Recovering from a small celebration last night. My first product in my new job launched, and of course, there’s two more that have to be completed in the next couple weeks and put into production, so the celebration is brief.

Cherry-picking the birthdays today, I’ll note that it’s 101 years since the birth of George Lincoln Rockwell, the guiding spirit for today’s Democratic Party; 96 years since the birth of Walter Kohn, who inspired my early work in science; and 115 years since the debut of loudspeaker guru Paul Klipsch.

On to the news. I have been so amused the past week, I am coming around to Warty’s point of view that we truly live in the best timeline.


Team Blue shows that it is just as happy to make futile, useless, empty, blatantly unconstitutional, and downright stupid gestures when they don’t count as Team Red was (remember the days when Team Red regularly passed legislation repealing Obamacare that hey knew couldn’t get past the Senate? Pepperidge Farms remembers).


And as fast as Congresswoman Jewhater was basking in her new-found attention and using it to bash Obama (justifiably), she’s now in the, “What I really meant was…” mode. 


Someone saw one of those porn flicks about womens’ prisons and decided, “Hey, I want in on that!”


When I saw the headline, I wondered, “Hawaii or California?” I wasn’t disappointed.


If you really want to find him, look through the Team Blue voter registration rolls. Or maybe their congressional delegation.


Governments go for maximum inconvenience and expense, because FYTW. TDS cited as a reason. I hope this tanks their tourism industry.


Actually, that’s OK, because we wouldn’t want to eat the food anyway.


Speaking of food… “A Taco Bell worker noted that the suspect ‘did not follow proper health/safety guidelines’ by not wearing ‘protective gloves while making his food.’”


“…and they noted that he immediately began doing a better job than Bernie Sanders.”



Old Guy Music time. And this is seriously complex and amazing, both composition and performance. And bittersweet; at that ending, I accidentally got some dust in my eye…

Brilliant music, brilliant composer.