Libido killing shots?
R. Kelly found Jagermeister ?
Libido killing, not libido enhancing.
Not in my case…and certainly not during the colossal 3-day hangover
*Pours Tres a Jager bomb*
well…maybe just 1 or two….
I decided to set up a little “bar” in my sort-of dining room. It was looking a little sad with just the 1/4 bottle of vodka I had left and the new bottle of Jameson I bought today. Then I remembered I had some various bottles of things stashed here and there and lo and behold one of them is a nearly full bottle of Jaeger. Now I have to drink it. Hm.
Sounds like a good time. *sips margarita*
Yea, my first thought was “aka ‘shots’?”
+1 whiskey dick
Naztional Treasure?
Wonder if STEVE SMITH have secret handshake.
…home state of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whom pollsters say has benefited politically from the tensions with Pakistan ahead of a general election due by May.
Really? Our pollsters seem to think reducing tensions with traditional enemies couldn’t possibly get you elected.
“unveiled by German Freemasons’ lodge”
I left a comment brief comment on the last thread in re to your JP link yesterday. I’ve heard a lot of his arguments already, but that was one of his better talks.
Now all they need is an oldster who can still read that handwriting – hurry!
I’m telling you guys, we should all get the Annuit Coeptis ring.
Evan, if you’re hanging out in the links, I saw your post from Tuesday (this Tuesday? Last Tuesday? I forget) complaining about losing your voice in a social situation. Have you tried cough drops? I had a singer recommend it to me for vocal warmup. Fisherman’s Friend, specifically. It helps when anxiety causes my throat to clench up.
Fisherman’s Friend are the best cough drops in existence. Everything else is just candy.
I definitely have an oral fixation (the ladies love it, as long as I’m not biting my nails like I always am) and always have mints/candy/gum on hand. Those things go in my left pocket.
I wouldn’t say that I was losing my voice. More ‘cracking’ my voice. Like how it does when you’re on the verge of crying. I’ve actually booked a psych visit in a couple of weeks (first availability) to get some meds. Catch 22–>Going to a (for me) incredibly anxiety-provoking 90 minute one-on-one talk with a stranger….in order to try and help with my anxiety issues.
On the positive side, I can explain everything *in remarkable detail* and as long as the dude makes sure to make things comfortable it shouldn’t be that bad. When my brother was talking about “trying to unpack” various issues with our father, I was very confused. What the fuck do you have to unpack? The sky is blue. There isn’t much unpacking to do there.
It also is true that my dad’s Asperger’s and tendencies manifest themselves in me far more than in him or mom. This means that I’m the go-between to actually understand him and try to nudge him in certain ways that he can better understand or are more impactful.
Thanks for thinking about me.
Kuthrapalli? Is that you?
I sympathize on the voice. I sound lie a 3 pack a day gal bit inn not a smoker.
I might see a doc about it. I might project low to compensate for being a woman in a mans world.
“sound lie a 3 pack a day gal”
You, er, should let me know if your therapist recommends anything useful, if you don’t mind. I’d be grateful. It sounds like we have the same issue. Feels like I’ve got a lump I can’t dislodge when my anxiety’s running high.
Are you me?!?!?!
I’ve talked about this before but we seem to be quite similar in age and personality. You might have to remind me but I absolutely will let you know what they say.
handle @ gmail if you like.
Lorazopam removes that lump, loosens the muscles and makes social situations bearable.
About to celebrate the return to working by opening up that bottle of Midleton Very Rare.
I’m really sorry, amigo, but enjoy your evening!
A couple of more years and that retirement gig will be permanent.
The Midleton is impressive. I’ll probably save the rest of the bottle to celebrate the last day of work. And stock up a couple of more bottles for my wake.
Allow me to raise my glass of Talisker (only the 10) to your return to fruitful toil.
Dump the horses and, you know, you probably wouldn’t have to go back to work…
*Raises glass of Wild Turkey “Decades”*
*raises Caol Ila in salute*
The critics like things that the audience does not.
The purge
See: Oscar Night
I find when it comes to average movies, whether I enjoy them or not comes from expectations.i tend to like movies people have set a low bar for and dislike ones people set a high bar for.
I read ‘Great Expectations’. It wasn’t everything I had hoped.
But on that, I had a very low bar for SW7. And I found it to be terrible. Then I had an even lower bar for SW8 and it was even worse, by a long shot. I refuse to pay to see any more of them in theaters.
I said average movies. Not objectively terrible ones.
“He was guilty as hell!” Ed Genson, 77, told the Chicago Sun-Times from his Deerfield, Ill., home.
Isn’t it unethical for your former defense lawyer to admit this in public? Seriously, I don’t know.
Yup. I remember a case in ethics class where there were a pair of lawyers who disclosed a murder committed by their client after the client died so that the family could have closure and it was all scandalous.
I get that this lawyer has terminal cancer and thinks he is setting the record straight, but it shows that he doesn’t have any fundamental belief in the system he worked for over all those years. Criminal reform is needed, but I don’t think you do that by destroying privilege.
I mean, they had video of him posing on her, right? His guilt wasnt really in question, imo, but I’d still agree that the lawyer shouldn’t have said that.
Pissing on…
I’ll admit that It would be hard to keep a secret like that. Part of why IANAL
I think Elspeth Flashman is the only lawyer here doing criminal law. At least for me, doing real estate transactional work it never gets that hard to keep the secrets.
I was an Assistant State’s Attorney for 5 years – that was enough criminal law for a lifetime.
There were a few cases in ethics class where I remember thinking to myself “there are more important things than keeping my bar license”
Just keep reminding yourself you are defending everyone’s constitutional protections when you stand up there and keep your client’s secrets. He may be the devil but the protections have to cover everyone to cover anyone.
That’s what I thought. Imagine a doctor doing awful medical experiments on a death row inmate against his will. Maybe you save someone, but we all pay the price in a different way.
First, do no harm…
How about I can do some harm, but not you. I mean, I just don’t trust you.
The case that sticks out in my mind where I would’ve fallen on my
swordbar license was where some kidnapper pedo still had a girl locked up in his mom’s boyfriend’s cousin’s hunting cabin, and he let slip enough info to the attorney that the attorney knew that the girl was still alive and where she was.Privilege hasn’t been broken because kidnapper pedo hasn’t asked attorney to cover up the crime or anything.
Something like this
In that case, you’d be doing the right thing and you should still pay a price. Hopefully, the court would be as lenient as possible.
Thankfully violation of privilege isn’t a criminal matter, so the stakes are mainly disbarment and I’m sure some civil liability to the client whose privilege was violated. I don’t think any jury is going to find in favor of a murderer when their attorney saves their next potential victim from being tortured to death.
I’ve always thought that scenario was an exception to the privilege rule anyways. Something about ongoing crimes where someone’s safety is at risk?
Yeah, isn’t that where the whole “officer of the court” thing pops up? Like you’re a defense attorney, but you’re still part of the justice system, and if you have knowledge of an ongoing crime you have a responsibility to notify the appropriate authorities.
Something about ongoing crimes where someone’s safety is at risk?
There’s the crime-fraud exception, which is essentially that you can’t use your lawyer’s duty to uphold your privilege to cover up your crime or commit fraud. That’s usually stuff like not having an expectation of privilege when you ask your lawyer which documents to shred to avoid having the money laundering scheme exposed. However, it doesn’t except privilege generally for admissions of guilt, even when the crime is ongoing.
Hmm. I would have said not privileged, but regardless, I would tell, consequences be damned.
“Genson, who has terminal bile duct cancer”
He doesn’t care anymore.
Just another reason to get out of Ohio.
Although they do have cutting edge death penalty tech.
Do the dems control Ohio now?
We’re getting hammered by that shit here on ny, cost of everything keeps going up.
Parts of it. Of course team red is big government too. So far just a proposal.
They controlled all of the larger cities.
I thought that was the catalyst for the ‘Space Force’. (SPACE SMITH FORCE SPACE, BY FORCE SPACE, MEAN…)
lost 600 mile wide rock
I am sure it will turn up eventually.
He was my afternoon hero and the reason that Daughter #3 has the middle name of “Crystal”
Very obscure show, I’d be interested if any of the glibs know of it.
I liked this down below
She’s hot. Definitely one of the better parts of being a little kid.
I knew it before I clicked it.
The Crystal
JFC, that song is now 22 years old. I am practically vintage at this point.
600 mile wide rock
Straf: re your comment from last thread. History has a lot of women who were ‘strong’ and they don’t seem to have been much different in rule than their male counterparts.
Yep, that’s what I was trying to get at. If women are so incorruptible when it comes to power, Gandalf fucked up and should’ve given the ring to a chick.
Pirate Queen
Ching Shih
I read this as CHING SMITH. Also, I heard a radio ad the other day for a product that “works inside the body” and my first thought was “STEVE SMITH WORK IN BODY”. Idk what this place is doing to me.
Btw, nice new avatar.
My neighborhood beer-drinking cadre knows some guy named Steve Smith… One time somebody said, “anyone heard from Steve Smith lately?”
In my head, I said in a grunting, growling sasquatch voice, “STEVE SMITH BE HAPPY TO BRING YOU UP TO SPEED ON LATEST ENDEAVORS!”
Oh, thank you!
Captain Marvel viewed. Brain not melted. Actually it wasn’t nay more woke than the rest of their oeuvre. It wasn’t fantastic, but it was an entertaining comicbook movie and left its sjw bludgeon in the rack. If you like Marvel movies and don’t feel like signalling go see it.
Yeah. I haven’t seen it, but the idea that some guys won’t like it because teh women isn’t complete fantasy. And if that woman happens to be played by a feminist,I think some viewers are going to not draw a line between actor and story.
I think people are sensitive about that stuff. Black Panther wasn’t especially woke, but the SJWs got all excited about it and made a lot of noise, so then the anti-SJWs got excited and made a lot of noise. Both of them overinterpreted the shit out of it. Turns out it was just a pretty entertaining comic book movie. I expect Captain Marvel is going to be something along those lines, too.
I do think it’s funny how smokeshow actress and IDF veteran Gal Gadot stars in Wonder Woman and there’s crickets, but then some blonde chick puts on a latex suit and it’s a powerful movie about feminism because, you know, now Captain Marvel’s a wamyn. Like, it’s not enough for traditionally female characters to be represented as heroic and powerful; traditionally male characters have to be replaced. It’s not about celebrating powerful femininity or strong women, it’s about destroying masculinity, I think.
It’s not about celebrating powerful femininity or strong women, it’s about destroying masculinity, I think.
1) It’s telling that the only traits that feminists celebrate these days are traditionally masculine traits (strong, brave, powerful)
2) It’s even more telling that those traits are seen as toxic when displayed by men, and especially by boys
It’s weird to me. How can you call yourself a feminist and then attack women who want to be feminine? Women can be anything they want, so long as that’s a joyless scold with no children, seven cats, and a chip on her shoulder.
How can you call yourself a feminist and then attack women who want to be feminine?
Women are equal to men in every way except when they aren’t?
It used to be that women deserved legal equality, then it became that women should be granted the same opportunities, then it became that women were as capable as men, then it became that there were really no differences between men and women, and now, strangely, it’s come full circle to women living in a state of constant oppression and victimization because men are so much more powerful in all respects that women cannot live in society without being victimized in some fashion at every moment.
Women are powerful, brave, strong, and better than men at everything. They’re also fragile flowers who are oppressed and victimized unceasingly.
it’s about destroying masculinity
This is why they are intent on changing male characters into female characters instead of writing new characters as females. Wonder Woman has always been Wonder Woman and that is how it should be. She is a strong character that happens to be female instead of a strong female character because muh-vagina. Likewise with dozens of other characters in other films/genres/stories/etc. Capt. Janeway in Star Trek, Trinity in The Matrix, and Xena come to mind.
Another problem outside of changing male characters to female is writing male characters and casting females to play them. I like Rogue One* and I think it is easily the best of the reboots/spinoffs, but the character Gyn is a prime example of this.
*the sjw crap did not seem to permeate onscreen and it was basically a war movie, so that was a plus.
Wait until the next Bond is a woman. I’m guessing not the next iteration but maybe the one after that.
Wait until the next Dr Who is wo– oh. Never mind.
I’m not sure what you mean by this. The character of Jyn Erso was basically the concept of “daddy issues” made flesh as a person.
“The character of Jyn Erso was basically the concept of “daddy issues” made flesh as a person.”
Oh nonsense. I dated that girl for about five months, and she was a blonde.
Mr. GT & I gave up on Doctor Who this past season not because the Doctor was a chick but because the show had become Doctor Woke.
“Like, it’s not enough for traditionally female characters to be represented as heroic and powerful; traditionally male characters have to be replaced. It’s not about celebrating powerful femininity or strong women”
For me, I have consumed too much media where The Chick or the Black Guy becomes this impossibly good at everything dude who’s just plain better than the rest of the crew. It was particularly common in my childhood/teenage years. Captain Planet, the 90s version of Johnny Quest, the film adaptations of things like Harry Potter, etc.
Like, you think of one of the better movies with a strong female character, Terminator 2. Linda Hamilton is badass in that. She’s tough, she’s weapons deadly, she is driven and dedicated. But she’s also very clearly a flawed person, she’s clearly dealing with the trauma of the first movie’s events. She’s been through hell, and has put herself at risk, and sacrificed everything for her son. She’s been moving around off the grid, she’s literally been shacking up with different dudes because they have skills and talents she thinks will help John when the time comes. The very first scene we cut into her cell at the asylum, where she is grinding out perfect pullups, arms corded with muscle and glistening with sweat. She’s beaten herself like a sword blank on the anvil, she’s purged all the weakness and mercy out of herself.
Gal Gadot makes Brie Larson look like shit, and I’m pretty sure Gadot could kick her was, too.
I am not in the Gal Godot fan club. She has no ass.
de gustibus. Total fan.
Is there a sequel in the works?
Picked up a brisket for 2.75/lb. Had to hand trim and separate the flat and point. The flat was divided and is now in the brine for St. Get Drunk Day dinner and the other part will be for some smoked pastrami.
Nice. I had a small brisket in the deep freeze. I’m about a week in to the dry brine.
I was torn to do a dry brine. Hoping Vegas winds arent in full force next weekend for the smoke
On the move to let 16 year olds vote.
I think they just want to capture the youth vote in the midst of their indoctrination. Also, leftists are basically children.
Let’s take one of the most impressionable demographics that hop to new fads every 15 seconds and have them vote…it isnt far from where we are at now but I cant see anything going wrong with this.
But keep them on their parents’ insurance until 26. Are they irresponsible fucks or not?
When I was 16 I had already planned to register as a Republican. I wasn’t the only one of my peers who felt that way, either, and this was under Clinton I and in central Maryland. The only time I took a swing left was for about a year in my mid-20s. It didn’t last long, obviously.
SNOW SMITH is on his way.
I’m out. Good night Glibs.
Thx – good way to start Friday night music.
That was good. Thanks.
Because you and I like Lauren Chen, may I present her CAPTAIN MARVEL Film Review.
And I look forward to seeing her grow from RoamingMillennial to RoamingMilf.
Isn’t she a Nazi white supremacist?
Ugh. I hate the jump cut editing style. Yeah, yeah, dead air, I get it, but fuck me, maybe run through your script a couple times, then do one take? Or piece together several of the better takes rather than jump cutting after every single sentence?
Team Blue leadership all over the news defending Omar. She didn’t realize she was being a bigot, but we pass the resolution condemning bigotry now. Also, Republicans are bigots for not supporting our non condemnation of what we don’t think is bigotry anyways.
Did I follow the flow chart correctly?
A Congresscritter brought up the very good point that when a Republican recently got caught saying some racist shit he was censured by name, and the Democrats were all on board then. When it’s one of their own, all of a sudden they don’t want to name and shame. Hm. Interesting, given the rich history of antisemitism in the Democratic Party.
Steve King? The team blue talking point response is, “But it took them a long time to do it!” Uh, asshole, at least the did it.
Yeah, that’s him. I guess now the standard is the next time a Republican gets caught saying some racist shit everyone can just make a general announcement saying that bad things are bad and they’ll all move on.
Mistakes were made… How I start every conversation with the wife when I’m completely wrong.
Ah yes, the passive voice strikes again!
How do you start them when she’s completely wrong?
I’ve only been married 19 years. Eventually that will happen, I’m sure.
About 6 months ago I learned what Japanese calls the “suffering passive”.
Japanese uses the passive voice much more extensively than English. And there is a special case where not only did “shit just happen” but it impacted the speaker in a negative way.
It’s God’s fault.
/growing up with a mom who blamed God when she couldn’t blame Dad
My question is now if the Dems will defend her given her remarks over Obama. It’s almost like a evil republican cabal got a bunch of Democrats elected in order to embarrass establishment Democrats.
That’s wild, man. When I read that she’d put The Lightbringer on blast I got the same feeling I used to get in high school when I saw someone knock somebody’s ballcap off or smack someone’s lunch tray.
I think I got your answer.
Suddenly I’m reminiscing for Democrats who took these kind of undisicplined fools to the woodshed. [Preet, please note woodshed, not woodchipper.]
Oh, I’ve been looking at this all the wrong way. Turns out Omar’s just reaching out, building bridges, taking a chance on her party’s good character and hoping to start the healing.
Yes, the true Lightbringer will bring real change – destroying all who stand against Progress.
First there was #Blexit. Now, I’m hearing rumblings of #Jexit.
I’ve not heard that. But I’m not in the cabal.
So… how many times have you left the democrat party now?
It’s funny how much they shat all over #AllLivesMatter then go try to get their anti-semitism resolution that is more diluted than an overpriced shitty nightclub drink passed.
Good point. Consistency doesn’t seem to be their strong suit. TBF, you could say the alllivesmatter people should support this resolution. Cuts both ways.
Valid point, but alas what are principles right?
There is no flowchart you could follow. A flowchart you could at least understand.
What’s the over under on the stashes of treasure being long gone, so now it was safe to release the diary?
And now we know how Nic Cage paid up his back taxes.
Wesley Snipes has a sad.
Man, I still like you people, What the fuck is wrong with me?
You’re a happy drunk?
Stockholm Syndrome?
Miss you, man. How’s thing back East?
Complicated, Strange. A major adjustment. But at least I can say I am no longer a constituent of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District. So I’ve got that going for me.
You’re making Leap sad!
Nothing but good things for you man. Let us know if you ever make your way back here.
It’s okay, we still like you too man.
You’re obviously a Nazi.
Whoo. I always neener-neener’d my students when they complained about tests. I told them that I took them for 16 years and I was *done* with it. Well. Shoe’s on the other foot.
I just took my first test in a decade–for prospective work going over the minutia of the APA and MLA style guides for writing. That was a profoundly unpleasant experience. Well. I think I’ve got my eye in now. Gotta ace that one (I get multiple attempts to get a 100%) and then study Chicago and Harvard style and get a perfect score on that test. I have 54 hours to complete this. I should be good.
Then another 10 days or so and I’ll have a mostly (it’s…uh…complicated) stable gig for the move to Thailand.
I’ve been freaking out more than usual recently. Stressors: Moving to a foreign country; finding a job in a new field; moving in with Lady for the first time; needing to get an apartment; various physical and psychological ailments to deal with. I am doing all of these things at the same time. I am an idiot for doing so, but for what We want it is what is necessary.
Onwards. Upwards.
Just wanted to let you know that I think Ilhan Omar is hot too, especially because of the hijab.
You still stateside?
In Indianapolis. Probably got about 5-6 weeks left here.
The hijab is hot. It’s odd that her physical characteristics are not talked about as much. Cuz. Damn.
@Raph: Yep. I should be good. I do “miss” the convenience of having a stable schedule, and finding one of my own without an office will be interesting. But I am excited for the change. I still have to get the gig, but I think this first part of the probation period is going to be the hardest.
I mean, yeah, I know about Chicago style and have the fucking tome for it. But I didn’t even know that there was a Harvard style. Much work over the weekend.
And thanks. Love having a community, especially when I’m unemployed and floating back in forth between houses with no car and no structure with no friends other than family here. Our exodus to Chiang Mai should be a glorious affair, but I know I (and we) have to put in the work to make it so.
Sound you got a lot going on, but you got this man and if you need help, you got us here. Just remember to take care of yourself and good luck on your tests/next job in Thailand. Cheers and keep moving on up, man.
*notices Q is around*
*looks at clock*
*wonders where the T&A links are*
If only there was a method of finding your own titty links.
Everyone knows the Nazi gold is in the Philippines.
I’m certain the Rooskies took it from Berlin in 1945 and a nice chunk of it is now in a vault at Trump Tower with the secret combination to be released to the President as soon as he unilaterally disarms the U.S. and abolishes the Constitution, naming Vlad Putin as Emperor of the World.
Any brave Eyepiece users want to experiment with a few additional tweaks to the last release?
Specifically, the changes carry unread comments over when you submit a reply, adjust the margins of the page on mobile to keep the sidebar from encroaching, and fix the “next article” button so that it properly updates when a new article is posted.
I can tell when you drop a new release because my options reset 🙂
Actually, the “carry unread comments over when you submit a reply” sounds like the feature I always wanted but didn’t know to ask for.
Will check it out.
my options reset
That’s really weird. I’m so glad I don’t do this crap for a living, because some of the weird-ass quirks of web dev would drive me nuts. At least with back-end dev, if it’s screwed up it’s something in your code 99.9% of the time.
I am strictly back-end only. I hate (web) front-end with a passion. Too many fucking languages, browsers, etc. I liked desktop but that’s like dead, man.
The big problem with front end is that because it’s so visual a lot of ‘stakeholders’ end up focusing on it and then you get long meetings about the correct hex color value. Or at least that’s what I see. Thankfully people have a harder time fathoming backend stuff.
I actually like the design aspect. I can argue colors with the best of them. It’s the complete shitshow development environment that sucks so hard. I could not have designed a worse way to go about this if I tried.
I’m still on my web dev self-education odyssey. I finished Codecademy’s introductory courses on HTML and CSS, read a book about front-end web design, and now I’m on the JavaScript course. Going pretty well so far.
Anyway, what exactly are the things that a back-end developer works with?
Mostly SQL (lots of database interaction) + another language for business logic (C#, Java, Python, Ruby are common choices). When I do a websites at work I ignore the front end. Simplest presentation possible.
Go is the new hotness on the backend, for microservices among other things.
It’s also an enjoyable language, so far. Single-binary executables are great – no more chasing down library packages.
It seems to be filling the same roles as C++ – so not areas I’m likely to come across. But hey the more the merrier.
Someone has (correctly, I think, so far) said it sits somewhere between scripting languages like Python and C/C++ – like a scripting language on steroids.
It’s garbage-collected, so you don’t have to get into fiddly memory management as with C++, the standard library is very rich and it’s got parallelism built-in (via goroutines).
Largely because it’s garbage-collected, it can’t flat-out replace C/C++ – e.g., you couldn’t write a device drive in Go, AFAIK.
Anecdotally, going from Python to Go is relatively painless.
You could in Rust, I think. That also, by reputation, has a _much_ steeper learning curve.
I’m playing with Haskell a lot lately mostly for fun – Rust reminds me a lot of it. Except with all the syntax cruft you would expect from a C language.
Back when I worked on a VoIP system, it was a small amount of database interaction (SQL) and a whole bunch of c++ interfacing with our network stack. My job was 80% understanding VoIP protocols and 20% understanding the rich state machine model that was layered on top of C++.
I took a bunch of courses in Python, and used to be pretty damn good with it, but it wasn’t actually deployed on the product, it only automated the dev environment. I still use python to this day. I’m working on a script that classifies patents by technology based on the text of the patent.
You’re the STEVE SMITH of software engineering.
I was doing full stack plus business analysis and I tried like hell to get off front end dev. I did eventually but at the cost of losing business analysis. My bosses aren’t the sharpest crayons in the box.
test post
unread comments changed from 14 to 7. This is one of the main things I have been wanting is to preserve the unread count when posting, thanks.
unread comments changed from 14 to 7
Hmmm. I don’t like the sound of that. Hopefully that’s just a transitional issue, because debugging will involve diving into the contents of cookies. Let me know if you continue to have issues with comments disappearing from the unread list when you post.
Well, the unread comments seem super sticky now, like not even refresh changes them.
Yep, that’s what it’s supposed to do. the only way to reduce the number is to click the “mark all comments read” button. I thought about doing something with the viewport and marking the comments read if they lingered in the viewport long enough, but that’s a lot of work and the sticky version gets us 90% of the way there.
Cool. Works great then.
Is there a way to turn off “carry unread comments over when you submit a reply”?
It seems to be working against my usual workflow at the moment. I think it could be handy in certain situations, but right now I’m forgetting to hit “Mark all comments read” and I’m getting buried in unread comments that I’ve already read.
There will be in about 5 minutes 🙂
I think I’m getting the hang of the workflow with the new behavior but yeah, the option to choose either behavior would be welcome.
Done. Same link as before. It’s a little bit weird because I don’t tear down the infrastructure when the setting is toggled, but on next refresh/comment submission, the setting takes.
Got the update – seems to be working fine!
I will play around with it in the next few days and let you know if something is off.
OK, I’m getting a little tired of International Women’s Day. (Serena Williams is on my TV so they’re really ramping it up.)
Can we go back to the other 364 days of Men Men Men?
Just a few more hours and it’s back to all patriarchy all the time.
I never even heard of this shit until today
It’s fucking incessant during this tennis match. Girl power, MOMS yay!, I can’t until we don’t have to have a special day to complain about how horrible we have it.
I’m only watching this because someone (a MAN) is up next after this match. And I’m too lazy to watch something else.
Otherwise FUUUUCK
If everyone was praising me for no reason I’d assume I had Down’s syndrome.
I went through a phase where I thought I might be secretly retarded, because I would get large amounts of praise from people for things I thought were trivial.
You just described my entire elementary school career.
It’s either that or they were secretly talking shit behind your back.
That was another phase. Yet another was thinking that I was essentially in the Truman Show (before I ever saw that movie).
Trshy having a drink.
We’ll make it through, this day is only 77% as long as all the others, I hear.
Actually I thought today went on and on and on.
I’m watching the Minnesota State High School hockey tournament.
Which is quite manly, of course.
You can watch, too!
That is one thing I miss about living next to Minnesoda. We get the Koshien (HS national baseball tournament) and it’s a substitute, but I loved the hockey tourney.
It’s quite amazing, really. They fill an NHL arena. The hockey is excellent.
I grew up in Roseau. School closed for state hockey tournament.
Go Rams!!
And in honor of the greatest game on earth:
Back to Chirpin’.
My company is falling over itself to celebrate every little diversity BS. The thing is, one of the people featured is quite amazing, it this sort of thing belittles and tokenized their achievements.
Meanwhile one of our EVPs thinks making essentially Windows Macros makes someone a software engineer. Every time he opens his mouth, he just makes himself look dumber. He’s a walking PHB.
My wife saw a post somewhere about it and said…this is so fucking stupid.
HM. I’ve recently developed an interest in learning Classical Greek, at least the ability to read it. I know learning a language that is still spoken is best to immerse with native speakers. But what do linguists do to learn to read ancient languages?
Read the fuck out of them. And they tend to be grammar-heavy so lots of grammar study.
All languages are grammar-heavy, but I get what you mean. It is harder to learn grammar inductively when you don’t have the opportunity to “negotiate meaning” with a native speaker. There is nothing wrong with direct, deductive grammar instruction if that’s all you got.
Not according to this Youtube channel I subscribe to. Sub Saharan Africans couldn’t count past 3.
When I learned Greek, I used a lot of audio. I really recommend the Reading Greek series. I was also lucky enough to have a professor who taught Attic Greek like it was a modern language. We’d have to come to class and be prepare to converse in it.
If you can, find a series of graded readers. I don’t know if there is anything like Lingua Latina per se Illustrata for Greek, but trying to comprehending sentences, and then paragraphs without using a dictionary but trying to guess words in context is a good exercise.
Thanks! I’ll check those out.
Yeah trying to read Herotudus and flipping back to a pretty basic dictionary was not working well.
Have you tried reading it on The Perseus Project? You can click any word and its definition in the Liddell-Scott dictionary will pop up.
I had a Latin prof in college who was somewhat similar. We didn’t exactly have conversations (it was only like 102 level I think) but there was lots of speaking with an emphasis on how they “really” spoke. Not the fake-ass pronunciation that was prevalent before.
I went through the first 21 chapters of Lingua Latina and then gave up. I recall trying to figure out if a cardinal used the right case when he announced the selection of Pope Francis.
Back in grad school, my professor knew the papal Latin translator and if I’d stayed in the program I could’ve gone to Rome to get cool behind the scenes tours and even study with him. Sadly never got the chance, but it would’ve been amazing.
HM, I’ve recently learned that leon is a total nerd. How do I express that in a living language? I’m just kidding, buddy. It’s been a rough year for me. Lurking on Glibs has been a balm. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I’m a little drunk, so…
ลีออนสติเฟื่องมาก in Thai.
Yeah, I’m going to have to talk to you about Thai….
I pretty much want to develop the same language skills in Thai that I did with Korean. I can read Hangeul no problem (G_d, I hate weiguks who don’t even learn the alphabet–don’t even know how they got by), good enough with numbers that I can haggle, food, directions, simple phrases. Easy shit.
I don’t like to talk to strangers–not doing so is actually very helpful with my anxiety issues and being able to tune everything out and be White Boy Anonymous.
I’m not sure if I have the time/ability to learn to read Thai. It….looks really hard. What resource would you recommend to just get the basics?
I’d really appreciate your opinion.
For what it’s worth, I learned to read (that is being able to decode words) in 8 months. I started with Thai for Beginners, which taught me the alphabet. Going from the phonemic perfection that is Hangeul to Thai will be a shock though. Like English, Thai is full of silent letters that are there only to change the tone of a sentence, or are just left over from Sanskrit or Pali so everyone knows not to say them.
Also, if I remember correctly, you’ll be in Chiang Mai, right? You’re also going to encounter Northern Thai (kam mueang), Don’t even bother to learn that shit, though Central Thai consider their accent to be “cute”.
Also, if you haven’t already, start fucking around on thai-language.com.
Hangeul – when “Top Men” create an alphabet.
Is it the exception that proves the rule?
Huh. The Thai alphabet, at least according to some, was also derived from Phoenician, similarly to Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin.
Looking at the spread of the Phoenician alphabet, (and assuming it truly morphed into all the associated alphabets), I wonder if it didn’t play a part in the Biblical Tower of Babel story.
Fuck. Phoenician alphabet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenician_alphabet
….time to refill the glass?
It’s fine. My wife’s favorite Simpsons clip is when Homer yells “NERRRRD!”
“This bra-bomb of yours better work, Nerdlinger.“
Man, I watched The Simpsons seasons 3 through 8 when I was stoned so many fucking times, I bet I’d feel high if I watched one of them today.
You stopped at the right time.
The good is in Al Kaponski’s vault.
The Extraordinary Voyage of the Polish Submarine Orzeł
Did it have a screen door?
I had no idea Poland had a navy.
It’s time to buzz the
towercanyon.He’s leavin all them chemtrails that make the frikkin frogs gay!
Government: it’s something we all do together.
Related: Behind Enemy Lines GTAM vs F18
Holy shit, that movie’s almost twenty years old?! Wow. Goosebumps.
That’s one of those, “go ahead, fuck with us” videos.
That was better than Star Wars.
This plane video makes me wonder where Kibbled Kristen has been.
She had impending bullshit with her apartment, didn’t she? Like, building sold?
I remember something about a new job and a discussion about her security clearance. I thought she was moving to CO. I’d swear I saw her post once or twice a few weeks ago. But that’s all I’ve seen over the past few months.
I would imagine this place might be problematic WRT gaining a security clearance (I’m only half-kidding).
That is funny. I’d swear KK has posted a picture or two of herself so I’m guessing that while we often threaten someone’s sense of decency we aren’t a threat to a security clearance.
Unexpectedly had a week off (I got in an hour today) from real world job. That checks gonna suck in two weeks, but let me get caught up on one of my from home gigs. Thinking about future finances gave me my first anxiety attack in several months (I think I might have actually forgotten to take my daily pill yesterday, compounding things) Now for beer and spending tomorrow taking my nieces to see Captain Marvel.
Getting close to St. Patrick’s Day.
An oldie but goodie.
LOLOL new to me
Backs slowly away…
Corned beef for Sunday dinner. Beating the rush.
I’m on air the day before, and we have no live DJs on St. Patrick’s Day, so I think I’m just gonna go ahead ram in all my faves.
Bacon and Eggs Pan Pie
Oh. My. Gawd. Stolen, ripped off, including the breakfast beer.
TL;DW but how is the bacon properly cooked in that setup? Seems like it would be underdone.
It’s cooked 3/4 of the way done before the dish is assembled and cooked.
I’ve got a slab of bacon that I smoked a couple of days ago sitting in the fridge. This may be it’s maiden voyage.
I’d replace sunny side up eggs with some scramble; but that’s just my preference. I don’t like whites or yolks separate, I like the inclusion a scramble brings.
To each his own. I thought the eggs should have been added a little later. I like what runny yolks bring to the table.
Agreed, I’m all about the runny yolk. That said, that was almost “over medium”, which I can never quite pull off.
Like I said: but that’s just my preference. Enjoy tour gritty tasteless cum textured eggs, I don’t give shit.
Yes, egg yolk alone has a slight grit in it’s texture. Not like an ‘eating sand’ kind of grit, but ‘there might be a few grains of sand in this’ kind of grit.
Thanks, that was what I would guess. Now this looks appealing. I mean, it has all my favorite food groups.
That pinned comment and replies are solid gold.
All this talk of Trshy’s extension makes me feel like I need to…
I have a comment about it, Trash, if you’re still around.
Oh man. I just saw a Suburu commercial and immediately began to think of some messed up back story to it. Those SugarFree stories really bore into the head.
That’s why it’s sometimes best to pass on SF’s stories.
Nobody doesn’t read
Sara LeeSugarFree, right? We joke about it, but nobody’s really bothered by it, are they?I stabbed out my eyeballs when I made a book cover to show him for the collected works. No complaints since then.
I was really excited to show dad the SugarFree vignettes about Trump, since he, like me, is warily supportive of the guy, but only because the other motherfuckers are authoritarian assclowns. So SF taking the piss out of Trump and Hillary both is what makes it so good. But I’d forgotten how incredibly graphic the first many months are. So now I’m not sure if I want to airdrop dad into the post-election H&H stuff and just not explain the origins or what.
Yeah, it tamped down when I got involved, see that for good or bad as you will. I think the formula the way it is works. SF does some vulgar stuff, I do absurdity and we’ve melded the two into a fine vintage.
I’m pretty cautious with his stories. I read one of the Subaru stories, maybe two, and passed on the rest. I don’t remember what it was but something genuinely disturbed me.
The one with the little girl was pretty dark.
8th Amendment.
BTW, I got a start on another story. Maybe next week I’ll dump it in a late night thread. You wanna take on chapter 2 if it interests you?
I only go where the alcohol muse takes me. I’m along for the ride as much as anyone.
BTW, if we ever get an ending to RUZZIAN COOLUSION! I can end the last story. Wait, wasn’t that Mueller report due out back on Wednesday…
CPRM wins tonight’s thread.
A few articles. This place has been really frigging great. I’ve seen a lot of strange things, and am still surprised and vastly entertained by the solid comments and fresh lynx here.
When the Russians bankrolled this place Donald guaranteed only the best, classiest and freshest lynx meat.
The one where the grandfather took over the body of his grandson was super fucked up, but the one with the dad giving the Suburu to his daughter was even more. That is some good modern Lovecraftian stuff there.
And yet he is, by all accounts, a charming person in real life. That fucked-up darkness just comes oozing out in his writing.
John Wayne Gacy was a clown.
That’d be a giant red flag in my book.
There has to be some sort of cutoff in when “into clowning” went from “charming” to “warning sign” – 1950-something?
I think that point was Gacy.
I hat that thought right after I posted that comment.
“had”, dammit
That seems to be about the time as well that the ‘scary clown’ became a fixture of horror, he really did a number on that populations reputation.
Is it comforting or scary that someone who once thought about becoming a priest found the Suburu Outback Terror stories quite tame and not at all disturbing?
Par for the course, really.
So, unless Cafe Press has been lying to me, I’m the first one buy Hat and Hair merch from my store. Bought a coffee cup just so I’d have something. ‘Make hat and hair merch!’ the peasants demand, and I oblige. Guffaw to all!
I’ll just call it bullshit right now.
I could believe that one political weirdo could be converted to the one true path by Kamala. It ain’t gonna happen on a large scale. If the Dems are stupid enough to nominate her they will get a Mondale type loss. I think she’s angling for a VP or a high level position in a possible Dem led executive branch.
I think you underestimate her ego. Yes, she would take the VP slot but she wants the big chair.
It would be a Trump landslide. Unless, of course, there was a serious economic downturn. Then the left would really get a taste of power (shudder).
The FED is making the plans as we type…
It is too early to do an off topic titpost?
I have to commend simpALICEty for throwing it out there – she’s worked hard and paid much for that body (parts of that body, anyway), so I appreciate her willingness to share. However, her ginormous back tattoo is atrocious.
Tattoos are a complete turn-off.
Little people have sad.
I’m not getting what is so interesting about smartphones that the world needs dozens of pics of young ladies staring at them.
Pssst. Look past the phone.
I don’t think Rhywun is in the target demo for those ladies, so his judgement is a bit more dispassionate.
To be fair, I hate when hot dudes do it too but for some reason I’m able to look past it.
Q it is never the wrong time. Repeat after me, I am doing dog’s work.
Those are never off topic nor are they early enough
1 and 26.
I’m going to have nightmares about 19 luring me back to her UFO and probing me.
Vagina’s are so kawaii omg (。◕‿‿◕。) when you grab her by the pussy & it starts leaking its like its happy to see you ≧ヮ≦ or when they get all puffy and look at you like “owo nya?:3” hehe~ manko-chan is happy to see me!!
(^ヮ^) & the most adorable thing ever is when squirt-chan comes out but they’re very shy so u have to work hard!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ) but when manko-chan & squirt-chan meet && they’re blushing &&& all like “uwaaa~!” (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ hehehe~ manko-chan is so adorable (●´Д`●)
New theory: Q is a an HM sockpuppet. Why? Because it’s HM.
I think Q’s brainstem has been affected by a severe semen back-up and has reverted to the lizard brain to survive.
Q’s brainstem has been affected by a severe semen back-up
So he missed his hourly session?
The way he posts, it might need quart hourly maintenance.
Exactly what I was thinking.
*Nelson laugh*
Heard that. But friend of mine was pressed with something like 13 felonies for taking a golf cart for a joy ride.. So I don’t even fucking know.
It’s overcharging all the way own. Smollett is a douche, but 16 felony counts is excessive.
Yes it is and it happens all the time. I don’t approve of deliberate overcharging but I do enjoy the schadenfreude.
I just wonder how many of the people who were forced to read the original story will even ever hear of the outcome?
What?! That must’ve been some joyride.
They charged for not only the theft of the cart, but the gas used and bullshit like that. Coincodincally, he was not white. He ended up getting two years of work release where he (from his own accounts) just watched a bunch of anime. But the prosecutor got another star sticker on the board.
That’s it, if they get you and want to nail you, it’s sorry street for years. I was a caddy as a young’n for a few years and we used to joy ride them. Never got busted but got fired.
It was a privately owned cart.
Warren: Manafort Sentence Would Be Different if He Was Poor and Black – There Are ‘Two Justice Systems’
I can agree with her sentiment but in principle…she’d be just as subject to the laws of the elite as she is clamoring about and probably would claim native again to get some points
And his sentence would be different if the Dems weren’t clamoring to take down Trump. What’s the point?
Taking two of my nieces to see Captain Marvel tomorrow, so I thought I’d just put this down now. I’m not taking them because ‘girl power’! The older one I’ve taken to almost all Marvel films. I’m less enthusiastic about this movie because of the stupid hype around it. But, Marvel has delivered a consistent product that I personally enjoy. This movie not only serves as a bridge to the next Avenger’s film, but will introduce the Skrulls (who had a big storyline in the comics) To me, Carol Danvers is still Ms. Marvel, and a better usage of the character would be to bring Rogue and the X-men in. But I don’t get to write the movies (though I should) . I’ll do my best to ensure my nieces’ take aways from the film aren’t sexist claptrap, but me doing the same for the other 20 Marvel movies has lead to the older one embracing This gender nonsense. So I don’t know. ‘Like what you like’ somehow means your a new gender now. It’s too confusing so I’ll just pass out now.
I liked it better when my older brother “guardian” was taking me to see slasher pics. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
/doesn’t “get” comics movies but to each his own