One Sunday, I took it upon myself to create a set of links I believe were worthy of discussion amongst those otherwise uninterested in a prominent sporting event that occurred that day. Predictably, most of you decided it was better to discuss the sporting event anyway. Which brought on this brief moment of inspiration, brought on by a silly commercial.
This prompted me to research what the big deal was. While I provided an answer, the gentleman asking didn’t seem to appreciate it as such.
This is my review of Oskar Blues Dale’s Pale Ale
Adjuncts are ingredient used in the wort to create an environment the yeast can easily metabolize. Most people subscribe to the idea the German Reinheitsgebot created the perfect balance with the four allowed ingredients. For good reason: German beer is typically pretty good. Adding an adjunct however, does not have to be a bad thing.
It is fashionable among homebrewers to dismiss adjuncts as unworthy ingredients in beer. They often cite the German “Reinheitsgebot,” a purity law promulgated in 1516 that allowed only the use of water, malted barley and hops. Yet adjuncts are viewed differently around the world. Köln and Brussels are both world-famous brewing centers. Although located within 165 miles of each other, the brewing philosophies of these cities are light years apart. While German brewers were restricted for centuries by the Reinheitsgebot, Belgian brewers have long obtained fermentables from a wide variety of sources. In fact, adjuncts play a role in some of the world’s great beer styles.
Adjuncts can be divided into two broad groups: kettle adjuncts and mashable adjuncts. Kettle adjuncts, like honey or candi sugar, contain fermentable sugar and are added to the kettle in the boil. Mashable adjuncts contain starch. This starch needs to be converted to sugar before it can be used by brewer’s yeast. These starchy adjuncts must be mashed, which means that enzymes degrade the starch to fermentable and unfermentable sugars and dextrins.
Most adjuncts — including rice, corn and kettle sugars — contain very little protein and they are reluctant to yield the protein they do have during mashing. So they also can be considered in terms of their ability to dilute the protein in a wort made from low-protein adjuncts and malted barley. All the protein in this wort comes from the barley, so adding a source of extract that carries no protein effectively dilutes the total protein in the wort. Protein in barley can cause haze. People generally prefer beers to be crystal clear and they expect that clarity to last for months. So by diluting protein with the proper amount of adjuncts, brewers can increase clarity and stave off the onset of chill haze.
In other words, there is probably a pretty good reason to use an adjunct. Don’t dismiss a beer offhand just because it does not conform to the Reinheitsgebot. A good example is The Samurai from Great Divide, which uses rice as its source of malt. It’s been a few years since I had it while I was stationed in Colorado, but from what I remember it is actually quite good.
The adjuct in question however, is the use of corn syrup. First, in my personal opinion, high fructose corn syrup is not necessarily any worse for you than any other sugar—in fact high fructose corn syrup is defined as a sugar that is half fructose and half glucose…this dissacaride is known as sucrose—which is a fancy name for table sugar. The problem is most people eat a shit load of sugar, regardless of the type of sugar in question.
That said, the use of corn based sugar is not a new thing at all. In fact many brewers in the United States began using it around World War II for a variety if reasons, but rationing was the rationale behind using it, and the reason why they continue to use it is obvious…people buy it!
When Miller & Coors first started using corn they used simple flaked corn which adds a wonderful perceivable sweet cornbread-like flavor while continuing to dry out the beer, like Batch 19. Anheuser-Busch wanted to stand out and try something lighter so they went with rice, which can have a slight diacetyl and acetaldehyde flavor but for the most part keeps the same ABV content but imparts, again, a dryness and lower color.”
The rest, as they say, is history.
“A-B’s new light beer or reformulated Budweiser sold like mad! A lighter more thirst quenching lager that people could drink all day made people go crazy for the stuff,” said Kelly. “With the success of AB’s beer Miller started making their beer lighter and the watering down war began its vicious battle until they both started using enzymes to lower the final gravity. [Then] the zombie war of calories took over bringing an end to caring about the best tasting beer and a beginning to MGD 64 and Bud 55.”
It’s not hard to see why corn doesn’t get much respect amongst the brewing community[…].
The fact several craft brewers use adjuncts, including corn, should be enough reason not to freak out over corn syrup in your beer. This is just a marketing ploy designed to entice the faux-health nuts into buying Bud Light over Coors Light…if you don’t like it…don’t buy it. I personally can’t stand either, which brings us back to the beer in question.
Dale’s Pale Ale is a standard American Pale Ale. Oskar Blues has a wide enough distribution most people can find it on the same shelf as the dilly dilly beer in question but does so in a manner that I am under no delusion I am being healthy by drinking it. Its cheap, it’s tasty, it does the job. Oskar Blues Dale’s Pale Ale: 3.5/5
Oh, hey Ted.
Hey Ted!
Hey, Demi Rose’s alter ego!
My comment in the second image was to a link of some model not named Demi Rose posing in a Daily Mail article.
Uh oh. Does Demi Rose need to cut a bitch?
Cat fight?
“Ted’s not here man”.
I got a hat tip!
I do love that Oskar Blues has 19.2 oval stickers (in the manner of the 13.1, 26.2, and 62.1 stickers) for their tall cans. I do wish they used the standard 12 oz cans for their barrel aged Ten-Fidy though.
MOAR Ten-Fiddy!!!!
Fine, then I won’t share this with you.
Fuck, who am I kidding, any of you make it out to Cleveland, let me know your preferences, and I can probably pull something out of the cellar for you.
Never had that particular Dogfish head beer. They also make great stuff. It’s a bit sweet. But, I love their Midas Touch. Bitches Brew is also tasty.
Wish I could get their 120 minute IPA out here in LA. Their website says it’s distributed in Southern CA. But, I can never find it.
Hmm. Now I’m thirsty. Time for a pint of homebrew stout.
Ted Fidy is a fine imperial stout. Still, it’d be nice if they used standard cans.
I recently tried Odell’s Wolf Picker which features the new Strata hops. I concluded that Strata hops are super delicious and more beers should use them.
This is my go-to beer along with their pilsner.
Have you tried their Can-o-Bliss? Very tasty. And on the rare occasions I want a sweet beer Death By Coconut is badass.
Mamas little yella Pils. I had that after I drank Dale’s Pale Ale.
But that’s backwards….
That pils must have tasted like water after the pale ale
It was late, I just wanted to chug.
Fair enough. When it got late last night I was out of beer. I switched to bourbon. That was a mistake.
Certainly if you were drinking bourbon like it was beer.
That’s wrong?
/puts down pint glass of bourbon
Köln and Brussels are both world-famous brewing centers
At Oktoberfest several years ago, I was sitting next to a Bavarian and a Belgian. They were debating who had better beer: Germans or Belgians. I said to them, “I like both.” They looked at me funny, then went back to their debate.
Did it erupt in fisticuffs or did they start making out?
This can’t be the end of your story.
The Belgian was the designated driver for a group of very drunk Belgians. One of the drunk Belgians was trying to get me to feel up his hot, busty, blonde wife. I didn’t feel her up but responded to her flirts as she had been flirting with me earlier in the evening. She and I shared a beer, then she lost interest in me and went after some other guy.
The Bavarian eventually pulled out some Wiesn Koks. Not knowing what it was, and having had at that point about five and a half liters of Oktoberfestbier, I joined the crowd in having some fake cocaine.
The Belgians eventually left. The drunk Belgian that was trying to get me to feel up his wife had to be carried out. His wife left with the group. Her second guy did not go with them.
The Bavarian guy and I chatted for a bit longer about a variety of topics, then I left by myself.
I woke up the next morning with the worst headache I have ever had.
This was my 2016 trip to Oktoberfest. Yes, I did not include this story in the article, though it might have improved the article a bit.
I had about as much success with women during my 2018 trip to Oktoberfest, plus health problems on top of that.
Fake cocaine will do that…
I’m a huge Dale’s Pale Ale fan, and a fan of Oskar Blues in general. I think Dale’s might just edge out Lagunitas’ IPA for me, and I love that stuff.
I’m not a big Pale Ale guy but I thought Dale’s was pretty decent.
Pale ales are pretty much my go-to beer nowadays. It’s not my favorite style, but around here most of the places I go have maybe a third of the drafts as some kind of pale ale or IPA, one for Guiness, a Miller Lite or Bud light, then kind of a smorgasbord of whatever. Now they’re doing all the typical winter styles but they’re doing like whacky takes on imperial stouts and stuff like that. We are heading into my second favorite beer season, though, and I’ll expect a kolsch or two to show up.
Naptown, I’ll be at Oskar Blues Eastern brewery tomorrow for Sunday night trivia. Your Pale Ale is probably brewed there.
Naptown, agree about Dale’s Pale Ale. It’s a damn good standard pale ale.
Something’s happened to Lagunitas’ beer since they were bought. I’m not one of those beer geeks who laments a craft brewery getting bought by a larger company. For example, Ballast Point’s beer is every bit as good as it was before they were purchased.
But, every Lagunitas beer I’ve tried since they were purchased tastes mediocre to lousy.
Great rant about the Houston fake confidential information fiasco.
The fact that Acevedo managed to rise above the level of a small town dog catcher is baffling. The guy was a damn joke in Austin and he somehow managed to get promoted.
Wouldn’t have anything to do with his name/ethnicity, no of course not. He is just a stellar LE administrator.
I had an Elysian Bifrost Winter Ale with dinner last night, a bit of citrus and an earthy mind of taste, good stuff
That’s what I drank last night!
I sampled Platform Beer Companies Death by Disco Gose last night (evidently Death by Disco is a really popular beer name). It basically tasted like a semi-sweet cider. It was pretty good actually. I’ll probably have one next time I’m at that bar. Was too far down a different path last night for a full one.
They do make ciders as well, and they’ve started branching into hard seltzer as well.
Hard Seltzer? Have not heard of that. I’ll have to keep my eye out.
It’s the new trendy thing. All of the majors (and Boston Beer Company) have their own hard seltzer brands out there. Oskar Blues’ announced they’re releasing one soon, and Platform has one out now, and announced a new line of flavors expected this summer.
I blame the millennials.
Close, but these aren’t sweetened, and have more carbonation. Besides, Zima came back a couple years back. Babylon 5 knew the truth!
A buddy of mine works for Fremont Brewing. He’s big into ciders. I find them pretty unremarkable.
Give me a good craft beer anyday.
Do you want pirate zombies? Because this is how you get pirate zombies.
Ahoy, beer lovers: A bottle from a 133-year-old shipwreck may yield yeast for a new brew in upstate New York.
Biotechnology students at the State University of New York at Cobleskill uncorked a bottle from the shipwrecked SS Oregon on Thursday. Serious Brewing Company of Howes Cave plans to develop a new brew if the students successfully extract yeast.
Bill Felter, of Serious Brewing, acquired the beer from a customer who owns an assortment of artifacts recovered from the Oregon.
The ship was en route from Liverpool, England, to New York City with 852 people aboard on March 14, 1886, when it collided with a schooner near Fire Island, New York, and sank. All but one person survived.
Last year, an Australian brewer produced beer from yeast recovered from a 220-year-old shipwreck.
Not even (completely) OT.
If the beer’s any good, maybe they can reverse engineer the recipe.
“If the beer’s any good, maybe they can reverse engineer the recipe.”
“a 220-year-old shipwreck”
Among the ingredients was water from a well containing the bubonic plague.
It’s like the plot for a novel.
That place is within walking distance of my house. It’s a late 1800s mansion that has since been converted into a “cultural center” where they have art exhibits, music events, history seminars, etc.
The family used to distill whiskey, and there are some unopened 100+ year old bottles on display there. DO WANT. I’m always fantasizing about some elaborate heist involving grappling hooks, diamond rings that slice through glass, and crawling on the ceiling with suction cups.
Hmm, we may have to have some decent wine tonight. We’re going up to the mountains today, so something to re-hydrate us afterward might be in order.
Heading to Flagstaff or not that far? Beautiful drive.
Not nearly that far. This time.
I’m looking at maybe hitting the Peralta to Fremont Saddle trail tomorrow.
Beautiful. Sounds like you’ll be getting your exercise:)
This time of year that trail will have hordes of people. The Supes are great to hike in this time of year but maybe try a different trailhead. The trip of the Flatiron is often less crowded.
Excellent advice, thanks!
I covered this topic in the comments. Tons of British beers use adjuncts. And fuck the reinheitsgebot.
Fuck the Germans in general. All the best German beer I’ve had have been made by Americans anyway.
Gee, the Germans have a purity law. Irony strikes.
Best hefe: german.
Best alt: german
Best koelsch: german
Best dopplebock: german
Best weizenbock: german
Best kellerbier: german
hmmm…cant say I agree. They excel at what they do, the creativity lacks though.
Yeah, I never really got the reinheitsgebot obsession. The whole point is to make beer that tastes good. If you limit yourself to a tiny list of ingredients there’s only so much variety you can get.
Exactly. I’ve got the same problem with pretentious snots who care if their ethnic cuisine is “authentic.” I don’t give a shit how authentic it may or may not be. Is it fucking delicious? Then I’m in. Besides, for most ethnic food “authentic” means made in a shithole with no running water or basic sanitation. Hard pass on the authenticity please.
I’ll take mine without the side of cholera, please.
It’s the traditionalist mindset. Of course, they leave off the parts about the price controls, and you can only brew a couple months.
Funny, I was told adjuncts are anything you add to the beer outside of the main four ingredients. So, coffee or vanilla beans in some stouts would be considered adjuncts.
Looks like I was misinformed.
I didn’t know college students were such Nazis. They’re sooo not morally correct.
But I don’t potene or Trudeau.
Or Hockey
Nothing better than a post-bar closure poutine or a an 11 am hangover poutine.
I would much rather sell Washington.
Why on earth would Canada even want Montana anyway? Don’t they already have enough empty nothing in their country?
Back in the 70s, there was a movement to make the Turks & Caicos Islands a protectorate/province of Canada. To this day, I’m kinda bummed we didn’t do it.
In other news, there’s still no news. The CT scan’s gonna determine whether we pull life-support this afternoon.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: waiting sucks.
Fingers crossed for the least bad outcome.
Apparently, the least-bad outcome is that she survives (it’s my SiL) but with left-side blindness in both eyes, as well as other yet-to-be-revealed CNS damage. Which somehow doesn’t feel like a qualifying event for “least-bad outcome” to me. I’m absolutely certain that, if she were conscious, she wouldn’t regard it that way either. :-/
If the CT scan shows the pressure rising in her cranium again, we say goodbye. If not, we wait a few more days and hope to see some response. We should know by early afternoon.
So they think if she pulls through there will be cognitive damage as well? That’s where “least bad” becomes very subjective.
My wife’s grandmother had the same thing happen last year. Mercifully, the decision was effectively made for the family because the swelling never went back down after surgery. They pulled the plug a few days later.
My thoughts are with you, BEAM. Hopefully there’s a miraculous recovery. Short of that, I hope that the decisions are made easy for your family.
Latest news:
There is a slight rise in pressure in her head. The docs are not willing to do a CT scan now, because that would require she lie flat (thus raising her intra-cranial pressure), and they want her head to remain elevated. She is actually breathing on her own (first time in several days!) and is reacting very minimally to sound and light. If there are no other changes, they’ll risk doing a full MRI on Monday.
That’s all I know.
This started Tuesday morning as she was getting ready to go to work — she complained of a very rapid onset of a screamingly painful headache. In a regional hospital 20 minutes later and things were quickly getting worse.
One of the biggest ironies is that she is three weeks away from retirement.
This has been like a thunderclap.
I’m very sorry to hear it. I’ll second trashy and hope for the best for you and the family.
Damn, sorry about that, terrible news.
Fuck. Very sorry to hear that.
Pulling for your family, BEAM. You’ll need mutual support no matter the outcome.
In other news, there’s still no news. The CT scan’s gonna determine whether we pull life-support this afternoon.
I think I missed some news. It sounds like something bad is going on. You have my condolences and best wishes.
I missed this as well.
I say we annex Canada and force the Canadians to pay for the privilege.
Noooooo! Everyone attractive and talented in Canada already moved to the US. We don’t want the remainder.
Sounds familiar.
That petition is obviously created by MikeS who is still butthurt over the anti-NoDak bias at U-MT
Absolutely shameful. Note the absence of any teachers, admins or others being held liable for not fulfilling their mandatory reporting duties.
Maybe the town just wanted to offload a few million dollars they had lying around.
Bering Straights School District is mostly funded by the state and the rest by feds. It lacks taxation authority under state law because it exclusively covers unincorporated villages and second-class cities, which is partly why this state is so fucked up financially.
Sounds like a sweet deal, why bother forming a city?
mandatory reporting duties
What are you talking about? This was no secret. Younuit, Inuit. Everyonenuit.
FWIW, the natives there are called Inupiat. The -miut (mee-yoot) suffix is used for a particular group of people, so people from the anglicized place of Noatak call themselves Napaaqtugmiut.
Disgusting. Reminds me of this story I saw last week of a pedo doctor on Indian reservations. They actually pushed out the doctor that reported it. It boggles the mind.
I caught the Frontline documentary on it this week. If it was even 10% accurate, then it’s rope and tree time.
I couldn’t bear watching it, that shit makes my blood boil.
On a more jovial topic to stop thinking about that depressing news, I didn’t post back to you last night because my brother turned up for a late beer, but your BYOB on the plane reminded me of my last smoking flight. Late 90’s on a TACA air flight from Costa Rica to Chile I was given my boarding pass with a smoking symbol. I asked the desk lady to get a non smoking seat and was told back in Spanish, “it’s an all smoking flight.” She wasn’t lying. I had stopped smoking for years but I ended up bumming some Marlboros from the old lady next to me. You couldn’t see more than five rows in front of you it was so smokey. At least they kept the booze cart rolling up and down the aisles extremely liberally. I got drunk and hungover on the same flight. Arrived to Santiago in a daze at 3am.
A more civilized age.
Há! Truly the end of an era.
Drunk and hungover on the same flight is the worst feeling.
Santiago was nice when I went a few years ago right after their big quake. Lots of good looking women who humored my attempts to speak Spanish that was 90% french words that I figured they’d understand.
Santiago is a pretty cool city. I’d love to go back to Chile and spend a few weeks exploring the south. I had a great into to it because the smoking Chilean couple next to me told me I was crazy to go around the city at that hour looking for a hostel or a cheap hotel. They took me back to the guy’s father place and we crashed for a few hours to wake up to his dad cooking breakfast for us accompanied by a healthy amount of his homemade white wine. Loved that place.
Did you eat at the central fish market when you were there? That place had so much awesome fresh seafood for cheap.
I did hit up the fish market. It was a work trip and my coworkers went hogwild on the most exotic stuff they could find. I stuck with something boring due to some dietary issues.
OMWC and I took a flight back to Baltimore many moons ago. It was Southwest, so I had a backpack full of picnic grub and a good bottle of wine. As I was sticking the opener into the cork, the flight attendant said “don’t you DARE open that!”.
To compensate, she brought us two glasses of really crappy Chardonnay gratis, filled to the brim. We just sat there looking at each other because we had no idea what to do with it.
Was it post 9-11? Those fucking terrorists really screwed air travel in this country.
Government overreaction screwed air travel, not so much the terrorists.
Actually pre 9/11. She didn’t care at all about the cork screw.
We still managed to have a nice picnic. Ahh, pre 9/11 bullshit.
I’m glad you guys got to cuddle.
Flight attendant even turned down the lights for us.
We just sat there looking at each other because we had no idea what to do with it.
You, er… you drink it?
That wasn’t an option. It was that bad.
Now if he had been a Catholic priest….
The miscreant in the Prime Minister’s Office gets a spankin’ from one of Canada’s answers to Iowahawk.
As Kate over at Small Dead Animals (another of Canada’s answers to Iowahawk) put it, “Live by identity politics, die by identity politics . . . the genius of government by old white men [is that] nobody cares when you fire one.”
I seem to recall we have some Glibs whi live in the Nashville area? I have a bizness trip there next month with a night free and wouldn’t mind meeting up and tasting some beer if anyone could make it.
I’ve noticed one, but he posted so infrequently that I’ve forgotten.
If you get over to Memphis, the here’s on me.
Whycome us no have bootifull choochoo?
While the Central Valley leg was always supposed to be the first phase of the project, the fact remains that 11 years after voters first said they’d pay billions to build it, the new governor was transmitting a dose of realism to Californians. The over-schedule and over-budget voter-approved dream of a 200 plus mile-an-hour trip linking the most populous state’s two most populous areas won’t happen any time soon.
But why not? It feels like every other developed part of the world has invested in such trains — they’re all over Europe and Asia. Yet there isn’t any true high speed rail in all of North America. Not even Canada has one.
The backlog of infrastructure upgrades on roads and rails and bridges exceeds $800 billion, according to the Department of Transportation.
Trump’s plan to spur $1 trillion in private infrastructure spending with a more than $200 billion federal infusion has not yet come to pass, in part because he can’t find a way to pay for it. And it did not focus on rail. The Obama administration, early on, had a federal high speed rail plan, but it couldn’t get money from Congress. In fact, the last high speed rail funding okayed at the federal level was ten years ago in that stimululs bill. And the only truly high speed rail project under construction is the one from Bakersfield to Merced.
Amtrak does have plans for faster trains, but they are hemmed in by their aging track system.
It was an epic train system, the Transcontinental Railroad, a marvel of engineering and determination, that tied the United States together and let Americans spread west with greater ease and efficiency.
But it was an epic highway system, President Dwight Eisenhower’s Interstate Highway System, a marvel of engineering and determination, that opened the country up 100 years later and created a sort of suburban diaspora.
What a rambling mishmash of moronic sniveling. Trump hates trains. How do we know this? He pointed out what a massive boondoggle that California shitshow is.
If a wood burning steam locomotive was good enough for Abraham Lincoln, it’s good enough for you. Or something.
Id travel by train if it were significantly faster than driving and significantly more comfortable than flying. As far as I can tell, it is neither.
When I was still traveling for business I started taking the Acela to DC from Mass. It was a longer than flying, but it was way more pleasant. No TSA, no fat slobs oozing into my seat or the person in front of me putting the seat back in my face.
I didn’t mind the trip at all. Air travel – I just can’t do it anymore.
I’ve thought about riding the acela up to NJ to visit some friends, but with the prices of tickets where they are, I’d rather drive. The marginal time savings isn’t worth the cost.
I wasn’t paying, so I didn’t care. For my own travel we would take the train to go into NY city for the opera and stuff. No interest in taking a car into the city.
A buddy of mine takes it from DC to NYC from time to time and speaks favorably of it. Cheaper than flying and none of the bullshit with the TSA.
Our rail lines are designed to haul freight, not for speed. High speed rail would require completely new lines to be built.
Correct. If you want to move people, put them on a plane.
And higher population density. Western Europe has a lot of high-speed trains, but it’s got a population of somewhere around 550 million people (depending on definitions of “Western Europe”). It has an area not much bigger than the three Prairie provinces of Canada, which don’t even add up to ten million people. Hell, France is only about two-thirds the size of Alberta, but has 67 million people compared to Alberta’s 4.3 million.
You can pay for a lot of transpo options with population densities like that.
To illustrate, Germany has 83,000,000 people in a land area equal to Minnesota plus Iowa.
I love how they always the Transcontinental Railway as a positive example. It was a cesspool of corruption, never made any money and was shutdown after not too long.
I’ve got to find another copy of Rand’s “Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal”. In it she contrasts the gov’t shit show that was the Transcon with the Great Northern RR which was privately build and a success.
J J Hill one hell of man. I don’t think US history gives him nearly the amount of credit he deserves.
Agreed. Hill is underrepresented in US economic history.
Semi privately built. There were land and rights grants and such.
Not enough ethnic chicks?
Wrong kind of train?
That sounds like the right kind of train to me.
The U.S. federal and state governments spend way more on infrastructure than most of the European and Asian countries we get compared to. Slate Star Codex did a nice piece on it, calling it “cost disease”, although Scott didn’t settle on any definitive cause. Throw something into the mix that is being done entirely for political reasons, and involves expertise no one in the relevant bureaucracies actually has, and you’ve got a recipe for massive fraud, waste, and abuse. The problem is not that people in the states lack vision, it’s that anything done through the government is a giant money-wasting machine that nobody has any interest in controlling.
Personally, I think the biggest difference is that in most of these foreign governments, people are still expected to get things done. They may not be any happier than their U.S. counterparts but they’re not given the same ability to muck up the process. The U.S. has this weird system where a yes-man culture is thoroughly ingrained, but then gets subverted at every turn. Nobody can say no, but that doesn’t mean anyone has to actually deliver on whatever it is they said yes to.
We’re a banana republic with money at this point.
Sort-of. We don’t have the United Fruit Company or El Presidente. We’re kind of like a kleptocracy, except that everybody involved gets a share of the loot, not just the people at the top.
We may get less, but we pay more – as much as ten times more.
Here’s how socialists in Sweden lay track.
Skip to the 2 min point there’s no editing.
I used to work at the company that made the little clamp things that hold the track down to the ties. I LOVE talking about this, so bear with me. Here’s a post I made on Reddit a while back concerning the track-laying machine in this video.
I imagine the demand is even higher now. Concrete ties seem to be much more common now than in the past (but still dwarfed by the amount of wooden ties).
Cool. I love learning about the little things all around us that make the world work. We don’t really think about it but everything is designed, build and maintained by people with a special knowledge and skill set.
The massive fraud, waste and abuse is a feature, not a bug. Corruption doesn’t happen with paper bags full of twenty dollar bills, it’s campaign contributions, consulting contracts and supplier deals that get paid back in infrastructure contract awards.
“Whycome us no have bootifull choochoo?”
Trains can only be done right by robber barons. So, it’s bring back the robber barons, or no high speed rail, forever.
There was a lot of derp from my liberal friends about this, and lamenting how the US doesn’t have high speed rail.
I didn’t have the heart of the energy to point out that Europe’s population density is very different than the US, that almost none of the world’s high speed rails actually turn a profit, most were subsidized, and Japan seems to be the only country that pulled it off the best (and they have a different population density as well).
Ive come to the conclusion that the greatest romantic comedy of all time is Moonstruck.
None of this Tracy/Hepburn crap or Hanks/Ryan—it’s gotta be Moonstruck. Something for everyone. So many great lines.
Might have to curl up and watch again.
It was one of the very few RomCom movies that I actually enjoyed. That and When Harry Met Sally, of course.
(Pointed out in trepidation given your comment about Hanks/Ryan. 😉 )
Might go and sit vigil for awhile. Gonna be a long couple of days.
Sorry again for what you’re going through.
On Harry Met Sally, I enjoyed it but only watched it once. If I catch Moonstruck on, I’ll watch it from whatever point it’s in.
I’m sorry, but Better Off Dead wins the best romantic comedy of all time.
Such a shame people throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.
All That Heaven Allows.
In Moonstruck:
Ma: “Do you love him?”
Loretta: “Ma, I love him awful”
Ma: (exasperated) “Aw, That’s too bad.”
Loretta: “I should have taken a rock and killed myself years ago!”
I just loved the Italian immigrant family setting with side plots of the extended family, etc. perfect.
But there is no “right” answer for favorite color, best meal, etc. Moonstruck is my fave.
40 Year Old Virgin.
Fight me.
Groundhog Day would like a word.
Anything with Tracy/Hepburn or Powell/Loy is the best.
Fight me.
You;re completely ignoring the budding romance between Chloe and Delgado in Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
Nah, I think it’s that one with Jack Nicholson where he does the line, after someone asks him how he does a woman in his novels, ‘I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability’.
Greatest line ever in a movie.
/why there are no female libertarians
Must have been Pay it Forward, I’d guess.
“As Good as it Gets”
Tracy/Hepburn movies are fun, but not great.
I’d argue the screwball comedies of the 1930s/1940s are better (It Happened One Night, His Girl Friday, The Awful Truth, Ninotchka, My Man Godfrey, Bringing up Baby, The Lady Eve, The Philadelphia Story, Ball of Fire, The Palm Beach Story, Sullivan’s Travels, Miracle at Morgan Creek, Hail the Conquering Hero, Unfaithfully Yours).
And, of course, there’s Some Like It Hot from Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond.
I have often times felt like the lone voice in the wilderness on the subject of CTE and sports. The media hysteria, the ease at which people just took it all in and went along with while sanctimonious (and, frankly, proggie type) sports journalists like Bob Costas got to scold America for their immoral love of football. It was the sports world’s version of global warming to me. A select group of self-important jackasses who already held disdain for football and its fans found their perfect narrative, and anyone questioning it was a corrupt, a stupid neanderthal, or heartless son-of-a-bitch.
I long argued that CTE was poorly understood. That people with scarring, I’d wager the vast majority of those with it, are actually asymptomatic. That football players as a group live longer, healthier lives than their peers in almost all respects. That they commit suicide at lower rates. People would latch onto stories like those of Junior Seau and instantly attribute his behavior to CTE after the fact. Not the fact that he went broke, was out of the spotlight for the first time since he was a kid and going through rough times all around. It had to be CTE that’d done it!!11!
None of this is to say that CTE is bunk, though it’s ridiculous to me that people act stunned to learn that repeatedly getting hit in the head may be bad for you as if we couldn’t have learned that from old boxers (or any other number of sources). And there’s a shit ton of hypocrisy on display. We need to protect athletes from themselves as if they’re children, to hell with the impact on the integrity of the game. How dare you put that above their health! And don’t you dare suggest we’re hypocrites for watching and enjoying a game that is always going to be inherently risky to ones health and violent. People have died or ended up as vegetables playing the sport, but CTE?
Ranting done. I just wanted to post that some in the scientific community share my thoughts to at least some degree:
The fucking link.
Hmmm. I’ve heard of The Lancet somewhere before.
I don’t doubt there are concussions and head injuries, however (a point I have made many times in other venues): These people are paid a lot of money for the use and abuse of their bodies for X number of years. Everybody who goes into that profession knows what they’re getting into and are compensated accordingly. So I, for one, don’t like the screeching about head injuries. You play football, you get hurt, you get paid.
Imagine if we treated other dangerous jobs (that get paid a tiny fraction of pro sports players and are actually vital) the same way? “We can’t allow people to go into commercial fishing, construction or logging, look at the death and injury rates!”
I thought about that just as I hit the post button. Masonry, coal mining, the list goes on.
That icky reality is something that people can comfortably ignore. They buy and consume the finished products that result from that risky behavior, but are completely detached from it for the most part.
It’s one of the reasons why I have always laughed at the idea of a wage gap between men and women. The death and serious injury rates are orders of magnitude different. I’ve never heard calls for equality there for some weird reason.
Random thought: Why do people buy salad dressing? It’s expensive, uses crappy oils that are terrible for you, and the quality is far below homemade dressing. It takes me about 60 seconds to make a really excellent dressing. Just made a killer sour cream based one for a Cobb salad lunch. I can’t figure out why there are shelves and shelves of that crap in grocery stores.
Have you tried dressings from Cindy’s Kitchen?
The asiago & cracked peppercorn and the Barcelona vinaigrette are fantastic.
Looks better than average but still uses seed oil. You could make something better in a minute or two.
I don’t like getting yelled at for leaving a dirty blender in the sink.
Admit it, you deserved that.
I work on MY schedule.
I have no idea.
My standard dressing is olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper.
To that I add a teaspoon of good mustard and a dash of honey. Try adding a little finely diced shallots as well.
Yeah, you could do that.
Could??? Should!
Sous Vide Sensei, question for you. Ever done a flat iron steak? Google seems to be split between “a couple hours is fine” and “you should really do a 12+ hour cook”.
All the time.
2-3 hours is my max.
I’ve gone over 6 hours with flat irons (one of my favorite cuts), and it gets very mushy and ruins the texture. Same with rib-eyes, rounds, and tri tips.
Brisket and short ribs are great for a 24-48 hour cook, but for something like a flat iron, you just want to bring the center up to the desired temperature before searing.
Depends on the flavor profile you’re looking for. I like that little sharp note that raw shallots provide to a dressing.
I can’t find it now, but IIRC, roasted shallot vinaigrette was pretty high up in the list of the top100 foods in the world (CNN traveller, FWIW), along with pepperoni pizza and pho.
Yea, I’ve done the honey mustard before as well, but never shallots. May have to try that!
I was also thinking about adding some mashed raspberries for a raspberry vinaigrette.
Yup that’s mine but I add anchovy paste and Dijon mustard usually.
I go through four or five tubes of that awesome stuff per year. That and/or fish sauce makes almost everything better.
Have you made it to San Tung yet?
No, but it’s absolutely on the to do list. I have three, six and seven year old boys so my restaurant times are limited. They don’t do delivery but they do have takeout so I think I’ll have to grab some soon.
I’m trying to go out for Mexican tonight, but…
Oh yeah, 3 boys, that won’t work
Yup, that sounds familiar. We try to do a date night every two months, and usually then we are going to do something more fancy pants. You’re at the mercy of fifteen year old babysitters. “Yeah, some plans came up so I can’t do it tonight.”
My parents are nearby, but they’re so busy in retirement, I have to ask them months in advance for babysitting.
Wah! I want this now!!!ó-kitchen-tequila-el-segundo-4?tab=food
Seriously, I’d eat anything at this place.
If it’s sauced with their molé, absolutely.
I was 8 and my brother was 6 the first time we got to join our parents for dinner at a restaurant. We behaved. The second time, we got a little sparky, my folks got up, my dad tossed a 20 on the table, and we went to bed with empty stomachs after a couple swats.
Copy. I wouldn’t even make an eat in attempt with those odd.
The one place I don’t mind taking them to eat at (besides really kid friendly places) is the pho place up the street. They are lightening quick there so there’s not enough time for them to get bored and start causing mischief.
Damn Playa, that place looks friggin good. Cocktail hour is still a couple hours away, but I’m going to have to do something tequila inspired and do something seafood Mexican inspired.
It’s a little pricey to be a place I’d frequent, but I plan on chatting up the waitstaff and cooks to learn as much as I can so I can do it at home.
A lot of places are happy to give out recipes (Charthouse, Hillstone/Houston’s) knowing full well that the average cook isn’t going to be able to get the same results at home.
Thanks to who told me about Kong dog toys,
We have been through 50 rope toys in the last year, but Bella can’t kill the Kong, and just loves it!
The different colors represent different densities. Black are the hardest and most durable Kong toys.
This is true, She has the black one and not a scratch on it, great value
Learned that the hard way. The green one never stood a chance.
The natural rubber toys from Beco are pretty indestructible too.
How come the black toys gotta be the densest? And Kong? like the big ape? F’ing racist dog toy companies.
Still the best 15 bucks I ever spent on a dog toy, my dog uses loveseat for chew toys
The toughest and most durable. the bbc of dog toys.
Did you ever look at my first Bella article? True devastation from a puppy, good times, new furniture
Yeah I did. My hunting dog worked his way through a dozen pairs of shoes and the rear cup holder in the car. Not to mention two bedspreads and an electric blanket.
That’s a good doggie!
He’s grown into the coolest dog I’ve ever owned. He’s as goofy as a pet duck but damn can he find and retrieve birds.
I hope the blanket was unplugged.
Once you go black you never go back.
Always bet on black.
It’s funny, that’s why my dogs don’t care for them. They go through rope, tennis balls, “tough” dog toys in maybe hours, but they couldn’t destroy the black Kongs, so I think they don’t see the point.
Yea my Lemmy ate a rope, Tiger toy, and Red Kong in no time. Black King is still going. I also used Lacrosse balls for fetch because he kept eating the tennis balls.
Lemmy is a badass dog!
The West Paw durable bones have worked well for us.
My dog isn’t a destroyer but loves the West Paw stuff. Her fave is the Bumi tug toy.
+? for westpaw/zogoflex
Cool! We use a LOT of kongs for the dogs. We stuff treats in them that are hard to get out. Unfortunately, it’s only gotten them better at removing treats. We also have an antler stuck in one, that they try and fail to remove.
Check out zogoflex — We use the “tux” toys that look like a caltrop and they are really durable.
Yeah, those are the ones.
I just saw a headline about “butterfly conservationists” suing the government over the wall.
Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t a butterfly fly over a wall?
Not if they’re Mexican butterflies
They’re stealing nectar from American butterflies dammit!!
Not sending their best butterflies.
Rapist, drug dealing butterflies.
Haven’t you ever seen a 5 year old throw a temper tantrum because they are powerless to control people? It’s all snot, tears, screaming, breath holding and flailing arms. That is what you are looking at here.
Already dismissed. Looks like an eminent domain thing, with maybe some enviro junk tossed in because why not. Article isn’t terribly clear.
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t a butterfly fly over a wall?”
Why bother, Trump will just put them in cages and then deport them.
What is a Demi Rose? I dont get it. Any community college in the country has better looking girls than you see in the entertainment industry. The problem is that five seconds after they start talking you want to run away. We have women Glibs here with far more attractive personalities. I am looking at one snoozing on my couch right now.
We need to take up a collection for Q so he can get this out of his system.
Running gag from the post and Count Potato.
Don’t mind me. I am clueless most of the time.
You’re more clueful than I. I wouldn’t know a clue if it shit on my front porch.
My brother married young and is still with his wife, happily. However I think he is a bit jealous of my having played the field….or more like plowed the hell out of it..for a few years after my divorce.
Nothing I can say would convince him…he didn’t miss anything. I did. I spent that time catting around when I could have spent it with the woman I have in my life now.
The ass is always greener on the other side
Does your wife know you’ve got a Lady Glib snoozing on your couch? :-p
R.E.M. should just be glad that Trump made them relevant again for one brief moment.
Reliably lefty eighties band that released a few excellent albums before unloading the dreadful turd mentioned in the link on an unsuspecting public.
One of the local radio stations, on their last day, played It’s the End of the World as We Know it for 24 hours straight. It got a lot of buzz, as a bunch of us high school kids were wondering what the hell was going on, and if they were still doing it throughout the day. They went from Alt/Rock to R&B/Rap, so they destroyed all of that good will the next day.
America in a nutshell.
Love Shack Baby!
“Tin roof!…Rusted.”
I got me a Chrysler, it’s as big as a whale!
They were so much better than REM
For some reason, that song ‘Roam’ got stuck in my head once and it took forever to get it out. But yeah, everyone was better than REM. Sucking at music didn’t really become mainstream until recently.
Enh, I like them both. Both went way past their sell-by date, though.
I can remember a lot of fun summertime evening Chicago suburb poolside parties in the early 80s where everyone was in swimsuits at 11pm (dark and the temp finally ok to be outside in Illinois in July!) and dancing to Rock Lobster, including twisting all the way to the ground to the lyrics “down…..down…..down” and then jumping in the pool when the song ended. For those memories alone I will always be grateful to the B-52s.
And the video in question, because those cunts got it deleted.
OMG! That was awesome. Especially adding Romney in with the Democrats.
Oh, I remember that whiney bullshit.
Lol. Nice.
That’s pretty good. Song is synced well to the clips.
‘That’s me in the corner, and I’m losing my religion… something about milk…’
Remember them now?
That song and that everybody hurts crap are two of the absolute worst fucking songs foisted upon the airwaves in the past several decades. The fact that they both got/get a ton of airplay says everything you need to know about the sorry ass state of American radio. Either of those two shitbombs would be on endless repeat in my personal version of hell.
That’ll show Trump that they aren’t the fragile, unfunny people he’s making fun of in the video.
You know who else ate too many bananas?
Is this going to be racist? Are you going to get banned? Because hurry up if you are, I don’t want to miss that again.
Better. Transphobia. Racism is so last century.
Stormy Daniels?
“Fox reveals why I hate click-baity celeb-sucking mainstream news”
No shit. I the only thing smaller than my knowledge of who that is is my concern about the story.
Why would any human being care about that story?
Only if it turned out she hated them because she was so stupid that she got her mouth and her anus mixed up.
It was a childish attempt at pointing out that as a dude, Bruce Jenner ate a lot of bananas.
It’s like you didn’t even elementary school.
Am I the only one who thinks Bruce Jenner comes across like a 13-year-old girl with this whole “Look at meeeeeee!!!! My name is CAITLYN!” like that’s not a name a 13-year-old girl would choose.
Yeah, you don’t see a lot of trannies named “Mary” or “Sue”.
Never met any MTF (that I’m aware of), but worked with two FTM’s. They went with basic names of Alex and Sam. There was a minor kerfuffle about what name to use for their AD accounts when they started. HR and their managers were surprised that IT’s entire question was, “What do they prefer?”
“They went with basic names of Alex and Sam.”
Not Pat?
Ha – nicely ambiguous. I have known echt females with both of those names.
The guy has problems. Ordinarily I would have nothing but sympathy for someone like that but he lost me when he made physical threats on some show against someone who would not go along with his delusion.
Nothing reminds people that you’re a lady like violently threatening someone in your dude voice after they’ve misgendered you.
Maybe not a lady, but a woman? Yeah, I can see that.
You sure you’re not talking about Ben Shapiro and that Zoe whatever dude?
I’d pay good money to see Ben Shapiro fight a transgendered person. Anyone will do, really.
That is probably right. I didn’t remember off hand who it was.
And Brochett has my wife asking me what i am laughing at.
I would never stoop to such lows.
Grape Ape?
If Creepy Uncle Joe is embarrassed, we must be doing something right.
” The American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly that it is not right. That it is not who we are.”
Tell me who I am, Joe. I hate that “not who were are” BS politicians use. “Not tossing Jews in ovens. That is not who we are.” coming from a certain politician wouldn’t make it right, now would it?
Get with the 50.01% of the 17% who bother to have an opinion or GTFO bruh
It’s about as relevant as Pelosi and Shcmoobz lamenting over how Trump is trashing the Constitution. You mean that dusty old thing written a hundred years ago by slave owning white men? That old thing that is no longer relevant in this day and age? STFU, you disingenuous hacks.
In 2015 a close relative was puzzled by my non-repulsion of Trump and I got this – “Oh my God! We cant elect him! What would the world think of us!?!?”
My reply – “If I didn’t know who I was voting for before, I damned sure do now.”
They just dont get it. It’s the difference between the people who care about feelings, popularity and opinion and the people who say ‘fuck off’ on a daily basis. Heinlein’s good neighbor comes to mind.
After 40 years of Showman Trump, I couldn’t vote for him. I fully expected him to govern much farther to the left. There are things I still don’t like, but then again I’ve felt that way about pretty much everyone I’ve ever voted for. And between what he’s accomplished and the unhinged bullshit of the last two years, at this point I am solidly in his corner.
The rest … I am happy he’s making the right people squawk.
Sure, Trump is worse than Hitler, but he’s the most accidentally libertarian president ever. Wait… those are the same thing, right?
I never paid attention to the guy until he started talking about the government’s responsibility to the citizens of the country they represent and draining the swamp. I spent the previous 40 years ranting about how the corrupt, incompetent political class has to go but never thinking there was much chance of that happening.
I voted for him, and I will again if he keeps this up.
I didn’t the first time, but at this point he’d have to really fuck up for me not to in 2020. Me and the wife both.
This morning, the wife was outside, getting the mail I think, and she ran into one of our boring neighbors. For some reason, the neighbor felt compelled to tell my wife that things are going to start getting better soon because Democrats will be back in control. My wife was completely perplexed by this and wanted to get into a discussion, but then decided not to. She asked me and I said ‘Obviously you’re one them furners and so cannot get along in life without Democrats helping you’.
Have the half-wits listened to what the D’s are saying these days? The party of John Kennedy, Tip O’Neil, even Billy Bob Clinton is long gone. Now it is the party of Crazy Eyes, Spartacus, forced veganism, naked anti-semitism and medieval technology.
WTF is wrong with people?
“Have the half-wits listened to what the D’s are saying these days?”
The older ones? I seriously doubt if they’ve heard one word they’ve uttered in the last 50 years. They’ve just always voted democrat, and so does everyone they know.
^^ I voted Rand in the primary and DJT for the general.
Same here.
He’s one of the ten best political philosophers of the 20th century, and you could argue he’s top 5.
Hungary, Italy, and I think one or two others (Poland? Hell, you know they all want to) would like a word.
Then again, you could stop using social media and get a real life.
If there’s ever another major war, we’re fucked. Really, really fucked.
I apologize for nothing.
I apologize for nothing.
It’s like the same thing except I’m liking some bitches pictures from high school before she gained 15 pounds.
“withholds likes and comments on her Instagram posts”
Withholding likes is the same as physical violence.
This is so alien, I just don’t know what to say.
Yeah. How do you know is someone has withheld a like? Is that like jobs created or saved?
Well, if I feel I’m not getting enough likes, shouldn’t I be believed? I mean, people online can’t even know I’m a white guy. It could be a hate crime.
I am not clicking a nyt article. From Brochett’s quote below I have to say…I have no idea what that means.
Got my inaugural shipment from Beer of the Month Club this week. Foothills Brewing and Lazy Magnolia. People’s Porter and an amber ale from the former and the pecan brown ale and an American ale from the latter. All pretty solid and I’d only had the pecan brown previously.
I had to double check you were talking about foothills in NC. They have good stuff
Yep, enjoying their porter right now.
I’ve found the shipping costs and selections for Beer of the Month Clubs to be lacking. Of course, I’ve made it a point to hit up local breweries when traveling.
My in-laws got us the beer of the month club for the year. So far so good.
It was a gift. I probably wouldn’t spring for it for myself. My favorite brewery that I’ve visited while traveling is Left Hand Brewing in Longmont, Co. Me and some friends took a taxi over and just got hammered. Ended up not being able to get a taxi to come pick us up and hitch hiked back to Boulder.
Left hand has some great beers.
So nobody here thought it would be a good idea to wake me up and let me know the US is in a state of emergency? I could’ve been killed in my sleep and you guys wouldn’t care one bit.
I thought we’ve been in a state of emergency since Trump was elected?
“I thought we’ve been in a state of emergency since Trump was elected?”
Apparently one of the 30+ “emergencies” that is active was declared by the Sainted Peanut Farmer.
Mr Peanut declared a state of emergency? And here I thought the top hat and monocle meant he was on our team.
What was it? We were going to run out of oil in 10 years? I think that can safely be lifted now.
My father studied metallurgy instead of petroleum engineering because we ran out of oil in 1965.
a) ex-pats get nothing but a hefty tax bill
b) you’re in the future, you should be letting us know what’s going to happen. Let’s start with tonight’s winning numbers.
“Nigerian Bros Purchased the “Rope Found Around Jussie mollett’s Neck From Ace Hardware – Claim Smollett Paid Them to Orchestrate Attack”
The Ace Hardware man really is helpful.
Who could have seen that coming?
Didn’t he know that every time you hire Nigerians to play racist white guys, they fuck it up?
‘Wait, did the fat lonely American lady transfer the money to Western Union yet? No, you dummy, this is not a dating scam, we’re supposed to pretend to be white and attack some black American dude. What? Why? Did he transfer the money to Western Union yet? Why are we wasting money on a rope?’.
Jussie Smollett is in trouble. Even CNN is reporting the police think he set up the attack himself.
I wonder what his death on Empire will look like.
It was great that places like Slate were sticking to the narrative all the way through last night.
I think it was CNN reporting just yesterday that the cops were insisting it was not a hoax of any kind. But if they are typical leftists, even if it proves to be a giant hoax, they’ll still be sticking with the narrative a decade from now. Maybe longer. They’ve stuck with socialism through a century of failure.
Hopefully something like Caligula’s.
I was thinking more like Chef on Southpark.
So, I don’t know anything about that show, I don’t even watch TV. But I’ve at least figured out the guy is an actor on a popular TV show and therefore is probably making pretty good bucks. Why would a person in that position risk pulling some sort of a scam, especially one with legal implications? Is being the victim of some sort of racism such a merit badge these days, that it just drives people to insanity like this?
Could be the “they were writing him out of the show” theory that someone posited.
It’s funny because way back when I was a kid, in the bronze age, my mom and aunts would talk about how they were writing some character out of one of their soap operas. It would always be cancer or a car wreck. Some things never change I guess.
Suicide by hanging. What else could they do?
They should start by having him decide to shoot himself in the head, but he screws up and shoots himself in the foot.
Then he can die thru suicide by hanging.
If hoist by his own petard could be depicted in a modern scene, that would be best.
So Amazon is continuing to shelve Woody Allen’s latest movie because of the troubling allegations, yet they still have at least one of his movies available on Amazon Prime (not to mention selling his DVDs and Blu-ray’s through regular Amazon). If it’s soooo horrible, why aren’t they deleting his entire back catalog from their store instead of just sitting on a single movie?
My guess is because they really don’t give a shit, they just don’t want to get tarred by being associated with his movie but are quite happy to take dollars for his work in the meantime.
I’d say your guess is right. They don’t really care, and they know which side their bread is buttered on.
It’s an interesting conundrum. When a person is a bad person in their private life but makes a great or even OK contribution in their professional life, must we throw the good product/art/idea away?
Mengele made some interesting observations as he was doing sheer evil to Jews in WWII. Is it ethical to use his research for good now?
Does the fact that some of our founding fathers had slaves invalidate their other works and ideas?
I think not.
The left’s moralizing has went so far that it’s just throwing them completely outside of the realm of common sense. It’s out of control and they refuse to admit it, let alone try to slow the crazy train down.
Crazy train it is, and it is off of the rails.
Jeebus fuckity fuck, who advocates for the end of electricity, heated homes, cars, airplanes, modern medicine, computers….etc. They are literally advocating for the end of modernity. This is padded room, straight jacket territory.
I posted it in another thread, but may be worth repeating. The Green New Deal would be the biggest crony free-for-all in history. That’s why corrupt leftists politicians love it. Of course no one but naive foolish millennials believe it would actually work or even get out of the gate, but the crony bucks would be glorious. It would make Obama’s failed green crony deals seem like some local clusterfuck to hire friends to build bike lanes or install speed cameras.
Funny you should say that. My dad posed this question to me once. I thought the work should stand on its own regardless. He thought it should not be because it was obtained immorally.
I still don’t know what the right answer is, or if there is no right answer.
As for celebrities who do things I don’t like: This is why I don’t want to know things about them.
‘Should not’ means what? We should erase whatever information from our minds? Ignore it?
It isnt a conundrum. We should hang on to the knowledge then hang the sadistic bastard.
Amen to this.
He meant to burn it, to bury it in the back of beyond, to lock it away and treat the information as if it had never happened.
That’s a hard story for me to tell because he was horrified I thought it should be used.
I’ve been having similar thoughts.
Kevin Spacey has been scrubbed from the record pretty quickly. He was written out of House of Cards and replaced by Chris Plummer in ‘All the money in the world’ just before its release.
Yet Brian singer is just beginning to be blacklisted, but his alleged abuses were coming out in 2013.
While Netflix ousted Spacey nearly immediately they dragged their feet a bit before having Danny Masterson written out of the Ranch
To me the greatest escapee from backlash is Michael Jackson. I think the free ride treatment goes to what Moj is saying about trying not to know about celebrities.
Don’t know why I am looking for consitency in human kind. I think celebs etc are all at least a little fucked up, so if we ignore the art of every celeb that ends up being immoral, criminal, or weird there won’t be much art to enjoy
I may not be good at photoshop, but you get the point.
I have been listening to a lot of these guys lately’