I ain’t gonna lie: these next two columns might not be the best divinations I’ve ever generated. Insomnia has been kicking my ass, then between this one and the next I’ll be dealing with the horrors of air travel. On the plus side, I’ll get to spend time with family, friends, lovers (one of whom just got dumped by her boyfriend this week!) and their respective dogs, so that’s pretty awesome.
Also, let me apologize for never actually including the music for Pisces. There you go.
Lots of alignments this week. Terra-Luna-Jupiter = A change in home rulership/ownership. Maybe political, maybe personal, as there is also Saturn-Venus-Luna = “ending of a relationship.” There will be a woman involved. And with Mercury-Saturn-Sol = “news of an ending,” if this DOES portend your relationship splitting up and someone moving out, then rest assured, EVERYONE is going to know about it. Immediately. The last alignment is good luck for fighting folk as Jupiter is aligned with the Sun and Mars. Yes, “Jupiter aligned with Mars” is most assuredly NOT sign of peace, love, and hippiness.
This is a pretty cisgendernormative week. Mars is in Taurus, so we have masculine-masculine and on the other side, we have the moon and Venus in Aquarius, so triple feminine. In addition, we have Saturn in Capricorn which is literally “bad luck to sea-goats” which naturally extends to any sort of Tiresias-esque hybrid thingies. This is further solidified by Sagittarius in Jupiter benefitting those people who are doing what they are “supposed” to do. So get with those society-mandated gender roles, people! NOTE: This is an excellent week to verify how good I am. If the ratings drop for drag shows with these celestial arrangements, it will be proof positive that astrology is a SCIENCE! The only really new thing is Mercury joining the Sun in Pisces, so extra good luck for Pisces, and for the rest of us, your luck will be extremely unstable, don’t count on it.
Now the cards:
Pisces: Queen of Swords, reversed – Malice, bigotry, prudery, deceit.
Aries: The Star – Loss, theft, Privation, hope for the future
Taurus: 9 of Cups – Concord, satisfaction with your surroundings
Gemini: King of Swords – Power, authority
Cancer: 10 of Cups – Contentment, perfection, loyal subordinate
Leo: 6 of Coins, reversed – Desire, envy, jealousy, illusion
Virgo: The Chariot – Succor, providence, war, triumph, trouble
Libra: The Empress, reversed – Light, truth, unraveling of complexity
Scorpio: King of Cups – Fair man, professional, professor, someone in your debt
Sagittarius: 2 of Wands – “No marriage possible,” ambivalence, success not bringing fulfillment, ambition
Capricorn: Ace of Wands, reversed – Fall, decadence, ruin. You also get this one next week. Sorry.
Aquarius: Death – Usually readers will tell you “death” means “change.” Which is kind of does since death is a change from being alive. But yeah, it means Death, ruin, destruction. I mean look at it! It’s a goddamned black-armored skull-headed knight riding a pale horse! But sure it can also just mean “ending.” It also means “politicians are evil,” as the figure is prominently displaying a Tudor rose.
So this is a good week for a Libra to buy furniture at Ikea?
Is that a euphemism?
Trick question.
“Succor, providence, war, triumph, trouble”
It’s like groundhog day.
Cancer: 10 of Cups – Contentment, perfection, loyal subordinate
I don’t have a subordinate, but I’ll take the contentment and perfection.
Same here – but I would require loyalty if I had one.
Huh. Just Friday I decided to make peace with my house, to be grateful to it for protecting us, to treat it like a faithful old dog and take care of it as if I actually like it. I cannot live here hating it every second of every day, no matter what it does. It’s doing the best it can with what it’s got.
You didn’t try hate-fucking the pipes?
The plumber did that for us.
I cannot live here hating it every second of every day, no matter what it does.
We struggle with that a lot. Our house was what we could afford, not what we wanted, and it shows its 50 year age in new ways every day.
It’s hard to be grateful when the house seems to be more headache than it’s worth.
I’m there with you on the house hating thingy. It’s five of us (and three are very active young boys) crammed in an 1100 sq foot house with one bathroom. The value on this thing is utterly preposterous, and while it may sound wonderful to have bought at the bottom of the market in SF and now own a house that has increased in value about 125%, unless I’m packing up and moving to another state, we would have to buy a vastly overpriced house (and then deal with a more than doubling of property taxes) if we want more space. The other option is to do a huge addition, which we have the lot size for, but due to bullshit city regulations and permit fees would be unbelievably expensive.
I know it’s SF and all, but how costly would an addition be? I have a relative who has an immediate post-war house in SF who would have to spend $$$$$$$$$$ to redo the house since the stairs no longer meet code and are too steep.
61North, I lost your email info in a disk crash. Could you send me an email? And if you have the travel info cached, could you please re-send it? Thanks.
Sure. Will do shortly.
My family is involved in construction and I know a bunch of tradespeople from my work, even still I think what I would like to do would cost about 500k or so. A good 150-200k of that is due to all of the bullshit red tape and adding on things that I don’t really want (fire sprinklers,etc.) . It is 12-14 month process just to get the permits, which will cost 25k, yes, that is correct. This is one a project that meets all city guidelines and that cannot really be stopped by neighbors because it would be completely conforming.
I can believe the 25k. I didn’t know that there were any sprinkler requirements in SFH construction. I guess the pipefitters gotta stay busy, too.
It’s over a certain size/height they start requiring them. It would be vastly cheaper and quicker for me to bulldoze this house and start from the ground, but due to SF laws I cannot do this. I can’t even knock it and put up something that looks the same as the current facade. I have to leave 50% or more of the current structure intact which entails a whole lotta structural work in the garage. The fucking communists that run this city love to talk about affordable housing, while doing very single thing possible to make it exhaustively expensive
The Mission laundry building is my favorite example.
Although I know a few people, mostly in their 40s and 50s, who went ahead and did a bunch of unpermitted work and will worry about it in 20-30 years when they sell their house.
You’re supposed to go hat-in-hand and ask your leaders for it. It’s obviously impossible to build it so the city will have to build it for you more affordable-y.
You can also get re-assessed for adding square footage.
I added one room when kid #2 was born. ONE FUCKING ROOM. They re-assessed and hit me with 3 years of back taxes.
On the plus side, you can retire pretty much anywhere and live like a king, provided that Newsom hasn’t turned CA into Detroit yet.
Indeed guys, I got fifteen years till the youngest graduates high school and I think I’ll be well ready to get the fuck out of here by then. Hopefully we are not Calizuela by that point.
So you live in a full house?
It’s 2500 ft2 of endless, exhausting, overwhelming projects. Also, my kids are hoarders. So…yes.
Have I mentioned my mom’s cure for this? The one that involves a giant pile of crap on your bedroom floor?
My cure is to purge. All I leave behind are clothes and furniture. If I threaten to purge, I can get some semblance of order.
My wife and I are at the other end of the house headache. The son goes to college in a few months and we’ll be thinking of downsizing and escaping NJ. But what a giant expensive headache to show it, then find another place to live and figure out what to do with all the crap we won’t need any more.
If you have enough stuff you’d be willing to let go of, hiring an estate sale business to take care of it might be the way to go.
I’d say start looking and learn what you do and don’t like about possible next places: that’s a process and no reason not to start.
Maybe you know all this: My goal would be to decide how I want to live without deciding ahead that a move is baked in. The reason I say that is that I’ve seen lots of friends downsize where it didn’t really work for them: they went to a lot of trouble (moving, expenses), got rid of things they enjoyed (eg: back yards), and ended up living in a situation that cost more than before. Moved to the resort but then got sick of golf after playing three times a week for four months.
Sometime folks get fixated on ends: I want a G63. Then they get one (nice) but later realize they could have had a 4×4 Suburban in leather and an Accord and three years’ gasoline for the same price.
Sometimes folks miss out on a chance to test-drive their idea: instead of buying an RV, just rent one for a week. If you like that, rent one for a month next summer. If you still like that, maybe it’s time to buy.
I’m all about flexibility and making good decisions ahead of time. My experience as a manager, husband, father, and general peanut gallery asshat: 8 times out of 10 something doesn’t work out the way we thought it would. It costs more, takes longer, don’t get to use it as often or like you wanted, health gets in the way, mom moves in . . . all these things that would have moved the needle to the Don’t side if you had got better data or tested the idea better.
This is just what I’m always thinking. I’m pretty much a skeptic and game-theory guy. And: if you like your house, you can keep it.
Loss, theft, Privation, hope for the future
Wouldn’t you know I was just doing my taxes.
let me apologize for never actually including the music for Pisces
I was expecting this
How about this
I was expecting the Spanish Inquisition
“Contentment, perfection” = sitting on my new leather recliners.
Seems legit.
This is an excellent week to verify how good I am. If the ratings drop for drag shows with these celestial arrangements, it will be proof positive that astrology is a SCIENCE!
Super Bowl day I laid down at the start of the game to watch with my snacks. I woke up four hours later and a game show with Drew Barrymore and Rue Paul was on. My only question about what occurred while I napped was, “When did Rue Paul start wearing mens clothing?”
About 15 years ago. He goes out however he feels on any given day.
I like him, but I don’t like Drag Race. I binged that one night while I was sewing, and the despair just kind of oozed out of the TV.
Never seen it. I only know him from the Fifth Element. At least I think that was the movie.
…you mean Chris Tucker?
He should have won a fuckin’ Oscar for that performance.
I don’t know what’s funnier. Chris Tucker screaming or the terrible graphics clearly showing Mangalore dummies before the explosion.
That wasn’t Rue Paul? Holy shit the things I don’t know. Totally thought that was Rue Paul.
Just about confused the hell out of me, I’ll tell you. For a minute I thought about watching it again so I could see the scene with Ru Paul in it.
I thought it was fun the first few years before I tired of it. Now I picture them consorting with pre-teen trannies in their barely-there outfits and think, “Just, no.”
Gemini: King of Swords – Power, authority
It’s about time.
My first act as a Gemini with power and authority will be instituting the Blue New Deal. Everybody must devote themselves to the party and wear blue overalls.
Seems like making lists is all the rage these days.
There’s a reason why MD democrats do not want you defending yourself. You might take out one of their perennial voters, or at least incapacitate them so that they can’t get o the polls. That’s the entire deal, right there.
Being dead never stopped them in the past
What is it Suthen says? “No one ever wanted to disarm you for your own good”? The Dems don’t like private gun ownership because, quelle surprise, the party dominated by an ideology that revolves around experts controlling the government and managing society doesn’t want private citizens to be able to defend themselves instead of having to rely on police. It doesn’t matter how many or how few people are killed by guns to them because it’s not about control, not safety. Do you recall any Progressives arguing for disarming patrol cops when a bad shoot happens? Me neither. Getting more black cops, sure, or racial sensitivity training or whatever, but it’s not the guns they don’t like, it’s the people who have them.
Then there’s the other angle, which is that, and again this is a shocker, people who own guns tend to vote for the party that does not want to take them away. So right away the Democrats know that they’re not going to be able to persuade gun owners to support them. They try to get rid of them by finding new and creative ways to make gun ownership difficult, by demonizing gun owners in the media and in popular culture, and even by gun owners’ liberty and personal safety. They are absolute scum.
Wait, I get 6 coins? Cool.
Also, much better choice for Pisces music than say, this.
Nobody needs a drum set that big.
I’m more disturbed by his housedress than his kit.
I disagree. Nothing wrong with the house dress. The matriarchy does not have the corner on comfy clothing.
How about this?
Damn. I have been away for awhile and forgot to never click a Ted music link.
This was one of his kinder ones. Also, since I had 6 Groton’s fillets last night, I can deal with it.
I’m more disturbed by the guitarist playing a PRS (Paul Reed Smith – sweet fuckin’ guitar) than the drummer’s kit.
Ah, shit, no I’m not. They can groove and they know how to play their instruments.
Even if they’re dirty fucking hippies. Credit due, and all that.
Remember, I don’t claim to like the music I post. It’s stuff that fits the topic; if it makes you all recoil in horror, so much the better.
In that spirit, Ted, Here ya go, buddy.
You’re not even close.
Wow. I made it about :30 into that video, and that was punishing.
Okay, I concede.
[rubs palms with glee and does Richard Widmark giggle]
No one went here?
Huh, it’s like the Grateful Dead without the talent.
So, an average week, then?
Decadence and ruin?
The decadence part was a given, right? Avoiding the ruin part, that’s an art.
For non-musicians out there: PRS guitars. Even if you don’t play, you can appreciate their loveliness. Because lovely.
I spent less on my last car. Beautiful guitars though.
You’re essentially playing a work of art. But yeah, unless you’ve got “fuck you” or play for your living, it’s a real luxury.
…“fuck you” money…
If I ever get “fuck you money” I am spending it on hookers and blow and make them listen to me play bad guitar.
*considers hiring westernsloper as strategic consultant*
One percenter guitars, perfect for your aspiring Glib. I’m going to have to move my fleet of cars over a little from the garage wall to make room for hanging for some of those.
Just have to mount them securely. Otherwise, some drunken dummy might leave one in the seat of one of my Bugattis and a cut off string could poke a hole in the seat. I hate it when that happens.
They are breathtakingly beautiful guitars. But such a luxury.
They almost make me want to play for a living, so I could justify buying one.
I figure if I want to start playing again, I can get a very nice guitar for under a grand. But yeah, they are nice to look at.
Hyp, I’m trying to build a self-delusional wall of “reason” as to why I need to buy one of these, and you’re not helping.
Just make your orphans work harder. Stop giving them breaks and human food, you softie.
I’ve got one of these arriving this week.
I didn’t get the jet black. I got the transparent black.
As far ad PRS guitars; yeah they are beautiful. I have a friend who is a touring guitarist, and he bought two last year. So nice. But waaaay outta my price range.
I don’t know whether to be happy for you or to go all Cartman jealous.
Fuck it, it’s Glibs, glad for you egould. I had an SG back in the day. Playing a quality guitar/bass makes a fuckton of difference. Especially if you sand down the nut’s grooves (note to non-guitarists: not code for anything) a little.
Also, cool bass, and you’re a dick because you have it and I don’t. insert smile emoji here.
PRS does make cheaper guitars. Down to $600-$700 range. Not as pretty but they still play pretty good.
Yes, that’s true. They also make way more expensive guitars, too. That’s a decent portion of a down payment for a small house in much of the country. I’d have to have close yo Jeff Bezos money before justifying that purchase.
If you have a S&W 15/22 you need to inspect it.
I have one that’s about 10 years old. I’ll have a look.
She seems nice. She didn’t understand that was wrong. /house democrats
I didndunuthin
Clearly Trump’s fault.
How do hate crimes stand up against the first amendment? How can you criminalize something for what someone said.
Pointing that out is a hate crime.
Huh, went outside to grab something from my car and it had been broken into. I guess getting dumped yesterday wasn’t so bad after all.
That sucks. Been there, done that. I hope you didn’t lose anything valuable and/or irreplaceable.
Nothing was taken. Only thing in there was some gum and repair invoices.
Also BTDT. So sorry. Best of luck.
Sorry, 61N. Hate to suggest it, but could the events be related?
Yes or no, hope the rest of the year goes better.
Hahaha, no. Definitely not related. Learned a long time ago to stay away from crazy.
But yet you hang out here…
Rockin’ this while getting ready to watch some Commieball.
One of the few IPAs I enjoy.
I like their Kolsch. Their Amber is their worst, in my opinion, but it seems to be the most readily available outside the state.
Agreed. I love the Pale. Before they started distributing to CO, I would make quarterly trips to Cheyenne to load up.
Day games SMDH. I don’t day-drink (at home, anyway) so I have to watch NYCFC suck sober.
Dude, some of us live near Orlando. Admittedly, they haven’t started out their season as horribly as last year.
But we have faith. Faith that they will fuck up enormously.
Shouldn’t you be used to it as a fan of a European team?
Fair man, professional, professor, someone in your debt
“Fair” as in “just” or as in “light coloring”? Or as in “fairest of them all?” Would I be happy to keep him in my debt?
For those glibs that assert that better living comes through chemistry, today I picked up some buy-one-get-one DHEA tablets. I have 25mg, so what is the ideal/working dosage, should I start tomorrow ?
50 per day is the typical male dosage, though some people take more. But I wouldn’t start with more than that.
Much obliged.
Ha ha ha ha. Sorry, had a vision of someone taking 50 tabs.
“Jeesus, really?” *waits, gulps down 5 more tabs*
I got mine Friday and started at 25mg. I *think* I feel better, but that could be placebo effect.
Since the my VA screwed up bloodwork orders from 2 of my docs (yay gov’t union) I have an opportunity to have blood drawn today as a non-DHEA baseline, then again in a week. Though I dont know if 7 days will be enough to see any effect.
This is bullshit. The candy isn’t vape juice flavor.
That was fascinating.
Since it’s Sunday afternoon (an hour earlier): Compulsory.
The 737 MAX is a relatively new aircraft design. And now has 2 accidents in about 2 years. And there may have been some design choices that confused pilots in the first accident (accident investigation still not done). Not good.
Maybe Boeing’s engineering department got woke.
A quick first pass through my taxes show we’re going to be writing a large check, since my wife hasn’t been withholding enough.
This year is turning into a cash bonfire.
It’s not too late to make 2018 IRA contributions and reduce your tax liability.
I exceed the limits. This is a good problem to have, but it still sucks.
The TresCoolHumanGlobalPeoplesCompassionateInitiativeFund is still accepting donations.
I assume I can send donations in liquid form?
Please put your pants back on.
I also “lost out” due to the SALT adjustments – mortgage-interest deduction was limited this year. This is a good time to put my money where my mouth is when I say they should get rid of the mortgag -interest deduction, as it’s subsidizing the already well off (comparatively).
On the plus side, it could be worse:
Mass’s flat-rate isn’t that bad compared to what I’d pay elsewhere.
That is out of date, Ky is now a very flat 5%, instead of brackets up to 6%.
I didn’t realize that MN was outdoing NY on the tax rates. Somehow they’re not on my mental list of “high tax states”.
Yep, I lost just under $4k of deduction on that; thanks PA property taxes. The good news was we didn’t owe the state anything.
Turns out doing the 15-yr mortgage may have been a strategic mistake (since we won’t stay for retirement – given the f&#*ing property tax).
My refund is less this year but I paid less in taxes overall. I can live with that.
But are you paying less overall than last year?
It’s complicated to say – this is just the 2nd year we’re filing jointly, plus my wife was unemployed / marginally employed for half of 2017.
Maybe? I’ll have to to some figurin’ once I get things finalized.
Pending some info from the wife, I think we’re paying ~ 0.5% more this year. Might end up at the same rate, depending on adjustments.
That’s been the case for us two years running. When my wife got her then-new job our income effectively doubled, and we wound up owing a bunch each year. Late last year–too late to be of any help for income tax–she left that job and just got back to work recently. Now she’s working as a consultant coming in at around half what she made last year, but if she stays at that level it might wind up helping us out in the end tax-wise.
Dream pop – Still Corners.
Nice one.
I’m sure you’re familiar with Decay FM (DKFM). If not here’s the link. https://decayfm.com/
All things dreamy, poppy, noisy, gothy, droney, goodness.
Brisket on the smoker for the past couple hours for some sammiches with the in-laws. Gotta make some red cabbage slaw for the sammiches and some potato salad.
Anyone find it cathartic to cook? Because I do. It’s my domain and I dont want help.
Amen – I’ve gotten in near shouting matches with my wife about her helping when I’m trying to cook – please just get the fuck out of my way.
Preach it. Made French toast for the wife this morning and just about to start the corned beef. Pumpkin pie is cooling on the stove.
Wife accepts that I’m the boss in the kitchen (most of the time) and helps without trying to tell me how to do it. On the occasions she wants to cook, I’m the silent help. We have pretty good teamwork.
I got some cut-rate “manager’s special” (aka ready to spoil) strips that are about to be pan-seared and finished in the oven, with asparagus stuffed mushroom caps and creamed spinach as an accompaniment
I’ve pretty much done all the cooking for the last 35 years. If I’m not in the mood to cook, it’s leftovers from the deep freeze, or we’re going out.
Definitely. When I had my previous job it was how I’d decompress after work and I wanted to be left alone. The only thing I would let her help with was making a salad or ensuring the wine glass was full.
Grocery shopping with her, however, was some next level hell and caused some great blowouts.
I’m about 90 minutes into Escaping Neverland.
Jesus H Christ.
I hear the first half is pretty rough; they ease off a bit in the second half.
Wade Robson’s mom has established herself as a complete thundercunt.
Safechuck’s mom seems pretty reasonable so far.
No word from either of their dads because they both killed themselves.
“Escaping Neverland”
Good luck. There’s a hole in back gate.
Get Bubbles out of there too if you can. Poor monkey…
Rumor has it that MJ liked to blow bubbles in the bath.
“There’s a hole in back gate”
Michael was very good at filling those back gate holes.
I figured someone would take that softball.
Razorfist has an angry.
I already posted it earlier but a link to Razorfist’s fresh refutation of Leaving Neverland:
Pete Davidson on SNL last night:
“If you support the Catholic Church, isn’t that the same thing as being an R. Kelly fan?”
Harsh but fair?
He did a nice job in his way.
Should we root for athletes who are terrible people? Listen to scummy musicians? Vote for liars even if they’re on our team? Patronize firms who make loud public commitments to bad public policy?
I’m not a fan of Catholicism, but it’s a big place. That crappy priest doesn’t mean your priest is bad. Kelly has a fairly public record, so that much is different.
A bit harsh.
R Kelly isn’t quite a religion with an undergirding philosophy…. Yet.
R Kelly needs more really cool pointy hats.
This sounds fun
You know what’s more fun than a retard? A pair of retards!
Herpity derpity herp durrrr!!!!
I can’t even bring myself to watch that.
Bill Nye the Engineering Guy apparantly doesn’t understand math.
They have about 60 chromosomes between the two of them.
I want audio tape of Nye in his house railing on about how he doesn’t believe a word of the bullshit he espouses. I don’t believe he’s honest for a second.
“the US these days reminds her of China’s Cultural Revolution, especially the “struggle sessions” in which fanatical young communists forced supposed enemies of the Revolution to confess their sins publicly (whether they were guilty or not)”
The most logical thing to do would be for the rest of society to tell them to fuck off. They have no power except for what the rest of the world gives them. Bending over is not an attractive position (with notable exceptions).
Mostly true. But the power hungry little bastards infiltrate corporations, government, media, etc…. And make themselves the arbiters of morality.
Look at James Damore for an example.
Or at the YA Twitter Lynch Mob.
It’s unfortunate that people in those institutions that are effected by this won’t stand up to the handful of bullies. As far as corporations go, I think a lot of the woke shit they put out is nothing more than cynical marketing. If you try to make some sjw power grab inside most corporations you would be out on your ass.
CEOs might actually be pretty leftist or afraid of missing out of cocktail parties.
Yeah, but they still need bottom line growth.
I struggle with this all the time. As an individualist, I abhor conformity and collective action, but that is exactly what makes people like us ineffective in resisting this. Any dissent is almost automatically ghettoized because it doesn’t have any kind of mass traction. This is why I have a grudging support and respect for Trump/MAGAites; they’ve managed to create an organized resistance against leftist insanity (read: owning the libs). Pseudo-conserva-nationalism has major drawbacks in its own right, but the current situation sure as hell beats living in a single party state.
I’m with you.
I despise mobs. Probably why I never got along with church.
It’s always been an issue with classical liberalism and now libertarianism that they expect that people should be happy (for the most part) with the existing system and defend it for the statists but as we have seen for the last 120 years or so that this is not happening.
Generally when tyranny comes the alternative is not usually very good. For example 1932 Germany had a choice between Nazism, Communism or military dictatorship. In hindsight the third option may have been the best but it would have been far from ideal.
“Any dissent is almost automatically ghettoized”
True but the response is not universal. There are people who push back that get quite a bit of popular support like Peterson for example. They haven’t been able to successfully shut him up yet.
If I were him I’d hire private security. I think it’s only a matter of time before the campus woke brigade starts trying to carry out assassinations in earnest.
Well the Weather Underground got it’s start in Michigan. Wouldn’t be surprised to see Tlaib get behind something like that.
Holy Maroni
Leaving Neverland Director wrote this op-ed in the Guardian.
Unmasked? The last few years of his life were filled with jokes like “Michael Jackson is a pedophile, LOL!” On late-night TV.
Interestingly he doesn’t mention that Robson was trying to choreograph a Circque de Soleil Jackson show before recanting his testimony.
He skated on the charges because he was rich enough to subvert the justice system.
Seriously. I mean, there’s a whole Wikipedia entry just for his trial.