Welcome to the inaugural installment of Q’s Brain Toilet; a collection of vignettes designed to demonstrate the random thoughts that flutter in and out of the Hell that is my cranium. My aim is to amuse, inform and, primarily, to inflict upon you the excrement produced by my cerebrum; because misery loves company. If people like it, and it pleases the Overlords, maybe this can become a semi-regular feature? Maybe? In any case, on with the show!
Political Nihilism: Legitimate Philosophy or Cop-out?
We Glibs comprise a loose association of philosophically similar individuals who are by no means ideologically homogeneous. Some call themselves yokeltarians, others an-caps, still others Objectivists; it runs the gamut. While I have evolved over time from a more traditional Republican in my younger days to a card carrying LP member and then to a decidedly small-l libertarian, more recently I find myself landing on what I call Political Nihilism. In many ways, I’m still a run-of-the-mill libertarian; I zealously believe in the NAP as a guiding principle of political ethics, I consider the government to be an embodiment of violence and put primary focus on individual rights and liberty. I also love ass-sex (only with ladies, sorry guys). However, I’ve come around to the thought that no matter how many limitations you place on government it will, like water in a mountain stream, find ways around them. It might take a while, but it will happen. The Founders in the US did a pretty bang up job trying to decentralize power, limit government authority and emphasize individual freedom. We see how in just 240 years it’s been chipped down into a shadow of its former self and all indications are that it will be reduced to rubble in the short to medium term. I’ve said that the right amount of government is like the right amount of cancer, so wouldn’t it stand to reason that anarcho-capitalism would be the solution? Unfortunately, I think an-cap is just as utopian as communism. I think it quickly devolves into might-makes-right with no respect for individual liberty. Where does that leave us? Well, nothing works long term. But I suppose that’s expected; like Fight Club says, given a long enough timeline, everyone’s life expectancy goes to zero. It was fun while it lasted.
Female Ejaculation vs. Squirting
Any connoisseur of the finer erotic streaming sites (as I know you all are) has surely come across videos of women ecstatically expelling large amounts of fluid during orgasm. This is often termed “female ejaculation”. I’m here to relieve and correct you of your wrongitude. Female ejaculation is a milky white secretion emitted during orgasm from the Skene’s glands, sometimes (stupidly) called the female prostate. The amount is similar to male ejaculation (1 – 5 mL) and has a similar composition to semen (with no sperm, obviously). Squirting or gushing is what is typically portrayed in porn movies and is actually a type of orgasmic incontinence. A study performed bladder ultrasounds on women who regularly squirt. Their bladders were confirmed empty prior to masturbation, then reexamined at a level of high sexual excitement to find the bladder had rapidly filled up. After climax (and attendant Old Faithfulness), the bladder was confirmed empty again. Analysis of the fluid revealed a composition similar to highly dilute urine, but with a curiously higher fructose content. For those who haven’t accomplished/experienced this kind of fun before, here is a how-to guide (seriously, majorly, utterly NSFW; not kidding, do not click).
Womb Envy?
I’ve written pretty extensively (ad nauseum in fact) on what I see as the intrinsic differences between men and women (shameless self promotion). That long-winded piece does a pretty good job, I think, of summing up why more men are failing to launch, falling behind in school, professionally and generally in life. Misandry from feminist policy making aside, men don’t have to excel anymore to get laid. The supply of pussy went up and the price came down. It also outlines that women are generally dissatisfied with the dating landscape due to giving up their leverage on the sexual marketplace. However, what accounts for monotonically declining female happiness in a more general, existential sense? This again, I believe, is an unintended consequence of the Sexual Revolution. In spite of propaganda to the contrary, women have always been part of the workforce, it’s just that in bygone days that work was primarily done in the home. Try telling any mother that raising children, cleaning, preparing meals and generally keeping life from falling apart isn’t work and you’re likely to get an open palm across the face. Additionally, women may not have entered the workforce outside the home en masse until post-Sexual Revolution, but there were still a fair number who did work before. My great-grandmother for example, graduated from college in the ’20s and worked for Union County, New Mexico as a “domestic assistant”. Essentially this meant she traveled to country folk and taught them the basics of canning food, haberdashery, general domestic skills and basic personal finance. This profession is something that contemporary feminists would deride contemptuously, but I’d like to see them do any of those things. At any rate, it’s not the work itself that has made women unhappy, I fully support people (and that includes women) pursuing whatever goals they want. What has made them unhappy is that work, as defined by feminism, has not complemented domestic life, but supplanted it. For a man, if he’s lucky, he has a job he can tolerate. For a significant portion, it’s pointless and soul-sucking drudgery; only a tiny minority really love and feel passionate about work. What makes it worthwhile for a man is the fact that the drudgery is in service of a much greater project; the support and sustenance of hearth and home. That’s what makes him get up each morning and do things he’d rather not do. You see, men’s work has never been a substitute for domestic life, it’s an integral part of it. Creating and raising children is just about the only thing in existence that lies at the intersection of our biological, sexual, intellectual and spiritual natures. It is the primary purpose of our silly little lives at the most basic level. Feminists, thinking that male work was an end to itself, sold the idea to women that entering the workforce “like a man” would lead to more life satisfaction. They grievously misunderstood that working for a man has a higher purpose to the home and that work, in and of itself, is often not very satisfying. Women largely relegated domestic life to the back burner, if not chucking it altogether, thinking that career, money and professional power would provide happiness by itself. Unfortunately, this approach has largely failed. This is not to discourage women from working or encourage men to become Mr. Mom. There are a zillion different ways to skin a domestic cat. It’s a critique that, for the vast majority of humanity, child-rearing and family must take the central role in life for maximum happiness for both men and women, whatever else may have peripheral roles.
Well, that’s it for this pilot installment of Q’s Brain Toilet. If you want more, say so in the comments. Likewise, if you hate it and want me to crawl back under the rock from whence I came, say that. Or don’t read it and skip down to the comments. Whatever.
Those pics made me think of something….
It was this.
Was that Redhead Jugsy?
Sup Tres!
I just came here to say “good evening, gentleman” to both of you.
Only six boobs?
“Brain toilet”? Seems a tad low brow, even for us.
How about “Q’s ADD theatre” ?
Seems a tad low brow, even for us.
Wait to you see my article tomorrow
Oh, just to be clear…the article is fine. I’m just quibbling on the title. ? to the content.
Brain Commode work better for ya?
Q’s Queer Quips?
Q’s Quirky Queerness?
Q’s Tips
That’s for his PUA/Game blog site.
“Jussie Smollett’s story shows how intolerant of ‘victims’ we really are
The media reaction to the actor’s alleged fabrication shows how ‘victimhood culture’ is used as a means to attack minorities”
This asshole really didn’t learn anything from “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” didn’t they?
She’s a real peach.
Why yes, yes it is. And I love how much Maliks downplays the whole “yeah apostates get the death penalty” bit. Nice piece, dear Count.
Her being both a muslim and a feminist is a guaranteed fountain of retarded.
” I have several friends and family members who are non-believers and apart from some efforts to return them to the straight and narrow or at least go through the motions of religious observance, they have not come into any physical danger.”
“As Ophelia says, this is nice but tells us jack shit.”
Actually, the “apart” tells us plenty. It says the non-believers HAVE come into physical danger … by people trying to get them to believe in their craziness, or at least hypocritically conform to keep up appearances.
It eerrily reminds me a lot of the prog mentality.
“The only pattern here is one of people taking advantage of natural sympathetic responses to adversity because they are mendacious or damaged. It’s just rare that they are high-profile celebrities. Smollett is an aberration; victimhood culture is the real hoax.”
The entirety of gender and ethnic studies at every university outside of Hillsdale disagrees with you.
Gosh, I never thought this farce would lead to navel-gazing gobbledygook at The Guardian.
After I thought about it for a second, this article is gaslighting in its purest form. The author is steeped in intersectional theory which extols power inbalances as granting moral authority on the aggrieved, yet she is explicitly denying thise exact principles which her philosophy and politics are founded on.
“The amount is similar to male ejaculation (1 – 5 mL) ”
I do way more than that. I find women are often surprised/freaked out by it.
You measure it?
My Mom (a nurse) said a tablespoon, do the math,
Did she say if it made the medicine go down?
+1 Peter North
This article provided my mind with many stimulating thots. Jokes aside, interesting musings and to be quite honest, they were quite relatable.
Change the gravitational constant of the universe please.
I want to see what effect it has on boob physics.
“The Great Due-Process Revival
I was traveling Friday and missed a rather interesting and consequential story. Lisa Borders, the CEO of Time’s Up, an “organization born of the #MeToo movement that advocates for safe and harassment-free workplaces,” has resigned. Why? Because her son was accused of sexual assault. But that’s not what makes the story truly notable. Family troubles can cause people to press pause on their careers all the time. What’s notable is that the CEO resigned in part to advocate for her son’s innocence:
Borders made it clear to Time’s Up leadership that she planned to proactively defend her son, someone close to the situation who was not authorized to discuss it publicly, and so spoke on the condition of anonymity, told The Washington Post. This created a difficult tension within the organization, whose mission revolves around believing survivors of sexual abuse.
In response, Time’s Up put out a statement that said, in part, that it “unequivocally supports all survivors of sexual harassment and abuse” and that “all of our actions were fully guided by our support for survivors.” Here’s the statement in full:”
Optimistic piece. I want to believe, but the inner cynic in me leads me to think they only care about due process when it comes to people “they like” and not icky people like the rest of us.
Progressive women only seem to care now that it is threatening their sons.
But will they learn anything from this, or will they believe that the accusations against their sons are just isolated incidents, rare breakdowns in an otherwise infallible system?
And, I’m pretty sure I heard people warning them about exactly that during the Kavanaugh hearings.
Model #2 is my absolute favorite ever of all time.
Re: Political Nihilism. Much like Mojeaux’s main sewer line, I have recurring issues with roots and clogs. Every few months I throw some copper sulfate down the can and it kills off the roots that worked their way into the aging line in search of nutrient-rich water. If I forget, I’m usually reminded by a bathtub that fills with, well, everything that I thought I’d sent off to the city’s department of public works. In other words, it’s a functional system that’s constantly under attack, and without routine culling of invasive roots. This is a bit how I see government.
Gorgeous redhead…she might be my favorite too, if her boobs weren’t so big.
Fight me.
Where did the bad lady with the big boobs touch you?
“Sex robots are raising hard questions”
“It’s still early, but if we don’t confront the ethical issues around sex robots now”
I sit around thinking of that very thing, every day. There cannot be sexbots unless they are taxed and regulated. You know, because all things that are not taxed and regulated are bad, and should not exist. And if they’re going to be regulated, I should decide what the rules are. Otherwise, people might do stuff I don’t like and that can’t be. /nannybot
Just wake me up when we get robots like 2B from Nier Automata, then I’ll start talking. Link is what she looks like.
I’d prefer one of these:
Oooh, very nice taste.
It also provides home security.
Raising hard WHAT now?
I call mine “Charlie Brown”, but “Question” is as good a name as any.
So it’s yellow with a black zig-zag?
*golf clap*
To your last point, I remember once getting in the car with my father as a kid on the way to his job that he hated (for bring your kid to work day), and sighing as he saw all the moms on their stoops chilling. He once said he’d kill to stay home and do the laundry.
Right? That whole “being a mom is the hardest job in the world” thing is such bullshit.
I mean, you know how much time I spend watching The View or Oprah or whatever? None, because I’m actually, you know, working.
As someone who has dated and been in relationships with squirters, I’m convinced those who like that pr0n niche have no direct personal experience with the condition.
It is, at best, a nuisance leading to higher laundry use.
My last girlfriend* was a squirter. She was self-conscious af about it.
(*)Decades ago.
Laundry? Pfft.
Just fall asleep in it*.
*I may be a filthy degenerate. YMMV.
No titty links? For once, they would be not OT.
Also, I would have thought someone into buttsecks would be more into butts than tits. Go figure.
Missionary anal FTW!
I’d say I stand corrected … but that’s not how missionary works.
It can, butt that’s another topic.
Who assed you?
I think you need to anal-yze your comment a little more closely.
If we aren’t careful, Swiss will come here and declare our comments null and roid.
My guess is Ted is going to correct our punctuation and stick a colon is somewhere.
“My guess is Ted is going to correct our punctuation and stick a colon is somewhere.”
Even worse, someone is going to put 2 spaces after a period, like it’s still 1945 and typewriters still exist.
Even worse, someone is going to put 2 spaces after a period, like it’s still 1945 and typewriters still exist.
Your Microsoft inspired space rationing is such an anal attempt to bugger our style manuals!
I loath having to write in APA purely due to the double space after a period rule.
Then we’d really be up shithole creek without a paddle.
Actually, I don’t this site let’s you add two spaces after a period. For example, I just tried.
HTML engines strip out consecutive spaces by default. You have to resort to tricks to get the more visually-pleasing wider space between sentences.
I’m doing an ebook right now that requires copious use of nonbreaking spaces to get it to look right (trial transcript).
Difficult, but possible.
“I would have thought someone into buttsecks would be more into butts than tits.”
They needn’t be mutually exclusive.
I love ya, ya sick fuck!
You too man.
This was the perfect opportunity to mess up Q’s post with T&A links, but I see he beat me to it.
No, messing up Q links would be a bunch of Demi Rose, ya think?
“China blocks 17.5 million plane tickets for people without enough ‘social credit’
Would-be passengers blacklisted for offences as minor as walking dogs without lead
The Chinese government blocked 17.5 million would-be plane passengers from buying tickets last year as a punishment for offences including the failure to pay fines, it emerged.
Some 5.5 million people were also barred from travelling by train under a controversial “social credit” system which the ruling Communist Party claims will improve public behaviour.
The penalties are part of efforts by president Xi Jinping‘s government to use data-processing and other technology to tighten control on society.
Human rights activists warn the system is too rigid and may lead to people being unfairly blacklisted without their knowledge, while US vice-president Mike Pence last year denounced it as “an Orwellian system premised on controlling virtually every facet of human life”.”
They just weren’t cool enough, to travel
Human rights activists warn the system is too rigid and may lead to people being unfairly blacklisted without their knowledge
As opposed to fairly blacklisted with their knowledge which is a ok. If you believe such a thing you may be an activist, but you do not support human rights.
I’m not overly confident that Pence would not support a similar thing here, if it meant stopping some marijuana addicts.
At least every Dem that orgasms over this stuff has the sense to keep their mouth shut about this.
Well, we had people legislate the same thing here due to an ill-defined threat of “terrorism”.
I do seem to remember some no-fly list thing. But it’s obviously OK when we do it, because Murika, fuck yeah!
You keep talking like this and NSA will report your reading habits…
People talk about wanting bipartisanship, but lets see what gets bipartisan support?
1. Bills that target sex trafficking (by criminalizing the publishers of reviews of Johns and hookers, which take much of the risk out of prostitution, and criminalizing advertising spaces for hookers that set them free of pimps)
2. Bills allowing the President to start, fight, but not end undeclared wars
3. The Patriot Act, which is basically 1984 in statutory form.
Fuck bipartisanship!
I think you might be “over-egging the pudding” here as not picking up after your dog and suspected to blow people up are two different things.
Not that I support the anti-terrorism no fly list.
I’m saying they are similar in the lack of accountability and oversight, much less the arcane rubric used to determine who gets put on the list in the first place.
That’s true, although conformist enough citizen and threat to national security are two very different things.
Green New Deal applauds! Just think how many flights didn’t pollute the air because these people couldn’t fly. If certain people have their way, this is coming to America, starting with those who registered in the wrong Party.
If you check the front page of Drudge right now, Maduro is on there making the white power sign.
I thought A-OK was the white power sign. That’s just the stupid “luv” thing everyone does now.
Everything is the white power sign now.
As a public service I offer the Glibertariat an emergency video to be played in time of crisis:
That is all.
Perhaps Jorge Ramos could use the above right about now.
Maduro seems to have found a use for this particular useful idiot.
Damn your nimble fingers!
Ouch, sucks to be Ramos don’t it.
Jorge Ramos detained in Venezuala. US state department says, “no…please…don’t…keep him in jail…for all eternity…”.
Damn your nimble fingers!
Why is the font so small in Q’s article?
To make the tiddies in the pics look even bigger by comparison.
It was a tad difficult to read without applying my browser’s zoom feature.
Wouldn’t mind the font if it were divvied into smaller paragraphs. For me, better readability, for the straight guys and/or lesbians, more spaces for titty pics! Win/win! That’s my main critique, Q – please keep it coming, if you’ll pardon the expression.
Hmm, this might just explain why so many of the childfree types are such miserable assholes
Say what now?
Hey! My being a miserable asshole is completely unrelated to the fact that I’m childfree!
That young lady at the end looks cold.
OT: Where’s Walda cont’d
In which our heroine doubles down on the laughable fiction that the hip bartendress’s heart lies in the bourgeois Bronx nabe where her dad left her a condo.
She’s totally a woman of the people.
Jenny from the block.
I think it’s become pretty obvious that she’s just another useful idiot that the puppet masters behind the scene can use for their purposes. When you look at her Chief of Staff, who happens to be the guy who bankrolled her campaign, the extreme radicals behind the scene are working the controls.
“Ocasio-Cortez previously claimed that she has lived since 2011 in a mortgage-free, fourth-floor condo in Parkchester, which according to records was bought by her dad, Sergio Ocasio, who died in 2008.”
How in the fuck was she broke when she moved to DC?
There wasn’t enough tips to steal from her fellow bartenders?
That is a very good question. I think the answer is that she was paying rent in a trendier neighborhood. Though to be fair, condo maintenance fees are too damn high just like rent, on the off chance she’s not lying.
Pence on Maduro and the Venezuela situation.
“It’s time to do more,” the vice president said. “The day is coming soon when Venezuela’s long nightmare will end, when Venezuela will once more be free, when her people will see a new birth of freedom,”
Nice optimism you got yourself there, Mikey. Because no way do the people there just vote in another Chavista. I mean, I’m not against optimism, but it should be tempered with a little realism.
Just got back from shooting holes in paper and you people are entire too well-behaved!
It’s Glibs After Dark!
Is it?
Aw, how adorably terrifying!
The members of MAX now look like four 40 year olds wilding out to karaoke night at a National Council of Teachers of English conference, but I’m ok with that.
I’d do karaoke with them.
I hung out at a lot of English teacher functions growing up. At no point was there so much MILF action.
Common Core has changed a lot of things.
They still look pretty good.
Proper deference to someone willing to write and article.
Now fuck off, Tulpa. Their’s some weird shit backed up in your brain hole.
people (and that includes women)
Women are essentially no different from radiators.
“I don’t charge for these potatoes”
Annie’s Shells With White Cheddar is the best boxed macaroni and cheese.
Fight me.
Of the powdered mixes, yep.
Agreed. Homemade is better though if you use the appropriate mixture of cheeses.
Yeah, that’s something I want to investigate. My mom made awesome mac ‘n’ cheese for Tksgiving but it’s not like I paid attention or anything.
The key is gouda.
I’m down with that. I like Gouda.
I use all american cheese, and it’s great.
I’m pretty sure I barged into the kitchen drunk off my ass and amused my brother and SIL by preparing a box of that. I don’t remember how it tasted.
Every now and then, I’ll add this as a side dish to an otherwise lean meal. Tonight was grilled pork tenderloin and sautéed sugar snap peas.
Were I drunk, I would pound a whole box by myself.
Thought provoking article, Mr Q. I guess I have never spent a lot of time or curiosity wondering or worrying about the physical part of the feminine orgasm, more like “C’mon, why not? Whattya mean you’re tired?” Some women seem to be content raising children and being the domestic half of the partnership, others are more competitive in the work place, having to prove their worth both to themselves and others.
Recently my wife saw a woman on TV, 79 years old, described as elderly. My wife said the equivalent of “WTF is up with that?” She (and I) think of elderly as more that just being old, more like infirm, doddering, even if we fit that description. Elderly is always older than us.
I must say though, one is never too old to appreciate Q’s daily efforts to bring a little enjoyment into what would otherwise be a drab existence. Thanks, Q.
Anytime honored wise one.
Bottom story of the day.
it’s very likely you’ve woken up with some menstrual blood on your clothes and in your bed.
No, it mostly stays on my face.
You’re a real bloodhound.
I will say this. Wife misses a blood spot on the toilet and I say nothing. I miss a poop speck with the toilet brush and it’s the end of the world. *Shrug*
The struggle is real.
“Just because we don’t want to hear feminists talk about periods all the time, that doesn’t mean they’re stigmatized.
Here are some other bodily fluids that aren’t stigmatized either, but that we would still also rather not hear about:
What kills you repeatedly is too low on the list.