This week’s sky is probably the most complicated one we’ve seen yet (most of the sky omitted for clarity)

"Don't blame me Doc, you're the one with all the dirty pictures!"

It is amazing that anyone was able to do SCIENCE before Powerpoint existed. For an example of someone doing amazing work without even the benefit of algebra, see

On the first level we have four alignments:  Jupiter-Venus-Earth-Luna (in green–change in marital status); Jupiter-Sol-Mars (magenta — state level conflicts, officers, military rulers); Saturn-Mercury-Mars (purple — bad news about war, ending of a conflict, death of a soldier); and Venus-Sol-Mercury (gold — love letters, pornography, gossip).  On the second level, we have interactions indicating that a divorce degree will be finalized that gives possession of the house; A general’s mistress will lose her baby; A war comes to an end because a leader (the one that wins) changes strategies; and a foreign correspondent gets lucky with a local.  The third and fourth levels are both very similar indicating that this will be the most important happening of the week:  A media organization will go completely to shit.  There will be scandals, layoffs, and lawsuits all hitting it at the same time.  I’m very curious to see which one it will be.

Of course, the Sun is in Aquarius.  Also the same as last week Jupiter is in Aquarius so bonus to self control.  Which is good, because Mercury is in Pisces, indicating that events around you are not going to respond to your efforts.  The moon in Cancer indicates that secrets will feature prominently.  Venus and Saturn are fighting it out in Capricorn, the end result (probably) being that you are going to stumble into something good purely by accident.  I hesitate to make this last reading for liability reasons, but Mars in Taurus advises just bulling through any fights you may get into this week.

Aquarius:  9 of Coins – Safety, success, riches

Pisces:  4 of Coins, reversed – Suspense, delay, opposition

Aries:  Wheel of Fortune, reversed – Decrease, bad luck, rapidity, loss of control

Taurus:  8 of Cups – Timidity, abandonment, surrender

Gemini:  The Hermit, reversed – Concealment, disguise, fear

Cancer:  3 of Cups – Successful conclusion, perfection, merriment, celebration, healing

Leo:  Ace of Cups (again!) – Joy, contentment, fertility, nourishment

Virgo:  7 of Cups – Desire, determination, will

Libra:  Queen of Cups – A good woman, an honest woman, aid offered.

Scorpio:  The World, reversed – Inertia, stagnation, status quo

Sagittarius:  5 of Wands, reversed – Trickery, litigation, disputes, contradiction

Capricorn:  10 of Cups, reversed – A false sense of security, indignation, violence.