Who is it?
Brett cannot come to the door at the moment. In his present condition, he may take a nasty spill down the stairs and subject himself to further PM link absences. He appreciates your understanding.
Brett does not know who you are. But know that he has a particular set of skills, built up from a long career….
Here’s links from below the wall!
Ever wonder who is buying Venezuala’s oil? They have to be producing something right? Well, now you know.
Once again, we have further proof Brazil elected a fascist as he…proposed pension reform…?
The proposal would set a minimum retirement age of 65 for men and 62 for women, among other changes.
The government said the overhaul would save more than 1 trillion reais (£210bn; $270bn) over the next decade.
But opposition parties argue the changes would penalise the poorest.
The proposal must be approved by both Houses of Congress.
Many previous governments in Brazil have tried but failed to reform the country’s pension system, which is running large deficits, a situation expected to worsen in coming decades as the country’s population ages.
President Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right politician who was elected last year, said the issue would be the number one priority at the start of his new government.

Que lastima
A 7.5 Magnitude earthquake struck near the border of Ecuador and Peru. https://www.npr.org/2019/02/22/696961234/7-5-magnitude-earthquake-strikes-near-ecuadors-border-with-peru
Unfortunately, rescue operations are not likely to be needed, much to Howlin Mad Murdock’s dismay…
“The Peru-Chile Trench is an area that hosts large earthquakes quite regularly,” the USGS said. It added that 15 other intermediate-depth earthquakes have occurred within 310 miles of the epicenter in the past 100 years.
“Today’s earthquake is the largest of these,” the USGS said.
The earthquake isn’t likely to trigger a tsunami, geologists said.
“A destructive Pacific-wide tsunami is not expected” because of the quake, the U.S. Tsunami Warning Center said in notices that were sent to Hawaii, Guam, American Samoa and other areas.
Cubans flock to the polls yesterday to vote on a new constitution. Does socialism have a future, CNN asks?
If passed, Cuba’s updated constitution would protect private property, reintroduce the role of prime minister and, for the first time, limit the Cuban presidency to two consecutive five-year terms. Championed by Raul Castro, brother and successor to Fidel, the document is hoped to enshrine the fundamentals of Cuba’s existing political system for the next generation.
Right. Sure it is. I’m calling it now, 98% of Cubans will vote to keep Castro in power.
Here’s something stuck in my head from this morning. Enjoy.
The US is ruining Venezuela’s economy by…buying their oil! It’s all a capitalist plot!
Five minutes early links?
I’m speechless.
Good thing you’ve got a keyboard handy then.
Now we’re ruining it by *not* buying the oil!
98% of Cuban will vote to keep Castro in power.
And 2% of Cubans will be re-educated with prejudice.
It is further proof that Socialism is the Peoples Choice! Not even the united states could muster 98% agreement on anything in their capitalist system. Only under socialism could we truly be united rather than divided, like we are under Trump.
Democratic socialism means open ballot democracy. How else to hold you accountable, tovarish?
Hey, if you’re not willing to stand by your vote, maybe you should just stay home, wrecker.
And by stay home we mean sifting through uranium ore by hand looking for the glowy bits in our exciting new Summer camp on the Isle of Pines
¡lViva la revolución!
He had a record setting crowd at his inauguration.
That is one of my favorite lead-in photos.
Truth. Something about topless girls with body paint is particularly appealing.
And who is the guy whose photo always appears in the Mexican links?
Have you never seen the A-Team?
You, sir, have missed out on some of the best schlock the 80s have to offer. Just watch the opening credits and tell me you’re not hooked.
Holy shit, I didn’t know Broccoli was in that.
He is in one of the best and most ridiculous sequences in television history.
The A-Team is imprisoned. As a part of their escape plot, he screams for trash bags.
Give me TRASH BAGS!!!
Since he is crazy, they give him a bunch of trash bags. They proceed to attach a bunch of them to a lawn chair and make a balloon to escape.
The A-Team is THE BEST.
Of course. Who else can fire hundreds of rounds not hit anyone and still capture and disarm their enemies.
GI Joe
The automatic Mini14 is capable of overturning military trucks and causing jeeps to explode violently into the air, so you definitely don’t want to be hit by one.
Luckily, a Mini 14 can’t hit anything.
That is correct.
I have to think that video would be Q-approved
+1 1961 Ferrari 250GT California
It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.
Checks bank account… hmm… probably not this month (or any other).
Well, the one in the movie was a replica, so maybe you can!
Wasn’t grokking the movie quotes at first. But about that….
Supposed to be a linky.
That name…
Not as classy as Barrett-Jackson is it?
Depends on what your plans are for Saturday night, Sailor…
/wink wink
“The proposal would set a minimum retirement age of 65 for men and 62 for women, among other changes.”
Why do women get to retire earlier than men? Men have lower life expectancy.
That is a good question.
Because men can’t win Miss Brazil.
To continue with my “my co-workers are whiners”, this gem from the all-hands:
Oh-noes, management representing the interests of the company owners!
How would they feel about having their retirement accounts rolled over entirely to company stock?
I’ll go out on a limb and say the person who wrote that is likely terribly with money and probably can’t even be bothered to delay a little gratification and put some money into the excellent ESPP (15% off the lower of the open or close price, twice a year – can be set to auto-sell. It’s (almost) free money).
I had that at my first real job. Free money for sure!
You could technically lose money if the stock tanked by more than that 15% between the close of the period and the shares hitting your account / getting sold – it’s about a week.
That has never happened since I’ve been here; the stock has indeed made some big drops now and then, but never in that that brief of a time and never during the actual buy period.
“Oh-noes, management representing the interests of the company owners!”
This is pretty much why my interest in sports is on the wane. Too many of the goddamned fans think they are entitled to tell others how to spend their money but don’t want to hear anyone tell them how to spend theirs and are also the first to bitch about the price of beer, the price of parking, etc. Sports turns too many people into socialists.
There is no I in team.
There is a me though.
In Spanish there is. (equipo)
Those Spanish have a different word for *everything*!
But there is in WINNER.
I hear what you’re saying and generally agree,…………..but as a Yankee fan it’s offputting that they have over 700 million in annual revenue, charge the obscene prices they charge, and won’t sign Bryce Harper.
I’m back from Houston. I’ll never complain about Florida humidity again, because Houston is somehow worse.
Your daily nutkick: cop abuses his K9 for not finding drugs during a vehicle search. I mean, is it really that hard to just pretend the dog alerted like your colleagues do?
Yeah, Houston is another-level awful when it comes to the heat/humidity combo. We went in July a few years ago to visit my aunt and a good friend of mine. That timing may have been a mistake.
I was there for an on-site client install earlier this month, which is an open-air pipe mill, and froze my ass off (it was warmer back in NC the whole time). I jokingly told one of the guys that worked there that I could never move to Houston because it’s too cold. It was funny watching him try to make sense of it.
That’s rage-inducing.
That awkward moment when you have the integrity to not violate a person’s civil rights, but not enough to keep from abusing an animal.
If you abuse a person’s civil rights, there’s a slim chance that person might actually deserve it.
When you abuse a dog, there’s zero chance the dog deserved it.
I agree. I was having a hard time figuring out the wording to say they exercised restraint, while not at all exercising restraint. I tend to value dogs higher than people most days.
The dog won’t file a complaint, but the driver might.
Dogs as a species are man’s greatest creation.
Some individual dogs are absolute bastards, however.
“Many people are speaking out and are asking for the officer in the video below to be charged with assault on a police officer.”
That would be awesome. That dog has a badge, you know.
Hey, they do it all the time when John Q. Public kicks a police dog.
A police dog that is in the act of biting him.
I won’t lie, when I’ve had a stressful week and I come home to find that one of the dogs has emptied the trash across the kitchen floor, eaten a shoe, and shit in the coat closet, no living creature with any sense stays within a mile of me until I’ve calmed down. What that kind of thing shows everyone else who sees (or hears) you is that you don’t have control of yourself or your dog. As a cop, I’d be very, very conscious of how unprofessional and, frankly, how bush-league that made me look.
“The proposal would set a minimum retirement age of 65 for men and 62 for women, among other changes.”
Any insurance plan that does the opposite of what the data suggests – and the data shows that women live longer than men – is doomed to bankruptcy. But apparently Brazilians want their bankruptcy faster.
But three years less complaining might be worth the price?
Obviously, there retirement is 30% less than a man’s so it works out in the end?
their not there
Well, everyone know that women are hardest hit; they’re the ones who are left behind by widowhood, much like being left behind by war.
Sign me up
A Tesla battery powered car that crashed, burst into flames and burned its driver beyond recognition Sunday evening along Flamingo Road in Davie repeatedly caught fire after being brought to the tow yard used by police, officials said Monday.
The 4-door 2016 Tesla Model S was northbound near the 1300 block of S. Flamingo Road shortly before 4:30 p.m. Sunday when “the vehicle left the roadway for unknown reasons,” police said.
The car swerved through three lanes of traffic, hit a median and some trees and burst into flames, killing the driver, identified by Davie police as Omar Awan.
The Tesla was eventually towed to A Superior Towing on Southwest 66th Terrace in Davie where fire crews were called out at least three times during the overnight hours.
“We have a problem where the car keeps catching fire because the battery pack itself hasn’t drained yet,” said Davie Fire Rescue Battalion Chief Robert Diferdinando.
Stupid people do stupid things, but…. I’ll stick with my internal combustion horseless carriage.
I drove behind a Tesla today with a vanity plate that said “LUDDITE”.
Sounds like they need to include a halon fire suppression system as an option on those things.
“repeatedly caught fire after being brought to the tow yard used by police”
So it wasn’t all bad.
Once again the so called “Ring of Fire” lets me down. Good thing I can count on the State of Hawaii to let me know I’m being nuked, or maybe not.
Hooray for “Employee 1”!
If that happens again, the entire system is rendered completely worthless (if not already).
Another Ballistic Missile Alert? Cool! Maybe we can get an outdoor table for brunch!
Best part was that after Employee 1 was fired he threatened to sue. When he was informed that then he would be identified by name in public he withdrew the lawsuit.
Page 10 sub para q states that “Employee 1” “poor performance” has been a “concern for over 10 years”. Isn’t that the quality individual who you want on your tsunami and nuke attack warning team?
Actually, you may have accidentally hit on something there.
What are the chances that he will ever actually have to do anything? I mean, once every hundred years or so there might be a tsunami. And if there actually is a nuclear attack, who is really going to come behind you to evaluate your management skills for putting him in the position to make the announcement.
At no point did Employee 1 assist in the process
Sounds just like the kind of person we need in that position
I found the perfect keychain for Baked Penguin:
The Cubans should just change their flag to a White flag.
They’ve given up if they vote for Castro.
Since anyone foolhardy enough to vote against it can expect violent retaliation, it passing overwhelmingly would only mean the Cuban populace aren’t fools or martyrs.
They’ve been beaten into submission.
But hey. They have free health care and 100% literacy!
All we have to do is re-define literacy and redefine health care and we’ll be at 100% in each, too.
It always tickles me how people don’t understand how easy it is to achieve literacy for a Spanish speaker. Since Spanish reads exactly as it is spoken it really takes no more than a couple weeks.
I posted a quick update to Monocle that doesn’t kill the Glib sidebar buttons anymore. It also moves the “next unread button” away from the “mark all unread” button because I was sick of fat fingering it.
I’m trying to figure out viewport stuff on mobile because I’m sick of it word wrapping on one page, but running off the side on another. That, and I want the side buttons to not resize with the rest of the page. Oh well, maybe next weekend.
Thank you for all your work on this.
Seconded. It is so choice!
New Monocle is beautiful. Thank you for doing this for us.
This is perfect timing for me as I’m rebuilding after a disk crash last night. How do I install it.
Mammary Monday sez “The bigguns always win!”
I’ll be in my bunk tabulating the results.
Says the Cuban election monitor.
Surprisingly weak link despite 100 pics.
“Yup. If you don’t like the #GreenNewDeal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the global climate crisis. Until then, we’re in charge – and you’re just shouting from the cheap seats.”
Totally not a power-mad narcissist.
I don’t like the “we’re in charge”. You’re in charge of jack shit. You’ve proposed some nonsense, now you have to do the pesky work of actually turning any of that into law.
Er, “I _do_ like”
Yeah, that “I’m in charge” tantrum for a frosh congresswoman is not going to sit well with Pelosi, et als. Her district may keep re-electing her but House leadership is going to keep her away from the levers of power.
That annoying bitch really needs to be brought down a few pegs.
Which one? Or both?
I never thought I’d see the day where Pelosi and Feinstein represent the moderate portion of the Dem Party.
Oh, wait, I’ve heard this one before. “Oh, ok smart guy, you don’t like Obamacare? Then how would YOU provide healthcare to every American citizen using tax revenue?”
How about this classic: “Well, uh, I won!’
Glad we only have to listen to her for 11 more years.
And then she’ll be President?
all life on our planet dies from AGW.
Someone needs to shove a mic in her face and ask if she will pledge to resign her seat on Feburary 24th 2031 if she’s still in office.
“on-scale proposal”
what does “on-scale” mean?
It means we can find out if it weighs more than a duck?
Urban Dictionary says it’s a drug term:
on scale
When you get the correct amount of grams of pot for the money you paying.
Damn if this ounce isnt on scale, I wont buy from this lady again.
Good work, Raston.
Planet changing to the proper temperature levels.
Global entropy and heat death of the universe?
−459.67 °F
on scale = cost prohibitive
I’d propose we do absolutely nothing and see how it works out but that’s not alarmist enough for that crowd.
“Absolutely nothing” is my favorite course of action, too. But even many skeptics feel the need to sound “serious”, so “absolutely nothing” is rarely mentioned.
I hope this chick stays around forever. The Pachyderms should be relentlessly pushing her as the (horse)face of the New Dem Party.
Yes, she is their best weapon. Can you imagine her and her faction at the Dem National Convention in 2020? After they don’t get GND on the platform?
It’s going to make Chicago ’68 look tame.
Didn’t I post that in the AM links last week?
/turns and watches Perfect Strangers rerun.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a transcript of her grades in college.
I’d rather see the video of how she earned them.
“No teeth!”
She’s all teeth.
Not true she is 33% teeth 33% eyes and 33% tits
Have you seen how long it takes her to blink? There’s a lot of territory to cover.
Until then, we’re in charge
A minority faction of the party that controls half of one of the three branches of government. Totes in charge.
She learned government as well as she learned economics.
Why aren’t these people doing the honorable thing and offing themselves for the good of Mother Gaia?
Oooh, some shitlord went there with the all-hands questions:
As a white male, am I at a disadvantage for getting the promotions that are being targeted to help diversity?
I’m guessing zero chance that would be asked if there were a name publicly attached.
Please do share the reply if there is one. I do so love a good dance number.
They pick a few to answer from the stage – the rest just get dropped, sadly, though there have been requests to have them all answered after the fact.
They did pick the one I referred to on the last thread – the one complaining about the two “middle-aged white men” who just got promoted (i.e., the highly experienced, long-time employees). The best part was the line about “a lack of diversity in leadership”, when the guy the question was directed to is an African American gent.
I did not watch the Oscars last night, but apparently Nike aired another woke commercial…
Women may indeed have a hard time at work just for being women; I’m not really qualified to speak to that. However, I’m not really interested in hearing about from Nike under the “awareness-raising” banner.
10x more men die on the job than women. Beat that ladies.
At least until transwomen start competing on the pro tour and crush Serena 6-1, 6-0.
Serena should have been given a year’s suspension for threatening to shove a fucking ball down a line judge’s fucking throat. Instead she got to play the doubles final the next day.
“Yup. If you don’t like the #GreenNewDeal, then come up with your own ambitious, on-scale proposal to address the global climate crisis. Until then, we’re in charge – and you’re just shouting from the cheap seats.”
There is no conceivable alternative to imposing a stupid, pointless, fantastically expensive government program. If you can’t come up with something bigger, dumber and more expensive than ours, you’re not serious, so STFU.
Psssst…I’ve got a secret, it’s not about the environment.
I like that she’s really working to elevate the level of discourse. Maybe a bunch of people should follow her around and yell at her when she’s trying to have dinner, that seems like something she’d support.
Here’s a thought, idiot: if you were serious, you wouldn’t have taken nuclear off the table. That alone tells me that you invested no mental effort into this absurd proposal. Calling it a plan is even more absurd. Let me demonstrate by sharing my plan to bed Kate Upton:
1. Be me
2-81,329. ????
81,330. Have sex with Kate Upton.
#2 – Don’t be you, be a professional ball player.
#3 – Profit!!
I might need a 2a…
Be handsome, be attractive and don’t be unattractive.
Ok, and it’s short. Redefine baseline budget rules to call for 10% reductions from baseline every year instead of increase, apply them to all items both discretionary and non. Forbid continuing resolutions and in any year in which a deficit occurs said deficit is offset by 1. Congressional salaries until they hit 0, 2. proceeds of sale to the public of sitting congress critter’s pensions, 3. ditto prior congresscritters, 4. fines upon sitting congresscritters up to their net worth, with an exemption for those voting against the unbalanced budget, 5. proceed of putting congresscritters on the street until the bitches bring back our money!
I’m trying my hardest to understand how this could possibly work but am coming up with nothing. Does collecting a pension early grant poor people some kind of magical power to no longer be poor? Please help me out here.
“… it will penalise the poor, who are more likely to start working at a young age and would now be required to work longer before being able to collect pension benefits.”
There’s a lot to unpack in that statement.
It does if you have no other source of income.
Like…. continuing to work?
Duh. In the same way new Walmarts always hurt the poorest, with their large supply of cheap goods, and easily obtained full time jobs.
Has Brazil figured a way to reduce the female mortality gap in most of the world? Here in the US women live to an age 7 years higher on average, so it seems like countries should require women to work to a higher age, not a lower one, to level out the pension discrepancies.
Hmm. This would likely level out the gender pay gap as well, so win-win.
Reminds me of a sign I once saw. Married men don’t live longer than single men. It just seems that way.
What happens when you combine schadenfreude, irony and orgasm?
Um, a flat chested St Pauli girl?
Can someone smarter than me, which is pretty much everyone and everything, explain how Justin is not resigning or why there’s no non-confidence motion talk? This is easily one of the biggest scandal in the last 40 years – even arguably bigger than the Sponsorship scam (ahem also under the Liberals)>
Got a good text summary rather than a YouTube video?
Because he is so dreamy?
Who’s going to make Fidel’s bastard child resign?
how Justin is not resigning
He is incapable of admitting mistakes, and the Party bigwigs would have to force him. Which leads to
why there’s no non-confidence motion talk?
In an election year? Yeah. No.
This is easily one of the biggest scandal in the last 40 years
The scandal is “Quebecois company did business in Libya the way you do business in Libya (and in Quebec).” The real problem for Liberals is that the good ship HMCS Liberal Party Ways ran onto the reefs of Current Year Archipelago, and that the Party can choose between usual gang of pragmatic assholes or home-grown AOC.
Except they were embedding giving them a free pass in a budget bill.
Good point about the election year.
Nothing is gonna happen unless she speaks and drops a major bomb.
Yes, they were covering their asses legally. Once the asses were covered, they asked their minister to apply said law to the favored corporation. Turns out she wasn’t trained enough, and so now it’s a question of who exactly asked, and how.
From today’s CBC update
This is how Canadian government operated since John MacDonald got a bunch of people drunk, so I’m not sure what’s with everyone’s feinting spells.
As is the horror that when you get contracts in Arab world, you pay bribes for them. Jesus Christ, Yes, Minister did an episode on it in early 80s.
Except all this was *supposed* to end with Trudeau but he’s every bit the *normie*.
Yes, it’s how it’s done. Construction is beyond corrupt. But you don’t think when ‘called out’ it’s not wise for the government influence in this manner?
No, I think it’s unwise to put unreliable harridans whose only qualification is their reproductive apparatus in sensitive positions. You have infinite number of useless cabinet posts so put your Current Year showpieces in them, and keep good old Party hacks where it actually counts.
Remember, had someone not opened their mouth and leaked, none of this would have happened.
I could explain it to you, but I don’t think you’re smart enough to understand it.
Near as I can figure it is only because Trudeau, and by extension the LPC, have no sense of same. They are the Natural Governing Party doncha know. I am enjoying the fact that this scandal has gained and is still gaining traction with the public, and can only hope that the electorate punish the Liberals nationally in the same manner that Ontarions punished the Liberals provincially. Obviously I despise the LPC, but more than that I detest the cult of personality that swept this incompetent boob into office and would love nothing more than to see the Trudeau family dynasty end here.
Doh – sense of shame
Nice avatar. (I’ve got almost the same one at my blog.)
Claude Raines was a great film star. Great inscrutability equalled great range as an actor. Much as I love Bogart and Bergman, in many ways I think of him as the star of Casablanca.
To be fair, he got the best lines and the character development they did with Bogart worked much better on him.
Ontario? Heck, I want them to go down in flames like the PCs in 1993. Down to two seats or less!
The Ontario Libs did lose official party status. Only seven members were elected. I enjoyed that. Note the common denominator of Gerald Butts in both situations. Hopefully this finishes that arrogant, Green whacko’s career as a political mover and shaker.
You’d have to be kind of thick to think Venezuela’s problems stem from the U.S. becoming close to energy independent, rather than the consequence of socialism good and hard.
A better kind of thickness:
5 is especially noteworthy
Hey, let’s embrace socialism now, so that future socialists can write about how the US was already bound for collapse anyway, and actually made some amazing gains in education and helping the poor before everything unexpectedly fell apart.
OT: Anybody know a good data use analyzer for Windows 10?
We have data caps before getting download speed throttled, and about two weeks ago Dad’s computer started going through data like there’s no tomorrow. The terrible tools native to W10 only show data use for the past 30 days, and claim Firefox is using about 75-80% of the data. But when I opened Firefox there was nothing in the history and as far as I can tell it’s not set to delete the cache and history on closing.
I know it’s not my computer because I always have Linux’s system monitor open. That, and there’s a separate overnight data limit which is the vast majority of what I use since I leave for work before the regular data kicks in. I download a couple of hours’ worth of mostly spoken-word MP3 files each day, and we normally only go through about a week’s worth of the overnight data.
I would start by scanning the thing for bots, malware and rootkits. In-band monitoring is inherently suspect; are you able to measure data usage through your switch or router?
I would also check for any rogue browser extensions that may have installed themselves surreptitiously. Failing that you could run a Wireshark capture to maybe find what it’s trying to talk to.
Also longer term given your restrictive data you could consider Pi-hole. This is mostly going to work only on browser based issues, but it might help save you data for content.
Only within 0.1 GB. I was hoping for something more precise.
You listen to spoken word? Wanna hear mine new track?
Perhaps your dad is using private mode for, um, stuff?
Not on weekends, or I’d hear the videos. (And just as much data is getting used on the weekends.)
When I opened up the browser, to try to analyze the problem, it only used up the 1MB or so that the home page uses. More importantly, I had to untick the auto-update option, which I thought I had already done.. I’ll have to check that again in the morning.
I’d mock your dad but it’s literally what happened to me this weekend.
Somehow Chrome on laptop I use maybe 20 minutes twice a week ate up 310GB in last 30 days. That’s four times the amount my main machine (games, twitch streaming, netflix, youtube) used in the same period. No crazy plugins, and malwarebytes came clean. I mean, it’s possible MWB is not longer top notch but that means I may as well go Linux…
While I had Dad’s computer on, I got a popup saying Malwarebytes came clean, too.
Is your dad’s computer on Windows 10? It’s possible that it’s trying to install update 1809 which Microsoft has decided to do through a “phased rollout” since it caused so many problems when they tried to push it rapidly. The computer might be downloading the update, failing to install it, deleting it, and then repeating the process. Microsoft has made it abundantly clear that, with Windows 10, they don’t give a flying fuck about your bandwidth, peace of mind, or even ownership of the computer, you will install updates. The part where the updates are supposed to work and not cause bigger problems, well that’s just one of those unimportant little details.
El oh fucking el.
Ummm…. is one of you going to test that out?
Almost – almost – makes me wish I had a Twitter account. Then again, no it doesn’t.
Don’t worry about what’s in it. We’ll tell you when the time is right .
The so-called Green New Deal may tally between $51 trillion and $93 trillion over 10-years, concludes American Action Forum, which is run by Douglas Holtz-Eakin, who directed the non-partisan CBO from from 2003 to 2005.
That includes between $8.3 trillion and $12.3 trillion to meet the plan’s call to eliminate carbon emissions from the power and transportation sectors and between $42.8 trillion and $80.6 trillion for its economic agenda including providing jobs and health care for all.
“The Green New Deal is clearly very expensive,” the group said in its analysis. “It’s further expansion of the federal government’s role in some of the most basic decisions of daily life, however, would likely have a more lasting and damaging impact than its enormous price tag.”
“Any so-called ‘analysis’ of the #GreenNewDeal that includes artificially inflated numbers that rely on lazy assumptions, incl. about policies that aren’t even in the resolution is bogus,” Markey said on Twitter. “Putting a price on a resolution of principles, not policies, is just Big Oil misinformation.”
Yeah, that’s it- Big Oil Misinformation.
You just need to learn to love Big Brother.
The so-called Green New Deal may tally between $51 trillion and $93 trillion over 10-years
How many is that in human skulls?
It is approximately 1 metal as fuck pyramid worth
Putting the Green in the Green New Deal.
I’m shocked we haven’t heard about its multiplier effect.
If they are using CBO methods, that means it will definitely cost more than $93 trillion.
Just a few Trillion dollar coins, no big. Governments can’t run out of money.
True, Money was about the only thing the Venezuelans didn’t run out of.
If you didn’t already know that valiant champion of the people Ocasio-Cortez does not have a district office, well, now you know.
I figured she would be horrible at constituent services. May not be enough to get her kicked off the gravy train, but you never know.
Crowley must have run a pitiful primary campaign or run no campaign at all.
I blame the Russians.
Crowley assumed re-election was a given. And only 26,000 bothered voting.
An amazing set of cans:
Nice jugs too.
I think these guys went to the Humpty Dumpty School of Rhetoric
While McConnell and other critics seem to think that they can defeat the Green New Deal by repeating a tired mantra – “we can’t afford to do it” – the real question is: how can we afford not to? Without bold action to tackle climate change, toxic pollution and economic and racial inequity, our society will only see rising fiscal burdens. A Green New Deal would not only help us avoid mounting costs – it also would stimulate broad-based demand in the economy by investing in real drivers of economic prosperity: workers and communities. That’s in stark contrast to the GOP’s expensive recent policy priority – the nearly $2tn tax cuts of 2018 – which did little more than enrich stateless mega-corporations and the wealthiest investors.
A Green New Deal is first and foremost about justice – prioritizing working people, communities of color and others who bear the brunt of stagnant wages, polluted air and water, and climate impacts. It’s about acting at the speed and scale that equity and science demand. But if opponents want to debate the plan’s straight economic merits, Green New Deal backers should welcome the opportunity. The plan is also about fiscal foresight.
If you don’t like the way we define the terms of the debate, don’t worry, we can always invent some more unfalsifiable (to us) assertions for later use.
Exactly what I told my wife when we looked at timeshares, and the salesman totally agreed with me.
Speaking of which, anybody interested in a timeshare? Seller is highly motivated.
Yeah. Not doing the green new deal will definitely hurt those people. Just like building Walmarts and raising pension ages hurts them. Because reasons.
Why do you hate working people?
They’re not smart enough to be non-working people?
Crowley must have run a pitiful primary campaign or run no campaign at all.
“What are they gonna do, vote for some loudmouth barkeep?”
Check out a certain Glibness in the comments.
You lost me at “The Ezra Klein Show”
Nah read on, Marohn really is great. I thoroughly enjoy his writing. He has a pretty unique perspective.
I mean…how do you argue against that?
“MUST-READ. I’ve experienced most of this, but nowhere near as intensely as Scott did. The ghouls who carry on these unpersoning campaigns need to be kept far, far away from positions of power or responsibiltiy, or there will be devastating outcomes”
Modern Monetary Theory: an amalgam of, “We’re not broke. We still have checks” and “When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping”.
“Poli-sci professor Wilfred Reilly has found more than 400 instances of hate crime hoaxes in America in his research. The epidemic we are experiencing isn’t in hate crimes but rather hate hoaxes.”
It’s almost as if incentives matter. They heap praise on Jussie for weeks and then turn around and ask, “Why would he do this?” Now, I’m against political violence, but damn do they test our patience.
I’m curious how the numbers run on “legitimate” hate crimes: crimes in which no assailant is found, in which motivation is established by the alleged victim alone, in which the victim declines to press charges or stops working with police after the headlines run, etc.
Look, I’m not sayin’ that hate crimes don’t happen. I’m just sayin’ that if there are more hate crime hoaxes than actual, provable hate crimes…
FTA: “Doing research for a book, Hate Crime Hoax, I was able to easily put together a data set of 409 confirmed hate hoaxes. An overlapping but substantially different list of 348 hoaxes exists at fakehatecrimes.org, and researcher Laird Wilcox put together another list of at least 300 in his still-contemporary book Crying Wolf. To put these numbers in context, a little over 7,000 hate crimes were reported by the FBI in 2017 and perhaps 8-10% of these are widely reported enough to catch the eye of a national researcher.”
So more of these are hoaxes than the number of “widely reported” ones. And just because a hate crime is reported doesn’t mean it is one, since people have a tendency to claim race is a factor when it isn’t.
I’d imagine that if anyone were to look at the non-hoax “hate crime” cases a bit more carefully, they wouldn’t tell quite the narrative people seem to think. The victims may match the popular perceptions, but the perpetrators… not so much.
Can’t tell if serius
You keep sugar-freeing by adding quotation marks to the end of your links.
Sigh. It always pulls up on my end. Time to reinstall monocle, eh.
Nation Breathes Sigh Of Relief As Ocasio-Cortez Comes Out Against Having Children
The BB just keeps bringing the funny!
“The year is 2019. You’d think we’d be living in a progressive paradise by now, with energy-efficient trains crisscrossing the idyllic countryside, everyone being accepted for who they are—gay, bi, straight, or polygamous—and all people having equal access to free government breadlines.
But no. In the actual year 2019 that Trump has created, gay people are still being forced to attack themselves in the streets. Gay people, especially black gay people, have been so brainwashed by the messaging of Trump’s America that they are now hiring people to oppress them right out in the open.
This isn’t some third-world country where this is happening. This isn’t in some dystopian young adult fiction, where I get most of my political ideas. It’s here. It’s now. Every day, a gay person somewhere in this country hires a couple of Nigerian guys to make it look like he’s hated and oppressed.”
The Onion hit one out of the park a few days ago.
This one made me LOL.
Fun with corrections. Fun with Vox.
Predicting premature deaths is the best, because it’s irrefutable. Even though people statistically end up living as long or longer after warming, they would have lived even longer than that if not for the warming. And if the warming doesn’t happen, then all those people lived because it didn’t. Prove otherwise, denier!
And yet there are more provable deaths from actual hockey sticks.
It wasn’t me!
It’s a trick!
President Donald Trump’s company says it has donated nearly $200,000 to the U.S. Treasury to make good on its promise to hand over profits from foreign governments using its properties.
The Trump Organization says the check for $191,538 represents profits from embassy parties, hotel stays and other foreign government spending at the Washington, D.C., hotel and other properties last year. The voluntary donation is up from $151,470 to cover his first year in office.
The nerve of that guy.
See. See. He’s admitting these things were illegal emoluments and the Dems in the House can now investigate whatever other transactions have not been remitted.
I wonder if Hillary had won, if the Clinton Foundation would be so constrained?
I wonder if Hillary had won, if the Clinton Foundation would be so constrained?
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha *gasp hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahah
No hard feelings, though.
The spokesman for Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) 2016 presidential campaign slammed Hillary Clinton and her staff as “total ingrates” and “assholes” following criticism from ex-Clinton aides over Sanders’s use of private jets.
“You can see why she’s one of the most disliked politicians in America. She’s not nice. Her people are not nice,” Michael Briggs, the spokesman, told Politico of Clinton. “[Sanders] busted his tail to fly all over the country to talk about why it made sense to elect Hillary Clinton and the thanks that [we] get is this kind of petty stupid sniping a couple years after the fact.”
Briggs also called Clinton and her staff “assholes.”
“It doesn’t make me feel good to feel this way but they’re some of the biggest assholes in American politics,” he said, according to Politico.
Sometimes ya gotta call ’em how ya see ’em.
“We Must Defend Free Thought
In a lengthy blog post on his website, the writer and psychiatrist Scott Alexander (his website Slate Star Codex is a near anagram of his name) describes how his life was derailed by those who harassed him over comments made on a Reddit forum related to his blog. The full background story and blog post can be found here, but the short version is that because right-of-centre people were not completely banned from the thread, and because discussions which were actually diverse took place, people were able to point to the small percentage of comments that included those they consider beyond the pale–hereditarians, anti-feminists, etc.—and claim that the entire thread, and Scott himself, was racist and misogynist, among other sins.
Scott points out that it was not trolling that got him (and the forum) into trouble. It was people expressing themselves in a civil, reasonable way:”
To be sure, Slate Star Codex is one of the few publications Quillette could call “lengthy”.
Someone posted it over on Discord, I was reading along, nodding then came to this exchange in the comments
I laughed.
Scott is a fairly honest person, and so pretty open about his biases, but you can infer from the posts that led to bans, and the ones that didn’t, that he has biases a bit beyond even what he admits. One would think that harping about communism, Marx, Stalin, class consciousness, etc. in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with any of those topics would also get one a ban… but, no, apparently not.
““I had to literally teach myself how important I was and how ethereal I truly am.” What Dating and Love is Like For 10 Nonbinary People (Ethereal?)”
It’s hard out there for non-binary cannibal.
Xe seems nice.
Plumbing problems continue apace. Smart money’s on roots in the main line, but first! A cleanout has to be installed in our main stack to find out…
Stay tuned.
These euphemisms are really getting obscure.
Sticking a root in the mainline is obscure?
There is no glory in these holes.
Well, at least not until you get a clean out installed on your main stack.
A little something to cheer everybody up.
“Roots”, plural.
I may have to do some research.
I was trying to keep it at X, instead of XXX.
I have to work with what I’m given.
Kunta Kinte hardest hit.
“Derpity, derpity, derp. Derp, derp, derp, derp. Derp.”
Spud’s review of today’s news.
I think you’re missing a few derps.
Oh, but speaking of bad news, anybody heard from DOOMco?
Any of you NY glibs been to the bowling alley lounge at the port authority?
Anyway I’m there, and no less than 7 cops plus a cop dog just came in to remove someone who looks like a homeless guy. Us at the bar were startled to hear what sounded like a wolf, followed by a swarm of cops come in, go to the bowling alley, and remove the homeless black guy.
Seems like a bit of overkill
I’ve been by it – haven’t gone in. Because the PA is someplace I always want to get out of as fast as I can.
It’s a surprisingly nice, civilized after work spot. $5 drinks for happy hour, free pool, use of bathrooms. (If you’ve been to Mccanns in P.A. you know they have no bathroom. )
If I stay at work late the line for the Hoboken bus is too long, so it’s a nice place to kill time.
I haven’t been at the Port Authority in 25 years.
Last time I was there, I got on a bus along with a nice Russian immigrant lady who struck up a conversation with me because I was wearing my Russian hat. She informed me she had helped teach herself English by reading Danielle Steele novels — and she even had the thank you letter from Steele to prove it!
You wouldn’t recognize the whole area now. 25 years ago was a different, unreasonable deuce
You know what I mean
The ‘deuce’ is what I’m afraid of.
My experience with all the homeless around Penn Station is the cops mostly ignore them.
“Tommy Robinson stings BBC in undercover investigation”
#Panodrama – An Exposé of the Fake News BBC!
OMG! “Why?!? Why me?!?” at the end is epic.
OK, that’s pretty good
Those girls look cold