Hey guys, this one is kinda rushed because I have several errands to run this afternoon. Love ya, mean it!
Oh, Florida Man. I think this guy is old enough for a pack of angry moms to take him.
Well, this guy is a moron. The KKK is the violent wing of the Southern Democratic party.
As long as my wife and kids are still on a five day workweek, I can totally be just as productive in four days. Whose law is “work expands to fill the available time”?
Come on, SMOD!
All the talk about Winston’s Mom last night got this song stuck in my head.

“I vant to suck your accumulated surplus capital! Ah, ah, ah!”
Titty Tuesday brings you girls with specs appeal.
This is your best set of pics ever, Q.
You just cannot help yourself, can you?
I stayed on topic below 😉
*sighs, wanders off shaking head*
Hardly trying to keep it hidden.
Is Swiss an 89 year old Florida Man?
I want to get upset alongside you, Swiss, but….daaaaaaaaaamn. Possibly my greatest weakness in full force.
Just keep repeating your mantra “SWISSENITY NOW”
Is our inability to stay on topic a personal peeve? Or are there cowards among us who flood the Glib Inbox with complaints about the ADHD commenters who veer off topic early?
I hate to admit it, but if I didn’t see you throw up your hands in exasperation, I wouldn’t even realize that we have a problem.
If it really is a problem that is wrecking the lives of all of you fantastic folks who post the links, I’ll promise to do my best to modify my ways. I appreciate the lutefisk out of the job you guys do and don’t want to make you crazy.
It is specifically the titposting. Just let a few people comment first, then drop the titties.
Tits go Page Three, not Page One. It is known!
It’s not wrecking anyone lives. It’s merely annoying to put work into a post just to have the top comment be a link to plasticized, duck-faced bimbos. Remember on TOS when the spambot would show up in long dead threads and excitedly tell us how its sister’s pet groomer earned $2319.86 last week with this one simple trick? That was almost funny because it was long past making a difference. Top posting that same thing would have been annoying, just like this is annoying.
What he said.
Titposts will be suspended for at minimum 30 minutes post lynx drop.
Q’s “sister”, Triggy-poo, make $7815 last month and by him furrari, simply by working from home on internet?
Did you hack my email?
Over/under on the first premature posting by Q?
“Sorry, I kept trying to think about baseball, but that post button was hair trigger!”
Two weeks.
1 week
Catbutt! Catbutt! Catbutt!
“Titposts will be suspended for at minimum 30 minutes post lynx drop.”
And … how about ass posts?
Pecs appeal, too.
Not sure what Swiss’ problem is with T&A. I for one would be pissed if that brought the banhammer down cause he doesn’t appreciate this stuff.
39 – day-yam.
Or 34.
If I got banhammered I would have sadz.
Read the commentary above. If you cannot wait a few comments for posting your ‘batin material….you should probably just pop in on PornHub before looking here.
“Pre game” the links.
“Reduce the work week, and everything turns out great!”
Sacre Blue!
Did it get worse there? Was there room for it to get worse? Do they do any work anyway?
Come in at 10, 3 hour lunch with a bottle of wine, leave at 3pm. 20% more productive!
What do you program?
brand pantyhose.
nope legs
without clicking, if these are not ZZ Top, then i am disappointed.
Too obvious.
Fun fact: one of the Legs girls in the Zz Top video was later one of the very first Real Housewives of Orange County, along with my ex.
Too obvious.
For you, then.
Pics Chet. Pics.
I’m sure those pics by Q have legs, but kinda lose interest about anything south of the booty and thighs.
God damn, ZZTop has such a great sound. (I like their older stuff, too.)
ZZTop has such a great sound. (I like their older stuff, too.)
I used to work for a guy who had done concert production in an earlier life.
He told a story that there was a big concert (The Allman Brothers if I recall) where the opening band canceled at the last minute. Guy from work was frantically trying to find a band when this van pulled up and a couple of guys got out.
“Heard you were looking for a band”
“Are you guys any good?”
“We like to think so.”
“OK, unpack your equipment. What do you call yourselves?”
“ZZ Top”
I have no evidence for the veracity of this, but it makes for a great story.
Legs – The Millennial Kitchen ///subtlehotness
Alt-text #FTW!
Free The Wakanda?
Except it was Mina Harker in Stoker’s novel.
Looks like it got fixed.
Brett read the Stroker version.
I stand corrected, Trump Is going to round up the Gays
I like that it’s pretty explicitly to dick around with Iran, but whatever. I’ll take a global push to decriminalization.
Also, drive a wedge between Democrat gays and Democrat Islamists.
Using the power of trolling for good.
OMG! He wants to end criminalization of gays in Islamic countries! HOW DARE HE!? Racist!
He’s such an Islamophobe.
Why doesn’t Trump let Muslims worship their cishetero shitlord god as they see fit?
He’s such an Islamophobe.
Now they’ve got him! He’s either an Islamaphobe or a gayophobe! There’s no other option!
It’s all part of Putin’s master plan.
This is going to make heads asplode.
I can’t wait for Vox to explain why this is actually very homophobic.
Why wait? It’s so simple. He’s pushing these countries, and they’re going to double down on persecuting gays as a result. Edge countries that tolerate gays will be forced to actively prosecute homosexuality thanks to Orange Man’s fecklessness. QED Trump hates gays.
Stupid orange monkey man plays 5-D Chess again, huh?
This guy inside-out-gets it.
Yet by using gay rights as a cudgel against Iran, the Trump administration risks exposing close U.S. allies who are also vulnerable on the issue and creating a new tension point with the one region where Trump has managed to strengthen U.S. ties: the Arab world.
no need for Vox.
Gosh, we wouldn’t want to lose the friendship of Saudi Arabia. Not after everything they’ve done for us.
“the one region where Trump has managed to strengthen U.S. ties: the Arab world”
Putin has a sad.
“It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct,” said a U.S. official involved in organizing the event.
I? What happened to the Qs?? goddammit this shit is changing too fast for me to keep up. and apparently the Ls and the Ts are at each others’ throats.
All the talk about Winston’s Mom last night got
And i don’t know if he even saw the nice things we said about him this morning.
Well, this guy is a moron.
I was reading an article on that earlier. It sounds a lot like his wife/editor had kept him in check before she passed.
‘Honey, can we do away with the ‘burn the Catholics in hell’ line. I love you.’
‘Sure. Anything for you. How about Catholics should know their place? I love you too.’
/tickle each other.
So will the same Bernie Bros still be living in Momma’s basement and hoping for socialism to take over? Or will a new set of Bernie Bros take their place?
The new OLD Bernie bros…
Socialism is about using government force while pretending to do so to enact social justice to lend the veneer of legitimacy to people’s envious and jealous nature. If you decide to live in momma’s basement, then don’t feel pissed the guy/gal that does do that deserves to be fleeced to make you feel less like a loser.
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I’m so distressed right now I don’t know what to do. I didn’t mean to do that to my mom but I’m literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I’m going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can’t be happening. I’m having a fucking breakdown. I don’t want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.
Cry in this bottle for me plz Brenie bro… There is something so sweet about them tears…
Just a couple of splashes in a cocktail make it taste so sublime.
They don’t call them bitters for nothing!
RE: KKK newsman.
“This socialist-communist *idealogy*”
Emphasis mine.
Well, this guy is a moron. The KKK is the violent wing of the Southern Democratic party.
I love how one crazy person’s ranting ends up being the face of those who oppose you (on both sides)
Sorry, that was meant to be a bit more droll. The KKK is the face of drooling morons who can’t survive change and happen to be white.
Also a big story on CNN. They cannot resist race-baiting small-town newsery.
Come on, SMOD!
Like most politicians, SMOD will fail to deliver.
RE: Geriatric perv.
I remain convinced that the most effective defense against these shitheads is to point and laugh at their pathetic genitals.
Sounds to me like he actively wanted to get locked up and this was the easiest way to do it
Re the KKK. The problem is the truth was ceded too easily and long ago to the progressive narrative. How to get it back?
It’s ridiculous how it’s gotten so brazen that Ellison claimed Wallace (and probably Maddox too) was a Republican.
The Parties Switched!!! The Democrats Were Republicans!
:Ducks from Trash:
I think it’s even worse than that. They just flipped the entire history.
They did the same with fascism. It became right wing, when all it was is another evil collectivist ideology. People finally decided to push back and not let the marxists, whom needed cover for their atrocities, get away with that. We will need to do the same to stop the stupid/ill informed people pretending the KKK is a republican thing.
If you think of ideology as “individual vs collective” then sure, you can assign it a “left-wing” label. I mean, it also puts Bismarck on “left-wing” but fuck it, most Americans who hear that name think it’s a city somewhere in flyover country.
If you use, for example, “class vs nation” then fascism and Marxism sit opposed, and adherents murder each other in the streets over it.
I’ll leave as an exercise to the reader what today’s “democratic socialist” in America consider the key social conflict, “race” or “class”.
I think of filled pastries.
Hitler, North Dakota
Titty Fuck Nebraska?
That’s what they call a ‘retard fight’ Pan.
Bismarck and his pointy helmet. Germany is the spiritual home of Hegel and progressivism.
Yes, and Old Otto was a bitter enemy to both.
Mike Duncan in his Revolutions podcast put the birth of American progressivism to mass immigration of Germans who fought and lost in revolution of 1848. He meant that as a good thing, I’m sure, but still…
Yeah, I define an ideology by what the members of said ideology define themselves. Both Mussolini’s fascism and Hitler’s fascism might have been nationalistic, but they where socialistic first. The reason the commies and the fascists hate each other so much is that they are opposite sides of the same evil coin. Whether the crooks running a government collude with industry to create a power class that picks the winners and losers to fool idiots into thinking that government doesn’t hold all the power, or said crooks running the government dispense with the need to pretend they don’t hold all the power and wealth, the fact remains that there will be two classes: the masters with all the power & wealth, and the serfs.
There is a reason that the first wave of reeducation/death camps is for the non-believers, and every subsequent wave is about getting rid of the true believers so they don’t get in the way of the people with power fucking it all up and fucking everyone else in the ass.
But it’s social justice when we are all poor & miserable (except for the elite for sure).
No, they were nationalistic first and socialistic second. Each allowed private property owners to continue owning their property if they cut the Party in, and fuck the workers and peasants who wanted redistribution – go take it from Jews (well, not really Benito) and Slavs if you want it.
Socialism doesn’t mean collectivism. Reactionary absolutist Monarchists are not Socialists and never will be. I mean, sure, if you want to go full solipsism for “well to me it means” go ahead, just stop wondering how it is that the Left keeps winning Culture Wars.
Also consider that both Socialism and Fascism are European terms, and trying to hammer them into American, particularly pre-1960s American terms is utterly futile endeavor. Not that people don’t try – as I said, to American left currently “race” beats “class”, so Fascism is much better framework to explain their policies than Socialism.
“No, they were nationalistic first and socialistic second. ”
At the risk of sounding pedantic, I feel obligated to point out that at that time in history everyone was nationalistic first, and something else after. Pretending that Germans, Japanese, or Eye-talians somehow were more nationalistic than say the British, the French, or anyone else, including the US, is kind of missing the point. Heck even the people of the USSR were nationalistic first and only global about exporting communism to the rest of the masses (with the USSR running global communist world because they were the pure masters).
Don’t confuse Hitler’s belief in a master race as nationalistic either. Lots of people believed their people were the true ones. In fact, every Asian nation’s people will tell you they are the one true master race (even today). Shit, the Iranians think they are the master race. The true defining distinction with fascism was its socialist mission to serve the nation/people.
Pan, I think, with Mussolini anyway, he was a socialist first. But it gets all mixed up pretty fast once he started talking about reincarnating Rome.
Alex, they were ‘right wing’ on the Marxist scale because they’re all illiberal derivatives of it anyway.
That’s how the progressive left ‘gets away’ with the ‘right wing’ term.
Alex, I would argue though, the nationalist impulse was weakest in Italy. It had its moments but nothing on the level we see/saw in place like Russia, Germany, France and even England. Always was, always will be as compared to the other countries.
Pretending that Germans, Japanese, or Eye-talians somehow were more nationalistic
Fascists were more nationalist than Italian Social Democrats or Communists. Nazis were more nationalistic than German Social Democrats or Communists (or Conservatives, for that matter). In internal politics that meant preference for racial Italians or Germans, second class status to minorities, and in foreign policy it meant expansion at the expense of lesser races (Slavs, by and large). Contrast that to Marxist’s (misguided) idea that a working class Pole, German and Italian have more in common with each other than they do with their factory owners.
Heck even the people of the USSR were nationalistic first
Russians? Ukrainians? Armenians? Kazakhs? Which particular people and nationalism are we talking here?
Nationalism is blood and soil, not “we live within arbitrary polity and so we all belong together, huzzah!” American attempt to redefine it. Polish nationalism existed when Poland was partitioned between its neighbours, and USSR “nationalism” was a desperate attempt to…well, honestly, hide the fact that Russian were the dominant culture* since at least 1938 onward and make it more palatable to minorities.
*Russians they will of course counter with “Stalin was a Georgian, Khrushchev was a Ukrainian, Mikoyan was an Armenian and we suffered more than anyone!”
Socialism isn’t collectivism? Socialism is about enforced *collective* ownership of the means of production, so yeah, gonna have to disagree with that.
Good points.
“Contrast that to Marxist’s (misguided) idea that a working class Pole, German and Italian have more in common with each other than they do with their factory owners.”
Blood over class? Is it misguided to reject, say, a Canadian socialist and prefer to ally myself with an American conservative?
Socialism isn’t collectivism?
Not one of us argued that. I explicitly said that “if all you care about is ‘collectivist’ vs ‘individualist’, sure, fascists get sorted on the left, but then so do reactionary monarchists”, and that is counter-intuitive to say the least.
Blood over class? Is it misguided to reject, say, a Canadian socialist and prefer to ally myself with an American conservative?
I was descriptive, not prescriptive. That German communists were not happy about the war with USSR (and they weren’t) doesn’t mean the entire German working class went on the general strike. Historically, blood trumped class. It wasn’t supposed to by Marxist idea of progress, and yet it happened.
Got it. See your point.
I think the point is that they are both big government collectivism, which makes them left-wing if the left/right spectrum is to make any sense. The sides have to be opposite. Big-government collectivism, which is necessarily authoritarian and totalitarian is on the left and small-government individualism is on the right. communism/socialism* => democracy => republic => minarchy => anarchy
*socialism > fascism > nazism (as in, nazism is a form of fascism which is a form of socialism.)
The Parties Switched!!!
It’s amazing how common you hear variants of that line, even among ostensibly educated people. Usually the proponents bring up Niixon’s infamous “Southern Strategy”.
The thing is, whatever Richard Nixon’s intentions, the actual history of Republican voting in the South (I’m omitting Reconstruction because it didn’t endure to the modern era.) doesn’t support the thesis. Voting for Republicans in the modern era mostly grew out of suburban districts and precincts that had little if any history of support for hardline segregation. To believe the parties switched in response to the Southern strategy, you have to assume the racists and iignorant crackers all moved from the cities and boondocks to suburban areas. While that’s possible, it’s not exactly likely. However, at the same time you saw the growth of Republican votiing, you saw the massive Sunbelt migrations of the 50s-80s. And the latter movers would be much more likely to be suburbanites and would be much more likely to be sympathetic to Republican policies.
Everyone knows that Lincoln was a Democrat.
Like totes.
I’ve been told, “Well, if Lincoln were alive today he would be a Democrat”
Well he was an authoritarian asshole, no?
Worse – a federal politician from Illinois.
And as racist as anyone else of his time. Part of his wanting “free-states” was to have “free-states” for “free white people” so as to limit the political power of the predominantly Democrat southern (slaveholding…) states.
“If Hitler were alive today, he and Trump would shit on an American flag then buttfuck each other in the mess!”
Who would be the catcher and who the pitcher?
They play rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first?
They play rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first?
I’ve been told, “Well, if Lincoln were alive today he would be a Democrat”
Which of course is a well informed opinion. How could one come to any other conclusion after reading what he wrote:
Nailed it.
Whose law is “work expands to fill the available time”?
I don’t know, but I have seen that in several books. And I found it true based on my personal experience.
Recently did a site installation at a pipe mill, and I saw a lot of 30 hours of work getting done in 70.
My wife got laid off from a banking job after six months for excessive competence. It was the number of hours you were at work, not the amount of work you got done. So because she was making everybody else look bad, they let her go, and paid her five months salary so she wouldn’t sue them.
I’ve lost 2 jobs doing that.
Parkinson’s Law
Damn you for enacting his labor!
Eh. It would have expanded to fill his allotted commenting time anyway.
sounds shaky.
I was gonna say “The law of billable hours.”
How hard would it be to do an internet search on that quote?
Part of my current job is figuring out what people are doing to fill up time so they look busy all the time and replace it with better habits. My boss is notorious for getting angry if anyone had a single second of paid downtime and it has created a workplace culture of people constantly complaining about how overwhelmed they are while nobody can figure out what they are doing and are informally shuffling around pieces of their assigned work in really illogical ways.
“What would you say you do here?”
I met with a coworker and her direct supervisor the other day about the coworker pawning off large amounts of work that properly belonged to her because she was just so overwhelmed. The supervisor complained that her department constantly had to accommodate my department…in a meeting about her staff dumping their work all over my department…over a 10 year period.
The room got very quiet when I pointed out that multiple times during the meeting both the staffer and the supervisor had mentioned that they were constantly overwhelmed by their positions and that it sounded like their roles at the company were too big for them to handle and will need to be formally adjusted accordingly.
I haven’t enjoyed work this much since I started working for this company a decade ago.
I like that line.
We have some “overwhelmed” managers in my office as well.
Sometimes a bunch of work hits at once. I get it, but there’s a decade long paper trail of this being the staffer’s MO, so she’s on notice that I’m paying attention. I’ll work with her to develop better work habits and then start stripping parts of her job if I have to. I *really* don’t want to have to try to replace these roles though. I’m more worried about the supervisor modeling bad habits with the constantly-harried-unable-to-respond shit. She’s getting a crash course on accountability and professional communication. Which again, has been a fucking blast (no sarc).
My risk manager delivers a great deadpan “That process is ineffective, and will be reviewed for improvement.”
Somehow the message that its not the process that is ineffective gets through.
“Oh, I’m sooo busy blah blah”. Screw that. I fuckin’ hate workplace martyrs.
“That process is ineffective, and will be reviewed for improvement.”
I like. I’m not sure all of the staff is quite sharp enough for that, but I like.
My office staff is currently 2 people, who do a great job. They do the work of what used to take 3 people, who did it poorly.
The current 2 have plenty of downtime. I’m cool with it. Why punish them for being efficient?
For sport?
In the interest of my livelihood, no comment.
My direct reports grind out a lot of work that is both boring and requires concentration (medical report editing). If they want to stand around the coffee pot and chat for 30 minutes about the guy from Outlander’s ass, IDGAF. The reports are done and polished on time and they require zero micromanagement as staff.
The “reports” are polished? Gotcha 😉
One of them is still vocally angry at me for not getting her pregnant before she hit 38. The sexual harassment training doesn’t seem to take root with much of our staff.
She expects a gay guy who she reports to, to get her pregnant?
That seems like a really weird set of expectations on her part.
I hear you. I’m not a big fan of that training, or the practice of refraining from flirting at work. Just gotta be careful.
That seems like a really weird set of expectations on her part.
Honestly she has a compelling argument for it, which I won’t get into here. I kind of regret not taking her up on it at the time.
“I kind of regret not taking her up on it at the time.”
Don’t be; unless being on the hook for child support for the next 18 years appeals to you.
We don’t really know what Jesse’s job description is, though?
Maybe that falls under extra duties?
What Q said. It can get, uh, sticky.
One of them is still vocally angry at me for not getting her pregnant before she hit 38.
You should tell her that if she were a guy you would’ve given it your best shot.
Couldn’t you have delegated that task out?
The reports are done and polished on time and they require zero micromanagement as staff.
Yup. I neither know nor care how my handful of direct reports spend their time. They get their shit done, it gets done right, and there’s no drama. I go days at a time without seeing any of them, except my AGC. And she’s hilarious, so that’s not a burden.
Fire service positions are clearly defined. At the start of the shift, I’m in the office checking on the schedule and planning the day. The other two guys are in the apparatus room checking out the vehicles and equipment. If I went out there while they were doing this, they thought they had done something wrong and would give me the third degree. I quickly learned to wait until they came in.
Just out of curiosity though – do you have an obligation to “spot check” their checks to ensure they’re not “gun-decking” their maintenance?
One of those things the Navy actually does right (improving over the years) – considering the amount of maintenance is required – they’ve worked out some good processes to cut down on “periodic maintenance” if it ain’t broke – but it’s the responsibility even for junior officers to follow through and make sure your junior folks do know what they’re doing and understand the processes, etc. It’s pretty bad if you go to validate that something was broken down and rebuilt and the rust hasn’t even been scratched on the bolts – and that there’s rust on the bolts.
Are they orphans?
The main improvement to work flow I find resisted most in the office is the fight against pull flow: everyone has their own idea of how to create instead of simply supplying their content when it is asked of them; push flow results in piles of busywork, some of which might be used some day, all of which is just administrative thumb-sucking.
The main problem I find with management is not truly knowing what content is needed to be successful (to satisfy the client profitably). Lots of sidebar routines, redundancies, over-analysis, and and pointless gestures tend to evolve even in repetitive operations.
Lots of office flow can be modeled with a sticky-note session: paste client requirements on the the right end of the wall and then work back left by asking, repeatedly: where do I get that . . . and who does it . . . and what inputs do they require. Half the shit office types do don’t fit in that flow anywhere.
Sometimes an office is truly creative: most clients and days require completely novel solutions and methods. Few of those offices have clients who will pay to deserve such levels of service; few managers in those situations recognize the need to politely decline to take on such work * shrugs *
My biggest gripe with my job right now is that our boss keeps making us do “tracking”, e.g. collecting statistics on how much we get done, how many of form #ABC123 we received, how many of this, how many of that… These little tasks don’t take much time individually, but she has added so many of them that we are all spending about an hour a day just putting numbers together on what we did.
I know you have to monitor what your employees are accomplishing, but this shit is taking time away from our actual job functions. Plus, it would take IT about two seconds to make a report that would pull all those numbers any time she wants. It’s not remotely complicated.
If you want a task to get done, give it to the person who is busy.
I forget who it was that suggested the Tom Woods podcast, but I’ve been listening to it the last few days, and it’s pretty good so far. So thanks whoever you are!
Could have been lots of people here. He’ll lead you to other good ones like Bob Murphy, Scott Horton and Dave Smith.
I hope you’re not expecting a thanks by name in the future when I dig into these.
Nope, unless they start paying me to promote.
Tom Woods has another podcast that he does with Austrian-school economist Bob Murphy called Contra Krugman. They refute Paul Krugman’s column every week. It’s amazing just how wrong that guy usually is.
They use Krugman’s phony arguments as segues into principles of Austrian economics, plus you’ll be able to shut down any “progressive” who ever brings up Krugman’s opinions. There’s also a lot more banter and joking around on Contra Krugman, which is nice since economics is a notoriously dry subject.
Stacy’s mom is so ridiculously hot.
And wealthy.
Excellent choice.
I hear she’s got it goin’ on.
Especially when she goes around telling the kid mowing he missed a spot wearing only a skimpy towel after her shower.
So does Stacy.
Her art sucks, though.
Stacy’s hot.
I will have to say–I actually rather like some of her work on her main page.
Takes all kinds.
Let’s see, I was…..14 when that video came out? I always thought the kid was the dumbest fucking kid in the world. Oh yeah this girl lets you come over and hang out in her pool, just you and her, make your fucking move dude. Quit leering at the MILF, the cutey your own age is bringing you drinks in a bikini and sitting right next to you on the couch. This is why you won’t lose your virginity until college because you need the slutty girl on the dorm hall to literally drag you by the hand to her bedroom before you get the hint.
I found this commercial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQ4DqJxDJds hilarious just because it seemed to miss the point of the song in a completely unaware fashion.
RE: Bernie.
NBC can barely contain the moisture in its panties over the idea of a “complete revolution” in the USA.
Yes, a decrepit old white man who’s not even on the leading edge of their left wing is exactly what Democratic base wants right now. It’s just a question if he gets nailed on “privilege” or “metoo” front.
He is offering more free shit than anyone else. That’s social justice, man…
When I think “revolution”, I think of a 77 year old guy who’s been in congress since 1990.
He needs to be able to pardon his wife…
But he’s got ideas that no one’s ever tried before!
Hah hah hah!
The whole thing is that the central idea is we will rob Peter to pay Paul, and lend that legitimacy by claiming it is done to enact social justice.
Now his idea bout deodorants and how many we need is some new shitz.
Sanders meekly giving in and endorsing Hillary killed any future chances he may have had. There are plenty of crazy leftists running for the true progressives to pleasure themselves to though.
Get close enough to Kamala and you might not have to do it yourself IYKWIM.
Try the veal! He will be here all week!
Money shot:
“Yaniv filed 16 different human-rights complaints against female estheticians in Canada last year for refusing to wax his male genitalia.”
It’s so hard to find good gardeners these days.
Why are they othering xer genitalia.
Did anyone ask that dick what it identified as?
Bake that cake, bitchez!
“Look, we still bleached xer’s asshole without complaint, give us a break!”
With regard to the 4-day workweek article:
Study of pilot at New Zealand firm finds staff were happier and 20% more productive
But, they work 20% less. Siimple math: 1.2×0.8 = 0.96. So, there was a net loss of 4% of their production.
You and freaking facts & logic..
Did they work 4 ten hour days weekly, and thus still work the same number of hours?
Whats up guys n gals? Was arguing with a proggie relative about minimum wage and how a study by the University of Washington showed the low wage workers taking a beating on their overall income. Seems like that study has been dismissed by some as being faulty.
Anyone know of any other info on the minimum wage outcomes in Seattle?
What was the rationale they used to dismiss the study? We don’t like what it says?
Says that they ignored over 40% of low wage workers and counted some people who wound up earning more as job losses.
I guarantee you they are making up shit or playing games to make the numbers undermine reality. Too high of a forced wage for unskilled labor, and people get fucked. That’s reality.
And if they’re not fucking the workers, they’re fucking the customers. Yay, gentrification!
Just found this too.https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/fortune/2017/06/27/seattle-minimum-wage-study-results-impact-15-dollar-uw
I dunno but I’m not going to trust some ideologically-driven rant from fucking Bloomberg, either.
The biggest flaw is that it excludes multi-location employees aka workers at places that have 2 or more locations. You know, like McDonalds or Starbucks. Many, many, many employees of marginal-wage employees likely to be impacted are those types.
Second is that its only applicable to minimum wage laws where the law has large discontinuities, but the labor market does not. IE if people can go cross the street to avoid the law they will.
Third is that the reported results are so large, that this would put it as the most impact minimum wage change ever studied. That doesn’t mean its wrong, but it really walks like a
duckbad study and quacks like aduckbad study.The minimum wage is a very, very difficult causal factor to tease out. You are better off looking at ethnographies and panel data if you want to understand it. Oh, but no one does those…
“The biggest flaw is that it excludes multi-location employees aka workers at places that have 2 or more locations. You know, like McDonalds or Starbucks. Many, many, many employees of marginal-wage employees likely to be impacted are those types.”
Not disagreeing, but could you elaborate on that for us non-econ types?
Dear World:
I must say that I don’t care what studies say: freedom is the very opposite of managing society towards preferred ends. It’s the same with guns: others’ incompetent, suicidal, or murderous tendencies have zero to do with whether I should have the right to put a pistol in my pocket.
I believe in freedom and markets. You are free to avoid work at minimum wage: you might choose to be a televangelist and make billions; you might choose to stay home and quietly starve; those are choices and none of my business.
We can’t do anything about people who prefer top men to markets, but we might at least agree to quit rising to the “study” bait and feeding the fire that this one or that one’s statistics have jack $h!t to do what is best for us all. Get off my lawn and off of my salary ledger.
But, of course, at your firm, pay whatever you wish; that too is none of anyone’s business.
*subscribes to newsletter*
“freedom is the very opposite of managing society towards preferred ends.”
Don wins comment of the day.
Why stop at three?
I thought the finest academic minds had settled on 27 genders, doubling every 7.3 months?
I am a half-dragon, half-unicorn, fart smeller! No I mean smart feller…
/Anthony Weiner a.k.a. Fredo Corleone of the DNC
aka Moore’s Flaw
I’ve been told, “Well, if Lincoln were alive today he would be a Democrat”
And I have said, “If Kennedy were alive today, he’d be a Nazi.”
And unlike the guy that would not bang Eva Braun, Kennedy got plenty of trim!
If FDR were alive today, he’d be a totalitarian who tosses people in concentration camps based solely on their race
… Oh wait.
Stealing that.
Turns out it was Feb 19 – you guys are way ahead of me.
This probably already got posted here, but whatevs.
Trump Offers Clear, Historical Precedent For Deploying U.S. Military With No Provocation
Is it really satire?
I actually got most of the way through that before checking the URL.
Wow. That’s really good.
My bette noire has for once stumbled close upon the truth, but he had to have a useless Trump section in the middle.
Gerald Butts was done in, at least partially, by the ethos of identity politics: Neil Macdonald
The absolutely idiotic story of “Quebec company bribes Libyans to do business there, because it’s how it’s done in Libya and Quebec” is the most damaging wound PM Zoolander took in four years. I swear, this country.
~~you done got faeried~~
Edit Fairy, help!
Edit Fairy is the best fairy. Fuck off, Battle.
Bette noire
I figured out that our before Neil did. It was pretty obvious.
Quebec’s take on this is completely wrong.
Trudeau – a man found guilty of FOUR ethics violations – talks about trust in institutions over the resignation of Butts.
He’s so unbelievably unbelievable. A clown of the highest order.
Seems like that study has been dismissed by some as being faulty.
There are a lot of people citing a series of old studies based on very small incremental changes over short time periods. Those studies show little change in employment in the short term. They then say, “SEE? Nothing to worry about!”
A much larger change is likely to produce much larger changes, particularly over time.
I think that’s why minimum wage increases are usually phased in – to hide the embarrassing drop in employment that would probably be visible if you hiked it by almost 50 percent overnight. When it occurs little by little over five years, it disappears in the various economic cycles and becomes impossible to identify.
The other thing that may be happening with those studies is that they’re studying a minimum wage increase in an area where the prevailing wage for unskilled labor was already above the new minimum. In other words, there were no massive layoffs because almost nobody was affected by the new minimum wage anyway.
^This. I just plugged in the entry level wage I received in NYC in 1998 – effectively, the “real” minimum wage. This was a front-desk clerk job at a hotel – these are minimum wage in most places. Converted to 2019 dollars and… it’s more than the new NYC minimum wage.
I blame porn. Time to ban it.
Another actor taken down by racist and homophobic remarks he made in an old interview.
That’s it, this guy’s career is over, he’ll never work in Hollywood again.
1979. Forty fucking years ago. Two fucking generations.
Fuck the micro-aggression generation for judging people from the past using modern woke criteria. Fuck their “woke” criteria in general too.
While we’re at it:
pound me too
Progressives do not believe in a statue of limitation for anyone but themselves.
Marxism 101 is to destroy everyone and everything, especially history and historic figures, by measuring them up against unrealistic and completely idiotic new standards nobody ever could live up to.
Things are going so well for them that they have to go back 40 years to find something else to bitch about.
1971 — Almost 50 years ago.
I had fixated on the passed away in 79 part of the article.
But yes, the quotes from 71 are just a few years past the race riots in the late 60s. My maternal grandfather was openly racist and said things far, far worse than anything the Duke had to say.
Doesn’t matter. This is a way to shitcan a popular cultural icon and his movies. Leftists are trying to destroy society.
FWIW, plenty of conservatives and veterans hated him for being the greatest chicken hawk: hiding out in Hollywood is even lower than the Bama Air National Guard.
I think that’s unfair and just say this: he was a great actor; he acted at being a cowboy, a Texan, and an infantryman. . . fooled everyone.
Right. Piss on the Duke’s grave, then they can work on Clint.
A lot of people really have way too much time on their hands.
Such as Dennis DeYoung?
Never change, Ted 🙂
I was just saying what everybody was thinking.
You’d be lonely without him.
I don’t agree much with what Wayne said but to drag this shit up after 40 something years of him being dead is downright ridiculous and shows how the Progressives Woke Brigade want to destroy everyone and everything that they find offensive, even if they’ve been dead for a long ass time.
Here’s what I always wonder: If we should judge historical figures by today’s standards, should we throw out all the writings of ancient Greek and Roman philosophers because they supported slavery? Most of them thought it was the most natural thing in the world.
Oh sure, we can’t criticize old dead people for past racism but you guys are always attacking Mao and Stalin for killing tens of millions of people. Do we let bygones be bygones or not?
I’ve definitely heard the “Mao was a revolutionary leader who made hard choices, but he did what had to be done for China” line before.
In the case of Mao or Stalin the issue is less about them as individuals and more about the Marxist systems they ran which got to those outcomes.
First of all, Patton Oswalt can go piss up a rope.
Now that’s out of the way, honestly I don’t find much of what Wayne’s quoted as saying as terribly shocking for a guy his age in that time. I don’t agree with some of it, but do I have a problem with him saying that he wouldn’t actively seek out a black actor just to have more black people in a movie? No, because I think that’s perfectly reasonable.
I’m sure Patton Oswalt went back through a lot of newspaper archives from 1971 and made sure that people at the time were just as outraged then by the Duke’s interview as anyone today is.
No way he would simply use today’s standards when judging a man from 50 years ago. That would be absurd. Next thing you know people would be saying Mark Twain was a total bigot simply because he used a word that was in common use back in the day but is now taboo.
I will give Oswalt kudos for this: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/patton-oswalt-troll-fan-go-fund-me_us_5c4a36b9e4b0287e5b8932b8
TW1: HuffPo; TW2: autoplay vid
John Wayne was a fag.
You installed one way mirrors in his house in Brentwood?
He’d come to the door in a dress.
Patton Oswalt’s bravery is something to behold.
Presentism is a horrible affliction.
From the sidebar of the condom decline article.
“It’s the holiday of love and what better way to say ‘I love you’ than to make your partner’s genitalia better?”
When you put it that way…
Guys almost always go for the longest option.
Well, sure.
It may not get in there real deep, but it will scrape the shit out of the sides!
So a pussy puncher.
+1 stack of pancakes
Dermal fillers were injected into Mailk’s penis for extra girth.
Injections….. penis……
Noooooooooo thank you
paging Sugarfree….
Glazed or chocolate with sprinkles?
I mean, I’ve heard a boat will accomplish pretty much the same thing.
make your partner’s genitalia better
When you hurt yourself as a kid, your mom would kiss it to make it to make it better. Same principle here?
+1 Boardwalk Empire
“When he was a baby, I would kiss his little winky.” —James Darmody’s mom
Blech… Still remember busting out in uncomfortable, confused laughter at that line.
Yeah, that line’s hard to forget.
Then later next season …
Minnesoda dairy farmers are about to go upside almond farmers head. If Minnesoda cow milkers are urinated off, I can only imagine how apoplectic the Dairy lobby in Wisconsin is.
:sits back to watch the rerun of art is anal
mayonaisemayonaissemaynaisemayonnaise fight:~~faerie labor enacted~~
+1 yellow margarine.
Shit I fucked up the html tags. I’d ask for the Edit Faerie, but I bet she’s on strike
Speaking of “less work, more pay” I saw a thing earlier today about how saying a higher minimum wage will result in fewer hours for those workers is just a lot of silly crying about nothing.
Increased productivity will give us all more money and more free time. We just need the government to allocate the nation’s resources. Then…
4) Utopia!
*Me no linkee
My office staff is currently 2 people, who do a great job. They do the work of what used to take 3 people, who did it poorly.
The current 2 have plenty of downtime. I’m cool with it. Why punish them for being efficient?
Reward productivity, and you get more productive workers?
Crazy talk.
Of course when corporate types come around, they complain that the office peeps socialize too much. Never ends.
1979. Forty fucking years ago.
Seems like yesterday.
I struggle with that.
I was in the lab testing with another engineer. I mentioned that I switched to being a systems engineer in ’94. He paused, then said “I was 5”
I am getting a little on the older side. Thankfully, Fourscore hangs out here to keep us all in line.
Herding cats is easy compared to trying to keep a single one of my friends in any semblance of order.
One of my “getting old” moments was when I mentioned Doogie Howser to a younger girl at work and she had never heard of it.
“Getting old” moments? Mine are more like”Highlander” moments
In my last unit in the Reserves fewer people were born before the day I originally enlisted than after.
This is why we can’t have nice things. Local mall stops letting people walk their dogs indoors before stores open because people weren’t cleaning up after their dogs.
That’s just being pissy.
Pretty shitty of them.
Tragedy (sloppiness?) of the commons.
That is just piss poor, people.
But I thought live streaming was more popular than ever?
That’s from the early morning homeless arrivals, while they’re are waiting to get their signs and corner assignments
Maybe you were in the wrong line of work
McCabe stresses that the decision to investigate the president was not made lightly.
“These were extraordinary steps. They were ones that we took only after great consideration and review,” McCabe says. “This was the recommendation of the investigators who were already looking into the Russia case, the idea that Russia may have meddled in our election.”
Trump responded to McCabe’s ouster by tweeting: “Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI – A great day for Democracy.”
McCabe points to that tweet as further evidence that Trump is undermining the efforts of the nation’s top law enforcement agency.
“It is just taking us one step closer to the world of bullying and fear that this president prefers to function in,” McCabe says. “It makes the job harder for the men and women of the FBI to protect America.”
Oh, no, not bullying and fear! I wonder how McCabe would have held up working for J Edgar Hoover.
If those clowns at the FBI can’t withstand a little side-eye from a guy like Trump, why the fuck should we pretend they’re up to the job of catching actual criminals?
“It is just taking us one step closer to the world of bullying and fear that
this presidentthe FBI prefers to function in,”Fixed that for him.
Complaints from the FBI and Justice Department, the guys who wrote the SOP about pre-dawn raids and convictions for lying, about “bullying and fear” reach a whole new level of gall.
I’m sure it wasn’t taken lightly. They were probably shitting their pants considering all of the stuff they did during the election and looking for a way to cover themselves.
Some of us are old enough to remember when J. Edgar ran the FBI and the FBI was absolutely hated by anyone to the left of center. McCabe’s whole schtick looks like it is lifted out of some Tom Clancyesque novel where the FBI discovers that the President is a secret KGB agent who is primed to not push the retaliation button when the Russkies launch a first strike.
so the “deep state” is shock-a-roo filled with cretins. Who woulda thunk? It makes me think that terrorists and criminals must be bungling idiots to be captured by these fools.
Since the only ones they seem to catch are bungling idiots they themselves put up to it, I tend to agree.
Yeah, my distaste for their use of entrapment tactics comes not just because it is dishonest but also because if they have to manufacture any part of a crime to nail a criminal are there really so many instances of that particular crime that we need to be spending resources on enforcement?
You know, what cracks me up the most about this Russia hysteria is that 90 percent of what the Russians are accused of is putting out factually accurate information.
They’re not mad over the idea of a foreign power allegedly meddling in the election. They’re doing damage control in response to the emails being leaked.
You don’t need two witnesses to the overt act if there’s a confession in open court, and McCabe has been screaming it at anyone who will listen to him.
I’m shocked, shocked I say!
Ah, but Comrade, you fail to understand. Of course the commisars have to be spared the petty annoyances that the rest of us must bare. How else can they devote their full attention to ensuring that we realize a glorious utopia?
She’s a hypocrite? That girl’s going to go far in that town.
I mean, she just rents there, not set the rental policy. Now, if the owner would create, say, a tennant’s council who, as stakeholders, have a say in how the building is run and can override the owner’s decisions….
“Comrades!’ he cried. ‘You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples.” -Napoleon from animal Farm
Some people buy that nonsense too, it’s the primary reason the only chubby guy in North Korea is still breathing.
It was always interesting to me that the ones who peddled socialism in when I was in college where the students who came from affluent families. But yet these assholes where the same folks who chastised me for saying that my goal in life was to make a lot of money.
They’ve been insulated from the consequences of their preferred policy positions all their lives so they have no understanding of the effects. Also, they feel guilty for being better off than other people.
Simply put, they’d rather you eat out of their hand than on your own.
Next time you look for that line – and cannot find it – realize that I stole it. Thank you.
Next time you look for that line – and cannot find it – realize that I stole it. Thank you.
Well, they’ve got theirs and figure they’ll be shotcallers in the new utopia so they won’t have to worry about their own stuff. What a shame for them that it rarely works out that way.
Everyone thinks they will be the ones holding the clipboards when in reality, they are either the ones who are doing the backbreaking labor or being lined up against the wall.
I think most of them want to know that the poors are taken care of so they don’t have to think or worry about it.
Much like all of the tech gazillionaires who worry that the lower classes will come for their heads.
I wish John Titor wasn’t too busy for Glibs with his officer training. On Discord he regaled us with tales of him coming to realization that the Communists he’s talking to don’t actually give a fuck about working class at all, and are only interested in their social dramas.
Something about single people with hyphenated names really rubs me the wrong way, and I don’t know why.
Pick a lane dammit!
Shithole country strikes again
1) It’s just part of their culture, you have no room to judge and/or
Or maybe the husband weighed (maybe) getting his wife back, or paying $207k in ransom, and said, eh, cheaper than a divorce. Or, I can get a replacement for less.
Hell, if someone kidnapped my ex a few years before she became my ex, they would have been in shock as their ransom demands got ignored.
I had some of those same thoughts the first time round. I was living in NJ, I thought “How hard can it be?”
When things aren’t going really smooth the mind can start to wonder/wander through some crazy ideas that fortunately were never acted upon.
Michigan powerlifter saves man trapped under Jeep Grand Cherokee
Don’t skip leg day.
I never skip accidental gamma radiation exposure day.
Thicc. Someone tell Warty.
Get a life.
“Accurately representing history is RAAAAAAAACIST!”
“It’s not okay to dress up, using another culture as a costume.”
Quite an argument, I guess that’s settled.
I suppose that means she burned all of her blue jeans then?
I’ll remember that next time someone dresses up as a cowboy or an American tourist.
So she won’t be wearing jeans, right?
What in the hell happened to Teen Vogue? Not that it was the epitome of journalism but when in the fuck did they get so woke? Back in my day, the magazine was about pop stars sharing their fashion secrets and cringworthy stories about teenage dating.
Time to revive Tiger Beat
The print edition died and the publishers decided to go for outrageous clickbait. Plus, hiring sjw morons is fairly cheap.
They jumped the shark with the guide to teenage anal sex.
Probably happened earlier but who the hell paid any attention to Teen Vogue before that?
They saw Mythincal Libertarian Woman’s fake cover and said “THAT! WE WANT THAT BUT MORE!”
After 7 MPs left the Labour Party yesterday, an 8th left today.
Not pulling punches at all here. I like.
Someone call the burn unit.
Corbyn is an authoritarian prick who is still praising Venezuela. The man should be nowhere near the levers of power.
“The Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has become infected with the scourge of anti-Jewish racism. The problem simply did not exist in the party before his election as leader.”
Well, not exactly. But it was at least understood by Labour MPs to be something one whispered to others over cocktails in the club and not shouted from the rooftops.
At the Club? I’m talking mahogany paneling and suited-waiters, not techno and blind-drunk girls.
To be fair, the Jew-hating set skews young, so it might be the latter.
The paneling/suited waiters are more likely to be Blairites and thus leavers.
Are they mutually exclusive?
Looks like OMWC and SP may have chosen the wrong time to move…
Or…someone noticed that OMWC moved there?
WTF, Arizona? We get in, you’re “law and order” but this is sick.
The scary part is once they have about 5% of the populations DNA on record they can extrapolate the rest. They can find you whether you’re in the system or not.
Aaaannnddd it’s being submitted by a member of Team Red.
Who thinks they dont already have it?
How many people have sent their DNA into some genealogical research company? At some point it will come out that they have been selling those results.
Privacy is dead. Anonymity is gone. ?
Well some girl is coming over to pick my son up and take him to a basketball game. She has the most vocal fry voice I’ve heard for a teenager, it sounds like she smokes 3-packs a day and gargles whiskey.
I always wanted Kathleen Turner’s voice (speaking of cigarettes and whiskey).
::starts watching Body Heat clips::
and then looks at modern pics of KT – sigh. Time is rarely kind to anyone.
Life Rule #237: Don’t look up current pix of your long-ago celebrity crushes.
*weeps over Val Kilmer*
btw – you asked about my novel(s). I write under the pseudonym Paul Westwood. I’ve recently made all of my works free – Barnes & Noble has my stuff.
Some titles: Malediction, Horror America, Nano Zombie, Murder at Zero Hour, The Cursed Sun, Grave Injustice, The Color of Sin, and the Blackwood Trilogy (three novels about the Civil War).
Quality is spotty – and if I had the time I would go back and rewrite/re-edit them all.
I see them on Amazon, thanks!
I can recommend Nano Zombie.
It was funny – I was scrolling through my Kindle recently and came across it. “This sounds familiar but who the fuck is Paul Westwood?”
I will start with that one then, when I get done with this dumb book I’m struggling to finish, and actually get around to reading someone other than myself.
Just have a meteor kill everyone.
And they all lived happily ever after… or did they?
SMOD ex machina
It just bit me that maybe the reason why I have always been attracted to older women is because by the time they are in their 40’s the tragectory of their looks is pretty easy to trace.
Dolly Parton is 73 years old
Three packs a day and gargling whiskey? You sure she doesn’t post here?
She sounds hot.
Lunchlady Doris lives?!
fry is stupid but tolerable
I will cut a bitch who does that damnable uptalk; I’ve even heard grown men do it now. First I was wrong for thinking that words had meaning; now nothing, not even tone cues that work in all western language, has any meaning.
First thing I thought of.
First thing I thought of.
Some people aren’t, like, super confident? and need to press their interlocutors for affirmation? by pitching every sentence as a question? rather than having to make declaratory statements?
I haven’t heard uptalk in a good long time. But I don’t hang out with many teenagers these days.
Watch your local news interviewing some young person on the street, or some other non-scripted genre that shows unpolished youngsters talking. It’s all uptalk.
Watch your local news…
Not even at gunpoint.
I hear you. I certainly don’t do it willingly. It does happen by accident now and then.
+1 Judge Napolitano
It’s learned behavior.
I fine my kids a nickel for every “like”.
It adds up fast.
I have a pretty vivid memory of realizing in fifth grade that describing things as “gay” is pretty rude. And it wasn’t a social consciousness thing, because I was still disgusted by homosexuality. But I decided I didn’t need to be rude about it.
I never understood why a heterosexual man would say “suck my dick” to another man as an insult.
All the managers in my organization start talking like that once they get past a certain level like they’re being taught that in managerial training or something. I suspect it’s because they think it sounds less threatening but it sounds freaking ridiculous.
What, people will forget you can fire them if you uptalk at them? Hey, you know what catches more flies than vinegar or honey? Giving unambiguous instructions to your subordinates. Catch all the flies.
I am crap at giving unambiguous instructions to my kids. I struggle with it with my clients. I have to slow down, think long and hard about how to go about the task, and be clear, concise, and in order.
Giving unambiguous instructions is just not in my wheelhouse.
“You mean like someone from MN?”
I will cut a bitch, but, close as this was to me yesterday, cut this bitchI did not
Does she put out?
/going to Hell
10 Reasons Why Evo IX is the Best JDM Daily Driver
I could only listen to about 10 seconds of that.
It’s supposed to be ironic and funny.
It’s as ironic and funny as Alanis Morissette.
Waiting for the Benadryl to kick in. I hate it when my kids go to birthday parties, they’re just germ sharing functions.
We went to 3 birthday parties this weekend. I’m impatiently awaiting death.
Yes… Benadryl is for sinus stuff… not a sleep aid.
We are supposed to get some winter weather tonight and RVA is as abuzz as usual. The downside: bad drivers. The good side: There may be a good amount of ice giving me an excuse to go back to bed for an hour or so after I get up. Cheers to tomorrows commute!.
Must be a Nor’easter cause we’re not getting it until the afternoon.
Kids these days will never know the joy of getting up early turning on the local news and waiting for the ticker on the bottom to scroll through to show your school is closed for a snow day. It had to snow at least 6 inches before we could even think of getting the day off. Now the weather man says snow and the schools close in an instant.
On the plus side, I save a lot of money not buying onions.
Or the radio. I was fondly recollecting that the other day.
Good point. Radio was always backup in case they got the news first.
I went to a tiny private school in Independence, so it was like this special treat to hear my school’s name called.
It was always radio for us because we were at the edge of the TV market and they didn’t give much of a shit about us.
We did, however, get to beat the Crap out of everybody and be the grand champions on the final season of the one station’s high school quiz bowl show.
I ‘member the closure ticker.
And to think, this morning I got an email from the college letting us know all classes were canceled… forty minutes after the instructor canceled… six hours before class was scheduled.
WCCO radio when I was a kid. The tension and anticipation was exquisite.
WCCO was there for us in the ’40s as well. Damn few No School days though. My mother worked afternoon shift at a bakery, she’d have our lunch (my brother and me) ready for us before she left for work. Many, many days we came home at noon, ate and ‘got sick’ and didn’t to back to school after lunch. After my brother went to junior high it wasn’t fun to stay home alone so I’d go back to school.
Remind me, where did you grow up?
We lived a block north of the VA hospital, south east Mpls in the corner. A block west of the river road drive (I think the light rail tracks are on the east limit now). Hiawatha Drive. A block east of Minnehaha which runs through the VA grounds.
1400HP Nissan GTR Review
Pretty sweet but should’ve done some track stuff.
So what’s the real story? Supposed parking dispute with a neighbor so they drive a mile away to box it out? And the guy self reports himself? That doesn’t quite smell like premeditated murder.