Happy Friday, ev’rbody. I hope I get 800 comments on MY thread. Wink,wink.
I posted this in the morning comments, but here’s a Florida Man cocktail for you:
Russian Tang
4 oz Mad Dragon orange “wine-based product”
2 oz Russian vodka — don’t waste $$ on expensive stuff
Fill a glass full of ice. Mix. Two of these will make you not care that you’re strapped to a Russian rocket with no control over whether it goes to space or blows up.
Texas Woman fights off machete wielding clowns with scooter. God Bless Texas.
Oh boy. Every Presidential administration has to tilt at this windmill. Kushner to announce Middle East Peace Plan. I assume it is not to ramp up production at General Dynamics and let them sort out a lasting peace by any means necessary while paying hard currency for the, er, tools.
I present to you… the pinnacle of Florida Man and Woman.
Damn, man. I didn’t even know you could move $10K worth of stolen cigarettes. What’s the market for that? Venezuela. Or course, the way prices were going last I checked, that’s probably only 100 cartons now, “street value”
I think I know why these tigers are endangered.
I’m in a punk mood today. No telling how many of those Russian Tangs I’ll have had by the time this goes up.
Your thread looks like a potato.
Isn’t that an infringement on Spudalicious’s domain(s)?
Or Count Potato’s
… we have at least two potatos and a slice of bacon here.
I think you’re not the only one who’s baked.
Perhaps they’re the same potato? Has anyone seen both in the same room?
Here they are in a threeway with an unidentified third tuber
Demi Rose?
The lawsuit is already being drawn up.
Are you both gonna chip in?
He’s gonna get mashed.
You are all puff!
I’m going to fry his ass!
He will pancake you!
I will never latke it go.
You are making a hash of this.
that’s a latke potato puns.
That pun seems to have been twice baked.
Not just that one, this whole thread is loaded potato puns.
Swiss must be getting rosti, we haven’t had a gaze yet.
Swiss is warming up the raclette before he slices into you all.
Swiss? How cheesy.
I don’t think Brett’s too worried. I found a picture of Spud’s Lawyer
Here’s one just for you, Brett!
I’ll double that.
I chip in.
And I can’t proofread.
/need more booze
How did you get ahold of my selfie?!?
Internetz is forever. We know what you did last summer.
We’ve been keeping an eye on you Spuds
Texas Woman fights off machete wielding clowns with scooter.
But enough about the Gov/LTG/AG or Virginia…..
[golf clap]
Oh boy. Every Presidential administration has to tilt at this windmill. Kushner to announce Middle East Peace Plan. I assume it is not to ramp up production at General Dynamics and let them sort out a lasting peace by any means necessary while paying hard currency for the, er, tools.
Huh, he’s sending his Jewish SiL to present the “economic portion” of the peace plan to Arabs?
(((They))) know these things.
It’s what (((they))) talk about at the Jewish Conniving Room in DC.
So you have been to the meetings.
They’re awful affairs. Constant You can’t put two Jews in a room and get them to agree on anything besides voting Democrat, let alone a cabal of (((them))).
Lies, every meeting of 3 or more (((People))) I have ever seen turned into a comparison of whose kids/grandkids were more successful and an argument about restaurants.
I wonder if that was the logic
“Look, I know You People don’t like (((Them))) but come on, if there’s one thing they know, it’s money. I know, why do you think I let one in my family?”
I keep my Jew number cruncher locked in my basement.
That a good way to have an IRS SWAT team show up. (((They))) can hide codes in financial documents, you know.
We’ll build the best two states. Just beautiful two states.
It’s a one-word plan: LEAVE.
re: “Russian Tang”…….
Fuck you no.
Try it. The vodka cuts the saccharine quality of the orange stuff nicely. So its not cloying, and yes, it does feel like you woke up in Ivan Denisovich’s bunk the next day.
I started off the weekend with a maple walnut old fashioned. Rittenhouse Rye, The maple syrup formerly known as grade B, and three dashes of walnut bitters.
Yes yes I know making simple syrup is very easy, but I’m just that lazy. Maple syrup for the win!
Ain’t you a classy bitch. I’m talking about getting back to your roots! Russian Tang would have been a fixture of the basement at Taos.
Very true. The horrors we wrought on our bodies down there give my liver PTSD. Fuck you Gilby’s Gin and Popov Vodka.
Popov’s? Weh-he-ell, look who’s a Rockefeller with his fancy Russian vodka!
Wiki tells me that the North American subsidiary of Diageo makes Popov. I don’t think it’s possible for that death swill to be less Russian.
Maple syrup in old fashioneds is the shizzle.
Why have I never done that?
*heads to liquor cabinet*
It’s the equivalent of three shots worth of 80 proof hard alcohol, so no. I’d likely be room spinning.
One such robbery was reported in Largo, where police there said about 10 thieves swarmed a 7-Eleven store early Friday, making off with about $10,000 in cigarettes.
Was that actually 10k in product, or would it have been 10k retail after a pile of taxes were dumped on top?
*waves casually at Brett*
Don’t wave back, he is just trying to get the range.
Russian woman found dead, eaten in pig pen: report
“The husband went to bed early the day before her death, because he was not feeling well, but he awoke to find his wife missing, the report said. He then found her body in the pen.”
Not suspicious at all.
You can’t prove nothing.
So she married Mr. Wu?
While odd things happen every day, I suspect a competent coroner might find another answer than “the pigs did it!”
Umm, might not be much left for the coroner but bones, so if the husband was careful to limit it to soft tissue, hard to meet the burden of proof.
But Brick Top assured me that they will go through bone like butter?
If you don’t grind them a little, pigs are too lazy to crunch them up themselves when they’ve got 100+ lbs of soft tissue.
Having watched ID and the like over my wife’s shoulder for years, the lack of body would not be much of an impediment to a conviction in US courts.
I understand that Mississippi coroners would be ideally suited for this task.
But they’ll confuse the pigs’ bite marks with the husband’s.
They have competent coroners in Russia?
Sure. The ones who know all of the deaths of Putin’s enemies were accidental. Their government has certified all of them.
I’m only imagining three Brits shouting, “Oy! Bruv! That’s no way to treat a lady, you cunt!”
You know exactly what went down. Tiger chick hit him with the “blah, blah, blah” for ten days. He was just biding his time until he could shut her up.
Thot Patrol, jungle-style.
Toxic Masculinkitty
*throws tomato*
That joke is purrrfect
Can I get some narrowed gaze over here?
Vertically narrowed, amirite?
Fur how long do you need id?
Yet another Tyger female gets oppressed by the man.
Why do you all keep assuming the genders of these Tigers? Maybe this was a case of an evil TERF female being slain by a heroic trans female for othering her for possessing a girl penis?
Endangered tiger
Fun fact! They are playing a music fest next summer in my burgh and actually headlining the Saturday show.
Big in the 80s; entertaining dozens of Canadians ever since.
Yep. Every year is a CanCon circle-jerk.
Tiger Blood
once again….Tiger Blood
NYC or another city with similarly outrageous sin taxes.
What if your family don’t like bread, they like….cigarettes?
That’s like 4 cases of cigarettes in Manhattan. Easily fit in the trunk of a car.
Have you heard of the proposed law in Hawaii to raise the minimum smoking age to 100?
Our politicians (well, 99% of them) are far too dumb to realize that banning shit doesn’t work.
To be fair, HI probably has an easier time cracking down on smuggling than a lot of places.
Not really. If you simply know the prevailing currents, you can throw a product overboard with enough bouyancy to float in to a not popular beach area, or you use fishermen as distributors.
My late response to your drink recipe:
Regular glass of Tang with a couple capfuls of Everclear.
You can’t taste the alcohol, but if you breath the fumes off the top of it, it will damage your lungs.
We run out of Tang in college and my room-mate substituted iced tea mix.
I can still see him running across the room with the puke squirting between his fingers.
Oh Lawd.
A guy I used to know who was Polish by birth found the Polish version of Everclear, called Spirytus, at the liquor store in Japan once and made it with Kool Aid. It was one of only two times in my life I was actually blackout drunk, to the point that I had absolutely no memory of what happened the night before.
What’s hilarious is that I’ve never heard of any Polish people drinking that stuff. It’s mainly used for therapeutic massage.
He lied to us!!!! Not about being Polish though, when we crossed paths with some Polish Army guys in Iraq he was chatting with them in Polish.
Oh, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure that it is drinkable, but the type of people that would are likely of the social stature whose main vehicle is a shopping cart. Most average households keep that stuff in the medicine cabinet.
blackout drunk
Ha Ha! You’ll never be on the Supreme Court now.
I’ve seen, lived that movie!
Except the dude was playing “Caps” at the time…
I used the same ingredients, plus some glacial ice, when I hiked across portions of Alaska. I called it the “backpacker’s screwdriver.”
Well the progs did say BP was melting the glaciers…
We did 5g of kool-aid and a handle of ever clear. Good ol jungle juice. That stuff was sneaky.
The zoo said its experts had been carefully monitoring the tigers’ reactions to each other since Asim arrived ten days ago and had seen “positive signs” that indicated the two should be put together.
Experts. Where would we be without them?
Next time, try cloning.
I wonder how to quantify “experts say…” failures. I wonder if there’s a machine learning for that….
do you need an algorithm to spit back “100%”?
Expertise means you make good decisions. Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.
That’s MISTER NPC Potatohead, to you.
FloridaMan stocking up for the weekend, “hmm yes, six bottles of the Mad Dragon, large ones, a couple handles of the cheapest vodka, lemme get some of them packets of bath salts, make a trip to the meth dealer for an eight ball, and I’ll definitley need a machete and a juvenile alligator. Did I forget anything?”
Fuck an eightball. This ain’t coke. Buy the whole ounce.
Face meat?
Can you put a Bail Bondsman on retainer?
Sure. If you leave a grand with them, they’ll bail you out on anything up to $10K. Extrapolate by factors of 10.
Once you get above 100k, you need to find a property owner stupid enough to cosign.
In Florida, that’s a bank robbery or a death.
You know from experience?
Psst check out the second part of the preceding comment.
Yes. A Ford F-150 and a full tank of gas.
*It has to be pre 2000 model for authenticity. Ideally you have a ’76 Ford Ranger (Which is basically the F150 with 2 gas tanks)
Pre 97. The 1997-2003 (2004 with the Heritage edition) F-150 was the same generation.
Right, I couldn’t remember when that model rolled over.
Hey now I happen to like that body style.
I do too. Both the one immediately prior and the 97-03 (still my daily driver).
With different colored doors
Red and black primer?
Defense Distributed’s new head interviewed by Reason TV
Gun Control Is Still Dead: Paloma Heindorff on the Future of the Homemade Firearm Movement
It’s actually pretty interesting.
Reason still does some decent vids.
I know there’s no book thread this week, but meh. Read “Blood In the Water: The Attica Prison Uprising of 1971 and its Legacy”.
I’ve always known about the shitshow of incompetence that was the attempt to retake the prison. I had no clue about the level of sheer stupidity and malice that went into it as well.
Also always known that Nelson Rockefeller is a piece of shit (see: Rockefeller Drug Laws), but this took him to a whole new level.
Maybe someone should do an article on this…
You probably don’t want to know about forced sterilization that the Rockefeller Foundation undertook in India and other developing countries then. That really doesn’t make Nelson look to great, considering that it was a pet project of his and his wife’s.
See: Gandhi, Indira
Find yourself someone who loves you as much as America’s wealthy have always loved eugenics
Defense Distributed’s new head interviewed by Reason TV
I probably will buy one of their 80% 1911 receivers, one of these days.
FRESH LINX!!!!!! *cue the feeding frenzy*
Another credible accuser of Justin Fairfax just went public.
Everyone hates a tease, PM. Linky, please?
And they aren’t using the term “Sexual Assault”.
They drop the hard “R” several times.
A very very one sided version, yes.
Holy shit. Compare and contrast that with the Duke Lacrosse case which happened six years later.
And this is why they are laying off Northam and Herring now. There have been hints that another one was coming and the Donks aren’t going to hand over the offices to the GOP.
Perhaps the media should have done a better job before the election.
Or the Republican campaigns
Or their own campaigns, preventatively.
Why wouldn’t they avoid the Republican by having one of the three resign, appoint a scandal free replacement, then the other two can resign?
Can we get a Hilary up in there somehow? Would make a good base for 2020 run.
I think the replacement has to be elected by the legislature, which is Republican controlled.
Immediately told friends, but not the police. Ok.
Eh. That happens to people. Especially in edge situations. Does it speak to character if it is an edge situation and does more than one case matter?
Maybe. I’m holding the same standard here as with Kavenaugh or the Title IX kangaroo courts, you don’t file a police report and go to a hospital for a rape kit, I’m extremely skeptical that something criminal actually happened.
Well it’s one thing not to go right away after a traumatic experience. It’s another to wait years at an politically opportune moment.
This is about 10x more credible than anything regarding Kavanaugh.
What I’d really like is due process.
But, since we didn’t get that with Kavanaugh, how about a little consistency?
Ok, fine.
*fires up popcorn maker*
There is no way a rape a Duke University could be false.
Damn your nimble fingers, Sir.
You don’t like being told another commenter is an asshole and being left to figure out for yourself who?
There is a meta self referential level to a comment waxing snarky about another commenter’s coyly anonymous accusation without naming that commenter.
I only believe them if they are coached by the FBI.
Knew it.
The fact that the original accuser got the attorneys that she did meant that the DNC wanted him gone which meant that they knew there were more skeletons in the closet
I think this is all amusing because Team Blue is getting a taste of its own medicine. But it is still a situation that I am not sure can be proven. This one (or the first one?) at least got corroboration from people she told that she told them, for whatever that’s worth. And again, how bad is Team Red opposition research that they couldn’t find this crap*?
*Gillespie did strike me as more “above the fray”, despite being called a racist throughout the campaign. So maybe that has something to do with it.
The blackface photo was known about, but even then if the media doesnt cover it it doesnt gain traction.
We have gone insane as a society. First we decided that racism was the height of evil. No harm or crime required, just an unpalatable opinion was enough to suspend your rights, and ruin your life. Then we doubled down and now even making a joke, or wearing a costume that is perceived as associated with that unpalatable opinion is enough. Next step is deciding people are evil based on being the ethnicity perceived as associated with racism. WE are making war on racism by destroying people based on the shallowest of surface traits. Irony is the base principle of reality.
I’m going to have one of these. Without the Mad Dragon orange “wine-based product.”
I have a choice chuck roast from Costco.
Tonight: Mexican pot roast.
No recipe. Chiles, tomatoes, orange juice, onions, vinegar, raisins, fish sauce, and enough garlic to kill a horse.
Pinto beans simmering in bacon base on the side, plus Mexican rice.
Are there onions and peppers in the beans? Will you make them borracho?
Minced hatch peppers in the beans, and I reconstitute the bacon base with beer instead of water.
I’m running low on onions. Will revisit in a few hours.
I approve. Well played, sir. Although onion is more flavorful than many people (not necessarily you) understand.
We park our cars in the same garage. I put at least some onion in almost everything.
I have dried onion going in.
I only have 3 sweet onions left, and I’m not going to the store today.
These euphemisms.
It did have an Eskimo Bros vibe.
Eskimo Brothers. Of the penis.
Fish sauce? Thai-Mex fusion?
Modern Mex borrows a lot of umami from other cuisines, i.e Maggi Jugo and soy sauce.
Nope. Everything but the fish sauce. Vietnamese Mexican pot roast?
Mole, or some chipotle pepper sauce as a substitute.
There are very few recipes that aren’t made better by adding some amount of fish sauce. I go through a shitload of it at my house.
And then there are the great clients who pay well, but the job itself is a PITA. Oy.
Fall of Maduro regime in Venezuela could plunge Cuba into an economic crisis
Cuba survived the fall of the USSR, so they can probably survive this, but it’s still not surprising.
Your link did not survive.
Circing the drain
Coca Cola and Delta are in apology mode after what was meant to be a breezy napkin collaboration encouraging airline passengers to connect has incited a growing social media discussion.
Both Atlanta-based brands issued statements on Thursday regretting the napkins, which started to appear on flights last month. “Because you’re on a plane full of interesting people and hey…you never know,” read the napkins, which provided a place for names and phone numbers to be exchanged. Some reacted on Twitter, noting that the napkins were “creepy.”
A response:
Haha, that’s not flirting, that’s literally rape.
Just write down Tyler Durden.
Seriously, who are the priggish scolds who actually complain about this???
The other guy who didn’t get a phone number.
The chunky blue-hair sitting next to the commode.
The ugly lesbian getting hit on by the clueless nerdy guy.
Name: Bobby
Phone: not allowed to have one after that thing at school
Everything after that is white noise.
This is very funny:
Shouldn’t that be coribooker?
“I can’t believe it’s not racism!” is clearly the winning response.
I always wanted to bone that chick from bikini kill but I’d wager she’d rather punch me in the neck and drain my essence at her leisure.
You’ve probably got the wrong tool for that job.
I’m well enough aware. I’ve always had a thing for Ani Dicaprio, too.
Both are married to men.
I present to you… the pinnacle of Florida Man and Woman.
I assumed at first that the pinnacle of FM&W is like peak derp – approached but never achieved.
Then I looked at the picture. Damn.
I don’t usually watch a lot of Sargon videos, but this one was funny” – the Guardian published an article where a bunch of female to male transsexuals talk about their experiences, which pretty much demolish the myth of male privilege.
I’d watch more Sargon if he hired a fucking editor. Ten minutes is just about my limit for an internet rant.
Agreed. It’s the case with all the YouTube guys. Podcasts too, honestly – in almost every case, I’d rather read an article than watch or listen to someone speaking.
Same here.
One of the woman who transitioned actually stated that prior to that, they had never given much thought to how much felt or experienced life.
Never thought about how men live their life, basically. But they very strongly identified as a male. And you are a bigoted science denier if you question the reality of this.
Shit, I didnt even catch that. “I have no idea how these people live their lives, nor I have I ever even given the matter much thought, but goddammit I know I’m one of them!”
Russian Tang.
Outstanding! I’m not talking about my sweat pants, either (or am I)?
In the future, you will have to answer for your thought crimes.
pROgResSiVIsm iSN’t A fAIth
TW: Twitchy
I wasn’t expecting some kind of Progressive Inquisition.
Shitty actress attacks shitty actor. Can they both die?
Let’s take a down a notch. They’re both pretty decent actors, if we’re being honest
Ok, I’ll retract the death part. I still think both are lousy, but I feel that about most in Hollywood and the movies being made now.
Pratt is naturally funny which I appreciate.
And if I were gay, I’d be all over that.
Ellen Page is a very ugly person. I feel sorry for her.
She snagged Portia de Rossi who was hot.
Wrong lesbian Ellen.
oops, my bad.
I liked her better when she was Treena Lahey but not in a gross way.
I wonder how many Democrats she’s voted for who publicly opposed gay marriage throughout their careers?
Oh my God, that’s different for reasons
“Fuck You! It’s (current year)!”
None. And she has an alibi: she’s a Canadian.
Don’t worry, be happy
The plan thus appears to combine a federal job guarantee, free college and single-payer health care. Depending on how one interprets the guarantee of “economic security” to all those who are “unwilling to work,” it might also include a universal basic income — something that was mentioned in an earlier Green New Deal proposal. The guarantee of universal affordable housing is, to my knowledge, new.
How much would these proposals cost? It’s hard to know.
You can’t quibble about costs, when Paradise on Earth is on the line.
What does free college, single payer health care, and a job guarantee have to do with protecting the Earth from global warming?
It’s the bait in the socialism trap.
The subhead claims “The environmental parts of the plan would be costly, but manageable.” So, this shit:
The Green New Deal would retrofit all American buildings and factories to be carbon-neutral, electrify all transportation, and switch the entire electrical grid to carbon-neutral energy sources.
is manageable? Completely eliminating coal and nuclear as power sources? Replacing virtually all vehicles on the roads today? Eliminating airplanes? RETROFITTING EVERY FUCKING BUILDING IN THE UNITED STATES? “Costly, but manageable”.
I can safely assume anyone that supports that tripe hasn’t read it or is absolutely ignorant of how anything works. Either way, I can classify them as being useless twats.
Someone should ask her why she wants to rebuild Mar-a-Lago for Trump with her constituent’s money.
something something broken window fallacy.
I wonder what the cost of retrofitting my house would be:
1) needs new insulation blown into the walls and-l 1961 Asbestos!
2) new double-paned, nay triple-paned windows
3) new siding to replace the original wood
4) new door – even though I just replaced it
and would I have any say in the choices because I don’t want some cheap ass vinyl on my house?
And the new heater. And the probably new A/C and water heater.
For easy math – let’s say $10k average per house.
Best number I could find only was ~136 million “housing units” – not sure if that also includes apartments, etc
Quick calculation is $1,360,000,000,000 total cost
Add in commercial buildings and that’s a hefty tab there.
*not sure if I missed a 0 or not – bear with me.
You’re assuming they’re going to actually retrofit.
Here’s how it’s going to go down:
Commissar: “Comrade Humungus, you have been reassigned to a ‘better’ housing unit in the nearest ultahighdensity residential designated zone. Don’t worry that it’s a tenth of the space you have now, your excess possessions are going to be redistributed”
Oh you silly optimists. The process is much simpler, and cheaper:
1. Identify kulaks, wreckers, hoarders, and counter revolutionary elements
2. Put them to work building ecofriendly houses (for examples/plans see the settlement building in Fallout 4), food is not required, nor are wages.
3. Move appartchiks into the best of the homes formerly belonging to the people in 1.
4. Move the rest of the population into the scrap barracks.
1) They’re the ones who are shooting at us.
2) we haven’t gotten much labor out of them
3) you can try, but they’re using the corpses of the previous assigned apparatchiks for cover
4) we haven’t gotten any built.
I would love you to be right, but I remember Ruby Ridge and Waco, and Levoy Finicum
The Feds outnumbered their targets in those cases. Now reverse the number and add a couple of zeros to the ‘targets’.
All joking aside, let’s just remember that the people proposing this are the ones who call Trump a fascist.
Think about how good that will be for the economy!
(Oh you think the government will pay? bahahahaha they’l just mandate it and make you pay a penalty for not doing so)
These Rhodes scholars didn’t even factor in one of the biggest consumers of fossil fuel generated energy – data centers. I want to see how AOC and her ilk would take to tweeting only during permitted hours twice a month.
Do they intend to confiscate IC engines?
They’ll pass a law, and they’ll go away like magic.
From my cold, dead hands.
No no, they will have a “buy back,” like with guns. Only evil felons would refuse.
Although, realistically, the way to do that would be to just make selling gas or diesel illegal. Not much I can do about it I can’t get any fuel.
Tax the
ammofuel to the point it is entirely affordable.You could convert to biodiesel or alcohol. But yeah, a lot of work and money to get back to normal.
I’ve seen this all week. How asinine. Why didn’t they use ‘unable’? You can lump in you don’t feel like working with ‘unable’ all call it square. Dumbasses.
Yeah, this is the moment where the mask truly slipped on socialism in mainstream politics. They used to at least put up a charade about people being “unable” to work.
I want to see a prog actually try to guarantee happiness.
I don’t. The pursuit of happiness isn’t enough. You need to be guaranteed it. We’ll medicate you if you’re not happy. For your own good of course.
Soma. Huxley and Orwell thought they were Casandra, turns out they were Chilton.
True, but if I had to choose, Huxley’s dystopia would be the one I’d want to be stuck in.
All citizens will be happy!
At the barrel of a gun.
in almost every case, I’d rather read an article than watch or listen to someone speaking.
So this quick, rough cost estimate — which doesn’t include all of the promises listed in the FAQ — adds up to about $6.6 trillion a year. That’s more than three times as much as the federal government collects in tax revenue, and equal to about 34 percent of the U.S.’s entire gross domestic product. And that’s assuming no cost overruns — infrastructure projects, especially in the U.S., are subject to cost bloat. Total government spending already accounts for about 38 percent of the economy, so if no other programs were cut to pay for the Green New Deal, it could mean that almost three-quarters of the economy would be spent via the government.
By George, I think he’s got it.
That remaining 25% of economic activity could be pretty effectively stamped out, once cash is banned.
Even our office proggie isn’t attempting to defend it. It’s cartoonish.
“I hate Office Proggies!” *mashes the gas pedal*
Nevermind that banning fossil fuels will immediately crash the economy as all of the junk bonds in the oil market become worth less than toilet paper.
And it would crush one of the biggest sectors of the American economy, fracking, which would lead to an immediate depression.
They would never manufacture or exacerbate a crisis, Scruffy. That’s just crazy talk.
AOC isn’t smart enough to capitalize on a crisis. She would be one of the useful idiots up against the wall.
“Once cash is banned.”
Yeah, good luck with that. Both precious metal hard coinage and electronic cash are untraceable.
Oh, this is just the whipped cream on top: Ralph Northam boldly announces he’s reading Roots and some Ta-Nehesi Coates bullshit, so no need to resign now.
Oh for fucks sake.
At least he could read some Frederick Douglass instead.
To be fair, that was probably Coates’s reaction when he heard.
Assumes Coates knows who Frederic Douglas is.
I suspect Coates regards Douglas as a Tom.
Way back when I read his The Atlantic blog (so W years maybe into Obama Year One), he was super-hype about reading Douglas’s autobiography and quoted him at length.
It’s going to be so delicious when the coin-flip Rethuglican becomes the Governor and all the punch-drunk lefties are wandering around in the turnip patch saying “Wha…? How…?”
I’ll say this much – I am very, very bullish on Nick Freitas’ chances in the 2021 gov race.
That would be awesome. Only thing better would be having him replace one of our two Senators.
Obviously the Russians Influenced the coin flip.
It was his med school yearbook? Jeezus H Christ, what an utterly fucking moron.
Who even knew medical schools have yearbooks?
Yeah, rule 1: If you choose to submit a photo, only let it be your headshot.
So, TNC is now the equivalent of a bishop. You need to be a bishop to offer absolution for mortal sins like abortion and blackface.
I’m sure it agrees with his massive ego.
I didn’t think this situation could get any more retarded. Serves me right, I guess.
I assumed that was from The Onion. Not that Buzzfeed is any more truthful.
Freaky Friday: Smegma Edition
All these years I just thought it was a Yiddish term.
Paging SF, to the white courtesy phone. You are needed in the vomitorium.
Nobody taught him proper foreskin hygiene. It’s simple – peel it and wash it.
What a great tip for uncut dudes
Okay, I needed that laugh.
If only there were was a foreskin emoji to cure the shame and silence around this subject.
Google is on it.
It’s fuckheads everywhere!!
This twit just keeps on getting worse and worse.
She’s openly advertising that her politics are for sale since we all know her religion is most definitely not down with that
These people must have read Harrison Bergeron and thought it was a how-to guide.
What are you talking about? She’s all about responsibility! We can all learn from her. Never back down.
You all knew this was coming.
Eating their own…
I don’t know what anyone would actually hope to accomplish by auditing yearbooks. Are they going to go and remove content they deem offensive? Do they remember that students probably have their own copies? Are they going to retroactively punish and publicly shame the offenders? How much is someone getting paid to do this?
I’m going with retroactive punishment and public shaming combined with Maoist struggle sessions.
Not to worry, all yearbooks will record how Dear Leader increased the chocolate ration to {$CURRENT_RATION – 10g/decade} during that year.
My high school in the SF Bay Area had slave auctions too when my sister went there. They were gone by the time I went.
The Great Purge is only beginning…
If that was in the greek system, doesn’t it predate the trans-atlantic slave trade?
Is it Italian?
I think fake.
Q. You know what Socialists used for light before candles?
A. Electricity!
Hardy, har, har!!! I’ll be here all week!
How’s the veal?
“The ACLU Moves to Embrace Due Process on Title IX
The civil-liberties organization now favors many of the protections proposed by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos.”
A broken clock?
Nah, they probably figured out there was money to be made by suing the schools.
That won’t sit well with their donors.
Oops, he did it again: A Second Woman Has Accused Virginia Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax of Sexual Assault
I’m still going with innocent until proven guilty but his first accuser does seem to have more credibility than you know who’s accusers. It’s still delicious to see the precedent they’ve set bite them in the ass though.
The answer is always Drumphitler. So close and yet so far away…
I think Frau Braun consented. Then again, I’d imagine turning Der Fuhrer down wasn’t really much of an option.
And he still had her killed.
It was an act of compassion. I mean, what man could follow the Fuhrer if she survived?
Given what happened to every other woman in Berlin that week, the answer is whole battalions.
Was there a lot of Rape and plunder when the Ruskies took Berlin?
Was there a lot of Rape and plunder when the Ruskies took Berlin?
More than there is in a Canola bottling plant
What is this cryptic language you talk in? Is there a lot of rape and plunder at Canola bottling plants?
Nobody could crush her Poland like he did.
leon: Yes.
well, maybe not plunder.
Oh come, now… Everyone knows that three time’s the charm!
Once… Twice… Three Time a Lady
I hate you right now.
Hello? Is it me you’re commenting for?
I shudder to think what SF would do to a blind sculptress.
That tiger is an incel.
Was it really that involuntary?
“I have been warned by @instagram and cannot operate my account because I posted an image of Elizabeth Warren’s Bar of Texas registration form via @washingtonpost. I’m warned that I am “harassing,” “bullying,” and “blackmailing” her. ”
Rouge employee?
If wearing blackface is the worst thing ever, even worse than rape allegations, when are they going to go after the comedians who dress in drag for skits? They’re appropriating and mocking trans culture.
British comedy will be dead.
Fuuuuuck and now I understand why Eddie Izzard started calling himself “trans” instead of “transvestite”!
Flip Wilson would like a word.
The policy she violated is the one that says that Instagram is only for celebrity selfies.
They backed off with the expected excuse.
“We incorrectly removed this image for including personal information, in this case the home address of someone else, which is not allowed on Instagram,” an Instagram spokesperson told the Caller. “On secondary review, we confirmed that the image included an office address and not a personal home address. The content has now been restored and we apologize for the mistake.”
I left work at 1 since I have about 4 weeks of vacation time to burn between now and April. So I grabbed a box of wine and life is good.
life is good
Unless you inadvertently get too deep into that box.
The FF Association at my department used to host a “Pimps & Hos” party every year at a local hotel, complete with posters announcing the event. Everyone would come dressed as one of the other and it was a female paramedic that came up with the theme.
These days careers would immediately end as a result. We now live in an era where a dumbass who wears blackface for a photo 35 years ago is trying to be ruined by the mob. Fuck this timeline.
It’s kind of just defaulted to the blackface thing, though I mean really he could have been the guy in the klan outfit, too.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. I’m just drinking beer and watching worlds collide.
What have I done with my life?
I don’t usually care for that mopey shite but I liked that one. Mebbe I’m becoming shoe-gaze curious?
Come to the dark side.
One would have thought the photographer or the guy who put the photo on that page of the yearbook would have come forward by now with more information.
Had the guy in blackface been holding a noose around the Klan guys neck, it could have been quite humorous.
I think it’s equally crazy that the guy’s being asked to resign over something that happened 35 years ago as it is that at 25 the guy wore blackface and his medical school thought “let’s put this in the yearbook”. There is so so much stupid going on. It was the 1980s- not the 1880s- who was wearing blackface for Halloween?
GW announces new Failbaddon the De-Spoiler model. My first thought “How hard will it be to build it Armless?”
That’s gibberish to me. Speak Canadian so’s I can understands ya!
Ehh? Poutine curling maple you took our hockey.
(best I can do)
I don’t speak Canadian.
Maybe there’s some cognates in a language I do speak.
Dere’s dis git oo’s known fer losin’ ‘is arms ya see, an’ dey’re brinin’ ‘im back. Will ‘e be armless again, or ‘r dey goings ta make it sos ya can’t do dat?
Ackchually the folk round these parts speak a form of texacana. Everything is a declarative and there is a marked drawl.
Damn. It may never be possible to communicate with these beings.
Loggers, miners, mill workers, you know…Morons.
The kind of people who use He him his as their pronouns! THE ENEMY!
The vhera same!
The Absolute STATE of Virginia (A Rant)
I watched that earlier and at like minute two I spaced out. I came back in mentally when he was somehow ranting about Michael Jackson and Weinstein again.
Not one of his better videos.
Correct. Neverland survivor, perhaps?
Dammit, Spud!
Damn typo!
*snickers quietly to self*
At 6:30 we were 1/2 way there, only 400 to go…
Middle East Peace Plan.
My plan is to have a beer and let the M.E. countries work it out among themselves.
Ben Swann ON: Rep Tulsi Gabbard Smeared by NBC as “Putin Puppet”
The Putin Puppet thing works doesn’t it? Cal. Rep Rohrabacher went from a 17 point victory in 2016 to a 4 point loss in 2018 after being denounced as Putin’s best friend in Congress.
vote fraudu/s>ballot harvesting plays a role there tooThat’s why I don’t post on my phone much
It’s the worst.
Alligator Florida maternity photo goes viral
That shotgun is placed in a less-than-safe manner…
When it slips off the case of pisswater, it’ll just shoot off some tats. No one will notice.
I forgot to mention – thanks to whomever posted “The Rodeo Song” in the last thread. Hadn’t heard that in years.
That was me! I’ve been noticed! Squeeeeeeeeee!
Shut up Tupla!
: Balance Restored :
*points and makes alien hissing shoud*
UCS calling out typos? Damn that kettle sure is black!
He didn’t typo!
We are all Tupla, now.
Tupla honey?
Well, I noticed you previously. “What the hell is that avatar pic?”
Also, my brother really enjoyed the song as well.
I thought it was a dog.
25 pounds of shaven cat. We like to leave the tuft at the end of his tail just to make sport of him.
Wow, it looks like I finally got GIMP (photo editor) to work. Mostly. But good news for me (yeah, wordplay intended).
Shit, I didn’t mean this as a reply to a catbutting.
There were so many little things about that software that drove me batty.
Yeah, I definitely liked earlier versions of Photoshop to GIMP – enough so I’d actually pay for PS.
To be fair, though, I’m starting to wonder if my computer’s been hacked, because the fuckups in PS that I’ve been having seem…strange.
I’d buy more adobe products – if they hadn’t switched to this subscription model and end purchases. So now I’m left wondering what I’m supposed to do when the versions I have get too old to work properly anymore.
Question for you folks.
I just got a Job offer that i’m planning on taking. I’ve got to give 2 weeks notice. The problem is that I’ve accrued quite a bit of Vacation time that i haven’t used. I would like to be able to use some before i go to my next job and have none/start over. Is it too unprofessional to ask to take some terminal leave as part of the 2 weeks? I really like the people/co-workers I have and Don’t want to leave people in the industry feeling upset after I leave.
I take it you can’t cash out PTO?
I’m not sure. But it sounds like you should be able to since pto is part of your compensation. The only restriction we have where I work that I am aware of is that we can only roll-over 3 weeks worth of time at the end of the year.
Damn. Three weeks of vacation rollover is nice.
*hides eight weeks of rollover limit*
I’m paying for that shit.
The rollover part doesn’t cost anything.
It’s the sheer number of days accumulated each year that’s expensive.
Is it? It’s not like anyone here works anyway. 😉
I Can take it, as it’s my compensation. But I’d rather take some (5-3 days) of it as vacation than as a payout (i have 2 weeks accrued).
We have no use-it-or-lose-it limitation of any kind.
To Leon’s question; I don’t think it’s unprofessional, unless doing it is leaving coworkers scrambling to cover you.
It’s A Small company. And they have some deadlines coming up, but i don’t know if it would leave them scrambling to have me gone for 2 days.
So…2 or 3-5? 😉
Your call, man. Only you know what effect (if any) it would have.
It depends on the state and the company.
Here in NH, state law only requires the company to pay out unpaid vacation when an employee leaves if it is the company’s policy to do so. If it is not the company’s policy to do so, the state doesn’t care. In MA, state law requires payout of unpaid vacation time when an employee leaves.
There were too many possibilities, so I took a guess as to which applied.
I don’t want to rain on your parade, but I wouldn’t be totally cool with that. On the other hand, you would definitely not be the first person to ever give notice and then take time off. It’s not the sort of thing I would hold a grudge about.
Better option would be to just delay your start at the new gig, if the start date has not been pinned down yet. But I wouldn’t delay the start date if you already agreed to one.
Or just start the new job, kiss the vacation time goodbye and resolve to never leave PTO unused again!
Congrats, man!
I should add: congrats on the new job offer!
I would ask about it when you give your notice. I have zero experience with the large corporate world, but in my experience in small business you’d generally just as soon the person giving notice not be around. People working out their 2 weeks seldom have their head in the game and can be a morale issue for others.
I’ve given two weeks before and been told “don’t bother showing up”. So yeah, there’s a good chance they won’t want him around.
Thanks for the Replies. I realize that it is probably to much to ask for, so we’ll see how it goes. Unfortunately both my manager and HR left for the weekend already.
Congratulations on the new job!
Give your notice, take some time off, then start the new job.
Depends. Can you still give your “You’re all a bunch of looooosers!” yell on the way out the door?
Jeff Bezos Protests the Invasion of His Privacy, as Amazon Builds a Sprawling Surveillance State for Everyone Else
As the most wealthy man on the planet, I don’t believe he has much to worry about. Then again, maybe he’s hung like a Tijuana donkey and just wants the world to burn.
That titanic news empire? *chortle*
Happy Friday!
I want to unwrap 4.
Sorry, you get 16
That’s a little harsh.
You can rent the dungeon from the AM links.
1, 17, 35
10 and 23 are proportional but 44 is the one.
These Are The Best Vaccination Alternatives Already On The Market
Very good advice.
Lol. Perfection.
Just don’t read the rest of the authors articles.
Ugh. My first serious relationship was with an “Earth Mother” type. I loved her but damn she was pig-ignorant about how the universe works.
Please secure your monocle and sit down before you read the following, for the surprise might be unbearable.
Finland basic income trial left people ‘happier but jobless’
I am shocked that people are happier with UBI than with an entry level/reentry job! In other news people are happier eating cake than dieting. Happier sitting on the couch than doing the first few weeks of an exercise plan. It is almost as if deferring immediate gratification takes effort and the rewards only come later!
I’m liking this ‘economic security without working’ thing. As long as they realize my economic security includes nice stuff and frequent travel.
Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels, except good cheesecake.
Back in the 80’s we used to call ourselves the “U.I.Ski Team”. Work half the year and live off the dole for the rest.
Back then all there was were seasonal jobs (if you were lucky) so you worked 80 hour weeks and drew pogey until you got called back.
Oh, this is wonderful news. Chicago is getting poised to roll this out with all the extra cash they have on hand.
Ben Tribbett
And reporters are now telling me they have heard about women #3, #4 and #5. Victims should never be outed before they are ready to come forward- but we are way overdue for a resignation.
5:10 PM · Feb 8, 2019 ·
Just dropping that here. Tribbet is a well connected VA Dem
Wow. 150 years later and Virginia Democrats still know how to properly Civil War.
They should depict a Mother-in-law, Wife and Daughter on the State Seal.
Pornhub can help with the graphics.
Sumpin’ for everyone!
Yeah he knew about this second woman a couple days ago. So if he’s saying 3, 4, 5…that’s kind of a big deal.
Siege of Boston | Animated History
A series of convenience store robberies across the Tampa Bay region that netted thousands of dollars worth of cigarettes ended with the stolen contraband being thrown out the window while the thieves led deputies on a high-speed chase early Friday, authorities said.
Throwing the stolen goods out the window while the cops are chasing you. Brilliant.
It works if you were smart enough to steal grenades.
Or doughnuts! https://youtu.be/bcYppAs6ZdI
I hadn’t thought of that.
I’ve already eaten half of the pinto beans while cooking.
It’s going to be like Blazing Saddles in here tonight.
Planning on spending the evening in the closet, reading a book?
It’s twoo
Chatted with our real estate agent (from when we bought) today just in case another job oppty doesn’t materialize. We project a better listing price than I anticipated; wife was not happy with this news because she realizes it makes me less inclined to returning to the salt mines.
Just fire the pool boy and retire, old man!
You read that he’s trying to keep his wife happy, right? Why would he fire the pool boy?
Wait a minute, we don’t even have a pool at this house!
Nice. But where would you move?
That’s the thing about a bindle… Lightweight and easily transportable! Coconut oil and banana hammocks take up little room.
There are many times I’m glad I don’t know what any of you look like. This is one of them.
Yeah, that is a question. Quite a number of options. South of the Mason-Dixon (we are just a little north of it now), but not as far as Florida.
First snow of the winter here. Just a dusting, but I gotta say I missed the stuff. Also, I’m going skiing for the first time in over 20 years. Used to go 30 or 40 times a year in my 20’s (season pass for $300. Those were the days). Wonder if these old legs are going to remember how to do it.
Yes, unless you got fat.
Isha, watashi no ashi ga orete iru!
Ok, just being a dick. Seriously, have a good time.
Put a ~san on that Isha. Have you no respect for the doctor?
Shazai itashimasu, straffin-san
Oh fuck me. Rent carving skis and the highest boots you can manage. This shit is not to be trifled with. It’s like riding a bike but you break when you fall down.
Tweaking my back is the worry. Figure I’ll just stick to groomed runs and carve. Probably the first time I’ve ever gone skiing without the green, if you know what I mean.
Bad idea. You better bring some green, just in case.
Does anyone have an opinion on This guy? I keep debating buying one.
Really? Is that thing even legal in NY?
No pistol grip, fixed stock.
conventional wisdom about Kel-Tec is innovative designs, undistinguished build quality.
I have one of their [at one time] CA legal versions [probably not anymore]. Fun to plink with, wouldn’t rely on it for serious business.
I probably have the same one. KU-16C or something like that.
That was back when I cared about laws.
Never debate, always buy. You can sell it later should you so chose. Any depreciation will be made up by the enjoyment you are getting in the present.
It’s the $1300 price tage that makes me pause.
I don’t tend to sell anything, especially firearms (which have so many hassles associated with the transactions)
*pauses writing classified ad to sell gun*
That’s because of where you live.
Well, help me advertize my books so I can change careers.
You’ll always kick your own butt if you don’t make the move to buy it. Passer uppers regret or something. Damn it, I wish I’d bought that___________when I had the money.
I sold a 16 gauge double barrel ($65) one time, I needed the money for groceries. Soon both the groceries and the gun were gone. We wouldn’t have starved, I could have pawned my wife’s engagement ring, I would have to get that back or maybe not. I made the wrong decision.
Yeah, I wouldn’t spend that much money on that gun. It’s a Kel-Tec, it looks cheap, its ugly as shit. It’s not that short even for a bullpup. You could probably get a decent AR with a collapsible stock around the same length. That’s just me though.
But… I’m in New York, so I couldn’t get a collapsable stock AR at all unless I moved, which costs a bit more than $1300.
You can’t have 30 rnd mags either, can you? Better make it a .308. lol
*whistles innocently*
*glances at Saiga .308 in closet*
Okay, it has a fixed stock and no pistol grip, so it’s still NY legal, even if I got it pre-unSAFE.
Save up a little longer
I have a friend who likes his bullpup version, although he didn’t deny to me that it was ugly as fuck.
Ugly as fuck won’t do. I try to collect ugly as sin.
Buh? Why would you not report a (non-sexual) assault?
Sounds like she did?
That’s got some milage on it
I’ll give you a dead thread pity comment, but I still doubt you’ll make 800.
+1 more for “the cause”. ?
Friday evening is a harsh mistress. Just ask a bunch of Fox SF shows not called “X-Files”.
You lost. It’s supposed to keep going.
I’d argue that it could have easily kept going from there, but you killed it. For instance: I want my MTV to be like it was when I was younger . . . .
We both killed it. Somebody else is going to have to start a new one if we’re going to get to 800.
800? That seems awfully ambitious.
This may or not have been posted prior to this, the hell if I know(I’ve been busy, dammit!).
Anyways, on the local front I’ve mostly heard apologetics from the local Left. Boys will be boys, times were different then, he’s dead so it’s different when we glorify him even to this day…meh. Forgive me, indulging in some schadenfreude.