As a staff, we at have decided to take back what is ours….the Morning Links control room. Since we are libertarian in nature, we shall employ mercenaries.

It looks like Bigfoot or some sea creature – shoot it!

Try not to damage any property!

Hut, hut, hut!
READY…go, go, go!
*Aiee! Ouch! Dammit, not that! AHHHHHHHHHH!*

What were those things!?

We just got our asses kicked..and raped!
One moment, we need to have an After Action Report.
[…shots bounced off… They raped all our commanders! The horror, the horror. This wasn’t worth the $500. That giant stone head ate our guns! Yes, yes, thank you gentlemen. Those of you still ambulatory, please exit this way. Could someone get an orphan cleaning crew in here?]
Sooo…. that did not seem to work out. Not at all. Looks like we need some assistance with this. Hmmmm.
Send emergency monocles and orphans, Glibs.
I’m being non-interventionist on this one.
I think your gaze has to be a little more narrow for that.
A thousand yard gaze…
This world never have happened if you hadn’t excluded SNOW SMITH.
An “after action report” ?
You cant fool me, SWISS
How i picture a typical glibs day.
Not enough guns and cryptid… love ?
“That giant stone head ate our guns! ”
Not this one –
Can’t we all just get along?
OT, so about the ATF and losing several thousand guns. CBS Evening News had the story with amazingly little info on the suspect (in custody). Some WV source broke the story last week. Someone seems awfully reticent about sharing details.
Reminds me of the line some comic (George Carlin?) came up with:
“Give ’em all the alcohol and tobacco they can handle, but keep ’em away from the guns!”
Distract the cryptids with THIS!
(archive f’ed up)
7 looks bitchy.
So did 3 and 5, iirc.
Archive has a significantly better ux.
Couldn’t survive chive on my phone.
9 is working for me. 7 would make your life miserable.
I do miss those sweet, sweet Banjos links.
Banjos links were the best links. Biggly.
Banjo’s links are great and all but SP sets the gold standard for links.
You certainly can’t find fault in the technical perfection of SP’s links but Banjos links have a certain je ne sais quoi.
Carrying forward Not Adahn’s pimp gun lust from the dead thread…
Czech that out. ?
Anyone have any experience with cz-577, .308 left hand bolt? I was looking at them in the catalog, left hand is good since no one wants to borrow it.
*raises left hand sheepishly
Freaking sweet gun from my favorite gun company.
My gf has the Rami on her short list. And I have 2 CZs already…
Best shooting pistols I’ve got and the compact actually fits my fairly small hands pretty well. Beats the hell out of a Glock.
“Beats the hell out of a Glock.”
I haven’t fired enough pistols long enough, but my Shadow 2 continues to bring me joy. 1360 rounds without a malfunction. I need more time and money to catch up with this guy though.
Did he get it or not? The article says “Planned to present” and “Was to receive”, Language issue or just shoddy blogging?
The briar looks nice but I probably would have gone for some nice Zircote or Black Persimmon myself.
The pistol I have which is most similar to the CZ-75 is an EAA Witness in 10mm. Amazingly svelte for a hi-cap, big-bore auto. Basically the poor-man’s Bren-Ten clone.
Czechia seems nice, all hundred or so yards I saw of it.
This is the worst chatroom ever.
@Not Adahn. You’re right, there are a gazillion grip choices out there. A good set of grips made from G10 should run around $50-70.
You know, I gotta be classy. Do you think the gold plated is too much? How about a nice mother of pearl?
Honestly though, the rubber ones on there now are pretty comfy, I’ll see how they feel after extended shooting.
Those mother of pearl grips are bad. And I don’t mean that in a good way.
My 686+ Talo came with wood grips. After one day at the range, I replaced them with rubber Hogues. My hands were very happy.
The gray grips are the replacements for the wooden grips on my EMP. Very grippy and comfortable.
I fired a 1911 that had what I think were these on them. Outrageously comfortable. But anything with finger grooves is going to be extremely hit or miss. Plus their version for the Beretta will make a already sizable grip even bigger
Grips for gun people can be like shoes for women. Next thing you know, you’ve got a closet full of them.
Yeah, I afraid I will end up with a foot locker full of grips for my 44 Mag Taurus Tracker before I find a set that takes a significant amount of its bite out of firing it.
Fuck this shit.
Brexit ain’t gonna happen children.
That’s because cowards have taken over the world. Ironic, isn’t it?
And Turkey wants in to that shitshow.
Funds for less developed areas are a powerful attractant. Let alone ability to start exporting extra populace once their economy starts tanking properly.
Time for the dreaded No Deal Brexit.
They will vote against it tomorrow. The only remaining course of action will be to ask for a delay.
Which the EU has said ain’t gonna happen. They will “crash” out.
Jeebus. All they have to do is leave. The power brokers obviously don’t want to.
I’m no expert but aren’t they fighting about how they leave not if or when. They’ll be out sooner or later whether they have a new agreement with the EU is the question.
Theresa May is blatantly trying to derail the process. It’s been something like 2 years since the vote, and they remain.
If I were a UK exit voter, I’d be pissed as hell that they are continuing to stay in. I have no dog in the fight, so I ultimately don’t care, but if I did, I’d be outraged. All they have to do is leave. That’s it – and the majority of Britons voted for it.
Ah! But, you see-they were lied to by racists. Or, were already racists. Anyway, they just didn’t understand all the benefits of
being told what to do by people in other countriesbeing in the Union.If they just waaaaait it out, those poor rubes will definitely come around and realize their own economic self-interest!
Again no expert but a quick google says they’re out March 29 regardless of what May/Remainers do.
Hopes springs eternal for some people.
I mean, how else to explain this shit considering a set date?
I guess the tatt craze came just in time for her.
I feel bad for her and all but whatever happened to just keeping things like this to yourself? I have a surperflous nipple but I’m not going to put it on the interweb.
An extra nipple and tiny hands?!
Hey, we all have our faults.
Or super powers. I have benign tumors.
The EU is that anti rape condom Jarflax linked to.
Yeah, Pretty sure she could have hung out with some boys who could have ..uh.. looked past… her birthmark
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with that freakish head.
In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man
As penis stiffness and rigidity:
But when the blast of cum blows in our rears,
Then imitate the action of the Schumer;
Stiffen the moobs, summon up the fudge,
Disguise fair nature with juice lathered rage;
Then lend the brown eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the ass cannon; let the taint o’erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a balled cock
O’erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill’d with the vile and hateful intention.
Now set the teeth and stretch the asshole wide,
Hold hard the breath and pucker up every anus.
To his full height. On, on, you noblest Glibbest.
Whose blood is toxic from fathers of war proof!
Fathers that, like so many shitlords,
Have in these parts from porn till even stroked
And sheathed their “swords” for lack of argument:
Dishonour not Winston’s mother; now attest
That those whom you call’d Mother did ingest you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to bend o’er. And you, good yeoman,
Whose waifu were made in Thailand, show us here
The mettle of your derriere; let us swear
That it is worth your bleeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not Smith balls in your eyes.
I see you spread like wishbones in the hips,
Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry ‘God for glorious Glibland, and Saint Swiss!’
So, be nice to Winston’s Mom after you’ve worked her hard, let Chuck give it to you in the ass, and don’t complain when you can get away with just giving the SMITHS a blowjob?
Just trying to rally the officers in their fight against the cryptids.
Somebody’s channeling Agile Cyborg
I think you’ve found Agile’s stash.
“The truly spectacular part was how many people (mostly men) called me names and accused me of being narcissistic and entitled.”
If the shoe fits…
Her flaws are self punishing. No need to cast stones.
There is not enough money in the world to make me want to read that.
TL:DR I’m an unattractive, entitled, whiny slut who will demand that my dates worship me while I cheat on them and nit pick their flaws
Of course we find out in the very first sentence that she’s a 36 year old single mom. Of course.
Not only would I not click that, I strain to ignore the question like a white hot iron to my flank – “Why does that even have an audience?”
You need a secret weapon!
Chinese donger cuffs.
With teeth.
features rows of jagged hooks
Look, with the way things are in Hollywood, reboot of Red Zone Cuba was inevitable. I just never thought it would be here, on
How to get a libertarian to change their mind on weed legalization…
Yep. Strong argument.
OK, it took me a while to get reference. But, I’m hip now.
I seen your previous posts regarding video editing software. When GoPro discontinued their very basic editing software, I tried a few before switching to Lightworks. I know jack shit about video editing, but I found the learning curve for Lightworks to be easier than all the other programs I tried. I don’t do a whole lot of editing, though. I use it almost exclusively for editing live music videos, so I’m not using all the features. They do have a free version that might be worth checking out.
Thx, PP
““Forward, the
LightAdmin Brigade!”Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of
DeathRAPERode the six hundred.”
I’m starting to think AOC is a right-wing plant:
She’s the gift that keeps on giving.
She’s too crazy for even me to parody, me!
Certainly sounds like a vegetable.
Hopefully she doesn’t take away attention from all of the stupid shit Bernie has said.
“It makes no sense that students and their parents pay higher interest rates for college than they pay for car loans or housing mortgages.”
So a company that provides a car loan should pay for a death caused by the owner driving drunk?
Have you seen the Mr Reagan (Youtube) clip explaining how she got her start in politics? He goes hyperbolic, but it’s interesting to see how she was basically chosen at a casting call by the Justice Democrats. It explains why she’s an idiot when not being controlled by her handlers.
If only you were someplace you could post links…
And if only it were textual….
I don’t care what your textual preference is, geez, lay off it man!
I like text because I can read and watch teevee at the same time.
Video of Rhyun doing both!
I had no idea he was so handsome.
Well, his color coordination is magnificent.
If it were, I’d link that. Alas, ‘tis not the case. Almost all pols are creations, but the there are some interesting facts concerning AOC.
His big reveal is that she was picked by powerful people to run, and that her policies are those they want her to put forward? This is true of basically every politician ever, so what?
I agree. I’m only interested in the Cenk, JD, Chait(?) connections. AOC is obviously not the organic candidate the MSM portrays her as.
If they aren’t a write-in, they aren’t organic. Doesn’t matter which team, it’s handlers and wonks in charge all the way down. The only possible caveat it Trump. Even the Pauls had to have people who knew how to run campaigns that steered them.
You guys… Let me try for the third time. Of course pols are appointed. We know that. I wanted to see how the sausage is made and the video showed me some things I didn’t know. I’d love to see the process by which every pol got into the game.
You just did.
As someone who ran as a truly independent write-in-candidate, it was astonishing to me how little shits anyone gave, but how they bent over backwards for the party candidates. I couldn’t even get a chance to speak to the civics class at the HS I graduated from.
I want moar! I’m no fan of democracy, but if you’re going to have a group of overlords, I say you expose every shred of info that exposes where influence exists. Whenever people dig into this stuff their findings are written off as conspiracy theories or with a shrug of “Well, they all do that”. If that’s the case, why even have elections?
But moar is just the same story over and over, it gets boring.
If that’s the case, why even have elections?
we’ll have you on my “the most libertarian government is a constitutional Monarchy, with a strong Aristocracy with non over ride veto power, and court of last resort power to over turn laws, but no legislation powers, and a thoroughly bourgeois parliament which has complete control of the purse. Like Victorian England, only with a non-figurehead monarch, rules to prevent packing the Lords and a written constitution” party yet.
Say what you want a Hoppe, but at least he had an ethos.
I’m not saying things are the way should be, just that they the way they are.
BTW, TFW people mistake you for a monarchist.
It’s intriguing, but she worked for Ted Kennedy, so she was planning. She’s just another pol, this is nothing different than the last 40 years of politics. She has a team, they all do. Her team chose her, like it always works.
These, in the day when Cryptids came calling,
The hour when admin apertures bled,
Followed their mercenary calling,
And took STEVE SMITH as if they’d wed.
Their shoulders down and rumps upended;
They cried, and wailed a plaintive Nay;
What God abandoned, these defended,
And saved their virtue until today.
Trading Places is a top 10 movie.
Fight me,
Good laughs, but the premise that anyone can do anyone’s job if you just gave them a chance is nonsense.
Only because Jaime Lee Curtis is spectacularly topless.
Otherwise top 10 Eddie Murphy movie.
That was the only evidence I was going to present.
Jamie Lee Curtis had top ten tits.
Fight me.
Her mom made the list too. Better than Marilyn’s.
It ain’t no Norbit but it was OK.
It had a guy in a gorilla costume getting raped by a gorilla while Senator Al Franken laughs, a fitting precursor to glibs. But how can that fit in your top 10 with all the John Cusack films that exist?
But how can that fit in your top 10 with all the John Cusack films that exist?
It floats up on the poor acting from all the John Cusack movies below it?
What’s the Tundra equivalent of a NARROWED GAZE?! I need back here Minnisodan!
daggumit! *back up*
I also think Jack Nicholson, Orson Welles and Marlon Brando are over rated.
Jack Nicholson and John Cusack both always seem to be playing the same character
Welles and Brando were both mannered and heavy handed.
Nothing wrong with playing the same character if you do it well.
Also, Welles’ last roll was AWESOME!
You forgot Tom Hanks. But then again, he’s not an actor, he’s Tom Hanks.
Cusack’s your buddy!
CPRM speaks truth.
Alwayth, thir Diby, alwayth. (In The Hat’s voice)
Ahh. Thought you might be stroking out there…
/I still keed!
Jarflax hit his head. Hard.
I hope it’s not CTE…
Best classical stage actor movie star Peter O’Toole
Best long career movie actor Jack Palance
Best era in Cinema 60s-early 70s because:
Best Movies, Lawrence of Arabia, Dr. Zhivago, Godfather part II, and I (II was better)
Best classical stage actor movie star: Umm, no one I ever saw on stage was in a REAL movie.
Best long career movie actor: Christoper Plummer
Best era in Cinema: 50s and 80s, because they were times of innovation.
Best Movies: Depends what you like, I’m not in charge of you, but Fight Club, Fight Club and Fight Club.
Best classical stage actor movie star: Umm, no one I ever saw on stage was in a REAL movie.
… Hey dude, your choice for best long career IS a classical stage actor
Best long career movie actor: Christoper Plummer
solid choice
Best era in Cinema: 50s and 80s, because they were times of innovation.
You must be trolling.
Best Movies: Depends what you like, I’m not in charge of you, but Fight Club, Fight Club and Fight Club.
So, yeah trolling.
I never saw Christopher Plummer on the stage. He could have been shit on stage for all I know.
If you don’t think the 80s and 50s weren’t times of innovation in film, then perhaps you don’t know the subject matter…
As for best movie, like I said, that’s subjective, but I could write a 10 page diagnosis of why Fight Club is the best on both the technical and story telling sides , can you say the same about your choices?
Movies are a storytelling medium, there is only the story telling side. The impressiveness of the technical side is only important in so far as it succeeds in telling the story well. It may be interesting and useful if you are going to make movies, just as studying the tricks used in quality writing is useful when learning to write, but like a novel, a movie is good when it tells its story well, when it contains beauty, when it effectively evokes emotion, and above all when it entertains.
It is not better because it uses highly complicated technical methods to do so, in fact directors that are overly concerned with being technically impressive often make movies no one but a film school kid could enjoy. The movies I listed are all visually beautiful, well scored, tell epic tales very skillfully and above all entertain. Fight club was an ok action flick with a poorly thought out and heavy handed message. I don’t care in the least if it was technically impressive.
True. It is, in one facet, media. Any communication means is a storytelling method. Talking, writing, acting (in person, audio only, visual only, etc.)
Not true. Once you get into anything beyond simply talking or writing, there is a another facet. Whether it is how acting know-how, design, pairing music/sounds–whatever.
I agree with you on the primacy of the storytelling. But, as I see it, saying it is the only consideration is a bridge too far.
I’m not saying technical aspects outshine the story telling, but I can explain why each technical detail leads to better story telling, how it impacts on an emotional level, without the viewer knowing. Why does a dolly shot work better than a zoom in this particular situation? Why the lens focal length undercuts the performance. These are things that were most succinctly put by that great modern philosopher of ours Mr. Plinkett, ‘You didn’t notice it, but your brain did.’
Not true. Once you get into anything beyond simply talking or writing, there is a another facet. Whether it is how acting know-how, design, pairing music/sounds–whatever.
Sure, I recognize that. They are good in so far as they make the storytelling more effective. I am not arguing that technical aspects, score, or acting abilities are useless. I am arguing that they are not ends in themselves.
Some extraordinary award winning Fellini film may have amazing actors, ground breaking cinematography, and artistry in every aspect, but if it is incomprehensible and fails to entertain I am not willing to call it a good movie. It may be an ‘important’ movie, in the sense that Ulysses is an ‘important’ novel, but it is not good.
Then either you aren’t the intended audience, or it was shit film making. Fillini was shit,art for art’s sake is shit. That’s not what I’m defending.
art for art’s sake is shit.
We are in agreement philosophically, but Fight Club is still only an ok movie 🙂
Ah! This, I get. And, I agree with that.
I will say, though, that there have been some movie/TV creations that were purely an audio-visual experience, and the story was either “up to you”, or, fill-in-the-blanks. They are rare, and don’t really fit neatly into what we’re talking about here. But, they happen every so often.
Unlike a stage show, which can be seen from many angles, and the actors need to project to the back of the theater, a film is told in a much more subjective view, one view. If we are looking down on the actor they are to be pittyed, if we are looking up at the actor they are to be admired. If a wide angle lens is used it is disorienting, if a long lens is used it is warm and inviting, connecting us to the character…and on and on.
Like I said, I don’t control or want to control what you like, but I can defend my position.
Stirring the pot part 357 (or maybe not)
3d is distracting and disorienting and gets in the way of both the artistry of film and the immersion necessary to really effective movies.
No argument. 3D has been and always will be a gimmick.
I will say, though, that there have been some movie/TV creations that were purely an audio-visual experience, and the story was either “up to you”, or, fill-in-the-blanks.
This is true, Fantasia springs to mind.
I’ve only seen one movie in 3D, and fuck that noise. And it wasn’t even Jaws 3D because I’m too young. I saw one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies in the ‘new 3D, it was shit. I plan my movie watching around when I can see a movie in 2D, and you can always spot the 3D gimmicks when you watch a 3D movie at home.
Fantasia was shit. Fuck musicals.
Jackass 3D was a thing of terrible beauty.
Gimmick? Oh, hells yeah. Still fantastic.
Hmm. Good point.
For some weird reason this has always been my favorite scene from it:
It’s very practical, obviously.
This is my fave, for weirdness
Once again, another movie you could never make today.
Trading Places was a great movie, but it is a close call to make the top ten comedies of all time. Caddyshack, Blazing Saddles, NL Vacation, Airplane!, Office Space, MO Holy Grail, Animal House, Blues Brothers, Anchorman, and maybe even Beverly Hills Cop.
That’s a strong list. I’d add the first half of Stripes, if you could add half a movie.
I was thinking the same thing regarding Stripes! It’s a good list, but I would add The Jerk and Big Lebowski as replacements for the last two on the list.
The Jerk could definitely make the top 10. I absolutely love the BL, but I don’t know if I would consider it purely a comedy, although that would where it would usually be categorized.
Life of Brian would be a contender as well.
Repo Man or GTFO.
I used to hang out with a neighbor that was a spitting image of Jeff Lebowski. He looked and dressed like him with similar mannerisms. If I had any video footage of my neighbor Mike in the grocery store late at night, you would think that’s where they got the idea for the opening scene.
Just recorded audio for a new episode. Too drunk to edit it, but it’ll be done soon.
Are we on the verge of our own Virginia Postrel moment with SP in absentia?
If you and I ever encounter STEVE SMITH in the woods, I don’t need to be able to outrun him. I need to be able to outrun you.
Methinks some theme music is needed.
Theme music for this whole war.
It’s amazing how much and how little has changed in 20 years.
‘Ranger the Singing Donkey’ He mad a joke about Trump vs Hillary 17yrs before it happened! There is only one God and Jay Leno is his prophet!
I see TPTB are having a hard time reassuming DIRECT CONTROL. I believe that desperate times call for desperate measures. Exterminatus, anybody?
Off the Richter Scale
Sweet dreams, Glibs!
It is funny to me how much panic is inspired by all the phony threats like the Ozone hole, Global warming, acid rain etc., when there are real, historically occurring, scientifically certain to happen again, known location, killer phenomena out there. People living in building along the coast of California panic about Global Warming, while living in houses with giant glass walls facing straight out to the Pacific. Tsunamis happen regularly and there is no magic difference between the US coast and any other part of the ring of fire that makes us immune.
The government will save them. They will be resurrected and the deniers cleansed from the earth. Nope, not a religion….
Power & Control, and the loss thereof.
While I can understand some of the motivation(s), they can still kiss the fattest part of my ass.
I like being in control of myself, I find it boring to tell others what to do. So I have no conception of their motivations.
Not so much power and control of others. That follows. I meant the mostly-false premise of being in control of so many aspects of our lives. And, the idea that things will continue in “the way the always have”. Things change and catch people off-guard, and they panic to have things back to where they “were in control”.
Our biomes (for lack of a better word) change outside of our control and influence, but that is the part people get focused on, attempting to hold on to the lives they know. I understand that, and would probably do the same. It’s just that I will draw the line at trying to make others fall in line with me.
Making others ‘fall in line’ is where the money is though. Managers, producers, sales staff, it’s all about making people do what you want, and I have no interest in that, and that is why I’m not successful. I know the reason. I just have no desire to address it. It’s why I’m shit at business. I just want to do my thing and get paid, but the world sucks.
Well, there’s a difference between cooperation and coercion. I was a supervisor (with very little in the way of authority) in a government setting for several years. I didn’t like it much, and don’t do it anymore. I much preferred the carrot over the stick, but too many required the stick.
You do cooperation. No need to get into authority to make your scratch.
Meh, I’m all to happy to not have to even talk to anyone. Coercion VS Cooperation doesn’t even come into play.
A director who doesn’t like to tell people what to do, maybe that’s why a cartoon made entirely by me is the only place in life I’ve seen even modest success…
But still no beachfront property for the southwest?
Make Otisburg great again!
1 and 3. Q, I’m really enjoying your production of Glibs After Dark.
Aw yeh.
Sometimes, I just don’t get you, Q.
Not when you’re posting titty pics, though. That shit’s cromulent.
BTW, as someone who’s wild about avatar pics–why did you go with a blue Pac-man ghost? Have you ever mentioned it before?
I mean, it’s actually iconic (for me). You see the
PakiPac ghost >> it’s Q.Inky’s the man. Just liked it, no good story behind it.
Though the “Program and Control Man” story from Black Mirror Bandersnatch makes a good ex post facto reason.
Who’s in the what now?
I could never be arsed enough to watch Bandersnatch, so I had to look that up.
And, yes, of course–Inky. I knew that, way back in recesses of my brain, but couldn’t dredge it up.
Have at it Sir Digby:
Hell, I doubt I could do any better than the people giving him shit (see what I did there?) in those comments.
De Blasio just sounds like a type of cancer.
Blastoma :: de Blasio
Actually, I would hope that someone would change the word “poop” to “de Blasio”, ’cause I love when shit people have their names conflated with shitting.
And, speaking of metal (ish), I am on a kick to get some rock shirts, so I’ve ordered both RATT and Dangerous Toys shirts. Yeah, I’m helping the economy in my own way.
Pot calling the kettle black:
Surprising no one, looking up past statements from a cock-stain reveals bad thoughts. Well, what can only be presumed the be thoughts.
He seems like a prissy, pissy little man.