Q: I bully my sister for her weight: My sister Margaret (30) is morbidly obese: 230 pounds and five feet tall. She’s happy, active, and has a wonderful group of friends. But she refuses to take steps to lose weight, and she eats poorly, and it drives me crazy. I love Margaret so much and am terrified of losing her too early. I also hate that people hurt her feelings and treat her poorly because of her health. This manifests in me criticizing her and picking fights with her about her weight. I’m ruining my relationship with Margaret. She avoids me, and I don’t blame her. I make her feel bad about herself. I don’t know how to change this dynamic, because swallowing my fear drives me crazy. My own husband has lectured me about this. I want to change. Where do I begin?


Tell Margaret to go keto or get cleansed!
And while I’m at it……HIT THAT ISH!
/props @ Johnny ‘Guitar’ Watson
When Margaret comes to Snaffle the Grain, will she first need a Cap Snaffler?
I’ll repost since you just started a new thread.
Anyone know much about This gun? It looks to be NY legal, and I keep debating buying one.
Nope. However, I encourage more firearms ownership for everyone. Have at it.
I’ve been toying with the idea of buying an old Winchester 100 and seeing if I can make a bullpup field gun with a nice walnut stock. Trick is making the trigger work; if I could figure that part out the rest would be easy.
One of these days.
Here’s what I came up with in the moment for a trigger conversion.
Leave the initial trigger intact and unmodified.
Hand you new trigger at the appropriate place for the grip. Conneced via a hinge at the back of your new trigger is a rod, or the rod end of a stirrupp-shaped component that goes around parts you son’t want to drill through. This rod/stirrup is also hanging by a second length of metal that makes sure its motion is a strictly horizontal pendulum, with no change in the angle of the rod. At the back end is a crossbar that transfers the pressure from your forward trigger to the real trigger like an artificial finger.
Everything would have to fit perfectly to reduce slop in the trigger, but maybe with some set screws for adjustments… Hmm…
It was just off the top of my head. Some refinement may be required.
some ideas to steal?
Or move to PA and buy a normal rifle. https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/QDW0jCaLQv-u9VGaL84cbQ.X-xUsc6whHp71PHC5ywPZ5
If I’d gotten the job in Binghamton, I’d have gotten a place on the Penn side of the border.
Lord no, just get yourself a Marlin lever action in 30-30 (I assume those are legal there) if you have to get something.
I don’t have to get something. I saw something interesting.
I’m just messing with you. For what it’s worth Kel-Tec doesn’t have a very good reputation, especially with their long guns. It is nice looking though, I’ll give it that.
Ugly, but finctional: https://fnamerica.com/products/rifles/fn-ps90-standard/
That’s fucking hideous! Who’dafuck thought that design was a go?
+1 on a lever gun. Top up reloading in the middle of the magazine, available in pistol matching calibers (like .44 mag) and under the radar of the common sense gun regulations folk. All winning all the time.
Also heard that Keltec can be iffy, quality wise.
Someone who cares absolutely about the function, and not the form (unless the form is relevant to function.)
Every function that performs could have been done without looking like a Cheeze Whiz dispenser for pretzels.
Pistol calibers are better for home defense.
This is pretty sweet.
I was thinking of a lever gun in .44 spl or .45 LC.
Yeah, I was looking at .45 LC revolvers and was thinking a lever gun in the same caliber would be cool. .44 Magnum will fire .44 Spl so that’s a nice 2 for 1.
I have a beautiful Smith model 29 in .44 mg AND a Colt SAA .45lc. Either way would work, but I prefer the .44 for it’s punch if nothing else. Well, the .44 is double/single action also.
Sweet. I’d like a Model 29:)
I was liking it until I saw that distended loop on the lever. What’s up with that?
My next purchase will be a lever action .357 mag
I have a Rossi lever-action in .357. Love it. I can actually get tighter groups with it than with any of my carbines.
At the range I used to frequent, I’d set up a bunch of clays on the backstop and shatter them with that gun.
I haven’t seen Rossi. I’ll check it out. Thanks.
Yeah. I like the look of both (at least the RDB with a pistol grip) but I’d pick up the Evo Scorpion first without hesitation.
Ooh. Those are cool.
Ugh $650? Yeah, I’m going to a pawn shop.
One of my favorites, though there the Winc 94 people alive and well here too.
Have you seen this?
I know it’s traditional, but I really dislike the ‘western’ patterns used in engraving these guns. I think it would look better with clean metal there.
I really like the artistry, a gun not to shoot but to show off. Keep the box and all the accompanying paper. NIB will be a nice addition to one’s going out of this world auction.
I have a Winc 94 (made in 1942) with a Weaver scope. I really need to get that gun checked out to make sure it is still safe and take it to the range.
I do love old Winchesters, but I don’t think I’d buy one made after 1964.
I’ve got Grandma’s 1873 in .32-20. I had a bunch of smithing done on it but I still haven’t taken it to the range.
I’m sure its OK, 94s have been around since, well, 1894, I had about a 20s model and I shot it a lot, gave it to my son, he shoots very little. I had one of the newer cheap looking ones too (Ranger?), gun was fine but I didn’t like the looks of that either, gave it to a friend that hunts with me.
Do you shoot lefty? I do. Like the downward ejecting gas and shell feature on that one. Looks kinda cool as well.
No, I’m right handed and right eye dominant. The downward eject is actually something that troubles me – do the casings cool off enough before they fall down the front of your shirt?
I’d imagine that it would be less likely to have that happen. It looks like it’d go a few inches in front of your chest. I get that from time to time with my side ejecting 9 and 223.
It falls down from that blank space behind the magazine well. And when I factor in A: my girth, and B: the fact that my range requires benchrest shots from very poorly designed benchrests, it puts my shirt and lap right in the drop zone.
FWIW, this is my most favorite rifle of many – https://www.savagearms.com/firearms/rimfire/magnum-series/93r17-brj
Laser beam accurate, reasonably cheap to shoot, easy to teach people with, and all around fun.
Too lazy to open the safe and take a pic of mine…
I never sot .17hmr, but my savage mark II is at the very least the last three of those (I strongly suspect I’ve been using ammunition ill-suited to the ranges I was testing at.)
That’s quite fetching
Conventional wisdom about Kel-Tec is they have innovative designs but mediocre build quality.
Also, they do make NY-Legal ARs now. The magazines are “permanently attached” (in an easily-reversible way) and are reloaded with stripper clips.
Oh and the Ruger version in 5.56 with Magpul furniture is <$1000
I posted again on the dead thread
That’s all right, I was watching the comments on the dashboard.
What I didn’t come up with was a thought-out answer to regret.
Other than “Groceries tend to do that” wrt their disappearance.
I’d just as soon have a Mini-14
You’re not free, unless you are free to be . . . . . . .
fat, dumb, and happy.
1 out of 3 is a pretty good major league batting average.
Come to think of it, John Kruk seemed to manage 2 out of 3.
Fat, dumb and lazy? Works for my daughter’s husband
It’s no way to go through college, son.
I sense some tension.
Looks like she enjoyed it.
I noticed that too.
Dolphins are the most sensual sea mammals.
*edges away from Bro*
I was going to say she looks like she liked getting fucked by a dolphin.
Is going to Cuba for the dolphins anything like going to Tijuana for the donkey show?
It depends on the porpoise.
You should be paid for that clever line; I’ll contribute a fin.
Clever lines are just the bottlenose in the tent for bad punning!
*narrows gaze at all o’ ye*
You sure that she wasn’t just dry humped?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
And just like that, Zardoz has quashed Brett’s dream of an 800 comment post.
We all know Brett’s links are the worst links. He’s the worst linker since Robby. They’re so bad I actually feel compelled to look at them just out of hate while I can comfortably ignore all the others.
Hurr, durr…lookie me!!!!
And brochettaward was never heard from again
You know what, asshole – your “contributions” would not add up to the lint in the navel of one of Brett’s links.
Feel free to abandon us dumb arses for …wherever slime of your sort congregate.
That’s one way to look at it.
Well, if anyone could name some value added to this site by Brochettatard?
yeah, I thought not.
I thought everyone here added value just by being part of the community? Doesn’t mean you have to like them. And c’mon…Brochettatard?
Also, don’t you think it’s pretty plain that he’s being sarcastic and provocative? It’s not like it would be the first time.
Feel free to cat ass -or cow ass- me for disagreeing with you.
Sorry Swiss. As civil as I like to be, I feel that was uncalled for and I agree with the Mikes.
I agree. I don’t think that treatment was warranted.
Serious Zardoz face palm.
But, Zardoz doesn’t have palms.
That makes it even worse, amirite?
He seems to have acknowledged a lack of…er, hands?
I’m not going there. Dude pukes guns of his mouth.
….good point.
Cuba is one of Venezuela’s few remaining allies in the region although the country retains the powerful backing of Russia, China and Turkey too, which have warned others against intervening in its domestic affairs.
Let them eat borscht, shumai and kebabs. What’s with the US and sanctions? If you hate a government for how it treats its citizens, how does making life worse for those same citizens make you the good guys?
You some kind of commie Russian stooge? How much is Putin paying you?
Commie? That’s not a slur anymore.
Let them fail on their own which they surely will…then they can’t blame us. It’s too late on this one though, they need to take this advice on the next socialist shithole that fails.
Does it? You’re assuming the assets and revenue we’re blocking wouldn’t just go into the pockets of Maduro and his cronies.
Probably most of it would. You could say the same for the food aid. Most of that surely goes to feeding his soldiers. The sanctions definitely have an impact on the quality of life of the citizens if only for the reason that no crumbs are even going their way. It always creates hatred of the US, as Stinky notes, and that entrenches the regime even more.
Really? You think the average starving Venezuelan is thinking “if only for the Yanqui sanctions, I would eat!” or “I wish someone would shoot that fat pig Maduro”.
Holy Moly,
Thought you were joking about the ‘Daniel’ alt-text.
Also, lots of good child-bearing questions int here, surprised Zardoz didn’t respond to one of them.
“A tourist in Varadero, Cuba, learned that swimming with dolphins comes with some surprising risks. She says security had to come over and remove the dolphin after it jumped on top of her and started getting frisky. ”
It sure looks like she enjoyed it.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, Harold.”
“Quien es, Harooold?”
She says security had to come over and remove the dolphin after it jumped on top of her and started getting frisky.
Friskies are for cats, not dolphins.
Plan Red: Britain and America’s Planned Wars on Each Other
US had several color coded plans. White was the most terrifying because it dealt with an uprising within the states.
Plans are cheap, and writing them keeps our surplus officers busy when they might otherwise be causing trouble.
That’s about what I thought. They probably come up with tons of crazy “what if” scenarios. Problem is when AOC gets in the White House and thinks, “What a great idea!”
The World’s Dumbest “Leader”
Who’s dumber? Poptart Lasagne (Trudeau) or Alexandrrrria Ocaaaasio Corrrrtez?
Trudy’s an idiot, but she’s found a whole new level.
I have to concur on this one. Cortez has to be the absolute dumbest politician I’ve ever seen. She makes Hank Johnson look like a genius. The fact that the dems are just letting her run around unconstrained running her mouth is just almost unbelievable. What the hell are thy thinking?
What they’re thinking is that she has the correct opinions and the right demographic checkboxes, and they’re thinking that they’ll just write off her idiotic statements as:
– “She just misspoke”
– “She’s morally correct”
– “It’s still not as bad as the things Republicans say”
They’re thinking that she can be the next Obama.
Attn: 4score and other apiasts.
My new bumper sticker “My bees are smarter than your bees”
“My Africanized honey bees beat up your European honor roll honey bees”
Yesterday I ordered four 3 lb packs, Italian variety. We’ll pick them up in May and hope for the best. 2 at my house, 2 at my partner’s .
Excellent. I thought about bees for a bit, but then decided against it. The first livestock I’ll get is going to be chickens. However, I am still hjoping to make it to Casa 4Score for the honey jamboree next year.
When I was a kid, we’d go pick up the chicks from the feed store. Reading your post had me sitting in the back seat with the box. In my mind, I can hear and smell them. So cute.
“…and then they grew up and we made them into pot pies. The End”
Where do you get your bees? A friend of mine had honey bees since he was a kid as a hobby. When he used to live in Fargo he would come down and stay with me for a day and pick up his bees at B&B Honey Farm in Houston, MN.
Oprah Farms, why?

At Mann Lake Bees, Hackensack, MN. About an hour’s drive from my house. Yuuuge place there, all kinds of factory stuff (bee boxes being made, retail)
yo- bitches be cray.
*I honestly expected that took place in Florida
I’m not crazy!
If I suck an aborigine’s dick, will you forgive me?
Tie me kangaroo down, sport….
(and the deleted verse)
Let me Abos go loose, Lou
Let me Abos go loose:
They’re of no further use, Lou
So let me Abos go loose.
Canadians: not always nice.
I’m sure they apologized afterward and shared a coupla Molsons, ay?
You getting punched by OPP?
Yeah, you know me.
Physics infested with SJW virus:
Dealing with the fat sister is easy. Just spark sprinkling meth on her donuts and Twinkies.
As it turns out, meth may not be so bad.
Drugs are never the answer! Just chain her up in the basement. When she loses enough weight she’ll be ale to pull her arms through the handcuffs and leave.
After reading my own comment I’m a little worried that I’ve been reading too much Sugarfree.
And doing too much meth. I hear it’s a hell of a drug.
Yeah….that is always a danger.
*1000 yard stare*
“My sister Margaret (30) is morbidly obese: 230 pounds and five feet tall”.
Except for the name, age, weight and height, described my daughter perfectly. My daughter is about a foot taller and 50 lbs heavier and 20 years older. She was slim, healthy and beautiful at 20. I almost cry when I see how heavy she is and all the health problems she has.
See look! Non-progs are unevolved, paranoid, hateful xenophobes and MUH SYENS proves it!
Does this remind anyone else of the “scientific research” that supposedly proved blacks were inferior?
TL;DR but lemme guess: liberals “care”.
“Their own earlier research had already yielded a suggestive finding, indicating that conservatives tend to have more pronounced bodily responses than liberals when shown stomach-churning imagery.”
Well, if you’re gonna enact socialism, you’d better be predisposed to be sanguine when viewing horrendous things.
This story gets written at least annually if not bi-annually.
I guess this explains why liberals are okay with sidewalks covered in a thick layer of dirty needles and hobo shit.
Much tittays. So sideboob.
2, 7, 13
7 and 12 both want me. Their eyes said so.
*brandishes vegetable peeler*
You can’t have #7!
Don’t make me go all spork on you, bro.
2 and 7
You….ever want to just take a break and fly to Amsterdam or Frankfurt or Prague and …get this out of your system?
re: the Daniel alt text. Mallory is now his middle name. He’s in good company.
You mean like Sterling Malory Archer ?
Way to go, Duchess. You win a prize.
That was…delightful.
I take it back; this is the prize you deserve.
FWIW, Mallory is a perfectly cromulent dude-name. I know one.
I had the most amazing coincidence – I was talking with my Japanese friend in Japan and she mentioned they went skiing in Gifu and ate the local comfort food “hoba miso”.
I went to the same town and had the same dish, but never knew the name. So now I know – 朴葉味噌. As soon as I saw the the kanji I knew it was the same dish. The 葉 here being a leaf and specifically a magnolia leaf. It gives an amazing fragrance to beef along with the salty umami miso.
Highly recommended!
That looks spectacular.
Absolutely awesome!
Had me all the way until I found out they put uni on it.
No uni for me either! Of course I’m not a sushi guy either.
But, of course, you can use the hoba + miso on a variety of proteins and vegetables.
The magnolia leaf really does make the dish. They were on sale at various places throughout the town. Now I know why!
Haven’t spent much time in Gifu. I’ll keep an eye open for Hoba. Sweet miso with fresh veggies. Simple and delicious. Miso makes everything better.
Plus we get to start talking again about 七輪! 😉
Just glad that all my kanji mistakes aren’t tattooed on my body.
Would you rather they put bi on it?
Just curious, what are those white chunks with red infusions?
You mean the beef? Not sure if you are kidding or not.
It’s the marbled fatty beef that Japan is legendary for raising. Seems like it would be stringy and or incredibly fatty, but it blends amazingly well and has a coherent texture.
And that is plenty for one dish.
I don’t know. It’s on top of the beef, as far as I can tell. It’s white and red. I don’t know that much about Japanese food, so please don’t assume I’m pranking you. They look like cheese slices, but with red (something) infusions. Between the mushrooms and – I’m guessing here – some kind of onion.
Yup, that’s the beef!
And those are onions – think somewhat like scallions here.
Ah, crap, from reading down, apparently, it was raw scallion beef. It looks like a weird cheese.
That’s raw Kobe beef, aka “beef butter”.
I’m hearing that in Homer Simpson’s voice, “mmm beef butter”.
I think I get the confusion – that’s still raw in the picture. You cook it at your seat at the table.
Ok, thanks Japan glibs. I honestly thought it was some weird Japanese cheese.
USDA Prime starts at BMS4.
Or thanks, Sensei.
Looks a bit like horse meat sashimi “basashi”. Try that someday and you’ll die happy.
I think we should all take a few moments to remember the transgender, omniracial, aromantic otherkin soldiers who stormed Omaha Beach.
All none of them whatsoever?
And yet despite that, California law requires spending 25% of public school instruction time about D-Day on these unsung heroes.
What about the xir incels, Shitlord?
What the fuck’s an aromantic otherkin?
Someone who thinks they’re nonhuman, who will fuck you but not love you.
You’ve got to be shitting me. You are right?
A person who identifies as an animal (usually a fictional species) and doesn’t like sex.
Oops, UCS is right. I got my lunatic words mixed up.
Of course UCS would be an expert on the subject.
Interpreting crazy to normal person comes with the territory.
Well I’ll be damned.
Aliens with bo.
Bo don’t know that.
Face of Bo(e)
I liked that silly episode. Too bad the show has gone to shit.
I quit watching about halfway through the Matt Smith series. Peter Capaldi got on my nerves. And I cant even bear to look at what they’re churning out now.
What are you talking about. Clearly this imitation has nothing to do with the real show that has never returned to television.
Did you like the previous years? Just wondering as a sci-fi fan. I watched a couple episodes from the Tom Baker years (yes, I’m old), didn’t get into it.
Capaldi had one outstanding episode that I recall. Otherwise, a long series of meh stories. I liked him in the role, actually, but he got stuck with a whole lot of shitty writing.
I recall watching Tom Baker episodes on PBS. They were playing Genesis of the Daleks, an episode ended with Sarah Jane falling off a ladder – then they jumped to an episode with Sylvester McCoy.
I grew up on that shit, especially Tom Baker. I love it, but I can understand it being an acquired taste.
Heh that might be the cheesiest cliffhanger in history. But that story is pretty much quintessential Tom Baker. You can really tell how much the Brits still had Nazis on the brain.
I felt very old at work when I was discussing Fawlty Towers and “Don’t Mention the War!”. One person remembered it.
Fawlty Towers is on Netflix right now, along with Monty Python so there’s hope.
Agree with UCS. Who would have thought JNT would turn out to be a genius compared to the current crop running what purports to be Doctor Who?
*considers popping in DVD later*
That show was one of the goddamn funniest sitcoms ever.
“..that might be the cheesiest cliffhanger in history”
Seriously, though, I can understand getting into it. I’m still into The Original Series, TNG, DS9, Voyager.
Enterprise was crappy from the start, however, and I have no high hopes for Discovery.
Do you have an opinion on the tardigrade plagarism lawsuit?
Indeed, we should.
Cenk’s Nephew Fails at Thinking
That guy is something else. Smug, arrogant, ignorant….retarded.
He’s a metoo moment in the waiting. Politics aside, that guy gives off the creep vibe.
Smug, arrogant, ignorant….retarded
In other words, a ‘progressive’.
What’s scary is I’m Canadian and I know Jesse Lee Peterson and watched him deal with that retard a couple of days ago.
Actual Justice Warrior is a good channel. He’s a pretty smart guy who doesn’t go off the rails.
The police department here recently switched from .40 S&W to 9mm. There are hundreds of used 40’s everywhere for dirt cheap. I don’t even think I’ve ever shot a 40, but for some of the prices I’ve seen I might just pick one up. For example, today I saw a Beretta PX4 Storm for $200 with no visible signs of wear at all.
At that price, if you can, go for it.
Do it. That’s a steal. Where can I get one?
Daaaamn. I’d buy one for that kind of money. Where abouts you at?
I have multiple police turn in .40s and not a single regret. Quality stuff at bargain prices. 40 cal is pleasant to shoot in full size pistols for most people.
The damn finest song you’ll hear on the elevator:
Damn I miss the’70s, this was good shit.
I haven’t heard actual “elevator music” in decades, now that I think about it. Probably went away along with elevator operators.
Very nice.
Then that group moved to Canada and they became the Yukon Cornelius Brothers.
I’ll throw this one in the ring. The only thing wrong with it is that it’s too short.
Damn, 253 million views. More than than Stairway…some of them have to be Russian bots.
And somehow, this only has 39M views.
Christ, what an ABBAhole
THANK YOU for warning us in advance.
This great music only has 2.4M views.
You know…I can’t say anything bad about that.
How about this Waterloo?
An infinitely better Waterloo
God Save the Kinks.
Damn you, Ted, you deserve this.
And you deserve this.
Nobody deserves that, Ted. However, you deserve this.
Oh, God…you heartless bastard.
You deserve this.
Damn you.
What are you doing tonight?
AOC deserves this.
She probably still watches the show.
Next up.
’70’s mellow rock:
My favorite Loggins and Messina
Expected this one:
this is far better:
Of course:
My favorite album circa 1978:
Most libertarian song from it:
Wow. So many better things to listen to in ’78.
Love me some Bill Withers.
The 70’s.
That dredged up some dark memories.
The 80’s.
The 80’s
Now that’s just cruel.
Sorry, I won’t be cruel anymore.
The 80s</a
Also the 80’s
Does liking that movie back in the day make me a bad person?
No! This is eighties:
Do I need to break out the Glass Tiger from the PM Links thread?
1973 was in the ‘80s?
Close enough for government work.
By the 80’s Loggins had ditched Messina and was cementing his legacy as Mr. Soundtrack.
To the best of my recollection, Messina had taken a job with a studio as producer. One of his first assignments was to work with a new young artist (who didn’t have an agent). The youngest was nervous so Messina would go out in the studio and play with him.
A bit later, Messina went to the studio and asked if he could record an album with the young artist. They studio wasn’t particularly happy but was willing to consider it. They asked how long it was going to take and how much it was going to cost. Messina said it was already done.
Thus began Loggins and Messina.
Best elevator music
Apologies in advance for this one…
It’s pretty fucked up for this blackface controversy to end with the two white guys staying in office while the black guy is forced to resign.
Is that for sure or your guess…don’t care to check any news sites for myself.
Pretty sure he’s got to resign now with the second allegation. Every Democrat in the country now has zeroed in on his resignation so they can move past this.
2nd credible accuser came out. Black caucus not demanding the AG’s scalp.
Still think Northam will go.
No, I mean that the two white guys are gonna get a pass.
The Lt Gov stands accused of actual crimes, with actual victims. If there is merit to the charges, it is far more severe than poor choice of makeup.
I honestly haven’t looked at the second allegation, but the first one wasn’t convincing to me.
I don’t know a damn thing about either one.
I just know that I don’t even regard “did something stupid in college, no one was injured” as something to be bothered over.
So it all hinges on the merits which have not been laid out.
Her friend recalls the victim crying day after and named him. Accusation was rape rape.
First one she says they went to his hotel room, he kissed her, which she was cool with, but then when she tried to pull away and leave he grabbed her, threw her on the bead, and forced her to suck him off.
Thing that came out today was that an ex BF of hers said that she never ever would suck his dick, because her father apparently used to force her to suck his dick. So it’s not something that she did with sexual partners. Which kind of makes his “it was consensual” defense hang a little bit thinner.
Then this second one is from college. Oh, and apparently there might be other women coming forward.
It’s never one. I do believe that men that rape don’t just do it once.
Yeah I can believe that.
Yeah, you’re vicious or you aren’t
Thing that came out today was that an ex BF of hers said that she never ever would suck his dick, because her father apparently used to force her to suck his dick.
You know, back in my day, the national news would never report a story in which “suck his dick” was stated numerous times.
I know right? Maybe they’d report if she didn’t swallow, but otherwise it’s just in bad taste.
I’d think did swallow would be more news worthy. Amirite?!
I was gonna do exactly that and if I had, I’d beat you to it.
You need to work on your Glibertariansfu Straffin, but I think you have promise.
Blackface is worse than sexual assault? I can’t keep up with these changes!
Do you even woke bro? Toxic whiteness vs. the black man rightfully taking his reparations?
I think everyone here understands that blackface shouldn’t be a career ending move…but we aren’t the ones making the rules.
Pod-person Lindsay Graham rolls on.
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham wants Congress to put the “Green New Deal” resolution to a vote to show Americans “what kind of solutions far-left Democrats are offering to deal with climate change.”
“Let’s vote on the Green New Deal!” Graham, a Republican, tweeted Friday. “Americans deserve to see what kind of solutions far-left Democrats are offering to deal with climate change.”
Lindsay Graham 2.0 strikes again! (And he seriously needs to stay away from Lindsay Graham 1.0…)
Yep. Sure, the green new deal is silly, but Lindsay is stranger to silly.
Virginia, anyone?
Second accuser claims the Lt Gov raped her. She told at least one friend back in 2000 about it. WaPo spiking this story a year ago not looking so good.
He gone.
Democracy dies in darkness.
Their endorsement cloaked in darkness.
Oh my God.
Rape accusations die in darkness
How the U.S. got shafted out of the FN FAL
I like his shirt.
Anyone got experience with this?
Snake oil. A relative of mine tried to kick and addiction with it. It did nothing for him.
That’s a whole lotta words to say nothing.
Actually dhe’s saying plenty: her entire being is defined by her skin color and the rest of humanity damn well better be aware of that and behave accordingly.
I see “race” as defined by skin pigment. But I do not judge a person by immutable characteristics.
I’m judging her.
One can only hope her characteristics are immutable.
Nope, those are doomed to sag at a younger age.
Looks like she voted twice.
She voted ‘D’ twice. . . ///doubleD
I probably shouldn’t have opened that in a restaurant.
Fried Chicken In The 18th Century? 300 Year old Recipe
Why is that phrased as though it is stranged?
Frying things in oil is not some brand new modern technique.
That channel alone justifies YouTube’s existence.
I bought a pudding cloth from their store, and I’ve used it to make many a boiled pudding from his recipes. In point of fact, I’m making a cabbage farce with it this weekend.
They are located in Pierceton, Indiana, which is only a three hour drive from me. I might visit sometime.
Turdeau Jr.’s top advisor: Carbon tax the whole world!
What a Butthead.
Hey, what do you Glibs pay a month for internet (and phone, cable tv if you include that)? You happy with your download speed? Just curious as I just got off my yearly call to Comcast.
I pay $60/mo to Spectrum for internet.
I get 7-8 megabytes per second from steam, upto ten or so from the best connections downloading.
I rarely have congestion issues.
PS I do own my own modem.
Trashy reminded me – I don’t have any reliability issues. Uptime is interrupted more by my house losing power than the modem losing signal over the past year.
I called Comcast 2 days ago to get my $70/month internet bill reduced. They told me to shove it.
I have 60 MB down, and I have no complaints when it works. The random disconnects piss me off.
Stupid phone.
Do you have phone and cable with that? I got mine back down to 110 with their newest modem included. I bought mine 4 years ago, but it has gotten kind of slow when the kids and wife connect at the same time. That price includes phone (I need a biz landline) and a pretty good tv package.
Nope, no bundle. I paid less for gigabit fios in Texas.
I have 50 up/down from Verizon (internet only). It was $50/month for the first year. I expected mild increases after that. They decided to increase it to $67. That’s 34% and I am not ok with it. But I am not sure I can play the game to get them to reduce it.
Following RS’s lead, I started with a promo price of $30 in 2017. Went up to $50 in 2018 and now to $70 in 2019.
My only other options here are satellite and microwave link, so I just let Comcast have its way with me. Our county has 98% fios coverage, but we are in the 2%
I started at a higher rate, then Time Warner got bought out, I got a lower cost and higher speed when I swapped out the old TW modem for one I bought myself.
I have 1 Gig fiber from Century Link for 80/month. It kicks ass.
My Spectrum bill is almost 200 bucks a month for internet and cable TV. Download speed is about 100 Mbps. No complaints about the service other than I’m tired of being raped on the cable part and there’s no competition on my street.
DirecTV Now. $65/month for 105 channels, including local.
A lot.
Phone? *makes jerking off motion*
Phone number is an old biz line that has been used forever. I don’t think it adds much on to the total cost. It does add to the spam calls I get per day, but is still worth it.
This chick is the gift that keeps on giving.
Alex Jones couldn’t manufacture a better villain; she’s straight out of central casting.
Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Calls for ‘Economic Transformation’ of U.S.
A ‘transfer’ into not having an economy…
And, yes, she seems like an Ayn Rand villain, but she seems like an unwitting one.
Of course: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
She’s wise beyond her years I’ll tell you hwat.
Get jacked
I see you found the commercial I directed.
Let’s do a joint production.
Not enough titty for Q.
Not Minnesota nice; Amy hasn’t even officially announced yet and she’s already in trouble.
‘Klobuchar’s Wrath’: Minnesota Senator Once Hit Aide After Throwing Binder
But did she wear blackface?
TBF Klobuchar does sound like a medieval weapon.
If you throw shit and hit someone, I don’t that that’s accidental. Maybe not intentional, but not accidental.
Wait til they find out that the binder was full of women
If it wasn’t before…
I had a boss for a couple years who ruled by fear. He wasn’t violent, thank God, but yeah that shit is toxic. If these stories are accurate, I hope she goes down in flames.
Was the binder full of women?
If it wasn’t before…
Seeing an ad on repeat complaining that while gay marriage is now legal, discrimination is legal in 31 states. Features a whiny lesbian complaining that some pediatrician refused to treat her daughter because of her gay parents. First off, I call BS that it ever happened like that. Second, if the pediatrician is so unprofessional that they refused to treat a child based on their parents, why the fuck would you want to take your kid to see them?
Also, I blame gun grabbers and public health nazis for pushing doctors to be social warriors and lifestyle judges rather than just sticking to their jobs.
Translation – in 31 states they can’t force you to bake the cake.
Sounds like bullshit = Is bullshit. At best it’s some unbelievably rare thing and deserves to be ignored.
Went to see if I could find that commercial and discover it’s a work of the Ad Council. Of course it is. Fuck you FDR. Another legacy you’ve saddled this country with.I hope you’re being tortured with flames right now.
Yeah, he’s the shit gift that keeps on giving
Have you heard the cyberbullying PSA where they say ‘need to change your face’ and ‘super ugly’ That is a gem, but I can’t find it online. Plays a lot on a local sports talk.
No, I’ve missed that. All of the bullying commercials seem to celebrate being a pussy. I want to bully their pansy asses by the end of them.
For an ex-Communist Karl Popper still sounds like a Communist:
Godsmack – Bulletproof (Director’s Cut)
Mmm… grilled ham and swiss.
Woot, what a song, this wouldn’t have made the cut nowadays.
Yeah, huh!
Born a saint, but with every sin I still want to be holy…
Michael Malice having hours of fun trolling people with, “Hitler built the Berlin Wall.”
Dear Reader is like an onion of comedy!
I lol’d.
This joke goes back a long time.
He doesn’t care for midwits.
Yeah, but it gained a lot of steam the past few days. Even if you didn’t know Malice, how hard is it to tell he’s fucking with people?
This may or not have been posted prior to this, the hell if I know(I’ve been busy, dammit!).
Anyways, on the local front I’ve mostly heard apologetics from the local Left. Boys will be boys, times were different then, he’s dead so it’s different when we glorify him even to this day…meh. Forgive me, indulging in some schadenfreude.
That’s a lot of words to say “No Twitter in 2000”.
Just saw a pic of Bezos’s side piece.
Was that really worth $50 Billion?
Talking about his dick or his wife?
Cause when she leave yo ass she gon leave with half.
That’s true, thanks to the government enforcing a definition of marriage (does that phrase sound familiar?)
In my country Akira Presents: Libertopia™, marriage would be an entirely private contract. It would specify the obligations that each spouse has, the conditions under which the partnership can be dissolved, and how the assets will be divided should that occur. If either party wants to get alimony in the event of divorce, they should spell that out in the contract right from the get-go.
It’s just fucking absurd that the government enforces this idea that a man owes the woman some money after the divorce while the woman owes the man nothing. The typical justification is that the woman sacrificed her career to be a homemaker and is therefore entitled to some payment. But the problem is 1) stay-home spouses are rare these days, and 2) where the fuck else in common law is an individual obligated to compensate the other party for the opportunity cost? If I were looking for a job in 1980 and took a job with some no-name startup instead of Microsoft, then Microsoft became a blue chip stock, is that start-up obligated to pay me for the wages that I would have gotten had I taken the job with Microsoft? It’s ridiculous.
My ‘Hot Take’ is similar to trshmnstr’s, I’m a religious person, I see marriage as a religious ceremony, I don’t see why non-religious people would enter it. My brother wasn’t married in the church, I don’t love his kids any less or more than my unmarried sister’s kids.
I don’t think Bezos will be paying alimony. He will be dividing assets with his ex. She was working in Amazon at the very beginning. I’m not so sure this is the case to illustrate the unfairness of divorce laws.
Mistress dammit.
Well was she? Don’t keep me in suspense.
My superficial hot-take – he’s not exactly an attractive man.
Are you saying money can’t buy love?
I think it’s a little late for Bezos to turn into McDreamy.
C’mon, no points for going with the cheesey 80s movie instead of the actual song? That link took nuance and poise to compose!
I knew that before I clicked.
/big fan of 80s cheese
80s and dreaminess, and this wasn’t posted? Shame.
I can’t believe the end of Split Enz led to the eventual release of that pretentious crap.
Will Bezos ally with the Decepticons?
The live action movies are not G1 canon. Fuck them.
Holy shit. John Malkovich and Frances McDormand are in that movie!?! How much money did the producers have to shovel out to get them in that piece of garbage?
Those are the movies they do to pay the bills.
See: The loads of crap Buscemi’s been in.
I know you’re right but I thought better of Malkovich. Even when he did stuff like Con Air he seemed to be in on exactly what the movie was.
Money can’t buy love, but on occasion it can rent some.
Details please.
I was thinking the same. A lot of guys look better when they shave their head. This goober looks like he should have splurged on the hair plugs.
A huge Afro wig would make him look a bit of a badass billionaire. Especially if he only took it off in private and just heaped praise on a secret hair tonic if ever asked.
Was thinking more jewfro, but that could work on Saturday nites.
(((I))) don’t think Bezos is of the Hebraic persuasion.
My favorite hot-take:
“So, what first attracted you to billionaire Jeff Bezos?”
“Well, to be honest, it was his sexy baldness. And his cock pics.”
“And, well, I’ve always liked potatoes.”
“It all harkens back to high school days at Baldy Knob…”
His attitude?
HS deep discount on 55 gallon drums of lube.
She won’t get 50 billion.
Do you still have that GX 460/470 and do you still like it?
I’m on the lookout for a used one, especially with the rear suspension swap, but it’s a small market up here. I’d rather have the real Prado, but I’ll take what I can get.
Ahh, the Prado…
i spent a few years intermittently overseas and I fell in love with the Prado, Hilux, Pajero, Patrols, and those Mitsubishi Delicas. Basically anything I can’t buy here I really, really want.
Fuck you Congress and your bullshit protectionist laws.
Yup, a brand new LandRover Defender is under 50k in a number of locations worldwide.
Production ended in 2016.:(
2020 model is supposed to be completely different but will be sold in the US again
Surely with the requisite price tag.
Pajero. I forgot about that one. Both were decent rides and did well off roadish. I would bought either one of them.
There’s a few outfits over here that import 25 year old vehicles, but they want too much for a 25 year old vehicle. The imported RHD Cherokees might be the only exception since damn near every XJ here has been beat to shit or modded out.
I’d consider a VIN swapped Hilux, but DMVs are all cracking down on that now.
Yes. Love it.
My wife now has one too.
I’ve played around with it in the sand quite a bit, but I’m taking it up to the snow for the first time in 2 weeks.
There’s a Facebook group, mostly for the 470, and they do some ridiculous mods.
Ok, I gotta be up in 3 1/2 hrs again for work. Be Excellent to eachother.
Party on, dude.
Better Crowded House
Hermes Trismegisto
As long as we are throwing out whatever comes to mind… https://youtu.be/0c3d7QgZr7g