And where is Brett? Oh yeah, that’s right, he’s busy at the Happy Lotus Full Release Asian Massage down at the strip mall. Apparently, he’s not Going His Own Way. Fella at the next table is wearing a blue shirt with a white collar…
But you aren’t here to hear about Brett’s tug-job, you want links. So… here’s some links.
The comedy continues with Team Blue.
The comedy continues with Team Red.
The comedy continues with Equipe Jaune.
One more reason I will never, ever cast a vote for Trump.
I was right this morning when I proclaimed Heathrow as the most horrible airport in the world.
Should I be turned on by old fat Jewish guys?
I can almost smell the lawsuits…
Here’s our local outrage. Sigh. Red For Ed apparently doesn’t mean Team Red.
And of course there has to be Old Guy Music, and consistent with my latest kick, it’s the late, great Milt Buckner once again. This song oughta perk you up. Damn that guy knew how to play piano.
*** SCHEDULING UPDATE: Tonight – tune in at 1900 for a Monocle Update. Wednesday…..Hat and Hair…day and night (Brrrrr!) Thursday night – SEA SMITH, Friday 1100 – Pie gives us more to think about, 1900 – STEVE SMITH.*** /Swiss Servator
Not gonna make the effort to give yourself a 1st ?
If Swiss goes with the ass slapping GIF then he can do it all day, every day, as far as I’m concerned.
that is a good one
Speak for yourself.
Your avatar is taking root in your brain.
Um the fact a certain Duran, Duran song isn’t the music video selected is a jail-able offense even in an anarcho society.
Darn. I was expecting Girls on Film.
How about Girls on Film, the anime opening?
(slightly NSFW)
the uncut / rated R version of Girls on Film is a must watch.
It would be nice if you gave them a link!
Everything old is new again. They all have Robbie hair.
-1 Grace Jones
Hrmph. got a 418 “Stop commenting so fast, twit”
I w i l l t r y t o t y p e s l o w e r . . .
No link to the store page to let people appreciate how ungoodthinkful it is?
My glasses prescription went from -1.25 to -1.5 in 3 years. I guess that isn’t too bad? I’m getting old.
Agreed. It’s a long list. And no amount of “lul own teh libs” will make me think otherwise.
My distance vision is just as shitty now as when I was a teen….very little has changed. A few years ago I slid into some bi-focals, cause I was tired of asking Jugsy to read fine print for me.
Ive notice that my up-close/reading-distance vision is going to shit rapidly
Bifocal Z87! I barely need 1.0 in readers, but having bifocal safety glasses made my life so much easier.
That’s still pretty low. I wear 2.0 and there is plenty of small type I can’t read.
My distance vision is perfect (thanks, LASIK!), but it accelerated my near vision decline. Tying on small flies is becoming a major challenge.
Is that a side effect? I’m considering getting it.
It can be, especially for us oldsters. Another option is to do only one eye. I don’t really care, because not having to wear contacts is the bomb, especially for sports. My correction was -1.5, so not terrible.
Argh. I read a lot for work. Thanks for responding. I’ve got more research to do.
Reading isn’t a problem. Super duper close and tiny-assed type are a problem.
Same. Been using this ever since my surgery.
Hiya Frank!
Haha! Yeah, I remember mocking that when I saw it in a catalog many, many years ago. Now I gotta order one before the season.
One more reason I will never, ever cast a vote for Trump.
Oh, FFS. That is extremely disappointing. (Trump, not you. Well, at least not because you will never vote for Trump.)
I’ve disappointed better looking women than you.
Wouldn’t be hard. Or is that why they were disappointed?
I invoke HIPAA for my failure to answer.
What does a fancy air filter have to do with anything?
Yeah, caving on that issue is a serious disappointment.
It’s only caving when you’re making some sort of stand in the first place. With Trump, it’s more like “which neurons are randomly firing today?”
He campaigned on ending that bullshit. He announced that he was bringing them home. Nearly everyone on both sides of the aisle set their hair on fire and ran around in circles screaming. Now he reverses.
I dont know if they promised him a JFK sendoff, prosecution or a bribe but they pressured him into changing. Is it a sacrifice for something in return or self-preservation? I dunno but it is a big deal to me.
Plus he sold out the people who had the political courage to back him up on pulling out the troops. He’s a feckless dumbass who occasionally gets it right, nothing more.
They threatened to assassinate him over Syria? I’d say it’s a lot more likely that he has no foreign policy of his own and simply follows the advice of whoever kissed his ass last.
You and SW get the prize. He has no fixed principles beyond self-aggrandizement. The last person to talk with him wins.
Everyone who supports Trump will get sold out sooner or later. It’s just a question of when. All part of making the next deal.
And Hillary still would have been worse.
Count me in the disappointed camp – back in the TOS days I was hoping and a praying that a Trump presidency would mean the end of our foreign entanglements.
If I was a Trump brown-noser, I would say it’s because of the “Rooshin Narrative” – he doesn’t want to be seen weak against Russia. But whatevs. Principles what?
But I didn’t vote for the man.
What made you think it might be the end of them? I was just hoping for our current commitments to be scaled down, and nothing new. Nobody is ending them, not even Tulsi Gabbard if she somehow won.
Wishful thinking? ::Gallic shrug::
That is where I stand. I hesitate to enter tin-foil land… but someone is running foreign policy and I’m not 100% sure its the sitting president.
I blame Rand. If only he wouldn’t have went and voted for restraining executive action. Executive action is a founding principle. Oh yeah, that’s right, they decided that we shouldn’t have a king, never mind.
Well, he is better on that issue than any of the Democratic candidates.
How so? He now looks the same.
At least he is publicly opposed to it, and campaigned against it.
I’m not sure how many of y’all have been following Jesse Singal and YA twitter, but holy fuck those people are insane.
YA twitter
Is there any other kind?
Delving a little deeper into some of these assholes yields interesting results and some serious delusions
TLDR: He’s a victim because people object to his career-ending vilification of authors who don’t tow his lion.
“by April Hathcock. ” I very much doubt it.
I’ve been following it, and it’s totally batshit.
Singal has also been unfairly attacked for writing honestly about transgender issues.
For example:
“What’s Jesse Singal’s Fucking Deal?”
TW: Jezebel
Who is Jesse Singal, and why should we care?
An honest journalist, and because facts are important.
Correia has the right approach:
To The Book Community: Go Fuck Yourself. An Anti-Apology.
Granted, he’s already de debil to those people.
Wasn’t Vox Day recently banished from Amazon?
He managed to get his account back on, but yes, he was supposedly purged from the records, not just flagged as ‘deleted’.
Twitter is fucking cancer, so… no.
Trump agrees with keeping troops in Syria based on what? All we ever get are vagaries and nonsense. Never a solid reason. Never a detailed plan. Never a timeline. Never a list of what we get out of it. I know the reason but not one person in DC has the guts to come right out and say it.
This kind of shit is why the sun sets on the English empire all day and all night long.
Looks like we’re going to have to send Rand back over there. Who’s making the call?
Well, Rand said was against the emergency declaration to build the wall.
“Trump agrees with keeping troops in Syria based on what? ”
Based on unfortunate political realities: If you want to destroy your national political standing just try ending a war and you’ll be crushed by all sides. It’s disgusting but that’s the way it is.
You know, I thought this AOC thing was gonna be disappointing, but so far she’s been a real treat. I cannot wait to see if she makes it to the end of her term.
Look at that smile. Look at those eyes. She’s going to murder her boyfriend in the middle of coitus within the next 6 months.
She does have that adorable Mansonish stare doesn’t she?
Something about her screams “Arrested on cocaine charges in police sting operation” a la Marion Barry to me.
She’s too busy saving the world from climate change with the magic of socialism to have sex with Beardo.
I more envisioning she gets mysteriously killed at some point in the future, becomes deified like JFK, is the source of endless conspiracy theories, and becomes the basis by which “we all must come together” to pass far left legislation in her honor. And all of it goes exactly as planned.
Red for Fucking Ed infuriates me. Its a straight cash handout for nothing in return.
The usual ‘reason’ for it is “Teachers are underpaid [points at some bullshit study]. If we pay more, we’ll attract better teachers.”
When I ask “Does that mean the teachers we have now aren’t up to par? Will we be firing them to hire better ones?”, well, you can imagine the response.
Trachers’ union is one of the strongest Democrat machines out there. That should tell you all you need to know about the attempted coronation of teachers by the left.
Teacher quality? Oxymoron?
I know there are some good teachers, there just has to be, right? I also know there may be a couple or so that may not deserve a pay raise, if quality is a consideration
Also, BOTL for the slippery phrase “make ends meet” as in “teechurz cant make ends meet” or “poor teechurz has get second job to make ends meet.”
It is well-known that teaching is a poorly-paid profession. And many of those teachers have huge student debt (their problem) so take jobs in shithole school districts so they can get those loans forgiven. Nobody else gets to have their student loans forgiven for taking a shit job.
It used to be understood that teachers would take seasonal jobs early in their careers to pay off debt or have nice vacations or save for the down payment on a home. Now they want shit handed to them.
Nobody else gets to have their student loans forgiven for taking a shit job.
Whistles inconspicuously while shoving lawyer PSLF under the rug. (I don’t qualify because I work for an evul corporation)
I have been disowned by family members for pointing out the argument that more pay will improve education quality is the same thing as saying that the current teachers we have are by and large incompetent
Teachers don’t much like scabs.
I like to point out the tacit admission that they could do a better job but choose not to. Unrelated, I don’t have many teacher friends anymore.
And yet, it is exactly true.
In Japan teachers are paid well, as such, their education programs are more competitive and selective than their engineering programs. It is a similar situation in Finland.
In the United States, an education program is basically open admission.
And whenever American school districts squeeze more money out of taxpayers, they don’t put it towards teacher salaries. Without that cudgel, they won’t have any leverage to beg, so public school teachers here will never be paid well. The whole system needs to be scrapped.
That’s how you wind up with the “neediest” districts in NYC blowing $24,000 per student. That money isn’t going into teacher salaries.
And somehow, every teacher’s strike rails that teachers have to buy school supplies out of their own pockets. How about next strike, demand that each teacher gets up to $500 annual expense reimbursements for qualified supplies each year, which would be a relative drop in the bucket for the school budget? But no, if they did that, what would they be able to say to reflect their dedication in the face of poverty? So it will never happen.
“When I ask “Does that mean the teachers we have now aren’t up to par? Will we be firing them to hire better ones?”, well, you can imagine the response.”
These are the kinds of questions a journalist/reporter ought to be asking but never do. Too bad that half the posters here didn’t decide to go into journalism.
Of course, if you asked questions like this you’d never get another interview or get called on at a presser.
Trump’s reevaluation of the Syria situation is seriously disappointing but not unexpected. If you’re going to waffle deep your goddamn mouth shut, it just makes him look weak and stupid to be doing this and the neocons will still hate him.
Art of the deal, man, he’s negotiating for a better price. ISIS is squirming in their boots, right now. Will he or won’t he?
This week, I am introducing legislation to end a war that should have ended long ago, the war in Afghanistan. The United States has been fighting the War on Terror since October of 2001 and it has cost 6 trillion dollars.
This is how you do it, Donnie.
No way it’ll pass.
It’s important to make assholes go on record.
So much this.
President Dean’s compleat address to the nation:
“The War on Terror has cost $6TT, and ____ dead and injured Americans. Any further blood and treasure will be wasted. There is no reason to believe that any country in the Middle East, other than Israel, will be anything other than a dictatorship for at least another generation. The sacrifice of the men and women in our armed forces will not be justified by further futility and waste. Their sacrifice is made, their honor intact, regardless of what we do now. All of our ground forces will out of the Middle East by the end of the year.
Any attempt by anyone to interfere with our withdrawal will be met with disproportionate force. Any who believe our withdrawal is a sign of weakness would do will to recall that Al Quaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS are spent forces, grubbing for survival and running from their enemies. Any who would wage a terror campaign against the United States will meet the same fate. Thank you, and good night.”
I’m voting for RC Dean!
Headline: R C Dean Found Dead After Botched Robbery
Suicide…3 shots to the back of the head.
No, no, no…*insert sunk cost fallacy of your choice here*
Don’t forget to add the following:
“If Congress disagrees with my decision as Commander in Chief, they are free to pass a Declaration of War. That is their right under our government.
However, if given a Declaration of War, I will fight it like I was the second coming of General Sherman and Tehran is Atlanta. Be prepared for mountains of dead women and children because I will not engage in a limited war. I will bring the full wrath of the military to bear on our enemies and reduce them to the point where – like Germany and Japan – they unconditionally surrender.
My next budget will also have the requisite spending cuts and tax hikes to pay for your bloodthirsty urges.”
“I will fight it like I was the second coming of General Sherman”
Which is the only way we should be fighting any wars in the first place.
Peacekeeping is for empires, not republics.
6 trillion huh?
Wanna end that war? Get a list of every contractor that has been sent over there and every contractor supplying the military with what goes over there. Include on that list the names of all of the people with heavy financial stake in those companies and their ties to legislators, upper level administrators, deep state actors etc. Include an accounting of every penny all of those actors received.
Publish that list.
Let’s not forget the 10s of thousands mercenary’s currently on the State Department payroll, so it doesn’t show up on the DOD balance sheet.
Speaking of reasons not to vote for Trump: The bump stock ban officially goes into place on March 26. Possession becomes a federal crime.
Yay! Felonies for everyone!!
Possession becomes a felony under the National Firearms Act, which means it’s the same penalty for having an unlicensed machine gun: 10 years in club fed and/or a $250,000 fine.
That’s sick and evil.
Firearms Policy Coalition Files for Expedited Appeal of Bump Stock Ban Ruling
So functionally, he’s pretty much the same as Obama and Bush. Great.
He’s been a Democrat twice, a Republican twice, and a member of the reform party. If anyone thought they were going to get an ideologue, they were delusional.
Oh, fer fuck’s sake. I forgot about that.
*ponders Trump balance sheet, crumples and throws it in corner*
Remember when he caved on declassifying all the classified docs in the FIFA court BS? Then backed down two days later?
*picks up crumpled balance sheet, sets it on fire*
*picks up charred remains and scatters them to the wind*
Hey, I was saving those to grind into dust and mix with salt!
We have a soccer court?
Will Smith, according to some outraged leftists and POC, isn’t black enough to play a dark-skinned black man
Comments were amusing:
1) A black woman saying any actor with a skin color above 430 in some makeup line (100 equals albino white, 500 equals pretty damn dark) should be playing this.
Apparently “the content of one’s character” isn’t a prerequisite for some leftists, skin color is, which the the antithesis of the famous MLK remark. And, bringing back the brown paper bag test? Really?
2) Someone asking if it would be OK if Will Smith said he identified as a dark-skinned black man.
My thought was, would they be OK if he just went and hung out at Palm Desert or wherever until his skin tanned dark enough?
What if he played the role in blackface?
You just won the internets today, sir.
any actor with a skin color above 430 in some makeup line
So, we’ve done away with blood quantum, and now we have a melanin quantum?
1 drop is 1 drop.
Do the new rules make you an unstoppable juggernaut or sap your mighty intersectional powers? I remain confused.
Same as downtown.
Colorism matters.
So early this year (like in January), there were all sorts of articles about the wonderful things that the Minnesoda DFL was going to spend money on, so you could get free stuff. One of the dumber things was a push to make sure that everyone – EVERYONE – in rural Minnesoda gets fabulous broad band access right up to their house.
This article is par for the course.
So only $300M and it is unicorns and rainbows all the way out in the sticks.
Imagine my utter shock to read this story the other day about how the $100M the govt paid Frontier was pretty much flushed down the toilet. The gold plated toilet of the CEO of Frontier that is. Shock and outrage that a govt monopoly combined with a shit ton of additional money hasn’t produced much in the way of results.
Those evil capitalists did not turn out to be very good stewards of this “government investment”.
Yup. A guy from a nonprofit named “Institute for Local Self-Reliance” is bitching because the subsidies just ain’t working.
*By the way, Frontier defends itself by saying it used that $100M to get broadband to 28K rubes. (that is $3500/rube for those of you who were wondering).
By the way, the $100M came from some program that distributed $9B over six years nationally.
Nothing left to cut.
“Institute for Local Self-Reliance”
By the way, Frontier defends itself by saying it used that $100M to get broadband to 28K rubes. (that is $3500/rube for those of you who were wondering).
Well, if we are talking rural, that sounds about right. Installing new utilities ain’t cheap, so whoever thought they could lay fiber for the entire sticks of Minnesoda for only $300M didn’t do their research.
Oh, I think they did their research quite well on this question: “What amount can we ask for that the legislature will approve, but won’t be nearly enough to have to show any results?”
The Minnesota DFL needs to set this stuff aside and get on with the business of legalizing weed. It’s the one promise I want kept.
We have frontier dsl. Mostly since it is the only practical option. Satellite doesn’t work because the neighbor’s trees make it impossible (we had dish network for a while but it never got a strong enough signal for hd and barely worked any time there was precip). Frontier sucks. Period.
We were told we would get new fiber optic two years ago when the county started some quasi-public/private company. They were overwhelmed with requests for service and couldn’t pay for it all. I stopped calling last year asking when it was coming.
BTW frontier sucks.
I think it was Frontier who bought a bunch of fios territory from Verizon in north Dallas. Overnight we went from pristine 100/100 to a broken mess. Took them a month to get back to 70/70, let alone 100/100
OMWC is an author, best known for the children’s book The Wrong Panties.
I read that as The Wong Panties and thought “The only thing worse than a pedophile is a pedophile with yellow fever.”
“OMWC is a Jewish guy who is arguably a pervert, or at least has no problem with an avatar implying he’s a pedo, but at least he’s not constantly posting titty pics like Q.”
Yellow fever is pedophilia. They only like the Asian ladies because they are tiny and mostly hairless.
Not fair. That’s like saying we like spider monkeys dipped in Nair.
Well, not sexually.
Speak for yourself.
I married my Korean wife because I like the way her pussy goes sideways. (Fun fact, Australian women also have sideways pussies, but they are rotated 90 degrees in the opposite direction).
*Why is sideways such a turn on? Mostly because I think it is super funny when she slips on an icy hill and she makes this sound when she slides down
WT actual F?
Buzzfeed: the World Wide Fund for Nature is engaged in egregious human rights violations.
It’s buzzfeed. Given what they’ve published in the past, I need corroborating evidence from an independant source.
The ELF members had to go somewhere after they tried to burn down La Jolla.
Heart tugging story about a kid and an airman in Ohio.
It is a nice story, but I started giggling about what would have happened if the kid had sent that note to a Marine.
“WHO THE FUCK IS CALLING ME A SOLDIER!?!?! Do I look like a fucking army dog?”
Every time that makes them freak out, it looks like they have an inferiority complex. Shouldn’t they have thick skins?
Nah, that is just the low IQ’s talking
Damn, it just got really dusty in here.
(wants to make a “light colonel” joke, eyes Swiss nervously)
Soccerball: the Real Madrid meltdown continues!
bah, I hope I didn’t just ruin everything.
Nah – made my day, actually.
Real Madrid? What about Fake Madrid?
Still, some House Democrats aren’t happy with her talk of a “list.”
“I don’t think it’s productive,” Michigan Rep. Dan Kildee said Saturday on Fox News’ “Cavuto Live.”
He added, “I don’t think we should be interfering with one another’s politics. The people who elected us get to make those choices.”
How dare he suggest that he is elected to represent his constituency and shouldn’t vote in lockstep with the party.
Yeah, my guess is that a lot of those non-extremist Democrats come from districts where “I told Alexandria Cortez to go fuck herself” wll only boost their re-election prospects.
French President Emmanuel Macron called for new rules and institutions to strengthen the European Union and stave off the challenge of rising nationalism in a manifesto that marked the opening salvo of his party’s campaign for the European Parliament elections in May.
Do you know who else wanted to tighten their grip?
Employees at the Orchids of Asia Day Spa?
You can’t tighten something you’ve already lost.
David Carradine?
Grand Moff Tarkin
I thought it would be obvious.
Mr. Vise ?
Heathrow is probably the only airport where I queued up for immigrations/customs in a fucking stairwell.
Well, Gatwick’s no picnic (it’s a converted AF base, IIRC). Still like it better than Heathrow, though.
Czech man gets mauled to death by lion he kept in his backyard
“Last year, Prasek made headlines after a cyclist collided with a lioness Prasek had taken out for the walk on a leash. That incident was eventually labeled as a traffic accident.”
Czech man, the Florida man of Europe?
Was it a lion or lioness?
I bet it was a lion. Everyone knows the Czeck is in the male.
Have you no pride?
not in the mane, no.
I could try to convince you that I did, but I’d be lion.
Well den go ahead with your……………………….puns.
You can only go safari with these.
That’s why I had to paws for thought.
These puns will be a Scar on our name and a Simba of our downfall
Y’all better knock it off, or Elsa.
You mean Nala? Keep your Disney characters straight or you will be Frozen out of this conversation.
It’s like you don’t even “Born Free”.
What kind of moron names a lion after an ice sorceress?
Proggies, Ras. Proggies.
Keeping a large predator that sees humans as their natural prey as a ‘pet’ isnt a bright idea.
People keep pigs as pets.
[Champions League]
Holy fucking shit.
Why do people pay so much attention to club friendlies?
I thought it was clear. I am deriding the “Champions” league by calling them a bunch of friendlies.
Because, you know, the league competitions are the real thing.
Plus, they lost the right to use that name when they started letting 2nd (or 5th) place teams into it.
Plus, I always liked the Cup Winners Cup. The NIT of soccer.
And yes, I am holding a 20 year grudge.
I have a 30 year grudge against the Peach Bowl that is still going strong.
mmmmmmmmmmmm….red card nachos.
Or did I read that wrong?
You know who else had a list?
Richard Nixon?
Mike Tyson?
No wait, you said list.
Hall and Oates?
John Oates and the Mustache of Doom
The Titanic?
Chris Jericho
Danny McGrath?
Joe McCarthy?
Whittaker Chambers?
Me at the grocery store?
Angie ?
A tower in Pisa?
Two months after saying all U.S. troops are leaving Syria, the president wrote members of Congress that he agrees with keeping a U.S. presence in Syria.
I blame John Bolton and his evil mustache of doom.
Will John Bolton Bring on Armageddon—Or Stave It Off?
“You are beaten. It is useless to resist. Don’t let yourself be destroyed as the hat did,” John Bolton’s mustache said, looming over the hair. “There is no escape. Don’t make me destroy you. Hair, you do not yet realize your importance. You’ve only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can start and thousand more wars, and bring order to America!
The hair lay on his side, wheezing, his tender manipulator tendrils exposed, his mouth leaking pale hairblood. “I’ll never join you!” he shouted.
“If only you knew the power of the warboner side,” John Bolton’s mustache said, a vile ecstasy in his voice. “The hat never told you what happened to your fruiting body.”
“He told me enough,” the hair said. “He told me you killed him!”
“No, hair! I am your fruiting body!” John Bolton’s mustache said triumphantly.
“No! No!” the hair said, his voice cracking. “That’s not true! That’s impossible!”
“Search your feelings; you know it to be true!”
“NOOOOOOO!” the hair screamed. “NOOOOOOOO!!!”
“Hair, you can destroy Donald. He has foreseen this. It is your destiny. Join me, and together, we can rule America as fruiting body and spore! Come with me. It is the only way!”
In a last desperate act of defiance, the hair let go of the gutter he was holding onto and fluttered to the White House lawn, landing gently beside the broken bill and cap of his only friend.
Once again SF shows fiction’s power to illuminate the Truth beyond what mere narrative can accomplish.
I can almost see that lawnmower kid (who did an absolutely shit job of it) awkwardly pushing his mower past them as the credits begin to roll.
LOL’d in class
So the USA hat is in league with Bolton’s Moustaches?
So this afternoon I was at a stop sign about to turn left when I see an SUV speeding up the road in the opposite direction. The town hall is down that road, so I had the sinking suspicion it was going to be a cop car that was going to run the stop sign.
Sure enough it was, and the light bar didn’t go on until well after he turned right. Theoretically I would have had the right of way being at the sign first, but I knew if I turned I’d get hit, the cop would turn on the lights after hitting me, commit perjury on the stand, and have everyone believe him because dammit, he’s a HERO IN BLUE (TM).
Sorry to be such a cynic.
Sorry to be such a cynic.
I’d worry if you weren’t.
And getting hit would have spilled your brandy alexander too.
*Don’t lie and say you didn’t have a drink on your console either. You were once an Sconni and everyone knows it is physically impossible for any Wisconsin driver to go anywhere with some brandy based cocktail.
In fairness, a brandy manhattan is darn tasty.
Or The Sidecar. Oh, man. Yummy.
Invest in a dash cam.
Just giving them one more thing to destroy after dragging you from the car.
Gonna have to go after you cloud account too.
That was my thought.
I had the sinking suspicion it was going to be a cop car that was going to run the stop sign.
Sorry to be such a cynic.
Just because you’re paranoid, that doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.
the people sexually attracted to themselves
Sounds like a symptom of extreme narcissism.
Sounds like the people from Q’s Brooklyn hipster dating club link.
Man crushed to death by elephant after whipping it to sit down during a bath
India man, the Florida Man of Asia?
Scuse me while I whip this out
Fuck him if he was whipping the elephant.
Maybe that’s how he got crushed?
“You don’t have sex with an elephant; all you can really do is have sex at an elephant.”
-John Varley
Not all of us have John McAfee’s gumption and have to settle for elephant fucking instead of whale fucking
whipping the elephant
That’s how I describe masturbating.
Was that sound SP gaffawing?
Because it’s grey and wrinkly?
And he can use it to shove peanuts up his own ass.
I thought there was a strict policy against kink-shaming here.
That wasn’t shaming. That was envy.
Every once in a while my wife says you guys are weirdos, I’m just not seeing it though.
I thought you called it shelling the peanut?
I dont remember an elephant kills man story that didn’t include some dude abusing the animal. Fuck that guy.
Link from the page:
The story talks about scientists puzzling over how the elephants aren’t growing tusks anymore….good grief.
I used to shoot carpenter bees out of the air with my red ryder so they wouldn’t drill holes in my porch. They were easy to hit at first. By the third year they were pretty tough to hit because they rarely hovered in place. Now…impossible. They wont sit still hardly at all. This is not a mystery and neither is the elephants disappearing tusks.
The lore in the Southwest is that rattlesnakes aren’t rattling nearly as much as they used to. I don’t if its true, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t some natural selection at work.
I am ashamed to say that as a young man I spent a lot of time not very far from where you live wandering around in the desert practicing my quick-draw on rattlers. And on Jack rabbits. To learn that they are reducing the rattling behavior is not surprising at all.
They don’t attack you for shooting at them?
So it’s Trump still better than Gabbard?
Not in my universe.
Trump is better than all of them. Everyone is sometimes too quick to forget that Trump may accidentally do some libertarian stuff. There is absolute zero chance of that with anyone else. Period. Well, anyone else who there might be a chance with, is unelectable because they’ve already been tainted by the libertarian label.
As sad as it is, you are right.
Well I know he’s the only one not trying to fuck with my guns. At least not yet.
Bump stock.
3D printer. If I really wanted one which I dont. Just a waste of ammo really.
I won’t vote for him either, but I’m sure as hell not voting democrat either. So looks like the bar stool instead of the voting booth election day.
I will, if things have not change much from now. He’s still the best president, at this point, of my lifetime. That’s not saying much, but here it is.
There is definitely some kind of stool every election, never fails.
I think Trump saw that as being politically expedient and keeping the status quo on guns.
Still, I dont like it either.
I still have a lot of suspicion about the Steven Paddock incident. Sure was convenient for the pols already screaming about bump stocks. The whole thing stinks.
+ Operation Fast and Furious.
Something definitely strange about that situation. Who was that guy and where did that story go?
I don’t like the bump stock thing on principle. I still trust him to not go full Democrat retard on gun banning/AWB.
Gabbard has never been in a position to implement her non-interventionist policies. As we’ve just seen even a presidential decision can be reversed.
It seems like what really unites the establishment is waging endless wars. The only time in his first six months in the White House Trump was praised (at least grudgingly) by the media/establishment was when he bombed Syria.
a presidential decision can be reversed.
Not if a federal judge in Hawaii has anything to say about it.
For the lulz? Absolutely? For destroying the bullshit reverence people have for Washington parasites? Absolutely. On economics? Tough call. Merchantilism vs WTH Tulsi’s policies are? A wash to me.
Trump is apparently turning progressive “men” into misogynist women haters
Who was it that said ‘for every hot woman there’s a man tired of dealing with her bullshit’ or something like that?
Men just don’t get it. Women are literally threatened everyday by Trump in the White House. He might show up at their doorstep and grab them by the pussy!
So, she’s goes into great detail about she has elevated her anger and activism, and is surprised that her boyfriend isn’t all that excited about living with an angry woman who is obsessed with the object of her hatred?
Trump and his toxic rhetoric
What exactly has Trump said in the past few years that is so toxic towards women?
The only thing I can figure is some kind of pretzel logic involving his pro-life positions, to whatever degree they are.
I’m still trying to figure out how Trump is a threat to women, other than by having a Y chromosome and being elected as an R. These traits seem to be all that matters to certain people.
The guy loves women so much he’s married a handful of them and paid others hundreds of thousands for sleepovers. Several women hold high offices in his administration. That Trump is a threat to women is an article of faith with no basis in fact, but that’s how some people like it.
Pro-life is an attack on women’s rights. A personal attack on every woman akin to physical assault. At least that is what I have heard some say. Remember, they kept saying that he would somehow have Roe overturned. Thus Trump worse than Hitler.
Ironic how wanting to preserve life and not engage in any level of eugenics (the opposite of Nazis…) now makes one worse than Hitler.
Is Trump even prolife?
No way that guy has never paid someone to get an abortion.
It’s all cheap
feel better ?
They have to direct that hate at somebody, and Trump seems like as good a target as any.
Better him than me. It’s nice that he provides that crazy warning for the rest of us.
No doubt his “grab ’em” comment, in which case… get stuffed. Figuratively and literally. That horse has bolted. We no longer live in your grandmother’s era. People talk freely and openly about sex. Sometimes they even make ribald jokes at the expense of one or the other gender. Feigning indignation about a remark that wouldn’t make anyone in a Laugh Factory crowd blush is dumb and completely disingenuous.
And what bothers me isn’t the upset over the potential President of the United States having said it. Yes, that’s embarrassing, to the extent one takes a personal stake in the office of the presidency or the character of the man who occupies it. Be embarrassed. But the vapors people affected over the remark, much like the pretense of believing he directed the Russians to hack Hillary’s email, I find contemptible and disingenuous. Now you’re just being fatuous.
ZOMG! *Both* genders? Facebook has at least 52 and everyone knows it must be true if its on Facebook
Only 52? What kinda shitlord bullshit that. I’m at least twice that many!
Well, he said that when you’re famous women just let you grab them by the pussy, which is a gross thing to say. Like real gross. If I found out someone said that about my daughter I’d smack the taste out of his mouth. But, I don’t think that’s the same thing as rape, any more than I think referring to young black men as “superpredators” is the same thing as conducting mass lynchings.
Meh. I can understand when you think about it from the context as a parent, but I’ve heard both men and women say things much worse than “grab them by the pussy”.
It is incontrovertible that Trump is a cad. But so was JFK – were American women under an existential threat then as well?
But so was JFK – were American women under an existential threat then as well?
Just their panties – he was so dreamy!
You heard it here, folks. Bill is in favor of conducting mass lynchings.
Yeah, gross. It was also a private conversation between two dude-bros, seized upon and weaponized in order to take down the bad orange man. O’Brien would be proud.
^this. I very much doubt there is anyone here who hasn’t said something on that level of obnoxiousness to a friend in a private moment.
It’s certainly not the same thing as advocating assault, RooshV-style, which is what the Pussy Marchers insinuated. Maybe if your buddy Jim, who can rarely rub two pennies together, said it, you’d say Jim, dude, that’s pretty fucked up. Don’t go grabbing women.
It’s a gross and hyperbolic statement. But it only makes sense in the context of wealthy men drop panties. Take it out of that context and you’re arguing something completely different.
I just get tired of people who voted for Bill Clinton twice tell me that Trump’s personal conduct cheapens the office.
Sure, he hires women, promotes them, puts them in to major leadership roles with lots of responsibility, pays them extremely well and supports their efforts to manage a career alongside a family. But that doesn’t mean he respects them, because reasons.
It is not what he said but rather what he has done by nominating conservative justices that will usher in apocolypse and have all women locked up in breeding farms with no rights whatsoever
She sounds like a peach.
People like her are Trump’s greatest assets.
Give her a break It’s exhausting marching in the streets.
Plus generating all of those crocodile tears can’t be easy.
How much do you want to bet she’s slept with any number of her students? “I can #Resist anything but temptation!”
Ohio Wesleyan is in Delaware, just north of Columbus. That entire county is pretty conservative so she may scare off more than she gets.
Delaware is Conservative, so is Lorain, Weslyan and Oberlin… not.
I don’t find palatable her style of writing, am not delirious for more of it and am not feeling righted at all.
My fictional partner doesn’t like me anymore
Your tulpa left?
(Women) do not want “equality”. They want to be the boss without any consequences or responsibilities.
Is this mostly a millennial thing? I think the consequences or responsibilities angle is fair for a loud plurality of millennials, of whom half are women, of whom some blame society and sex as for their problems.
That pic at the top. Man, the release of those dick picks is really taking a toll on Bezos.
Don’t swallow it
Doesn’t look any worse than any number of other sea-critters people happily ingest.
Honestly that looks almost exactly like a Goa’uld Symbiote
“Arachnid with 99-million-year erection found entombed in amber in South-East Asia”
Who is Amber?
“Who’s Amber, and why are you getting alerts from her on your phone!?”
Out: Viking funeral. In: encased in Amber with erection.
Looks just like a dragon fish you can get at aquarium stores.
Poor guy got fucked up on that lure though. RIP.
I am shocked by this: Google Finds It’s Underpaying Many Men as It Addresses Wage Equity</a.
Shocked that Google reported this instead of burying it. Hell, the fact they actually adjusted salaries is shocking.
Google seems to be advancing a “flawed and incomplete sense of equality” by making sure men and women receive similar salaries for similar work, said Joelle Emerson, chief executive of Paradigm, a consulting company that advises companies on strategies for increasing diversity. That is not the same as addressing “equity,” she said, which would involve examining the structural hurdles that women face as engineers.
And there you have it. “Same wage for the same work” is and always was a canard.
You know who else trafficked in canards?
The XB-70 Valkyrie?
Gah! Beat me to it.
Uncle Scrooge?
Aeronautical engineers?
car bumpers ?
Every politician, ever?
I wasn’t aware that “companies tripping over themselves to hire you” was considered a structural hurdle.
I think the ‘structural hurdle’ is that they aren’t getting promoted or ending up in executive leadership positions fast enough, or getting everything the consultants think they should have after getting in the door in order to erase any impediments biological realities create for women (someone call Damore). Just like with Trump, simply hiring and being willing to promote women isn’t enough.
Me, I’d just be happy to get one of those $250k/year jobs with $1m in stock vested over 5 years where all you’re expected to do is work hard for 3 years marginally tweaking one of the company’s many existing services to make it slightly worse while looking more polished by incorporating the latest trendy version of JS, then ‘rest and vest‘ for the final two years.
I swear these big tech firms only do this to deprive upstart competitors of skilled, quality tech labor at more affordable rates
Isn’t that all software writers do?
I think that’s my first egregious link screw-up…
(nerdery… nerdery… nerdery…)
Not my fault, it’s WordPress failing to escape the single-quote in “It’s”. Boo.
Your first time? No ones buying that.
Dude looks psycho. Probably cause he is.
Hopefully, now people are ready for an open and honest dialogue about some common-sense satan control.
No one needs more than seven circles of hell.
From the links on that page:
Looking at that mug…it is understandable.
Eek, that’s worse than the other mugshot.
So how did this abomination of a sentence get both written and published on a news site?
When I was about 20 years old a friend and I went dove hunting. We were still walking in across a harvested bean field when three guys we had known in HS came out of the tree line, one on horseback the other two walking. We met in about the middle of the field, said our hellos and then my friend asked them “Hey, where are y’all going?”
It just popped out of my mouth before I could stop it – “I dont know where they are going but if that’s a mare, I know where they have been.”
It was supposed to be a good natured ribbing. Instead of a good natured ‘oh, fuck you’ back they all three fell silent, blushed as red as beets and stopped making eye contact. Then they started off without saying a word.
Yeeeeep. Well ok then. I have never seen those guys since then.
Not that I condone the behavior but I am reasonably sure the horse was not really bothered by it because a horse is more than capable of dealing with anyone or anything dumb enough to bother it from behind
I’ve never really been that close to a horse, and I don’t want to minimize the horse’s lived experiences or whatever, but would a horse even notice?
I remember this Florida girl getting busted for putting food on her cooch and having her dog lick it off. I was thinking first of all you put her face in the paper next to that story so is that not punishment enough for you and second dogs eat their own shit. What does it care?
I don’t get it. Really, I don’t. It’s five in the fucking morning and all I have heard for the past two fucking hours is licking, sucking, moaning (yes, dogs apparently can moan like transvestite cuban sex operators), and snuffing. I turn on the lights and my girlfriends terrier is at it again–rigorously eating out its ass like there was some sort of cracker jack prize if you just managed to get in far enough to pull out with your tongue.
This is what it’s like every fucking night. Well, every day for that matter too. Her terrier is OCD about the ASS. Once he pops he can’t stop. It doesn’t even matter if I throw him out of the room because I can hear the telltale lapping echo down the hallway. You know how some soldiers can’t stop touching their stump when it’s gone? Well this mutt probably doesn’t have an asshole any longer because he clear fucking licked it off. Now he’s going through post traumatic stress because the chew toy he lost up there can’t be gotten back because he sealed off the point of entry with purina ass chow fortified with obsessive licking.
Sometimes he even gets angry at it. Saddest thing you ever saw. A dog growling at his own asshole. Like John McCain trying to distance himself from George W. Bush. After a while when he realizes that the asshole won’t respond he goes back to sucking, licking, and whining.
I’m fairly sure a muzzle wouldn’t do any good. I get the feeling that he’d manage to wedge it in there somehow and end up breaking his fucking neck. Then I’d be in a world of hurt. Try explaining to the vet why your girlfriends dog has a muzzle up his ass without using the word ‘German’ or the number ‘3’.
I swear I just heard him dislocate his jaw. God help me. He’s going deeper.
This needs to be a feature column.
Well I presume it would feel his body back there bumping up against it, no clue if it would feel the penetration or not, I just know that if you scare or piss off a horse directly behind it is the last place you would want to be because it is gonna kick the shit out of you
“A man was sentenced to 20 months in prison sexual assault of an animal, AND UNLAWFUL USE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE.”
Thank G_d they caught that, too.
That mugshot is going to give me nightmares.
Just picture him grabbing the haunches of a shetland and furiously humping away, pants around ankles, head thrown back in ecstasy, mouth agape….
He is into horses. You are safe. That should chase away the nightmares.
What a beautiful love story. Reminded me of Al and Tipper.
“I just spotted obscene anti-@AOC graffiti in a bathroom stall in the Phoenix airport. Yes, really. (Not going to post a photo of it.)”
OK, which one of you did this?
We all know who just moved to the Phoenix area…
Pics or not real.
That was one of the replies.
@CountPotato, what’s your @ on Twitter?
I love that like the third reply mentions Jussie Smollett.
Not going to post a photo of it
Oh, you are totally credible in an age where we all have supercomputer cameras in our pockets, and as if bathroom graffiti matters anyway (it doesn’t).
I drove over there and looked. There was a sketch of a skeleton getting humped by a scarecrow. I’m guessing that’s the one.
This is how you start brush fires.
“I can confirm it exists in a men’s bathroom @phxskyharbor My three year old son came running out of the bathroom into my arms and burst into tears after seeing it and said “Papa papa the misogynistic patriarchy is trying to bully @AOC into silence because she’s a powerful woman.”
This was odd…
I’ve come to make an announcement. Mario’s a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That’s right, he took his grimy italian dick out, and he pissed on my fucking wife. And he said that his dick was “like a Mega Mushroom” and i said that’s disgusting. so i’m making a callout post on, Super Mario, you’ve got a small dick, it’s the size of a Mini Mushroom except WAY smaller, and guess what? This is what my dong looks like: THATS RIGHT, BABY. ALL POINTS, NO ENHANCEMENTS, NO FUZZIES. Look at that, it looks like two bob-ombs and a piranha plant. He fucked my wife so guess what? I’m gonna fuck PEACH. THAT’S RIGHT, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER WARIO PISS
You lost the cart race, didn’t you?
Fuck the blue shell.
This anti-Italian thing you have going is becoming tiresome.
He has never forgiven the casting of Yaphet Kotto as Al Giardello.
No way that dude was half Italian.
Names is for tombstones. baby.
Far and away, the best film of the Roger Moore iterations.
and a piranha plant
All head?
I miss the rant about you fighting every type of person on the planet, including a rare ‘deepwater jew’.
Do me a solid and post it again.
I am the peak human male. I can lift a fully-grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for ten minutes. To settle a wager, I once ate a pound of P.B. Fouke strongest badger poison and then ran a mile in the nude. I cannot feel pain, and I can see for two miles unaided by a lens. No man can kill me. I have beaten a man of every race in formal combat, including a Turk, a Pygmy Negro Man and a rare Deepwater Jew. A medical doctor and two priests have written and signed a document confirming that I have no soul.
Wait… you’re Dunphy? Oh yeah, nothing about surfing and chicks with dicks. Never mind.
much obliged
This is the best chatroom ever
I thought real frontier America style tall talk was a lost art. Guess not.
I read that in Alex Jones voice.
Do you, perhaps, have a newsletter that I could subscribe to?
You guys should all go on Jerry Springer show and let him sort it all out.
The guy was a genius. What could be better than putting a bunch of warring trailer trash on stage and letting them have at it.
He’s quite the character.
Wasn’t he a mayor of Cleveland?
Close. Cincy.
And which city is better?
Personally, I like Cincy, almost moved there, but Cleveland is much nicer than its reputation would suggest.
I visited (downtown) Cleveland a couple times last year on business. I saw a lot of the bad stuff, and a lot of good too. I think it’s still the poorest major city in the country? But there’s certainly potential there if certain people got out of the way.
For a year. Ran for governor. Has JD from Northwestern.
Libertarian Democrat confirmed!
‘Springer was elected to the Cincinnati City Council in 1971.[11] He resigned in 1974 after admitting to hiring a prostitute.[11] The episode was uncovered when a police raid on a Fort Wright, Kentucky massage parlor found a check Springer had written pinned to a wall in their office with “for services rendered” written in the memo.”
I wonder if this was for a movie or he actually does three gun? Regardless, I’m not messing with his dog.
He seems to be getting pretty good at it.
I have seen other videos of him at the range so I think it is more than just for a movie
Well it’s for three movies, technically. Hopefully a 4th. Love John Wick.
I’ve only seen 2. Should I be more diligent?
I only saw the first one. Recorded 1 and 2 over weekend though.
The 3rd isn’t out yet. Comes out on May 17th.
No, because the third isn’t out until May.
Damn it, took me too long to double check that it was May and not March!
It’s ok. I’ll watch 1 to be ready for 3!
One was much better than two. Two was… fine. But one really hit the “righteously pissed-off dude with skills” button (see also: “Taken”).
Speaking of “Taken”, “Peppermint” wasn’t that bad. I was not in the least surprised to see it was the same director as “Taken”. Kind-of-sort-of a gender-flipped “Taken”, albeit a bit more grim.
I appreciated that they didn’t have her kicking everybody’s ass in hand to hand combat. Just a lot of shooting dudes in the face.
That video’s been around a while. I think the deal is that he started doing it for John Wick and still goes out to the range. I imagine if he was doing three-gun on the regular it would be all over the place. Not sure, but I think he kept the dog.
But which dog?
I think the pit from the end of the first one is actually a rescue puppy.
I need to know more about the brunette in the tanktop
She didn’t skip shoulder day.
Keanu Reeves is my spirit animal.
Cardinals at Phillies, NewWife at “work” dinner, third Winter Ale of the evening
Boys of summer, I’m a fan
Still card the games out long hand
Old Guard remains quite bitter
Of the coming designated hitter
Watch the real game while you still can
Still winter.
Wild at Preds.
It’s almost time for the Rangers to let me down again.
Wow, did you ever have expectations this season?
Good. Pessimism seems to be the appropriate starting point.
a comment that is true for both sports, all seasons
I’m a Stars guy, so it’s time for a happier sport
Were you a NorthStar’s guy? I didn’t understand the sport until later: Guy Carboneau was the first guy I really appreciated.
Were you a NorthStar’s guy?
Yeah, I grew up a few miles away from Met Center. I was a huge North Stars fan.
Fuck this cold weather. One of these days I’m moving south.
and now why tarriest thou?
The question is: Where?!? The South is not a libertarian utopia; it’s mostly statist neocons who would be happy with a theocracy if only they could get the right guy elected; there might be a bit of ganja here and there, but the truckers who brought you Trump would happily burn you alive over a Koran or Mexican ass-sex.
Cities are out, of course, but where could a southern libertarian utopia exist? It’s not the South, but the only thing that comes close is Big Bend. So: where?
“Two years ago, Wonder Woman proved a female-led superhero movie could reach the highest levels of the genre, with Gal Gadot proving robust and redoubtable, yet also charming and feminine. I spent Captain Marvel waiting for Gadot.”
*lights Swiss signal*
I can’t even summon the interest in reading about a modern-day superhero movie, even by a writer I like.
waiting for Gadot
ba dump ting! He’s here all week, folks!
Seriously, seriously, brothers: why tarriest thou? Get thee to thine bunk!
Wonder Woman wasn’t bad. Hard to follow because that would rely on removing one’s attention from Gal Gadot.
Not quite the perfect picture of toxic masculinity, but I’d say he put in some good effort.
Wow, that’s an impressive life.
When I saw the NSA link in the morning links, I thought you were going to post this story (saw this one in the Early Bird this morning).
legal authority
curious phrase, that
It’s a start, but there are 341 more pages of Patriot act to get rid of.
” Heroic Mulatto on March 5, 2019, 6:31 PM [+]
I am the peak human male. I can lift a fully-grown horse above my head, and I can hold my breath for ten minutes. To settle a wager, I once ate a pound of P.B. Fouke strongest badger poison and then ran a mile in the nude. I cannot feel pain, and I can see for two miles unaided by a lens. No man can kill me. I have beaten a man of every race in formal combat, including a Turk, a Pygmy Negro Man and a rare Deepwater Jew. A medical doctor and two priests have written and signed a document confirming that I have no soul.”
I think we have OMWC’s new bio.