No, not this.
Being far less organized than SP – you may have noticed a lack of preview pieces. For this I do NOT apologize. None of us is in SP’s class. However, for listing everything here without the personal email ahead of time to the authors – I AM SORRY. So, if you see a date/time that does not work for you – at least to be around and bask in the glory of the comments/questions and adoration of your fellow Glibs. Hit the submit box and let us know, or take one for the team and strike a martyr’s pose!
Tuesday – Q unloads random thoughts and musings at 1100.
Wednesday – Letters to the Editor, 1100, or possibly 1900 – depends on if SugarFree’s Muse inspires a Hat n’ Hair episode. His Muse is like the EVIL EDIT FAIRY on meth. I dunno how he manages.
Thursday – Creosote Achilles recounts his 16th – it has… technical advice that shall be of note/use to some here, as well as a bit of history/culture and might just have you give a wee sniffle at the end… SHUT UP! FINE, I DID. A BIT.
Friday – Looking like a SMITH double feature. ADVICE by SEA and LINKS by STEVE. Or maybe the other way around. Eh.
Saturday – Oh, ain’t we got fun. Our regular features and extra fun at 1800. I’ll just leave it at that.
I will renew our plea for your ideas, content and the like. Some of you have started posts, but not finished (you know who you are) – and those that asked about doing a post and got back the go ahead, please do!
*hands Swiss some raclette*
Now THAT is how you bribe me! Throw in a bottle of kirschwasser and you get the keys to the edit button.
Sorry Swiss, we don’t stock that. Your choices: https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/fhrG1IUfT9qH1raga-afHg.FIWlNWmhll4vBRHxuV2hwM
Plus some tequila, vodka, and gin. *hic*
“Raclette /rəˈklɛt/ is a semi-hard cheese that is usually fashioned into a wheel of about 6 kg (13 lb). The Alpine cow milk based dairy product is most commonly used for melting, but is also consumed as a slice. Raclette is a Swiss[1][2][3] dish, also very popular in Savoie (France), based on heating the cheese and scraping off (from French: racler) the melted part.”
Ha, semi-hard.
And if it’s not raw milk raclette, I’m not interested.
You just have to keep on. And push.
“I’m pushing it real good.”
/from an genuinely funny commercial
I’m reminded of this.
Love the 90s tech.
I might have mentioned that I am still recovering from a disk crash earlier this week. My data files are all on the server and well backed-up but I lost all of my Firefox and email entries.
If Riven, Hayekexplosives, and the Albuquerque glibs don’t mind could you send me messages so that I’ve got you back in the Outlook world?
Also, 61North, if you have copies of the Alaska travel emails could you re-send them?
Thanks to all.
Huh. “Backup”.
I would regularly backup my Eudora files. Outlook is not nearly as backup-friendly.
I always called it ‘Endora’, cause it reminded me of a witch. Tabitha’s mother.
My zip-drive was Uncle Arthur
Agnes Moorehead, who was very good in a whole bunch of movies.
She gets a memorable final line as the warden in the women-in-prison movie Caged.
No, doood. Ghost your entire HD
The data files that I am concerned with, Quicken, Excel, Word, Adobe, etc. sit on a server that is backed up daily. In addition, those files are copied to a second drive and to Briefcase files that are on a flash drive that I carry with me. Don’t need to Ghost the hard drive because I can always re-install the OS and program files. In fact, it’s kind of nice to do so every once in a while to do a clean reinstall.
I have some old bookmark files so I was able to mostly recover Firefox. The Outlook loss was something that I hadn’t anticipated and am trying to work around.
Good lord, I don’t even think I could tell you which was my sixteenth. After the first dozen it’s hard to keep the rest in order.
I remember my 21st because it’s the only birthday I wasn’t carded
Oh, we were talking about birthdays? I figured since it was a Creosote Achilles article…
European green energy plan: burning American scrub forests.
Dog gambit, twice tonight! Two different threads, two different devices!
They really are taking us back to the middle ages.
I have to ask what the source and amount of energy used to heat-dry the pellets? I would bet that energy doesn’t get factored into this calculation.
I’m gonna guess those numbers are riddled with lies and corner cutting and bad accounting. Like the Tesla driver in front of me the other day with the license plate “END OIL”. Bet he thinks that, in Texas, that electricity is coming from renewables (or “from the wall socket — DUH!”) … even as he drives by the oil refineries.
I can’t even be sure whether I’m in the high double digits or low-ish triples. And that’s leaving out the really grey area of which to count, and which were straddling the line, or what the line is, really.
* Reads further down the thread *
Birthdays? Nevermind.
Why am I having to be seeing this for the first time from an Italian? My fellow Americans, I am disappoint.
I’m not saying I’d buy it if it was available… but I would buy it if it was available.
History of Lever Guns Part 2 will be submitted in the next day or so.
*thumbs up*
My Henry octagon barrel https://www.amazon.com/photos/shared/5EYUDSsaS3C22L7IaWEPDg.idy98zGrDiwrRv1CsRp0St
*hides awkward erection*
“Things to Come”
“Q unloads”
Goodbye Family Friendly Rating…
You’ve been edging this whole time?!
“Q’s tips: news and views you can use.”
Q’s tips are more him just waxing on and on
As a contributor are you allowed to cattbut Swiss and Brett when they use the first two posts to link to boobs?
At your own peril
Then I’m glad I didn’t post this Cat Butt …
Jimbo, there’s something you should know.
Contributers can’t edit comments, or post images in comments.
It is outside of their ability to do what you ask.
I’m just making popcorn because I can’t wait for Swiss and Brett to shit post on Q’s article and then dance around “How do you like it when it happens to you?”
I was just wondering if they were going to be sporting about it and give him the means to fight back. Maybe one cattbut? Then Q would have to decide which of them to bring it down on?
While the Raymond Massey movie was watchable, the original “Things to Come” from H.G. Welles was pure, unadulterated, socialist horseshit.
Things to come – Bloodshed in “Prince of the North Tower” I figured out what the Drakoi army looked like, and the words started moving again.
wow, I make a lot of typos.
That’s usually a sign I should get some rest
Night folks.
*Raises glass*
I’m out shortly too.
I was posting about things to come on Glibs. Scheduled posts.
Is ok, overall writing makes it non issue
The day after St. Patties day, I’ll have an article on curing and cooking corned beef.
The Irish expats here get really hacked off at American’s who say “St. Patty’s day.”
Apparently to them Patty is short for Patricia. They insist that it is “St. Paddy’s Day.”
+1 Paddy O’Furniture
I’ve never heard someone pronounce those two spellings differently. It’s always a “d” sound. Same with “attic” for instance, which sounds like “addick”.
Ah Tick does not sound like Ad Dick
Is the first syllable of those two the same sound for you?
Me neither, not in America. I think the Brits make that distinction.
Fun fact: that sound is technically neither a “t” nor a “d”. It’s called a “flap” and it has its own IPA symbol.
You are in possession of much useless knowledge.
I could blame higher education but I would actually know that regardless.
Useless? With his linguistics background and programming chops, he could be working in the field of natural language processing and making bank teaching Alexa how to sound more human-like.
I would stab a fork in my eye before working for a giant company like Amazon.
At some high price point, I would work on fixing Alexa, so when I say “Alexa, play some sexy music that will get my wife in the mood for sex later this evening”, she would start playing such music.
I’m a little sensitive on this issue myself.
Geez, settle down Francis!
I was scared just watching that. That is the look of someone who has killed a man just to watch him die.
Uffda. Please don’t tell me the Irish are getting as pissy about St. Pat’s day as the Messicans are about Cinco De Mayo?
The only reason anyone knows about your shitty holiday is because a bunch of drunk American cultural appropriators are looking for a reason to day drink.
The fifth of may is more of a holiday in the US, because Mexico doesn’t even celibrate it. So it’s an American holiday, and those people whining about how we celibrate it can piss off.
That’s also how I pronounce the word “button”, and when I hear it pronounced with either a stop or with the “t” sound enunciated it kills me dead for some reason.
Do “latter” and “ladder” sound the same to you?
Ha! Just saw your question to UCS!
Yep, exactly the same. According to the guy’s website who shows up when you DuckDuckGo “US regional accent map” I sound a hell of a lot like Frank Perdue.
My “button” has yet another sound in the middle (the “glottal stop”).
It’s been years since I took a linguistics class, but I pronounce “button” something like “buhdn” or maybe even “buhdm”. My mouth is already closed by the time I get near the “n”.
Huh. I don’t hear that anywhere. Except maybe the odd robot-autist Youtube video. No offense 🙂
None taken, people have told me I sound like Boomhauer from time to time.
Uffda us Minnesodans are totally safe.
The only time we ever use a hard T sound is at the beginning of a word. For example Thief River Falls is pronounced Teef River Falls.
But there is no chance of any t sounds in button or latter
There are no “d’s” in Patrick.
I’m also a direct line descendant of Irish kings. I’m pretty sure I know what’s, what.
Then you should know it is Padraig not Patrick. You sure you aren’t English?
It’s 2019. My last name isn’t spelled even close to what it was back in the homeland.
There’s no freak in French fires
Fries, stupid auto correct.
But there are lots of Citroens.
+1 Renault LeArson
There are.
Well back to work, sort of. More like slow motion in-processing. Rufus will need to update his index card.
Things to come….
Me, after my wife gets her new car….
Sometime in the next decade.
Couldn’t you just buy her a diamond pendant, or something? A car seems pretty extreme just to get laid.
…something, something you don’t pay for the sex, you pay her to leave…
In which case a car is a pretty good investment.
Believe it or not I’ve actually got a couple of ideas to pitch but I’ve got to wait until I wrap up this class. This MBA program is designed to be a class every quarter for a year and a half, which suits my work ethic and attention span, but it does mean about every other month I wind up in crunch time.
Mission Accomplished!
That’s hilarious. God forbid they ditch the virtue signalling and let people negotiate their own damn salaries.
Oh the NYT article was even better – some diversity consultant saying that equal pay does not mean there is true gender equity! Wheeeeee, look at those goalposts fly!
This just firms my conviction to never, ever work for a giant corporation.
I think that’s where I am at this point. I’m so burned out with management making idiotic decisions that hamstring the people “in the trenches” because they’re halfway across the country and have never even been to the building where this work gets done.
And I don’t like other peoples’ hands in my work. There’s nothing that enrages me more than working really hard on something only for someone else to fuck it up. The worst part is that a lot of management types seem to think that teamwork makes a process inherently more efficient when sometimes you just end up with people tripping over each other. “Too many cooks” is a real thing.
My ideal job would be a freelance role where I have ONE point of contact at the company. That person can sit through all the agonizing meetings and hash out what the project needs to be, then they can relay it to me.
In case you’re wondering, yes, I have considered the possibility that I’m somewhere on the autism spectrum.
Have you thought about being an entrepreneur?
I’ve thought about it. But the biggest problems in my life right now are too much time spent at work and too much stress from said work. At the moment, I think entrepreneurship would be moving in the opposite direction. Maybe someday, but not right now.
But on the upside you get irregular income, regulatory and administrative issues you almost certainly have no idea are out there, and the joys of hiring, firing, and selling your services to clients! Then after you do all that and realize you actually take home less than you used to, people will constantly ask for discounts because you are rich!
I see. Though a sense of ownership changes things.
Lol. Entrepreneurship is about 10X the stress, but it’s your stress. Completely different.
Smaller companies can also be a nice stepping stone. Particularly if you just enjoy the job without the crazy corporate shit. For instance, I haven’t had an HR meeting since the late 90’s.
Too busy hauling water to dig a well.
I see that we’re coworkers….
My management is really good at being hands off at the beginning of a project and being micromanagers at the end of the project. It’s baked into the culture at this point.
I am so much happier since I (involuntarily) left a big bank (and before that a big insurance company) for a different industry.
Fuck the bigger salary. Life is too short to be miserable for 10 hours a day.
That’s exactly what I’m sayin’. If you don’t get anything positive out of your job besides money (which I would say is the case for the vast majority of people) you’re basically throwing your life away by spending massive amounts of time at work.
… Unless you’re doing it to provide for a family. Which is not the case for me.
Unless you’re doing it to provide for a family.
I don’t even think this needs to be a caveat. My family doesn’t need me to work a job I hate. In fact, it makes them miserable when I’m miserable.
Thankfully I don’t hate my job, I merely dislike large parts of it because it seems to be designed to make sure that we’re all panicking about some imminent deadline 365 days a year.
Mammary Monday wraps your mind in soft pillows of comfort and pleasure.
I’m going to assume your upcoming article is a hundred of these links. *drifts blissfully to sleep *
Buying guns is always a good idea.
Meh, sometimes wrong is wrong and right is right.
Yeah, I think good people can come to terribly wrong conclusions, but their goodness doesn’t mean they’re not also wrong as hell.
“The sources of motive attribution asymmetry are easy to identify: divisive politicians, screaming heads on television, hateful columnists, angry campus activists and seemingly everything on the contempt machines of social med”
AKA The phoney world
“Bernie Sanders declared without a hint of irony that “Donald Trump wants to divide us up based on the color of our skin, based on where we were born, based on our gender, our religion and our sexual orientation,” even though that is the perfect definition of intersectional identity politics.”
Masters of projection.
“contempt is “the unsullied conviction of the worthlessness of another.””
Yeah well ya know.
AOC may be in a https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/04/ocasio-cortez-justice-democrats/bit of trouble.
Hilarious if true.
Lets try that again….
AOC may be in wee bit of trouble.
Hilarious if true.
Bah. Just another day in the Swamp.
Who will prosecute?
I predict nothing will happen to her.
Laws are for little people.
Much as I hate AOC I hate the idiotic election laws more. There should be no donation limits and certainly no requirement that donations be disclosed. The whole idea of requiring disclosure and limiting amounts is evil.
What jar said
You want to see a “progressive” twist themselves into a pretzel? Tell them that many of the Scandinavian nations that they idolize have no campaign finance limits at all.
It sounds like they might get tax dollars though, which is even worse.
Never seen that before
Haha, shit. Her Twitter bio reads:
Nimble fingers etc.
She is a piece of work.
Well, see, she controlled the PAC, so, you know, it doesn’t count.
From the other thread. . .
“Dems warn Trump: Next president could call emergency on guns if courts back border order”
Trump’s declaration regarding a law enforcement action in controlling the national border is arguably constitutionally permissible. Leftist desires on private firearms are not constitutionally permissible. No one asks the only actually relevant question, that being constitutionality.
The text of the first and second amendments are pretty clear and absolute. Other amendments allow for leeway based on established laws, but those two are pretty cut and dry. “Congress shall make no law” and “shall not be infringed” are both as clear as they can be.
I directed a friend to article 8 section 1 the other day when we were arguing about various free shit. Cracker slave owners was the response I got.
If I had any idea how to get a gun I would. I think shit will get real when trump is reelected.
If you promise to CLEANSE THE EARTH OF BRUTALS, ZARDOZ will vomit a few Fosberry’s your way, though you might have to tangle with a scantily clad Connery to grab them
I live next to Indiana…
Fuckin’ do it bitches.
I believe the new definition for constitution is “toilet paper printed by the federal govt.”
Something I would like to try at some point (If the admins allow it, of course,) is reviewing some of the obscure books I’ve read. It would be nice to hear some other opinions rather than just discussing with myself.
Send it along. Can’t be worse than Brett’s bullshit links.
Will do. Gotta finish reading the current book first, then I’ll probably get a draft written up in a couple weeks. Just email it to the staff?
The submit email, please.
You’ve already made the pitch, so just send the article along.
What? No casting couch this time?
You watching from the corner of the room and touching yourself is just sick.
Don’t yuck my yum, asshole!
#metoo is making it too risky.
Audentis Fortuna iuvat, pussy.
Capto a Fotuna per cunnus
Makes more sense than e pluribus unum
Oh crap, I typoed Lady Luck….
Oh, you all are getting a Hat and Hair. A long one. Thick too.
And sticky I’m sure
I’ll try to come up with more submissions. The problem is I am lazy, prone to lecture, and go off on odd tangents, and bad as some of what I submit is, what I delete with a shudder is worse.
What’s the topic?
Topic? If I had a topic in mind I could write something pretty quickly. Its coming up with something interesting that is the problem. I’m a dilettante, I know a bit about a lot of things, which makes all of the articles here interesting to me, but makes me unfit to write about most topics in depth, so that leaves opinion pieces, fiction, and rants. Ranting is fun, but I am working on trying to be a less pessimistic person, so… Oh who am I kidding, I’ll almost certainly end up ranting again.
Works for me.
You gotta bounce ideas off people before you know what is interesting. Personally, I’d love to do a deconstruction of Threes Company, but for some reason it seems to bore people.
This GenXer would be all over that.
Trust me land trusts, land contracts, and metes and bounds are not interesting.
Trust me land trusts
That was interesting already.
Land Trusts (as I am using the words, there is another use) are trusts used to keep the owner of a piece of land’s name off the title. They are trusts in which the beneficiary has complete control over the trust, can replace the trustee, has the power to direct the trustee to act etc., which means they are things that look like trusts but don’t do what trusts do.
bored yet?
Larry closeted homosexual or just a 70’s guy?
Read “All’s Well That Ends Well”. Larry was a Shakespearen actor that puts Branagh to shame. Larry is Bertram.
This crowd can’t be shocked or shamed. Bring it.
Two issues with that,
1. when I delete it is because it is boring poorly reasoned tripe, not because it is shocking.
2. I chose my handle poorly if I want to post something really offensive.
I plan on submitting a “book report” on the 1001 Nights when I finally finish it (night 943).
I’ve also been thinking about a post on electrical power transmission/distribution but I’ve been hesitating because I’m a “hobbyist” not an expert on the subject. I think that 90% of the readers would go, “Oh, hum” and the other 10% would go, “Well, you’re wrong over here. . .”
I’ve also been thinking about a post on electrical power transmission/distribution
Do it!
Totally not my field but I still love this story about fixing a fault in a 230 KV feeder.
“Oh, hum”
Counting on Switzy already being asleep, huh?
My latest submission starts with, “I don’t hate Mexicans, but…” I hope it gets a fair listening.
I don’t hate them either. I think everybody should own one.
You got a problem with me? Suck my Penis ? Think I’m trippin’? Suck my Penis ♤ Can’t stand me? Suck my Penis ♛ ? Can’t face me? Suck my Penis ? ? Think I’m ugly? Suck my Penis ? ? Don’t like my style? Suck my Penis ? Bullying? Think you’re so cool? -The nigga you just tripped?… He Suck my Penis. -See that man with the ugly scars?… He Suck my Penis (if it wasn’t for him you would have Suck my Penis!). -That guy you just made fun of for crying?… His mother Suck my Penis. That Suck my Penis? He has Suck my Penis. The guy that you called a noob? He has been Suck my Penis.
They ran this in London newspapers to discover code breakers with potential.
Suck my Penis.
Wiener gets out of prison and then this starts? Coincidence I think not.
I’m thinking HM is really Takashi Miike.
Or this guy.
So it’s true what they say about those Bletchley Park chicks?
FYI I have an article ready to go on the Great Decoupling economic event and I submitted it last week but I am guessing it got missed in the shuffle as I never heard back on it
Great decoupling? You talking about Breton Woods etc?
Sometimes things get missed in the Spam filter, I’d just make sure they see it.
I listened to him discuss it and read a draft. It is worth reading.
Rasilio – I had emailed back and said “aye, plz” I thought…
Lunchtime thought. The Deep State has demonstrated incredible virtue by limiting its attack on Trump to the degree that it has. Dodgy dossiers and unsold tell alls by fired flunkies? C’mon deep state, can’t you plant a dead hooker somewhere?
Norm’s delivery. He forces you to be in on the joke with him.
‘In the land of skunks, the man with no nose is king!’
When Chris Farley was alive and Artie Lange still had a nose.
Wandering inspired by the linguistics above
Yah dare guy, but whares’ dem aksents from all da rezzes?
And no, Appleton does not speak a separate dialect from Green Bay.
Jesus. I’ve seen this before but not this detailed. That’ll take some time to unpack. Thanks.
No kidding. Looks like stereo instructions on my tiny phone screen.
Thank you guys for prompting me to look for a dialect map! I’m not even in the amateur linguistics level but I find it fascinating. Never knew NOLA and NYC were so similar. Might have to ask lobot if he notices that. Not mentioned explicitly in that page but I bet the North Central accent in the Matsu Valley of Alaska is due to the influx of Depression area colonists sponsored by the federal government.
I’ve been busy/lazy lately. But between the summit and CPAC, a new cartoon is coming soon.
Celebrity look-alike update:
I have once again drawn a Chris Parnell comparison – specifically Dr. Spaceman.
Maybe I should embrace this.
A song I feel real bad never got bigger. A lot of personal memories attached.
I made the mistake of trying to watch SNL’s Cold Open from this weekend, which was about the Cohen hearings. Started out with one smirk worthy joke about Occasional Cortex, then some lame stuff, then some a dig at DWS that really wasn’t funny, then MARK MEADOWS IS RACIST! -Wow, they know how to do comedy (Pinocchio effect)
I gave up during Obama. It just got unremittingly awful.
I gave up before then, but this was comedy gold, so I wanted to see just how bad they missed the mark.
You are stronger than I am.
A pickaroon works great for breaking up the ice sheets in the driveway. Much better that a shovel.
Watch your racist language!
Also, this.
Looks like it’s above freezing. I’ll take it!
Right?! I was almost afraid to look that up.
Dudes! – and Babes! J&G has a special on used Star 9mm’s.
Chauvinist. Now find something for the ladies.
My reading comprehension blows (like Winston’s mom; drink). I missed the babes part.
It seems like a great sale. I might take part.
Also, NBD on the Chauvinist crack, even if it was meant seriously, which I doubt. Time for us to go to bed.
Sorry, last line should have been on another paragraph.