Well, after successfully avoiding the, er, SMITH Reprisals yesterday, I’m to be sentenced to a lifetime of link slavery at the hands of ZARDOZ. I feel like tweaker who just walked into his favorite IHOP during a police breakfast. Is anyone else unsure of how a giant flying stone head that thinks the penis is evil gets along with cryptids whose defining characteristics are (1) having a penis and (2) using it without mercy? I mean, sure, they let him crash on the couch during his recovery, but… whoops, dudes with red diapers and bad attitudes inbound, its time I was linkin’.
School shooting in Brazil blamed on not-yet-enacted laxer gun ownership laws. You only think I’m kidding.
Time is occasionally reversible for up to 3 quantum bits. Or something. Science is hard, and I don’t pretend to understand much of this besides the odds of them accidentally recreating the exact state more than once is essentially impossible by random chance, so they must have actually done something difficult.
Nature (the journal) thinks there should be a moratorium on heritable gene editing. And here I thought eugenics was discredited.
Holy shit, its a dire wolf! I’ll bet he’s a good boy, but I don’t want to play tug-of-war with him.
It might be time to Panic.
Brazil’s new President Jair Bolsonaro recently announced that gun ownership controls would be loosened.
=Even talking about guns causes them to go on rampages.
Or maybe the shooter used the time-traveling computer?
It might be time to Panic.
That’s a lot of hip gyratin’ going on there.
Look at the size of that wolf!
Terminally ill with blood cancer. Poor thing.
A lot of our students volunteer at the Shy Wolf sanctuary. It’s a pretty cool place.
That story totally depressed me.
Where the heck is Brochetward (sp?) anyway?
Being forced to deal with loathsome children?
Apropos of nothing?
I liked his comments and he just popped into my mind.
Hopefully, he got banned for being an asshole.
/Cracks big ol’ smile.
Ah. One of those episodes.
I would say something about glass houses, but I figure you could just rebuild what ever damage you cause. So throw those rocks!
Damnit, that time reversal article is indecipherable. Someone with the scientific knowledge tell me, am I going to get to go back in time and bang my hot college girlfriend again or not?
Can you play the guitar like Chuck Berry?
As it stands now I’m actually better than he is.
Me too, now that I think about it.
Depends on how far back in time you go. Be careful.
I just want to go back to, oh, 1980, and hand the young me a list of stock picks.
And some prescriptions for certain medications. And a bunch of tips on how to behave so he can bang all the women he desires.
I’d rather go back in time and enjoy the relatively pain free days.
Police storm R. Kelly compound
You Know Who Else…
They heard the 15 year old he had in there was badge bunny?
Some of the most depraved stories about young women I’ve ever heard we’re told by cops. One involved a mom bringing her 17 y/o daughter by the station because if she was going to get it, it may as well be by someone respectable. Gang bang ensues. 99.999999% sure the story is total bullshit but still….
That just reminded me of the time when I was driving a cab and I picked up a few teenagers. The guys sat in the back and the young smoking hot girl with everything hanging out sat in front. As I started driving, the girl got close and handsy and the guys asked me to buy them beer.
As hard as it was, I put a stop to the whole thing,
Yeah, that sounds like a set up. Good decision right there.
“…As hard as it was,…”
“Police received a call from an out of state anonymous caller stating that people at the location were going to carry out a suicide pact.”
Maybe don’t go all GI Joe over an anonymous call, you fucking idiots.
You kidding? Politicians are racing to pass bills that will give cops the authority to raid any house in the country based on an anonymous report about a crazy gun owner.
“Clary’s parents, Alice and Angelo, released a statement via their attorney Michael Avenatti ”
Aaaaaand….. the circus is complete.
Also mentioned in the anonymous call: Trump Towers.
Are there only like half a dozen civil attorneys in this country? Gloria Allred, Debra Katz, Kavanaugh/Fairfax’s lawyer, and now Avenatti?
not-yet-enacted laxer gun ownership laws.
Bolsonaro’s fault. How surprise.
I’m not going to lie. Watching Morrissey dance is like watching a slow motion train wreck where a bunch of children die.
Or reading about The Hat and some fruit.
That “asexual” schtick isn’t a schtick.
From the a.m. links:
Make American Segregation Socially Acceptable
You’re welcome.
I half-joked about Podesta getting jailed this morning. Turns out the Podesta bros were tipped off and retroactively fixed their disclosure forms.
The DOJ is certainly doing their part to convince me that the apparatus of government is not in the hands of its duly elected leaders.
I watched JFK on a flight the other day. That helped further solidify the hunch that I’ve had that it’s been that way for some time.
Those pesky CIA types killed both Kennedy and the Bolivarian Revolution/ Oliver Stone
I don’t know how much verasity there is to that story. I do think that it makes a compelling case that the ‘official story’ was obviously contrived bullshit. Beyond that I don’t have any particular affinity for a particular conspiracy theory.
I personally think that JFK was in fact his older brother Joe who was killed with a space laser on Nov. 21 by 22 nonbinary people in the Oval Office in order to prevent him from revealing that he was in the real Duke of Devonshire. CIA and FBI have covered this up so well that I can’t prove it.
It’s the Kardashians of the 60s. Who gives a shit?
/Opens up ‘Panic’ link. MATT DAMON starts blathering about clean water in the intro ad.
That checks
Hang the douchebag
That is the proper way to use one.
Technically, it had more of this vibe: “Something bad happened involving guns. Bad things won’t happen ever again if good laws are made. Banning guns is a good law to stop bad things. Bad Man Who Isn’t Orange wants to do the opposite, cause he hates The Children TM. Bad!”
“This thing that happened sort-of reminds me of this other totally-unrelated thing that happened somewhere else. Vote Democrat.”
Yeah, I hate that school of “journalism” too.
Damn Lyon.
Lookwhat teh goggle nooz puked up for me
TW: Jacobin
The traditional philosophical view of capitalism is that while it does not provide a “positive freedom” to a fair share of the world’s production of goods, it provides a “negative freedom” from economic tyranny by leaving consumers and workers free to choose among different options. This is the view of Friedman and Hayek, and they insist it’s just the right kind of liberty. Many generations of capitalism’s defenders have agreed.
But any realistic review of the market economy reveals a different picture: capitalism limits both positive and negative freedom. It fosters a huge buildup of private power by concentrating individual wealth and entrenching corporate control over markets (along with mercilessly destroying environmental systems and thus the freedom of future generations). Capitalism not only fails to provide a “positive freedom” to a fair share of the economy — it fails to preserve “negative freedom” from the power plays of the 1 percent’s corporate property.
But any realistic review of the market economy reveals a different picture: capitalism limits both positive and negative freedom. It fosters a huge buildup of private power by concentrating individual wealth and entrenching corporate control over markets (along with mercilessly destroying environmental systems and thus the freedom of future generations). Capitalism not only fails to provide a “positive freedom” to a fair share of the economy — it fails to preserve “negative freedom” from the power plays of the 1 percent’s corporate property.
When GM and Ford decided to desert cities like Detroit and Flint for poorer towns and countries, they denied their former workforce any positive freedom to enjoy the industry’s enormous revenues — revenues the workers themselves had created.
No gamboling for you! Naught but wage slavery and despair.
Just think how much better off those Aztecs were.
Shorter version: MUH labor theory of value!!!! Commies are so tiresome….
So much stupid concentrated in one sentence.
Yes, a company deciding that coercion wielded by unions, enabled by government laws, plus enormous tax theft, made a certain city a less desirable place to do business than somewhere with less coercion and taxes, is “deserting” a city. Because those jobs belong to workers. Who have a positive freedom to take shit that doesn’t belong to them. And helping the poor in another country (or state) by giving them jobs is bad because the relatively richer workers have a right to keep those poor elsewhere from essentially bidding for those jobs.
Did I get most of the derp?
The right to boss other people around.
At gunpoint. But with other people wielding the guns, not you. Even though you think this scenario is unpossible, despite ample evidence both currently and historically.
It’s like entrepreneurs exist to owe them a job.
Yeah, I’d say you about nailed it. That article really is an ivory tower of idiocy.
It’s ability and capital that created the wealth not the labour. That’s the source of socialism’s fault line believing in the theory of labour.
No capital, risk and creativity, no labour to be used.
“It fosters a huge buildup of private power by concentrating individual wealth and entrenching corporate control over markets”
In my short lifetime just the tech industry was going to be taken over by: Microsoft, then Google, then Apple and now Amazon.
Retail was all about Wal-Mart, who now is competing fiercely with Amazon.
The force that entrenches business is government. Everyone else most constant struggle to remain relevant.
And Dollar General. And Dollar Tree. And (insert names of dozens of other companies chipping away at Wally World’s market share).
If the workers created the value, why do they need the corporation? They’re free to build their own collective factory. Who needs whom?
But … but … those evil capitalists won’t hand over the money they stole from the workers so the workers can set up as their direct competitors (or piss away the free money buying rounds for the house, but that would never happen).
Wealth is not power. Power can only be purchased from government.
You can hire it.
If they make the moratorium retroactive, they can get rid of terrible things like corn. And pretty much the rest of the food chain. And dogs. And cats. And New Soviet Ma … oh, wait, that kind is OK. Oh wait, we only meant the kind of gene editing that occurs in laboratories, not via selective breeding or plain old evolution.
“Police received a call from an out of state anonymous caller stating that people at the location were going to carry out a suicide pact.”
The first thing to pop into my head was, “SWATTED?”
I really don’t want to be around any “pet” that’s only one missed meal away from looking at me and thinking it’s higher on the food chain.
As long as you don’t have a problem with my emotional support cobra. Because it won’t try to eat you.
If any of you autists autist with anonymous and want a moral target for your attacks…
If I didn’t know better I’d guess that was satire.
Go check out the pull-down menu for species.
“Miniature horse”
Now I don’t know what the hell to believe.
But only if they’re male Republican cue balls.
I prefer this Panic:
Also Panic, but better.
I would rather watch Morrissey sway his hips for hours than listen to that garbage for two minutes.
Took an hour to get that sort of reply. I’m Teh Disappoint.
Profit is a false god. Throw off your chains, comrades! Seize control. Come together in a collaborative utopia.
Liberals, for their part, are often prepared to push for more “positive freedom” in the form of entitlements to health care, education, and a safe environment. But democratic control over investment and production would represent a far more promising model for liberty, since achieving worker control would replace capitalism’s profit motive with solidarity — the drive to support and collaborate with our fellow men and women.
Doing so would end giant firms’ power to sweep the legs out from under a major city by relocating overseas, or to ruin their employees’ work lives by speeding up production or surveilling them. Decisions made by cooperatives of workers, elected and subject to recall by their colleagues, could be made in a matrix of social solidarity and thus significantly limit the power-mongering we’re used to from today’s corporate world.
Let them eat solidarity.
So they are literally advocating for Workers Soviets. What a shock.
I’ve been watching the TV series “The Americans”. Apparently such operatives acting to undermine America no longer feel any need to hide their intent, ideology, or activities.
They are trained by our public education system at tax payer expense, to boot.
“But democratic control over investment and production would represent a far more promising model for liberty, since achieving worker control would replace capitalism’s profit motive with solidarity”
Here’s an idea, geneous. Start a company and let all day to day as well as strategic decisions be decided by a vote from your workers. Report back and let me know how that works for you and how you feel about the mob dictating what you do with your property.
Workers Co-ops are a real thing. How do they work in reality?
Oh I forgot: Worker’s Co-ops are still about making those iky profits though.
Years ago I became the supervisor of a store in Austin, TX. About my first day on the job one of the employees took me aside and explained that the employees made the decisions via group meetings and voting. I explained that those days were over. The manager and assistant manager plus a few others resigned in short order. Those that stayed worked hard, I hired some new good employees and soon sales went up as we remodeled and reorganized the store. We had a profit sharing plan and employees began to see the fruits of their labor quickly.
The idea that Austin was “different” faded quickly . The idea that breaks up on the roof included certain smokeables disappeared.
That’s how you shitlord. Well done.
Any group I’ve ever been in has only been successful at anything to the extent that a.) there was a leader, or at least a “primus inter pares” decision-maker, and b.) the members of the group saw a clear line between their efforts within the group and their own personal interests.
It’s almost like communism or democratic socialism or whatever they are dressing it up as, is antithetical to human nature or something …
Initially. Until someone like
HitlerStalin organizes enough guns toruinrun your worker’s utopia.You just gots to have a little dictatorship of the proletariat until things get working right…
FAA grounds the 737-Max’s.
Hard to believe since Boeing seems to be doing all the right things required to make high-quality aircraft.
So you blame diversity for the problems with the laws of physics and nature? Diversity is supposed to fix those!
I’m trying to abstain from reading anything about this college admissions “scandal, but…
Apparently one of those Hollywood actress types paid a $500,000 “bribe” to get her kid into USC(?). She probably could have bought the dumb bunny a Chik-fil-a franchise for that. And everybody would have been better off.
Only temporarily, at best – if the dumb bunny couldn’t fill out a college application, she’d need one helluva GM to keep her from running *any* business into the ground.
Those are the sorts of owners who get visited by the Good Idea Fairy, and don’t have the sense to listen to the GM who’s lived through GIF visits before.
That part was surprising. Was the Mom just ripped off or was the kid really not smart enough to get into USC particularly as she would be paying full-fare?
If the bits about the kid not being able to fill out the application without help are true, I’d say the kid was, in fact, not smart enough to get in on her own. Which, given her lineage, really isn’t surprising.
Dumb and lazy are 2 different things although the results are often similar.
Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go thru life, son.
Fat, stupid and lazy describes my daughter’s soon to be ex-husband, thank dog
Apparently she had been accepted at Arizona St, and they weren’t happy about that.
250k, the 500k was for both daughters.
You know, I just assumed that was how the game was played at most of the more prestigious Ivy league schools. But yeah, USC? Seriously?
Franchise ownership does not confer status.
Ah, screw it. Pachelbel – Canon In D.
That was the version I expected.
How about some Beethoven?
Something more uptempo
“Andraya Yearwood, a junior at Cromwell High School in Connecticut, recently finished second in the 55-meter dash at the state open indoor track championships. But instead of well-deserved accolades from her community, she now finds her achievements being publicly challenged — simply because she is transgender.
There is a long legacy of sex discrimination in athletics. Myths, such as the idea that physical exertion would harm women’s reproductive systems or that women were inherently inferior athletes, were historically used to “protect” women out of participation in entire fields, including marathon racing and contact sports, despite ample evidence that girls can compete and win against boys. The enactment of Title IX, the federal statute banning sex discrimination in school programs and activities receiving federal funds, was intended to end such discrimination, and it has indeed resulted in a dramatic increase in girls’ participation in sports. But girls — and particularly girls of color — still face stark inequalities in opportunities, funding, and resources.
The marginalization of trans student athletes is rooted in the same harmful history of gender discrimination and stereotyping that has impeded the achievement of gender equality in sports as a whole. Old stereotypes regarding athleticism, biology, and gender are being directed at transgender girls, who are frequently told outright that they are not girls (and conversely transgender boys are told they are not really boys). This policing of gender has been used to justify subjecting transgender student athletes to numerous additional barriers to participating in sports, from onerous medical requirements to segregation in locker rooms to outright bans on their participation.”
The Twitter comments are refreshingly sane.
I agree.
I can’t believe this is where we’re at as a society.
“simply because she is
transgenderBiologically Male”I don’t think people have an issue with transgender people participating in sports. It’s the insistence that biological men be allowed to perform in women’s sports.
You can take that and generalize it further for me: I have no issue whatsoever with transgender people, it’s the insistence that biological men be considered women (and vice versa) that bothers me.
I’m all for transgender people, but I am against them participating in sexed competitive sports because currently there is no way to do it fairly.
They have to literally believe that women are exactly the same as men in order to square this circle. It’s bonkers. And it’s not going to stick with the public no matter how hard they push.
Well, it’s like lying to someone about their weight to make them feel better about themselves. It’s all well and good until they start shopping for ladders.
“This is intellectually dishonest of the ACLU. There is of course no evidence that postpubescent women can compete with postpubescent men in any of these sports at a high level. The link gives the impression otherwise, but it points to an unrelated article about a woman wrestler.”
Linked in the comments to that tweet was this:
That was always the goal, so to speak.
Were those four baskets while the boys took a smoke break?
Four points is only two baskets…
Or 4 free throws. Don’t assume they could make a contested basket 🙂
Myths, such as the idea ….. that women were inherently inferior athletes
Very well then, let’s eliminate the division between male and female athletic competition and let the chips fall where they may. Since, y’know, you’re so certain that there’s no inherent athletic advantage to being male rather than female.
All female NFL teams. I mean if there’s no difference, what could possibly go wrong?
The goal is to destroy institutions that build character. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Youth Sports, Academia in general, etc.
It is called demoralization. Destroy the character and competence of individuals and institutions and when they put the boot to society there is no one capable of resisting them.
I cant understand why so many cant see this.
Public schools for the win !
“The goal is to destroy
institutions that build character.”FIFY
My son’s crossover ceremony going from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts is Friday. I am very pleased that the Boy Scout troop he chose to join is very traditional. Completely oriented to the outdoors and public service projects, and truly led by the scouts themselves with only light adult supervision. In the informational meeting they held for prosepctive parents, the inevitable “What if a girl wants to join?” question came up, and they politely but firmly replied that they will not put girls in the boy’s troop, and since they don’t have a charter for nor the capability to have a parallel girls’ troop, they will provide the girl with the contact information of other troops that do have a girls’ troop.
I just thought of this: how are they going to fix events at Camporees to be fair? Your troop might not have chicks, but someone in the district or certainly council will.
I’d give any amount of money to see some girl work up a hot squaw outfit for OA (leather mini for the win?).
The goddamned fucking cowardly shitweasel republicans had the house, senate and presidency for two years. Where is our repeal of this title 9 bullshit? Of Obamacare? Rollback on gun control? Serious tax cuts? Sane Immigration law?
Worthless fucking turds.
simply because she is transgender
If it were fucking simple, you disingenuous shitweasel, we wouldn’t be mired in this mess you and your fellow shitweasels helped create.
I’m awaiting the article that Felicity Huffman is in fact a libertarian.
Of course she is. All her contributions to Dems are only a cover to allow her to work in Hollywood.
Me have’m no empathy!
The Twitter responses are magnificent.
Lol. You can’t make that shit up.
I’ve been watching the TV series “The Americans”. Apparently such operatives acting to undermine America no longer feel any need to hide their intent, ideology, or activities.
I watched that series all the way through, a while back. It confounds me to think there could have been anyone so constitutionally obtuse as to live in America and persist in the delusion that the USSR was the superior country.
As best as I can understand it, the only ones allowed to become spies in America were the ones who their handlers felt had absorbed the indoctrination almost irrevocably.
I keep jumping between sympathy for the title characters because seeing stuff from their POV kinda makes one identify with them as humans, and wanting them to die horrible deaths because commies actively murdering and whatnot to impose their terrible society on us don’t deserve sympathy.
I enjoyed the show. To their credit, while they frequently would clearly be trying to generate audience sympathy for them, they would then smack you in the face with something like a murder of an innocent bystander to remind you “Hey, these people are working in the service of evil!”
Also, Philip was pretty much completely disillusioned with the USSR from the first episode. He only stayed on first out of a sense of patriotic duty, and then out of devotion to his wife who was a Soviet true believer.
Yeah the main conflict of the show from the jump was Phillips total disillusionment and Russell’s utter conviction they were doing the right thing.
I got the sense that for Philip, “patriotic duty” and “fear of getting forcibly shipped back to the Soviet Union and murdered after a show trial” had precious little daylight between them.
Philip, I keep having sympathy for despite his evil acts. Doing terrible things for pussy and rationalizing it – this I get. This I’ve more or less done. His true Red commie wife is much harder to feel sympathy for, despite the show periodically succeeding at that due to brilliant writing.
The show was great because Keri’s character literally had every reason to hate the soviet cause given the shit it made her repeatedly eat. She came from nothing shit conditions, she was raped by an instructor and forced to marry a stranger she did not love. all she had was her world view if that wasn’t true she had nothing and sacrificed everything for a fraudulent cause.
She came from nothing because of Hitler and the West conspiring against the USSR. At least that’s how she saw it. Stalin was still a pretty popular figure amongst the older folks when I visited Moscow in the 90s.
I’m just saying she had far more at stake in the soviet lie than phillip did.
The show was incredibly well done. The only character I had no sympathy for was Martha(FBI secretary), because A she was an idiot and B she was annoying beyond belief. Also loathed the daughter.
lol. That show was fantastic, but only one of the main character was actually a communist. The guy was just in it because the kids and Keri Russell. But probably mostly Keri Russell. Totally anecdotal but it seems like Women believe/care about things on a level that men are incapable of. See nosy neighbor, god botherer stereotypes also might be motherly genetics.
“School shooting in Brazil blamed on not-yet-enacted laxer gun ownership laws. You only think I’m kidding.”
Of course we don’t think you’re kidding. Also, Trump.
“The guy leading the Media Matters campaign against Tucker Carlson wrote blog posts describing “bags of Jewish gold,” called Japanese people “Japs,” praised KKK leader Robert Byrd and denigrated trans people…all around the time of Tucker’s radio comments:”
Dude looks like a total douchbag.
Leave Tucker alone! He’s got enough on his plate tight now.
And he wore bow ties, besides !
I read some of that and I’m afraid that a few off-color Jap and Joo jokes from 14 years ago isn’t the slam-dunk they’re looking for – not in my book, anyway.
The scandal with the college admissions, the Dem operatives being let off for incredibly serious crimes ,the political witch hunts against those close to the President who have the least little thing in their closet all trouble me far more than the ‘woke’ thing.
Because what they demonstrate is that the nations is growing more corrupt by the minute. Maybe I simply didn’t see it when I was younger, but it appears to me that we are in a downward spiral and this erosion of fairplay and an increase in not only the instances of corruption, but the embracing of it, seem far more likely to undermine the fabric of the country than 1 million blue-haired xer’s letting out a ‘RHEEEE’ in unison.
^This. Blue-haired xers are the symptom of a much larger problem.
Blue-haired xers are more like the Red Guards then anything else.
I was thinking more along the lines of ‘useful idiots’.
Okay. Anyway I was thinking more along Suthenboy’s complaints about what he sees as the deliberate destruction of any institution that can lead to self-reliance. These types do fit with that.
Ah, I see that now. Frankfurt school baby, Frankfurt school.
Don’t tell Doherty
That may have been the single most infuriating articles I’ve read at a TOS. Doubly so because Doherty was always one of my favorite writers over there.
You can see we’re in a downward spiral just from watching everything the left do. They are doing what I could call the reverse of evolution whatever that is. They’ve peaked and started on a rapid downhill spiral. They’re completely insane at this point. It’s not all of humankind of course, but if the rest of us do not put a stop to the bullshit, we’re all going down on the ship with them.
In my head, all these displays of corruption will drive people to vote for Trump in 2020.
growing more corrupt by the minute
maybe: the automation and bureaucracy that have replaced traditional relationships require more effort and strategy than before to get around
I’m kind of kidding: I don’t think people have ever much changed. Maybe urbanization and the trend to hop jobs more means folks feel less connected to their community and employer and cut corners a bit more.
But as a child of a two-class society, I saw the big shots getting things they way they wanted before . . . and still, so * shrugs *
“I’m just about ready to propose Robby’s Law: Institutions of higher education that receive federal funding must consider academic achievement—and no other factor—as a criteria for admittance.”
A criteria?
Uh oh
Good thing Ted isn’t here.
And… Robby just disinvited himself to every cocktail party, ever.
AOC being AOC. Fortunately for her ‘retarded’ is now considered a virtue.
“This, right here, is a problem,” tweeted Ocasio-Cortez (posts below). “Institutions can engage in unlimited financing of fossil fuels, building unstable pipelines + reaping profits, but when the bill comes to clean up oil spills & fix damages — they can conveniently kick the can. So, who will pay for climate change?”
If that paragraph does not say ‘mendacious twat’, then I don’t know what does.
unstable pipelines
She should check out semis: they’re all over the place.
She’s a toxic mix of arrogant, ignorant, illiberal and certifiable.
The questions were something you’d expect to hear from a 15 year-old trying to act cool.
Welcome to the ‘look at me’ era. She might be playing us all for suckers. Staying constantly in the spotlight may end up paying out way move dividends than being ‘factually correct’.
She might be playing us all for suckers.
Or it’s all some sort of libertarian performance art. “What can I say today that will get the proglodytes creaming their jeans and give conservatives conniptions?”
Like Trump, she’s more cartoon than real person. Is it weird that I’m sorta turned on at the thought of her being an elaborate Libertarian prank?
At least she’s morally retarded. That’s the right kind of retarded.
“My exclusive on @RashidaTlaib. You know how we’re talking about anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party lately? Check out the images posted by an Instagram account Rashida Tlaib follows from her official Instagram page. My story (and more posts) here”
Oh come on, a picture of a rat with a Star of David is just “criticizing Israel’s foreign policy”.
It Criticizes Israel’s Foreign Policy!!!!!!!!!
What the fuck is going on in the Democrat party?
Intersectionality coming home to roost?
The Corruptocrats have embraced the nuts for so long that they have no power over them?
Your mom embraced my nuts.
She told me she was surprised at how small they were.
I was in the pool!
“What the fuck is going on in the Democrat party?”
In case you haven’t noticed, it’s chock full of retards. This one makes Hank Johnson look smart.
“it’s chock full of retards”
It truly is. It’s hard to fathom that degree of stupid. I don’t know how they get through life.
It’s starting to mirror its constituency?
Tlaib is ten times worse than Omar. She doesn’t even pretend. I’m not sure why all the team red hate goes to Omar instead. The Tlaib shit has been out there for a while.
Because there are plenty of MAGA types who are happy to fit the stereotype of being biggoted against Muslims. The hijab triggers them and then it’s retards all the way down.
Hijab, black, somali, immigrant. I kinda figured. Tlaib blends until she opens her derp hole.
Same reason GOP opposition research didn’t find Northam’s blackface/Klansman pic?
It’s like entrepreneurs exist to owe them a job.
They’re called employers for a reason, Mister Muppet.
They exist to hand out paychecks on Friday.
I’m in business to make money. I’m an employer by necessity.
You got me
Gun grabbers lie. News at 11.
“the possibility of violating the second law of thermodynamics.”
It is amazing what people can fool themselves into believing.
Nature (the journal)…
Stop. Stop right there. What was once a flagship is now flotsam.
Wolf story. Why would they tell us that. The guy has cancer and is dying. I dont want to know this. Why didn’t they tell us in 2008 when someone could have adopted him and given him a couch, a TV and chicken and rice dinners for years?
They gave him that cute girl though.
Well, perhaps the people following the EPL at the expense of other leagues are not wrong.
Egyptian Premier League?
Egyptian Pharaohs League.
At least Soccer is about the game and not money like American Sports:
Nobody who actually knows soccer would make that argument. The money is just as insane as in any American sport.
So Memphis has a club in some D league or whatever and I’m downtown amongst them, and, for the first game even, they’ve got shirts and scarves (fine) and are drinking (fine) and singing these new and fairly violent lyrics they’ve made up (ugh). The bar’s full of these little shits, and by that I mean: guys hanging in a loud pack which seems to be composed and organized solely to offend and intimidate. Who acts like that? I shouldn’t make fun of their size, but big guys don’t act like that.
I’m thinking that was sarcasm.
Oh, I know. I was agreeing with it.
Well, as long as their confined to some sort of park, I don’t see a problem.
If only the park was woke enough to trust Sam Jackson rather than Newman…
um, they’re
Which dinosaur is sexiest?
Am I wrong for finding this funny?
you ain’t got no alibi,
you ugly,
yeah you ugly.
No pics?
It’s Italy. Not surprising. US is the worst country ever though unlike those enlightened Europeans.
I know, they’ve totally eliminated misogyny over there! Italian men would never dream of objectifying a woman!
Seriously though, in my experience many foreign women go on and on about how kind and respectful American men are compared to the men of their home counties. Funny how that doesn’t quite fit the #metoo narrative.
It’s amazing really the difference between their perceptions and reality.
I larfed.
It’s harsh, but I larfed.
The appeals sentence quoted one of the suspects as saying he found the woman unattractive and had her listed as “Viking” on his cellphone.
No comment. Just love that sentence.
Not funny, more sad really, how Red Star lies by being technically correct.
So they admitted that they would have raped a more attractive woman?
That would require some kind of reporting to answer. Since the only person named and quoted is the attorney for the victim, we’ll not know.
But I was unfair to Toronto Red Star, this is just an AP article they dumped to drive clicks.
“reversible for up to 3 quantum bits”
So I can have intercourse from start to finish over and over again without time ever moving forward. Nice.
Sen. @ewarren: I have “zero” sympathy for those who cheated to gain entrance to college.
She’s not going to last to 2020.
Imma gonna get me a beer.
Heh. His super-duper-ironic-not-ironic trolling shtick gets old after a while, but that one was good.
He has like three tweets a week that are just awesome and the rest kind of suck.
That’s better than Spud’s record here. :p
Don’t make me reach through the internet.
That’s a long reach.
Look who doesn’t read the comments.
I love potatos.
I refuse to acknowledge that I owned Angel Flights and flower printed satin shirts in the late ’70s.
She’s got some balls, I’ll give her that.
“And here I thought eugenics was discredited.”
Eugenics is a huge success today. Worldwide. They just call it ‘socialized medicine’ today.
I always like to point out that socialized medicine just shuffles around the people who get denied care; it doesn’t create greater access. I usually get the reply that “rich people are denied care too, so everyone shares the burden equally” but I point out that rich people ALWAYS get good care. There are complaints from many countries with government-monopoly medicine that rich and famous people seem to get to the front of the queue whenever they need it (it makes sense; you don’t want a celebrity or rich businessman taking to the airwaves talking about what a terrible experience he had with the “free” healthcare system). And rich people can always travel to other countries where you can just pay up front for healthcare (like the US).
Another thing that needs to be shouted from the rooftops is that the US already has socialized medicine for the poor and the elderly, the two most expensive groups. I always describe US healthcare as a hodgepodge of socialized medicine and Mussolini-style corporatism with sporadic pockets of laissez-faire.
There is insufferable asshole, then there is this:
Skateboard girl for President. Please run.
Bob Frank will end up as Biden’s running mate.
I got in there, and I don’t know if it’s a speech or not, but it felt amazing. Because every word was pulled out of me. Like, by some greater force, which was just the people there. Everything that I said, I was, like, watching myself, being like, How am I saying this stuff? Where is this coming from?
I dunno, did you fart?
And then one time in band camp …
It’s amazing how the emptier the suit is, the longer the hagiography.
The ones from Texas normally have chapters about the Alabama Air National Guard and the baseball team that dad’s buddies bought for him.
Run, Eunuch, run to Beto.
Oh give me a fucking break.
The dude is the emptiest suit yet and they’re drooling over him.
A pattern emerges
I didn’t think Obama II was coming so soon. Shows you what I know.
That is a feature not a bug.
Very OT:
I am still recovering from my disk crash a week or so ago. Since I’m a cheap bastard I bought a used computer and laptop off of eBay and have been trying to install all of my software.
I’ve got one old program, Day-Timer 2000, that is too useful to give up. I managed to install it on my wife’s computer and on the laptop. But it simply will not install on the new computer. Program is so old that it won’t run on 64bit windows so everything I’ve got is 32bit.
All the free spaces on the walls of my office have head-sized dents.
Don’t know what else I can do (other than TRY NEW SOFTWARE, DUMBASS).
End rant
Sorry, I don’t do windows.
Would the 32-bit software really be a problem? I’m a gear-head and your laptop probably doesn’t have a carburetor, but they couldn’t have released the 64-bit OS without anticipating that: there’s got to be a standard work-around written in the OS, or am I naive?
You’re not. 32 bit programs still run.
I’m so lost any more: can’t rely on logic or sense to guess your way through anything. I chalk this one up to pure luck.
AFAIK Windows still fully supports 32-bit programs. You’re probably missing some required library that doesn’t ship with the latest Windows. I didn’t see any help online – looks like support ended 16 years ago. Good luck….
There’s a way to get it to run, but it probably won’t be friendly.
I was running 64bit on the computer that crashed and the software definitely had heartburn. Windows 7 32bit had no issue with the installation so when I bought my “new” computer I had to search a bit for one with 32bit installed.
It’s Computer A= Computer B= Computer C and the software installed on Computers A and B but chokes on C. Who knows?
25 years ago I was a network administrator on UNIX machines. I ran an ISP using WinNT. Everything was wonderful with XP but I’m outta my league, here.
Just a rant; I’ll figure something out.
These days the specific build of Windows that you’re using can cause issues.
It sucks but it’s the price of convenience.
Don’t even get me started on Apple.
But it’s so sleek, and you’re paying for quality. At least, you’re paying for something.
Apple’s handling of the transition from 32- to 64-bit makes Windows look like it was written by kindergarteners. Yeah, I can’t run 20-year-old software but I can live with that.
One thing I will give Apple is that the fat binary was a good idea, and it also helped them transition from PPC to x86 a few years after the 32/64 transition pretty smoothly. But, apart from that, the challenges they faced paled in comparison to those Microsoft faced. The installed base of software was drastically different in size, and so was the proportion of programs that did things they really shouldn’t have done (like muck with C:\Windows) or wouldn’t run if a function call or library fixed some quirk that was undocumented or contrary to the documentation. Granted, Microsoft somewhat made that bed for themselves, and to this day their official documentation varies from atrocious to merely sufficient on a lot of things, but still they did a lot of work to ensure compatibility (at least, for a time) that Apple never really had to contend with.
Run the installer in compatibility mode. (Right click and select that option). That may get it to install.
It’s under the file properties.
Hadn’t thought of that, will give it a try.
Thanks to all for the replies. Wasn’t necessarily looking for advice for 20 year-old software, was mostly just ranting at my frustration.
the more obscure, pointless, and hopeless issues are the best
Yes, yes they are
Also try running it as an administrator. Right click on the install file and choose Run as Administrator.
That is one thing that occurred to me, since the two successful installs were done under one user and the failed one as another. They are both supposed to be “Administrators” but that could explain the difference.
It may be helpful to note that an admin user account does not give admin privileges to every program that user runs any more. As of Windows Vista (the one after XP), there’s User Account Control now which requires most programs to “elevate” to admin-level access if they need it. Programs written before Vista even existed that do things that are considered admin (like writing to their own Program Files directory) won’t work and won’t know that they need to elevate themselves. So checking the box in the Compatibility Options tells Windows “always run this program with admin privileges” but then you’ll have to explicitly approve that elevation every time the program starts.
Good lord, Rand Paul is turning into The Donald.
Also should one suspend a witch hunt just because there is almost no evidence?
Suspend, like with a hook?
The real question is does Trump weigh more than a duck?
I get that you guys take umbrage at any perceived slight against Trump but the ‘almost no evidence” defense? that’s funny.
Why is it funny? You don’t start a major investigation and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate something that there’s almost zero evidence for.
Seriously? Not looking at it from team Blue or team Red context you can’t acknowledge that the statement ‘there is almost no evidence’ is an admission of there being some evidence and thus as a reason to stop any investigation is comical. It’s similar to the oft-ridiculed ‘what the definition of is is.”
‘My wife has almost no evidence that I’m fucking the nanny but she still wants a divorce’ is a punchline waiting for a setup.
Here’s how bad it is:
Trump sucks big ones; hate him, wouldn’t let him run my Dairy Queen.
And I’m pretty patient with an investigation if there is a bit of probable cause.
But this is stupid: you get one year on a federal case to do something other than indict Russians in absentia. I understand that things take time, you set up your dominoes, but a year is more than enough fishing. Fini !!!!
a/ so if I don’t even care, no one should care
b/ we knew he was an asshole before we elected him
* yawn *
Sigh…I’ll try once more…Disentangle this from Trump. If your best friend walked up and said “My boss has almost no evidence that I’ve been fucking off on the clock and he still wants to fire me” You wouldn’t think “Almost no evidence?” C’mon, the excuse in and of itself, entirely unrelated to Trump, is laughable.
sure: I’ll give you that; feel better ?
Yes, I do, thanks.
I’ve been reading one of UCS’s books, forgive me if I am getting a bit pedantic.
“She later said that all they needed was an allegation”
Please give us a reason
Good to know that nevertrumpers continue to be in favor of spying on domestic political opponents by leveraging mass surveillance and framing them using the FBI, CIA and allied intelligence services.
I booked my flight to Chiang Mai today. I am SHOCKED at the price. I know it’s a one-way ticket, but I would have looked at $800-$1200 and shrugged and said that it sadly was the price of doing business. From Chicago–>Qatar–>Chiang Mai…..ONLY $393 dollars. I picked seats (always aisle and some tricknology involved to try to get space between me and other passengers) for a bit extra and ran it up to $413 after taxes.
Jaw-droppingly cheap. The Lady’s flight from Korea–>CM is going to be about $200. I don’t know who is sucking whose dick to get my flight that low.
For so many reasons, I am terrified and exhilarated. This is how it always is before such a big move, but I’m also moving in with Lady for the first time, working freelance for the first time, and choosing to reside in a country for the first time. Lived in the States, then Germany, Korea, Korea again, Singapore, back to Korea, and now there’s a plane ticket to Thailand and apartment hunting and everything.
As opposed to my brief Small Adventure travels, this is obviously a Big One. Lady isn’t used to this and I’m going to have to help her. Time to buck up and stare it down. Risk/Reward.
Onwards. Upwards.
who takes a girl to Thailand ?
Awesome adventure. You ever coming back or it depends?
She’s going to sign a year-long contract with whatever school she chooses. After that…who knows. We visited in September and we both fell in love with the place, except for the weather. It’s such a cool city. Tons of western food, expats and fun things to do. Thai food is the best in SE Asia and eating locally is about $1.20/meal. Awesome apartments for a few hundred/month. Medical tourism. Cheap flights.
I suppose we’ll see how it works out. I’ve lived in Asia my entire adult life. I don’t know how to live in America, oddly enough. It should be interesting.
I am going to write an article about the move—to me it feels like homesteading. Going out to find land and a new home. Rejecting the place where you were raised and trying to go out and make something new for yourself and your family. The parallels are pretty spot-on. It’s an interesting sensation leaving everything behind.