Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except Spike Lee who was quite upset last night.
Speaking of the Oscars, this is the only part that ever seems to entertain me. Reanimate Joan Rivers’ corpse!
It’s easy to know what the left is up to, all you have to do is listen to what they are accusing the right of doing.
Striking a massive blow for actual equality, a Texas judge ruled an all-male military draft is unconstitutional.
Half of all business economists see a recession by the end of 2020. I wonder how many of these same economists saw the housing bubble or (more likely) laughed at the few economists warning about it.
Democrats fight to stop Trump’s emergency declaration.
How can you not love this timeline?
That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move on with my day.
A double treat kind of morning?
Weird. There was something different a minute ago. Or was I still asleep?
There was something. I was making a philosophical point on the nature of evil and found my comment wouldn’t post.
“Weird. There was something different a minute ago.”
Winston’s mom at it again?
Morning Switzy… err Banjos.
I didn’t even realize the Oscars were last night.
*checks bad dress link*
Sarah Paulson looks like the walking dead. I’m expecting her mouth to open unnaturally wide and engulf us all.
Another splendid wrinkle of living on the other side of the Pacific. Stuff like the Oscars never even pops up in my daily environment. Nobody around me talks about it. If I fail to click on any related links it’s like it never happened.
If it hadn’t been mentioned here – I would have never noticed either.
Something was here. And now it is gone.
Swiss gonna be mighty pissed….
Morning Banjos, now we can get down to some serious commenting
No, Swiss deleted his fewer links and is wandering off to get coffee. 2 hours of sleep just doesn’t cut it.
He’s so sleep deprived he’s referring to himself in first person. Make it an espresso.
Third person.
Espresso has less caffeine than regular coffee.
You can do your sleeping when you die dude!
Re: Draft. If only they could see that any draft is unconstitutional. I don’t want my girls to have to sign up for it.
Leon – be sure you are reading Wednesday 7pm Central. *wink, wink*
Central? Ok…
: Exploding Beaker:
Ahhhh 8 PM true time.
It’s the first step towards getting legislation that removes it, imo.
People won’t stand for girls coming back in body bags.
There are some sick ducks in government
: Looks askance at Lindsay Grahm:
But I hope your optimism is correct.
Yeah, I believe that back in the Vietnam War era there was a push to make the draft apply to women. That was mostly a backdoor attempt to end the draft.
Meh while I agree that it is immoral I am not so sure it is unconstitutional and frankly I don’t get too worked up about it anymore because we would have to be up schitt’s creek without a paddle and getting out asses handed to us by a superior military force before we would ever consider reactivating the draft again as our current military doctrine has no place for conscript troops within it. Basically where the US is today our average rifleman has about the same level of training and fighting spirit as elite special forces did back in the 70’s when we ended the draft and you cannot sustain that with conscript troops. Reactivating the draft would actually reduce our fighting effectiveness and so it isn’t going to happen unless an immediate existential threat leaves us no choice.
I’ve always held that basic rifle safety and proficiency should be a mandatory element of education standards, alongside civics, and economics. Three things a citizen should know but few do.
“we would have to be up schitt’s creek without a paddle and getting out asses handed to us by a superior military force before we would ever consider reactivating the draft again”
So, IOW, 2028, president Cortez has just presided over her first 4 years of the Green New Deal working it’s wonders?
I don’t believe that it would take that kind of a catastrophe. We are a metaphorical five minutes away from a world where $100,000 drones can give any military force willing to deploy them a completely accurate sniper in the sky.
China already has the capability and the money to create a drone force that would render soldiers obsolete. India is probably only a decade or two behind them.
With the technology that is currently available, a few billion dollars would create a drone force that would be capable of toppling most armies across the world. Given a few hundred billion dollars , I don’t think it would be all that difficult to create a fleet of tens of thousands of drones that could overwhelm any current defense.
The world of defense is about to change. It has always been about money and Manufacturing capability, but the future without a soldier on the front line is almost here.
Confident prediction:
Drones with that level of capability will be met with counter-drones. The country with the largest technological and economic base will win (again).
Drones are still air force. I don’t believe anyone has won a war without their infantry defeating the other guy’s infantry (I’m sure there are a few purely naval wars that I am overlooking). I don’t see that changing.
Well, there is an argument that infantry facing off with infantry may be about as relevant as a cavalry charge. Large massed forces may well be a thing of the past. Which isn’t to say that warfare is obsolete – just that form of it.
So how do you root out the fighters hiding among the general populace? Drone-bomb every wedding until there’s no one left to take up arms against you?
Special Forces..
Are still infamtry, Alex.
Think of a 6 rotor drone like a commercial drone except The size of a small car with a 50 caliber rifle gimballed underneath it. 10000 of those deployed as your ground support. Each one capable of firing a single Precision shot every 3 seconds.
I’m sure there are 50 companies capable of building that today.
think of those Boston Dynamics four legged robots. put a gimballed rifle or two on the backs of those and send them into an urban situation.
With the use of image analysis software and a huge server Farm on the back end, you can have a team of analysts identifying combatants well away from harm back at home. Then the system can just kill the combatants on sight.
this is not crazy sci-fi stuff. this is all existing technology just combined into a new system.
And don’t overlay the United States morality on to it. if you don’t mind killing noncombatants, it is cleaner than setting off a neutron bomb. You could clean out a city in a matter of hours, leaving only a few stragglers to wait it out.
Israel probably would deploy such a system. I’m not sure Iran would have much of a problem with it.
And the ability to jam your communications with those drones is already available too.
this is not crazy sci-fi stuff.
Yes it is.
Think of a 6 rotor drone like a commercial drone except The size of a small car with a 50 caliber rifle gimballed underneath it. 10000 of those deployed as your ground support. Each one capable of firing a single Precision shot every 3 seconds.
I think that’s a bit too easy to detect and counteract. It would be relatively easy to target and disable those with a similar level of technology.
I think the future is in microdrones. Think about a fleet of 10k drones the size of horse flies that infiltrate an enemy’s command structure with video and audio. Then, on command, any one of them can go all suicidey, whether by flying to the target’s neck and detonating, flying into the target’s mouth and detonating, or whatever other means of death some engineer dreams up.
Don’t forget the company that makes the computerized scope that can turn anyone into a sniper
The drones will probably not be making any 1000 yard shots using that technology but they should have >95% hit rates at 300 yds
Can’t remember the source, but the quote that sticks out to me is something along the lines of “You can destroy a piece of land with bombs or shells, but you can’t own it until you stick a 19 year old with a rifle on it”.
That might have been Heinlein.
If he didn’t say it himself he certainly used that quote
I’ve read that book
I tried but couldn’t finish it.
you also have the first-mover effect.
Let’s Pretend China wants to take over Russia. They manufacture 100000 drones a various types. Missile bearing drones, gun wielding drones, fast attack aerial drones, sea Warfare drones.
The only challenge for China taking over Russia would be if their drones could get in position to take out any missiles in the Boost phase. I’m not sure how long that would take with fast attack drones, but they also might not care if they lose 10 million people.
Not a prognostication, just a speculation on How such an event might happen. If you have the manufacturing capability to make a million light armed drones and you’re fighting a non nuclear power, you could easily Surmount any conventional forces in a matter of hours.
Of course the world only gets one of those before everyone starts designing their defense around that threat.
Super accurate drones are certainly an interesting technology, but how long until cheap anti-air missiles (possibly man-portable) make them prohibitively expensive?
Missles? Anti-drone lasers will be even cheaper, and self-aiming.
You incurable optimists are so cute. In25 years during AOC’s 3rd ‘term’ we won’t have the industry to build a swivel gun much less a laser, and neither will anyone else after we tank the global economy with our war on climate change and wealth.
In 25 years during AOC’s 3rd ‘term’
Now who’s the optimist?
Ocasio-Cortez will win the 2024 election (just ask her!), so her third term will begin in 2032, a mere 13 years from now.
I’m with you, but there is a growing number of dipshits that believe that mandatory “public service” should be a thing. And it’s coming from the right – career military and deep staters, rah rah USA USA types – not just lefty douchebags like Moobs.
Most of the ‘reasonable’ arguments I’ve seen for public service do involve other forms besides the military. Mostly Job Corps or Peace Corps, and/or setting service as a gateway for full citizenship (e.g. you don’t have to do it, but then you don’t get to vote).
I’m not for it; but it was an argument I found somewhat convincing when I was a younger man.
Almost every career military that I deal with wants to have nothing to do with a conscript service. There are a few junior NCOs and officers who might favor it until you point out to them that they should imagine the worst unmotivated dirtbag they work with and multiply that pain in the ass by ten.
So if I train enough I become female?
Nah, you just have to “identify” as female, then you are magically female!
I can’t believe the other runners still bother.
I wonder if they keep a secret score sheet and recognise within. These are kids so they could be brainwashed into thinking that it’s privileged if them to want to keep him out.
The top girl should just name herself champion and say that if the boys can say they’re girls and make everyone accept it, she is champ and they can all sftu.
What leon said. Also, maybe someday those transgender athletes will be disqualified, or at least they hope so.
I can see this coming to a head with someone like Liberty walking away from a competition and forming their own league.
With hookers and blow?
what secret score sheet? they record the times for everybody on the main sheet not just the first person across the line. just have to ignore the boy on the first line, no biggie.
you just want the girls distracted keeping their own scores so they have no chance at all, shitlord.
No matter how much you train as a transgender track star, I guarantee that you are the only person on the girls’ track team that the guys don’t want to run a train on.
There’s the rub, guys only join the cheer leading squad for 2 reasons, either they want to sleep with all of the female cheer leaders or…. they want to sleep with all of the males ones.
I’m pretty sure this is the same thing. Teenage boys get to spend ridiculous amounts of time inside and outside of school hours, around a bunch of physically fit young women. Color me surprised if they both turn out with multiple children before they’re 19.
What kind of shitlord are you to imply that women cannot be fathers
Embattled VA Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax (D) plays race card, refers to planned hearings about allegations of sexual assault by him as ‘political lynchings.’ Also possible hat tip to Justice Thomas.
Justin and Jussie are both going down swinging.
It’s not going to happen but the best way to have this idiocy stop is to just ignore these people and what they do.
They’re narcissists and crave attention. Take that away and POOF!
/Bullwinkle pulls rabbit out of a hat. Or not.
I’m totally enjoying the delicious spectacle of the Virginia Democrats imploding, hoisted on their own petards as it were. The furor about Gov Northam being blackface adjacent seems to be going away, but sexual assault is an actual crime and hay is being made.
I am sure Al Franken is watching him weather that storm and kicking himself for resigning.
I never understood the “high-tech lynching” comment until I read this great old piece from some magazine.
“He paused and reread the line AUTHORITIES HINT SEX CRIME. These words excluded him utterly from the world. To hint he had committed a sex crime was to pronounce a death sentence.…It meant death before death came, for the white men who read these words would at once kill him in their hearts.”
The men on the Judiciary Committee, and their staffers, had not read this. Or if a few of the oldest ones had ever read the book, they had long since forgotten it. By climaxing the hearings with an 11th-hour charge of a “sex crime,” the ingenious staffers were only seeking to disseminate what they conceived of as “dirt.” They did not know that to Clarence Thomas, given his background, his roots, and his intellectual history, such a charge meant: Death.
What the hell did I just read?
A good engrossing article.
Maybe I got turned off by all the usage of things like: “black bodies”. Perhaps it meant something different then, but to me it just sounds like the same claptrap I hear all the time for identity politics types.
What the fuck are you on about? Are you accusing me of being racist? Cuz you can fuck right off with that shit.
That was a fantastic article.
I hear ‘Green Book’ was a movie about racism too? So Lee, GB and – ridiculously – Black Panther were all up?
/strokes chin.
Has anyone complained about this travesty because it’s Black History Month so therefore and naturally a black man and movie should have won. The Oscars may have to move their night to March to avoid upsetting dummies.
It’s a stupid award. If you need a lousy statue to validate your art you’re missing the point. Just be happy you get to do something a lot of people would kill to do.
Is Lee racist? I’ve heard it be said.
Lee can’t be racist because power differentials in society.
No, he’s just an asshole like he’s always been.
And sounds like a classless ego-maniac.
Is that a social construct too? Is that because of whitey or Trump?
Spike Lee believes people hate him because he’s black because that’s a whole lot easier than the truth which is that people hate him because he’s a butthole.
Unfair. Most people don’t hate buttholes.
This will be the start of the next great glibertarian schism… like between true glibs and those that like pineapple on pizza.
Mind. Blown.
Guess that counts as pizza topping.
Sometimes I want to agree with the Tart from the Bronx and believe the world will end in 12 years.
Oh sweet meteor of death at last you found us!
Bronx Tail
Can you imagine Curry, James, Pop and Lee reading that Tweet!
I’d pay money to see their reactions.
I can imagine every other Republican President running around with their tail between their legs wimpering and waiting for the news cycle to find some other shiny thing to chase.
Boomer porn.
“The all-male military draft is unconstitutional, a federal judge in Texas ruled Friday.”
Is there a statute of limitations on this? Class action suit? Inquiring minds and all.
I think the reason is because they now allow women in combat units, so not drafting them violates equal protection or something.
What about that whole outlaw slavery thing?
Well, if it’s not glibs, then it’s me. Internet is out at the casa.
O well, heading into the office in a few minutes anyway. Enjoying the sizzle of eggs and saugage and watching the windswept forest dance around.
Good morning, Banjos!
The Clash is always appropriate and that’s one of their best. It makes me sad that Joe was such a pinhead commie, though.
Miller is the third-faster runner in the country in the girls’ 55-meter dash.
There’s a sentence that gets weirder the more you read it.
“647th fastest dude in country” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
So there’s two other dudes running girls’ 55-meter dash?
one personal anecdote on this topic. When I was in high school we had to take the president’s physical fitness test. One of the test was to run the 880.
I was not terribly athletic in high school. I was the smallest kid when we took the test in tenth grade. I had not yet hit my growth spurt, so I was 4 feet 8 and 88 pounds. one of the girls in my class Was ranked in the top 10 in the state in the 880. she wound up going to college on an athletic scholarship at NC State.
I finished somewhere in the middle of the pack among the boys. as we were coming towards the Finish, She was just ahead of me. So I had to Sprint like crazy to avoid being beaten by a girl. I just edged her out at the line.
Of course, all the guys gave me crap for barely beating a girl. never mind the fact that half of them did finish behind her. Still, the fact remains that a tiny, average speed dude was her equal on the track and she was one of the best in the State among the girls.
I don’t care what the activists say, if you are going to have different divisions for gender it is not fair to stick someone who identifies as female in with people who actually Are female by birth.
that in no way that in no way should be taken to disparage anyone’s life style, Life Choices, Or their rights as a human being. Live your life how you want, but I don’t really think you should be able to force your way into a sports gender classification that is based entirely upon different physical abilities of the genders.
if you are going to have different divisions for gender
I think you mean “sex”. What we are looking at is different divisions for gender.
Good point.
Well, at least I think so… I duno.
They’ve muddied this terminology so much that I’m not sure what any of it is supposed to mean any more.
They’ve muddied this terminology so much that I’m not sure what any of it is supposed to mean any more.
In this as in so many other areas, demoralization begins by stripping the language of meaning.
“Sex” is biological. “Gender identity” is psychological.
Regarding the draft ruling, I understand how a judge could call it “illegal” to not include women, but I’m having a hard time getting the “unconstitutionality” of it. We wouldn’t need any equal rights laws nor any prior effort for a constitutional amendment if equal rights by sex were already guaranteed by the constitution. Is he reading something into the constitution that isn’t there?
“Disparate impact”
The equal protection clause does not specify sex, so I would guess that should cover it.
The ERA was always about equality of outcome; the equality of opportunity was always there (and gained after certain knuckleheads died off.)
Is he reading something into the constitution that isn’t there?
Is there any other way for a judge to read the constitution?
Emanations from the penumbra surrounding the commerce clause got you covered.
But you have to be a judge to perceive what it says.
I was doing research on precolonial subsaharan africa, and came to a conclusion. Reality is pretty darn racist. An accurate depiction of people and societies as they were would never fly even among the non-kneejerk portions of society. I’m debating just scrapping the entire storyline as too much of a hassle.
Sorry, bro.
Yup. There’s this great scene in “Mountains of the Moon” where Burton unloads on some tribal kang for his barbarism. Totes racist and colonial; could not make that film today.
The problem is, I like the Twenty Zombi Man as a character, but he’s liable to be the most “Problematic” of the lot.
He’s a witch doctor and soothsayer who predicts the future via psychadelic admixtures. I don’t know if he even knows magic, but his botanical and alchemical understanding is sufficient to create any number of interesting concoctions. His dialogue was supposed to be in riddle and prophesey, with multiple equally valid interpretations.
And Burton (Sir Richard Francis Burton) was as woke as you could expect for his era. Spoke 40 languages fluently. Lived among people of many different cultures. Traveled to every inhabited continent. Translated texts from many cultures. He also wrote the British manual of arms for the bayonet and was a renowned swordsman of his time.
Also, he didn’t always drink beer, but when he did he made sure it was Dox Equis.
And check out a pic of him if you want to see what the scar looks like when a spear goes Through. Your. Head. without killing you.
Dox Equis the beer to drink when publicizing private information of an individual on the Internet.
+1 invention of the wheel
Hmmm. It’s not too often that you will get someone to refer to a transgender person with their biological sex. Even if it’s the daily caller
Transgender domination. Kinky.
Welcome to equality women!
Next up. Custody and alimony justice.
Pull the other one, my man. Wake me up when they get on that too.
Wasn’t there a guy who wore a man-dress of some sort last night?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess gay. NTTIAWWT.
A man having sex with another man has nothing to do with that monstrosity.
Might as well worn a t-shirt that said: ATTENTION WHORE
That would be redundant with ACTOR.
Paraphrasing KDW from last week’s MD&E: If only we still treated actors as a bare step above petty criminals rather than making them elites.
They used to be thought of as a step below prostitutes – seems about right.
Prostitutes are honest, of course they rate higher than actors.
A different gay black actor than the one Trump beat up?
What the child of Prince and Liberace would look like.
*scribbles on pad*
The Math Checks Out.
Would not.
Lord have mercy…
*Raises hand* What? The wife was out of town.
Yes. Naturally the Media has him on all of the ‘best dressed’ lists.
Did you even watch the red carpet. It would not be a stretch to say he was probably among the best dressed.
Let me be the dissenter. I think it’s great even if it’s not an Andy Kauffman type joke. I’m just going to pretend it is.
Trey Parker and Matt Stone did it better.
And they were “trippin’ balls”, as the young kids say.
Of course they did.
They still think like 13 year-olds and, like, wannabe be, like um, you know, all different.
But it is important to be different in exactly the same ways that everyone else is different so your standing out doesn’t make you odd or anything.
He is on the TV show Pose, about drag queens. I’m guessing he’s identifying as a drag queen for the night.
Lovely dress, though. /nosarc
There’s a show called “Pose” that’s about drag queens, and not about cowboys hunting down criminals?
Let’s just shut it down now and start the apocalypse.
Pose Posse Pussy.
Pussy Pose Posse – band name?
At least there’s some context to it.
“It’s actually not a bad looking shirt”. Seinfeld.
Already posted? I don’t care because it’s lovely.
An Open Letter To White Boys In Poli Sci
Now for the juicy stuff. It’s a shame that the same type of people who exhibit these behaviours may never feel inclined to read an article like this, or own up to it, but this first story of dick-bag behaviour goes to one of my classmates. Yes, one particular person inspired this open letter. I hope you read this and know that I tell my friends about this day in class, I tell my family, hell, I’m even telling strangers now. This is exemplary of the type of backwards, bullshit comments that I have to put up with regularly, and I tell them about you. Yes, you. I really hope you pick this up and read this and know that when I look for the pinnacle of white-privileged, poli sci bro, I tell them about you.
Someone disagreed with her!!
The horror, the horror…
*scans thru diatribe*
Wow, somebody needs a hysterectomy.
I’d suggest womb manipulation to induce hysterical paroxysms as a therapy first but would need to see pics to determine if she was a suitable subject for the treatment
Your so vain, you probably think this letter is about you.
I’m sorry who are you again?
I am not a licensed psychological therapist, but sweet Freud, this lady needs help.
This is what happens when you keep post-secondary education superficially cheap, indoctrinate people into thinking it’s necessary and a natural right. You saturate the class room with insufferable loud mouth’d schnooks and clowns.
It’s almost as if they come to school just to get a degree to validate their views. They have no desire to actually learn. They teach the school in their hamster brains.
They say they’re there for a degree but they really just want to put off having to interact with the real world for a few more years.
McGill, dude.
That’s the scary part. You would think McGill would have better minds. But they don’t.
The clown students voted to change their ‘Redmen’ name despite the fact it was named for red-haired Scots.
But you know, we have to think of the ONE asshole Native who complained.
Just perusing the first paragraph though, that’s the kind of person that, if given the levers of power, would have no problem herding people to gas chambers.
With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the Dean of Gas Chambers.
That chick is one scary psycho.
And she hates Canada:
Lastly, before I collapse into yet another heap of helpless tears about how stupidly awful poli sci can be, let me just say to the guy in the Conservative Association on campus who wore a “Make Canada Great Again” hat courtesy of Rebel Media: fuck you. It was Activities Night and you made me fucking scared for what poli sci here might be like because I thought it might be filled with the likes of you.
“fuck you. It was Activities Night and you made me fucking scared for what poli sci here might be like because I thought it might be filled with the likes of you.”
You briefly felt like what it feels like to be conservative on campus? Poor thing.
God, shit like this is a daily reminder of how lucky I am to be at a tiny STEM college where nobody gives a fuck what your opinions are.
Can you imagine the misery of those doing STEM at these schools that have been overrun by the lunatics? I can’t picture anything worse than being in a discipline that will cause death, destruction, and mayhem when those practicing it decide reality doesn’t matter, and having to deal with stupid fucks that live in la-la land and hate the fact people in STEMs fields remind them reality has a way of not accepting their desire to change it by cleansing the gene pool of the idiots that take it too far.
And when someone cannot express herself without loads of gratuitous profanity, it makes one wonder how high quality the English teaching is there too.
before I collapse into yet another heap of helpless tears
Oh, who am I kidding. Starbucks doesn’t care if you collapse into heaps of helpless tears over the meanness of the espresso machine.
McGill for McGa!
“In political science, I feel…”
I’m going to have to stop you right there for 2 reasons.
Anecdote from yesterday: SP was at the grocery store. A 10 year old girl pointed to some asparagus and said to her mother, “Mom, look, asparagus!” Her mom responded gushingly, “Wow, that’s amazing, most ten year olds wouldn’t know what asparagus is! But you do because you’re the smartest, most wonderful, and most special girl there is!”
I see this girl’s future in that article.
Future congresswoman there. By 10 she could identify common vegetables, by 21 she was one.
Will it involve any “mushroom heads”?
That cannot be true. Nobody could possibly be that profoundly ignorant.
Perhaps you missed the sarcasm tag?
I wanted to scream and flip a table and throw myself on the ground and rip myself in half.
That sounds like a fine idea.
Your poli sci degree? You didn’t earn that.
“Half of all business economists see a recession by the end of 2020.”
What does it take to be considered an economist these days? If it’s a degree in economics from Boston University, then we might want to rethink our selection process.
There’s an old saying to the effect that Economists have predicted five of the last three recessions.
It should be pretty easy if you get a two to three year window. Wait two or three years from the last recession and start predicting the next one “within the next two years or so”. Wow! You are a genius economist!!
Mitch McConnell, Republican Nihilist
Harry Reid haz a sad.
Turtle man bad because orange man bad!
They’re not letting go of the specious Nazi analogies eh?
Not now. Not ever.
In fact, when they are herding dissenters into the camps, they will all be like “we had to do this to save the country” – without a trace of irony.
“McConnell is not dissimilar from the German conservative politicians, who in the 1930s brought Adolf Hitler to power,”
Sigh, you know I have much better things im interested in than the rise of the Nazi party in Germany. I don’t think it was really a “conservative” party, but I could be wrong. But now I feel like I have to go study it so I can tell when someone is being mendacious.
You could also say that the socialists were integral in installing the Nazis. Because, you know, they were.
Back in the early days they were quite liberal about certain social policies. Then came the Night of the Long Knives and Hitler purged Roehm and the party become much more socially conservative.
I could be wrong but, as I read that, I don’t think Browning is saying the Nazis were conservatives. He’s saying the conservatives saw some common ground that they thought they could use.
Well, that’s just sad. Browning is a great historian of the Holocaust. He should stick to that.
This. Ordinary Men is a terrific book. Sad to see him sounding like a fucking idiot when he steps outside of his milieu.
“Assaults on democratic norms”
Like what? At least list a few
Rolling over and playing dead when Team Blue says mean things on you.
Yes, I’m still waiting for an example of this “authoritarian” behavior too. Is it when Trump always defers to the small circuit judges making wide decisions on federal policy?
the conservatives saw their fulsome policy agenda enacted: rearmament, suspension of civil liberties, the outlawing of the Communist Party
European conservatives must be the opposite of American conservatives.
An accurate depiction of people and societies as they were would never fly even among the non-kneejerk portions of society. I’m debating just scrapping the entire storyline as too much of a hassle.
Oh, come. Who doesn’t want to read about “cultures” which spend most of their time and energy (when they’re not killing their neighbors or running away from large carnivores) scratching in the dirt for subsistence?
Next time you hear liberals demand legalised cannabis, think of poor Alesha
>>More risque than anything you’ve ever seen before
Two Girls One Cup?
Weed has killed less people than alcohol and swimming pools. Calm your tits, good sir.
No it only kills the lesser people.
More or less.
Raphy meant lesser. He was talking about the minorities being offed. He’s an evil libertarian who doesn’t respect all human life.
“Remember the six-year-old girl snatched from her bed by a cannabis addict, raped and then murdered. And ask yourself – do you want more of this”
… This deserves an award.
I’m talking about the shitty logic.
We totally get that, bro. This is the worst little chatroom on the interwebs after all.
Fuck off, moral scold.
No doubt.
The church ladies are still with us. ‘I saw her out behind the big oak tree, consortin with da debil!’.
Better that 6 year is killed by our brave drug warriors raiding the wrong house at 5:00am. That would be better for society.
“Better that 6 year is killed by our brave drug warriors raiding the wrong house at 5:00am.”
Along with the entire family, including puppies. Gotta make sure you get em all.
I read that as “Legalized Cannibalism” and knew I’d come to the right pace this morning. What a disappointment to realize I need reading comprehension lessons, too.
That’s okay, I saw the same thing at first glance.
“snatched from her bed by a cannabis addict”
Is that copy and pasted from Reefer Madness? A cannabis addict?
This is exactly the sort of tripe that makes me despise ‘conservatives’ as much as ‘liberals’.
Some pols are accused of not being Minnesoda Nice.
Good on these mean politicians I say!
I’m going to be very, very disappointed if Rep Bahr backs down. In fact, he should double down and condemn Walz for giving aid and succor to people who would take rights away from citizens.
Question for the Glibs: Am I wrong for thinking that this sort of stupidity from our gov is transparent to the common rube? Or am I a victim of my biases and need to admit that the common rube will eat this shit up and tsk-tsk Reb Bahr for being a thug?
I hope Bahr doesn’t back down. Never give these guys another damn inch.
Don’t poke the Bahr.
Why yes, yes he is. “Grrr..”
Edit Faery, help! My 7:52 was an attempt at a picture tag, but it no workee.
This is what I did (angle brackets instead of square):
[img src=”CalBahr.jpg” alt=”Flowers” style=”width:auto;”]
I didn’t think commenters could do images.
He goes beyond ‘bear’ and could almost qualify as ‘furry’.
Ocasio-Cortez: People Maybe Shouldn’t Reproduce Due To Climate Change
“Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don’t turn this ship around and so it’s basically like, there’s a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult,” Ocasio-Cortez said while chopping up food in her kitchen during an Instagram live video. “And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question, you know, ‘Is it okay to still have children?'”
Ocasio-Cortez then took a shot at Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) over an incident that happened in Feinstein’s office on Friday when a far-left fringe group tried to pressure Feinstein into supporting the Green New Deal.
Ocasio-Cortez said Feinstein’s response was “like not good enough” because the legislation that the Democrats support is “frankly going to kill us.”
“This idea that ‘I’ve been working on this for x-amount of years,’ um, it’s like not good enough,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Like, we need a universal sense of urgency, and people are like trying to introduce watered-down proposals that are frankly going to kill us. A lack of urgency is going to kill us.”
I fully support Gulag Barbie’s personal decision to not reproduce.
*Sidenote: She failed to compost her potatoes* LOL
She’s vying for stupidest person in Congress, which is no small feat.
I’d be happier if I thought her actions were simply the result of stupidity.
My fears are that she is fairly intelligent and is using this issue to grab power. Massive amounts of power. Any other freshman rep would be picking scraps up legislatively, hoping that in a few more years they might get a plum committee assignment.
Ocasio-Cortez has grabbed the GND and used it to will herself to power. She is tangling with the senior members of her party and not backing down. Imagine what happens if she get seniority and more acolytes elected to Congress.
I agree. She’s already getting high on a power trip right now (ala “We’re in charge now”) and she’s just barely in her first term. God help us if she becomes a big player in that swamp or gets any more power.
My hope is that they all end up eating each other up and in the process helping those of us that usually end up fucked every time a politician passes a law (we pay for the stupid shit).
“She’s vying for stupidest person in Congress, which is no small feat.”
Imagines dumbest members of Congress meeting AOC in dark parking garage.
AOC: you ain’t dumb, you ain’t nothin!
Why would the sponsor of the GND be in a garage? Doesn’t she bike or walk to work?
Oh, one rule for the plebes and one for the Party Members.
[grabs own crotch, screams]
I also support her #sobrave measure. God bless her.
“Like, we need a universal sense of urgency, and people are like trying to introduce watered-down proposals that are frankly going to kill us. A lack of urgency is going to kill us.”
Like, literally not even fearmongering
If you aren’t with us, you are against us?
Like if you aren’t with us, you are like, against us?
“Operators are standing by! Act now! Supplies are limited and this offer won’t last!”
Its like Paul Wellstone’s offspring carpetbagged to NY
As if. The Wellstone kids were so nutso, they got kicked off the board of the Wellstone Action non-profit.
That is some weapons grade stupidity.
Cripple fight.
Grifters extraordinaire.
So close, yet so far away
“There’s gotta be 60 million of us who can afford a buck each to stick some shit under this piece of shit’s nose*
Go ahead. The whole point is that then you don’t need government to fund it. But I’ll bet you’d be surprised to find that most of your friends want to force other people to pay.
Lol. This guy.
Sons of Retardation.
I rather enjoy Ron Perlman’s tuffgai persona online, as if he were on Sons of Anarchy too long and thinks he actually IS Clay Morrow now.
Dude was Clay Morrow AND reboot-Conan the Barbarian’s father.
No love for Hellboy?
I think I got blocked by him for tweeting “Ron, you’re not actually a tough guy, you just play one on TV.”
Ugh. He’s another one I wish woulda kept his mouth shut.
I’ve gotten to the point where I actively avoid reading
anything about the opinions of actors I like. I don’t
want irritation about how awful they might be personally
to distract me when I’m watching them act.
You can assume that with so few exceptions that it doesn’t matter, that most actors are absolute fucking retards when it comes to politics. The ones that are not, usually are the ones with their mouths shut anyway.
I avoid them like the plague and yet I keep tripping over their stupid shit in the course of my online travels.
I stopped following Nikki Sixx when he was spouting Zen-like happy-place self-help-guru stuff. Dude, I want an angry, fucked-up Sixx, not Namaste Sixx.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Liberal Dems do not Tout ‘Pure’ Socialism
If it quacks like a duck…
“most of which they inherited and did not earn by their own labor”
I wonder why no one bothers to fact check this. Last I saw this is blatantly untrue.
They totes feeeeeeeel that’s the only way to get rich, so it must be soes.
So these people are saying we should go with fascism instead of communism? or are they saying fascism sucks, because the people in power don’t just dispense with the illusion that the serfs are serfs?
First hit in a google search is from an article in…The New York Times.
So how can a guy change jobs in a “true” socialist society? If all companies are owned and run by the workers, doesn’t that sort of limit the ability of a person to change jobs?
The prospect of being stuck at a single company scares me more about socialism than any other aspect. That and the prospect of having to attend a company all hands meeting where we all decided how to run the company. Uffda. Imagine that cluster fuck.
I don’t have to, it was well described in Atlas Shrugged.
Yeah, but because all of the companies will be all about the people instead of evil profit, there would never be any reason to go to another company. Socialism will magically turn all people into saints and no one will ever try to take advantage of anyone else again or even look out for their own good over anyone else. Socialim = magic. You deniers is harshing my buzz.
“The prospect of being stuck at a single company scares me more about socialism than any other aspect. ”
The biggest, if not the only employer, in these marxist and pseudo-marxist shitholes is usually government in these systems, so you can stop worrying……
“So how can a guy change jobs in a “true” socialist society?”
Against his will.
Change jobs? What kind of a wrecker doesn’t love the work the motherland has assigned him? Perhaps he needs some psychiatric ‘attention’.
I mean Green Book did suck. But so did pretty much every movie up there. Although I didn’t see Spike Lee’s joint. It is interesting that driving miss daisy won again 30 years later.
The Academy really, really, really does not like Spike. I mean if he wasn’t such a caustic asshole but he probably would have won for something at this point.
They’ll give him one after he’s dead and they can make it about them.
That photo up there, so thoughtfully provided by Swiss Servator, reminds me of the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland.
US imperialism stages provocation on Venezuela’s borders
Sigh. The socialists were already going to blame failure in the US, but this gives them Ammunition.
“Sigh. The socialists were already going to blame failure in the US, but this gives them Ammunition.”
They always blame the US. Always. Cuba is a shithole because of the embargo, and Venezuela is a shithole because of this border thing, and the USSR was a shithole because somehow the massive ships full of wheat that the US gave them all the time were secretly ruining the perfect system.
It’s literally never the fault of socialism. Joseph Stalin openly stated that the perfect Marxist system was being ruined by toothless peasants who sold their eggs and truck produce at market. If illiterate peasants can fuck up your whole system, your system sucks.
It is never the fault of a broken evil ideology: it is the fault of those that point out the ideology is broken and evil!
Anything that can’t go on forever, won’t. Give it a couple weeks or a couple months or, god forbid, a year or two. What does it matter? Either Maduro negotiates to slip out back and run off to some despotic shithole to live out the rest of his life in exile, or he’s hanging from a lamppost. Either way, why get our fingerprints on it?
The way i hear it, Latin American leaders are asking the US to get involved. The US is telling them that it will support whatever actions they – especially Brazil & Columbia – want to take to move this thing along. We are not going to get involved past sending humanitarian aid however.
OK, boys.
Job interview in T-minus 90 minutes. Had to successfully jump through two hoops/tests to get here. ‘Tis a very odd gig. It most likely isn’t a long-term gig but it definitely could be a starting point.
I love how I have enough experience that I no longer have to bullshit my way through interviews and pretend like I know what I’m doing. No…I’ve got this. Getting vetted is the time consuming part. This is the easy bit.
Time to pretty myself up and get in the box.
Good luck, man
Give em’ the Trump yank-handshake. Good luck.
Stuff a giant summer sausage in your pants, have a few drinks, and then get your game face on!
Bad advice. The garlic smell from the summer sausage will make the interviewer think that you are into buggering wops and who wants to hire a wop fucker?
The producer of a mafia-themed porno?
Are you recommending a knackwurst?
What are the best meats for impressing a job interviewer?
It’s you’re worried about it being too easy, you could always show up drunk.
Good luck man and hope the interview goes well. Get out there and kick some ass, dude.
Good luck Evan.
Remember to pick your teeth during the interview. It shows that you’re powerful.
If the interview goes south, just claim you have a bomb. That usually works.
Good luck!
Go get ’em!
Good luck!
Uh oh.
Are you trapped in your car and a snowplow just buried you in another couple feet of snow?
::sends out St. Bernard with barrel of whisky::
This is Minnesoda. It needs to be Phillips Peppermint Schnapps
Now that the scion of the Phillips family is our new Congressman, Tundra will drink nothing else.
Country folks would be having a blackberry brandy, so I’ve heard.
Forgot the Vaseline again?
It is -4 today. Tundra remembered the vaseline, but it is so cold that it isn’t much of a lube anymore
Yep. Gotta switch to 90W gear oil.
Sand and grease?
“Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don’t turn this ship around and so it’s basically like, there’s a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult,” Ocasio-Cortez said while chopping up food in her kitchen during an Instagram live video. “And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question, you know, ‘Is it okay to still have children?’”
She’s like a modern day Marcus Aurelius.
AOC 2024: Turning America Stoic Again.
“scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult”
Nice. Id like to see the cross discipline papers that say that.
“Is it okay to still have children?’”
No. It is morally untenable for people who believe the world will end in 12 years to have kids. : Winks at everyone else: this socialism thing should die out in a generation.
“scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult”
I assume that’s because we’ve ran out of orphans and so the children will be out toiling in the mines while the man folk sit inside watching VR pr0n and slamming down beers served up by their serving wench slaves?
OK. But where’s the problem?
If people like her get their way and we institute this evil ideology they peddle, these kids are going to be fucked over seriously and hard.
I can think of one woman who shouldn’t have had children.
Mammary Monday jiggles into your week to get it started right!
PS: Why does anyone give two shits about the Oscars?
1, 15, 20, 22, 24, yowza Q. Thanks for the bountiful harvest!
A surprisingly large percent of natural boobage.
2 and done:
Uffda. What a shitty weekend here in Sunny Minnesoda.
Combine more snow (which not only makes this the snowiest Feb on record, but makes it in the top six months ever in the Twin Cities), with a lot of wind and hilarity ensues.
On a personal note, I had a terrible time out on the lake ice fishing yesterday. The fish weren’t biting, my portable actually flipped over in a gust while I was outside taking a leak and there was so much snow and drifting that pulling my stuff off the lake was exhausting.
Are you trying to tell me that fishing, when it is so cold out that a lake has frozen over a foot or more, might be uncomfortable?
My guess is that the ice was at least 20″ thick yesterday. With about 2′ of snow on top, it makes drilling holes challenging. I don’t want to put an extension on my ice auger.
But normally you can sit in your fish house and be warm and comfy. It is also quiet. And normally you can drive out to where you want to fish. It isn’t as cold and miserable as you would think.
With the drifting snow yesterday, only a fool would drive out on the lake. The trail I broke hauling my portable out to the spot where I fished had completely drifted over by the time I was heading back, so I had to break trail again.
Why would you go outside to take a leak?
And when the ice is that thick, you can just fish thru your car window.
Its Feb 25, and I’m seriously considering putting more gas in my snowblower (which ran out yesterday as I was clearing the driveway).
The only upside is that it got me out of going to church, since there was no way we were getting out of our driveway until the ally was plowed.
Uffda. Tell me more about this sexual kink you and your wife have. And what sort of ally was supporting your kink by demanding you plow xer.
Jackson gay rights leader accused of burning down own home.
Jeez, why kill the animals?
It’s harder to sell the insurance fraud if all your furry friends got out alive.
Yup. Pets and pictures. You still have them for some reason and you’re going to have a rough EUO.
What is struggle without someone else’s sacrifice?
“Jeez, why kill the animals?”
I want to beat that fucker with a rubber hose.
Couldn’t have just hired a couple Nigerians to buy a rope and wear MAGA hats?
He needed the insurance money to pay the Nigerian prince.
The local Nigerians wouldn’t take a check. Something about how they had been burned before.
EconTalk this week is Mungor on Crony Capitalism. I have listened to first 15 minutes so far, and it is a good one.
He quoted de Jasay on how constitutions are either useless or unnecessary: If the mass of people don’t want to follow it, they wont, and it wont matter what it says. If they believe in what it says, it isnt needed. I disagree, I think there is a middle ground. But the idea isn’t entirely wrong.
MM is always a good listen.
He quoted de Jasay on how constitutions are either useless or unnecessary
It has the same value as a written contract.
The exercise of writing it and getting agreement on the exact wording is very clarifying when it is done, and serves as an anchor as events unfold.
The analogy isn’t exact, but a written Constitution serves, at a minimum, as a speed bump on the road to serfdom. Does anyone think this country would be more free if we didn’t have a written Constitution?
We’d be more free if the Articles had remained the law of the land.
As soon as you create The One Final Ruler and give it The Power To Tax, the end of liberty is just a question of when, not if.
Why does anyone give two shits about the Oscars?
That furry thing in the trash can?
The clothes, man. I love fashion. Even bad fashion has its entertaining moments.
There is not enough alcohol in this world to get me to watch that shit.
“most of which they inherited and did not earn by their own labor”
I wonder why no one bothers to fact check this. Last I saw this is blatantly untrue.
But- teh WALTONS!!!11!!!!1!!!
Well well well. Temp is -8 degrees, but there’s only about four inches of fresh fluffy snow this morning. So far, anyway. Visibility is about 150 yards, so I suspect more will be falling.
Springtime in the Rockies!
Which definition of spring are you using?
Pay-walled unfortunately. This morning’s WSJ has an interview with Gene Simmons. I’m not a huge KISS fan, but they deliver for their fans.
I loved him the first time I saw an interview with him, which was after they’d unmasked. Very definitely on the “Fuck you, pay me” wagon.
Gene Simmons is supposed to be a giant prick.
Nothing left to cut
Story about Minnesota non-profits freaking out because Trump is trying to kill a program that doles out gobs of money to them.
What irritates me is how the program survived when Congress was ostensibly controlled by the GOP. Those rat fuckers have no interest in limiting the size and scope of govt. They prove it time and again. Yet they think libertarians are being petty when they won’t align with them and support their candidates.
Fuck them in the neck if they can’t even vote to kill a bloated agency that is less than 30 years old. Especially since Trump was willing to be the bad guy who killed it. All they had to do is vote on it.
Unwritten rules of all bureaucracies, including private companies.
“I’m in Human Resources and my workload is such that I’ll need an admin person and an assistant”
“Those rat fuckers have no interest in limiting the size and scope of govt. They prove it time and again”
Tax collectors for the welfare state. Once a government program exists, the GOP just needs 10 years of it being around, and then it’s Part of Our Glorious American Democracy.
Not even 10 years. Look at their failure to repeal the ACA after explicitly campaigning to do so.
Eh, to be fair, that wasn’t “Republicans” so much as it was “McCain, Murkowski, and Collins.” The House Republicans voted to repeal it, and the vast majority of the Senate Republicans wanted it gone too.
Texas judge ruled an all-male military draft is unconstitutional.
The draft is unconstitutional, period, pursuant to 13A.
Did you check the FYTW clause?
Progress in Methylation-based Aging Clocks
We can diagnose almost anything with amazing speed and accuracy. Now we’re going to be able to tell you when you’re going to get it and when you’ll die from it.
/Still can’t fix it.
“Striking a massive blow for actual equality, a Texas judge ruled an all-male military draft is unconstitutional.”
Yeah, that’s really and truly going to work. Because no one is getting drafted. If there was an active draft:
*crying* ‘I can’t do it! I hate that outfit and I don’t even have shoes to match!’.
‘OK, you’re excused’.
I served with a bunch of old salty sea dogs who were in Vietnam when the draft was going on and they all raved about the all volunteer force. They would tell stories about the draftees who didn’t want to be there in the first place, either getting killed or getting others killed because of their shitty attitude.
I can’t even imagine how much shittier an attitude a female draftee would have. I have a gut feeling that in general women draftees would not go quietly into the light. That might be a good thing though because the draft is immoral and more guys should complain about it.
” That might be a good thing though because the draft is immoral and more guys should complain about it.”
Indeed. It’s easier to shame a man by calling him a coward.
I just think about it this way – everyone who has served in the AVF era knows plenty of shitbirds. Now, remind yourself that those guys all volunteered – imagine how many shitbirds there must have been when guys were being forced into the service? That’s why no grizzled lifer SNCO types I ever knew wanted to bring back the draft.
The majority of time was spent maintaining discipline; being a SNCO was like running a chain-gang.
I had some draftees in VN that were realists, no BS, did their jobs and only wanted to go home. OTOH a lot of regular army guys would volunteer to extend as door gunners.
I’m guessing a lady draft would see a lot of drifters to Canada. However, would not the threat of a female draft get a lot more men to volunteer, not willing to sacrifice their sisters? Saw a few days ago the recruiters are having a tough time making their Army quotas, they are having to double up the efforts to get Northern guys interested.
Yes to most of this. No senior officer or NCO that I have dealt with for any time wanted draftees around for the exact same reasons outlined above. Even with an AVF some people who enlisted after 9/11 for the college benefits (women more so than men- but both in my experience) were surprised and offended that Uncle Sugar was sending their asses off to fight. However once overseas and the after the first time somebody tried to kill them they turned into decent Soldiers if for no other reason than to improve their chances at survival.
The NE is a horrible place for recruiters. The SE is an easy area and the western US is hit or miss depending on the area. Cali is on both extremes of the bell curve.
Great song choice! Somewhere I read the story behind that song, and it made me like it even more.
It was a pretty harsh assessment of almost everyone. My favorite part is his description of the punk scene:
Reducing Discrimination with More Information
Re: Annual Hollywood circle jerk
I didn’t watch but was bummed (though not at all surprised) to learn that Minding the Gap didn’t win for best documentary. I’ll admit my bias due to the director being someone personally known to me, but I really hoped it would pull off an improbable upset. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend that you do. It’s a very competent and moving film shot over the course of a decade chronicling the trials and tribulations of a bunch of Midwestern rubes in flyover country – you know, the kind of subject matter that Hollywood absolutely fawns over.
See a documentary about my neighbors? All I have to do now is look out the window.
(Sees 2 faces looking at me from their window)
Quoted without comment:
“Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar recommended Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison investigate USA Powerlifting for barring biological males from women’s events, according to a Jan. 31 letter she sent USA Powerlifting.
Omar called it a “myth” that men who identify as transgender women have a “direct competitive advantage” “
I don’t have any comments that don’t contain the word “stupid and the word “cunt”, so I’ll refrain.
I’ve always been fond of saying “cupid stunt”
At least my state’s AG is laser-focused on actual quality of life issues facing the state: shaking down Wall Street and taking down Orange Man.
Not surprising at all. Everyone knows how accepting Somalis are of non-cis people. They love the shit out of them. In fact the Somalis love them transgender people almost as much as (((them))).
If some reporter had any balls, they’d ask Omar how she squares her stance on trans-rights with her devout belief in Islam.
If some reporter had any balls,
I was going to say that’s sexist, but on second thought, I don’t think it is (any more). Carry on.
I… Don’t know how someone can say that this year
Publisher/Editor of Politics First; Expert on Russia/USSR and Former Yugoslavia; Commentator on Syria and British politics; animal rights guardian; vegan.
Sounds about right.
Only a commie twat from London could say something quite that ignorant. He must be angling for a Corbyn appointment in Labor.
But I have this wheel barrow full of money.
That buys a half a loaf of bread after waiting in line for days?
Good Dog!
Belichick signed him the next day.
Not a chance. All Belichick needs is for a new scandal to hit his team.
What scandal? Crotch-gate. It all started after reporters came into the locker room to interview Fido after his first professional game and Fido stuck his cold nose right up under the skirt of one particular female reporter (who was acting particularly bitchy that day) and had to be dragged away by the collar.
I can’t even imagine how much shittier an attitude a female draftee would have.
Private Poutyface, reporting for duty.
It’s like you guys never saw Private Benjamin.
What are you gonna do, boot her out?
My daughter was kind of interested in the AF back in the days of yesteryear. Then she found out about not wearing make up in basic and changed her mind. I’m not sure the make up part is true but it was enough for her. Now she wishes she had made that step.
Well that and the dreaded reputation that the Air Force boot camp has earned.
My dad joined the Air Force in ’77 mainly on the basis that it had the best food.
I ate in a few AF chow halls. Your dad was right and ahead of his time. Army mess halls seemed to vary by the quality of the mess sgt. Some super, some soup kitchens.
He told me that you had a very brief amount of time to eat and had to finish everything on your plate, but you’d routinely see lobster, steak, crab imperial, stuff like that.
Socialism in #Venezuela has lifted millions of people out of poverty there, given Venezuela’s natural resources back to the Venezuelan people, and forged an independent foreign policy for the country. And because of that, the US and corporate media are foaming at the mouth.
Kulaks! Wreckers! Foreign imperialists!
Someone’s late for the party.
We just need to break a few more eggs and that omelet will be finished!
So is Bernie Trotsky in this scenario?
Fun to watch millionaire socialists debate the future of Venezuela.
“Let’s serve notice to the Democrats in California that we are back and we are ready to deliver on the Republican comeback”
Yeah, good luck with that. You’re never going to out-identity politics the Dems.
Cruz beat Beto. Barely.
Cruz is super unlikeable though. Abbot easily cruised. He took 55% of the votes, the Dem got 42%. Beto had tons of media hype, tons of out state money, and a national tailwind, and he still couldn’t get it done.
“I don’t really like getting up on TV and saying political things. I don’t even want to make a deal out of it, but I want people to know I’m my own individual self[…]Of course I have my own opinions, but that don’t mean I got to throw them out there because you’re going to piss off half the people.”
Dolly Parton: sensible and enormous tits.
I never understood why any actor or singer would _want_ to be overtly political. You just end up pissing off a certain percentage of your fans.
Marketing department says “be provocative” so they do as they’re told.
They live in an echo chamber. It’s the old “nobody *I* know voted for Nixon” thing. The people around them are overtly political, and of the same political persuasion, so they think that everyone else is too (outside a few deplorables in flyover country). It’s the same reason they thought that “Connors” show would be a hit but it lasted all of 10 minutes.
She’s always been a smart cookie.
I love how the writer is all but saying outright that poor Dolly Parton isn’t fully woke because what else can you really expect from a dopey hick?
Yup. Massively bigoted take.
It takes a remarkable lack of self-awareness when you’re writing fluff pieces for The Grauniad to look down your nose at a self-made woman who could probably buy your home town.
I’m neutral on her music, but I adore Dolly as a human being.
I do like a few of her songs, but you are correct. She’s a good egg.
A decade after Sig Sauer inked a deal to sell up to $306 million worth of pistols to Colombia’s National Police, company CEO Ron Cohen is facing jail time in Germany for making the sale.
German prosecutors accuse Cohen of colluding with Sig Sauer’s sister company in Germany to violate that country’s export rules. Under German law, companies are prohibited from exporting firearms or other weapons to countries in conflict. That includes Colombia, which is slowly emerging from a half-century of armed conflict.
German officials allege Sig Sauer manufactured at least 38,000 pistols in the company’s facility in the town of Eckernförde between 2009 and 2011, before shipping the weapons to its U.S. entity’s headquarters in New Hampshire, which then completed the transaction with Colombia. Sig Sauer is alleged to have covered up the shipment’s final destination by submitting false paperwork — so-called end-use certificates — to German export officials, stating that the weapons were bound solely for the United States.
Not looking good.
Sigs are overrated anyway.
I love all of mine brah, so you better take it back!
America, fuck yeah!
Ron Cohen, who served in the Israeli army and took over as CEO in 2005, is credited with saving the gun-maker’s American division from financial ruin.
“We were down to about 75 employees, and it was on shaky ground,” said Bud Fini, executive vice president of Sig Sauer, in a promotional video honoring Cohen’s induction into the NRA’s Ring of Freedom. “Ron had a vision.” Today the company employs about 1,400 people at its New Hampshire plant.
Sig needs to move the corporate headquarters to NH to avoid this shit. Not like Germany is a big customer.
New Hampshire? There are too many Massholes there. Move to a state that isn’t going to turn vampire on them soon.
A bigger footprint from Sig would help reverse that trend – as would enforcing voting rules.
My cousin, who lives in Alabama, posted a note to Facebook about Remmington bailing out of NY and taking 2,000 jobs to Alabama.
Gov Cuoma responded “good riddance”.
Alabama said “welcome home”.
Political hacks pretending losing these jobs is a good thing just baffle me. I get the need to virtue signal, but to the point where you act as if there are no real consequences and you can just tell reality to fuck off? Sheesh!
apparently they got H&K on something similar last year.
A Stuttgart court ruled that Heckler & Koch broke Germany’s War Weapons Control Act by sending more than 4,000 G36 assault rifles, ammunition and other weapons to a central government buyer in Mexico — where they were then distributed to areas seen as being at high risk for violence and human rights violations.
Sigs are overrated anyway.
The new ones, anyway. I’d take a thirty year old P220.
My new P938 functions just fine.
I’ve never owned one but I’ve shot a friend’s P229 a few times and liked it. I still seem to do better with a Glock, though.
My Sig shoots much better than I do. I do okay with it, when other people shoot it, it is super accurate. I recognize the weak spot in the robc-sig shooting system.
I don’t know what it is about my eyes, but I can’t see target, front sight and rear sight all at the same time. I can focus on one of them, but at least one or both of the others blur to uselessness when I do. Put a scope or a red dot sight and I’m good to go, but my eyes don’t iron sight very well.
The problem is that you are human. That’s how eyes work. Focus on the front sight. Put it in the middle of the blurry target. You’ll line up the blurry rear sights automagically. That’s all there is to it.
When I say it’s unusable, I mean I literally can’t find the middle of the target when focused on one of the sights.
Have your tried bifocals?
I have no trouble focusing on each individual element with my current perscription.
Bifocals are useless for shooting.
You are trying to line up two objects in mid-range (beyond the close-range bifocal) and the target in the distance in exactly the same line. You can’t look through both lenses at the same time.
“Democrats should be worried that Hispanic voters could help reelect Trump and keep the Senate in Republican control. If so, it would be a cosmic twist of fate: A party that has staked its future on a belief that America’s demographic picture is changing decidedly in its favor could find itself losing to a man whose politics of fear should be driving precisely those voters into the Democrats’ waiting arms.”
I remain skeptical, but it would be pretty damn ironic. Also, if there is a sea change among Hispanics to shift toward the Pachyderms, that wall will be built faster than you can say “Ay caramba!”
that wall will be built faster than you can say “
Ay carambaNo pasaran!”The whole DEMOGRAPHICS DOOM REPUBLICANS talking point was always based on the idea that the Democrats own the black vote by 90% and the Hispanic (which was always kind of a dumb talking point, because just off the top of my head you’re lumping Ted Cruz and Ocasio Cortez in the same basket.) vote by 70%.
But what if Trump can just pull 10% better than Bush in each of those demographics. Say by having a booming economy and record low unemployment across the board?
The other MUH DEMOGRAPHICS assumption was the assumption of the elite chattering classes that since Their Kind of White People were having less than 2 kids per couple, that all white people were doing the same. Which isn’t true. The reason the Left shrieks so much about immigration is they desperately need the bodies for the elections in the 2020s and 2030s. If they don’t get their amnesty and their 20 million newly minted citizens, then Chelsea Clinton’s one vote, and her kid’s two votes, gets swamped out by Sarah Palin’s five kids and five grandkids (and counting).
Trump pulled in blue-collar/union workers from the rust belt. Those were supposed to be Democrat votes forever. Why couldn’t he do something like that again with Hispanic and Black voters?
A buddy of mine is first-gen American, and his parents are from Guatemala and Peru, respectively. Deeply Catholic, very conservative, and the whole family voted for Trump. Now they’re all college-educated (both parents are engineers, IIRC) so maybe that’s a thing, but if they’re any indicator Trump is going to have a solid core of support there.
How can they be educated if they voted for Trump? I bet they didn’t even apply to Oberlin.
You will find that the people with the biggest beef against illegal immigration are Latin Americans that went through the nightmare that the INS agency requires people to go through to come here legally. I suspect the fact that these are people that worked hard to get here and are here to chase the American dream, and not just welfare and free shit that the democrats peddle to current demographic storming the southern border.
Plays a big role in that anti-illegal immigration feelings amongst them..
(Hit reply before finishing)
My GF claims to know a few that support Trump.
Natsoc Propaganda Radio wants you to know
Student loan debt has not only become more common, the size of the average loan has nearly doubled over the past decade or so. Collectively, Americans carry more than $1.5 trillion in student loan debt.
That financial pain is also creating a recruitment opportunity: Some employers are offering to help repay loans on workers’ behalf as a way of attracting and keeping people like O’Brien.
Such benefits are relatively new and unusual; only 4 percent of employers surveyed by the Society for Human Resource Management offer it. But its popularity is increasing, because it helps solve a growing concern for workers about their mounting debt. And it helps employers find and retain people when available workers are scarce.
Between a good economy and a different mindset about jobs, workers are harder to hold onto, says Kim Wylam, a managing partner at Baker Tilly’s human resource consulting group.
What are the odds the chick (SOLID WOOD, by the way) in the piece has read the fine print?
“Wait- are you telling me I have to pay that back if I quit?”
There are possible downsides with the loan repayment benefit, Wylam says. Often, if the employee leaves before a certain amount of time, they must repay the money — a rule Wylam says can backfire.
One thing that might be holding back these programs is that, so far, they don’t come with any tax benefit. The money is taxed as income, for both the employer and the worker.
That makes it more expensive for a nonprofit or small-business employer to offer the benefit, says Chatrane Birbal, director of congressional affairs for the Society for Human Resource Management. She says she hopes Congress will make the benefit tax-free.
Really? The IRS treats it as income? How surprising. I thought we were supposed to be getting rid of loopholes.
Clearly we just need to forgive that debt. It’s only fair. For the children.
I heard that this morning.
When the interviewee said she had a poli sci degree, all I could think was “well that was stupid”
Tell me about it.
/BS in Political Science
really stupid. her parents didn’t slap her enough. parents must be proxies for the real world. loving, nurturing proxies.. but proxies nonetheless. else they are dooming their children to ridicule and failure.
Kelly O’Brien graduated from college six years ago with a political science degree and $28,000 in student loan debt.
Stop right there.
poli sci degree and now she’s working at Fidelity?
I’m sure they have staff positions that don’t require any intelligence.
Counting myself I know three people with Poli Sci degrees. One went on to get a PhD in International Relations, one’s in pharmaceutical sales and makes a fortune, and I’m a web developer. It’s a basket-weaving degree, but if it’s a decent program you come away with a lot of experience doing research and writing coherent position papers. Personally, I think it would make a fantastic minor, but as a major it doesn’t do much for you unless you’re willing to go all the way to a PhD. Or law school.
Oh, so it’s like English degrees. I’ve known several people who have them – all work(ed) in insurance or banking.
Yep, or History for the few people I’ve known with History degrees, who are both lawyers. It’s like an Arts and Letters degree in a sense. Like if you could major in “college” it would probably look like a Poli Sci degree.
To be fair, there is a need for that. I would want lawyers, for example, to have a broad knowledge of the arts, literature, philosophy, rhetoric, and history before studying the law as they should have that background knowledge in order to understand the context in which a particular piece of legislation was promulgated. Indeed, the Founders wrote much about how a true liberal arts education was an important part of a representative republic, in that such knowledge was necessary to craft and debate laws that cover any number of spheres of human endeavor. While there is nothing wrong with a purely vocational education, it does lead to a certain myopia.
Don’t get me wrong, I definitely agree. To the extent that I regret my undergrad choices it’s more a function of terrible planning and irresponsible behavior on my part. I actually got a hell of a lot out of it besides just reading interesting stuff. I’m working through an MBA now and I’m cruising through papers that the rest of my cohort seems to be struggling with. And, I think the emphasis on looking at political structures as systems has helped with everything from designing and writing code that doesn’t suck to general strategic planning.
“a lot of experience doing research and writing coherent position papers. ”
Maybe in your day, Gramps.
I mean, I started pre-Twitter and went back to finish post-Twitter, and the difference was shocking, for sure.
” It’s a basket-weaving degree, but if it’s a decent program you come away with a lot of experience doing research and writing coherent position papers”
It’s also a degree for people who want to get into politics themselves. I’ve had a number of PoliSci students in my classes (either GenEd or taking History as a minor) and there’s a substantial number who intern for local politicians or candidates or who go off to Washington for the summer. All really nice people with horrible ideas which will require state power to enforce.
I continued anyway:
So when O’Brien got a job at Fidelity Investments a year and a half ago, she was happy to learn she would be eligible to have the company contribute to her student loan payments.
“I quickly marked my calendar,” says O’Brien, who is 27.
Even if she was making only $30k, she couldn’t pay off $28,000 in 6 years!?
“because coming out and having to have a payment of about $217 a month, it just seemed like a lot of money to pay back when you don’t really know where you were going to be working, how much you’re going to be making,” she says.”
True. Was also true BEFORE you took out the loan, dummy.
One thing that might be holding back these programs is that, so far, they don’t come with any tax benefit. The money is taxed as income, for both the employer and the worker.
How is student loan assistance paid by an employer taxed as income to the employer?
FICA. The employer pays FICA on top of the cost of the benefit.
Still not taxed as income to the employer. Employer side FICA is not a tax on the employer’s income.
You can structure these things as loans to the employee that are forgiven over time. That way, its not taxable to the employee as income (and there’s no FICA paid by the employer), except as the loan is forgiven (and that is reported as 1099, not W-2, income, so still no employer-side FICA). Of course, this also means that the employer’s deductions are deferred on the same schedule as the employee’s recognition of income.
“I feel like it has really kind of outsized emotional or psychological benefits for employees,” McIntosh says. “I feel like if they were ranking it this would be up there at the top and I don’t think it’s the most expensive.”
I’m not sure I’d want to hire somebody so dumb s/he couldn’t figure out that “tuition relief” was just regular old income, but with strings attached.
the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates for the cost and impact of the Affordable Care Act were off by enormous margins.
*rummages through drawer*
I know I left my ‘shocked face’ around here somewhere.
The gift that keeps on giving.
Someone should ask this intersectional feminist how many gay marriages her mosque performs in a given year.
WTF Minnesota?
“systems that exploit and oppress people”
She could have saved a lot of time and money by just returning to her old neighborhood on
University Avenue
“Bethany said the Honduran woman Melissa told the group, “Adelante! Adelante! La lucha es constante,” when they left, which she translated as, “Forward! Forward! The struggle is constant forever.”
Yeah, forward, forward, to the United States, land of capitalism.
These people are suffering from massive amounts of delusion.
How fast do you think college prices would fall if we eliminated guaranteed stupid loans?
I brooksed my response, but since it was to a Brooks post, I am okay with that.
Almost as fast as if we banned the use of government funds.
Almost as fast as a university can file for bankruptcy.
That’s the point. The continued existence of the G.I. Bill, Pell grants, etc. past 1955, was to support the government’s “make-school” programs for Baby Boomers. With the glut of youth well past the gizzard of the American Eagle, whole swaths of Higher Ed. institutions are redundant. I’m glad that my daily work is to figure out how to drive a stake in the hearts of these undead ghouls, and in the process, give fucking assholes like Johann N. Neem conniption fits.
You have 15 years. I need the current system dead and gone before my daughter gets to college age.
She is freaking bright, you might only have 13 years. I don’t know if the ASD makes it more or less likely she will be going to college early.
Duly noted.
So, are you seeking to destroy the Mega-university or create one?
I think he is trying to make online education a “respected” option.
At least when it comes to language education, yes.
I am faculty in the brick-and-mortar campus of the mega-est of all mega-universities.
Self doxxing?
Interesting article. Thanks for linking. Who’s this Neem douche, though. Seems a little overwrought.
A fucking hack who relies on straw man descriptions of competency-based education as cover for his distaste for the fact that these programs marketed towards and are attractive to the working class looking for social mobility who probably do icky things like vote for Trump.
From Mr Neem’s twitter post: “The worst institutions in the country, peddling
degrees without education…”
So, Harvard, Berkeley? And I can only assume Western Washington University.
I actually attended one of the schools name dropped in that piece, and, well… I wish I hadn’t. Granted that was 10 years ago, and I’m not going to necessarily say that going to a shitty state school (which would have been my only other option) would have been any better. I have a friend who attended WWU, and Mr. Neem should really check himself if he is laboring under some delusion that he’s working at a prestigious institute of higher learning. But I do have to say that the criticism of competency based models and online environments is not without legitimacy. At the very least, it’s a dramatically different learning environment that’s not going to be a good fit for a lot of people, and I do think that particularly competency based systems are very often nothing more than a cover for either diminished academic standards, credit inflation, or both. And Neem is bang-on in one respect: the degrees conferred by those schools are in no way comparable in the marketplace to those granted by traditional institutions. Fairly or unfairly they are simply not taken as seriously as degrees from real universities, and students should take that into account when comparing the ROI to a traditional school. For example, unless I had a 750+ GMAT I wouldn’t even consider submitting applications to tier 1 b-schools with my undergrad – the application would be tossed in the trash. To take another example, state licensing boards for accountancy have credit hour requirements in grad-level accounting and often won’t accept credits from certain competency-based schools (or at least that’s how it was back then). Unfortunately I was not aware of those caveats until after I had attended. In my case it wouldn’t have made a substantial difference anyway. But I know there were some students I graduated with who were not at all happy. Particularly the ones that who had designs on getting into public accounting.
If you’d be willing to keep my name out of it, I’d be willing to give you my input as a former student if you’re interested.
That was not intentional. I wish I could claim I did that on purpose.
Today, during a discussion concerning Smollett, CNN decided it was also very angry at me for not being on its plantation.
I’ve shared racial fluid across ethnic lines, as it were. Does that count?
So the left is coming around on Rachel Dolezal. Does that mean essentialism is dead, or is it now just ideological rather than biological? Men can beat out (and even beat up) female athletes if they claim to identify as women, because ideology now trumps sex. Will we similarly begin seeing whites stealing all the racial cookies because they denounce their whiteness and declare themselves blackish?
I think the point of the two articles is that it is now ideological. Bill Clinton was still our “first Black president”.
Is there nothing Donald Trump can’t do!? If he can by his mere existence cause rifts within racial communities surely it will be no trouble at all to win in 2020.
That is one of the most racist things I have ever read. If you don’t hold the views Hernandez thinks you should hold, you are not allowed to call yourself “X”.
She said in 21 words, what the term “race traitor” says in 2.
I found that article profoundly depressing, and there weren’t a hell of a lot of heroes in it, either.
have you tried CNN plantation life though? maybe that’s where all the thick women at
What good will it be for someone to gain MJ Lee, yet forfeit his soul?
–Mulatto 16:26
I just gave a big “thumbs down” to a Cranberries song on Pandora.
It felt good.
I knew you weren’t all bad.
Zombies hardest hit.
So, seems the democrats are having somewhat of an identity crisis. Leading the leftward trekking path, our own Gulag Barbie declared ‘I’m a democratic socialist’. But recently, ready to set herself apart from the herd, Horizontal Harris declares ‘I’m not a socialist! I’m a democratic progressive!’. Listen, contenders, you too do not have to be outdone, the term communist is still out there and no one has yet claimed it. Make it your own and boldly declare ‘I’m a democratic communist!’. Maybe this is Beta’s opportunity.
“Has this leftward rush left you feeling left behind? Do you feel like progressives haven’t meen advocating progress? Are you left confused by the intersections of identity and politics? Do you just want all the shrieking to stop? Might I suggest New Conservatism Lite – half the moral righteousness with none of the grovelling appologetics. For those who just aren’t ready to cut the government cord.
Warning: changing labels may result in reevaluation of positions and long held beliefs. Do not take if on communism, or heavy doses of welfare.”
Klobuchar: “Well, I’m in the middle, I’m not in favor of some stuff but I’m really in favor of some other stuff. Golly, this is so confusing but I’m really, really in the middle”
I’m starting to think the cabal’s concerted effort to take over the Dems with the likes of AOC and that chick in MN might backfire.
Judean People’s Front/People’s Front of Judea. Is there a sliver of sunlight between them?
Horizontal Harris
Today, during a discussion concerning Smollett, CNN decided it was also very angry at me for not being on its plantation.
Just wait ’til they subpoena your browsing history.
I believe Interpol has an entire task force dedicated to this.
Footage from task force meeting:
You may be racially fluid and not even know it.
Are you in the box, or out of the box?
Who gives a shit?
Whose box?
The lumpenproletariat’s
TSN mascot Tradey demands money to sign autographs for young fans…
Stupid, but funny in a canuck sorta way.
google TSN… why would anyone want autographs?
Yeah, forward, forward, to the United States, land of capitalism.
And again, I ask:
How many people paddled from Miami to Havana on a makeshift raft made from old bedsprings and inner tubes to seek a better life?
Or have paddled from the US to anywhere, or paid a coyote obscene amounts of money to cram them into a shipping container, etc.
Everyone after Trump was elected! Didn’t you hear them say they were leaving? Oh wait… they didn’t actually leave?
Edward Snowden?
Viet Nam draft dodgers?
Sex tourists?
Different kind of paddling.
I think I under-slept this weekend I was weak at the gym today
All really nice people with horrible ideas which will require state power to enforce.
And what a glorious morning it is for everyone except Spike Lee who was quite upset last night.
In the picture of Mr. Lee at the Oscars his outfit strongly reminded me of a different Hollywood character.
Nice catch.
Also, seeing a picture of Lee at the Oscars made me feel old. When did everybody get so old? Godammit.
I just assume celebrities do a lot of drugs, which makes them age faster.
Land of milk and honey
A television news crew was robbed at gunpoint and their security guard shot as they covered the Oakland teachers’ strike Sunday, according to police and the news station, KPIX 5.
The Oakland Police Department said officers responding to a report of a shooting just before 5 p.m. local time were told by the Bay Area news crew that they had been robbed.
KPIX said that its reporter Joe Vazquez and photographer John Anglin were conducting interviews at an Oakland Public Library branch when they were approached.
“The KPIX 5 crew was outside their news van when a car pulled up. Two suspects got out of the car and one pulled a gun on the crew, demanding their camera. The crew surrendered the equipment and then began walking back to the van,” the news station reported. “The suspect and the security guard exchanged fire. The guard was shot in the upper leg, transported to Highland Hospital and listed in stable condition.”
So long California. It was nice while it lasted.
Unpossible, Cali has common sense gun control! Just follow those guns and the perpetrators back to Indiana!
JDM as fuck
So, Trump and Turtle Head, Trump’s equivalent of Himmler, have now infiltrated the Oscars and are causing Trump supporting films to win? I haven’t seen that film, but I can just imagine that it must be the equivalent of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Can anyone stop this orange despot from destroying our democracy?
Oscars go Orange
Fuckin’ aye, man…
Why is the CIA tweeting? What possible good can come from this?
Because their greatest enemy has mastered Twitter, and they must not allow a Twitter gap!
Of course their greatest enemy is their putative boss, but whatevers.
I stumbled across this guy last night. He does (did?) youtube instructional videos about machine tools and their operation. I just looked up the website a few minutes ago and found this.
I’m sure some of you have been wondering why I dropped off the face of the earth, so I thought I would drop by and bring my status up to date. The company I helped build over the past 17 years sold last year and that enabled me to retire. I’ve heard that retirement takes some getting used to and it is definitely true. I went from spending twelve hours a day working and commuting to not doing that pretty much overnight and such a radical of change in lifestyle took some getting used to. Now, a year later, I pretty much have a handle on it and am looking at getting back to making videos again. With the recent censorship issues in YouTube, I’m also looking to set up a Patreon account where I can make whatever videos I like without fear of being shut down.
The photo on the home page is of a rifle action (falling block, I think) work-in-progress. Maybe that’s why he’s worried about de-platforming and demonetization.
The video I watched last night was very good. I’ll be watching a lot more of them.
good stuff.
Er, Patreon’s been accused of de-platforming people as well. Hope he’s got a back-up for his back-up.