Last Friday Twitter Founder and CEO, Jack Dorsey was interviewed by Joe “that’s a complex issue” Rogan. Should you be of a mind to actually listen to the podcast, the YouTube link is here: Joe Rogan Experience #1236
…but be warned. It is two hours long, Joe is in an exceptionally passive mood, and Jack is pretty much the pompous bullshitter you expect him to be.
This is my review of Pizza Port Brewery Bacon and Eggs Imperial Coffee Porter.
To my understanding, Joe has a bit of a marmite effect around here. Much of the criticism of Rogan’s show is that he rarely challenges his guest, accepts facts from his guests with little question, engages in conspiracy theory, and overall he can be a bit of a meathead. It is the first item here I wish to focus. The reason I like his show, aside from constantly having UFC fighters on the show, is Joe does not drive the conversation. He mostly has a few questions that act as prompts and lets the guest yammer away.
This allows me to determine if the guest if full of shit in a reasonable amount of time. For example, prior to the multiple episodes where he interviewed Jordan Peterson, I thought Peterson was just a guy writing self help books and wasn’t particularly interesting. Boy was I wrong. Another example is Peter Schiff, where my only exposure was a brief video from TOS where he yells at Occupy Wall Street. Its cool he did that, but who didn’t want to yell at those idiots?

Ban me from twatting…. I’m starting my own twatter! With gay frogs! Blackjack, and Green Hookers! AH! The hell with it!
Back to Dorsey. Where I want to focus is around the 48 minute mark where Joe asks him about why Alex Jones was banned…if you don’t know what he said by now I’ll let you hit the link here, where his explanation begins. I’ll wait.
My ass he doesn’t know! “It’s just my platform, I don’t always know what goes on in the day to day…..” whatever Jack. “Oh, he didn’t violate the terms of service, there was a succession [incoherent mumbling] [more mumbling]…” Okay, that makes a lot of sense, Alex does have a history of getting in people’s faces, and saying stupid things. A history that predates Twitter…. No matter what you think of Jones he has the right to say stupid things, excommunicating only feeds the perception social media companies are silencing dissenting voices. It certainly doesn’t help they enforce their code of conduct subjectively and only seem to drop the hammer on conservatives. Keep on bullshitting Jack, we get it.
The problem people have with Joe here is he didn’t challenge Dorsey at all. He has acknowledged Twitter’s subjectivity in enforcing its rules in the past and that social media is overwhelmingly left wing. He is even perfectly capable of challenging his guests when he wants to, such as arguing with Dave Rubin over enforcement of building codes, Steven Crowder over his ambivalence with marijuana use, Candace Owens over her “wrong” opinion on Climate Change, or Gavin McInnes for of all things—being Catholic. Okay, Gavin was either intentionally being an idiot or a troll.
Jack is full of shit. Even if one of Dorsey’s companies sponsors Joe’s show (Cash App), Joe could’ve at least pointed out the inconsistencies. He even apologized for it earlier this week…sort of.
For a guy that constantly tells people not to be a bitch, Rogan sure bitched out. As of this writing, the ratio is ?11k to ?73k.
This beer is rather expensive but at least you get six full pint cans. It is really heavy on the coffee, which means its probably a good choice for day drinking. Your wife, boss, and mother-in-law will never know the difference. Pizza Port Brewery Bacon and Eggs Imperial Coffee Porter: 3.5/5.
It’s National Pizza Day!
20 mins for a first. I mean I could first myself but what does firsting myself really mean?
Does anybody really know what time it is?
That’s why I keep it in a bottle.
Why do you hate us?
And yet he complains about the music links I post.
When have I done that? I may say I didn’t care for it and give an alternative, but I don’t think I’ve ever complained…potayto/potahto?
Why, just last night! 😉
Also; I don’t think I should have to take musical criticism from a guy who regularly links fucking ABBA.
You say “complain”, I say “offer up obviously superior selections”. ?
Most of what I pick is because it fits the previous comment in a Rorschach test sort of way. And if it makes people cringe and offer a narrowed gaze, so much the better.
Some of it, like Tommy Page last night, was an attempt to show I can come up with worse stuff than the rest of you. 🙂
Does anybody really know what time it is?
Does anybody really care?
Though, I can’t imagine why.
We’ve all got time enough to die.
Enough with the euphemisms!
firsting myself
I mean, it’s your
bodythread…what does firsting myself really mean
You either have really small hands or . . . .
Oh, “firsting”. I saw that as “fisting” on a quick read.
Carry on.
Day drinking and self fisting. That Mexi sure knows how to live it up on the weekends.
You could’ve firsted yourself, as long as you didn’t use your drinking hand.
I suspect you have to have really long arms to first yourself. Are you an Orangutang?
What a coincidence, I’m having bacon and eggs right now.
It sucks that weekend wake up time on the West Coast is already too late for am links.
Nice review Sharpshooter!
I wake up between 5 and 6 on weekends.
Why do you hate yourself?
You must catch a lot of worms.
It is really heavy on the coffee, which means its probably a good choice for day drinking. Your wife, boss, and mother-in-law will never know the difference
I am intrigued.
I didn’t watch the whole bit where Rogan and Dorsey talked about Jones, but it seemed a bit like Dorsey was trying to dodge the question, which Rogan let him do.
Lizzie Borden better hope nobody lights a match. She’s stood up so many straw men around her, the whole town would go up in flames.
Off to the range in about an hour. Second outing with Springfield MC Operator 1911. Umpteenth outing with Glock 22 although it’s been a while since I’ve shown it some love. It’s my nightstand gun so overdue. Buddy is bringing his two new toys. He also bought a Springfield 1911, don’t remember which flavor and also a Mini-14. I haven’t seen either yet but looking forward to shooting them both:)
Plan was to take PX4 but I jacked up the end of a roll pin trying to install Langdon Decocker only levers. Damn that hole was tight! Ordered new roll pin from Brownells. Will lube this one up first and hopefully won’t have the same issue.
Ah yes, Beretta’s rotating barrel system. A fun design.
That’s pretty heavy on the euphemisms.
I decided I need to get my act together and get to the range. The winds are quite high here today – gusts in the 30 MPH range. Tomorrow it is supposed to calm down a bit, but we’ll see if it calms down enough.
I just got back. I’m not terribly happy with my Mark IV 22/45. I’m shooting better groups with my CZ 9mm. On the other hand, I’m very happy with my CZ.
The Mark IV is good but not great. Also, rimfire ammo.
My Mark I is a scalpel. This is not.
Liz of the Fauxhicans just officially launched her 2020 campaign while in the middle of crashing and burning. It’s and interesting strategy, Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.
She hit every fringe issue she could think. She did forget to mention the aromantic otherkin though.
No doubt the NOAO is dispatching a strongly worded letter as we speak.
(That’s pronounced, “NOOO-AYYYE-OOO!!!)
I like how she is positioning herself. Definitely nothing ironic…
“The man in the White House is not the cause of what is broken, he is just the latest and most extreme symptom of what’s gone wrong in America,” Warren said of President Donald Trump. “A product of a rigged system that props up the rich and powerful and kicks dirt on everyone else. So once he’s gone, we can’t pretend that none of this ever happened.”
Liz Warren: Wife, mother, outsider, a woman of the people.
“And I should know. I profited off that corrupt system and kick dirt on everyone else. Fuck you I got mine.”
I read that as aromatic. My way is funnier.
“Those who can’t see into other’s hearts are unwelcome in my campaign.”
I think Rogan is cool. Saw him interview Leah Remini and man she was flirting him up. She still looks pretty damn hot.
If you ever see her Scientology show, she occasionally wears some pretty low-cut dresses. Looks real and spectacular.
Thirded. She has held up well.
Candace Owens
…with prejudice.
I would because I’m without prejudice. ///rimshot.
She is a hottie. I not huge on black chicks, but she looks really nice.
I think I’ll make some bacon and eggs and have a beer for lunch.
Except I have no bacon, so I’ll fry up a couple slices of meatloaf instead.
so I’ll fry up a couple slices of meatloaf instead.
I would do anything for bacon, but I won’t do that.
Meatloaf is definitely the most vile of all loafs. I don’t know what it does to ruin the ground beef flavor, it must be the baking.
People who know me are well familiar that I like just about every food except meatloaf. And when I first met my future mother in law, she made her “famous” meatloaf as a special treat for me, of course not knowing any better. To show how far I was willing to go for my future bride, I had seconds. Yuk.
So many people always tell me, “oh, but you haven’t tried MY meatloaf!” Bad news for all of them, I’m sorry. No trick can make it better, it’s still always meatloaf.
Bambi and Bullwinkle smoked meatloaf is it’s own food category.
The video in response to comment #12 made me think of meatloaf.
Well there you go. You pinch your loaf that small and it will dry out when you bake it.
I think I am going to take a shit and pick my nose.
It’s this kind of quality content that keeps me coming back to this site.
I wish I had known this post was coming so I could have held off on posting the vaginal beauty contest on a post about twat.
I keep hearing commenters on TV talking about Fauxcahantas using the words ‘likability problem’.
C’mon y’all. Just call it what it is. She is a horrible bitch.
I heard part of her speech. What a bunch of tiresome old bullshit. I have a better chance of winning than she does.
I’d vote for you Suth.
OK. Which of you Canucks or Minnesodans committed the terrible act of road rage?
HT David Thompson blog
Glibertarians, the site that makes David Thompson look genteel.
I… uhhhh….
I could have gone all day without seeing that.
^ what he said ^
The timing is incredible. Gotta give him that.
I’m still deducting points for the breakage that occurs. If he wants a 10 he needs to keep it all in one piece.
That takes at least 24 hours of planning.
That guy should get a Nobel Prize. I hate fuckheads who drive without clearing the snow off their windows.
It is actually dangerous.
I was once in hell driving behind a school bus when a giant ice sheet slide off it and hit me. Broke my passenger side headlight. No where to dodge to, since it was hell and all.
OT – Today in “I hate everyone in this story“:
So gays are the new Jews?
Filed under:
I knew before I even saw the picture
I had no idea cowboy hats were fashionable, in the Bronx, with African-American men, who are heterosexual. Wait a minute….
Why not Soylent Green?
First sentence “Does the manner in which we treat our dead reflect how we view ourselves?” and what popped in my head immediately was an account of the Serbs massacring muslim civilians and plowing hundreds of bodies into a wheat field.
Yes, how we treat the dead reflects how we see both ourselves and others. I dont quite understand where the misanthropic mentality comes from. What the fuck is it with pinkos and their hatred for humanity?
“What the fuck is it with pinkos and their hatred for humanity?”
They hate themselves and instead of dealing with that, they want to burn the world to the ground. They also can’t stand that reality won’t bend to their will.
All dead people will be buried face down in a foot of dirt with their ass cheeks poking out of the ground. We will have to do that to provide a place to park all those bikes that we will all be riding around when cars are banned.
There will be no bicycles. They have tires made from petroleum products.
Last Friday Twitter Founder and CEO, Jack Dorsey was interviewed by Joe “that’s a complex issue” Rogan. Should you be of a mind to actually listen to the podcast, the YouTube link is here:
Hard as this may be to believe… PASS.
If I wanted to see guys jerking off I’d go to PornHub.
Vox derpsplains the minimum wage
A snippet here and there cannot to justice to the depth and breadth of the obdurate ignorance on display, but this is especially precious:
Rep. Bobby Scott, a Democrat from Virginia, introduced the Raise the Wage Act in January and now chairs the House labor committee. He has introduced similar bills in the past and Republicans always blocked them. The $15 proposal is even more ambitious than the last one in 2015, which called for a $12 federal wage floor.
“The federal minimum wage is no longer serving its purpose. There is no place in America where a full-time worker who is paid the current federal minimum wage can afford the basic essentials,” Scott said during his opening statements.
This might be a good time to define “the basic essentials”.
And then:
The best way to evaluate all the different conclusions is to analyze all the research findings together — what scientists call a “meta-analysis.” And the most recent ones suggest that the most likely impact on employment is minimal.
For example, a 2016 study by economists at Michigan State University crunched data from 60 research studies on the minimum wage in the United States since 2001. They concluded that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage would likely reduce overall employment from 0.5 percent to 1.2 percent.
That’s swell. Now run the numbers for what might happen if you more than double the minimum wage. And be sure to include the ripple effects on wages now between the current minimum and $15/hr.
Let’s hold off on ideas from democrats from Virginia.
Even the unwilling to work need a livable wage. Government just needs to send those folks a check. As Ron Paul says “We’ll run out of money when we run out of trees” There are still a lot of trees out there.
Cutting down every tree in America in order to pay for New Deal II isn’t very environmentally friendly of them, is it.
The unwilling to work. I heard about that.
I never thought the left in this country would go this far off of the rails. They are completely batshit, howl-at-the-moon crazy.
I guess the “Increase Teenager and Senior Citizen Unemployment Act” didn’t test well with focus groups.
Where the hell did this “basic essentials” crap come from? Minimum wage was never intended for that, and when I was younger, everyone knew this.
I’m sure the “essentials” include your own apartment or house. Perish the idea that you might have to share an apartment with other young folks.
Don’t forget the cell phone plan, shitlord!
They will never quit until they have destroyed the economy.
They know damned well what socialism brings. That’s why they want it.
They don’t believe any of it.
They don’t care about the economy. They don’t care about the poor. They don’t care about you. They don’t care about the country. They don’t care about the environment.
They care about ONE thing…power! And telling the ignorant what they want to hear is the way they obtain it.
Hey Frank! Good to see you back in these parts!
It’s a trap!
(Hiya Frank!)
Yes, hi Francisco! Been missing your snark. Good to see you again.
Welcome back!
Same here. Figured you were dead or in jail.
Hey Frank. Good to see you back man. You should come around more often.
Do you know a guy named Sam Russle, retired B-1pilot? I have been wanting to ask you that for years.
Not familiar, sorry. Where was he stationed?
$15/hr would even price engineering interns out of the market. (I made 11-12ish back when I was an intern.) This would put many people out of work, lest we forget that the real minimum wage is and always will be zero.
True. We have allowance in our grant to hire one web dev intern a year at $12/hour. So, if the Maryland $15 minimum wage passes–and I hope to Christ it doesn’t–we’d have to either end the internship, ironically convert it to an unpaid position, or rewrite the grant. The Maryland bill is especially pernicious because it also applies to tipped positions.
Currently, servers and bartenders and all generally make $3.83 or thereabouts, which is the minimum, and I believe the deal is the employer has to make up the difference between whatever they make and the larger minimum wage at the end of every pay period. This almost never happens, because you’d have to be the world’s worst server to not make the equivalent of $10 an hour over two weeks. Under the bill proposed by the $15 crowd, tipped positions would also be subject to a $15 minimum. Restaurants operate on extremely tight margins, so this would effectively kill the industry in Maryland. You’d see an uptick in fast food and “fast casual” like Mission BBQ or Nando’s Peri-Peri type of thing, but in order to pay kitchen staff the minimum they’re going to have to a.) raise prices, and b.) hire fewer staff.
I’m sure the leftists pushing this shit find the notion of eliminating servers delightfully proletarian, but it will devastate the state’s economy. It’s going to have a particularly negative impact on the most vulnerable demographics, such as new immigrants, people who don’t speak English, the unskilled, and people working part-time jobs in order to make ends meet. It’s absolutely despicable that a coalition of the ignorant and lazy are trying to push bad legislation that’s going to devastate a lot of people.
Their vision relies on force. Breaking a few eggs to make an omelet is their mantra. They won’t care because it for the greater good or some such bullshit.
It’s going to have a particularly negative impact on the most vulnerable demographics, such as new immigrants, people who don’t speak English, the unskilled, and people working part-time jobs in order to make ends meet.
There are no such people. From what I’ve heard public figures say, everyone making minimum wage is working at these positions full-time supporting a family of four.
You can tell the bad waiters by the ones who support that shit.
Like, in a typical small place here, you’re look at a 35 dollar check for two with two people getting a beer and a sandwhich. Say you get four tables an hour, which is conservative. That’s 14 bucks an hour if you have four ten percent tippers. If you have six tables an hour, boom 21 bucks an hour. If you have four tops, or people buying multiple drinks, apps, desert, it climbs from there.
I can’t think of a better way to fuck up young and single women around America than to kill the American restaurant industry.
Oh wait, if they do that, then they will all go on the dole and become absolute fanatic Dem voters.
A server at a local Mexican restaurant told me one time that they can average $17 per hour during the dinner rush. Not bad at all for a job that pretty much anyone can get.
In my experience, Lefties have a grudge for tipping ever since a series of “studies” came out alleging that tipping is racist. Someone actually tried to tell me that waitstaff is “overpaid” due to tipping and that it should be equalized with a regular wage so that “people in other low-skill jobs can get paid more”. Not sure how they are envisioning that the money previously going to tips would then end up in the hands of other low-wage workers…
Black people don’t tip, that’s for sure and certain. I don’t know why that is, I’m sure someone could do a wonderful explanation of how it, in the end, is still the white man’s fault.
But black people do not, as a general rule, tip.
Reparations, one night out at a time.
+1 four top of Canadians
I worked at a restaurant with a lot of black patrons and in my estimation, they tipped better than everyone else. (Especially when it was a dude on a date who was paying.)
Anecdotal, loose estimation, one data point, but about as valid as your observation. 😛
Of course, the majority of customers there had no idea how to tip regardless, so maybe it’s grading on a curve.
Tipping isn’t intuitive, so if the tradition isn’t passed on by someone ‘in the know,’ you’re not going to just figure out magically to tip 10-20% of the before-tax total (and I’m sure there’s lots of disagreement with my understanding of the tradition). So they probably just weren’t told what to do, and if they were, decided it was senseless (which it is) and fuck all that.
But it is a tradition, restaurant staff take it into account, and IMO you should tip and take tipping into account when deciding if you can afford to eat out. Even if it’s irrational. You’re not gonna change the game in one act of defiance. (No one will see it that way. They’ll see it as an insult.)
Expecting skimpy gratuities, waiters resist serving African Americans, or they provide poorer service, which discourages blacks from patronizing table-service restaurants.
ummm: which discourages ANYONE from tipping. Smells like a silly vicious cycle which should die but, instead, because a self-fulfilling prophecy; other examples:
A stock would go up after it split, so everyone buys it up, so, yeah: it goes up.
Bama / Duke wins lots of national championship, so the best guys want to play there, so Bama /Duke wins lots of national championships.
Tulip bulbs / Enron / oil / real estate will always go up, so . . . oops.
Tipping as a system is a brilliant solution to the problem of how to provide a higher level of service while keeping business costs low and offering the customer a method of direct feedback. And outside of restaurants, tipping is a traditional way of building positive relationships with people with whom you intend to do continued business. If you want a preview of what a post-gratuity service industry looks like, go to a bar or restaurant where they pool tips. Here’s what you find: low morale and poor service. It’s not intuitive, but it’s totally rational, I think.
And, just to add my .02, in maybe ten years of work in the industry, I have noticed bad tipping to cross racial lines. Although I have noticed that the best tippers are people who don’t seem to have a lot of money and people who are filthy stinkin’ rich. The worst tippers are the nouveau riche. Turns out you really can’t buy class.
Tipping isn’t intuitive This is really important; few conventions are.
I have a lot of notions about proper driving that would seem arbitrary unless you thought extensively about infrastructure and sociology / organizational behavior and tried to design your own system on a clean sheet. That person in my left lane is probably a second generation driver who learned from someone who knows nothing of, shall we call them, American/German/western best practices in driving. Even a 30th generation black might be more American than me and still have never learned the first notion of keeping right except to pass, and he might guess that all the white guys glaring at him as they overtake on his right are racist bastards, which they might well be, but that has nothing to do with why they hate him that particular moment.
When I build muh roads, recthtfahren will be a term of the license, rejected immediately upon violation. Until then, I’m just fucking stuck behind this nimrod doing 70MPH on a perfectly good interstate.
Jaywalking is the same way. Several people die every year in Memphis from it, all poor black, because of all the self-obvious socio-economic reasons. 100 years ago cars were in the way and people walked wherever they might; that was the convention because it had never been any other way: nice libertarian, self-interested chaos. Cross-walks came and are more than mere convention because they are painted on the road: they are codified and embodied in a way beyond a notion of best practice. But people ignore them routinely and dare me not to slow down or dodge then when I have the right of way (a legal fact but not nearly as concrete a notion as a well-painted crosswalk. Many simply die; again: oh well.
In NYC they still are. We jaywalk whenever and wherever the hell we please. But I do notice as I slow down that I avoid riskier maneuvers that I wouldn’t have thought twice about a few years ago.
Does he mean by a range of 0.5 to 1.2 percentage points?
Why millions of people are getting hit with a surprise tax bill this year
1. Millions? What scientific study lead you to that conclusion? Or you just pulling numbers out of your ass.
2. I question the validity of the Twitter comments cited
3. If you didn’t owe the year before but do this year with no change in income, it is more than likely not because of the tax cuts, but because you don’t know how to manage your withholding.
4. They talk about tax refunds like it’s a good thing that you got one. It’s not good to get a refund, that just means you paid more into the world’s shittiest savings account.
5. This is why we need a flat tax.
I estimated my taxes last month, and found that if the 2017 tax rules were in effect for 2018, I’d be paying $400 more than I actually will.
I have to cut a check because I’m not having enough withheld, but that’s neither here nor there.
The problem with the article is that the Vox people think everybody is as incompetent as the FedGov workers who would be reduced to eating canned pet food if they miss one paycheck, and so need the taxes withheld for them.
Have you seen the price of canned pet food lately? You need a different example.
Prices seem really high everywhere but at the gas pump. CPI doesn’t seem to capture it all.
There are several different measurements of CPI. I believe the one commonly cited doesn’t include food and some other things.
I think I got dinged by the SALT cap on net, but I vested in some deferred comp, so it’s hard to say how the reforms worked out for me.
^^ same here
“5. This is why we need a flat tax.”
Payable on the day after election day.
Why not before the election?
Our county commissioner sprung the new tax for the Twins baseball stadium a couple of weeks after the election. The outrage it generated had pretty much dissipated two years later when he ran for re-election and won. If he had proposed that tax before the election he would have gone down in flames.
You are right. I had that backwards.
*looks at clock*
It is only two-ish here and I am already buzzed.
4. They talk about tax refunds like it’s a good thing that you got one. It’s not good to get a refund, that just means you paid more into the world’s shittiest savings account
If every working American had to write a check (just like a rent check, or utility bill) to the IRS every month, payable on the 1st, based on a per centage of their gross income for the preceding month, things would look a lot different in this country.
I remember the look on each of my kids when they got their first legit paycheck and saw how much the govt stole from them. Especially since the job they were working at was so shitty. The work sucks, the pay ain’t great and then the govt takes a bunch. I’m always stunned that everyone doesn’t become a libertarian when they get their first paycheck.
Yes sir. The socialist drivel they handed my son in college evaporated a week after he started working.
My grand daughter asked, “What’s this FICA crap?”
Mine have learned to appreciate cash side jobs.
“Twenty bucks is twenty bucks, amirite?”
Fuckin’ a.
I worked for years in a job that functions with a ton of teenager and young adult workers. Handed a lot of them their first paycheck. Had a lot of people over the years come back and ask if I hadn’t made a mistake on taxes.
“Shit, that’s a lot.”
“Welcome to the Republican Party.”
They already do essentially.
Real example of white privilege.
From the sidebar in the ‘gays are controlling the world’ story:
My grandfather told me that it was not uncommon when he was young for people to die in the woods and never be found. They would fall off of a horse, drown or step in a hole or injure themselves working and pigs would eat them. We still had open range in Louisiana up to the end of the century. He said “We would just find their shoes. That’s how we would know what happened.”
As a kid the idea that they would only find their shoes really creeped me out.
So you believed the woods were haunted by lost soles?
*does the happy pun dance and glared defiantly at Swiss*
What a heel.
*stares archly at Tundra*
I was going to try to cobble together a pun, but I think I’ll just narrow my gaze as well.
*golf clap*
You’d better beat feet before Swiss gets here.
He seems to be giving in to the punditry.
So those shoes hanging off of telephone lines are the results of lynchings?
*standing ovation*
A common refrain from older generation zTexans when asked about a third person was “he went to take a shit and the pigs ate him”
Holy cow, I forgot that one. Yep, I have heard it before. Me asking what that meant is probably why my grandfather told me about it.
Hogs not pigs
My wife has some really strong, latent progressive Earth mother tendencies which rear their hear every so often. Sometimes when I cook pork she comments about how pigs are so cute and smart and it’s a shame that we eat them (though she still finds bacon to be irresistible). I always retort with something along the lines of, “You really have no idea what the pig that this bacon came from would do to you if it escaped from its pen. While they’re indeed smart, you should count your lucky stars that we’re smarter.”
As a seasoned search and rescue volunteer, finding shoes in the wilderness, regardless of whether I’m on a mission or not, can creep me out.
I’ll refrain from punching people in the nuts with an explanation, but this song brings me to tears.
Damn, I guessed the link was going to be the song about the lady who died in a blizzard riding a pony she named “Wildfire”.
That would have truly been a punch in the nuts.
Even the unwilling to work need a livable wage.
It’s not that I’m unwilling to work. It’s more of a skills mismatch issue. As soon as they find the right spot for me, I’m ready to get after it.
Make sure when you fill out your demands at the Fed Job Center that you specify “heterosexual” pr0n star. Leave that word out and you are in for a rough first day on the job.
Woah I had no idea:
So is Peterson Cytotoxic?
Did Cytotoxic run for office?
Yeah, lots of things ran from Cytotoxic’s oriface.
Well when he was babbling about the Libertarian Moment I threw Rachel Notley back in his face and he was not amused…
Also did tell me that Turdeau Jr. was not going to bring back the NEP so his predictive powers are phenomenal…
In case you didn’t know Cytotoxic is (still?) from Alberta.
Junior high council? Wasn’t he 13? And also, de mortuis nil nisi bonum. Cytotoxic died in November 2016 when his absolute guarantee that Trump could never win resulted in his head exploding.
This was an actual post in a political provincial party. I’m not sure if this was a special Veep Post for students though?
In the general election before this they got 76,360 votes or 12.94% so Imagine there weren’t huge numbers of party members so this post was not very prestigious. But still. Shows how much people can change…
The article states “A Vice President” not sure how many there were though.
I can’t find this article but I did find another article which states that the convention will have “nearly 500 delegates”
Man, I was glad to see that guy go.
At least he didn’t date Morgan Fairchild.
While pressing 500 lbs, winning a surfing competition and arresting dope heads all at the same time?
It’s hard to do all of that, yet he still managed to tour as Sammy Hagar’s guitarist.
Lol yeah. Cytotoxic spent months calling everyone idiots for even considering that Trump might win.
The only time a troll was actually shamed enough to leave for good. He knew there was no coming back from that.
(I guess he wasn’t a troll, exactly, just the profoundest douche of douches.)
John stomped on me a couple of times for sneering at Trump, and didn’t get it when I said, “Trump won’t win; Hillary will lose.”
Sounds like John.
Just got back from Donutfest and picked up some beer on the way home. Platform is now getting even more bizarre with some releases, their newest is a lemon limeaide session sour with electrolytes. The can is grey with an obvious nod to the Gatorade logo. I believe I’ll crack one open after working out today.
“Just got back from Donutfest and picked up some beer on the way home.”
You forgot to add “eh” at the end. Dog whistle for hockey fans!
No flapping heads here. The girlfriend wanted to go, and she drives me to beerfests often enough, so we got tickets to it and went.
Damn! sold out. If you buy 12 tickets, do you get a thirteenth free?
And then the pink one with sprinkles is always left for last…
One of the places did do a the Simpson’s donut. My favorite was the chocolate strawberry chipotle donut, made with Fat Head’s beer and a local jam company’s jam. The tickets for the event sold out the day they went on sale, the morning session was sold out in less then an hour.
“No flapping heads here”
Yeah, you’re from Ohio, not Canada.
Vitamin Enriched Booze
lemon limeaide session sour with electrolytes
Yep. It’s chilling down in the fridge now. I’m a bit surprised they released it now instead of spring/summer when people might actually be exercising outside.
That sounds disgusting.
It was an impulse buy, and I expect something similar to a gose, with a touch of salt and sour together.
Man, it’s cold.
Order of pho placed. I’m going to have to put on socks to go pick it up. This weather sucks.
Sitting at bar of a local Neopolitan pizza place. Sidewalks shoveled and salted at home, time for wine and a pie in honor of National Pizza Day.
And you can choke on your socks.
I ended up not wearing them. It broke 60 as soon as the sun came out.
We were told that the new rules would only apply to Republicans.
Today’s nightmare material:
Dude, do you even read the comments? Suthen, Post 20.
Who reads the lynx…errr…comments?
That seems familiar.
Do we taste as good to pigs as they do to us?
I have heard stories about a number of species too the effect of ‘once they get a taste for human blood’. So, I guess so.
I haven’t spent my entire life wandering around a magical forest eating acorns.
We had pigs when I was growing up. Anything at all edible could be tossed in the pen and it would disappear in seconds.
We also had great huge fryers. Don’t fool yourself. Chickens can be vicious as hell. When we would dress game the skin and guts would go in the chicken pen. They would tear it to shreds and eat it.
They will peck the weakest member of the flock to death over time and then eat it.
Don’t get drunk and fall down in the chicken pen.
Geese, geese are mean. Good watch animals.
A lot of people up here simply vanished without a trace. No pigs to worry about, but plenty of nutjobs, rivers, bears, cliffs and other things that will kill you.
In re: your question last night:
There are some ridiculous aftermarket mods.
I’m leaning towards the pre-facelift 460. The only mod I’m interested in is a rear locker. Maybe a LED lightbar or whatever.
If I ever run electrical to the exterior, I’ll do the light bar. I already have a frontrunner roof rack. The LED screws right on to the front.
My buddy put a similar rack on his LC that’s the last gen with the solid front axle.
This one was a bit overpriced, but I didn’t have to drill. It screws right into the factory mount points.
I’ve tried to avoid the “accessories” wherever I can, because they’re way overpriced as well.
8 lashings for 15 bucks:
4 pack ratchet tie downs 17 bucks:
I don’t have a mount for the spare or my hi-jack, but I haven’t really looked yet.
I dont think it’s all that common for pigs to do the actual killing. They are more into the disposal part.
Once I laid down for a nap in the woods. I woke up to the sound of ‘clop clop clop. *short silence* Clop clop clop.’I knew what the sound was before I looked so when I did look I made sure I was looking down my sights. Sure as shit, about half of a dozen rather large piney woods rooters sizing me up. They clop their teeth together like that to see if they can get a rise out of you or if you are dead. Of course when they realized I was still kicking they ran off.
Last night, my wife and I were sitting on our front porch late in the evening watching the rain fall, we’ve been having a pretty wet season for northern California. All of a sudden a small fox ran across our driveway into the bushy hillside edge of our property, which is a wooded area that also serves as a pretty busy deer path and byway for a lot of different wild animals and birds. Something else behind the bushes also must have seen the fox, because there was suddenly a very loud and frightened-sounding guttural snorting shriek that sounded like it would have been a wild boar, though I’m pretty certain we don’t have anything like that near us. The best alternative guess I could fathom was that it might have been a turkey, we do have those around all the time; there also had been several owls hooting just prior to that, and I don’t know if either of these has a different cry for imminent danger. Any of you woodsmen care to weigh in?
Feral pigs are spreading all over the country and they can be a real problem. That is the most likely candidate.
And yes, it is time to make baby owls. Good lord they make a racket every night here.
I can tell you this, if you hear a bear you will know it immediately even if you have never heard one before.
Turkeys are another animal that the instant you hear it you think ‘there’s a turkey’.
Foxes, not so much. They have a wide variety of sounds they make, many of which dont sound canine at all. Bird-like sounds, croaks, squeals, barks and growls. Fascinating little critters.
I once spent two months hand planting hardwood on 40 acres. I just took my time and paced it off in lines and put acorns, walnuts, hickory nuts and pecans in divots I made with my machete. Stick the tip in the dirt, twist it, drop a nut in and tamp it with my boot. I was so happy. That I was able to do the whole thing my myself with the species I wanted gave me a great sense of accomplishment. That spring I went back to see how much had sprouted. The fucking hogs had come in behind me and I swear they rooted up every single seed I had put out. Every. Single. One.
It still makes me mad thinking about it. They are worse than the goddamned beavers.
Bobcats have a scream that sounds like a woman. Raises the hair on the back of my neck whenever I hear it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about them. Cougars too.
There used to be some fisher cats living near my house.
The fisher cat that lived on our land sounded like it was rending live babies – a really frigthening noise. Woman next lot over called the cops thought someone was being murdered.
So they dug and dug and found one anecdotal story about third term abortion that is marginally sympathetic if you look at it crossways and squint really hard.
So it cost her a shitload of money to fly hundreds of miles away to get this abortion. Wouldn’t it have been easier to just put the kid up for adoption?
Also: “A nation that acknowledges our constitutional right to abortion is not the same as a nation that makes abortion accessible to us when we need it. There are no rights without access.”
First, a court decision does not a constitutional right make and second, no rights without access… I can get on board with that. So when can I buy my full-auto M4 at the gas station?
How did she get pregnant? Didn’t she read Teen Vogue’s issues on anal?
Someone needs to send sweetie pie a copy of Roe v. Wade and ask her where the language about late term abortion can be found.
I will concede that there are times when an abortion, as vile an act as it is, is appropriate. What the abortion fans wont say openly is that at some point a fetus is a person with all of the same inalienable rights as the mother. I think a large portion of them also wont admit that any human has inalienable rights.
Only once they’ve been fully indoctrinated into full on goose stepping proggie mode, do they have any of their state granted rights. If they’re of no use to the great proggie state, what good are they?
We all know what happens to useful idiots that are no longer useful but there is nothing you can say to get them to understand that.
Someone around here put it perfectly once. Every commie thinks that after the glorious revolution they will be the one walking around with a clipboard, instead they end up standing on the edge of a dirt pit facing men who are loading rifles.
That’s not access. Access would be having it shipped to you free of charge.
There are no rights without access.
Now do 2A.
Yea, it’s funny how when it comes to abortion, they say the right is being violated if you have to compensate the person who provides it (the horror!!) or if you experience inconvenience or holdups due to regulation…
But with guns, all that shit goes out the window. You’d be laughed out of the room if you proposed a federal program to finance guns for people who can’t afford them. And you’re expected to keep up with all kinds of special taxes, waiting periods, paperwork, etc.
Hmm. I wonder how the father felt about his over 29 week old baby being aborted? Oh, right. We’re not allowed to consider that.
There definitely needs to be a discussion on what rights the father has in regards to reproduction. Most people think of impregnation as something that a man does to a woman, as if she is passive throughout the whole thing. Even though the woman played an equal part in the sex act that resulted in the pregnancy, he has to go along with whatever decisions she made and doesn’t have any option to opt out of parenthood.
As an aside, I think that the ethical messiness of these situations is why so many cultures had rules that restricted sex to couples in committed relationships. The rules may have gone a little too far, but people have thrown out the baby with the bathwater with regards to sexual morals.
29-week olds just look exactly like babies(on ultra sounds), they definitely have personalities too.
So now the spin on Orange Man Bad is that because of the new withholding schedules that let people keep more of their money in the first place, people are getting smaller tax returns. Oh Noes!
Cold weather peeps: the choppers aren’t cutting it any more. Any recommendations for super cold weather mittens? Gotta be tough enough for doing stuff, but I’m really tired of cold hands.
These are pretty warm.
Yes. The bridge suite in particular seems like it would keep my hands warm.
A steal at just over $1100. Per hour.
Yeah. T&C is the answer, though.
Tits and clit?
Still never been. Where is a good place to go, and can I do it through Costco?
For the family, Beaches is great. We went over New Years and it was just as good as the first time.
Not sure if you can go through Costco, though.
Just checked. For the dates I plugged in, they appear to have 5 options: Villa Del Mar, Sands at Grace Bay, Seven Stars, Windsong, and The Palms.
In all likelihood, if I do go east for a warm vacation, I’ll probably go to New Providence again. They just opened up a new megaresort, Bahamar, which is forcing the rest of the resorts on the island price competitively. If I plan ahead and watch the rates closely, I’m sure I can end up with a really good deal.
We’re going to T&C for Spring Break this year. Just asked my wife and the resort we’re at is called Coral Gardens at Grace Bay. She’s pretty diligent about finding what she thinks is the nicest place and always wants to be set well in advance — we booked this spring’s trip last summer, if you can believe it.
Doc is right. We book out two years because it fills up so fast.
Grace Bay is awesome. Gonna dive?
I believe it. I booked my rooms for the annual trip to Vegas last April, and I’ll probably be booking the rooms for next year this year. Of course, it’s also for an event, and the rooms will sell out quickly.
I’d love to dive again, and I’ll bring my C-card, but I haven’t tried to scuba since the cancer crushed my spine seven years ago, not sure I could maintain the weight of the tank on my back even just long enough to plunge in. We’ve snorkeled some since, but that’s all. I’m wondering if I might be able to scuba where the dive master might have someone to give me extra help getting in and out, then once I’m weightless everything should be fine. But I’m a bit apprehensive about even asking for such things, as there tends to be some of that smugness around certain experienced divers like you can find in snow skiers, ‘we don’t have any time or tolerance for anyone not at our level, but we can put you in with the uncertified first-timers group that will be just off the beach in ten feet of water where you’ll enjoy one brain coral and some guppies in your five minutes on the air hose’.
Every time I book that far out, something comes up.
That’s the problem with small island.
What activities are you doing?
Outdoor Research makes great stuff with a solid warranty. Free The Powder mittens are pretty damn durable and made in domestically.
Normal winter stuff. Need a little tougher one for shoveling, etc.
I’ll check out the OR. Thanks, man.
I’m not sure on your price range, but natives here can use seal to make mittens that are like putting your hands in lava. KInda pricey, but you more than get what you pay for.
Are you tired of cold hands? Or is Mrs. Tundra tired of your cold hands?
Two piece choppers? I have the heavy duty Fleet Farm liners over buckskin. I don’t spend much time outside, max about 45 minutes working the wood pile/shoveling snow but never have a problem. The cheap one piece are OK for driving, until the heater comes on.
Yeah, the two piece. I was out shoveling today and my goddamn hands were numb.
There’s an old saying, something like if your feet are cold put a good cap on, since so much heat is lost through the head. Maybe applies to hands, too.
I use a heated vest on my bike. I have one with a battery pack. It’s good for about two hours. All of your blood flows through your torso, so the vest really warms up your whole body. My vest is made by EXO.
My hands will get numb if I run the snow blower for an hour or more in zero weather but its from holding the handles down.
Yep. Same deal. I think I need more bulk.
Wrap some foam around the handles to cut down on the vibration and it adds insulation.
That’s a good idea.
Best gloves I ever had were leather with rabbit fur lining on the entire inside. In fact, they were the only gloves that ever kept my hands warm. They aren’t easy to find around here.
Oh, look here.
Those little fuckers survive through the winters up here somehow, so the fur must be nice.
Wish it wasn’t.
I’ve been buying these Rough Rider gloves for myself and my employees for the last 15 years or so doing landscaping and snow removal and everyone loves them.
They’re tough and durable, comfortable, and warm. I’ve spent 4 days in the last few weeks running snowblowers and pushing shovels for 10+ hours in sub-zero temperatures and never got cold hands. They are better after they’ve been worn in. Once in a great while I’ll get numb and aching fingers to start the day until the circulation gets going. When it’s really cold like lately, I’ll keep an extra pair warm in my armpit area just in case my gloves get wet or get snow in them.
What’s the ABV on that Pizza Port beer?
That magic box of information you are most likely posting on says 8.0
It’s like talking to my kids…
Delicious NYT Butt-Hurt on the Virginia Dem leadership scandal.
They can’t actually impeach Northam and Herring for having worn blackface (or whatever) in college. If they impeach Lt. Gov Fairfax then they piss off the blacks; if they don’t impeach him they piss off the women.
Well, both of those groups are so last week’s identity groups. They need to just ask the transvestite Muslims and make a decision already, duh!
Intersections are where most fatalities occur.
The corner of Race & Gender is a bitch:
I’m looking for how the white patriarchy is to blame for that and it seems to be eluding me.
Aha! Proof that you are a white shitlord!
I mean, it’s only a bind if you are an asshole who lacks principles or anything resembling a moral compass. Like, this is pretty simple to me because I believe in things like due process and substantiating evidence. But, yea, it’s a bind for those who only care about political power.
And no one on the left is going to question the black leadership or black voters who would be angry over Fairfax getting the can. Like, maybe your priorities are a bit fucked up.
Walmart, day ten:
I’m the FNG, so I don’t get a scanner yet, so I’m doing the bananas and waiting for the crew, who All called in sick.
Irma from bakery helped out, but what a cluster fuck, does any one work around here?
Watch out for deadly black tarantula!
Haha damn… When I used to work at an auto parts plant and we’d be several hours into overtime, someone would periodically shout “daaaaaaay-oh” and the whole line would sing that song. One of the funniest things ever.
+1 Living wage for those unwilling to work.
Sounds worse than a place I worked at when I was an undergrad. Sorry.
so I’m doing the bananas
Enough with the euphemisms!
Irma’s good people.
My godmother was named Irma. She was basically like Granny from the Tweety/Sylvester cartoons, except that since she was German, she only spoke German.
I wish I could find the photo of the two of us dancing at my sister’s wedding.
OT: The last day before prices go up for the Bataan Memorial Death March is Monday, the 11th. It’s a great cause. Although it commemorates a tragedy, it is a very uplifting experience for the participants.
My JROTC daughter is testing the waters and doing the honorary (14.2 mile) course. She’ll be accompanied by her twin sister and my wife (who has done the honorary before). My sister and brother-in-law are both doing civilian light.
As far as I know, 101 year old Bataan Death March survivor Ben Skardon will be attending and walking several miles of the course again this year. He’s been doing it for about ten years now.
I have told this before. I had a great uncle that survived the Bataan Death March. If you want to call that surviving. He was kind of fucked up before he went to the Pacific but when he came back….ouch. I cant imagine what he went through and what he saw.
He was the meanest, craziest, most misanthropic old fucker I have ever known.
I only vaguely knew about the Bataan Death March when I was younger. I didn’t realize that after the march itself, the prisoners were subjected to even worse experiences. Even after being freed, many survivors wound up taking their own lives.
I’ve heard a dozen or so of the survivors talk and read more than a dozen books and what they went through is still, to me, incomprehensible. And yet there were still people like John Mims. What an inspiration.
Years ago, I learned about the memorial march via a press release about Gary Johnson. It sounded like a good cause, but the first year I participated, I did so largely for the physical challenge aspect of it. However, after hearing Ben Steele talk, I resolved to return every year as long as there were still death march survivors attending. This year will be my tenth.
One of my bugaboos with WWII scholarship is the leftist explanation of the disparity between the American conduct towards the Germans and the Japanese as purely racial. While there was no doubt a racial element, the fact is that the Germans treated POWs from the US and Great Britain as well as the Americans treated German POWs.
The Japanese treated American POWs the way the Germans treated Soviet POWs, and the way the Soviets treated German POWs: wholesale brutality, torture, starvation, massacre, etc etc. After Baataan, after Pearl Harbor, after Wake Island, after the Doolittle raiders were executed, the American military simply had no interest whatsoever in playing by the rules where the Japanese were concerned.
But to leftwing historians, the racist Americans killed Japanese wholesale and bent the rules of war to the breaking point, and let the Nazis off easy because they were white. It’s a bunch of bullshit.
There were some exceptions to how the Germans and Americans treated each others’ POWs but otherwise they treated each others’ POWs well.
Race had nothing to do with it.
I know NUT-THing!
My grandfather had a pulp wood contract with the Army. Camp Livingston was where a lot of the German POWs were sent and he used them for labor. He told me a bunch of stories over the years. There was not a lot of animosity between the locals and the POWs. They would ‘escape’ occasionally and walk into town to see movies and buy a coke. Locals would give them rides back to the camp. Those were the regular Wehrmacht. Those guys usually had something along the lines of ‘”I dont want to go to war with America. I want to live here.” to say.
The hardcore Nazis on the other hand….they kept them in a concrete pit about 50 feet deep and the size of a football field and surrounded by machine guns. The pit is filled in now but the remnants of the machine gun towers are still there.
Wood pulp for pykrete?
I have no idea. My grandfather just had the contract for cutting then he sold it. I always figured for paper but it could have been put to any number of uses.
Most historians also go on about Japanese American interment camps, but fail to mention the same thing was done to German and Italian Americans.
Well, Germans and Italians are not as cute and adorable as Japanese. If Japanese had fur, they’d be the koala bears of humans.
I have a colleague that runs it every year.
My uncle passed away 7 or 8 years ago. He never had any children. As a matter of fact out of the five children only two lines remain.
Another great uncle was in the pacific. He only talked about it a little bit on rare occasions. I once asked him why he would not touch a gun and he said ” 500 days never outside the sound of gunfire. Sometimes you couldn’t put your foot down without stepping on someone”. That is all he ever said and I wasn’t old enough to know what he was talking about, I was just disappointed that he wouldn’t take me squirrel hunting.
My dad’s uncle escaped the Germans while he was he being marched to a camp. He along with some others jumped in the river and escaped, in winter. He had dead toes from the frostbite. That’s about all the info he ever gave out.
My one grandfather, the one that was in the Airborne and was wounded at Bastogne, would only talk about how he got drafted, his time in training, and his time in England until he got old. He liked waiting in England. “I loved riding a motorcycle through the English countryside. Beg, borrow, or steal a motorcycle and take if for a ride. Beautiful country.” When he got past 80 or so, he’d start talking about combat experiences. He told me that fifteen minutes after his unit arrived in France, his best friend was right next to him, and some German blew his best friend’s head off.
My other grandfather was in the Navy in the Pacific and wouldn’t say a word about it. He did talk a bit about being the PA National Guard after the war. He talked about riot duty. I don’t remember what riot his unit was called up for.
My Irish grandpa was a big shot in the construction battalion. He told me that the locals would comment on how disorganized the Americans were compared to the Germans. Then they would add that the Germans took 6 months to build a bridge, where the Americans did it in two weeks.
My Sicilian grandpa spent the war in Leavenworth. Not sure what he did.
Irish grandpa went to Normandy, btw, but weeks after the invasion to rebuild the bridges.
I had a neighbor who grew up in New Mexico – where many of the soldiers that made the march were from (NM unit was in the Phillipines). He said there wasn’t a person in NM after the war that had the slightest problem with the A-bombs being dropped – due to so many who had lost a family member or friend.
Did any of you get an e-mail today from Roger Stone’s wife recounting the heavily armed FBI raid on their home? Reads like some gestapo roundup of enemies of the state. Yet, just last week, the FBI arrested a number of union leaders and city officials in Philly, accused of embezelling their union members’ dues and other corruption, and they were allowed to walk into court in broad daylight with their lawyers. If the House is into investigating what brand of underwear Trump wears, then maybe the Senate ought to investigate what led the FBI to terrorize a man’s family?
Orange Man bad. That’s why.
“Reads like some gestapo roundup of enemies of the state.”
Because that is what it was.
I just saw that cocksucking liar Brennan on the TV yesterday lying about the Stone arrest being ‘just standard procedure’. I see no difference between the left in this country and organized crime gangs. Actually I might prefer to deal with the mafia as they seem to have at least a few standards.
When Brennan dies they better not have an open casket as I might not be able to stop myself from mounting it and shitting on his face.
Brennan is evil.
Law enforcement would never use excessive force and resources to go after political enemies in America. Never!
A Maß of Yuengling Oktoberfest for tonight because it is 223 days until Oktoberfest 2019.
But’s only 205 days until state fair. You need a corn dog, I can tell.
Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President. Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!
Shit like this is why Trump, flawed as he is, will win again. That pussy ass Romney would never come out and say this.
Professional politicians dont tell it like it is. Everything they say is calculated in some way to sway people or at least not piss them off. Trump is the honeybadger of politicians.
The ego these people have is really astounding. Presumably she thinks she has a chance to get the nomination after being found to be a fraud. She’s delusional.
It didn’t seem to hurt Trump any.
So…. those names on the buildings didn’t actually say “Trump”?
Liz wants to maintain some sort of “dignity.” That’s a weakness Trump doesn’t have.
His fraud was what?
Trump University, to name one. He’s exaggerated his wealth for decades. He eats his steaks well done with ketchup and he doesn’t like dogs, all are as relevant as the Warren injun thing. Which is not at all.
The Indian stuff will hurt her chances relative to others because she made herself look like a fool. Most politicians are frauds to one degree or another but it’s rare to see them unmasked so publicly.
Actually the Trump U thing did smell pretty bad. I am not sure if there was anything hinkey going on there or not but it did have a smell.
Never-the-less he has performed well in office and done things I never dreamed would get done supplying countless excuses for a zillion people to use ‘to be sure’s.
Warren, on the other hand, would not perform well. There is no national market for used flaming pinkos from Massachusetts. I have a better chance of winning than she does.
I am hoping they trot out Hillary again.
“I am hoping they trot out Hillary again.”
Well, Hillary is most certainly running again. In fact, there’s never been a time when she’s NOT been running again. She just announced that she is, again, in the last couple of days and people still ignore it. Whether she gets the nomination again is another thing, it’s a lot less likely than last time, but it’s still not unlikely in my opinion. Hillary will make the point, backed up by a significant portion of the rest of the party, that she is the ‘centrist’ in the party and that the far left have no chance of beating Trump. She will be right on that, of course. Biden will then announce he’s in and that he’s the real centrist candidate. Biden will then meet with an unfortunate accident and that’s how we get Hillary/Trump redux.
The fact that Warren lied about being an Indian for 30-ish years in order to gain favor from it is irrelevant? And exaggerating your wealth for decades isn’t fraud, it’s being an annoying braggart.
The Trump University thing sounds like an actual issue, and yet no one talks about it because RUSSIANS!!!11!!
What favor did she gain?
I get the use anything to keep a commie out of power angle, and I get that it’s funny to call her Lieawatha but as far as being a serious issue I don’t see it If the only thing stopping the original “you didn’t build that” girl is cultural appropriation then we are well and truly fucked.
“What favor did she gain?”
Like, I get you have your whole “pox on both your houses” thing going, and that’s fine, but it’s a pretty basic part of the whole Warren story that she used “I’m a Cherokee” to get affirmative action points in her academic career.
Poor innocent Liz. Never done a damn thing wrong. I guess it’s the patriarchy that makes me think she’s untrustworthy and not a good presidential candidate…or anything candidate.
Poor innocent Liz. Never done a damn thing wrong
Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m saying. And I’m the one who argues in bad faith.
Stiffing contractors, Trump University, for starters.
“A man who will cheat WITH you will cheat ON you.”
Anyhoo, right now he’s making the right people mad, so I am enjoying the show.
I am not so sure about the stiffing contractors and bankruptcy bit. Can you imagine every flavor of crook in the world lining up from here to the horizon with their hand out demanding you pay them for the privilege of being allowed to build a hotel or casino? I imagine a lot of those ‘fuck off, you aren’t getting paid’s were well deserved.
I have friends in the construction industry. The kinds of financial shenanigans that go on routinely in that sector are astounding. When I heard that Trump stiffed some of his contractors, half of me thought “Asshole!” and the other half thought “Wait a tic — they probably deserved it.”
It doesn’t help clear things up when you get union crap happening at the same time, either.
Yeah my brother is a project manager, I’m sure if he ever runs for office there will be dozens of people in the media talking about him “ripping them off” or “cheating them”.
Dad was an independent contractor electrician. There was one job about 20 years ago when he was working under another contractor where he insisted on getting paid cash. The other guy ran into financial difficulties and or was committing wholesale fraud, and left his business tits up stiffing other tradesmen to the tune of five figures.
From the morning links, I’m glad to see that people are finally waking up to the threat posed by the gaytriarchy. But I’m still waiting for recognition of the even more pernicious threat posed by the (((gaytriarchy))).
I hope you posted that while wearing a cowboy hat.
Didn’t get a chance to visit the site until now, but i got to say, those morning links were fire.
“creating people without their consent is wrong”
He’s not wrong.
“we have to make a baby in order to be able to ask it’s consent”
Luckily my kid is predisposed to happiness, so I get a get-out-of-jail-free card.
I have a cold. So I am drinking gin and tonics with lime. Citrus is good for colds, right?
Plop one of those Emergen-C things in there to make it fizzy. Or an Alka-Seltzer cold.
Or make what I call the ‘Cosby-Colada’: 3 parts vodka, 2 parts NyQuil. Garnish with diphenhydramine.
Clear your schedule for most of the next day.
Tres, I think you have a problem.
That sounds like just the thing to pummel you into dreamless unconsciousness.
You mean like Roofinex ?
Citrus is good for colds, right?
(What my spousal unit always says to me when I say something dumb to her.)
Black tea, honey, lemon, and whiskey/whisky/Water of Life.
I think I have the ingredients for that.
Just don’t mix with Tylenol.
Yeah, mix it with vicoden.
Pshaw! Oxycontin is the obvious choice here.
Meh, make it some sort of barbiturate, like seconal. You’re good to go.
*takes notes*
“Red and blue Tuinal, lipstick red Seconal”
The wife just brought that up.
Yeah, Tulip is right, don’t mix this with Tylenol.
Vitamin C is good for colds. You should start taking it early on, like as soon as you develop symptoms. Getting hammered on whisky will also make you feel a lot better, until the next day. If you have a bacterial infection, like a sore throat, I swear that drinking 100 proof whiskey straight will help kill it off. Some people will say it does not work, but I’m pretty sure it does.
I am a firm believer in the healing powers of medicinal whiskey. Also, for some reason, I’ve found upping my usual hot sauce dosage helps a sore throat, and drinking pot after pot of black coffee is good for everything fever-related, although that’s pretty much what I do all the time anyway so it’s hard to tell.
I love extremely spicy food when I’m sick. It seems to help the sinuses drain. My favorite sick-time meal is a bowl of soba noodle soup with meat, soft-boiled eggs, and a ton of peppers and hot sauce in the broth.
Damn, I gotta get some ramen. Throw some veggies in the mix, and add some Frank’s Hot Sauce.
Yeah, I know that’s probably horrific to you. Too bad.
I ain’t no culinary purist, brah. Nothing wrong with Frank’s Red Hot in ramen. I typically use some extremely hot “Hydra” sauce that I bought at the Jungle Jim’s “Weekend of Fire” hot sauce expo.
Dunno why, but alcohol makes my sore throats worse. *haz sadz*
There’s always been some type of tonic recommended when you’re not feeling well, amirite?
Good for everything.
When I have a cold I stick a bottle of peppermint schnapps in the freezer. The icy-cold liquor feels good on my sore throat and after a while I don’t care if I’m sick or not.
Vodka works in a similar manner.
Submitted without comment.
Is it cultural appropriation to learn to code if you’re not Navajo?
-1 windtalkers
Spawn 1 just sent picture of him at the range cradling an FN FS2000 with a big grin on his face.
I don’t remember college being like that…
Millenials, amirite?
Whatcha gonna do?
Not talk to the cops?
I do. As soon as I got out of the dorms and had my own place I kept my guns with me. I would sneak off a couple of times per week to an abandon gravel pit.
You did a good job.
I had a roommate on the pistol team. So yeah, it was like that. She was really good and actually expected to make the Olympic team, but ended up not going to the tryouts because she got pregnant and married. Her boyfriend was also on the pistol team.
Another victim of the patriarchy.
More proof that the penis is evil.
Yeah, I kept my Model 10 and shotgun at the campus cop’s lockup, but he also sent me pics of an AR and a Chiappa Badger.
Just glad he’s having fun!
Heh, sounds like you raised him right.
I shot with the rifle team at Tennessee most weeks. I wouldn’t keep my pistol in the dorm mainly because it would have been stolen: I kept it in a locker at the campus police station and checked it in and out every week and was never met with anything other than generous courtesy, walked over a mile to the range one way with it in my pack, all of this before I was 21. I probably went through a pallet of DCM ammo over those years.
I did everything you might image during college (legal, illegal, or illicit) except go to class.
Wasn’t Rogan episode with Dorsey sponsored by Square, a company founded and run by Dorsey? Maybe that’s why there wasn’t much pushback from Rogan.
Do people remember that when Trump won the election, before Russia, the media attempted to discredit his victory by claiming he was aided by fake news? And how the legacy media and Democrats were using it to attack alternative media outlets, and how some people quietly warned how dangerous this was but were drowned about by the reeing? The LA Times doesn’t. Memory holed.
Pepperidge Farm remembers the left starting the whole “fake news” thing.
What could possibly go wrong??
Yeah, my immediate thought is that everyone in power is glomming onto this “fake news” hysteria because it’s a convenient excuse to propagandize. Trump may be the only one using it in some manner approaching accuracy.
Thats how you know just how fucked we are. One of the biggest liars ever is more truthful than most.
“One of the biggest liars ever”
Obama laughs.
It is shit like this that few Americans are aware of that have them believing life in other countries is more or less like life in the US. It isnt. We are the freest country by far.
La Tiempo is a POS of a paper. I stopped reading it because it led me to yell out loud at the paper. The other patrons of Starbucks who weren’t homeless would get concerned. My prog buddy assumed it was right wing because why else would a libertarian read it? Actually wrote in a few times, but they only print proggy letters. At least it likely got me on a government list or something.
I did get the Dayton Daily News to print my letter that basically said, “There is no ‘War on Women’. Men are the only ones who must register for the draft. Men are routinely fleeced in divorce court and go to jail if they are unable to pay. Men comprise the majority of homelessness, workplace deaths, and incarcerations. It’s true that some politicians are out of touch with the concerns of female voters, but to call this a ‘War on Women’ is a absurd exaggeration.”
I was impressed that actually got printed.
OT: New avatar is one of my dogs – the goofy-ass male. Made the Brennan comment even funnier in my opinion.
Chocolate lab?
German Short-hair Pointer.
Ah! He’s got a little Pudelpointer in him. That’s the dog in my avatar.
A friend just got a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. I’m smitten.
“They concluded that a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage would likely reduce overall employment from 0.5 percent to 1.2 percent.”
Hmmm, math:
2.7% of workers in 2016 earned the minimum wage.
So, if the minimum wage goes up, about 0.8% of the workforce are out of a job, and the remaining 1.9% of minimum wage workers get 10% more?
Yeah, that is compassionate as fuck towards poor people.
They really see no moral difference whatsoever between work and the dole. Until we figure out a way to fight that, there’s no use in even arguing with these types about this stuff.
” no moral difference whatsoever between work and the dole”
That is the heart of it. I believe that they have no morals at all so they dont understand that there is a difference. Many times I have seen them express confusion over why moral people behave the way they do. They dont get it cuz’ they dont got it.
What angers me about the minimum wage canard is that the majority of people below the poverty line are those who are permanently unemployed. The next largest category is those with only part-time or seasonal work. The smallest category by far is those who are employed full-time year round (source: an article on TOS from many years ago).
That suggests that there’s a permanent underclass of people who can’t ever break into the labor market at all. They end up dependent on handouts, which is of course progressing towards nothing. Even at a low-wage job, you’re getting experience and a good reference. Living on welfare just suspends people in idleness while their work ethic rots away.
Minimum wages raise the bar for employment, as do other forms of mandatory compensation like the employer mandate of Obama”Care”. These things just fuck poor people out of their chance to step onto the ladder of gainful employment.
Foreseeable consequences are not unintended. It is called ‘keeping them on the plantation’.
If you want to see what the left has in mind for our country simply take a look at the USSR.
Their problem is that they want a utopia where everyone should have everything they need and want regardless of their own efforts. But they have no idea what that would entail. So everything they would do to try to achieve that would only make it more impossible. The only way we are ever getting into a state like that is through gains in technology to the extent that everything is nearly free. And we’re only getting there through more free market capitalism. Instead they come up with insane ideas like the Green New Deal. That even sounds stupid. And what it would achieve is to land us back in the dark ages, literally. The reason they do this is that all their ideas, instead of being focused on their said goals, are instead focused on their own personal power.
Yea, I’ve run into that problem with them a lot. They think that money is just arbitrarily handed out in random amounts. And as a corollary, they believe that poor people always deserve more and rich people always deserve less. I think everybody knows a person who is poor because they just make shit-stupid decisions and won’t lift a finger to improve their situation.
I used to be apartment neighbors with a guy who makes decent money as a professional chef, but he blows it all on alcohol and drugs. The mailman brought a heap of mail to his door one time and said, “This is the last time”. The guy had not checked his mail in months. That’s how irresponsible he is with regards to basic life management.
The goal should be an economic system where everyone can get as wealthy as they want with sufficient effort and talent, not one where incomes are “equal”. Why should incomes be equal with vastly unequal talent and work ethic?
Uh. Yeah.
“but he blows it all on alcohol and drugs”
I assume he wastes the rest of it?