I b’leve I might get my ass kicked for saying this, but I might have a case of the Mondays. As in, this day can go crawl up its own ass and die already. And this has NOTHING WHATEVER to do with the fact that I stayed up drinking beer and going down the YouTube rabbit hole way later than I should. You watch 10 clips with an average length of 20 minutes and ho-lee fuck! Its late and shit. So here’s your damn links. I’m going to take a nap.
Is secretly pink flying squirrels a euphemisim for anything? It sounds like something dirty.
Ms. Dolly Parton celebrated giving away her 100 MILLIONTH book to encourage families to read to their young children. That’s a hell of a great thing.
This just goes to show that there’s no minimum IQ for parenting.
Wow. Trump’s approval rating hits 52%. I’m not Mr. Trump’s biggest fan, but given that he’s opposing a group of socialist morons who think Venezuela just needed a more feminine touch, I wouldn’t be surprised if his approval hits 62% by November 2020. Serious question, how in the hell is PROG HARDER!!11! still getting 50% of the votes that get counted?
Suffer with me!
I’m doing the drywall up there at the new McDonalds.
I drywalled a barricade wall last night for a closed *drumroll* Chipotle.
What are you talking about?
You know the one they built up on that great big ol’ bridge
Across the Will Rogers Turnpike
+2 second cousins
First line of this post is from Office Space.
It’s not the vote that counts, it’s who counts the votes.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if his approval hits 62% by November 2020”
It’s not that I approve of Trump. I just disapprove of his opponents more.
First president I can remember where I’ve feared his opponents far more than I do him
Even if he decided to do something truly evil….
He’d get about 20% of the way done, have Secret Service take him to a Drive-Thru, and spent the rest of the night on twitter.
Yeah. Exactly.
He’s not smart or motivated enough to even accomplish more evil then is already part of his job duties
If only he could figure out trade and spending.
Has there actually been new trade barriers erected? I’ve heard a lot of threats and bluster, but Congress hasn’t exactly dusted off Smoot-Hawley.
Oh wait, silly me, thinking Congress is in the business of making laws.
I’ve heard a lot of threats and bluster
That’s the problem.
He has imposed many tariffs.
Well if the court about to hear that case has ANY balls at all.
Lot’s of predictions of a big bubble-burst in China in 2019. After that, he’ll get whatever trade agreement he wants.
I just disapprove of his opponents more.
Theresa May approves.
The Democrats have gone completely insane. They are going to have 20+ candidates trying to out-crazy each other for the next year and a half. So yes, he will probably win reelection Reagan style.
And yet nobody in the media is calling them a clown car. I wonder why.
Is secretly pink flying squirrels a euphemisim for anything?
Yes, for what happens to every fucking major online game on day one, without fail.
Next Rave party
Watching Susanna Hoff is not what I would call suffering
That was going to be my comment. One of my first crushes as a boy. She still looks good in her 50s, but in her 20s, dayum.
The hot petite brunette was always my type.
The suffer part is watching is all we’ll ever do to Susanna Hoffs.
Also, wood even more today than in the 1980s. She is positively smoking.
When I was in 8th or 9th grade, the neighbor two houses up from me looked exactly like Susanna Hoffs. She was about 8 or 9 years older than me, and I always seemed to lose the ability to talk around her.
Sadly, this is where the story ends. Dear god, I wish there was a “I never thought this would happen to me” somewhere in there…
Love Dolly.
Love Susanna Hoffs.
These are top quality lynx.
Wouldn’ Dolly and Susana have graduated from Lynx to Cougars by this point?
Spent hens.
She’s 60. Sweet jesus.
Those are the legs of a 20 year old ballerina.
Oof. That’s some good genes, right there.
Dolly Parton performed at We Fest (a huge country music festival in NW Minnesoda) a few years ago. As part of her show, she (actually her reps) recruited a local choir to sing backup for a few of her songs.
My mom and a bunch of her busy body friends joined up and they practiced a ton on the songs. Then on the big day, they cut the mikes of the choir and piped in pre-recorded choir backing.
Mom still harbors a grudge against Dolly for that. Not that she used piped in music, but the fact that she made them practice so much.
We Fest is fun! Been many times. Saw John Denver, Dolly Parton, etc. Drank lots.
The way the news reports it (or at least used to) you are lucky you didn’t get raped when you attended.
Your day was not as bad as this guy’s.
Fuck. The best part of that is that his coworkers pulled him out with disregard for their own safety and tossed him in the shower. I’m completely surprised that he was still walking and talking when they transported him. Not surprised that he died. What a terrible way to die.
I just don’t get some people’s kinks.
He probably just tripped.
“You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?”
Sven: Lena, I hate to be the one who has to tell you this, but Ole fell into one of the beer brewing vats at work and drowned.
Lena: Oh my! Well at least it was quick and painless.
Sven: Uffda, I’m not sure about that. He swallowed so much beer while he was drowning he had to get out and go to the bathroom 3 times before he died.
I worked with a couple that spent some time in MN. Love those Ole and Lena jokes. Especially if done with the correct accent.
Jimbo doesn’t do an accent, that’s the way folks talk where he’s from.
Ya, you bet. I talk normal. It is all you guys that have an accent.
It really is sad that the rube Norwegians I grew up with haven’t grasped modern victimology and demanded an end to Ole and Lena jokes. Instead, those simpletons keep telling those jokes themselves. Don’t they get it?
Ole’ Sven and Lena are not jokes. They live in every old mining town on the various iron ranges where they tell Josh and Todd jokes.
See Ole, dis guy Josh, I tink dat’s da way ya pronice it, anyway, Josh goes into da bar out by da highway, see….
The progs have been hard at work buoying Klobuchar. Here are the words that one is not allowed to say about her: shrill, non-presidential, lecturing, strident.
One is also not allowed to mention the rumors that she treats her staff abysmally; to do so is to hold her to a higher standard than male candidates. Yet progs will never refute those allegations.
It’s OK to throw things at your staff, because….
11th Commandment: Thou shall not touch thy staff with thy rod.
She’s a tranny?!?
The primary sources for those allegations were anonymous sources published in Buzzfeed and HuffPo, so take it as you will. But if those people are still working in politics it is understandable that they not want to be revealed. If those people did come forward it is an indication of a situation of great magnitude since political staff put up with a lot.
Pray for open mic moments…
I saw an anecdote this morning, and now I can’t remember where.
She was very late to an event, and made one of her staffers apologize in an unnecessarily cruel way. Something like “My boss is late because I suck at my job” or something like that.
I believe the cool kids are calling that sort of thing “a hostile work environment”.
That would be this, from HuffPo:
I’m going to have to assume that HuffPo downplayed it, because Trump.
She sounds like a real peach:
I especially love this part – emphasis is mine:
Now, none of this is per se shocking – most politicians are egotistical assholes who treat the plebes like dirt. Still, I find it rather striking when it’s someone whose entire political career is built on an image of being just a nice, aw-shucks midwesterner.
She sounds like the most qualified candidate since Hilary!
…and the Franken staffer was already traumatized from when Senator Al whipped his dick out in front of her.
a hostile work environment
…but they keep coming back, because she’s Alpha AF?
Exhibit #127,363 why people who want to be in politics are terrible: they will put up with a lot of abuse to maintain their proximity to power in order that they can acquire more power.
RN wins the the interwebs today.
They apparently were credible enough that at one point a Union boss (can’t remember which one, but it’s in the Huff-Po piece) said they couldn’t endorse her because of it.
Somebody here recently posted this article from HuffPo about how she was rebuked by Harry Reid for her treatment of staff.
Yeah, that was me (and likely others)
I’ve been hearing she’s one nasty bitch. What is it with mean women in the DNC?
You mean…nasty women? Seriously though, I see this kind of behavior in the corporate world quite a bit too. Women in positions of power often have a tendency to “punch down”. It’s really fucking gross.
That’s how my wife’s 25 year career as a SVP at a multinational bank came to an end.
She punched you?
Reminds me of one of my first consulting gigs. We were presenting the (female) director with the requirements doc for sign off. Her (also female) direct report had signed off on it. She called her (on speakerphone) as we stood in her office. Asked if she’d personally verified points X, Y, and Z. When the answer came back that she hadn’t personally read those exact points (they were in the doc, and we’d assured her so), I was sent with the doc to watch her verify those points and sign off again. Of course that particular client was a viper’s nest of internal politics…oddly enough, it was female dominated (healthcare).
I’ve noticed two dynamics at play. One is that, for whatever reason, women are intensely competitive with each other in a way that men aren’t. Men are competitive, for sure, but within a hierarchy they tend to accept it and move on once it’s set. Women will keep fighting those initial pecking order fights over and over again. Strangely, it’s similar to behavior in dogs. Male dogs tend to scrap now and again, set boundaries, and then move on. Female dogs will try to kill each other.
The other is that some women seem to have chips on their shoulders, particularly in office environments, and feel a need to constantly demonstrate their authority. You see that in men, too, but in men that kind of poor leadership tends to be solved by lateral promotions if not outright firing, where in women pointing it out is seen as misogyny, justifying the paranoia that leads to the behavior in the first place. I should stress that in this case it’s not a function of femininity or some inherently female quality, it’s just bad leadership being excused because of political correctness. I’ve worked under several women who were excellent leaders and an absolute pleasure to work for.
Sup Tres!
Cobras today and forevermore
Chicken Off!!!!
I had my share last night…..another 6 days of abstinence
Sounds like my first marriage
Where’s your theme music?
So I made it to Graz. Got me to a restaurant for a roast crown of lamb and some wine. It was either thus or 5 styrian tapas
Enjoy Austria, Pie.
Love Graz. And love Styrian Kuerbiskernoehl.
Speaking of youtube… I watched the latest Project Binky epidode last night. Man, those guys did an incredible job of turning something with serious promise into a gigantic steaming pile of dog shit.
Half an hour of stereo/speaker installation? What’s next, the hydraulics for the Mexican Jumping Bean suspension?
Fuck you, make it run, you wankers.
Color me stupid then. The last time I had the flu, it was because of the shot.
Almost assuredly not if you’ve had it in the last 10 years. Sorry, but its far more likely that you were already infected when you got the shot than that there were active viruses in the shot.
No, it was a good 20 years ago, I will grant you that.
I got the shot last year, and I got the flu. I’m not convinced it was because of the shot, it was three weeks after getting it. They said it was 75% effective and I musta been in the 25%. The flu was much milder than the year before. The time before I called in for a week and a half. That’s what prompted me to get the shot this time.
“last 10 years”
The shot used to make me sick, probably in the same time frame when some parents were little kids and the same thing happened to them.
In some cases, it was just a mild reaction to the weakened bugs, but once it was nearly a week in the hospital with the screaming squirts.
That is hard to forget. I get no reaction from the shot nowadays, but I can understand people being leery from past associations.
Yes. It was reformulated about 2007(+/-2 years, I was definitely working on the flu tracking app for FLDOH’s Dept. of Epid) to just use proteins and not a weakened bug. Its the 3 in 10 who think its a conspiracy to give their children autism (conflating two false but well circulated things) that brought forth my IQ statement.
Isn’t it reformulated every year?
Yes, the try to predict what strains will be in circulation, then formulate the vaccine. Sometimes they guess well; sometimes they don’t.
Which is a known side effect, so I’m not sure what the article is purporting to have uncovered.
BREAKING: Half of All Parents Paid Attention When Speaking to Pediatrician
Please can you explain how getting the flu from the flu shot is different from the side effect of getting the flu from the flu shot?
I agree.
This year, my pediatrician told me that they often have problems predicting which strains to inoculate against. This year they didn’t predict very well. So, I did actually pay attention to the pediatrician.
Marginally related: My kids have bigger health problems than the flu, so getting the flu shot is very low on the list of reasons to take them to the doctor.
Yeah, that’s what I meant. Pediatricians always tell you that the flu shot may make your kid sick. So, I don’t know what’s so shocking about 50% of parents believing that the inoculation may make their kid sick. That’s literally what the doctor tells you.
Also, I hope your children are doing better with their ailments.
Ohhhhhhkay. Thanks. Clearly, I was not grokking.
All in all, it’s not as bad in the grand scheme of the other kids at Children’s Mercy, but enough for their absences from class to become an issue of whether they have to repeat a grade.
I cant speak to recent formulations, because I dont usually get the shot. However, whatever they were using many years ago when I was military (compulsory flu shot), would always give a mild case. Which I suppose is why we always got them on a Friday.
Same here, except when I went in for a Flu shot they noticed I had others the I needed, so they gave me all of them at once. Its fair to say any reaction I got was probably due to getting 6 shots in one day.
Oh, the Army lost my shot records somewhere between Ft. Sill and Ft. Gordon. So when I arrived in Georgia….I got all my immunizations over again.
….mmm. Now hold still for this Antrax shot.
Yeah, I learned to hold onto my shot record card after an extra Hep A shot.
I’ve had the shot every season for the last 20 years or so. I’ve had the flu twice. Once when the vaccine was ineffective against most of the strains in circulation. Once when I got the flu so early that the vaccine hadn’t fully taken effect. Both times were after attending gatherings of a large number of people. So the secret is to be a hermit from November to April.
That sounds mighty attractive, I’ll tell you.
And a curmudgeon from May through October?
That’s a given.
. . . the secret is to be a hermit from November to April.
Totally do-able for me (much to my spousal unit’s chagrin). I hate crowds and large gatherings. Been witness to too much irrational group behaviour in my lifetime.
In the past ten years or so I’ve gotten the flu three times, and each time it was a season I’d gotten the vaccine. I’m not saying that the shot caused the flu, although I have known people to have adverse reactions to the shots. I’m saying that in my experience it’s a waste of time and money. I’m much better off just avoiding crowds and public spaces during flu season, unless there’s alcohol involved. The healing power of booze seems to kill off the flu.
I don’t know where this “everyone should get the shot” thing came from. At work when free-shot time came around they always said don’t bother unless you think you’re at risk – older, pregnant, whatever it was.
Our pediatricians all push it pretty hard. Our daughter’s 3 and some change and has never gotten it, but of course there’s no way of knowing whether that’s because of the vaccine or not. I will say that in the two years she’s been in daycare I spent the first year sick as a dog as I caught every single bug that went through the place, and the past year with barely a sniffle. And when I have gotten a bug I’ve been fine in a day.
Yeah, I think kids are on the same risk list but none of them worked in my office 🙂
Also, I was sick AF all the time when I was little. Like in and out of hospitals and shit. So yeah I can see how bringing them into the picture changes things.
Daycares and schools and stuff are like petri dishes. When I first started dating my now-wife she was an elementary school teacher. Like every month I’d wind up with a cold or stomach virus or something, except in the summer. When we moved in together, I had a fever or something seemingly every other week for like three months, and then I just straight stopped getting sick.
Then she quit to get her PhD and I went back to square one until our daughter started mingling with the grimy little poo-touchers at daycare. It was like a plague ward around here.
I’m the same. Three times I’ve gotten the shot (once from my regular doc, twice for lovely vacations at Uncle Sam’s worst summer camps) are the only years I’ve gotten the flu. Definitely not due to the shot (it was months later), but I generally don’t get sick, and I tend to avoid people year round, so I don’t get exposed very frequently.
I’ve never had the shot and have had the flu once? in the last 20 years.
Of course, I just jinxed myself for this year.
I’ve never had the flu shot and have had the flu once? in the past 20 years.
Of course, I have just jinxed myself for this year.
“Half Of Parents Worry Flu Shot Makes Children Sick, Third Believe It Doesn’t Work At All”
OK, but what about the other 1/3?
Fun fact: Manic Monday was written by Prince.
Other fun fact- Prince also wrote (or co-wrote depending on the version of the story) the Stevie Nicks song “Stand Back”.
ANd even helped out once in concert!
IIRC, it knocked another Prince song out of the #1 spot on the charts. Or something weird like that.
BREAKING NEWS: Slate discovers things were different in the past.
I saw what you did there…
Hell yeah. I’ve mentioned this incident several times.
How weird was it that Ted Danson and Whoppie Goldberg both dated and that people in the 21st Century still know who they are?
Guinan and Becker
If I had a time machine I would only use it to blow people’s minds in the past. In this case, I’d go to the early 90’s just to tell people who the president was and that Whoppie Goldberg was still relevant. It would be such a mind fuck that people would have to sit down just to process that information.
There’s a movie about time travel where people don’t believe that Reagan is President.
Doc was a communist
Well they are both still active on TV. Whoopie is or at least was very recently on The View and Ted is one of the Stars of The Good Place
And that doesn’t disturb you?
I liked the first two seasons of The Good Place. The third season is almost like, “Well, we didn’t expect to get renewed so now we’re just winging it.”
I may have actually clapped when The Good Place did their take on the Trolley Problem. God damn it I hate that shitty artificially setup “dilemma”.
The first time I was presented with that was at church. The train switcher had been called out late, brought his son, who was playing on the tracks and got stuck. Ended up being a choice between the train and the son, with the object lesson being “Jesus died for your sins.”
I didn’t know it was a philosophical dilemma, but I raised my hand and said, “Why did the dude bring his son out with him and why was he letting him play on the tracks with a train coming, especially that late at night?”
I don’t know I am really liking the new season so far
“We need to learn to be even more strident and shrill because in the past debate was allowed and THAT IS NOT OK!”
No, FUCK YOU goes to fucking corporate America that is still feeding money into this piece of shit website. Every time I read Vox article I am more convinced that Billionaire Wealth Tax is a justified retributive measure.
She did it first !
There’s a reason a wise person came up with the adage (?); axiom (?): Let sleeping dogs lie….
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
So Alex Jones gets deplatformed, and now the flying squirrels are gay. Coincidence?
Rocky was voiced by a Female after all…
Rocky is a female, Tulpa,,
Wikipedia says male. :shrug:
A kids view, I was there, still Tulpa,
That explains many things. None good.
And fuck off, Tulpa.
Kinda short hair, but I’m pretty sure June Foray was female.
I know but wiki claims that the character of Rocky is a male which is what Yusef disputed. Not sure how “official” that is though.
“Serious question, how in the hell is PROG HARDER!!11! still getting 50% of the votes that get counted?”
The media.
Mammary Monday is strategically placed for maximum efficacy.
One more comment and they would have been legal.
I got yer Monday here.
Needs more Orange Tabby Cats
JESUS, Susanna Hoffs was hot!
If I hadda choose between now and then, I’d certainly take the then.
But your point is taken.
I never heard of her before, but that photo…
A member of my slide carousel for 35 years.
My only contribution to the Susanna Hoffs discussion is that “Walk Like an Egyptian” is my ringtone.
If you want to find all the cops, they’re hanging out in the donut shop….
They sing and dance, spin the clubs, cruise down the block…
Ring tone: theme from Black Sails
Text: Wildcard, Bitches! – Charlie Day
Alert: Old Spice Whistle
Google Ring (work phone) – Imperial March
Black Sails!
He liked it! He really liked it!
He is a well put together fellow.
And you write under a pen name?
Moriah Jovan is my pen name.
My real name is Elizabeth.
Good. I was really hoping that wasn’t an oops.
It kinda was and I don’t like it.
I’ve been “Mojeaux” online as far as I can remember and I wanted something that started with “Mo” and “Jo.”
I didn’t want Maureen. I didn’t think about “Jovan musk” from the 70s. Pretty much I wasn’t thinking very hard about it.
Although my boss is a bitch, I don’t work in a place where posting here would get me fired.
*snickers knowingly*
Well, in your defense, who does?
Of course, I’m sure the same was asked of Old Spice about 20-25 years ago, and they seem to be doing OK…
that Black Sails song is awesome,yeah
Serious question, how in the hell is PROG HARDER!!11! still getting 50% of the votes that get counted?
Politics is downstream from culture, economy is downstream from politics.
Add to it that your party apparatuses are a degenerate collection of useless morons, and the idiotic primary system that lets any idiot off the street get the nomination for a for safe seat and no wonder progs are taking over instead of being safely isolated in minor parties that at best become junior partners, like in other countries.
Explain Justin and Horwath then…
Justin is an empty suit with a name who would have gotten nowhere in the party had he been called Justin Smith. He was finally allowed at the big table after previous two Big Thinkers got their clock cleaned and Liberal Party decided Paleface Obama was the way to go instead.
And the NDP is in fact “minor party that is at best junior partner” whose only time to shine (outside BC/Sask) comes when local Liberals decide to go full Florida Man on their own electoral chances.
Note that in BC it’s the Greens who attract real retards, while NDP old-timers are still holding of SJW contingent.
Thing is parliamentarism and party approval of nominees did not prevent this.
Thing is it worked.
Also Gerald Butts is a consummate insider. He started his career working for Allan MacEachen who was first elected under St. Laurent. And Dalton McGuinty got into politics because of his dad who was a long-term Separate School trustee before being elected under Peterson.
Thing is parliamentarism and party approval of nominees did not prevent this.
No, but it’s easier to correct than the situation in US.
Assumes that the leader or the insiders oppose this though.
Gerald Buttshead. He’s another one.
I hope Wilson-Raybould takes fuckturd down.
Apropos of the Gerald & Justin show:
Gerald Butts (the PMO’s Chief of Staff) and PM Justin Trudeau are working late one evening and decide to go to one of the local restaurants for a bite to eat before more work. They’re seated at their table and the waiter approaches.
“Good evening. Tonight’s special is the steak combo, with your choice of starch and vegetable. Are you ready to order?”
Butts replies “That sounds great! I’ll have the combo, and for the starch, a baked potato.”
“Certainly, sir. And for the vegetable?”
Butts glances over at Trudeau and says “He’ll have what I’m having.”
Ah, the 80s…
Ah, I wondered where I heard it (or a variation on it) before. Spitting Image. Man, I wish someone would have the cojones to do a show like that about North American politics…
I’m honestly surprised they haven’t formalized Twenty Two Minute Hate For Trump already.
Donald Trump’s job approval rating among likely U.S. voters hit 52 per cent on Monday in a daily tracking poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, the polling organization he uses most frequently to promote himself.
Only 52%? SAD! Obama hit 56% during his first term. Pay no attention to the other approval numbers.
You know what’s really sad? This post has zero chance of reaching 1,000 comments.
East/West timezone split on Glibs is an unkind mistress.
I’ll help, though. I am practicing active work avoidance.
I’m sort of paying attention to this training webinar/conference call…
I might be back a little later after evening sup and a brew…
Not with that kind of attitude.
Abso-fucking-lutely not.
I got the “you’re posting too fast” message and so couldn’t finish what I was doing. Sad.
😉 The system is stacked against you.
Too late! The timestamp is forever!
It might if people try and fail at the “L E A R N T O C O D E” meme again.
“‘Half my family’s from Jamaica!’ Presidential candidate Kamala Harris looks to shatter 2020’s grass ceiling as says she smoked marijuana in college and wants it legalized”
I’ll believe it when I see it.
How many people did she throw into prison in California, both as San Francisco DA and state AG, for pot?
“Just enforcing laws that the people of California passed. I had no discretion!”
/summarized version of her future excuse
All of us?
Shackford on TOS had something to say about it
So who is Reason’s favorite: Harris or Schultz?
Come on, Schultz may well have been dreamed up by their editorial board.
Socially liberal, fiscally conservative – funny how that says nothing about individual liberty or responsibility.
Fiscally conservative seems to mean “Will balance a 4 trillion dollar budget through tax hikes. ”
Socially liberal means “Bake the fucking cake.”
The only candidates that they’ve written positively about are Schultz, Tulsi, and that mayor from South Bend. I don’t think they’ve written any kind word about Harris, because it’s impossible to do so.
But if she wins the primary, I’m sure there will be some way to twist it into a libertarian moment.
I doubt she cares one way or another whether the law is more damaging than the drug. She understands that legalization is becoming popular. Maybe it’s a distinction without a difference, but it’s funny that she comes around now that she’s no longer charging defendants.
Damn your nimble fingers.
Other politicians might have come to that realization. In Harris’ case it is cynical triangulation and trying to stake out an issue to guarantee her a place on the ticket.
And the funniest part is the prog-tards will eat it up like cake. Remember how Obama was going to deschedule, any day now.
That’s the definition of evil.
She knows it’s wrong, but she does it anyway.
She felt she owed it to them.
She’s trying too hard.
Like she did with Brown’s willie.
I never heard it complain.
Hmmm…has anyone ever seen Brown’s willie and Chafed in the same room?
No. And you never will. *runs away*
So she was for it, before she was against it, before she was for it again
Am I wrong for wanting her to go to jail? What’s the statute of limitations on pot possession?
Don’t know specifically, but a good rule of thumb for minor crimes is 7 years.
Yea Someone else also said he did drugs and inhaled because that was “the point”, but continued to actively prosecute the drug war while somehow maintaining the adoration of potheads everywhere.
“‘So this is what we’re doing now?’ Katy Perry’s controversial ‘blackface’ shoes are to be pulled from retailers as the pop singer comes under fire for the offensive design”
They’re doing this shit on purpose.
I’d pull them from shelves too, but not for that reason.
Glad I read down before posting.
If she would just go topless, everyone would forgive her
“If she would just go topless, everyone would forgive her”
1/2 the people would forgive her, the other 1/2 would be envious
She’s a 5/10 at best.
You’re right. People are going to be real disappointed with her face if she goes topless.
What kind of madness are you spouting here, Playa?
I saw her in person…. 6…. years ago.
She was in line in front of me for a waterslide at a hotel. On the stairs, ass right at eye level. Not even worth a second glance; not even a little bit.
I didn’t know who she was until my wife told me. 5/10, final answer.
Yeah, well…get her and one of her look-alike friends (I’m sure she has someone like that around).
That equals a 10 (maybe). Plus, two chicks at the same time.
Or, don’t, ya know. I a’int the sex sheriff.
I’ve actually heard something similar. Basically, Katy Perry owes a great debt to makeup and shall we say structural wardrobing. Like when she’s done up and dressed for public she looks great, but her candid shots prove she is a mere mortal.
So there’s a chance.
*spits into palm, slicks back hair*
5/10 is generous.
Technically they would only be blackface if they were white shoes and she put black shoe polish in them. If she did do that then that is awesome trolling.
She should pull the shoes because they look horrible, not because idiots on Twitter who don’t have real problems have to pretend to be victimized by Katy Perry for attention. And I don’t know why, but I have a hard time buying someone’s outrage and injury at blackface when they’re expressing it in carefully typed stereotypical “urban” bad grammar.
Who dis?
I’ve lost fluency, but I still speak a pretty good mid-90s DC metro. I’m trying to bring “lunching” back, and I’m waiting for a chance to use the phrase “stole in the mouf” in a sentence.
Fuck. So much for my career in politics. I have bought many Mr. Potatoheads for my kids.
I swear I had no idea I was supporting blackface oppression when I did so.
Pee wee Herman hardest hit.
Do some people really believe that musicians with vanity fashion labels personally review every piece of throwaway apparel that their namesake companies churn out? I’m looking at those slippers and thinking that some design intern must have really had it out for someone at the office on their last day.
I’m still in this stupid securities law conference. Our lunch speaker was actually a libertarian (former) SEC commissioner, which was nice.
But mostly this is about how the government needs to micromanage everything about businesses because reasons.
I’m going to be at at a dinner party with one of the Industry Governors of FINRA next month. I have some pretty intelligent (in my mind) questions prepared.
I predict that paying for order routing will be illegal by the end of the decade.
“Have four or more babies in Hungary and you’ll pay no income tax for life, prime minister says
Hungary’s prime minister has announced a raft of measures aimed at boosting the country’s declining birth rate and reducing immigration.
Giving his annual State of the Nation address Sunday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced a seven-point “Family Protection Action Plan” designed to promote marriage and families.
Measures announced included waivers on personal income tax for women raising at least four children for the rest of their lives and subsidies for large families to buy larger cars. The ‘action plan’ also extended a loan program to help families with at least two children to buy homes. Every woman under 40 will also be eligible for a preferential loan when she first gets married.
The government has also said it will spend more on Hungary’s heathcare system and will create 21,000 creche places. In addition, grandparents will be eligible to receive a childcare fee if they look after young children instead of the parents, Orban said.””
Pro-natalist policies are almost as bad as the anti-natalist laws that we are suppose to just ignore
Doesn’t the idiot know there’s a horde of young immigrant men ready to come prop up the Hungarian economy, if he’d only let them in?
You know who else wanted Hungary to open up its borders?
The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire?
Nicholas II?
David Hasselhoff?
Somehow, when Hungarians built The Wall, all the immigrants chose to trek some 500+ km through Croatia and Slovenia in wintertime rather than just cross it.
What’s old is new again.
Jus trium liberorum
I’m guessing we’ll see a lot of Gypsy kids for sale in Budapest then. Someone alert OMWC.
Serious question, how in the hell is PROG HARDER!!11! still getting 50% of the votes that get counted?
Constant propaganda in “news” media and entertainment media. And likely (definitely…) cheating.
Ah new technology and consumerism has not birthed libertarian media. Why is that?
Because you don’t use YouTube for anything other than foot fetish videos?
I love Dolly Parton.
Just like all breast men.
Corporations: Do NOT have rights. They are evil and should not be granted “speech” rights.
Wild Rice: Totes just like a person with all sorts of rights.
Minnesoda Indian tribes swing for the fences legally to block a pipeline:
Well, the article was rather short on details. I wasn’t able to find
the actual text. How exactly is this going to be enforced? And
who has standing? It seems like eating wild rice would interfere
with it’s flourishing, since you’re eating the seeds.
I realize this is just trying to gin up support for blocking an
oil pipeline from the feelz crowd, but still, this seems like
an extra dose of absurdity.
It seems like eating wild rice would interfere
with it’s flourishing, since you’re eating the seeds.
Nah, that’s just rice abortion.
Fine. Let’s see the power of attorney agreement.
I like wild rice.
Me too. It’s really expensive here, so I buy lots whenever I go home to Minnesota. I bring it back as gifts. My brother is a college professor and does a semester abroad in Alnick England. Because is the study abroad program from a school in Minnesota, it is known as the wild rice capital of England. Really.
So is pot legalization and open borders a fair trade for Gun Control and Green New Deal?
Cato and Reason probably think so…
Niskanen is definitely on board.
“Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases
The Finnish municipality of Oulu announces that migrants are no longer allowed to visit schools and daycare centers.
The reason is that parents have complained about so-called integration visits and feel worried about their children after the recent rape wave against young girls.
According to the Finnish police, the alleged perpetrators are male migrants who have come to the country in recent years and most of the rape victims are girls under the age of 15.
One of the places the media has highlighted in connection with the rape wave is the municipality of Oulu in North Ostrobothnia. In Oulu, the police are investigating at least ten migrants for serious sexual offenses against girls as young as ten.”
Ugh. Call me a racist and yes any group of people will have both saints and sinners. But some cultures are better than others.
The problem is that some cultures do not view raping a 10 year old infidel to be a sin
That’s not racist. That’s culturalist.
Michelle Obama rocks the house at the Grammy Awards
Former first lady Michelle Obama got a hero’s welcome during a surprise appearance at the Grammy Awards on Sunday night.
Obama appeared on stage at the Staples Center to help open the annual awards show along with Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, host Alicia Keys and Jada Pinkett Smith to explain what music has meant to them.
Many in the audience didn’t immediately seem to pick up on Obama’s appearance, but she was quickly interrupted when she began speaking, making it only as far as “From the Motown records I wore out on the South Side …” before the crowd stood and loudly cheered for 25 seconds.
“All right — we got a show to do,” she said as she tried to wave the audience to quiet down.
Here are the former first lady’s full remarks, which started with references to Motown and “Run the World (Girls),” Beyoncé’s 2011 hit:
“From the Motown records I wore out on the South Side to the ‘Who Run the World’ songs that fueled me through this last decade, music has always helped me tell my story, and I know that’s true for everybody here.
“Whether we like country or rap or rock, music helps us share ourselves, our dignity and sorrows, our hopes and joys. It allows us to hear one another, to invite each other in. Music shows us that all of it matters. Every story within every voice, every note within every song. Is that right, ladies?”
Fucking declare for president already, you’ll win! Otherwise STFU.
Is it possible she runs?
Totally depressed.
She has zero chance of winning.
I can always rely on you to bring a smile to my night.
I can’t think of a single reason she shouldn’t. She can stomp the primary by signing up new party members and get carried by media, bureaucracy and corporations in general since Trump Must Go.
If she became President I would seriously just take a four-year hiatus because if she wins and Trudeau gets re-elected…./Lionel Hutz shudder.
Because she can rake in millions and play king maker if she doesn’t.
The Obamas are political grifters and are much better at it than the Clintons.
Because they figured out you have to pretend to be nice people.
They have that shtick down pat.
People love to be deceived by people who manipulate them.
Is that why you voted for Trudeau?
/blows into slide whistle.
Lol. Do you even deep state bro?
I don’t get the sense that she wants to run for anything. She seems to be happy to bask in the glow of the virtue signalers.
Whats a Grammy? Is Malia pregnant?
? Right there with you.
“What debate? She’s perfectly free to “critique,” and everyone else is perfectly free to point out her “critique” is a dog whistle for Lyndon LaRouche-level lunatic Jew hate”
Tulsi Gabbard’s Ignorance Regarding Syria Reveals She’s Unfit To Be President
Democratic presidential candidate and congresswoman from Hawaii Tulsi Gabbard, appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” last week, repeatedly defended Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, refusing to denounce him either as an “enemy” or even an “adversary.”
“Assad is not the enemy of the United States because Syria does not pose a direct threat to the United States,” declared Gabbard, who had previously met with Assad. “We have to look to who poses a threat to the United States.”
It is, frankly, very disturbing that Gabbard has been taken in by Assad’s propaganda. The State Department has listed Syria as a state sponsor of terrorism for the past several decades. Syria provides support for myriad terrorist groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, all of which openly maintain offices in Damascus.
The Syrian government also provides material support to Hezbollah, the terrorist organization responsible for the 1983 bombing of a U.S. Marines barracks in Lebanon that resulted in the deaths of 241 American servicemen.
Yet, Gabbard seems to think that Assad is all that stands in the way of al-Qaeda and ISIS taking over Syria. In fact, the Assad regime has both directly and indirectly been a major supporter of al-Qaeda for years. Syria has harbored al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for the 2003 suicide bombings in Casablanca, as well as the 2004 Madrid train bombings, among others.
War-mongers gotta war-monger.
What’s a Leppo?
A brand of dog food?
What Spanish speakers call lepers?
Dammit!, too slow.
A prostitute with leprosy?
What you did there was noticed.
The least well known Marx Brother?
If she endorses the Green New Deal then well…
I’d still hit it.
…with prejudice.
What is a Leppo, Alex?
“Assad is not the enemy of the United States because Syria does not pose a direct threat to the United States,” declared Gabbard, who had previously met with Assad. “We have to look to who poses a threat to the United States.”
How is this statement not accurate?
“The Daily Wire” is a good reminder that Trump’s foreign policy is an aberration. Conservatives still get stiffies over pointless wars
Also, as I said about Katie Perry- “If she would just go topless, everyone would forgive her” holds true in this situation too
If Trump went top less, everybody would forgive him?
If he were a couple of cup sizes larger, probably, yeah.
I’m envisioning the next H&H animated video involving Trump learning the ropes of topless apology tours under tutelage from Moobs Schumer and his corpulent neice.
So, maybe this is some of my left-over conservatism, but; his open sponsorship of terrorist organizations who have done, or openly wish to do, us harm makes him a direct threat, doesn’t it?
Honest question.
I’m not saying we need to bomb Damascus, but, he is a threat, no?
No. Not to the U.S.
You want a good laugh, go read the FDD “mid term assessment on Trump’s foreign policy”. McMaster wrote the forward/exsum. In the two sections on Saudi Arabia and Sunni Jihadism – not one mention of Wahhabism between the two, let alone the connection.
I’ll believe someone is serious about terrorists when they stop pointing fingers at everyone and everything but the MAIN FUCKING SOURCE.
It is entirely accurate, but it sounds suspiciously close to “America First”, and that’s MAGA talk. *shuns*
Are we talking about the same Syria and the same Assad that Pelosi visited during Bush’s presidency?
It’s Monday again, apparently. If anyone’s in Madison and wants to go out,
I’ll be at Citybar for trivia tonight. Starts around 2045, or 8:45 pm for folks
who like to start their clocks over in the middle of the day. Always room
on the team, since it’s just two of us, and we don’t take it seriously at all.
I’m the guy with the hat in the corner. I don’t *wear* the hat, since it’s
indoors, but I’ll have it. Probably get there around 8-8:15.
This weeks team name is probably “Left turn at Albuerquerque”, but
“That’s my bag baby” and “I found Waldo” are in the running. I may think
up some more before then. These aren’t them, but this site
has inspired more than one team name in the past.
How about “I’m Tulpa and so are you”?
I try to pick things that the manager will get the reference.
As far as I know, he doesn’t read this site. Not that
I wouldn’t go for something funny enough regardless.
Madison, WI? I was told you’re all under eleven feet of snow after that tiddy storm.
WTF is a “tiddy storm”? Is that the Q signal?
The Hat? You mean THE HAT???
I may be able to stop by briefly.
Not that hat, no. And I’ve got my own hair.
Black fedora for the hat.
It’s a good bar. The manager is good a making drinks,
and trains his staff well to do likewise.
Unfortunately, the weather turned REALLY bad really quickly. But you know that. So I headed back to my hotel. If things let up, I’ll be in town tomorrow night as well.
Yep. Turned out to be not all that bad, but makes sense to not get trapped or worse.
We’re around and would love to meet some folk. Can you use your hookups to get
my email? Otherwise I’ll figure out some sort of side channel short of a Diffie-Hellman
key exchange and we can figure it out. Let me know where you are in town and we
could pick something closer. We’re on the north side of town next to the airport.
Wow, that story about the guy falling in the vat of sulfuric acid was rough. It reminds me of my great uncle in Ireland who died after falling in a vat at the Jameson’s distillery. Four or five of his coworkers tried to pull him out but he bravely fought them all off.
*does that Swiss thing with the eyes*
An oldie but a goodie.
Your handsome avatar is only surpassed by your excellent sense of humor, GL.
Maurice Colbourne was a soap opera star. Died too young.
That’s not you???
I wish.
He climbed out four times to use the pisser before he drowned.
That was Ole. And it was posted upthread already
Beat me by this much…
Is secretly pink flying squirrels a euphemisim for anything? It sounds like something dirty.
I mean, everything can be a euphemism, so I guess the answer depends on what you want to hear. If you know what I mean…
Twitter CEO: ‘I don’t believe that we can afford to take a neutral stance anymore.’
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said in an interview last week that the company could no longer “afford to take a neutral stance anymore.”
He made this statement after being asked by podcaster Sam Harris why Twitter’s bans and suspensions always seem to “reliably land[s] on one side of the political divide.”
He pointed out that progressive feminist Megan Murphy – who is no friend to conservatives – was banned for tweeting that “Men are not women” and asking, “How are transwomen not men? What is the difference between men and transwomen?” yet unapologetic anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan is still allowed on the platform.
“I don’t believe that we can afford to take a neutral stance anymore. I don’t believe that we should optimize for neutrality,” Dorsey said immediately…
“Dorsey stated that Twitter could be impartial by having a list of rules, explaining the consequences for breaking the rules, and installing an appeals system that actually worked,” wrote Newsbusters’ Corinne Weaver.
While that seems like an obvious way to go, Dorsey doubled down on his aversion to “neutrality.”
“Ultimately, I don’t think we can be this neutral, passive platform anymore,” he said, without any hint of irony.
So Twitter is a publisher now?
“Dorsey stated that Twitter could be impartial by having a list of rules, explaining the consequences for breaking the rules, and installing an appeals system that actually worked,”
Sure, impartial as a Soviet show trial.
That sound you hear is Dorsey’s attorneys hitting him with a good old fashioned phone book.
Dorsey: Look, I’ve been invited to a lot of sick parties. Nobody liked me in college or high school, but now they suddenly do. Do you honestly think I’ll forgo cocktail parties in the name of principle? Having you seen what a douche I look like with this beard? Does this look like the face of a man who recognizes when he’s made a bad decision?
You are so right. He’s looking over at Evan Spiegel getting Miranda Kerr and wondering what he has to do.
Practically in the same breath he says they can be impartial and not neutral. I thought this guys was smart?
I literally can’t stand these fucken Silicon tech guys pretending and acting like they’re Buddhists and talking like they’re inventions are to ‘better mankind’.
Fuck off asshole.
Legal system is not supposed to be neutral between victim and perpetrator, but impartial on how it treats perpetrators.
If he published a clear set of guidelines users have to adhere to and enforced it on the basis of violations, not who is being investigated, I’d loathe him less.
The ambiguity works in his favor. He’s never gonna clarify the rules.
“Anymore.” You keep using that word.
Or any less?
That punk is in over his head. I saw all I needed to know on Rogan and Gaad. He said something to the effect that Twitter expression is a human right but then turns around and says he’s not an ‘absolutist’ on matters of free speech. Buckle up buckeroos, you’re about to see Dorsey Unleashed.
He’s a glorified hacker.
No more than a blogger who chooses to delete certain comments becomes a publisher of comments in general.
Yup. When they have legal problems as a result the shareholders can thank Dorset.
Or Dorsey. Either is good.
Well given that they havn’t taken a neutral stance in years I don’t see how this changes much
I said it before, and I’ll say it again: Jack is full of shit!
So Twitter is a publisher now?
Wonder how that effects their Internet safe harbor status?
Twitter can’t be neutral but they need clear rules. Double standards sounds about as clear as you can get.
“I don’t think we can be this neutral, passive platform anymore”
When were they?
Never. There is no such thing. This whole episode is just people talking past each other. Just like every other “hot-button” issue.
BREAKING: Matthew Yglesias is an asshole.
“The controversy over Ilhan Omar and AIPAC money, explained
It’s only somewhat about the Benjamins.”
Asshole he may be, but he’s also right, as far as “what’s good for Democrats” goes.
Everyone here is hyperventilating over her agreement with a couple of tweets that weren’t really that bad. Hell, I agree with the Greenwald one: They shouldn’t be sanctioning members of congress on behalf of a foreign government and the antiBDS bill is an abomination.
The only thing I know about that bill is that Rand was the only Republican to vote against it. Which usually means it sucks ass.
You have to agree to not participate in an Israel boycott in order to get a fed govt contract is my understanding. It does restrict speech and will likely get stuffed in the courts.
“Dear Black America: Candace Owens Wants To Talk About Your Future
It was the night before, and I had just received the call. It wasn’t good. For the fourth time that week, a stylist had just pulled out. There was no scheduling conflict or dispute over fees. In her defense, I don’t blame her. Fashion is one of the high-profile industries where even being creatively attached to a feature on a particular type of person instills fear – fear of having your name attacked and your career in [fashion] ended.
One stylist did agree to do it, but after calling every showroom she frequently pulls from, she informed me that they all refused to lend her the pieces when they found out who the feature was on. It was no use trying to convince them. You might think that sounds dramatic, but when that particular type of person is a young black woman – who happens to be Conservative – it’s not far-fetched.”
Don’t try this at home:
They also used to treat STDs with a hot poker up your pecker.
I remember when you used to do that as a party trick. Always impressed the ladies.
While singing “Jimmy Crack Corn”.
In black face.
+1 Boardwalk Empire
Why must you post such things? Don’t you understand that this just makes SugarFree go “I can top that!”
You bastard.
That made my balls hurt.
I keep looking at the diagram of the procedure and the profile pic of Dr. Lindsey and parts of me just don’t know what the hell to do with themselves right now.
Yo, Suthen. *taps mike* Is this thing on?
You asked me to ask you how you know not to put in a solar array. This is me, asking you how you know not to put in a solar array.
Because I did all of those calculations myself and then put the panels in with great confidence that I was doing the right thing.
Nothing they told me was true, none of the predictions they made materialized, even the subsidies did not materialize and now I cant give the fucking things away. The whole thing is a scam, straight-up. Not many people will tell you that because they are ashamed to admit they were taken in. Bullshit never leads to good things so I am telling you honestly, I was taken in by the scam. It is a scam and in a moment of weakness and wishful thinking I caved.
Consider this: Obama was pushing it. Remember Solyndra? Let that sink in before taking out your checkbook.
I took a 30% tax credit on my panels.
Thanks, guys!
That’s part of my “Get Something Back” strategy.
now I cant give the fucking things away.
I’ll take them. Case of beer of your choice?
I would tell you to come get ’em but I like you too much Sharpy.
They never produced enough electricity to run a nightlight. There was never any dent in my electric bill, the subsidies were supposed to pay…uh…20K I think but only a quarter of that materialized.
Just thinking about it makes me want to strangle someone.
None of the numbers I was given were true. Outright lies. It is no different than a perpetual motion machine scam. The people pushing this shit are either repeating lies or straight up lying POS shit.
Everyone wants less dependence on a centralized energy grid but I promise you, this is not the way to do it.
I get 3-4kw from 9am to 2pm. Southeast facing.
I have seen a few things in Iraq that were supposed to run for certain length of time but failed to run as advertised. Its like email on Blackberry in 2004. Its there, but its not quite there.
We’re in the perfect location for solar; clear weather most of the time, south facing rooftop and no trees to obstruct the panels. We probably save about $350/year. That said, the only reason it’s paying off is because our hot tub uses a lot of electricity. Without that I doubt we’d have enough usage to make a difference.
When I first looked into it about 10 years ago the savings calculator from some solar company said it would pay of in 10 years, but half the savings was from an estimated increase in the value of my home, which is not the same thing as money in my pocket, so I ignored it. Years later we went with Solar City because I didn’t have to put up a bunch of money up front and they handle the maintenance.
Sesame Street is also brought to you today by the number 12.
I wa wondering what hapoened to that. I knew I miplaced it. I’ve been earching the internet all afternoon looking for it.
Well played.
The snow is still there. I need a lookout spot to get some decent pictures.
Sigh.. It’s Semenovitch.
oh fuck… I need a dunce cap. Semenovich.
There. I’ve gone from a cockatar to something more appropriate given that I misspelled Anna Semenovich’s name when the correct spelling was right the fuck in front of me.
No, officer. I can’t say the abc’s backwards.
So, apparently, I’ve pissed some person or people off at the place where I’m doing a contract.
I can think of 3 or 4 pretty minor head buttings in the 5+ months I’ve been there. The weird thing is that, apparently, it’s gone to 5 levels, someone has floated the idea of letting me go, and no one has said anything to me.
Anyway, work looks secure. I understand that I can be prickly when my BS detector is set off but, Jesus.
Is it just me, or are the comments offset on mobile for everyone?
/not complaining
_ _ _ No.
Your breaking up
Thanks for investing money in a gun company sisters. We appreciate it. Not like there is anything else you could use it for now that Trump has eliminated poverty.
Interesting strategy.
“AOBC is one of two firearm manufacturers the activists bought stock in for the expressed purpose of forcing a “dialogue with the companies about what they are doing to ensure the safety of children and communities whose lives may be at risk because of their products.”
They’re never going to stop.
Great article though. Good for S&W.
Gadflys gotta gad.
Learn to load
Left out the money shot:
‘We always voted for Chavez’
For years, Venezuelans supported President Nicolás Maduro who, like his predecessor, Hugo Chavez, used the country’s oil wealth to fund social programs. But when the price of oil began to fall, and the economy to falter, many Venezuelans started to protest the hand that fed them.
“the hand that fed them”
Never change, CNN.
“Things were good”
But then we got greedy and voted for the commie who promised to take from the rich and give to us. Now I’m a nickle whore. But I’d do it all again to stick it to those rich people. AOC 2024!
They left Venezuela for a better life — now they’re selling their bodies
And still having a better life than they would back home.
Without pics, prices, and contact info, that article is pretty useless.
I’m at this abandoned mortuary right now by myself and wandering around trying to get access to the upper apartment to rekey it and even though I’m not a superstitious fellow it is pretty fricking creepy.
Good work! Always establish an alibi!
Waiting on the real estate agent to tell me if I can pick the lock as he is out of town. It kinda looks occupied, but they might’ve already moved. Yes, this is my alibi if SFPD shows up. I already shut off alarm.
I’ve had them pull in me in a similar situation so I am treading lightly here.
Let me see if I have this right. 1) There’s an apartment in an abandoned mortuary. 2) Although the place is abandoned, this apartment may be occupied.
Yes. I have the keys to the mortuary but the upper level has signs of people living there/squatting. All kids of booze containers. I’m waiting for green light to pick the lock.
Lot of eyes looking at you right now.
There’s an apartment above an abandoned mortuary? *bangs broom handle on floor* Turn down that wailing and gnashing of teeth!
This sounds like how a session of Call of Cthulhu would start.
BTW, today’s Tom Woods has an interesting take on how to argue economics.
Excellent, I’ll be giving this a good read. Many thanks in advance!
A good watch* damn my auto-fill brain.
I love that hot sauce.
Nice. El Yucateco is awesome indeed.
The Kutbilik or whatever sauce? The brown stuff? Man, that’s good. It’s so hot it makes my teeth ache, but it still has actual flavor.
Yep, best hot sauce evah.
Here, have some theme music.
Well, the fucking agent forgot to tell me someone still lives in the apartment. Thanks for that. Luckily I checked. Time to get the hell out of this creepshow.
Yikes! You stumbled into Warty’s dungeon.
All locked up. I’ve came across squatters in a few abandoned buildings. They are getting billed extra for this one. It’s conceniently located right smack dab in the middle of the Fulton Street projects.
If there are squatters, the property is pretty much a no go for at least a year, right?
If you don’t go the route of getting some hard pipe hitting dudes to go in and take care of it, then it can certainly turn into a protracted situation. They essentially get treated like tenants. I have a few unbelievable stories of insane squatter situations that I’ve had to deal with.
Even AirBnB. Once you go past 30 days, it’s over.
Yup. In SF County it is absolutely miserable to evict someone (even a squatter). The absolute minimum time is 6 months and generally about 10 months. Next County over, San Mateo, you can get someone out in 6 weeks. I’ve seen squatters (as in actual squatters not just non paying tenants) get paid off tens of thousands to leave. It’s insane.
Lock the squatters in. As far as you knew, the building was unoccupied.
Collect the fire insurance?
If nobody is using those, can you just have ’em ?
…asking for a friend
Aw hell no. I would have noped my ass right back into the car and driven straight to a church.
How the ladies look in there?
Real pale and stiff.
This is posted here for Mr. RC Dean since I didn’t want to post in the dead Monday AM thread:
What I meant to say was that I hope the courts shut down Washington States’s gun control laws. Apologies for the ambiguity. I also agree that if the courts enforce the law and shut down the county sheriffs’ nonenforcement of those laws, they should also shut down sanctuary cities.
Minnesota better be careful. It’s on its way to becoming Little France.
If you had told me that in the 1970’s I would have called you crazy.
A lot of Minnesodans who have descended from Norwegians and Swedes would be very happy to resume Viking raids on these rumored Frenchies.
:also hides neon yellow safety jacket that I wore to work today deep in the closet:
So who will be the new Rollo?
Songs of Rolland?
The wife and I started watching that documentary on the Fyre Festival last night on Netflix. I’m only about 15 or 20 minutes into it and already finding it to be one of the funniest movies of the last 20 years. So much magical thinking, so much desperation to be hip and run with the ‘in’ crowd. So little knowledge of how things work. I thought I was going to cough up blood I was laughing so hard.
The only people in that situation who get my sympathy are the Bahamian day laborers. They got screwed. Everyone else is pretty much an asshole.
Completely agree. The organizers were assholes, the attendees were assholes, the “influencers” were assholes. It’s assholes all the way down.
That is hilarious. If you want to know what ‘three generations shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves’ means, that illustrates it perfectly.
The Internet Historian still has the definitive take.
Well, not really, but he was the first…
I am laughing and I didn’t even read the article.
Yeah, a mistake.
I really do like that site.
PC Load Letter
The thing I like about the Babylon Bee is they have remembered how to make fun of something without being hateful. Could John Stewart have written this, even given an infinite amount of monkeys?
They have a recipe for good content.
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Jeepers. You guys have linked to it before, but I need to bookmark it and check it everyday. It’s gold, Jerry!
Experts Warn Psychopaths May Try To Give Your Kids Candy Corn On Halloween
Candy corn is literally the worst.
They’re bad, but what about wax bottles? I never understood those things. Are you supposed to chew on the wax, or just drink the .01 oz of sugar water?
You raise a valid point. I would have also accepted the counterproposition of circus peanuts.
I don’t hate candy corn. I’d eat an entire bag of it before a single damn spree or smarties or the stupid paper stick with fake cocaine in it.
Rhy, I think you misspelled “Necco wafers”.
Or, maybe you were trying for “Sweethearts? Kinda difficult to tell.
He could have in the past. OK, maybe it was a couple decades ago. But yeah there was actually a time when he and his ilk weren’t smug, nasty assholes.
Ha! Excellent!
I don’t think she knows what “The Communist Manifesto” is.
She knows she needs to backpedal away from it though. Pelosi probably called her. Again.
Most commies dont.
“The right is so intellectually bankrupt that they have to point out minor errors like the accidental publishing of a frightening far-left document like the Manifesto, rather than discussing our sound, grounded plan that doesn’t in any way represent a leftist takeover of the entire economy.”
Not in any way. No siree. Our plan is moderate, not far left. No really. That communist stuff goes too far. We’re not communist. Not at all. Nothing to see here.
The GND ought to be required reading.
Just so everyone knows what we’re dealing with.
that one led me to Also the docket for 2016 are the Universal Studios’ movie Balaam, which includes a talking donkey sent back in time to steal a doomsday laser from a rogue Edomite, and I Am Zerubbabel, a United Artists biopic featuring the Jewish leader attempting to build up the ruins of the Temple before a second velociraptor attack. Pixar has also picked up the option for Samuel I Am, in which the prophet Samuel (played by Chris Tucker as an animated pet goldfish) attempts to get the future King Saul of Israel to accept his throne during a hijinks‐filled cross‐country road trip.
It amazes me that when we negotiate service deals with law firms, we don’t build in a “fuck you, I’m not paying for the privilege of rewriting the patent application from scratch and letting you put your name on my work” clause.
The amount of money we’re paying this firm to file what is, by all meaures, my work product is downright harrowing.
Sounds like you’re working for the wrong company.
If I had a higher risk tolerance, I’d start a law firm and out compete the other firms for the work.
My wife is ’08. It took her about 8 years to gain the confidence and experience to go out on her own, but it’s totally worth it.
That is not unusual. The majority of law work around here is standard stuff. You go in tell them what you want and they open a drawer full of fill-in-the-blank forms and there ya’ go. Divorce, pre-marital agreements, sale contracts, successions, wills, titles…you get the idea. Not a lot of lawyers will stoop to actually composing legal docs. You can go to the clerk’s office and the copies easily and just change the names and date but not a lot of people know that. The few lawyers that will do it are worth their weight in gold. Good luck finding one. Mostly what lawyers do is provide insurance in case there is a fuck up and someone complains later. You can point your finger at them.
*Not legal advice from a credentialed expert. Definitely not legal advice. Suthenboy is definitely not an expert.
In my timber article I said that a lot of latitude should be given to the contractors involved such as the oil they sometimes leave on the ground from their equipment. I said ignore it, that it doesnt really hurt anything and goes away on its own. Some commenters pointed out that you would get skinned for doing that in places like California. They are correct. Nobody gives a shit here, but this aint California.
I own property where the tenant is a Dry Cleaner. You’d better believe there’s a huge bond involved.
Didn’t you have some situation with them a little while ago? A third party was wanting to sue them and you too? Or something.
An ADA troll. He claimed that he was unable to use the facility because the handicapped parking spot wasn’t properly labeled.
The cleaner has a drive up window.
He knew, and he did it anyway.
Dry cleaner? Oh Jesus, I’m sorry. Have they been in business for a long time?
Yes, it was actually the location for one of the original Flair Cleaners.
Once you have a dry cleaner at the location, it makes sense to keep having one there. They do over a million dollars of business a year, and nobody else will rent to them.
Double oh Jesus. That’s long enough to be back when cleaners would be less that fastidious about spills. Or worse, pour directly into a ground pit or dry well. I hope you’ve got that property walled off from the rest of your financial life.
The few lawyers that will do it are worth their weight in gold.
*nods in agreement*
Even in a specialized space like patents, there are more than a few lawyers who pull the dusty form out of the filing cabinet and hardly bother to customize it to the actual invention.
This was a situation where the drafters were over their heads technologically, and they tried to bullshit their way through 15 pages of technical explanation each. I live, eat, and breathe this technology, so it was blatantly obvious they were clueless. Much like how we feel when progs try to talk about guns. I encountered the IT equivalent to “black things that go up” and “bullet button magazine clips”.
Which reminds me of a story my grandfather told me. He was having some timber harvested and some OSHA guys showed up out of the blue. He was standing by his truck waiting for the trucks to show up and the OSHA guys asked him where the cutters were so they could go inspect conditions, equipment etc.
“You go down this trail here and when you get to…you gotta stay on the trail…when you get to the creek cross over and you will see them. Now you make sure to stay on the trail. Whatever you do, DO NOT get off of the trail!”
*In those days we had free range and the woods were full of livestock but especially pigs. And pig trails. Everybody knew to stay the hell off of pig trails. If you walked on one for more than ten feet you would get infested with ticks and fleas from head to toe. Not just ticks but very nasty ticks, including seed ticks.
Seed ticks. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_mYeWukfGzYA/SNb8lSrFzjI/AAAAAAAAAP0/XsM-A_cywx4/s400/DSC01292.JPG
Now that’s funny.
I never heard of seed ticks, but that looks like chiggers.
Which are worse than death.
I looked like that once (chiggers) around my waist and lower. It was a miserable 7 days or more. I’ll take MN mosquitoes, you know when they are around.
One of my wife’s red-neck cousins goes by “Chigger”. She had to explain to me what they were.
Chigger, please.
Hey–if we’re gonna do that, at least go by the more socially acceptable “Chigga”.
The other spelling has centuries of pain and hate attached to it.
Having googled seed ticks, I see we call them turkey mites which aren’t as itchy as chiggers but equally nasty because you have to pull the little bastards out.
The military bases, which are the worst polluters around, have conniptions if your equipment leaks so much as a drop of hydraulic fluid.
Fuckers spilled 60,000 gallons of diesel fuel last year and no one so much as lost their job, but I get yelled at if a hydraulic fitting needs a new o-ring.
I cannot tell you how many response calls we get that involve someone’s vehicle in the parking lot leaving an “oily sheen” which then has to be reported to NYSDEQ
My city rolls the fire department to those calls now.
Storm drains are sealed off, the oil is soaked up with whatever that white powder is…..
Speedi-Dri. It’s the old, unpopular clay-based kitty litter
We used to use sawdust. Worked great.
Just pour a bit of gasoline on it and light it – it all burns away nicely.
Also works with break shoes that have gotten soaked with break fluid.
Clay kitty litter. Every engine had a five gallon bucket of it. We also carried Plug and Dike, which is a powder you mix with a little water. The resulting clay can be used to plug leaking fuel tanks or drums.
Seriously? After midnight CDT, and no one has made a, “Sounds like a gay superhero duo!” joke yet??
I always wonder because they always references the AFFF (or other firefighting liquids) in the local groundwater around the airfields – so my question is – did they spray thousands of gallons all over the runways for practice/training every year for decades or did every single storage tank develop massive leaks due to corrosion or what? The references in the news stories sound identical nearly every time but it just seems really weird.
But yeah…there’s a good reason in the Navy that you want to refuel underway and not pierside (although we do put out floating barriers around every ship in port every time – just common sense. Granted you don’t want to have a spill – but 100 miles from shore a few gallons of Diesel Marine overboard is vastly less “problematic”. Run the checklists and you shouldn’t have any issues.
Correlation does not prove causation.
Yeah, but it can certainly suggest it. N.B.: every medical study ever that started off with anecdotal evidence and decided that said evidence needed further study, double-blind studies, etc.
Interesting take. Probably why I can’t find a Ponderosa in NYC.
PS. I really wish WP would fix the “you must be logged in” dance that eats my comment and then takes me on a tour of the dashboard that I didn’t ask for. ?
…eats my comment and then takes me on a tour of the dashboard that I didn’t ask for.
Yeah, I hate that too.
There IS at least one Ponderosa in NYC; it’s on Atlantic Ave. or Nassau Blvd. a couple blocks East of Woodhaven Blvd. in Queens.
You mean Ponderosa is still in business? I thought they’d closed up back in the 90’s.
Upon further reflection, it might be the other one – Sizzler or something.
Can confirm that sizzler is still in business. I saw one during my last bay area trip.
I don’t think ponderosa is still around. My dad used to get Saturday breakfast at one and he switched to Bob Evans a few years back.
1977 Toyota Celica GT: Regular Car Reviews
Neat car.
A friend of mine had one of these in the ‘80s. It was a fun car, wish I could find a decent one now.
And married to John Tesh for 27 years.
Somebody in town has a last generation (2005 or 06) Celica GTS. I wish they still made them. Red line was almost 8000 rpms. Fun cars are hard to find now.
Fun cars are
hardexpensive to find now.FTFY.
I like that car.
I like this guy’s channel. I thought about buying one of these, but instead went with a regular Crown Victoria.
Green New Deal “Fake News?”
I just heard a commie-spokesapologist explain on the TV that it wasn’t a fake document but one that was never supposed to be seen so everything is A-OK. Rightwing extremists are just making a big deal out of nothing.
*Fuck if I know what that means. More ‘people werent supposed to find out the truth! It’s not fair!’ shit. They really are beyond the pale.
She fucked up by telling the underlying truth and it’s plain as day for all to see.
It wasn’t supposed to be seen after being put up on the internet?
Trial balloon. Will refine the message, patch up the holes, and run it up again and again until all decent folk get behind it.
Looks like New Mexico might pass a law that removes doctors’ and nurses’ freedom of conscience clause to refuse to perform abortions:
I thought these people were pro-choice.
They chose to be doctors so get with the doctoring. Earn more than the market would otherwise provide due to a state-enforced monopoly live with the state-enforced regulations.
State issues them a business licence, so they better bake that cake!
That’s the way I sees it, more so if they only issue so many, impede competition, etc, etc…
Have you reviewed the terms of the Social Contract that you signed lately? Sure, it might have been signed without your consent…
You don’t see any clash with the 1st Amendment here?
Such as? No one is stopping these doctors from practicing their religion. If that religion impedes their ability to get with the doctoring maybe they should have chosen another profession.
doctoring != killing babies.
And I’m pro-choice.
Do you get off on doing this?
Until this bill that wasn’t an issue and threatening someone’s livlihood based on their religious beliefs would seem to be a violation of the free exercise of religion at a fundamental level. If someone considers abortion to be murder you’d be OK with compelling them to perform one or lose their license or get sued?
I’m pro-abortion, but don’t believe in compelling labor.
I take it as “providing a service”. Educational, as it were.
So until state medical licensing is optional, medical professionals lose the freedom to refuse to do something that violates their consciences? That just seems like compounding the initial wrong. Also, where does that leave people who want to become doctors and also agree that licensing should be optional? It seems like you’re deliberately (not you personally, the rhetorical “you”) shooting yourself in the foot out of spite without gaining any kind of progress towards the regulatory strategy you prefer.
@MikeS, I read Hyperbole’s comments as being deeply sarcastic.
Playa – When you lobby the state to control your profession, then your profession is whatever the state says it is.
Mike S – Do you want Brett to get an 800 comment post or not?
If this were the first or second time, sure. Being as it’s the 238th time, I think “trolling” is a more apt description. But, as Rhywun said, I guess it does serve a purpose.
Ha-ha. Yes, my apologies, Hyper’. Carry on.
Stinky – If a person could be compelled to commit murder just to save their job or not get sued I would question their commitment to the pro-life movement.
I have several doctors in my family, and none have ever lobbied the government to control their profession. They hate it, in fact.
They hate it, in fact.
I’m certain they do, at least the oversight part, I don’t know your family and they may all be solid libertarians that would rather the man get entirely up out of their shit, and that’s great. In my experience, however, there is a disconnect between ‘tell me how to do my business’ and ‘protect my industry.’ Most professionals hate the former but aren’t willing to give up the latter. We can’t just let anyone do XY or Z but once I got mine don’t tell ME how to XY or Z.
I am not pro-life or pro-choice. I am pro-abortion. I believe all children deserve death. All government funding across the world should go towards planned parenthood. No more military, no more healthcare, just abortions. Unite all the countries in the world for this cause. Change the UN into the UA, United Abortions. All these silver spoon politicians sitting up in their ivory towers, not giving a single fuck about what happens to the common man? Without us, they are nothing. What about the real problems, huh? The human race needs to be eradicated. That’s just the simple truth. #humanabortion2018
Hippocratic Oath says wut?
The opposite of what it does?
Oh, wait that’s the Hypocritic Oath.
You’re free to choose as long as I agree with your choice.
So a woman can just walk into her Dermatologist’s office and demand an abortion?
“Scrape it offa me like a blackhead, Doc.”
I don’t understand how a doctor could be forced to perform any elective procedure. Maybe my rhetoric-to-English translator is broken, not sure.
It just seems like this Wednesday Addams cake baking meme writ large.
You really want to go under the knife with a doctor you forced to do it?
Botched the link in the worst way! Gah!
Link is SF’ed
Got it – Heh
“Now, count backwards from 99….”
Just a short skip and a hop till they can be drafted into the People’s Health Corps to service fully nationalized healthcare.
Science, bitches.
BTW, I rung my bell pretty damn hard at work last week and have been something out of sorts. I have my head back about me now. At least well enough to direct this.
Now make sure he does his math homework.
I dont put a whole lot of faith in standardized tests as a metric for intelligence, but either way. Here are the composite results for his test scores this semester.
I am a bit proud…
THey aren’t necessarily a great metric for intelligence, but they’re not insignificant. And they tangibly WILL help the kid rake in a ton of scholarships. My state gave an automatic 5 year scholarship (to a state school) to anyone with a 99%ile score on ACT or SAT.
That looks cool.
BTW, I rung my bell pretty damn hard at work last week and have been something out of sorts. I have my head back about me now.
Sorry, good to hear you are back to normal.
Thanks DEG. I took an I beam to the top of the head. Sprained neck/concussion was the result.
I feel like I was a bit retarded for a couple of days afterward.
Anyway, been taking prednisone for a few days now and that has really helped the neck and time has helped the mental clarity. All is well.
Heh, Target shopping app jacked up prices as customers showed committment to buying a product by entering the store:
Target, the sleazy Wal-Mart.
This reinforces my strong preference for buying online even if I’m doing a store pickup.
By “store pickup” you mean the hot guy in the hardware department?
*takes notes*
That sounds like a better idea than picking up random guys in the parking lot.
Those are called “day laborers.”
Huh, no wonder there were so many, ah, communication problems.
Did you make a circle with your thumb and finger on your left hand, and then poke your right index finger through the circle?
If that’s not official sign language, it should be.
Barnes and Noble has different pricing on their website than their store, and won’t price match.
I went in to buy a book for a gift and was annoyed to see the full list price. Ordered it off the website from my phone, with a discount code for the first order, for something like 30% off with in store pickup. Text saying it was ready for pickup came in about 10 minutes later. Completely idiotic.
OT: Can any of you rec a decent freeware VPN?
From what I’ve heard the good ones will cost you. If you need a very basic level of encryption Puffin is OK. Don’t try to torrent or do anything remotely shady over it though.
Open VPN. It can be challenging to set up, but you’ll learn a lot.
You van buy it built into something like this:
Thats how I use it. I VPN into my home router (netgear nighthawk) from the office when I’m surfing glibs.
If you want to set up a personal VPN so that you can more securely access your network resources while on the go, Openvpn
If you want to add a bit of browsing privacy, and/or get around some geoblocking, I use Private Internet Access
About $40 a year but they have servers all over the world, and they do not log anything (that is the claim anyway).
I don’t know that I’d trust a free one for anything more than an occasional way around a geoblock. They tend to have low data limits too.
If the product is free, you’re the product. Some of these VPN providers are sucking up every bit of data that comes over their servers.
Wait a minute…. these links are free. I’m the product? I’m not a slab of meat! I feel so used. I need a shower.
Also if I’m the product I’d hate to see the customer base.
I use NORDVPN. It isn’t free but it is very inexpensive.
Yeah, just set up mine on laptop and phone last night using the advchina code – 75% off for a 3 year deal. I can suck that up.
As noted above, the Communist Manifesto is unknown to most Americans, but you’d be surprised who spouts it. True story: A number of years ago, I was at a Chamber committee meeting. Guest speaker was a Republican County Commissioner. So he gives a talk about why the rich suburban counties need to provide tax money to the poor city they surround, because “from those who have the ability to pay.” I said nothing, but started shaking my head. Commissioner stops his speech, points at me, and asks if I disagree. Caught off guard, I mentioned something about his reasoning being Marxist. He took umbrage and told the assembled that that was the first time he’d ever been accused of being a communist. Anyway, as I’m heading to the parking lot, he’s there talking to some other attendees. He sees me and beckons me over and says he is a libertarian leaning conservative not a communist. Friendly chat continues and he mentions that he is a friend of Manny Klausner and a contributor to the Reason Foundation! If someone like him can popularize things taken right out of the Manifesto, then we are really and truly screwed.
That’s sad. “From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.” Should be a phrase known and reviled by anyone claiming any type of libertarian sympathies.
Yes it is. As a libertarian, I always quote it as “To each according to their abilities, from each according to their need.” Hardly anyone “gets it” but it almost completely demonstrates the moral difference between individual liberty and economic justice vs. collectivism and greed for unearned wealth.
Each according to their intersectionality, each according to their greed.
From each arrording to their racial privilege, to each according to their status on the *progressive grievance stack.
*Consult chart for clarity
Manny is a guy who deserves retirement, but isn’t.
My wife clerked for him like 15 years ago or so. We sometimes get invited to talks and dinners and such. I see them as “cocktail parties.” I don’t think interacting with mainstream libertarians will do much to intensify my beliefs. I’m almost always disillusioned by the upper level players in most realms, no reason (drink) to think this would be any different.
I’ve declined most of the talks, especially recently.
Matt Welch is a genuinely good guy, and I’m glad I met him. Same with Alissi and Nott. Gillespie is a thundercunt who reeks of bitterness and resentment.
Most of the Reason stuff was fun way back when, but I’d probably embarrass them now. In fact, I’d be glad to.
My biases are confirmed.
I first read that as “Gillespie is a thundercat”
Also; stealing “thundercunt”
Get woke, go broke.
“I need that to sink into the shareholders and corporate executives at Disney, Sony, Century Fox and any other movie makers in Hollywood.“
They don’t care as long as they personally are getting paid. Let Twitter mobs take down any potential threat and you jealously protect the niche you’ve carved out. Sure, the pie is shrinking, but you get the big salary and get to virtue signal. Win/You-lose-but-IDGAF.
Mantle piece https://imgur.com/gallery/5qqMWON
Wife got this for me last week. I approve.
Your pad seems to have quite the eclectic vibe.
Behind the Lachowsky sign is a crosscut saw that dates from the 30’s.
Fun story.
My brother and I were clearing land for my grandfather when we were in our teens. We didnt much care for it, so we constantly claimed chainsaw problems as the reason that we didnt get as much work done during a day as we should have. Truth is we were fucking off instead of cutting down trees.
After a few days of this, grandpa brought us a crosscut saw and demonstrated how to use it. He made me first and my brother second work the opposite end of the saw from him. Holy shit, he threw us all over the place. Working the other end of a crosscut fron pops was like getting my ass kicked by a wooden handle.
Anywho. He left us out there with the saw for a day before giving us back the chainsaw. After that, brother and I were much more focused on our work.
Modern conveniences have ruined the younger generations. If I gave my grandfather a flesh light he’d have beat me to death with it.
You’d have to be a fool to turn down the latest in masturbation technology.
Not true. I used to masturbate uphill for two hours to school and back with nothing but tree sap and rabbit droppings. Didn’t do me any harm.
Nazi punches back.
Another toxic cis-white-hetero shitlord with a MAGA hat terrorizing innocent Jooz. How much more of Trump can we take?!
I read somewhere that because “Nazi” was a Bavarian word for “simpleton” Party members actually referred to themselves as “Nazos.” Anyone know anything about this??
I know nothing if that. NAZI means national socialism.
Commie means international socialism.
That really all we need to know.
The two ideologies are Marxism tailored to either national or international sympathies. Both abhorrent.
I think someone’s pulling your chain.
“Nazi” is simply short for “national”, pronounced “na-tsee-oh-NAL” – a word borrowed from French. The short form has ‘z’ to conform to German spelling.
OT: I was looking through an cookbook published in 1900, and in the risotto recipe, it advises you to “place an asbestos mat between the pan and the direct heat of the burner”. I guess people just kept asbestos mats in the kitchen.
Oh, the horrors of the days before REGULAYSHUN!!!!
Used to have asbestos mitts for changing the barrel on the M60.
If the asbestos is bound, it’s safe. It’s the fibers that are bad juju.
Yeah, well you’ll notice all the original readers who used those asbestos mats are DEAD!
I’m going to need proof of that claim.
I mean it’s only 120 years ago.
But we already have CNN…
Surprisingly Rising Wasabi hasn’t picked this up yet as Japan tries to accommodate gaijin trying to learn Japanese.
Do these next.
“dinner with a bunch of friends!”
Was the BBQ here?
Fresh sausage.
That money would have been better spent on a nose job.
Or he could just man up and enjoy his “I can write my name in the snow” privilege
I’m thinking I have to see this movie:
“The GNAA has also produced shock sites containing malware.[6][18] One such site, “Last Measure”, contains embedded malware that opens up “an endless cascade of pop-up windows displaying pornography or horrific medical pictures.”
So basically every thread with HM on it?
You can do whatever you want, with whoever you want, and it won’t be gay if you follow my patented The 4 Rules for Men™️. The 4 Rules for Men™️ is the only, scientifically proven method to allow you to do gay things, but avoid contracting gay.
Say no homo – If you say something gay, you must say “no homo” within five minutes or less after the gay thing is said. If you are having sex with another man, you must say no homo at least every five minutes, with the timer resetting after it is said, to avoid contracting gay.
The socks stay on – If you are doing something gay, the socks must stay on the feet of all parties involved, or else you risk contracting gay.
The balls can’t touch – This is perhaps the hardest part of The 4 Rules for Men™️. If you are performing sexual acts with another man, the balls of all parties involved CANNOT touch each other, or else you will contract gay.
You can’t look each other in the eyes – When performing sexual acts with another man, you cannot look each other in the eyes or you will contract gay. This happens because looking each other in the eyes symbolises romantic feelings, which is hella gay.
You MUST follow all of these rules when performing sexual acts with another man, otherwise you WILL contract gay, which as we all know is incurable. If you are only saying something gay, you only have to follow rule 1, all others are unnecessary.
I gurantee you will not be gay if you follow The 4 Rules for Men™️. *
Looks like HM hacked Q’s account.
Something is off.
Lunch hour over, so back to work. Same time, same place tomorrow?
Thanks again straffin-san for the intro to the Tora-san movies. Was watching Tora! Tora! Tora! and noticed Tora-san playing a cook on one of the carriers. Cracked me up. Something about that guys’s face and his voice makes even a mostly serious role seem comedic and brings out his Tora-san alter ego.
Tora! Tora! Tora?
I saw the Beto speech. I think this is the first time I’ve “seen” him speak.
My god, it was like I was watching a bad high school play.
Dear God. What on earth is he speaking about?!
I have no idea.
Speaking of hilarious presidential ambition. At least with Bill! there will be scheduled nap times in the Oval Office.
He needs to talk to Garcetti.
Doesn’t look good for cracking 1000 posts tonight.
Here’s my donation.
I’ve done my part. We’re north of 640.
OK-since most of you* have fucked off to go “sleep”. Or, “spend time with loved ones”…
This particular bit of drivel could only come from a brain trust of this (negative) magnitude.
What the everlasting FUCK is a “Senior Identity Editor”, eh, Bustle?
Holy shit-I think she has bred…
*Where my Chafed at?
‘Senior identity editor” – somehow I doubt the AARP has anything to do with it.
Unless you work in something like the witness protection program, there should not be such a job title as “Identity Editor”.
Off topic rant because I feel helpless, impotent, and sad. A coworker died on New Year’s Eve. He missed a couple shifts, then NYPD showed up looking for info as his landlord noticed a smell and found the body on 05 Jan. His body is STILL in the morgue as the only family of which we knew was his mom who died 2 years ago in a nursing home. I certainly can’t afford to do anything (I’ve just had my hours cut in half thanks to the new $15 minimum wage – incentives and consequences; if only there were an iron law that could have predicted this) and it is really bothering me. I didn’t know him very well but he was always cheerful and sweet. I think he came over from Ghana in the 1970s or ’80s. I’m unsure why this is so bothersome to me; I have a hard lump of anthracite where humans have a heart but it seems so demeaning to leave him there in the tender ministrations of the City. FUCK!
I’m afraid I don’t have any advice to give regarding this specific circumstance.
Though the comment did remind me of an observation. All of the immigrants from africa I’ve known who’ve gone through the legal process (rather than some loophole or as refugees) are the most upbeat and optimistic people. I don’t know if that’s because that kind of person is more likely to go through the bother, or because they’re aware that things are demonstrably better for them here.
Your coworker is gone. He is not there. If you are a religious person then surely you believe he is in a better place. If not, then he is just gone. His body is just an inanimate object. Nothing you do will change that. I understand your sentiment but the problem you describe is pretty common. I saw a report years ago about bodies piling up in L.A. by the hundreds and autopsies backed up for 2 or 3 years. That situation exists in many large cities I am sure.
Watch the movie ‘Saving Private Ryan’ again. The whole movie is setting up for one line – “Was I a good man?”
That is how you honor someone.
I have asked my family not to spend money on me after I die. Spending money on my corpse wont change anything. In fact, I donated my body to LSU Medical school. Med students will chop me up, cremate me and mail me back in a cardboard box for free. I asked them to spread me out, or toss me out if the med school doesnt want me, on some of our timber land. In the end it wont matter to me but it might help them feel better if they put my body there. Huh, I will become the trees I loved all o fmy life.
You are, of course, correct and I KNOW this intellectually (I’m also very much not a religious person; my plans for passing are not dissimilar to yours) but it just isn’t sitting well. IDK… perhaps I’m missing the sense of community that I fought so hard to get away from. My move from Tallahassee to NOLA was wonderful because I was no longer “that guy with all the tattoos and guns”, the jump to NYC was even more cloaked in anonymity. Thank you for letting me vent.