Good morning my Glibs and Gliberinas! And what a glorious morning it is for everyone as Hillary Clinton confirms she is not running again.

I’ll cut you, bitch!
Crazy Eyes’ campaign chief of staff alleged to have illegally funneled almost a million dollars of campaign money to his businesses.
So this means they’re ending NSA’s massive spying operation, right?
Compare this to the worthless fucking Girl Scouts (which I was kicked out of as a kid).
Looking to move? Here’s a list of states with the lowest to highest taxes.
That’s all I got for today, I’ll leave you with a song and move along with my day.
Morning, Banjos
Mornin’, Banjos
Looks like AOC got a little uppity and ran her mouth too much, I wonder if this info came from the Evils or the Stupids…or both
Mornin’, looks like she’s getting a solid lesson in politics.
She needs to learn her place…
Hillary Clinton confirms she is not running again.
I am not inclined to trust her.
I’ll believe she isn’t running in 2020 when 2021 rolls around and she hasn’t run.
She doesn’t want to run; but damn it, the people will force her to run and be their voice. Won’t you think of the people?
Look. She lost to Donald Trump of all people.
I think the people have spoken, the harvested ballots in California notwithstanding.
sHe WOn TeH PopUlAR VoTe!!!
It was the RUSSIANS!
The “news” made a point of mentioning this again this morning. Assholes.
“beloved popular-vote president”
SNP sends his hatred to you.
Oh, wait – you were joking? Never mind.
Just be glad you didn’t make fun of Hillary.
No worries, the comment was only intended as a tribute to the series which, speaking only for myself, was the best glibs content evar.
It has not stopped her staff from trying to exact revenge from Bernie.
So Bernie didn’t roll over and play dead fast enough? Man, don’t cross a Clinton.
You don’t get to play dead with the Clintons.
Right, you actually _are_ dead.
“botched robbery”
They take “no enemies to the left” to be an imperative.
Of course I don’t trust her, but why are you all so sure that she’ll pull a U turn and run again? She makes RBG look like a triathlete healthwise.
Because she strikes me as having passed the obsession event horizon.
There is nothing else in the world that matters to her but getting into that office by whatever means necessary.
Agreed on the obsession and that’s why I think she’s got some awful health condition. She’s a bloated, out of shape elderly woman that has been pampered for decades and has been filmed hacking up a lung, falling down etc.
By the way, is RBG still MIA? At what point can we say she is no longer doing the job and appoint a new justice?
Uh, no, some RBG-shaped thing showed up for work that might have been her. It slouched in her seat for arguments.
If she really is going to run, this is a smart move. Lay back and let the other clowns tear the shit out of each other. When it is down to the last few, jump in as the “adult” in the room.
I hate Hillary, but my guess is that after watching the other Dems for a few months, a lot of party stalwarts will be dying for anyone else. Anyone.
I can’t wait until Creepy Uncle Joe “accidentally” declares his candidacy a day before her and takes all the wind out of those sails.
She crawled out of her burrow in February and saw Trump’s shadow, so…
She won’t keep a promise until she is dead, and even then I suggest stuffing her mouth with garlic, beheading and burying the body upside down with the head between the ankles.
You forgot “with an Elder Sign engraved on the tombstone”.
Can’t be too sure, dontchaknow.
She may be holding out hope to be the compromise candidate of a contested convention. Unless the D field gets winnowed rapidly, it is not entirely impossible that no one will have a majority of delegates going into the convention, and if the leaders happen to be from camps that hate each other…
Count on it like the sun rising: The progs are going to go after 4H like the did the boy scouts, girl scouts and organized youth sports. Demoralization requires the destruction of any institution that builds individual character. I would put the FFA on that list as well.
Football Federation Australia?
My apologies to my non-American friends. We have a program in Jr. High School through High School called The Future Farmers of America. Kids learn hands on about animal husbandry, crop cultivation, irrigation, land management etc.
I try to go every year to their annual fair where the kids compete with animals they have bred and prizes are awarded for best chickens, cows, horses, pigs, goats etc. I find it fascinating to look at all of the breeds.
Last year a 12 y.o. girl won the chicken prize for raising Cream Lebars:
Kids learn hands on about animal husbandry, crop cultivation, irrigation, land management etc. – you don’t need to learn these things, the government will tell you what you are allowed to do.
Fun fact I learned the other day. You can cross breed the blue egg layers with brown egg layers, and if you get the family tree correct, youll end up with a chicken that lays blue, green, brown, and white eggs.
Just in time for Easter!
So the Delaware Blue Hens isn’t as far-fetched as I thought.
Still wonder why the men’s teams are called hens rather than cocks.
Are the University of South Carolina women’s teams called the Lady Cocks?
That’s the Fightin’ Blue Hens; they’re named after some particular hens, and not birds in general:
(that’s still a bit confusing, since they seem to have used ‘hens’ and ‘gamecocks’ interchangeably).
So what do sneezes have to do with chickens? Are you allergic?
“The Easter Egger is not a real breed but a mixed-breed chicken that does not conform to any breed standard. However, they are a popular choice among chicken owners because they are friendly, smart, hardy, and lay well in the winter.
They lay large to extra large eggs in a variety of egg colors, including blue, green, rose, brown, sage, olive, and cream. Many hatcheries mistakenly label their Easter Eggers as Araucanas or true Ameraucanas, so beware if you are looking to show your chickens.
However, if you are simply looking for friendly and hardy chickens that lay different color eggs, Easter Eggers may be a great choice.”
I’ve never seen any color at the store besides white or brown.
One of my coworkers raises chickens and brings in eggs from time to time to offer people, and I can see why they don’t sell the unusual colors in stores because they can look a bit off-putting. A green egg may be interesting to look at, but it is not at all appetizing looking.
besides, you can only ever serve it with ham.
Cuts down on the utility.
I didn’t just narrow my gaze, I shook my head as well.
I learned how to make steers and dehorn cows. I was prez of the local FFA chapter my senior year. I was dating the prez of the FHA, times were good. After that everything seemed to go down hill.
How much weed?
Someone had to ask.
King Kong Bundy passed away. RIP big guy.
I spent way more time watching Bundy than I ever did Luke Perry
I don’t think most guys watched that show Perry was on for him…
Crazy Eyes’ campaign chief of staff alleged to have illegally funneled almost a million dollars of campaign money to his businesses. – her only mistake is trusting in the honesty of others.
Just picture the PSA with Hillary and AOC:
“From you alright! I learned it by watching you!”
New Jersey is only #3 for taxes right now, but we have Phil Murphy on the job.
JD Pritzker laughs at you.
I mean who would move states for a measly 5% that helps the children.
I would.
It also helps that low tax states tend to have better gun laws.
That reminds me, I need to go back to looking for a spot to escape to.
I have also noticed an inverse relationship between tax rates and the services I actually use. Low tax states seem to have better roads, nicer airports, less traffic, and generally lower my urge to kill.
I think once you get past a certain size of government, corruption takes over like a cancer. Nothing short of a neutron bomb over Trenton could fix New jersey.
Steven Malanga has a piece on this in City Journal:
His research supports your idea of corruption, especially as seen in sweetheart deals with large semi-government groups. In addition he notes, massive public-sector pension funds and that high tax states tend to be high regulation states.
Good article, Once the unions and democrats are firmly established in states like NJ and IL, they never allow a switch to a 401k (403b) model of employee retirement savings. Those pensions funds will just consume the state budgets eventually – while creating endless opportunity for corruption.
Red states switched long ago and can’t fathom the taxes we pay for absolutely nothing in return.
It will be much higher than 5% soon.
Alaska, #50, baby. Can’t wait.
You get a natural resources check just for living in the state. I figure that won’t last 10 more years, but it’s been pretty cool.
Minnesoda (happy, Jimbo?) is in the running though, we got a gov that likes taxes.
New York is the worst, which surprised me. I was sure it would be either California (#4) or Taxachusetts (only #10 worst!).
Taxachusetts isn’t quite as liberal as people think. They tend to elect moderate Republican Governors to keep a lid on the real craziness. They also send their worst lefties off to DC where they can screw up the rest of the country.
I’m surprised it isn’t dominated by the craziness that surely rules in Boston the way my city dominates NY.
There are plenty of nuts to be sure. But also a fair number of old Yankees who recognize where the craziness leads to if unchecked.
“It appears ‘strategic consulting’ was a mischaracterization of a wide range of activities that should have been reported individually,” the complaint states.
I guess she must have learned *something* from Teddy.
A few things I bet.
The story on Gulag Barbie is the least surprising story we will hear today. Commie is a crook, news at 11.
Shoot, she can’t be trusted on the small things. How can you expect her to be legit about the big things?
Are these book cooking videos?
Books are best eaten raw.
According to FDA guidelines, they should be roasted at 451 degrees Fahrenheit.
No one needs more than two sets of ooks
add a “B’ somewhere
Ook! Ook! Bee!
You’re right. That’s all you need.
Ookla laughs at your typo
book detailing the QAnon conspiracy has made its way up the best-seller charts on Amazon, appearing as the No. 1 book in the censorship category as of Monday night.
“QAnon: An invitation to the Great Awakening,” is climbing the website’s best-seller lists. The book was listed as the No. 8 best-seller in the politics category as of Monday night.
“I read their explanation multiple times, and I still don’t understand.”
It’s a social justice thing. You wouldn’t understand.
Good morning, Banjos!
Thank you for the excellent lynx!
Amazing that the little girls were that close to home, but it took more than a day to find them. Scary as hell for the parents.
Great musical choice. You are a woman of excellent taste and refinement.
None of this would happened if those girls lived in a nice, safe city – somewhere like Baltimore.
It would be easy to find them there. They would be on the corner flagging down johns.
“One possibility — a strong possibility, based on the description they put out, is they just got really bad legal advice that somehow said they had to to do this,” Noti said. “But regardless, when they decided to use the PAC form, which they did, they subjected themselves to all the legal requirements that come with that.”
Did you feel that? Felt like a lawyer being run over by a bus.
Hold on a second. AOC is a lot of things, but she is no Hillary Clinton (who has a lot of pesky people around her die under strange circumstances).
AOC has time to learn…
Crazy Eyes’ campaign chief of staff alleged to have illegally funneled almost a million dollars of campaign money to his businesses.
What a piker. Hillary’s campaign laundered $84 million through the state Democratic party committees to her national campaign. The FEC figured she’d been through enough having lost the election though.
Yep. Go big or go home.
“If you have been voting for politicians who promise to give you goodies at someone else’s expense, then you have no right to complain when they take your money and give it to someone else, including themselves.”
― Thomas Sowell
The women too scared of climate change to have children
Yeah, that’s why…
Good! Now just stay away from my kids, too.
Good. We are oversupplied with imbeciles as it is.
BirthStrike? Where da scabs at?
Mostly gone thanks to valtrex
Without looking, Imma gonna say white and relatively well-off
Yup. Although one codes heavily as a lesbian and the other looks like a suicidally depressed insomniac who cuts herself, so I doubt kids were in the cards anyway.
It’s great when one can give a greater meaning to one’s predilections post facto.
Reminds me of the beginning of “Idiocracy.”
Darwin smiles.
Every once in a while, the loons do come up with a great idea. They just don’t do it on purpose.
People who go on strike usually have demands and at least some amount of leverage. No one cares if you don’t have kids, sweetie.
They may be quicker to assume the worst about their political counterparts, on average.
Literally every time I have had a conversation (or attempted to…) with leftist acquaintances about any political/philosophical topic, no matter how controversial or mundane, they have always assumed malicious motives on my part. And they always claim the moral high ground as they proceed to commit every logical fallacy in the book.
Even the argument to moderation?
+1 commonsense gun control bill that only kid killers could be against.
That’s been my experience, too. Conservatives tend to think I’m naive or misguided when I say I don’t care who uses what bathroom or that marijuana should be legal, but leftists assume I’m against an expansive, powerful government, wealth redistribution, and for gun ownership because I’m a greedy psychopath.
So… they’re both right?
Being a greedy, naive psychopath has no impact whatsoever on my policy positions.
Fair enough.
Oh, I have a message for you from a French Count trying to get his fortune away from EU wealth taxes, and he’d like your help…
If I get to shoot someone in the process, I’m in. Checking account and routing numbers to follow.
Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to fix Michigan roads: Nearly triple gas tax
Where’s the money from the current tax going?
Silence Peasant!
Ties in with Drake’s comment above. Every local government gets enough money for roads, education, etc.
Need to refresh more often. I meant above where he and Raven discuss how higher taxes correlate with lower quality services.
Would you be surprised to learn that only about 30% of the gas tax goes towards roads and that the rest goes to government and school funding?
Would you be surprised to learn that only about 30% of the gas tax goes towards roads and that the rest goes to government and school funding?
Yes, In fact I absolutely do not believe you are correct because your list omits crony deals and corruption.
Education and infrastructure are usually crony deals rife with corruption.
Have you talked to a school administrator or tenured teacher lately?
Have you checked to see who owns the ‘private’ companies doing the road work?
Which public unions donated to the campaigns of the signatories?
DIdn’t something similar happen related to the bridge collapse in the TC? I vaguely recall federal highway money was mostly used to build bike paths or light rail or something rather than bridge repairs/upgrades.
It’s been a while, so I could be completely off on that.
I don’t think the gas tax even remotely covers road costs anywhere.
They usually more than do. The pols just use the money elsewhere and then use the broken roads as an excuse for more taxes. Why fix the problem if it’s how you justify more funding?
Gas should be at least 15 dollars a gallon. If they are lower than that the tax needs to significantly increase.
As a totally unrelated note, we’re having a sale on yellow high visibility sleeveless jackets.
I think the US version will be blaze orange hunting clothes.
But once the roads are fixed, keep taking the money to pay for pet projects
Trick question, the funds will be diverted before the roads ever get fixed.
The roads in Michigan are never fixed – many reasons: the wicked freezing/thaw cycle and the quick ‘n’ dirty blacktop jobs.
I would think that roads need constant fixing just about everywhere. It’s like painting the Golden Gate Bridge. Every time they reach the other end they start over at the beginning. It is never “done”.
And it’s not like you can just close a road off once it’s been built so you can do it again from scratch. It’s constant patching, usually, if for no other reason than not being able to shut down major thoroughfares.
I rarely have good things to say about New York. But when they want to replace a span of the Thruway pavement, they literally do just that – rerouting the road to share space with the other direction. The shoulders were built wide, so that you can stack four lanes on one span, and both directions of the highway can have two lanes through the construction zone.
The road reconstruction strategy I’ll never understand is when on a four lane divided, they close one lane in each direction at the same time and do work on both closed lanes simultaneously
Illinois is horrible about doing this. Sometimes even doing so for 20-40 continuous miles with a 45mph reduced speed the entire time on a roadway with a normal limit of 70.
<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>> slowly flowing traffic
Seems to me it would be safer for the workers, faster to complete, and less costly to just close two lanes on one side, and make the other side two-way traffic. I see this method used a lot in the Western US states. While its annoying you can’t pass, at the very least you are still moving at 65 instead of 45mph.
Then again, because it would likely be faster to complete, and less costly is probably why it isn’t done in the first place.
Well, so much for an ascii picture
+1 Have them dig with spoons
Well, there’s just nowhere else to get the money from! I’m convinced.
Why does she hate the poor?
Because they’re, like, icky, and smelly, and stuff.
EDIT: Working poor.
“Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to fix Michigan roads: Nearly triple gas tax”
I can already tell you the result of this.
In about 5 years, you’ll have some great bike lanes and the roads will continue to decay until you have more potholes than road.
Been watching L.A.?
This made me laugh, because they just built a beautiful multi-million dollar bike lane and bike bridge in our neighborhood, while the road running alongside it is full of potholes.
Remember that increase in registration fees that was supposed to go towards the roads? Wonder whatever happened to that … the thaw/freeze cycle here is pretty extreme. You’d think there would be some science or something for building roads that could handle it, and/or a maintenance scheme that didn’t involve taking one spalled expansion joint and turning it into 2 expansion joints with some poor-quality concrete in between. I’d seriously pay for seriously good roads for lowest TCO. Too bad that’s not available here.
Lowest TCO doesn’t keep DoT vendors in positive cashflow.
Fucking hippies ruin everything.
It’s only because them colored refuse to listen when superior super smart liberal whitey tells them what to do. I mean, we already know that knuckledragger whitey won’t listen, but when the colored folk start getting all uppity, that’s when we can’t get to utopia.
I will be trolling both sides this year
Which Minnesoda Glib doesn’t show up today?
Minnesoda glib, checking in.
Blinks in code “please send bail”
Hey Leap, not sure if you saw it, but Fourscore is going to be back in town on Thursday 3/21. Tundra and I were going to grab coffee with him out in Maple Grove (in the East barrio) around 2:30 or so.
Let me know if you want more info. Hope you can make it.
Hoping the weather is snow free. Party time !
I don’t know if this was covered back in the day
The Juicy, Round World of Blueberry Porn
Rule 34
Disappointing. I was expecting sexy photos of actual berries.
Research commissioned by The Atlantic Magazine shows that older white liberals may just be the most politically intolerant group in the country.
I would have told them that for nothing.
Nature hates black people (and probably the Jews…)
The mayor of a South Carolina town believed she was the target of a hate crime after cars belonging to her and her husband were dusted with a mysterious, “yellow, sticky substance.”
Local and state police investigated the claims made by Lamar Mayor Darnell Byrd McPherson, who reported that on February 7 at 10 p.m. local time, someone sprayed her 2017 Symphony Silver Hyundai Elantra Sport and her husband’s soft-top 1998 Buick Roadmaster with a residue outside of their home.
The material, she remembered, “got in all of the grooves” of her husband’s gray sedan.
The mayor had recently returned to her home from a meeting in the larger city of Hartsville, about 22 miles north of Lamar.
“My husband went out to the car to get some things out of the garage,” she told Newsweek. “He says, ‘Somebody’s painted your car!’”..
The report went on to detail how the mayor and her husband streaked a finger over the tarnished parts surfacing the car and “realized it was not paint and that the substance could be removed with a finger; similar to pollen.”
She explained in the interview with Newsweek that there were no words or symbols drawn on the cars. The cars were parked in the street near the end of the couple’s driveway, a block and a half from Lamar’s downtown.
“To me that was the message,” she said.
Both cars were rigorously cleaned the day after the incident, and therefore a sample of the substance, whatever it was, wasn’t preserved.
“The substance wasn’t saved and the cars were actually cleaned—pressure-washed twice—there was no substance, and so they didn’t have it for the investigation,” argued McPherson.
Darlington County Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant Robby Kilgo explained that an investigation was opened to determine what the substance was on both cars.
“We found it to be pollen,” Kilgo explained in an interview with Newsweek. “There was no reason for us to collect a sample.”
But they are smarter then us Tundra. They can show us things… such beautiful things.
Clearly the Sheriff is a KKK member.
All this racism is making my eyes water.
The bizarre part is being a mayor in SC and not recognizing pollen. It falls, literally by the ton, for weeks at a time every single year. Sometimes it looks like a yellow-ish version of the Mt. St. Helens aftermath pics. And every 5-year-old knows what it is.
And even with that, the Newsweek article uncritically prints her other assumptions about how racist the town is and that cross-burnings were a pastime.
Well, we know who always lived in a house with a garage…
So racist they elected a black mayor?
You know who else “got in all the grooves?”
“her husband’s soft-top 1998 Buick Roadmaster”
These politicos obviously do not know how to graft.
There was no Buick Roadmaster in 1998, car was last produced in 1996. /pedantic car guy
Titty Tuesday presents pulchritudinous peaks and voluptuous valleys.
Pay no attention to 11’s vacant stare, if you even noticed that she had eyes.
42 has the dazed, “OMFG I’ve been low blood sugar-y for years, why are you waving that donut by the camera” look.
52 has scary, bunny boiling eyes
78 is a lil unthicc for a sistah, but she’s only gonna get sexier as she ages …
The People’s Republic of Walmart: how late-stage capitalism gives way to early-stage fully automated luxury communism
And the genius engineers and automation experts are going to build these capabilities for no profit exactly why? For their health?
You’ve heard of these bigger-than-the-Soviet-Union command economies: Amazon. Walmart. The Pentagon.
So the same people who think Amazon and Walmart are hell holes and slave labor shops also think they are shining examples of communism, and the command economy?
To get to the rhetorical ploy, they are equating “Planning” with “Central Planning”. They say that the fact that people benefit from planning shows that markets (which they claim are “Unplanned”) are flawed. The flaw is that A business planning how to produce to it’s consumers is very different than a Government planning out the lives of everyone and how they will consume.
Yeah, one of those three is the exact opposite of the other two, fiercely capitalistic companies that this idiot thinks will somehow usher in a communist utopia.
All you need to do is get rid of scarcity and human nature and this communism shit is in the bag.
I could only get through the first paragraph of the excerpt. Luxury communism, huh.
That is so bad it isnt even wrong. It is just gibberish.
So the only reason the commies didn’t have a booming economy is because they didn’t have enough computational power?
Huh. That is an interesting idea.
And one that Mises pretty througougly explained was wrong (even if Hayek shifted the conversation and gave up the point). It’s not enough to be able to theoretically “Compute” prices, it is not just a practical problem of computation, it is a theoretical problem that there is no way to HAVE the knowledge of peoples preferences that are embedded in prices. If we really want to take the computation analogy, then “Command Economies” are single processor computers, and the Market is blockchain/distributed computation. Every node makes its own computations based on the information that is coming in and it’s own Hidden parameters. Socialists take their set of parameters (preferences) and assert them on every other node and then try to optimize.
My thoughts exactly. Once they get rich from their perfect stock-price picker, they can come talk to me about setting prices on the rest of the commodities. Its the same pipe dream predicated on perfect information, exactly shared preference for risk/reward, and identical valuation of future outcomes.
Further, each node doesn’t know what it will think about any particular thing (be it technology, business opportunity, etc) until the possibility is communicated to them *in the complete context of the local environment.*
Its not enough to say “here’s an electric waffle iron, how much do you want it” and “here’s a thermoplastic, what do you think of it?” You need to make both available to a track and field obsessed tinkerer before he can decide to make running shoes with them. And you need track and field athletes to actually get their hands on the shoes before they can generate their demand curve. There was no a priory demand for Nike’s before all this takes place. There is no possible way to intuit what the right level of Nike’s is are from pre-Nike-invention parameters.
Its not a problem of not enough data or not enough computational power. Its a problem that there is no function to go from pre-invention parameters to post-invention utility.
There’s plenty of scifi writers who have talked about how the combination of strong AI, automated manufacturing, and “too cheap to meter” energy would basically create a socialist utopia.
To which I say, if you need “technology indistinguishable from magic” to make your society function, you don’t actually have a functioning model.
I buy a lottery ticket once in a while, but that’s not my actual retirement plan.
And you are more likely to produce the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse than fully automated luxury socialism because FALS requires not just magic, which I could imagine, but also require homogeneity of preferences, which I could not.
Walmart as an efficient allocator of resources? Lol.
Let me summarize on of my attempts to increase Walmart’s sales:
Me: There is still a very strong demand for sunscreen and water toys in stores through July and August. Can we delay the full deployment of Back to School and keep some of the summer seasonal longer? Sales for school supplies don’t pick up until mid August.
Merchandising: Fuck you. Stock the pencils.
Me: Ok… Well. Demand for back to school supplies don’t drop off completely until a week or so after Labor Day. We are leaving a lot of money on the table by sending in Halloween costumes on Labor Day. Can we delay he Halloween set by a week or two?
Merchandising: Fuck you! Kids can write with Frozen costumes! Send the Halloween decorations!
If Walmart used an internal market for allocating that space, those two changes would have been done in a heartbeat. But the Back to School people could not pay the Halloween people for space, and the Toys people could not pay Back to School. So stock up on your outdoor water toys at Walmart before July 4th weekend.
Same with good winter gloves … in the winter.
Don’t be silly, midwinter is time for selling springwear. All the customers bought their winter clothes in the fall, obviously.
From your lips to god’s ears.
Word. They’re my biggest customer. Their replenishment system cannot handle something as simple as seasonality or promotions. We’re constantly having to tell them their system incorrectly thinks seasonal bumps are trends. Kinda the opposite of what you’re seeing, but it shows how schizo their buyers are.
Each one is an existence-proof of the idea that markets are not needed for mass-scale allocation.
Amazon and Wal Mart compete against each other (and dozens of other grocers) in a market that allocates goods…
Amazon has only about 4% of the total retail market. If they had a full monopoly and the guns to enforce it, I don’t think the results would be so good.
Exactly. Do they really imagine Walmart would operate so efficiently if they didn’t have competition to worry about? And it took Amazon’s explosive growth to finally get them serious about online sales and delivery and third party sellers.
RE: Luke Perry.
Pfft. Just more toxic male whiteness at work.
(it is actually quite sad)
Of all the actors of my generation, I’ve never heard anything bad about Luke Perry.
Meanwhile, the rest of Hollywood lives on.
Yeah, of the 3 most prominent musicians born the same year as I was we have lost Michael Jackson and Prince, but we still have Madonna.
Of course. Women live longer.
Mummies are very hard to kill.
Yeah, I really liked her back in the day. Clearly she did not have the staying power Prince and MJ did.
She was more embedded in the 80s than they were, Jackson and Prince both stretched back to funk and blues and Motown for influences.
And with the success of “Vogue” and the disco mini-revival, she became more identified with club music and EDM, which is a dead-end for mainstream popularity. No one really likes that shit unless they are ripped to the tits on Ecstacy.
Prince could sing, write songs, play instruments, and produce recordings. Madonna couldn’t do any of those things.
Cyndi Lauper was more of a surprise to me than Madonna. Of course she debuted on MTV at least 8 months prior to Madonna. I recall the first time I saw “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” I was like “What the heck is this?”
It was Captain Lou
Where’s the money from the current tax going?
Michigan deserves nice dog parks. And footpaths.
And pensions for otherwise unemployable layabout morons (I dated a chick whose parents were both enjoying near 6 figure pensions in their late 50s, a secretary and plumber from the jail).
*The plumber claimed he spent most of his days at the jail drinking beer and watching football in some supply room.
Fucking Minnesota is #8. And with our new shithead Gov, we’re sure to climb in the rankings.
*looks wistfully at South Dakota*
Think of all the pretty lakes
Look at my link below about SDak stealing all our shrimp farms. How dare they not try to enforce an outdated rule? Sure it might not have any impact at all on the health of people around the facility, but that doesn’t matter. A rule is a rule.
SD has been siphoning off businesses for years. You’ve mentioned it before, but this “yeah, the taxes are high, but muhstandardofliving” shit is gonna end when you chase the producers out.
I keep thinking that there was an old guard of movers and shakers who have kept some big companies (3M) from moving because they bought into the myth that we have a BIG GOOD govt.
Guys like Wheelock Whitney (who passed away last year) who really think that Minnesoda is great and are willing to be abused by the govt leeches.
Minnesoda is fucked if the next generation of business leaders decide that yes it does make sense to relocate HQ’s and other operations in lower tax states.
It’s the whole “seen vs unseen” thing. The high tax high reg people go “Hurr durr you told us the corporate HQs would move away!!! Stupid libertarians.”
They will move away at some point, but the first step is that when they expand and need 10,000 new white collar paper shufflers, they go “hey we can get it done 20% cheaper in another state, and all this shit is happening over the cloud anyway, we don’t actually need all of our paper shufflers in one building.”
My first clue was that he seemed to have such a good time doing Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Uh, Kristy Swanson may have had something to do with that.
Kristy could induce a stroke (or two).
I didn’t think I could like her anymore than I already did…I was wrong.
Rock on Kristy!
Co-Owner @PACEShockey
That too!
Who wouldn’t have fun on that movie? “Okay, Don and Rutger are gonna chew the scenery. Paul and David are their understudies. You just play it straight and try to pretend Kristy is smoking hot and you’d gladly risk your life for a chance to bone her. Think you can handle that?”
I’m sure the solution is to ban guns and crack down on drugs and booze.
As sad as this is, why is it always:
1) We’ve gotta DO SOMETHING!!!
2) It’s gotta be done by the government!
Also sugar and fats while we’re in the banning neighborhood
Get bent you mendacious fucks. You’re happier than the proverbial 3 peckered billy goat that these people are offing themselves AND you’re climbing on their corpses to push a political agenda that hasn’t changed for half a century regardless of the suicide rate.
Limit people’s access to the means of suicide? What, like sharp objects, moving vehicles, and heights? Hate to break it to USA Today, but if someone really wants to kill themselves they’ll find a way to do it. People don’t end their own lives the same way they buy a candy bar because they happen to see it on the way to the checkout counter.
Kruschev’s New Soviet Man program.
For those of you who need to get your Fat Tuesday fix in. Feast upon the paczki!
Took 3 tries to find an English speaking employee… I actually got Advokaat paczki!
Tard Tuesday: What Was It You Said About Intolerant Old White Hippies?
So brave.
Wonder how many people screamed Fuck You at him was due to him shouting “Baby Killer” at them first? Or because they took up two parking spots at the super market?
I also question how good they were at being secret-agent liberal supporter. My guess is that the bumper stickers didn’t surprise anyone one who had worked with this guy before.
Leftists do tend to be vociferous in their virtue. I believe there is even a term for it.
Much brave. (And a good dose of progjection.)
Insufferable prick is insufferable.
I especially like this part: “an unbelievable storm spawned by the hurricane sent by God to punish the Republicans”
Sounds like a delightful fellow.
I’ll take “Shit that never happened” for $500, Alex.
Weird… people with homemade political signs in their car windows are usually so very humble and centered.
turnabout is fair play…
Ask Anna: I farted during sex, and my boyfriend called me out
Honey, if he noticed, you’re doing something wrong.
Why did he have to say something?
Wouldn’t you?
But that would be applying a uniform standard. She won’t stand for that shit.
Well that let the air out of that argument
Something about that comment stinks.
Ripped it open.
“I don’t think I can take 67 more of those.”
Well why’d you have to fart on him twice?
It happens. Just don’t let it happen during oral.
Minnesoda bureaucrats in full CYA mode.
A story about a shrimp company that was going to build a big new facility in Minnesoda, but pulled out at the last minute and built in SDak after Minnesota Pollution Control Agency drones wouldn’t guarantee that an obsolete rule from the 1960s would be waived.
Author throws shade on SDak gov for poaching businesses from Minnesoda and the company for not trusting the decency of the MPCA.
Too bad our local paper is in the back pocket of the DFL. Maybe an intrepid reporter might use this story to find out why out state Minnesoda people are upset with the proggies infesting the state agencies.
Think of all the pretty lakes
“throws shade on SDak gov for poaching businesses”
“the company not trusting the decency of the MPCA”
It is someone else’s fault. Just like the Republicans ruined Detroit.
“We cannot raise capital with an open regulation” <— the money shot
Get that, government slugs? No one is willing to put up the money to build it because of you. The company didn't arbitrarily decide to relocate, they simply cant build it because of you.
The govt leeches tried setting the hook too early.
If they had waited a bit longer, the company would have been gut hooked via the sunk costs and would have had to bow and scrape.
You are right though that the critical point is that no one would invest in a company that could potentially be fucked by a bureaucrat.
This is like the time I was a kid and the big dumb tom cat we kept around noticed the bird feeder outside the window. On day 1 he was perplexed by the window that kept him from getting to the birds. On the second day he was ready. He climbed up the pole and laid directly on top of the bird feeder waiting for all the birds to fly right to him. Absolutely flummoxed as to why no birds showed up that day either.
I thought shrimp liked warm water.
They have to heat the tanks, but they’re saving money because they don’t have to ship as far to market, and they can freeze the shrimp by just opening the window.
Chilling is more energy intensive but you only freeze the shrimp once. Jun-Aug ought to be warm enough to turn off the heaters, so if you seed in the spring timed to harvest when the temps drop below freezing…seems like the cost to heat is still going to be far greater than the savings on chilling.
Prince William Sound prawns beg to differ…. They’re delicious if you’re wondering.
Why would anyone want her to keep her antisemitism veiled? Don’t ask her to apologize; just let her keep digging. And then ignore her if you so choose.
You’ve heard of these bigger-than-the-Soviet-Union command economies: Amazon. Walmart. The Pentagon. There are many more. Each one is an existence-proof of the idea that markets are not needed for mass-scale allocation. What’s more, the counterexamples, like Sears — which implemented internal markets at the insistence of an ideology-blinded libertarian CEO — show that markets are much worse at allocating resources than the computational command economies used in other enterprises.
Ramble hippopotamus decade chartreuse able genuflect travail arboretum.
When I stop shopping on Amazon, they don’t send me to the gulag.
I suppose this dude thinks Maduro ruined Chavez’s legacy too.
Hm… I think this calls for another sprinkle of socialist dressing on that word salad.
Sears should have been Amazon. They had the history and infrastructure to do it. They didn’t have the vision.
This was a company that was famous for its catalog sales, and they couldn’t figure out how to translate that to the internet?
Institutional inertia is a real thing.
Absolutely, I am not sure when they went away from catalog to relying on in-store sales, but they obviously couldn’t make the switch back.
Their web efforts were atrocious. I think nobody at the company wanted to challenge the status quo until it was far too late.
OMG, yes. I remember in the early days of internet commerce trying to order things off their web site and giving up in frustration.
Then again….Gateway.
What ever happened to them? Now sure how Dell was the only one to make the successful switch from catalog sales to internet sales.
They decided to try to open suburban retail establishments. They missed the internet and figured local shopping was still going to be a bigger draw.
Computer manufacturers rise and fall even without the offline/online sales transition cutting into them.
Hell, the Internet used to run on Sun boxes, now they’re a subsidiary of Oracle in the process of being phased out of existance.
Sun is my personal investing version of bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.
I threw away nearly a 6 figure gain. I still made a profit on the whole investment, but I got greedy and got gored.
Didn’t Kodak have some engineer invent a digital camera decades ago?
Yep. They made a mint off the patent, and went bankrupt when the patent expired.
They decided not to develop their own product early on because their biggest business was film stock and developing.
I was at a conference where the former head of their marketing was speaking. His general comment, people say Kodak went broke in 2010 (whenever it was) but it was actually 1978 that they went bankrupt, it just took 30 years to happen.
Based on the decision to not develop the digital camera.
They actually had the first DSLR’s back in the mid 90’s I worked on the team that built some of the software for them but the company had no interest whatsoever in developing them for the consumer market, they were 100% focused on the high end market of news agencies, marketing firms, sports reporters, and scientific labs. The Cameras ranged in price from $10k – $30k each.
Then in 99 Nikon came out with the D1 and that was the end of the Kodak digital cameras.
Their “big idea” for the consumer market as moronic as it sounds, and yes we told them it was moronic at the time, was a non DSLR digital camera – photo printer combination where the photo printer served as a docking station for the camera and could print photo quality 4 – 6 images directly from the camera with no other interface necessary. In other words they were more concerned about using the digital cameras to sell more film than they were actually selling the digital cameras people actually wanted..
in 20 years of digital photography, I have never printed a photo. Of course, the sensor resolution only really became sufficient to even want to print in, what, 2008-2012 sometime?
I got my second digital camera in early 2002.
An entry level model, Kodak DX3900 that was 3 mega pixel (as much as that ever meant anything)
Low light performance was of course iffy, but in daylight you could take 4×6 printable pictures. I don’t think I ever did print any from it, but they do look decent on a screen.
Then you also remember Xerox invented the essentials of the PC and just gave it away.
Xerox had a lot of anti-trust shit happening against them, too. That causes management to make a lot of fearful decisions.
A few years ago I went to Sears expecting to be able to use their in-store catalog to buy a bunk bed. And was told to use the website instead. I ended up at Amazon.
That reminds me, I need a side table. I shouldn’t be using a couple of stacked empty boxes like that.
Sterlite is your friend.
I work at a transportation company with a massive amount of broom pushing managers/directors infested with nepotism and ZERO vision. They inherited a monopoly and their happy to ride it into the dust.
My Dad worked for Sperry/Univac. Their biggest competitor t the time was IBM.
Yep. Feel old? ‘Cause I do.
Oh come on, Sperry was around recently enough that one of their monitors was used as set dressing in an episode of “Murder, She Wrote”.
I only remember it because my reaction to seeing it front and center in the shot was “Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.”
Oh come on.
They used that monitor for a prop because it was free-to-take next to a dumpster.
All the catalog operations – Sears, Wards, Penny’s, McDade, Service Merchandise – were getting their asses handed to them by retailers without catalogs. And all those retailers without catalogs were busy building stores in newer developments where the late Boomers/Gen Xers were buying houses and racking up debt. Nobody wants to shop where grandma shopped.
Sears’ real problem was they did not take credit cards except their own (or Discover which they started). And basically you couldn’t get credit from Sears unless you were a good credit risk. So if you had less than 20% equity on your house or a big pile of student debt, no Sears credit for you. It used to be a point of pride that you finally “made it” when you got a Sears credit card. Because you ain’t buying from the Sears catalog without Sears credit.
The thing these people miss is that, in a command economy, Amazon never exists in the first place.
Them: You buy book from worker’s collective bookstore, comrade.
You: It’s ‘books’
Them: No, book. Only one book for sale. But you go to gulag now.
Somebody has to make the book
s.Tard Tuesday: Demonizing the Opposition
Clearly the candidate we need is a wonk that acts stupid.
This is the only way to appeal to appeal to the flyover, deplorable masses. It is known.
The cartoonist will never be able to understand that he just described AOC to a tee.
Yes but can priests moonwalk?
Michael Jackson, Catholic sex abuse scandals eerily similar
Whoever wrote that has a selective memory because everyone was questioning it. It didn’t take a court case against Jackson to make people realize he was a bit odd and suspect he might have had some distasteful tendencies.
I am not sure why no one has looked into Jackson’s past to find out where he got the bug but I would just about bet the farm that he was once one of those young boys. It is the music industry so….I guess take your pick.
Joe Jackson has a lot to answer for in the next life. I see him as a monster.
*looks wistfully at South Dakota*
And you can see the whole state from halfway up a stepladder.
The Corn Palace in Mitchell tends to block out the good views of Mt. Rushmore.
The World’s Only Corn Palace – there’s a reason for that.
Because most of them are Maize Mazes?
Well the central and east part. The Black Hills beg to differ. That is a beautiful area.
Climate change: California wildfires ‘can now happen in any year’
Oh FFS. How tiresome. There have been wildfires all over the southwest every year forever. They do this all of the time. Take some common situation that people rarely think about or know about and hype it up as something new and unusual. Fucking grifters.
The logic of ‘fires will be as bad without wet winters’ makes no sense. What will be burning just as badly if there is less fuel because of a dry year?
What ever happened to the ten katrinas per year every year that they promised us? Muh hurricanes!
Oooh, you almost had it!
Increased temps during the winter cause fires. How dumb do they think people are? Don’t answer that
I know every ad now has to have an interracial couple. This one wins the prize. A gay Jewish man and his pudgy Aboriginal wife.
Do white people date/marry each other anymore? From what I gather from TV the answer is rarely if at all.
Yes. Like the amount of gays, the number of interracial relationships is grossly exagerrated by the media.
Asking the wrong guy…
The fetish for nebbishy Jewish guys have for large black women is one with a long cultural legacy, going back to Jews only being welcome in black brothels in the 1800s.
Wait, SP is a large black woman? Who knew?
You’re more creepy than nebbishy, like an uncle that gives you a sick feeling in your stomach, but you don’t know why.
I always wonder if OMWC ever accidentally mixes up his date’s Hawaiian Punch with his Bordeaux?
yeah, “accidentally”
The interesting thing is that the ads I’ve noticed almost always have one of the least common pairings, a black woman with a white or Asian man. You almost never see the most common, which are black men with white women and white men with Asian women.
This is why we need busing laws for dating.
“white men with Asian women.”
The white people of mixed couples.
Wanna go to the GAP?
Guess at Chez Prolefeed we have that least common pairing going.
It’s getting much more common than you might think. Hell, every single member of my fiancee’s family is in an interracial marriage.
So what you’re saying is they’re self-hating [fill in the identity group]?
/Cathy Newman
Considering they’re all roughly one-third white from slaveowners, two-thirds black from slaves, some of those ancestors hated the fuck out of some other of those ancestors.
self-hating then?I saw one with a white woman and Asian man. He was hot too.
Now so blatant its become a parody of itself. I keep wondering what combo is next but the surprises keep on coming. If you can’t laugh at an unfunny comedian at least we still have advertising.
What I really hate about these commercials is that you always have the sedentary housewife telling the overworked hubby to call [fill in the blank]. The guy is making food while twirling utensils around like a circus entertainer.
Maybe you could put down the box of jelly donuts and pick up the phone yourself, fatty. Why does the man have to do it? Are you playing stereotypical gender roles? Because I think that’s wrong. So unwoke.
Of course it is. It’s like we’re in the stone ages here.
The U.S. is the only country in the developed world with free speech rights.
Off to the ENT to get this ringing in my ears checked.
Stop talking about me, it might help.
Put your tinfoil hat back on.
I don’t need a doctor to tell me the ringing in my ears is from rock concerts, machine guns, ear infections, and various other loud noises during which I wore no ear protection.
Conversations with Italians?
I can still follow the arm-waving.
Aspirin, Tylenol, and NSAIDs can give you tinnitus. /rubs ears
Good luck. I went and after a battery of tests, including an MRI, the doc told me nothing.
Hearing loss and tinnitus in one ear, cause unknown.
Yup. Sucks.
I’ve continued to search – ask your doc about Lyme’s.
Could be tooth grinding/ clenching? Good luck, I hope you get answers.
Negative pressure in the right ear, probably Eustachian tube dysfunction from a virus or TMJ.
Steroids here we come.
All that headbangin’ was bound to catch up to you.
TW: Vox
I spent 2 years cleaning houses. What I saw makes me never want to be rich.
“I was an envious cunt who assumed the worst about my employers and those grapes were probably sour anyway”
So you worked for an unethical company and invaded the privacy of clients?
Have you no decency?
Jordan Peterson’s 13th rule.
Let me tell you something you already know: Your housekeeper spies on you.
We work alone. We get bored. What do you expect?
I wonder if rich people have security cameras?
A lot of them do.
What are we supposed to get out of this? That rich is bad and people are happier poor?
“I have been rich and I have been poor. Rich is better.” – Clemens…I think.
“Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems” – Notorious B.I.G.
On Monday morning, a huge billboard across the street from CNN’s office building in Hollywood, California, carried a strong anti-CNN message, reportedly created by conservative street artists. The billboard featured a picture of CNN President Jeff Zucker with the caption underneath him reading “CEO, CNNPC” and a huge message displayed across the central part of the billboard reading “Keep Korea Divided.*” In the lower left area of the billboard was written, “CNN Communist News Network,” while on the bottom right area of the billboard the asterisk that followed the Keep Korea Divided message was followed by “because OrangeManBad.”
CNN’s office building in Hollywood, California
It’s like they’re not even trying anymore.
Google says it was paying men less than women in some jobs
Or you know, maybe it was just random and gender was never part of the formula for pay calculation
For a lot of companies, I’d give them the benefit of the doubt.
For Google, it’s pretty clear they have a fucked up management culture.
I bet the discrepencies are due to hiring managers and HR recruiters desperate to make their diversity numbers trying to sweeten the pot for female candidates.
Clearly we need to fire the hiring managers and HR recruiters, then abolish any diversity offices.
As part of the study, Google looked for pay discrepancies in offers to new hires. This accounted for 49 percent of the total spent on pay adjustment.
This explains why the men were underpaid: there are more men in the software industry, but companies are more eager to hire women, so by supply and demand the entry-level men should be paid less.
I know every ad now has to have an interracial couple.
I’m a bad person. You know that. I know that. But why aren’t the black “wives” in those commercials at least attractive?
I’m a victim of my faulty wiring. I go for blondes. But there are a lot of really really beautiful black and mixed race women running around out there. How can it be that none of them get cast in those commercials? Could it be that the people casting these things are afraid of getting twattermobbed if they don’t pick the fat ugly one? How long ’til we get the commercial where the wife is in an iron lung?
You forgot “obnoxious.”
+1 fucking she-shed commercial
ARgGh!!! That was on rotation on Spotify for a while.
Because women are inclined to marry up (I forget the technical term). If you show a smoking hottie with a stereotypical nebbishy white dude, the message is that marrying a nebbishy white dude is marrying up for black women.
And, of course, they aren’t going to put a buff, masculine, and competent white dude in those commercials to avoid that message, because that would indicate that not all white men are nebbishy henpecked incompetents.
It’s mostly about who has an aggressive agent and how full of themselves the “talent” are. The better looking ones are usually so full of themselves they won’t stoop so low as to do more than one commercial or expect their ass to be kissed unreasonably, or you name it. The woman in that annoying she-shed commercial I think is also doing the AT&T voiceovers. The ugly ones are willing to show up on time for multiple days and take work wherever they can get it. The pretty ones think their shit doesn’t stink and they don’t want to do too many commercials because they don’t to be slumming it when my big movie audition comes I just know it.
If they are averaging data across administratively-defined “counties”, the study is as useless as one that compares “cities” – which is so useless that the government came up with standardized metro areas in order to compare them.
This county consists entirely of the city of Boston and a couple adjacent tiny cities.
These counties are mostly rural with one or two small cities each.
IOW, they discovered a rural/divide political divide. zOMG!
ugh – rural/urban
Video game lets you win by shooting ‘rainbow militants’ in nightclub
Lighten up, Francis.
Mocking Christians and Nazis. They really went out on the limb there didn’t they? Very transgressive.
The left needs a Jack Thompson to complete its conversion to reactionary conservative schoolmarms.
Does it have to be violence? Because Anita was filling his role for a while.
Good point. But Anita is a grifter. I think Thompson was a true believer.
Bernie Sanders: “Medicare for all!”
Pramila Jayapal: “Hold my beer.”
Even Sen. Bernie Sanders can get outflanked in the race to define Medicare for All as Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) is set to introduce a bill today that would go even further than Sanders’ sweeping proposal.
Why it matters: Even as moderates and more conventional liberals are freaking out over the politics of such a dramatic upheaval, the left is still moving left, laying down ever-more-ambitious markers as they gain more and more influence over their party.
Many of the broad strokes are the same: Both bills would eliminate most private insurance and most existing federal health programs, moving everyone in the country into a new single-payer system. Neither would allow co-pays or deductibles.
Jayapal’s version, though, would cover some things Sanders’ bill wouldn’t — most significantly, long-term care like nursing homes. It also calls for a 2-year phase-in period, compared to Sanders’ 4 years.
What we don’t know: The cost.
Sanders’ bill would cost about the same as the status quo; money we’re currently spending on premiums and out-of-pocket costs would need to be turned into taxes.
Jayapal’s bill is more expansive than Sanders’ and therefore would likely be more expensive. But it doesn’t have a price tag yet, nor does Jayapal have a plan to cover whatever that cost may be.
What we’re watching: For my money, the most interesting policy component of this bill is the way it would control health care spending.
Jayapal would put hospitals and nursing facilities under a “global budget” — a firm cap on how much the program will spend each year, which would be divvied up in lump sums each quarter. (Maryland has a similar system.)
Individual doctors, meanwhile, would be paid for each service they provide — a return to the fee-for-service model the existing Medicare program is trying to abandon.
Something something rationing.
They had their chance with single payer with Obamacare… why did they chicken out then? I mean they lost the house because of the ACA (and the normal turnover) so why not just go big when they could have?
Socialized medicine is nothing more than the left’s old eugenics program repackaged. It’s for culling the herd. Of poor people of course. The more well off will be able to afford private care.
There will always be a two tiered system. It’s just a matter of how bad the system is for the poor. Under socialism they just die and avoid debt so maybe thats better
Doesn’t matter. They still moved their ratchet. Future generations will take up the mantle and carry it over the finish line.
“the left is still moving left, laying down ever-more-ambitious markers as they gain more and more influence over their party.”
Yes, glorious is it not?
Following up on the Sears comment above. It is amazing how many “new ways” of doing things going forward in the future are going to be the old, forgotten ways repackaged.
I expect a Sams/Costco type place to eliminate the ability to go in the store. You order via the internet, it is boxed up and ready for pickup when you arrive, you don’t even have the option of going in the store. And, of course, going even further forward, the goods will be delivered to you instead of picking them up.
It is the old general store model, where everything is behind the counter, only with an internet interface instead.
Technology is window dressing. Business hasn’t really changed that much in several hundred years.
The major changes have been in distribution, freight, and advertising.
FedEx, UPS, and the standardized freight container changed the world.
FedEx and UPS are (or really should be) worried about Amazon deciding to branch into their own logistics and delivery service. Amazon’s already started making moves towards it.
The question is: does Amazon try to compete with them or do they just use it to deliver themselves, saving on cost?
It doesn’t matter. Even if it starts as internal only, once the network is in place, it can be upscaled to start taking on outside packages.
^This right here^
Amazon has been very good about developing tools for internal use, and then finding a way to sell those tools to other people to make money. Amazon’s already going for better proof of delivery from their drivers (taking a picture of the package where they left it), better notifications (sending a notification when it’s a couple stops away and doing real time tracking), and they’re getting secure drop off lockers in some areas as well.
They already are doing that but largely by contracting out the actual drivers from other smaller delivery companies. Basically Amazon’s delivery arm hires the company who guarantees a certain number of drivers to cover set routes at a set price.
If I had more storage space at my place, I’d totally do monthly stockups of rice, beans, pasta, and other pantry staples delivered to my door, and just do weekly/twice weekly trips for meats, eggs, produce, etc.
When we have AV, garages can be converted into that storage space!
Has Autonomous Vehicles moved into the realm of deep dish pizza and circumcision?
Not yet – more like fusion power…just a few years away!!!!
We already do Wal-Mart grocery pickup. The produce can sometimes be meh, but otherwise it’s cheaper and quite the time saver.
Off the top of my head, the only local grocery stores that don’t do delivery or store pickup are Trader Joe’s, Fresh Thyme (think smaller Whole Foods), and the little mom and pop stores. All of the chains offer it, and for commodities, I don’t mind it at all, but for produce, or anything with a limited shelf life I prefer to pick it out myself.
Meijer doesnt. They do deliver via Shipt.
Meijer doesn’t do store pickup, that is.
Around here anything bigger than a convenience store does delivery. I have never done it because I’m cheap. (I don’t order restaurant food, either.)
That is why I like store pickup. No additional charge (except Kroger, who only gives you 3 for free, or something).
If I’m going to leave my house, I might as well meander down the aisles and talk myself out of buying anything.
That’s what I do – and always buy generic or the brand that’s on sale, which is why I can’t bring my wife. I always end up asking her what it’s like to be rich.
It is convenient on the way home from work. Stop at Walmart, let them load bags in the back of the car, drive on home.
and always buy generic or the brand that’s on sale
Except for pickles Kroger and other brands can’t compete with Claussen’s.
always buy generic
Hey, let’s go do those crimes.
The store near where I used to live has a big open lot and was rarely very busy. The one near where I live now has a cramped shared lot and is godawful busy most hours. So of course the former offers pickup and the latter does not.
It’s nearer the university, though, so the shoppers are hotter.
I use Walmart pickup regularly. I don’t do it for produce. I don’t buy product at Walmart except on rare occasions. I find it meh in general.
I do product at Meijer or Sams. Odd that Sams has better produce than Walmart.
typing is hard.
Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I am as powerful as a man’ and it drives people ‘crazy
Keep telling yourself that, meanwhile I’m laughing while you help destroy the Democrats.
She beat Joseph Crowley. She out-commied Bernie. She’s as big a braying jackass as Trump. And now she’s putting up numbers for FEC violations big as any party pro.
The only campaign finance violations that matter are the ones (that might not even be violations or campaign finance) that are related to paying off hookers.
Hold on… am I supposed to hate her because Latina or because woman? Make up your mind, hon.
I don’t get out on the normie parts of the internet much. Is Ocasio-Cortez really driving anybody crazy outside of the DemOp bubble?
No, not really. The usual suspects are high on her, but outside the media strongholds and the beltway, most people don’t even know who she is.
“driving anybody crazy”
If that means ‘laughing at her’, then yes. Otherwise, not so much.
If you take her seriously enough to critique her ideas, it’s because you’re obsessed with her. If you advise ignoring her, it’s because you fear her.
I mentioned this before, but the other day my wife got mad at a talk radio host for ridiculing a kindergartner on air. Kindergartner was AOC talking.
Many of the broad strokes are the same: Both bills would eliminate most private insurance and most existing federal health programs, moving everyone in the country into a new single-payer system. Neither would allow co-pays or deductibles.
Sounds legit.
There’s a lot of unexplored deep lore that Sugarfree will have to leave untapped if Hillary doesn’t run again. Not to mention putting poor Huma on a bus.
She’ll step in when the right people demand it so you can rest your troubled mind.
I’m not going to lie, I’m going to miss that evil old hag if she finally manages to break her addiction to attention.
You’re a creative guy, you’ll come up with some alternate universe stuff to allow for more creativity with “her”.
Explosive New Documents Reveal Andrew Weissmann’s Misconduct In Enron Case
Shit, just talking to the FBI puts you at risk of going to jail. They don’t seem to care who gets convicted or for what, just that they get a score.
It’s orders of magnitude than talking to cops. Do not talk to them without a lawyer present. Ever.
WOOT! Stossel. Warning: TOS
Hell yeah, love me some of the Stossel.
“They didn’t expect their paper to be accepted”
Of course they did, they know those people are retarded. That’s why they did it, for the lulz.
They are missing the point. Demoralization is about destroying the competence of individuals and institutions. The ridiculousness of those papers is the whole point. The left is succeeding spectacularly.
It’s all about sloth and envy. That’s all he left has ever been about. The know they have no talent and they’re too damn lazy for hard work. So they try to delegitimize whatever their target is to make it look like they are just as competent as anyone else. I can’t wait until these people are building bridges and commercial aircraft. I’ll be at home watching the disaster from the safety of my desk.
“characterized by a heightened libido or a tendency to seek sexual stimulation from unusual or inappropriate objects[…]an appetite for improper foods such as rocks or live rats and sought intercourse with unusual partners, including members of other species.”üver–Bucy_syndrome
Have we found STEVE SMITH’s affliction?
The Clintons?
Almost certainly not. Among the other symptoms:
Docility, characterized by exhibiting diminished fear responses or reacting with unusually low aggression. This has also been termed “placidity” or “tameness”
Until they download into her CPU the “At this point, what does it matter what I said back then?” command, when her programmers sense blood in the water …
If the weatherman is to be believed, the temperature is supposed to soar to within a few degrees of freezing, this afternoon.
Meanwhile in Montana
Things were going great until Walt mentioned he was distantly related to Bill Cody.
I didn’t bother wearing a coat to work this morning.
Did you at least remember pants?
I have to keep my
dignityjob.I didn’t bother going to work.
Because snow or because pants?
No snow and I had pants on anyway, Just said “Fuck it.” What’s the point of being your own boss if you can’t skip work every once in a while.
7 degrees this morning when I left for work. Sunday we’re supposed to be in the 50’s with rain. Fuck these temperature swings.
The Chicago Teacher’s Union’s preferred mayoral candidate is getting trounced in the polls. They’re taking it well.
Oh it’s not like anyone in this city actually has the balls to take on the union. Doesn’t matter who wins
>>A Republican think-tank supported by Rahm Emanuel
crazy pills
So what she is saying is black women are unemployable in a real job market? That’s inspiring.
The only question that matters is, which candidate is the Machine candidate? I would be shocked if it wasn’t the one the teacher’s union supports. It doesn’t matter what the voters want, it matters what the Machine wants, because the Machine will manufacture and count the votes it needs to win.
There is no “Machine” in the old Daley sense of the word. There are various factions all making their throw for the chair in city hall. Preckwinkle is the old guard choice, such as it is…but she made herself unpopular enough as the County Board prez.
It is the old general store model, where everything is behind the counter, only with an internet interface instead.
I want a more knowledgeable and useful “clerk” than what I get from Amazon.
Hey Swiss, or any of the other PTB around here.
About that article I mentioned in the things to come post last night, I don’t seem to have the response from Swiss, checked both my inbox and spam filter and can’t find it. So how do I send the actual article? The submissions page does not seem suited for that sort of thing.
Email will manually filtered and processed by his army of chained and latex-wearing gimps.
I have a email, but I have forgotten it. SP is going to beat me.
She will not beat you. But what she will do will make you long for a mere beating.
Ok, I just sent it to that address so if you don’t have it check your spam filter
“Halle Berry shows off huge new tattoo down her spine with topless Instagram snap: ‘who says I’m not a mermaid'”
This shit needs to stop.
The range looks nice though!
I am not sure how that has anything to do with being a mermaid. It looks like a vine with leaves on it. Maybe I am just clueless about mermaids. most tattoos remind me of little kids drawing on themselves with markers.
Seen Teri Polo lately? Ugh.
I got no beef with well-done ink. Its hard to tell, but I’ll say that one is technically well-executed. But the design is atrocious, especially for a tattoo that large.
A friend of ours in Dallas from years ago does a fitness thing now on her socials. Its actually not bad, and she is a knockout. She is also covered in very well done Japanese tattoos. Yowza. I don’t do socials, so I can’t really share, but trust me, a hot woman in good ink is hot*.
Ink is ugly. The best it can manage is ‘inobtrusive’, but most of the time it’s a net negative in appearance, and whoever it’s on would look better without it (exception being covering up expansive scar tissues, etc)
I’m more or less at this point too. I’ve seen beautiful tattoos. I’ve seen beautiful people with tattoos. I’ve never seen a person who I thought would look better with a tattoo, and I’ve never seen a tattoo that would look worse on a canvas.
Not my cup of tea.
Pics or GTFO!
Ruining a perfect canvas.
Still not going to see the movie.
First reviews are coming out and are not good. Rumors are that Disney’s head is unhappy with the way Fiege ran the publicity for this movie, and is afraid that it’s going to be another Lost Jedi debacle. Of course, I liked Alita, so what do I know.
A lot of people said Alita was good, but yeah maybe they will learn their lesson this time but not holding my breath
Rob Hart
CAPTAIN MARVEL reviews are out and it is *really* clear which ones were written by cranky lame white dudes.
Fixed it.
I’m hoping Marvel can course correct away from this. Captain Marvel is supposed to be the face of the MCU for the next period (like Iron Man has been so far). They were able to recover from Thor being meh.
There will be a bit of schadenfreude if Disney manages to kill their two biggest cash cows in under three years though.
They didn’t fire Kennedy. So I’m not confident in upper management.
something something man hands
Wait, she has hands?
My daughter wants to see it (she loves anything with female superheroes, which is fine with me). Brie Larson being easy on the eyes is enough for me to tolerate watching it.
So what you’re saying is, your daughter is sexist?
/Cathy Newman
I think he’s saying his daughter is a lesbian.
Which is why I saw “Thor” in the theater. Kiddo is into Marvel, and MMmm Chris Hemsworth is easy on the eyes.
Dear God, if there is a worse airport than Albany, I hope never to experience it. How can there be two-hour-long delays this early in the morning?
Plus they have the only shitty Chick-fil-a in existence.
Are you sure you’re in Albany? I kept looking for Chick-fil-a locations, and the airport never came up.
*checks internet.*
Oh, hey there is one there now.
Yes. It replaced a Dunkin’ donuts. It kinda freaked me out.
There’s probably some ecological lesson about natural habitats here. It reminds me of a supposed incident where Ninfa’s opened a restaurant in the GDR. They made square tortillas.
Which side of security is it on?
Inside the cordon. And my southern sympathies would force me to tell you to not go to it if it were accessible. Chick-fil-a is far too good of a chain to be sullied by the… Thing at the top of the escalator.
The Jackson MS airport is a special level of hell.
LaGuardia says “Hi!”
ATL is craptastic.
I used to argue that all airports were the same place, airplanes were just special portals that got you from one city section to another. I spent enough time in ATL to consider it “generic” airport.
Jackson MS was different somehow.
I spent three days stuck at ATL. ALB is worse. I’ll never fly Delta again rhough. He’ll the College Ducking Station airport is more efficient than here.
PSC is the most amusing airport I have been too.
It was cute.
It might be my second least favorite US airport.
Globally, Heathrow was the worst. Last time through, it took 4 hours to transfer from my flight from SFO to my flight to Vienna.
Now you’ve got me thinking about the Heathrow terminal trains, and the odd elevator ride down to customs on arrival.
Thanks a lot, OMWC
See discussion above about shit services you get in blue states.
Worst airports in the country that I’ve flown in or out of: Any of the 3 NYC airports (I’ve flown Southwest into Islip and taken the LIRR into the city just so I could avoid them), Miami, LAX
Best: Orlando, Houston (only disappointments are that it’s approximately a 6 day drive from the city and that I couldn’t find a miniature bust of the George HW Bush statute), Charlotte
I don’t mind flying into or connecting in EWR. Flying out of is toasty.
Ok. This tablet’s naughty language filter is a bit much.
Please. Dulles is the very, very worst.
Milwaukee was so much better than O’Hare, I always flew out of there, even at a price premium.
Imma agree with Milwaukee as a great airport. Also Portland Ore. Sooo easy to get in and out of there. At home, I fly out of Burbank any time I can, even if it costs more. It’s a few miles from my house and crazy easy, compared to LAX (where I work.)
CLE is surprisingly nice. And like a 15-minute drive from downtown.
Growing up I also assumed that the airports were that close to the city they were named for. As I have gotten older, I have learned that is not the case (looks at Denver).
Maybe the airport is where Denver is going to be in the New World Order?
Same in Buffalo and Rochester. One advantage of a city with dramatic population loss seems to be smooth sailing on the expressways….
something something man hands
That dredged up an old memory. A guy I worked with, long ago, had a life sized (or nearly so) poster of Traci Lords in his house. Clothed.
Anyway, we’re hanging out, watching a football game or something, and I started really looking at that poster. All of a sudden, I go, “Holy shit, look how big her hands are.”
I think I wrecked his Traci Lords fantasy that day.
The first guy to ever look at her hands.
Old joke:
Friend: What was the color of her eyes?
Me: I don’t know, I never got that high.
Morning. Well my work computer decided it didn’t want to wait and has upgraded to Windows 10. It says it takes two hours and is inoperatable. Guess I’m shitposting on here until it decided to work again or someone finds me something to do that doesn’t require my files
The first guy to ever look at her hands.
I said she had clothes on.
Glibs poll
When I look at textured drywall or tile with random coloration (bathroom time) and I let my eyes go out of focus I will imagine images on these surfaces. I have been informed this is not the case for everyone.
Anyone else see or not see things with random patterned surfaces?
Dude, stop hanging with Agile Cyborg.
And what does Jesus tell you when you see him on the bathroom tile?
I find myself obsessively looking for where the pattern repeats.
I bet on this board we’re not the only 2 who do that….
Oddly, Mrs. Dean does that (I don’t). The tile backsplash in our kitchen was expertly laid out, IMO, so the patterned tiles don’t actually create a repeating larger pattern. This was not easy, as it takes a lot of work to avoid creating a pattern.
It drives her crazy. We just got the quote to replace the entire backsplash (which is only 3 years old). I made the serious mistake of showing her this website. At that point, my desperate rearguard battle to save the current backsplash become a rout.
Why would you deliberately have it not be a repeating pattern? If it’s an abstract design, repitition and symmetry are essential elements.
Its a mix of different Talavera tiles. Here’s a pic.
🙁 work proxy blocks Imgur.
Donno why.
That would drive me nuts too.
I like the lack of repeating patterns. I think it requires a higher degree of craftsmanship, and your eye doesn’t “have to” track the pattern.
Obviously, I am in the minority at the Casa Dean on this issue. Outvoted 1 – 1.
That would drive me up a wall.
Then you’ll be happy to hear that it will get the hammer, probably in about a month.
*wistfully ponders emaciated bank account*
oooooo…. Craftsman….. pricey
You have no idea.
Oh I do.
Had a good friend in California who made Craftsman style cabinets. He did quite well.
The funny thing to me is that the ugly cabinetry costs less, even though is quite often costs just as much to make.
Argh! Now I’m looking at the pattern trying to find the logic behind it.
A couple stores ago dad freaked out about the job his tile guy did. The floor wasn’t supposed to have a pattern, but the setter had fallen into one for a stretch of twelve or so runs. Nobody else could see it, and the floor was broken up by a bunch of cabinets anyway, but he made the guy tear up maybe 140 square feet of tile and set it again. We’re talking sandstone tiles with white grout, not a huge contrast. I still think he’s crazy.
He is crazy. Both in having it redone, and for wanting to avoid a pattern.
Agreed, but the pattern was called for by the architect. The old guy who owned the shop didn’t know why, or care. But it’s in the plans! We joked that the inspector would flag us for it.
Drugs are bad, mmkay?
I get the same thing-it’s just your mind filling in the blanks using incomplete sensory information. If you continue to see it when you refocus consult a physician.
Or an exorcist.
All of our knowledge about the world is built on comparing new thing to old thing we already know. How is this thing like that thing. Since our brain is always trying to make sense of the world it seeks patterns even in randomness and tries to compare it to something it already knows. I am surprised that there are people that dont see images.
The first thing we know is ourselves. That is why we anthropomorphize everything.
That is my take on it.
It’s the same thing as seeing people and objects in clouds.
+1 man in the moon
He got there by raking leaves on Sunday.
Yep, all the time.
Yes, all the time. Works with frost on a window as well.
I always see images in random patterns, but not what others see
+1 Jesus and Toast
When I was about 25 or so, I was at a coffee shop and some random chick came up to me and showed me a trick. She had a paper with some random pattern on it and asked me to stare at it for about a minute and then close my eyes tight.
When you close your eyes the remaining image is of Jesus with his hands outstretched. I told her that was amazing, and now I want to show her a trick. I told her to close her eyes tight and wait for me to tell her to open them.
Now, When I was twenty five, I had really long brown hair and a goatee And was constantly told I looked like Jesus, so I would tie my hair back most of the time and wear hats or caps. When I saw this girl, I had a ball cap and my hair tied back.
While she held her eyes closed, I took off the cap and untied the hair and let it flow like Jesus, then told her to open her eyes. She cracked up like nobody’s business. Hung out with her a few time after that, but never sealed the deal….
She took your wallet, didn’t she?
Affirmed here. It’s the same phenomenon as cloud watching, some people have imaginations, some don’t.
Imaginating and different pattern processing are two very distinct things. Seeing images in clouds or white noise is not imagination-based. it is pattern processing. Different brains pick up different patterns.
I dunno, once I spot a figure or face in the tile or rug, I can “paint” modifications to it. By the time I get off the toilet, the image often bears no resemblance to what I spotted initially.
Trying to form images behind my closed eyes doesn’t work much at all.
Also, I can’t tell if I have synesthia or was just severely imprinted by my first set of alphanumeric refrigerator magnets.
there was an optical illusion that blocked my view of all the other cloud references posted already.
California AG trying to block an accidentally released secret list of former and current police officers who have been convicted of crimes from being made public:
It seems like a list like this would be of interest to defendants, doesn’t it?
And convicts.
Natsoc Propaganda Radio wants you to know
Disasters are becoming more common in America. In the early and mid-20th century, fewer than 20 percent of U.S. counties experienced a disaster each year. Today, it’s about 50 percent. According to the 2018 National Climate Assessment, climate change is already driving more severe droughts, floods and wildfires in the U.S. And those disasters are expensive. The federal government spends billions of dollars annually helping communities rebuild and prevent future damage. But an NPR investigation has found that across the country, white Americans and those with more wealth often receive more federal dollars after a disaster than do minorities and those with less wealth. Federal aid isn’t necessarily allocated to those who need it most; it’s allocated according to cost-benefit calculations meant to minimize taxpayer risk.
Put another way, after a disaster, rich people get richer and poor people get poorer. And federal disaster spending appears to exacerbate that wealth inequality.
America- what a shithole.
I like how they extrapolate from an ongoing expansion of what constitutes a “disaster” and the resultant ever growing sophistication of state and local officials in gaming the system to a horrifying increase in massive natural calamities. Rich people- we hates ’em.
Repent. The End is Nigh.
Tornado rips through an empty field – annoyance, not a disaster.
Tornado rips through a subdivision – disaster.
Same number of incidnets, more people in the way, equals more “disasters”.
+1 Tornado death alley
“Disasters are becoming more common in America. In the early and mid-20th century, fewer than 20 percent of U.S. counties experienced a disaster each year.”
I file this under the ‘horseshit’ folder.
Of course there were just as many disasters. There weren’t any people to see it, or TV and internet to broadcast it on.
Probably all due to a move to less stringent declaration requirements.
Hey, they didn’t even name winter storms when I was a kid. Can you imagine such barbarism?
“Nameless Storms”
Sounds like a book title. Or a concept album from a snooty band.
It wasn’t as good as their debut album though.
Oh yeah, ‘Melting Glaciers’, that was my favorite.
I find it disturbing that ‘Climate Change’ is not a music genre already. People are just so unwoke, we need more edumencation in this country.
The dying moans of a starving polar bear. The cracking of an ice shelf. The calming sizzle and pop of a California forest fire. The deep bass of a mudslide. The layered harmonics of beach erosion. The glug swish glug of a rising ocean. The soul-sucking drone of an Al Gore lecture.
All set to the sickest techno beats.
Just wait for the drop… in solar activity.
SF is an aspiring Climate Change techno artiste.
M.I.A. has you covered.
All I wanna do is
And I
[cash register ring]
And take your money
The dying moans of a starving polar bear. The cracking of an ice shelf. The calming sizzle and pop of a California forest fire. The deep bass of a mudslide. The layered harmonics of beach erosion. The glug swish glug of a rising ocean. The soul-sucking drone of an Al Gore lecture.
I’d peacefully fall asleep to any of those tracks.
+1 Would Listen Again
Remembering the Blizzard of ’78
Oh, we were still in the throes of Global Cooling then.
Or how about the Great Blizzard of 1899?
2 degrees below zero in Tallahassee. Only below zero temp recorded in Florida.
“Ocean-effect” snow in Tampa.
I wonder how some old, historical major disasters would be seen if they happened today. Like the Great Colonial Hurricane of 1635. Or (derived from sedimentary records) the likely category 5 hurricane that struck New Jersey in the 14th century, give or take 50 years.
A huge hurricane took out Sint Eustatius in 1781. Sadly, Sint Eustatius was a major staging area for supplying the colonial army and it was a huge blow to the supply lines. (Fortunately for us, the British commanders in the Caribbean were idiots.)
It is estimated that that hurricane was more devastating (in today’s dollars) than anything we’ve seen here since (at least, that was the stat back when I was writing my pirate novel).
1780. Not sure if it’s the costliest, but it’s the deadliest in Atlantic history.
Dammit! I knew 1781 didn’t look right. This is what I get for not double-checking before I open my mouth. And it was a plot point in my book FFS!
Living in Florida gave me a weird obsession with studying hurricanes, so I have a lot of stupid, unnecessary things memorized.
“According to the 2018 National Climate Assessment, climate change is already driving more severe droughts, floods and wildfires in the U.S. And those disasters are expensive.”
There are not more droughts, floods or fires. They have redefined what a disaster is. There is more infrastructure and thus more expensive damage. Statistically the climate hasn’t changed appreciably. These people are fucking liars, straight up grifters.
A disaster is any time I can film some fire, flood waters, or lightning and put it in a 3 minute clip on TV. We’re all gonna die!
And how much more damaging are natural disasters in areas mismanaged by Democrats? Much like gun crimes are most intense in Democrat strongholds, and that’s why red state voters need to have their AR-15s confiscated. California’s drought and wildfire problems are proof that Texans shouldn’t eat so much beef.
I can say this. After the ’71 quake (L.A.) everyone rebuilt their houses, after the ’94 quake there was FEMA tents and a bunch of people waited to repair so they could show “need” and max damage. I saw lines around the block for the tents and couldn’t imagine what it was for. Turns out they were handing out checks to anyone who suffered losses. Crazy.
There are still people sitting around the south shore of NYC waiting for the city (!) to rebuild their houses that were flooded by Sandy six years ago.
Oddly the solution to all of this involves helicopters.
Lol. On the drive down NPR was literally running a story about old/dying people who’s main regret was they wouldn’t get to see Trump impeached.
Were they in oregon and got lied to by their spouses?
Unfortunately now. They did claim that a man’s last words were “i guess I won’t get to see the Mueller report.”
Now that’s just sad.
Not that he’ll miss the nothingburger of a report, but that his last thoughts were spiteful and political rather than on his loved ones.
Mueller could offer to be a pallbearer.
Also, it costs more to repair rich people’s stuff than poor people’s.
When I look at textured drywall or tile with random coloration (bathroom time) and I let my eyes go out of focus I will imagine images on these surfaces. I have been informed this is not the case for everyone.
It’s a sailboat.
Those “Magic eye” things never work.
Oddly enough, I can’t do the magic eye thing.
Me three – I see nothing but the magic eye pattern.
Careful with those things.
And when I take my glasses off, I can’t see shit that is recognizable. Needs more focus.
“If the weatherman is to be believed, the temperature is supposed to soar to within a few degrees of freezing, this afternoon.’
Well it;s already warmed up by 15 degrees this morning – it’s only 17 below.
“Females can’t help but display their sexuality, even when it limits their range of motion in public safety jobs.”
dat ass
So, the UK have went into the pr0n business.
Pr0n for sale
Unexpected outcomes:
1) VPN subscriptions skyrocket in UK
2) Digital divide widens as teenage boys learn to hack at 12 while girls (for some reason) don’t
3) Deep State in UK pissed because people actually now take the time to install tools to anonymize their internet use
Twelve year old girls are learning hacking and espionage to destroy other twelve year old girls.
Cyber cat fight!
Teenage girls practicing information theory like Bletchley Park. How much knowledge can you reveal before your enemy realizes you hacked her Instagram account?
“Sorry Ms. Coventry, we couldn’t tell you what was going on, or she’d find out.”
“Why only 12 white girls?”
The Comma You Didn’t Use
Ahem. Mr. Comma I Didn’t Use, would you care to elaborate on why you brought race into this?
“When someone first clicks on a site, they’ll be asked to register with AgeID and verify their age using a Mobile SMS, credit card, passport, or driving licence.
Users will then be able to use their AgeID username or password to access all porn sites that use AgeID – though some may use different age verification systems.”
There is no way that’s going to be hacked.
Of course not.
It’ll be public-facing from the get go so the vile pron users can be named and shamed for their habits. Their whole watching/browsing/search histories will be searchable.
How long before you can only use govt computers in a govt salon and the information you can access is severely restricted?
They really are racing towards an east german style utopia.
I think you are going to have to be pretty high up in the party to have access to a computer (govt owned or not).
Plebes will only be able to watch State TV and see approved documentaries on the correct way to have equitable sex.
I read that as “Slate TV”. *shudder*
Does anyone else remember all the times Ron Paul was labeled an antisemite for criticizing American support for Israel (along with criticizing American support for Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and nearly every Western ally)? Hell, I remember a year ago Paul was called an antisemite by TOS for posting an accompanying image along with an article that he wrote (even though the image was quickly deleted and Paul apologized for the error).
Apparently, if Paul had just been a progressive Democrat and worn a “hat” he could get away with accusing Jews of “dual loyalty” and the corporate press would excuse it away.
Also, just so I know, since “dual loyalty” is totally fine now, does that mean that Trump’s slur against a Mexican-American federal judge during the election has merit? Or is that different for nonsensical reasons?
Antisemite is now part of the official platform of the democrat party. They’re just not allowed to come right out and say it, yet. That won’t last long, though.
I thought some were saying it already.
Yeah, but others are pretending to be offended.
LOL- the other antisemite has to chime in.
Would be nice if “reporters” would stop allowing these bigots to excuse away their antisemitism with mealy mouthed nonsense about their opposition to war or whatever. They both support military action in Ukraine and are very supportive of lifting sanctions on Iran, while imposing new sanctions on Israel. These people don’t oppose war- they support Iran and Hamas.
Intersectionality is blatant bigotry couched in academic jargon.
Attacking Pelosi….
Yep, the new reds are going to purge the old guard pinkos. This is going to be fun to watch.
They are going to try. Whether the old guard survives and puts down the insurgents remains to be seen. The old guard has the power and the Deep State connections.
I’m wondering about the behind-the-scenes on the FEC complaint against Ocasio-Cortez. If that’s a hit by the senior Dems, she’s going down for it.
Yep, or it will be used to force her to keep her yap shut. I would imagine that would be the more likely possibility if it is a Dem hit.
They keep this up and ol’ Nance will be a Republican in no time.
For our next trick, either Mr. Mojeaux or I will attempt to replace a bathtub faucet stem.
This is getting old.
Can’t you just call the pool boy like most obnoxiously rich one percenter affluenza Glibs?
That’s what my neighbors want to know: Why can’t I just call somebody?
On 2nd thought. Why even bother pool boy, you don’t have skilled orphans?
I have unskilled non-orphans.
I’d rather have a pool boy than orphans. Just sayin’.
I’m a bit worried about our vetting system if Mojeaux really has a bathtub.
All good Glibs simply have their orphans wash them with warm washcloths as they drink their morning bloody mary. It is known.
I have 3-1/2 baths.
*hangs head in shame*
You should replace the thermostat to, since you have the hood open.
That’s what I told Mr. Mojeaux!
The only way I can help is to let you know that if you have one of these gems and it conks out, I have a couple ‘weird tricks’ you can use to keep it working.
Just buy a new house already. Gawd!!
(just kidding)
We would if we could! Totally serious.
“Birmingham school stops LGBT lessons after parents protest
Hundreds of children withdrawn from Parkfield community school for day
A primary school that taught pupils about homosexuality as part of a programme to challenge homophobia has stopped the lessons after hundreds of children were withdrawn by parents in protest.
Parkfield community school in Saltley, Birmingham, has been the scene of weekly protests over the lessons, which parents claim are promoting gay and transgender lifestyles.
In a letter to parents, the school said: “Up to the end of this term, we will not be delivering any No Outsiders lessons in our long-term year curriculum plan, as this half term has already been blocked for religious education (RE). Equality assemblies will continue as normal and our welcoming No Outsiders ethos will be there for all.”
On Friday about 600 Muslim children, aged between four and 11, were withdrawn from the school for the day, parents said. The school would not confirm the number.
The school made clear that it had never intended to continue the No Outsiders lessons this half term and confirmed that the lessons would resume only after a full consultation with every parent.
Last month, the Guardian reported that the assistant headteacher of the school was forced to defend the lessons after 400 predominantly Muslim parents signed a petition calling for them to be dropped from the curriculum.”
Damn homophobic southerners.
Wait, we’re talking about Birmingham, England? And Muslims?
Never mind.
oh yeah, that school. IIRC it was the principal there that came out at a school board meeting.
This is a companion piece with the Linda Sarsour stuff above. The Left is trying to cater to their new Muslim friends AND their old LGBT feminist buddies. Good luck with that.
I wonder what are the odds that “a programme to challenge homophobia” doesn’t produce the warm and fuzzy results that the establishment think it does.
In an elementary school, I would say it has no place at all. I’m sympathetic with the parents who refuse to go along with this SJW indoctrination bullshit.
In England, Smear the Queer is called Nob the Nigel. Nigel being, of course, the gayest name they have ever known.
Parkfield? The same place that had that gay shooting?
Wait, am I getting confused again?
You’re thinking of Sandy Pulse.
So I ordered some furniture an the assholes want to get paid for it. I would have thought the honor of having me use their stuff was enough
They’re charging you extra for soiling their brand reputation.
I mean, you hang out with us.
Sadly you cannot get good quality set of couch and 2 recliner armchairs for under 900 of your US dollars in Romania. Daylight robbery if you ask me.
I have nothing but good things to say about our Joybird sofa
Of course shipping to Romania would be more than the cost of the sofa.
I have no idea how much a sofa costs.
I got mine for free because a friend’s parent was downsizing and had to get rid of it. There is no visible wear.
But it made me completely oblivious to the price of such things.
Too much – even IKEA sofas can quickly get to the eye-watering levels. When you have a teenage son
sittingfalling into the cushions, they can take a real beating too.Don’t click LH’s link then. I just fell out of my chair.
I’ve been rocking the same futon couch for 13 years or so. The blond wooden frame is still in perfect shape but the mattress is… not.
I already did.
Half month of NYC rent from the looks of it.
Hah not quite. Mine monthly rent is less than almost all of those couches and I’m way overpaying due to regulations that I’m supposed to be writing an article about.
Wow. These are nice. I’ll keep them in mind when we have to replace ours in a few years.
Yeah, I like the mid-century vibe. Wouldn’t work at the Casa Dean, which is gradually consuming our entire net worth in a Mission/Craftsman makeover.
*sobs, posts resume for moonlighting jobs*
The world needs a new Breaking Bad series…
60’s Stylings and Comic Sans?
LH is a man of means.
ha – hadn’t realized they’ve upped their prices so much.
Local store sells the brand at a lower price than the website – which is, odd.
We paid – if I remember correctly – $1300 for our Joybird sofa.
Ouch. You should see the prices here. 900 is a steal.
Really? I just got a pretty nice loveseat shipping included for 550 from Wayfair. We aren’t talking high end here, but I have three young boys so if it last 5-7 years I am happy.
To this day, I don’t know what our sofa/loveseat/chair combo cost us a few years ago. And I’m OK with that. All I know is that the place we got it from doesn’t post prices. Which is never a good sign.
Also, when they delivered it I think payment had to be tendered on a little red velvet pillow. With a premium charged if it wasn’t in gold and silver coins.
This is why we need socialism.
Bernie/AOC ’20!
I was going to reply UH 60 2020, but given the numbers these days I think we need to go Chinook.
I’ve got a couch & a matching chair you can have for free.
Shipping is on you.
Just don’t ask why EU customs inceninerated it for “Invasive species” and “Pestilential contaminantion”.
Earthquake warnings are totally racist
And when an earthquake collapses those buildings guess who will be to blame for all of the deaths.
Climate change. Guaranteed that when the Cascadia Subduction Zone does eventually break, it’s going to be blamed on climate change.
(which is, of course, racist in and of itself)
Wouldn’t be without precedent.
Re: LH’s linked article on the People’s Republic of Walmart.
They need to see if they can build something as futuristic and cool as Allende did in the early 70’s. Bonus points if they can get a bunch of hot chicks in skimpy futuristic space garb to do the central planning they so desperately want.
I just want chicks in silver miniskirts with matching go-go boots and purple wigs.
“Hey baby, whadda say we put this central planning gizmo on autopilot and test out this captain’s chair? I’ll show you my means of production and you let me see the melon harvest….”
The picture alongside the article looks like a Bond villain’s headquarters.
Well, it would be appropriate given what it was used for.
All it really needs is a long haired white cat and some femme fatales in go go boots and minis to complete the scene. Those Chileans didn’t sleep on their Bond movies.
I see no spots for southpaws.
Lefties were rounded up for hard labor due to counter-revolutionary handedness.
Worse, they were given right-handed picks to break the rocks with.
“Incredibly sad: latest (of five) lawsuits against @Occidental, filed by the family of acc’d student who OD’d (not clear if intentional) during his appeals process after guilty finding for stalking. Offense: one-day FB exchanges initiated by accuser & ended when accuser asked.”
I read the exchange. They both sound like complete assholes, but yeah, that’s messed up. That’s definitely not stalking or harassing. Just shows you how ridiculous these “tribunals” are.
Well, it’s based on the seemingly-popular assumption that men are dangerous animals who need to be put down the moment they do anything that makes a woman nervous. When a woman acts like an asshole at best she’s just reacting to wrongs committed by the patriarchy and at worst she’s just an asshole. When a man acts like an asshole it’s a warning sign that he’s about to erupt in an orgy of violence and oppression, to include rape, abuse, and probably murder.
TW: Twitchy
Will Smith declared not black enough to play a black character.
This, too, is getting old.
It’s beyond parody, and it will get worse.
They are waiting for a chance to cast him as Aaron Burr.
I’m unsure why it’s not racist to say someone isn’t black enough to play a character. For bonus points, imagine white people saying that Wil Smith isn’t black enough to play a dark-skinned dude.
“You know it’s sad when the “Running Of The Jew” scene from the movie Borat actually becomes a thing.
This is an actual float at a festival in Aalst, Belgium by a group called Vismooil’n featuring a grotesque Nazi-era-like caricature of Hasidic Jews surrounded by rats and money.”
They’re just criticizing the Israeli government!
Congratulations. Your comment has been stolen by The Official Glibertarians Twitter account.
The dirty little secret of the Holocaust is that many Euros were just fine with it.
Not true, they were all part of the French Resistance. All of them!
Especially the Quislings?
True to an extent. Just to use Belgium as an example, there was both French (Walloon Legion) and Flemish (Flemish Legion) Belgian units of SS volunteers, as well as the 5th SS Panzer Division “Wiking” (mostly made up of Scandinavian volunteers), the Finnish Volunteer Battalion, the Estonian Legion, etc.
+1 Sven Hassel (although he was Danish)
Many of them wish that the Holocaust had got more Gypsies too.
holy shit, is this some anti-PC parade? because there’s also a Muslim float with the suicide bombers strapped with dynamite and waving scimitars and guns.
Well that’s silly. They traded in scimitars for knives years ago.
Yeah, I’d withhold judgement on this one.
Could be mockery, parody, or just general shit-stirring.
It’s from the last Glibs meet up. OMWC designed the (((first))) one.
I never know how many parentheses to use.
I’m wondering about the behind-the-scenes on the FEC complaint against Ocasio-Cortez. If that’s a hit by the senior Dems, she’s going down for it.
“There’s nothing we can do.”
*starts bus, revs motor*
Tired of waiting.
It’s a sailboat
I’m very disappointed in you people.
The obvious response isn’t always the best response.
Office prog was just reeing about overpopulation. My sarcastic comment of “Oh yeah all those damn global poor who want to eat and raise children, how dare they.” went right over her head.
“OK, who gets to pick the first billion into the mass graves?”
I’m going to choose either Pakistan or India. One of them is going to start doing something about a couple billion when they start nuking each other over Kashmir.
Explain to her that there is at least one thing she can do about it right now.
Titty Tuesday presents pulchritudinous peaks and voluptuous valleys.
#9 and 14 are wearing the exact same bikini.