Concerning the emergency Caesarean on the non-pregnant woman, they were probably afraid to ask.
The emergency C-section was carried out when paramedics noticed her stomach was protruding and thought she could be ‘eight months’ pregnant.
OK, my EMS certification is much more basic than that of a paramedic, BUT: Srsly, guys? Trauma patient in auto accident and she has a distended abdomen? First guess would be internal bleeding. Also, these guys have at a minimum stethescopes and if she was eight months preggers even a half deaf medic like me could hear a fetal heartbeat. Protocol is to start asking questions about existing medical conditions, etc, first thing. That lacerated aorta should have also been stethoscope-detectable by anyone with paramedic certification, etc.
Stop complaining, all that medical care is “free”! What do you expect for nothing?
Ironically, you never hear about this sort of thing happening with Volunteer Fire and Rescue organizations in the US. There are many of these in rural areas and the care is truly free*. The paramedics in the article are supposedly full-time professionals.
(*)Yes, they do bill you but they don’t send the debt to collection if you don’t pay. Many of these orgs also receive government grants but in an ideal world those grants would not exist or be truly rare.
They have an Orthodox volunteer ambulance service in Brooklyn called Hatzolah…I’m always afraid of getting in an accident and getting an unwanted circumcision.
[golf clap]
Also, interesting. I’m guessing that’s because of Orthodox restrictions on contacts with non-family members of the opposite sex.
I think pikuach nefesh would apply to most situations that paramedics find themselves in, so they should be fine.
Yeah, but you have to pay them with gold.
They’re going to want their pound of flesh.
The grants would be there but they would be raised by private charity, likely enacted by the county government itself
I want to know what kind of shit car (Vauxhall something-or-other) she was driving to get killed by a Toyota Yaris.
Wash Dyke Lane
Trudy has his own (ignored) allegations in his past.
Speaking of Canada…
I was thinking of doing a satirical travelogue loosely based upon my road trip through canada and glibland this year. What I don’t know if I’ll still remember/have the motivation to do it when I have the pictures.
Please do. I love me a good, personal travelogue .
And remember that most digital cameras also do audio-only recording so you can record brief notes that you can transcribe later.
Well, I know the GoPro captures audio just fine. Not sure about the Nikon.
You might have to record a brief video to get the audio, but if you’re just using that for the audio then you can just leave the camera pointed at the ground, or whatevs.
Body cam but don’t forget to turn it on
My wifes Nikon DSLR can capture both video and audio in addition to stills
Yeah, but I forget what model and year this Nikon is. I just like it beacuse I’m used to it.
J-series (J1 or J4, not sure about the newer ones) won’t take audio-only. Thankfully I only care about shooting vids without the sound, not the other way around.
I would read. I thought about doing something similar.
I would be interested, but my own reporting on my trip to Ottawa was met with resounding apathy. Even though I had some choice alt-text.
It’s just an excuse to create a new comments thread anyway.
Nothing to do with it being centered on Ottawa, nope, no sir.
Next Installment: Not Adahn Visits The Delaware Screen Door Factory
Shay, now 27, is part of a growing group of “sober curious” Americans, many of them women influenced by health and wellness concerns, who are experimenting with alcohol-free living
As a life long teetotaler, I find this whole article very strange.
>>As a life long teetotaler
::looks suspiciously at leon::
His article last night was waaay to convincing, too. I started reading and I thought “What the hell happened to this site?”
He could be one of those wacky Mormons.
Wacky is the first word that comes to mind when I see Mitt Romney.
As a very moderate / occasional drinker since college – #meetoo.
How do you not know what it’s like to be not drunk at the age of 27?
Smell a rat, do you?
Either that or the ocean of booze and a serious case of cirrhosis.
Kruschev approves
“As a life long teetotaler, I find this whole article very strange.”
As in why is this news? My take is sober curious is the new vegan or crossfitter
I’m sensing the rise of a new temperance movement.
The Prohibition Party did get themselves onto a couple of ballots in 2016.
I didn’t really start drinking in earnest until my late 20s, and I’m still within the threshold for moderate drinking. I’ve gone with and without. At this point in my life an evening tipple or two is among the healthiest things I do for my sanity. YMMV. Something like 40% of America doesn’t drink. It’s not like it’s some totally aberrant lifestyle choice, lady.
Exactly. I don’t get why this is so special.
Yeah, I don’t drink either.
Not at least until about 5:00 PM, maybe earlier.
Check out Carrie Nation here.
She was great in Star Wars.
One of the things that helps me get more than 2-3 hours a night (and sometimes I don’t get any) is some hard drinking. The problem is that this solution prevents me from dying from general organ failure because I am not getting enough rest in the next few years, but puts me squarely on the path to liver failure in the next decade…
I rarely drink at home.
Most of my life, I’ve been a frequent but moderate drinker. The one exception was my year in Okinawa because there was little else to do. Anyway, I shy away from heavy drinking because I hate losing control of my emotions, and I tend to be a rather angry drunk.
So what base were you on?
I was at Hansen first then my unit got moved up to Schwab. My MOS was 0341.
If I remember correctly Chip was stationed at Futenma (The Manliest Base in all of Okinawa!).
*from another alumni of Futenma
Just asking because Schwab was so small and so remote that there really wasn’t much to do besides drinking up there. The other bases further south seemed to have more to offer during the off hours.
Even then I would normally – on a Sunday – jump on a local bus and see whatever there was. I always had my trusty Japanese-English dictionary on hand to see what I could learn.
I was like you. I liked getting off the beaten path to see what the real locals were up to.
Go figure that the area around a base overseas was just as seedy and exploitive as the area right around bases in the US.
We did the same thing when we were on Team Spirit 88. Instead of going to the bar district in Pohang where every other serviceman went, we found a place in a suburb and made it our semi-official hangout.
Once the locals realized we weren’t there to get stumbling drunk and make advances on their wimmin, we got treated great. It was also a great way to work on your Korean because everyone thought it was cool we were trying to learn.
Yes indeed. MACS-4 Detachment Alpha at Futenma.
I couldn’t just jump on a bus – I was a lance, and thus had to have a liberty buddy with me everywhere I went. For example, I always wanted to go to the war memorial, but I could never convince anyone else to go with me. The most they would do is go down to Jusco and try out the massaging recliners. I did get someone to go with me to a “real” Okinawan restaurant once, this place, which was fun. Best fried rice I’ve ever had. We did go to CoCo a lot, too. Loved CoCo. Wish they had them here – they have opened a few in the LA area.
In the last few months a bunch of us got into scuba, so I did a lot of diving then. Other than that, all anyone ever wanted to do was Gate 2 Street, when they weren’t content to just walk down the hill, get raging drunk, and do karaoke at Mickey’s.
That sounds… contradictory.
It got worse, they started red card/gold card towards the end, and of course my command was the one that was all stingy with the gold cards. Everyone below sergeant got red cards; meanwhile, Mass Deuce gave everyone but their real problem children gold cards.
Ah.. Yeah, well I was there in the 1970’s when they just let us out the gate whenever liberty was sounded.
Same in the ’80s when I was there. Once liberty was sounded, you could wander off base to your heart’s content.
The big restriction was access to the AF E-club on Kadena. The AF was tired of the grunts coming down from Hansen on the weekend and tearing up the club while hitting on the cute AF gals, so they banned Marines unless they had a ‘club card’.
Our unit was usually able to get some club cards because we would cross train with some AF ATC types at Kadena.
I was there, though, before some of those infamous rape cases hit the news. Maybe that was why you guys got locked down?
Our battalion on Hansen had a few DUI’s, one purse snatching, and one rape (all by NCO’s) in two weekend’s time.
Next thing we knew all of our NCO’s were on restriction for at least a month.
We were marched every where and could not leave the barracks. It was a little funny watching the troops try to avoid us when they left the barracks and we were trying to get them to go to Popeye’s or something for us.
Restriction was lifted after we gave a presentation to the base CO of Camp Fuji on the Marine Corps values and ethics.
Sounds like my 1st Oki tour. I was with 9th Marines at Hansen until it got disbanded and then went to 4th Marines on Schwab.
I become the huddled-in-the-corner sleepy drunk so I usually try to avoid that since it’s boring.
Reminds of the infamous Pauline Kael (mis)quote about Nixon’s win over McGovern.
It’s like this never happened.
She began to suspect that she was using alcohol to numb her to emotions, and she didn’t like the way she sometimes blacked out, or lost periods of memory, during a night of social drinking.
That’s not social drinking.
It sounds like AA for millennials that don’t want the label.
Exactly. You don’t drinking to blackout in social situations unless you have a problem (at least past the age of 20 or so.)
I think you are jumping to conclusions. The blackouts and memory loss could just have easily been caused by the bro’s she was drinking with slipping her a date rape drug or bonking her on the head before raping the shit out of her.
Don’t blame booze. Blame MEN!
You are one woke-ass member of the anti-patriarchy tribe my friend from Minnessoda!
My privilege has been exposed and examined! I must flee! Hiss!
What if everybody is blackout drunk?
Asking for a frat bro.
That’s a Plausible Deniability Party.
I thought that was the Republocrat Party.
Seriously. I am a quite enthusiastic drinker and I think I’ve blacked out twice in my life.
She’s a drunk.
I binge drank my 20s away and still managed to stay in pretty good shape thanks to, well, youth and being regularly active: hiking, jogging, jujitsu, stuff like that. My 30s saw both taper off a touch, and now I’m a regular, moderate drinker I’d say. Booze is a big part of my family and my in-laws day-to-day in a kind of cocktail after work, beer or two with dinner, coffee with bourbon type of thing. Every now and then I go off the deep end, but the ensuing hangover is usually a good reminder that I no longer have a bionic liver.
Funny thing, I gave up the sauce entirely for about a month and a half during my wife’s last pregnancy, in solidarity and because a good friend of ours has been dry for a year and swears by it. For a couple of days I slept better–longer, certainly, and lots of vivid dreams–and felt more alert. Then, everything kind of went back to normal. It was like being on low-grade speed for a few days. I never lost so much as a pound. With the alertness came some hyperactivity, followed by a total lack of patience. Not irritability as such, but my inherent insufferable lack of patience with anyone doing anything wrong, or inefficiently, or not to my own exacting specs.
During my flirtations with sobriety, I have found that insomnia is the worst part of going on the wagon. I always had to learn how to go to sleep again.
I’ve done more than a year at one point and like you didn’t notice much of a difference in my life.
Same here man…
I gave up the booze some 35 years ago, I was a real jerk when I was drinking, which was daily. I was a solitary drunk, mostly ’cause I didn’t want the ‘public’ to know. My behavior was definitely influencing my family in a negative way. It took about 3 weeks before I could sleep well, I felt like my fingernails were 6 inches long and I could climb walls like a squirrel.
After 3 weeks I found I was a lot more productive at work, I had more money in my pocket, my kids weren’t really so rotten. Good things began to happen in my life. YMMV but I haven’t had so much as a beer, though the temptations are there but not very active. It wasn’t the booze that was the problem, it was me.
Good on you for overcoming that, sir. Respect.
Deep respect to you. Recognizing that it affected your family and pulling yourself back must have taken true strength. Real honor there.
I say I quit for my health. My wife said she’d kill me if I didn’t. That may be a lot of exaggeration but a bit of truth.
Being murdered is bad for your health, so I think you were right all along.
I honestly think there is a difference between heavy drinkers and alcoholics. Someone who is merely a heavy drinker actually can stop any time. By contrast a true alcoholic is an addict and can’t stop, even if they drink less than the heavy drinker.
You hit it on the head. I have interacted with both. The heavy drinker also doesn’t go around telling everyone they can stop drinking whenever they want like the alcoholic does in my experience.
Yerp. I’ve been a heavy drinker before. I’ve got family that are alcoholics (or speed addicts, or heroin addicts)
You’d have to be an idiot (or an alcoholic, speed addict, or heroin addict) to not be able to tell the difference.
Fun tangent: I’ve never had memory loss from drinking. My wife thinks I used to get black out drunk all the time in college because I could never remember her boring ass stories about how someone almost cut her off in traffic.
Why the @#$%^& do we need to name/collectivize people based on ever tiny choice they make in their lives? “Sober curious?” They decided they didn’t want to drink any more. That doesn’t require a ‘diagnosis’, and it certainly doesn’t require joining the cult of AA. AA is crap. I went 10 years without a drink, because I had been drinking too much, then I let myself have a drink and you know what? About once a month I drink enough to get a little buzz; I won’t drive after even a single drink; and generally if I have a drink, I have one and stop.
The long term success rates for AA members are pretty much the same as those of folk who just quit on their own, everything you gain from the ‘support group’ you lose from the added pressure/cult rules. And you are likely to regard any drink you take as a ‘relapse’ which psychologically primes you to give up after any failure.
Today your social standing is directly tied to whatever subgroup you can claim allegiance to it seems. People no longer want to be individuals.
Pressure? Cult? You can just go sit there and say nothing if you want.
If you can just drink a little once a month then stop after a couple, you’re not a drunk. For some people, the first drink thing is a real thing.
There are a million articles and studies on this subject, this one is a good start.
From that very slanted (I was going to post some examples of the over the top sarcasm and false claims, but would have had to copy paste most of it) article, I learned that AA isn’t for everybody. Shocking. Doesn’t refute what I said.
The guy featured in the article seems to be a moron if he takes everything 100% literal. For example, your higher power can be anything you want; plenty of atheists have figured this out.
Another silly thing about the article is the complaint that you can’t accurately measure results due to AAs anonymity and lack of records. Yet somehow with this lack of records and information, a “study” was able to rank AA precisely 38th out 48th in efficacy.
As a lush who gets drunk most nights, I too find the this odd. But I’m like that with most ‘news’ stories. Why people feel the need to proclaim everything to the highest mountain tops is far beyond my understanding.
Yeah, but you have that whole Hemingway/writer street-cred thing to do. It’s part of your job, if you think about it.
*CPRM adjusts tax deductions*
Embarrassed confession: despite being an avid consumer of quality ethanol-containing beverages and having been buzzed on many occasions, I have been drunk to the point of spins and puking exactly once in my life. Blackout, never.
Even as a Marine grunt I never came to consciousness having lost memory of some period of time during a previous drinking session.
Most people who say they’ve blacked out haven’t. Blacking out isn’t just not remembering. It’s more like what you get with a concussion; it’s like a montage where an overhead light swings across the screen and each time the light comes back something different is happening. I’ve experienced both versions. (Not a humble brag, just explaining)
Blacked out once, that was enough.
I was severely dehydrated after a week at sea. I decided to replace the lost fluids with alcohol.
On the plus side, I got to experience a Bermudan police vehicle and hospital afterwards.
I had – in my late 20s – what I called the “blackout summer.” I hung out with people who had more tolerance than me, and I tried to keep up with them. Not a good move. At least 4 times I blacked out, and would apparently act normally, but have no recall of events, except for moments. Then another time I was apparently roofied at a bar, came home, and passed out for 8 hours. Don’t recall the drive home, or anything the moment I left the bar. Pretty scary.
A buddy of mine, first spring break, went down to Mexico with schoolmates and started drinking Tequila upon arrival. Woke up and asked what the plan was for the day – to be informed that it was time to go home. He had blacked out an entire week – had no memory about what they had done (plenty of polaroids to document the events). He went out to the beach and swore a pact with God that he would never drink Tequila again.
In the upcoming prog socialist utopia it’ll more likely be Abortion even if you’re not pregnant
Pre-emptive abortions, AKA hysterectomies? And then on to post-partum abortions, just to be sure.
You get an abortion, and you get an abortion, and even you cishet male shitlord person get an abortion!
SEA SMITH Morning Links? ::clenches rectum::
batten down the hatches!
Mind the mizzenmast!
Salute the poop deck!
Water-tight huh?
When, oh when, will we get some SPACE SMITH links???
Guten morgen to you Sea Smith. How may one help make the seas freer for you to raid more precious booty?
I see what you did there….
The charges against that Canadian company was bribing Libyian officials. Do we have to pretend that Libya isn’t corrupt and that bribery isn’t expected?
That is just how business is done in much of the Middle East, which everyone understands and typically accepts.
So what you’re saying is we should be prosecuting anyone who does business in the middle east?
Not just the Middle East. Most of Asia, South and Central America, Africa, and even Europe, is like that. Kickbacks are expected as part of the deal agreement.
The promise of jobs in a politician’s district is certainly a bribe for favorable treatment, as N’Yorkers thought they knew.
My wife once asked a woman in the grocery store when she was due – turns out she wasn’t pregnant. This may be even more embarrassing.
See, that’s why you don’t ask and just go ahead and do the C-section.
Cesarean sections can break my body, but fat shaming will really hurt me.
Not as eloquent, but it might catch on.
Dave Barry, in one of his columns commented that the only safe time for a man to ask a women if she’s pregnant is if the baby is currently crowning. And it’s still only safe to ask if she’s pregnant.
One of the events in The Analversary.
Married Teacher Allegedly Had Sex With 13-Year-Old Student at School, As Classmate Watched
She’s a would but I’m too old for her anyways.
A solid wood. But yeah.
And if there’s grass on the field…
…and if not, just scrimmage.
I often wonder if those women have a specific thing for young cock, or whether it’s just situational? Young boys are not known for their endurance or technique.
So the question is do they become teachers for access, or do they settle for what they have access to?
Icecream truck driver says “No, no, no. That’s not it at all.”
I don’t get it. There’s some deep-seated issues going on there.
Men after young girls has some biological basis, even if it is perverse.
I studied Psychology in college so I may not be an expert. But I think it’s just lots of issues and some Oedipal Complexes they want to act out with their younger student “sons”. I blame all the years they crammed Freud into my skull.
The main thing I learned while getting my psych degree was that Freud was a lunatic.
Jokes from me aside, he’s been debunked to hell and all that stuff. He dig bring up “conversations” and some concepts though so there’s that at least.
Which NYC district did he represent?
Quacks debunking other quacks?
Some of it has merit but you have to sift through a lot of garbage to find it. Jung was interesting and there’s a lot to be taken from behaviorism.
I have a theory that some percentage of women in their 20’s go kind of crazy if they are in a long-term relationship but not getting pregnant. Their DNA, biology, whatever, assumes the man is sterile drives them to get pregnant from another man if necessary.
From the perspective of DNA, her mission in life is to reproduce.
So, you’re saying it’s the midichlorians?
So are you getting a research grant or not?
research grants for Nazi shitlords who believe the debunked myth of DNA based differences.
Supposed to be “No research grants”. Every once in awhile monocle decides to put my comment in the link template. Not sure why.
I plan on doing some research on lonely women in their mid-20’s.
So why would she go for a prepubescent kid when she could go to a bar and get an actual adult? And if she’s looking for a young, virile man, she could go hang out near a college campus.
Prepubescent? That’s peak-puberty for many boys.
Why? Same reason Bill Clinton was fooling around with a pudgy intern – she was there and convenient.
Some women are much more motivated to be wanted/to get their partner off than by their own physical pleasure. I would think such a mindset would find a teen boy an ideal partner.
To any hot 20 somethings out there with this mindset. I want to open your eyes to the largely untapped market of 50 year old fat dudes!
Just a guess, but I would surmise that the part of her anatomy you would aspire to open is not related to her ocular facility.
“untapped” = Eww!
Seems that app all but completely failed at it’s job…
*looks at picture*
Not guilty.
That app – failed to do the job as advertised. They should sue. /s
There ought to be a law!
Her husband? Hasn’t he suffered enough? How does he have any liability, unless he went and told her to go bang a student?
He failed in his matrimonial duties, leading her to prey on students.
/legal theory.
Yeah, that’s probably not going to look good if it goes in front of a jury.
Poor guy was cucked by a thirteen year old boy.
I’m guessing he has money.
“Zamora asked another student to stay in the classroom while she had sex with the 13-year-old to ensure that nobody else saw”
I see a flaw in her plan.
Also, she deserves prison. I get iffy when it’s the 17 year old who in a few months would be legal. But 13? You are a pedophile.
Pedophilia is just a social construct.
I get iffy when it’s the 17 year old who in a few months would be legal.
17 is perfectly legal in most places, except that there are usually specific exemptions for adults in positions of power, like teachers.
^^^This. The whole teacher/student dynamic changes shit quite a bit. As an educator of sorts, I’d feel absolutely disgusted with myself if I pursued any kind of relationship like that with any of my students.
You got a class full of uggos? I feel for you buddy.
I cri evrytiem.
Wait from my extensive research I thought in Japan teachers were required to screw their students? Next you’ll tell me you aren’t actually allowed to fondle women on public transportation.
Uffda. Do you even libertarian? To quote Clint Eastwood: “Allow’s got nothing to do with it”
You and your caste system.
PANZIES-shaming has no place on this website.
People defined the N I and E for me the other day, and I got the P and Z myself, what is the A?
Anime (or cartoon characters in general)
I don’t see how Anime fits on that list. Did they just need a vowel?
I imagine is it part of an attraction to children.
I guess they could have gone with Anthropophagolagnia.
Why is Anime on the list? Who is even potentially harmed?
It really isn’t about harm, but public acceptability. There are no parades for people who want to fuck Sailor Moon.
Can I have a parade anyway?
Will there be pics from your encounter with Sailor Moon
For sure. And they’ll be family friendly, too. Hate to lose that!
Riven, you deserve a parade either way.
Then you get a parade.
Can I have a parade anyway?
Will you wear a Sailor Moon costume?
I’ll have to get a wig… but it would be worth it if I’m going to have a parade!
When will the “Fund the Parade” button be active?
No she isn’t. Pedophile is strictly for prepubescent kids. She’d have had to have had sex with a 10 or 11 year old. Virtually all 13 year olds have at the very least started puberty which makes her something else ephebophile or something like that, son’t remember the exact spelling.
Pedophile is strictly for prepubescent kids
Pfft. Like words have meanings these days.
“Shay, now 27, is part of a growing group of “sober curious” Americans”
I suppose every new generation thinks they invented some new “movement” or “lifestyle”. I don’t know what it is specifically about Millennials that makes it so insufferable, but somehow they do Get. A. Life.
You don’t drink. BFD. Millions of people don’t drink and none of them have to turn it into some kind of U GO GRRRRL! pat yourself on the back bullshit.
Have you no sympathy for the Inso? Those involuntarily sober people who have no alcohol and thus cannot make the choice not to drink?
Inso. That’s comedy gold right there.
related song
The Temperance Movement is pretty old news.
They’ve been taught to get that kind of validation (participation trophies), so what can you expect. Go slap one of their parents upside the head for the great job raising them.
Well, there’s a pretty good cultural history of political enforcement that starts out this way: I’ve decided to stop doing X & it makes me feel better –> you should stop doing X it will make you feel better –> I’m going to start a movement to encourage everyone to stop doing X so our society will be healthier –> I’m going to enlist the power of the state to stop everyone doing X to make us a better country.
Not saying the two ladies in the article would do that, but it wouldn’t surprise me to find a journalist or editor who’s at least 2 steps along that progression.
Omnipotent moral busybodies.
+1 straw or plastic bag
I heard “They all float down here”
Stop clowning around
a growing group of “sober curious” Americans, many of them women influenced by health and wellness concerns, who are experimenting with alcohol-free living
Wow. What will they think of next? Chocolate-free living? Home-made-biscuit-free living?
Sounds to me like somebody has impulse control issues. There must be a death cult willing to take her in and exploit her lack of self control.
Home-made-biscuit-free living?
I wonder if they are all replacing the bad habit of drinking with new bad habits.
A buddy of mine had to got to AA meetings when he got busted for a DUI and according to him, those meetings were the best place to get laid ever. The only drawback according to him was that everyone was a big time smoker too. He was the one who said all the addicts were just changing their bad habits from drinking to something else.
I doubt that the journalo had the guts to ask that question though: “Hey are you broads like extra slutty now that you can’t get drunk?”
Stuart Davis – Only Changing Drugs
He’s a good Minnesoda boy
My brother said he and a new AA friend would walk across the street to a bar, after the meeting.
“I used to be all messed up on drugs. Now I’m all messed up on the Lord.”
Which Lord?
The Royals one.
Wait are we talking about Hillary Clinton or AOC?
My SIL was a long time AA member so I went to some meetings with her. There were people there who went of their own volition and really turned their lives around. There was a large cohort that stopped drinking but clearly substituted other bad habits. There was a lot of smoking.
*dips toe and pulls back*
Wait…you can’t fool me!
U.S. Embassy Nepal
Verified account
Feb 25
More U.S. Embassy Nepal Retweeted What The F*** Facts
Well someone’s got to be prepared….
What The F*** Facts
Verified account
The US Embassy in Kathmandu has guidelines on what to do if a yeti is found.
73 replies 1,062 retweets 3,060 likes
Thot Thursday presents females in a pose of sexual receptivity.
17 and 35, hell yes.
I like the way you think, sir.17 for me, too:
Didn’t make it past 4.
The archive didn’t load right on my computer, so here is a reload
The Academy Is Unstable and Degrading. Historians Should Take Over the Government, Instead.
say what now?
What world does this guy live in?
The world in which Chomsky and Mills are both described using the same word so they must be the same politically. Further research not required.
Well socialists are no longer radical
How did a movement whose members were historically attacked as unserious radicals come to occupy such a prominent Beltway perch?
Cocktail parties?
LSD is a helluva drug!
libertarian success story?
Does he write for reason?
I mean, they stretched the LIBERTARIAN MOMENT into like eight years of IT’S HAPPENING, and look at all of the liberty: gay marriage, pot legalization, open borders, nationalist sympathies on one side of the political divide and atavistic socialism on the other, twenty trillion dollars in debt, healthcare’s gradual takeover by the feds, the president can’t end wars that Congress notably failed to declare, SO MUCH FREEDOM.
Someone needs to read my article from last night. Then they won’t fear libertarians.
OHHHH, I get it now. The phony baloney jobs that used to provide a nice living while we freely pushed our insane socialist policies aren’t as good any more! Give us cushy positions in “avowedly socialist policy organizations” instead!
“subsidize my poor choices by collecting money from others under threat of violence”
or… they could learn to code.
Dammit! Just typed that out, then saw Tejicano had already picked the low hanging fruit.
This is close to being personal because I have a younger sister who was an English/Journalism major who jumped deeply into the coding end of text production on the job (she maxed the Math/quants SAT but found math too boring as a study).
Citations needed.
I think he misspelled irrelevant.
The ‘sober curious’ movement takes off in Chicago.
Cheers to temperance.
*raises beer-laden glass*
You know who else considered giving up drinking?
*single tear rolls down cheek*
It’s hard to find high quality furniture like that these days.
The student’s family filed a lawsuit against Zamora, her husband and the school district seeking $2.5 million in damages.
Cuck-shaming. NOT FAIR!
Unless she married him for his money.
“her husband”, 79 year old millionaire banker, John Smith, “and the school district”
It could happen
I haven’t had a beer in days.
CELEBRATE ME!!!11!!!1!!!
I haven’t been drunk since Tuesday. #metoo.
What day of the week is it? It’s got to be a worksay, since co-workers showed up in the office.
I was out later than normal and so work was a little rough yesterday. Was up before alarm and in early though.
Speaking of which. First 3 beers Tuesday, all yummy as was my Shrimp quesodilla:
Bourbon Barrel Aged BamBaLam
Zaftig Brewing Co.
Stout – Imperial / Double
Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale
Alltech Lexington
Strong Ale – American
The Test Batch (TTB)
Akronym Brewing
Belgian Blonde / Golden
Followed by Miller Lites
I really need to make it to Akronym brewing at some point. They just opened last year and are getting some really good reviews. They even hit the top five list that a local paper ran (out of 15 finalists).
Nice. So far TTB is the only beer I’ve tried of their’s but I really like it and usually get one at my local pub whenever I go. I’ll have to check out their product line and put in a request if I see something interesting.
I love bourbon, I love beer, I don’t like them together at all.
Also, I have a weird, irrational dislike of Alltech.
What’s funny is that I had thought the Alltech tasted a little boozy until I had the BamBaLam. Compared to that it taste like a light beer. Lol.
I’ve got a dislike of Alltech after one of the higher up’s in the company went on a rant about how beer geeks were ruining craft beer. He said he didn’t need beer geeks to drink his beer (which is true), but after that I got the feeling that they didn’t want me to drink their beer, so I don’t. It’s not like I’m hurting for options up here.
I didn’t hear that. What an idiot. I was at this new craft beer store in Hilliard Tuesday before I went out. There were thousands of selections. Picking 6 was tough:) My local pub has at least 40 beers on tap and as you know there are plenty of other similar spots in CBus. So yeah, plenty to choose from.
That sounds about right. I have just been whelmed at best by all of their products. I thought they were neat at first, they were dealing with yeast professionally and decided, why not brew beer? But they just don’t make anything interesting at all – except the bourbon barrel ale, and that doesn’t work for me.
I am a bit of a traditionalist, I don’t like a lot of the really crazy stuff out there, but someone needs to be pushing. It is like some of my disagreements with Ron Pattinson…homebrew scottish ale styles may be nothing like any real scottish product, but that doesn’t mean Founders Dirty Bastard isn’t a damn good beer.
There was a couple of guys in the Columbus area who were looking to get a brewery going. It was taking them a while to get the brewery license, so they started a yeast lab, and were providing yeast to commercial and home brewers. Recently they ran into some issues when it came out one of their founders was allegedly a real creep to the women who worked for the company. In the past month they cancelled an expansion and declared bankruptcy (Chapter 11).
KW: Health Care is the opposite of a right. Starts out with some some decent zingers at Bernie.
It’s sad that it even needs to be said that you can’t have a right to a service provided by others.
They used to be more honest. Once upon a hundred and fifty years ago their complaint about slavery was that only blacks were enslaved.
As soon as you make healthcare a right, you make people working in healthcare beholden to provide said care without proper compensation or the right to refuse to provide care. If I recall correctly, when you tell someone they will work for whatever shit you decide they will get, or else, it is slavery.
Not that I disagree with your point, but I don’t think their concept of the “right” to healthcare necessarily requires anyone to actually provide service. As long as there’s a government list that you can be put on stating that you’re officially in line for the “free care” – boom, you have exercised your “right”. Whether or not you ever actually receive service isn’t really their concern. When you don’t receive any service, it will be because evil Republicans just won’t agree to fund it “enough”.
Yeah, the implementation step is where this socialist shit always falls apart.
The success of libertarianism is indeed rather striking. Just 70 years ago, libertarians stood on the fringes of American politics; in the last two decades, however, they have exerted a profound impact on public policy. How did a movement whose members were historically attacked as unserious radicals come to occupy such a prominent Beltway perch? The surprising story of libertarianism’s rise suggests that well-organized radical intellectuals have the capacity to shape U.S. politics.
Kneel before Zod!
Wait…The Libertarian Moment™ has been happening? I honestly had no idea.
Their definition of libertarianism (i.e. anything short of communism) is not the same as ours.
Matt Welch:
Michael Cohen fired his shots, but there was no magic bullet to end our national nightmare
In what way would impeaching Trump end our national nightmare?
Cause they would obviously impeach Trump, Pelosi would take Hilary Clinton as her VP, then resign to let her become the President. It’s all simple. /s
Whoops, meant to say impeach/remove Trump, then do the same to Pence.
It would set off the shooting war and end with the socialists getting helicopter rides?
The ensuing civil war would completely obliterate all mention of it?
Hell, I’m still trying to figure out what, exactly, the nightmare is other than Trump just being president.
I read thru the article and Welch is taking a slightly tongue-in-cheek approach to the issue. But based on his previous complaints about Trump, I’m pretty sure he would be happy to see Trump go.
I’m yet to hear how the alternatives are any better, if not horribly worse.
I haven’t been to TOS in months. Are they in love with Occluded-Cortex over there as I would suspect?
Eh, no, though they fall all over themselves to criticize her rather gently. Elsewhere, Mike Riggs seems to approve of antifa scum hounding people at restaurants.
Man, I read the Riggs piece in the mag. Yeah, harrassing, in a restaurant, someone making policy changes is totally the same as having a public debate with McNamara when he goes to speak at a college.
To me there does seem to be a distinct difference.
In McNamara’s case, the organized protests were centered around his public appearances. The non-public interactions were mostly one person expressing discontent.
The new model seems to be to drive people out of public completely. It’s fully organized around what would otherwise be a private event, like dinner. There’s no debate at all, just vilification and threats of violence.
Precisely. Following people around to chase them out of restaurants, movie theaters, etc is NOT principled protesting. God knows I despise people like Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders, but I’m not going to scream at them any time they show their faces in public doing regular-life things.
I think you would be fine telling Schumer and Sanders what you think of them in public. But that is most definitely not standing on a table and screaming at them nor is it getting together with twenty other people and being physically threatening.
While I think there is a role for that type of protest, it should be extremely rare and employed with great reluctance as it is a direct precursor to political violence.
Open carry puts a stop to that. “I feared for my life.”
*draws hogleg magnum*
“Do you feel lucky, cuck?”
That magic incantation doesn’t work for us muggle “civilians”.
President Pence would definitely be worse from a libertarian perspective.
Exactly. Pence would have troops in every shithole on the planet with almost full support of Congress and the Permanent State.
Yet all we would hear about would be “He hates teh gheys and wimminz”
But Pence is one of the members of the political elite. The fight right now is between the elite class that sees their gravy train endangered and the serfs they look down upon. The elite are angry that the serfs have decided the elite should be held accountable and can’t just fuck up constantly and keep reaping the rewards of the system they created that fucks over all others. Trump embodies that conflict, and hence, must be destroyed.
He’s not Hillary. He’s not part of the Swamp. He’s icky.
He is an existential threat to the credentialed elite class and the rigged system it created to rake in the wealth and power while avoiding any form of accountability.
The nightmare is going on right now in Vietnam.
That imbecile Trump is making more progress on North Korea than 14 soju tents worth of “experts” have made in six decades.
This cannot stand. Top Men cannot lose face like this or the rubes will start to wonder what else might be questioned.
The reason why Trump is making progress, albeit slow, is that he is willing to walk away from the table.
Typical politicians won’t even show up if they think it won’t go well, because they see walking away as a political (not diplomatic) failure. Trump doesn’t seem to give a shit about the politics which makes him likely to succeed diplomatically.
How is this not obvious to everybody?
I remember explaining this to my wife last year when the internet was first hyperventilating over Trump abruptly canceling the summit, then later over how he gave in so easily to NK demands. He “gave in” so easily because he was offering them a real deal, not the typical “historic” deal with smiles all around, pictures taken, and then we fulfill our side of the deal (typically a payoff) while the other country does nothing. By walking away from the summit the first time, he showed that he will follow through with consequences.
Politicians are like bad businessmen, who want a deal, any deal.
Trump, whatever his personal failings, was not a bad businessman. I believe he knows that for every deal you should say “yes” to, there are dozens you should say “no” to.
Exactly, the Iranian deal being an example of the exact opposite technique.
If you have shit for brains, personal butthurt = national nightmare.
Michael Cohen is a compulsive liar.
Michael Cohen says Orange Man bad. We should take him at his word.
How are things going with Trump and Porkchop?
Trump walked out. Apparently Whoa Fat can’t quite wrap his mind around an American President who won’t do a deal just for the press conference, no matter how bad the deal is.
Wow. When you’ve lost Welch….
So glad the US media is obsessively fapping over Cohen and ignoring consequential world events.
No, no, see, Michael Cohen is totally more important than a possible shooting war between India and Pakistan.
“I strongly maintain, as I have from the beginning, that I and my staff always acted appropriately and professionally,” Trudeau told a televised news conference in Montreal.
I beg to differ.
It’s called Question Period, not Answer Period.
All I got from the Cohen interview is:
1) He’s pissed because he got hung out to dry
2) Nothing that Trump has been investigated for actually happened.
3) Trump fucked a series of sluts before he became President.
Clinton raped a few, Bush was a drunk, Obama smoked the chooms, Bush Sr probably directed some assassinations….
4) He got a paycheck from his client, Donald Trump
I… what? No… just… no.
Anyone got a cyanide pill handy? I could really use one.
I could use about 275 million.
You know, I’m all for bio-modification. I see it as an answer to our all-too-short and handicapped lives.
But this trend of bio-modification in order to fulfill psychological hangups is disturbing.
I wonder how many of these people are against GMO foods.
I would say it would be a lot closer to 100% than 75% of them.
This just in, support for breastfeeding drops by 50% as men realize that they will no longer be exempted from feeding duties.
(At least that was the core reason I supported my wife when she decided to breastfeed our kids. I didn’t give a shit about studies showing better health or better emotional stability. Nope. The selling point was that I couldn’t do it and could sleep through the feedings)
Before I forget again for the zillionth time, if any of y’all who are members of the Glib Discord Server and are present here at the moment, please link me so I may join. I use that shit like a crack ho who’s jonesing for her next fix.
What exactly is “mentoring”? Could it be, y’know, explaining concepts and advising/training someone on their job?
Legit aspiring professional women should be working tirelessly to dismantle feminism since they’re just creating a no-win situation across the board.
Feminists: “Mentor me or you’re sexist!”
Tech Sector: “OK”
Feminists: “Stop mansplaining!”
Tech Sector: “…”
It’s easy, just throw a book on the desk and just tell them to read it. Mentoring done. Screw this noise.
“Mentoring for Idiots”
Don’t for get:
Refusing to be Alon with me is Sexists;
— Alone and “Mentors”
OMG. this mansplaining is so bad its Sexual Harassment, I’m telling HR.
Did mansplaining used to be called “trying to be helpful”?
Mansplaining is when a man knows something a woman doesn’t and then explains the thing to her. It used to be called “explaining” until people who aren’t very smart started using their sexual characteristics as a substitute for humility and intellectual curiosity.
“Mansplaining” was coined by a woman who was a long time professional in her field who had male colleagues who were less experienced or flat out wrong use a patronizing tone.
As any man can tell you, no woman has ever assumed that he was unable to do things like cook, clean, or take care of children. I certainly cannot think of a single time in my life that a woman assumed I was unable to make pasta sauce, wash dishes, change a diaper, clean a bathroom, etc. This has never happened once. I’ve certainly never had to bite my tongue while a girlfriend, or my mom, or my grandmother, or some random chick gave me advice on how to properly scramble eggs or run the vacuum cleaner.
Police helicopter crew filmed couple having sex instead of helping investigate crimes
Wait. Stop right there. What sort of police department calls out a helicopter for a report of a stolen scooter?
Don’t you guys have rape gangs to arrest?
Damn your quick typing!
Nevermind them filming sex, why the hell do they need a helicopter to investigate a stolen scooter?
Sunbathing naked with her teenaged daughters? Um, maybe I’m just a prude, but that seems weird to me.
I would need to see pics to determine if there was any wrongdoing.
I think you have just what it takes to be a helicopter cop!
That’s the kind of thing that’s not OK if they’re my daughters but perfectly fine if I’ve just been hired to clean the pool or am installing cable.
+1 Blue Thunder
First thing that came to mind.
I think we just about wore out that segment of our bootleg VHS copy.
Who wins in a fight between Air Wolf and Blue Thunder? My money’s on Air Wolf because Ernest Borgnine.
I need video proof before I can pass judgment.
PUAs are/were largely annoying losers anyway but the last thing I need is some frigid Grauniad scold lecturing me about “the new sexual politics”.
I would think that with the new crop of Soy Boys hitting the clubs these days, the PUA’s would be doing better than ever.
Back in my day, we just called this “mental illness”.
TL;DR – “Help me, I’m too fragile to exist!”
On my second day of college, I was catcalled and followed home by a man in a truck when walking about a mile back to my apartment.
That’s what CCL’s are for.
That’s what psychotherapists are for. Get help.
Man, that dog is gonna be a basket-case. Dogs are emotional sponges. They pick up the slightest bit of tension or stress, and if she’s running around thinking there are people inside her apartment just out of sight that dog is going to go berserk the minute she answers the door for the pizza guy.
Although she sounds like the kind of person who’s not going to be enthused about strangers bringing her food, now that I think about it…
On my second day of college, I was catcalled and followed home by a man in a truck
I’m very tempted to put this one in the “shit that never happened” file.
Yep. Second day of college, and has an apartment.
You just know this moron is going to accumulate 500K in student debt.
I’ll never forget a quote by Jessica Valenti that was shared by one of my professors….
OK, we’re done here.
Well at least they chose the correct word there. Now if we could only get those womens studies professors to stop stoking the paranoia and tell the girls that the overwhelming majority of them will never be raped so they can relax and stop seeing every man they encounter as a violent predator
Yesterday, I heard somebody blabbering about how Cohen had accused Trump of “inflating” asset values for the Forbes list, but then “underreporting” them to the IRS for tax purposes. Did somebody impose a wealth tax when I wasn’t looking?
Ah yes, that is Gulag Barbie and her line of questioning which displays her “intelligence”.
Or at least that’s the talking points today.
By his own standard, Trudeau should resign.
I know he won’t, because he didn’t before.
Quite the bombshell Wilson-Reybould dropped.
What’s left to be said of that idiot and his sleazy, bullying, scandalous government?
If the democrats had the evidence Canada has, then impeachment proceedings against Trump would be proceeding and would at least pass the House.
Hell, I’d be tempted to support impeaching Trump if he fired an AG for refusing to participate in a coverup of one of Trump’s cronies.
Believe it or not people are supporting Trudeau in Quebec on this one. It’s how it’s done! Protect the jobs!
Yes, bribing to get contracts abroad is part of the game. People understand and even tolerate it….up to a point.
This went a little over the top. Butts and Trudeau = Beavis and Butthead.
Someone needs to tell those alcohol abstainers that they’re just like Trump because he doesn’t drink either.
You know who else didn’t drink alcohol?
Yeast poops alcohol.
And what sane organism drinks its own poop?
Yeast. not necessarily ethanol, but it “reprocesses” some of the other out products of fermentation, ketones and higher alcohols and the like. It is why leaving beer on yeast for a bit even after it has reached terminal gravity is a good thing. Like a boy scout, yeast cleans up after itself.
So what you’re saying is that yeast is not sane, got it.
Yeast may not be sane, but he is still a fun guy.
And farts CO2.
Lucy Hayes, wife of Rutherford B. Hayes?
Alcohol that I wouldn’t drink.
“The all-natural, sugar-free beer, Hvalur, was created in 2012 in the town of Borgarfjordur, Travel and Leisure reports. The brew is not only created with whale testicle, but it’s also smoked in sheep…excrement. Each batch uses one 15 to 18 pound testicle, so they’re definitely not skimping you.”
Frank Zappa ?
He’s losing his mind…
Longtime former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen wrapped up more than seven hours of public testimony on Capitol Hill today by warning there could be violence if President Trump loses re-election in 2020….
“I did things and I acted improperly, at times at Mr. Trump’s behest. I blindly followed his demands,” he said. “My loyalty to Mr. Trump has cost me everything; my family’s happiness, friendships, my law license, my company, my livelihood, my honor, my reputation, and soon my freedom. And I will not sit back, say nothing, and allow him to do the same to the country.”
“Indeed, given my experience working from Mr. Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, that there will never be a peaceful transition of power, and this is why I agreed to appear before you today.”
Um…sure. Except no matter who is president, their term ends at a designated time and the next elected presidents term begins with or without official inauguration.
Good lord, it’s a like a struggle session: “I recognize my crimes against the people. I love Big Brother.”
“Please don’t send me to prison! I denouce Donald Trump with every fiber of my being!”
Repent! Repent!
Give Cohen credit, he knows exactly what to say to put a thrill up their leg.
Why would there even be a 2020 election? The US will be a Russian satellite state by then, with the Kremlin calling all the shots directly.
I miss the days of cheap 5.45×39 ammo.
That, or whatever Schiff and Cummings solicited he say.
Hell hath no fury like a rotten sleazebag lawyer scorned.
Democrats just took the absolutely sleaziest motherfucker to ever be associated with Trump and made him into one of their own. Good work, team! There’s no way this could possibly go haywire!
Man this guy is nuts.
Cohen then ran through a list of statements directed at Trump, looking directly into the camera. “In closing, I’d like to say directly to the president we honor our veterans even in the rain. You tell the truth even when it doesn’t aggrandize you. You respect the law and our incredible law enforcement agents; you don’t villainize them. You don’t disparage generals, Gold Star families, prisoners of war, and other heroes who had the courage to fight for this country.”
“You don’t attack the media and those who question what you don’t like or what you don’t want them to say. And you take responsibility for your own dirty deeds. You don’t use your power of your bully pulpit to destroy the credibility of those who speak out against you. You don’t separate families from one another or demonize those looking to America for a better life,” Cohen continued. “You don’t vilify people based on the god they pray to and you don’t cuddle up to our adversaries at the expense of our allies. And finally, you don’t shut down the government before Christmas and New Year’s just to simply appease your base. This behavior is churlish. It denigrates the office of the president and it’s simply un-American, and it’s not you.”
“So, to those who support the president and his rhetoric, as I once did, I pray the country doesn’t make the same mistakes that I have made or pay the heavy price that my family and I are paying.”
I don’t even know where to start about how out of context his position is.
The context is perfect.
He was brought in to buttress the Democrat talking points. So what if he didn’t confirm any crimes, he was going to cooperate the best he could with their desires because their desires and the desires of the Mueller investigation are one and the same, to prevent Trump from scoring any political wins.
Maybe it was a coded message to the Wolverines.
Was anyone checking to see if he was blinking out a message in Morse Code?
To do what? Find a way to get their bench players to step up before March Madness begins?
“our incredible law enforcement agents”…..go fuck yourself and enjoy prison, Mikey.
And I’m sure those actions were in response to the gun against his head rather than the orgasmically inflated paycheck he happily drew every month.
This was the same man (Cohen) who said Trump ran for President not expecting to win, right?
Scientists Just Pulled CO2 From Air And Turned It Into Coal
“Major oil and gas companies, like Shell, are spending billions of dollars to develop carbon sequestration plants that store CO2 in porous reservoirs within Earth”
Lies! The oil companies just want us to die all they care about is profit!
all they care about is profit!
Well yeah, and they smell some serious profit courtesy of the taxpayers.
Sooo, they’re burning coal in power plants, thus creating CO2, to generate the electricity to run an expensive, energy intensive process to turn a portion of that generated CO2 back into coal?
Yeah, that’ll sequester carbon just fine.
Solar and wind are unreliable generators and incapable of supplying baseline coverage, but sequestration doesn’t need to run overnight. That’ll work till we bring nuclear sequestration plants online.
Longtime former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen wrapped up more than seven hours of public testimony on Capitol Hill today by warning there could be violence if President Trump loses re-election in 2020….
Huh. Just like all the swamp creatures who were worried about what people incapable of accepting the results of the election in ’16 might do.
Projection is a powerful drug
There is no dopamine hit like blaming someone else for everything you hate in yourself.
Odd that the violent refusal to accept the election results of 2016 has come from the left.
To be fair, the predictions of violence and rampant racism after the ’16 election weren’t wholly incorrect.
They just predicted it from the wrong side.
After listening to Jonah Goldberg interviewing Tim Carney all morning about the importance of civil society and “little platoons,” making a little club out of traditional temperance doesn’t seem like an awful idea. Just as long as they leave the hatchets at home.
I don’t have an issue with their (literal) coffee klatsch. The “look at me! celebrate me!” thing is annoying, but, hey, social media.
My only concern is that this is happening during a time when all kinds of purse-lipped puritanical nonsense is getting traction, in a society whose immune system against collectivism and government intervention is seriously weakened.
Fair enough, but the idea of getting together to improve others by way of improving oneself is, dare I say it… Petersonian? I bet they’re tidying up their rooms, too.
I bet they’re tidying up their rooms, too.
One of the more genteel euphemisms I have seen around here.
My loyalty to Mr. Trump has cost me everything; my family’s happiness, friendships, my law license, my company, my livelihood, my honor, my reputation, and soon my freedom.
I’m pretty sure Cohen was a liar and a sleazy cheat before he ever met Trumphitler.
It wasn’t his loyalty to Trump that cost him, it was his proximity.
I’ve been wondering about that. On the one hand you’ve got Roger Stone who seems like he’d take a bullet for the guy, and on the other you’ve got Cohen, who flipped the minute someone came to him with a deal. From the outside, it sure does seem like Mueller et al are just hitting anybody close to Trump to see what they can find, but that leads to questions about Trump’s acumen when it comes to who he brings in. Although I suppose it could be a case of hiring a dishonest scumbag to do dishonest scumbag things, in Cohen’s case.
I’m still trying to GROK what he did on Trump’s behalf that was a dishonest scumbag thing to do. He paid Stormy Daniels exactly what she asked for and apparently paid others even if the underlying reason to pay them wasn’t true. The average person can’t pay to keep their reputations free of blight, but does that make it wrong for someone that can to do it? Is it wrong to take the payments? Seems like free trade to me.
Every person has an OBLIGATION to provide dirt to smear the enemies of Progressivism! All who don’t are wreckers, kulaks or insane.
that leads to questions about Trump’s acumen when it comes to who he brings in
I don’t know that anybody could foresee, and vet against, the frothing hostility of a rogue team of prosecutors going after everybody they know.
This just in, support for breastfeeding drops by 50% as men realize that they will no longer be exempted from feeding duties.
Old news
Dems found something they like ICE for. TW: Jazz
Woman arrested for assaulting man wearing MAGA hat on Cape Cod
Well, she may not be a native but she sure has acclimated nicely to native customs.
Old story, she is here illegally and deportation processes have been started, IIRC.
Now she’ll have to go home to the Brazilian Trump.
Can we chip in and buy her a Make Brazil Great Again hat?
Which is fucking hilarious.
Hey, I’m here illegally, I guess I’ll start fucking around with dudes wearing MAGA hats, what’s the worst that could happen?
She’s about to find out exactly how many social media virtue signalers are willing to ride to her rescue.
overstayed a 1994 tourist visa
You’ve been here illegally for 24 years. Maybe you should keep your head down and not assault people.
Well, Chip, that’s not the kind of assimilation I have been hoping for.
Newsweek. Worth every goddam penny.
After receiving praise for her questioning of Michael Cohen during his testimony before the House Oversight and Reform Committee on Wednesday, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attributed her skills to years spent tending bars and waiting on tables.
The New York Democrat was one of many committee members to question Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, about a number of allegations he made against his former boss.
The computer scientist Matt Blaze wrote on Twitter: “Are we sure @AOC is a former bartender and not a former prosecutor? That was a pretty amazing line of questions today.”
Replying to Blaze, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted: “Thanks! Bartending + waitressing (especially in NYC) means you talk to 1000s of people over the years. Forces you to get great at reading people + hones a razor-sharp BS detector.
“Just goes to show that what some consider to be ‘unskilled labor’ can actually be anything but [winking emoji].”
What an intellectual colossus. One hundred years from now, there will be a massive celebratory monument to her, in DC. They’ll probably raze the Jefferson Memorial to make room for it.
The idea that any of her questions were written by her is ridiculous.
It’s still the same person who co-authored the GND.
Monday – Media: “She’s brilliant and amazing and she’s going to change politics forever and lead us in a glorious socialist utopia!”
Tuesday – Media: “She’s brilliant and amazing and she’s going to change politics forever and lead us in a glorious socialist utopia!”
Wednesday – Media: “She’s brilliant and amazing and she’s going to change politics forever and lead us in a glorious socialist utopia!”
Thursday – Some guy on Twitter: “I doubt it.”
Friday – Media: “Trumpies are SO OBSESSED with AOC! OMG!”
Sorry, that Friday story hit yesterday.
Slate has been running those for months.
Someone provokes a reaction, gets a reaction, and then they make it about the reaction. It’s like how little children fight.
It really reminds me of how gamergate started. Anita Sarkessian set out to piss people off, pissed them off, and then got to make hay by arguing that they shouldn’t be allowed to be pissed off. It’s really classic troll behavior.
Its just the bug-eyed, buck-toothed version of the tiresome “Republicans POUNCE” do-si-do.
Moral of the story: don’t give the provokers the oxygen of your attention.
The thing is this tactic is backfiring on them. The true believers see it and feel like they have scored a massive win against the evil Rethuglikkkans, but the undecided middle looks at it and gets annoyed. Hence Trump.
That’s exactly how the Russians stole the election.
Who cares what a computer scientist thinks! AOC has proven that those “intellectual” types are all glorified fuckheads who don’t know as much as unskilled labor.
Get back to me when the guy working the fry machine at McD’s tweets congratulations at her. That’s the only opinion I care about now.
This guy gets it. A telemarketer will soon call you, please stay on the line, your opinion is important to us.
Sorry after we won the fight for $15 all the fry machines became robotic.
And now he gets to stay home all day pursuing his dreams to become a novelist or an artist (or maybe just play video games) and doesn’t have to drag his ass to a demeaning job.
Are you willing now to admit the fry guy is the brightest of them all?
No, he is probably playing Fortnite.
I can see Moobs telling her to tone it down a little. “Preening condescension is my schtick, honey.”
Every single thing I see come out of her mouth is exactly what I would expect a run-of-the-mill high school senior girl to say.
You have different fantasies about 18 year old girls than most.
True, usually they involve things going into the mouth, not coming out of it.
NSFW lyrics, though damn catchy.
Context is for chumps
First lady of Virginia Pam Northam handed cotton to young African-American children on a tour of the governor’s mansion and asked them to imagine being slaves in the fields, the mother of one of the children alleged.
Leah Dozier Walker, a state employee who is the director of the Office of Equity and Community Engagement at the Virginia Department of Education, wrote to Pam Northam’s office on Monday alleging that on a tour for state Senate pages, the first lady spoke in the mansion’s kitchen cottage — where slaves used to work — and gave black pages, including Walker’s eighth grade daughter, pieces of cotton. Walker’s daughter has said she did not take the cotton.
“During the tour of the Mansion Cottage, (Walker’s daughter) and two of her (fellow) pages were asked to hold cotton that the First Lady retrieved from a bowl on a nearby table,” Walker wrote in the letter. “Mrs. Northam then asked these three pages (the only African-American pages in the program) if they could imagine what it must have been like to pick cotton all day.”
“Just imagine being forced against your will to pick this crap all day, in the hot sun. You don’t have to do that anymore. Nobody does. That’s a good thing.”
the mother of one of the children alleged
So hearsay from a child. Totes credible. I will await corroboration.
i don’t think the rehab of her hubby’s reputation is going as planned.
I bet some of you racists are wearing cotton clothes right now!
I found a Q-Tip under the couch last year and I needed weeks of therapy to recover.
I found a Q tit link on this site and had to take to my bunk!
Yeah, I think her efforts were educational in a way, but she probably should give cotton to everyone regardless of color and have them imagine what that life would be like.
BREAKING NEWS: Melting ice that formed largest fresh water reservoirs on planet inexplicably continues to melt.
I’m going to start advertising “Pre-Lakeshore Property For Sale”. Kind of like buying futures.
Inexplicably this thing that is a tiny fraction of the size it was 20,000 years ago when it carved the great lakes and buried half the Continent under half a mile of ice, is MELTING! The world is ending we are all doomed.
Unless we adopt draconian marxist measures that let our elite live like overlords and the serfs live like, well serfs, right?
You left out “for great justice!”
Back to the reeducation camp for me… This is my last strike… The next time I am going to the Soilent Green factory…
If meat is murder murder for meat, for great justice.
I liked this little bit of logic:
Umm… if it “almost never” disappeared in the last 2.5 million years, then that means it did disappear at least once. Wouldn’t that imply that it may have been warmer at least once before?
Walker’s daughter also sent a letter to the state’s first lady, confirming Walker’s account that Pam Northam had handed her and at least one other African-American page pieces of cotton and asked them to imagine being enslaved.
“The comments and just the way you carried yourself during this time was beyond inappropriate, especially considering recent events with the Governor,” Walker’s daughter wrote to the first lady. “From the time we walked into the mansion to the time in the cottage house, I did not receive a welcoming vibe. It was very testing to know I had to go somewhere, and I had no choice as to if I went, I had to be respectful, and be on my best behaviour (sic), even when the people in positions of power I was around were not doing the same.”
Pam Northam said in a statement that she regretted causing anyone anguish, stressing that the cottage provided key context to the governor’s mansion tours, and that she had conducted the same tour for all visitors.
Teach your kids to always assume the worst about people. Tell them racism, oppression and insult are hiding under every rock and behind every tree, and they will find them everywhere they look. Good job.
I’ll take that as corroboration.
Now all we need is context. Because
Meaning comes from context.
Did she do this as a recognition of historical crimes against black people, and a celebration of how far they have come? Did she do it out of nostalgia for the antebellum South?
Don’t get me wrong. She’s a political wife, which is pretty much the same as being a mob wife. She doesn’t get to pretend to be a total innocent about what it takes to acquire, hold, and wield power. But this hypersensitive reeeeeing just sandpapers my ass.
Take a wild guess as to the occupation of the mother who wrote the letter:
So it seems she handed out bits of raw cotton to all of the pages, not just the black kids, and then asked the kids to imagine what it must have been like to be enslaved and have to spend all day picking that shit.
“asked the kids to imagine what it must have been like to be enslaved and have to spend all day picking that shit.”
Probably similar to being in school against your will, the man will punish you if you don’t follow orders.
“I am so sorry you was traumatized by me, and by the expectation that you had to go somewhere, and had no choice as to if you went, and that you had to be respectful and be on your best behavior. To protect you against any further offense and any expectation that you act respectfully and do as you are asked, you will be removed from the internship program. Its for your own good, really.”
The only sane thing to do is to tell the black pages to stay home. It is for their own good, you don’t want them to be triggered or anything do you?
Also, where are the super crazy Black Nationalists? When I used to live in Memphis, I had a crazy black guy living a few doors down that could be reliably counted on for insane takes on current news items.
For example, I’m pretty sure this guy would say that the black pages probably come from upper class families themselves. And everyone knows them uppity rich blacks descended from the house negroes. So them pages ain’t real blacks. And thus deserve to get their uppity noses rubbed in how the other blacks had to live while their ancestors kissed white asses.
I retract my earlier comment if she did indeed give cotton to all of the pages.
Pretty tame stuff, too bad she already apologized.
Gettysburg College trustee resigns after student unearths a photo of him dressed as a Nazi prison guard. He was dressed for a Hogan’s Heroes-themed party. The story’s behind a WSJ paywall, but the blog sums it up: pathetic.
Obviously Hogan’s Heros would be triggering.
The left has no use for context. Me must ban everything that hurts our feelz!
We* damn phone
No I think you got the crux of it right.
Good point I would like to reverse my correction.
Twenty years removed from first-hand experiences with a terrible thing, fine, I can see being distraught by glib and shabby treatment of the thing. Somehow, the world soldiered on.
Almost fifty years removed, with first-hand survivors lingering and their second-hand heirs feeling queasy about its glib and shabby treatment, it’s getting a little silly.
Going on eighty years, enough. No, you’re not personally offended, you’re either a moron or a cynical asshole.
They are only offended because they think that Trump is literally Hitler. Not taking dressing up like Nazis seriously means you might not take the “dangers” of the Trump administration seriously.
Glib is the new apostate.
Which is super offensive to me because it’s such an unserious take on Hitler and Nazism.
Well, not offensive. I’m not personally affected. But it’s odious. Parody is excusable, to the extent it needs excusing. But these I’m super cereal guys takes by inexcusably dumb people who are reaching into their puddle-deep grasp of history for the most bombastically evil thing they can think of is repulsive.
isareI see noooothiinnggg!
*Germanic and sensible chuckle*
Can we check and see what awful things Cameron Sauers has in his/her past?
Foxy Version
The American clerisy has gone completely insane. I wonder how long it will take before the crash landing.
“Matt Welch:
Michael Cohen fired his shots, but there was no magic bullet to end our national nightmare”
I don’t get this whole Trump nightmare thing. What exactly has he done that makes living in this country a nightmare?
Doesn’t bend the knee.
Someone needs to investigate Matt for this obvious barely coded threat against the President!
The National Nightmare™ is the hysterics and theatrics the Democrats and Never-Trumpers are putting the majority (because they are in the minority with their fever dreams) of us through.
Watching a mass delusion being given serious consideration is quite an ordeal.
Glib is the new apostate.
If anybody needs me, I’ll be nailed to that cross over there.
We stone our apostates here.
When I heard our apostates are stoned, I had a totally different take on it.
rite? I thought it was bad when my doc put his finger in my butt hole to check my apostate, so I can’t even begin to imagine how much getting hit in my apostate with a stone would hurt.
I thought it was bad when my doc put his finger in my butt hole
Hey, we’ve all got our hangups.
A woman was shot in your neighborhood and the bullet’s in her yet?
That was intended
Check out the shit that Jennifer Rubin is still buying into…
I know you all have long maintained that Nikki is the worst, but I disagree.
Christopher Preble, CATO Institute July 2018: “the credible accusation that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign.”
Perhaps a lawyer can tell me what the actual crime is in paying someone to not say something. I seem to be missing the coercive element, and the harm part, as well as mens rea.
In a sane world, at least half of CATO would take new jobs at a bunch of liberal think tanks.
There is no crime in paying people not to say something. It happens all the time.
It is a crime to threaten to say something unless somebody pays you, though.
I know it’s been repeated over and over, but I just can’t help myself.
From what I can see, they are accusing Trump of…..knowing about the WikiLeaks dump before it happened. The WikiLeaks dump that included among other things the unedited, unrestricted collection of Hillary’s emails.
Basically the premise is:
1. WikiLeaks is a Kremlin puppet.
2. Wikileaks released true information on Russian orders.
3. Trump knew about this before hand.
But the issue remains: the information was true. It was emails that made Clinton look bad. It wasn’t false information, it was just unpleasantly true information.
So even if every fever dream of RRUSSSSIIIYAANNNN COLLLUSSSSIONNNN is true, what it comes down to is that the most effective thing the Russians had to assure Trump’s election was……releasing the uncensored thoughts and orders of Hillary Clinton and her staff and cronies.
All you had to do to sink her was tell the truth about who she is. All you had to do was show the world the real Hillary. The most effective weapon the world’s most effective intelligence and subversion agency had against Hillary Clinton was her personal thoughts and feelings.
I’m convinced that the majority of people screaming collusion don’t actually believe it, anyway. It’s just political LARPing.
They got him this time. I wonder if the commenters on that article would be interested in some Arizona beachfront property I have for sale.
The eight Republicans who crossed the aisle to support the legislation were: Reps. Vern Buchanan, Mario Diaz-Balart and Brian Mast of Florida, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Will Hurd of Texas, Peter T. King of New York, Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey and Fred Upton of Michigan. King has long been the lead Republican co-sponsor of the measure. Five of the eight Republicans signed on as co-sponsors to the legislation California Democrat Mike Thompson introduced last month.
Just two Democrats — Minnesota Rep. Collin C. Peterson and Maine Rep. Jared Golden — voted against the bill. Both hail from rural districts that backed President Donald Trump in 2016.
in case anyone was curious.