In the early links i asked about how to answer a guy i was arguing with when he used a Brazilian mining disaster as a reason why we need heavily regulated capitalism.
I explained how that industry was heavily regulated and the incident still happened and spoke about regulatory capture.
Here is the answer he gave:
JBurke has his facts more or less correct, but draws the completely incorrect conclusion. Government regulation is inefficient, tends to corruption, and frequently obsesses over the irrelevant while ignoring the truly dangerous threats. This is true whether that government is Brazilian, Chinese or American; the difference lies in the degree.
Where he has it absolutely wrong, as does Trump, is that the correct fix is to eliminate regulation. Left to its own unfettered devices, the private sector will not magically and altruistically opt for policies that protect and preserve the environment and the health and safety of their employees. There is zero logic in this assertion and no empirical evidence that supports it. All the support for that argument is the concept that bad stuff happens even with regulation, so why bother to regulate? This is completely and obviously fallacious reasoning.
We do not need less regulation, and we do not need simply more regulation. We need better, more intelligent regulation that focuses on the real threats and does not regulate simply for the sake of regulating something.
How do we achieve that? It is not easy. In a small-d democratic society, it will be replete with missteps and misdirected efforts. Unneeded regulations will persist simply because of bureaucratic inertia. Still, slowly and clumsily, a free society not dominated by private self-interests will tend to arrive at solutions that work. We will learn from our mistakes. The Brazilians will, too.
What we cannot do is allow free competition to operate in the way that the most successful company is that which achieves greatest success by ignoring the welfare of society in favor of its own profits. When that occurs, economic Darwinism guarantees that only that kind of company survives, until the pain to society becomes so great that a major governmental response is required.
So we need regulation, and we also need not to defend it blindly. We need to strive to make it better, not simply bigger, and recognize that government is like the private sector in that it has its own motivations which are not congruent with what is best for society. As has been said many times, it is a terrible system, but it’s the best one yet devised.
on February 9, 2019 at 7:41 pm
Regulation is not needed if rights are harmed, those are just laws. The problem becomes when you don’t have a loser pays court system where the poor bear the brunt of the cost for suing the wealthy and where rights get muddled with the problem of land that isn’t privately owned.
Someone (I think staff) posted this early. Enjoy the frustration of arguing with an idiot who doesn’t want to see the clear outcome of their wishes. Five years have a better grasp of actions and consequences.
Gustave Lytton
on February 9, 2019 at 7:45 pm
Straff. Stupid auto correct
on February 9, 2019 at 7:54 pm
Convincing the listener it is possible to believe laissez-faire economic theory and still be a reasonably decent and humane person.
Good luck with that.
on February 9, 2019 at 7:46 pm
This is why we need smart folks running things. 😉
juris imprudent
on February 9, 2019 at 7:57 pm
Smart folks that don’t just believe that regulations can be made better, slowly, but actually have the ability to say WHY that *could* be true, and what it would depend on. Unfortunately, all we get from these folks is the blind faith they accuse “believers” in free markets of having.
Projection is a helluva crutch.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:46 pm
Always a lot of caveats with regulations
on February 9, 2019 at 7:48 pm
All I’m seeing in that word salad is “we need better Top Men”.
But Enough About Me
on February 9, 2019 at 8:10 pm
Correct. This is simply a variation on “that wasn’t true socialism!” If this guy wants to impose his religious eschatology on everybody else, he could at least have the decency to pick one with a better pedigree. Call him out for the fact that he’s depending on the Obvious Fallacy rather than logical argumentation, and then mock his pretentious ass mercilessly.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:24 pm
That’s like when the tailings dam failed a few years ago her in our home Province. Regulations won’t stop poor engineering practices. We’re already one of the most highly regulated jurisdictions on the planet but if the powers that be sign off on a stupid idea, whelp, c’est la vie! As an aside. they,ve been studying the effects of the failure and can’t find any but they’re sure as hell gonna keep at it until they do.
Rebel Scum
on February 9, 2019 at 8:18 pm
on February 9, 2019 at 8:02 pm
The bad doesn’t drive out the good. With open competition, the good drives out the bad. Don’t like how Walmart treats its employees? Then shop at Target or Amazon or any “woke” company. You, the customer, are in charge and can make immediate change by withdrawing your custom from those who sell shoddy products, pollute the air, or hire racists to run their coffee shop. It isn’t so easy to change the government, as the one way ratchet operates no matter how corrupt or inefficient the pols become.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:30 pm
This. They want to pretend that all the horror stories about past racism and environmental damage are transferable to today when in fact that is completely false, because of a combination of better technology and changing culture. Appeals to government authority need to be tempered by the fact that the government very often doesn’t have anyone’s best interest in mind other than the government.
Rebel Scum
on February 9, 2019 at 8:37 pm
government very often doesn’t have anyone’s best interest in mind other than the government.
Which this person acknowledged. “The government is corrupt so what we need is more government.” What’s that saying about insanity?
on February 9, 2019 at 8:35 pm
Yes, but in a market you can only control your own decisions. Where as through politics, you can force everyone else to go along with them.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:18 pm
My father, a mining engineer, is one of if not the leading expert in the world on earth-fill dams. When tailings dams break, and they often do, his phone rings off of the hook. When this most recent one broke I asked him what went wrong.
” You have to stand there watching everything they do or they will fuck it up. Eventually you have to sleep. They wait until you aren’t looking and then they (workers) do it the way they think it ought to be done.”
The last one in Brazil that broke they had tried to hire him to build it but he knew the operation and wouldn’t touch it with a mile long pole. Sure enough, he was right.
Regulations are just words on paper. No mining company wants a disaster. Competence is what is in short supply. Without that all of the regulations in the world mean jack shit.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:25 pm
Hey Suthen. The other day you mentioned LA tupelo honey that can’t be called tupelo.
I am interested in getting some. Do you know of any apiaries that sell online?
on February 9, 2019 at 8:23 pm
I say that if miners are killed, then thier families should be able to beat the owner to death, and his family,in a public square. Fucking employers.
In fact you should be able to pick an employer and beat the fuck out of them just for fun.
I’d gladly burn this whole fucking thing to ground and return to an agrarian society. At least then my survival is up to me and not some cunt from HR.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 9, 2019 at 8:27 pm
Or you could just, you know, be an entrepreneur.
Pan Zagloba
on February 9, 2019 at 9:14 pm
So sell clubs to said families?
on February 9, 2019 at 9:11 pm
The answer to you misses the issue of incentives and the rule of law. If your friend believes humans respond to incentives this may work. If it doesn’t then don’t bother.
Let’s assume mining corporation is run by greedy bastards who are indifferent to human life and suffering. If the civil justice system allows for tort lawsuits then the injured and the families of the dead can sue for damages. if the corp’s conduct is worse then negligent (i.e. reckless or intentional) then punitive damages can be added. This is a greedy corporation so they have to factor in legal damages to the cost of building the dam poorly or well.
My guess is the rejoinder is something like, “well, these are poor people. The financial value of their lives may be low enough that the calculation is it’s worth dispensing with safety measures.” In other words, it’s the Ford Pinto all over again. If that really is what has happened then you are into reckless or intentional conduct. Punitive damages get added. Punitive damages are designed to punish. Let’s say a hundred lives were lost and they were worth $10,000 each. That’s a million dollars in damages. It would have cost $5 million to properly construct the damn. A jury can award an additional $5MM, or $10MM or some other amount to punish the corporation appropriately. They now have a financial incentive to ever engage in this misconduct again.
It is also a warning to every other mining corporation. Do this and you too are going to get hit for big money. In other words, the prize isn’t worth the price. Greedy corporation responds by implementing safety measures because they are less expensive than the lawsuit.
The remains of the Sandy Hook kids would like a word.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:37 pm
they’re policy was to use what turned out to be deadly force to enforce the ridiculous prohibition on selling loosies. Yeah, this is a perfectly apt situation to discuss the morality of killing people to enforce such inane bans. Never mind the hypocrisy of the progs, that’s a separate issue.
When I argue with lefties, they seem to assume 100 percent compliance with these types of bans. In reality, there’s almost no compliance and the cops use petty and trivial laws to justify rousting anyone they “feel” is a criminal. They then punish these “wrong doers” via the petty laws for the imagined unseen crimes they have imputed upon the perp. This is a major factor with traffic laws. If you are in a statistically highly represented group (whether it’s race, age, socio-economic class or style of dress,) then you are subject to all the punishment by process they can muster.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:43 pm
It’s funny because when the DOJ issues reports after these types of situations, like in Ferguson, they note just that fact. But there solution is something stupid like hire more black cops rather than just repeal all the petty bullshit that gets people caught up in the system so easily.
on February 9, 2019 at 7:56 pm
What a shitshow. What we need is an obese white guy with a heart condition to be police-brutalitied for selling loosies and maybe the “conversation” can move forward.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:16 pm
Come on. You know better than that. That’s a story the media won’t cover. Too local.
juris imprudent
on February 9, 2019 at 8:01 pm
Oh, I see the problem, it was a Republican making reference to the death of a black man for a political purpose and not abjectly apologizing for his white, cis-, patriarchal, shitlordness as he is supposed to do.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:24 pm
Stupid tax laws led to an unnecessary interaction with cops, that led to Eric Gardner dying of an asthma attack.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:39 pm
-1 internet for not making it clear which soapbox you’re standing on.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:52 pm
Free health care would have prevented Eric’s death. He was only selling loosies to make money to pay his medical bills.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:01 pm
Now why would you want me to blow whiskey through my nose?
on February 9, 2019 at 9:04 pm
This was, if I’m not mistaken, an actual argument made by those on the left who simultaneously scolded people who said it was about cigarette laws.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:07 pm
There was something for everybody to hate in that incident.
Anyone who has an issue with Deadheads is only prejudiced from what they imagine Deadheads to be. You can’t seriously know a significant number of Deadheads and think anything but these are the nicest, most generous, kindest fun-loving people you’ll ever meet.
on February 10, 2019 at 12:12 am
I don’t have a problem with Deadheads. I have a problem with the Grateful Dead. Their music is awful.
Everybody has their own taste in music. The Deadheads can love it. I just can’t stand the band.
on February 10, 2019 at 12:49 am
Back in college I was very briefly friends with a deadhead chick. I don’t even remember how I met her; I hung out with the goth kids. Got stoned in her room and listened to you-know-who. It didn’t take. But yeah – I agree with this. Nice people, even if I don’t care for the music.
on February 10, 2019 at 1:18 am
I hang around with quite a few Deadheads and all are great people.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:00 pm
For those who were following my pup’s tumor tribulations, we got the results back and they were excellent! Look like we’ll be getting some more time with the coolest PON on earth!
Our dog is elderly, going blind, and has arthritis. 🙁 But his disposition doesn’t seem to have changed, as he’s still extremely friendly and loyal to Dad.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:32 pm
That is great news. Amazing really. That doesnt happen very often. Cancer is a real bitch for dogs.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:38 pm
That’s dogamn great!
on February 9, 2019 at 8:53 pm
Nice! I worry about my two older boys but then again I try not to dwell on it. They’re fat and happy and when the time comes I’ll deal.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:04 pm
Same with my two getting fat and old kitties.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:46 pm
That’s great news for both of you.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:15 pm
Alright! Glad you two can spend some more time together.
Watching a documentary about Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood and they immediately have to make it political about Trump.
50 years from now, people will look back at this and wonder what went wrong with people’s minds.
Also, we’re so fucked.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:09 pm
Well, he is going to kill Big Bird and truss, roast and serve him for the White House Thanksgiving dinner circa 2017.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:32 pm
he is going to kill Big Bird
Pretty sure that Reagan actually since Spinney was at one point going to fly on the Challenger mission which blew up.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:27 pm
Nah it will be considered righteous like all the pop culture jibes at Nixon.
I mean Star Wars was a jibe at Nixon but that was okay but new Star Wars is woke which is bad.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:33 pm
Star Wars did not rub your face in it. Even if you knew that the Rebels were the Viet Don’t, and the Empire America, it didn’t ruin the movies by merely implying it. The wokeness ruined Episode IX. They even killed off Ackbar to make sure that the purple haired SJW analog got command.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:40 pm
The prequals were so shitty that no one even bothers to talk about how they were really retarded and childish attempts to skewer Dubyah.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:42 pm
Viet Don’t,
The wokeness ruined Episode IX.
Edit fairy you are our only hope!
the purple haired SJW analog got command.
I find it interesting how a guy who follows a woman leader needs to be taught to Listen To Women.
And how in the Woke Progressive Military you are expected to mindlessly obey authority figures even if they slap you, belittle you, condescend to you, keep you in the dark when you are at risk of dying and pull rank when challenged cuz Women.
Meanwhile the Evil Space Neo-Nazi White Men are perfectly willing to challenge authority if they don’t like them.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:46 pm
For real, I thought it was hilarious how much The Resistance acted like ye olde Empire while the First Order were more…”flexible” when it came to their orders.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:56 pm
Also the Resistance is fine with suicide missions while the First Order is concerned about needlessly sacrificing its men in pointless attacks. WTF?
on February 9, 2019 at 9:00 pm
An interesting critique of the Sequels is the First Order should have been a terrorist group engaging in guerilla warfare against the New Republic and taking advantage of its internal weaknesses rather than just the Empire rehashed.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:30 pm
Especially considering how the immediately previously released Rogue One has a ragtag bunch go AWOL after getting shutdown by older female authority figure and they are proven correct for having done so.
Not a ton, but in the beginning they start taking pot shots about the Wall and fear/xenophobia right off the bat.
Nevermind the fact that Mr. Rogers would have to be destroyed nowadays because he was a Republican.
Not an Economist
on February 9, 2019 at 10:20 pm
I got a friend (family) who is very “woke”. She shared a Facebook post stating Treason — get it???– desire to end the Aids epidemic by focusing on ending transmission of the virus is code for
Criminalization of lgbt lives, doubling down on abstinence education in school, and reduction in funding for PLWHIV.
I swear Trump could come up with a cure for all cancer and they would find a reason to make it sinister.
Semi-Spartan Dad
on February 9, 2019 at 8:12 pm
It’s been a long few days, but well worth it. We welcomed our second son into the SSD family. Textbook delivery and both mom and kid are doing great.
It’s been funny watching the GSDs around him. Every time he cries, our two female dogs who had litters before come running to help. The male goes on high alert looking all around for the threat. Seems like he’s already been accepted into the pack.
Oh man, congratulations. I’m so happy for you and your family!
I’ll never forget when we brought Spawn 1 home from the hospital. Our GSD had been with us for more than 5 years and was used to her prominent role.
Night one, I was looking for her, as she always sleep by our bed. Go into the kid’s room and she was curled up next to the crib.
Dogs (and kids) are awesome.
Gustave Lytton
on February 9, 2019 at 8:21 pm
on February 9, 2019 at 8:22 pm
Excellent! Congrats on the newest member of the Semi-Spartan pack! Sounds like the the dogs have it all figured out already.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:29 pm
That is a cool story
on February 9, 2019 at 8:32 pm
on February 9, 2019 at 8:36 pm
Congrats on the new spawn. Glad the dogs are already taking a liking to him too!
on February 9, 2019 at 8:37 pm
on February 9, 2019 at 8:40 pm
Yay! Another shitlord for the machine! Congrats, SSD!
on February 9, 2019 at 8:58 pm
And a shout out to the grand parents as well. Good job! to the missus and you!
on February 9, 2019 at 9:00 pm
No one is going to ask? No one at all?
Did you guys even get the baby’s consent before birthing it?
on February 9, 2019 at 9:03 pm
Next time it shits its pants, it could be engaging in a normal bodily function. Or it could be passively resisting your decision.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:10 pm
Semi-Spartan Dad
on February 9, 2019 at 9:20 pm
Thanks everyone. It’s nice to be back at home. I took next week off from work and am looking forward to that.
They gave my wife her choice of a) nitrous oxide b) narcotics c) a+ b or d) epidural. She chose d. I’m more in favor of laughing gas and narcotics over a painful needle being jabbed in my spine, but that’s just me. When the epidural started leaking, the anesthesiologist was quick to mention it wasn’t cerebrospinal fluid. We got a kick out of that.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:27 pm
Congrats. Hope you manage to get some sleep. When mine was under three, I never got to sleep for more than two hours at a time.
My entirely non-racist Dad made a joke about why so many Black folk have that gap in their teeth – “So they can spit the watermelon seeds easier!”
on February 9, 2019 at 8:46 pm
Damn, clicked on the link and the first thing I see is a Tom Steyer ad imploring me to help impeach Trump.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:49 pm
Peach fo-fi!
Count Potato
on February 9, 2019 at 10:24 pm
I like how Micheal Strahan’s “response” was recorded before Trump gave his speech. She was “responding” to a speech she never heard.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:15 pm
Dinner tonight is lazy fare. Taco casserole. Left over taco meat on top of a bed of corn chips in a casserole dish. Layer on some chunky salsa, sweet frozen corn, leftover mashed potatoes, top with cheeses of your own desire and a generous sprinkling of Spanish paprika. Bake in the oven at 350 until the cheese starts to brown. I’m lazy like that.
Tres Cool
on February 9, 2019 at 8:20 pm
Crack chicken, 2 hillshire farm cheddar brauts, extra mayo and mustard.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:51 pm
Leftover instant pot beef stew. I’m easing into a coma now.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:58 pm
We’re getting our own polar vortex bullshit now so some kind of comfort food is on the menu. Wifey had to go out in the -30 + windchill to deal with horse blankets.
Yea, except he’s also on record admitting that it was him and apologizing for it.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:30 pm
Pffft. That was yesterday. No one remembers that.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:16 pm
Going to go with a slightly modified version of this for dinner as I love Portuguese food and have all of these ingredients in the pantry or fridge. Wish I had some vinho verde to go with it.
So the notoriously retarded AOC is really backing away from her Green New Deal. She deleted the shit she posted on her own blog, and has her staff telling lies that even Trump knows are too ridiculous even for his more ardent fans:
On Feb. 5, the congressional office of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a new blog entry under “energy issues” detailing her “Green New Deal” proposal and answering “frequently asked questions.”
The page, announcing an 8:30 a.m. launch on Feb. 7, is now gone, and a top adviser suggested Friday it was actually authored and distributed by the GOP.
By the afternoon of Feb. 7, Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., removed the document from her website without explanation but following backlash and even ridicule over the radical plans outlined within it, including a call to “eliminate emissions from cows or air travel” — which would functionally ban the latter — and to provide “economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”
The document vanished just hours after Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., formally unveiled a “Green New Deal” resolution that has so far attracted 67 Democratic co-sponsors in the House. It’s a nonbinding measure that is less detailed than the now-deleted FAQ document but calls for a complete and speedy overhaul of the nation’s energy, transportation, and farming sectors in order to eliminate carbon emissions in the coming decades.
Robert Hockett, professor of law and finance at Cornell University, appearing on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” called the contents of the now-missing blog post “some kind of document that somebody other than us has been circulating.”
Hockett said Ocasio-Cortez does not endorse the idea of paying people “unwilling to work” and does not want to ban airplane travel.
He said Ocasio-Cortez “tweeted it out to laugh at it.”
He added, “It seems apparently some Republicans have put it out there.”
on February 9, 2019 at 8:36 pm
Does back-pedaling work when you ride one of those hipster-douche fixies?
on February 9, 2019 at 8:40 pm
I’m surprised they didn’t just go with Russian troll hackers at work again.
Rebel Scum
on February 9, 2019 at 8:51 pm
Commence memory-hole sequence.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:01 pm
1984 came and went and AOC missed it.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:21 pm
The anti-hydrocarbons people have no clue what they are talking about. Hydrocarbons dont just give us energy. They give us paint, plastic, fabrics, medications, rubber, countless industrial chemicals, and are used to power factories, sawmills, retail stores and power plants that power literally everything. Cars are not the main mode of transport powered by hydrocarbons, trucks are. Everything you need to live and every luxury item you have is brought to you in a truck. Trucks haul crops out of the fields, ore out of the mines, timber out of the woods. Hydrocarbons power mills, machine shops,
This notion of completely getting off of hydrocarbons is an impossible dream by someoe with a third grade understanding of the subject. Unicorn farts, bird blenders and solar panels with a less than 3% efficiency are not going to cut it. Cow farts are just recycled grass. The methane is typically consumed by bacteria in wetlands where it soon becomes grass again.
The global warming scam is a scam alright but crazy eyes has brought it to a whole new level. Everything that makes the modern world not be a late iron age Mad-Max world would be destroyed. It is insanity.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:29 pm
Wait, wait, wait, you don’t like the green new deal? Well, then it must have been Republicans who wrote it. Yeah, that’s it.
There’s no way a Republican could have written the original, because a Republican could never have been brave enough to put the word “farts” in a document.
The only way to settle this is have Shadowcat fight Star-Lord.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:44 pm
Can we have Kitty Pride fight Emma Frost in a surrender match instead? *drifts off to sleep*
on February 9, 2019 at 10:50 pm
I like the way you think.
Rebel Scum
on February 9, 2019 at 8:33 pm
I’m getting caught up on ‘The Orville’ and ‘Last Man Standing’ and I just saw a commercial for ‘Captain Marvel’. I was never into comics but I am familiar with them and many of the characters. I must say i think something is a bit off about the cinematic portrayal of Captain Marvel.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:35 pm
It’s because Marvel has to use it to undo Infinity Wars
on February 9, 2019 at 8:43 pm
A lot of the anti-SJW youtubers are trashing Captain Marvel and Brie Larson so you are not the only one.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:47 pm
“Where have you gone Billy Batson? Our nation turns its hungry eyes to you…”
on February 9, 2019 at 8:48 pm
Brie Larson is Marvel’s Captain Marvel while Billy Batson is DC’s Captain Marvel. Confusing isn’t it?
Also, the Shazzam movie is gonna suck, WB has all the DC properties under one roof and can’t do as good of a job as Marvel who sold off it’s biggest stars, sad.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:55 pm
That looks really bad.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:04 pm
Did Billy make a deal with the Devil?
on February 9, 2019 at 9:10 pm
Well all that blasphemy about Greek gods didn’t come from the one true God, so probably?
I know that’s the actress, but all I noticed in that clip was Brandon Routh. but now in a gay way.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:54 pm
This Captain Marvel used to be Ms. Marvel, who had her powers stolen by Rogue leaving her comatose. But Jude Law is presumably playing the other Captain Marvel. So both exist, and the Fox deal isn’t done yet, so no Rogue…*nerd off*
*shoos orphans with tiny spades into the bug-out bus*
on February 9, 2019 at 8:53 pm
Here’s an interesting historical tidbit about the Eastland disaster that killed 845 people in the Chicago River.
Papa Bear George Halas worked for Western Electric at the time and was supposed to be on the ship for a company picnic, but he was running late and never boarded.
If Halas had been on that ship there may never have been the NFL or it may not have survived past the early rough years. For those who are into the NFL, I would recommend George’s autobiography Halas by Halas. It’s a very interesting read, especially about the early years of the NFL.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:37 pm
From the Wikipedia article on the Eastland:
During 1915, the new federal Seamen’s Act had been passed because of the RMS Titanic disaster three years earlier. The law required retrofitting of a complete set of lifeboats on Eastland, as on many other passenger vessels.[7] This additional weight may have made Eastland more dangerous by making it even more top-heavy. Some argued that other Great Lakes ships would suffer from the same problem.[7] Nonetheless, it was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.
Regulation FTW!
on February 9, 2019 at 8:55 pm
I am not a Beatles fanatic.
Right now I am obsessed with the HELP! album.
Man those guys could write a pop song. And the musicianship is very good. And they can harmonize like motherfuckers.
Sipping a little cocktail of bourbon, pomegranate juice, lime juice, egg whites. Shaken and served in a martini glass. My wife is trying a new recipe. It’s pretty good.
on February 9, 2019 at 8:57 pm
Sipping a little cocktail of bourbon, pomegranate juice, lime juice, egg whites. Shaken and served in a martini glass. My wife is trying a new recipe. It’s pretty good.
I might try that without the pomegranate juice, lime juice, and egg whites. And the martini glass.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:05 pm
I’m drinking one made your way right now. Pretty tasty.
+1 Bro recipe.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:10 pm
I’m having one the exact same way! Except with rye instead of bourbon.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:19 pm
I think Bro needs to post more recipes like this.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:01 pm
I am not a fanatic either, but I love a lot of their stuff. Revolver, Abbey Road and Let it Be, especially.
The HELP! movie is hilarious!
Your sports drink sounds good! Cheers, EDG!
on February 9, 2019 at 9:12 pm
Same, except Revolver and Rubber Soul. I don’t care for most of the stuff after Sgt. Pepper’s.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:25 pm
When it comes to the Beatles, I’m a white supremacist. Between the weeping guitar and crazy roller coaster ride, it’s got my favorite Beatles tunes.
Nice one! I had the pleasure of seeing him play that at the Warren Haynes Xmas Jam a couple years ago. I never heard him before the show and was amazed. Him and Warren started off the night with a beautiful rendition of Melissa.
If price had shown he was an actual musician before his career declined he might have been popular longer, but I think he got enough ‘fuck you’ money and just did what he wanted anyway.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:36 pm
I generally don’t find covers all that interesting. That’s a pretty good cover.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:27 pm
Cheers, Tundra!
on February 9, 2019 at 9:56 pm
When you have a chance, shoot me an email. I have an idea…
minnetundra at the don’t be evil fuckos.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:02 pm
Roger that
on February 9, 2019 at 10:12 pm
Since Here Comes The Sun was a topic of discussion around here yesterday (or a couple days ago, whatever), I’ll offer my opinion (usually considered heretical) I think the best songwriter among them was George Harrison. I think his songs have held up, while Lennon/McCartney’s often seem to be antiquated.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:37 pm
I’m not sure I’d go that far but Harrison was criminally under rated.
Anybody got some Memphis,TN dinner recommendations?
on February 9, 2019 at 9:37 pm
They have this local restaurant called McDonald’s, you gotta check it out!
on February 9, 2019 at 9:41 pm
McDonalds, eh? I don’t usually go for Scottish food, but I’m willing to give it a go. Thanks for the recommendation.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:51 pm
+1 Time After Time
on February 9, 2019 at 11:42 pm
Mmmm. Haggis.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:48 pm
So someone mentioned the BK King XL or whatever the hell it’s called the other day as “decent” so I decided to try one. Not the XL because I speculated that was going to be too much meat for me – just the regular. It was… exactly as I remembered from ten or twelve years ago, maybe with the same name or some other name. Nothing to write home about. Two patties, ketchup, some bacon and maybe some mayo. With fries and drink it came to over $10. I couldn’t finish it. For the same price I could have had Chipotle around the corner and been much happier. I can only conclude that something’s broken with the fast-food model when they’re charging the same as “fast casual”.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:52 pm
Yeah, I find the pricing odd as well. In L.A., you can get any number of decent, quality meals for the same price as fast food crap. I don’t know why anyone would go to a drive through, given that.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:01 pm
And there was a Five Guys a couple doors down that I probably hit a dozen times over the last few years, priced similarly and with much better food. I dunno why it closed but it wasn’t for lack of business. It’s a nail salon or some shit now.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:07 pm
The only way fast food makes sense for me is a road trip and not wanting to delay much and get moving. You can get all kinds of really good and inexpensive food in most cities that far surpasses most fast food. Except for Taco Bell ? That competes at a high level. It’s nothing like cheap taqueria Mexican, but it is its own kind of goodness.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:12 pm
Fastfood makes total sense when you’re a ‘man on the go’ confirmed bachelor. There ain’t never any actual food in my house, and I’m not going to stop at an actual restaurant on my way to work.
on February 10, 2019 at 4:59 am
My kids love it so we go to the King, Clown, or Ginger Girl every month or so as a treat if they’ve behaved at the pediatrician or during boring grown-up errands.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:53 pm
“For the same price I could have had Chipotle around the corner…”
and diarrhea for several days.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:44 pm
Filling in for Playa?
on February 9, 2019 at 9:59 pm
The fast food restaurants screwed the pooch by abandoning the $5 meals to try and be upriced for the foodies, but they all seem to have learned from that fiasco and are back to offering a $5 meal option. But really? You eat at Chipotle? Are you just asking to get slmanila? Is that on your Tinder Grinder profile, because that would be a lot cheaper.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:04 pm
I don’t have whatever biological defect that some of you seem to have which causes problems at Chipotle.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:07 pm
I just think the food is shitty. I’d take Moe’s over Chipolte. And I can’t figure out how the fuck Freebirds isn’t bigger than it is. I’d move back to Texas just for one more Freebirds super monster burrito.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:17 pm
I had to look up Moe’s. It doesn’t exist in Brooklyn, though it does in Manhattan. My area is pretty weak on Mexican chains. There’s probably holes in the wall I haven’t found but the trick is finding them.
There’s a Moe’s close to where I work in downtown Annapolis. It’s better than Chipotle, IMO, but nowhere near Baja Fresh. That’s my go-to for fast food Mexican.
I did a whitepaper for a class on Chipotle’s issues with food safety. To some extent, yeah, it’s piling on, because other chains have had similar issues, but to a large extent it’s also Chipotle’s mismanagement making those problems much worse than they need to be.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:29 pm
What was the underlying problem? Something about not keeping the ingredients heated properly IIRC?
Yeah, you’re probably right about mismanagement. It’s frankly impressive you don’t hear anything like this about the likes of BK or McD’s. They run a tight ship I bet. Their food is crap but at least nobody seems to get sick off it.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:47 pm
To be fair, I never ate there, and let the news scare me away. For a while (a decade +?) ago, there were so many report of Chipotle causing gastrointestinal issues, I shied away.
Instead, I started drinking again. That’s healthy, right?
Well, a couple things, but it seems to be a combo of their not testing well for contamination at their sources, issues with in-store food handling processes, and high turnover resulting in a lack of training in stores. Then, when issues did pop up, there were upper management issues that were exposed under the strain. Other places have had similar problems but seem to handle them better, or are better at preventing them.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:52 pm
+1 Jack in the Box
on February 10, 2019 at 4:55 am
Grrr, sorry for steering you wrong. The XL is the good one, the regular Big King is the same one you didn’t care for years earlier. Also, 5 Guys? I thought the burger was decent if a little greasy but the fries were just gross – fresh cut spuds need to be par-fried before being fried for service and they were not doing so, resulting is soft, oil-logged potato sticks.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:40 pm
Look for dive places and not touristy bullshit.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:43 pm
No shit.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:42 pm
It’s not in Memphis proper, but the Germantown Commissary has terrific ribs
on February 9, 2019 at 9:42 pm
Yeah, Gus’s chicken. Just had it tonight ( there’s one in Burbank.) It’s good and in Memphis as well.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:44 pm
on February 9, 2019 at 9:48 pm
Quality spicy fried chicken. It aint exactly highbrow, but it sure eats well. It started in Memphis and they recently branched out into L.A. I think they have one in Long Beach, also.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:07 pm
Don Escaped Texas
on February 9, 2019 at 11:28 pm
Still here? I wrote the definitive list of where to eat on here last week, but I have no idea how to find it.
Don Escaped Texas
on February 9, 2019 at 11:25 pm
It started in Mason.
on February 10, 2019 at 3:13 am
There’s a Gus’s in downtown Austin. Line out the door.
on February 9, 2019 at 9:40 pm
I got drunk to write tonight, but then I got side tracked by being drunk….looks for that scratching head emoji…it has to be somwhere on my keyboard…
Rebel Scum
on February 9, 2019 at 9:49 pm
I have found that I can be very productive while lit, but there is a fine line between “get-shit-done” drunk and “let’s-just-chill” drunk.
But Enough About Me
on February 9, 2019 at 9:58 pm
Yeah, and I usually stumble over that line and plant myself face first whilst mumbling inanities.
Huh, TIL there’s a Shaft movie coming out whose message seems to be man up, soyboys.
Old Men Yell At Millennials, or beginning of the counter-revolution? In either case, Samuel L Jackson and Richard Roundtree means this cannot be a complete waste of time so I’m in.
That’s retarded. Cooking frozen steaks is the best way to get a rare steak, why thaw it first? fucking animals!
on February 9, 2019 at 10:29 pm
My Grandma was a cook for forty years. The finger method, whatever schtoile you are cooking at is still the best. Just poke the gaddamn thing and you know how well done it is.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:37 pm
My meat thermometer is more accurate.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:44 pm
Gay boast?
on February 9, 2019 at 10:46 pm
It always is with ***them***
on February 9, 2019 at 10:40 pm
Hmm. I will try this soon. I have a number of t-bones in the freezer. I normally thaw them to room temperature and sear them on the grill. I’m curious to see what results I get with this method.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:42 pm
I hate doing them on the stove. Fucking messy!
on February 9, 2019 at 10:46 pm
We cover our gas stove top with tin foil. Doesn’t help with the rest of the rear but helps a little.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:48 pm
THIS. I’m a slob in many areas but my stove and counters are spotless. Drives me nuts when I see video of people cooking with oil splashing everywhere.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:18 pm
My culinary video pet peeve is when I see someone handling a raw chicken and touching the bottle of salad dressing (as marinade) with their hands still covered in raw chicken juice. You just contaminated that damn bottle! What are they going to do with that bottle now, put it back in the fridge and use it on salads?? If you’re using salad dressing as chicken marinade, squirt some into a teacup, put the bottle back in the fridge, THEN handle your chicken.
Let it be known that I’m not a food safety nanny. When I’m prepping a steak with oil and salt, my guilty pleasure is slicing off a little chunk and eating it raw. I’ve even cooked pork chops medium rare and loved it.
But you really shouldn’t mess around when it comes to raw chicken.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:29 pm
That ain’t no lie Akira. I’ve had salmonella before. From a cheap local chicken joint in Peru. It’s a terrible thing to have happen to your stomach and bowels. I would wish it on my worst enemy, but no one else.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:34 pm
Oh yeah, I’m very fastidious about washing my hands after touching meat. But seeing other people fail in that regard doesn’t grind my gears in the same way as more visible sloppiness for some reason.
on February 10, 2019 at 12:20 am
Heh. Gay-bo washes his hands after touching the meat.
on February 10, 2019 at 12:47 am
Took someone long enough.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:44 pm
I freeze my steaks in FoodSaver bags so this might work without setting my kitchen on fire. Might be worth a shot.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:58 pm
I must add that Grandma’s fingers were impervious to heat. She could pluck stuff from the deep fryer with nary a yelp. Learned her craft during WWII, cooking for soldiers. She was mean as fuck but I miss her more than my Mother.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:10 pm
Well, that is a handy talent I don’t share.
But yeah, I often see the finger method touted by cooking show cooks whom I frankly find to be a bit pretentious with their oh-so-cool attitude. Yeah, fuck you – I get perfect results with my thermometer every time without pawing my food.
Heroic Mulatto
on February 9, 2019 at 11:13 pm
Well, it’s like bartenders. You can use a jigger to measure out a drink perfectly every time, but if you’re working a busy bar – you don’t have time for that. You learn to eyeball it until the perfect pour becomes muscle memory. Having had two pro chefs in my life, it’s the same thing. The seconds saved add up.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:28 pm
Yep. I’m not a professional cook so I’ll stick with what works for me. It’s the attitude that pisses me off.
Count Potato
on February 9, 2019 at 11:41 pm
I worked a broiler at a steak house. One way to teach yourself is to tap the anatomical snuffbox of the other hand. It goes from rare (an open hand) to well-done (a closed fist).
on February 9, 2019 at 10:57 pm
This is the sort of science tax payers should be paying for.
on February 9, 2019 at 10:32 pm
I guess I can still ski after 20 years off, but not gonna win any medals. Great view of Fujisan from the lift.
Agreed. I used to travel like a crazy hobo when I was a kid and now I’ve turned into a snail. I swear if I didn’t need to work or buy beer I’d never leave the house again.
Heroic Mulatto is in great danger and he needs your help to post more Thicc Thursday articles. But to do this, he needs a Canadian pharmacy hook-up for Viagra and several bottles of grain alcohol. To help him, all he needs is for you to reply to this comment with your credit card number, the three digits on the back, and the expiration month and year. But you gotta be quick, so Heroic Mulatto can secure the thiccest Filipinas and achieve the EPIC VICTORY ROYAL!
on February 9, 2019 at 11:11 pm
Fuck off! I’m not falling for that one again.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:13 pm
You take food stamps?
Gustave Lytton
on February 9, 2019 at 11:16 pm
I have a couple loonies in a drawer somewhere. That’s the same thing, right?
on February 9, 2019 at 11:30 pm
Canadian money? Guess if you wanna buy some thicc syrup.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:32 pm
So that’s what you call your victims after de-limbing them. Gustave, “The Chiffarobe Killer”.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:36 pm
I think it’s what Canadians call roofies.
As for me, if I had access to 3 thicc Filipina and money to buy Viagara, why would I be hanging out here?
on February 9, 2019 at 11:40 pm
They’d be arguing amongst themselves in a glass-shattering screetch. You’d be glad to escape to this den of iniquity and squalour.
Count Potato
on February 9, 2019 at 11:35 pm
This is an obvious scam. I dated a thicker Filipina. Otoh, she was completely insane. YMMV.
on February 9, 2019 at 11:36 pm
on February 9, 2019 at 11:35 pm
Thanks for the terror Sea Smith?
on February 10, 2019 at 12:08 am
Wifey has appropriated the scotch glass she bought for me as a gift. Since I can’t get her a catcher’s mitt for Valentine’s Day, I’m going to get myself a good scotch glass. Any recommendations?
on February 10, 2019 at 12:13 am
I have one like this and it is a good vessel for nice whisky.
Pashaw! I’m not falling for that one again…also, maybe, first!
GIFs are back!
Bless you Steve Smith.
Because I was sloppy. Thank you Sea Smith.
P.S. I love the ass slapping GIF just in case you are feeling generous.
I have a thing for Lucy Lawless, so I might just watch this all night.
+1 Gordon Lightfoot
Way better than that song.
And the best cover.
Just to piss of MikeS
For Ted.
Not really. 🙂
Well played. Do you two get along at the S family reunions?
The best cover OF THE SONG I LINKED!!
You people…
Man, ya’ll read my mind and what a tale my thoughts told…
I was trying to stay on topic; but if we must.
How could Sea Smith forget this?
Just played that at work last night. Or did I? Fuck if I know, I’ve been awake too long…
Two plus years and I just see this now? Brilliant!
usually I get negative on a video for bad video, but this is just so on point, even the guy’s hair. BRILLIANT!
That was fun.
Way better than both those songs
Damn good song.
I think it’s a shame.
Ain’t it though?
I don’t care for no free highway
Muh road!
That was written about his then (or recent) GF, who later became John Belushi’s GF – the one who was with him until he died of a coke OD.
Hi Sea!
My great grandfather made it over on the Lusitania before you raped it.
I’m a living reminder of your failure!!
Don’t forget Gordon Lightfoot.
Guess I should read ALL the comments from time to time….
As open as a ship’s hull when SEA SMITH finish with it.
It was also posted last night.
I’ve got a Gordon Lightfoot Pandora channel.
One of my faves, gotta a couple Lightfoot albums.
In the early links i asked about how to answer a guy i was arguing with when he used a Brazilian mining disaster as a reason why we need heavily regulated capitalism.
I explained how that industry was heavily regulated and the incident still happened and spoke about regulatory capture.
Here is the answer he gave:
JBurke has his facts more or less correct, but draws the completely incorrect conclusion. Government regulation is inefficient, tends to corruption, and frequently obsesses over the irrelevant while ignoring the truly dangerous threats. This is true whether that government is Brazilian, Chinese or American; the difference lies in the degree.
Where he has it absolutely wrong, as does Trump, is that the correct fix is to eliminate regulation. Left to its own unfettered devices, the private sector will not magically and altruistically opt for policies that protect and preserve the environment and the health and safety of their employees. There is zero logic in this assertion and no empirical evidence that supports it. All the support for that argument is the concept that bad stuff happens even with regulation, so why bother to regulate? This is completely and obviously fallacious reasoning.
We do not need less regulation, and we do not need simply more regulation. We need better, more intelligent regulation that focuses on the real threats and does not regulate simply for the sake of regulating something.
How do we achieve that? It is not easy. In a small-d democratic society, it will be replete with missteps and misdirected efforts. Unneeded regulations will persist simply because of bureaucratic inertia. Still, slowly and clumsily, a free society not dominated by private self-interests will tend to arrive at solutions that work. We will learn from our mistakes. The Brazilians will, too.
What we cannot do is allow free competition to operate in the way that the most successful company is that which achieves greatest success by ignoring the welfare of society in favor of its own profits. When that occurs, economic Darwinism guarantees that only that kind of company survives, until the pain to society becomes so great that a major governmental response is required.
So we need regulation, and we also need not to defend it blindly. We need to strive to make it better, not simply bigger, and recognize that government is like the private sector in that it has its own motivations which are not congruent with what is best for society. As has been said many times, it is a terrible system, but it’s the best one yet devised.
Regulation is not needed if rights are harmed, those are just laws. The problem becomes when you don’t have a loser pays court system where the poor bear the brunt of the cost for suing the wealthy and where rights get muddled with the problem of land that isn’t privately owned.
Someone (I think staff) posted this early. Enjoy the frustration of arguing with an idiot who doesn’t want to see the clear outcome of their wishes. Five years have a better grasp of actions and consequences.
Straff. Stupid auto correct
Convincing the listener it is possible to believe laissez-faire economic theory and still be a reasonably decent and humane person.
Good luck with that.
This is why we need smart folks running things. 😉
Smart folks that don’t just believe that regulations can be made better, slowly, but actually have the ability to say WHY that *could* be true, and what it would depend on. Unfortunately, all we get from these folks is the blind faith they accuse “believers” in free markets of having.
Projection is a helluva crutch.
Always a lot of caveats with regulations
All I’m seeing in that word salad is “we need better Top Men”.
Correct. This is simply a variation on “that wasn’t true socialism!” If this guy wants to impose his religious eschatology on everybody else, he could at least have the decency to pick one with a better pedigree. Call him out for the fact that he’s depending on the Obvious Fallacy rather than logical argumentation, and then mock his pretentious ass mercilessly.
That’s like when the tailings dam failed a few years ago her in our home Province. Regulations won’t stop poor engineering practices. We’re already one of the most highly regulated jurisdictions on the planet but if the powers that be sign off on a stupid idea, whelp, c’est la vie! As an aside. they,ve been studying the effects of the failure and can’t find any but they’re sure as hell gonna keep at it until they do.
The bad doesn’t drive out the good. With open competition, the good drives out the bad. Don’t like how Walmart treats its employees? Then shop at Target or Amazon or any “woke” company. You, the customer, are in charge and can make immediate change by withdrawing your custom from those who sell shoddy products, pollute the air, or hire racists to run their coffee shop. It isn’t so easy to change the government, as the one way ratchet operates no matter how corrupt or inefficient the pols become.
This. They want to pretend that all the horror stories about past racism and environmental damage are transferable to today when in fact that is completely false, because of a combination of better technology and changing culture. Appeals to government authority need to be tempered by the fact that the government very often doesn’t have anyone’s best interest in mind other than the government.
government very often doesn’t have anyone’s best interest in mind other than the government.
Which this person acknowledged. “The government is corrupt so what we need is more government.” What’s that saying about insanity?
Yes, but in a market you can only control your own decisions. Where as through politics, you can force everyone else to go along with them.
My father, a mining engineer, is one of if not the leading expert in the world on earth-fill dams. When tailings dams break, and they often do, his phone rings off of the hook. When this most recent one broke I asked him what went wrong.
” You have to stand there watching everything they do or they will fuck it up. Eventually you have to sleep. They wait until you aren’t looking and then they (workers) do it the way they think it ought to be done.”
The last one in Brazil that broke they had tried to hire him to build it but he knew the operation and wouldn’t touch it with a mile long pole. Sure enough, he was right.
Regulations are just words on paper. No mining company wants a disaster. Competence is what is in short supply. Without that all of the regulations in the world mean jack shit.
Hey Suthen. The other day you mentioned LA tupelo honey that can’t be called tupelo.
I am interested in getting some. Do you know of any apiaries that sell online?
I say that if miners are killed, then thier families should be able to beat the owner to death, and his family,in a public square. Fucking employers.
In fact you should be able to pick an employer and beat the fuck out of them just for fun.
I’d gladly burn this whole fucking thing to ground and return to an agrarian society. At least then my survival is up to me and not some cunt from HR.
Or you could just, you know, be an entrepreneur.
So sell clubs to said families?
The answer to you misses the issue of incentives and the rule of law. If your friend believes humans respond to incentives this may work. If it doesn’t then don’t bother.
Let’s assume mining corporation is run by greedy bastards who are indifferent to human life and suffering. If the civil justice system allows for tort lawsuits then the injured and the families of the dead can sue for damages. if the corp’s conduct is worse then negligent (i.e. reckless or intentional) then punitive damages can be added. This is a greedy corporation so they have to factor in legal damages to the cost of building the dam poorly or well.
My guess is the rejoinder is something like, “well, these are poor people. The financial value of their lives may be low enough that the calculation is it’s worth dispensing with safety measures.” In other words, it’s the Ford Pinto all over again. If that really is what has happened then you are into reckless or intentional conduct. Punitive damages get added. Punitive damages are designed to punish. Let’s say a hundred lives were lost and they were worth $10,000 each. That’s a million dollars in damages. It would have cost $5 million to properly construct the damn. A jury can award an additional $5MM, or $10MM or some other amount to punish the corporation appropriately. They now have a financial incentive to ever engage in this misconduct again.
It is also a warning to every other mining corporation. Do this and you too are going to get hit for big money. In other words, the prize isn’t worth the price. Greedy corporation responds by implementing safety measures because they are less expensive than the lawsuit.
Eric Gardner died because of racist police brutality and to suggest that excessive high tobacco taxes had anything to do with it is racist.. So says the party of racists and bigots who will never allow that the policies they push are directly the cause of the supposed problems they’re purport to “fix”. The party of concession speeches promptly joins in with their esteemed colleagues across the aisle in denouncing such racist statements.
“Using the death of a human being to make a policy statement is offensive and serves no purpose.”
Wonder where those words are anytime someone is killed by someone using a firearm.
They stand squarely upon the dead when it serves their purposes quite often.
The remains of the Sandy Hook kids would like a word.
they’re policy was to use what turned out to be deadly force to enforce the ridiculous prohibition on selling loosies. Yeah, this is a perfectly apt situation to discuss the morality of killing people to enforce such inane bans. Never mind the hypocrisy of the progs, that’s a separate issue.
When I argue with lefties, they seem to assume 100 percent compliance with these types of bans. In reality, there’s almost no compliance and the cops use petty and trivial laws to justify rousting anyone they “feel” is a criminal. They then punish these “wrong doers” via the petty laws for the imagined unseen crimes they have imputed upon the perp. This is a major factor with traffic laws. If you are in a statistically highly represented group (whether it’s race, age, socio-economic class or style of dress,) then you are subject to all the punishment by process they can muster.
It’s funny because when the DOJ issues reports after these types of situations, like in Ferguson, they note just that fact. But there solution is something stupid like hire more black cops rather than just repeal all the petty bullshit that gets people caught up in the system so easily.
What a shitshow. What we need is an obese white guy with a heart condition to be police-brutalitied for selling loosies and maybe the “conversation” can move forward.
Come on. You know better than that. That’s a story the media won’t cover. Too local.
Oh, I see the problem, it was a Republican making reference to the death of a black man for a political purpose and not abjectly apologizing for his white, cis-, patriarchal, shitlordness as he is supposed to do.
Stupid tax laws led to an unnecessary interaction with cops, that led to Eric Gardner dying of an asthma attack.
-1 internet for not making it clear which soapbox you’re standing on.
Free health care would have prevented Eric’s death. He was only selling loosies to make money to pay his medical bills.
Now why would you want me to blow whiskey through my nose?
This was, if I’m not mistaken, an actual argument made by those on the left who simultaneously scolded people who said it was about cigarette laws.
There was something for everybody to hate in that incident.
When I was in 5th grade instead of duck, duck, goose we played safe sex, safe sex, AIDS.
1, 2, 3 (minus the duck lips), 4, 16, 17, 22.
1 and done.
…and 17, 19, 20 and 22.
…and 34.
Where can I find this school? Asking for OMWC.
Dennis Chavez Elementary.
22 can’t be a real redhead. She didn’t burst into flames.
3 is thick AF, and has great lips:
So much time spent playing that. I think more than any Mario game, especially when Sonic and Knuckles could let you play the game as Knuckles.
Gotta go fast?
Now playing.
Fuck you hippie!
You can’t hide money from me by putting it under a bar of soap.
Patchouli is NOT a shower substitute!
What CPRM said. They are awful.
There it was nothing wrong with the Grateful Dead, except their fanbase.
Hey now.
That’s why I wrote “fanbase” not “fans”, as I assume some of you are good people.
Just like the Mexicans.
/Our President
I stand by my remarks.
Anyone who has an issue with Deadheads is only prejudiced from what they imagine Deadheads to be. You can’t seriously know a significant number of Deadheads and think anything but these are the nicest, most generous, kindest fun-loving people you’ll ever meet.
I don’t have a problem with Deadheads. I have a problem with the Grateful Dead. Their music is awful.
Everybody has their own taste in music. The Deadheads can love it. I just can’t stand the band.
Back in college I was very briefly friends with a deadhead chick. I don’t even remember how I met her; I hung out with the goth kids. Got stoned in her room and listened to you-know-who. It didn’t take. But yeah – I agree with this. Nice people, even if I don’t care for the music.
I hang around with quite a few Deadheads and all are great people.
For those who were following my pup’s tumor tribulations, we got the results back and they were excellent! Look like we’ll be getting some more time with the coolest PON on earth!
I’m really goddamn happy.
That’s great to hear!
Great news!
Excellent news!
Awesome news.
I’m happy for you both.
Excellent, glad to hear the pup is lookin’ good. Cheers to the both of you!
Good boy! I’ve linked it before, but this is apropos.
You have. And it’s still fucking awesome. Thanks, man.
Make him wear his mittens in this kind of weather. Don’t want the puppy to have be cold.
Our dog is elderly, going blind, and has arthritis. 🙁 But his disposition doesn’t seem to have changed, as he’s still extremely friendly and loyal to Dad.
That is great news. Amazing really. That doesnt happen very often. Cancer is a real bitch for dogs.
That’s dogamn great!
Nice! I worry about my two older boys but then again I try not to dwell on it. They’re fat and happy and when the time comes I’ll deal.
Same with my two getting fat and old kitties.
That’s great news for both of you.
Alright! Glad you two can spend some more time together.
That’s great
No plans for Valentine’s Day? Here’s an idea to kill some time.
I think they can include married guys too.
/Not Hayeksplosive’s husband
Watching a documentary about Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood and they immediately have to make it political about Trump.
50 years from now, people will look back at this and wonder what went wrong with people’s minds.
Also, we’re so fucked.
Well, he is going to kill Big Bird and truss, roast and serve him for the White House Thanksgiving dinner circa 2017.
Pretty sure that Reagan actually since Spinney was at one point going to fly on the Challenger mission which blew up.
Nah it will be considered righteous like all the pop culture jibes at Nixon.
I mean Star Wars was a jibe at Nixon but that was okay but new Star Wars is woke which is bad.
Star Wars did not rub your face in it. Even if you knew that the Rebels were the Viet Don’t, and the Empire America, it didn’t ruin the movies by merely implying it. The wokeness ruined Episode IX. They even killed off Ackbar to make sure that the purple haired SJW analog got command.
The prequals were so shitty that no one even bothers to talk about how they were really retarded and childish attempts to skewer Dubyah.
Edit fairy you are our only hope!
I find it interesting how a guy who follows a woman leader needs to be taught to Listen To Women.
And how in the Woke Progressive Military you are expected to mindlessly obey authority figures even if they slap you, belittle you, condescend to you, keep you in the dark when you are at risk of dying and pull rank when challenged cuz Women.
Meanwhile the Evil Space Neo-Nazi White Men are perfectly willing to challenge authority if they don’t like them.
For real, I thought it was hilarious how much The Resistance acted like ye olde Empire while the First Order were more…”flexible” when it came to their orders.
Also the Resistance is fine with suicide missions while the First Order is concerned about needlessly sacrificing its men in pointless attacks. WTF?
An interesting critique of the Sequels is the First Order should have been a terrorist group engaging in guerilla warfare against the New Republic and taking advantage of its internal weaknesses rather than just the Empire rehashed.
Especially considering how the immediately previously released Rogue One has a ragtag bunch go AWOL after getting shutdown by older female authority figure and they are proven correct for having done so.
This guy is better than all of us.
I’m recording it. Did they really invoke politics?
*holds finger over delete button*
Not a ton, but in the beginning they start taking pot shots about the Wall and fear/xenophobia right off the bat.
Nevermind the fact that Mr. Rogers would have to be destroyed nowadays because he was a Republican.
I got a friend (family) who is very “woke”. She shared a Facebook post stating Treason — get it???– desire to end the Aids epidemic by focusing on ending transmission of the virus is code for
I swear Trump could come up with a cure for all cancer and they would find a reason to make it sinister.
It’s been a long few days, but well worth it. We welcomed our second son into the SSD family. Textbook delivery and both mom and kid are doing great.
It’s been funny watching the GSDs around him. Every time he cries, our two female dogs who had litters before come running to help. The male goes on high alert looking all around for the threat. Seems like he’s already been accepted into the pack.
That’s pretty cool.
Reproductive success.
Oh man, congratulations. I’m so happy for you and your family!
I’ll never forget when we brought Spawn 1 home from the hospital. Our GSD had been with us for more than 5 years and was used to her prominent role.
Night one, I was looking for her, as she always sleep by our bed. Go into the kid’s room and she was curled up next to the crib.
Dogs (and kids) are awesome.
Excellent! Congrats on the newest member of the Semi-Spartan pack! Sounds like the the dogs have it all figured out already.
That is a cool story
Congrats on the new spawn. Glad the dogs are already taking a liking to him too!
Yay! Another shitlord for the machine! Congrats, SSD!
And a shout out to the grand parents as well. Good job! to the missus and you!
No one is going to ask? No one at all?
Did you guys even get the baby’s consent before birthing it?
Next time it shits its pants, it could be engaging in a normal bodily function. Or it could be passively resisting your decision.
Thanks everyone. It’s nice to be back at home. I took next week off from work and am looking forward to that.
They gave my wife her choice of a) nitrous oxide b) narcotics c) a+ b or d) epidural. She chose d. I’m more in favor of laughing gas and narcotics over a painful needle being jabbed in my spine, but that’s just me. When the epidural started leaking, the anesthesiologist was quick to mention it wasn’t cerebrospinal fluid. We got a kick out of that.
Congrats. Hope you manage to get some sleep. When mine was under three, I never got to sleep for more than two hours at a time.
Congratulations to you and Semi-Smoking Mama!
Congrats on the child. Glad you have dogs who understand ‘the pack’.
Congratulations and welcome to the latest proto-libertarian!
Congrats, brah!
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news.
Congratulations. May you sleep soundly at some point in the next year….
Stacey Abrams’ Dad & the Story That Never Happened | Even If It Did, It’s Philosophically Bunk
My entirely non-racist Dad made a joke about why so many Black folk have that gap in their teeth – “So they can spit the watermelon seeds easier!”
Damn, clicked on the link and the first thing I see is a Tom Steyer ad imploring me to help impeach Trump.
Peach fo-fi!
I like how Micheal Strahan’s “response” was recorded before Trump gave his speech. She was “responding” to a speech she never heard.
Dinner tonight is lazy fare. Taco casserole. Left over taco meat on top of a bed of corn chips in a casserole dish. Layer on some chunky salsa, sweet frozen corn, leftover mashed potatoes, top with cheeses of your own desire and a generous sprinkling of Spanish paprika. Bake in the oven at 350 until the cheese starts to brown. I’m lazy like that.
Crack chicken, 2 hillshire farm cheddar brauts, extra mayo and mustard.
Leftover instant pot beef stew. I’m easing into a coma now.
We’re getting our own polar vortex bullshit now so some kind of comfort food is on the menu. Wifey had to go out in the -30 + windchill to deal with horse blankets.
This is a farce in the true sense of the word.
You can’t make this stuff up.
Yea, except he’s also on record admitting that it was him and apologizing for it.
Pffft. That was yesterday. No one remembers that.
Going to go with a slightly modified version of this for dinner as I love Portuguese food and have all of these ingredients in the pantry or fridge. Wish I had some vinho verde to go with it.
I was gonna make something way more elaborate, but instead I ordered Gus’s chicken from postmates. It was delicious, btw.
That place looks good, can’t go wrong with quality fried chicken.
The “Cold War” Polish flick out in theaters is absolutely amazing. Highly recommended. Gorgeous. Will probably pick up the soundtrack too.
Catching “Stan and Ollie” tomorrow.
Trailer for Cold War –
I’m intrigued. I’m into all kinds of Cold War era stuff.
My wife does not like you. I just started my third batch of beer today.
Ban assault polar bears!
Canadian proxy war?
So the notoriously retarded AOC is really backing away from her Green New Deal. She deleted the shit she posted on her own blog, and has her staff telling lies that even Trump knows are too ridiculous even for his more ardent fans:
Does back-pedaling work when you ride one of those hipster-douche fixies?
I’m surprised they didn’t just go with Russian troll hackers at work again.
Commence memory-hole sequence.
1984 came and went and AOC missed it.
The anti-hydrocarbons people have no clue what they are talking about. Hydrocarbons dont just give us energy. They give us paint, plastic, fabrics, medications, rubber, countless industrial chemicals, and are used to power factories, sawmills, retail stores and power plants that power literally everything. Cars are not the main mode of transport powered by hydrocarbons, trucks are. Everything you need to live and every luxury item you have is brought to you in a truck. Trucks haul crops out of the fields, ore out of the mines, timber out of the woods. Hydrocarbons power mills, machine shops,
This notion of completely getting off of hydrocarbons is an impossible dream by someoe with a third grade understanding of the subject. Unicorn farts, bird blenders and solar panels with a less than 3% efficiency are not going to cut it. Cow farts are just recycled grass. The methane is typically consumed by bacteria in wetlands where it soon becomes grass again.
The global warming scam is a scam alright but crazy eyes has brought it to a whole new level. Everything that makes the modern world not be a late iron age Mad-Max world would be destroyed. It is insanity.
Wait, wait, wait, you don’t like the green new deal? Well, then it must have been Republicans who wrote it. Yeah, that’s it.
There’s no way a Republican could have written the original, because a Republican could never have been brave enough to put the word “farts” in a document.
Great! Do 2017 Oscar winner Mahershala Ali next.
*crosses arms* That’s Different!
I just read that. Did I get brain cancer?
The only way to settle this is have Shadowcat fight Star-Lord.
Can we have Kitty Pride fight Emma Frost in a surrender match instead? *drifts off to sleep*
I like the way you think.
I’m getting caught up on ‘The Orville’ and ‘Last Man Standing’ and I just saw a commercial for ‘Captain Marvel’. I was never into comics but I am familiar with them and many of the characters. I must say i think something is a bit off about the cinematic portrayal of Captain Marvel.
It’s because Marvel has to use it to undo Infinity Wars
A lot of the anti-SJW youtubers are trashing Captain Marvel and Brie Larson so you are not the only one.
“Where have you gone Billy Batson? Our nation turns its hungry eyes to you…”
Brie Larson is Marvel’s Captain Marvel while Billy Batson is DC’s Captain Marvel. Confusing isn’t it?
But Billy Batson is now Shazzam, DC’s Captain Marvel never existed, it was always Shazzam.
Also, the Shazzam movie is gonna suck, WB has all the DC properties under one roof and can’t do as good of a job as Marvel who sold off it’s biggest stars, sad.
That looks really bad.
Did Billy make a deal with the Devil?
Well all that blasphemy about Greek gods didn’t come from the one true God, so probably?
MCU shitlords.
Yeah but Brie Larson –
I know that’s the actress, but all I noticed in that clip was Brandon Routh. but now in a gay way.
This Captain Marvel used to be Ms. Marvel, who had her powers stolen by Rogue leaving her comatose. But Jude Law is presumably playing the other Captain Marvel. So both exist, and the Fox deal isn’t done yet, so no Rogue…*nerd off*
Now this is what I call trolling.
(gotta watch the clip).
(make Italians greasy again!)
Vatican funded? I mean, the Pope is the only one left on the boot that could pay for something that extravagant and dare I say, awesome.
Okay, this is epic.
Jesus, how much effort went into that shit?
Ok, even if that is anti-Trump that boomarangs all the way back to be PRO TRUMP GODKING AWESOME KNIGHT. So I haz confuse.
I think it’s pro-Trump. Italians aren’t as passive with the idea of Muslim invaders and Trump is the symbol of their resistance.
That’s hilarious!
No…no fuckin way. They did it, the bastards really did it.
They meme’d God-Emperor Trump into existence.
Savior of Mankind! The Emperor Protects!
You know someone is going to show that to El Presidente and the result will be worthy of a Hat and the Hair episode.
Jeebus. Thx LT Fish for that
They picked some appropriate music to go with it.
Which one of you built this?
Glibs hangout
*shoos orphans with tiny spades into the bug-out bus*
Here’s an interesting historical tidbit about the Eastland disaster that killed 845 people in the Chicago River.
Papa Bear George Halas worked for Western Electric at the time and was supposed to be on the ship for a company picnic, but he was running late and never boarded.
If Halas had been on that ship there may never have been the NFL or it may not have survived past the early rough years. For those who are into the NFL, I would recommend George’s autobiography Halas by Halas. It’s a very interesting read, especially about the early years of the NFL.
From the Wikipedia article on the Eastland:
During 1915, the new federal Seamen’s Act had been passed because of the RMS Titanic disaster three years earlier. The law required retrofitting of a complete set of lifeboats on Eastland, as on many other passenger vessels.[7] This additional weight may have made Eastland more dangerous by making it even more top-heavy. Some argued that other Great Lakes ships would suffer from the same problem.[7] Nonetheless, it was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.
Regulation FTW!
I am not a Beatles fanatic.
Right now I am obsessed with the HELP! album.
Man those guys could write a pop song. And the musicianship is very good. And they can harmonize like motherfuckers.
Sipping a little cocktail of bourbon, pomegranate juice, lime juice, egg whites. Shaken and served in a martini glass. My wife is trying a new recipe. It’s pretty good.
I might try that without the pomegranate juice, lime juice, and egg whites. And the martini glass.
I’m drinking one made your way right now. Pretty tasty.
+1 Bro recipe.
I’m having one the exact same way! Except with rye instead of bourbon.
I think Bro needs to post more recipes like this.
I am not a fanatic either, but I love a lot of their stuff. Revolver, Abbey Road and Let it Be, especially.
The HELP! movie is hilarious!
Your sports drink sounds good! Cheers, EDG!
Same, except Revolver and Rubber Soul. I don’t care for most of the stuff after Sgt. Pepper’s.
When it comes to the Beatles, I’m a white supremacist. Between the weeping guitar and crazy roller coaster ride, it’s got my favorite Beatles tunes.
Speaking of guitars weeping and the Beatles and cover, I’ll link it before I’ve linked it again.
Nice one! I had the pleasure of seeing him play that at the Warren Haynes Xmas Jam a couple years ago. I never heard him before the show and was amazed. Him and Warren started off the night with a beautiful rendition of Melissa.
Check out Prince here:
If price had shown he was an actual musician before his career declined he might have been popular longer, but I think he got enough ‘fuck you’ money and just did what he wanted anyway.
I generally don’t find covers all that interesting. That’s a pretty good cover.
Cheers, Tundra!
When you have a chance, shoot me an email. I have an idea…
minnetundra at the don’t be evil fuckos.
Roger that
Since Here Comes The Sun was a topic of discussion around here yesterday (or a couple days ago, whatever), I’ll offer my opinion (usually considered heretical) I think the best songwriter among them was George Harrison. I think his songs have held up, while Lennon/McCartney’s often seem to be antiquated.
I’m not sure I’d go that far but Harrison was criminally under rated.
Sounds like you need somebody, not just anybody.
One-eyed barflies ain’t a dime a dozen no mo.
Here’s my favorite cover of the best song on that album.
Writing a good pop tune is not an easy task, writing an album of really good pop tunes is absolutely incredibly difficult and rare.
No one else has seemed to note how when Trump delivers an applause mind, he’s the first politician I’ve seen who literally does a drop mic type thing. Steps away from the podium and just soaks it all in like a wrestling heel.
Also, when he walks he doesn’t move his arms.
He trained in the WWE.
Best part.
As CPRM pointed out, that’s not a coincidence.
Like this?
I have some doubts.
Anybody got some Memphis,TN dinner recommendations?
They have this local restaurant called McDonald’s, you gotta check it out!
McDonalds, eh? I don’t usually go for Scottish food, but I’m willing to give it a go. Thanks for the recommendation.
+1 Time After Time
Mmmm. Haggis.
So someone mentioned the BK King XL or whatever the hell it’s called the other day as “decent” so I decided to try one. Not the XL because I speculated that was going to be too much meat for me – just the regular. It was… exactly as I remembered from ten or twelve years ago, maybe with the same name or some other name. Nothing to write home about. Two patties, ketchup, some bacon and maybe some mayo. With fries and drink it came to over $10. I couldn’t finish it. For the same price I could have had Chipotle around the corner and been much happier. I can only conclude that something’s broken with the fast-food model when they’re charging the same as “fast casual”.
Yeah, I find the pricing odd as well. In L.A., you can get any number of decent, quality meals for the same price as fast food crap. I don’t know why anyone would go to a drive through, given that.
And there was a Five Guys a couple doors down that I probably hit a dozen times over the last few years, priced similarly and with much better food. I dunno why it closed but it wasn’t for lack of business. It’s a nail salon or some shit now.
The only way fast food makes sense for me is a road trip and not wanting to delay much and get moving. You can get all kinds of really good and inexpensive food in most cities that far surpasses most fast food. Except for Taco Bell ? That competes at a high level. It’s nothing like cheap taqueria Mexican, but it is its own kind of goodness.
Fastfood makes total sense when you’re a ‘man on the go’ confirmed bachelor. There ain’t never any actual food in my house, and I’m not going to stop at an actual restaurant on my way to work.
My kids love it so we go to the King, Clown, or Ginger Girl every month or so as a treat if they’ve behaved at the pediatrician or during boring grown-up errands.
“For the same price I could have had Chipotle around the corner…”
and diarrhea for several days.
Filling in for Playa?
The fast food restaurants screwed the pooch by abandoning the $5 meals to try and be upriced for the foodies, but they all seem to have learned from that fiasco and are back to offering a $5 meal option. But really? You eat at Chipotle? Are you just asking to get slmanila? Is that on your
TinderGrinder profile, because that would be a lot cheaper.I don’t have whatever biological defect that some of you seem to have which causes problems at Chipotle.
I just think the food is shitty. I’d take Moe’s over Chipolte. And I can’t figure out how the fuck Freebirds isn’t bigger than it is. I’d move back to Texas just for one more Freebirds super monster burrito.
I had to look up Moe’s. It doesn’t exist in Brooklyn, though it does in Manhattan. My area is pretty weak on Mexican chains. There’s probably holes in the wall I haven’t found but the trick is finding them.
There’s a Moe’s close to where I work in downtown Annapolis. It’s better than Chipotle, IMO, but nowhere near Baja Fresh. That’s my go-to for fast food Mexican.
Consigned brochett’s opinion. Moe’s is the best national chain, and I’m tempted to move back to TX for freebirds.
Oh, and a shoutout to Cafe Rio, which is national, but not everywhere yet.
Stupid phone.
They actually aren’t round these here parts. I had it once about 16yrs ago, I didn’t shit my pants either. I was so let down.
A tongue?
ha ha ha.
I’m still dubious that was anything more than isolated incidents that got blown out of proportion due to piling-on the big guy.
I did a whitepaper for a class on Chipotle’s issues with food safety. To some extent, yeah, it’s piling on, because other chains have had similar issues, but to a large extent it’s also Chipotle’s mismanagement making those problems much worse than they need to be.
What was the underlying problem? Something about not keeping the ingredients heated properly IIRC?
Yeah, you’re probably right about mismanagement. It’s frankly impressive you don’t hear anything like this about the likes of BK or McD’s. They run a tight ship I bet. Their food is crap but at least nobody seems to get sick off it.
To be fair, I never ate there, and let the news scare me away. For a while (a decade +?) ago, there were so many report of Chipotle causing gastrointestinal issues, I shied away.
Instead, I started drinking again. That’s healthy, right?
Well, a couple things, but it seems to be a combo of their not testing well for contamination at their sources, issues with in-store food handling processes, and high turnover resulting in a lack of training in stores. Then, when issues did pop up, there were upper management issues that were exposed under the strain. Other places have had similar problems but seem to handle them better, or are better at preventing them.
+1 Jack in the Box
Grrr, sorry for steering you wrong. The XL is the good one, the regular Big King is the same one you didn’t care for years earlier. Also, 5 Guys? I thought the burger was decent if a little greasy but the fries were just gross – fresh cut spuds need to be par-fried before being fried for service and they were not doing so, resulting is soft, oil-logged potato sticks.
Look for dive places and not touristy bullshit.
No shit.
It’s not in Memphis proper, but the Germantown Commissary has terrific ribs
Yeah, Gus’s chicken. Just had it tonight ( there’s one in Burbank.) It’s good and in Memphis as well.
Quality spicy fried chicken. It aint exactly highbrow, but it sure eats well. It started in Memphis and they recently branched out into L.A. I think they have one in Long Beach, also.
Still here? I wrote the definitive list of where to eat on here last week, but I have no idea how to find it.
It started in Mason.
There’s a Gus’s in downtown Austin. Line out the door.
I got drunk to write tonight, but then I got side tracked by being drunk….looks for that scratching head emoji…it has to be somwhere on my keyboard…
I have found that I can be very productive while lit, but there is a fine line between “get-shit-done” drunk and “let’s-just-chill” drunk.
Yeah, and I usually stumble over that line and plant myself face first whilst mumbling inanities.
Yeah, you gotta be in the Here and Now.
Okay, I’m drunk.
Love the song, though.
Oh yeah, it’s a good one.
Oh, and I had thought that perhaps you had found the system …
Those back stairs like to get me when I’m “working on sumpin”.
Since this is apparently (partly) a Gordon Lightfoot thread, If You Could Read My Mind.
My favorite Lightfoot song.
Huh, TIL there’s a Shaft movie coming out whose message seems to be man up, soyboys.
Old Men Yell At Millennials, or beginning of the counter-revolution? In either case, Samuel L Jackson and Richard Roundtree means this cannot be a complete waste of time so I’m in.
Grrrr, Shaft would have gotten it right on the first try.
Oh, so it’s a sequel to the rebootmake.
I liked the original. Please don’t fuck this one up Hollywood.
Yes, he better still be a black private dick who’s a sex machine for all the chicks.
Shut yo mouth!
Cool link, diabetic!
Dagumut, meant as a response to Pan above, I blame USA Hat!
Livestream from tonight’s meetup
This guy executed my family.
La Mission Tortilla chips! they stopped selling them round here!
I strongly condemn anyone that would broadcast my image over the internet without my prior consent.
Mexi? Is that you?
Q, it’s you. NSFW is assumed (and appreciated, usually!)
With Q it’s gonna be luscious boobs. With HM all bets are off.
Oof, she’s cute as all heck.
As if the variations on cooking steak needed to get more complicated.
That’s retarded. Cooking frozen steaks is the best way to get a rare steak, why thaw it first? fucking animals!
My Grandma was a cook for forty years. The finger method, whatever schtoile you are cooking at is still the best. Just poke the gaddamn thing and you know how well done it is.
My meat thermometer is more accurate.
Gay boast?
It always is with ***them***
Hmm. I will try this soon. I have a number of t-bones in the freezer. I normally thaw them to room temperature and sear them on the grill. I’m curious to see what results I get with this method.
I hate doing them on the stove. Fucking messy!
We cover our gas stove top with tin foil. Doesn’t help with the rest of the rear but helps a little.
THIS. I’m a slob in many areas but my stove and counters are spotless. Drives me nuts when I see video of people cooking with oil splashing everywhere.
My culinary video pet peeve is when I see someone handling a raw chicken and touching the bottle of salad dressing (as marinade) with their hands still covered in raw chicken juice. You just contaminated that damn bottle! What are they going to do with that bottle now, put it back in the fridge and use it on salads?? If you’re using salad dressing as chicken marinade, squirt some into a teacup, put the bottle back in the fridge, THEN handle your chicken.
Let it be known that I’m not a food safety nanny. When I’m prepping a steak with oil and salt, my guilty pleasure is slicing off a little chunk and eating it raw. I’ve even cooked pork chops medium rare and loved it.
But you really shouldn’t mess around when it comes to raw chicken.
That ain’t no lie Akira. I’ve had salmonella before. From a cheap local chicken joint in Peru. It’s a terrible thing to have happen to your stomach and bowels. I would wish it on my worst enemy, but no one else.
Oh yeah, I’m very fastidious about washing my hands after touching meat. But seeing other people fail in that regard doesn’t grind my gears in the same way as more visible sloppiness for some reason.
Heh. Gay-bo washes his hands after touching the meat.
Took someone long enough.
I freeze my steaks in FoodSaver bags so this might work without setting my kitchen on fire. Might be worth a shot.
I must add that Grandma’s fingers were impervious to heat. She could pluck stuff from the deep fryer with nary a yelp. Learned her craft during WWII, cooking for soldiers. She was mean as fuck but I miss her more than my Mother.
Well, that is a handy talent I don’t share.
But yeah, I often see the finger method touted by cooking show cooks whom I frankly find to be a bit pretentious with their oh-so-cool attitude. Yeah, fuck you – I get perfect results with my thermometer every time without pawing my food.
Well, it’s like bartenders. You can use a jigger to measure out a drink perfectly every time, but if you’re working a busy bar – you don’t have time for that. You learn to eyeball it until the perfect pour becomes muscle memory. Having had two pro chefs in my life, it’s the same thing. The seconds saved add up.
Yep. I’m not a professional cook so I’ll stick with what works for me. It’s the attitude that pisses me off.
I worked a broiler at a steak house. One way to teach yourself is to tap the anatomical snuffbox of the other hand. It goes from rare (an open hand) to well-done (a closed fist).
This is the sort of science tax payers should be paying for.
I guess I can still ski after 20 years off, but not gonna win any medals. Great view of Fujisan from the lift.
Were you drinking Fuji water?
NIce, that’s a damn good view.
Agreed. I used to travel like a crazy hobo when I was a kid and now I’ve turned into a snail. I swear if I didn’t need to work or buy beer I’d never leave the house again.
Still a crazy hobo though.
Depends if its Monday or Sunday.
After Mrs. Splosive’s pics, we had to up our game.
Beyond the Mountains of Madness?
Some good one but London remains my favorite.
Gotta go with Sun Rise Sushi on that. It crosses language barriers!
I also like how very 70’s the priest & child one is.
What is it with all of these uppity crackers thinking that they’re allowed to open their privileged mouths?
The Kids Aren’t Alright
The kids are alright –
Haha damn… My childhood, right there. I had an Americana CD and listened to that thing a lot.
As I check out for the night, I’ll just leave this here.
Heroic Mulatto is in great danger and he needs your help to post more Thicc Thursday articles. But to do this, he needs a Canadian pharmacy hook-up for Viagra and several bottles of grain alcohol. To help him, all he needs is for you to reply to this comment with your credit card number, the three digits on the back, and the expiration month and year. But you gotta be quick, so Heroic Mulatto can secure the thiccest Filipinas and achieve the EPIC VICTORY ROYAL!
Fuck off! I’m not falling for that one again.
You take food stamps?
I have a couple loonies in a drawer somewhere. That’s the same thing, right?
Canadian money? Guess if you wanna buy some thicc syrup.
So that’s what you call your victims after de-limbing them. Gustave, “The Chiffarobe Killer”.
I think it’s what Canadians call roofies.
As for me, if I had access to 3 thicc Filipina and money to buy Viagara, why would I be hanging out here?
They’d be arguing amongst themselves in a glass-shattering screetch. You’d be glad to escape to this den of iniquity and squalour.
This is an obvious scam. I dated a thicker Filipina. Otoh, she was completely insane. YMMV.
Thanks for the terror Sea Smith?
Wifey has appropriated the scotch glass she bought for me as a gift. Since I can’t get her a catcher’s mitt for Valentine’s Day, I’m going to get myself a good scotch glass. Any recommendations?
I have one like this and it is a good vessel for nice whisky.
I prefer Irish to Scotch, but it is all fermented barley.
Can’t drink brown likker, makes me cwazy. When I was a kid I could down a 40 of Gibson’s Finest and still go to school the next day.
This feller gets it –
I knew I could count on late night Glibs for help. Thanks KS.
Wait, you can use a glass? *Sets down flask*
There’s no wrong way to enjoy Scotch.
Last night we went out to dinner. Every five minutes the waiter came by and asked, “hey guys, are you enjoying your flavors?”
That’s a weird line.
Wait, you can use a flask? *Sets down bottle*
Played it ma times but it always makes me smile –
Ah fuck.
Last one -
fuck –
Well, at least the bass line was funky.