60 – 100 on books/CD’s . She was also fond of taking coworkers out to get Sushi for lunch and paying for both of them and similar things. She then concealed to the extent possible all of this spending from me even though I was the one who paid the bills. So I’d write and mail out the checks not knowing that she blew $500 I didn’t know about that week and of course 3 or 4 checks would bounce. It never took us more than a couple of days to cover those checks because our paychecks were on alternating weeks and we were so high income we could afford to pay the bounce fees and so the bank LOVED us.
I… *does not compute*
*critical error encountered*
*reinitializing cognitive subsystems*
The overdraft fees themselves or that the bank loved them for incurring the fees?
The behaviour of the spouse.
To elaborate – since they were able to pay the overdraft fees and the initial purchases, she wasn’t actually spending beyond their means, but a week or two of restraint (even followed by a return to baseline spending), combined with better communication about such expendatures would net hundreds to thousands of additional dollars to use on things other than overdraft fees. That’s what strikes me as daft.
yes but that would have as you said required restraint and admitting she had a problem.
As I cam to understand shortly thereafter she didn’t really want a husband, she wanted a daddy who would take care of all her problems for her so she could live life carefree and pursue her career as a Folk Harp Musician.
And this is why I refuse to have joint-checking.
Payday lenders including Select Management Resources, Advance America and Check Into Cash Inc. have also donated substantially to Trump’s inaugural committee. The industry’s trade group, the Community Financial Services Association of America, held its annual conference at Trump National Doral Golf Club near Miami in August 2018.
Breaking: Politicians are assholes
At least three people have withdrawn from consideration to lead Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s nascent 2020 presidential campaign — and done so in part because of the Minnesota Democrat’s history of mistreating her staff, HuffPost has learned.
Klobuchar, who plans to make an announcement about a potential presidential bid on Sunday in Minneapolis, has spent the past several months positioning herself to run for president. She’s beloved in her state as a smart, funny and personable lawmaker and has gained national attention for her lines of questioning at high-profile hearings.
But some former Klobuchar staffers, all of whom spoke to HuffPost on condition of anonymity, describe Klobuchar as habitually demeaning and prone to bursts of cruelty that make it difficult to work in her office for long.
This is truly the greatest week in modern American history.
Candidacy is over before it got started.
Curious. If “mistreating your staff” is the threshold for torpedoing a political campaign, how the hell did Hillary ever get off the ground? There’s gotta be something else they’re hiding.
A run for President would expose Amy’s biggest secret: That she is the offspring of an unnatural sexual act between a witch and a potato.
What is unnatural about the love of a veg for a vaj?
“Next week on The Hat and the Hair…”
If “mistreating your staff” is the threshold for torpedoing a political campaign, how the hell did Hillary ever get off the ground?
Because “mistreating your staff” is a spectrum, so my guess is Klobuchar’s mistreatment rises to the level of “insufferable asshole” but doesn’t go far enough to reach Hillary’s “Stockholm syndrome” level.
Oh yes, that must be quite an achievement in prog world. What about sassy tweets, has she got strong game there?
She’s beloved in her state as a smart, funny and personable lawmaker
Never has the word “uffda” been so perfect.
The only people who believe that are the writers at the local newspaper who keep pushing her candidacy. The rest of us scratch our heads and think that her strongest trait as a Senator is that she doesn’t do anything stupid. She has also gotten lucky in that the GOP has never fielded even a semi-decent candidate to run against her.
Even my very leftie friends don’t think she is a super politician. They are happy with her just being a C level student who can be counted on to tow the lion.
A none surprising statement from one of the lefts rising derptards.
We’re supposed to believe that some magic threshold of hormone treatments turns a male athlete into a female athlete. Yeah, OK.
Hormones change the bone structure of fully grown adults! DUH!
Well, the can lead to osteoporosis…
The fun really starts when they start trying to infiltrate professional team sports.
“More stunning is Omar’s claim that the concept of men being physically stronger than women is a “myth.” ”
Yep, she’s stupid alright.
Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC. Which one is Larry, Curly, Moe? I’m thinking AOC is Mo? Rashida is maybe Curly?
This is a weird fetish.
I have no idea who this is.
You’re telling me “Victoria Justice” isn’t the title character for a new CW show?
Made for TV movie about Kamela Harris?
“Sleeping to the top”?
And punishing everyone else because she had to.
No, there’s no DC hero with that name.
Of course not, they’d work out of British Colombia, not the District of Colombia!
I figured you of all people would appreciate me not putting Detective Comics (DC) Comic hero.
And I figured you’d recognize a deliberate misunderstanding for attempted comedic purposes.
Former Nickelodeon star-her show used to come on right before Spongebob.
IMDb “Victorious.” Same place Ariana Grande came from. Victoria seems more well-adjusted, though.
Why does it make any sense to annualize your two-week payday loan?
“Oh, shit, dude. I forgot to grab some cash this morning.”
“No biggie. I’ll buy lunch today, and you can buy tomorrow.”
“That’s USURY!”
Has Niskanen or Sarwak endorsed the Green New Deal yet?
Apparently, Nancy Pelosi REKT! Public Enemy Number One with her seal-clap.
She broke both her wrists and accidentally killed Chuck?
If the RBG doll wasn’t masochistic enough for you, they have a new doll.
If it isn’t manufactured with prison labor, it isn’t authentic.
Preferably inmates who are parents whose kids skipped school once too many times.
Or the kids themselves after they turned to a life of crime because their parents were arrested for not taking them to schools.
aka “Kamala’s Children”
I was expecting a fleshlight.
it’s jaw unhinges so it can eat children.
They have Lizzie and Bernie but no AOC? What kind of fascist bullshit is this?
I wouldn’t be surprised if she is just keeping her options open, Cant let just anyone cash in on your persona. She needs her cut.
Good point. I thought maybe they just couldn’t get the eyes right yet.
We’ve had that technology for ages.
Her doll is larger and not for children.
The only toothy sex doll.
Does it come with boxes of Mac & Cheese to feed her?
Is there a matching Willie Brown doll for realistic, um, “re-enactments” of her career path?
Tom Woods Podcast yesterday was pretty good. It goes over the Obamacare decision from Texas. I, to my shame, had taken some mainstream analysts word that it was mainly political and that it would be reversed latter. They could be right, but as the guy goes over it the case isn’t as strong as they say. The fact is that Roberts Saving opinion was that because it generated revenue, the unconstitutional command wasn’t a command but a Tax. Since it no longer meets the generates a revenue, his saving construction no longer applies, and Robert initial opinion that the mandate was unconstitutional stands. The guest thinks that the judge was actually trying to apply Roberts poor decision as best as he could.
Apparently there was a really pressing need and demand for emojis representing menstrual blood
I mean they have the Wet Dream one already
Can’t tell if serious, because it’s a crazy world out there.
Also, if not, that opens a prime opportunity for trolling. Just take the drop of blood emoji, color swap it to white, and propose it as the new “wet dream” emoji.
Also, a waffle.
More lies, courtesy of Natsoc Propaganda Radio.
With Democrats now in control of the House, one of their priorities is to pass gun control legislation — with many members of their conference coalescing around a bill to require background checks on almost all gun sales and most gun transfers — and is co-sponsored by a bipartisan group of 230 lawmakers.
That measure is also supported by Aalayah Eastmond, a survivor of the Parkland shooting, who testified before the committee Wednesday.
“I implore you to pass legislation that would make us all safer. Today in America, anyone can go on the Internet, answer an ad or go to a gun show and buy a gun with no background check required. This makes absolutely no sense,” she said, appealing the members on the panel, “I urge you to expand… background checks by voting for H.R. 8, requiring checks for virtually any gun transaction.”
Yeah. That’s some real good fact checking, there, Lou.
Also, the headline is written as if Rep Gaetz tried to pre-emptively have “Parkland fathers” removed from the hearing, instead of as a response to their demonstrations and interruptions.
If (backgroundCheck = “presentlyInPrison”)
no gun for you
would you like ammo with that?
A study published in October 2018 conducted by the Violence Prevention Research Program (VPRP) at UC Davis and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found no change in firearm homicide or suicide rates in the ten years following California’s 1991 implementation of comprehensive background checks.
the first paragraph at wikipedia under “effectiveness” for UBCs.
wonder how long until that study is memoryholed.
So another uneducated teen moron that should be ignored.
Don’t confuse credentialed marxist academic word salad generator with education plz.
gun transfers
TO be defined so broadly as to include letting someone who does not own the gun touching it.
You joke, but that is the way the law works in some states now.
-1 NY
Trade deadline is almost here. I say we see some more moves
I’ll never be over Rancho Cucamonga.
I will, it’s right down the street
I’ve heard they have an active Klavern there, run by Hank Himmler.
That’s Fontana, the next city over
Heh. Elizabeth Warren Admits To Wearing Paleface At College Costume Party
“As a proud Native American woman, I now realize that dressing as a white woman at that party all those years ago was insensitive and offensive,” she said in a heartfelt apology video. “It was wrong of me to culturally appropriate white culture, as I am only 1023/1024th white European colonizer.”
It looks like YouTube needs to fix its algorithms.
Vanity Fair: serious journalism for serious people
Sitting across from Oprah Winfrey inside a Manhattan theater on Tuesday afternoon, Beto O’Rourke very nearly announced that he will be running for president. “Can I be part of bringing people together in a deeply divided country around things we agree are common—can we have a common conception on what it is to be American?” he asked, in his usual Socratic style. “I think about our politics, the way that we run campaigns, the way that we connect with each other,” O’Rourke continued. “If I can play some role in helping the country to do that, by God I’m going to do it.” Winfrey pressed him on the question many Democrats are waiting for the former congressman to answer: “By God, when are you going to know the answer?”
In the past, O’Rourke hasn’t been sure how to respond. After losing his campaign against Texas Senator Ted Cruz by three points—the best statewide performance by a Democratic candidate in years—the Kennedyesque guitarist turned political superstar traded the limelight for a Kerouacian tour of America, which he documented in a series of angsty online diary entries. “A lot of big trucks rolling down Pancake Blvd and there aren’t any sidewalks. Gloomy early morning sky in Liberal Kansas. Snow melt on the side of the road where I’m running. . . . Have been stuck lately. In and out of a funk.”) Even as a MoveOn straw poll showed him edging out Joe Biden to lead the Democratic 2020 field, O’Rourke seemed to be having some sort of existential crisis. He grew a post-election beard, videotaped himself visiting the dentist in an uncomfortably intimate Instagram story, and visited the border. Later, a video emerged of him playing “Blitzkrieg Bop” in a mask and onesie. At a town hall in El Paso in mid-December, he expressed frustration at his inability to make a decision. “I thought I would have a level of clarity or an epiphany at this point,” he said.
It’s a damn shame he’s not a Person of Color. He’d be a shoo-in.
“Can I be part of bringing people together in a deeply divided country around things we agree are common—can we have a common conception on what it is to be American?” he asked, in his usual Socratic style.
This is just an empty rhetorical and has nothing to do with Socrates. This hipster dipshit is not the Ancient Greek Father of Philosophy.
his usual Socratic style.
In proggieland saying things makes them so.
“Things we agree are common” just happen to line up directly with the Democratic party’s platform.
In an era when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can vault to national prominence on the strength of her Twitter profile and live Instagram videos, O’Rourke’s coy, peripatetic drifter-philosopher routine may just prove winning.
Up next- Vanity Fair takes an in depth look into Beto’s sock drawer.
and finds Amy Sander’s collection of strap ons
More like billionaire arm-candy.
Talk about financial services made me remember what it wa sI was going to mention in the PM linx ysterday.
As part of the services provided by some of my financial service providers, I get a monthly update of my credit scor (of the sort that does not count as an inquiry for the purposes of reducing your credit). For months it has been happily stable. This month, however, it decided to drop. Yet the only events on the record were “Used smaller proportion of available credit” and “Total debt load reduced” along with an equally inoccuous and positive third item I can’t recall.
So if all the factors are positive, why was the change negative?
“You’re such a good guy, I know you’ll meet someone soon.”
Eh, seemed funnier in my head. I was analogizing being friend-zoned by a girl who insists you’re super.
“I really wish I could meet a guy like you.”
Always left unsaid, “but who’s really attractive.”
“You’re a really nice guy, but you leave me dryer than a Maytag unit in the Sahara.”
It could be any number of things. The most common is what your CC balances were at the moment they took the snapshot for the score. At this point I think every CC I have offers the free Credit Score, and watching it bounce around is just kind of strange.
Nothing wrong with watching strange bounce around.
Aside from the fact that my highest balances for the past month were an all-time low for the peaks (I’m in the state were I’m paying off CC purchases as soon as they clear ‘pending’) and the numbers quoted had dropped from 11% used available credit to 1%. If it were that simple I wouldn’t be confused. (I take a credit score hit when I go on a road trip because I carry a higher balance during that time).
It may be that you’re not just paying when the statement comes, I’m not sure, just guessing here. Generally, if you’re in that state the credit score is high enough that you have to do a lot more to get it to go up.
I’m paying more or less weekly.
Anyway, my score is absurd since I’m zealous about paying off debts. I mean the drop was only from 820 to 816, but still.
I’m still waiting for Equifax to provide me with a lifetime of comprehensive credit monitoring and identity protection after they provided half of the country’s personal info to hackers.
You’ll have to get through the forced arbitation shield that defaults to ruling in their favor, find some way of getting it to a real court and in front of a jury and will still likely be thrown out on appeal based on some arcane interpretation of the arbitration act that basically said you’re not allowed to avail your actual rights if they put the correct magical words in the boilerplate.
Yet the only events on the record were “Used smaller proportion of available credit” and “Total debt load reduced” along with an equally inoccuous and positive third item I can’t recall.
Yeah, those two terms are not actually “positive” in credit scoring. I mean, the fact that you paid back what you owed is positive, but the fact that you didn’t replace it with new loans is negative. The ideal person in credit scoring is one who borrows and timely pays back significant sums of money.
What idiot would think that? Someone who does that is one missed paycheck from falling flat on their face and tumbling into a debt spiral.
They don’t make money if you aren’t borrowing it or aren’t paying it back, so they want you to do both. Three people borrowing $3K and paying it back on time are less valuable than one person borrowing $10K and paying it back on time. All are good credit risks, but one is clearly the better investment choice than the others, if you have to prioritize resources.
“significant sums of money” = interest
Mr. Mojeaux works in credit cards. They don’t like customers who pay off their balances every month without racking up interest.
Also, carrying a lot of available credit means that at any time, you could max it all out at once and not be able to pay at all. They don’t like that, either.
Then the purported parameters on the ‘report’ need to be corrected for accuracy – because the factors they claim to use would come to a different conclusion.
Why do that when they can flim-flam?
Because it’s not accurate!
I think you are not catching onto the scam.
It wouldn’t change their business practices to list the actual criteria used for calculating credit scores for accuracy.
Because it’s not accurate!
But it is, from a certain point of view. The credit score is not for you, it’s for the creditors. A better score means “here is a person you should loan money to”, not “here is a person who is responsible with their money”.
You’re misunderstanding my complaint Gadfly. I don’t care if it’s measuring profitability potential.
I care if the criteria listed on the site isn’t actually the criteria used.
Maybe it’s less a measure of whether you’re a credible borrower than whether you’re a good return for risk. You’re in no danger of stiffing them, but you’re not making them any money, either. You’re a nullity on their balance sheet.
Well, aren’t they still generating some revenue from transaction fees?
Yes, but the reckless generate those at a similar or higher rate, plus the interest.
This is the correct answer.
Not using your available credit at a high enough rate hurts your score. The cynical view is that they do that because they know they can’t make any money off you. The real explaination I think is something along the lines of too much available credit is somehow a risk that you are saving it up for a big purchase of some sort.
I pay my credit card bills off monthly. Whether I owe $15 or, like last month after my trip, owe $9K, I pay it. Except for February. In February I spend the least amount of money I can and also leave $1 on the card to pay interest on. That way you don’t get dinged by that “you don’t pay interests” shit they use to get your score.
Is there anything special about February, or would may/june work just as well? I tend to carry a balance in those months.
This article no doubt triggered Bailey.
“‘Empty Planet’ Review: A Drop in Numbers
Governments stoke fears about overpopulation, but the reality is that fertility rates are falling faster than most experts can readily explain.”
“So why exactly is everyone still worried about the opposite problem? The authors pin the blame on faulty assumptions by the population establishment, as represented by the U.N. Population Division. They don’t use the United States as an example, but I will: The U.N.’s most recent population forecasts suggest that the average U.S. total fertility rate from 2015 to 2020 should be 1.9 children per woman. In reality, CDC data shows U.S. fertility has averaged about 1.8 children per woman from 2015 to 2018. In 2019, early indications are that fertility will probably be nearer 1.7 children per woman.
Never mind their being reliable for long-run forecasts, the U.N. fertility estimates are 5% to 10% off even in the present. As Messrs. Bricker and Ibbitson point out, U.N. forecasts are substantially out-of-step with existing data from many countries, including China, India and Brazil. As a result of these mistakes, the most widely used population benchmarks in the world are probably wrong. The future will have far fewer people than the U.N. suggests; perhaps billions fewer.”
“Of course, there are plenty of immigrants today to prop up growth, and the authors sensibly suggest the U.S. should adopt a Canadian-style merit-based system—letting in more people, but with selective standards. But then the authors go on to worry that, by giving in to “nativist, anti-immigrant sentiments,” the United States of America “will throw away the very tool that has been the secret to its greatness.”
And while immigration policy certainly will play a role in the country’s adaptations to population decline, the authors overestimate its importance. How can it be that immigration is likely to decline no matter what, but that the only policy lever worth commenting on is immigration? “Empty Planet” would have benefited from more pages devoted to the possibilities of pro-natal policymaking. If we admit more immigrants but have no fertility increase, our demographic bubble-bursting will only be postponed. And when the bubble does pop, population decline will be even steeper. The long-run population future for a large country like the United States will always, as a matter of arithmetic, rest on the fertility of its residents.”
The thing is, much of the world is now both crowded and wealthy, both things that induce lower fertility rates. Unless you change those things, I don’t think you’re going to reverse the falling fertility rate. And you don’t really want to change those things, so this is the new normal. Although it does mean that the various pyramid scheme welfare programs are doomed.
How do you define “crowded”? There is a strong correlation between rising living standards and lower fertility, but I’m not sure if there is any connection between a high population and a lower fertility rate going forward.
How do you define “crowded”?
“Reply Hazy, Try Again”
In all seriousness, I don’t define it, beyond a very hazy definition, because while I think it has a strong effect (behind wealth) I don’t think it is one that is easy to parse. When people have means, they tend to try to spread out (flight to the suburbs) or increase their home turf (increasing SF of houses), both indicators to me that people prefer to feel less crowded in. How this relates to fertility rates is not straight-forward, as the wealth effect does dwarf it (you may be crowded, but if you are also poor there will be an incentive to crowd yourself further to increase your long-term security). But consider these two maps of the US: States by Population Density and States by Fertility Rate, and while they are not the mirror image of each other the pattern seems to be an inverse between density and fertility. I don’t think it’s the main driver (that would be wealth), but I do think it has a contributing effect.
Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for the links.
It may also take a few generations for the effects of abortion on demand to weed out people from the gene pool who are disinclined to breed, leaving the future to Catholics and Mormons and whatnot.
So if all the factors are positive, why was the change negative?
Your lack of wanton borrow-and-spend consumerism is putting the entire economy at risk. Now, get out there and spend, spend, spend!
“Facebook Has a Right to Block ‘Hate Speech’—But Here’s Why It Shouldn’t
As of 2013, this was essentially Facebook’s content policy: “We prohibit content deemed to be directly harmful, but allow content that is offensive or controversial. We define harmful content as anything organizing real world violence, theft, or property destruction, or that directly inflicts emotional distress on a specific private individual (e.g. bullying).”
By the time the 2016 U.S. election craze began (particularly after Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination), however, things had changed. The combination of Facebook’s corporate encouragement to “bring your authentic self to work” along with the overwhelmingly left-leaning political demographics of my former colleagues meant that left-leaning politics had arrived on campus. Employees plastered up Barack Obama “HOPE” and “Black Lives Matter” posters. The official campus art program began to focus on left-leaning social issues. In Facebook’s Seattle office, there’s an entire wall that proudly features the hashtags of just about every left-wing cause you can imagine—from “#RESIST” to “#METOO.”
In our weekly Q&As with Mark Zuckerberg (known internally as “Zuck”), the questions reflected the politicization. I’m paraphrasing here, but questions such as “What are we doing about those affected by the Trump presidency?” and “Why is Peter Thiel, who supports Trump, still on our board?” became common. And to his credit, Zuck always handled these questions with grace and clarity. But while Mark supported political diversity, the constant badgering of Facebook’s leadership by indignant and often politically intolerant employees increasingly began to define the atmosphere.
As this culture developed inside the company, no one openly objected. This was perhaps because dissenting employees, having watched the broader culture embrace political correctness, anticipated what would happen if they stepped out of line on issues related to “equality,” “diversity,” or “social justice.” The question was put to rest when “Trump Supporters Welcome” posters appeared on campus—and were promptly torn down in a fit of vigilante moral outrage by other employees. Then Palmer Luckey, boy-genius Oculus VR founder, whose company we acquired for billions of dollars, was put through a witch hunt and subsequently fired because he gave $10,000 to fund anti-Hillary ads. Still feeling brave?”
I didn’t RTFA, but they shouldn’t go down that path for their own interests. Facebook et. al. became popular because they were unfiltered laboratories of free speech. As they evolve more and more into Leftist echo chambers, they no longer have that distinction and just become glorified DU shit flinging message boards. By embracing “social justice” BS, they lose what made them unique and popular in the first place.
Pelosi spanks AOC. Not an SF story.
It makes sense. I’m pretty sure Nancy Pelosi enjoys being Speaker of the House. And pushing Cortez’s delusions would pretty much guarantee her removal from the job in two years. Nancy lost the Speakership once before. And that was a consequence of pushing the sketchy policies of a sitting president from her party. She’s sure as hell not going to get behind a significantly more disastrous policy directive demanded by some first-term schnook with delusons of grandeur. Especially one who primaried her hand-picked successor.
I get the sense a fair number of senior Dems are Not Best Pleased with AOC’s spotlight-hogging celebrity and all-around failure to understand she is at the bottom, not the top, of the Congressional food chain. While the Repubs are in no position to take her out, I would think the DNC and the NY machine could do so. She won the first time with basically a surprise attack. She can’t do that again.
If she doesn’t get the message, they’re also not above seeing that she suffers “an accident”.
I get the sense a fair number of senior Dems are Not Best Pleased with AOC’s spotlight-hogging celebrity and all-around failure to understand she is at the bottom, not the top, of the Congressional food chain.
I’m sure the personal aspect is real. But, I wouldn’t discount the “it’s just business” aspect, either. Cortez and her cohort make a big splash and are real popular in the progressive echo chamber. But, for most voters, an agenda of taking away your car, taxing you nto submission, hard-line identity politics, and free shit for other people doesn’t play quite as well. The Dems had a point when they said that all they needed to do to beat Trump in 2020 was not be crazy. For a lot of Dems, even, an AOC Democratic party s going to make them look very crazy to voters.
“She won the first time with basically a surprise attack. She can’t do that again.”
She won by getting 2% of the citizens in her district to show up and vote for her in the primary.
If the crap she’s peddling appeals to just 3% of the citizenry, the most hardcore socialists, and gets them to show up and vote for her again in the primary, she could win again.
Not so Canada polite eh?
Man’s request for a vanity plate denied because his last name could cause offense
Does he stop short, too?
“That’s my move!”
+1 Fusili Jerry
They’re just trying to help him out. People following behind too closely, get distracted by the plate, and next think he knows, he’s being rear ended.
1 in a million
I just saw a custom plate for REDWNGS today. I’m going to assume he’s a fan of the hockey team or shoe.
Reed Won Gas?
I sense a yet unrealized porn genre here.
Oh Em Gee Rockets traded Sauce to the Pacers. Did not see that coming
Americans who are accustomed to receiving an income tax refund tend to file their taxes early — often in late January or early February when all the paperwork becomes available — but this year many early filers are finding to their surprise that they actually owe money to the IRS.
[blah blah blah orange man bad republikkkinz suck: repeat as necessary]
According to the GAO’s estimates, the number of people whose withholdings are exactly right will stay roughly the same under the new system.
The change is that fewer taxpayers should be overwithholding and more should be under withholding — in other words, fewer people will get a refund and more people will be asked to pay up.
Treasury’s viewpoint is that this is change for the better. Under the old system, 75 percent of taxpayers were getting refunds — meaning that the withholding system was poorly targeted on average. By switching to a new system in which fewer people get refunds and more people owe extra money, they will be achieving a more balanced result.
If this was intended to give Republicans a boost in the midterms it obviously didn’t work, in part because the once-a-year tax filing process is a lot more salient than the biweekly process of automatic withholding. In fact, they are now facing a backlash from an angry public that includes millions of people who were expecting tax refunds that they are now not going to get.
Not giving the government an interest free loan is bad. People love it when “the government gives them money”. Letting people keep their money as it is earned is bad. Also, MILTUN FREEDMUN IS DUMB, HAHAHA.
Die in a fucking fire, Vox.
So kinnath computed his taxes this week. Gross income up; total deductions way down (using the standard now — thanks SALT limits); taxes owed almost exactly the same as last year. So that means a net decrease in effective tax rate. All good.
Tax withholding, down dramatically. Taxes due 15 April 2019 — oh my fucking god!
So they actually cut taxes and completely fucked the withholding tables.
I’m supposed to get a measly $130 of my money back.
Oh and waiting for all the forms to get accruate numbers over my initial estimates is a lot less fun when the computer keeps going “You fall under the standard deduction” and the numbers don’t change.
Note. This is an attempt to be mildly humorous. I am well aware that under the new withholding tables I am not sending as much each fortnight, so the total amount taken from me is still less.
I always pay because I can manage my savings better than the feds do, so I am not going to worry much.
I usually cut a check to the feds for about $2K each spring.
Mid year, last year, I zeroed out my exemptions to make up for the decreased withholding. It wasn’t remotely enough.
I ended up paying more, but not so much more as I recall. I will find out the hard way this year.
February 7th, 1867, was the birthday of Laura Ingalls Wilder. (She died February 10, 1957).
Her books (and her daughter, Roses’ books) led me to Libertarianism / Anarchism
She heavily informed my politics also.
“We heard attacks from warmongers in politics/media before. Those opposed to Iraq/Libya/Syria regime change wars are called “dicatator-lovers” or “cozy” with evil regimes. Rather than defend their position, they resort to name-calling & smears. American people wont fall for this.”
Remember when people who opposed the Iraq War were called “Sadaam apologists”? Oh wait, that’s different because reasons, right?
Well, what do I know, I’m a (INSERT BADDIE DU JOUR) apologist.
American people wont fall for this.
Now there’s some wishful thinking.
Fixed it!
Has anyone submitted a daily nut punch yet?
There was a bigger story a couple months back that the Chicago Tribune did that detailed how CPS had been covering for sexual assault committed by teachers. When the Tribune filed another FOIA request to receive access to more information they were denied. In what way would a school district have a compelling reason to withhold sexual assault claims from the public? They’re not dealing with national security. The shit that government employees are able to get away with is amazing