Geez, I’ve been busy. This auction is kicking my ass and still 12 days to go before showtime. I doubt anybody will see me here for a few weeks after today, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.
I don’t even know what’s going on in the sports world really. I know Mickelson tried to play golf at what appeared to be midnight en route to winning (sometime this morning) Pebble Beach. And I know that Liverpool won but Man City steamrolled Chelsea in what should cost their manager his job. The AAC got started and from what I hear, people like what they are seeing. College basketball is a roller coaster this year. And I will have to watch more hockey to know what’s going on, although its apparent the Ducks suck since they just canned their coach.

When he wasn’t winning awards he was killing elephants.
Thomas Edison was born on this day. Sow as novelist and screenwriter Sidney Sheldon, actress Eva Gabor, funnyman Leslie Nielsen, Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega, legendary actor Burt Reynolds, JEB!, Sarah Palin, Jennifer Aniston (is 50!), and radio host Alex Jones.
Its also the day the following happened: Robert Fulton patented the steamboat, Ike was named commander of Allied European forces (to the chagrin of Monty), the Yalta Agreement was signed, the Ayatollah seized power in Iran, Weird Al recorded his first LP, Buster Douglas knocked Mike Tyson out in Tokyo and Nelson Mandela was released from prison.
OK, now the links!
May asks for yet more time to negotiate Brexit. Jesus, this is getting ridiculous. Just walk away and tell the EU that they’re negotiating with a completely sovereign nation now. Its become the only way they’ll let you voluntarily leave their little socialist club and its also the only way the saboteurs in your own government will lose leverage.
What the shit is Executive Time anyway? Actually, I don’t really give a shit. In fact, I wish every single elected and appointed government official would spend at least half of their schedule on “executive time”. It might mean they don’t have enough time to lord over my daily life and come up with more ways to steal what I’ve earned.

This is the face of hate…and progressives embrace it.
I know this is shocking, but Rep. Ilhan Omar appears to be an anti-Semite. Go read the tweet, btw…its full of Jewish leftists saying how they’re such big fans off hers but are disappointed in this. Yeah, because this doesn’t mirror everything she’s publicly said about Israel for years.
I swear, I have never heard a song of hers, but Joy Villa has some balls. I won’t comment on her politics other than to say its nice that at least one person in the industry is standing up against the same of progressive stupidity and hypocrisy.
14 more to have charges dropped in Chicago because of scumbag cop Ronald Watts. Good! Now I hope they sue the city for millions and win. (Sorry, taxpayers of Chicago who don’t continue to vote for the idiots that enable this police union. Its probably time to give up and get the hell out of there.)

Doesn’t anybody give him a hard time about the Dr Evil lazy eye? Nobody at all? Comedy is dead.
So it looks like the brother of Jeff Bezos’s mistress is the one who leaked his dick pics to the National Enquirer. Um, who shares dirty texts with their brother or sister? If she didn’t, he belongs in jail. If she did…weeeeeeird family dynamic going on there.
The Houston Chronicle did an exhaustive investigation into sex abuse at the Southern Baptist Church. The results are really bad. I mean really, really, really bad.
No idea why I picked this today. I know how polarizing he is. Maybe that’s why!
Anyway, have a great day out there, friends!
Banjos and SP do the best links.
After you claimed to only read Brett’s links I suspect you’re trolling.
SP’s formatting soothes me, and Banjos has an endless supply of pictures of animals playing banjos that comforts me. I’m a simple man.
They’re the biggliest, greatest links. You’ll love them.
That’s what she said!
“So it looks like the brother of Jeff Bezos’s mistress is the one who leaked his dick pics to the National Enquirer. Um, who shares dirty texts with their brother or sister? If she didn’t, he belongs in jail. If she did…weeeeeeird family dynamic going on there.”
That was my reaction as well. How the fuck did they get your dick picks in the first place.
You’re the richest guy in the world and you’re sending dick pics?
How else are you going to troll for cock suckers?
Sending pictures of you swimming in your pool full of krugerrands would probably be effective.
He would lose his leftist creds if he did that though…
His “Wealth” is all tied up in Amazon stock. He’s actually quite broke.
I’ll take his “broke” any day.
You do know he can sell some of that stock at any time, and generate enough money to buy literally almost anything he wants, regardless of price. That is the exact opposite of broke.
If you want to argue to his massive portfolio of assets is not diversified enough, then fine.
Who’d buy Amazon? I mean the company refuses to turn a profit.
It’s not 2002 anymore UCS.
2002? That’s years away.
Compared to what gets plebs off, it’s tame.
I’ve never been blown away by Bezos’s intelligence when I’ve heard him speak. The sexts and dick pics only reaffirm what I already knew. Not to mention his invention of words.
Few of the tech/Silicon people I’ve heard speak impress me. They’re good at what they created and that’s about it.
I, for one, never got the appeal of TED talks. But I’m too stuck in my ways to hear another “life hack”, or best ways to stand in the rain and call it sunshine.
I have found that if you ignore the usual proggie shit, some of the more technical Ted talks can be instructive.
They’re very hit or miss, in my estimation. There are some that are fascinating, but most of them remind me of televangelism, but for their specific academic paper or study. It’s a combination of Shark Tank and r/ELI5
What he and most other billionaires have is a monomaniacal ability to focus and work and get other people to work. Although his resume before Amazon would indicate to me that he is, let’s say, probably to the right of the first standard deviation on the intelligence bell-curve.
Please expand to those of us not well-read in what that means.
I’m a muppet. Not human.
“He is really smart – just not very good at things outside his business.”
If he’s that rich, he has someone send the dick pics for him.
Also, up your mistress game, dude. Leo DiCaprio cast-off or higher.
What a show that whole thing is. I sincerely doubt there’s anyone in the world who believes this broad is into him for his mind, his delightful conversation, or his chiseled abs. And meanwhile, if I’m the richest man on Earth my sugarbaby damn sure isn’t gonna look like a tranny. Seriously, that chick looks like a fuckin’ dude who transitioned to a woman who’s transitioning to a cat-person or something.
Umm, she is cross eyed and not stunningly model hot. If he wasn’t crazy rich, I wouldn’t look at that pic and think, “Woah, she’s way out of his league physically.” A little out of his league at most.
I’ve seen Hondas with less obvious bad aftermarket work.
Try the veal!
+1 Mrs General Grant
Sources confirmed that documents were reviewed which pointed to the brother’s belief that orbital Trumpians had something to do with it. No, really.
HOLY CRAP it’s Burt Reynolds’ birthday!? National holiday!
I’m afraid he’s still dead though.
No way – I just saw him at the last Lou Reed show I was at…
I’m sorry. I can’t hear you over the sound of my giant, throbbing erection!
“Cut it out! It tickles!”
What a great show.
That bar where the auction will be held isn’t creepy at all.
LOL, they were in the process of replacing all the lighting when the media went bonkers on my press release. I assure you, we weren’t expecting much more than a few lines in some online puff piece at the Chronicle. But it went haywire and we ended up with every freaking station in town coming in the same day.
I guess people either:
1. really miss the place
2. really want to suck up to Travis Scott
Either way, I should do well with it.
So, does ‘SITE’ actually stand for anything?
Yes. They’re the first letter of the four words in my company name. SITE Auction Services is a dba that helps me sell across a broader range of items. The official name limits me.
I’m probably going to have to scrub my presence here at some point. I know I’m going to have to make sure I stay anonymous on twitter. But being a little more public about who I am here makes that difficult.
Well, you will be missed if you have to distance yourself for economic reasons.
We’ll never tell.
For a fee of course.
Sorry sloops! Ditto on the missed if you have to do it.
That’ll be too bad if you have to go off-line here, but understandable. Good luck with the auction. Judging from the buzz, I bet you’ll do very well.
That bar is also owned by the lady who has the collection and there’s outdoor seating for 1000 people that I’m starting to think we will need at a minimum. She’s providing it free of charge as well as seating and security. And she’s selling beer!
So I’ll take it!
Canny businesslady.
Beer at an auction has got to raise the average bid by 10% at least, I would think.
Booze at an auction is how I ended up with a Kimber hunting rifle.
Very cool that they had such a rare product (a Kimber that doesn’t jam half way through the magazine.)
Yep. It’s the only Kimber I own too.
Executive Time probably means time not spent in a meeting. Which means it has half a chance of being productively spent.
It’s the time he spends with the Hat and Hair.
Or on the toilet.
Why not both?
And since you ignored the whole “green deal” bullshit, here is how this shit will eventually play out as the banana republic that the Obama administration started creating will finally become the real deal: When the shit hits the afn, the top men will move the money they are stealing to a tyrant friendly shithole.
I ignored it because it was fake and an attempt by the GOP to make a strong woman look foolish.
/adjusts tin foil hat supplied by DNC
Damn! You cock blocked me Sloop!
Never apologize man… When the proggies smell that blood they go into a frenzy
Executive Time probably means time not spent in a meeting. Which means it has half a chance of being productively spent.
Time spent watching the Monkey Channel is more productive than listening to the Chuck and Nancy Show.
I swear, I have never heard a song of hers, but Joy Villa has some balls. I won’t comment on her politics other than to say its nice that at least one person in the industry is standing up against the same of progressive stupidity and hypocrisy.”
What do the left call females that leave the plantation? Auntie Tina?
I’m sure being the progressives they are, they probably just keep calling them n*ggers.
Speaking of that fact that if it was not for double standards, progs would have none. Anyone catch on that the only guy forced to resign in VA was the black guy? And everyone knows that the current attempt to white wash the whole blackface drama is so they can protect the AG. See VA is in the process of
redrawinggerrymandering the districts, and if the democrat AG gets replaced with a republican, that plan to rig the system in favor of the dems is going to fall to shit.If these people really believed the shit they pretend to, they sure are not willing to fall on their own swords to make it convincing…
Umm, I haven’t seen anything saying any of the top 3 in VA has resigned.
He is the only one that they are actually demanding resign and taking action against, is what I meant prole.
Honestly, this is probably what is going to shut down this cycle of proggie moralism, just like the Clinton scandal killed it the last time sexual harassment was a moral panic.
You are far more optimistic than I am. I think all it will do is make the proggies double down on finding a way to legitimize their double standards.
Lefty agitator: “Fucking white supremacist!”
Hispanic soldier: “But I’m Hispanic!”
Lefty agitator: “Fucking spic white supremacist!”
Several people showed support for her, and others said she used the moment to grab attention.
Look at my ass is an unheard of attention grabber at the Grammy’s.
The terms used to be “chill girl” and “sister punisher,” but I’ve been out of the scene to long to be hip to the current lingo.
That’s what Bezos gets for not hiring the misress’ brother to be a placeholder on the HQ2 gig.
When he said he was looking for a second HQ, I didn’t realize that meant he was looking for a mistress.
Maybe he calls his Johnson Amazon.
The only negotiation that is necessary for Brexit is just a straight up HARD Brexit with free trade agreements if they so wish.
I agree.
Nigel agrees.
A large percentage of Brits agree.
Theresa doesn’t agree. For, you see, May is a Remainer and always has been.
Yep – having May direct the “negotiations” is crazy-town insane. She’s willing to sell the UK down the river.
She has been sabotaging this from the start. Her allegiance lies with the political elite in Brussels. Fuck the unwashed British masses and their stupid beliefs that they should have the freedom to decide what was best for them. That’s the elites job. And it these blokes end up fucked over while the elite drink champagne and eat caviar, then so bit it!
Yep, shame she had to be in charge of the situation.
What’s the point of having government power if you can’t waste shitloads of money?
The ability to mess with people’s lives?
I donno. My post doesn’t actually have any authority.
” just a straight up HARD Brexit”
I like the way you think, Sir.
A good ten days notice that on date that EU citizens will need to go through UK customs when entering or leaving. They could also unilaterally waive that for Irish nationals crossing the border into Northern Ireland, which would avoid Ireland having to risk the ire of the EU by doing a separate deal.
May is clearly incompetent or dishonest or both. But, as I recall (and I’m too lazy to look it up right now), there are two problems/fears that are arguing against a hard Brexit (or at least were). First, the Brexit supporters wanted complete and open free trade across the channel coupled with absolute control over immigrants which seems to raise some complications. Second, the EU has hinted that, if there is a hard Brexit, the UK should not assume they would get any kind of favorable trade deal. Since the UK conducts a lot of trade with the EU, people see significant economic problems. And, yes, the UK could negotiate deals with other countries but that would take time.
To be clear, I’m not sure how big a deal those two points SHOULD be, but those are/were the two main concerns. Plus the whole Irish border thing is tricky.
UK-EU trade forms a smaller percentage of total UK trade than its supposed importance. The existing promissary agreements from the US and commonwealth countries exceed the EU trade for the UK substantially.
The people who suffer if that trade link is impaired is not the Brits, it’s the Germans. The UK is too big of a market for them.
“UK-EU trade forms a smaller percentage of total UK trade than its supposed importance”
Yeah, that’s what I thought. But it’s about perceptions.
One other thing I forgot to mention above, the UK also wants to keep the current foreign worker status. That is, Britons can work in any country in the EU without special visas.
The people who do wander the EU for employment tend to be in a handful of ‘elite’ professions. While individually well off, they are outnumbered by the people complaining about “Polish Plumbers” and other working class EU personnel who head to the UK for work.
So from an electoral perspective you have the money on one side of this issue and the voters on the other.
“Second, the EU has hinted that, if there is a hard Brexit, the UK should not assume they would get any kind of favorable trade deal. Since the UK conducts a lot of trade with the EU, people see significant economic problems.”
OK, here’s my issue: the free trade set, the CATO set, the NAFTA set, they have all insisted for years that free trade is a net benefit even if you are trading with a protectionist country. That protectionism just hurts the country erecting barriers.
So then…..why is the threat of trade barriers an issue?
I mean, we have the same people calling NO on Trump’s tariffs and simultaneously insisting that a hard Brexit will be DOOM because the EU will levy tariffs on British products. But it has been free trade dogma for decades that one way free trade is preferable to two way trade barriers.
It’s almost like a lot of these people aren’t really attached to free trade as a principle, but are attached to transnational government, and are using free trade as stalking horse to get more and more of it.
I am not strongly attached to free trade, and have an inbuilt mercantilist streak.
Give me your silver!
Anyway, the improved access to the US market is worth more than what they might lose to tariffs on the EU market. Getting out from under the trade-crushing EU regulations will be worth even more.
NAFTA and the like are semi-free structured trade at best.
EU has hinted that, if there is a hard Brexit, the UK should not assume they would get any kind of favorable trade deal
Of course they did. Mobsters always threaten to break a leg if you don’t comply. They’re fearful that their gravy train and power might be taken away from them.
The UK needs to tell the EU to pound sand. But that would take free people with balls, and despite the Brexit vote, it really isn’t there. Otherwise half of the senior police forces leadership would be warming spikes with their severed heads
Getting scolded for bigotry from a Clinton, and that Clinton being right, would make me bury my head in my hijab.
Greatest benefit about being woke is that you don’t need to either feel shame or recoil when you realize how fucking stupid you really are.
This, I love it when the idiots make their idiocy or racism obvious. Makes it that much easier for me to cut them off and disengage.
The thing about open bigots is that they are rarely ashamed of their biogtry. So scolding them does nothing.
The Clinton’s still have a lot sway in Team Blue money raising. Ilhan Omar didn’t push back much on Chelsea’s scolding and that tells you something.
Soooo, I was thinking about this some over the weekend. Obviously the regulatory state is probably a major factor, but the PR seems like it would be win/win in more ways than one.
What’s actually stopping a major corporation – say…Toyota or Ford or even Amazon – from just up and saying… “We’re going green. We will use 100% nuclear power in our factories by 2025 – using safe, proven nuclear reactor (like Pebble Bed, Molten Salt or Thorium).”
Has DoE really made it that hard for say…a company as large as Amazon (or Elon Musk) to up and say – I’m building a non-breeder reactor to power xx number of facilities and you can’t stop me? Safe, efficient, zero emissions, etc….
I can’t see how it would be a losing proposition really – or would DoE just stamp “denied” on the application and that would be it? Seems like plenty of opportunities for lawsuits, etc – given the circumstances.
Has DoE really made it that hard
Yes, yes they have.
Still seems like a good opportunity the next couple of years to try and run some legal challenges then – especially with those jackasses getting spun up for the Green New Deal – show them a few viable alternatives – and some cost/benefit analyses.
You assume they’re arguing in good faith.
I can’t believe that after reading the GND. Anyone with a grade school education should be able to see the absolute impossibility of what they are calling for, so the most logical conclusion then becomes that they are arguing in bad faith.
Anyone that wants to understand that these people went all out to destroy nuclear energy as a viable option should familiarize themselves with the whole Yucca Mountain fiasco where a certain politician from Nevada basically put in writing that radiation from Yucca Mountain had to remain at a number that was below even the natural background radiation of the granite mountains.
Fuck that shit.
That’s an understatement. The DOE has made the process one must go through to get the fed gov approval to create a nuke plant, even one of the new Thorium reactors that are so safe everyone could have one in their backyard, so cumbersome and costly (upwards of 4 billion dollars) that nobody feels it is viable. When you need to piss that kind of money away before you can be turned down, most people don’t bother. Especially when a coal/natural gas/oil plant costs fractions of that to get and then will not require you to tell your consumers they need to pay $2 per KwHr because of the cost to get the nuke through the approval gauntlet.
How about a parent’s backyard?
Oh the DoE wouldn’t deny it. They’d just get their grubby hands on controlling the process to the point that they got good press for helping someone go green while simultaneously making sure the company burned through cash but the thing never got built.
And you’re forgetting the whole parallel state permitting process. I don’t know if these are intertwined with the fed process, ie they need fed form “c” to proceed to state step 7b.
Yeah….good point. Still gotta wonder if you just filed the permit application and legal challenges in parallel – with safety/energy/etc documentation side by side.
Amazon’s got the “f you” money if Bezos really wanted to buy good press and go for the Washington environmentalism….
Just a frustrating issue to hear so many stupid arguments about on a daily basis. And a great opportunity for Trump to cut more regs.
They are never going to abandon their windmill and solar fantasies.
Don Quixote!
If I want to show anal cleft, I should be able to show anal cleft!
Where is this country going when my coffee can’t come with a side of nice looking boom-boom?
This is sexism. Male tradesmen show anal cleft all the time
Shit, Bezos sent out dick pix!
I approve of this!
Also, hilariously, the NYP url actually reads “bear-butts”
Not those kind of bears!
Kodiak? Polar? Panda?
Shush, you. I can dream…
Why should you need to dream, Tonio? If there was enough of a clientele to warrant this, why not have male but for the people that like that, and government would stay the fuck out of that business?
Ruben Diaz walks into a Bear Butts Coffee Shop in the Bronx…….
*Jesse perks up*
/Emmental eating grin
Isn’t akin to bearing arms?
Kids these days….When I was kid we drank our Folger’s while watching the plumber do work under the sink and liked it.
“We secretly switch their regular coffee for Folger’s crystals…”
This article is the death of journalism.
How do you run an article about a controversial clothing ruling without pictures of the subject of the offense? How is one to make up their mind on this important topic?
With freedom comes nudity.
I am flying to Graz later. The Vienna Graz portion of it is in a De Havilland Dhc-8 400 Series. I never flew in a turboprop plane before, am not sure if I can trust it. I should have taken the train but it would have taken an extra 2.5 hour.
There’s nothing wrong with turboprops besides the noise, sadly it’s too expensive to book a whole cabin. Oh, and you might have to put up with propeller sounds too.
Heck, I flew in a DeHavilland Otter (1959) sea plane into the wilds of Canada. You’ll be fine.
*looks for copy of “Alive*
You should have advised him to properly wash that ass meat before eating it, Swiss.
Cool. My dad was an airplane mechanic in Viet Nam. He was assigned to a wing(?) of Otters.
I understand that Porter Airlines operates these planes in North America. The planes are totally nice–though Porter’s are Q400. It’s a good way to fly to downtown Toronto.
Same aircraft DHC8-400 is the Q400.
Q400’s are great aircraft, much quieter than previous generations of props and decent cabin size. 67 flights on that aircraft type and I’d rather fly on a Q than a Barbie jet like the CRJ.
Sit either at the front or the rear. Middle section of the aircraft is noisier due to the props. Or just bring noise cancelling earphones.
I actually am in the first row
Actually second row
Excellent. I was a second row.
I flew in and out of Manchester, NH once on one – it was quite pleasant. The whole trip seemed very low, like a couple thousand feet or something, which I liked for some reason.
Yes! Great views on a clear day and no obstruction from the wing (overhead). Q400s fly at a lower altitude (up to 25,000ft) because they’re not equipped with oxygen masks. They are pressurized.
My scariest flight was on a prop plane, flying from Seattle to Victoria, BC.
It was an extremely windy day – which still makes me wonder why the flight was given clearance. Air turbulence was the worst I had ever experienced, which wasn’t helped by the fellow passenger screaming out loud as the plane randomly dropped at an alarming rate. The pilot began landing on to the BC runway sideways, only straightening the plane at the very last moment. I felt like kissing the sweet, sweet ground when we disembarked; ala the stairway leading to the ground not to a gate.
The only frightening thing about the prop plane ride I was on was boarding. We passed in front of the prop. The propeller was running, and I was convinced if I stuck out my arm I’d lose it.
Darwin awards!
Well let’s just say your collection of long sleeve shirts would need to be modified.
Did you punch her* after you landed?
*I assume it was a woman because Trump.
Couldn’t – I was being fitted for a bionic arm.
Oh, you were asking Lord H about the screamer.
No it was a guy. I’m proud to say I just kept my mouth shut even though it was a wild ride. There’s no point of causing a scene since my fate was in the hands of the pilot and the mechanical strength of the plane.
My dad has some hair-raising corporate plane stories – engine hit by lightening – luckily their pilot flew in the Vietnam War; spotter if I remember correctly.
Crosswind landings are fun… *barf*
Second aircraft in that video looks like a DHC8
This could get interesting
California Gov. Gavin Newsom will announce plans Monday to pull back all members of the National Guard who have been deployed to the border with Mexico, saying the state would not be part of the Trump administration’s “manufactured crisis.”
The 360 National Guard troops in California will be redeployed to fight wildfires, expand the state’s Drug Task Force and collect intelligence on drug cartels, Newsom will announce.
Newsom’s decision comes one week after New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham ordered most of her state’s National Guard troops back from the border, citing President Donald Trump’s “border fear-mongering” as the only reason for their deployment.
Oh, no. Petulant grandstanding douchebag is petulant.
I think we have established who has ultimate authority over the National Guard.
Maybe he could send them to patrol San Francisco with pooper scoopers.
collect intelligence on drug cartels
I assume this means they’ll be buying dimebags on the corner.
If they aren’t on any Federal Dime, those guardsmen are getting fucked anyway (particularly the lower enlisted) Most Guardsmen make significantly less when on state orders than they do on their civilian job. If they are on state orders for a significant amount of time, it is a bit of a hardship.
It was $75 day when I got called up for flood duty in 1992.
Sounds better than the $500 per month I was making as an E3 in the regular Army circa 1992.
I’m pretty sure Swiss was an officer in 92. The thing with State Orders is you don’t get any of the additional benefits that you would get on Title 10 or 32. You get Base pay. No Housing allowance, you still have to pay your own way for Health Insurance, etc.
Yes, I was a 1LT. That was not….good.
$78-$4 a month for QM laundry. PX beer garden was the local watering hole in 1956
Depends on the civilian job. There were a number of joes that their drills were pretty much their full time job.
And if I remember, for my state, state active duty for fire fighting was at a different scale, closer or the same as commercial wildland firefighting rates. You could make good money working on fires.
There ain’t no fucking wildfires, we’ve been rained and snowed on for the last few weeks. Nothing in this state will burn for the next few months at least, and likely until fire season next fall.
Surely they’ll be cutting down and carting away underbrush, right? Right??
May asks for yet more time to negotiate Brexit.
If only Britain had a template to refer to regarding the declaration of sovereignty.
*slow clap*
Venezuela’s lessons are about the rule of law, not socialism
And fuck the minority, right?
Make socialism a dirty word again!
Here is the thing that socialists (particularly the ones we have right now) don’t hit on. Nordic style “socialisim” results in everyone but the very few poor paying in a lot into the system (i.e everyone’s taxes go up). Chavisimo was basically loot the rich and give everyone else free stuff to maintain power. Not that the nordic countries do have shifts of political power, but venezuela has not.
Looking at the Rhetoric of the left tell me which system sounds more like the “Soak the Rich”/ “Republicans should be ignored or rounded up for Treason” that we hear.
“,em>Nordic style “socialisim” results in everyone but the very few poor paying in a lot into the system (i.e everyone’s taxes go up).”
Nordic style socialism only worked because these countries had oil wealth, a near homogeneous population, and everyone shared the same work and societal ethics. This has all been unraveling since the elite in Brussels decided then needed to replace/enlarge their voter base by importing a large swatch of third world barbarians that despite hating the culture of their host country and drastically economically impacting their native citizens, would vote to keep the elite in booze, blow, and bitchez.
The push to grow immigration is also a result of what may be the major problem of Nordic socialism (and western European democratic socialism in general): demographics. Most of the Nordic programs were enacted in the late 1940s and early 1950s when there were large numbers of workers and small numbers of people receiving benefits. But, as more people moved into retirement, and families had fewer children, the tax base for the programs began to disappear. In addition, as larger percentages of the population completed more years of education, “free” university education also became a problem.
Raven, you are correct that one of the biggest problems with socialism is the fact that the incentives it creates eventually collapse any system one creates. All this socialist shit was created back in the day for the few lucky people that lived long past the normal age people bought the farm. If I recall correctly SS in the US was supposed to end up with one taker for every 200 or so people paying into the ponzi scheme. This shit amounted literally to winning some sort of lottery. As people started living longer, this scheme started collapsing. Especially when you couple longevity with fewer offspring and people felling that being born should guarantee them cradle to grave free care at other people’s expense.
Some historical numbers here:
In 1945 it was 42 workers/benficiary, 1970 3.7, 2010 2.9. In 1945, there were 46,400 beneficiaries. In 2010, 156m. Finally, in 1950, 54% of males made it to age 65 with the life expectancy being 13 years after that. In 1990, 72% of males made it to 65, with life expectancy being 15 years after that (and all those numbers are higher for women).
There are obviously some exceptions there (the 1950 number being affected by WWII), but anyone who wants to argue about SSI without discussing demographics is ignorant or dishonest.
Alex, the SS system started collapsing months after it was implemented – that’s why the contribution rate (FICA essentially) had to be raised 10 times in it’s first couple years. It’s been raised 30 times since and still isn’t enough. 100% will never be enough. History and reality smudge up everyone’s rose-colored glasses but people prefer to be in denial until their vital functions cease.
You’re implying that socialism has such large costs on the individual that it’s not in any couple’s interest to raise more than one or two children, even if that means the pyramid scheme of socialism collapses.
I think that’s right, but that wasn’t where I was going. There’s been a general trend across much of the world of declining numbers of children. The general working theory on this is that as (i) childhood mortality rates decline and (ii) societies transition from family-labor economies, the imperative for larger families has declined.
Childhood mortality rates are immaterial since children don’t pay in and never did. It may account for more outgo than income, But if people are surviving longer then that should minimally increase the ratio of people paying in – yet the ratio is going the other way.
If welfare systems are being concocted with a certain economy that must perpatuate, and that it cannot survive if the economy changes, it not only speaks to the non-sustainability of the welfare system in the first place since it can’t adjust to any changes in the economy – it also suggests that installing the system itself caused changes to the economy so that it was doomed from the start.
I should have explained that better: I was referring to cultural changes that happen for a multitude of reasons that then have knock-on economic consequences.
Lower childhood mortality rates means people choosing to have fewer children. But it takes time for that to work its way through the culture. So, when SSI and western European social democracies are implemented, the average family size is, say, 5 kids. But, more kids surviving into adulthood coupled with improved contraception (which I should have noted earlier) lead to couples having fewer children. The choice to have fewer children may have some economic factors but that choice has a large cultural component. Then your 2nd para kicks in.
“There are many functional versions of socialism in the world today — the Scandinavian countries and most of western Europe to name a few. ”
Those aren’t socialist countries.
“May asks for yet more time to negotiate Brexit. Jesus, this is getting ridiculous. Just walk away and tell the EU that they’re negotiating with a completely sovereign nation now. Its become the only way they’ll let you voluntarily leave their little socialist club and its also the only way the saboteurs in your own government will lose leverage.”
May IS one of the saboteurs. She doesn’t have a deal in place because the MPs who want to walk away with a hard Brexit have the votes to do just that.
Blazing Saddles is 45 years old. Could not make a single scene from that movie today.
I donno, the bean scene around the campfire might still make it.
A scene with only white men? Nice try shitlord.
Ah, but it shows them in a strongly disfavorable light.
But there isn’t a woman or person of color there to scowl or shake their heads at the stupid white men.
Sounds like you have an idea on how to do a remake. I bet you get the same success as the new Ghost Busters movie did too…
That’s it! A remake where the new sheriff is a woman. She shows how women can do anything a man can do by beating up a bunch of men who outweigh her by 100 lbs.
She gonna yell “Where the black men at”? Alternatively you can make the sidekick a pre-ops tranny with a huge one…
Generally considered by film historians to be the first scene of audible farting in a mass release motion picture.
The sheriff is a near!
“Sorry about the up yours African American person.”
Hey, you’re right.
Resist! Or not?
Maybe it works for them, but can’t businesses keep their opinions to themselves?
Last year 188.755 people were born in Romania which is the lowest since 1960 when modern records were kept. More room for us.
Also there are 80000 IT professionals in Bucharest according to official stats.
And this concludes the Romania in statistics segment of the linx
How do you birth 0.755 person? Or should I be asking Kermit Gosnell that question?
You missed their period.
.755 is Too close to 3/5ths. Sounds like Racists have taken control of Romania.
“IT Professionals” – Does this number include the guys at stores running virus scans for old people who click every link that pops up in their browser?
Then what does it include? What’s the lower bound of computer-related work that the statisticians use?
Or is it self-identified?
dunno. only read the headline.
Then how do you know it doesn’t include those storefront sods?
Well there was the word hight tech envolved
Oh, so there are 80,000 weed peddlers in Bucharest. Makes sense now.
How are the undead vampires counted in the census?
As Deaths? I mean Vampires are members of the walking dead no?
No, they’re classed as “other” but their feeding habits keep the rest of the numbers down.
Dear How to Do It,
Slate told her to look up strap-on lesbian porn, right?
So, the “guy” is actually a woman?
HA! No wonder that she felt the conversation was awesome…
Strap in, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
This is not really an issue for me, or at least I don’t want it to be,
This is your brain on Propoganda.
Note. I genuinly think that there are people who don’t give a shit. Not very many, but there are some. But the way she says that screams “I Don’t like this, but i know i’m not supposed not like it.”
Nevermind that she wants to have her emotional crisis in public view.
How about, “So what beer do you like?” as a conversation starter, and leave the sex out of the first conversation ?
ElspethFlashman. Worst first date ever.
hey now…
Thunderdome! Thunderdome!
Lord Humungus is a worse date than Elspeth Flashman?
Wouldn’t that depend on the endgame you are looking for form the date?
The answer is yes.
It’s cool to get more acquainted – after the first date.
She did say it’s a “hook up app”. I assume you meet someone and have sex. But I’m from the 90’s.
A lot of the younger people I work with are flabbergasted I am unwilling to use an app like that since I am single.
Women are allowed total autonomy over their bodies, unless the trans [man] who surprises her says otherwise. Then it’s transphobia not to sleep with [him]. Hell, a couple years ago a porn actress was driven to suicide after refusing to work with men who’d done gay scenes. You can decide, up until moments after</em birth, how to dispose of what comes out of you, but what goes in is up to the mob to decide.
It’s never okay to hit a woman, unless you’re a trans [woman] using your superior physical strength to knock the shit out of her in MMA bouts.
And people are shocked at TERFs refusing to hew to the progressive line. Maybe they’re waking up to what a scam progressivism is.
She might want to mention to this person what she just told the rest of the world, sometime prior to the date.
It’s not like ze hasn’t had this issue raised pretty much every time ze goes on a date.
I am really disappointed in myself. I went to a Baptist school and got none of the action. Actually if the lady profs were any indication of the available ‘action’ I was either lucky or smart. I’ll take either this time.
“Nothing is worse than the use of the name of Jesus to prey on the vulnerable,” Moore tweeted
This can’t be true, can it?
It’s like this:
Preying on Vulnerable using the name of Jesus < Trump < Hilter.
I believe the correct response is Preying…Jesus<Hitler<Trump. Or do you actually believe that a Euro Socialist responsible for the death of millions and destroying the infrastructure of a continent is actually worse than the "bad orange man"?
There are over 15 million actual members of the Southern Baptist Church. Probably 2 or 3 times that many people attend at least sometimes.
45 incidents per year out of that many people really isn’t some apocalyptic outbreak of abuse.
Not that it is a laudable statistic either – just putting it in some perspective.
Does anyone remember when the Republicans were relentlessly mocked for having a large field of presidential candidates? When every lefty talking head trotted out the old clown car reference for them? Well, now that it’s the Democrats, it’s something to be celebrated. And it’s Trump’s job to protect them all from the biggest threat to our elections – the Russians.
EVERYONE is a potential target and victim. Why, the Russians could do something as dastardly as sharing the candidates own words on social media!
I’m not going to quote anymore of the derp. But make no mistake, this article is an extensive source of it. There’s far more to be mined.
I’m gonna guess Slate.
Nope, CNN.
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any worse.
Every single post — and the comments that follow — becomes content that our adversaries can manipulate and spread.
They really are looking for an NPC to run.
…and because of that we learned that
the DNC power-brokers colluded to steal the nomination for Hillary ClintonTrump is a Russian plant!!!11!!!Then they hacked the VA democrats and put black face on them.
Last I heard the DNC still hadn’t let investigators check the DNC computers, it’s all based on the firm hired by the DNC that totally said it was the Russians.
It’s utter bullshit.
Fake news tried to tell us Candace Owens supports Hitler
Nuance is worse than Hitler.
I don’t think she supports Hitler, but she has to know better than to say something like that.
It’s a pretty obtuse justification for nationalism. She walked right into that one.
Yep. The playbook for conservatives when Hitler is brought up should immediately to be to list all of his socialist policies.
“Hitler, like FDR, backed old age pensions, full employment, etc etc etc. He even put his own people in camps, like FDR, although Hitler took it a step farther.”
Then watch the rage.
The other issue is the European, or at least non-American, concept of nation. In most countries that refers to ethnicity. So when Hitler wanted to help the Germans, it meant only the Germans and screw the Jews and Gypsies, etc. who were living in Germany. In the US our concept of nation is country or citizenship. Though race based groups like La Raza are working to change that.
Yes, that was the whole idea behind European Nationalism to begin with, all the Italians should live in a unified Italy, and Spain for the Spanish and so on. In the USA this is still in use with Native American Tribes, The Oneida Nation, The Shawnee Nation and so on.
Don’t forget about the Imagi Nation.
/Kris Kringle
Good morning, Sloop!
I hope you crush the auction. Because, unlike Moz asserts, I love it when my friends become successful.
Oh and Omar is a piece of shit. Sorry about that, America. Our bad.
I heard OMWC was so upset about the tweets that he’s getting a nose job.
I mean Omar is a Piece of Shit… But i don’t get why these are the tweets that are anti-semetic. Or are we willfully ignoring the Pro-Israel Lobby. This is as stupid as saying that the Pro-Palestinian Lobby exists and then being called and “Islamophobe”. By extension the tweet that sparked this was be Glen Greenwald. Is Glenn an anti-Semite now too? Please enlighten me if i’m missing something.
Glenn has been antisemitic for quite a while, not just “now.” Since I won’t be around to comment much today (on a work trip to Wisconsin), my metric was in Jewsday Tuesday a few weeks back.
I know you be busy, could you give the day or the gist of the article. I usually miss the evening articles.
Never-mind i found it. Pretty good, and I agree with what you have there.
Don’t say i never did noth for ya
Here you go.
Thank you for enacting my labor!
The argument she’s making is one that was put forward in a paper by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt in 2006. It was extraordinarily controversial and Harvard, who published it, was not very happy about it. The argument they were making, though, wasn’t that there was a Jewish conspiracy so much as an extraordinarily powerful pro-Israel lobby that has a disproportionate and harmful impact on US foreign policy. Anti-semites jumped at it and embraced it, to the chagrin of the authors.
I’ve never read it in full but I’ve glanced over summaries. The points they make aren’t unreasonable, I think, but I don’t agree with their conclusions.
I guess I’m getting at the fact taht 1) She’s said worse things/hung out with worse people, so having this be the tweet that broke the Asses back is weird. 2) (along with what OMWC put in his post last week, if you are calling out other lobbyists, i don’t know why calling out the Pro-Israel lobby make you an Anti-Semite. (She’s not doing this obviously, and she is clearly in the pocket of the Pro-Palestine Lobby, but saying that wouldn’t make me an Islamophobe)
No, I see what you’re saying. I don’t know, myself. Unless it’s just like you said, that this is the final straw.
1) She’s said worse things/hung out with worse people, so having this be the tweet that broke the Asses back is weird.
Perhaps after the rather embarrassing week with Virginia they are just trying to get out ahead of any potential scandals to come out of the woodwork.
We’re still blaming you for Franken and AmyK. When the best politician you’ve ever elected was Jesse Ventura, that says a lot.
Hey, what can I say? Cold affects synapses.
Oh, so that explains Disney!
A woman who married her brother can’t be expected to have the best judgement.
Omar is doing a terrible job of fulfilling her Constitutional role of representing her district in Congress. Her district is a regional business center, home to 6 Fortune 500 Corporations, hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs, a major research University and a fairly well to do well educated citizenry. It actually needs and deserves a strong representative in Congress. It’s painful to see the mental gymnastics people will do to tolerate her spending her time engaging in anti-semetic twitter fights to serve some sort of national progressive interest vs what somebody in her role needs to be doing – fiercely advocating for the interests of her district.
a fairly well to do well educated citizenry
They voted for Omar.
Truth. And she actually defeated an experienced, effective opponent to get the nomination who would of done as fine a job for a Democratic district as you could expect. Sometimes I wonder if people don’t realize that the ballots are actually secret. You can signal one way and then vote differently.
Sometimes I wonder if people don’t realize that the ballots are actually secret. You can signal one way and then vote differently.
Bug, not Feature /Prog
Yes, she did beat some very good alternatives, but you have to remember she was replacing Brother Keith – a member of the Nation of Islam.
I think he also tacitly endorsed her didn’t he?
I guess those guys love them some anti-semitism (which is weird because that district has a lot of jews living in it).
Self-hating Jews?
“6 Fortune 500 Corporations, hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs, a major research University and a fairly well to do well educated citizenry”
So, shitloads of woke assholes. Looks like they voted for exactly what they wanted.
Well, I live in her district so I guess I’m one of those assholes. Minneapolis has been represented by someone who knew how to advocate for the district and bring in federal dollars for decades. Even Ellison wasn’t terrible at that part of his job. People really just take things like federal funding for feel-good train lines for granted. My hope is that once the federal dollars dry up (since nobody is advocating for them) people start to take notice.
The thing to point out is that the “jobs” don’t necessarily get filled by people that live in the district. In other words, the University probably has more employees living in the district than all the other high-paying jobs so you get a disproportionate wokeness factor.
It would be funny if Omar was inept enough to fuck up the funding for the SW light rail line (the latest train boon doggle locally).
I say build it! With all the lodging and sales taxes we out-of-towners have to pay, we should get good public transportation to get us back to our hotel after going downtown and getting all fucked up.
Rep. Ilhan Omar appears to be an anti-Semite.
I thought Muslims loved the Jews. ///jk
The fact that we still have to say “appears” when nobody that paid attention to this monster would doubt she would throw a party when Jews are murdered.
She’s definitely a Moderate Muslim.
She wants other muslims to do the killing for her while she watches, right?
OT: my new name for AOC is Occasionally-Coherent.
OBJECTION! OBJECTION! The ONLY thing I’ve ever heard from her even remotely coherent were the few snippets of writing she did in college posted a few days back.
I realize I am insulting coherency, yes, but it was the funniest acronym I could come up with . . . give me 1/2 a day and I can try again.
Except it isn’t true.
Neiman Marxist and Gulag Barbie are my faves.
Karla Marx and Female Mao don’t cut the mustard?
Nope. Pol Thot is pretty good, though.
Karla Marx is still my fave, but Pol Thot is way up there. So is Neiman Marxist, that’s a good one.
Occluded-Cortex is good, too
I refuse to use the Acronym. I call her Andrea.
I thought AOC was onomatopoeia.
It’s funny, in the environmental industry “AOC” means “Area of Concern”, denoting potential contamination.
Someone told me that in porn it means ass to mouth..
How do they get that out of AOC?
You pop it out of the ass then pop it into…
Ah, never mind.
Ass tO moutCh.
She’s annoying, outspoken and she’s clueless.
…but other than that…
I guess she’s still waiting for the right occasion?
Singer wears ‘build the wall’ gown to Grammys
I think she is the one that wore the MAGA dress a couple years ago. Also, would.
Yeah, she’s a wood for me also:
I’m currently stuck at a two-day long securities law conference. I think I’d rather listen to two days of speeches from the 2020 Democratic Presidential candidates.
At least you didn’t say you would be OK with 2 days of prison showers….
It’s just a whole lot of “Orange Man Bad” and which one can push for higher taxes. Man, that conference has gotta be total hell for you, my man.
Just because you are at the conference doesn’t mean you need to go to any sessions.
Admitting that he sold out to be invited to cocktail parties:
Biskupic, who interviewed many of the justices for this book, including her subject, writes that Roberts said he felt “torn between his heart and his head.” He harbored strong views on the limitations of congressional power, but hesitated to interject the Court into the ongoing health-insurance crisis. After trying unsuccessfully to find a middle way with Kennedy, who was “unusually firm” and even “put off” by the courtship, Roberts turned to the Court’s two moderate liberals, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan. The threesome negotiated a compromise decision that upheld the ACA’s individual mandate under Congress’s taxing power, while striking down the Medicaid expansion. Future scholars will endlessly probe this fascinating moment in judicial history, but Biskupic deserves credit for writing the first draft.
Cocktail parties, baby!
So it was an ends justify the means decision. Except in this case, the ends was his popularity index.
Yeah – except the conservative wing hated his decision, and the lefties will still hate him no matter what. So it was a lose-lose choice.
It always leaves me stunned that these douchebags that sell out their principles hoping the left will finally grant them absolution and accept them, always ending up fucked anyway, don’t get the fact the left will damn them whether they do or don’t. Exhibit A was McCain, who was so desperate to be liked but never realized that the only time they would clap him on the back and play nice was when he was shitting on the people he purported to support. Fuck these idiots with a rusty chainsaw (and you two Preet).
That’s incredible. Fucking Roberts.
I’ve always assumed somebody in the previous administration just had an off-the-record conversation on what the had learned, and could leak, about his children’s online habits if he showed any backbone or interest in the Court’s proper role.
Principals – just not the obvious ones.
“…about what the NSA had learned…” that is
although “they” would mostly work also.
Y’all remember the “blackmail” risks in the whole surveillance revelation?
I don’t understand how May is able to keep her position. The “Remain” vote lost, the Remainers are a minority of the voting public last I heard, and Brexit is supported in one form or another by a decisive majority of the Commons. Maybe I’m answering my own question here, but it seems like if you really planned on going through with Brexit you’d have been able to do it by now, unless you thought that you might be able to wait out the momentum by looking for a perfect roadmap before you started the exit.
Also, I like to believe that in an alternate but neighboring universe Morrisey is a hardened, charismatic skinhead leading a terrifying firm of soccer hooligans.
Bill, you miss the point that the elite only feel a vote is binding when it goes the way they want things to go. When it hurts their agenda, then the vote is not just wrong, but indicative of the stupidity of the ungrateful serfs. May is trying hard to pretend the will give these unwashed asshats what they want hoping they eventually tire and let the elite do what they want (no Brexit and even harsher control from Brussels).
It has to do with the way British Prime Ministers are chosen.
Basically, the party holds its own inner election that the general public doesn’t get a say in. The person picked is the leader of the party, and PM when they’re in power. And unseating them takes a good deal of effort. The problem here is, the Tory party has a higher concentration of Remainers than the general population, and so May can’t be dislodged, despite being the absolute worst choice for party and public.
Exactly. Plus, they did try to get rid of her after the last Brexit vote in the Commons failed and couldn’t pull it off. Under party rules, they can’t make another move against her for a year.
The Tory party in the sense of Tory MPs, or Tory voters? Because it would seem that even considering Gerrymandered districts that taking a stand against Brexit isn’t a winning proposition for the party as a whole and would cost them seats.
Why would you think the voters have anything to do with it?
It’s people who’ve paid a membership fee to officially join the party and were approved. This is more than just MPs, but far from even a majoirty of tory voters.
Ah, that’s interesting. I knew PMs were elected from within the party, but I always assumed it was from currently-sitting MPs. Didn’t know that it included the body of dues-paying party members. That would explain a hell of a lot about British politics.
It’s the way Corbyn took over Labour – he imported a lot of supporters by paying their membership fees. Pissed off a lot of existing party members, but technically didn’t violate the rules.
I swear to God, the more I learn about British politics the more surprised I am with each day that goes by without a bloody revolution.
How capitalist of him.
“I swear to God, the more I learn about British politics the more surprised I am with each day that goes by without a bloody revolution.”
Why do you think they disarmed them? Including the cops.
In a just world May would be clapped in irons and thrown in the Tower of London.
Harsh, dude.
Dissecting the Green New Deal, A Utopian Fantasy – Eccentric Economics
The Green New Deal is retarded. If the GOP were smart, they would hammer the fact that the deal would destroy Energy, Areospace, Manufacturing industries. Mass upheval and problems for the working class. Especially since the main democratic presidential hopefuls sponsored the bill.
I tried to Google the article about Graham demanding congress vote on this shit so they could have a record of who was for this idiocy, but all Google gave me was page after page of how fucking awesome this green deal was and how a great majority of Americans were for the green deal. No mention of problems about her demands we destroy all cows so they would stop farting and banning airplanes for all but the elite in any of that shit Google brought back to thwart my search.
As someone that writes AI, i tell you this is a deliberate attempt to hide the bad shit about this idiocy.
You could go well past the economic impacts. What the hell would be left of individual freedom?
Freedom? Who the fuck would give deplorable serfs freedom? They would just make all sorts of wrong choices. Freedom is what got us Trump instead of Hillary, you bastard! You will fucking let your betters make the decisions, take the consequences, of those decisions, no matter how fucking painful and destructive to you, and in a loud voice replay to your betters; “THANK YOU SIR! MAY I HAVE ANOTHER!”
Sadly most voters don’t give a flying fuck about freedom. They care about themselves. And pointing out that this ruins both freedom and will kill their way of life, they are going to get amped more than saying “Hey now, this fucks over these peoples property rights.”
“What the hell would be left of individual freedom?”
It would finally put an end to such slavery.
It would also be nice if the MSM would maybe ask Ocasio-Cortez to actually write a bill (and not a resolution).
Details matter. Choose on aspect to start with. The power grid for example. Write a bill that specifies how the power grid will be upgraded, who will be in charge and how much the budget will be.
Fuck these resolutions. If we are just playing dorm room bs sessions, I’m going to write resolutions where π = 3 and scientists come up with practical fusion power plants.
I thought you lived in Minnisoda not Indiana.
Did her resolution start with “This ain’t no shit”?
There’s no time for a bill when we have only 12 years to live. She needs a pen and a phone. And a gun.
My new buddy Judge Napolitano was talking about this on Fox Business this morning.
The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats
Well no shit, this is exactly what the Mueller investigation is intended to cover up.
Mueller, along with McCabe and Comey, were the agents tasked by Obama’s admin to spy on the political enemies of the democrats. It is not an accident that they are the key players in this shell game to distract people from the fact that a lot of people in the Obama administration, including Obama himself and Clinton for sure, need to be put in orange jump suits and told to make licence plates or make big rocks into little ones.
Can something that gets almost no media coverage in the mainstream press be infamous?
It goes beyond Russia. Hillary was negotiating matters with the Chinese while they were paying Bill to be one of their advisors.
There’s plenty of Clinton stuff that’s worthy of infamy, but for some reason the brave, diligent efforts of the press have failed to uncover it. Repeatedly. Probably because they didn’t have the time between fellating the Obamas and running six-hour features on ORANGE MAN BAD.
Ulysses S. WTF Guest • 15 hours ago
Whatever… trump is the current corrupt lunatic in the whitehouse.
No believes that propaganda other than derpy rubes and Q people… sad
“I don’t care that there’s actual evidence of Russian collusion because it implicates someone other than Orange Man, and Orange Man Bad.”
Democrats, and leftists generally, are much less upset about Russian espionage and revanchism than they are any efforts they undertook to deny Herself the crown and scepter. They’d see us be Putin’s bitch if it meant Herself had taken the throne. Because they’re interested in punishing deplorables, not moving missiles around Europe or fleets in the SCS.
Mammary Monday saves you from the banality of your everyday life.
4, 6, 11, 21, 25, 27, 43, 46, 47.
31 is also smoking hot:
Ralph Macchio with boobs.
So would?
Hot damn, she’s gorgeous. I’m also fond of 16, 30, 33. Nice lineup once again, dear Q.
The French Yellow Vest protestors are criticizing Israel
Morons seem to co-opt every movement out there.
Not sure how much this is a “co-opt” the yellow vests have always been a “Take your hands off my Government Benefits” kinda group.
Well yes. Yes – they expect a whole of benefits, but their taxes are going way up while the benefits are flat or being reduced. Meanwhile, they can look over at the immigrant ghetto and see a whole neighborhoods of people who aren’t paying taxes but enjoying the welfare. Those new taxes are starting to feel a whole lot like the jiyza.
Correction: The French people have always been critical of Israel. I’m not sure what’s changed here, other than Americans are realizing that Europe is not like us and thank God for that
Also, antisemitism is to France as being effeminate is to Germany
But… But Americans invented Racism.
+1 Mors Aux Juifs
In the end…..they always blame the Jews.
“No idea why I picked this today. I know how polarizing he is. Maybe that’s why!”
Kinda cool thought.
Really crappy song though. Holy cow, does that song suck. And the video blows too. I mean, I don’t see how that could be polarizing… because it totally sucks. Anyone can see that.
They have other stuff, right? Stuff that doesn’t suck so much?
Most of a day later and I’m proven right. Not polarizing. Nobody even bothered to argue, and most of you guys would argue with a turnip.
Parsnip, yes. Turnip, no.
Give yourself a pat on the back.
If you’re going to do Moz, do Moz right.
Michael Moore’s ‘TV Nation’ Reboot Not Going Forward At TBS
Turner confirmed Thursday that TBS’ planned reboot of Michael Moore’s docuseries TV Nation is not going forward. That puts an end for now to the project, which TNT originally greenlighted and announced during the May 2017 upfronts. At the time the series was to be called Michael Moore Live From the Apocalypse.
A Turner spokesperson told Deadline today the scheduling never worked out with Moore. Since the series was announced, he mounted a one-man Broadway show, the anti-Donald Trump play The Terms of My Surrender, which opened in July 2017 and closed after three months; and he made and released the feature documentary Fahrenheit 11/9, the follow-up to his Oscar-winning Fahrenheit 9/11, this past September.
The reboot originally was eyeing a late-fall 217 premiere and was to be reminiscent of those TV Nation days (that nonfiction series won an Emmy in 2005) combining documentary and Moore’s comedic satire. The new show was to shine a light on DC politics, Wall Street and the 1%.
The series was to be “a raucous gathering place for millions of our fellow citizens in desperate need of a break from the screaming pundits and the purveyors of ‘alternative facts,’ ” Moore said at the time. “Our show will be dangerous and relentless. And it will be the destination for those who want to know what’s really going on and what they might be able to do about it.”
I am sure it would have been.
This blurb is a pretty good reminder of just how unhinged the left has become.
In 2000 the left was adamant that the apocalypse was at hand because of the evil right wing puppet Bush. The guy was pretty much a moderate republican dressed up in conservative clothes – but they lost their shit.
Then we got Obama, with his Nazi Germany evoking victory and inaugural appearances, and they were saved! Nobody had any idea what he stood for, but they had salvation! Turns out, he was Bush’s equal on the war front. But meh…
Then back to the apocalypse with Trump. They were literally sobbing at the loss of Clinton, vowing impeachment the next morning.
I’ve never seen anything like it. There was lots of consternation when Carter lost… but not like this. And Bush the elder, Dole, McCain and Romney all managed to lose with dignity. You didn’t see Bush’s team planting classified documents from secret surveillance of the Obama campaign all over the place in order to justify a post-inaugural investigation. In fact, you saw Bush working closely with Obama prior to the inauguration in order to ensure an orderly transfer of power.
These people are amoral sociopaths who will only play the game if they are allowed to win. If they are going to lose, then they’ll kick over the board and knock all the pieces across the room.
If you can’t see Obama’s role in all this psychosis then you’re naive in my view.
He’s a real facia di culo.
He is extremely skilled at creating a conflict while appearing to do the opposite.
“He could be my son”
The beer summit.
Inviting the Republicans over to discuss healthcare reform – after the deal was already sealed..
Every little chance he had to nudge things in the direction of harmony, he nudged them the other way.
These people are amoral sociopaths who will only play the game if they are allowed to win. If they are going to lose, then they’ll kick over the board and knock all the pieces across the room.
And half the people in the country support them unquestioningly.
Feelings over facts for a vast majority of people.
If they are going to lose, then they’ll kick over the board and knock all the pieces across the room.
But enough about the transition after the 2000 election…
At least the 2000 transition was just some staffers being petulant.
In 2016 the Obama administration actively spied on the opposing party candidate, sent in spies to plant stories, leaked classified communications intercepts, covered up felonies by their own party’s candidate and then openly bragged about having sabotaged the incoming administration to the press.
At some point you’d think historians will pick up on this and it will be a major blot on the American democracy.
Historians or “Historians” like Zinn?
Trump’s private schedules are leaked AGAIN despite hunt for White House ‘mole’ as it’s revealed president spent HALF his time this week on ‘executive time’
We traced the phone calls, They are coming from INSIDE THE OVAL OFFICE!
It just says to me the President needs more Metamucil
The president is not paid an hourly rate. The question is not how he spends every hour, but how effective at certain tasks he is.
From the track record so far, I’m not concerned.
12-14 hour days, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The effective hourly rate isn’t that much. Pretty much any skilled craftsman (plumber, electrician, etc) can command higher hourly rates.
Hey, that’s what I scream when I go take a shit!
Ilhan Omar
?? Chelsea – I would be happy to talk. We must call out smears from the GOP and their allies. And I believe we can do that without criticizing people for their faith.
I look forward to building an inclusive movement for justice with you. ??”
She’s mental.
Good job Minnesota.
I believe we can do that without criticizing people for their faith.
You mean like criticizing Jews because of their faith? She really is mental.
We need to shutdown MN until we can figure out what’s going on there. Maybe the cancellation of Prairie Home Companion has pushed them over the edge?
Clearly. You know Taking away the governorship and putting in military districts does have it’s legal precedent
Not at Lake Wobegon
New MN tagline: “The Land of 1,000 Lakes and Midwestern Antisemitism”
10,000 Lakes
The other 9,000 have been handed over to Iowa
The Iowegians would just fill them up with corn cobs. A total waste!
Needs more bullheads
I see you have met some our neighbors from the South, Fourscore.
Grew up in an area that had 412 lakes within 25 miles from the town. Fantastic fishing.
I would regularly be asked by Iowegians who were staying at the hotel I worked at if I knew where a guy could catch some bullheads. Surrounded by some of the best fishing in 5 states and they wanted bullheads. (The other stereotypical anglers were guys from Indiana who would totally focus on pan fish).
I was happy to tell them where to go because who doesn’t want someone to cull as many bullheads as they can? Those Iowegians would bring home coolers of bullheads.
Of course being the cheap bastards that they were (big reputation in my home town for being cheap) they wouldn’t slip you a tip for putting them on those fish.
Can Tundra, Leap and I be put in charge of these military districts?
The Minnesoda Nice Triumvirate sounds cool. (of course we will all back stab the shit out of each other. The winner will be whoever can woo Hayek’s Explosives and her access to high end weapons to our side)
*Thom is disqualified from being a district leader because he lives in Omar’s district.
So does Leap.
Yeah, but Leap is the one who organizes most of our meetups. We need someone like that.
If left to our own devices, you and I would never get around to organizing a military parade down Nicollet Avenue.
Leap can set that shit up for us.
We should move him out of the district, then. You’re almost out of kids. You should adopt him.
Uffda. Can’t do that.
Leap is too smart for me to handle. He’d easily figure out how to sneak out of the house when I grounded him.
I can handle my own kids because they are hampered intellectually by getting saddled with 50% of my DNA. And their mother’s DNA isn’t much better (as evidenced by the fact that she agreed to marry and procreate with me)
Awe, comon Jimbo, you can be the real dad I never had. You can teach me to play catch, how to hotwire a car, and how to rip the pipes out of people’s houses when they go visit family over the holidays.
That’s the problem Leap.
You think I live the glamorous life doing all those cool things, but in reality I mostly sit on my couch drinking cases of High Life and scratching myself.
You’d quickly become disillusioned with the ideal of a two parent family.
Fuck, that’s just like my real dad Jimbo.
“If left to our own devices, you and I would never get around to organizing a military parade down Nicollet Avenue.”
Even if you did you’d run right into that K-Mart.
I say we hire Tundra and Pope to investigate.
Don’t even joke about that. My kid sister used to work at Minnesoda Public Radio in their begging department and she hated it when there was a local PHC show being taped because people would come out of the wood work trying to cadge a ticket.
She is pretty proggy herself, but even she didn’t see why Keillor was such a draw for these people.
>Maybe the cancellation of Prairie Home Companion has pushed them over the edge?
She’s replaced Keith Ellison. the “White Guilt” vote has been strong in this district for a long, long time.
Does Ilhan understand that she was elected to a representative position where her job is to go to Congress and advocate for her constituents in a legislative sense? She’s supposed to at least pretend that she isn’t interested in a purge. And there’s a chance that other people from the same party might not just go along with whatever she says because of party loyalty. A slim chance, granted, but I think it’s not yet the case that you say some outrageous shit, get called out, and then just smack your critics with “Party loyalty, bro! United front!”
She doesn’t. She believes her job to be a professional SJW because that is what she has done her entire life. It’s her only skillset.
I know this is really random.
But does anyone else think that the European Bison looks like someone photoshopped a cow hindquarters onto a buffalo forequarters?
Just when I had all but decided I have every gun I would ever want a newly discovered wrinkle in the law leads a major manufacturer to come out with this:
I knew about the pump action versions and have been sorely tempted but this beast just grabs me by the nads…
Wow. That is sweet.
That is one helluva pretty shotgun. Me likey.
Maybe in a 20 gauge. I just think the recoil on that in a 12 gauge is going to be rough, and at the distances you would use it, 20 gauge should be plenty.
Gas operated so much of the recoil will be dissipated. Basically a Model 1100 with the stock cut off and a short barrel. An 1100 is easy to shoot from the hip, tougher one handed because of the longer barrel.
It is an interesting development in the industry which recently popped up from a slice of federal firearms definitions.
According to federal law, a shotgun is a 1) smooth-bored firearm 2) designed to be fired from the shoulder with 3) a barrel length of at least 18 inches and 4) an overall length of at least 26 inches.
The NFA then defines a short barrel shotgun the same except that it has a barrel of less than 18 inches.
The NFA also defines an Any Other Weapon (AOW) as (among other things) a 1) smooth bored firearm with 2) an overall length under 26 inches.
A few years back a very small firearms manufacturer came out with a 12 gauge, pump action firearm that was just over 26 inches long. By federal law this is neither a shotgun (not shoulder fired), a short barrel shotgun (again, not shoulder fired), nor an AOW (over 26 inches long). So it is a firearm but does not come under any defined type.
When the BATFE did nothing to stop them the big manufacturers started coming out with pump action firearms – mostly in 12 gauge. Unfortunately (as far as I understand), you can’t legally just take a shotgun and chop it down to these dimensions because it has already been registered as a shotgun. I have not heard of anybody testing this in court yet but would be interested to hear if there is a case out there somewhere.
>you can’t legally just take a shotgun and chop it down to these dimensions because it has already been registered as a shotgun
This is one of those “manufactured from” prohibitions, right? I don’t believe they have ever been litigated, but I would love to see it happen. The government will have a hard time showing a compelling interest in what a particular weapon used to be, some time in the past, in a way that can have no impact on the present.
Yeah, interesting developments. To me just like pistols with braces, that functionally look like SBRs.
I would prefer a shoulder stock.
“We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful”
Isn’t Morrissey a leftie? Makes sense then.
Ha ha ha ha.
@Sir Digby, I found that bisque recipe I think. Suthenboy posted it in comments. Thank you!
“I know this is shocking, but Rep. Ilhan Omar appears to be an anti-Semite. Go read the tweet, btw…its full of Jewish leftists saying how they’re such big fans off hers but are disappointed in this. Yeah, because this doesn’t mirror everything she’s publicly said about Israel for years.”
The amazing thing about this is that in the past an accusation of antisemitism was usually lobbed at antiwar activists like Sheldon Richman or Scott Horton, who rarely have anything positive to say about any nation’s foreign policy. But, Ilhan is not antiwar in the slightest. She very much supports confrontation with Russia and Saudi Arabia. She’s just pro-Iran. Which is an even more disturbing position to hold.
Look, I’m not a big fan of rep. Ilhan, and I think she is an anti-Semite, but the quoted tweet was basically just agreeing with Glenn Greenwald, is he an (((anti-Semitie)))?
Yes. See above where it was answered already.
I read a good 25% of that link, and now you want me to read comments here before I leave my brain droppings? Jesus you’re needy.
I don’t think Greenwald is, but she didn’t just retweet him- she wrote “It’s All About the Benjamins”. And there is a difference between Greenwald, who is a consistent critic of American foreign policy, and Ilhan who is only a critic of Israel and only seems to lambaste American foreign policy when it is mean to Iran and Venezuela. She can’t use the “antiwar” cover, because she is very much pro-war.
Say you will attack Israel and see how fast those ‘strong arm’ and ‘clapping hands’ emojis come out.
She’s another despicable retard.
My first reaction was that she’s was perpetuating the zerohedge stereotype of sneaky Jews bribing people for nefarious purposes. Maybe I’m becoming PC.
The only thing is, it probably does happen, it is just far from only Jews who are participating in the game. everybody is trying to do it.
Just look at the Russians and Chinese slinging cash to the Clintons. The Israelis would be crazy not to try to give kickbacks for all the foreign aid.
Yup. Especially the Chinese. So when someone solely criticizes Israel and never takes the time to criticize any other foreign nation (except she also criticizes Saudi Arabia, because she’s pro-Iran), I think it’s fair to ask what is motivating her obsession.
Then I think I agree. As I said, I know from her other statements that she is anti-Semitic, and I couldn’t see what made her comment here particularly bad. It seems to be the consensus that it is the context, which again, I agree. Basically, she’s not wrong, but she is still an asshole.
I just couldn’t figure out why that is news. But journalists gotta eat I guess.
I understand your hesitation and it was the same approach that I took when conservatives were first railing against Omar as an antisemite. But, she really isn’t leaving a lot of room for interpretation anymore
But, I agree, nothing on Twitter is “news”
Just look at the Russians and Chinese slinging cash to the Clintons. The Israelis would be crazy not to try to give kickbacks for all the foreign aid.
Not just this, but also I don’t think that American Politicians would be willing to do much without some grease in the wheels. Weather this is direct or through Military contracts, American Foreign Policy is basically “We have an Army and we will use it for our own wealth, but it’s available for rent”
See: Saudi Arabia vs Yemen
Reasons why I stay silent/out of my old friends’ gaming voice chat when they go into anything economics/political #240124.
We somehow ended up in a discussion about Seattle and why it has such a high cost of living. I was an idiot and decided to suggest that the reasons were that 1: Cities and the businesses inside said city are also subject to the laws of supply and demand (lots of high profile and huge tech companies have lots of employees who live there), 2: Lots of zoning restrictions and the housing market’s slow recovery in that area (which IIRC was already quite limited already) compounded on said issue, and 3: Lots of regulations and small taxes there.
The response I got was just: It’s just because of old rich white people who keep hogging all the money and their unbridled capitalism. Trickle-down-economics doesn’t work and Reagan was retarded.
It’s easier to blame rich honkeys for this shit and then demand their money be taken, than it is to admit that believing in proggie shit is stupid and has real nasty economic consequences.
It really is, and it’s a damn damn shame especially when it comes from people you used to work with and trust.
It’s sad because nothing they said had anything to do with the points you made. Most people my (and i assume your ) age have gone through intense indoctrination in their schooling. They have no understanding of basic economic logic, and are basically taught to tout what you said as fact anytime they hear anything that resembles a criticisim of government interference in the economy.
Yeah iirc, we’re about the same generation, I’m just glad to at least have fellow youngsters like you around.
Ask him why the only elected socialist on the council of a major city is in the city of “old rich white people”. Maybe that should tell him about how much “socialism” helps workers
“Poor people vote against their own self-interests.”
Because they were slingin’ $3 bloody marys at brunch yesterday I started a discussion with the wife about the minimum wage law, since I didn’t have a ball-peen hammer handy to whack myself in the face with. It was instructive, though. The pro side basically believes that it only affects big business, i.e. evil corporations, not small, good businesses. So basically companies that make lots of money do it by paying people less than they’re worth, while small businesses are broke because they pay people a…man this hurts to type…fair wage. I looked at her and asked, “Why are you drinking Bud Light drafts, which you don’t like, instead of call margaritas, which you prefer?” “Because the beer is on special, but that’s different.” “Ok, honey.”
Oh man, and getting into that was a trip and a half. I mentioned that small mom-and-pop places would also get hit by that minimum wage hike law. They simply stated, “Well, if that business couldn’t pay their employees a “livable” wage, then they shouldn’t be in business.” When I then hinted at the possiblity (more like inevitability) that the cost of living would also increase over the time period as the minimum wage law, they just said, “Oh well, tough tiddies and those businesses will just have to be pushed even harder to catch up again.”
And man, I feel you, it hurts to type abstract stuff like “fair wage” and “livable wage”.
Ah, yeah, that’s gold, that one. The ol’, “If the business can’t afford to hire people maybe they’re just doin’ it wrong,” is a real gem. I like to come back with, “So what you’re saying is the only businesses that should exist are the ones that can afford to pay generous salaries and offer benefits to their employees. Like large corporations. Ok, cool.” It’s nuts to me how when you frame these topics in a personal context these people make rational decisions, but as soon as you try to apply the same principle to even a single step up they go straight to magical thinking.
I like that, I should make a note on that since man do they hate corporations so that’d be a blast to say. Thanks, Mr. Bill.
Lemme know if you have any luck. There’s a person at my job who has a bumper sticker that says, “Danger! Educated Worker!” and as soon as I find out who it is I want to ask them which nonprofit they work for and how much they’re paying the people who come in to clean their office on the weekends. Prediction: hilarity ensues.
That line drives me nuts and rooted in pure ignorance.
Try giving them one reason first and suggest that it’s part of the problem for the high cost of living. Trying to defend three points at once just lets them veer off onto tangents.
I will keep that in mind for next time, much appreciated.
Hey Glibs (but mostly Tundra), here is a sled hockey update from the weekend. We ended up losing to Dallas in the semi-finals 2-0. We dominated the third period but couldn’t solve their goalie, who I hear usually plays in a higher tier. That’s the way it goes sometimes. Dallas played Tampa for the final and Tampa won in a shootout after a scoreless game. Our record for the weekend was 2-2, not bad for moving up from tier 5 to tier 4 this year. I had no goals but tons of chances, which means my positioning is getting better. Just have to work on those hands.
Our A team won the Tier 1 championship vs Colorado 8-2, so they keep their title.
Our organization hosted the tournament, and it went really well. We had 350 players on 30 teams in town. Ice facilities and hotels were fantastic.
Dallas? Sorry to hear it. They don’t even get cold down there. It’s like losing to the jamaican bobsledding team.
You lost to Dallas?
You should feel shame!
Lol. Good job.
I do feel shame. We lost on our home ice, and one of our former players was on the Dallas team. But we did play pretty hard and didn’t get blown out, even in a higher tier. So not too much shame.
Shame you lost to Dallas, but glad you had a good time!
That sounds like a great weekend, Kev!
Keep shooting, you’ll start to bury them.
I’ve got 5 days to heal, then we have 4 league games this weekend. So I’ll have a chance to try again really soon.
Congrats! The important thing is to have fun. Sounds like you guys had that even if you didn’t win.
Did the Dallas goal tender use a MAGA hat and a noose instead of a stick and glove? I can see how that would be a shut down defense in Chicago.
The important thing is to have fun.
Conan, what is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!
This guy Contemplates things On The Tree of Woe
Someone on your team obviously fucked up their pregame superstition ritual. Find out who it was and code red them.
Amy Klobuchar is running for President, bless her heart. Now, I get it. I do. The essential prerequisite for a political career is a raging case of delusional narcissism. But Amy Klobuchar thinks it’s a good idea to run for President, and none of her “friends” had the decency to talk her out of it?
The woman has miraculously attained a position in life vastly above her qualifications or capabilities. Enough is enough.
I would say everyone in politics qualifies as someone that “miraculously attained a position in life vastly above her qualifications or capabilities”. Most politicians, especially the career ones, are no better than your average lying psychopath.
The woman has miraculously attained a position in life vastly above her qualifications or capabilities
In a Modern Moral society, we ensure that the most feeble and unable are employed.
When I’m out and see someone wearing something that’s less than flattering, or with fucked up makeup, or a bad haircut, I think, “That person’s friends lied to them, boy.”
In reality, she is running for vice president which is a very crowded field among the Democrats this time.
Eh, running for President is a good service line extension for her fundraising op. That money can be diverted into all kinds of things for friends, family, supporters, etc. Why, if not for the gimlet-eyed sleuths at the FEC, some of it may even find its way into her pocket.
I think you all are nuts. I think she’s going to be a pretty strong candidate for her constituency (which I am absolutely not a part of.) She doesn’t have the organizational backstop that Herself had, but she has a lot of the same other strengths, with none of the icy-cold robotic narcissism and WI-loathing that tanked Herself.
General rule is that *none* of the early front runners from the opposition party in midterm elections end up with the nomination, but of the early front runners, I think she’s one of the strongest.
The biggest factor will be if primary voters are going to buy into the “We want the total crazy socialist candidate” line of thinking. Of if the actual voters are smart enough to choose a non-crazy candidate who might have a chance of winning.
She’d do great if they had ranked preference voting. She wouldn’t be anyone’s first choice, but she would rack up wins because she’d be almost everyone’s 2 or 3rd choice.
Personally, I think she is angling for the VP slot.
Steve Chapman: How socialism makes capitalism stronger
/face palm.
So they are advocating for the fascist system where government colludes with industry to pick winners and losers, and pretend that is capitalism? Yeah, fuck that shit.
Seriously, these guys hate “crony capitalism” and want to push a system that further intensifies that? How does this work?
I have repeatedly pointed out to people that it is not coincidental that the same people that created the problem in the first place DEMAND to be the ones to fix it. Case in point Frank and Dodd, who were the architect of the legal monster that encouraged all sorts of foul play in the mortgage lending industry, demanding to “fix it” after their shell game nearly collapsed our economy. This was part & parcel of Obama’s promise to fundamentally change America. They would introduce socialism by degrees, while hiding that it was basically fascism’s socialism.
The fascism peddling political class’ game was to create a rigged system that allows government to pick the winners & losers – by allowing them to use taxation and regulations to help their favorite corporate sellouts (see Jeffrey Immelt @ GE for the dictionary entry of this) into creating monopolies that benefit said entities (and thus the politicians that reap the financial rewards through campaign contributions) while fucking over the people forced to buy from these monopolies – and then creating these systems with just enough problems in them so that they eventually break down. When the breakdown occurs, they immediately blame corporations/industry for that failure, and follow it up with a demand to allow them to “fix it”, and usually they get away with that because stupid people don’t realize the problem is the inherently broken system.
Obamacare was supposed to work that way – become a mess, fail, and allow them to blame private industry for the failure – and then allow the people in government to make the claim that they had to take over, giving us a single payer system. The problem was that it was so horribly mismanaged (they couldn’t even get a fucking website to enroll for it to work right), and was so blatantly broken, that even the most die hard supporter could not miss the fact the system was built to fail.
I suspect that with that failure they decided this game was too cumbersome and took too long, and went back to what we have now: full blown demands for government controlled socialism (marxism).
Of course, they always know better than us and they would be THE CHOSEN ONES who just know how to fix it and get it all right THIS TIME. I for one am glad the mask is completely off and the more those sorts of politicians keep pounding on that drum, the more they push me to vote against them in any election I can participate in. These guys’ quest for ever-increasing power and riches by force is vile.
“I don’t like it when people I don’t like say things I like.”
Lemme guess. Omar hasn’t been banned from Twitter, right?
A Muslim bashing Jews. Gee, how….not predictable.
She started an important conversation we must have, man! Just like that guy that was attacked by MAGA hat wearing honkeys wearing masks & gloves with the power to hide themselves from cameras and the ability to teleport away from crime scenes in order to create doubt in the noble accuser’s story.
That cunt went after them because they were male and Catholic. No whammies, no whammies, no…..wha…..NOOOOOO!
OT: my new name for AOC is Occasionally-Coherent.
Yesterday, I finally teased out what she reminds me of: The Hee Haw mule.
Would the hee haw mule
But not her?
If she looks like the mule then I would hit that mule
Yeah, I don’t get the attraction. If she wasn’t a hateful person, like if she was just some chick who was nice and didn’t want to rob people at gunpoint or make government waste our money on stupid shit that makes us less free, I would just think she looks like an average person. Not unattractive, but not particularly attractive. But real gummy, which is a thing. You’ve gotta be pretty cool or have something else going for you if you’ve got teeth like that.
At the time the series was to be called Michael Moore Live From the Apocalypse.
I would have preferred “Michael Moore, Live From Medicine Hat.”
Carmageddon for Tesla Model 3: US Deliveries Plunge 55% to 60% from Q4
Yet the $35,000 Model 3 that CEO Elon Musk promised in 2016 remains a distant promise.
Anyone holding out for a promise from a Politician or CEO that has been 3 years overdue is willfully delusional
Or a CEO whose business is owed to politicians
Really anyone who is 3 years overdue on fulfilling their promise should not be trusted.
The house of cards is wobbling, I see.
The federal tax credit of $7,500 was cut in half to $3,750
I’m sure the plunging sales have nothing to do with this.
Did other manufactures experience similar slumps when they hit those phase out levels, and the net car price rose?
For a long time, Popular Mechanics braved the leftist tide and continued to put out high quality, politically neutral articles. That time is now over.
And the premise of the article is just embarrassingly bad.
“This is what happens when someone tries to build a nuclear reactor in the United States today. A lot of things have happened since the nuclear heyday of the 70s and 80s, when most of the country’s reactors were built. Regulations are tighter, communities are less enthusiastic, and competition from other power sources is higher.”
Then why aren’t you criticizing the overbearing regulation and the NIMBYism of the residents?
Nuclear power is simply too risky and complicated to supply our country’s energy.
This person must be retarded. That is the only kind-hearted explanation for this sentence being written by a purported energy writer.
It’ll be expensive and difficult, but it’s a better strategy than relying on costly and dangerous nuclear power
Want to know what is more dangerous than Nuclear Power? Trying to outlaw millions of people forms of employment. Trying to make it so that everyone has to live in a world not protected from the climate by fossil fuels. If this law were enacted, it would cause people to revolt, and you would see many people die. Many more than have ever died to a Nuclear accident in the US.
We die in 10 years anyway with or without nuclear.
It’s amazing to me how every print publication that sees a dramatic drop in circulation takes the exact same approach – dumbing down the content – that has never worked even once.
Yeah, I could not even with that article. It reads like it came straight out of the millennial article generator. All that’s missing is a list of some sort.
“Can we transition to 100 percent renewable electricity in a decade like the Green New Deal calls for? It’s tough to say.”
Bullshit, it’s not tough to say at all. It’s unrealistic, unachievable, and borderline insane.
If we accept that the serfs will have to go back to living in caves, then sure we can do it!
It is not achievable at all if you assume vastly lower energy consumption because we have all been put to work in the killing fields
That shit is retarded
I thought that was over the moment they started putting out their climate change deniers articles…
“Nuclear power is simply too risky and complicated to supply our country’s energy.”
Then how does it work in France?
Rep. Ilhan Omar is just another example of Michel Houellebecq predicting the future.
Delta Just Caused Outrage With Its Creepy Napkins. Here’s the Part Everyone Missed
Your daily outrage news. Apparently Delta is encouraging rape by giving passengers napkins that have a spot for them to write down their name and phone number to give to a passenger they find attractive.
Air Smith:
Both of these AEROSMITHs are very disturbing.
Your daily outrage news. Apparently Delta is encouraging rape by giving passengers napkins that have a spot for them to write down their name and phone number to give to a passenger they find attractive.
I thought it was so you could hunt down the asshole who put his seat back in front of you.
The only time Morrissey is worth listening to is when he’s backed by Johnny Marr. This is not a controversial position.
disagree – Bona Drag (a singles compilation) is worth owning. And I have a soft spot for Vauxhall and I
Especially this song:
It’s true Johnny Marr has turned into a better songwriter than Morrissey. But Marr is probably one of the weaker guitar players Morrissey has employed.
Civil disobedience is good. Stand up for justice. Oh, wait…
Sheriffs in a dozen Washington counties say they won’t enforce the state’s sweeping new restrictions on semi-automatic rifles until the courts decide whether they are constitutional.
A statewide initiative approved by voters in November raised the minimum age for buying semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21, required buyers to first pass a firearms safety course and added expanded background checks and gun storage requirements, among other things. It was among the most comprehensive of a string of state-level gun-control measures enacted in the U.S. after last year’s shooting at a Florida high school.
Sheriffs in 12 mostly rural, conservative counties — Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Cowlitz, Douglas, Benton, Pacific, Stevens, Yakima, Wahkiakum, Mason and Klickitat — along with the police chief of the small town of Republic, have said they will not enforce the new law until the issues are decided by the courts.
“I swore an oath to defend our citizens and their constitutionally protected rights,” Grant County Sheriff Tom Jones said. “I do not believe the popular vote overrules that.”
Initiative supporters say they are disappointed but noted the sheriffs have no role in enforcing the new restrictions until July 1, when the expanded background checks take effect. The provision brings vetting for semi-automatic rifle and other gun purchases in line with the process for buying pistols.
“The political grandstanding is disheartening,” said Renee Hopkins, chief executive of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, which pushed the initiative. “If they do not (run the background checks), we will have a huge problem.”
“Freedom? Fuck that.”
The Sheriffs were reached out to for comment, but at press time were busy in a Drug Bust.
I hope the courts shut that down, but being that it’s Washington state, I’m not confident in the slightest.
If they do shut it down, I hope they take up sanctuary cities next.
“I swore an oath to defend our citizens and their constitutionally protected rights,”
Then why defer to the court?
Liz of the Fauxhicans want Donald’s scalp.
Warren, who officially announced her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination on Saturday, made the remark at the Veterans Memorial Building in Cedar Rapids in front of a crowd of several hundred. The Massachusetts senator argued that Democrats should resist the urge to respond to “a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly” when choosing whether or not to spar with Trump.
“Are we going to let him use those to divide us?” Warren said, according to a report from The New York Times.
“By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president,” she continued. “In fact, he may not even be a free person.”
When asked to clarify her statements, Warren pointed to the multiple open investigations into the president, which includes the Russia probe by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and two additional investigations led by federal prosecutors in New York and Democrats who won back the majority in the House of Representatives this past November.
“As we go forward in this campaign, is it going to be chasing every tweet and nasty statement from Donald Trump, or are we going to talk about what’s broken in our country and what are our plans to fix it?” Warren told the Des Moines Register. “I want to talk about what’s going wrong and how we set it right.”
“a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly” when choosing whether or not to spar with Trump.
“Are we going to let him use those to divide us?”
Obtuseness thy name is Warren
Still waiting on evidence of Donald Trump’s rampant racism.
Liawatha demands orange man be burred in ground next to ant hill, and honey poured on his head! Orange man is evil! He work for the wrong types of people.
She should pick Chief Lies A Lot as her running mate. Hopefully he’s not too busy harassing kids to run for VP
I thought Biden’s native American name was “All hands on papooses”…
His Native American name is Chief “I still defended segregationists in the 1980’s”
Saw a pretty comprehensive run-down on Creepy Uncle Joe’s antics with women and especially children (sorry, lost in the mists of the intertoobz). The parents are consistently so shocked that they just freeze up in disbelief.
If that’s what he does in public, in front of the cameras, I have to wonder what happens in private.
Who is “us”, bitch?
What do you mean “We” Kemosabe?
“I want to talk about what’s going wrong and how we set it right.”
I mean obviously you need to rock and roll with the Orange Man Bad to win the primary, but the Dems really really need their buddies on the Fed Board to crash the Donny-conomy if they have a chance in hell of taking back the White House.
If Trump spends September and October 2020 traveling around the US waving record low unemployment numbers, no one is going to give a shit about anything else the Dems say.
I’m not so sure. Orange Man Bad is a very strong narrative on the coasts and in the major metros. Also, the problem with the economy improving is that some people will look around, see prosperity, and say, “Hey, the Dems are right, all these rich people can totally afford to pay a little more of their fair share.” Or, just the fact that the economy isn’t something to worry about takes it off their radar, leaving immigration and abortion, maybe gun control, and those are positions the Dems can hammer Trump on in order to bolster the base and pull in some left-leaning independents.
I think he’ll win in 2020, mind you, but I think it’s going to be because the Dems are going to run so far to the populist, socialist side that Republicans and right-leaning independents will turn out in force to vote against them. The Republicans, and Trump in particular, were handed a mild rebuke in the midterms, and I think that also will help in the presidential. I think that will appease the sort of “balancing” instinct of some independents to vote for the underdog.
Orange Man Bad is a very strong narrative on the coasts and in the major metros.
Didn’t work for Hillary (by a hair). If the economy holds up, I think he’ll be hard to beat. Problem is, we are due for a recession, and financial services is starting to look a lot like it did in 2006.
“Or, just the fact that the economy isn’t something to worry about takes it off their radar, leaving immigration and abortion, maybe gun control, and those are positions the Dems can hammer Trump on in order to bolster the base and pull in some left-leaning independents.”
I don’t think there’s a single person in the country who, otherwise disposed to vote Trump, would be pulled to the Dem side because of abortion or gun control. Like, who in the world is thinking “Man I would vote Trump, but I really want a new assault weapons ban and I love me some 3rd trimester abortions.” Bill Weld?
Immigration is spottier, but most of the people in the country are not fans of illegal immigration. As long as Trump still makes it “The Wall to stop MS13” thats a net plus for him.
Right, but are there people who held their nose to vote for Trump and, come 2020, will look around and think, “The economy is doing well thanks to policies Obama put in place, and if Trump gets another term he’ll ban abortion”? Or are there people who thought Clinton was worse than Trump, but after four years of Trump maybe Warren is now the lesser evil? If a lot of Trump’s votes were protest votes, can he still count on them, or will they go to his opponent?
He’s got momentum in his favor, though, and that’s another factor. Incumbents have the edge, unless the Dems actually find someone sane to run against him. Doesn’t look like there’s a ton of those types in the field, though.
The incumbency is a huge advantage.
Carter lost because the economy was in a shambles, and he was clueless.
GHW Bush lost because he was basically Reagan’s third term, and no one after FDR holds the office four terms in a row.
The economy would have to implode for Trump to lose.
GHWB lost because he ran as Reagan’s 3rd term, and then raised taxes and did executive order gun control. He shot his base in the back. He took 5 million people who would have voted for him, and ensured that they wouldn’t.
That’s the difference between Trump and the spineless GOP pols: he understands that the Left aren’t actually persuadable. The RINOs have spent decades believing the bullshit lie that if they just sacrifice enough of their base, that all the “moderate Democrats” will cross over. It’s bullshit. John McCain spent 20 fucking years of his life being the Democrats favorite Republican, and then when he tried to call in those markers, they voted for Obama.
Orange Man Bad is a very strong narrative on the coasts and in the major metros.
The propaganda machine is running 24/7. So there will be a lot to overcome.
There were two kind of ancestry legends in my family that I always heard from my dad and my grandfather: that we had Cherokee ancestry, and that we had Jewish ancestry. Now, both of these were based on pretty scant evidence, and at least according to Ancestry DNA neither appear to be the case, but even if they were true it never would’ve occurred to me or anyone else in my family to go on to claim either of those heritages. I mean, God forbid we’d ever find ourselves in the same room with someone who was actually Cherokee or Jewish. I’ve actually got at least a semi-legitimate claim to saying that I’m Scottish (-ish) since my great-grandfather came here from Scotland in the ’20s, and I’d never walk up to a citizen of Scotland and be like, “Man, here we are, us Scots, bein’ Scottish.” It’s just amazing to me that an adult would behave that way and not die of shame.
We had a family history of claiming Irish descent – because the name was a dead giveaway. But being a seventh generation american, I never claimed to be anything but American.
Similar legend of my paternal grandfather – he was part Native American because his (forever) black hair and darker complexion. However when my brother did a DNA test – who knows how reliable and other metrics? – nothing like that showed up at all.
The DNA testing companies don’t actually have a lot of good data for Amerindian population markers. So it’s not reliable.
Good to know. Lots of north European seafaring and or Frenchies showed up.
If you have any ancestry from the British isles, you likely will have some Scandinavian DNA as well. Mine came up 55% Irish and 29% England/Wales/Northwest Europe, but way down at the bottom was 2% Norwegian. I’ve gone fairly far back and never found any Scandis in the family tree, so it seems logical to assume that it’s the residue of Viking raiders going full STEVE SMITH a thousand or so years ago.
That was my assumption too – as part Norwegian also came up. Sailors going “port to port” per se.
Which service did you use and why? Interested but it’s easier to ask questions like this than to research….. Thx.
AncestryDNA. My sister got it for me and my parents as a Christmas present, she had already done it.
Same here, same reasons. My ancestors on my dad’s side came over to England with the Norman invasion, and my mom’s side is Scottish, so I’m guessing there’s a bunch of Danelaw that’s contributing to that in my results.
In our family it was because of some story where the first season my family lived in Alabama they let the local Cherokee take whatever apples had fallen to the ground from their orchard, and so their farm was spared when other farms were raided. And since we’re cynics, the older generations assumed that was the story told in polite company, when the real deal was that some Cherokee ladies got their feet under the table, so to speak.
The Jewish thing was because my great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather were both circumcised when that was uncommon among gentiles, and because they weren’t avid church-goers. And, as embarrassing as this is to admit, my grandfather–otherwise a lovely, kind, generous man–would always point to his prominent nose as if that were evidence.
“It’s just amazing to me that an adult would behave that way and not die of shame.”
The multiple academic gigs she got thanks in part to being a Native American Woman soothes those pangs.
I’ve known quite a few people like this. They’re fabulists, and they’re every bit as awful as you might imagine. I’d love to find out what Warren is like in unguarded conversation, because I suspect that she is the type that seldom lets anyone get a word in and constantly has to one-up everything that is discussed.
Lots and lots of families with long histories in North America have some bit of family legend about such-and-such great great great grandfather who married an Indian woman. Some are true, many more aren’t, but only a dolt starts telling people he’s an Indian because of those stories.
My grandma, whose ancestry goes back to early colonial Virginia and North Carolina, used to say “there was probably an Indian or two in there” and some genealogical research suggested that was true. Still, when I did a DNA test it didn’t come back with any American Indian, which could mean that was not true, or it could mean that it was so far back that I didn’t get any of that generic material. Either way, it wasn’t going to give me more of a reaction than “Huh, that’s interesting” anymore than getting 2% European Jewish (which was a surprise) spurred me to start wearing a prayer shawl and quoting the Talmud.
I’d never walk up to a citizen of Scotland and be like, “Man, here we are, us Scots, bein’ Scottish.”
Well, I don’t think Warren ever had any contact with actual Native Americans that wasn’t purely incidental. She ignored invitations to join Native American groups.
“that we had Cherokee ancestry”
That shit is just over the top. There is no way that everyone who claims they have ‘Cherokee’ ancestry in their family, actually does, I mean it can’t be even remotely close. I’ve known a lot of people who made that claim. For some reason, having native American blood and for some reason ‘Cherokee’ seemed to have been very popular during the 70s, maybe even 80s and 90s. No idea where that shit came from. My sister was telling everyone that crap back when we were teens. I would say to her ‘Well, one thing is for sure, you may or may not be 20% Cherokee, but you are for sure more than 20% full of shit’. There is absolutely no documented evidence at all, that there is any native American heritage in our family, either side, but yet this myth exists to this day and every single person in my immediate family has blue or green eyes. Yeah, I know, the legend of blue eyed Cherokees. What the fuck ever.
I think it’s a thing in Alabama. Also, I suspect the Venn diagram of people who enjoy southern rock and people who believe they’re part Cherokee has a lot of overlap.
The main source of native blood in my family is much closer. Apparently my great grandmother on my mothers side was born on an indian reservation but it was from a tribe no one has ever heard of, the Pennacook or Pawtucket (I’ve heard both used) . Also my maternal grandfather was a first generation immigrant from England who had some kind of close business ties to Russia, My Paternal grandmother was an illegal immigrant from Canada back in the 20’s but our line of the Collins family has apparently been kicking around in New England and New York since before the revolution and as near as anyone has been able to find were generally considered criminals and troublemakers for most of that time.
Trump’s “racist” tweet uses the word “Trail” – with no specific reference to Trail of Tears or anything else that I could see. I would not have connoted Trail of Tears at all from the original context. Really bizarre how folks like to reach.
But maybe it’s just me.
Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President. Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!
I’m going over Omar’s twitter. Jews who voted for Tlaib and Omar are morons.
Why in the world would you do that?
Because for too many Jews these days, progressive virtue signaling comes before religion.
And by religion I mean, being Jewish. Not being religious.
That goes for a lot of different groups, not just progressive Jews
“Trickle-down-economics doesn’t work ”
I’m tired of hearing this crap from the redistributionist thieves. Of course wealth doesn’t trickle down. It Flows Down!! Rich folks aren’t cartoon Scrooge McDuck’s with his money bin.
Ordinary middle income regular Joes and Janes get the landscaping and mansion renovation money, the outrageous bucks spent on designer purses and dresses, the Uber fares to run all over NYC without stepping into the subway, etc. etc. And what the rich don’t spend is invested in the companies that provide all the employment for regular folks. Yes, trickle down is b.s. –
it flows down!
Trickle-down-economics is not a thing.
Also wealth does not flow down. Wealth is created and some people get more some less depending on the contribution.
I do not evem like the argument to landscaping mansions. While this happens it is not essential. Essential is thst investments create value across the economy. The engineers matter more than the landscapers in wealth creation
The number of contractor trucks/vans you see in my neighborhood is staggering – given the additions, pools, and landscaping that goes on over the year.
I’m tired of hearing this crap from the redistributionist thieves.
What is the most annoying is that they espouse the very idea the most. That if we take money from the rich and give it to the poor, the poor are going to spend it rather than save, and that spending will drive the economy.
Since I have been posting Dan Mitchell links again (instead of splinter):
Second, their argument for Keynesian economics actually is a version of trickle-down economics since the people who get money from so-called stimulus programs spend the money, which means it gradually trickles to other people (that part is true, but Keynesians fail to understand that government can’t inject money into the economy in this fashion without first taking money out of the economy by borrowing from private capital markets). And since they believe the economy is driven by people spending money (rather than people earning money) and having it trickle to other people, maybe they assume that advocates of tax cuts believe the same thing.
What about yachts? I understand that those are made by elves.
No, they’re made by foreigners – ever since the Yacht tax killed the shipyards.
“Trickle-down” and “supply-side” were both pejorative terms invented by Keynesians to attack Austrian economics, from my understanding. They’re lampooning two real effects: the more wealth available to invest, the more wealth is invested, from people buying milk to investors buying stock, effects a transfer of wealth organically, and; when government tries to manipulate the economy it winds up aggravating the downturns in the business cycle and muting the growth periods, but when it backs off, businesses are freed to spend and invest efficiently, making them more responsive to the business cycle and mitigating the negative effects of contractions.
The Keynesians don’t like those things because they don’t believe that the net effect of businesses acting rationally as individual actors is positive. Of course, there’s also a lot of people who don’t like those ideas because they’re Marxists and find the whole concept of free exchange as somehow dirty and immoral.
Of course wealth doesn’t trickle down. It Flows Down!!
What the simpletons don’t realize is that “wealth” is another word for “capital”. Rich people have lots of investable capital. When they invest it, it recirculates and creates jobs. So I would say that in a capitalist economy, wealth does trickle down, albeit indirectly through capital investment.
By “simpletons”, I wasn’t referring to you, Pie.
Kkkapitalism is thievery
Today the layoff swindlers who argue that taking the earnings away from thousands and thousands of families is necessary always promise the same thing: After the painful but unavoidable disruption, a new revivified company will emerge, one that is more sustainable, a state of affairs more beneficial to everyone involved, including somehow, the people who will not be employed by it. American workers have been told this for three decades now. It was always a lie. What we have gotten instead is a system in which shareholders and consultants make more money than ever and the lives of workers become increasingly precarious. Life after one layoff means, at best, finding another job where the whole cycle will begin anew.
Layoffs are immoral. To deprive someone of a wage not because he is failing to earn it or because you can no longer afford to pay it but because you have decided that you would prefer not to pay him is robbery. The fact that it has been a widely accepted and almost universally recommended business practice for more than 30 years tells us one thing: Corporations do not exist to deliver goods and services to people. Nor are they there to provide employment to workers. They are a nihilistic engine for the accumulation of wealth.
Gosh, I wonder why some guy at a floundering “news” organization is all het up about layoffs, all of a sudden.
These peoplw define words in strange ways
Depriving a restaurant of income just because you choose to eat at home is robbery
Who are you calling “these peoplw”?
I blame my phone
Corporations are obligated to run themselves into the ground for the good of the employees they would otherwise lay off? What happens when they fail because of that and everyone gets laid off?
Layoffs are immoral. To deprive someone of a wage not because he is failing to earn it or because you can no longer afford to pay it but because you have decided that you would prefer not to pay him is robbery.
It’s so moral to run your business to the ground and then layoff All your employees.
“Corporations do not exist to deliver goods and services to people. Nor are they there to provide employment to workers.”
Why would anyone think they are? Corporations exist to provide limited liability for debts to the owners
of a business. If some is missing that basic point, I suggest that they may wish to reconsider spouting off in public.
Look around any big company and you could pretty much randomly fire about a third of the employees without any immediate impact. There are a lot of people sitting in cubes who do absolutely nothing of value.
If I was hired as one of the Bobs to come in fire your employees, though, I wouldn’t do it randomly. My secret would be to review employee time sheets.
Anyone who always got their time sheets in on time and had very detailed lists of things they worked on would be fired. Their is an inverse relationship between productivity and time reporting.
Every horrible worker I have ever managed would always get their time sheet in on time and would have their time allocated to the hour to a long list of project tasks. Good developers would just respond in email to “put me down for 25 hours on database stuff, 10 hours on front end stuff and 15hours for client meetings.”
My long-time ex-employer went in and out of phases where they demanded up-to-the-minute time sheets. Especially when we went public and it became a financial issue. Holy hell I hated that shit.
Right now my agency is in that phase. “Account for every hour of your time so we can show the agencies we’re ‘Billing’ what you’re doing.” The only result is that I have a chunk of time on my timecard marked as “Time and attendance” because it takes so long to fill out the 20-odd codes for each day of each pay period.
and your time spent on Glibs is labeled “Executive Time”?
No, silly, this is a background task while waiting for stupid things – like people and progress meters.
Background processes are usually what lock up a system.
Anyone who always got their time sheets in on time and had very detailed lists of things they worked on would be fired.
We get nastygrams if we don’t submit our time sheets in a timely manner. However, you’d be proud at my lack of detail on my status reports.
Im bucking the system as much as possible given that getting your name on the status reports on a regular basis is the fastest way to get promoted.
Ugh – no time sheets here. Nor do I punch in.
My workload varies so much it can go from “Hmm… read Glibs most of the day” to “I wish I was a groundskeeper like my grandfather” levels of stress.
There are a lot of people sitting in cubes who do absolutely nothing of value.
Most of whom are called HR.
I would have to ask the author and all proggies why they don’t personally employ an infinite number of, say, housekeepers? It’s all about job creation, right?
Layoffs are immoral.
Yea, better to let the business go bankrupt and have everyone lose their jobs.
Corporations do not exist to deliver goods and services to people.
Yes they do, period.
I thought corporations existed to deliver value to their shareholders.
That is their primary purpose. Their secondary purpose is to deliver goods and services to people. Employing people to accomplish the secondary purpose is, well, not really a purpose, but more of an operational issue.
Well businesses do exist to make money. But the way they do that is through providing products and services.
Remember about a year ago when a staffer with the Ron Paul Institute used a graphic for an article that invoked an antisemitic trope? Respectable people denounced Paul and the Institute, even after they removed the graphic. Brian Doherty even invented the myth that the phrase “Cultural Marxism” was some kind of antisemitic dog whistle (it was adorable how he pretended like “Cultural Marxism” was totally invented word). Watch these same people ignore or excuse away Rep. Omar’s comments
Do people not know what dog whistles are? If you claim something is an antisemitic dog whistle, that is admitting to being antisemitic yourself.
Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to tell.
People are dumb.
Also, the term dog whistle is a pet peeve of mine.
Narrowed gaze?
“By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president,” she continued. “In fact, he may not even be a free person.”
When asked to clarify her statements, Warren pointed to the multiple open investigations into the president, which includes the Russia probe by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and two additional investigations led by federal prosecutors in New York and Democrats who won back the majority in the House of Representatives this past November.
riotcoup d’etat is an ugly thing. And I think it’s just about time we had one!”Everyone involved with the creation of this abomination should be herded onto rockets and fired into the sun.
Sort of looks like will smith from a certain angle
Is it racist when a black man does blue face?
Tobias didn’t think so.
Someone needs to write an article about how that is cultural appropriation and offensive to Scotts everywhere
…this…this is why I can’t buy the cartoon on Amazon Video? This? This is why my daughter will not see one of Robin Williams’ finest works?
That sound you hear is Disney’s elite anti-piracy Delta Force swooping in on black choppers.
VPN, though. Media companies aren’t fucking around anymore.
Blueface?! SMH
I was going to go to bed tonight with happy dreams until this happened.
Muppets Unite Against Cultural Appropriation!
Blue Muppets matter!
It’s like Dolemite was banging Smurfette on the side and this happened.
It’s not too late for them to replace this with a CGI genie. But considering they let it get this far, they’re probably committed to their folly.
So I arrived at the airport to goddamn early. My normal solution would involve beverages but it is way overpriced.
No camelback full of roadside romanian wine?
Does Europe enforce the same standards as the TSA/FAA?
There was a time i flew on a Carribiean Airlines flight that didn’t follow those Regs, and surprise! I’m still alive
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Leon, but you’re a ghost.
Yeah sure, but it was Net Neutrality that did me in. Or was it Kavenaugh…. Or was it that unregulated Caribbean air flight?
I donno, but hadn’t you ever noticed that the only people who saw you in real life were some creepy kid and Whoopi Goldberg?
I don’t know those standards.
My old boss tells me of the days of arriving at the airport about 20 minutes before your flight would take off. Or arriving at another airport and then taking off for an hour to one of the local bars before returning just in time to catch your second flight.
I didn’t fly much in the 80s or even the 90s so I can’t recall the pre-TSA days all that much; other than security was a lot quicker.
I do remember in the 90s a friend of mine joking about bombs while going through security and basically just getting a stern look. And I do remember basically just walking through a metal detector and pointing at my belt buckle being pretty much all that was required. I also remember thinking of getting on a plane as somewhat akin to going to church in terms of dress code. Like the idea of wearing flip flops or a shirt without a collar was scandalous.
Now…suffice it to say that absent a major emergency I no longer fly. If and when the TSA is dissolved then we’ll talk, but in the meantime I drive or I don’t go.
Not having those ball-fondlers and baggage screeners who fail 95% of the time is how we got 9/11.
I remember leaving our Renton jobsite an hour before flight time, returning the rental car at SeaTac, and walking onto the plane with couple 36″ long valve handles and a butane soldering iron in my backpack, a Leatherman in my pocket, and steel toed boots on my feet. Also they didn’t check ID, so we had this complicated system where the boss would buy a whole bunch of tickets and we would mix outgoing and returning flights as we needed. It was a lot cheaper.
Now I rarely fly. And I have the odd urge to bleat like a sheep when I and standing in line for
the abbatoirsecurity.Alas, I have to for work and fun. TSA pre check and Global Entry has been life changing
I do miss the days of arriving 20 minutes before takeoff.
Well with the right time zones, you can land twenty minutes before you took off…
I mean i could buy a bottle of wine from the freeshop and drink like a bum
Buying from a free shop? Isn’t it just taking when it’s free?
It’s probably some quaint euroterm for a small business.
I have no idea if you have this concept in the states but it is supposed to mean tax free. Still mostly overpriced although I hunt discounts for single malt scotch in German and Austrian freeshops cause you can end up with decent prices.
The term more commonly heard here is “Duty-free shop”.
Yes in Romania people coloqually shorten it to freeshop
Aand there is 0 chance i spelled that right but on my phone don’t care
The ones in the airports here suck. The ones at land border crossings however, are awesome. Nicest part of coming home from Canada is restocking the Talisker.
Just mentioned at the securities law conference: Corporations are becoming social purpose organizations, whether they like it or not, because they continue to take on new roles as governments run into debt limits and run out of money.
Corporations are becoming social purpose organizations, whether they like it or not, because they continue to take on new roles as governments run into debt limits and run out of money.
If they mean Coproprations start filling in where Governments fail, thats fine. But if the mean “Lets Nationalize” all the corporations… Fuck you. Corporations have always been social purpose organizations. Their purpose is to incorporate the labor of people for profit for everyone (customer and producer)
This will play out well for those of us that actually want to do productive work…
All 8 of you
Fuck you, buddy! I want to do productive work! It’s Glib’s fault I’m here instead.
If y’all didn’t post so purty I wouldn’t have to comment here.
How capitalism dies.
Too stupid not to post:
Trump and Don Jr. Mock Elizabeth Warren By ‘Joking’ About Native American Genocide
“Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President,” Trump tweeted. “Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!”
The implication of Trump’s all-caps use of the word “trail,” in case it needs to be spelled out, is that the president would “massacre” Warren in a 2020 presidential race like Jackson massacred Native Americans. Haha.
That’s going deep.
Haha- Michael Malice strikes again
It is real curious to watch the corporate press be more offended by people mocking Warren for pretending to be Native American than being offended by Warren pretending to be Native American
+1 dog whistle
The Klobugasms in the local press are sickening.
I don’t think Klobuchar is particularly bad, but man the tongue bath she is getting is amazing. A lot of people are going to be real upset when oppo research from other Democrats tarnishes her image.
We’ve already decided that your state should be shutdown until we can figure out what’s going on. From here on out, the good people of MN answer to North Dakota. If the behavior of your state gets worse we will put you under the direct oversight of WI. You’ve been warned
West Wisconsin is a mouthful.
We’d let them be Lower South West Upper Michigan.
NoDaks, Sconnies…. OK, that sounds fair. But no way we are gonna take shit off any Iowegian!!!! (Cheap, bullhead eating bastards!)
And don’t even get me started on “Friendly” Manitobans!
Eh? More like F if you ask me.
So who wants to send Channel two Houston the Sloopy Dossier?
What number is this one?
Can all the people at least have the press refer to them as former presidential candidates?
Scientists Have Been Studying Cancers in a Very Strange Way for Decades
By growing cells in unrealistic liquids, they may have inadvertently skewed the results of their experiments.
I thought they grew cancers in mice.
No, the grow the mice in cancer.
So that’s why baby mice look like tumors.
I have an idea for the 2020 Dem primary.
When one drops out, the other’s eat him/her/them. The dwindling field, therefore, becomes more powerful. When it gets down to the last two, the loser only has an arm or leg eaten and becomes the Vice Presidential candidate.
Noyce.. This is politics I can actually appreciate.
I think Highlander-style would be more entertaining.
Just remembered I need to google is tap water in Graz safe. I mean it probably is but I need to know if I need to get to a store and buy bottled stuff.
It tested high in concentrations of hydrogen hydroxide and oxidane.
Her Title: Cryptologic Technician. Her Occupation: Warrior.
I know I’m just a flabby button-presser that has never had a dangerous or physically demanding job in my life, but I do know a little bit about “cryptology.” What sort of field work requires any kind of cryptology, outside of a movie? I can’t think of any situation where a person would be hunkered down behind a burm with bullets wizzing by, calculating inverse character frequency in replacement-encrypted document.
Is this one of those places where the military uses their own made up jargon that is intended to communicate the opposite of what they just said, or is this a case of a reporter latching onto a word that sounds like something they think sounds cool (and maybe heard on NCIS?)
Field Cryptologists beat the password out of the prisoner.
Actually due to a hilarious paper-work mix up, Rubber-hose cryptanalysis is performed by the same people that install the plumbing.
Maybe it’s like a Field Scribe, searching for tech from the old world?
Probably linked here before.
Probably why I remember it at all.
I was puzzled by the same thing. Were they trying to decrypt captured data in the field? Seems . . . odd to me.
Or was she actually back at the base used by the SEALs, and got killed in an IED attack near the base rather than on some deep penetration raid?
The article actually explains. She was doing intelligence in the field to set up strikes, making sure they were killing the right people.
So an invented title to obscure her real work and avoid prohibitions against women in combat.
Right, I get that. But the tools and skills needed for that kind of thing are the same thing that a network administrator uses.
I was wondering if she was *also* doing cryptoanalysis, or if in military speak cryptoanalysis / cryptology = “doing intelligence in the field to set up strikes, making sure they were killing the right people.” Because in the real work, those are not the same things.
Her language skills are a big part of it too – the job is cryptologic linguist, and she was fluent in Arabic. She almost certainly trained at the Center for Information Dominance (seriously, that’s what they named it) at NAS Corry Station in Pensacola. My wife used to have to go there all the time for work when she did background investigations for security clearances, it’s very locked down and secretive.
Kill them all, let go sort them out!
The ancient board game from Asia?
She’s the one who connects two alligator leads from her phone to the locks in the enemy bunker and runs a program to open the locks.
Do you not watch any TV?
Oh yeah, where each digit starts as a cascade of possible values, then goes *bloop* as the right character pops into place, one at a time.
Why didn’t I think of that.
You must have the “zoom and enhance” feature on your TV if you are seeing that level of detail.
Its my favorite part. Any time it comes on, our family positions ourselves so that we are at about 45 degrees from the screen and bunched together so that from a single point you can see both the screen and our face/reaction. I then tell my wife to start the video (instead of doing it myself,) then just after it happens I get a flinty look in my eye and say “Wait, go back a second! Right there,” and I point to the screen.
Its super natural and totally the way normal people behave and not at all contrived for any reason.
Then we send the clip off to our lab technician who is a quirky outcast in spite of their prefect diction and impeccable bilateral symmetry.
And really, no matter how sophisticated the lock, you can simply shoot the keypad and the door springs open.
Also would – at least circa 2007 when that lead-in pic was taken.
She was a linguist – spoke a few versions of Arabic and additional dialects. She was probably along for translation assistance, sensitive site exploitation (time sensitive, etc).
With the number of times that name has shown up, I suspect she hired the cameraman to follow her around and sells the pictures to the daily fail herself.
Phuket, Thailand
Please tell me that’s pronounced like I hope it’s pronounced.
And pho is pronounced “phu,” so all those Pho King restaurants around…
Had a Chinese girlfriend that used to like that stuff and wanted to go to a Pho King restaurant in her home town. I used to tell her that whenever we went there to eat I got frisky because of the name… She never caught on and I had to explain it to her…
When in Phuket, do as the phuckers do
“Lady Gaga strips down to black bra and fishnet tights as she joins Mark Ronson at his Club Heartbreak Grammys after-party”
Definitely would. Also, I’ll bet she’s an absolute blast to hang out with.
I’ve got to start paying attention to pop culture because I don’t know who any of those fuckers other than Gaga are.
Baz Luhrmann has the “I can’t move my face” thing going on.
She’s one of those people who is surprisingly ordinary in real life, but has a presence under the spotlights which is compelling.
I remember seeing her interviewed on 60 minutes years ago and she was very, very ordinary looking when she was being filmed.
Totally agree though that when she poses for pics like this she knows how to do it. (She was also pretty intelligent in her interview)
From the clips I have seen, she is a master showman. Her music isn’t my thing, but it looks like her shows deliver value to her fans.
Admission time: I own all of her albums. They don’t get a ton of play but it’s good music for doing chores around the house. Wife also likes; I was more drawn to the theatrical aspect of it; ala Bowie. And I noticed a lot of strippers use her music.
I think she’s some sort of “gay icon”, too – that’s worth a lot in her biz. I don’t know her music at all but I’ve seen her on one or two “reality competition” shows and she seemed cool.
She does have more than a bit of genius when it comes to fashion/visuals. The “Bad Romance” video is a masterclass in makeup.
Agree with you on both counts.
I’m only marginally aware of her work, but what I have seen looks pretty good. I think she is the real deal and definitely not some manufactured act that is totally based on focus groups and marketability.
I saw her HBO special several years ago. Very talented. She was proud of singing live for a couple of hours without any autotune support. And she didn’t need it.
Not exactly my style of music. But she earns whatever she gets from her music.
“Jennifer Lopez shakes off the backlash as she storms her way through Grammys Motown tribute with Smokey Robinson
The 49-year-old’s gig attracted online backlash before it occurred, owing to the fact that she is not black and was never signed with Motown.”
I would have gone with she can’t sing and can’t dance.
“Jussie Smollett’s neighbors cast doubt on his attack story
“I don’t believe it happened the way he said it did,” said Agin Muhammad, who lives in the same swank high-rise near the Navy Pier as Smollett.
“I’ve been in this neighborhood five years. I don’t believe it, not around here … Half the people are gay and the other half are black.”
A patron at Lizzie McNeill’s Irish Pub, about a block from the scene of the alleged Jan. 29 incident, said Smollett’s story “doesn’t really make sense.”
“It’s a lie, because Chicago is the most liberal city around,” said the man, who wouldn’t give his name. “They have cameras everywhere … Why can’t they find the attack?””
This is my surprised face.
Maybe they were gay-self hating MAGA wearing guys acting out?
The press will kill it off and nothing will happen. Just like all of the hipocrisy in Virginia.
Are they even bothering running intellectual cover anymore, or are they finally admitting to two-tier coverage for the aristocracy and the plebes? Fine, run with “It’s different when it’s one of ours,” but at least acknowledge it and quit pissing on my leg.
*hypocrisy.. derp
Yup. The police will just keep the investigation open, and never go after him for filing a false report, even if they know he did. It will just fade.
And, to be fair to the cops, given the absolutely terrible relations between the cops and black people in Chicago, I’m not sure that’s the wrong thing for them to do. He’s not worth a race riot.
Not sure if blacks in Chicago would be too worried about police busting a black actor that invented a crime downtown. I think the police may not follow-up, because the politicians will try to squash the investigation (rich whites would be offended by him being prosecuted), but the police will definitely leak the damaging information. I suspect that the truth will be leaked regardless of the corporate press’ lack of interest in the investigation after a while.
The cops won’t be having any of this shit and will definitely leak damning information when it becomes available. People really don’t understand how bad the policing situation has gotten in Chicago, and they would be surprised to learn that the Lacquan McDonald case is the least of anyone’s worries. Police have basically given up trying to solve property crimes because their workloads are so ridiculous. Someone filing a false report to raise publicity for themselves is going to piss off the CPD rank and file like you wouldn’t believe.
I posted another article from this same series last night, but this one is definitely worth checking out too:
Whatever your overall opinions of the police are, hearing what they say when they’re speaking anonymously is definitely sobering.
But the police in that town are so corrupt and because of that so sensitive, that they can’t just come out and say it is a hoax for fear of rioting…
The thing about Chicago that I don’t think people grasp is that race and ethnicity is also mixed in with neighborhood. South Side black residents are not the same as West Side black resident, just like northwest side Pole is not the same as Southwest side Pole.
Black residents get upset when it’s one of their own being shot-up by the police in their neighborhood. I’m not so sure how much sympathy an LA actor being jumped downtown is going to garner.
Yeah, I think a lot of people don’t know this. They also don’t truly comprehend the size of the city. It’s absolutely massive, and its tribal allegiances are countless and run very deep.
“City of Tribes” as John Kass calls it
I’d never flown into a major city before, flying mostly out of BWI and to, say, Orlando or Houston. BWI is kind of outside of Baltimore and as I recall the same is mostly true of Orlando and Houston. When my wife and I flew into Midway it was surreal. I’d never seen so much city before. We were still pretty high up in the air and everywhere I looked was Chicagoland, which term I’d never heard before and then immediately thought it made a lot of sense. I’d always considered Baltimore and DC to be big cities, but they’re nowhere near Chicago. It was frankly overwhelming.
My older brother lived in Chicago for a few years. I remember visiting him one time; his friend suggested we check out this great CD store.
And we got in his car… and drove… and drove… and drove… for seemingly two hours or more. And we never left the confines of “greater” Chicago. I can see why people use train or L or buses; not necessarily for the speed but just a chance to unwind and let someone else do the work of getting you there.
The thing I like least about Chicago – coming from Hicksville – is the lack of privacy. And I mean a smaller privacy, like walking a dog early in the morning. In my neighborhood you probably wouldn’t see anyone. You might see a car or two; maybe a jogger. Chicago, I feel like someone is always looking over my shoulder; too many people, too much hustle ‘n’ bustle.
“Half the people are gay and the other half are black.”
Ummmm….I don’t believe that. I don’t think the stereotype of the Lake Front Liberal is that they’re “gay” and “black”.
“Diversity” is only a strength in the abstract for the wealthy
Don’t they keep up? That doesn’t mean they can’t be white supremacists…
Nothing says “liberal” like total surveillance state.
“It’s a lie, because Chicago is the most liberal city around,” said the man, who wouldn’t give his name. “They have cameras everywhere …
The unintentional irony from the insanely unselfaware.
So the big question for 2020 is going to be if any sane Democrat will run in the primary against Omar?
Maybe the military cordon put up by the rest of the country will induce some of the more reasonable Democrats to run against her. I doubt it. The local DFL runs a pretty tight ship and no one is going to want to risk being tagged as a racist, mysoginist Islamophobe.
Why would they? She’s 100% safe in her district.
I can see someone like Margaret Anderson-Kelliher deciding that she can beat Omar in the primary by pointing out what an embarrassment Omar has been in office.
White dairy farmer’s daughter is way, way lower on the progressive stack that black immigrant refuge with headgear that drives racist shitlord insane.
Only a racist would point out flaws in a Muslim woman.
Shit like this is why I know these people are all clowning the usual moron that falls for these “Give up your freedoms and your money” schemes the proggie elite peddle.
Anyone surprised about this?
Nope, different day, same old shit. I posted another link below to an article. I’m all for it as long as it don’t cost ME anything or affect ME in any way.
And the fucking plane is late. Goddamnit
Do you have anyone sexually molesting you before you can get on the plane? Maybe you should get there early and have some fun?
I have a 40 minute layover
Start bothering other passengers?
He might have to skip the Manners in Wien now.
“God-Emperor Trump” float featured in Italian parade.
Hey, remember when an underwhelming blow-up pig floated at UK demonstrations against Trump was highlighted in national news? Funny, I don’t see this making banner headlines here in the States.
Cause that would give the morons that have been told everyone that is cool hates Trump second guess the people telling them that lie…
Italy, Hungary, Poland, the UK, and Austria (to a lesser extent) are giving Juncker indigestion.
Also, Juncker is an alcoholic
I was going to ask if he’s been sober enough to know what’s going on lately.
I don’t think I could take that and not react badly.
I couldn’t watch the video for too long, I was laughing too hard. Partly at the spectacle, partly at the news anchor trying to figure out what 40k was.
Clearly one of those devious dark web pranks orchestrated by the Russian 4chan botnet.
Isn’t Italy the country that has pr0n stars who in the parliment and sex orgies by the Prime Minister?
Why wouldn’t Trump fit right in there?
Also, neofascists and communists. I think Trump would be an improvement
“America’s Berlusconi” just doesn’t carry the same weight as “21st century Hitler.”
Also: Trumpy McTrumpfloat.
I think this makes it six posts in a row.
Keep it going, people! I think we can get to double digits.
Just for that, I’m posting again in the PM thread.
That’s the spirit!
Made some half – sour pickles on a whim. Not bad! I overdid it with the salt, and the flavors could use a bit better balance, but it was much more successful than I thought it would be given that I just tossed a bunch of stuff into a Tupperware bowl.
I think I used the wrong type of cucumber, because there was a little hint of bitterness left in the skin that wasn’t the most pleasant. Thankfully it was very subtle and didn’t detract from the pickle too much.
Great. Now that you are making pickles in the home, please prepare a list of puns / one liners / double entendres to use on your wife, and document her responses. For science.
*puts on thinking cap*
+1 putting the sour in the kraut
I try not to judge people for what they like to do in bed, but I’m surprised your wife lets you call it that.
Something something little ‘stache.
Now imagining some brunette white supremacist chick with that as a trim job. [Hopefully without an accompanying tattoo]
He should have wrapped them in a pastry
I’ve done half sours. A friend who grew up on the east coast told me they were just like what he got in Jewish delis as a kid. I’m more partial to vinegar based pickles.
What type of cucumbers did you use? I used to use Boston Picklers but Persian cucumbers were a notch above.
The bag of mini-cukes from Walmart. As you can tell, not much foresight went into this project. It was literally “hmm, I don’t know what to do with all this dill from the aerogarden. We have some mini-cukes in the fridge, lets see what happens.”
Ah. Yeah, regular cucumbers don’t work as well. But it sounds like they turned out just fine!
Whatever you do – don’t use Sea Cucumbers.
But they come pre-brined.
Yeah, why would you pickle a pickle?
To create a super-pickle, obviously.
Learn to science.
I would expect him to follow his loot to Turkey.
The wife and I were watching Brazil news this morning and learned that for some strange reason, people are apparently fleeing Cuba and trying to make their way to Uruguay. I’m totally not getting it. I heard that Cuba is paradise on earth. Best healthcare on the plant, no McDonalds. Utopia I tell you. So anyway, they started out their long journey trying to stay in Brazil, but were told to move on and were denied their request for refugee status. How the hell do you get refugee status from paradise? So they moved on to Uruguay. Once there, they discovered there are not many jobs and that Uruguay is not a rich country. Hmm. I guess that leaves the USA. Maybe there can be a Cuban floating caravan?
Socialism can ONLY deliver misery. It’s not a question of how but when.
They were interviewing some of the Cubans that have wound up in Uruguay. One of them had been a nurse in the Cuban healthcare system. Her salary was less than minimum wage in Brazil. And the minimum wage in Brazil is about $300 a month. But then again, why would you need more than $300 a month when everything is free?
Especially when there is nothing to buy too.
Don’t underestimate Top.Men and socialism – there are plenty of different hows that can be delivered.
So they moved on to Uruguay. Once there, they discovered there are not many jobs and that Uruguay is not a rich country.
To be Fair Uruguay is the 2nd richest country in SA (after Chile). But yes. It’ pretty poor. And there is a lot of “Unemployment” by which they mean “undocumented/under the table” employment.
I’ve got a friend who’s in Uruguay right now trying to decide whether or not she wants to move there.
Well, it might be pretty good for anyone who has a big heap of dollars.
And they have all those cool old Chevys and Fords from the ’50s, too
Speaking of the Green New Deal, everyone’s favorite topic these days.
We have to pass it to find out what’s in it
So, same shit, different day. These pie in the sky students love them some commie shit before they find out what’s in it. ‘What, like it’s not going to affect me in any way, right? I mean we get to feelz good and all, but it doesn’t cost anything or affect my iPhone service, right?’.
Can we raise the voting age to 45? Also required that you support yourself and do not live in your mum’s basement.
What, like it’s not going to affect me in any way, right?
Like the PPACA twerp that wrote up “I didn’t think I’d have to pay for it”.
Socialism appeals to idiots, because they always think “someone else will pay:..
To be fair, they don’t even get to that thought, which is why they are idiots. They feel that socialism is good because it purports to help people that they pity. Their analytical process stops there. Any further thought is post hoc rationalization of their emotional reaction.
Private contractors for airport security? That’s crazy.
Among the considerations once an airport has applied for the program: The cost of private screeners cannot be greater than what it would be if the TSA remained at the airport. If approved, the TSA — not the airport — selects, pays and manages the contractor.
Private contractors are required to follow the same rules and procedures as their TSA counterparts but are given some leeway to determine how they staff checkpoints.
But Greg Regan, secretary-treasurer of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, a coalition of 32 unions, argued that security screening is best left to the federal government.
“The mission of TSA is to keep people safe,” he said. “The goal is to identify threats and prevent them from having a negative impact on our system. That is the ultimate mission statement. When you privatize, you’re going to introduce another goal into that, and that’s profit.”
Other union officials argue that the answer isn’t privatization, but a functional federal government that can pay its workers and its bills on time.
“I think throwing up our hands and turning to private security operators is not the solution here,” said J. David Cox Sr., national president of the American Federation of Government Employees. “The federal government needs to do its job to provide the screening services.”
Added Mary Schiavo, former inspector general of the U.S. Transportation Department and an aviation expert: “We must never say our TSA employees are not important enough to be federal employees.”
She noted that the 9/11 attacks happened at a time when checkpoints were run by private companies.
You can’t argue with that. End of discussion.
9/11? TSA? “Schiavo”? Are we bringing back all of the Bush II admin’s greatest hits? No Elian Gonzales?
Well, we’ve had Mueller, whose FBI botched the anthrax case, hanging around for years.
“Is it the airport of the future?”
No, it’s the airport of the past, when security was efficient.
Unlike the pure-hearted TSA, which is totally uninterested in salaries and benefits.
The TSA will continue to try to expand its footprint into all forms of travel, thereby becoming the American version of the propiska police.
“Profit that doesn’t go into my pocket.”
When you privatize, you’re going to introduce another goal into that, and that’s profit.
The prospect of profit is incentive to do a good job.
Northam isn’t wrong. The first slaves were initially indentured servants. And it was a black guy that argued to a British Court that his indentured servant should be considered property because he provided everything for him. Court agreed, the western slave trade was born and the first slave owner was black. Ten years later, karma turned him into a slave too.
The first slaves? If I recall correctly, slaver, indentured servitude, or whatever you want to call it is as old as recorded history, if not longer. If one was willing to ignore the fact that this job paid no benefits, one could call it the second oldest profession. We need to stop the people that pretend slavery didn’t exist before white people got in the game and enslaved colored people, or that it doesn’t exist today (again because it is not the white man enslaving colored people).
It doesn’t pay nothing – it’s remunerated in room and board.
Wrong! Slavery did not exist until the white devils appeared and invented the white western patriarchy. Apparently, we need to tear down more statues, mister!
Western slavery on this continent.
Technically correct is
the best kind of correctcompletely irrelevant.We aren’t supposed to talk about that.
Stick a fork in it.
Check out the dude in the lower right hand corner of the photo. Would you hire that guy as your latex salesman?
Honestly, I say we just give the Canadians MN and in return we insist that the Canadians get better at hockey by using the resources of their newly acquired province. Nobody is going to miss lutefisk, Garrison Keillor, the MN Twins, the Wild, or the Timberwolves. Just give the Vikings to St. Louis. Easy peasy
I think we should get BC in trade too. Makes more sense and it connects AK to WA.
Alberta is worth more and more American culturally.
The problem is that if we did that we’d have to relocate the Canadians that already live there. You don’t want those floppy heads in your electorate. It’s bad enough that Californians can vote
Good points both of you. We can skip the coastline there.
The Rams won a Super Bowl while in St. Louis, and this would make the Viking a possible spiritual inheritor of that championship. They must remain completely and utterly destitute.
You don’t know what you are doing. Those Scandinavians cannot be trusted. It’s better to cede the state and give the Vikings to good hearty German stock down in MO.
We can split up CA so we don’t have to change the flag. And while we’re at it, we should probably take away LA’s football teams. If ever there was a city undeserving of a professional football team it is LA
*Also Jacksonville, FL*
We can hold them in Milwaukee if need be, on the condition that any Super Bowl birth is ceded to the Pack
The TSA will continue to try to expand its footprint into all forms of travel
I haven’t heard much talk about Task Force VIPR, lately, now that you mention it. Just another way Trumphitler wants to kill us all, I guess.
In my fantasy setting, the Kingdom of Zanthas is supposed to be wealthy from trade. The problem is, I can’t figure out who they’re trading with. They’re landlocked, and none of the caravan routes cross that country. They have hostile neighbors on three sides, and their ‘friendly’ neighbors border more or less the same people they do.
But… this is a fantasy setting, and Zanthas is sitting on the ruins of a much more ancient civilization. It is entirely possible that these ruins contain stable portals to entirely unconnected corners of the globe, letting them control a flow of goods otherwise unavailable.
I’m so glad I was able to talk it out with you Glibs.
Do all the resident refer to themselves in the third person and all have the same name?
No, why?
Not Adahn confused Zathras with Zanthas. It OK though. Zathras sometimes wish he got confused with people other then Zathras.
They’re landlocked, and none of the caravan routes cross that country.
Sounds like Switzerland.
It’s also mostly grassland, with few hills until you approach the southern agricultural belt and the river.
>their ‘friendly’ neighbors border more or less the same people they do
So what? That wouldn’t preclude profitable trade with the friendly neighbors. In pre-industrial times, caravans were a thing not because they crossed geographically efficient paths, but because the caravans had the right to travel the road without having to dicker every three miles. Pre-revolution France was greatly impoverished because getting goods from the country to the city could involve literally dozens veto-points where a traveler had to negotiate with individual landed nobles for a single path.
If the kingdom maintains centralized authority to regulate trade on a river, or if it has a road system, and if it has simple regulations (e.g. anyone with a warrant can move goods, the warrant requires a single purchase from a single official), that’s all they would need for prosperous trade with the ‘friendly’ neighbors.
Depending on the size of the Kingdom and Zanthas and the ‘friendly’ neighbors, these two nations may provide all the market size that a sophisticated economy needs to push specialization to the limits of the technology of the time (specialization drives wealth – both in the form of more efficient production and because specialization heterogeneity increases the gains from trade.)
If you want to make easier mental hand-holds for the reader, model the two nations like the pre-civil war states. The northern states specialized in manufacture and craft, were more educated, more egalitarian, better read, etc. The southern states were more specialized in agriculture, were more hierarchical, less educated, more illiterate (including slave populations) etc. Plantations are basically huge, hyperspecialized, capital-intensive agriculture centers. Many cities in the north specialized in a single craft (e.g., Hagerstown PA, aka Jaggerston, was populated by German gunsmiths (Jagger is German for hunter) and while each gunsmith was a small concern, the surrounding city economy supported it with lumber, metal, etc.
As you know, the north and the south were basically frenimies surrounded by hostileish peoples on all sides. But, because the states where the earliest experiment in a free-trade zone, and because they had massive heterogenaity, they got very rich very fast.
That would require the Zanthans actually, well, produce something themselves.
Well, yeah, that would be a prerequisite of getting wealthy by “trade.” Are they subsistence farmers or a nation of bandits? how do they survive if they don’t make anything themselves. If they are bandits, they could sell mercenary services if that’s appropriate for the setting.
Well they were founded as a nation of bandits, carving out a corner of Neph, and the one time they’ve been seen outside their territory in the texts thusfar composed was as an augmentation for the forces of another King. Though you leave out the “could be professional middlemen” possibility, especially if they control a supernatural transit link.
Oh, in that case, yeah, they can extract rents from their monopoly.
I was operating under the idea that they were effectively closed off from all peaceful interaction with anyone but their frenimies. Hard to be a middleman with only one nation to trade with. Middlemen sit at the center of complex trade networks, and I was thinking their potential trade network looked more like a blade of grass than a spiders web.
But in any case, if they control a supernatural transit link, they can either go the route of GB, Rotterdam, or Phoenicia and use their superior
maritime skillssupernatural transit link skills to build a trade empire. Or they could act as a toll-bridge, charging a fee for the use of their transit link.The Zanthans? Do you have the Carageenans too?
This MUST be pissing off the proggies and their mouth pieces in the media…
“Trump’s approval rating among likely voters soars to his best in 23 MONTHS”
There’s only one solution. NEEDZ MOAR GREEN NEW DEAL.
And they dog-piled the one guy who dared suggest that tacking hard left is going to lose them the general. Hilarious.
We don’t need you stinking moderates, we need unserious proposals for high-speed rail from Tulsa to Honolulu and to tax cow farts.
+ going after the jooooos
Walter Jones
I’d give him a pass if it’s because it was too late to remove his name from the ballot but he must have know he was in no condition to serve well before that.
He wasn’t perfect and some of his recent votes were bad. But, I think it says something that he continued to win his primary races (against challengers bankrolled by the party elite) and the general election without actively campaigning. The antiwar disposition that he adopted after the Iraq War endeared him with his constituents.
CPRM: In relation to the old Browns story about the guy asking for them to be pallbearers. The front office didn’t send any players to the funeral, but did send some staff and a gift.
No players? Boy, they sure let him down.
The Packers would have sent some of the washed up ex-players that do fan tours.
I’ve been watching some old cop/detective shows – Cannon, Barnaby Jones, and Ironside – set in California during the late 60s to early 70s. And I remember California was the place we – as teenagers – wanted to move to in the 1980s. It seems like a place of forever sunshine and so much better than the dreary Midwest. A real place of promise.
Now? You would have to triple my salary, and even then I probably couldn’t afford to live in a nice area like I do now.
What happened?
This is your state on progressivism.
Start with Jerry the first time and then go difi and…….
I still viewed it that way in the ’90s. And then I moved there…..
55 years ago…
65 years ago
I lived in San Marcos for about ten months in 1998. The women were stunning, the burritos were unbelievable, and it was the most beautiful place I’ve ever lived in terms of everything from scenery to weather. And then I bought gas. And towels. And groceries. And then I drove back to Maryland.
If didn’t already know this was going on, you’re not paying attention.
Especially since the article is dated August of last year?
Ugh, I dated a guy from Newton for awhile. Going by his politics, this stuff has been going on for decades there.
Newton is liberal ground zero. No surprises there.
Krugabe is concerned
While Krugman doesn’t expect a crisis of the magnitude of 2008, he said policy makers in Washington would struggle to contain large shocks. The economist, a vocal critic of the Trump administration, said it was hard to see the U.S. leadership “respond in any kind of a nimble way.”
“We’re clearly in worse shape,” he said, citing lower public debt in 2008 and “lots of room” to lower interest rates back then. “And we came into the last crisis with pretty remarkable leadership.”
“Let’s put it this way, our current Treasury Secretary is no Hank Paulson,” he said.
The Fed has painted themselves into a corner, but whatever happens, it’ll be Trump’s fault.
“We’re clearly in worse shape,” he said, citing lower public debt in 2008 and “lots of room” to lower interest rates back then.
So, the Obama/Bernanke/Yellen policies have put us in a worse position? How is it that he goes straight from saying “we’re in worse shape to handle a crisis now than we were in 2008” to “we had awesome leadership in 2008”?
Anonymous email, huh? And the story is actually using the “R” word.
Well technically it is rape as he cannot legally consent. That said I have always had a problem with the concept of statutory rape because it conflates 2 very different things which should be handled very differently by both the courts and society.
Having sex with a minor that the minor is a very active and willing participant in is in no way shape or form related to forcing yourself on someone against their will.
That said, based on her pic, I’m gonna rule innocent
I was referring to the usual practice of replacing statutory rape with some other euphemism when reporting about such incidents.
“Through her plea deal, 20 additional charges, including sodomy”
How can you still be tried for sodomy? I thought the Supreme Court ended those laws?
They probably still have separate charges for forceful sodomy because the rape laws are still about male-on-female penetration.
They’re charging her for getting fucked in the ass?
That’s what I’m trying to get at. The “receiver” is charged with that too?
Sodomy often covers giving and receiving oral. Basically, anything that isn’t penis-into-vagina.
Then that Supreme Court case was utterly worthless
A lot of them are.
99% of them, it would appear
The notion of the state enforcing sexual morality laws is so 90’s.
I’d have to look, but I’d guess forcible sodomy is a separate crime from forcible sexual intercourse.
Great. Now they are going to call us The Sodomy Twins.
That nickname is like two weeks old
This may be a stupid question, but….how can she commit sodomy? Are they suggesting that she used some instrument?
This is stretching my brain, but I think it’s anal or oral penetration for the purposes of sexual gratification.
sodomy is anything not penis in vagina
Even an old fashioned?
But how can she….”penetrate”? If you were using an “instrument” wouldn’t that be “forcible penetration” (ie. “rape”)?
What am I missing here?
I was off
An object would be unlawful sexual penetration
So a BJ? She was going to get prosecuted for oral sex? Again, I thought all of those laws were void now? How utterly worthless was that Supreme Court decision if it didn’t result in an end to sexual morality laws?
When the SC rules, there’s not legion of librarians running around with red pens, paging through the old laws. After Lawrence v Texas, the only real, real, real change was that the SC said that either Lawrence couldn’t be charged under that law (if it was an as-applied challenge) or that that one, particular, singular law was unconstitutional.
Now, any prosecutor or def attorney worth a shit knows that a substantially similar law is going to get bounced based on that ruling.
That bouncing would happen *after* the plea bargain phase. The prosecutor was looking for anything to throw on the pile and threaten prosecution with. Even if the prosecutor knows its a shit charge that is going to get bounced, it still requires the defense to deal with it, to make a motion for preliminary injunction, etc etc etc.
This also increases the EV of a jury trial. Even if the law only has a 1% chance to survive and for her to be found guilty, if it has punishment of 700 days, that’s an EV of 7 days. The purpose of a plea deal is to get the defendant to accept punishment that is just a bit less than the EV of all charges. This bullshit charge (arguendo, haven’t read the details myself) could have increased the plea deal that way.
If no judge every directly addressed this particular, single, unique law, and said its unconstitutional, guess what? Its still on the books.
In real science, they say you can’t make data by piling shit real high. In the law, where the process is the punishment, you can make a plea deal happen by piling the shit real high.
It’s not solely for a BJ. There’s a non consensual element (use of force, under a certain age, or inability to consent) must be met as well.
If it wasn’t consensual then wouldn’t she be charged with “forcible sodomy” rather than just “sodomy”?
I get that the case would not have resulted in an immediate invalidation of all these laws, but typically a ruling finding one law to be illegal would result in states either not enforcing similar laws or repealing such laws. Like what happened after the Griswald ruling and eugenic laws. The Griswald ruling didn’t invalidate eugenic laws, but the concept behind the ruling was thought to jeopardize such laws and so most states just stopped enforcing those laws.
I’m going to have to re-read the case, because it appears that the SC’s ruling was more narrow and meant to just receive the correct conclusion for a certain segment of society than I thought.
Forcible sodomy isn’t the legal name for the crime in Oregon law, and it can be non consensual for reasons other than force (such as drunk, unconscious, or mentally incapacitated). Consensual sodomy is not a crime in Oregon.
Even before the SC ruling.
“Forcible sodomy isn’t the legal name for the crime in Oregon law, and it can be non consensual for reasons other than force (such as drunk, unconscious, or mentally incapacitated). Consensual sodomy is not a crime in Oregon.”
OK, thank you, this makes a little more sense
>would result in states either not enforcing similar laws
This is the point of confusion. “States” is no single individual. You need to put on your Mike Munger Government-Is-Not-A-Unicorn Cap.
The law sits on the books. Every prosecutor knows its unconstitutional. Every judge knows. Every lawmaker (has an aid who) knows it. It just sits there, collecting dust.
Along comes a high-profile case. The DA really, really wants to nail the defendant’s ass to the wall. He comes to you and says “I want everything. every. thing. that we can possibly use to charge her. I don’t care what it is. We need to Send A Message.”
So you get a list of the immediately obvious stuff. Then you make a list of “maybes.” You give both to your boss. “That’s a good start TGA, but we need at least 20 charges. Go find something else, and don’t go home until I have all 20!”
So what do you do? You start scraping the bottom of the barrel. There’s this old dusty Comstock era law that you know is unconstitutional. But no one ever challenged it directly, so its still on the books.
You give it to your boss and say “This is unconstitutional, but here’s 20.”
Plea deal goes into place, that law was never uniquely challenged, and its still on the books for the next time the DA wants to Send A Message.
(Laws only get repealed, IME, when one party would make hay out of doing so. So you could see how DOMA could get repealed after a SC decision striking it down. Who’s going to make hay out of repealing a unconstitional anti-sodomy law? No one, so no one expends the political capital to make it happen.)
“This may be a stupid question”
-guy pretending he wasn’t pegged as recently as yesterday
Sodomy? Sodoyou, buddy.
Too lazy to research it, but sodomy for a long time was the term applied to any illegal sexual act under British/American law. So, you can find, for example, 18th century court records of women being arrested for homosexual acts and being charged with sodomy.
Lots of Comstock-era laws were written with very, very reserved language because it was uncomfortable/immoral for the lawmakers to actually spell out what they were talking about. Lots of implication and innuendo in the old laws. It wouldn’t surprise me if a prosecutor could look at the law, know it was intended to mean on thing, realize the actions at issue were completely different but nevertheless met the letter of the law, and decided to charge it.
+1 infamous crime
Any society that outlaws a rusty trombone is not a civilized society
Barbarian societies are better than the degenerate ‘civilized’ peoples.
our current Treasury Secretary is no Hank Paulson
Does that mean he won’t jus indiscriminately bail everybody out? Because I’m not sure that would bother me all that much.
*checks google*
Yeah, nope.
Jill Stein didn’t run last time alongside Her Censorious Scold?
Never held office so not a ‘politician’
That’s not how “politician” is defined.
Hence the single quotation marks around the word.
And that’s why I used the double quotation mark.
The only place to go now is brackets….
Correction: we could also employ asterisks at this point. Pick your poison
*politician* or (((politician)))
I like the asterisks better
Two Women ran and both office holders at that.
You mean the nightmare that you yourself helped create by importing zillions of “refugees” and supporting policies that weakened national sovereignty in spite of the Deplorables in Europe being generally against such policies?
It’s almost like taking people who don’t share similar values, language, and background and then putting all under the same government doesn’t work out very well.
See Yugoslavia, USSR, and uh… somehow it worked for America though the current lefties seem to be against that idea.
Yeah, well but the way America did it was not woke.
I don’t know where they pulled that from either.
It’s Soros – so just assume it’s a pack of lies.
His ass.
<a href="". No confirmation bias, here
The Green New Deal is best seen not as a policy proposal but as a political manifesto. It seeks to define what it means to be a progressive in the Trump era. In so doing it draws a clear distinction with centrist Democrats — exactly what progressives need to do in order to take a leading role within the party.
That’s why the endorsement of the Green New Deal by the presidential hopefuls is particularly significant. They see the progressive shift coming, and they have chosen to embrace it. This strategy makes a lot of sense: The entire country is moving left, and the change will remake both political parties.
This leftward move is almost preordained by demographics. Each generation, from the Silent Generation (born from the Depression through World War II) to the Millennials (born from the early 1980s to the mid-’90s) has more liberals and fewer conservatives than the one that came before it. Centrists are equally represented across generations.
“I see just what I am looking for. I must be really smert.”
Hey, you forgot the punchline!
Karl W. Smith is a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center
I knew they were sellouts, but that is ridiculous.
Who woulda thunk that Brink Lindsey and Will Wilkinson were statist fucks when they posed at Reason.
I must say, now that they dropped any pretense of being libertarian, they’re really cutting loose. From the other section Brooks quoted below:
No more of that going through the free market motions for the Niskaninnies anymore!
They recently posted an article rejecting “both Trump-style ethno-nationalist populism and libertarian-inflected ‘small government’ conservatism.”
Basically they are elitist bootlickers who think Denmark is utopia.
No more endorsing unnecessary wars to only later backtrack when that war is no longer popular and pretend as if you always opposed the war (Brink Lindsey). Now you can just endorse foreign wars recklessly and no one is ever going to call you out on it.
The gist of the article is that the GND is a starting point for negotiation. But it nimbly avoids the discussion of what has happened to every other utopian socialist plan that was implemented, namely death and starvation.
“Here’s my counterproposal – we do none of that garbage, cut spending to revenue minus ten percent, implement term limits for congress, and mandate nationwide voter identification and verification.”
Niskanen Center: Cozying Up to Socialists, When Bill Kristol, Max Boot, and Jennifer Rubin Are Unavailable
The alternative that wasn’t
>>The entire country is moving left
I’m not! /man in back
You know else had a political manifesto?
The Unibomber?
Valerie Solanas?
John Lydon?
“The entire country is moving left”
Assertion without evidence. Pro-life numbers continue to go up and support for gun bans continues to go down. You hear more “eat the rich” stuff but at best it’s a mixed bag.
So how did the Dems win the House then?
They didn’t really run much on gun bans, I don’t think.
And they cheated.
“They didn’t really run much on gun bans, I don’t think.”
They never do. This is the real way the media helps the Democrats: they refuse to push tough questions. Republican candidates get hit with all manner of tough questions about policy that is divisive and controversial.
Republican candidates get questions about abortions in rape cases, about immigration for people who were brought in by their parents at the age of 3, they get questions about all manner of sensitive hard to answer stuff.
Democrats get to talk platitudes and never get hard questions about it. They say “woman’s right to choose” and no reporter ever asks “Even at 8.5 months?” They say “path to citizenship” and no reporter asks “For every single person that crosses the border?” They say “gun safety laws” and no reporter ever asks “Which laws?”
Democrats are allowed to run on their intentions. Look at this Green New Deal bullshit. Not one single reporter actually wants to talk about the proposed policy. It’s all about the goals.
Swing districts over-react to the president and vote the other way after 1.5 years of the administration. Happened under Trump. Happened under Obama. Happened under Bush. Happened under Clinton.
The Dems did not win the house. The Republicans lost it. There is a difference.
Point is if “support for gun bans continue to go down” then why did gun banners achieve a major victory at the ballot box?
The party out of power took back some seats from the party in power during the off-year election. This is normal. The number of seats they picked was well within the normal range.
Actual political issues had nothing to do with it.
It’s all demographics in marginal districts where the lack of a presidential election keeps some people home.
I understand but I do find it odd that on one hand certain ideas are winning yet the pendulum of power eventually results in the victory of those who oppose those “winning ideas” yet said idea is still winning. Gives me “libertarian moment” vibes since “politics is a lagging indicator” and all.
“…why did gun banners achieve a major victory at the ballot box?”
Because the party of concession speeches had the house, the senate and the presidency for two years and we got no promised Obamacare repeal, no reduction of gun control, no reduction in spending, barely a shrinkage in govt., no repeal of the estate tax..all of the things they claim to champion never materialized. All we got was a participation trophy in overall tax reduction. They are spineless, useless weasels. Thus no one showed up to vote for them because…why bother?
The Green New Deal is best seen not as a policy proposal but as a political manifesto.
I think this is what my law profs called “a distinction without a difference”.
sort of interesting
What does this new political force look like? First of all, it is proudly pro-government. Democrats have gotten used to couching their proposals in heavily technocratic language. The idea was to sound responsible and sensible, especially compared to the wide-eyed free-market fantasies proposed by Republicans. So Democratic proposals were developed by economists at prestigious universities, carefully tweaked in focus groups to appeal to the broadest possible coalition, and certified as deficit-neutral by the Congressional Budget Office.
The Green New Deal is none of those things. Progressives are uninterested in such compromises and will not be limited by such requirements. In fact, the Green New Deal’s supporting documents suggest that the resources of all the billionaires and private companies in America are inadequate to the task facing the nation.
It is government and government alone that is capable of the sweeping reforms necessary to battle climate change. Government can pay for whatever costs are incurred in the process, because it has the power to print money if needed.
And the Green New Deal concerns more than just the environment. It is also about equity and social justice. It would guarantee all Americans a job, free college, health care, affordable housing and, most telling of all, economic security even if they are “unwilling to work.”
But don’t call them a bunch of socialists. That wouldn’t be fair.
>>are uninterested in such compromises and will not be limited by such requirements
So fascism?
Well shit, I wish I’d thought of that!
Why is it that every day progressives go out of their way to demonstrate that the not only read Atlas Shrugged and Harrison Bergeron but thought they were instruction manuals?
George Orwell feels left out of your comment.
economic security even if they are “unwilling to work.”
what percentage of our nation thinks this way?
I seem to recall a very simple philosophy from when I was a kid – “You don’t work, you don’t eat.”
Huh. I think the camps that socialists ran had a similar policy. Also, even if you work, you still might not eat.
I think that’s a rather inopportune way to describe the Universal Basic Income. So I would say that, packaged and marketed properly, you could probably get at least 40% of the country to support it.
Get rid of all the other stuff and I’d be one of them. If it’s piled on top of everything else then forget it.
Which is what will happen.
Even if you did that, so that UBI was the only transfer payment the Feds made, you have just given them a giant Christmas tree that they can hang all of their social engineering off of. If you want to qualify for UBI, you have to, I dunno, give the feds access to your computer, get rid of your guns, junk your gas vehicle and get an electric, etc. ad infinitum.
The Finnish experiment showed that UBI discourages work, even among people who might otherwise contribute.
That’s the biggest indictment of UBI I can think of. If your plan can kill the Finns’ work ethic that’s impressively bad.
It was already Finns that were on the dole. It wasn’t even a test of UBI, it was cutting checks to junkies.
Lol. It’s a bold plan, Cotton…
You mean getting paid to sit on your ass will result in more people sitting on their asses?
And then you also have people on UBI while also working for non-reported cash.
Getting up at six in the morning for anything other than a quick romp is a hard sell, whatever one’s willingness to contribute. The idea that giving people only a marginal attachment to work won’t discourage productivity is stupid, stupid, stupid.
Up at six? I have to be out the door then, Ted S and Yusef have even earlier start times.
Given that your example involved Europeans, I suppose I should have said nine.
We already have a system that rewards sloth with a huge bureaucracy needed to manage it. It isn’t a perfect solution but it’s better than what we have now
Repeal and don’t replace the existing system.
So why will those bureaucrats agree to lose their jobs?
If I could get free health care and “economic security” (ie, something like UBI) than my urge to work would drop off like a rock. Especially once the house was paid off.
No kidding. I work to achieve a set financial goal, short-term (pay the bills) and long-term (accumulate assets so I don’t have to work). Give me a UBI (and the taxes needed to fund it, even partially), and I guarantee I will be out of the workforce even quicker than my current plan.
My urge to work for anything other than under the table cash would be gone.
“Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.” – Joseph Goebbles
Tell us again how the left is fighting Nazis.
That is a naked, straight-up admission of textbook Fascism.
Progressives are uninterested in such compromises and will not be limited by such requirements.
These things, just like reality, will not be impediments to Progressive dreams.
Our heroes in blue really need to gun this woman down.
For the children.
OMG you gotta feel sorry for that guy if his name ever gets out because he is guaranteed to never get a date now
“We’ve turned off comments across Baltimore Sun while we review our commenting platform and consider ways to improve the system. If you have purchased points through the Solid Opinion platform and would like a refund, please let us know at”
Shorter Baltimore Sun – “Fuck you. You dont get a say”
I had to transcribe that. I could not copy and paste it. Cute.
Speaking of heroes in blue, here’s your daily nut punch; or rather nut tase.
Lemme guess: There wasn’t a policy that specifically prohibiting pantsing someone and tasering their nuts, so it was all good.
Or it was phrased as something like, “Less than lethal electroshock implements shall be employed in the manner to most expediently induce compliance from the subject.”
Well, if the IT thing doesn’t work out, I see a bright future as a policy writer.
Our heroes in blue!!!
Boy, that is one disgusting video. Not the worst of its kind, but pretty damned bad.
Look, a Russian Bot posting FAKE NEWZ! Get out this is Organic Russian Troll Territory!
STEVE SMITH forgot to lock the pet door?
Speaking of UBI how about all of those justifications of it based on the notion that robots will leave us all unemployed?
The thing I never got about that – if everyone’s going to be near-destitute because robots take all the jobs, who are the customers that are paying for all these things done by robots? Where is the money coming from?
Printed by the government and handed out for free – duh.
We need to get to the “robots repairing robots” stage first. Which I’m not sure comes before or after the “robots performing abortions” stage.
When that happens, we can talk. As it is, justifying UBI because robots will do all the work is like justifying the Space Force because the Martians will invade.
Justifications by people who understand economics to the same degree that my dog understands calculus.
So Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Tyler Cowen dod not understand economics?
That is correct.
I thought the hyperloop was cool. / sarc
The real problem isn’t what happens when all of the jobs are automated but what happens when say enough of them have that we can’t find productive employment for 30% of the population?
It is already getting close to this in some ways. A point Jordan Peterson has brought up several times (without suggesting a solution, merely raising it as a problem we have no idea what to do to solve) is that it is illegal for the US Army to enlist anyone with an IQ under 80 because there is no job which is useful to the mission which someone with an IQ in that range could successfully be trained to do. So basically people with IQ’s under 80 are effectively unemployable in our society. That is about 10% of the population. Sure there are still a handful of largely make work jobs that they can handle like Wal Mart Greeter or bagger at a supermarket but nowhere near enough to employ everyone in this group and none of them could ever pay the person enough to survive. Now we could come up with more wasteful make work jobs for them *cough*tsa*cough* or we could have some kind of welfare state but as a practical matter we are not going to just let 10% of the population starve.
So what happens when it gets to the point that it isn’t 10% of the population but we have automated every single job that anyone with an IQ under 90 could effectively and profitably perform? That is 25% of the population that would become functionally unemployable. Again there will be some jobs for these people but not enough and none of them are going to pay well enough to support them and you can’t have a society where 1 in 4 people are left to starve or locked in as a permanent underclass.
This is the risk of automation. Not that it will eliminate all human work but it will automate all of the routine mindless work that the lower portions of the intelligence distribution have always worked in. In the past this was never a threat because the machines that were doing the automation could not in any way shape or form think or react and they were fairly limited in what they could do so they always created new low skill jobs for the ones they eliminated. Today however we are very much at a point where all simple and routine jobs can be automated either already or in the near future.
And the Fluffer Union 238 is already engorged with members.
Huh so technological unemployment might be real and a problem? One that might potentially undermine libertarianism itself?
I don’t know that it undermines libertarianism because libertarianism makes no claims about being able to solve all problems. It is merely a problem which libertarianism, and as a practical matter no other system, has a solution for as all of the proposed solutions are either inherently unstable only working for short periods or are overwhelmed by perverse incentives and unintended consequences and usually both.
I mean libertarians support roboticization but if it leads to a problem that it can’t solve than I think that is a problem. If your ideology leads to the exact opposite results I think that is a problem.
“we are not going to just let 10% of the population starve.”
As long as the unemployable don’t breed, won’t the declining birth rate solve the problem?
The unemployable tend to breed more.
Is that you Oliver Wendell Holmes?
Also this does assume the “employable” with never breed unemployable people.
Only if you abort/euthnize every child born with an IQ below 90.
Now how you determine their IQ before they are ~10 I will leave up to you to figure out.
Basically all Dems candidates support the Green New Deal. This is mainstream Democratic policy. They will regain the White House sometime and they will try to implement it, even if it is just parts of it piecemeal.
So you’re saying: stock up on gold, silver, ammo, MREs, and guzzoline?
I think gold & silver are optional.
Lead will likely be more valuable than gold and silver
In sufficiently uncivilized times and places, lead is convertible to gold and silver.
But I like the sound of silver and gold.
My plan:
(1) Be out of the workforce.
(2) Have my assets buttoned up as well as possible to be beyond the reach of the taxman.
(3) Structure my income so that it is beyond the reach of the taxman.
(4) Look into drilling a well and installing solar, so that when the economy and society collapses, at least I have water and power.
Oh the irony.
It is kind of ironic that the pursuit of a socialist utopia leads to the breakdown of society, requiring everybody to be more self-sufficient to survive.
I’ve been wondering what kind of power output one could get out of a generator running on a gasifier…
Shit-can the solar idea. It doesnt work and the panels stop functioning almost before you can get them plugged in. Spend the money on ammo or a plot of land that you can grow yellow poplar on. Five acres cut one acre every five years will supply you with firewood for eternity. After five years cut one acre, ten years another…etc.
Poplar grows fast and if you cut in septemberish will sprout again from the stump.
I live in one of the best places in the country for solar, which helps a lot.
Like any capital equipment, they need maintenance and decline in effectiveness over time. I need to work on my numbers, but I think I’m looking at a 7 year payback, assuming current rates (and the (reduced) tax break). Its really a question of where do I want my capital; the $30K to go full solar looks like a not-terrible financial proposition, with a side order of autonomy and security. I’m on the fence right now, but have a lot more research to do.
No no no no! Don’t do it. All of the numbers you work out on paper are lies. Lies I promise you. Ask me how I know. For the love of God, dont do it.
If you ignore my advice I will forever torment you with ‘I told you so’.
When the economy and society collapses, you will be targeted – either formally or informally – to have your surplus stolen.
You need (5): the ability to successfully defend your surplus or steal whatever water and power you want. Which puts you back in the workforce.
You need (5): the ability to successfully defend your surplus
I think I am well-equipped on that front.
*ponders new shorty semi-auto shotgun*
But you can never be too well-equipped.
The logout bug ate my comment.
Gist: look at how badly Obamacare has fared, and that was with a congenial president willing to get on TV and lie through his teeth about the effect the law would have on a largely opaque industry. It wasn’t immediately recognizable as bullshit to voters. But employment turmoil is something familiar to all workers. Only the most marginally attached, bottom-rung employees won’t recognize that a huge, radical disruption is apt to negatively affect their prospects at least in the short run. And the last election turned on people who’d experienced the long-term damage of economic disruption. So you’re going to have the Democrat candidate trying to reconcile having run far, far to the left to clinch the nomination on the promise to burn down the economy even faster and harder than her opponents, with general election voters who probably don’t like Trump very much, but at least he isn’t discussing in serious tones the Venezuelazation of the American economy.
Obamacare is still here
I hope you are not overly optimistic here.
Sure, but my point is that it only passed because its most prominent backer was shameless in lying about it, and his lies were believable because the bill was highly technocratic and the industry is not easily understood or well-liked. We found out what was in it once it passed, and we didn’t like it; a lot of it has been pared back, and it’s still deeply unpopular. If it had ever gone into effect as written, it would have been repealed immediately. But that’s neither here nor there: the “Green New Deal” isn’t technocratic. It isn’t anything. There’s no substance to it whatsoever. It’s an utterly unserious, high school mock government bill authored by a clueless moron. And Democrats will have backed themselves into a corner if they make it the highlight of their 2020 primary campaigns, which they seem to be doing.
My comment about slavery starting 400 years ago was made in the context of the article I was commenting on. Northam was referring to the slavery here, not slavery in general. Even the proggies know that slavery is as old as humanity, they just think that white people are evil and this country is illegitimate, so that’s all they focus on.
You people have all disappointed me for the last time
We’ll miss you. Are you sure you don’t want us all as pallbearers?
You people have all disappointed me for the last time
You wish. We are nothing if not disappointing.
Just ask my parents.
You started it.
Collectivizing all Minnesotans…
So this is how that Rep. Omar thing just played out:
Rep. Omar: The Jews are money changers!
Republicans: That’s pretty blatantly antisemitic
Rep. Omar: Muh…Trump, you Jew. Watch out for AIPAC!
Chelsea Clinton: You’re saying the part that we know you whisper out loud
Rep. Omar: Sorry, but Republicans attack Soros which is antisemitic. Also, AIPAC is evil
Corporate Press: She sounds contrite. And Orange Man does insult Soros, which we have decided is antisemitic, because it’s convenient for us. Clean out your own house first, bigots!
I’m starting to think I know why “racism” has become such an empty slur that elicits more eye rolls than concern nowadays….
No shit. I cant understand why anyone pays attention to ‘Racist!’
I consider it an honor to be called racist by any lefty. It is a pretty clear admission that I am correct and they have no argument to counter with.
But, seriously #ShutdownMN
It’s the only way, people
*Paints self blue*
yells “You can take our fuckin’ government, but you can’t take our FREEDOM!”
Sven shoots a puck right past yer ear and then hooks yer crotch with his hockey stick.
I throw smoked whitefish at you (after sampling a bit first). Mmmmmm smoked fish
Rude Jon fires up his Jonsered chainsaw
Bill from da Iron Range flings taconite pellets at you.
Ole starts boiling a vat of maple syrup to pour over yer head.
Free Minnesoda!
Paul Bunyan swings his mighty ax threateningly.
Babe da Blue Ox let’s a steamin Cleaveland fly in yer general direction
The Minnesodan resistance would be crushed once Spring appears for that brief week and your state is habitable again
Tactical mistake.
Spring is when all the snow melts and it gets really muddy. You’ll lose yer boots!
Also mosquitoes begin to reappear, then the mayflies, then the black flies
Like Russia, MN is impossible to conquer. Coincidence?
Over the weekend, nearly the entire Democratic establishment rose up to demand the resignation of Fairfax — Virginia’s highest-ranking black politician — after a second accuser came forward. But the momentum slowed Monday as it became clear that it could be problematic if Fairfax were pushed out and the two white men managed to stay in power.
full of unintentionally funny quotes.
And sloopy’s links crash the 1000 comment barrier. Look upon his works Brett and despair.
But only 119 subthreads?
The Late P Brooks is disappointed.